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synced 2025-01-14 16:59:46 +00:00
After pulling my hair out for two days, I rewrote the satellite tracking to use the P13 library from Mark VandeWettering \^ command to activate and deactive satellite tracking \~ command to view satellite tracking status
457 lines
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Executable File
457 lines
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Executable File
// P13.cpp
// An implementation of Plan13 in C++ by Mark VandeWettering
// Plan13 is an algorithm for satellite orbit prediction first formulated
// by James Miller G3RUH. I learned about it when I saw it was the basis
// of the PIC based antenna rotator project designed by G6LVB.
// http://www.g6lvb.com/Articles/LVBTracker2/index.htm
// I ported the algorithm to Python, and it was my primary means of orbit
// prediction for a couple of years while I operated the "Easy Sats" with
// a dual band hand held and an Arrow antenna.
// I've long wanted to redo the work in C++ so that I could port the code
// to smaller processors including the Atmel AVR chips. Bruce Robertson,
// VE9QRP started the qrpTracker project to fufill many of the same goals,
// but I thought that the code could be made more compact and more modular,
// and could serve not just the embedded targets but could be of more
// use for more general applications. And, I like the BSD License a bit
// better too.
// So, here it is!
#include "P13.h"
RADIANS(double deg)
return deg * M_PI / 180. ;
DEGREES(double rad)
return rad * 180. / M_PI ;
// _ ___ _ _____ _
// __| |__ _ ______ | \ __ _| |_ __|_ _(_)_ __ ___
// / _| / _` (_-<_-< | |) / _` | _/ -_)| | | | ' \/ -_)
// \__|_\__,_/__/__/ |___/\__,_|\__\___||_| |_|_|_|_\___|
static long
fnday(int y, int m, int d)
if (m < 3) {
m += 12 ;
y -- ;
return (long) (y * YM) + (long) ((m+1)*30.6f) + (long)d - 428L ;
static void
fndate(int &y, int &m, int &d, long dt)
dt += 428L ;
y = (int) ((dt-122.1)/365.25) ;
dt -= (long) (y*365.25) ;
m = (int) (dt / 30.61) ;
dt -= (long) (m*30.6) ;
m -- ;
if (m > 12) {
m -= 12 ;
y++ ;
d = dt ;
SatDateTime::SatDateTime(int year, int month, int day, int h, int m, int s)
settime(year, month, day, h, m, s) ;
SatDateTime::SatDateTime(const SatDateTime &dt)
DN = dt.DN ;
TN = dt.TN ;
DN = 0L ;
TN = 0. ;
SatDateTime::gettime(int &year, int &month, int &day, int &h, int &m, int &s)
fndate(year, month, day, DN) ;
double t = TN ;
t *= 24. ;
h = (int) t ;
t -= h ;
t *= 60 ;
m = (int) t ;
t -= m ;
t *= 60 ;
s = (int) t ;
SatDateTime::settime(int year, int month, int day, int h, int m, int s)
DN = fnday(year, month, day) ;
TN = ((double) h + m / 60. + s / 3600.) / 24. ;
SatDateTime::ascii(char *buf)
int year, mon, day ;
int h, m, s ;
gettime(year, mon, day, h, m, s) ;
sprintf(buf, "%02d/%02d/%4d %02d:%02d:%02d", mon, day, year, h, m, s) ;
SatDateTime::add(double days)
TN += days ;
DN += (long) TN ;
TN -= (long) TN ;
SatDateTime::roundup(double t)
double inc = t-fmod(TN, t) ;
TN += inc ;
DN += (long) TN ;
TN -= (long) TN ;
// _ ___ _
// __| |__ _ ______ / _ \| |__ ___ ___ _ ___ _____ _ _
// / _| / _` (_-<_-< | (_) | '_ (_-</ -_) '_\ V / -_) '_|
// \__|_\__,_/__/__/ \___/|_.__/__/\___|_| \_/\___|_|
