2023-06-17 19:02:54 +02:00
( function ( ) { const e = document . createElement ( "link" ) . relList ; if ( e && e . supports && e . supports ( "modulepreload" ) ) return ; for ( const o of document . querySelectorAll ( 'link[rel="modulepreload"]' ) ) r ( o ) ; new MutationObserver ( o => { for ( const i of o ) if ( i . type === "childList" ) for ( const s of i . addedNodes ) s . tagName === "LINK" && s . rel === "modulepreload" && r ( s ) } ) . observe ( document , { childList : ! 0 , subtree : ! 0 } ) ; function n ( o ) { const i = { } ; return o . integrity && ( i . integrity = o . integrity ) , o . referrerPolicy && ( i . referrerPolicy = o . referrerPolicy ) , o . crossOrigin === "use-credentials" ? i . credentials = "include" : o . crossOrigin === "anonymous" ? i . credentials = "omit" : i . credentials = "same-origin" , i } function r ( o ) { if ( o . ep ) return ; o . ep = ! 0 ; const i = n ( o ) ; fetch ( o . href , i ) } } ) ( ) ; function Xd ( t , e ) { const n = Object . create ( null ) , r = t . split ( "," ) ; for ( let o = 0 ; o < r . length ; o ++ ) n [ r [ o ] ] = ! 0 ; return e ? o => ! ! n [ o . toLowerCase ( ) ] : o => ! ! n [ o ] } function vn ( t ) { if ( ve ( t ) ) { const e = { } ; for ( let n = 0 ; n < t . length ; n ++ ) { const r = t [ n ] , o = $e ( r ) ? JT ( r ) : vn ( r ) ; if ( o ) for ( const i in o ) e [ i ] = o [ i ] } return e } else { if ( $e ( t ) ) return t ; if ( Ye ( t ) ) return t } } const jT = /;(?![^(]*\))/g , XT = /:([^]+)/ , ZT = / \ / \ * . * ? \ * \ / / g s ; f u n c t i o n J T ( t ) { c o n s t e = { } ; r e t u r n t . r e p l a c e ( Z T , " " ) . s p l i t ( j T ) . f o r E a c h ( n = > { i f ( n ) { c o n s t r = n . s p l i t ( X T ) ; r . l e n g t h > 1 & & ( e [ r [ 0 ] . t r i m ( ) ] = r [ 1 ] . t r i m ( ) ) } } ) , e } f u n c t i o n L e ( t ) { l e t e = " " ; i f ( $ e ( t ) ) e = t ; e l s e i f ( v e ( t ) ) f o r ( l e t n = 0 ; n < t . l e n g t h ; n + + ) { c o n s t r = L e ( t [ n ] ) ; r & & ( e + = r + " " ) } e l s e i f ( Y e ( t ) ) f o r ( c o n s t n i n t ) t [ n ] & & ( e + = n + " " ) ; r e t u r n e . t r i m ( ) } c o n s t e v = " i t e m s c o p e , a l l o w f u l l s c r e e n , f o r m n o v a l i d a t e , i s m a p , n o m o d u l e , n o v a l i d a t e , r e a d o n l y " , t v = X d ( e v ) ; f u n c t i o n l E ( t ) { r e t u r n ! ! t | | t = = = " " } f u n c t i o n n v ( t , e ) { i f ( t . l e n g t h ! = = e . l e n g t h ) r e t u r n ! 1 ; l e t n = ! 0 ; f o r ( l e t r = 0 ; n & & r < t . l e n g t h ; r + + ) n = v i ( t [ r ] , e [ r ] ) ; r e t u r n n } f u n c t i o n v i ( t , e ) { i f ( t = = = e ) r e t u r n ! 0 ; l e t n = d _ ( t ) , r = d _ ( e ) ; i f ( n | | r ) r e t u r n n & & r ? t . g e t T i m e ( ) = = = e . g e t T i m e ( ) : ! 1 ; i f ( n = j r ( t ) , r = j r ( e ) , n | | r ) r e t u r n t = = = e ; i f ( n = v e ( t ) , r = v e ( e ) , n | | r ) r e t u r n n & & r ? n v ( t , e ) : ! 1 ; i f ( n = Y e ( t ) , r = Y e ( e ) , n | | r ) { i f ( ! n | | ! r ) r e t u r n ! 1 ; c o n s t o = O b j e c t . k e y s ( t ) . l e n g t h , i = O b j e c t . k e y s ( e ) . l e n g t h ; i f ( o ! = = i ) r e t u r n ! 1 ; f o r ( c o n s t s i n t ) { c o n s t a = t . h a s O w n P r o p e r t y ( s ) , l = e . h a s O w n P r o p e r t y ( s ) ; i f ( a & & ! l | | ! a & & l | | ! v i ( t [ s ] , e [ s ] ) ) r e t u r n ! 1 } } r e t u r n S t r i n g ( t ) = = = S t r i n g ( e ) } f u n c t i o n c E ( t , e ) { r e t u r n t . f i n d I n d e x ( n = > v i ( n , e ) ) } c o n s t m e = t = > $ e ( t ) ? t : t = = n u l l ? " " : v e ( t ) | | Y e ( t ) & & ( t . t o S t r i n g = = = _ E | | ! O e ( t . t o S t r i n g ) ) ? J S O N . s t r i n g i f y ( t , d E , 2 ) : S t r i n g ( t ) , d E = ( t , e ) = > e & & e . _ _ v _ i s R e f ? d E ( t , e . v a l u e ) : s r ( e ) ? { [ ` M a p ( $ { e . s i z e } ) ` ] : [ . . . e . e n t r i e s ( ) ] . r e d u c e ( ( n , [ r , o ] ) = > ( n [ ` $ { r } = > ` ] = o , n ) , { } ) } : R i ( e ) ? { [ ` S e t ( $ { e . s i z e } ) ` ] : [ . . . e . v a l u e s ( ) ] } : Y e ( e ) & & ! v e ( e ) & & ! p E ( e ) ? S t r i n g ( e ) : e , H e = { } , i r = [ ] , w t = ( ) = > { } , r v = ( ) = > ! 1 , o v = / ^ o n [ ^ a - z ] / , C i = t = > o v . t e s t ( t ) , Z d = t = > t . s t a r t s W i t h ( " o n U p d a t e : " ) , e t = O b j e c t . a s s i g n , J d = ( t , e ) = > { c o n s t n = t . i n d e x O f ( e ) ; n > - 1 & & t . s p l i c e ( n , 1 ) } , i v = O b j e c t . p r o t o t y p e . h a s O w n P r o p e r t y , M e = ( t , e ) = > i v . c a l l ( t , e ) , v e = A r r a y . i s A r r a y , s r = t = > C r ( t ) = = = " [ o b j e c t M a p ] " , R i = t = > C r ( t ) = = = " [ o b j e c t S e t ] " , d _ = t = > C r ( t ) = = = " [ o b j e c t D a t e ] " , s v = t = > C r ( t ) = = = " [ o b j e c t R e g E x p ] " , O e = t = > t y p e o f t = = " f u n c t i o n " , $ e = t = > t y p e o f t = = " s t r i n g " , j r = t = > t y p e o f t = = " s y m b o l " , Y e = t = > t ! = = n u l l & & t y p e o f t = = " o b j e c t " , u E = t = > Y e ( t ) & & O e ( t . t h e n ) & & O e ( t . c a t c h ) , _ E = O b j e c t . p r o t o t y p e . t o S t r i n g , C r = t = > _ E . c a l l ( t ) , a v = t = > C r ( t ) . s l i c e ( 8 , - 1 ) , p E = t = > C r ( t ) = = = " [ o b j e c t O b j e c t ] " , e u = t = > $ e ( t ) & & t ! = = " N a N " & & t [ 0 ] ! = = " - " & & " " + p a r s e I n t ( t , 1 0 ) = = = t , Y o = X d ( " , k e y , r e f , r e f _ f o r , r e f _ k e y , o n V n o d e B e f o r e M o u n t , o n V n o d e M o u n t e d , o n V n o d e B e f o r e U p d a t e , o n V n o d e U p d a t e d , o n V n o d e B e f o r e U n m o u n t , o n V n o d e U n m o u n t e d " ) , O i = t = > { c o n s t e = O b j e c t . c r e a t e ( n u l l ) ; r e t u r n n = > e [ n ] | | ( e [ n ] = t ( n ) ) } , l v = / - ( \ w ) / g , H t = O i ( t = > t . r e p l a c e ( l v , ( e , n ) = > n ? n . t o U p p e r C a s e ( ) : " " ) ) , c v = / \ B ( [ A - Z ] ) / g , K n = O i ( t = > t . r e p l a c e ( c v , " - $ 1 " ) . t o L o w e r C a s e ( ) ) , N i = O i ( t = > t . c h a r A t ( 0 ) . t o U p p e r C a s e ( ) + t . s l i c e ( 1 ) ) , o s = O i ( t = > t ? ` o n $ { N i ( t ) } ` : " " ) , X r = ( t , e ) = > ! O b j e c t . i s ( t , e ) , a r = ( t , e ) = > { f o r ( l e t n = 0 ; n < t . l e n g t h ; n + + ) t [ n ] ( e ) } , t i = ( t , e , n ) = > { O b j e c t . d e f i n e P r o p e r t y ( t , e , { c o n f i g u r a b l e : ! 0 , e n u m e r a b l e : ! 1 , v a l u e : n } ) } , m d = t = > { c o n s t e = p a r s e F l o a t ( t ) ; r e t u r n i s N a N ( e ) ? t : e } , d v = t = > { c o n s t e = $ e ( t ) ? N u m b e r ( t ) : N a N ; r e t u r n i s N a N ( e ) ? t : e } ; l e t u _ ; c o n s t u v = ( ) = > u _ | | ( u _ = t y p e o f g l o b a l T h i s < " u " ? g l o b a l T h i s : t y p e o f s e l f < " u " ? s e l f : t y p e o f w i n d o w < " u " ? w i n d o w : t y p e o f g l o b a l < " u " ? g l o b a l : { } ) ; l e t N t ; c l a s s _ v { c o n s t r u c t o r ( e = ! 1 ) { t h i s . d e t a c h e d = e , t h i s . _ a c t i v e = ! 0 , t h i s . e f f e c t s = [ ] , t h i s . c l e a n u p s = [ ] , t h i s . p a r e n t = N t , ! e & & N t & & ( t h i s . i n d e x = ( N t . s c o p e s | | ( N t . s c o p e s = [ ] ) ) . p u s h ( t h i s
2023-06-15 00:26:12 +02:00
* vuex v4 . 0.2
* ( c ) 2021 Evan You
* @ license MIT
2023-06-17 19:02:54 +02:00
* /var BR="store";function Ar(t,e){Object.keys(t).forEach(function(n){return e(t[n],n)})}function GR(t){return t!==null&&typeof t=="object"}function qR(t){return t&&typeof t.then=="function"}function YR(t,e){return function(){return t(e)}}function hb(t,e,n){return e.indexOf(t)<0&&(n&&n.prepend?e.unshift(t):e.push(t)),function(){var r=e.indexOf(t);r>-1&&e.splice(r,1)}}function Eb(t,e){t._actions=Object.create(null),t._mutations=Object.create(null),t._wrappedGetters=Object.create(null),t._modulesNamespaceMap=Object.create(null);var n=t.state;Ui(t,n,[],t._modules.root,!0),Su(t,n,e)}function Su(t,e,n){var r=t._state;t.getters={},t._makeLocalGettersCache=Object.create(null);var o=t._wrappedGetters,i={};Ar(o,function(s,a){i[a]=YR(s,t),Object.defineProperty(t.getters,a,{get:function(){return i[a]()},enumerable:!0})}),t._state=Nr({data:e}),t.strict&&WR(t),r&&n&&t._withCommit(function(){r.data=null})}function Ui(t,e,n,r,o){var i=!n.length,s=t._modules.getNamespace(n);if(r.namespaced&&(t._modulesNamespaceMap[s],t._modulesNamespaceMap[s]=r),!i&&!o){var a=yu(e,n.slice(0,-1)),l=n[n.length-1];t._withCommit(function(){a[l]=r.state})}var c=r.context=HR(t,s,n);r.forEachMutation(function(d,u){var p=s+u;VR(t,p,d,c)}),r.forEachAction(function(d,u){var p=d.root?u:s+u,_=d.handler||d;zR(t,p,_,c)}),r.forEachGetter(function(d,u){var p=s+u;$R(t,p,d,c)}),r.forEachChild(function(d,u){Ui(t,e,n.concat(u),d,o)})}function HR(t,e,n){var r=e==="",o={dispatch:r?t.dispatch:function(i,s,a){var l=si(i,s,a),c=l.payload,d=l.options,u=l.type;return(!d||!d.root)&&(u=e+u),t.dispatch(u,c)},commit:r?t.commit:function(i,s,a){var l=si(i,s,a),c=l.payload,d=l.options,u=l.type;(!d||!d.root)&&(u=e+u),t.commit(u,c,d)}};return Object.defineProperties(o,{getters:{get:r?function(){return t.getters}:function(){return bb(t,e)}},state:{get:function(){return yu(t.state,n)}}}),o}function bb(t,e){if(!t._makeLocalGettersCache[e]){var n={},r=e.length;Object.keys(t.getters).forEach(function(o){if(o.slice(0,r)===e){var i=o.slice(r);Object.defineProperty(n,i,{get:function(){return t.getters[o]},enumerable:!0})}}),t._makeLocalGettersCache[e]=n}return t._makeLocalGettersCache[e]}function VR(t,e,n,r){var o=t._mutations[e]||(t._mutations[e]=[]);o.push(function(s){n.call(t,r.state,s)})}function zR(t,e,n,r){var o=t._actions[e]||(t._actions[e]=[]);o.push(function(s){var a=n.call(t,{dispatch:r.dispatch,commit:r.commit,getters:r.getters,state:r.state,rootGetters:t.getters,rootState:t.state},s);return qR(a)||(a=Promise.resolve(a)),t._devtoolHook?a.catch(function(l){throw t._devtoolHook.emit("vuex:error",l),l}):a})}function $R(t,e,n,r){t._wrappedGetters[e]||(t._wrappedGetters[e]=function(i){return n(r.state,r.getters,i.state,i.getters)})}function WR(t){Yn(function(){return t._state.data},function(){},{deep:!0,flush:"sync"})}function yu(t,e){return e.reduce(function(n,r){return n[r]},t)}function si(t,e,n){return GR(t)&&t.type&&(n=e,e=t,t=t.type),{type:t,payload:e,options:n}}var KR="vuex bindings",$_="vuex:mutations",ps="vuex:actions",Zn="vuex",QR=0;function jR(t,e){UR({id:"org.vuejs.vuex",app:t,label:"Vuex",homepage:"https:/ / next . vuex . vuejs . org / ",logo:" https : //vuejs.org/images/icons/favicon-96x96.png",packageName:"vuex",componentStateTypes:[KR]},function(n){n.addTimelineLayer({id:$_,label:"Vuex Mutations",color:W_}),n.addTimelineLayer({id:ps,label:"Vuex Actions",color:W_}),n.addInspector({id:Zn,label:"Vuex",icon:"storage",treeFilterPlaceholder:"Filter stores..."}),n.on.getInspectorTree(function(r){if(r.app===t&&r.inspectorId===Zn)if(r.filter){var o=[];vb(o,e._modules.root,r.filter,""),r.rootNodes=o}else r.rootNodes=[Tb(e._modules.root,"")]}),n.on.getInspectorState(function(r){if(r.app===t&&r.inspectorId===Zn){var o=r.nodeId;bb(e,o),r.state=JR(tO(e._modules,o),o==="root"?e.getters:e._makeLocalGettersCache,o)}}),n.on.editInspectorState(function(r){if(r.app===t&&r.inspectorId===Zn){var o=r.nodeId,i=r.path;o!=="root"&&(i=o.split("/").filter(Boolean).concat(i)),e._withCommit(function(){r.set(e._state.data,i,r.state.value)})}}),e.subscribe(function(r,o){var i={};r.payload&&(i.payload=r.payload),i.state
2023-06-07 09:39:38 +02:00
* vue - router v4 . 1.6
* ( c ) 2022 Eduardo San Martin Morote
* @ license MIT
2023-06-17 19:02:54 +02:00
