2023-07-23 23:25:05 +00:00
( function ( ) { const e = document . createElement ( "link" ) . relList ; if ( e && e . supports && e . supports ( "modulepreload" ) ) return ; for ( const o of document . querySelectorAll ( 'link[rel="modulepreload"]' ) ) s ( o ) ; new MutationObserver ( o => { for ( const r of o ) if ( r . type === "childList" ) for ( const i of r . addedNodes ) i . tagName === "LINK" && i . rel === "modulepreload" && s ( i ) } ) . observe ( document , { childList : ! 0 , subtree : ! 0 } ) ; function n ( o ) { const r = { } ; return o . integrity && ( r . integrity = o . integrity ) , o . referrerPolicy && ( r . referrerPolicy = o . referrerPolicy ) , o . crossOrigin === "use-credentials" ? r . credentials = "include" : o . crossOrigin === "anonymous" ? r . credentials = "omit" : r . credentials = "same-origin" , r } function s ( o ) { if ( o . ep ) return ; o . ep = ! 0 ; const r = n ( o ) ; fetch ( o . href , r ) } } ) ( ) ; function wl ( t , e ) { const n = Object . create ( null ) , s = t . split ( "," ) ; for ( let o = 0 ; o < s . length ; o ++ ) n [ s [ o ] ] = ! 0 ; return e ? o => ! ! n [ o . toLowerCase ( ) ] : o => ! ! n [ o ] } function zt ( t ) { if ( Ee ( t ) ) { const e = { } ; for ( let n = 0 ; n < t . length ; n ++ ) { const s = t [ n ] , o = Ye ( s ) ? km ( s ) : zt ( s ) ; if ( o ) for ( const r in o ) e [ r ] = o [ r ] } return e } else { if ( Ye ( t ) ) return t ; if ( He ( t ) ) return t } } const vm = /;(?![^(]*\))/g , wm = /:([^]+)/ , xm = / \ / \ * . * ? \ * \ / / g s ; f u n c t i o n k m ( t ) { c o n s t e = { } ; r e t u r n t . r e p l a c e ( x m , " " ) . s p l i t ( v m ) . f o r E a c h ( n = > { i f ( n ) { c o n s t s = n . s p l i t ( w m ) ; s . l e n g t h > 1 & & ( e [ s [ 0 ] . t r i m ( ) ] = s [ 1 ] . t r i m ( ) ) } } ) , e } f u n c t i o n T e ( t ) { l e t e = " " ; i f ( Y e ( t ) ) e = t ; e l s e i f ( E e ( t ) ) f o r ( l e t n = 0 ; n < t . l e n g t h ; n + + ) { c o n s t s = T e ( t [ n ] ) ; s & & ( e + = s + " " ) } e l s e i f ( H e ( t ) ) f o r ( c o n s t n i n t ) t [ n ] & & ( e + = n + " " ) ; r e t u r n e . t r i m ( ) } c o n s t E m = " i t e m s c o p e , a l l o w f u l l s c r e e n , f o r m n o v a l i d a t e , i s m a p , n o m o d u l e , n o v a l i d a t e , r e a d o n l y " , C m = w l ( E m ) ; f u n c t i o n F h ( t ) { r e t u r n ! ! t | | t = = = " " } f u n c t i o n A m ( t , e ) { i f ( t . l e n g t h ! = = e . l e n g t h ) r e t u r n ! 1 ; l e t n = ! 0 ; f o r ( l e t s = 0 ; n & & s < t . l e n g t h ; s + + ) n = N o ( t [ s ] , e [ s ] ) ; r e t u r n n } f u n c t i o n N o ( t , e ) { i f ( t = = = e ) r e t u r n ! 0 ; l e t n = T c ( t ) , s = T c ( e ) ; i f ( n | | s ) r e t u r n n & & s ? t . g e t T i m e ( ) = = = e . g e t T i m e ( ) : ! 1 ; i f ( n = f o ( t ) , s = f o ( e ) , n | | s ) r e t u r n t = = = e ; i f ( n = E e ( t ) , s = E e ( e ) , n | | s ) r e t u r n n & & s ? A m ( t , e ) : ! 1 ; i f ( n = H e ( t ) , s = H e ( e ) , n | | s ) { i f ( ! n | | ! s ) r e t u r n ! 1 ; c o n s t o = O b j e c t . k e y s ( t ) . l e n g t h , r = O b j e c t . k e y s ( e ) . l e n g t h ; i f ( o ! = = r ) r e t u r n ! 1 ; f o r ( c o n s t i i n t ) { c o n s t a = t . h a s O w n P r o p e r t y ( i ) , l = e . h a s O w n P r o p e r t y ( i ) ; i f ( a & & ! l | | ! a & & l | | ! N o ( t [ i ] , e [ i ] ) ) r e t u r n ! 1 } } r e t u r n S t r i n g ( t ) = = = S t r i n g ( e ) } f u n c t i o n x l ( t , e ) { r e t u r n t . f i n d I n d e x ( n = > N o ( n , e ) ) } c o n s t V = t = > Y e ( t ) ? t : t = = n u l l ? " " : E e ( t ) | | H e ( t ) & & ( t . t o S t r i n g = = = j h | | ! M e ( t . t o S t r i n g ) ) ? J S O N . s t r i n g i f y ( t , B h , 2 ) : S t r i n g ( t ) , B h = ( t , e ) = > e & & e . _ _ v _ i s R e f ? B h ( t , e . v a l u e ) : b s ( e ) ? { [ ` M a p ( $ { e . s i z e } ) ` ] : [ . . . e . e n t r i e s ( ) ] . r e d u c e ( ( n , [ s , o ] ) = > ( n [ ` $ { s } = > ` ] = o , n ) , { } ) } : F s ( e ) ? { [ ` S e t ( $ { e . s i z e } ) ` ] : [ . . . e . v a l u e s ( ) ] } : H e ( e ) & & ! E e ( e ) & & ! z h ( e ) ? S t r i n g ( e ) : e , G e = { } , _ s = [ ] , I t = ( ) = > { } , S m = ( ) = > ! 1 , T m = / ^ o n [ ^ a - z ] / , j r = t = > T m . t e s t ( t ) , k l = t = > t . s t a r t s W i t h ( " o n U p d a t e : " ) , o t = O b j e c t . a s s i g n , E l = ( t , e ) = > { c o n s t n = t . i n d e x O f ( e ) ; n > - 1 & & t . s p l i c e ( n , 1 ) } , M m = O b j e c t . p r o t o t y p e . h a s O w n P r o p e r t y , F e = ( t , e ) = > M m . c a l l ( t , e ) , E e = A r r a y . i s A r r a y , b s = t = > B s ( t ) = = = " [ o b j e c t M a p ] " , F s = t = > B s ( t ) = = = " [ o b j e c t S e t ] " , T c = t = > B s ( t ) = = = " [ o b j e c t D a t e ] " , O m = t = > B s ( t ) = = = " [ o b j e c t R e g E x p ] " , M e = t = > t y p e o f t = = " f u n c t i o n " , Y e = t = > t y p e o f t = = " s t r i n g " , f o = t = > t y p e o f t = = " s y m b o l " , H e = t = > t ! = = n u l l & & t y p e o f t = = " o b j e c t " , $ h = t = > H e ( t ) & & M e ( t . t h e n ) & & M e ( t . c a t c h ) , j h = O b j e c t . p r o t o t y p e . t o S t r i n g , B s = t = > j h . c a l l ( t ) , R m = t = > B s ( t ) . s l i c e ( 8 , - 1 ) , z h = t = > B s ( t ) = = = " [ o b j e c t O b j e c t ] " , C l = t = > Y e ( t ) & & t ! = = " N a N " & & t [ 0 ] ! = = " - " & & " " + p a r s e I n t ( t , 1 0 ) = = = t , o r = w l ( " , k e y , r e f , r e f _ f o r , r e f _ k e y , o n V n o d e B e f o r e M o u n t , o n V n o d e M o u n t e d , o n V n o d e B e f o r e U p d a t e , o n V n o d e U p d a t e d , o n V n o d e B e f o r e U n m o u n t , o n V n o d e U n m o u n t e d " ) , z r = t = > { c o n s t e = O b j e c t . c r e a t e ( n u l l ) ; r e t u r n n = > e [ n ] | | ( e [ n ] = t ( n ) ) } , N m = / - ( \ w ) / g , Z t = z r ( t = > t . r e p l a c e ( N m , ( e , n ) = > n ? n . t o U p p e r C a s e ( ) : " " ) ) , D m = / \ B ( [ A - Z ] ) / g , t s = z r ( t = > t . r e p l a c e ( D m , " - $ 1 " ) . t o L o w e r C a s e ( ) ) , U r = z r ( t = > t . c h a r A t ( 0 ) . t o U p p e r C a s e ( ) + t . s l i c e ( 1 ) ) , x i = z r ( t = > t ? ` o n $ { U r ( t ) } ` : " " ) , p o = ( t , e ) = > ! O b j e c t . i s ( t , e ) , y s = ( t , e ) = > { f o r ( l e t n = 0 ; n < t . l e n g t h ; n + + ) t [ n ] ( e ) } , _ r = ( t , e , n ) = > { O b j e c t . d e f i n e P r o p e r t y ( t , e , { c o n f i g u r a b l e : ! 0 , e n u m e r a b l e : ! 1 , v a l u e : n } ) } , b r = t = > { c o n s t e = p a r s e F l o a t ( t ) ; r e t u r n i s N a N ( e ) ? t : e } , L m = t = > { c o n s t e = Y e ( t ) ? N u m b e r ( t ) : N a N ; r e t u r n i s N a N ( e ) ? t : e } ; l e t M c ; c o n s t I m = ( ) = > M c | | ( M c = t y p e o f g l o b a l T h i s < " u " ? g l o b a l T h i s : t y p e o f s e l f < " u " ? s e l f : t y p e o f w i n d o w < " u " ? w i n d o w : t y p e o f g l o b a l < " u " ? g l o b a l : { } ) ; l e t R t ; c l a s s P m { c o n s t r u c t o r ( e = ! 1 ) { t h i s . d e t a c h e d = e , t h i s . _ a c t i v e = ! 0 , t h i s . e f f e c t s = [ ] , t h i s . c l e a n u p s = [ ] , t h i s . p a r e n t = R t , ! e & & R t & & ( t h i s . i n d e x = ( R t . s c o p e s | | ( R t . s c o p e s = [ ] ) ) . p u s h ( t h i s )
2023-07-10 23:12:40 +00:00
* vuex v4 . 0.2
* ( c ) 2021 Evan You
* @ license MIT
2023-07-23 23:25:05 +00:00
* /var a0="store";function Us(t,e){Object.keys(t).forEach(function(n){return e(t[n],n)})}function Gf(t){return t!==null&&typeof t=="object"}function l0(t){return t&&typeof t.then=="function"}function c0(t,e){return function(){return t(e)}}function Kf(t,e,n){return e.indexOf(t)<0&&(n&&n.prepend?e.unshift(t):e.push(t)),function(){var s=e.indexOf(t);s>-1&&e.splice(s,1)}}function Wf(t,e){t._actions=Object.create(null),t._mutations=Object.create(null),t._wrappedGetters=Object.create(null),t._modulesNamespaceMap=Object.create(null);var n=t.state;Xr(t,n,[],t._modules.root,!0),Hl(t,n,e)}function Hl(t,e,n){var s=t._state;t.getters={},t._makeLocalGettersCache=Object.create(null);var o=t._wrappedGetters,r={};Us(o,function(i,a){r[a]=c0(i,t),Object.defineProperty(t.getters,a,{get:function(){return r[a]()},enumerable:!0})}),t._state=zs({data:e}),t.strict&&p0(t),s&&n&&t._withCommit(function(){s.data=null})}function Xr(t,e,n,s,o){var r=!n.length,i=t._modules.getNamespace(n);if(s.namespaced&&(t._modulesNamespaceMap[i],t._modulesNamespaceMap[i]=s),!r&&!o){var a=Vl(e,n.slice(0,-1)),l=n[n.length-1];t._withCommit(function(){a[l]=s.state})}var c=s.context=u0(t,i,n);s.forEachMutation(function(d,h){var f=i+h;d0(t,f,d,c)}),s.forEachAction(function(d,h){var f=d.root?h:i+h,g=d.handler||d;h0(t,f,g,c)}),s.forEachGetter(function(d,h){var f=i+h;f0(t,f,d,c)}),s.forEachChild(function(d,h){Xr(t,e,n.concat(h),d,o)})}function u0(t,e,n){var s=e==="",o={dispatch:s?t.dispatch:function(r,i,a){var l=xr(r,i,a),c=l.payload,d=l.options,h=l.type;return(!d||!d.root)&&(h=e+h),t.dispatch(h,c)},commit:s?t.commit:function(r,i,a){var l=xr(r,i,a),c=l.payload,d=l.options,h=l.type;(!d||!d.root)&&(h=e+h),t.commit(h,c,d)}};return Object.defineProperties(o,{getters:{get:s?function(){return t.getters}:function(){return Zf(t,e)}},state:{get:function(){return Vl(t.state,n)}}}),o}function Zf(t,e){if(!t._makeLocalGettersCache[e]){var n={},s=e.length;Object.keys(t.getters).forEach(function(o){if(o.slice(0,s)===e){var r=o.slice(s);Object.defineProperty(n,r,{get:function(){return t.getters[o]},enumerable:!0})}}),t._makeLocalGettersCache[e]=n}return t._makeLocalGettersCache[e]}function d0(t,e,n,s){var o=t._mutations[e]||(t._mutations[e]=[]);o.push(function(i){n.call(t,s.state,i)})}function h0(t,e,n,s){var o=t._actions[e]||(t._actions[e]=[]);o.push(function(i){var a=n.call(t,{dispatch:s.dispatch,commit:s.commit,getters:s.getters,state:s.state,rootGetters:t.getters,rootState:t.state},i);return l0(a)||(a=Promise.resolve(a)),t._devtoolHook?a.catch(function(l){throw t._devtoolHook.emit("vuex:error",l),l}):a})}function f0(t,e,n,s){t._wrappedGetters[e]||(t._wrappedGetters[e]=function(r){return n(s.state,s.getters,r.state,r.getters)})}function p0(t){Wn(function(){return t._state.data},function(){},{deep:!0,flush:"sync"})}function Vl(t,e){return e.reduce(function(n,s){return n[s]},t)}function xr(t,e,n){return Gf(t)&&t.type&&(n=e,e=t,t=t.type),{type:t,payload:e,options:n}}var g0="vuex bindings",du="vuex:mutations",Ri="vuex:actions",cs="vuex",m0=0;function _0(t,e){i0({id:"org.vuejs.vuex",app:t,label:"Vuex",homepage:"https:/ / next . vuex . vuejs . org / ",logo:" https : //vuejs.org/images/icons/favicon-96x96.png",packageName:"vuex",componentStateTypes:[g0]},function(n){n.addTimelineLayer({id:du,label:"Vuex Mutations",color:hu}),n.addTimelineLayer({id:Ri,label:"Vuex Actions",color:hu}),n.addInspector({id:cs,label:"Vuex",icon:"storage",treeFilterPlaceholder:"Filter stores..."}),n.on.getInspectorTree(function(s){if(s.app===t&&s.inspectorId===cs)if(s.filter){var o=[];Xf(o,e._modules.root,s.filter,""),s.rootNodes=o}else s.rootNodes=[Jf(e._modules.root,"")]}),n.on.getInspectorState(function(s){if(s.app===t&&s.inspectorId===cs){var o=s.nodeId;Zf(e,o),s.state=v0(x0(e._modules,o),o==="root"?e.getters:e._makeLocalGettersCache,o)}}),n.on.editInspectorState(function(s){if(s.app===t&&s.inspectorId===cs){var o=s.nodeId,r=s.path;o!=="root"&&(r=o.split("/").filter(Boolean).concat(r)),e._withCommit(function(){s.set(e._state.data,r,s.state.value)})}}),e.subscribe(function(s,o){var r={};s.payload&&(r.payload=s.payload),r.state
