/* // ######## ######## ###### ######## // ## ## ## ## ## // ## ## ## ## // ## ###### ###### ## // ## ## ## ## // ## ## ## ## ## // ## ######## ###### ## */ #define FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL // uncomment this for AZ/EL rotators #define FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION // uncomment this for Yaesu GS-232 emulation on control port // #define FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION // Easycom protocol emulation on control port (undefine FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION above) #define FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING #define FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING #define FEATURE_CLOCK #define FEATURE_GPS #define FEATURE_RTC_DS1307 // #define FEATURE_RTC_PCF8583 // #define FEATURE_ETHERNET // #define FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR // requires Mega or an AVR with Timer 5 support // #define FEATURE_AUTOCORRECT // #define FEATURE_TEST_DISPLAY_AT_STARTUP #define LANGUAGE_ENGLISH // all languages customized in rotator_language.h // #define LANGUAGE_SPANISH // #define LANGUAGE_CZECH // #define LANGUAGE_ITALIAN // #define LANGUAGE_PORTUGUESE_BRASIL // #define LANGUAGE_GERMAN // #define LANGUAGE_DUTCH /* master and remote slave unit functionality */ // #define FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE // uncomment this to make this unit a remote unit controlled by a host unit // #define FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE // [master]{remote_port}<-------serial-------->{control_port}[slave] // #define FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE // [master]<-------------------ethernet--------------------->[slave] /* position sensors - pick one for azimuth and one for elevation if using an az/el rotator */ #define FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_POTENTIOMETER //this is used for both a voltage from a rotator control or a homebrew rotator with a potentiometer // #define FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER // #define FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER_USE_LIB // #define FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT // #define FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_HMC5883L // HMC5883L digital compass support // #define FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_GET_FROM_REMOTE_UNIT // requires FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE or FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE // #define FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_ADAFRUIT_LSM303 // Uncomment for azimuth using LSM303 compass and Adafruit library (https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_LSM303) (also uncomment object declaration below) // #define FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_POLOLU_LSM303 // Uncomment for azimuth using LSM303 compass and Polulu library // #define FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_HH12_AS5045_SSI // #define FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER // #define FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_A2_ABSOLUTE_ENCODER #define FEATURE_EL_POSITION_POTENTIOMETER // #define FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER // #define FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER_USE_LIB // #define FEATURE_EL_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT // #define FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ADXL345_USING_LOVE_ELECTRON_LIB // Uncomment for elevation ADXL345 accelerometer support using ADXL345 