* /const nr=typeof window<"u";function rO(t){return t.__esModule||t[Symbol.toStringTag]==="Module"}const Ge=Object.assign;function ms(t,e){const n={};for(const r in e){const o=e[r];n[r]=Dt(o)?o.map(t):t(o)}return n}const Vr=()=>{},Dt=Array.isArray,oO=/ \ / $ / , iO = t => t . replace ( oO , "" ) ; function gs ( t , e , n = "/" ) { let r , o = { } , i = "" , s = "" ; const a = e . indexOf ( "#" ) ; let l = e . indexOf ( "?" ) ; return a < l && a >= 0 && ( l = - 1 ) , l > - 1 && ( r = e . slice ( 0 , l ) , i = e . slice ( l + 1 , a > - 1 ? a : e . length ) , o = t ( i ) ) , a > - 1 && ( r = r || e . slice ( 0 , a ) , s = e . slice ( a , e . length ) ) , r = cO ( r ? ? e , n ) , { fullPath : r + ( i && "?" ) + i + s , path : r , query : o , hash : s } } function sO ( t , e ) { const n = e . query ? t ( e . query ) : "" ; return e . path + ( n && "?" ) + n + ( e . hash || "" ) } function K _ ( t , e ) { return ! e || ! t . toLowerCase ( ) . startsWith ( e . toLowerCase ( ) ) ? t : t . slice ( e . length ) || "/" } function aO ( t , e , n ) { const r = e . matched . length - 1 , o = n . matched . length - 1 ; return r > - 1 && r === o && gr ( e . matched [ r ] , n . matched [ o ] ) && Ob ( e . params , n . params ) && t ( e . query ) === t ( n . query ) && e . hash === n . hash } function gr ( t , e ) { return ( t . aliasOf || t ) === ( e . aliasOf || e ) } function Ob ( t , e ) { if ( Object . keys ( t ) . length !== Object . keys ( e ) . length ) return ! 1 ; for ( const n in t ) if ( ! lO ( t [ n ] , e [ n ] ) ) return ! 1 ; return ! 0 } function lO ( t , e ) { return Dt ( t ) ? Q _ ( t , e ) : Dt ( e ) ? Q _ ( e , t ) : t === e } function Q _ ( t , e ) { return Dt ( e ) ? t . length === e . length && t . every ( ( n , r ) => n === e [ r ] ) : t . length === 1 && t [ 0 ] === e } function cO ( t , e ) { if ( t . startsWith ( "/" ) ) return t ; if ( ! t ) return e ; const n = e . split ( "/" ) , r = t . split ( "/" ) ; let o = n . length - 1 , i , s ; for ( i = 0 ; i < r . length ; i ++ ) if ( s = r [ i ] , s !== "." ) if ( s === ".." ) o > 1 && o -- ; else break ; return n . slice ( 0 , o ) . join ( "/" ) + "/" + r . slice ( i - ( i === r . length ? 1 : 0 ) ) . join ( "/" ) } var io ; ( function ( t ) { t . pop = "pop" , t . push = "push" } ) ( io || ( io = { } ) ) ; var zr ; ( function ( t ) { t . back = "back" , t . forward = "forward" , t . unknown = "" } ) ( zr || ( zr = { } ) ) ; function dO ( t ) { if ( ! t ) if ( nr ) { const e = document . querySelector ( "base" ) ; t = e && e . getAttribute ( "href" ) || "/" , t = t . replace ( /^\w+:\/\/[^\/]+/ , "" ) } else t = "/" ; return t [ 0 ] !== "/" && t [ 0 ] !== "#" && ( t = "/" + t ) , iO ( t ) } const uO = /^[^#]+#/ ; function _O ( t , e ) { return t . replace ( uO , "#" ) + e } function pO ( t , e ) { const n = document . documentElement . getBoundingClientRect ( ) , r = t . getBoundingClientRect ( ) ; return { behavior : e . behavior , left : r . left - n . left - ( e . left || 0 ) , top : r . top - n . top - ( e . top || 0 ) } } const Bi = ( ) => ( { left : window . pageXOffset , top : window . pageYOffset } ) ; function mO ( t ) { let e ; if ( "el" in t ) { const n = t . el , r = typeof n == "string" && n . startsWith ( "#" ) , o = typeof n == "string" ? r ? document . getElementById ( n . slice ( 1 ) ) : document . querySelector ( n ) : n ; if ( ! o ) return ; e = pO ( o , t ) } else e = t ; "scrollBehavior" in document . documentElement . style ? window . scrollTo ( e ) : window . scrollTo ( e . left != null ? e . left : window . pageXOffset , e . top != null ? e . top : window . pageYOffset ) } function j _ ( t , e ) { return ( history . state ? history . state . position - e : - 1 ) + t } const xd = new Map ; function gO ( t , e ) { xd . set ( t , e ) } function fO ( t ) { const e = xd . get ( t ) ; return xd . delete ( t ) , e } let hO = ( ) => location . protocol + "//" + location . host ; function Nb ( t , e ) { const { pathname : n , search : r , hash : o } = e , i = t . indexOf ( "#" ) ; if ( i > - 1 ) { let a = o . includes ( t . slice ( i ) ) ? t . slice ( i ) . length : 1 , l = o . slice ( a ) ; return l [ 0 ] !== "/" && ( l = "/" + l ) , K _ ( l , "" ) } return K _ ( n , t ) + r + o } function EO ( t , e , n , r ) { let o = [ ] , i = [ ] , s = null ; const a = ( { state : p } ) => { const _ = Nb ( t , location ) , g = n . value , f = e . value ; let E = 0 ; if ( p ) { if ( n . value = _ , e . value = p , s && s === g ) { s = null ; return } E = f ? p . position - f . position : 0 } else r ( _ ) ; o . forEach ( h => { h ( n . value , g , { delta : E , type : io . pop , direction : E ? E > 0 ? zr . forward : zr . back : zr . unknown } ) } ) } ; function l ( ) { s = n . value } function c ( p ) { o . push ( p ) ; const _ = ( ) => { const g = o . indexOf ( p ) ; g > - 1 && o . splice ( g , 1 ) } ; return i . push ( _ ) , _ } function d ( ) { const { history : p } = window ; p . state && p . replaceState ( Ge ( { } , p . state , { scroll : Bi ( ) } ) , "" ) } function u ( ) { for ( const p of i ) p ( ) ; i = [ ] , window . removeEventListener ( "popstate" , a ) , window . removeEventListener ( "beforeunload" , d ) } return window . addEventListener ( "popstate" , a ) , window . addEventListener ( "beforeunload" , d ) , { pauseListeners : l , listen : c , destroy : u } } function X _ ( t , e , n , r = ! 1 , o = ! 1 ) { return { back : t , current : e , forward : n , replaced : r , position : window . history . length , scroll : o ? Bi ( ) : null } } function bO ( t ) { const { history : e , location : n } = window , r = { value : Nb ( t , n ) } , o = { value : e . state } ; o . value || i ( r . value , { back : null , current : r . value , forward : null , position : e . length - 1 , replaced : ! 0 , scroll : null } , ! 0 ) ; function i ( l , c , d ) { const u = t . indexOf ( "#"
2023-06-07 09:39:38 +02:00
Copyright ( c ) 2016 Jed Watson .
Licensed under the MIT License ( MIT ) , see
http : //jedwatson.github.io/classnames
2023-06-17 19:02:54 +02:00
* /(function(){var a=function(){function l(){}l.prototype=Object.create(null);function c(h,b){for(var y=b.length,R=0;R<y;++R)f(h,b[R])}var d={}.hasOwnProperty;function u(h,b){h[b]=!0}function p(h,b){for(var y in b)d.call(b,y)&&(h[y]=!!b[y])}var _=/ \ s + / ; f u n c t i o n g ( h , b ) { f o r ( v a r y = b . s p l i t ( _ ) , R = y . l e n g t h , x = 0 ; x < R ; + + x ) h [ y [ x ] ] = ! 0 } f u n c t i o n f ( h , b ) { i f ( b ) { v a r y = t y p e o f b ; y = = = " s t r i n g " ? g ( h , b ) : A r r a y . i s A r r a y ( b ) ? c ( h , b ) : y = = = " o b j e c t " ? p ( h , b ) : y = = = " n u m b e r " & & u ( h , b ) } } f u n c t i o n E ( ) { f o r ( v a r h = a r g u m e n t s . l e n g t h , b = A r r a y ( h ) , y = 0 ; y < h ; y + + ) b [ y ] = a r g u m e n t s [ y ] ; v a r R = n e w l ; c ( R , b ) ; v a r x = [ ] ; f o r ( v a r O i n R ) R [ O ] & & x . p u s h ( O ) ; r e t u r n x . j o i n ( " " ) } r e t u r n E } ( ) ; t y p e o f n < " u " & & n . e x p o r t s ? n . e x p o r t s = a : ( i = [ ] , s = f u n c t i o n ( ) { r e t u r n a } . a p p l y ( r , i ) , s ! = = v o i d 0 & & ( n . e x p o r t s = s ) ) } ) ( ) } , " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / e s / a r r a y / f r o m . j s " : f u n c t i o n ( n , r , o ) { o ( " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / m o d u l e s / e s . s t r i n g . i t e r a t o r . j s " ) , o ( " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / m o d u l e s / e s . a r r a y . f r o m . j s " ) ; v a r i = o ( " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / p a t h . j s " ) ; n . e x p o r t s = i . A r r a y . f r o m } , " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / a - f u n c t i o n . j s " : f u n c t i o n ( n , r ) { n . e x p o r t s = f u n c t i o n ( o ) { i f ( t y p e o f o ! = " f u n c t i o n " ) t h r o w T y p e E r r o r ( S t r i n g ( o ) + " i s n o t a f u n c t i o n " ) ; r e t u r n o } } , " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / a n - o b j e c t . j s " : f u n c t i o n ( n , r , o ) { v a r i = o ( " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / i s - o b j e c t . j s " ) ; n . e x p o r t s = f u n c t i o n ( s ) { i f ( ! i ( s ) ) t h r o w T y p e E r r o r ( S t r i n g ( s ) + " i s n o t a n o b j e c t " ) ; r e t u r n s } } , " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / a r r a y - f r o m . j s " : f u n c t i o n ( n , r , o ) { v a r i = o ( " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / b i n d - c o n t e x t . j s " ) , s = o ( " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / t o - o b j e c t . j s " ) , a = o ( " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / c a l l - w i t h - s a f e - i t e r a t i o n - c l o s i n g . j s " ) , l = o ( " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / i s - a r r a y - i t e r a t o r - m e t h o d . j s " ) , c = o ( " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / t o - l e n g t h . j s " ) , d = o ( " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / c r e a t e - p r o p e r t y . j s " ) , u = o ( " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / g e t - i t e r a t o r - m e t h o d . j s " ) ; n . e x p o r t s = f u n c t i o n ( _ ) { v a r g = s ( _ ) , f = t y p e o f t h i s = = " f u n c t i o n " ? t h i s : A r r a y , E = a r g u m e n t s . l e n g t h , h = E > 1 ? a r g u m e n t s [ 1 ] : v o i d 0 , b = h ! = = v o i d 0 , y = 0 , R = u ( g ) , x , O , M , S ; i f ( b & & ( h = i ( h , E > 2 ? a r g u m e n t s [ 2 ] : v o i d 0 , 2 ) ) , R ! = n u l l & & ! ( f = = A r r a y & & l ( R ) ) ) f o r ( S = R . c a l l ( g ) , O = n e w f ; ! ( M = S . n e x t ( ) ) . d o n e ; y + + ) d ( O , y , b ? a ( S , h , [ M . v a l u e , y ] , ! 0 ) : M . v a l u e ) ; e l s e f o r ( x = c ( g . l e n g t h ) , O = n e w f ( x ) ; x > y ; y + + ) d ( O , y , b ? h ( g [ y ] , y ) : g [ y ] ) ; r e t u r n O . l e n g t h = y , O } } , " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / a r r a y - i n c l u d e s . j s " : f u n c t i o n ( n , r , o ) { v a r i = o ( " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / t o - i n d e x e d - o b j e c t . j s " ) , s = o ( " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / t o - l e n g t h . j s " ) , a = o ( " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / t o - a b s o l u t e - i n d e x . j s " ) ; n . e x p o r t s = f u n c t i o n ( l ) { r e t u r n f u n c t i o n ( c , d , u ) { v a r p = i ( c ) , _ = s ( p . l e n g t h ) , g = a ( u , _ ) , f ; i f ( l & & d ! = d ) { f o r ( ; _ > g ; ) i f ( f = p [ g + + ] , f ! = f ) r e t u r n ! 0 } e l s e f o r ( ; _ > g ; g + + ) i f ( ( l | | g i n p ) & & p [ g ] = = = d ) r e t u r n l | | g | | 0 ; r e t u r n ! l & & - 1 } } } , " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / b i n d - c o n t e x t . j s " : f u n c t i o n ( n , r , o ) { v a r i = o ( " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / a - f u n c t i o n . j s " ) ; n . e x p o r t s = f u n c t i o n ( s , a , l ) { i f ( i ( s ) , a = = = v o i d 0 ) r e t u r n s ; s w i t c h ( l ) { c a s e 0 : r e t u r n f u n c t i o n ( ) { r e t u r n s . c a l l ( a ) } ; c a s e 1 : r e t u r n f u n c t i o n ( c ) { r e t u r n s . c a l l ( a , c ) } ; c a s e 2 : r e t u r n f u n c t i o n ( c , d ) { r e t u r n s . c a l l ( a , c , d ) } ; c a s e 3 : r e t u r n f u n c t i o n ( c , d , u ) { r e t u r n s . c a l l ( a , c , d , u ) } } r e t u r n f u n c t i o n ( ) { r e t u r n s . a p p l y ( a , a r g u m e n t s ) } } } , " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / c a l l - w i t h - s a f e - i t e r a t i o n - c l o s i n g . j s " : f u n c t i o n ( n , r , o ) { v a r i = o ( " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / a n - o b j e c t . j s " ) ; n . e x p o r t s = f u n c t i o n ( s , a , l , c ) { t r y { r e t u r n c ? a ( i ( l ) [ 0 ] , l [ 1 ] ) : a ( l ) } c a t c h ( u ) { v a r d = s . r e t u r n ; t h r o w d ! = = v o i d 0 & & i ( d . c a l l ( s ) ) , u } } } , " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / c h e c k - c o r r e c t n e s s - o f - i t e r a t i o n . j s " : f u n c t i o n ( n , r , o ) { v a r i = o ( " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / w e l l - k n o w n - s y m b o l . j s " ) , s = i ( " i t e r a t o r " ) , a = ! 1 ; t r y { v a r l = 0 , c = { n e x t : f u n c t i o n ( ) { r e t u r n { d o n e : ! ! l + + } } , r e t u r n : f u n c t i o n ( ) { a = ! 0 } } ; c [ s ] = f u n c t i o n ( ) { r e t u r n t h i s } , A r r a y . f r o m ( c , f u n c t i o n ( ) { t h r o w 2 } ) } c a t c h { } n . e x p o r t s = f u n c t i o n ( d , u ) { i f ( ! u & & ! a ) r e t u r n ! 1 ; v a r p = ! 1 ; t r y { v a r _ = { } ; _ [ s ] = f u n c t i o n ( ) { r e t u r n { n e x t : f u n c t i o n ( ) { r e t u r n { d o n e : p = ! 0 } } } } , d ( _ ) } c a t c h { } r e t u r n p } } , " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / c l a s s o f - r a w . j s " : f u n c t i o n ( n , r ) { v a r o = { } . t o S t r i n g ; n . e x p o r t s = f u n c t i o n ( i ) { r e t u r n o . c a l l ( i ) . s l i c e ( 8 , - 1 ) } } , " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / c l a s s o f . j s " : f u n c t i o n ( n , r , o ) { v a r i = o ( " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / c l a s s o f - r