` ).forEach(function(i){o=i.indexOf(":"),n=i.substring(0,o).trim().toLowerCase(),s=i.substring(o+1).trim(),!(!n||e[n]&&xb[n])&&(n==="set-cookie"?e[n]?e[n].push(s):e[n]=[s]:e[n]=e[n]?e[n]+", "+s:s)}),e},bu=Symbol("internals");function Ys(t){return t&&String(t).trim().toLowerCase()}function cr(t){return t===!1||t==null?t:K.isArray(t)?t.map(cr):String(t)}function Eb(t){const e=Object.create(null),n=/([^ \s ,;=]+) \s *(?:= \s *([^,;]+))?/g;let s;for(;s=n.exec(t);)e[s[1]]=s[2];return e}const Cb=t=>/^[-_a-zA-Z0-9^ ` | ~ , ! # $ % & ' * + . ] + $ / . test ( t . trim ( ) ) ; function Di ( t , e , n , s , o ) { if ( K . isFunction ( s ) ) return s . call ( this , e , n ) ; if ( o && ( e = n ) , ! ! K . isString ( e ) ) { if ( K . isString ( s ) ) return e . indexOf ( s ) !== - 1 ; if ( K . isRegExp ( s ) ) return s . test ( e ) } } function Ab ( t ) { return t . trim ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . replace ( /([a-z\d])(\w*)/g , ( e , n , s ) => n . toUpperCase ( ) + s ) } function Sb ( t , e ) { const n = K . toCamelCase ( " " + e ) ; [ "get" , "set" , "has" ] . forEach ( s => { Object . defineProperty ( t , s + n , { value : function ( o , r , i ) { return this [ s ] . call ( this , e , o , r , i ) } , configurable : ! 0 } ) } ) } class oi { constructor ( e ) { e && this . set ( e ) } set ( e , n , s ) { const o = this ; function r ( a , l , c ) { const d = Ys ( l ) ; if ( ! d ) throw new Error ( "header name must be a non-empty string" ) ; const h = K . findKey ( o , d ) ; ( ! h || o [ h ] === void 0 || c === ! 0 || c === void 0 && o [ h ] !== ! 1 ) && ( o [ h || l ] = cr ( a ) ) } const i = ( a , l ) => K . forEach ( a , ( c , d ) => r ( c , d , l ) ) ; return K . isPlainObject ( e ) || e instanceof this . constructor ? i ( e , n ) : K . isString ( e ) && ( e = e . trim ( ) ) && ! Cb ( e ) ? i ( kb ( e ) , n ) : e != null && r ( n , e , s ) , this } get ( e , n ) { if ( e = Ys ( e ) , e ) { const s = K . findKey ( this , e ) ; if ( s ) { const o = this [ s ] ; if ( ! n ) return o ; if ( n === ! 0 ) return Eb ( o ) ; if ( K . isFunction ( n ) ) return n . call ( this , o , s ) ; if ( K . isRegExp ( n ) ) return n . exec ( o ) ; throw new TypeError ( "parser must be boolean|regexp|function" ) } } } has ( e , n ) { if ( e = Ys ( e ) , e ) { const s = K . findKey ( this , e ) ; return ! ! ( s && this [ s ] !== void 0 && ( ! n || Di ( this , this [ s ] , s , n ) ) ) } return ! 1 } delete ( e , n ) { const s = this ; let o = ! 1 ; function r ( i ) { if ( i = Ys ( i ) , i ) { const a = K . findKey ( s , i ) ; a && ( ! n || Di ( s , s [ a ] , a , n ) ) && ( delete s [ a ] , o = ! 0 ) } } return K . isArray ( e ) ? e . forEach ( r ) : r ( e ) , o } clear ( e ) { const n = Object . keys ( this ) ; let s = n . length , o = ! 1 ; for ( ; s -- ; ) { const r = n [ s ] ; ( ! e || Di ( this , this [ r ] , r , e , ! 0 ) ) && ( delete this [ r ] , o = ! 0 ) } return o } normalize ( e ) { const n = this , s = { } ; return K . forEach ( this , ( o , r ) => { const i = K . findKey ( s , r ) ; if ( i ) { n [ i ] = cr ( o ) , delete n [ r ] ; return } const a = e ? Ab ( r ) : String ( r ) . trim ( ) ; a !== r && delete n [ r ] , n [ a ] = cr ( o ) , s [ a ] = ! 0 } ) , this } concat ( ... e ) { return this . constructor . concat ( this , ... e ) } toJSON ( e ) { const n = Object . create ( null ) ; return K . forEach ( this , ( s , o ) => { s != null && s !== ! 1 && ( n [ o ] = e && K . isArray ( s ) ? s . join ( ", " ) : s ) } ) , n } [ Symbol . iterator ] ( ) { return Object . entries ( this . toJSON ( ) ) [ Symbol . iterator ] ( ) } toString ( ) { return Object . entries ( this . toJSON ( ) ) . map ( ( [ e , n ] ) => e + ": " + n ) . join ( `
` )}get[Symbol.toStringTag](){return"AxiosHeaders"}static from(e){return e instanceof this?e:new this(e)}static concat(e,...n){const s=new this(e);return n.forEach(o=>s.set(o)),s}static accessor(e){const s=(this[bu]=this[bu]={accessors:{}}).accessors,o=this.prototype;function r(i){const a=Ys(i);s[a]||(Sb(o,i),s[a]=!0)}return K.isArray(e)?e.forEach(r):r(e),this}}oi.accessor(["Content-Type","Content-Length","Accept","Accept-Encoding","User-Agent","Authorization"]);K.freezeMethods(oi.prototype);K.freezeMethods(oi);const on=oi;function Li(t,e){const n=this||Yl,s=e||n,o=on.from(s.headers);let r=s.data;return K.forEach(t,function(a){r=a.call(n,r,o.normalize(),e?e.status:void 0)}),o.normalize(),r}function _p(t){return!!(t&&t.__CANCEL__)}function Lo(t,e,n){Be.call(this,t??"canceled",Be.ERR_CANCELED,e,n),this.name="CanceledError"}K.inherits(Lo,Be,{__CANCEL__:!0});function Tb(t,e,n){const s=n.config.validateStatus;!n.status||!s||s(n.status)?t(n):e(new Be("Request failed with status code "+n.status,[Be.ERR_BAD_REQUEST,Be.ERR_BAD_RESPONSE][Math.floor(n.status/100)-4],n.config,n.request,n))}const Mb=qt.isStandardBrowserEnv?function(){return{write:function(n,s,o,r,i,a){const l=[];l.push(n+"="+encodeURIComponent(s)),K.isNumber(o)&&l.push("expires="+new Date(o).toGMTString()),K.isString(r)&&l.push("path="+r),K.isString(i)&&l.push("domain="+i),a===!0&&l.push("secure"),document.cookie=l.join("; ")},read:function(n){const s=document.cookie.match(new RegExp("(^|; \\ s*)("+n+")=([^;]*)"));return s?decodeURIComponent(s[3]):null},remove:function(n){this.write(n,"",Date.now()-864e5)}}}():function(){return{write:function(){},read:function(){return null},remove:function(){}}}();function Ob(t){return/^([a-z][a-z \d + \- .]*:)? \/ \/ /i.test(t)}function Rb(t,e){return e?t.replace(/ \/ + $ /,"")+"/"+e.replace(/^ \/ +/,""):t}function bp(t,e){return t&&!Ob(e)?Rb(t,e):e}const Nb=qt.isStandardBrowserEnv?function(){const e=/(msie|trident)/i.test(navigator.userAgent),n=document.createElement("a");let s;function o(r){let i=r;return e&&(n.setAttribute("href",i),i=n.href),n.setAttribute("href",i),{href:n.href,protocol:n.protocol?n.protocol.replace(/: $ /,""):"",host:n.host,search:n.search?n.search.replace(/^ \? /,""):"",hash:n.hash?n.hash.replace(/^#/,""):"",hostname:n.hostname,port:n.port,pathname:n.pathname.charAt(0)==="/"?n.pathname:"/"+n.pathname}}return s=o(window.location.href),function(i){const a=K.isString(i)?o(i):i;return a.protocol===s.protocol&&a.host===s.host}}():function(){return function(){return!0}}();function Db(t){const e=/^([-+ \w ]{1,25})(:? \/ \/ |:)/.exec(t);return e&&e[1]||""}function Lb(t,e){t=t||10;const n=new Array(t),s=new Array(t);let o=0,r=0,i;return e=e!==void 0?e:1e3,function(l){const c=Date.now(),d=s[r];i||(i=c),n[o]=l,s[o]=c;let h=r,f=0;for(;h!==o;)f+=n[h++],h=h%t;if(o=(o+1)%t,o===r&&(r=(r+1)%t),c-i<e)return;const g=d&&c-d;return g?Math.round(f*1e3/g):void 0}}function yu(t,e){let n=0;const s=Lb(50,250);return o=>{const r=o.loaded,i=o.lengthComputable?o.total:void 0,a=r-n,l=s(a),c=r<=i;n=r;const d={loaded:r,total:i,progress:i?r/i:void 0,bytes:a,rate:l||void 0,estimated:l&&i&&c?(i-r)/l:void 0,event:o};d[e?"download":"upload"]=!0,t(d)}}const Ib=typeof XMLHttpRequest<"u",Pb=Ib&&function(t){return new Promise(function(n,s){let o=t.data;const r=on.from(t.headers).normalize(),i=t.responseType;let a;function l(){t.cancelToken&&t.cancelToken.unsubscribe(a),t.signal&&t.signal.removeEventListener("abort",a)}K.isFormData(o)&&(qt.isStandardBrowserEnv||qt.isStandardBrowserWebWorkerEnv)&&r.setContentType(!1);let c=new XMLHttpRequest;if(t.auth){const g=t.auth.username||"",m=t.auth.password?unescape(encodeURIComponent(t.auth.password)):"";r.set("Authorization","Basic "+btoa(g+":"+m))}const d=bp(t.baseURL,t.url);c.open(t.method.toUpperCase(),pp(d,t.params,t.paramsSerializer),!0),c.timeout=t.timeout;function h(){if(!c)return;const g=on.from("getAllResponseHeaders"in c&&c.getAllResponseHeaders()),p={data:!i||i==="text"||i==="json"?c.responseText:c.response,status:c.status,statusText:c.statusText,headers:g,config:t,request:c};Tb(function(_){n(_),l()},function(_){s(_),l()
2023-07-10 23:12:40 +00:00
* vue - router v4 . 1.6
* ( c ) 2022 Eduardo San Martin Morote
* @ license MIT
2023-07-23 23:25:05 +00:00
* /const fs=typeof window<"u";function qb(t){return t.__esModule||t[Symbol.toStringTag]==="Module"}const Ue=Object.assign;function Pi(t,e){const n={};for(const s in e){const o=e[s];n[s]=Pt(o)?o.map(t):t(o)}return n}const ro=()=>{},Pt=Array.isArray,Hb=/ \ / $ / , Vb = t => t . replace ( Hb , "" ) ; function Fi ( t , e , n = "/" ) { let s , o = { } , r = "" , i = "" ; const a = e . indexOf ( "#" ) ; let l = e . indexOf ( "?" ) ; return a < l && a >= 0 && ( l = - 1 ) , l > - 1 && ( s = e . slice ( 0 , l ) , r = e . slice ( l + 1 , a > - 1 ? a : e . length ) , o = t ( r ) ) , a > - 1 && ( s = s || e . slice ( 0 , a ) , i = e . slice ( a , e . length ) ) , s = Zb ( s ? ? e , n ) , { fullPath : s + ( r && "?" ) + r + i , path : s , query : o , hash : i } } function Gb ( t , e ) { const n = e . query ? t ( e . query ) : "" ; return e . path + ( n && "?" ) + n + ( e . hash || "" ) } function ku ( t , e ) { return ! e || ! t . toLowerCase ( ) . startsWith ( e . toLowerCase ( ) ) ? t : t . slice ( e . length ) || "/" } function Kb ( t , e , n ) { const s = e . matched . length - 1 , o = n . matched . length - 1 ; return s > - 1 && s === o && Ms ( e . matched [ s ] , n . matched [ o ] ) && wp ( e . params , n . params ) && t ( e . query ) === t ( n . query ) && e . hash === n . hash } function Ms ( t , e ) { return ( t . aliasOf || t ) === ( e . aliasOf || e ) } function wp ( t , e ) { if ( Object . keys ( t ) . length !== Object . keys ( e ) . length ) return ! 1 ; for ( const n in t ) if ( ! Wb ( t [ n ] , e [ n ] ) ) return ! 1 ; return ! 0 } function Wb ( t , e ) { return Pt ( t ) ? Eu ( t , e ) : Pt ( e ) ? Eu ( e , t ) : t === e } function Eu ( t , e ) { return Pt ( e ) ? t . length === e . length && t . every ( ( n , s ) => n === e [ s ] ) : t . length === 1 && t [ 0 ] === e } function Zb ( t , e ) { if ( t . startsWith ( "/" ) ) return t ; if ( ! t ) return e ; const n = e . split ( "/" ) , s = t . split ( "/" ) ; let o = n . length - 1 , r , i ; for ( r = 0 ; r < s . length ; r ++ ) if ( i = s [ r ] , i !== "." ) if ( i === ".." ) o > 1 && o -- ; else break ; return n . slice ( 0 , o ) . join ( "/" ) + "/" + s . slice ( r - ( r === s . length ? 1 : 0 ) ) . join ( "/" ) } var Co ; ( function ( t ) { t . pop = "pop" , t . push = "push" } ) ( Co || ( Co = { } ) ) ; var io ; ( function ( t ) { t . back = "back" , t . forward = "forward" , t . unknown = "" } ) ( io || ( io = { } ) ) ; function Yb ( t ) { if ( ! t ) if ( fs ) { const e = document . querySelector ( "base" ) ; t = e && e . getAttribute ( "href" ) || "/" , t = t . replace ( /^\w+:\/\/[^\/]+/ , "" ) } else t = "/" ; return t [ 0 ] !== "/" && t [ 0 ] !== "#" && ( t = "/" + t ) , Vb ( t ) } const Qb = /^[^#]+#/ ; function Jb ( t , e ) { return t . replace ( Qb , "#" ) + e } function Xb ( t , e ) { const n = document . documentElement . getBoundingClientRect ( ) , s = t . getBoundingClientRect ( ) ; return { behavior : e . behavior , left : s . left - n . left - ( e . left || 0 ) , top : s . top - n . top - ( e . top || 0 ) } } const ri = ( ) => ( { left : window . pageXOffset , top : window . pageYOffset } ) ; function ey ( t ) { let e ; if ( "el" in t ) { const n = t . el , s = typeof n == "string" && n . startsWith ( "#" ) , o = typeof n == "string" ? s ? document . getElementById ( n . slice ( 1 ) ) : document . querySelector ( n ) : n ; if ( ! o ) return ; e = Xb ( o , t ) } else e = t ; "scrollBehavior" in document . documentElement . style ? window . scrollTo ( e ) : window . scrollTo ( e . left != null ? e . left : window . pageXOffset , e . top != null ? e . top : window . pageYOffset ) } function Cu ( t , e ) { return ( history . state ? history . state . position - e : - 1 ) + t } const sl = new Map ; function ty ( t , e ) { sl . set ( t , e ) } function ny ( t ) { const e = sl . get ( t ) ; return sl . delete ( t ) , e } let sy = ( ) => location . protocol + "//" + location . host ; function xp ( t , e ) { const { pathname : n , search : s , hash : o } = e , r = t . indexOf ( "#" ) ; if ( r > - 1 ) { let a = o . includes ( t . slice ( r ) ) ? t . slice ( r ) . length : 1 , l = o . slice ( a ) ; return l [ 0 ] !== "/" && ( l = "/" + l ) , ku ( l , "" ) } return ku ( n , t ) + s + o } function oy ( t , e , n , s ) { let o = [ ] , r = [ ] , i = null ; const a = ( { state : f } ) => { const g = xp ( t , location ) , m = n . value , p = e . value ; let b = 0 ; if ( f ) { if ( n . value = g , e . value = f , i && i === m ) { i = null ; return } b = p ? f . position - p . position : 0 } else s ( g ) ; o . forEach ( _ => { _ ( n . value , m , { delta : b , type : Co . pop , direction : b ? b > 0 ? io . forward : io . back : io . unknown } ) } ) } ; function l ( ) { i = n . value } function c ( f ) { o . push ( f ) ; const g = ( ) => { const m = o . indexOf ( f ) ; m > - 1 && o . splice ( m , 1 ) } ; return r . push ( g ) , g } function d ( ) { const { history : f } = window ; f . state && f . replaceState ( Ue ( { } , f . state , { scroll : ri ( ) } ) , "" ) } function h ( ) { for ( const f of r ) f ( ) ; r = [ ] , window . removeEventListener ( "popstate" , a ) , window . removeEventListener ( "beforeunload" , d ) } return window . addEventListener ( "popstate" , a ) , window . addEventListener ( "beforeunload" , d ) , { pauseListeners : l , listen : c , destroy : h } } function Au ( t , e , n , s = ! 1 , o = ! 1 ) { return { back : t , current : e , forward : n , replaced : s , position : window . history . length , scroll : o ? ri ( ) : null } } function ry ( t ) { const { history : e , location : n } = window , s = { value : xp ( t , n ) } , o = { value : e . state } ; o . value || r ( s . value , { back : null , current : s . value , forward : null , position : e . length - 1 , replaced : ! 0 , scroll : null } , ! 0 ) ; function r ( l , c , d ) { const h = t . indexOf ( "#"
2023-07-10 23:12:40 +00:00
Copyright ( c ) 2016 Jed Watson .