Observer::Observer(const char *nm, double lat, double lng, double hgt)
this->name = nm ;
LA = RADIANS(lat) ;
LO = RADIANS(lng) ;
HT = hgt / 1000 ;
U[0] = cos(LA)*cos(LO) ;
U[1] = cos(LA)*sin(LO) ;
U[2] = sin(LA) ;
E[0] = -sin(LO) ;
E[1] = cos(LO) ;
E[2] = 0. ;
N[0] = -sin(LA)*cos(LO) ;
N[1] = -sin(LA)*sin(LO) ;
N[2] = cos(LA) ;
double RP = RE * (1 - FL) ;
double XX = RE * RE ;
double ZZ = RP * RP ;
double D = sqrt(XX*cos(LA)*cos(LA) +
ZZ*sin(LA)*sin(LA)) ;
double Rx = XX / D + HT ;
double Rz = ZZ / D + HT ;
O[0] = Rx * U[0] ;
O[1] = Rx * U[1] ;
O[2] = Rz * U[2] ;
V[0] = -O[1] * W0 ;
V[1] = O[0] * W0 ;
V[2] = 0 ;
// _ ___ _ _ _ _ _
// __| |__ _ ______ / __| __ _| |_ ___| | (_) |_ ___
// / _| / _` (_-<_-< \__ \/ _` | _/ -_) | | | _/ -_)
// \__|_\__,_/__/__/ |___/\__,_|\__\___|_|_|_|\__\___|
static double
getdouble(const char *c, int i0, int i1)
char buf[20] ;
int i ;
for (i=0; i0+i<i1; i++)
buf[i] = c[i0+i] ;
buf[i] = '\0' ;
return strtod(buf, NULL) ;
static long
getlong(const char *c, int i0, int i1)
char buf[20] ;
int i ;
for (i=0; i0+i<i1; i++)
buf[i] = c[i0+i] ;
buf[i] = '\0' ;
return atol(buf) ;
Satellite::Satellite(const char *nm, const char *l1, const char *l2)
tle(nm, l1, l2) ;
Satellite::tle(const char *nm, const char *l1, const char *l2)
name = nm ;
// direct quantities from the orbital elements
N = getlong(l2, 2, 7) ;
YE = getlong(l1, 18, 20) ;
if (YE < 58)
YE += 2000 ;
YE += 1900 ;
TE = getdouble(l1, 20, 32) ;
M2 = RADIANS(getdouble(l1, 33, 43)) ;
IN = RADIANS(getdouble(l2, 8, 16)) ;
RA = RADIANS(getdouble(l2, 17, 25)) ;
EC = getdouble(l2, 26, 33)/1e7f ;
WP = RADIANS(getdouble(l2, 34, 42)) ;
MA = RADIANS(getdouble(l2, 43, 51)) ;
MM = 2.0f * M_PI * getdouble(l2, 52, 63) ;
RV = getlong(l2, 63, 68) ;
// derived quantities from the orbital elements
// convert TE to DE and TE
DE = fnday(YE, 1, 0) + (long) TE ;
TE -= (long) TE ;
N0 = MM/86400 ;
A_0 = pow(GM/(N0*N0), 1./3.) ;
B_0 = A_0*sqrt(1.-EC*EC) ;
PC = RE*A_0/(B_0*B_0) ;
PC = 1.5f*J2*PC*PC*MM ;
double CI = cos(IN) ;
QD = -PC*CI ;
WD = PC*(5*CI*CI-1)/2 ;
DC = -2*M2/(3*MM) ;
Satellite::predict(const SatDateTime &dt)
long DN = dt.DN ;
double TN = dt.TN ;
float TEG = DE - fnday(YG, 1, 0) + TE ;
float GHAE = radians(G0) + TEG * WE ;
float MRSE = radians(G0) + TEG * WW + M_PI ;
float MASE = radians(MAS0 + TEG * MASD) ;
double T = (double) (DN - DE) + (TN-TE) ;
double DT = DC * T / 2. ;
double KD = 1. + 4. * DT ;
double KDP = 1. - 7. * DT ;
double M = MA + MM * T * (1. - 3. * DT) ;
double DR = (long) (M / (2. * M_PI)) ;
M -= DR * 2. * M_PI ;
double RN = RV + DR ;
double EA = M ;
double DNOM, C_EA, S_EA ;
for (;;) {
C_EA = cos(EA) ;
S_EA = sin(EA) ;
DNOM = 1. - EC * C_EA ;
double D = (EA-EC*S_EA-M)/DNOM ;
EA -= D ;
if (fabs(D) < 1e-5)
break ;
double A = A_0 * KD ;
double B = B_0 * KD ;
RS = A * DNOM ;
double Vx, Vy ;
double Sx, Sy ;
Sx = A * (C_EA - EC) ;
Sy = B * S_EA ;
Vx = -A * S_EA / DNOM * N0 ;
Vy = B * C_EA / DNOM * N0 ;
double AP = WP + WD * T * KDP ;
double CW = cos(AP) ;
double SW = sin(AP) ;
double RAAN = RA + QD * T * KDP ;
double CQ = cos(RAAN) ;
double SQ = sin(RAAN) ;
double CI = cos(IN) ;
double SI = sin(IN) ;
// CX, CY, and CZ form a 3x3 matrix
// that converts between orbit coordinates,
// and celestial coordinates.