2023-06-07 09:39:38 +02:00
Papa Parse
v5 . 4.1
https : //github.com/mholt/PapaParse
License : MIT
2023-06-17 19:02:54 +02:00
* / ( f u n c t i o n ( t , e ) { ( f u n c t i o n ( n , r ) { t . e x p o r t s = r ( ) } ) ( B b , f u n c t i o n n ( ) { v a r r = t y p e o f s e l f < " u " ? s e l f : t y p e o f w i n d o w < " u " ? w i n d o w : r ! = = v o i d 0 ? r : { } , o = ! r . d o c u m e n t & & ! ! r . p o s t M e s s a g e , i = r . I S _ P A P A _ W O R K E R | | ! 1 , s = { } , a = 0 , l = { p a r s e : f u n c t i o n ( S , C ) { v a r I = ( C = C | | { } ) . d y n a m i c T y p i n g | | ! 1 ; i f ( M ( I ) & & ( C . d y n a m i c T y p i n g F u n c t i o n = I , I = { } ) , C . d y n a m i c T y p i n g = I , C . t r a n s f o r m = ! ! M ( C . t r a n s f o r m ) & & C . t r a n s f o r m , C . w o r k e r & & l . W O R K E R S _ S U P P O R T E D ) { v a r D = f u n c t i o n ( ) { i f ( ! l . W O R K E R S _ S U P P O R T E D ) r e t u r n ! 1 ; v a r K = ( i e = r . U R L | | r . w e b k i t U R L | | n u l l , $ = n . t o S t r i n g ( ) , l . B L O B _ U R L | | ( l . B L O B _ U R L = i e . c r e a t e O b j e c t U R L ( n e w B l o b ( [ " v a r g l o b a l = ( f u n c t i o n ( ) { i f ( t y p e o f s e l f ! = = ' u n d e f i n e d ' ) { r e t u r n s e l f ; } i f ( t y p e o f w i n d o w ! = = ' u n d e f i n e d ' ) { r e t u r n w i n d o w ; } i f ( t y p e o f g l o b a l ! = = ' u n d e f i n e d ' ) { r e t u r n g l o b a l ; } r e t u r n { } ; } ) ( ) ; g l o b a l . I S _ P A P A _ W O R K E R = t r u e ; " , " ( " , $ , " ) ( ) ; " ] , { t y p e : " t e x t / j a v a s c r i p t " } ) ) ) ) , P = n e w r . W o r k e r ( K ) , i e , $ ; r e t u r n P . o n m e s s a g e = b , P . i d = a + + , s [ P . i d ] = P } ( ) ; r e t u r n D . u s e r S t e p = C . s t e p , D . u s e r C h u n k = C . c h u n k , D . u s e r C o m p l e t e = C . c o m p l e t e , D . u s e r E r r o r = C . e r r o r , C . s t e p = M ( C . s t e p ) , C . c h u n k = M ( C . c h u n k ) , C . c o m p l e t e = M ( C . c o m p l e t e ) , C . e r r o r = M ( C . e r r o r ) , d e l e t e C . w o r k e r , v o i d D . p o s t M e s s a g e ( { i n p u t : S , c o n f i g : C , w o r k e r I d : D . i d } ) } v a r k = n u l l ; r e t u r n l . N O D E _ S T R E A M _ I N P U T , t y p e o f S = = " s t r i n g " ? ( S = f u n c t i o n ( K ) { r e t u r n K . c h a r C o d e A t ( 0 ) = = = 6 5 2 7 9 ? K . s l i c e ( 1 ) : K } ( S ) , k = C . d o w n l o a d ? n e w u ( C ) : n e w _ ( C ) ) : S . r e a d a b l e = = = ! 0 & & M ( S . r e a d ) & & M ( S . o n ) ? k = n e w g ( C ) : ( r . F i l e & & S i n s t a n c e o f F i l e | | S i n s t a n c e o f O b j e c t ) & & ( k = n e w p ( C ) ) , k . s t r e a m ( S ) } , u n p a r s e : f u n c t i o n ( S , C ) { v a r I = ! 1 , D = ! 0 , k = " , " , K = ` \ r
` ,P='"',ie=P+P, $ =!1,A=null,q=!1;(function(){if(typeof C=="object"){if(typeof C.delimiter!="string"||l.BAD_DELIMITERS.filter(function(te){return C.delimiter.indexOf(te)!==-1}).length||(k=C.delimiter),(typeof C.quotes=="boolean"||typeof C.quotes=="function"||Array.isArray(C.quotes))&&(I=C.quotes),typeof C.skipEmptyLines!="boolean"&&typeof C.skipEmptyLines!="string"||( $ =C.skipEmptyLines),typeof C.newline=="string"&&(K=C.newline),typeof C.quoteChar=="string"&&(P=C.quoteChar),typeof C.header=="boolean"&&(D=C.header),Array.isArray(C.columns)){if(C.columns.length===0)throw new Error("Option columns is empty");A=C.columns}C.escapeChar!==void 0&&(ie=C.escapeChar+P),(typeof C.escapeFormulae=="boolean"||C.escapeFormulae instanceof RegExp)&&(q=C.escapeFormulae instanceof RegExp?C.escapeFormulae:/^[=+ \- @ \t \r ].* $ /)}})();var V=new RegExp(E(P),"g");if(typeof S=="string"&&(S=JSON.parse(S)),Array.isArray(S)){if(!S.length||Array.isArray(S[0]))return fe(null,S, $ );if(typeof S[0]=="object")return fe(A||Object.keys(S[0]),S, $ )}else if(typeof S=="object")return typeof S.data=="string"&&(S.data=JSON.parse(S.data)),Array.isArray(S.data)&&(S.fields||(S.fields=S.meta&&S.meta.fields||A),S.fields||(S.fields=Array.isArray(S.data[0])?S.fields:typeof S.data[0]=="object"?Object.keys(S.data[0]):[]),Array.isArray(S.data[0])||typeof S.data[0]=="object"||(S.data=[S.data])),fe(S.fields||[],S.data||[], $ );throw new Error("Unable to serialize unrecognized input");function fe(te,he,Ee){var L="";typeof te=="string"&&(te=JSON.parse(te)),typeof he=="string"&&(he=JSON.parse(he));var W=Array.isArray(te)&&0<te.length,z=!Array.isArray(he[0]);if(W&&D){for(var Z=0;Z<te.length;Z++)0<Z&&(L+=k),L+=_e(te[Z],Z);0<he.length&&(L+=K)}for(var J=0;J<he.length;J++){var de=W?te.length:he[J].length,le=!1,T=W?Object.keys(he[J]).length===0:he[J].length===0;if(Ee&&!W&&(le=Ee==="greedy"?he[J].join("").trim()==="":he[J].length===1&&he[J][0].length===0),Ee==="greedy"&&W){for(var N=[],F=0;F<de;F++){var U=z?te[F]:F;N.push(he[J][U])}le=N.join("").trim()===""}if(!le){for(var B=0;B<de;B++){0<B&&!T&&(L+=k);var ne=W&&z?te[B]:B;L+=_e(he[J][ne],B)}J<he.length-1&&(!Ee||0<de&&!T)&&(L+=K)}}return L}function _e(te,he){if(te==null)return"";if(te.constructor===Date)return JSON.stringify(te).slice(1,25);var Ee=!1;q&&typeof te=="string"&&q.test(te)&&(te="'"+te,Ee=!0);var L=te.toString().replace(V,ie);return(Ee=Ee||I===!0||typeof I=="function"&&I(te,he)||Array.isArray(I)&&I[he]||function(W,z){for(var Z=0;Z<z.length;Z++)if(-1<W.indexOf(z[Z]))return!0;return!1}(L,l.BAD_DELIMITERS)||-1<L.indexOf(k)||L.charAt(0)===" "||L.charAt(L.length-1)===" ")?P+L+P:L}}};if(l.RECORD_SEP=String.fromCharCode(30),l.UNIT_SEP=String.fromCharCode(31),l.BYTE_ORDER_MARK=" \u FEFF",l.BAD_DELIMITERS=[" \r ", `
` ,'"',l.BYTE_ORDER_MARK],l.WORKERS_SUPPORTED=!o&&!!r.Worker,l.NODE_STREAM_INPUT=1,l.LocalChunkSize=10485760,l.RemoteChunkSize=5242880,l.DefaultDelimiter=",",l.Parser=h,l.ParserHandle=f,l.NetworkStreamer=u,l.FileStreamer=p,l.StringStreamer=_,l.ReadableStreamStreamer=g,r.jQuery){var c=r.jQuery;c.fn.parse=function(S){var C=S.config||{},I=[];return this.each(function(K){if(!(c(this).prop("tagName").toUpperCase()==="INPUT"&&c(this).attr("type").toLowerCase()==="file"&&r.FileReader)||!this.files||this.files.length===0)return!0;for(var P=0;P<this.files.length;P++)I.push({file:this.files[P],inputElem:this,instanceConfig:c.extend({},C)})}),D(),this;function D(){if(I.length!==0){var K,P,ie, $ ,A=I[0];if(M(S.before)){var q=S.before(A.file,A.inputElem);if(typeof q=="object"){if(q.action==="abort")return K="AbortError",P=A.file,ie=A.inputElem, $ =q.reason,void(M(S.error)&&S.error({name:K},P,ie, $ ));if(q.action==="skip")return void k();typeof q.config=="object"&&(A.instanceConfig=c.extend(A.instanceConfig,q.config))}else if(q==="skip")return void k()}var V=A.instanceConfig.complete;A.instanceConfig.complete=function(fe){M(V)&&V(fe,A.file,A.inputElem),k()},l.parse(A.file,A.instanceConfig)}else M(S.complete)&&S.complete()}function k(){I.splice(0,1),D()}}}function d(S){this._handle=null,this._finished=!1,this._completed=!1,this._halted=!1,this._input=null,this._baseIndex=0,this._partialLine="",this._rowCount=0,this._start=0,this._nextChunk=null,this.isFirstChunk=!0,this._completeResults={data:[],errors:[],meta:{}},function(C){var I=x(C);I.chunkSize=parseInt(I.chunkSize),C.step||C.chunk||(I.chunkSize=null),this._handle=new f(I),(this._handle.streamer=this)._config=I}.call(this,S),this.parseChunk=function(C,I){if(this.isFirstChunk&&M(this._config.beforeFirstChunk)){var D=this._config.beforeFirstChunk(C);D!==void 0&&(C=D)}this.isFirstChunk=!1,this._halted=!1;var k=this._partialLine+C;this._partialLine="";var K=this._handle.parse(k,this._baseIndex,!this._finished);if(!this._handle.paused()&&!this._handle.aborted()){var P=K.meta.cursor;this._finished||(this._partialLine=k.substring(P-this._baseIndex),this._baseIndex=P),K&&K.data&&(this._rowCount+=K.data.length);var ie=this._finished||this._config.preview&&this._rowCount>=this._config.preview;if(i)r.postMessage({results:K,workerId:l.WORKER_ID,finished:ie});else if(M(this._config.chunk)&&!I){if(this._config.chunk(K,this._handle),this._handle.paused()||this._handle.aborted())return void(this._halted=!0);K=void 0,this._completeResults=void 0}return this._config.step||this._config.chunk||(this._completeResults.data=this._completeResults.data.concat(K.data),this._completeResults.errors=this._completeResults.errors.concat(K.errors),this._completeResults.meta=K.meta),this._completed||!ie||!M(this._config.complete)||K&&K.meta.aborted||(this._config.complete(this._completeResults,this._input),this._completed=!0),ie||K&&K.meta.paused||this._nextChunk(),K}this._halted=!0},this._sendError=function(C){M(this._config.error)?this._config.error(C):i&&this._config.error&&r.postMessage({workerId:l.WORKER_ID,error:C,finished:!1})}}function u(S){var C;(S=S||{}).chunkSize||(S.chunkSize=l.RemoteChunkSize),d.call(this,S),this._nextChunk=o?function(){this._readChunk(),this._chunkLoaded()}:function(){this._readChunk()},this.stream=function(I){this._input=I,this._nextChunk()},this._readChunk=function(){if(this._finished)this._chunkLoaded();else{if(C=new XMLHttpRequest,this._config.withCredentials&&(C.withCredentials=this._config.withCredentials),o||(C.onload=O(this._chunkLoaded,this),C.onerror=O(this._chunkError,this)),C.open(this._config.downloadRequestBody?"POST":"GET",this._input,!o),this._config.downloadRequestHeaders){var I=this._config.downloadRequestHeaders;for(var D in I)C.setRequestHeader(D,I[D])}if(this._config.chunkSize){var k=this._start+this._config.chunkSize-1;C.setRequestHeader("Range","bytes="+this._start+"-"+k)}try{C.send(this._config.downloadRequestBody)}catch(K){this._chunkError(K.message)}o&&C.status===0&&this._chunkError()}},this._chunkLoaded=function(){C.readyState===4&&(C.status<200||400<=C.status?th
2023-06-13 18:26:32 +02:00
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2023-06-07 09:39:38 +02:00
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2023-06-17 19:02:54 +02:00
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2023-06-07 09:39:38 +02:00
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` &&(D= `
2023-06-17 19:02:54 +02:00
` );var A=0,q=!1;this.parse=function(V,fe,_e){if(typeof V!="string")throw new Error("Input must be a string");var te=V.length,he=I.length,Ee=D.length,L=k.length,W=M(K),z=[],Z=[],J=[],de=A=0;if(!V)return Be();if(S.header&&!fe){var le=V.split(D)[0].split(I),T=[],N={},F=!1;for(var U in le){var B=le[U];M(S.transformHeader)&&(B=S.transformHeader(B,U));var ne=B,se=N[B]||0;for(0<se&&(F=!0,ne=B+"_"+se),N[B]=se+1;T.includes(ne);)ne=ne+"_"+se;T.push(ne)}if(F){var G=V.split(D);G[0]=T.join(I),V=G.join(D)}}if(ie||ie!==!1&&V.indexOf(C)===-1){for(var re=V.split(D),Y=0;Y<re.length;Y++){if(J=re[Y],A+=J.length,Y!==re.length-1)A+=D.length;else if(_e)return Be();if(!k||J.substring(0,L)!==k){if(W){if(z=[],oe(J.split(I)),Ne(),q)return Be()}else oe(J.split(I));if(P&&P<=Y)return z=z.slice(0,P),Be(!0)}}return Be()}for(var X=V.indexOf(I,A),ae=V.indexOf(D,A),ue=new RegExp(E( $ )+E(C),"g"),ce=V.indexOf(C,A);;)if(V[A]!==C)if(k&&J.length===0&&V.substring(A,A+L)===k){if(ae===-1)return Be();A=ae+Ee,ae=V.indexOf(D,A),X=V.indexOf(I,A)}else if(X!==-1&&(X<ae||ae===-1))J.push(V.substring(A,X)),A=X+he,X=V.indexOf(I,A);else{if(ae===-1)break;if(J.push(V.substring(A,ae)),xe(ae+Ee),W&&(Ne(),q))return Be();if(P&&z.length>=P)return Be(!0)}else for(ce=A,A++;;){if((ce=V.indexOf(C,ce+1))===-1)return _e||Z.push({type:"Quotes",code:"MissingQuotes",message:"Quoted field unterminated",row:z.length,index:A}),Te();if(ce===te-1)return Te(V.substring(A,ce).replace(ue,C));if(C!== $ ||V[ce+1]!== $ ){if(C=== $ ||ce===0||V[ce-1]!== $ ){X!==-1&&X<ce+1&&(X=V.indexOf(I,ce+1)),ae!==-1&&ae<ce+1&&(ae=V.indexOf(D,ce+1));var ye=pe(ae===-1?X:Math.min(X,ae));if(V.substr(ce+1+ye,he)===I){J.push(V.substring(A,ce).replace(ue,C)),V[A=ce+1+ye+he]!==C&&(ce=V.indexOf(C,A)),X=V.indexOf(I,A),ae=V.indexOf(D,A);break}var Q=pe(ae);if(V.substring(ce+1+Q,ce+1+Q+Ee)===D){if(J.push(V.substring(A,ce).replace(ue,C)),xe(ce+1+Q+Ee),X=V.indexOf(I,A),ce=V.indexOf(C,A),W&&(Ne(),q))return Be();if(P&&z.length>=P)return Be(!0);break}Z.push({type:"Quotes",code:"InvalidQuotes",message:"Trailing quote on quoted field is malformed",row:z.length,index:A}),ce++}}else ce++}return Te();function oe(ze){z.push(ze),de=A}function pe(ze){var We=0;if(ze!==-1){var Je=V.substring(ce+1,ze);Je&&Je.trim()===""&&(We=Je.length)}return We}function Te(ze){return _e||(ze===void 0&&(ze=V.substring(A)),J.push(ze),A=te,oe(J),W&&Ne()),Be()}function xe(ze){A=ze,oe(J),J=[],ae=V.indexOf(D,A)}function Be(ze){return{data:z,errors:Z,meta:{delimiter:I,linebreak:D,aborted:q,truncated:!!ze,cursor:de+(fe||0)}}}function Ne(){K(Be()),z=[],Z=[]}},this.abort=function(){q=!0},this.getCharIndex=function(){return A}}function b(S){var C=S.data,I=s[C.workerId],D=!1;if(C.error)I.userError(C.error,C.file);else if(C.results&&C.results.data){var k={abort:function(){D=!0,y(C.workerId,{data:[],errors:[],meta:{aborted:!0}})},pause:R,resume:R};if(M(I.userStep)){for(var K=0;K<C.results.data.length&&(I.userStep({data:C.results.data[K],errors:C.results.errors,meta:C.results.meta},k),!D);K++);delete C.results}else M(I.userChunk)&&(I.userChunk(C.results,k,C.file),delete C.results)}C.finished&&!D&&y(C.workerId,C.results)}function y(S,C){var I=s[S];M(I.userComplete)&&I.userComplete(C),I.terminate(),delete s[S]}function R(){throw new Error("Not implemented.")}function x(S){if(typeof S!="object"||S===null)return S;var C=Array.isArray(S)?[]:{};for(var I in S)C[I]=x(S[I]);return C}function O(S,C){return function(){S.apply(C,arguments)}}function M(S){return typeof S=="function"}return i&&(r.onmessage=function(S){var C=S.data;if(l.WORKER_ID===void 0&&C&&(l.WORKER_ID=C.workerId),typeof C.input=="string")r.postMessage({workerId:l.WORKER_ID,results:l.parse(C.input,C.config),finished:!0});else if(r.File&&C.input instanceof File||C.input instanceof Object){var I=l.parse(C.input,C.config);I&&r.postMessage({workerId:l.WORKER_ID,results:I,finished:!0})}}),(u.prototype=Object.create(d.prototype)).constructor=u,(p.prototype=Object.create(d.prototype)).constructor=p,(_.prototype=Object.create(_.prototype)).constructor=_,(g.prototype=Object.create(d.prototype)).constructor=g,l})})(Yb);var kN=Yb.exports