Licensed under the MIT License ( MIT ) , see
http : //jedwatson.github.io/classnames
2023-07-23 23:25:05 +00:00
* /(function(){var a=function(){function l(){}l.prototype=Object.create(null);function c(_,y){for(var x=y.length,A=0;A<x;++A)p(_,y[A])}var d={}.hasOwnProperty;function h(_,y){_[y]=!0}function f(_,y){for(var x in y)d.call(y,x)&&(_[x]=!!y[x])}var g=/ \ s + / ; f u n c t i o n m ( _ , y ) { f o r ( v a r x = y . s p l i t ( g ) , A = x . l e n g t h , R = 0 ; R < A ; + + R ) _ [ x [ R ] ] = ! 0 } f u n c t i o n p ( _ , y ) { i f ( y ) { v a r x = t y p e o f y ; x = = = " s t r i n g " ? m ( _ , y ) : A r r a y . i s A r r a y ( y ) ? c ( _ , y ) : x = = = " o b j e c t " ? f ( _ , y ) : x = = = " n u m b e r " & & h ( _ , y ) } } f u n c t i o n b ( ) { f o r ( v a r _ = a r g u m e n t s . l e n g t h , y = A r r a y ( _ ) , x = 0 ; x < _ ; x + + ) y [ x ] = a r g u m e n t s [ x ] ; v a r A = n e w l ; c ( A , y ) ; v a r R = [ ] ; f o r ( v a r O i n A ) A [ O ] & & R . p u s h ( O ) ; r e t u r n R . j o i n ( " " ) } r e t u r n b } ( ) ; t y p e o f n < " u " & & n . e x p o r t s ? n . e x p o r t s = a : ( r = [ ] , i = f u n c t i o n ( ) { r e t u r n a } . a p p l y ( s , r ) , i ! = = v o i d 0 & & ( n . e x p o r t s = i ) ) } ) ( ) } , " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / e s / a r r a y / f r o m . j s " : f u n c t i o n ( n , s , o ) { o ( " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / m o d u l e s / e s . s t r i n g . i t e r a t o r . j s " ) , o ( " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / m o d u l e s / e s . a r r a y . f r o m . j s " ) ; v a r r = o ( " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / p a t h . j s " ) ; n . e x p o r t s = r . A r r a y . f r o m } , " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / a - f u n c t i o n . j s " : f u n c t i o n ( n , s ) { n . e x p o r t s = f u n c t i o n ( o ) { i f ( t y p e o f o ! = " f u n c t i o n " ) t h r o w T y p e E r r o r ( S t r i n g ( o ) + " i s n o t a f u n c t i o n " ) ; r e t u r n o } } , " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / a n - o b j e c t . j s " : f u n c t i o n ( n , s , o ) { v a r r = o ( " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / i s - o b j e c t . j s " ) ; n . e x p o r t s = f u n c t i o n ( i ) { i f ( ! r ( i ) ) t h r o w T y p e E r r o r ( S t r i n g ( i ) + " i s n o t a n o b j e c t " ) ; r e t u r n i } } , " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / a r r a y - f r o m . j s " : f u n c t i o n ( n , s , o ) { v a r r = o ( " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / b i n d - c o n t e x t . j s " ) , i = o ( " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / t o - o b j e c t . j s " ) , a = o ( " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / c a l l - w i t h - s a f e - i t e r a t i o n - c l o s i n g . j s " ) , l = o ( " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / i s - a r r a y - i t e r a t o r - m e t h o d . j s " ) , c = o ( " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / t o - l e n g t h . j s " ) , d = o ( " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / c r e a t e - p r o p e r t y . j s " ) , h = o ( " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / g e t - i t e r a t o r - m e t h o d . j s " ) ; n . e x p o r t s = f u n c t i o n ( g ) { v a r m = i ( g ) , p = t y p e o f t h i s = = " f u n c t i o n " ? t h i s : A r r a y , b = a r g u m e n t s . l e n g t h , _ = b > 1 ? a r g u m e n t s [ 1 ] : v o i d 0 , y = _ ! = = v o i d 0 , x = 0 , A = h ( m ) , R , O , D , v ; i f ( y & & ( _ = r ( _ , b > 2 ? a r g u m e n t s [ 2 ] : v o i d 0 , 2 ) ) , A ! = n u l l & & ! ( p = = A r r a y & & l ( A ) ) ) f o r ( v = A . c a l l ( m ) , O = n e w p ; ! ( D = v . n e x t ( ) ) . d o n e ; x + + ) d ( O , x , y ? a ( v , _ , [ D . v a l u e , x ] , ! 0 ) : D . v a l u e ) ; e l s e f o r ( R = c ( m . l e n g t h ) , O = n e w p ( R ) ; R > x ; x + + ) d ( O , x , y ? _ ( m [ x ] , x ) : m [ x ] ) ; r e t u r n O . l e n g t h = x , O } } , " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / a r r a y - i n c l u d e s . j s " : f u n c t i o n ( n , s , o ) { v a r r = o ( " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / t o - i n d e x e d - o b j e c t . j s " ) , i = o ( " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / t o - l e n g t h . j s " ) , a = o ( " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / t o - a b s o l u t e - i n d e x . j s " ) ; n . e x p o r t s = f u n c t i o n ( l ) { r e t u r n f u n c t i o n ( c , d , h ) { v a r f = r ( c ) , g = i ( f . l e n g t h ) , m = a ( h , g ) , p ; i f ( l & & d ! = d ) { f o r ( ; g > m ; ) i f ( p = f [ m + + ] , p ! = p ) r e t u r n ! 0 } e l s e f o r ( ; g > m ; m + + ) i f ( ( l | | m i n f ) & & f [ m ] = = = d ) r e t u r n l | | m | | 0 ; r e t u r n ! l & & - 1 } } } , " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / b i n d - c o n t e x t . j s " : f u n c t i o n ( n , s , o ) { v a r r = o ( " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / a - f u n c t i o n . j s " ) ; n . e x p o r t s = f u n c t i o n ( i , a , l ) { i f ( r ( i ) , a = = = v o i d 0 ) r e t u r n i ; s w i t c h ( l ) { c a s e 0 : r e t u r n f u n c t i o n ( ) { r e t u r n i . c a l l ( a ) } ; c a s e 1 : r e t u r n f u n c t i o n ( c ) { r e t u r n i . c a l l ( a , c ) } ; c a s e 2 : r e t u r n f u n c t i o n ( c , d ) { r e t u r n i . c a l l ( a , c , d ) } ; c a s e 3 : r e t u r n f u n c t i o n ( c , d , h ) { r e t u r n i . c a l l ( a , c , d , h ) } } r e t u r n f u n c t i o n ( ) { r e t u r n i . a p p l y ( a , a r g u m e n t s ) } } } , " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / c a l l - w i t h - s a f e - i t e r a t i o n - c l o s i n g . j s " : f u n c t i o n ( n , s , o ) { v a r r = o ( " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / a n - o b j e c t . j s " ) ; n . e x p o r t s = f u n c t i o n ( i , a , l , c ) { t r y { r e t u r n c ? a ( r ( l ) [ 0 ] , l [ 1 ] ) : a ( l ) } c a t c h ( h ) { v a r d = i . r e t u r n ; t h r o w d ! = = v o i d 0 & & r ( d . c a l l ( i ) ) , h } } } , " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / c h e c k - c o r r e c t n e s s - o f - i t e r a t i o n . j s " : f u n c t i o n ( n , s , o ) { v a r r = o ( " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / w e l l - k n o w n - s y m b o l . j s " ) , i = r ( " i t e r a t o r " ) , a = ! 1 ; t r y { v a r l = 0 , c = { n e x t : f u n c t i o n ( ) { r e t u r n { d o n e : ! ! l + + } } , r e t u r n : f u n c t i o n ( ) { a = ! 0 } } ; c [ i ] = f u n c t i o n ( ) { r e t u r n t h i s } , A r r a y . f r o m ( c , f u n c t i o n ( ) { t h r o w 2 } ) } c a t c h { } n . e x p o r t s = f u n c t i o n ( d , h ) { i f ( ! h & & ! a ) r e t u r n ! 1 ; v a r f = ! 1 ; t r y { v a r g = { } ; g [ i ] = f u n c t i o n ( ) { r e t u r n { n e x t : f u n c t i o n ( ) { r e t u r n { d o n e : f = ! 0 } } } } , d ( g ) } c a t c h { } r e t u r n f } } , " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / c l a s s o f - r a w . j s " : f u n c t i o n ( n , s ) { v a r o = { } . t o S t r i n g ; n . e x p o r t s = f u n c t i o n ( r ) { r e t u r n o . c a l l ( r ) . s l i c e ( 8 , - 1 ) } } , " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / c l a s s o f . j s " : f u n c t i o n ( n , s , o ) { v a r r = o ( " . / n o d e _ m o d u l e s / c o r e - j s / i n t e r n a l s / c l a s s o f - r
2023-07-10 23:12:40 +00:00
Papa Parse
v5 . 4.1
https : //github.com/mholt/PapaParse
License : MIT
2023-07-23 23:25:05 +00:00
* / ( f u n c t i o n ( t , e ) { ( f u n c t i o n ( n , s ) { t . e x p o r t s = s ( ) } ) ( D p , f u n c t i o n n ( ) { v a r s = t y p e o f s e l f < " u " ? s e l f : t y p e o f w i n d o w < " u " ? w i n d o w : s ! = = v o i d 0 ? s : { } , o = ! s . d o c u m e n t & & ! ! s . p o s t M e s s a g e , r = s . I S _ P A P A _ W O R K E R | | ! 1 , i = { } , a = 0 , l = { p a r s e : f u n c t i o n ( v , k ) { v a r M = ( k = k | | { } ) . d y n a m i c T y p i n g | | ! 1 ; i f ( D ( M ) & & ( k . d y n a m i c T y p i n g F u n c t i o n = M , M = { } ) , k . d y n a m i c T y p i n g = M , k . t r a n s f o r m = ! ! D ( k . t r a n s f o r m ) & & k . t r a n s f o r m , k . w o r k e r & & l . W O R K E R S _ S U P P O R T E D ) { v a r L = f u n c t i o n ( ) { i f ( ! l . W O R K E R S _ S U P P O R T E D ) r e t u r n ! 1 ; v a r Q = ( l e = s . U R L | | s . w e b k i t U R L | | n u l l , Z = n . t o S t r i n g ( ) , l . B L O B _ U R L | | ( l . B L O B _ U R L = l e . c r e a t e O b j e c t U R L ( n e w B l o b ( [ " v a r g l o b a l = ( f u n c t i o n ( ) { i f ( t y p e o f s e l f ! = = ' u n d e f i n e d ' ) { r e t u r n s e l f ; } i f ( t y p e o f w i n d o w ! = = ' u n d e f i n e d ' ) { r e t u r n w i n d o w ; } i f ( t y p e o f g l o b a l ! = = ' u n d e f i n e d ' ) { r e t u r n g l o b a l ; } r e t u r n { } ; } ) ( ) ; g l o b a l . I S _ P A P A _ W O R K E R = t r u e ; " , " ( " , Z , " ) ( ) ; " ] , { t y p e : " t e x t / j a v a s c r i p t " } ) ) ) ) , I = n e w s . W o r k e r ( Q ) , l e , Z ; r e t u r n I . o n m e s s a g e = y , I . i d = a + + , i [ I . i d ] = I } ( ) ; r e t u r n L . u s e r S t e p = k . s t e p , L . u s e r C h u n k = k . c h u n k , L . u s e r C o m p l e t e = k . c o m p l e t e , L . u s e r E r r o r = k . e r r o r , k . s t e p = D ( k . s t e p ) , k . c h u n k = D ( k . c h u n k ) , k . c o m p l e t e = D ( k . c o m p l e t e ) , k . e r r o r = D ( k . e r r o r ) , d e l e t e k . w o r k e r , v o i d L . p o s t M e s s a g e ( { i n p u t : v , c o n f i g : k , w o r k e r I d : L . i d } ) } v a r F = n u l l ; r e t u r n l . N O D E _ S T R E A M _ I N P U T , t y p e o f v = = " s t r i n g " ? ( v = f u n c t i o n ( Q ) { r e t u r n Q . c h a r C o d e A t ( 0 ) = = = 6 5 2 7 9 ? Q . s l i c e ( 1 ) : Q } ( v ) , F = k . d o w n l o a d ? n e w h ( k ) : n e w g ( k ) ) : v . r e a d a b l e = = = ! 0 & & D ( v . r e a d ) & & D ( v . o n ) ? F = n e w m ( k ) : ( s . F i l e & & v i n s t a n c e o f F i l e | | v i n s t a n c e o f O b j e c t ) & & ( F = n e w f ( k ) ) , F . s t r e a m ( v ) } , u n p a r s e : f u n c t i o n ( v , k ) { v a r M = ! 1 , L = ! 0 , F = " , " , Q = ` \ r
` ,I='"',le=I+I,Z=!1,T=null,q=!1;(function(){if(typeof k=="object"){if(typeof k.delimiter!="string"||l.BAD_DELIMITERS.filter(function(ee){return k.delimiter.indexOf(ee)!==-1}).length||(F=k.delimiter),(typeof k.quotes=="boolean"||typeof k.quotes=="function"||Array.isArray(k.quotes))&&(M=k.quotes),typeof k.skipEmptyLines!="boolean"&&typeof k.skipEmptyLines!="string"||(Z=k.skipEmptyLines),typeof k.newline=="string"&&(Q=k.newline),typeof k.quoteChar=="string"&&(I=k.quoteChar),typeof k.header=="boolean"&&(L=k.header),Array.isArray(k.columns)){if(k.columns.length===0)throw new Error("Option columns is empty");T=k.columns}k.escapeChar!==void 0&&(le=k.escapeChar+I),(typeof k.escapeFormulae=="boolean"||k.escapeFormulae instanceof RegExp)&&(q=k.escapeFormulae instanceof RegExp?k.escapeFormulae:/^[=+ \- @ \t \r ].* $ /)}})();var G=new RegExp(b(I),"g");if(typeof v=="string"&&(v=JSON.parse(v)),Array.isArray(v)){if(!v.length||Array.isArray(v[0]))return be(null,v,Z);if(typeof v[0]=="object")return be(T||Object.keys(v[0]),v,Z)}else if(typeof v=="object")return typeof v.data=="string"&&(v.data=JSON.parse(v.data)),Array.isArray(v.data)&&(v.fields||(v.fields=v.meta&&v.meta.fields||T),v.fields||(v.fields=Array.isArray(v.data[0])?v.fields:typeof v.data[0]=="object"?Object.keys(v.data[0]):[]),Array.isArray(v.data[0])||typeof v.data[0]=="object"||(v.data=[v.data])),be(v.fields||[],v.data||[],Z);throw new Error("Unable to serialize unrecognized input");function be(ee,we,Ce){var N="";typeof ee=="string"&&(ee=JSON.parse(ee)),typeof we=="string"&&(we=JSON.parse(we));var J=Array.isArray(ee)&&0<ee.length,H=!Array.isArray(we[0]);if(J&&L){for(var te=0;te<ee.length;te++)0<te&&(N+=F),N+=ge(ee[te],te);0<we.length&&(N+=Q)}for(var X=0;X<we.length;X++){var fe=J?ee.length:we[X].length,ue=!1,w=J?Object.keys(we[X]).length===0:we[X].length===0;if(Ce&&!J&&(ue=Ce==="greedy"?we[X].join("").trim()==="":we[X].length===1&&we[X][0].length===0),Ce==="greedy"&&J){for(var E=[],P=0;P<fe;P++){var $ =H?ee[P]:P;E.push(we[X][ $ ])}ue=E.join("").trim()===""}if(!ue){for(var j=0;j<fe;j++){0<j&&!w&&(N+=F);var ne=J&&H?ee[j]:j;N+=ge(we[X][ne],j)}X<we.length-1&&(!Ce||0<fe&&!w)&&(N+=Q)}}return N}function ge(ee,we){if(ee==null)return"";if(ee.constructor===Date)return JSON.stringify(ee).slice(1,25);var Ce=!1;q&&typeof ee=="string"&&q.test(ee)&&(ee="'"+ee,Ce=!0);var N=ee.toString().replace(G,le);return(Ce=Ce||M===!0||typeof M=="function"&&M(ee,we)||Array.isArray(M)&&M[we]||function(J,H){for(var te=0;te<H.length;te++)if(-1<J.indexOf(H[te]))return!0;return!1}(N,l.BAD_DELIMITERS)||-1<N.indexOf(F)||N.charAt(0)===" "||N.charAt(N.length-1)===" ")?I+N+I:N}}};if(l.RECORD_SEP=String.fromCharCode(30),l.UNIT_SEP=String.fromCharCode(31),l.BYTE_ORDER_MARK=" \u FEFF",l.BAD_DELIMITERS=[" \r ", `
` ,'"',l.BYTE_ORDER_MARK],l.WORKERS_SUPPORTED=!o&&!!s.Worker,l.NODE_STREAM_INPUT=1,l.LocalChunkSize=10485760,l.RemoteChunkSize=5242880,l.DefaultDelimiter=",",l.Parser=_,l.ParserHandle=p,l.NetworkStreamer=h,l.FileStreamer=f,l.StringStreamer=g,l.ReadableStreamStreamer=m,s.jQuery){var c=s.jQuery;c.fn.parse=function(v){var k=v.config||{},M=[];return this.each(function(Q){if(!(c(this).prop("tagName").toUpperCase()==="INPUT"&&c(this).attr("type").toLowerCase()==="file"&&s.FileReader)||!this.files||this.files.length===0)return!0;for(var I=0;I<this.files.length;I++)M.push({file:this.files[I],inputElem:this,instanceConfig:c.extend({},k)})}),L(),this;function L(){if(M.length!==0){var Q,I,le,Z,T=M[0];if(D(v.before)){var q=v.before(T.file,T.inputElem);if(typeof q=="object"){if(q.action==="abort")return Q="AbortError",I=T.file,le=T.inputElem,Z=q.reason,void(D(v.error)&&v.error({name:Q},I,le,Z));if(q.action==="skip")return void F();typeof q.config=="object"&&(T.instanceConfig=c.extend(T.instanceConfig,q.config))}else if(q==="skip")return void F()}var G=T.instanceConfig.complete;T.instanceConfig.complete=function(be){D(G)&&G(be,T.file,T.inputElem),F()},l.parse(T.file,T.instanceConfig)}else D(v.complete)&&v.complete()}function F(){M.splice(0,1),L()}}}function d(v){this._handle=null,this._finished=!1,this._completed=!1,this._halted=!1,this._input=null,this._baseIndex=0,this._partialLine="",this._rowCount=0,this._start=0,this._nextChunk=null,this.isFirstChunk=!0,this._completeResults={data:[],errors:[],meta:{}},function(k){var M=R(k);M.chunkSize=parseInt(M.chunkSize),k.step||k.chunk||(M.chunkSize=null),this._handle=new p(M),(this._handle.streamer=this)._config=M}.call(this,v),this.parseChunk=function(k,M){if(this.isFirstChunk&&D(this._config.beforeFirstChunk)){var L=this._config.beforeFirstChunk(k);L!==void 0&&(k=L)}this.isFirstChunk=!1,this._halted=!1;var F=this._partialLine+k;this._partialLine="";var Q=this._handle.parse(F,this._baseIndex,!this._finished);if(!this._handle.paused()&&!this._handle.aborted()){var I=Q.meta.cursor;this._finished||(this._partialLine=F.substring(I-this._baseIndex),this._baseIndex=I),Q&&Q.data&&(this._rowCount+=Q.data.length);var le=this._finished||this._config.preview&&this._rowCount>=this._config.preview;if(r)s.postMessage({results:Q,workerId:l.WORKER_ID,finished:le});else if(D(this._config.chunk)&&!M){if(this._config.chunk(Q,this._handle),this._handle.paused()||this._handle.aborted())return void(this._halted=!0);Q=void 0,this._completeResults=void 0}return this._config.step||this._config.chunk||(this._completeResults.data=this._completeResults.data.concat(Q.data),this._completeResults.errors=this._completeResults.errors.concat(Q.errors),this._completeResults.meta=Q.meta),this._completed||!le||!D(this._config.complete)||Q&&Q.meta.aborted||(this._config.complete(this._completeResults,this._input),this._completed=!0),le||Q&&Q.meta.paused||this._nextChunk(),Q}this._halted=!0},this._sendError=function(k){D(this._config.error)?this._config.error(k):r&&this._config.error&&s.postMessage({workerId:l.WORKER_ID,error:k,finished:!1})}}function h(v){var k;(v=v||{}).chunkSize||(v.chunkSize=l.RemoteChunkSize),d.call(this,v),this._nextChunk=o?function(){this._readChunk(),this._chunkLoaded()}:function(){this._readChunk()},this.stream=function(M){this._input=M,this._nextChunk()},this._readChunk=function(){if(this._finished)this._chunkLoaded();else{if(k=new XMLHttpRequest,this._config.withCredentials&&(k.withCredentials=this._config.withCredentials),o||(k.onload=O(this._chunkLoaded,this),k.onerror=O(this._chunkError,this)),k.open(this._config.downloadRequestBody?"POST":"GET",this._input,!o),this._config.downloadRequestHeaders){var M=this._config.downloadRequestHeaders;for(var L in M)k.setRequestHeader(L,M[L])}if(this._config.chunkSize){var F=this._start+this._config.chunkSize-1;k.setRequestHeader("Range","bytes="+this._start+"-"+F)}try{k.send(this._config.downloadRequestBody)}catch(Q){this._chunkError(Q.message)}o&&k.status===0&&this._chunkError()}},this._chunkLoaded=function(){k.readyState===4&&(k.status<200||400<=k.status?th
