/* Arduino Rotator Controller Anthony Good K3NG anthony.good@gmail.com Code contributions, testing, ideas, bug fixes, hardware, support, encouragement, and/or bourbon provided by: John Eigenbode W3SA Gord VO1GPK Anthony M0UPU Pete VE5VA Marcin SP5IOU Hjalmar OZ1JHM Sverre LA3ZA Bent OZ1CT Erick WB6KCN Norm N3YKF Jan OK2ZAW Jim M0CKE Mike AD0CZ Paolo IT9IPQ Antonio IZ7DDA Johan PA3FPQ Jurgen PE1LWT Gianfranco IZ8EWD Jasper PA2J ...and others Translations provided by Maximo EA1DDO Jan OK2ZAW Paolo IT9IPQ Ismael PY4PI (If you contributed something and I forgot to put your name and call in here, please email me!) *************************************************************************************************************** * * This program is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License * * http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ * * http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/legalcode * * *************************************************************************************************************** All copyrights are the property of their respective owners Full documentation is currently located here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q4_X2XdndylohjhZWsaAUNl1UIqYGt9Kxp1VM70XJGM/edit?usp=sharing Rules for using this code: Rule #1: Read the documentation. Rule #2: Refer to rule #1. Rule #3: Help others. Rule #4: Have fun. New in this release: HH-12 encoder support OPTION_PULSE_IGNORE_AMBIGUOUS_PULSES \P PWM command is now \W \P is Park command park_in_progress_pin // goes high when a park has been initiated and rotation is in progress parked_pin // goes high when in a parked position heading_reading_inhibit_pin FEATURE_LIMIT_SENSE #define az_limit_sense_pin 0 // input - low stops azimuthal rotation #define el_limit_sense_pin 0 // input - low stops elevation rotation \Axxx command - manually set azimuth, xxx = azimuth (FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER or FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT only) \Bxxx command - manually set elevation, xxx = elevation (FEATURE_EL_POSITION_POTENTIOMETER or FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER only) fixed bug with preset encoder start and kill button FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER FEATURE_EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER OPTION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_PULLUPS #define AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_PULSES_PER_REV 8000.0 #define EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_PULSES_PER_REV 8000.0 AZIMUTH_STARTING_POINT_DEFAULT and AZIMUTH_ROTATION_CAPABILITY_DEFAULT are now persistent Yaesu P35, P45, and Z commands no longer write to eeprom control_port points to the hardware port for computer interface remote_unit_port points to the hardware port for interfacing to remote unit removed OPTION_SERIAL1, 2, 3, 4 SS command: SS0 = control port, SS1 = remote unit port No longer need to manually uncomment hh12.h or object declarations No longer need to manually uncomment LiquidCrystal lcd() No longer need to manually uncomment Adafruit_ADXL345 accel No longer need to manually uncomment ADXL345 accel No longer need to manually uncomment Adafruit_LSM303 lsm; No longer need to manually uncomment HMC5883L compass; FEATURE_4_BIT_LCD_DISPLAY FEATURE_ADAFRUIT_I2C_LCD FEATURE_YOURDUINO_I2C_LCD FEATURE_RFROBOT_I2C_DISPLAY No longer need to uncomment: FEATURE_LCD_DISPLAY FEATURE_I2C_LCD any include files serial led duration now set by SERIAL_LED_TIME_MS #define CONTROL_PORT_MAPPED_TO &Serial // change this line to map the control port to a different serial port (Serial1, Serial2, etc.) #define REMOTE_PORT_MAPPED_TO &Serial1 // change this line to map the remote_unit port to a different serial port start of remote unit pin control remote unit pin control (add 100 to a pin number define to map to remote unit pin) FEATURE_CLOCK FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING #define DEFAULT_LATITUDE 40.889958 #define DEFAULT_LONGITUDE -75.585972 #define INTERNAL_CLOCK_CORRECTION 0.00145 \C - show clock \O - set clock \OYYYYMMDDHHmm \Mx - x = 0: deactive moon tracking; x = 1: activate moon tracking \Gxxxxxx - set coordinates via grid square (example: \GFN20EV) Park is now deactivated when issuing a Yaesu command (other than C) or when doing manual rotation FEATURE_GPS #define GPS_PORT_MAPPED_TO &Serial2 #define GPS_PORT_BAUD_RATE 9600 #define SYNC_TIME_WITH_GPS 1 #define SYNC_COORDINATES_WITH_GPS 1 #define GPS_SYNC_PERIOD_SECONDS 10 // how long to consider internal clock syncronized after a GPS reading #define GPS_VALID_FIX_AGE_MS 10000 // consider a GPS reading valid if the fix age is less than this FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING \Ux - x = 0: deactive sun tracking; x = 1: activate sun tracking FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER & FEATURE_EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER coding Updated debug output format \XS - calibration az and el to sun heading - there are calculation bugs fixed initialize_serial() compilaton error when neither yaesu or easycom protocol is selected in features fixed bugs in \XS and \XM \XS and\XM now working on all sensor types moon_tracking_active_pin sun_tracking_active_pin moon_tracking_activate_line sun_tracking_activate_line moon_tracking_button sun_tracking_button \A azimuth calibration now also works with sensors other than rotary encoders and pulse input \B elevation calibration now also works with sensors other than rotary encoders and pulse input OPTION_BUTTON_RELEASE_NO_SLOWDOWN Fixed God-awful bug that caused Arduino to crash when running FEATURE_GPS. Note to self: never declare a char in a switch case. It causes unpredicatable, unexplainable evil stuff to occur. Fixed bug with elevation PWM gps_sync pin - goes high when clock is GPS synchronized FEATURE_RTC_PCF8583 \O command also programs realtime clocks now Fixed bug in PWM outputs when changing direction Ethernet now working with backslash commands, Yaesu commands, and Easycom commands Fixed bug in Easycom (non-standard) AZ and EL commands Ethernet remote unit slave support (slave only, master using ethernet not done yet) #define GPS_MIRROR_PORT &Serial3 OPTION_DISPLAY_SMALL_CLOCK #define LCD_SMALL_CLOCK_POSITION LEFT OPTION_DISPLAY_GPS_INDICATOR #define LCD_GPS_INDICATOR_POSITION RIGHT OPTION_DISPLAY_MOON_TRACKING_CONTINUOUSLY #define LCD_MOON_TRACKING_ROW 3 #define LCD_MOON_TRACKING_UPDATE_INTERVAL 5000 OPTION_DISPLAY_SUN_TRACKING_CONTINUOUSLY #define LCD_SUN_TRACKING_ROW 4 #define LCD_SUN_TRACKING_UPDATE_INTERVAL 5000 #define LCD_ROWS 4 fixed bug with Yourduino LCD display initialization (thanks PA3FPQ) added GPS counters to debug output FEATURE_POWER_SWITCH #define POWER_SWITCH_IDLE_TIMEOUT 15 (unit: minutes) #define power_switch 0 OPTION_DISPLAY_MOON_OR_SUN_TRACKING_CONDITIONAL #define LCD_MOON_OR_SUN_TRACKING_CONDITIONAL_ROW 3 OPTION_DISPLAY_BIG_CLOCK #define GPS_UPDATE_LATENCY_COMPENSATION_MS 200 #define AZIMUTH_CALIBRATION_FROM_ARRAY {180,630} #define AZIMUTH_CALIBRATION_TO_ARRAY {180,630} #define