/* ------------------------------------- Pin Definitions ------------------------------------------ You need to look at these and set them appropriately ! Most pins can be disabled by setting them to 0 (zero). If you're not using a pin or function, set it to 0. Pins > 99 = remote unit pin, for example: pin 109 = pin 9 on remote unit, pin A0+100 = pin A0 on remote unit */ /* azimuth pins --------------------- (use just the azimuth pins for an azimuth-only rotator) */ #define rotate_cw 6 // goes high to activate rotator R (CW) rotation - pin 1 on Yaesu connector #define rotate_ccw 7 // goes high to activate rotator L (CCW) rotation - pin 2 on Yaesu connector #define rotate_cw_ccw 0 // goes high for both CW and CCW rotation #define rotate_cw_pwm 0 // optional - PWM CW output - set to 0 to disable (must be PWM capable pin) #define rotate_ccw_pwm 0 // optional - PWM CCW output - set to 0 to disable (must be PWM capable pin) #define rotate_cw_ccw_pwm 0 // optional - PWM on CW and CCW output - set to 0 to disable (must be PWM capable pin) #define rotate_cw_freq 0 // optional - CW variable frequency output #define rotate_ccw_freq 0 // optional - CCW variable frequency output #define button_cw 0 // normally open button to ground for manual CW rotation (schematic pin: A1) #define button_ccw 0 // normally open button to ground for manual CCW rotation (schematic pin: A2) #define serial_led 0 // LED blinks when command is received on serial port (set to 0 to disable) #define rotator_analog_az A0 // reads analog azimuth voltage from rotator - pin 4 on Yaesu connector #define azimuth_speed_voltage 0 // optional - PWM output for speed control voltage feed into rotator (on continually unlike rotate_cw_pwm and rotate_ccw_pwm) #define overlap_led 0 // line goes high when azimuth rotator is in overlap (> 360 rotators) #define brake_az 0 // goes high to disengage azimuth brake (set to 0 to disable) #define az_speed_pot 0 // connect to wiper of 1K to 10K potentiometer for speed control (set to 0 to disable) #define az_preset_pot 0 // connect to wiper of 1K to 10K potentiometer for preset control (set to 0 to disable) #define preset_start_button 0 // connect to momentary switch (ground on button press) for preset start (set to 0 to disable or for preset automatic start) #define button_stop 0 // connect to momentary switch (ground on button press) for preset stop (set to 0 to disable or for preset automatic start) #define rotation_indication_pin 0 #define blink_led 0 #define az_stepper_motor_pulse 44 //0 #define az_stepper_motor_direction 0 /*----------- elevation pins --------------*/ #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL #define rotate_up 8 // goes high to activate rotator elevation up #define rotate_down 9 // goes high to activate rotator elevation down #define rotate_up_or_down 0 // goes high when elevation up or down is activated #define rotate_up_pwm 0 // optional - PWM UP output - set to 0 to disable (must be PWM capable pin) #define rotate_down_pwm 0 // optional - PWM DOWN output - set to 0 to disable (must be PWM capable pin) #define rotate_up_down_pwm 0 // optional - PWM on both UP and DOWN (must be PWM capable pin) #define rotate_up_freq 0 // optional - UP variable frequency output #define rotate_down_freq 0 // optional - UP variable frequency output #define rotator_analog_el A1 // reads analog elevation voltage from rotator #define button_up 0 // normally open button to ground for manual up elevation #define button_down 0 // normally open button to ground for manual down rotation #define brake_el 0 // goes high to disengage elevation brake (set to 0 to disable) #define elevation_speed_voltage 0 // optional - PWM output for speed control voltage feed into rotator (on continually unlike rotate_up_pwm and rotate_down_pwm) #define el_stepper_motor_pulse 0 #define el_stepper_motor_direction 0 #endif //FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL // rotary encoder pins and options #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_PRESET_ENCODER #define az_rotary_preset_pin1 0 // CW Encoder Pin #define az_rotary_preset_pin2 0 // CCW Encoder Pin #endif //FEATURE_AZ_PRESET_ENCODER #ifdef FEATURE_EL_PRESET_ENCODER #define el_rotary_preset_pin1 0 // UP Encoder Pin #define el_rotary_preset_pin2 0 // DOWN Encoder Pin #endif //FEATURE_EL_PRESET_ENCODER #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER #define az_rotary_position_pin1 0 // CW Encoder Pin #define az_rotary_position_pin2 0 // CCW Encoder Pin #endif //FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER #ifdef FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER #define el_rotary_position_pin1 0 // CW Encoder Pin #define el_rotary_position_pin2 0 // CCW Encoder Pin #endif //FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT #define az_position_pulse_pin 0 // must be an interrupt capable pin! #define AZ_POSITION_PULSE_PIN_INTERRUPT 0 // Uno: pin 2 = interrupt 0, pin 3 = interrupt 1 ; Mega: pin 2 = interrupt 0, pin 3 = interrupt 1, pin 21 = interrupt 2, pin 20 = interrupt 3, pin 19 = interrupt 4, pin 18 = interrupt 5 #endif // read http://arduino.cc/en/Reference/AttachInterrupt for details on hardware and interrupts #ifdef