library // #define FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ADXL345_USING_ADAFRUIT_LIB // Uncomment for elevation ADXL345 accelerometer support using Adafruit library // #define FEATURE_EL_POSITION_GET_FROM_REMOTE_UNIT // requires FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE or FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE // #define FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ADAFRUIT_LSM303 // Uncomment for elevation using LSM303 accelerometer and Adafruit library (https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_LSM303) (also uncomment object declaration below) // #define FEATURE_EL_POSITION_POLOLU_LSM303 // Uncomment for elevation using LSM303 compass and Polulu library // #define FEATURE_EL_POSITION_HH12_AS5045_SSI // #define FEATURE_EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER // #define FEATURE_EL_POSITION_MEMSIC_2125 // #define FEATURE_EL_POSITION_A2_ABSOLUTE_ENCODER // And if you are using an Adafruit, Yourduino, RFRobot, YWRobot, or SainSmart display, you must also change the feature setting in rotator_k3ngdisplay.h!!!! #define FEATURE_4_BIT_LCD_DISPLAY // Uncomment for classic 4 bit LCD display (most common) // #define FEATURE_ADAFRUIT_I2C_LCD // #define FEATURE_ADAFRUIT_BUTTONS // Uncomment this to use Adafruit I2C LCD buttons for manual AZ/EL instead of normal buttons (also set this feature in rotator_k3ngdisplay.h) // #define FEATURE_YOURDUINO_I2C_LCD // #define FEATURE_RFROBOT_I2C_DISPLAY // #define FEATURE_YWROBOT_I2C_DISPLAY // #define FEATURE_SAINSMART_I2C_LCD // #define FEATURE_ANALOG_OUTPUT_PINS // #define FEATURE_SUN_PUSHBUTTON_AZ_EL_CALIBRATION // #define FEATURE_MOON_PUSHBUTTON_AZ_EL_CALIBRATION /* preset rotary encoder features and options */ // #define FEATURE_AZ_PRESET_ENCODER // Uncomment for Rotary Encoder Azimuth Preset support // #define FEATURE_EL_PRESET_ENCODER // Uncomment for Rotary Encoder Elevation Preset support (requires FEATURE_AZ_PRESET_ENCODER above) #define OPTION_ENCODER_HALF_STEP_MODE #define OPTION_ENCODER_ENABLE_PULLUPS // define to enable weak pullups on rotary encoder pins #define OPTION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_PULLUPS // define to enable weak pullups on 3 phase incremental rotary encoder pins //#define OPTION_PRESET_ENCODER_RELATIVE_CHANGE // this makes the encoder(s) change the az or el in a relative fashion rather then store an absolute setting #define OPTION_PRESET_ENCODER_0_360_DEGREES /* position sensor options */ #define OPTION_AZ_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER_HARD_LIMIT // stop azimuth at lower and upper limit rather than rolling over #define OPTION_EL_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER_HARD_LIMIT // stop elevation at lower and upper limits rather than rolling over #define OPTION_AZ_POSITION_PULSE_HARD_LIMIT // stop azimuth at lower and upper limit rather than rolling over #define OPTION_EL_POSITION_PULSE_HARD_LIMIT // stop elevation at lower and upper limits rather than rolling over #define OPTION_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT_PULLUPS // define to enable weak pullups on position pulse inputs /* less often used features and options */ // #define OPTION_GS_232B_EMULATION // comment this out to default to Yaesu GS-232A emulation when using FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION above #define FEATURE_ROTATION_INDICATOR_PIN // activate rotation_indication_pin to indicate rotation // #define FEATURE_LIMIT_SENSE // #define FEATURE_TIMED_BUFFER // Support for Yaesu timed buffer commands #define OPTION_SERIAL_HELP_TEXT // Yaesu help command prints help #define FEATURE_PARK #define OPTION_AZ_MANUAL_ROTATE_LIMITS // this option will automatically stop the L and R commands when hitting a CCW or CW limit (settings below - AZ_MANUAL_ROTATE_*_LIMIT) #define OPTION_EL_MANUAL_ROTATE_LIMITS #define OPTION_EASYCOM_AZ_QUERY_COMMAND // Adds non-standard Easycom command: AZ with no parm returns current azimuth #define OPTION_EASYCOM_EL_QUERY_COMMAND // Adds non-standard Easycom command: EL with no parm returns current elevation //#define OPTION_C_COMMAND_SENDS_AZ_AND_EL // uncomment this when using Yaesu emulation with Ham Radio Deluxe //#define OPTION_DELAY_C_CMD_OUTPUT // uncomment this when using Yaesu emulation with Ham Radio Deluxe #define FEATURE_ONE_DECIMAL_PLACE_HEADINGS //#define FEATURE_TWO_DECIMAL_PLACE_HEADINGS // under development - not working yet! // #define FEATURE_AZIMUTH_CORRECTION // correct the azimuth using a calibration table in rotator_settings.h // #define FEATURE_ELEVATION_CORRECTION // correct the elevation using a calibration table in rotator_settings.h // #define FEATURE_ANCILLARY_PIN_CONTROL // control I/O pins with serial commands \F, \N, \P //#define FEATURE_JOYSTICK_CONTROL // analog joystick support //#define OPTION_JOYSTICK_REVERSE_X_AXIS //#define OPTION_JOYSTICK_REVERSE_Y_AXIS #define OPTION_EL_SPEED_FOLLOWS_AZ_SPEED // changing the azimith speed with Yaesu X commands or an azimuth speed pot will also change elevation speed //#define OPTION_PULSE_IGNORE_AMBIGUOUS_PULSES // for azimuth and elevation position pulse input feature, ignore pulses that arrive when no rotation is active //#define OPTION_BUTTON_RELEASE_NO_SLOWDOWN // disables slowdown when CW or CCW button is released, or stop button is depressed #define OPTION_SYNC_RTC_TO_GPS // if both realtime clock and GPS are present, synchronize realtime clock to GPS // #define OPTION_DISPLAY_STATUS // #define OPTION_DISPLAY_HEADING #define OPTION_DISPLAY_HEADING_AZ_ONLY #define OPTION_DISPLAY_HEADING_EL_ONLY // #define OPTION_DISPLAY_HHMM_CLOCK // display HH:MM clock (set position with #define LCD_HHMM_CLOCK_POSITION) //#define OPTION_DISPLAY_HHMMSS_CLOCK // display HH:MM:SS clock (set position with #define LCD_HHMMSS_CLOCK_POSITION) // #define OPTION_DISPLAY_ALT_HHMM_CLOCK_AND_MAIDENHEAD // display alternating HH:MM clock and maidenhead on LCD row 1 (set position with #define LCD_HHMMCLOCK_POSITION) // #define OPTION_DISPLAY_CONSTANT_HHMMSS_CLOCK_AND_MAIDENHEAD // display constant HH:MM:SS clock and maidenhead on LCD row 1 (set position with #define LCD_CONSTANT_HHMMSSCLOCK_MAIDENHEAD_POSITION) //#define OPTION_DISPLAY_BIG_CLOCK // display date & time clock (set row with #define LCD_BIG_CLOCK_ROW) //#define OPTION_CLOCK_ALWAYS_HAVE_HOUR_LEADING_ZERO #define OPTION_DISPLAY_GPS_INDICATOR // display GPS indicator on LCD - set position with LCD_GPS_INDICATOR_POSITION and LCD_GPS_INDICATOR_ROW #define OPTION_DISPLAY_MOON_TRACKING_CONTINUOUSLY //#define OPTION_DISPLAY_DIRECTION_STATUS // N, W, E, S, NW, etc. direction indicator #define OPTION_DISPLAY_SUN_TRACKING_CONTINUOUSLY //#define OPTION_DISPLAY_MOON_OR_SUN_TRACKING_CONDITIONAL #define OPTION_DISPLAY_VERSION_ON_STARTUP //code provided by Paolo, IT9IPQ //#define OPTION_LCD_HEADING_FIELD_FIXED_DECIMAL_PLACE //#define FEATURE_POWER_SWITCH //#define OPTION_EXTERNAL_ANALOG_REFERENCE //Activate external analog voltage reference (needed for RemoteQTH.com unit) //#define OPTION_SYNC_MASTER_CLOCK_TO_SLAVE // use when GPS unit is connected to slave unit and you want to synchronize the master unit clock to the slave unit GPS clock //#define