ELEVATION_CALIBRATION_FROM_ARRAY {-180,0,180} #define ELEVATION_CALIBRATION_TO_ARRAY {-180,0,180} #define rotate_cw_ccw 0 #define az_stepper_motor_direction 0 #define el_stepper_motor_direction 0 bug fix for long clock display performance improvement for az / el display on LCD #define az_stepper_motor_pulse 0 #define el_stepper_motor_pulse 0 OPTION_DISPLAY_ALT_HHMM_CLOCK_AND_MAIDENHEAD #define LCD_SMALL_CLOCK_AND_MAIDENHEAD_POSITION #define LCD_SMALL_CLOCK_AND_MAIDENHEAD_ROW 4 #define LCD_GPS_INDICATOR_ROW 1 OPTION_EXTERNAL_ANALOG_REFERENCE more debug_print conversion OPTION_DISPLAY_SMALL_CLOCK renamed to OPTION_DISPLAY_HHMM_CLOCK LCD_SMALL_CLOCK_POSITION renamed to LCD_HHMM_CLOCK_POSITION OPTION_DISPLAY_HHMMSS_CLOCK OPTION_DISPLAY_DISABLE_DIRECTION_STATUS OPTION_DISPLAY_SMALL_CLOCK_AND_MAIDENHEAD renamed to OPTION_DISPLAY_ALT_HHMM_CLOCK_AND_MAIDENHEAD OPTION_DISPLAY_CONSTANT_HHMMSS_CLOCK_AND_MAIDENHEAD #define LCD_HHMM_CLOCK_POSITION LEFT //LEFT or RIGHT #define LCD_HHMMSS_CLOCK_POSITION LEFT //LEFT or RIGHT #define LCD_ALT_HHMM_CLOCK_AND_MAIDENHEAD_POSITION LEFT #define LCD_ALT_HHMM_CLOCK_AND_MAIDENHEAD_ROW 1 #define LCD_CONSTANT_HHMMSS_CLOCK_AND_MAIDENHEAD_POSITION LEFT #define LCD_CONSTANT_HHMMSS_CLOCK_AND_MAIDENHEAD_ROW 1 OPTION_DISPLAY_DISABLE_DIRECTION_STATUS changed to OPTION_DISPLAY_DIRECTION_STATUS worked on FEATURE_TWO_DECIMAL_PLACE_HEADINGS LANGUAGE_ENGLISH Easycom improvements - space and LF are now also command delimiters. Also fixed bug with one decimal place. Works with PSTRotator Fixed issue with LCD display updating when target az or target el was changed during rotation I2C_LCD_COLOR also applies to Yourduino LCD display HH-12 elevation bug fix FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE FEATURE_EL_POSITION_MEMSIC_2125 under development - not working yet fixed a bug with azimuth and elevation offset zeroing out first decimal place Ethernet master/slave link! #define ETHERNET_SLAVE_IP_ADDRESS 192,168,1,173 #define ETHERNET_SLAVE_TCP_PORT 23 #define ETHERNET_SLAVE_RECONNECT_TIME_MS 250 Changed master/slave AZ and EL command result format: AZxxx.xxxxxx EL+xxx.xxxxxx Slave CL command OPTION_SYNC_MASTER_CLOCK_TO_SLAVE fixed "if (clock_status == SLAVE_SYNC) {clock_status = FREE_RUNNING;}" compile error OPTION_CLOCK_ALWAYS_HAVE_HOUR_LEADING_ZERO OPTION_DISABLE_HMC5883L_ERROR_CHECKING HARDWARE_EA4TX_ARS_USB HARDWARE_M0UPU rotator_hardware.h file rotator_features_ea4tx_ars_usb.h rotator_pins_ea4tx_ars_usb.h #define AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_PULSES_PER_REV 2000.0 #define EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_PULSES_PER_REV 2000.0 FEATURE_EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER now does 360 degrees of rotation rather than 720 OPTION_PRESET_ENCODER_0_360_DEGREES service_rotation() - fixed rollover bug with az and el slow down Fixed decimal place issue with Easycom AZ and EL query commands FEATURE_EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER - fixed storage and retrieval of elevation in eeprom Bug fix - stop command wouldn't work when in slow down AZ_INITIALLY_IN_SLOW_DOWN_PWM EL_INITIALLY_IN_SLOW_DOWN_PWM Fixed compilation error when FEATURE_JOYSTICK_CONTROL is activated and FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL is disabled Not documented yet: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEATURE_ANALOG_OUTPUT_PINS (rotator_features.h) FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_LSM303 is now FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_ADAFRUIT_LSM303 (rotator_features.h) FEATURE_EL_POSITION_LSM303 is now FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ADAFRUIT_LSM303 (rotator_features.h) LANGUAGE_CZECH (rotator_features.h) FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_POLOLU_LSM303 (rotator_features.h) (code contributed by AD0CZ) FEATURE_EL_POSITION_POLOLU_LSM303 (rotator_features.h) #define POLOLU_LSM_303_MIN_ARRAY {+59, +19, -731} (rotator_settings.h) #define POLOLU_LSM_303_MAX_ARRAY {+909, +491, +14} (rotator_settings.h) DEBUG_POLOLU_LSM303_CALIBRATION (rotator_features.h) bug fixed with brake_release() affecting elevation brake (thanks Paolo, IT9IPQ) LANGUAGE_ITALIAN code donated by Paolo, IT9IPQ OPTION_DISPLAY_VERSION_ON_STARTUP code provided by Paolo, IT9IPQ Fixed bug with LANGUAGE_CZECH (thanks Radek, OK2NMA) Change in Easycom response terminator (now uses whatever command terminator was sent to it) Easycom AZ EL command string response change to +xxx.xx +xxx.xx OPTION_HAMLIB_EASYCOM_AZ_EL_COMMAND_HACK LANGUAGE_PORTUGUESE_BRASIL (thanks Ismael, PY4PI) check_brake_release() bug fix configuration.az_stepper_motor_last_direction, configuration.az_stepper_motor_last_pin_state, configuration.el_stepper_motor_last_direction, configuration.el_stepper_motor_last_pin_state OPTION_HAMLIB_EASYCOM_NO_TERMINATOR_CHARACTER_HACK ; HARDWARE_WB6KCN FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR_EXPERIMENTAL_CODE_2 AZ_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_ZERO_PULSE_POSITION EL_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_ZERO_PULSE_POSITION OPTION_BLINK_OVERLAP_LED and OPTION_OVERLAP_LED_BLINK_MS setting FEATURE_SUN_PUSHBUTTON_AZ_EL_CALIBRATION and FEATURE_MOON_PUSHBUTTON_AZ_EL_CALIBRATION; pin_sun_pushbutton_calibration, pin_moon_pushbutton_calibration Rolled FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR_EXPERIMENTAL_CODE_2 into FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR Working on FEATURE_AUTOCORRECT Bug fix involving FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_HH12_AS5045_SSI and azimuth_offset (thanks Johan, PA3FPQ and Jurgen, PE1LWT) Bug fix - wasn't initializing rotate_cw_ccw (thanks Erick, WB6KCN) Bug fix with OPTION_DISPLAY_VERSION_ON_STARTUP and 2 row displays (thanks Gianfranco, IZ8EWD) OPTION_EL_PULSE_DEBOUNCE code - (thanks Gianfranco, IZ8EWD) #define EL_POSITION_PULSE_DEBOUNCE 500 // in ms OPTION_HH12_10_BIT_READINGS in hh12.h (thanks Johan PA3FPQ) Correction from Johan PA3FPQ on OPTION_HH12_10_BIT_READINGS #define BRAKE_ACTIVE_STATE HIGH #define BRAKE_INACTIVE_STATE LOW OPTION_SCANCON_2RMHF3600_INC_ENCODER - thanks Jasper, PA2J Fixed compile bug with OPTION_EL_MANUAL_ROTATE_LIMITS) when FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL is not enabled Eliminated az_stepper_motor_direction and el_stepper_motor_direction. Use rotate_* pins instead! Self-resetting functionality Fixed bug with OPTION_DISPLAY_DIRECTION_STATUS updating Improved the self reset with a non-blocking 5 second delay Added remote slave commands: RC - read coordinates (returns RCxx.xxxx -xxx.xxxx) GS - query GPS status (returns GS0 (no sync) or GS1 (sync)) OPTION_SYNC_MASTER_COORDINATES_TO_SLAVE reset_pin Updated for Arduino 1.6.1 Fixed compilation isse with FEATURE_ELEVATION_CORRECTION and Arduino 1.6.x */ #define CODE_VERSION "2.0.2015032601" #include #include #include #include #include "rotator_hardware.h" #ifdef HARDWARE_EA4TX_ARS_USB #include "rotator_features_ea4tx_ars_usb.h" #endif #ifdef HARDWARE_WB6KCN #include "rotator_features_wb6kcn.h" #endif #if !defined(HARDWARE_EA4TX_ARS_USB) && !defined(HARDWARE_WB6KCN) #include "rotator_features.h" #endif #include "rotator_dependencies.h" #ifdef FEATURE_4_BIT_LCD_DISPLAY #include // required for classic 4 bit interface LCD display (FEATURE_4_BIT_LCD_DISPLAY) #endif // FEATURE_4_BIT_LCD_DISPLAY #ifdef FEATURE_WIRE_SUPPORT #include // required for FEATURE_I2C_LCD, any ADXL345 feature, FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_HMC5883L, FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ADAFRUIT_LSM303 #endif #if defined(FEATURE_ADAFRUIT_I2C_LCD) #include // required for Adafruit I2C LCD display #include // required for Adafruit I2C LCD display #endif #if defined(FEATURE_YOURDUINO_I2C_LCD) || defined(FEATURE_RFROBOT_I2C_DISPLAY) #include // required for YourDuino.com or DFRobot I2C LCD display #endif #if defined(FEATURE_YOURDUINO_I2C_LCD) #include // required for YourDuino.com I2C LCD display #endif #if defined(FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_HMC5883L) #include // required for HMC5883L digital compass support #endif #if defined(FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ADXL345_USING_ADAFRUIT_LIB) || defined(FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_ADAFRUIT_LSM303) || defined(FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ADAFRUIT_LSM303) #include // required for any Adafruit sensor libraries #endif #if defined(FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ADXL345_USING_LOVE_ELECTRON_LIB) #include // required for elevation ADXL345 accelerometer using Love Electronics ADXL345 library #endif #if defined(FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ADXL345_USING_ADAFRUIT_LIB) #include // required for elevation ADXL345 accelerometer using Adafruit ADXL345 library (FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ADXL345_USING_ADAFRUIT_LIB) #endif #if defined(FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ADAFRUIT_LSM303) || defined(FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_ADAFRUIT_LSM303) #include // required for azimuth and/or elevation using LSM303 compass and/or accelerometer #endif #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_POLOLU_LSM303 #include #endif #if defined(FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING) || defined(FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING) #include "moon2.h" #endif // defined(FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING) || defined(FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING) #ifdef FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING #include "sunpos.h" #endif // FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING #ifdef FEATURE_GPS #include "TinyGPS.h" #endif // FEATURE_GPS #ifdef FEATURE_RTC_DS1307 #include "RTClib.h" #endif // FEATURE_RTC_DS1307 #ifdef FEATURE_RTC_PCF8583 #include "PCF8583.h" #endif //FEATURE_RTC_PCF8583 #ifdef FEATURE_ETHERNET #include "SPI.h" #include "Ethernet.h" #endif #include "rotator.h" #ifdef HARDWARE_EA4TX_ARS_USB #include "rotator_pins_ea4tx_ars_usb.h" #endif #ifdef HARDWARE_M0UPU #include "rotator_pins_m0upu.h" #endif #ifdef HARDWARE_WB6KCN //#include "rotator_pins_wb6kcn_az_test_setup.h" #include "rotator_pins_wb6kcn.h" #endif #if !defined(HARDWARE_M0UPU) && !defined(HARDWARE_EA4TX_ARS_USB) &&!defined(HARDWARE_WB6KCN) #include "rotator_pins.h" #endif #ifdef HARDWARE_WB6KCN #include "rotator_settings_wb6kcn.h" #else #include "rotator_settings.h" #endif #ifdef FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR #include "TimerFive.h" #endif /*----------------------- variables -------------------------------------*/ byte incoming_serial_byte = 0; byte reset_the_unit = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_TWO_DECIMAL_PLACE_HEADINGS long azimuth = 0; long raw_azimuth = 0; long target_azimuth = 0; long target_raw_azimuth = 0; long azimuth_starting_point = AZIMUTH_STARTING_POINT_DEFAULT; long azimuth_rotation_capability = AZIMUTH_ROTATION_CAPABILITY_DEFAULT; #else int azimuth = 0; int raw_azimuth = 0; int target_azimuth = 0; int target_raw_azimuth = 0; int azimuth_starting_point = AZIMUTH_STARTING_POINT_DEFAULT; int azimuth_rotation_capability = AZIMUTH_ROTATION_CAPABILITY_DEFAULT; #endif byte control_port_buffer[COMMAND_BUFFER_SIZE]; int control_port_buffer_index = 0; byte az_state = IDLE; byte debug_mode = DEFAULT_DEBUG_STATE; int analog_az = 0; unsigned long last_debug_output_time = 0; unsigned long az_last_rotate_initiation = 0; byte azimuth_button_was_pushed = 0; byte brake_az_engaged = 0; byte brake_el_engaged = 0; byte configuration_dirty = 0; unsigned long last_serial_receive_time = 0; byte az_slowstart_active = AZ_SLOWSTART_DEFAULT; byte az_slowdown_active = AZ_SLOWDOWN_DEFAULT; byte az_request = 0; int az_request_parm = 0; byte az_request_queue_state = NONE; unsigned long az_slowstart_start_time = 0; byte az_slow_start_step = 0; unsigned long az_last_step_time = 0; byte az_slow_down_step = 0; unsigned long az_timed_slow_down_start_time = 0; byte backslash_command = 0; struct config_t { byte magic_number; int analog_az_full_ccw; int analog_az_full_cw; int analog_el_0_degrees; int analog_el_max_elevation; // int azimuth_starting_point; // int azimuth_rotation_capability; float last_azimuth; float last_elevation; int last_az_incremental_encoder_position; int last_el_incremental_encoder_position; float azimuth_offset; float elevation_offset; byte az_stepper_motor_last_pin_state; byte el_stepper_motor_last_pin_state; byte az_stepper_motor_last_direction; byte el_stepper_motor_last_direction; } configuration; #ifdef FEATURE_TIMED_BUFFER int timed_buffer_azimuths[TIMED_INTERVAL_ARRAY_SIZE]; int timed_buffer_number_entries_loaded = 0; int timed_buffer_entry_pointer = 0; int timed_buffer_interval_value_seconds = 0; unsigned long last_timed_buffer_action_time = 0; byte timed_buffer_status = 0; #endif // FEATURE_TIMED_BUFFER byte normal_az_speed_voltage = 0; byte current_az_speed_voltage = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL int elevation = 0; int target_elevation = 0; byte el_request = 0; int el_request_parm = 0; byte el_request_queue_state = NONE; byte el_slowstart_active = EL_SLOWSTART_DEFAULT; byte el_slowdown_active = EL_SLOWDOWN_DEFAULT; unsigned long el_slowstart_start_time = 0; byte el_slow_start_step = 0; unsigned long el_last_step_time = 0; byte el_slow_down_step = 0; unsigned long el_timed_slow_down_start_time = 0; byte normal_el_speed_voltage = 0; byte current_el_speed_voltage = 0; int display_elevation = 0; byte el_state = IDLE; int analog_el = 0; unsigned long el_last_rotate_initiation = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_TIMED_BUFFER int timed_buffer_elevations[TIMED_INTERVAL_ARRAY_SIZE]; #endif // FEATURE_TIMED_BUFFER byte elevation_button_was_pushed = 0; #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL #ifdef FEATURE_LCD_DISPLAY unsigned long last_lcd_update = 0; String last_row_0_string; // this is only used in update_display(), however if you make it a static within the funtion, the compiler errors out with a strange error byte push_lcd_update = 0; #endif // FEATURE_LCD_DISPLAY #ifdef FEATURE_ROTARY_ENCODER_SUPPORT #ifdef OPTION_ENCODER_HALF_STEP_MODE // Use the half-step state table (emits a code at 00 and 11) const unsigned char ttable[6][4] = { { 0x3, 0x2, 0x1, 0x0 }, { 0x23, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0 }, { 0x13, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0 }, { 0x3, 0x5, 0x4, 0x0 }, { 0x3, 0x3, 0x4, 0x10 }, { 0x3, 0x5, 0x3, 0x20 } }; #else // Use the full-step state table (emits a code at 00 only) const unsigned char ttable[7][4] = { { 0x0, 0x2, 0x4, 0x0 }, { 0x3, 0x0, 0x1, 0x10 }, { 0x3, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0 }, { 0x3, 0x2, 0x1, 0x0 }, { 0x6, 0x0, 0x4, 0x0 }, { 0x6, 0x5, 0x0, 0x10 }, { 0x6, 0x5, 0x4, 0x0 }, }; #endif // OPTION_ENCODER_HALF_STEP_MODE #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_PRESET_ENCODER // Rotary Encoder State Tables #if defined(FEATURE_ONE_DECIMAL_PLACE_HEADINGS) || defined(FEATURE_TWO_DECIMAL_PLACE_HEADINGS) double az_encoder_raw_degrees = 0; #else int az_encoder_raw_degrees = 0; #endif volatile unsigned char az_encoder_state = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_EL_PRESET_ENCODER volatile unsigned char el_encoder_state = 0; #if defined(FEATURE_ONE_DECIMAL_PLACE_HEADINGS) || defined(FEATURE_TWO_DECIMAL_PLACE_HEADINGS) double el_encoder_degrees = 0; #else int el_encoder_degrees = 0; #endif #endif // FEATURE_EL_PRESET_ENCODER byte preset_encoders_state = ENCODER_IDLE; #endif // FEATURE_AZ_PRESET_ENCODER #endif // FEATURE_ROTARY_ENCODER_SUPPORT #ifdef DEBUG_PROFILE_LOOP_TIME float average_loop_time = 0; #endif // DEBUG_PROFILE_LOOP_TIME #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT volatile float az_position_pulse_input_azimuth = 0; volatile byte last_known_az_state = 0; #endif // FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT #ifdef FEATURE_EL_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT volatile float el_position_pulse_input_elevation = 0; volatile byte last_known_el_state = 0; #ifdef OPTION_EL_PULSE_DEBOUNCE unsigned long last_el_pulse_debounce = 0; #endif //OPTION_EL_PULSE_DEBOUNCE #endif // FEATURE_EL_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT #if defined(FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) byte serial_read_event_flag[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; byte control_port_buffer_carriage_return_flag = 0; #endif #if defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE) byte remote_unit_port_buffer[COMMAND_BUFFER_SIZE]; int remote_unit_port_buffer_index = 0; byte remote_unit_port_buffer_carriage_return_flag = 0; unsigned long serial1_last_receive_time = 0; byte remote_unit_command_submitted = 0; unsigned long last_remote_unit_command_time = 0; unsigned int remote_unit_command_timeouts = 0; unsigned int remote_unit_bad_results = 0; unsigned long remote_unit_good_results = 0; unsigned int remote_unit_incoming_buffer_timeouts = 0; byte remote_unit_command_results_available = 0; float remote_unit_command_result_float = 0; byte remote_port_rx_sniff = 0; byte remote_port_tx_sniff = 0; byte suspend_remote_commands = 0; #if defined(OPTION_SYNC_MASTER_CLOCK_TO_SLAVE) && defined(FEATURE_CLOCK) byte clock_synced_to_remote = 0; #endif #endif //FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE #ifdef DEBUG_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT // unsigned int az_position_pule_interrupt_handler_flag = 0; // unsigned int el_position_pule_interrupt_handler_flag = 0; volatile unsigned long az_pulse_counter = 0; volatile unsigned long el_pulse_counter = 0; volatile unsigned int az_pulse_counter_ambiguous = 0; volatile unsigned int el_pulse_counter_ambiguous = 0; #endif // DEBUG_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT #ifdef FEATURE_PARK byte park_status = NOT_PARKED; byte park_serial_initiated = 0; #endif // FEATURE_PARK #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER volatile int az_incremental_encoder_position = 0; volatile byte az_3_phase_encoder_last_phase_a_state = 0; volatile byte az_3_phase_encoder_last_phase_b_state = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER volatile int az_position_incremental_encoder_interrupt = 0; #endif // DEBUG_AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER #endif // FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER #ifdef FEATURE_EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER volatile int el_incremental_encoder_position = 0; volatile byte el_3_phase_encoder_last_phase_a_state = 0; volatile byte el_3_phase_encoder_last_phase_b_state = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER volatile int el_position_incremental_encoder_interrupt = 0; #endif // DEBUG_EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER #endif // FEATURE_EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER volatile byte read_azimuth_lock = 0; #endif #ifdef FEATURE_EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER volatile byte read_elevation_lock = 0; #endif #if defined(FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER) || defined(FEATURE_EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER) volatile byte service_rotation_lock = 0; #endif #if defined(FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION) || defined(FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION) || defined(FEATURE_CLOCK) HardwareSerial * control_port; #endif #if defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) HardwareSerial * remote_unit_port; #endif #if defined(FEATURE_GPS) HardwareSerial * gps_port; #ifdef GPS_MIRROR_PORT HardwareSerial * (gps_mirror_port); #endif //GPS_MIRROR_PORT #endif //defined(FEATURE_GPS) #if defined(FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING) || defined(FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING) || defined(FEATURE_CLOCK) || (defined(FEATURE_GPS) && defined(FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE)) double latitude = DEFAULT_LATITUDE; double longitude = DEFAULT_LONGITUDE; #endif #ifdef FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING byte moon_tracking_active = 0; byte moon_visible = 0; double moon_azimuth = 0; double moon_elevation = 0; #endif // FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING #ifdef FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING float sun_azimuth = 0; float sun_elevation = 0; cTime c_time; cLocation c_loc; cSunCoordinates c_sposn; byte sun_visible = 0; byte sun_tracking_active = 0; #endif // FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING #ifdef FEATURE_CLOCK unsigned long clock_years = 0; unsigned long clock_months = 0; unsigned long clock_days = 0; unsigned long clock_hours = 0; unsigned long clock_minutes = 0; unsigned long clock_seconds = 0; int clock_year_set = 2014; byte clock_month_set = 1; byte clock_day_set = 1; byte clock_sec_set = 0; unsigned long clock_hour_set = 0; unsigned long clock_min_set = 0; unsigned long millis_at_last_calibration = 0; #endif // FEATURE_CLOCK #if defined(FEATURE_GPS) || defined(FEATURE_RTC) || defined(FEATURE_CLOCK) byte clock_status = FREE_RUNNING; #endif // defined(FEATURE_GPS) || defined(FEATURE_RTC) #ifdef FEATURE_GPS byte gps_data_available = 0; #endif // FEATURE_GPS #ifdef FEATURE_ETHERNET