2023-07-20 09:44:33 +00:00
` ),se=1<z.length&&z[0].length<re[0].length;if(re.length===1||se)return `
2023-07-20 00:12:54 +00:00
` ;for(var U=0,Y=0;Y<re.length;Y++)re[Y][0]=== `
2023-07-13 23:42:29 +00:00
` &&U++;return U>=re.length/2? ` \ r
2023-07-23 23:25:05 +00:00
` :" \r "}(X,w)),L=!1,v.delimiter)D(v.delimiter)&&(v.delimiter=v.delimiter(X),ee.meta.delimiter=v.delimiter);else{var E=function( $ ,j,ne,re,z){var se,U,Y,ie;z=z||[","," ","|",";",l.RECORD_SEP,l.UNIT_SEP];for(var he=0;he<z.length;he++){var de=z[he],ke=0,W=0,oe=0;Y=void 0;for(var pe=new _({comments:re,delimiter:de,newline:j,preview:10}).parse( $ ),Ae=0;Ae<pe.data.length;Ae++)if(ne&&Ce(pe.data[Ae]))oe++;else{var Ie=pe.data[Ae].length;W+=Ie,Y!==void 0?0<Ie&&(ke+=Math.abs(Ie-Y),Y=Ie):Y=Ie}0<pe.data.length&&(W/=pe.data.length-oe),(U===void 0||ke<=U)&&(ie===void 0||ie<W)&&1.99<W&&(U=ke,se=de,ie=W)}return{successful:!!(v.delimiter=se),bestDelimiter:se}}(X,v.newline,v.skipEmptyLines,v.comments,v.delimitersToGuess);E.successful?v.delimiter=E.bestDelimiter:(L=!0,v.delimiter=l.DefaultDelimiter),ee.meta.delimiter=v.delimiter}var P=R(v);return v.preview&&v.header&&P.preview++,k=X,M=new _(P),ee=M.parse(k,fe,ue),N(),G?{meta:{paused:!0}}:ee||{meta:{paused:!1}}},this.paused=function(){return G},this.pause=function(){G=!0,M.abort(),k=D(v.chunk)?"":k.substring(M.getCharIndex())},this.resume=function(){Z.streamer._halted?(G=!1,Z.streamer.parseChunk(k,!0)):setTimeout(Z.resume,3)},this.aborted=function(){return be},this.abort=function(){be=!0,M.abort(),ee.meta.aborted=!0,D(v.complete)&&v.complete(ee),k=""}}function b(v){return v.replace(/[.*+?^ ${ } ()|[ \] \\ ]/g," \\ $ &")}function _(v){var k,M=(v=v||{}).delimiter,L=v.newline,F=v.comments,Q=v.step,I=v.preview,le=v.fastMode,Z=k=v.quoteChar===void 0||v.quoteChar===null?'"':v.quoteChar;if(v.escapeChar!==void 0&&(Z=v.escapeChar),(typeof M!="string"||-1<l.BAD_DELIMITERS.indexOf(M))&&(M=","),F===M)throw new Error("Comment character same as delimiter");F===!0?F="#":(typeof F!="string"||-1<l.BAD_DELIMITERS.indexOf(F))&&(F=!1),L!== `
2023-07-10 23:12:40 +00:00
` &&L!==" \r "&&L!== ` \ r
` &&(L= `
2023-07-23 23:25:05 +00:00
` );var T=0,q=!1;this.parse=function(G,be,ge){if(typeof G!="string")throw new Error("Input must be a string");var ee=G.length,we=M.length,Ce=L.length,N=F.length,J=D(Q),H=[],te=[],X=[],fe=T=0;if(!G)return qe();if(v.header&&!be){var ue=G.split(L)[0].split(M),w=[],E={},P=!1;for(var $ in ue){var j=ue[ $ ];D(v.transformHeader)&&(j=v.transformHeader(j, $ ));var ne=j,re=E[j]||0;for(0<re&&(P=!0,ne=j+"_"+re),E[j]=re+1;w.includes(ne);)ne=ne+"_"+re;w.push(ne)}if(P){var z=G.split(L);z[0]=w.join(M),G=z.join(L)}}if(le||le!==!1&&G.indexOf(k)===-1){for(var se=G.split(L),U=0;U<se.length;U++){if(X=se[U],T+=X.length,U!==se.length-1)T+=L.length;else if(ge)return qe();if(!F||X.substring(0,N)!==F){if(J){if(H=[],oe(X.split(M)),De(),q)return qe()}else oe(X.split(M));if(I&&I<=U)return H=H.slice(0,I),qe(!0)}}return qe()}for(var Y=G.indexOf(M,T),ie=G.indexOf(L,T),he=new RegExp(b(Z)+b(k),"g"),de=G.indexOf(k,T);;)if(G[T]!==k)if(F&&X.length===0&&G.substring(T,T+N)===F){if(ie===-1)return qe();T=ie+Ce,ie=G.indexOf(L,T),Y=G.indexOf(M,T)}else if(Y!==-1&&(Y<ie||ie===-1))X.push(G.substring(T,Y)),T=Y+we,Y=G.indexOf(M,T);else{if(ie===-1)break;if(X.push(G.substring(T,ie)),Ie(ie+Ce),J&&(De(),q))return qe();if(I&&H.length>=I)return qe(!0)}else for(de=T,T++;;){if((de=G.indexOf(k,de+1))===-1)return ge||te.push({type:"Quotes",code:"MissingQuotes",message:"Quoted field unterminated",row:H.length,index:T}),Ae();if(de===ee-1)return Ae(G.substring(T,de).replace(he,k));if(k!==Z||G[de+1]!==Z){if(k===Z||de===0||G[de-1]!==Z){Y!==-1&&Y<de+1&&(Y=G.indexOf(M,de+1)),ie!==-1&&ie<de+1&&(ie=G.indexOf(L,de+1));var ke=pe(ie===-1?Y:Math.min(Y,ie));if(G.substr(de+1+ke,we)===M){X.push(G.substring(T,de).replace(he,k)),G[T=de+1+ke+we]!==k&&(de=G.indexOf(k,T)),Y=G.indexOf(M,T),ie=G.indexOf(L,T);break}var W=pe(ie);if(G.substring(de+1+W,de+1+W+Ce)===L){if(X.push(G.substring(T,de).replace(he,k)),Ie(de+1+W+Ce),Y=G.indexOf(M,T),de=G.indexOf(k,T),J&&(De(),q))return qe();if(I&&H.length>=I)return qe(!0);break}te.push({type:"Quotes",code:"InvalidQuotes",message:"Trailing quote on quoted field is malformed",row:H.length,index:T}),de++}}else de++}return Ae();function oe(Je){H.push(Je),fe=T}function pe(Je){var et=0;if(Je!==-1){var at=G.substring(de+1,Je);at&&at.trim()===""&&(et=at.length)}return et}function Ae(Je){return ge||(Je===void 0&&(Je=G.substring(T)),X.push(Je),T=ee,oe(X),J&&De()),qe()}function Ie(Je){T=Je,oe(X),X=[],ie=G.indexOf(L,T)}function qe(Je){return{data:H,errors:te,meta:{delimiter:M,linebreak:L,aborted:q,truncated:!!Je,cursor:fe+(be||0)}}}function De(){Q(qe()),H=[],te=[]}},this.abort=function(){q=!0},this.getCharIndex=function(){return T}}function y(v){var k=v.data,M=i[k.workerId],L=!1;if(k.error)M.userError(k.error,k.file);else if(k.results&&k.results.data){var F={abort:function(){L=!0,x(k.workerId,{data:[],errors:[],meta:{aborted:!0}})},pause:A,resume:A};if(D(M.userStep)){for(var Q=0;Q<k.results.data.length&&(M.userStep({data:k.results.data[Q],errors:k.results.errors,meta:k.results.meta},F),!L);Q++);delete k.results}else D(M.userChunk)&&(M.userChunk(k.results,F,k.file),delete k.results)}k.finished&&!L&&x(k.workerId,k.results)}function x(v,k){var M=i[v];D(M.userComplete)&&M.userComplete(k),M.terminate(),delete i[v]}function A(){throw new Error("Not implemented.")}function R(v){if(typeof v!="object"||v===null)return v;var k=Array.isArray(v)?[]:{};for(var M in v)k[M]=R(v[M]);return k}function O(v,k){return function(){v.apply(k,arguments)}}function D(v){return typeof v=="function"}return r&&(s.onmessage=function(v){var k=v.data;if(l.WORKER_ID===void 0&&k&&(l.WORKER_ID=k.workerId),typeof k.input=="string")s.postMessage({workerId:l.WORKER_ID,results:l.parse(k.input,k.config),finished:!0});else if(s.File&&k.input instanceof File||k.input instanceof Object){var M=l.parse(k.input,k.config);M&&s.postMessage({workerId:l.WORKER_ID,results:M,finished:!0})}}),(h.prototype=Object.create(d.prototype)).constructor=h,(f.prototype=Object.create(d.prototype)).constructor=f,(g.prototype=Object.create(g.prototype)).constructor=g,(m.prototype=Object.create(d.prototype)).constructor=m,l})})(Pp);var M2=Pp.ex
2023-07-20 00:12:54 +00:00
` +t.title+ `
installed ! ` ,4,!0),this. $ store.dispatch("refreshDiskUsage")}}else je.off("install_progress",n),console.log("Install failed"),t.installing=!1,this.showProgress=!1,console.error("Installation failed:",s.error),this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Model :
` +t.title+ `
2023-07-20 09:44:33 +00:00
failed to install ! ` ,4,!1),this. $ store.dispatch("refreshDiskUsage")};je.on("install_progress",n),je.emit("install_model",{path:e}),console.log("Started installation, please wait")},uploadAvatar(t){const e=t.target.files[0],n=new FormData;n.append("avatar",e),console.log("Uploading avatar"),Se.post("/upload_avatar",n).then(s=>{console.log("Avatar uploaded successfully"),this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Avatar uploaded successfully!",4,!0);const o=s.data.fileName;console.log("response",s),this.user_avatar=o,this.update_setting("user_avatar",o,()=>{}).then(()=>{})}).catch(s=>{console.error("Error uploading avatar:",s)})},async update_software(){console.log("Posting");const t=await this.api_get_req("update_software");console.log("Posting done"),t.status?this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Success!",4,!0):this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Failure!",4,!1)},on_loading_text(t){console.log("Loading text",t),this.loading_text=t},async constructor(){for(this.isLoading=!0,_e(()=>{ye.replace()});this. $ store.state.ready===!1;)await new Promise(t=>setTimeout(t,100));this.configFile.model_name&&(this.isModelSelected=!0),this.persLangArr=await this.api_get_req("list_personalities_languages"),this.persCatgArr=await this.api_get_req("list_personalities_categories?language="+this.configFile.personality_language),this.persArr=await this.api_get_req("list_personalities?language="+this.configFile.personality_language+"&category"+this.configFile.personality_category),this.langArr=await this.api_get_req("list_languages"),this.bindingsArr.sort((t,e)=>t.name.localeCompare(e.name)),this.modelsArr.sort(),this.persLangArr.sort(),this.persCatgArr.sort(),this.persArr.sort(),this.langArr.sort(),this.personality_language=this.configFile.personality_language,this.personality_category=this.configFile.personality_category,this.personalitiesFiltered=this.personalities.filter(t=>t.category===this.configFile.personality_category&&t.language===this.configFile.personality_language),this.personalitiesFiltered.sort(),this.modelsFiltered=this.models,this.bindingsArr.sort((t,e)=>t.name.localeCompare(e.name)),this.isLoading=!1,this.isMounted=!0},async open_mzl(){this.mzl_collapsed=!this.mzl_collapsed,console.log("Fetching models")},async getVramUsage(){await this.api_get_req("vram_usage")},async progressListener(t){if(console.log("received something"),t.status==="progress"){if(this. $ refs.modelZoo){const e=this. $ refs.modelZoo.findIndex(s=>s.model.path==t.model_url&&s.model.title==t.model_name&&this.configFile.binding_name==t.binding_folder),n=this.models[e];n&&(console.log("model entry",n),n.installing=!0,n.progress=t.progress,console.log( ` Progress = $ { t . progress } ` ),t.progress>=100&&(n.installing=!1,n.isInstalled=!0))}}else if(t.status==="succeeded"){if(console.log("Received succeeded"),console.log("Installed successfully"),this. $ refs.modelZoo){const e=this. $ refs.modelZoo.findIndex(s=>s.model.path==t.model_url&&s.model.title==t.model_name&&this.configFile.binding_name==t.binding_folder),n=this.models[e];n&&(n.installing=!1,n.isInstalled=!0)}this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Model :
2023-07-10 23:12:40 +00:00
` +model_object.title+ `
2023-07-10 23:28:47 +00:00
installed ! ` ,4,!0),this. $ store.dispatch("refreshDiskUsage")}else if(t.status==="failed"&&(console.log("Install failed"),this. $ refs.modelZoo)){const e=this. $ refs.modelZoo.findIndex(s=>s.model.path==t.model_url&&s.model.title==t.model_name&&this.configFile.binding_name==t.binding_folder),n=this.models[e];n&&(n.installing=!1,n.isInstalled=!1),console.error("Installation failed:",t.error),this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Model :
2023-07-10 23:12:40 +00:00
` +model_object.title+ `
2023-07-20 00:12:54 +00:00
failed to install ! ` ,4,!1),this. $ store.dispatch("refreshDiskUsage")}},showAddModelDialog(){this. $ refs.addmodeldialog.showDialog("").then(()=>{console.log(this. $ refs.addmodeldialog.model_path);const t=this. $ refs.addmodeldialog.model_path;je.emit("install_model",{path:t},e=>{console.log("Model installation successful:",e)}),console.log(this. $ refs.addmodeldialog.model_path)})},closeAddModelDialog(){this.addModelDialogVisibility=!1},collapseAll(t){this.minconf_collapsed=t,this.bec_collapsed=t,this.mzc_collapsed=t,this.pzc_collapsed=t,this.bzc_collapsed=t,this.pc_collapsed=t,this.mc_collapsed=t,this.sc_collapsed=t,this.mzdc_collapsed=t},fetchPersonalities(){this.api_get_req("list_personalities_categories").then(t=>{this.persCatgArr=t,this.persCatgArr.sort()}),this.api_get_req("list_personalities").then(t=>{this.persArr=t,this.persArr.sort(),console.log( ` Listed personalities :
2023-07-14 12:02:53 +00:00
$ { t } ` )})},fetchHardwareInfos(){this. $ store.dispatch("refreshDiskUsage"),this. $ store.dispatch("refreshRamUsage")},async onPersonalitySelected(t){if(console.log("on pers",t),this.isLoading&&this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Loading... please wait",4,!1),this.isLoading=!0,console.log("ppa",t),t){if(t.selected){this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Personality already selected",4,!0),this.isLoading=!1;return}if(t.isMounted&&this.configFile.personalities.includes(t.full_path)){const e=await this.select_personality(t);console.log("pers is mounted",e),e&&e.status&&e.active_personality_id>-1?this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Selected personality :
2023-07-10 23:12:40 +00:00
` +t.name,4,!0):this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Error on select personality :
2023-07-16 16:57:30 +00:00
` +t.name,4,!1),this.isLoading=!1}else console.log("mounting pers"),this.onPersonalityMounted(t);_e(()=>{ye.replace()})}},onSelected(t){this.isLoading&&this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Loading... please wait",4,!1),t&&(t.isInstalled?this.configFile.model_name!=t.title&&this.update_model(t.title).then(e=>{console.log("update_model",e),this.configFile.model_name=t.title,this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Selected model :
2023-07-10 23:28:47 +00:00
` +t.title,4,!0),this.settingsChanged=!0,this.isModelSelected=!0}):this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Model :
2023-07-10 23:12:40 +00:00
` +t.title+ `
2023-07-16 16:57:30 +00:00
is not installed ` ,4,!1),_e(()=>{ye.replace()}))},onCopy(t){let e;t.model.isCustomModel?e= ` Model name : $ { t . title }
2023-07-10 23:12:40 +00:00
File size : $ { t . fileSize }
Manually downloaded model ` :e= ` Model name : $ { t . title }
File size : $ { t . fileSize }
Download : $ { t . path }
License : $ { t . license }
Owner : $ { t . owner }
Website : $ { t . owner _link }
2023-07-20 00:12:54 +00:00
Description : $ { t . description } ` ,this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Copied model info to clipboard!",4,!0),navigator.clipboard.writeText(e.trim())},onCopyLink(t){this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Copied link to clipboard!",4,!0),navigator.clipboard.writeText(t.path)},onCancelInstall(){const t=this.addModel;console.log("cancel install",t),this.modelDownlaodInProgress=!1,this.addModel={},this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Model installation aborted",4,!1),je.emit("cancel_install",{model_name:t.model_name,binding_folder:t.binding_folder,model_url:t.model_url})},onInstall(t){this.variant_choices=t.model.variants,this.currenModelToInstall=t,console.log(this.variant_choices),this.variantSelectionDialogVisible=!0},onInstallAddModel(){if(!this.addModel.url){this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Link is empty",4,!1);return}let t=this.addModel.url;this.addModel.progress=0,console.log("installing..."),console.log("value ",this.addModel.url),this.modelDownlaodInProgress=!0;const e=n=>{console.log("received something"),n.status&&n.progress<=100?(console.log("Progress",n),this.addModel=n,this.addModel.url=t,this.modelDownlaodInProgress=!0,this.addModel.progress==100&&(this.modelDownlaodInProgress=!1,console.log("Received succeeded"),je.off("install_progress",e),console.log("Installed successfully"),this.addModel={},this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Model :
2023-07-10 23:12:40 +00:00
` +this.addModel.model_name+ `
2023-07-20 00:12:54 +00:00
installed ! ` ,4,!0),this. $ store.dispatch("refreshDiskUsage"))):(je.off("install_progress",e),console.log("Install failed"),this.modelDownlaodInProgress=!1,console.error("Installation failed:",n.error),this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Model :
2023-07-10 23:12:40 +00:00
` +this.addModel.model_name+ `
2023-07-20 00:12:54 +00:00
failed to install ! ` ,4,!1),this. $ store.dispatch("refreshDiskUsage"))};je.on("install_progress",e),je.emit("install_model",{path:t}),console.log("Started installation, please wait")},uploadLocalModel(){if(this.uploadData.length==0){this. $ refs.toast.showToast("No files to upload",4,!1);return}let t=this.addModel.url;this.addModel.progress=0,console.log("installing..."),console.log("value ",this.addModel.url),this.modelDownlaodInProgress=!0;const e=n=>{console.log("received something"),n.status&&n.progress<=100?(console.log("Progress",n),this.addModel=n,this.addModel.url=t,this.modelDownlaodInProgress=!0,this.addModel.progress==100&&(this.modelDownlaodInProgress=!1,console.log("Received succeeded"),je.off("progress",e),console.log("Installed successfully"),this.addModel={},this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Model :
2023-07-10 23:12:40 +00:00
` +this.addModel.model_name+ `
2023-07-20 00:12:54 +00:00
installed ! ` ,4,!0),this. $ store.dispatch("refreshDiskUsage"))):(je.off("progress",e),console.log("Install failed"),this.modelDownlaodInProgress=!1,console.error("Installation failed:",n.error),this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Model :
2023-07-10 23:12:40 +00:00
` +this.addModel.model_name+ `
2023-07-20 00:12:54 +00:00
failed to install ! ` ,4,!1),this. $ store.dispatch("refreshDiskUsage"))};je.on("progress",e),console.log("Started installation, please wait")},setFileList(t){this.uploadData=t.target.files,console.log("set file list",this.uploadData)},onUninstall(t){this. $ refs.yesNoDialog.askQuestion( ` Are you sure you want to delete this model ?