Vec3 CX, CY, CZ ;
CX[0] = CW * CQ - SW * CI * SQ ;
CX[1] = -SW * CQ - CW * CI * SQ ;
CX[2] = SI * SQ ;
CY[0] = CW * SQ + SW * CI * CQ ;
CY[1] = -SW * SQ + CW * CI * CQ ;
CY[2] = -SI * CQ ;
CZ[0] = SW * SI ;
CZ[1] = CW * SI ;
CZ[2] = CI ;
// satellite in celestial coords
SAT[0] = Sx * CX[0] + Sy * CX[1] ;
SAT[1] = Sx * CY[0] + Sy * CY[1] ;
SAT[2] = Sx * CZ[0] + Sy * CZ[1] ;
VEL[0] = Vx * CX[0] + Vy * CX[1] ;
VEL[1] = Vx * CY[0] + Vy * CY[1] ;
VEL[2] = Vx * CZ[0] + Vy * CZ[1] ;
// and in geocentric coordinates
double GHAA = (GHAE + WE * T) ;
double CG = cos(-GHAA) ;
double SG = sin(-GHAA) ;
S[0] = SAT[0] * CG - SAT[1] * SG ;
S[1] = SAT[0] * SG + SAT[1] * CG ;
S[2] = SAT[2] ;
V[0] = VEL[0] * CG - VEL[1]* SG ;
V[1] = VEL[0] * SG + VEL[1]* CG ;
V[2] = VEL[2] ;
Satellite::LL(double &lat, double &lng)
lat = DEGREES(asin(S[2]/RS)) ;
lng = DEGREES(atan2(S[1], S[0])) ;
Satellite::altaz(const Observer &obs, double &alt, double &az)
Vec3 R ;
R[0] = S[0] - obs.O[0] ;
R[1] = S[1] - obs.O[1] ;
R[2] = S[2] - obs.O[2] ;
double r = sqrt(R[0]*R[0]+R[1]*R[1]+R[2]*R[2]) ;
R[0] /= r ;
R[1] /= r ;
R[2] /= r ;
double u = R[0] * obs.U[0] + R[1] * obs.U[1] + R[2] * obs.U[2] ;
double e = R[0] * obs.E[0] + R[1] * obs.E[1] + R[2] * obs.E[2] ;
double n = R[0] * obs.N[0] + R[1] * obs.N[1] + R[2] * obs.N[2] ;
az = DEGREES(atan2(e, n)) ;
if (az < 0.) az += 360. ;
alt = DEGREES(asin(u)) ;
Sun::predict(const SatDateTime &dt)
long DN = dt.DN ;
double TN = dt.TN ;
double T = (double) (DN - fnday(YG, 1, 0)) + TN ;
double GHAE = RADIANS(G0) + T * WE ;
double MRSE = RADIANS(G0) + T * WW + M_PI ;
double MASE = RADIANS(MAS0 + T * MASD) ;
double TAS = MRSE + EQC1*sin(MASE) + EQC2*sin(2.*MASE) ;
double C, S ;
C = cos(TAS) ;
S = sin(TAS) ;
SUN[0]=C ;
SUN[1]=S*CNS ;
SUN[2]=S*SNS ;
C = cos(-GHAE) ;
S = sin(-GHAE) ;
H[0]=SUN[0]*C - SUN[1]*S ;
H[1]=SUN[0]*S + SUN[1]*C ;
H[2]=SUN[2] ;
Sun::LL(double &lat, double &lng)
lat = DEGREES(asin(H[2])) ;
lng = DEGREES(atan2(H[1], H[0])) ;
// oops.... this is broken.
Sun::altaz(const Observer &obs, double &alt, double &az)
Vec3 R ;
R[0] = H[0] - obs.O[0] ;
R[1] = H[1] - obs.O[1] ;
R[2] = H[2] - obs.O[2] ;
double r = sqrt(R[0]*R[0]+R[1]*R[1]+R[2]*R[2]) ;
R[0] /= r ;
R[1] /= r ;
R[2] /= r ;
double u = R[0] * obs.U[0] + R[1] * obs.U[1] + R[2] * obs.U[2] ;
double e = R[0] * obs.E[0] + R[1] * obs.E[1] + R[2] * obs.E[2] ;
double n = R[0] * obs.N[0] + R[1] * obs.N[1] + R[2] * obs.N[2] ;
az = DEGREES(atan2(e, n)) ;
if (az < 0.) az += 360. ;
alt = DEGREES(asin(u)) ;