FEATURE_EL_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT #define el_position_pulse_pin 1 // must be an interrupt capable pin! #define EL_POSITION_PULSE_PIN_INTERRUPT 1 // Uno: pin 2 = interrupt 0, pin 3 = interrupt 1 ; Mega: pin 2 = interrupt 0, pin 3 = interrupt 1, pin 21 = interrupt 2, pin 20 = interrupt 3, pin 19 = interrupt 4, pin 18 = interrupt 5 #endif // read http://arduino.cc/en/Reference/AttachInterrupt for details on hardware and interrupts #ifdef FEATURE_PARK #define button_park 0 #endif //classic 4 bit LCD pins #define lcd_4_bit_rs_pin 12 #define lcd_4_bit_enable_pin 11 #define lcd_4_bit_d4_pin 5 #define lcd_4_bit_d5_pin 4 #define lcd_4_bit_d6_pin 3 #define lcd_4_bit_d7_pin 2 #ifdef FEATURE_JOYSTICK_CONTROL #define pin_joystick_x A0 #define pin_joystick_y A1 #endif //FEATURE_JOYSTICK_CONTROL #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_HH12_AS5045_SSI #define az_hh12_clock_pin 11 #define az_hh12_cs_pin 12 #define az_hh12_data_pin 13 #endif //FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_HH_12 #ifdef FEATURE_EL_POSITION_HH12_AS5045_SSI #define el_hh12_clock_pin 11 #define el_hh12_cs_pin 12 #define el_hh12_data_pin 13 #endif //FEATURE_EL_POSITION_HH_12 #ifdef FEATURE_PARK #define park_in_progress_pin 0 // goes high when a park has been initiated and rotation is in progress #define parked_pin 0 // goes high when in a parked position #endif //FEATURE_PARK #define heading_reading_inhibit_pin 0 // input - a high will cause the controller to suspend taking azimuth (and elevation) readings; use when RF interferes with sensors #ifdef FEATURE_LIMIT_SENSE #define az_limit_sense_pin 0 // input - low stops azimuthal rotation #define el_limit_sense_pin 0 // input - low stops elevation rotation #endif //FEATURE_LIMIT_SENSE #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER #define az_incremental_encoder_pin_phase_a 18 //3 must be an interrupt capable pin #define az_incremental_encoder_pin_phase_b 19 //3 // must be an interrupt capable pin #define az_incremental_encoder_pin_phase_z 22 //4 #define AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_A_PIN_INTERRUPT 5 //0 // Uno: pin 2 = interrupt 0, pin 3 = interrupt 1 ; Mega: pin 2 = interrupt 0, pin 3 = interrupt 1, pin 21 = interrupt 2, pin 20 = interrupt 3, pin 19 = interrupt 4, pin 18 = interrupt 5 #define AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_B_PIN_INTERRUPT 4 //1 // Uno: pin 2 = interrupt 0, pin 3 = interrupt 1 ; Mega: pin 2 = interrupt 0, pin 3 = interrupt 1, pin 21 = interrupt 2, pin 20 = interrupt 3, pin 19 = interrupt 4, pin 18 = interrupt 5 // read http://arduino.cc/en/Reference/AttachInterrupt for details on hardware and interrupts #endif //FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER #ifdef FEATURE_EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER #define el_incremental_encoder_pin_phase_a 2 //18 //2 // must be an interrupt capable pin #define el_incremental_encoder_pin_phase_b 3 //19 //3 // must be an interrupt capable pin #define el_incremental_encoder_pin_phase_z 5 //22 //4 #define EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_A_PIN_INTERRUPT 0 //5 //0 // Uno: pin 2 = interrupt 0, pin 3 = interrupt 1 ; Mega: pin 2 = interrupt 0, pin 3 = interrupt 1, pin 21 = interrupt 2, pin 20 = interrupt 3, pin 19 = interrupt 4, pin 18 = interrupt 5 #define EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_B_PIN_INTERRUPT 1 //4 //1 // Uno: pin 2 = interrupt 0, pin 3 = interrupt 1 ; Mega: pin 2 = interrupt 0, pin 3 = interrupt 1, pin 21 = interrupt 2, pin 20 = interrupt 3, pin 19 = interrupt 4, pin 18 = interrupt 5 // read http://arduino.cc/en/Reference/AttachInterrupt for details on hardware and interrupts #endif //FEATURE_EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER #ifdef FEATURE_YOURDUINO_I2C_LCD #define En_pin 2 #define Rw_pin 1 #define Rs_pin 0 #define D4_pin 4 #define D5_pin 5 #define D6_pin 6 #define D7_pin 7 #endif //FEATURE_YOURDUINO_I2C_LCD #ifdef FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING #define moon_tracking_active_pin 0 // goes high when moon tracking is active #define moon_tracking_activate_line 0 // ground this pin to activate moon tracking (not for use with a button) #define moon_tracking_button 0 // use with a normally open momentary switch to ground #endif //FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING #ifdef FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING #define sun_tracking_active_pin 0 // goes high when sun tracking is active #define sun_tracking_activate_line 0 // ground this pin to activate sun tracking (not for use with a button) #define sun_tracking_button 0 // use with a normally open momentary switch to ground #endif //FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING #ifdef FEATURE_GPS #define gps_sync 0 #endif //FEATURE_GPS #ifdef FEATURE_POWER_SWITCH #define power_switch 0 // use with FEATURE_POWER_SWITCH #endif //FEATURE_POWER_SWITCH #ifdef FEATURE_EL_POSITION_MEMSIC_2125 #define pin_memsic_2125_x 0 #define pin_memsic_2125_y 0 #endif //FEATURE_EL_POSITION_MEMSIC_2125 #ifdef FEATURE_ANALOG_OUTPUT_PINS #define pin_analog_az_out 0 #define pin_analog_el_out 0 #endif //FEATURE_ANALOG_OUTPUT_PINS