` ).forEach(function(s){o=s.indexOf(":"),n=s.substring(0,o).trim().toLowerCase(),r=s.substring(o+1).trim(),!(!n||e[n]&&HA[n])&&(n==="set-cookie"?e[n]?e[n].push(r):e[n]=[r]:e[n]=e[n]?e[n]+", "+r:r)}),e},fp=Symbol("internals");function Pr(t){return t&&String(t).trim().toLowerCase()}function Wo(t){return t===!1||t==null?t:j.isArray(t)?t.map(Wo):String(t)}function zA(t){const e=Object.create(null),n=/([^ \s ,;=]+) \s *(?:= \s *([^,;]+))?/g;let r;for(;r=n.exec(t);)e[r[1]]=r[2];return e}const $ A=t=>/^[-_a-zA-Z0-9^ ` | ~ , ! # $ % & ' * + . ] + $ / . test ( t . trim ( ) ) ; function bs ( t , e , n , r , o ) { if ( j . isFunction ( r ) ) return r . call ( this , e , n ) ; if ( o && ( e = n ) , ! ! j . isString ( e ) ) { if ( j . isString ( r ) ) return e . indexOf ( r ) !== - 1 ; if ( j . isRegExp ( r ) ) return r . test ( e ) } } function WA ( t ) { return t . trim ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . replace ( /([a-z\d])(\w*)/g , ( e , n , r ) => n . toUpperCase ( ) + r ) } function KA ( t , e ) { const n = j . toCamelCase ( " " + e ) ; [ "get" , "set" , "has" ] . forEach ( r => { Object . defineProperty ( t , r + n , { value : function ( o , i , s ) { return this [ r ] . call ( this , e , o , i , s ) } , configurable : ! 0 } ) } ) } class Vi { constructor ( e ) { e && this . set ( e ) } set ( e , n , r ) { const o = this ; function i ( a , l , c ) { const d = Pr ( l ) ; if ( ! d ) throw new Error ( "header name must be a non-empty string" ) ; const u = j . findKey ( o , d ) ; ( ! u || o [ u ] === void 0 || c === ! 0 || c === void 0 && o [ u ] !== ! 1 ) && ( o [ u || l ] = Wo ( a ) ) } const s = ( a , l ) => j . forEach ( a , ( c , d ) => i ( c , d , l ) ) ; return j . isPlainObject ( e ) || e instanceof this . constructor ? s ( e , n ) : j . isString ( e ) && ( e = e . trim ( ) ) && ! $A ( e ) ? s ( VA ( e ) , n ) : e != null && i ( n , e , r ) , this } get ( e , n ) { if ( e = Pr ( e ) , e ) { const r = j . findKey ( this , e ) ; if ( r ) { const o = this [ r ] ; if ( ! n ) return o ; if ( n === ! 0 ) return zA ( o ) ; if ( j . isFunction ( n ) ) return n . call ( this , o , r ) ; if ( j . isRegExp ( n ) ) return n . exec ( o ) ; throw new TypeError ( "parser must be boolean|regexp|function" ) } } } has ( e , n ) { if ( e = Pr ( e ) , e ) { const r = j . findKey ( this , e ) ; return ! ! ( r && this [ r ] !== void 0 && ( ! n || bs ( this , this [ r ] , r , n ) ) ) } return ! 1 } delete ( e , n ) { const r = this ; let o = ! 1 ; function i ( s ) { if ( s = Pr ( s ) , s ) { const a = j . findKey ( r , s ) ; a && ( ! n || bs ( r , r [ a ] , a , n ) ) && ( delete r [ a ] , o = ! 0 ) } } return j . isArray ( e ) ? e . forEach ( i ) : i ( e ) , o } clear ( e ) { const n = Object . keys ( this ) ; let r = n . length , o = ! 1 ; for ( ; r -- ; ) { const i = n [ r ] ; ( ! e || bs ( this , this [ i ] , i , e , ! 0 ) ) && ( delete this [ i ] , o = ! 0 ) } return o } normalize ( e ) { const n = this , r = { } ; return j . forEach ( this , ( o , i ) => { const s = j . findKey ( r , i ) ; if ( s ) { n [ s ] = Wo ( o ) , delete n [ i ] ; return } const a = e ? WA ( i ) : String ( i ) . trim ( ) ; a !== i && delete n [ i ] , n [ a ] = Wo ( o ) , r [ a ] = ! 0 } ) , this } concat ( ... e ) { return this . constructor . concat ( this , ... e ) } toJSON ( e ) { const n = Object . create ( null ) ; return j . forEach ( this , ( r , o ) => { r != null && r !== ! 1 && ( n [ o ] = e && j . isArray ( r ) ? r . join ( ", " ) : r ) } ) , n } [ Symbol . iterator ] ( ) { return Object . entries ( this . toJSON ( ) ) [ Symbol . iterator ] ( ) } toString ( ) { return Object . entries ( this . toJSON ( ) ) . map ( ( [ e , n ] ) => e + ": " + n ) . join ( `
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` +t.name,4,!0):this.onPersonalityMounted(t),Se(()=>{Ce.replace()}),this.isLoading=!1}},onSelected(t){this.isLoading&&this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Loading... please wait",4,!1),t&&(t.isInstalled?this.configFile.model_name!=t.title&&(this.update_model(t.title),this.configFile.model_name=t.title,this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Selected model :
2023-06-07 09:39:38 +02:00
` +t.title,4,!0),this.settingsChanged=!0,this.isModelSelected=!0):this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Model :
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2023-06-17 19:02:54 +02:00
is not installed ` ,4,!1),Se(()=>{Ce.replace()}))},onCopy(t){let e;t.model.isCustomModel?e= ` Model name : $ { t . title }
2023-06-08 23:06:49 +02:00
File size : $ { t . fileSize }
Manually downloaded model ` :e= ` Model name : $ { t . title }
File size : $ { t . fileSize }
Download : $ { t . path }
License : $ { t . license }
Owner : $ { t . owner }
Website : $ { t . owner _link }
2023-06-12 20:56:48 +02:00
Description : $ { t . description } ` ,this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Copied model info to clipboard!",4,!0),navigator.clipboard.writeText(e.trim())},onInstall(t){if(t.linkNotValid){t.installing=!1,this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Link is not valid, file does not exist",4,!1);return}let e=t.path;this.showProgress=!0,this.progress=0,console.log("installing...");const n=r=>{if(console.log("received something"),r.status==="progress"){if(console.log( ` Progress = $ { r . progress } ` ),t.progress=r.progress,t.installing=!0,t.progress==100){const o=this.models.findIndex(i=>i.path===e);this.models[o].isInstalled=!0,this.showProgress=!1,t.installing=!1}}else if(r.status==="succeeded"){console.log("Received succeeded"),Ke.off("install_progress",n),console.log("Installed successfully");const o=this.models.findIndex(i=>i.path===e);this.models[o].isInstalled=!0,this.showProgress=!1,t.installing=!1,this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Model :
2023-06-07 09:39:38 +02:00
` +t.title+ `
2023-06-12 20:56:48 +02:00
installed ! ` ,4,!0),this.api_get_req("disk_usage").then(i=>{this.diskUsage=i})}else r.status==="failed"&&(Ke.off("install_progress",n),console.log("Install failed"),t.installing=!1,v,this.showProgress=!1,console.error("Installation failed:",r.error),this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Model :
2023-06-07 09:39:38 +02:00
` +t.title+ `
2023-06-12 20:56:48 +02:00
failed to install ! ` ,4,!1),this.api_get_req("disk_usage").then(o=>{this.diskUsage=o}))};Ke.on("install_progress",n),Ke.emit("install_model",{path:e}),console.log("Started installation, please wait")},onUninstall(t){console.log("uninstalling model...");const e=n=>{if(n.status==="progress")this.progress=n.progress;else if(n.status==="succeeded"){t.uninstalling=!1,Ke.off("install_progress",e),this.showProgress=!1;const r=this.models.findIndex(o=>o.path===t.path);this.models[r].isInstalled=!1,t.model.isCustomModel&&(this.models=this.models.filter(o=>o.title!==t.title)),this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Model :
2023-06-07 09:39:38 +02:00
` +t.title+ `
2023-06-12 20:56:48 +02:00
was uninstalled ! ` ,4,!0),this.api_get_req("disk_usage").then(o=>{this.diskUsage=o})}else n.status==="failed"&&(t.uninstalling=!1,this.showProgress=!1,Ke.off("install_progress",e),console.error("Uninstallation failed:",message.error),this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Model :
2023-06-07 09:39:38 +02:00
` +t.title+ `
2023-06-17 19:02:54 +02:00
failed to uninstall ! ` ,4,!1),this.api_get_req("disk_usage").then(r=>{this.diskUsage=r}))};Ke.on("install_progress",e),Ke.emit("uninstall_model",{path:t.path})},onSelectedBinding(t){this.configFile.binding_name!=t.binding.folder&&this.update_binding(t.binding.folder)},onReinstallBinding(t){this.isLoading=!0,De.post("/reinstall_binding",{name:t.binding.folder}).then(e=>{if(e)return this.isLoading=!1,console.log("reinstall_binding",e),e.data.status?this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Reinstalled binding successfully!",4,!0):this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Could not reinstall binding",4,!1),e.data;this.isLoading=!1}).catch(e=>(this.isLoading=!1,this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Could not reinstall binding
` +e.message,4,!1),{status:!1}))},onMessageBoxOk(){console.log("OK button clicked")},refresh(){this.api_get_req("list_models").then(t=>{this.modelsArr=t,this.modelsArr.sort()}),this.api_get_req("list_personalities_categories").then(t=>{this.persCatgArr=t,this.persCatgArr.sort()}),this.api_get_req("get_config").then(t=>{this.getPersonalitiesArr().then(()=>{this.getMountedPersonalities()}),console.log("Received config"),this.configFile=t,this.models.forEach(e=>{e.title==t.model_name?e.selected=!0:e.selected=!1})}).then(()=>{this.api_get_req("get_current_personality_path_infos").then(t=>{this.configFile.personality_language=t.personality_language,this.configFile.personality_category=t.personality_category,this.configFile.personality_folder=t.personality_name,console.log("received infos")})}),this.api_get_req("list_personalities").then(t=>{this.persArr=t,this.persArr.sort(),console.log( ` Listed personalities :
$ { t } ` )}),this.api_get_req("disk_usage").then(t=>{this.diskUsage=t}),this.api_get_req("ram_usage").then(t=>{this.ramUsage=t}),this.fetchModels()},toggleAccordion(){this.showAccordion=!this.showAccordion},update_setting(t,e,n){this.isLoading=!0;const r={setting_name:t,setting_value:e};De.post("/update_setting",r).then(o=>{if(o)return this.isLoading=!1,console.log("update_setting",o),n!==void 0&&n(o),o.data;this.isLoading=!1}).catch(o=>(this.isLoading=!1,{status:!1}))},update_binding(t){this.isLoading=!0,this.update_setting("binding_name",t,e=>{this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Binding changed.",4,!0),this.settingsChanged=!0,this.isLoading=!1,this.update_model(null),this.configFile.model_name=null,this.refresh(),Se(()=>{Ce.replace()})})},update_model(t){t||(this.isModelSelected=!1),this.isLoading=!0,this.update_setting("model_name",t,e=>{this.isLoading=!1})},applyConfiguration(){this.isLoading=!0,De.post("/apply_settings").then(t=>{this.isLoading=!1,t.data.status?(this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Configuration changed successfully.",4,!0),this.settingsChanged=!1):this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Configuration change failed.",4,!1),Se(()=>{Ce.replace()})})},save_configuration(){this.showConfirmation=!1,De.post("/save_settings",{}).then(t=>{if(t)return t.status||this. $ refs.messageBox.showMessage("Error: Couldn't save settings!"),t.data}).catch(t=>(console.log(t.message,"save_configuration"),this. $ refs.messageBox.showMessage("Couldn't save settings!"),{status:!1}))},reset_configuration(){this. $ refs.yesNoDialog.askQuestion( ` Are you sure ?
