/* ---------------------- Features and Options - you must configure this !! ------------------------------------------------ If you are using EA4TX ARS USB, edit rotator_features_ea4tx_ars_usb.h, not this file. */ /* main features */ #define FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL // uncomment this for AZ/EL rotators //#define FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION // uncomment this for Yaesu GS-232 emulation on control port #define FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION // Easycom protocol emulation on control port (undefine FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION above) //#define FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING //#define FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING //#define FEATURE_CLOCK //#define FEATURE_GPS //#define FEATURE_RTC_DS1307 //#define FEATURE_RTC_PCF8583 //#define FEATURE_ETHERNET #define FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR #define FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR_EXPERIMENTAL_CODE #define LANGUAGE_ENGLISH //#define LANGUAGE_SPANISH //#define LANGUAGE_CZECH //#define LANGUAGE_ITALIAN /* master and remote slave unit functionality */ //#define FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE // uncomment this to make this unit a remote unit controlled by a host unit //#define FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE // [master]{remote_port}<-------serial-------->{control_port}[slave] //#define FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE // [master]<-------------------ethernet--------------------->[slave] /* position sensors - pick one for azimuth and one for elevation if using an az/el rotator */ //#define FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_POTENTIOMETER //this is used for both a voltage from a rotator control or a homebrew rotator with a potentiometer //#define FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER //#define FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT //#define FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_HMC5883L // HMC5883L digital compass support //#define FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_GET_FROM_REMOTE_UNIT // requires FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE or FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE //#define FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_ADAFRUIT_LSM303 // Uncomment for azimuth using LSM303 compass and Adafruit library (https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_LSM303) (also uncomment object declaration below) //#define FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_POLOLU_LSM303 // Uncomment for azimuth using LSM303 compass and Polulu library //#define FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_HH12_AS5045_SSI #define FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER //#define FEATURE_EL_POSITION_POTENTIOMETER //#define FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER //#define FEATURE_EL_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT //#define FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ADXL345_USING_LOVE_ELECTRON_LIB // Uncomment for elevation ADXL345 accelerometer support using ADXL345 library //#define FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ADXL345_USING_ADAFRUIT_LIB // Uncomment for elevation ADXL345 accelerometer support using Adafruit library //#define FEATURE_EL_POSITION_GET_FROM_REMOTE_UNIT // requires FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE or FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE //#define FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ADAFRUIT_LSM303 // Uncomment for elevation using LSM303 accelerometer and Adafruit library (https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_LSM303) (also uncomment object declaration below) //#define FEATURE_EL_POSITION_POLOLU_LSM303 // Uncomment for elevation using LSM303 compass and Polulu library //#define FEATURE_EL_POSITION_HH12_AS5045_SSI #define