[ ` +t.title+"]","Yes","Cancel").then(e=>{if(e){console.log("uninstalling model...");const n=s=>{if(console.log("uninstalling res",s),s.status){console.log("uninstalling success",s),t.uninstalling=!1,je.off("install_progress",n),this.showProgress=!1;const o=this.models.findIndex(r=>r.path===t.path);this.models[o].isInstalled=!1,t.model.isCustomModel&&(this.models=this.models.filter(r=>r.title!==t.title)),this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Model :
2023-07-10 23:12:40 +00:00
` +t.title+ `
2023-07-20 00:12:54 +00:00
was uninstalled ! ` ,4,!0),this. $ store.dispatch("refreshDiskUsage")}else console.log("uninstalling failed",s),t.uninstalling=!1,this.showProgress=!1,je.off("install_progress",n),console.error("Uninstallation failed:",message.error),this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Model :
2023-07-10 23:12:40 +00:00
` +t.title+ `
2023-07-20 00:12:54 +00:00
failed to uninstall ! ` ,4,!1),this. $ store.dispatch("refreshDiskUsage")};je.on("install_progress",n),je.emit("uninstall_model",{path:t.path})}})},onSelectedBinding(t){if(console.log("Binding selected"),!t.binding.installed){this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Binding is not installed :
` +t.binding.name,4,!1);return}this.configFile.binding_name!=t.binding.folder&&this.update_binding(t.binding.folder)},onInstallBinding(t){this.configFile.binding_name!=t.binding.folder&&this.update_binding(t.binding.folder)},onReinstallBinding(t){this.isLoading=!0,Se.post("/reinstall_binding",{name:t.binding.folder}).then(e=>{if(e)return this.isLoading=!1,console.log("reinstall_binding",e),e.data.status?this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Reinstalled binding successfully!",4,!0):this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Could not reinstall binding",4,!1),e.data;this.isLoading=!1}).catch(e=>(this.isLoading=!1,this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Could not reinstall binding
` +e.message,4,!1),{status:!1}))},onSettingsBinding(t){try{this.isLoading=!0,Se.get("/get_active_binding_settings").then(e=>{this.isLoading=!1,e&&(console.log("binding sett",e),e.data&&Object.keys(e.data).length>0?this. $ refs.universalForm.showForm(e.data,"Binding settings - "+t.binding.name,"Save changes","Cancel").then(n=>{try{Se.post("/set_active_binding_settings",n).then(s=>{s&&s.data?(console.log("binding set with new settings",s.data),this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Binding settings updated successfully!",4,!0)):(this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Did not get binding settings responses .
2023-07-10 23:12:40 +00:00
` +s,4,!1),this.isLoading=!1)})}catch(s){this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Did not get binding settings responses .
2023-07-20 00:12:54 +00:00
Endpoint error : ` +s.message,4,!1),this.isLoading=!1}}):(this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Binding has no settings",4,!1),this.isLoading=!1))})}catch(e){this.isLoading=!1,this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Could not open binding settings. Endpoint error: "+e.message,4,!1)}},onReloadBinding(t){this.isLoading=!0,Se.post("/reload_binding",{name:t.binding.folder}).then(e=>{if(e)return this.isLoading=!1,console.log("reload_binding",e),e.data.status?this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Binding reloaded successfully!",4,!0):this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Could not reinstall binding",4,!1),e.data;this.isLoading=!1}).catch(e=>(this.isLoading=!1,this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Could not reinstall binding
` +e.message,4,!1),{status:!1}))},onSettingsPersonality(t){try{this.isLoading=!0,Se.get("/get_active_personality_settings").then(e=>{this.isLoading=!1,e&&(console.log("pers sett",e),e.data&&Object.keys(e.data).length>0?this. $ refs.universalForm.showForm(e.data,"Personality settings - "+t.personality.name,"Save changes","Cancel").then(n=>{try{Se.post("/set_active_personality_settings",n).then(s=>{s&&s.data?(console.log("personality set with new settings",s.data),this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Personality settings updated successfully!",4,!0)):(this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Did not get Personality settings responses .
2023-07-10 23:12:40 +00:00
` +s,4,!1),this.isLoading=!1)})}catch(s){this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Did not get Personality settings responses .
2023-07-23 10:29:41 +00:00
Endpoint error : ` +s.message,4,!1),this.isLoading=!1}}):(this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Personality has no settings",4,!1),this.isLoading=!1))})}catch(e){this.isLoading=!1,this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Could not open personality settings. Endpoint error: "+e.message,4,!1)}},onMessageBoxOk(){console.log("OK button clicked")},update_personality_language(t,e){this.personality_language=t,e()},update_personality_category(t,e){this.personality_category=t,e()},refresh(){console.log("Refreshing"),this. $ store.dispatch("refreshConfig").then(()=>{console.log(this.personality_language),console.log(this.personality_category),this.api_get_req("list_personalities_categories?language="+this.personality_language).then(t=>{console.log("cats",t),this.persCatgArr=t,this.personalitiesFiltered=this.personalities.filter(e=>e.category===this.personality_category&&e.language===this.personality_language),this.personalitiesFiltered.sort()})})},toggleAccordion(){this.showAccordion=!this.showAccordion},async update_setting(t,e,n){console.log("Updating setting",t,":",e),this.isLoading=!0;const s={setting_name:t,setting_value:e};let o=await Se.post("/update_setting",s);if(o)return this.isLoading=!1,console.log("update_setting",o),o.status?this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Setting updated successfully .
2023-07-20 09:44:33 +00:00
Don ' t forget to save to keep the setting permanently . ` ,4,!0):this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Setting update failed .
Please view the console for more details . ` ,4,!1),n!==void 0&&n(o),o.data;this.isLoading=!1},update_binding(t){this.isLoading=!0,console.log("updating binding_name"),this.update_setting("binding_name",t,e=>{console.log("updated binding_name");const n=this.bindingsArr.findIndex(o=>o.folder==t),s=this.bindingsArr[n];s&&(s.installed=!0),this.settingsChanged=!0,this.isLoading=!1,console.log("updating model"),this.update_model(null).then(()=>{console.log("updated model"),this.configFile.model_name=null,this. $ store.dispatch("refreshConfig"),this. $ store.dispatch("refreshModelsZoo"),this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Binding changed.",4,!0),this. $ forceUpdate()}),_e(()=>{ye.replace()})})},async update_model(t){t||(this.isModelSelected=!1),this.isLoading=!0;let e=await this.update_setting("model_name",t);return this.isLoading=!1,e},applyConfiguration(){this.isLoading=!0,Se.post("/apply_settings").then(t=>{this.isLoading=!1,t.data.status?(this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Configuration changed successfully.",4,!0),this.settingsChanged=!1):this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Configuration change failed.",4,!1),_e(()=>{ye.replace()})})},save_configuration(){this.showConfirmation=!1,Se.post("/save_settings",{}).then(t=>{if(t)return t.status||this. $ refs.messageBox.showMessage("Error: Couldn't save settings!"),t.data}).catch(t=>(console.log(t.message,"save_configuration"),this. $ refs.messageBox.showMessage("Couldn't save settings!"),{status:!1}))},reset_configuration(){this. $ refs.yesNoDialog.askQuestion( ` Are you sure ?
2023-07-22 00:26:40 +00:00
This will delete all your configurations and get back to default configuration . ` ).then(t=>{t&&Se.post("/reset_settings",{}).then(e=>{if(e)return e.status?this. $ refs.messageBox.showMessage("Settings have been reset correctly"):this. $ refs.messageBox.showMessage("Couldn't reset settings!"),e.data}).catch(e=>(console.log(e.message,"reset_configuration"),this. $ refs.messageBox.showMessage("Couldn't reset settings!"),{status:!1}))})},async api_get_req(t){try{const e=await Se.get("/"+t);if(e)return e.data}catch(e){console.log(e.message,"api_get_req - settings");return}},closeToast(){this.showToast=!1},async getPersonalitiesArr(){this.isLoading=!0,this.personalities=[];const t=await this.api_get_req("get_all_personalities"),e=this. $ store.state.config,n=Object.keys(t);for(let s=0;s<n.length;s++){const o=n[s],r=t[o],i=Object.keys(r);for(let a=0;a<i.length;a++){const l=i[a],d=r[l].map(h=>{const f=e.personalities.includes(o+"/"+l+"/"+h.folder);let g={};return g=h,g.category=l,g.language=o,g.full_path=o+"/"+l+"/"+h.folder,g.isMounted=f,g});this.personalities.length==0?this.personalities=d:this.personalities=this.personalities.concat(d)}}this.personalities.sort((s,o)=>s.name.localeCompare(o.name)),this.personalitiesFiltered=this.personalities.filter(s=>s.category===this.configFile.personality_category&&s.language===this.configFile.personality_language),this.personalitiesFiltered.sort(),console.log("per filtered",this.personalitiesFiltered),this.isLoading=!1},async filterPersonalities(){if(!this.searchPersonality){this.personalitiesFiltered=this.personalities.filter(n=>n.category===this.configFile.personality_category&&n.language===this.configFile.personality_language),this.personalitiesFiltered.sort(),this.searchPersonalityInProgress=!1;return}const t=this.searchPersonality.toLowerCase(),e=this.personalities.filter(n=>{if(n.name&&n.name.toLowerCase().includes(t)||n.description&&n.description.toLowerCase().includes(t)||n.full_path&&n.full_path.toLowerCase().includes(t))return n});e.length>0?this.personalitiesFiltered=e.sort():(this.personalitiesFiltered=this.personalities.filter(n=>n.category===this.configFile.personality_category&&n.language===this.configFile.personality_language),this.personalitiesFiltered.sort()),this.searchPersonalityInProgress=!1},async filterModels(){if(!this.searchModel){console.log("Searching model"),this.modelsFiltered=this.models,this.modelsFiltered.sort(),this.searchModelInProgress=!1;return}const t=this.searchModel.toLowerCase(),e=this.models.filter(n=>{if(n.title&&n.title.toLowerCase().includes(t)||n.description&&n.description.toLowerCase().includes(t)||n.path&&n.path.toLowerCase().includes(t))return n});e.length>0?this.modelsFiltered=e.sort():(this.modelsFiltered=this.models,this.modelsFiltered.sort()),this.searchModelInProgress=!1},computedFileSize(t){return Ht(t)},async mount_personality(t){if(!t)return{status:!1,error:"no personality - mount_personality"};try{const e={language:t.language,category:t.category,folder:t.folder},n=await Se.post("/mount_personality",e);if(n)return n.data}catch(e){console.log(e.message,"mount_personality - settings");return}},async unmount_personality(t){if(!t)return{status:!1,error:"no personality - unmount_personality"};const e={language:t.language,category:t.category,folder:t.folder};try{const n=await Se.post("/unmount_personality",e);if(n)return n.data}catch(n){console.log(n.message,"unmount_personality - settings");return}},async select_personality(t){if(!t)return{status:!1,error:"no personality - select_personality"};console.log("select pers",t);const n={id:this.configFile.personalities.findIndex(s=>s===t.full_path)};try{const s=await Se.post("/select_personality",n);if(s)return this. $ store.dispatch("refreshConfig").then(()=>{this. $ store.dispatch("refreshPersonalitiesArr").then(()=>{this. $ store.dispatch("refreshMountedPersonalities")})}),s.data}catch(s){console.log(s.message,"select_personality - settings");return}},async mountPersonality(t){if(this.isLoading=!0,console.log("mount pers",t),!t)return;if(this.configFile.personalities.includes(t.personality.full_path)){thi
2023-07-10 23:28:47 +00:00
` +t.personality.name,4,!0),this. $ store.dispatch("refreshMountedPersonalities")):(t.isMounted=!1,this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Could not mount personality
2023-07-10 23:12:40 +00:00
Error : ` +e.error+ `
Response :
2023-07-10 23:28:47 +00:00
` +e,4,!1)),this.isLoading=!1},async unmountPersonality(t){if(this.isLoading=!0,!t)return;const e=await this.unmount_personality(t.personality||t);if(e.status){this.configFile.personalities=e.personalities,this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Personality unmounted",4,!0);const n=this.personalities.findIndex(a=>a.full_path==t.full_path),s=this.personalitiesFiltered.findIndex(a=>a.full_path==t.full_path),o=this. $ refs.personalitiesZoo.findIndex(a=>a.full_path==t.full_path);console.log("ppp",this.personalities[n]),this.personalities[n].isMounted=!1,s>-1&&(this.personalitiesFiltered[s].isMounted=!1),o>-1&&(this. $ refs.personalitiesZoo[o].isMounted=!1),this. $ store.dispatch("refreshMountedPersonalities");const r=this.mountedPersArr[this.mountedPersArr.length-1];console.log(r,this.mountedPersArr.length),(await this.select_personality(t.personality)).status&&this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Selected personality :
2023-07-10 23:12:40 +00:00
` +r.name,4,!0)}else this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Could not unmount personality
2023-07-20 00:12:54 +00:00