This will delete all your configurations and get back to default configuration . ` ).then(t=>{t&&De.post("/reset_settings",{}).then(e=>{if(e)return e.status?this. $ refs.messageBox.showMessage("Settings have been reset correctly"):this. $ refs.messageBox.showMessage("Couldn't reset settings!"),e.data}).catch(e=>(console.log(e.message,"reset_configuration"),this. $ refs.messageBox.showMessage("Couldn't reset settings!"),{status:!1}))})},async api_get_req(t){try{const e=await De.get("/"+t);if(e)return e.data}catch(e){console.log(e.message,"api_get_req - settings");return}},closeToast(){this.showToast=!1},async getPersonalitiesArr(){this.isLoading=!0,this.personalities=[];const t=await this.api_get_req("get_all_personalities"),e=await this.api_get_req("get_config"),n=Object.keys(t);for(let r=0;r<n.length;r++){const o=n[r],i=t[o],s=Object.keys(i);for(let a=0;a<s.length;a++){const l=s[a],d=i[l].map(u=>{const p=e.personalities.includes(o+"/"+l+"/"+u.folder);let _={};return _=u,_.category=l,_.language=o,_.full_path=o+"/"+l+"/"+u.folder,_.isMounted=p,_});this.personalities.length==0?this.personalities=d:this.personalities=this.personalities.concat(d)}}this.personalities.sort((r,o)=>r.name.localeCompare(o.name)),this.personalitiesFiltered=this.personalities.filter(r=>r.category===this.configFile.personality_category&&r.language===this.configFile.personality_language),this.personalitiesFiltered.sort(),this.isLoading=!1},computedFileSize(t){return li(t)},async mount_personality(t){if(!t)return{status:!1,error:"no personality - mount_personality"};try{const e={language:t.language,category:t.category,folder:t.folder},n=await De.post("/mount_personality",e);if(n)return n.data}catch(e){console.log(e.message,"mount_personality - settings");return}},async unmount_personality(t){if(!t)return{status:!1,error:"no personality - unmount_personality"};const e={language:t.language,category:t.category,folder:t.folder};try{const n=await De.post("/unmount_personality",e);if(n)return n.data}catch(n){console.log(n.message,"unmount_personality - settings");return}},async select_personality(t){if(!t)return{status:!1,error:"no personality - select_personality"};console.log("select pers",t);const n={id:this.configFile.personalities.findIndex(r=>r===t.full_path)};try{const r=await De.post("/select_personality",n);if(r){this.configFile=await this.api_get_req("get_config");let o=await this.api_get_req("get_current_personality_path_infos");return this.configFile.personality_language=o.personality_language,this.configFile.personality_category=o.personality_category,this.configFile.personality_folder=o.personality_name,r.data}}catch(r){console.log(r.message,"select_personality - settings");return}},async mountPersonality(t){if(this.isLoading=!0,console.log("mount pers",t),!t)return;if(this.configFile.personalities.includes(t.personality.full_path)){this.isLoading=!1,this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Personality already mounted",4,!1);return}const e=await this.mount_personality(t.personality);console.log("mount_personality res",e),e&&e.status?(this.configFile.personalities=e.personalities,this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Personality mounted",4,!0),t.isMounted=!0,(await this.select_personality(t.personality)).status&&this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Selected personality :
2023-06-13 18:26:32 +02:00
` +t.personality.name,4,!0),this.getMountedPersonalities()):(t.isMounted=!1,this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Could not mount personality
2023-06-15 12:03:05 +02:00
Error : ` +e.error,4,!1)),this.isLoading=!1},async unmountPersonality(t){if(this.isLoading=!0,!t)return;const e=await this.unmount_personality(t.personality||t);if(e.status){this.configFile.personalities=e.personalities,this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Personality unmounted",4,!0);const n=this.personalities.findIndex(a=>a.full_path==t.full_path),r=this.personalitiesFiltered.findIndex(a=>a.full_path==t.full_path),o=this. $ refs.personalitiesZoo.findIndex(a=>a.full_path==t.full_path);console.log("ppp",this.personalities[n]),this.personalities[n].isMounted=!1,r>-1&&(this.personalitiesFiltered[r].isMounted=!1),o>-1&&(this. $ refs.personalitiesZoo[o].isMounted=!1),this.getMountedPersonalities();const i=this.mountedPersArr[this.mountedPersArr.length-1];console.log(i,this.mountedPersArr.length),(await this.select_personality(t.personality)).status&&this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Selected personality :
2023-06-15 00:26:12 +02:00
` +i.name,4,!0)}else this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Could not unmount personality
2023-06-17 19:02:54 +02:00
Error : ` +e.error,4,!1);this.isLoading=!1},getMountedPersonalities(){let t=[];console.log(this.configFile.personalities.length);for(let e=0;e<this.configFile.personalities.length;e++){const n=this.configFile.personalities[e],r=this.personalities.findIndex(i=>i.full_path==n);console.log("index",r),console.log("i:",e);const o=this.personalities[r];o?t.push(o):t.push(this.personalities[this.personalities.findIndex(i=>i.full_path=="english/generic/lollms")])}this.mountedPersArr=[],this.mountedPersArr=t,console.log("getMountedPersonalities",t),console.log("fig",this.configFile.personality_category),Se(()=>{console.log("accc",this. $ refs.mountedPersonalities)})},onPersonalityMounted(t){this.isLoading=!0,console.log("on sel ",t),this.configFile.personalities.includes(t.full_path)?this.configFile.personalities.length==1?this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Can't unmount last personality",4,!1):this.unmountPersonality(t):this.mountPersonality(t),this.isLoading=!1},personalityImgPlacehodler(t){t.target.src=Er}},async mounted(){this.isLoading=!0,Se(()=>{Ce.replace()}),this.configFile=await this.api_get_req("get_config");let t=await this.api_get_req("get_current_personality_path_infos");this.configFile.personality_language=t.personality_language,this.configFile.personality_category=t.personality_category,this.configFile.personality_folder=t.personality_name,this.configFile.model_name&&(this.isModelSelected=!0),this.fetchModels(),this.bindingsArr=await this.api_get_req("list_bindings"),this.modelsArr=await this.api_get_req("list_models"),this.persLangArr=await this.api_get_req("list_personalities_languages"),this.persCatgArr=await this.api_get_req("list_personalities_categories"),this.persArr=await this.api_get_req("list_personalities"),this.langArr=await this.api_get_req("list_languages"),this.bindingsArr.sort((e,n)=>e.name.localeCompare(n.name)),this.modelsArr.sort(),this.persLangArr.sort(),this.persCatgArr.sort(),this.persArr.sort(),this.langArr.sort(),await this.getPersonalitiesArr(),this.bindings=await this.api_get_req("list_bindings"),this.bindings.sort((e,n)=>e.name.localeCompare(n.name)),this.isLoading=!1,this.diskUsage=await this.api_get_req("disk_usage"),this.ramUsage=await this.api_get_req("ram_usage"),this.getMountedPersonalities(),this.isMounted=!0},activated(){},computed:{disk_available_space(){return this.computedFileSize(this.diskUsage.available_space)},disk_binding_models_usage(){return this.computedFileSize(this.diskUsage.binding_models_usage)},disk_percent_usage(){return this.diskUsage.percent_usage},disk_total_space(){return this.computedFileSize(this.diskUsage.total_space)},ram_available_space(){return this.computedFileSize(this.ramUsage.available_space)},ram_usage(){return this.computedFileSize(this.ramUsage.ram_usage)},ram_percent_usage(){return this.ramUsage.percent_usage},ram_total_space(){return this.computedFileSize(this.ramUsage.total_space)},imgBinding(){if(this.isMounted)try{return this. $ refs.bindingZoo[this. $ refs.bindingZoo.findIndex(t=>t.binding.folder==this.configFile.binding_name)]. $ refs.imgElement.src}catch{return defaultImgPlaceholder}},imgModel(){if(this.isMounted)try{return this. $ refs.modelZoo[this. $ refs.modelZoo.findIndex(t=>t.title==this.configFile.model_name)]. $ refs.imgElement.src}catch{return Fd}},binding_name(){if(!this.isMounted)return;const t=this.bindingsArr.findIndex(e=>e.folder===this.configFile.binding_name);if(t>-1)return this.bindingsArr[t].name},active_pesonality(){if(!this.isMounted)return;const t=this.personalities.findIndex(e=>e.full_path===this.configFile.personalities[this.configFile.active_personality_id]);if(t>-1)return this.personalities[t].name}},watch:{bec_collapsed(){Se(()=>{Ce.replace()})},pc_collapsed(){Se(()=>{Ce.replace()})},mc_collapsed(){Se(()=>{Ce.replace()})},sc_collapsed(){Se(()=>{Ce.replace()})},showConfirmation(){Se(()=>{Ce.replace()})},mzl_collapsed(){Se(()=>{Ce.replace()})},pzl_collapsed(){Se(()=>{Ce.replace()})},bzl_collapsed(){Se(()=>{Ce.replace()})},all_collapsed(t){this.collapseAll(t),Se(()=>{Ce.replace()})},settingsChanged(t){this. $ store.state.settingsChanged=t,Se
You need to apply changes before you leave , or else . ` ,"Apply configuration","Cancel")&&this.applyConfiguration(),!1}},Re=t=>(po("data-v-06597871"),t=t(),mo(),t),KD={class:"container overflow-y-scroll flex flex-col no-scrollbar shadow-lg p-10 pt-0"},QD={class:"sticky top-0 z-10 flex flex-row mb-2 p-3 gap-3 w-full rounded-b-lg bg-bg-light-tone dark:bg-bg-dark-tone shadow-lg"},jD={key:0,class:"flex gap-3 flex-1 items-center duration-75"},XD=Re(()=>m("i",{"data-feather":"x"},null,-1)),ZD=[XD],JD=Re(()=>m("i",{"data-feather":"check"},null,-1)),e1=[JD],t1={key:1,class:"flex gap-3 flex-1 items-center"},n1=Re(()=>m("i",{"data-feather":"save"},null,-1)),r1=[n1],o1=Re(()=>m("i",{"data-feather":"refresh-ccw"},null,-1)),i1=[o1],s1=Re(()=>m("i",{"data-feather":"list"},null,-1)),a1=[s1],l1={class:"flex gap-3 flex-1 items-center justify-end"},c1={class:"flex gap-3 items-center"},d1={key:0,class:"flex gap-3 items-center"},u1=Re(()=>m("i",{"data-feather":"check"},null,-1)),_1=[u1],p1={key:1,role:"status"},m1=Re(()=>m("svg",{"aria-hidden":"true",class:"w-6 h-6 animate-spin fill-secondary",viewBox:"0 0 100 101",fill:"none",xmlns:"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"},[m("path",{d:"M100 50.5908C100 78.2051 77.6142 100.591 50 100.591C22.3858 100.591 0 78.2051 0 50.5908C0 22.9766 22.3858 0.59082 50 0.59082C77.6142 0.59082 100 22.9766 100 50.5908ZM9.08144 50.5908C9.08144 73.1895 27.4013 91.5094 50 91.5094C72.5987 91.5094 90.9186 73.1895 90.9186 50.5908C90.9186 27.9921 72.5987 9.67226 50 9.67226C27.4013 9.67226 9.08144 27.9921 9.08144 50.5908Z",fill:"currentColor"}),m("path",{d:"M93.9676 39.0409C96.393 38.4038 97.8624 35.9116 97.0079 33.5539C95.2932 28.8227 92.871 24.3692 89.8167 20.348C85.8452 15.1192 80.8826 10.7238 75.2124 7.41289C69.5422 4.10194 63.2754 1.94025 56.7698 1.05124C51.7666 0.367541 46.6976 0.446843 41.7345 1.27873C39.2613 1.69328 37.813 4.19778 38.4501 6.62326C39.0873 9.04874 41.5694 10.4717 44.0505 10.1071C47.8511 9.54855 51.7191 9.52689 55.5402 10.0491C60.8642 10.7766 65.9928 12.5457 70.6331 15.2552C75.2735 17.9648 79.3347 21.5619 82.5849 25.841C84.9175 28.9121 86.7997 32.2913 88.1811 35.8758C89.083 38.2158 91.5421 39.6781 93.9676 39.0409Z",fill:"currentFill"})],-1)),g1=Re(()=>m("span",{class:"sr-only"},"Loading...",-1)),f1=[m1,g1],h1={class:"flex flex-col mb-2 rounded-lg bg-bg-light-tone dark:bg-bg-dark-tone hover:bg-bg-light-tone-panel hover:dark:bg-bg-dark-tone-panel duration-150 shadow-lg"},E1={class:"flex flex-row p-3"},b1=Re(()=>m("i",{"data-feather":"chevron-right",class:"mr-2 flex-shrink-0"},null,-1)),S1=Re(()=>m("h3",{class:"text-lg font-semibold cursor-pointer select-none mr-2"}," System status",-1)),y1=Re(()=>m("div",{class:"mr-2"},"|",-1)),T1={class:"text-base font-semibold cursor-pointer select-none items-center"},v1={class:"flex gap-2 items-center"},C1=Re(()=>m("i",{"data-feather":"cpu",class:"w-5 h-5 mx-1 flex-shrink-0"},null,-1)),R1={class:"font-bold font-large text-lg"},O1=Re(()=>m("i",{"data-feather":"hard-drive",class:"w-5 h-5 mx-1 flex-shrink-0"},null,-1)),N1={class:"font-bold font-large text-lg"},A1={class:"mb-2"},I1=Re(()=>m("label",{for:"disk",class:"flex items-center gap-1 ml-2 mb-2 text-sm font-medium text-gray-900 dark:text-white"},[m("svg",{xmlns:"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",width:"24",height:"24",viewBox:"0 0 24 24"},[m("path",{fill:"currentColor",d:"M17 17H7V7h10m4 4V9h-2V7a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-2V3h-2v2h-2V3H9v2H7c-1.11 0-2 .89-2 2v2H3v2h2v2H3v2h2v2a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h2v2h2v-2h2v2h2v-2h2a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-2h2v-2h-2v-2m-6 2h-2v-2h2m2-2H9v6h6V9Z"})]),Ie(" Ram usage: ")],-1)),x1={class:"flex flex-col mx-2"},w1=Re(()=>m("b",null,"Avaliable space: ",-1)),D1=Re(()=>m("b",null,"Ram usage: ",-1)),M1={class:"p-2"},L1={class:"w-full bg-gray-200 rounded-full h-2.5 dark:bg-gray-700"},k1={class:"mb-2"},P1=Re(()=>m("label",{for:"disk",class:"flex items-center gap-1 ml-2 mb-2 text-sm font-medium text-gray-900 dark:text-white"},[m("i",{"data-feather":"hard-drive",class:"w-5 h-5"}),Ie(" Disk usage: ")],-1)),F1={class:"flex flex-col mx-2"},U1=Re(()=>m("b",null,"Avaliable space: ",-1)),B1=Re(()=>m("b",null,"Disk usage: ",-1)),G1={clas