FEATURE_EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER //#define FEATURE_EL_POSITION_MEMSIC_2125 //#define FEATURE_4_BIT_LCD_DISPLAY //Uncomment for classic 4 bit LCD display (most common) //#define FEATURE_ADAFRUIT_I2C_LCD //#define FEATURE_ADAFRUIT_BUTTONS // Uncomment this to use Adafruit I2C LCD buttons for manual AZ/EL instead of normal buttons //#define FEATURE_YOURDUINO_I2C_LCD //#define FEATURE_RFROBOT_I2C_DISPLAY //#define FEATURE_ANALOG_OUTPUT_PINS /* preset rotary encoder features and options */ //#define FEATURE_AZ_PRESET_ENCODER // Uncomment for Rotary Encoder Azimuth Preset support //#define FEATURE_EL_PRESET_ENCODER // Uncomment for Rotary Encoder Elevation Preset support (requires FEATURE_AZ_PRESET_ENCODER above) #define OPTION_ENCODER_HALF_STEP_MODE #define OPTION_ENCODER_ENABLE_PULLUPS // define to enable weak pullups on rotary encoder pins #define OPTION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_PULLUPS // define to enable weak pullups on 3 phase incremental rotary encoder pins //#define OPTION_PRESET_ENCODER_RELATIVE_CHANGE // this makes the encoder(s) change the az or el in a relative fashion rather then store an absolute setting //#define OPTION_PRESET_ENCODER_0_360_DEGREES /* position sensor options */ #define OPTION_AZ_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER_HARD_LIMIT // stop azimuth at lower and upper limit rather than rolling over #define OPTION_EL_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER_HARD_LIMIT // stop elevation at lower and upper limits rather than rolling over #define OPTION_AZ_POSITION_PULSE_HARD_LIMIT // stop azimuth at lower and upper limit rather than rolling over #define OPTION_EL_POSITION_PULSE_HARD_LIMIT // stop elevation at lower and upper limits rather than rolling over //#define OPTION_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT_PULLUPS // define to enable weak pullups on position pulse inputs /* less often used features and options */ //#define OPTION_GS_232B_EMULATION // comment this out to default to Yaesu GS-232A emulation when using FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION above //#define FEATURE_ROTATION_INDICATOR_PIN // activate rotation_indication_pin to indicate rotation //#define FEATURE_LIMIT_SENSE //#define FEATURE_TIMED_BUFFER // Support for Yaesu timed buffer commands //#define OPTION_SERIAL_HELP_TEXT // Yaesu help command prints help //#define FEATURE_PARK //#define OPTION_AZ_MANUAL_ROTATE_LIMITS // this option will automatically stop the L and R commands when hitting a CCW or CW limit (settings below - AZ_MANUAL_ROTATE_*_LIMIT) //#define OPTION_EL_MANUAL_ROTATE_LIMITS #define OPTION_EASYCOM_AZ_QUERY_COMMAND // Adds non-standard Easycom command: AZ with no parm returns current azimuth #define OPTION_EASYCOM_EL_QUERY_COMMAND // Adds non-standard Easycom command: EL with no parm returns current elevation //#define OPTION_C_COMMAND_SENDS_AZ_AND_EL // uncomment this when using Yaesu emulation with Ham Radio Deluxe //#define OPTION_DELAY_C_CMD_OUTPUT // uncomment this when using Yaesu emulation with Ham Radio Deluxe #define FEATURE_ONE_DECIMAL_PLACE_HEADINGS //#define FEATURE_TWO_DECIMAL_PLACE_HEADINGS // under development - not working yet! //#define FEATURE_AZIMUTH_CORRECTION // correct the azimuth using a calibration table in rotator_settings.h #define FEATURE_ELEVATION_CORRECTION // correct the elevation using a calibration table in rotator_settings.h //#define FEATURE_ANCILLARY_PIN_CONTROL // control I/O pins with serial commands \F, \N, \P //#define FEATURE_JOYSTICK_CONTROL // analog joystick support //#define OPTION_JOYSTICK_REVERSE_X_AXIS //#define OPTION_JOYSTICK_REVERSE_Y_AXIS #define OPTION_EL_SPEED_FOLLOWS_AZ_SPEED // changing the azimith speed with Yaesu X commands or an azimuth speed pot will also change elevation speed //#define OPTION_PULSE_IGNORE_AMBIGUOUS_PULSES // for azimuth and elevation position pulse input feature, ignore pulses that arrive when no rotation is active //#define OPTION_BUTTON_RELEASE_NO_SLOWDOWN // disables slowdown when CW or CCW