Error : ` +e.error,4,!1);this.isLoading=!1},onPersonalityReinstall(t){console.log("on reinstall ",t),this.isLoading=!0,Se.post("/reinstall_personality",{name:t.personality.path}).then(e=>{if(e)return this.isLoading=!1,console.log("reinstall_personality",e),e.data.status?this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Personality reinstalled successfully!",4,!0):this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Could not reinstall personality",4,!1),e.data;this.isLoading=!1}).catch(e=>(this.isLoading=!1,this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Could not reinstall personality
2023-07-23 23:25:05 +00:00
` +e.message,4,!1),{status:!1}))},onPersonalityMounted(t){console.log("on sel ",t),this.configFile.personalities.includes(t.full_path)?this.configFile.personalities.length==1?this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Can't unmount last personality",4,!1):this.unmountPersonality(t):this.mountPersonality(t)},personalityImgPlacehodler(t){t.target.src=Jn},searchPersonality_func(){clearTimeout(this.searchPersonalityTimer),this.searchPersonality&&(this.searchPersonalityInProgress=!0,setTimeout(this.filterPersonalities,this.searchPersonalityTimerInterval))},searchModel_func(){clearTimeout(this.searchModelTimer),this.searchModel&&(this.searchModelInProgress=!0,setTimeout(this.filterModels,this.searchModelTimer))}},async mounted(){this.constructor(),console.log("Getting voices"),this.getVoices()},activated(){this.isMounted&&this.constructor()},computed:{audio_out_voice:{get(){return this. $ store.state.config.audio_out_voice},set(t){this. $ store.state.config.audio_out_voice=t}},audioLanguages(){return[{code:"en-US",name:"English (US)"},{code:"en-GB",name:"English (UK)"},{code:"es-ES",name:"Spanish (Spain)"},{code:"es-MX",name:"Spanish (Mexico)"},{code:"fr-FR",name:"French (France)"},{code:"fr-CA",name:"French (Canada)"},{code:"de-DE",name:"German (Germany)"},{code:"it-IT",name:"Italian (Italy)"},{code:"pt-BR",name:"Portuguese (Brazil)"},{code:"pt-PT",name:"Portuguese (Portugal)"},{code:"ru-RU",name:"Russian (Russia)"},{code:"zh-CN",name:"Chinese (China)"},{code:"ja-JP",name:"Japanese (Japan)"},{code:"ar-SA",name:"Arabic (Saudi Arabia)"},{code:"tr-TR",name:"Turkish (Turkey)"},{code:"ms-MY",name:"Malay (Malaysia)"},{code:"ko-KR",name:"Korean (South Korea)"},{code:"nl-NL",name:"Dutch (Netherlands)"},{code:"sv-SE",name:"Swedish (Sweden)"},{code:"da-DK",name:"Danish (Denmark)"},{code:"fi-FI",name:"Finnish (Finland)"},{code:"no-NO",name:"Norwegian (Norway)"},{code:"pl-PL",name:"Polish (Poland)"},{code:"el-GR",name:"Greek (Greece)"},{code:"hu-HU",name:"Hungarian (Hungary)"},{code:"cs-CZ",name:"Czech (Czech Republic)"},{code:"th-TH",name:"Thai (Thailand)"},{code:"hi-IN",name:"Hindi (India)"},{code:"he-IL",name:"Hebrew (Israel)"},{code:"id-ID",name:"Indonesian (Indonesia)"},{code:"vi-VN",name:"Vietnamese (Vietnam)"},{code:"uk-UA",name:"Ukrainian (Ukraine)"},{code:"ro-RO",name:"Romanian (Romania)"},{code:"bg-BG",name:"Bulgarian (Bulgaria)"},{code:"hr-HR",name:"Croatian (Croatia)"},{code:"sr-RS",name:"Serbian (Serbia)"},{code:"sk-SK",name:"Slovak (Slovakia)"},{code:"sl-SI",name:"Slovenian (Slovenia)"},{code:"et-EE",name:"Estonian (Estonia)"},{code:"lv-LV",name:"Latvian (Latvia)"},{code:"lt-LT",name:"Lithuanian (Lithuania)"},{code:"ka-GE",name:"Georgian (Georgia)"},{code:"hy-AM",name:"Armenian (Armenia)"},{code:"az-AZ",name:"Azerbaijani (Azerbaijan)"},{code:"kk-KZ",name:"Kazakh (Kazakhstan)"},{code:"uz-UZ",name:"Uzbek (Uzbekistan)"},{code:"kkj-CM",name:"Kako (Cameroon)"},{code:"my-MM",name:"Burmese (Myanmar)"},{code:"ne-NP",name:"Nepali (Nepal)"},{code:"si-LK",name:"Sinhala (Sri Lanka)"}]},configFile:{get(){return this. $ store.state.config},set(t){this. $ store.commit("setConfig",t)}},userName:{get(){return this. $ store.state.config.user_name},set(t){this. $ store.state.config.user_name=t}},user_avatar:{get(){return"/user_infos/"+this. $ store.state.config.user_avatar},set(t){this. $ store.state.config.user_avatar=t}},enable_gpu:{get(){return this. $ store.state.config.enable_gpu},set(t){this. $ store.state.config.enable_gpu=t}},auto_update:{get(){return this. $ store.state.config.auto_update},set(t){this. $ store.state.config.auto_update=t}},auto_speak:{get(){return this. $ store.state.config.auto_speak},set(t){this. $ store.state.config.auto_speak=t}},audio_in_language:{get(){return this. $ store.state.config.audio_in_language},set(t){this. $ store.state.config.audio_in_language=t}},use_user_name_in_discussions:{get(){return this. $ store.state.config.use_user_name_in_discussions},set(t){this. $ store.state.config.use_user_name_in_discussions=t}},db_path:{get(){return this. $ store.state.config.db_path},set(t){this. $ store.state.config.db_path=t}},personalities:{get(){return this. $ store.s
2023-07-10 23:12:40 +00:00
You need to apply changes before you leave , or else . ` ,"Apply configuration","Cancel")&&this.applyConfiguration(),!1;if(!this.isModelSelected)return await this. $ refs.yesNoDialog.askQuestion( ` Did You forgot to select model ?
2023-07-23 23:25:05 +00:00
You need to select model before you leave , or else . ` ,"Ok","Cancel"),!1}},ce=t=>(ns("data-v-03304980"),t=t(),ss(),t),D5={class:"container overflow-y-scroll flex flex-col no-scrollbar shadow-lg p-10 pt-0"},L5={class:"sticky top-0 z-10 flex flex-row mb-2 p-3 gap-3 w-full rounded-b-lg bg-bg-light-tone dark:bg-bg-dark-tone shadow-lg"},I5={key:0,class:"flex gap-3 flex-1 items-center duration-75"},P5=ce(()=>u("i",{"data-feather":"x"},null,-1)),F5=[P5],B5=ce(()=>u("i",{"data-feather":"check"},null,-1)), $ 5=[B5],j5={key:1,class:"flex gap-3 flex-1 items-center"},z5=ce(()=>u("i",{"data-feather":"save"},null,-1)),U5=[z5],q5=ce(()=>u("i",{"data-feather":"refresh-ccw"},null,-1)),H5=[q5],V5=ce(()=>u("i",{"data-feather":"list"},null,-1)),G5=[V5],K5={class:"flex gap-3 flex-1 items-center justify-end"},W5={class:"flex gap-3 items-center"},Z5={key:0,class:"flex gap-3 items-center"},Y5=ce(()=>u("i",{"data-feather":"check"},null,-1)),Q5=[Y5],J5={key:1,role:"status"},X5=ce(()=>u("svg",{"aria-hidden":"true",class:"w-6 h-6 animate-spin fill-secondary",viewBox:"0 0 100 101",fill:"none",xmlns:"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"},[u("path",{d:"M100 50.5908C100 78.2051 77.6142 100.591 50 100.591C22.3858 100.591 0 78.2051 0 50.5908C0 22.9766 22.3858 0.59082 50 0.59082C77.6142 0.59082 100 22.9766 100 50.5908ZM9.08144 50.5908C9.08144 73.1895 27.4013 91.5094 50 91.5094C72.5987 91.5094 90.9186 73.1895 90.9186 50.5908C90.9186 27.9921 72.5987 9.67226 50 9.67226C27.4013 9.67226 9.08144 27.9921 9.08144 50.5908Z",fill:"currentColor"}),u("path",{d:"M93.9676 39.0409C96.393 38.4038 97.8624 35.9116 97.0079 33.5539C95.2932 28.8227 92.871 24.3692 89.8167 20.348C85.8452 15.1192 80.8826 10.7238 75.2124 7.41289C69.5422 4.10194 63.2754 1.94025 56.7698 1.05124C51.7666 0.367541 46.6976 0.446843 41.7345 1.27873C39.2613 1.69328 37.813 4.19778 38.4501 6.62326C39.0873 9.04874 41.5694 10.4717 44.0505 10.1071C47.8511 9.54855 51.7191 9.52689 55.5402 10.0491C60.8642 10.7766 65.9928 12.5457 70.6331 15.2552C75.2735 17.9648 79.3347 21.5619 82.5849 25.841C84.9175 28.9121 86.7997 32.2913 88.1811 35.8758C89.083 38.2158 91.5421 39.6781 93.9676 39.0409Z",fill:"currentFill"})],-1)),e4=ce(()=>u("span",{class:"sr-only"},"Loading...",-1)),t4={class:"flex flex-col mb-2 rounded-lg bg-bg-light-tone dark:bg-bg-dark-tone hover:bg-bg-light-tone-panel hover:dark:bg-bg-dark-tone-panel duration-150 shadow-lg"},n4={class:"flex flex-row p-3"},s4=ce(()=>u("i",{"data-feather":"chevron-right"},null,-1)),o4=[s4],r4=ce(()=>u("i",{"data-feather":"chevron-down"},null,-1)),i4=[r4],a4=ce(()=>u("h3",{class:"text-lg font-semibold cursor-pointer select-none mr-2"}," System status",-1)),l4=ce(()=>u("div",{class:"mr-2"},"|",-1)),c4={class:"text-base font-semibold cursor-pointer select-none items-center"},u4={class:"flex gap-2 items-center"},d4={key:0},h4={class:"flex gap-2 items-center"},f4=["title"],p4=os('<path d="M 5.9133057,14.000286 H 70.974329 a 8.9999999,8.9999999 0 0 1 8.999987,8.999998 V 47.889121 H 5.9133057 Z" style="fill:none;stroke:currentColor;stroke-width:2.5;stroke-opacity:1;" id="path1116" data-v-03304980></path><path d="m 5.9133057,28.634282 h -2.244251 v -9.367697 h 2.244251 z" style="fill:none;stroke:currentColor;stroke-width:2.5;stroke-opacity:1;" id="path1118" data-v-03304980></path><path d="M 5.9133057,42.648417 H 3.6690547 V 33.28072 h 2.244251 z" style="fill:none;stroke:currentColor;stroke-width:2.5;stroke-opacity:1;" id="path1120" data-v-03304980></path><path d="m 5.9133057,47.889121 v 4.42369" style="fill:none;stroke:currentColor;stroke-width:2.5;stroke-opacity:1;" id="path1122" data-v-03304980></path><path d="M 5.9133057,14.000286 H 2.3482707" style="fill:none;stroke:currentColor;stroke-width:2.5;stroke-opacity:1;" id="path1124" data-v-03304980></path><path d="M 2.3482707,14.000286 V 10.006515" style="fill:none;stroke:currentColor;stroke-width:2.5;stroke-opacity:1;" id="path1126" data-v-03304980></path><path d="m 74.31472,30.942798 a 11.594069,11.594069 0 0 0 -23.188136,0 11.594069,11.594069 0 0 0 23.188136,0 z" style="fill:none;stroke:currentColor;stroke-width:2.5;stroke-opacity:1;" id="path1
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` ,i.map=[n,e.line],!0},Hde=function(e,n,s,o){var r,i,a,l,c,d,h,f=!1,g=e.bMarks[n]+e.tShift[n],m=e.eMarks[n];if(e.sCount[n]-e.blkIndent>=4||g+3>m||(r=e.src.charCodeAt(g),r!==126&&r!==96)||(c=g,g=e.skipChars(g,r),i=g-c,i<3)||(h=e.src.slice(c,g),a=e.src.slice(g,m),r===96&&a.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(r))>=0))return!1;if(o)return!0;for(l=n;l++,!(l>=s||(g=c=e.bMarks[l]+e.tShift[l],m=e.eMarks[l],g<m&&e.sCount[l]<e.blkIndent));)if(e.src.charCodeAt(g)===r&&!(e.sCount[l]-e.blkIndent>=4)&&(g=e.skipChars(g,r),!(g-c<i)&&(g=e.skipSpaces(g),!(g<m)))){f=!0;break}return i=e.sCount[n],e.line=l+(f?1:0),d=e.push("fence","code",0),d.info=a,d.content=e.getLines(n+1,l,i,!0),d.markup=h,d.map=[n,e.line],!0},fd=ze.isSpace,Vde=function(e,n,s,o){var r,i,a,l,c,d,h,f,g,m,p,b,_,y,x,A,R,O,D,v,k=e.lineMax,M=e.bMarks[n]+e.tShift[n],L=e.eMarks[n];if(e.sCount[n]-e.blkIndent>=4||e.src.charCodeAt(M++)!==62)return!1;if(o)return!0;for(l=g=e.sCount[n]+1,e.src.charCodeAt(M)===32?(M++,l++,g++,r=!1,A=!0):e.src.charCodeAt(M)===9?(A=!0,(e.bsCount[n]+g)%4===3?(M++,l++,g++,r=!1):r=!0):A=!1,m=[e.bMarks[n]],e.bMarks[n]=M;M<L&&(i=e.src.charCodeAt(M),fd(i));){i===9?g+=4-(g+e.bsCount[n]+(r?1:0))%4:g++;M++}for(p=[e.bsCount[n]],e.bsCount[n]=e.sCount[n]+1+(A?1:0),d=M>=L,y=[e.sCount[n]],e.sCount[n]=g-l,x=[e.tShift[n]],e.tShift[n]=M-e.bMarks[n],O=e.md.block.ruler.getRules("blockquote"),_=e.parentType,e.parentType="blockquote",f=n+1;f<s&&(v=e.sCount[f]<e.blkIndent,M=e.bMarks[f]+e.tShift[f],L=e.eMarks[f],!(M>=L));f++){if(e.src.charCodeAt(M++)===62&&!v){for(l=g=e.sCount[f]+1,e.src.charCodeAt(M)===32?(M++,l++,g++,r=!1,A=!0):e.src.charCodeAt(M)===9?(A=!0,(e.bsCount[f]+g)%4===3?(M++,l++,g++,r=!1):r=!0):A=!1,m.push(e.bMarks[f]),e.bMarks[f]=M;M<L&&(i=e.src.charCodeAt(M),fd(i));){i===9?g+=4-(g+e.bsCount[f]+(r?1:0))%4:g++;M++}d=M>=L,p.push(e.bsCount[f]),e.bsCount[f]=e.sCount[f]+1+(A?1:0),y.push(e.sCount[f]),e.sCount[f]=g-l,x.push(e.tShift[f]),e.tShift[f]=M-e.bMarks[f];continue}if(d)break;for(R=!1,a=0,c=O.length;a<c;a++)if(O[a](e,f,s,!0)){R=!0;break}if(R){e.lineMax=f,e.blkIndent!==0&&(m.push(e.bMarks[f]),p.push(e.bsCount[f]),x.push(e.tShift[f]),y.push(e.sCount[f]),e.sCount[f]-=e.blkIndent);break}m.push(e.bMarks[f]),p.push(e.bsCount[f]),x.push(e.tShift[f]),y.push(e.sCount[f]),e.sCount[f]=-1}for(b=e.blkIndent,e.blkIndent=0,D=e.push("blockquote_open","blockquote",1),D.markup=">",D.map=h=[n,0],e.md.block.tokenize(e,n,f),D=e.push("blockquote_close","blockquote",-1),D.markup=">",e.lineMax=k,e.parentType=_,h[1]=e.line,a=0;a<x.length;a++)e.bMarks[a+n]=m[a],e.tShift[a+n]=x[a],e.sCount[a+n]=y[a],e.bsCount[a+n]=p[a];return e.blkIndent=b,!0},Gde=ze.isSpace,Kde=function(e,n,s,o){var r,i,a,l,c=e.bMarks[n]+e.tShift[n],d=e.eMarks[n];if(e.sCount[n]-e.blkIndent>=4||(r=e.src.charCodeAt(c++),r!==42&&r!==45&&r!==95))return!1;for(i=1;c<d;){if(a=e.src.charCodeAt(c++),a!==r&&!Gde(a))return!1;a===r&&i++}return i<3?!1:(o||(e.line=n+1,l=e.push("hr","hr",0),l.map=[n,e.line],l.markup=Array(i+1).join(String.fromCharCode(r))),!0)},cg=ze.isSpace;function pd(t,e){var n,s,o,r;return s=t.bMarks[e]+t.tShift[e],o=t.eMarks[e],n=t.src.charCodeAt(s++),n!==42&&n!==45&&n!==43||s<o&&(r=t.src.charCodeAt(s),!cg(r))?-1:s}function gd(t,e){var n,s=t.bMarks[e]+t.tShift[e],o=s,r=t.eMarks[e];if(o+1>=r||(n=t.src.charCodeAt(o++),n<48||n>57))return-1;for(;;){if(o>=r)return-1;if(n=t.src.charCodeAt(o++),n>=48&&n<=57){if(o-s>=10)return-1;continue}if(n===41||n===46)break;return-1}return o<r&&(n=t.src.charCodeAt(o),!cg(n))?-1:o}function Wde(t,e){var n,s,o=t.level+2;for(n=e+2,s=t.tokens.length-2;n<s;n++)t.tokens[n].level===o&&t.tokens[n].type==="paragraph_open"&&(t.tokens[n+2].hidden=!0,t.tokens[n].hidden=!0,n+=2)}var Zde=function(e,n,s,o){var r,i,a,l,c,d,h,f,g,m,p,b,_,y,x,A,R,O,D,v,k,M,L,F,Q,I,le,Z,T=!1,q=!0;if(e.sCount[n]-e.blkIndent>=4||e.listIndent>=0&&e.sCount[n]-e.listIndent>=4&&e.sCount[n]<e.blkIndent)return!1;if(o&&e.parentType==="paragraph"&&e.sCount[n]>=e.blkIndent&&(T=!0),(L=gd(e,n))>=0){if(h=!0,Q=e.bMarks[n]+e.tShift[n],_=Number(e.src.slice(Q,L-1)),T&&_!==1)return!1}else if((L=pd(e,n))>=0)h=!1;else return!1;if(T&&e.skipSpaces(L)>=e.