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` ),n=n.replace(T_e,"<22> "),e.src=n},C_e=function(e){var n;e.inlineMode?(n=new e.Token("inline","",0),n.content=e.src,n.map=[0,1],n.children=[],e.tokens.push(n)):e.md.block.parse(e.src,e.md,e.env,e.tokens)},R_e=function(e){var n=e.tokens,r,o,i;for(o=0,i=n.length;o<i;o++)r=n[o],r.type==="inline"&&e.md.inline.parse(r.content,e.md,e.env,r.children)},O_e=Fe.arrayReplaceAt;function N_e(t){return/^<a[> \s ]/i.test(t)}function A_e(t){return/^< \/ a \s *>/i.test(t)}var I_e=function(e){var n,r,o,i,s,a,l,c,d,u,p,_,g,f,E,h,b=e.tokens,y;if(e.md.options.linkify){for(r=0,o=b.length;r<o;r++)if(!(b[r].type!=="inline"||!e.md.linkify.pretest(b[r].content)))for(i=b[r].children,g=0,n=i.length-1;n>=0;n--){if(a=i[n],a.type==="link_close"){for(n--;i[n].level!==a.level&&i[n].type!=="link_open";)n--;continue}if(a.type==="html_inline"&&(N_e(a.content)&&g>0&&g--,A_e(a.content)&&g++),!(g>0)&&a.type==="text"&&e.md.linkify.test(a.content)){for(d=a.content,y=e.md.linkify.match(d),l=[],_=a.level,p=0,y.length>0&&y[0].index===0&&n>0&&i[n-1].type==="text_special"&&(y=y.slice(1)),c=0;c<y.length;c++)f=y[c].url,E=e.md.normalizeLink(f),e.md.validateLink(E)&&(h=y[c].text,y[c].schema?y[c].schema==="mailto:"&&!/^mailto:/i.test(h)?h=e.md.normalizeLinkText("mailto:"+h).replace(/^mailto:/,""):h=e.md.normalizeLinkText(h):h=e.md.normalizeLinkText("http://"+h).replace(/^http: \/ \/ /,""),u=y[c].index,u>p&&(s=new e.Token("text","",0),s.content=d.slice(p,u),s.level=_,l.push(s)),s=new e.Token("link_open","a",1),s.attrs=[["href",E]],s.level=_++,s.markup="linkify",s.info="auto",l.push(s),s=new e.Token("text","",0),s.content=h,s.level=_,l.push(s),s=new e.Token("link_close","a",-1),s.level=--_,s.markup="linkify",s.info="auto",l.push(s),p=y[c].lastIndex);p<d.length&&(s=new e.Token("text","",0),s.content=d.slice(p),s.level=_,l.push(s)),b[r].children=i=O_e(i,n,l)}}}},wS=/ \+ -| \. \. | \? \? \? \? |!!!!|,,|--/,x_e=/ \( (c|tm|r) \) /i,w_e=/ \( (c|tm|r) \) /ig,D_e={c:"©",r:"®",tm:"™"};function M_e(t,e){return D_e[e.toLowerCase()]}function L_e(t){var e,n,r=0;for(e=t.length-1;e>=0;e--)n=t[e],n.type==="text"&&!r&&(n.content=n.content.replace(w_e,M_e)),n.type==="link_open"&&n.info==="auto"&&r--,n.type==="link_close"&&n.info==="auto"&&r++}function k_e(t){var e,n,r=0;for(e=t.length-1;e>=0;e--)n=t[e],n.type==="text"&&!r&&wS.test(n.content)&&(n.content=n.content.replace(/ \+ -/g,"±").replace(/ \. {2,}/g,"…").replace(/([?!])…/g," $ 1..").replace(/([?!]){4,}/g," $ 1 $ 1 $ 1").replace(/,{2,}/g,",").replace(/(^|[^-])---(?=[^-]| $ )/mg," $ 1—").replace(/(^| \s )--(?= \s | $ )/mg," $ 1– ").replace(/(^|[^- \s ])--(?=[^- \s ]| $ )/mg," $ 1– ")),n.type==="link_open"&&n.info==="auto"&&r--,n.type==="link_close"&&n.info==="auto"&&r++}var P_e=function(e){var n;if(e.md.options.typographer)for(n=e.tokens.length-1;n>=0;n--)e.tokens[n].type==="inline"&&(x_e.test(e.tokens[n].content)&&L_e(e.tokens[n].children),wS.test(e.tokens[n].content)&&k_e(e.tokens[n].children))},Yp=Fe.isWhiteSpace,Hp=Fe.isPunctChar,Vp=Fe.isMdAsciiPunct,F_e=/['"]/,zp=/['"]/g, $ p="’ ";function Do(t,e,n){return t.slice(0,e)+n+t.slice(e+1)}function U_e(t,e){var n,r,o,i,s,a,l,c,d,u,p,_,g,f,E,h,b,y,R,x,O;for(R=[],n=0;n<t.length;n++){for(r=t[n],l=t[n].level,b=R.length-1;b>=0&&!(R[b].level<=l);b--);if(R.length=b+1,r.type==="text"){o=r.content,s=0,a=o.length;e:for(;s<a&&(zp.lastIndex=s,i=zp.exec(o),!!i);){if(E=h=!0,s=i.index+1,y=i[0]==="'",d=32,i.index-1>=0)d=o.charCodeAt(i.index-1);else for(b=n-1;b>=0&&!(t[b].type==="softbreak"||t[b].type==="hardbreak");b--)if(t[b].content){d=t[b].content.charCodeAt(t[b].content.length-1);break}if(u=32,s<a)u=o.charCodeAt(s);else for(b=n+1;b<t.length&&!(t[b].type==="softbreak"||t[b].type==="hardbreak");b++)if(t[b].content){u=t[b].content.charCodeAt(0);break}if(p=Vp(d)||Hp(String.fromCharCode(d)),_=Vp(u)||Hp(String.fromCharCode(u)),g=Yp(d),f=Yp(u),f?E=!1:_&&(g||p||(E=!1)),g?h=!1:p&&(f||_||(h=!1)),u===34&&i[0]==='"'&&d>=48&&d<=57&&(h=E=!1),E&&h&&(E=p,h=_),!E&&!h){y&&(r.content=Do(r.content,i.index, $ p));continue}if(h){for(b=R.length-1;b>=0&&(c=R[b],!(R[b].level<l));b--)if(c.single===y&&R[b].level===l){c=R[b],y?(x=e.md.options.quotes[2],O=e.md.options.quotes[
` ,s.map=[n,e.line],!0},W_e=function(e,n,r,o){var i,s,a,l,c,d,u,p=!1,_=e.bMarks[n]+e.tShift[n],g=e.eMarks[n];if(e.sCount[n]-e.blkIndent>=4||_+3>g||(i=e.src.charCodeAt(_),i!==126&&i!==96)||(c=_,_=e.skipChars(_,i),s=_-c,s<3)||(u=e.src.slice(c,_),a=e.src.slice(_,g),i===96&&a.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(i))>=0))return!1;if(o)return!0;for(l=n;l++,!(l>=r||(_=c=e.bMarks[l]+e.tShift[l],g=e.eMarks[l],_<g&&e.sCount[l]<e.blkIndent));)if(e.src.charCodeAt(_)===i&&!(e.sCount[l]-e.blkIndent>=4)&&(_=e.skipChars(_,i),!(_-c<s)&&(_=e.skipSpaces(_),!(_<g)))){p=!0;break}return s=e.sCount[n],e.line=l+(p?1:0),d=e.push("fence","code",0),d.info=a,d.content=e.getLines(n+1,l,s,!0),d.markup=u,d.map=[n,e.line],!0},Kp=Fe.isSpace,K_e=function(e,n,r,o){var i,s,a,l,c,d,u,p,_,g,f,E,h,b,y,R,x,O,M,S,C=e.lineMax,I=e.bMarks[n]+e.tShift[n],D=e.eMarks[n];if(e.sCount[n]-e.blkIndent>=4||e.src.charCodeAt(I++)!==62)return!1;if(o)return!0;for(l=_=e.sCount[n]+1,e.src.charCodeAt(I)===32?(I++,l++,_++,i=!1,R=!0):e.src.charCodeAt(I)===9?(R=!0,(e.bsCount[n]+_)%4===3?(I++,l++,_++,i=!1):i=!0):R=!1,g=[e.bMarks[n]],e.bMarks[n]=I;I<D&&(s=e.src.charCodeAt(I),Kp(s));){s===9?_+=4-(_+e.bsCount[n]+(i?1:0))%4:_++;I++}for(f=[e.bsCount[n]],e.bsCount[n]=e.sCount[n]+1+(R?1:0),d=I>=D,b=[e.sCount[n]],e.sCount[n]=_-l,y=[e.tShift[n]],e.tShift[n]=I-e.bMarks[n],O=e.md.block.ruler.getRules("blockquote"),h=e.parentType,e.parentType="blockquote",p=n+1;p<r&&(S=e.sCount[p]<e.blkIndent,I=e.bMarks[p]+e.tShift[p],D=e.eMarks[p],!(I>=D));p++){if(e.src.charCodeAt(I++)===62&&!S){for(l=_=e.sCount[p]+1,e.src.charCodeAt(I)===32?(I++,l++,_++,i=!1,R=!0):e.src.charCodeAt(I)===9?(R=!0,(e.bsCount[p]+_)%4===3?(I++,l++,_++,i=!1):i=!0):R=!1,g.push(e.bMarks[p]),e.bMarks[p]=I;I<D&&(s=e.src.charCodeAt(I),Kp(s));){s===9?_+=4-(_+e.bsCount[p]+(i?1:0))%4:_++;I++}d=I>=D,f.push(e.bsCount[p]),e.bsCount[p]=e.sCount[p]+1+(R?1:0),b.push(e.sCount[p]),e.sCount[p]=_-l,y.push(e.tShift[p]),e.tShift[p]=I-e.bMarks[p];continue}if(d)break;for(x=!1,a=0,c=O.length;a<c;a++)if(O[a](e,p,r,!0)){x=!0;break}if(x){e.lineMax=p,e.blkIndent!==0&&(g.push(e.bMarks[p]),f.push(e.bsCount[p]),y.push(e.tShift[p]),b.push(e.sCount[p]),e.sCount[p]-=e.blkIndent);break}g.push(e.bMarks[p]),f.push(e.bsCount[p]),y.push(e.tShift[p]),b.push(e.sCount[p]),e.sCount[p]=-1}for(E=e.blkIndent,e.blkIndent=0,M=e.push("blockquote_open","blockquote",1),M.markup=">",M.map=u=[n,0],e.md.block.tokenize(e,n,p),M=e.push("blockquote_close","blockquote",-1),M.markup=">",e.lineMax=C,e.parentType=h,u[1]=e.line,a=0;a<y.length;a++)e.bMarks[a+n]=g[a],e.tShift[a+n]=y[a],e.sCount[a+n]=b[a],e.bsCount[a+n]=f[a];return e.blkIndent=E,!0},Q_e=Fe.isSpace,j_e=function(e,n,r,o){var i,s,a,l,c=e.bMarks[n]+e.tShift[n],d=e.eMarks[n];if(e.sCount[n]-e.blkIndent>=4||(i=e.src.charCodeAt(c++),i!==42&&i!==45&&i!==95))return!1;for(s=1;c<d;){if(a=e.src.charCodeAt(c++),a!==i&&!Q_e(a))return!1;a===i&&s++}return s<3?!1:(o||(e.line=n+1,l=e.push("hr","hr",0),l.map=[n,e.line],l.markup=Array(s+1).join(String.fromCharCode(i))),!0)},MS=Fe.isSpace;function Qp(t,e){var n,r,o,i;return r=t.bMarks[e]+t.tShift[e],o=t.eMarks[e],n=t.src.charCodeAt(r++),n!==42&&n!==45&&n!==43||r<o&&(i=t.src.charCodeAt(r),!MS(i))?-1:r}function jp(t,e){var n,r=t.bMarks[e]+t.tShift[e],o=r,i=t.eMarks[e];if(o+1>=i||(n=t.src.charCodeAt(o++),n<48||n>57))return-1;for(;;){if(o>=i)return-1;if(n=t.src.charCodeAt(o++),n>=48&&n<=57){if(o-r>=10)return-1;continue}if(n===41||n===46)break;return-1}return o<i&&(n=t.src.charCodeAt(o),!MS(n))?-1:o}function X_e(t,e){var n,r,o=t.level+2;for(n=e+2,r=t.tokens.length-2;n<r;n++)t.tokens[n].level===o&&t.tokens[n].type==="paragraph_open"&&(t.tokens[n+2].hidden=!0,t.tokens[n].hidden=!0,n+=2)}var Z_e=function(e,n,r,o){var i,s,a,l,c,d,u,p,_,g,f,E,h,b,y,R,x,O,M,S,C,I,D,k,K,P,ie, $ ,A=!1,q=!0;if(e.sCount[n]-e.blkIndent>=4||e.listIndent>=0&&e.sCount[n]-e.listIndent>=4&&e.sCount[n]<e.blkIndent)return!1;if(o&&e.parentType==="paragraph"&&e.sCount[n]>=e.blkIndent&&(A=!0),(D=jp(e,n))>=0){if(u=!0,K=e.bMarks[n]+e.tShift[n],h=Number(e.src.slice(K,D-1)),A&&h!==1)return!1}else if((D=Qp(e,n))>=0)u=!1;else return!1;if(A&&e.skipSpaces(D)>=e.
https : //github.com/highlightjs/highlight.js/issues/2277`),_e=A,fe=q),V===void 0&&(V=!0);const te={code:fe,language:_e};ie("before:highlight",te);const he=te.result?te.result:u(te.language,te.code,V);return he.code=te.code,ie("after:highlight",he),he}function u(A,q,V,fe){const _e=Object.create(null);function te(Q,oe){return Q.keywords[oe]}function he(){if(!G.keywords){Y.addText(X);return}let Q=0;G.keywordPatternRe.lastIndex=0;let oe=G.keywordPatternRe.exec(X),pe="";for(;oe;){pe+=X.substring(Q,oe.index);const Te=B.case_insensitive?oe[0].toLowerCase():oe[0],xe=te(G,Te);if(xe){const[Be,Ne]=xe;if(Y.addText(pe),pe="",_e[Te]=(_e[Te]||0)+1,_e[Te]<=P4e&&(ae+=Ne),Be.startsWith("_"))pe+=oe[0];else{const ze=B.classNameAliases[Be]||Be;W(oe[0],ze)}}else pe+=oe[0];Q=G.keywordPatternRe.lastIndex,oe=G.keywordPatternRe.exec(X)}pe+=X.substring(Q),Y.addText(pe)}function Ee(){if(X==="")return;let Q=null;if(typeof G.subLanguage=="string"){if(!e[G.subLanguage]){Y.addText(X);return}Q=u(G.subLanguage,X,!0,re[G.subLanguage]),re[G.subLanguage]=Q._top}else Q=_(X,G.subLanguage.length?G.subLanguage:null);G.relevance>0&&(ae+=Q.relevance),Y.__addSublanguage(Q._emitter,Q.language)}function L(){G.subLanguage!=null?Ee():he(),X=""}function W(Q,oe){Q!==""&&(Y.startScope(oe),Y.addText(Q),Y.endScope())}function z(Q,oe){let pe=1;const Te=oe.length-1;for(;pe<=Te;){if(!Q._emit[pe]){pe++;continue}const xe=B.classNameAliases[Q[pe]]||Q[pe],Be=oe[pe];xe?W(Be,xe):(X=Be,he(),X=""),pe++}}function Z(Q,oe){return Q.scope&&typeof Q.scope=="string"&&Y.openNode(B.classNameAliases[Q.scope]||Q.scope),Q.beginScope&&(Q.beginScope._wrap?(W(X,B.classNameAliases[Q.beginScope._wrap]||Q.beginScope._wrap),X=""):Q.beginScope._multi&&(z(Q.beginScope,oe),X="")),G=Object.create(Q,{parent:{value:G}}),G}function J(Q,oe,pe){let Te=ZVe(Q.endRe,pe);if(Te){if(Q["on:end"]){const xe=new _m(Q);Q["on:end"](oe,xe),xe.isMatchIgnored&&(Te=!1)}if(Te){for(;Q.endsParent&&Q.parent;)Q=Q.parent;return Q}}if(Q.endsWithParent)return J(Q.parent,oe,pe)}function de(Q){return G.matcher.regexIndex===0?(X+=Q[0],1):(ye=!0,0)}function le(Q){const oe=Q[0],pe=Q.rule,Te=new _m(pe),xe=[pe.__beforeBegin,pe["on:begin"]];for(const Be of xe)if(Be&&(Be(Q,Te),Te.isMatchIgnored))return de(oe);return pe.skip?X+=oe:(pe.excludeBegin&&(X+=oe),L(),!pe.returnBegin&&!pe.excludeBegin&&(X=oe)),Z(pe,Q),pe.returnBegin?0:oe.length}function T(Q){const oe=Q[0],pe=q.substring(Q.index),Te=J(G,Q,pe);if(!Te)return Em;const xe=G;G.endScope&&G.endScope._wrap?(L(),W(oe,G.endScope._wrap)):G.endScope&&G.endScope._multi?(L(),z(G.endScope,Q)):xe.skip?X+=oe:(xe.returnEnd||xe.excludeEnd||(X+=oe),L(),xe.excludeEnd&&(X=oe));do G.scope&&Y.closeNode(),!G.skip&&!G.subLanguage&&(ae+=G.relevance),G=G.parent;while(G!==Te.parent);return Te.starts&&Z(Te.starts,Q),xe.returnEnd?0:oe.length}function N(){const Q=[];for(let oe=G;oe!==B;oe=oe.parent)oe.scope&&Q.unshift(oe.scope);Q.forEach(oe=>Y.openNode(oe))}let F={};function U(Q,oe){const pe=oe&&oe[0];if(X+=Q,pe==null)return L(),0;if(F.type==="begin"&&oe.type==="end"&&F.index===oe.index&&pe===""){if(X+=q.slice(oe.index,oe.index+1),!o){const Te=new Error(`0 width match regex (${A})`);throw Te.languageName=A,Te.badRule=F.rule,Te}return 1}if(F=oe,oe.type==="begin")return le(oe);if(oe.type==="illegal"&&!V){const Te=new Error('Illegal lexeme "'+pe+'" for mode "'+(G.scope||"<unnamed>")+'"');throw Te.mode=G,Te}else if(oe.type==="end"){const Te=T(oe);if(Te!==Em)return Te}if(oe.type==="illegal"&&pe==="")return 1;if(ce>1e5&&ce>oe.index*3)throw new Error("potential infinite loop, way more iterations than matches");return X+=pe,pe.length}const B=C(A);if(!B)throw Vn(i.replace("{}",A)),new Error('Unknown language: "'+A+'"');const ne=D4e(B);let se="",G=fe||ne;const re={},Y=new a.__emitter(a);N();let X="",ae=0,ue=0,ce=0,ye=!1;try{if(B.__emitTokens)B.__emitTokens(q,Y);else{for(G.matcher.considerAll();;){ce++,ye?ye=!1:G.matcher.considerAll(),G.matcher.lastIndex=ue;const Q=G.matcher.exec(q);if(!Q)break;const oe=q.substring(ue,Q.index),pe=U(oe,Q);ue=Q.index+pe}U(q.substring(ue))}return Y.finalize(),se=Y.toHTML(),{language:A,value:se,rel
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2023-06-07 09:39:38 +02:00
] * ? "'`},{begin:`" [ ^ \ r
2023-06-17 19:02:54 +02:00