button is released, or stop button is depressed //#define OPTION_SYNC_RTC_TO_GPS // if both realtime clock and GPS are present, syncronize realtime clock to GPS //#define OPTION_DISPLAY_HHMM_CLOCK // display HH:MM clock on LCD row 1 (set position with #define LCD_HHMM_CLOCK_POSITION) //#define OPTION_DISPLAY_HHMMSS_CLOCK // display HH:MM:SS clock on LCD row 1 (set position with #define LCD_HHMMSS_CLOCK_POSITION) //#define OPTION_DISPLAY_ALT_HHMM_CLOCK_AND_MAIDENHEAD // display alternating HH:MM clock and maidenhead on LCD row 1 (set position with #define LCD_HHMMCLOCK_POSITION) //#define OPTION_DISPLAY_CONSTANT_HHMMSS_CLOCK_AND_MAIDENHEAD // display constant HH:MM:SS clock and maidenhead on LCD row 1 (set position with #define LCD_CONSTANT_HHMMSSCLOCK_MAIDENHEAD_POSITION) //#define OPTION_DISPLAY_BIG_CLOCK // display date & time clock (set row with #define LCD_BIG_CLOCK_ROW) //#define OPTION_CLOCK_ALWAYS_HAVE_HOUR_LEADING_ZERO //#define OPTION_DISPLAY_GPS_INDICATOR // display GPS indicator on LCD - set position with LCD_GPS_INDICATOR_POSITION and LCD_GPS_INDICATOR_ROW //#define OPTION_DISPLAY_MOON_TRACKING_CONTINUOUSLY //#define OPTION_DISPLAY_DIRECTION_STATUS // N, W, E, S, NW, etc. direction indicator in row 1 center //#define OPTION_DISPLAY_SUN_TRACKING_CONTINUOUSLY //#define OPTION_DISPLAY_MOON_OR_SUN_TRACKING_CONDITIONAL //#define OPTION_DISPLAY_VERSION_ON_STARTUP //code provided by Paolo, IT9IPQ //#define FEATURE_POWER_SWITCH //#define OPTION_EXTERNAL_ANALOG_REFERENCE //Activate external analog voltage reference (needed for RemoteQTH.com unit) //#define OPTION_SYNC_MASTER_CLOCK_TO_SLAVE //#define OPTION_DISABLE_HMC5883L_ERROR_CHECKING #define OPTION_HAMLIB_EASYCOM_AZ_EL_COMMAND_HACK //#define OPTION_HAMLIB_EASYCOM_NO_TERMINATOR_CHARACTER_HACK /* Note: Ham Radio Deluxe expects AZ and EL in output for Yaesu C command in AZ/EL mode. I'm not sure if this is default behavior for the Yaesu interface since the C2 command is supposed to be for AZ and EL. If you have problems with other software with this code in AZ/EL mode, uncomment #define OPTION_C_COMMAND_SENDS_AZ_AND_EL. */ /* ---------------------- debug stuff - don't touch unless you know what you are doing --------------------------- */ #define DEFAULT_DEBUG_STATE 0// this should be set to zero unless you're debugging something at startup #define DEBUG_DUMP // #define DEBUG_MEMORY // #define DEBUG_BUTTONS // #define DEBUG_SERIAL // #define DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE // #define DEBUG_EEPROM // #define DEBUG_AZ_SPEED_POT // #define DEBUG_AZ_PRESET_POT // #define DEBUG_PRESET_ENCODERS // #define DEBUG_AZ_MANUAL_ROTATE_LIMITS // #define DEBUG_EL_MANUAL_ROTATE_LIMITS // #define DEBUG_BRAKE // #define DEBUG_OVERLAP // #define DEBUG_DISPLAY // #define DEBUG_AZ_CHECK_OPERATION_TIMEOUT // #define DEBUG_TIMED_BUFFER // #define DEBUG_EL_CHECK_OPERATION_TIMEOUT // #define DEBUG_VARIABLE_OUTPUTS // #define DEBUG_ROTATOR // #define DEBUG_SUBMIT_REQUEST // #define DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION // #define DEBUG_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER // #define DEBUG_PROFILE_LOOP_TIME // #define DEBUG_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT // #define DEBUG_ACCEL // #define DEBUG_SVC_REMOTE_COMM_INCOMING_BUFFER // #define DEBUG_SVC_REMOTE_COMM_INCOMING_BUFFER_BAD_DATA // #define DEBUG_HEADING_READING_TIME // #define DEBUG_JOYSTICK // #define DEBUG_ROTATION_INDICATION_PIN // #define DEBUG_HH12 // #define DEBUG_PARK // #define DEBUG_LIMIT_SENSE // #define DEBUG_AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER // #define DEBUG_EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER // #define DEBUG_MOON_TRACKING // #define DEBUG_SUN_TRACKING // #define DEBUG_GPS // #define DEBUG_GPS_SERIAL // #define DEBUG_OFFSET // #define DEBUG_RTC // #define DEBUG_PROCESS_YAESU // #define DEBUG_ETHERNET // #define DEBUG_PROCESS_SLAVE // #define DEBUG_MEMSIC_2125 // #define DEBUG_SYNC_MASTER_CLOCK_TO_SLAVE // #define DEBUG_HMC5883L // #define DEBUG_POLOLU_LSM303_CALIBRATION