# GPT4ALL-UI Web interface VUE3 development log, todo's and more
## Installation for development
You must have [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en) installed on your computer.
cd /web/
npm install
## Testing, running, debugging
After that to run development server locally and test the web page at http://localhost:5173/:
npm run dev
> Note
> To run the developmen environment you need to create copy of the `.env` file and name it either `.env.development` or if that dont work then `.env.dev`. Set `VITE_GPT4ALL_API_BASEURL = /api/ ` in the `.env.development`.
> Run your gpt backend by launching `webui.bat` or bash `webui.sh`.
This will update `/dist/` folder with all the files. Also the build will show you if there are errors or not in your vue code.
> Note
> Make sure you test the built files too, because sometimes the builder dont catch all the errors, and if a component is not refernced it might not load in the built version, but it loads fine in development environment
# UI development log, todo's and more
Here we keep track of things to implement and stuff we need to do.