#ifdef LANGUAGE_ENGLISH // English language support (copy leading and trailing spaces when making your own language section) #define MOON_STRING "moon " #define SUN_STRING "sun " #define AZ_TARGET_STRING "Az Target " #define EL_TARGET_STRING "El Target " #define TARGET_STRING "Target " #define PARKING_STRING "Parking" #define PARKED_STRING "Parked" /* #define ROTATING_CW_STRING "Rotating CW" // depricated in 2015090402 #define ROTATING_CCW_STRING "Rotating CCW" #define ROTATING_TO_STRING "Rotating to " #define ELEVATING_TO_STRING "Elevating to " #define ELEVATING_UP_STRING "Elevating Up" #define ELEVATING_DOWN_STRING "Elevating Down" #define ROTATING_STRING "Rotating " */ #define CW_STRING "CW" #define CCW_STRING "CCW" #define UP_STRING "UP" #define DOWN_STRING "DOWN" #define AZIMUTH_STRING "Azimuth " #define AZ_STRING "Az" #define AZ_SPACE_STRING "Az " #define SPACE_EL_STRING " El" #define SPACE_EL_SPACE_STRING " El " #define GPS_STRING "GPS" #define N_STRING "N" #define W_STRING "W" #define S_STRING "S" #define E_STRING "E" #define NW_STRING "NW" #define SW_STRING "SW" #define SE_STRING "SE" #define NE_STRING "NE" #define NNW_STRING "NNW" #define WNW_STRING "WNW" #define WSW_STRING "WSW" #define SSW_STRING "SSW" #define SSE_STRING "SSE" #define ESE_STRING "ESE" #define ENE_STRING "ENE" #define NNE_STRING "NNE" #endif //LANGUAGE_ENGLISH #ifdef LANGUAGE_SPANISH // Courtesy of Maximo, EA1DDO #define MOON_STRING "Luna " #define SUN_STRING "Sol " #define AZ_TARGET_STRING "Az Objetivo " #define EL_TARGET_STRING "El Objetivo " #define TARGET_STRING "Objetivo " #define PARKING_STRING "Parking" #define PARKED_STRING "Aparcado" /* #define ROTATING_CW_STRING "Girando Dcha" #define ROTATING_CCW_STRING "Girando Izq" #define ROTATING_TO_STRING "Girando a " #define ELEVATING_TO_STRING "Elevando a " #define ELEVATING_UP_STRING "Subiendo" #define ELEVATING_DOWN_STRING "Bajando" #define ROTATING_STRING "Girando " */ #define CW_STRING "Dcha" #define CCW_STRING "Izq" #define UP_STRING "Arriba" #define DOWN_STRING "Abajo" #define AZIMUTH_STRING "Azimuth " #define AZ_STRING "Az" #define AZ_SPACE_STRING "Az " #define SPACE_EL_STRING " El" #define SPACE_EL_SPACE_STRING " El " #define GPS_STRING "GPS" #define N_STRING "N" #define W_STRING "O" #define S_STRING "S" #define E_STRING "E" #define NW_STRING "NO" #define SW_STRING "SO" #define SE_STRING "SE" #define NE_STRING "NE" #define NNW_STRING "NNO" #define WNW_STRING "ONO" #define WSW_STRING "OSO" #define SSW_STRING "SSO" #define SSE_STRING "SSE" #define ESE_STRING "ESE" #define ENE_STRING "ENE" #define NNE_STRING "NNE" #endif //LANGUAGE_SPANISH #ifdef LANGUAGE_CZECH // courtesy of Jan, OK2ZAW #define MOON_STRING "mesic " #define SUN_STRING "slunce " #define AZ_TARGET_STRING "Az cíl " #define EL_TARGET_STRING "El cíl " #define TARGET_STRING "Cil " #define PARKING_STRING "Parking" #define PARKED_STRING "Parkovat" /* #define ROTATING_CW_STRING "Otacim CW" #define ROTATING_CCW_STRING "Otacim CCW" #define ROTATING_TO_STRING "Otacim na " #define ELEVATING_TO_STRING "Elevovat na " #define ELEVATING_UP_STRING "Elevovat nahoru" #define ELEVATING_DOWN_STRING "Elevovat dolu" #define ROTATING_STRING "Otacet " */ #define CW_STRING "CW" #define CCW_STRING "CCW" #define UP_STRING "Nahoru" #define DOWN_STRING "Dolu" #define AZIMUTH_STRING "Azimut " #define AZ_STRING "Az" #define AZ_SPACE_STRING "Az " #define SPACE_EL_STRING " El" #define SPACE_EL_SPACE_STRING " El " #define GPS_STRING "GPS" #define N_STRING "smer ^ KL" #define W_STRING "smer < HK" #define S_STRING "smer v ZS" #define E_STRING "smer > VK" #define NW_STRING "smer < W" #define SW_STRING "smer v VP8" #define SE_STRING "smer > HZ" #define NE_STRING "smer ^ JA" #define NNW_STRING "smer ^ VE" #define WNW_STRING "smer < CO" #define WSW_STRING "smer < PY" #define SSW_STRING "smer v ZD9" #define SSE_STRING "smer v 5R" #define ESE_STRING "smer > 8Q" #define ENE_STRING "smer > ZL" #define NNE_STRING "smer ^ UA0" #endif //LANGUAGE_CZECH #ifdef LANGUAGE_ITALIAN // courtesy of Paolo, IT9IPQ #define MOON_STRING "luna" #define SUN_STRING "sole " #define AZ_TARGET_STRING "Punta Az " #define EL_TARGET_STRING "Punta El " #define TARGET_STRING "Punta " #define PARKING_STRING "Parking" #define PARKED_STRING "Posa " /* #define ROTATING_CW_STRING "Ruota DX > " #define ROTATING_CCW_STRING "Ruota SX < " #define ROTATING_TO_STRING "Ruota verso " #define ELEVATING_TO_STRING "Alza verso " #define ELEVATING_UP_STRING "Alzo Su " #define ELEVATING_DOWN_STRING "Abbasso Giu' " #define ROTATING_STRING "Ruota " */ #define CW_STRING "DX" #define CCW_STRING "SX " #define UP_STRING "SU" #define DOWN_STRING "GIU'" #define AZIMUTH_STRING "Azimuth " #define AZ_STRING "Az" #define AZ_SPACE_STRING "Az " #define SPACE_EL_STRING " El" #define SPACE_EL_SPACE_STRING " El " #define GPS_STRING "GPS" #define N_STRING "N" #define W_STRING "W" #define S_STRING "S" #define E_STRING "E" #define NW_STRING "NW" #define SW_STRING "SW" #define SE_STRING "SE" #define NE_STRING "NE" #define NNW_STRING "NNW" #define WNW_STRING "WNW" #define WSW_STRING "WSW" #define SSW_STRING "SSW" #define SSE_STRING "SSE" #define ESE_STRING "ESE" #define ENE_STRING "ENE" #define NNE_STRING "NNE" #endif //LANGUAGE_ITALIAN #ifdef LANGUAGE_PORTUGUESE_BRASIL // courtesy of Ismael, PY4PI #define MOON_STRING "lua " #define SUN_STRING "sol " #define AZ_TARGET_STRING "Objetivo Az " #define EL_TARGET_STRING "Objetivo El " #define TARGET_STRING "Objetivo " #define PARKING_STRING "Parking" #define PARKED_STRING "Estacionado" /* #define ROTATING_CW_STRING "Rodando DIR" #define ROTATING_CCW_STRING "Rodando ESQ" #define ROTATING_TO_STRING "Rodando para " #define ELEVATING_TO_STRING "Elevando para " #define ELEVATING_UP_STRING "Subindo" #define ELEVATING_DOWN_STRING "Descendo" #define ROTATING_STRING "Rodando " */ #define CW_STRING "DIR" #define CCW_STRING "ESQ" #define UP_STRING "SOBE" #define DOWN_STRING "DESCE" #define AZIMUTH_STRING "Azimute " #define AZ_STRING "Az" #define AZ_SPACE_STRING "Az " #define SPACE_EL_STRING " El" #define SPACE_EL_SPACE_STRING " El " #define GPS_STRING "GPS" #define N_STRING "N" #define W_STRING "O" #define S_STRING "S" #define E_STRING "L" #define NW_STRING "NO" #define SW_STRING "SO" #define SE_STRING "SL" #define NE_STRING "NL" #define NNW_STRING "NNO" #define WNW_STRING "ONO" #define WSW_STRING "OSO" #define SSW_STRING "SSO" #define SSE_STRING "SSL" #define ESE_STRING "LSL" #define ENE_STRING "LNL" #define NNE_STRING "NNL" #endif //LANGUAGE_PORTUGUESE_BRASIL #ifdef LANGUAGE_GERMAN // courtesy of Ronny DM2RM #define MOON_STRING "MOND " #define SUN_STRING "SONNE " #define AZ_TARGET_STRING "Az Ziel " #define EL_TARGET_STRING "El Ziel " #define TARGET_STRING "Ziel " #define PARKING_STRING "Parking" #define PARKED_STRING "Parken" /* #define ROTATING_CW_STRING "Drehen CW" #define ROTATING_CCW_STRING "Drehen CCW" #define ROTATING_TO_STRING "Drehen nach " #define ELEVATING_TO_STRING "Elevation nach " #define ELEVATING_UP_STRING "Elevation Auf" #define ELEVATING_DOWN_STRING "Elevation Ab" #define ROTATING_STRING "Drehen " */ #define CW_STRING "CW" #define CCW_STRING "CCW" #define UP_STRING "AUF" #define DOWN_STRING "AB" #define AZIMUTH_STRING "Azimuth " #define AZ_STRING "Az" #define AZ_SPACE_STRING "Az " #define SPACE_EL_STRING " El" #define SPACE_EL_SPACE_STRING " El " #define GPS_STRING "GPS" #define N_STRING "N (KL)" #define W_STRING "W (HK)" #define S_STRING "S (ZS)" #define E_STRING "O (YB)" #define NW_STRING "NW (W8)" #define SW_STRING "SW (PY)" #define SE_STRING "SO (HZ)" #define NE_STRING "NO (JA" #define NNW_STRING "NNW (VE)" #define WNW_STRING "WNW (XE)" #define WSW_STRING "WSW (OA)" #define SSW_STRING "SSW (ZD7)" #define SSE_STRING "SSO (5R)" #define ESE_STRING "OSO (8Q)" #define ENE_STRING "ONO (ZL)" #define NNE_STRING "NNO (UA0)" #endif //LANGUAGE_GERMAN