2023-07-22 00:26:40 +00:00
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2023-07-23 23:25:05 +00:00
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https : //github.com/highlightjs/highlight.js/issues/2277`),ge=T,be=q),G===void 0&&(G=!0);const ee={code:be,language:ge};le("before:highlight",ee);const we=ee.result?ee.result:h(ee.language,ee.code,G);return we.code=ee.code,le("after:highlight",we),we}function h(T,q,G,be){const ge=Object.create(null);function ee(W,oe){return W.keywords[oe]}function we(){if(!z.keywords){U.addText(Y);return}let W=0;z.keywordPatternRe.lastIndex=0;let oe=z.keywordPatternRe.exec(Y),pe="";for(;oe;){pe+=Y.substring(W,oe.index);const Ae=j.case_insensitive?oe[0].toLowerCase():oe[0],Ie=ee(z,Ae);if(Ie){const[qe,De]=Ie;if(U.addText(pe),pe="",ge[Ae]=(ge[Ae]||0)+1,ge[Ae]<=PBe&&(ie+=De),qe.startsWith("_"))pe+=oe[0];else{const Je=j.classNameAliases[qe]||qe;J(oe[0],Je)}}else pe+=oe[0];W=z.keywordPatternRe.lastIndex,oe=z.keywordPatternRe.exec(Y)}pe+=Y.substring(W),U.addText(pe)}function Ce(){if(Y==="")return;let W=null;if(typeof z.subLanguage=="string"){if(!e[z.subLanguage]){U.addText(Y);return}W=h(z.subLanguage,Y,!0,se[z.subLanguage]),se[z.subLanguage]=W._top}else W=g(Y,z.subLanguage.length?z.subLanguage:null);z.relevance>0&&(ie+=W.relevance),U.__addSublanguage(W._emitter,W.language)}function N(){z.subLanguage!=null?Ce():we(),Y=""}function J(W,oe){W!==""&&(U.startScope(oe),U.addText(W),U.endScope())}function H(W,oe){let pe=1;const Ae=oe.length-1;for(;pe<=Ae;){if(!W._emit[pe]){pe++;continue}const Ie=j.classNameAliases[W[pe]]||W[pe],qe=oe[pe];Ie?J(qe,Ie):(Y=qe,we(),Y=""),pe++}}function te(W,oe){return W.scope&&typeof W.scope=="string"&&U.openNode(j.classNameAliases[W.scope]||W.scope),W.beginScope&&(W.beginScope._wrap?(J(Y,j.classNameAliases[W.beginScope._wrap]||W.beginScope._wrap),Y=""):W.beginScope._multi&&(H(W.beginScope,oe),Y="")),z=Object.create(W,{parent:{value:z}}),z}function X(W,oe,pe){let Ae=JFe(W.endRe,pe);if(Ae){if(W["on:end"]){const Ie=new Ld(W);W["on:end"](oe,Ie),Ie.isMatchIgnored&&(Ae=!1)}if(Ae){for(;W.endsParent&&W.parent;)W=W.parent;return W}}if(W.endsWithParent)return X(W.parent,oe,pe)}function fe(W){return z.matcher.regexIndex===0?(Y+=W[0],1):(ke=!0,0)}function ue(W){const oe=W[0],pe=W.rule,Ae=new Ld(pe),Ie=[pe.__beforeBegin,pe["on:begin"]];for(const qe of Ie)if(qe&&(qe(W,Ae),Ae.isMatchIgnored))return fe(oe);return pe.skip?Y+=oe:(pe.excludeBegin&&(Y+=oe),N(),!pe.returnBegin&&!pe.excludeBegin&&(Y=oe)),te(pe,W),pe.returnBegin?0:oe.length}function w(W){const oe=W[0],pe=q.substring(W.index),Ae=X(z,W,pe);if(!Ae)return jd;const Ie=z;z.endScope&&z.endScope._wrap?(N(),J(oe,z.endScope._wrap)):z.endScope&&z.endScope._multi?(N(),H(z.endScope,W)):Ie.skip?Y+=oe:(Ie.returnEnd||Ie.excludeEnd||(Y+=oe),N(),Ie.excludeEnd&&(Y=oe));do z.scope&&U.closeNode(),!z.skip&&!z.subLanguage&&(ie+=z.relevance),z=z.parent;while(z!==Ae.parent);return Ae.starts&&te(Ae.starts,W),Ie.returnEnd?0:oe.length}function E(){const W=[];for(let oe=z;oe!==j;oe=oe.parent)oe.scope&&W.unshift(oe.scope);W.forEach(oe=>U.openNode(oe))}let P={};function $(W,oe){const pe=oe&&oe[0];if(Y+=W,pe==null)return N(),0;if(P.type==="begin"&&oe.type==="end"&&P.index===oe.index&&pe===""){if(Y+=q.slice(oe.index,oe.index+1),!o){const Ae=new Error(`0 width match regex (${T})`);throw Ae.languageName=T,Ae.badRule=P.rule,Ae}return 1}if(P=oe,oe.type==="begin")return ue(oe);if(oe.type==="illegal"&&!G){const Ae=new Error('Illegal lexeme "'+pe+'" for mode "'+(z.scope||"<unnamed>")+'"');throw Ae.mode=z,Ae}else if(oe.type==="end"){const Ae=w(oe);if(Ae!==jd)return Ae}if(oe.type==="illegal"&&pe==="")return 1;if(de>1e5&&de>oe.index*3)throw new Error("potential infinite loop, way more iterations than matches");return Y+=pe,pe.length}const j=k(T);if(!j)throw Yn(r.replace("{}",T)),new Error('Unknown language: "'+T+'"');const ne=NBe(j);let re="",z=be||ne;const se={},U=new a.__emitter(a);E();let Y="",ie=0,he=0,de=0,ke=!1;try{if(j.__emitTokens)j.__emitTokens(q,U);else{for(z.matcher.considerAll();;){de++,ke?ke=!1:z.matcher.considerAll(),z.matcher.lastIndex=he;const W=z.matcher.exec(q);if(!W)break;const oe=q.substring(he,W.index),pe=$(oe,W);he=W.index+pe}$(q.substring(he))}return U.finalize(),re=U.toHTML(),{language:T,value:re,
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` ,t.async=!0,document.body.appendChild(t),this.renderedMarkdown=Mo.render(this.markdownText),_e(()=>{ye.replace()})},methods:{},watch:{markdownText(t){this.renderedMarkdown=Mo.render(t),_e(()=>{ye.replace()})}}},P $ e={class:"break-all"},F $ e=["innerHTML"];function B $ e(t,e,n,s,o,r){return C(),S("div",P $ e,[u("div",{innerHTML:o.renderedMarkdown,class:"markdown-content"},null,8,F $ e)])}const $ $ e=Ve(I $ e,[["render",B $ e]]),j $ e={props:{done:{type:Boolean,required:!0},message:{type:String,required:!0}}},z $ e={class:"step flex items-center mb-4"},U $ e={class:"flex items-center justify-center w-6 h-6 mr-2"},q $ e={key:0},H $ e=u("i",{"data-feather":"square",class:"text-gray-400 w-4 h-4"},null,-1),V $ e=[H $ e],G $ e={key:1},K $ e=u("i",{"data-feather":"check-square",class:"text-green-500 w-4 h-4"},null,-1),W $ e=[K $ e],Z $ e={key:0,role:"status"},Y $ e=u("svg",{"aria-hidden":"true",class:"w-6 h-6 animate-spin fill-secondary",viewBox:"0 0 100 101",fill:"none",xmlns:"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"},[u("path",{d:"M100 50.5908C100 78.2051 77.6142 100.591 50 100.591C22.3858 100.591 0 78.2051 0 50.5908C0 22.9766 22.3858 0.59082 50 0.59082C77.6142 0.59082 100 22.9766 100 50.5908ZM9.08144 50.5908C9.08144 73.1895 27.4013 91.5094 50 91.5094C72.5987 91.5094 90.9186 73.1895 90.9186 50.5908C90.9186 27.9921 72.5987 9.67226 50 9.67226C27.4013 9.67226 9.08144 27.9921 9.08144 50.5908Z",fill:"currentColor"}),u("path",{d:"M93.9676 39.0409C96.393 38.4038 97.8624 35.9116 97.0079 33.5539C95.2932 28.8227 92.871 24.3692 89.8167 20.348C85.8452 15.1192 80.8826 10.7238 75.2124 7.41289C69.5422 4.10194 63.2754 1.94025 56.7698 1.05124C51.7666 0.367541 46.6976 0.446843 41.7345 1.27873C39.2613 1.69328 37.813 4.19778 38.4501 6.62326C39.0873 9.04874 41.5694 10.4717 44.0505 10.1071C47.8511 9.54855 51.7191 9.52689 55.5402 10.0491C60.8642 10.7766 65.9928 12.5457 70.6331 15.2552C75.2735 17.9648 79.3347 21.5619 82.5849 25.841C84.9175 28.9121 86.7997 32.2913 88.1811 35.8758C89.083 38.2158 91.5421 39.6781 93.9676 39.0409Z",fill:"currentFill"})],-1),Q $ e=[Y $ e];function J $ e(t,e,n,s,o,r){return C(),S("div",z $ e,[u("div",U $ e,[n.done?B("",!0):(C(),S("div",q $ e,V $ e)),n.done?(C(),S("div",G $ e,W $ e)):B("",!0)]),n.done?B("",!0):(C(),S("div",Z $ e,Q $ e)),u("div",{class:Te(["content flex-1 px-2",{"text-green-500":n.done,"text-yellow-500":!n.done}])},V(n.message),3)])}const X $ e=Ve(j $ e,[["render",J $ e]]);const eje="/",tje={name:"Message",emits:["copy","delete","rankUp","rankDown","updateMessage","resendMessage","continueMessage"],components:{MarkdownRenderer: $ $ e,Step:X $ e},props:{message:Object,avatar:""},data(){return{msg:null,isVoiceActive:!1,speechSynthesis:null,voices:[],expanded:!1,showConfirmation:!1,editMsgMode:!1,deleteMsgMode:!1,mdRenderHeight:Number}},mounted(){"speechSynthesis"in window?(this.speechSynthesis=window.speechSynthesis,this.voices=this.speechSynthesis.getVoices(),this.voices.length===0&&this.speechSynthesis.addEventListener("voiceschanged",this.onVoicesChanged)):console.error("Speech synthesis is not supported in this browser."),_e(()=>{ye.replace(),this.mdRenderHeight=this. $ refs.mdRender. $ el.offsetHeight})},methods:{onVoicesChanged(){this.voices=this.speechSynthesis.getVoices()},speak(){if(this.msg){this.speechSynthesis.cancel(),this.msg=null,this.isVoiceActive=!1;return}let t=0;console.log("voice on"),this.isVoiceActive=!0;const e=200;this.message.content,this.msg=new SpeechSynthesisUtterance,this.voices.length>0&&(this.msg.voice=this.voices.filter(o=>o.name===this. $ store.state.config.audio_out_voice)[0]);const n=o=>{let r=this.message.content.substring(o,o+e);const i=[".","!","?"];let a=-1;return i.forEach(l=>{const c=r.lastIndexOf(l);c>a&&(a=c)}),a+o},s=()=>{const o=n(t),r=this.message.content.substring(t,o);this.msg.text=r,t=o+1,this.msg.onend=i=>{t<this.message.content.length-2?setTimeout(()=>{s()},1):(this.isVoiceActive=!1,console.log("voice off :",this.message.content.length," ",o))},this.speechSynthesis.speak(this.msg)};s()},toggleModel(){this.expanded=!this.expanded},copyContentToClipboard(){this. $ emit("copy",this)},deleteMsg(){this. $ emit("delete",this.message.id),this.deleteMsgMo
2023-07-15 21:06:28 +00:00
` +e.message,4,!1),{status:!1}))},onPersonalityMounted(t){this.configFile.personalities.includes(t.full_path)?this.configFile.personalities.length==1?this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Can't unmount last personality",4,!1):this.unmountPersonality(t):this.mountPersonality(t)},async handleOnTalk(t){if(ye.replace(),console.log("ppa",t),t){if(t.isMounted){const e=await this.select_personality(t);e&&e.status&&(await this.constructor(),this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Selected personality :
` +t.name,4,!0))}else this.onPersonalityMounted(t);this.onTalk(t)}},async onPersonalitySelected(t){if(ye.replace(),console.log("ppa",t),t){if(t.selected){this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Personality already selected",4,!0);return}if(t.isMounted){const e=await this.select_personality(t);e&&e.status&&(await this.constructor(),this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Selected personality :
2023-07-20 00:12:54 +00:00
` +t.name,4,!0))}else this.onPersonalityMounted(t)}},onSettingsPersonality(t){try{Se.get("/get_active_personality_settings").then(e=>{e&&(console.log("pers sett",e),e.data&&Object.keys(e.data).length>0?this. $ refs.universalForm.showForm(e.data,"Personality settings - "+t.personality.name,"Save changes","Cancel").then(n=>{try{Se.post("/set_active_personality_settings",n).then(s=>{s&&s.data?(console.log("personality set with new settings",s.data),this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Personality settings updated successfully!",4,!0)):this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Did not get Personality settings responses .
2023-07-10 23:12:40 +00:00
` +s,4,!1)})}catch(s){this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Did not get Personality settings responses .