"]*" ` }]},{className:"built_in",variants:[{begin:" \\ b(abs|acos|asin|atan|atan2|atanh|ceil|cloglog|comb|cos|digamma|exp|floor|invcloglog|invlogit|ln|lnfact|lnfactorial|lngamma|log|log10|max|min|mod|reldif|round|sign|sin|sqrt|sum|tan|tanh|trigamma|trunc|betaden|Binomial|binorm|binormal|chi2|chi2tail|dgammapda|dgammapdada|dgammapdadx|dgammapdx|dgammapdxdx|F|Fden|Ftail|gammaden|gammap|ibeta|invbinomial|invchi2|invchi2tail|invF|invFtail|invgammap|invibeta|invnchi2|invnFtail|invnibeta|invnorm|invnormal|invttail|nbetaden|nchi2|nFden|nFtail|nibeta|norm|normal|normalden|normd|npnchi2|tden|ttail|uniform|abbrev|char|index|indexnot|length|lower|ltrim|match|plural|proper|real|regexm|regexr|regexs|reverse|rtrim|string|strlen|strlower|strltrim|strmatch|strofreal|strpos|strproper|strreverse|strrtrim|strtrim|strupper|subinstr|subinword|substr|trim|upper|word|wordcount|_caller|autocode|byteorder|chop|clip|cond|e|epsdouble|epsfloat|group|inlist|inrange|irecode|matrix|maxbyte|maxdouble|maxfloat|maxint|maxlong|mi|minbyte|mindouble|minfloat|minint|minlong|missing|r|recode|replay|return|s|scalar|d|date|day|dow|doy|halfyear|mdy|month|quarter|week|year|d|daily|dofd|dofh|dofm|dofq|dofw|dofy|h|halfyearly|hofd|m|mofd|monthly|q|qofd|quarterly|tin|twithin|w|weekly|wofd|y|yearly|yh|ym|yofd|yq|yw|cholesky|colnumb|colsof|corr|det|diag|diag0cnt|el|get|hadamard|I|inv|invsym|issym|issymmetric|J|matmissing|matuniform|mreldif|nullmat|rownumb|rowsof|sweep|syminv|trace|vec|vecdiag)(?= \\ ()"}]},e.COMMENT("^[ ]* \\ *.* $ ",!1),e.C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE,e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE]}}return qc=t,qc}var Yc,Rh;function H $ e(){if(Rh)return Yc;Rh=1;function t(e){return{name:"STEP Part 21",aliases:["p21","step","stp"],case_insensitive:!0,keywords:{ $ pattern:"[A-Z_][A-Z0-9_.]*",keyword:["HEADER","ENDSEC","DATA"]},contains:[{className:"meta",begin:"ISO-10303-21;",relevance:10},{className:"meta",begin:"END-ISO-10303-21;",relevance:10},e.C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE,e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE,e.COMMENT("/ \\ * \\ *!"," \\ */"),e.C_NUMBER_MODE,e.inherit(e.APOS_STRING_MODE,{illegal:null}),e.inherit(e.QUOTE_STRING_MODE,{illegal:null}),{className:"string",begin:"'",end:"'"},{className:"symbol",variants:[{begin:"#",end:" \\ d+",illegal:" \\ W"}]}]}}return Yc=t,Yc}var Hc,Oh;function V $ e(){if(Oh)return Hc;Oh=1;const t=a=>({IMPORTANT:{scope:"meta",begin:"!important"},BLOCK_COMMENT:a.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE,HEXCOLOR:{scope:"number",begin:/#(([0-9a-fA-F]{3,4})|(([0-9a-fA-F]{2}){3,4})) \b /},FUNCTION_DISPATCH:{className:"built_in",begin:/[ \w -]+(?= \( )/},ATTRIBUTE_SELECTOR_MODE:{scope:"selector-attr",begin:/ \[ /,end:/ \] /,illegal:" $ ",contains:[a.APOS_STRING_MODE,a.QUOTE_STRING_MODE]},CSS_NUMBER_MODE:{scope:"number",begin:a.NUMBER_RE+"(%|em|ex|ch|rem|vw|vh|vmin|vmax|cm|mm|in|pt|pc|px|deg|grad|rad|turn|s|ms|Hz|kHz|dpi|dpcm|dppx)?",relevance:0},CSS_VARIABLE:{className:"attr",begin:/--[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_-]*/}}),e=["a","abbr","address","article","aside","audio","b","blockquote","body","button","canvas","caption","cite","code","dd","del","details","dfn","div","dl","dt","em","fieldset","figcaption","figure","footer","form","h1","h2","h3","h4","h5","h6","header","hgroup","html","i","iframe","img","input","ins","kbd","label","legend","li","main","mark","menu","nav","object","ol","p","q","quote","samp","section","span","strong","summary","sup","table","tbody","td","textarea","tfoot","th","thead","time","tr","ul","var","video"],n=["any-hover","any-pointer","aspect-ratio","color","color-gamut","color-index","device-aspect-ratio","device-height","device-width","display-mode","forced-colors","grid","height","hover","inverted-colors","monochrome","orientation","overflow-block","overflow-inline","pointer","prefers-color-scheme","prefers-contrast","prefers-reduced-motion","prefers-reduced-transparency","resolution","scan","scripting","update","width","min-width","max-width","min-height","max-height"],r=["active","any-link","blank","checked","current","default","defined","dir","disabled","drop","empty","enabled","first","first-child","first-of-type","fullscreen","future","focus","focus-visible","focus-within","has","host","host-context","hover","i
2023-06-07 09:39:38 +02:00
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2023-06-17 19:02:54 +02:00
` },{className:"string",begin:" \\ d{4}- \\ d{2}- \\ d{2}( \\ s+) \\ d{2}: \\ d{2}: \\ d{2}. \\ d+Z"},{className:"string",begin:"( \\ +|-) \\ d+"},{className:"keyword",relevance:10,variants:[{begin:"^(test|testing|success|successful|failure|error|skip|xfail|uxsuccess)(:?) \\ s+(test)?"},{begin:"^progress(:?)( \\ s+)?(pop|push)?"},{begin:"^tags:"},{begin:"^time:"}]}]}}return Vc=t,Vc}var zc,Ah;function $ $ e(){if(Ah)return zc;Ah=1;function t(S){return S?typeof S=="string"?S:S.source:null}function e(S){return n("(?=",S,")")}function n(...S){return S.map(I=>t(I)).join("")}function r(S){const C=S[S.length-1];return typeof C=="object"&&C.constructor===Object?(S.splice(S.length-1,1),C):{}}function o(...S){return"("+(r(S).capture?"":"?:")+S.map(D=>t(D)).join("|")+")"}const i=S=>n(/ \b /,S,/ \w $ /.test(S)?/ \b /:/ \B /),s=["Protocol","Type"].map(i),a=["init","self"].map(i),l=["Any","Self"],c=["actor","any","associatedtype","async","await",/as \? /,/as!/,"as","break","case","catch","class","continue","convenience","default","defer","deinit","didSet","distributed","do","dynamic","else","enum","extension","fallthrough",/fileprivate \( set \) /,"fileprivate","final","for","func","get","guard","if","import","indirect","infix",/init \? /,/init!/,"inout",/internal \( set \) /,"internal","in","is","isolated","nonisolated","lazy","let","mutating","nonmutating",/open \( set \) /,"open","operator","optional","override","postfix","precedencegroup","prefix",/private \( set \) /,"private","protocol",/public \( set \) /,"public","repeat","required","rethrows","return","set","some","static","struct","subscript","super","switch","throws","throw",/try \? /,/try!/,"try","typealias",/unowned \( safe \) /,/unowned \( unsafe \) /,"unowned","var","weak","where","while","willSet"],d=["false","nil","true"],u=["assignment","associativity","higherThan","left","lowerThan","none","right"],p=["#colorLiteral","#column","#dsohandle","#else","#elseif","#endif","#error","#file","#fileID","#fileLiteral","#filePath","#function","#if","#imageLiteral","#keyPath","#line","#selector","#sourceLocation","#warn_unqualified_access","#warning"],_=["abs","all","any","assert","assertionFailure","debugPrint","dump","fatalError","getVaList","isKnownUniquelyReferenced","max","min","numericCast","pointwiseMax","pointwiseMin","precondition","preconditionFailure","print","readLine","repeatElement","sequence","stride","swap","swift_unboxFromSwiftValueWithType","transcode","type","unsafeBitCast","unsafeDowncast","withExtendedLifetime","withUnsafeMutablePointer","withUnsafePointer","withVaList","withoutActuallyEscaping","zip"],g=o(/[/= \- +!*%<>&|^~?]/,/[ \u 00A1- \u 00A7]/,/[ \u 00A9 \u 00AB]/,/[ \u 00AC \u 00AE]/,/[ \u 00B0 \u 00B1]/,/[ \u 00B6 \u 00BB \u 00BF \u 00D7 \u 00F7]/,/[ \u 2016- \u 2017]/,/[ \u 2020- \u 2027]/,/[ \u 2030- \u 203E]/,/[ \u 2041- \u 2053]/,/[ \u 2055- \u 205E]/,/[ \u 2190- \u 23FF]/,/[ \u 2500- \u 2775]/,/[ \u 2794- \u 2BFF]/,/[ \u 2E00- \u 2E7F]/,/[ \u 3001- \u 3003]/,/[ \u 3008- \u 3020]/,/[ \u 3030]/),f=o(g,/[ \u 0300- \u 036F]/,/[ \u 1DC0- \u 1DFF]/,/[ \u 20D0- \u 20FF]/,/[ \u FE00- \u FE0F]/,/[ \u FE20- \u FE2F]/),E=n(g,f,"*"),h=o(/[a-zA-Z_]/,/[ \u 00A8 \u 00AA \u 00AD \u 00AF \u 00B2- \u 00B5 \u 00B7- \u 00BA]/,/[ \u 00BC- \u 00BE \u 00C0- \u 00D6 \u 00D8- \u 00F6 \u 00F8- \u 00FF]/,/[ \u 0100- \u 02FF \u 0370- \u 167F \u 1681- \u 180D \u 180F- \u 1DBF]/,/[ \u 1E00- \u 1FFF]/,/[ \u 200B- \u 200D \u 202A- \u 202E \u 203F- \u 2040 \u 2054 \u 2060- \u 206F]/,/[ \u 2070- \u 20CF \u 2100- \u 218F \u 2460- \u 24FF \u 2776- \u 2793]/,/[ \u 2C00- \u 2DFF \u 2E80- \u 2FFF]/,/[ \u 3004- \u 3007 \u 3021- \u 302F \u 3031- \u 303F \u 3040- \u D7FF]/,/[ \u F900- \u FD3D \u FD40- \u FDCF \u FDF0- \u FE1F \u FE30- \u FE44]/,/[ \u FE47- \u FEFE \u FF00- \u FFFD]/),b=o(h,/ \d /,/[ \u 0300- \u 036F \u 1DC0- \u 1DFF \u 20D0- \u 20FF \u FE20- \u FE2F]/),y=n(h,b,"*"),R=n(/[A-Z]/,b,"*"),x=["autoclosure",n(/convention \( /,o("swift","block","c"),/ \) /),"discardableResult","dynamicCallable","dynamicMemberLookup","escaping","frozen","GKInspectable","IBAction","IBDesignable","IBInspectable","IBOutlet","IBSegueAction","inlinable","main","nonobjc","NSApplicationMain","NSCopying","NSManaged",n(/objc \( /,y,/ \) /),"objc","objcMembers","propertyWrapper","requires_stored_property_inits","resultBuilder","testable","UIApplicationMain","unknown","usableFromInline"],O=["iOS","iOSApplicationExtension","
` +t.name,4,!0):this.onPersonalityMounted(t),nextTick(()=>{}),this.isLoading=!1}},async mount_personality(t){if(!t)return{status:!1,error:"no personality - mount_personality"};try{const e={language:t.language,category:t.category,folder:t.folder},n=await De.post("/mount_personality",e);if(n)return n.data}catch(e){console.log(e.message,"mount_personality - settings");return}},async unmount_personality(t){if(!t)return{status:!1,error:"no personality - unmount_personality"};const e={language:t.language,category:t.category,folder:t.folder};try{const n=await De.post("/unmount_personality",e);if(n)return n.data}catch(n){console.log(n.message,"unmount_personality - settings");return}},async select_personality(t){if(!t)return{status:!1,error:"no personality - select_personality"};console.log("select pers",t);const n={id:this.configFile.personalities.findIndex(r=>r===t.full_path)};try{const r=await De.post("/select_personality",n);if(r){this.configFile=await this.api_get_req("get_config");let o=await this.api_get_req("get_current_personality_path_infos");return this.configFile.personality_language=o.personality_language,this.configFile.personality_category=o.personality_category,this.configFile.personality_folder=o.personality_name,r.data}}catch(r){console.log(r.message,"select_personality - settings");return}},async mountPersonality(t){if(this.isLoading=!0,console.log("mount pers",t),!t)return;if(this.configFile.personalities.includes(t.personality.full_path)){this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Personality already mounted",4,!1);return}const e=await this.mount_personality(t.personality);console.log("mount_personality res",e),e.status?(this.configFile.personalities=e.personalities,this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Personality mounted",4,!0),t.isMounted=!0,(await this.select_personality(t.personality)).status&&this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Selected personality :
` +t.personality.name,4,!0),this.getMountedPersonalities()):(t.isMounted=!1,this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Could not mount personality
Error : ` +e.error,4,!1)),this.isLoading=!1},async unmountPersonality(t){if(this.isLoading=!0,!t)return;const e=await this.unmount_personality(t.personality||t);if(e.status){this.configFile.personalities=e.personalities,this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Personality unmounted",4,!0);const n=this.personalities.findIndex(a=>a.full_path==t.full_path),r=this.personalitiesFiltered.findIndex(a=>a.full_path==t.full_path),o=this. $ refs.personalitiesZoo.findIndex(a=>a.full_path==t.full_path);console.log("ppp",this.personalities[n]),this.personalities[n].isMounted=!1,r>-1&&(this.personalitiesFiltered[r].isMounted=!1),o>-1&&(this. $ refs.personalitiesZoo[o].isMounted=!1),this.getMountedPersonalities();const i=this.mountedPersArr[this.mountedPersArr.length-1];console.log(i,this.mountedPersArr.length),(await this.select_personality(t.personality)).status&&this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Selected personality :
` +i.name,4,!0)}else this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Could not unmount personality
Error : ` +e.error,4,!1);this.isLoading=!1},getMountedPersonalities(){let t=[];console.log(this.configFile.personalities.length);for(let e=0;e<this.configFile.personalities.length;e++){const n=this.configFile.personalities[e],r=this.personalities.findIndex(i=>i.full_path==n),o=this.personalities[r];o?t.push(o):t.push(this.personalities[this.personalities.findIndex(i=>i.full_path=="english/generic/lollms")])}this.mountedPersArr=[],this.mountedPersArr=t,console.log("getMountedPersonalities",t),console.log("fig",this.configFile.personality_category)}}},h6e={class:"text-base font-semibold cursor-pointer select-none items-center flex flex-row overflow-visible overflow-x-auto scrollbar-thin scrollbar-track-bg-light scrollbar-thumb-bg-light-tone hover:scrollbar-thumb-primary dark:scrollbar-track-bg-dark dark:scrollbar-thumb-bg-dark-tone dark:hover:scrollbar-thumb-primary active:scrollbar-thumb-secondary"},E6e={class:"flex -space-x-4 items-center"},b6e={class:"group items-center flex flex-row"},S6e=["onClick"],y6e=["src","title"],T6e=["onClick"],v6e=m("span",{class:"hidden group-hover:block top-0 left-7 absolute active:scale-90 bg-bg-light dark:bg-bg-dark rounded-full border-2 border-transparent",title:"Unmount personality"},[m("svg",{"aria-hidden":"true",class:"w-4 h-4 text-red-600 hover:text-red-500",fill:"currentColor",viewBox:"0 0 20 20",xmlns:"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"},[m("path",{"fill-rule":"evenodd",d:"M4.293 4.293a1 1 0 011.414 0L10 8.586l4.293-4.293a1 1 0 111.414 1.414L11.414 10l4.293 4.293a1 1 0 01-1.414 1.414L10 11.414l-4.293 4.293a1 1 0 01-1.414-1.414L8.586 10 4.293 5.707a1 1 0 010-1.414z","clip-rule":"evenodd"})])],-1),C6e=[v6e];function R6e(t,e,n,r,o,i){return H(),ee("div",h6e,[m("div",E6e,[(H(!0),ee(Ue,null,pt(r.mountedPersArr,(s,a)=>(H(),ee("div",{class:"relative hover:-translate-y-2 duration-300 hover:z-10 shrink-0",key:a+"-"+s.name},[m("div",b6e,[m("button",{onClick:be(l=>i.onPersonalitySelected(s),["stop"])},[m("img",{src:r.bUrl+s.avatar,onError:e[0]||(e[0]=(...l)=>i.personalityImgPlacehodler&&i.personalityImgPlacehodler(...l)),class:Le(["w-8 h-8 rounded-full object-fill text-red-700 border-2 active:scale-90 group-hover:border-secondary",r.configFile.active_personality_id==r.configFile.personalities.indexOf(s.full_path)?"border-secondary":"border-transparent z-0"]),title:s.name},null,42,y6e)],8,S6e),m("button",{onClick:be(l=>i.onPersonalityMounted(s),["stop"])},C6e,8,T6e)])]))),128))])])}const O6e=Xe(f6e,[["render",R6e]]);const N6e={name:"ChatBox",emits:["messageSentEvent","stopGenerating"],props:{loading:!1},components:{MountedPersonalities:O6e},setup(){},data(){return{message:"",fileList:[],totalSize:0}},methods:{computedFileSize(t){return Se(()=>{Ce.replace()}),li(t)},removeItem(t){this.fileList=this.fileList.filter(e=>e!=t)},sendMessageEvent(t){this.fileList=[],this. $ emit("messageSentEvent",t)},submitOnEnter(t){t.which===13&&(t.preventDefault(),t.repeat||(this.sendMessageEvent(this.message),this.message=""))},submit(){this.message&&(this.sendMessageEvent(this.message),this.message="")},stopGenerating(){this. $ emit("stopGenerating")},addFiles(t){this.fileList=this.fileList.concat([...t.target.files])}},watch:{loading(t,e){Se(()=>{Ce.replace()})},fileList:{handler(t,e){let n=0;if(t.length>0)for(let r=0;r<t.length;r++)n=n+parseInt(t[r].size);this.totalSize=li(n,!0)},deep:!0}},mounted(){Se(()=>{Ce.replace()})},activated(){Se(()=>{Ce.replace()})}},kt=t=>(po("data-v-6edb1144"),t=t(),mo(),t),A6e={class:"absolute bottom-0 min-w-96 w-full justify-center text-center p-4"},I6e={key:0,class:"flex items-center justify-center w-full"},x6e={class:"flex flex-row p-2 rounded-t-lg"},w6e=kt(()=>m("label",{for:"chat",class:"sr-only"},"Send message",-1)),D6e={class:"px-3 py-3 rounded-lg bg-bg-light-tone-panel dark:bg-bg-dark-tone-panel shadow-lg"},M6e={class:"flex flex-col gap-2"},L6e={key:0,class:"flex flex-col max-h-64"},k6e=["title"],P6e={class:"flex flex-row items-center gap-1 text-left p-2 text-sm font-medium bg-bg-dark-tone-panel dark:bg-bg-dark-tone rounded-lg hover:bg-primary dark:hover:bg-primary"},F6e=kt(()=>m("div"