OPTION_SYNC_MASTER_COORDINATES_TO_SLAVE // use when GPS unit is connected to slave unit and you want to synchronize the master unit coordinates to the slave unit GPS //#define OPTION_DISABLE_HMC5883L_ERROR_CHECKING // #define OPTION_HAMLIB_EASYCOM_AZ_EL_COMMAND_HACK // #define OPTION_HAMLIB_EASYCOM_NO_TERMINATOR_CHARACTER_HACK // #define OPTION_NO_ELEVATION_CHECK_TARGET_DELAY // #define OPTION_BLINK_OVERLAP_LED // #define OPTION_EL_PULSE_DEBOUNCE // #define OPTION_SCANCON_2RMHF3600_INC_ENCODER // use with FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER and/or FEATURE_EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER if using the ScanCon 2RMHF3600 incremental encoder // #define OPTION_RESET_METHOD_JMP_ASM_0 // #define OPTION_SAVE_MEMORY_EXCLUDE_REMOTE_CMDS // #define OPTION_REVERSE_AZ_HH12_AS5045 // #define OPTION_REVERSE_EL_HH12_AS5045 // #define OPTION_DONT_READ_GPS_PORT_AS_OFTEN // #define OPTION_SEND_STRING_OUT_CONTROL_PORT_WHEN_INITIALIZING // change OPTION_SEND_STRING_OUT_CONTROL_PORT_WHEN_INITIALIZING_STRING in settings file // ######## ######## ###### ######## // ## ## ## ## ## // ## ## ## ## // ## ###### ###### ## // ## ## ## ## // ## ## ## ## ## // ## ######## ###### ## /* ---------------------- debug stuff - don't touch unless you know what you are doing --------------------------- */ #define DEFAULT_DEBUG_STATE 0 // 1 = activate debug mode at startup; this should be set to zero unless you're debugging something at startup #define DEBUG_DUMP // normally compile with this activated unless you're really trying to save memory // #define DEBUG_LOOP // #define DEBUG_BUTTONS // #define DEBUG_SERIAL // #define DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE // #define DEBUG_EEPROM // #define DEBUG_AZ_SPEED_POT // #define DEBUG_AZ_PRESET_POT // #define DEBUG_PRESET_ENCODERS // #define DEBUG_AZ_MANUAL_ROTATE_LIMITS // #define DEBUG_EL_MANUAL_ROTATE_LIMITS // #define DEBUG_BRAKE // #define DEBUG_OVERLAP // #define DEBUG_DISPLAY // #define DEBUG_AZ_CHECK_OPERATION_TIMEOUT // #define DEBUG_TIMED_BUFFER // #define DEBUG_EL_CHECK_OPERATION_TIMEOUT // #define DEBUG_VARIABLE_OUTPUTS // #define DEBUG_ROTATOR // #define DEBUG_SUBMIT_REQUEST // #define DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION // #define DEBUG_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER // #define DEBUG_PROFILE_LOOP_TIME // #define DEBUG_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT // #define DEBUG_ACCEL // #define DEBUG_SVC_REMOTE_COMM_INCOMING_BUFFER // #define DEBUG_SVC_REMOTE_COMM_INCOMING_BUFFER_BAD_DATA // #define DEBUG_HEADING_READING_TIME // #define DEBUG_JOYSTICK // #define DEBUG_ROTATION_INDICATION_PIN // #define DEBUG_HH12 // #define DEBUG_PARK // #define DEBUG_LIMIT_SENSE // #define DEBUG_AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER // #define DEBUG_EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER // #define DEBUG_MOON_TRACKING // #define DEBUG_SUN_TRACKING // #define DEBUG_GPS // #define DEBUG_GPS_SERIAL // #define DEBUG_OFFSET // #define DEBUG_RTC // #define DEBUG_PROCESS_YAESU // #define DEBUG_ETHERNET // #define DEBUG_PROCESS_SLAVE // #define DEBUG_MEMSIC_2125 // #define DEBUG_SYNC_MASTER_CLOCK_TO_SLAVE // #define DEBUG_SYNC_MASTER_COORDINATES_TO_SLAVE // #define DEBUG_HMC5883L // #define DEBUG_POLOLU_LSM303_CALIBRATION // #define DEBUG_STEPPER // #define DEBUG_AUTOCORRECT // #define DEBUG_A2_ENCODER // #define DEBUG_A2_ENCODER_LOOPBACK_TEST // ######## ######## ###### ######## // ## ## ## ## ## // ## ## ## ## // ## ###### ###### ## // ## ## ## ## // ## ## ## ## ## // ## ######## ###### ##