2023-07-20 00:12:54 +00:00
Endpoint error : ` +s.message,4,!1)}}):this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Personality has no settings",4,!1))})}catch(e){this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Could not open personality settings. Endpoint error: "+e.message,4,!1)}},async mount_personality(t){if(!t)return{status:!1,error:"no personality - mount_personality"};try{const e={language:t.language,category:t.category,folder:t.folder},n=await Se.post("/mount_personality",e);if(n)return n.data}catch(e){console.log(e.message,"mount_personality - settings");return}},async unmount_personality(t){if(!t)return{status:!1,error:"no personality - unmount_personality"};const e={language:t.language,category:t.category,folder:t.folder};try{const n=await Se.post("/unmount_personality",e);if(n)return n.data}catch(n){console.log(n.message,"unmount_personality - settings");return}},async select_personality(t){if(!t)return{status:!1,error:"no personality - select_personality"};console.log("select pers",t);const n={id:this.configFile.personalities.findIndex(s=>s===t.full_path)};try{const s=await Se.post("/select_personality",n);if(s)return this.toggleMountUnmount(),this. $ store.dispatch("refreshConfig").then(()=>{console.log("recovered config"),this. $ store.dispatch("refreshPersonalitiesArr").then(()=>{this. $ store.dispatch("refreshMountedPersonalities")})}),s.data}catch(s){console.log(s,"select_personality - settings");return}},async mountPersonality(t){if(console.log("mount pers",t),!t)return;if(this.configFile.personalities.includes(t.personality.full_path)){this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Personality already mounted",4,!1);return}const e=await this.mount_personality(t.personality);console.log("mount_personality res",e),e.status?(this.configFile.personalities=e.personalities,this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Personality mounted",4,!0),t.isMounted=!0,this.toggleMountUnmount(),(await this.select_personality(t.personality)).status&&this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Selected personality :
2023-07-10 23:12:40 +00:00
` +t.personality.name,4,!0),this.getMountedPersonalities()):(t.isMounted=!1,this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Could not mount personality
Error : ` +e.error,4,!1))},async unmountPersonality(t){if(!t)return;const e=await this.unmount_personality(t.personality||t);if(e.status){this.toggleMountUnmount(),console.log("unmount response",e),this.configFile.active_personality_id=e.active_personality_id,this.configFile.personalities=e.personalities,this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Personality unmounted",4,!0);const n=this.configFile.personalities[this.configFile.active_personality_id];console.log();const s=this.personalities.findIndex(a=>a.full_path==n),o=this. $ refs.personalitiesZoo.findIndex(a=>a.full_path==t.full_path);console.log("ppp",this.personalities[s]);const r=this.personalities[s];r.isMounted=!1,r.selected=!0,this. $ refs.personalitiesZoo[o].isMounted=!1,this.getMountedPersonalities(),(await this.select_personality(r)).status&&this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Selected personality :
` +r.name,4,!0)}else this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Could not unmount personality
2023-07-23 23:25:05 +00:00
Error : ` +e.error,4,!1)},getMountedPersonalities(){this.isLoading=!0;let t=[];console.log(this.configFile.personalities.length);for(let e=0;e<this.configFile.personalities.length;e++){const n=this.configFile.personalities[e],s=this.personalities.findIndex(r=>r.full_path==n),o=this.personalities[s];if(o)console.log("adding from config"),t.push(o);else{console.log("adding default");const r=this.personalities.findIndex(a=>a.full_path=="english/generic/lollms"),i=this.personalities[r];t.push(i)}}if(this.mountedPersArr=[],this.mountedPersArr=t,console.log("discussionPersonalities",this.discussionPersonalities),this.discussionPersonalities!=null&&this.discussionPersonalities.length>0)for(let e=0;e<this.discussionPersonalities.length;e++){const n=this.discussionPersonalities[e];console.log("discussionPersonalities - per",n);const s=this.mountedPersArr.findIndex(o=>o.full_path==n);if(console.log("discussionPersonalities -includes",s),console.log("discussionPersonalities -mounted list",this.mountedPersArr),s==-1){const o=this.personalities.findIndex(i=>i.full_path==n),r=this.personalities[o];console.log("adding discucc121",r,n),r&&(this.mountedPersArr.push(r),console.log("adding discucc",r))}}this.isLoading=!1,console.log("getMountedPersonalities",this.mountedPersArr),console.log("fig",this.configFile)}}},bc=t=>(ns("data-v-e36401c9"),t=t(),ss(),t),mze={class:"text-left overflow-visible text-base font-semibold cursor-pointer select-none items-center flex flex-col flex-grow w-full overflow-x-auto scrollbar-thin scrollbar-track-bg-light scrollbar-thumb-bg-light-tone hover:scrollbar-thumb-primary dark:scrollbar-track-bg-dark dark:scrollbar-thumb-bg-dark-tone dark:hover:scrollbar-thumb-primary active:scrollbar-thumb-secondary"},_ze={key:0,role:"status",class:"flex justify-center overflow-y-hidden"},bze=bc(()=>u("svg",{"aria-hidden":"true",class:"w-6 h-6 animate-spin fill-secondary",viewBox:"0 0 100 101",fill:"none",xmlns:"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"},[u("path",{d:"M100 50.5908C100 78.2051 77.6142 100.591 50 100.591C22.3858 100.591 0 78.2051 0 50.5908C0 22.9766 22.3858 0.59082 50 0.59082C77.6142 0.59082 100 22.9766 100 50.5908ZM9.08144 50.5908C9.08144 73.1895 27.4013 91.5094 50 91.5094C72.5987 91.5094 90.9186 73.1895 90.9186 50.5908C90.9186 27.9921 72.5987 9.67226 50 9.67226C27.4013 9.67226 9.08144 27.9921 9.08144 50.5908Z",fill:"currentColor"}),u("path",{d:"M93.9676 39.0409C96.393 38.4038 97.8624 35.9116 97.0079 33.5539C95.2932 28.8227 92.871 24.3692 89.8167 20.348C85.8452 15.1192 80.8826 10.7238 75.2124 7.41289C69.5422 4.10194 63.2754 1.94025 56.7698 1.05124C51.7666 0.367541 46.6976 0.446843 41.7345 1.27873C39.2613 1.69328 37.813 4.19778 38.4501 6.62326C39.0873 9.04874 41.5694 10.4717 44.0505 10.1071C47.8511 9.54855 51.7191 9.52689 55.5402 10.0491C60.8642 10.7766 65.9928 12.5457 70.6331 15.2552C75.2735 17.9648 79.3347 21.5619 82.5849 25.841C84.9175 28.9121 86.7997 32.2913 88.1811 35.8758C89.083 38.2158 91.5421 39.6781 93.9676 39.0409Z",fill:"currentFill"})],-1)),yze=bc(()=>u("span",{class:"sr-only"},"Loading...",-1)),vze=[bze,yze],wze=bc(()=>u("i",{"data-feather":"chevron-down"},null,-1)),xze=[wze],kze={class:"block my-2 text-sm font-medium text-gray-900 dark:text-white"},Eze={class:"overflow-y-auto no-scrollbar pb-0 grid lg:grid-cols-3 md:grid-cols-2 gap-4 max-h-96"};function Cze(t,e,n,s,o,r){const i=nt("personality-entry"),a=nt("Toast"),l=nt("UniversalForm");return C(),S("div",mze,[o.isLoading?(C(),S("div",_ze,vze)):B("",!0),u("div",null,[r.mountedPersArr.length>0?(C(),S("div",{key:0,class:Te(o.isLoading?"pointer-events-none opacity-30 cursor-default":"")},[u("button",{class:"mt-0 w-full text-2xl hover:text-secondary duration-75 flex justify-center hover:bg-bg-light-tone hover:dark:bg-bg-dark-tone rounded-lg",title:"Close personality list",type:"button",onClick:e[0]||(e[0]=ae((...c)=>r.toggleShowPersList&&r.toggleShowPersList(...c),["stop"]))},xze),u("label",kze," Mounted Personalities: ("+V(r.mountedPersArr.length)+") ",1),u("div",Eze,[ve(Ut,{name:"bounce"},{default:We(()=>[(C(!0),S(Re,null,Ke(this. $ store.state.mountedPersArr,(c,d
2023-07-10 23:12:40 +00:00
\ r
\ r
2023-07-23 23:39:27 +00:00
` ,544),[[Pe,o.message]]),u("input",{type:"file",ref:"fileDialog",style:{display:"none"},onChange:e[6]||(e[6]=(...c)=>r.addFiles&&r.addFiles(...c)),multiple:""},null,544),u("button",{type:"button",onClick:e[7]||(e[7]=ae(c=>t. $ refs.fileDialog.click(),["stop"])),title:"Add files",class:"absolute inset-y-0 right-0 flex items-center mr-2 w-6 hover:text-secondary duration-75 active:scale-90"},AUe)]),u("div",SUe,[u("button",{type:"button",onClick:e[8]||(e[8]=(...c)=>r.startSpeechRecognition&&r.startSpeechRecognition(...c)),class:Te([{"text-red-500":o.isVoiceActive},"w-6 hover:text-secondary duration-75 active:scale-90 cursor-pointer"])},MUe,2),n.loading?B("",!0):(C(),S("button",{key:0,type:"button",onClick:e[9]||(e[9]=(...c)=>r.submit&&r.submit(...c)),class:"w-6 hover:text-secondary duration-75 active:scale-90"},NUe)),n.loading?(C(),S("div",DUe,IUe)):B("",!0)])])])])])])}const Ug=Ve(Uze,[["render",PUe],["__scopeId","data-v-82038241"]]),FUe={name:"WelcomeComponent",setup(){return{}}},BUe={class:"flex flex-col text-center"}, $ Ue=os('<div class="flex flex-col text-center items-center"><div class="flex items-center gap-3 text-5xl drop-shadow-md align-middle pt-24"><img class="w-24 animate-bounce" title="LoLLMS WebUI" src="'+tc+'" alt="Logo"><div class="flex flex-col items-start"><p class="text-2xl">Lord of Large Language Models</p><p class="text-gray-400 text-base">One tool to rule them all</p></div></div><hr class="mt-1 w-96 h-1 mx-auto my-2 md:my-2 dark:bg-bg-dark-tone-panel bg-bg-light-tone-panel border-0 rounded"><p class="text-2xl">Welcome</p><p class="text-lg">Please create a new discussion or select existing one to start</p></div>',1),jUe=[ $ Ue];function zUe(t,e,n,s,o,r){return C(),S("div",BUe,jUe)}const qg=Ve(FUe,[["render",zUe]]);const UUe={setup(){return{}},name:"DragDrop",emits:["panelLeave","panelDrop"],data(){return{fileList:[],show:!1,dropRelease:!1}},mounted(){_e(()=>{ye.replace()})},methods:{async panelDrop(t){const e="getAsFileSystemHandle"in DataTransferItem.prototype,n="webkitGetAsEntry"in DataTransferItem.prototype;if(!e&&!n)return;const s=[...t.dataTransfer.items].filter(r=>r.kind==="file").map(r=>e?r.getAsFileSystemHandle():r.webkitGetAsEntry());let o=[];for await(const r of s)(r.kind==="directory"||r.isDirectory)&&o.push(r.name);this.dropRelease=!0,t.dataTransfer.files.length>0&&[...t.dataTransfer.files].forEach(r=>{o.includes(r.name)||this.fileList.push(r)}),_e(()=>{ye.replace()}),this. $ emit("panelDrop",this.fileList),this.fileList=[],this.show=!1},panelLeave(){this. $ emit("panelLeave"),console.log("exit/leave"),this.dropRelease=!1,this.show=!1,_e(()=>{ye.replace()})}}},qUe={class:"text-4xl text-center"};function HUe(t,e,n,s,o,r){return C(),st(Ut,{name:"list",tag:"div"},{default:We(()=>[o.show?(C(),S("div",{key:"dropmenu",class:"select-none text-slate-50 absolute top-0 left-0 right-0 bottom-0 flex flex-col items-center justify-center bg-black bg-opacity-50 duration-200 backdrop-blur-sm",onDragleave:e[0]||(e[0]=ae(i=>r.panelLeave(i),["prevent"])),onDrop:e[1]||(e[1]=ae(i=>r.panelDrop(i),["stop","prevent"]))},[u("div",{class:Te(["flex flex-col items-center justify-center p-8 rounded-lg shadow-lg border-dashed border-4 border-secondary w-4/5 h-4/5",o.dropRelease?"":"pointer-events-none"])},[u("div",qUe,[kf(t. $ slots,"default",{},()=>[xe(" Drop your files here ")])])],2)],32)):B("",!0)]),_:3})}const ml=Ve(UUe,[["render",HUe]]);var VUe=function(){function t(e,n){n===void 0&&(n=[]),this._eventType=e,this._eventFunctions=n}return t.prototype.init=function(){var e=this;this._eventFunctions.forEach(function(n){typeof window<"u"&&window.addEventListener(e._eventType,n)})},t}(),Or=globalThis&&globalThis.__assign||function(){return Or=Object.assign||function(t){for(var e,n=1,s=arguments.length;n<s;n++){e=arguments[n];for(var o in e)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e,o)&&(t[o]=e[o])}return t},Or.apply(this,arguments)},Rr={alwaysOpen:!1,activeClasses:"bg-gray-100 dark:bg-gray-800 text-gray-900 dark:text-white",inactiveClasses:"text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400",onOpen:function(){},onClose:functi
2023-07-10 23:12:40 +00:00
Personality : $ { t . message . personality } ` );let s="";t.created_at_parsed&&(s= `
Created : $ { t . created _at _parsed } ` );let o="";t.message.content&&(o=t.message.content);let r="";t.message.model&&(r= ` Model : $ { t . message . model } ` );let i="";t.message.seed&&(i= ` Seed : $ { t . message . seed } ` );let a="";t.time_spent&&(a= `
Time spent : $ { t . time _spent } ` );let l="";l= ` $ { e } $ { r } $ { i } $ { a } ` .trim();const c= ` $ { t . message . sender } $ { n } $ { s }
$ { o }
2023-07-16 16:57:30 +00:00
$ { l } ` ;navigator.clipboard.writeText(c),_e(()=>{ye.replace()})},closeToast(){this.showToast=!1},saveJSONtoFile(t,e){e=e||"data.json";const n=document.createElement("a");n.href=URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([JSON.stringify(t,null,2)],{type:"text/plain"})),n.setAttribute("download",e),document.body.appendChild(n),n.click(),document.body.removeChild(n)},parseJsonObj(t){try{return JSON.parse(t)}catch(e){return this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Could not parse JSON .
2023-07-22 00:26:40 +00:00
` +e.message,4,!1),null}},async parseJsonFile(t){return new Promise((e,n)=>{const s=new FileReader;s.onload=o=>e(this.parseJsonObj(o.target.result)),s.onerror=o=>n(o),s.readAsText(t)})},async exportDiscussions(){const t=this.list.filter(e=>e.checkBoxValue==!0).map(e=>e.id);if(t.length>0){console.log("export",t);let e=new Date;const n=e.getFullYear(),s=(e.getMonth()+1).toString().padStart(2,"0"),o=e.getDate().toString().padStart(2,"0"),r=e.getHours().toString().padStart(2,"0"),i=e.getMinutes().toString().padStart(2,"0"),a=e.getSeconds().toString().padStart(2,"0"),c="discussions_export_"+(n+"."+s+"."+o+"."+r+i+a)+".json";this.loading=!0;const d=await this.export_multiple_discussions(t);d?(this.saveJSONtoFile(d,c),this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Successfully exported",4,!0),this.isCheckbox=!1):this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Failed to export discussions",4,!1),this.loading=!1}},async importDiscussions(t){const e=await this.parseJsonFile(t.target.files[0]);await this.import_multiple_discussions(e)?(this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Successfully imported ("+e.length+")",4,!0),await this.list_discussions()):this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Failed to import discussions",4,!1)},async getPersonalityAvatars(){for(;this. $ store.state.personalities===null;)await new Promise(e=>setTimeout(e,100));let t=this. $ store.state.personalities;this.personalityAvatars=t.map(e=>({name:e.name,avatar:e.avatar}))},getAvatar(t){if(t.toLowerCase().trim()==this. $ store.state.config.user_name.toLowerCase().trim())return"user_infos/"+this. $ store.state.config.user_avatar;const e=this.personalityAvatars.findIndex(s=>s.name===t),n=this.personalityAvatars[e];if(n)return console.log("Avatar",n.avatar),n.avatar},setFileListChat(t){try{this. $ refs.chatBox.fileList=this. $ refs.chatBox.fileList.concat(t)}catch(e){this. $ refs.toast.showToast( ` Failed to set filelist in chatbox
2023-07-23 23:39:27 +00:00
` +e.message,4,!1)}this.isDragOverChat=!1},setDropZoneChat(){this.isDragOverChat=!0,this. $ refs.dragdropChat.show=!0},async setFileListDiscussion(t){if(t.length>1){this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Failed to import discussions. Too many files",4,!1);return}const e=await this.parseJsonFile(t[0]);await this.import_multiple_discussions(e)?(this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Successfully imported ("+e.length+")",4,!0),await this.list_discussions()):this. $ refs.toast.showToast("Failed to import discussions",4,!1),this.isDragOverDiscussion=!1},setDropZoneDiscussion(){this.isDragOverDiscussion=!0,this. $ refs.dragdropDiscussion.show=!0}},async created(){for(this. $ nextTick(()=>{ye.replace()}),console.log("Waiting to be ready");this. $ store.state.ready===!1;)await new Promise(t=>setTimeout(t,100));console.log("Setting title"),this.setPageTitle(),console.log("listing discussions"),await this.list_discussions(),console.log("loading last discussion"),this.loadLastUsedDiscussion(),console.log("Discussions view is ready"),je.on("infos",this.createBotMsg),je.on("message",this.streamMessageContent),je.on("final",this.finalMsgEvent),je.on("connected",this.socketIOConnected),je.on("disconnected",this.socketIODisconnected),console.log("Added events"),this.isCreated=!0},mounted(){this. $ nextTick(()=>{ye.replace()})},async activated(){await this.getPersonalityAvatars(),this.isCreated&&_e(()=>{const t=document.getElementById("messages-list");this.scrollBottom(t)})},components:{Discussion:ng,Message:jg,ChatBox:Ug,WelcomeComponent:qg,Toast:ai,DragDrop:ml},watch:{filterTitle(t){t==""&&(this.filterInProgress=!0,this.list=this.tempList,this.filterInProgress=!1)},isCheckbox(t){_e(()=>{ye.replace()}),t||(this.isSelectAll=!1)},socketConnected(t){console.log("Websocket connected (watch)",t)},showConfirmation(){_e(()=>{ye.replace()})},isSearch(){_e(()=>{ye.replace()})}},computed:{isReady(){return console.log("verify ready",this.isCreated),this.isCreated},showPanel(){return this. $ store.state.ready&&!this.panelCollapsed},socketConnected(){return console.log(" --- > Websocket connected"),this. $ store.commit("setIsConnected",!0),!0},socketDisconnected(){return this. $ store.commit("setIsConnected",!1),console.log(" --- > Websocket disconnected"),!0},selectedDiscussions(){return _e(()=>{ye.replace()}),this.list.filter(t=>t.checkBoxValue==!0)}}},hVe=Object.assign(dVe,{__name:"DiscussionsView",setup(t){return Zr(()=>{Qqe()}),Se.defaults.baseURL="/",(e,n)=>(C(),S(Re,null,[ve(xo,{name:"fade-and-fly"},{default:We(()=>[e.isReady?B("",!0):(C(),S("div",Xqe,tHe))]),_:1}),e.isReady?(C(),S("button",{key:0,onClick:n[0]||(n[0]=(...s)=>e.togglePanel&&e.togglePanel(...s)),class:"absolute top-0 left-0 z-50 p-2 m-2 bg-white rounded-full shadow-md bg-bg-light-tone dark:bg-bg-dark-tone hover:bg-primary-light dark:hover:bg-primary"},[me(u("div",null,sHe,512),[[lt,e.panelCollapsed]]),me(u("div",null,rHe,512),[[lt,!e.panelCollapsed]])])):B("",!0),ve(xo,{name:"slide-right"},{default:We(()=>[e.showPanel?(C(),S("div",iHe,[u("div",{id:"leftPanel",class:"flex flex-col flex-grow overflow-y-scroll no-scrollbar",onDragover:n[19]||(n[19]=ae(s=>e.setDropZoneDiscussion(),["stop","prevent"]))},[u("div",aHe,[u("div",lHe,[u("button",{class:"text-2xl hover:text-secondary duration-75 active:scale-90",title:"Create new discussion",type:"button",onClick:n[1]||(n[1]=s=>e.createNewDiscussion())},uHe),u("button",{class:Te(["text-2xl hover:text-secondary duration-75 active:scale-90",e.isCheckbox?"text-secondary":""]),title:"Edit discussion list",type:"button",onClick:n[2]||(n[2]=s=>e.isCheckbox=!e.isCheckbox)},hHe,2),fHe,pHe,u("input",{type:"file",ref:"fileDialog",style:{display:"none"},onChange:n[3]||(n[3]=(...s)=>e.importDiscussions&&e.importDiscussions(...s))},null,544),u("button",{class:"text-2xl hover:text-secondary duration-75 active:scale-90 rotate-90",title:"Import discussions",type:"button",onClick:n[4]||(n[4]=ae(s=>e. $ refs.fileDialog.click(),["stop"]))},mHe),e.isOpen?(C(),S("div",_He,[u("button",{onClick:n[5]||(n[5]=(...s)=>e.importDiscussions&&e.importDiscussions(...s))},"LOLLMS"),u("button",{onClick:n[6]||(n[6