\ r
\ r
` ,544),[[Ve,o.message]]),m("input",{type:"file",ref:"fileDialog",style:{display:"none"},onChange:e[4]||(e[4]=(...s)=>i.addFiles&&i.addFiles(...s)),multiple:""},null,544),m("button",{type:"button",onClick:e[5]||(e[5]=be(s=>t. $ refs.fileDialog.click(),["stop"])),title:"Add files",class:"absolute inset-y-0 right-0 flex items-center mr-2 w-6 hover:text-secondary duration-75 active:scale-90"},e8e)]),m("div",t8e,[n.loading?ge("",!0):(H(),ee("button",{key:0,type:"button",onClick:e[6]||(e[6]=(...s)=>i.submit&&i.submit(...s)),class:"w-6 hover:text-secondary duration-75 active:scale-90"},o8e)),n.loading?(H(),ee("div",i8e,a8e)):ge("",!0)])])])])])])}const ay=Xe(N6e,[["render",l8e],["__scopeId","data-v-6edb1144"]]),c8e={name:"WelcomeComponent",setup(){return{}}},d8e={class:"flex flex-col text-center"},u8e=fu('<div class="flex flex-col text-center items-center"><div class="flex items-center gap-3 text-5xl drop-shadow-md align-middle pt-24"><img class="w-24 animate-bounce" title="LoLLMS WebUI" src="'+Ub+'" alt="Logo"><div class="flex flex-col items-start"><p class="text-2xl">Lord of Large Language Models</p><p class="text-gray-400 text-base">One tool to rule them all</p></div></div><hr class="mt-1 w-96 h-1 mx-auto my-2 md:my-2 dark:bg-bg-dark-tone-panel bg-bg-light-tone-panel border-0 rounded"><p class="text-2xl">Welcome</p><p class="text-lg">Please create a new discussion or select existing one to start</p></div>',1),_8e=[u8e];function p8e(t,e,n,r,o,i){return H(),ee("div",d8e,_8e)}const ly=Xe(c8e,[["render",p8e]]);const m8e={setup(){return{}},name:"DragDrop",emits:["panelLeave","panelDrop"],data(){return{fileList:[],show:!1,dropRelease:!1}},mounted(){Se(()=>{Ce.replace()})},methods:{async panelDrop(t){const e="getAsFileSystemHandle"in DataTransferItem.prototype,n="webkitGetAsEntry"in DataTransferItem.prototype;if(!e&&!n)return;const r=[...t.dataTransfer.items].filter(i=>i.kind==="file").map(i=>e?i.getAsFileSystemHandle():i.webkitGetAsEntry());let o=[];for await(const i of r)(i.kind==="directory"||i.isDirectory)&&o.push(i.name);this.dropRelease=!0,t.dataTransfer.files.length>0&&[...t.dataTransfer.files].forEach(i=>{o.includes(i.name)||this.fileList.push(i)}),Se(()=>{Ce.replace()}),this. $ emit("panelDrop",this.fileList),this.fileList=[],this.show=!1},panelLeave(){this. $ emit("panelLeave"),console.log("exit/leave"),this.dropRelease=!1,this.show=!1,Se(()=>{Ce.replace()})}}},g8e={class:"text-4xl text-center"};function f8e(t,e,n,r,o,i){return H(),lt(Tn,{name:"list",tag:"div"},{default:nt(()=>[o.show?(H(),ee("div",{key:"dropmenu",class:"select-none text-slate-50 absolute top-0 left-0 right-0 bottom-0 flex flex-col items-center justify-center bg-black bg-opacity-50 duration-200 backdrop-blur-sm",onDragleave:e[0]||(e[0]=be(s=>i.panelLeave(s),["prevent"])),onDrop:e[1]||(e[1]=be(s=>i.panelDrop(s),["stop","prevent"]))},[m("div",{class:Le(["flex flex-col items-center justify-center p-8 rounded-lg shadow-lg border-dashed border-4 border-secondary w-4/5 h-4/5",o.dropRelease?"":"pointer-events-none"])},[m("div",g8e,[WE(t. $ slots,"default",{},()=>[Ie(" Drop your files here ")])])],2)],32)):ge("",!0)]),_:3})}const $ d=Xe(m8e,[["render",f8e]]);var h8e=function(){function t(e,n){n===void 0&&(n=[]),this._eventType=e,this._eventFunctions=n}return t.prototype.init=function(){var e=this;this._eventFunctions.forEach(function(n){typeof window<"u"&&window.addEventListener(e._eventType,n)})},t}(),pi=globalThis&&globalThis.__assign||function(){return pi=Object.assign||function(t){for(var e,n=1,r=arguments.length;n<r;n++){e=arguments[n];for(var o in e)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e,o)&&(t[o]=e[o])}return t},pi.apply(this,arguments)},mi={alwaysOpen:!1,activeClasses:"bg-gray-100 dark:bg-gray-800 text-gray-900 dark:text-white",inactiveClasses:"text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400",onOpen:function(){},onClose:function(){},onToggle:function(){}},cy=function(){function t(e,n){e===void 0&&(e=[]),n===void 0&&(n=mi),this._items=e,this._options=pi(pi({},mi),n),this._init()}return t.prototype._init=function(){var e=this;this._items.length&&this._
Personality : $ { t . message . personality } ` );let r="";t.created_at_parsed&&(r= `
Created : $ { t . created _at _parsed } ` );let o="";t.message.content&&(o=t.message.content);let i="";t.message.model&&(i= ` Model : $ { t . message . model } ` );let s="";t.message.seed&&(s= ` Seed : $ { t . message . seed } ` );let a="";t.time_spent&&(a= `
Time spent : $ { t . time _spent } ` );let l="";l= ` $ { e } $ { i } $ { s } $ { a } ` .trim();const c= ` $ { t . message . sender } $ { n } $ { r }
$ { o }
$ { l } ` ;navigator.clipboard.writeText(c),Se(()=>{Ce.replace()})},closeToast(){this.showToast=!1},saveJSONtoFile(t,e){e=e||"data.json";const n=document.createElement("a");n.href=URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([JSON.stringify(t,null,2)],{type:"text/plain"})),n.setAttribute("download",e),document.body.appendChild(n),n.click(),document.body.removeChild(n)},parseJsonObj(t){try{return JSON.parse(t)}catch(e){return this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Could not parse JSON .
` +e.message,4,!1),null}},async parseJsonFile(t){return new Promise((e,n)=>{const r=new FileReader;r.onload=o=>e(this.parseJsonObj(o.target.result)),r.onerror=o=>n(o),r.readAsText(t)})},async exportDiscussions(){const t=this.list.filter(e=>e.checkBoxValue==!0).map(e=>e.id);if(t.length>0){console.log("export",t);let e=new Date;const n=e.getFullYear(),r=(e.getMonth()+1).toString().padStart(2,"0"),o=e.getDate().toString().padStart(2,"0"),i=e.getHours().toString().padStart(2,"0"),s=e.getMinutes().toString().padStart(2,"0"),a=e.getSeconds().toString().padStart(2,"0"),c="discussions_export_"+(n+"."+r+"."+o+"."+i+s+a)+".json";this.loading=!0;const d=await this.export_multiple_discussions(t);d?(this.saveJSONtoFile(d,c),this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Successfully exported",4,!0),this.isCheckbox=!1):this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Failed to export discussions",4,!1),this.loading=!1}},async importDiscussions(t){const e=await this.parseJsonFile(t.target.files[0]);await this.import_multiple_discussions(e)?(this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Successfully imported ("+e.length+")",4,!0),await this.list_discussions()):this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Failed to import discussions",4,!1)},async getPersonalityAvatars(){let t=[];const e=await this.api_get_req("get_all_personalities"),n=Object.keys(e);for(let r=0;r<n.length;r++){const o=n[r],i=e[o],s=Object.keys(i);for(let a=0;a<s.length;a++){const l=s[a],d=i[l].map(u=>{let p={};return p=u,p.category=l,p.language=o,p});t.length==0?t=d:t=t.concat(d)}}this.personalityAvatars=t.map(r=>({name:r.name,avatar:r.avatar}))},getAvatar(t){const e=this.personalityAvatars.findIndex(r=>r.name===t),n=this.personalityAvatars[e];if(n)return n.avatar},setFileListChat(t){try{this. $ refs.chatBox.fileList=this. $ refs.chatBox.fileList.concat(t)}catch(e){this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Failed to set filelist in chatbox
` +e.message,4,!1)}this.isDragOverChat=!1},setDropZoneChat(){this.isDragOverChat=!0,this. $ refs.dragdropChat.show=!0},async setFileListDiscussion(t){if(t.length>1){this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Failed to import discussions. Too many files",4,!1);return}const e=await this.parseJsonFile(t[0]);await this.import_multiple_discussions(e)?(this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Successfully imported ("+e.length+")",4,!0),await this.list_discussions()):this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Failed to import discussions",4,!1),this.isDragOverDiscussion=!1},setDropZoneDiscussion(){this.isDragOverDiscussion=!0,this. $ refs.dragdropDiscussion.show=!0}},async created(){this.setPageTitle(),await this.list_discussions(),this.loadLastUsedDiscussion(),this.isCreated=!0,Se(()=>{Ce.replace()}),Ke.on("infos",this.createBotMsg),Ke.on("message",this.streamMessageContent),Ke.on("final",this.finalMsgEvent)},mounted(){},async activated(){console.log("Websocket connected (activated)",this.socketConnected),await this.getPersonalityAvatars(),this.isCreated&&(this.loadLastUsedDiscussion(),Se(()=>{const t=document.getElementById("messages-list");this.scrollBottom(t)}))},components:{Discussion:OS,Message:sy,ChatBox:ay,WelcomeComponent:ly,Toast:wu,DragDrop: $ d},watch:{filterTitle(t){t==""&&(this.filterInProgress=!0,this.list=this.tempList,this.filterInProgress=!1)},isCheckbox(t){Se(()=>{Ce.replace()}),t||(this.isSelectAll=!1)},socketConnected(t){console.log("Websocket connected (watch)",t)},showConfirmation(){Se(()=>{Ce.replace()})},isSearch(){Se(()=>{Ce.replace()})}},computed:{socketConnected(){return!0},selectedDiscussions(){return Se(()=>{Ce.replace()}),this.list.filter(t=>t.checkBoxValue==!0)}}},vKe=Object.assign(TKe,{__name:"DiscussionsView",setup(t){return Li(()=>{vWe()}),De.defaults.baseURL="/",(e,n)=>(H(),ee(Ue,null,[m("div",RWe,[m("div",{id:"leftPanel",class:"flex flex-col flex-grow overflow-y-scroll no-scrollbar",onDragover:n[13]||(n[13]=be(r=>e.setDropZoneDiscussion(),["stop","prevent"]))},[m("div",OWe,[m("div",NWe,[m("button",{class:"text-2xl hover:text-secondary duration-75 active:scale-90",title:"Create new discussion",type:"button",onClick:n[0]||(n[0]=r=>e.createNewDiscussion())},IWe),m("button",{class:Le(["text-2xl hover:text-secondary duration-75 active:scale-90",e.isCheckbox?"text-secondary":""]),title:"Edit discussion list",type:"button",onClick:n[1]||(n[1]=r=>e.isCheckbox=!e.isCheckbox)},wWe,2),DWe,MWe,m("input",{type:"file",ref:"fileDialog",style:{display:"none"},onChange:n[2]||(n[2]=(...r)=>e.importDiscussions&&e.importDiscussions(...r))},null,544),m("button",{class:"text-2xl hover:text-secondary duration-75 active:scale-90 rotate-90",title:"Import discussions",type:"button",onClick:n[3]||(n[3]=be(r=>e. $ refs.fileDialog.click(),["stop"]))},kWe),m("button",{class:Le(["text-2xl hover:text-secondary duration-75 active:scale-90",e.isSearch?"text-secondary":""]),title:"Filter discussions",type:"button",onClick:n[4]||(n[4]=r=>e.isSearch=!e.isSearch)},FWe,2),e.loading?(H(),ee("div",UWe,GWe)):ge("",!0)]),e.isSearch?(H(),ee("div",qWe,[m("div",YWe,[m("div",HWe,[VWe,m("div",zWe,[m("div",{class:Le(["hover:text-secondary duration-75 active:scale-90",e.filterTitle?"visible":"invisible"]),title:"Clear",onClick:n[5]||(n[5]=r=>e.filterTitle="")},WWe,2)]),qe(m("input",{type:"search",id:"default-search",class:"block w-full p-2 pl-10 pr-10 text-sm border border-gray-300 rounded-lg bg-bg-light focus:ring-secondary focus:border-secondary dark:bg-bg-dark dark:border-gray-600 dark:placeholder-gray-400 dark:focus:ring-secondary dark:focus:border-secondary",placeholder:"Search...",title:"Filter discussions by title","onUpdate:modelValue":n[6]||(n[6]=r=>e.filterTitle=r),onInput:n[7]||(n[7]=r=>e.filterDiscussions())},null,544),[[Ve,e.filterTitle]])])])])):ge("",!0),e.isCheckbox?(H(),ee("hr",KWe)):ge("",!0),e.isCheckbox?(H(),ee("div",QWe,[m("div",jWe,[e.selectedDiscussions.length>0?(H(),ee("p",XWe,"Selected: "+me(e.selectedDiscussions.length),1)):ge("",!0)]),m("div",ZWe,[e.selectedDiscussions.length>0?(H(),ee("div",JWe,[e.showConfirmation?ge("",!0):(H(),ee("button",{key:0,class:"flex mx-