byte mac[] = {ETHERNET_MAC_ADDRESS}; IPAddress ip(ETHERNET_IP_ADDRESS); IPAddress gateway(ETHERNET_IP_GATEWAY); IPAddress subnet(ETHERNET_IP_SUBNET_MASK); EthernetClient ethernetclient0; EthernetServer ethernetserver0(ETHERNET_TCP_PORT_0); #ifdef ETHERNET_TCP_PORT_1 EthernetClient ethernetclient1; EthernetServer ethernetserver1(ETHERNET_TCP_PORT_1); #endif //ETHERNET_TCP_PORT_1 #ifdef FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE EthernetClient ethernetslavelinkclient0; IPAddress slave_unit_ip(ETHERNET_SLAVE_IP_ADDRESS); byte ethernetslavelinkclient0_state = ETHERNET_SLAVE_DISCONNECTED; unsigned int ethernet_slave_reconnects = 0; #endif //FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE #endif //FEATURE_ETHERNET #ifdef FEATURE_POWER_SWITCH unsigned long last_activity_time = 0; #endif //FEATURE_POWER_SWITCH #ifdef FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR volatile unsigned int az_stepper_freq_count = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL volatile unsigned int el_stepper_freq_count = 0; #endif //FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL volatile unsigned long service_stepper_motor_pulse_pins_count = 0; #endif //FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR #ifdef FEATURE_AZIMUTH_CORRECTION float azimuth_calibration_from[] = AZIMUTH_CALIBRATION_FROM_ARRAY; float azimuth_calibration_to[] = AZIMUTH_CALIBRATION_TO_ARRAY; #endif // FEATURE_AZIMUTH_CORRECTION #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CORRECTION float elevation_calibration_from[] = ELEVATION_CALIBRATION_FROM_ARRAY; float elevation_calibration_to[] = ELEVATION_CALIBRATION_TO_ARRAY; #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CORRECTION #ifdef FEATURE_AUTOCORRECT byte autocorrect_state_az = AUTOCORRECT_INACTIVE; float autocorrect_az = 0; unsigned long autocorrect_az_submit_time = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL byte autocorrect_state_el = AUTOCORRECT_INACTIVE; float autocorrect_el = 0; unsigned long autocorrect_el_submit_time = 0; #endif //FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL #endif //FEATURE_AUTOCORRECT /* ------------------ let's start doing some stuff now that we got the formalities out of the way --------------------*/ void setup() { delay(1000); initialize_serial(); initialize_peripherals(); read_settings_from_eeprom(); initialize_pins(); read_azimuth(0); #ifdef FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION //report_current_azimuth(); // Yaesu - report the azimuth right off the bat without a C command; the Arduino doesn't wake up quick enough // to get first C command from HRD and if HRD doesn't see anything it doesn't connect #endif // FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION #ifdef FEATURE_TIMED_BUFFER timed_buffer_status = EMPTY; #endif // FEATURE_TIMED_BUFFER #ifdef FEATURE_LCD_DISPLAY initialize_display(); #endif initialize_rotary_encoders(); initialize_interrupts(); } /* setup */ /*-------------------------- here's where the magic happens --------------------------------*/ void loop() { check_serial(); read_headings(); #ifndef FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE service_request_queue(); service_rotation(); az_check_operation_timeout(); #ifdef FEATURE_TIMED_BUFFER check_timed_interval(); #endif // FEATURE_TIMED_BUFFER read_headings(); check_buttons(); check_overlap(); check_brake_release(); #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL el_check_operation_timeout(); #endif #endif // ndef FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE //read_headings(); #ifdef FEATURE_LCD_DISPLAY update_display(); #endif #ifndef FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE #ifdef OPTION_AZ_MANUAL_ROTATE_LIMITS check_az_manual_rotate_limit(); #endif #if defined(OPTION_EL_MANUAL_ROTATE_LIMITS) && defined(FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL) check_el_manual_rotate_limit(); #endif check_az_speed_pot(); #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_PRESET_ENCODER // Rotary Encoder or Preset Selector check_preset_encoders(); #else check_az_preset_potentiometer(); #endif // FEATURE_AZ_PRESET_ENCODER #endif // ndef FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE #ifdef DEBUG_DUMP output_debug(); #endif //DEBUG_DUMP read_headings(); #ifndef FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE service_rotation(); #endif check_for_dirty_configuration(); #ifdef DEBUG_PROFILE_LOOP_TIME profile_loop_time(); #endif //DEBUG_PROFILE_LOOP_TIME #ifdef FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE service_remote_unit_serial_buffer(); #endif // FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE #if defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE) service_remote_communications_incoming_buffer(); #endif // defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE) #ifdef FEATURE_JOYSTICK_CONTROL check_joystick(); #endif // FEATURE_JOYSTICK_CONTROL #ifdef FEATURE_ROTATION_INDICATOR_PIN service_rotation_indicator_pin(); #endif // FEATURE_ROTATION_INDICATOR_PIN #ifdef FEATURE_PARK service_park(); #endif // FEATURE_PARK #ifdef FEATURE_LIMIT_SENSE check_limit_sense(); #endif // FEATURE_LIMIT_SENSE #ifdef FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING service_moon_tracking(); #endif // FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING #ifdef FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING service_sun_tracking(); #endif // FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING #ifdef FEATURE_GPS service_gps(); #endif // FEATURE_GPS read_headings(); #ifndef FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE service_rotation(); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_RTC service_rtc(); #endif // FEATURE_RTC #ifdef FEATURE_ETHERNET service_ethernet(); #endif // FEATURE_ETHERNET #ifdef FEATURE_POWER_SWITCH service_power_switch(); #endif //FEATURE_POWER_SWITCH #if defined(FEATURE_CLOCK) && defined(OPTION_SYNC_MASTER_CLOCK_TO_SLAVE) && (defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE)) sync_master_clock_to_slave(); #endif #if defined(OPTION_SYNC_MASTER_COORDINATES_TO_SLAVE) && (defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE)) sync_master_coordinates_to_slave(); #endif service_blink_led(); #ifdef FEATURE_ANALOG_OUTPUT_PINS service_analog_output_pins(); #endif //FEATURE_ANALOG_OUTPUT_PINS #if defined(FEATURE_SUN_PUSHBUTTON_AZ_EL_CALIBRATION) && defined(FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING) check_sun_pushbutton_calibration(); #endif //defined(FEATURE_SUN_PUSHBUTTON_AZ_EL_CALIBRATION) && defined(FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING) #if defined(FEATURE_MOON_PUSHBUTTON_AZ_EL_CALIBRATION) && defined(FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING) check_moon_pushbutton_calibration(); #endif //defined(FEATURE_MOON_PUSHBUTTON_AZ_EL_CALIBRATION) && defined(FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING) } /* loop */ /* -------------------------------------- subroutines ----------------------------------------------- Where the real work happens... */ void read_headings(){ read_azimuth(0); #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL read_elevation(0); #endif } // -------------------------------------------------------------- void service_blink_led(){ #ifdef blink_led static unsigned long last_blink_led_transition = 0; static byte blink_led_status = 0; if (((millis() - last_blink_led_transition) >= 1000) && (blink_led != 0)) { if (blink_led_status) { digitalWriteEnhanced(blink_led, LOW); blink_led_status = 0; } else { digitalWriteEnhanced(blink_led, HIGH); blink_led_status = 1; } last_blink_led_transition = millis(); } #endif // blink_led check_for_reset_flag(); } /* service_blink_led */ // -------------------------------------------------------------- void check_for_reset_flag(){ static unsigned long detected_reset_flag_time = 0; if (reset_the_unit){ if (detected_reset_flag_time == 0){ detected_reset_flag_time = millis(); } else { if ((millis()-detected_reset_flag_time) > 5000){ // let things run for 5 seconds //wdt_enable(WDTO_30MS); while(1) {}; //doesn't work on Mega //zzzzzz #ifdef reset_pin digitalWrite(reset_pin,HIGH); #else // reset_pin asm volatile (" jmp 0"); // reboot! // doesn't work on Arduino Mega but works on SainSmart Mega. #endif //reset_pin } } } } // -------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef DEBUG_PROFILE_LOOP_TIME void profile_loop_time(){ static unsigned long last_time = 0; static unsigned long last_print_time = 0; average_loop_time = (average_loop_time + (millis() - last_time)) / 2.0; last_time = millis(); if (debug_mode) { if ((millis() - last_print_time) > 1000) { debug_print("avg loop time: "); debug_print_float(average_loop_time, 2); debug_println(""); last_print_time = millis(); } } } /* profile_loop_time */ #endif //DEBUG_PROFILE_LOOP_TIME // -------------------------------------------------------------- void check_az_speed_pot() { static unsigned long last_pot_check_time = 0; int pot_read = 0; byte new_azimuth_speed_voltage = 0; if (az_speed_pot && azimuth_speed_voltage && ((millis() - last_pot_check_time) > 500)) { pot_read = analogReadEnhanced(az_speed_pot); new_azimuth_speed_voltage = map(pot_read, SPEED_POT_LOW, SPEED_POT_HIGH, SPEED_POT_LOW_MAP, SPEED_POT_HIGH_MAP); if (new_azimuth_speed_voltage != normal_az_speed_voltage) { #ifdef DEBUG_AZ_SPEED_POT if (debug_mode) { debug_print("check_az_speed_pot: normal_az_speed_voltage: "); debug_print_int(normal_az_speed_voltage); debug_print(" new_azimuth_speed_voltage:"); debug_print_int(new_azimuth_speed_voltage); debug_println(""); } #endif // DEBUG_AZ_SPEED_POT // analogWriteEnhanced(azimuth_speed_voltage, new_azimuth_speed_voltage); normal_az_speed_voltage = new_azimuth_speed_voltage; update_az_variable_outputs(normal_az_speed_voltage); #if defined(OPTION_EL_SPEED_FOLLOWS_AZ_SPEED) && defined(FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL) normal_el_speed_voltage = new_azimuth_speed_voltage; update_el_variable_outputs(normal_el_speed_voltage); #endif // OPTION_EL_SPEED_FOLLOWS_AZ_SPEED } last_pot_check_time = millis(); } } /* check_az_speed_pot */ // -------------------------------------------------------------- void check_az_preset_potentiometer() { byte check_pot = 0; static unsigned long last_pot_check_time = 0; static int last_pot_read = 9999; int pot_read = 0; int new_pot_azimuth = 0; byte button_read = 0; static byte pot_changed_waiting = 0; if (az_preset_pot) { if (last_pot_read == 9999) { // initialize last_pot_read the first time we hit this subroutine last_pot_read = analogReadEnhanced(az_preset_pot); } if (!pot_changed_waiting) { if (preset_start_button) { // if we have a preset start button, check it button_read = digitalReadEnhanced(preset_start_button); if (button_read == BUTTON_ACTIVE_STATE) { check_pot = 1; } } else { // if not, check the pot every 500 mS if ((millis() - last_pot_check_time) < 250) { check_pot = 1; } } if (check_pot) { pot_read = analogReadEnhanced(az_preset_pot); new_pot_azimuth = map(pot_read, AZ_PRESET_POT_FULL_CW, AZ_PRESET_POT_FULL_CCW, AZ_PRESET_POT_FULL_CW_MAP, AZ_PRESET_POT_FULL_CCW_MAP); if ((abs(last_pot_read - pot_read) > 4) && (abs(new_pot_azimuth - (raw_azimuth / HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) > AZIMUTH_TOLERANCE)) { pot_changed_waiting = 1; #ifdef DEBUG_AZ_PRESET_POT if (debug_mode) { debug_println("check_az_preset_potentiometer: in pot_changed_waiting"); } #endif // DEBUG_AZ_PRESET_POT last_pot_read = pot_read; } } last_pot_check_time = millis(); } else { // we're in pot change mode pot_read = analogReadEnhanced(az_preset_pot); if (abs(pot_read - last_pot_read) > 3) { // if the pot has changed, reset the timer last_pot_check_time = millis(); last_pot_read = pot_read; } else { if ((millis() - last_pot_check_time) >= 250) { // has it been awhile since the last pot change? new_pot_azimuth = map(pot_read, AZ_PRESET_POT_FULL_CW, AZ_PRESET_POT_FULL_CCW, AZ_PRESET_POT_FULL_CW_MAP, AZ_PRESET_POT_FULL_CCW_MAP); #ifdef DEBUG_AZ_PRESET_POT if (debug_mode) { debug_print("check_az_preset_potentiometer: pot change - current raw_azimuth: "); debug_print_float(raw_azimuth / HEADING_MULTIPLIER,0); debug_print(" new_azimuth: "); debug_print_int(new_pot_azimuth); debug_println(""); } #endif // DEBUG_AZ_PRESET_POT submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_AZIMUTH_RAW, new_pot_azimuth * HEADING_MULTIPLIER, 44); pot_changed_waiting = 0; last_pot_read = pot_read; last_pot_check_time = millis(); } } } } // if (az_preset_pot) } /* check_az_preset_potentiometer */ // -------------------------------------------------------------- void initialize_rotary_encoders(){ #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_PRESET_ENCODER pinModeEnhanced(az_rotary_preset_pin1, INPUT); pinModeEnhanced(az_rotary_preset_pin2, INPUT); az_encoder_raw_degrees = raw_azimuth; #ifdef OPTION_ENCODER_ENABLE_PULLUPS digitalWriteEnhanced(az_rotary_preset_pin1, HIGH); digitalWriteEnhanced(az_rotary_preset_pin2, HIGH); #endif // OPTION_ENCODER_ENABLE_PULLUPS #endif // FEATURE_AZ_PRESET_ENCODER #ifdef FEATURE_EL_PRESET_ENCODER pinModeEnhanced(el_rotary_preset_pin1, INPUT); pinModeEnhanced(el_rotary_preset_pin2, INPUT); el_encoder_degrees = elevation; #ifdef OPTION_ENCODER_ENABLE_PULLUPS digitalWriteEnhanced(el_rotary_preset_pin1, HIGH); digitalWriteEnhanced(el_rotary_preset_pin2, HIGH); #endif // OPTION_ENCODER_ENABLE_PULLUPS #endif // FEATURE_EL_PRESET_ENCODER #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER pinModeEnhanced(az_rotary_position_pin1, INPUT); pinModeEnhanced(az_rotary_position_pin2, INPUT); #ifdef OPTION_ENCODER_ENABLE_PULLUPS digitalWriteEnhanced(az_rotary_position_pin1, HIGH); digitalWriteEnhanced(az_rotary_position_pin2, HIGH); #endif // OPTION_ENCODER_ENABLE_PULLUPS #endif // FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER #ifdef FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER pinModeEnhanced(el_rotary_position_pin1, INPUT); pinModeEnhanced(el_rotary_position_pin2, INPUT); #ifdef OPTION_ENCODER_ENABLE_PULLUPS digitalWriteEnhanced(el_rotary_position_pin1, HIGH); digitalWriteEnhanced(el_rotary_position_pin2, HIGH); #endif // OPTION_ENCODER_ENABLE_PULLUPS #endif // FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER pinMode(az_incremental_encoder_pin_phase_a, INPUT); pinMode(az_incremental_encoder_pin_phase_b, INPUT); pinMode(az_incremental_encoder_pin_phase_z, INPUT); #ifdef OPTION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_PULLUPS digitalWrite(az_incremental_encoder_pin_phase_a, HIGH); digitalWrite(az_incremental_encoder_pin_phase_b, HIGH); digitalWrite(az_incremental_encoder_pin_phase_z, HIGH); #endif // OPTION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_PULLUPS attachInterrupt(AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_A_PIN_INTERRUPT, az_position_incremental_encoder_interrupt_handler, CHANGE); attachInterrupt(AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_B_PIN_INTERRUPT, az_position_incremental_encoder_interrupt_handler, CHANGE); delay(250); az_3_phase_encoder_last_phase_a_state = digitalRead(az_incremental_encoder_pin_phase_a); az_3_phase_encoder_last_phase_b_state = digitalRead(az_incremental_encoder_pin_phase_b); #endif // FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER #if defined(FEATURE_EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER) && defined(FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL) pinMode(el_incremental_encoder_pin_phase_a, INPUT); pinMode(el_incremental_encoder_pin_phase_b, INPUT); pinMode(el_incremental_encoder_pin_phase_z, INPUT); #ifdef OPTION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_PULLUPS digitalWrite(el_incremental_encoder_pin_phase_a, HIGH); digitalWrite(el_incremental_encoder_pin_phase_b, HIGH); digitalWrite(el_incremental_encoder_pin_phase_z, HIGH); #endif // OPTION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_PULLUPS attachInterrupt(EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_A_PIN_INTERRUPT, el_position_incremental_encoder_interrupt_handler, CHANGE); attachInterrupt(EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_B_PIN_INTERRUPT, el_position_incremental_encoder_interrupt_handler, CHANGE); delay(250); el_3_phase_encoder_last_phase_a_state = digitalRead(el_incremental_encoder_pin_phase_a); el_3_phase_encoder_last_phase_b_state = digitalRead(el_incremental_encoder_pin_phase_b); #endif // defined(FEATURE_EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER) && defined(FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL) } /* initialize_rotary_encoders */ // -------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_PRESET_ENCODER void check_preset_encoders(){ static unsigned long last_encoder_change_time = 0; byte button_read = HIGH; byte number_columns = 0; static byte submit_encoder_change = 0; static unsigned long last_preset_start_button_start = 0; static unsigned long last_preset_start_button_kill = 0; static unsigned long last_encoder_move = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_PRESET_ENCODER static unsigned long az_timestamp[5]; #endif // FEATURE_AZ_PRESET_ENCODER #ifdef FEATURE_EL_PRESET_ENCODER static unsigned long el_timestamp[5]; #endif // FEATURE_EL_PRESET_ENCODER #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_PRESET_ENCODER az_encoder_state = ttable[az_encoder_state & 0xf][((digitalReadEnhanced(az_rotary_preset_pin2) << 1) | digitalReadEnhanced(az_rotary_preset_pin1))]; unsigned char az_encoder_result = az_encoder_state & 0x30; #ifdef DEBUG_PRESET_ENCODERS static byte last_az_rotary_preset_pin1 = 0; static byte last_az_rotary_preset_pin2 = 0; if ((debug_mode) && (( last_az_rotary_preset_pin1 != digitalReadEnhanced(az_rotary_preset_pin1)) || ( last_az_rotary_preset_pin2 != digitalReadEnhanced(az_rotary_preset_pin2)))) { debug_print("check_preset_encoders: az_rotary_preset_pin1: "); debug_print_int(digitalReadEnhanced(az_rotary_preset_pin1)); debug_print(" az_rotary_preset_pin2: "); debug_print_int(digitalReadEnhanced(az_rotary_preset_pin2)); debug_print(" encoder_result: "); debug_print_int(az_encoder_result); debug_println(""); } last_az_rotary_preset_pin1 = digitalReadEnhanced(az_rotary_preset_pin1); last_az_rotary_preset_pin2 = digitalReadEnhanced(az_rotary_preset_pin2); #endif // DEBUG_PRESET_ENCODERS #endif // FEATURE_AZ_PRESET_ENCODER #ifdef FEATURE_EL_PRESET_ENCODER el_encoder_state = ttable[el_encoder_state & 0xf][((digitalReadEnhanced(el_rotary_preset_pin2) << 1) | digitalReadEnhanced(el_rotary_preset_pin1))]; unsigned char el_encoder_result = el_encoder_state & 0x30; #endif // FEATURE_EL_PRESET_ENCODER #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_PRESET_ENCODER if (az_encoder_result) { // If rotary encoder modified az_timestamp[0] = az_timestamp[1]; // Encoder step timer az_timestamp[1] = az_timestamp[2]; az_timestamp[2] = az_timestamp[3]; az_timestamp[3] = az_timestamp[4]; az_timestamp[4] = millis(); last_encoder_move = millis(); #ifdef DEBUG_PRESET_ENCODERS char tempchar[12] = ""; if (debug_mode) { debug_print("check_preset_encoders: az_timestamps:"); for (int y = 0; y < 5; y++) { debug_print(" "); dtostrf(az_timestamp[y],0,0,tempchar); debug_print(tempchar); } debug_println(""); } #endif // DEBUG_PRESET_ENCODERS unsigned long az_elapsed_time = (az_timestamp[4] - az_timestamp[0]); // Encoder step time difference for 10's step #ifdef OPTION_PRESET_ENCODER_RELATIVE_CHANGE if ((preset_encoders_state == ENCODER_IDLE) || (preset_encoders_state == ENCODER_EL_PENDING)) { if (az_request_queue_state == IN_PROGRESS_TO_TARGET) { az_encoder_raw_degrees = target_raw_azimuth; } else { az_encoder_raw_degrees = raw_azimuth; } } #endif // OPTION_PRESET_ENCODER_RELATIVE_CHANGE // bbbbbb #ifndef OPTION_PRESET_ENCODER_0_360_DEGREES if (az_encoder_result == DIR_CW) { #ifdef DEBUG_PRESET_ENCODERS debug_print("check_preset_encoders: az CW"); #endif // DEBUG_PRESET_ENCODERS if (az_elapsed_time < 250 /* mSec */) { az_encoder_raw_degrees += (5 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); } else { az_encoder_raw_degrees += (1 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); }; // Single deg increase unless encoder turned quickly then 10's step // if (az_encoder_raw_degrees >=(360*HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) {az_encoder_raw_degrees -= (360*HEADING_MULTIPLIER);}; if (az_encoder_raw_degrees > ((azimuth_starting_point + azimuth_rotation_capability) * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) { az_encoder_raw_degrees = ((azimuth_starting_point * HEADING_MULTIPLIER) /* + ((azimuth_starting_point+azimuth_rotation_capability)*HEADING_MULTIPLIER) - az_encoder_raw_degrees*/); } } if (az_encoder_result == DIR_CCW) { #ifdef DEBUG_PRESET_ENCODERS debug_print("check_preset_encoders: az CCW"); #endif // DEBUG_PRESET_ENCODERS if (az_elapsed_time < 250 /* mSec */) { az_encoder_raw_degrees -= (5 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); } else { az_encoder_raw_degrees -= (1 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); }; // Single deg decrease unless encoder turned quickly then 10's step // if (az_encoder_raw_degrees < 0) {az_encoder_raw_degrees = (360*HEADING_MULTIPLIER);}; if (az_encoder_raw_degrees < (azimuth_starting_point * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) { az_encoder_raw_degrees = (((azimuth_starting_point + azimuth_rotation_capability) * HEADING_MULTIPLIER) /*- (az_encoder_raw_degrees-(azimuth_starting_point*HEADING_MULTIPLIER))*/); } } #else //ndef OPTION_PRESET_ENCODER_0_360_DEGREES if (az_encoder_result == DIR_CW) { #ifdef DEBUG_PRESET_ENCODERS debug_print("check_preset_encoders: az CW"); #endif // DEBUG_PRESET_ENCODERS if (az_elapsed_time < 250) { // Single deg increase unless encoder turned quickly then 10's step az_encoder_raw_degrees += (5 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); } else { az_encoder_raw_degrees += (1 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); } if (az_encoder_raw_degrees > (360 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) { //az_encoder_raw_degrees = (360 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); az_encoder_raw_degrees = 0; //} else { // if (az_encoder_raw_degrees < 0) { // az_encoder_raw_degrees = 0; // } } } if (az_encoder_result == DIR_CCW) { #ifdef DEBUG_PRESET_ENCODERS debug_print("check_preset_encoders: az CCW"); #endif // DEBUG_PRESET_ENCODERS if (az_elapsed_time < 250) { // Single deg decrease unless encoder turned quickly then 10's step az_encoder_raw_degrees -= (5 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); } else { az_encoder_raw_degrees -= (1 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); } //if (az_encoder_raw_degrees > (360 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) { // az_encoder_raw_degrees = (360 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); //} else { if (az_encoder_raw_degrees < 0) { //az_encoder_raw_degrees = 0; az_encoder_raw_degrees = 359 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER; } //} } #endif //ndef OPTION_PRESET_ENCODER_0_360_DEGREES last_encoder_change_time = millis(); // Encoder Check Timer #ifdef FEATURE_LCD_DISPLAY push_lcd_update = 1; // push an LCD update #endif // FEATURE_LCD_DISPLAY if (preset_encoders_state == ENCODER_IDLE) { preset_encoders_state = ENCODER_AZ_PENDING; } else { if (preset_encoders_state == ENCODER_EL_PENDING) { preset_encoders_state = ENCODER_AZ_EL_PENDING; } } #ifdef DEBUG_PRESET_ENCODERS debug_print("check_preset_encoders: az target: "); dtostrf((az_encoder_raw_degrees / HEADING_MULTIPLIER),0,1,tempchar); debug_println(tempchar); #endif // DEBUG_PRESET_ENCODERS } // if (az_encoder_result) #endif // FEATURE_AZ_PRESET_ENCODER #ifdef FEATURE_EL_PRESET_ENCODER #ifdef OPTION_PRESET_ENCODER_RELATIVE_CHANGE if ((preset_encoders_state == ENCODER_IDLE) || (preset_encoders_state == ENCODER_AZ_PENDING)) { if (el_request_queue_state == IN_PROGRESS_TO_TARGET) { el_encoder_degrees = target_elevation; } else { el_encoder_degrees = elevation; } } #endif // OPTION_PRESET_ENCODER_RELATIVE_CHANGE if (el_encoder_result) { // If rotary encoder modified el_timestamp[0] = el_timestamp[1]; // Encoder step timer el_timestamp[1] = el_timestamp[2]; el_timestamp[2] = el_timestamp[3]; el_timestamp[3] = el_timestamp[4]; el_timestamp[4] = millis(); last_encoder_move = millis(); unsigned long el_elapsed_time = (el_timestamp[4] - el_timestamp[0]); // Encoder step time difference for 10's step if (el_encoder_result == DIR_CW) { // Rotary Encoder CW 0 - 359 Deg #ifdef DEBUG_PRESET_ENCODERS debug_println("check_preset_encoders: el CW"); #endif // DEBUG_PRESET_ENCODERS if (el_elapsed_time < 250) { el_encoder_degrees += (5 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); } else { el_encoder_degrees += (1 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); }; // Single deg increase unless encoder turned quickly then 10's step if (el_encoder_degrees > (180 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) { el_encoder_degrees = (180 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); } ; } if (el_encoder_result == DIR_CCW) { #ifdef DEBUG_PRESET_ENCODERS debug_println("check_preset_encoders: el CCW"); #endif // DEBUG_PRESET_ENCODERS // Rotary Encoder CCW 359 - 0 Deg if (el_elapsed_time < 250) { el_encoder_degrees -= (5 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); } else { el_encoder_degrees -= (1 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); }; // Single deg decrease unless encoder turned quickly then 10's step if (el_encoder_degrees < 0) { el_encoder_degrees = 0; } ; } last_encoder_change_time = millis(); // Encoder Check Timer #ifdef FEATURE_LCD_DISPLAY last_lcd_update = 0; // push an LCD update #endif // FEATURE_LCD_DISPLAY if (preset_encoders_state == ENCODER_IDLE) { preset_encoders_state = ENCODER_EL_PENDING; } else { if (preset_encoders_state == ENCODER_AZ_PENDING) { preset_encoders_state = ENCODER_AZ_EL_PENDING; } } #ifdef DEBUG_PRESET_ENCODERS debug_print("check_preset_encoders: el target: "); dtostrf(el_encoder_degrees / HEADING_MULTIPLIER,0,1,tempchar); debug_println(tempchar); #endif // DEBUG_PRESET_ENCODERS } // if (el_encoder_result) #endif // FEATURE_EL_PRESET_ENCODER if ((preset_encoders_state != ENCODER_IDLE) && (!submit_encoder_change)) { // Check button or timer if (preset_start_button) { // if we have a preset start button, check it button_read = digitalReadEnhanced(preset_start_button); if (button_read == BUTTON_ACTIVE_STATE) { submit_encoder_change = 1; last_preset_start_button_start = millis(); #ifdef DEBUG_PRESET_ENCODERS debug_println("check_preset_encoders: preset_start_button submit_encoder_change"); #endif // DEBUG_PRESET_ENCODERS } } else { if ((millis() - last_encoder_change_time) > 2000) { // if enc not changed for more than 2 sec, rotate to target #ifdef DEBUG_PRESET_ENCODERS debug_println("check_preset_encoders: timer submit_encoder_change"); #endif // DEBUG_PRESET_ENCODERS submit_encoder_change = 1; } } } // if (!enc_changed_waiting) if (preset_start_button) { // if we have a preset start button, check it button_read = digitalReadEnhanced(preset_start_button); if ((button_read == BUTTON_ACTIVE_STATE) && (!submit_encoder_change) && ((millis() - last_preset_start_button_start) > 250) && ((millis() - last_preset_start_button_kill) > 250) && (preset_encoders_state == ENCODER_IDLE)) { #ifdef DEBUG_PRESET_ENCODERS debug_println("check_preset_encoders: preset button kill"); #endif // DEBUG_PRESET_ENCODERS #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_PRESET_ENCODER if (az_state != IDLE) { submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_KILL, 0, 45); } #endif // FEATURE_AZ_PRESET_ENCODER #ifdef FEATURE_EL_PRESET_ENCODER if (el_state != IDLE) { submit_request(EL, REQUEST_KILL, 0, 46); } #endif // FEATURE_EL_PRESET_ENCODER last_preset_start_button_kill = millis(); } } if ((submit_encoder_change) && (button_read == BUTTON_INACTIVE_STATE)) { #ifdef DEBUG_PRESET_ENCODERS debug_println("check_preset_encoders: submit_encoder_change "); #endif // DEBUG_PRESET_ENCODERS if ((preset_encoders_state == ENCODER_AZ_PENDING) || (preset_encoders_state == ENCODER_AZ_EL_PENDING)) { #ifndef OPTION_PRESET_ENCODER_0_360_DEGREES submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_AZIMUTH_RAW, az_encoder_raw_degrees, 47); #else submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_AZIMUTH, az_encoder_raw_degrees, 47); #endif //ndef OPTION_PRESET_ENCODER_0_360_DEGREES } #ifdef FEATURE_EL_PRESET_ENCODER if ((preset_encoders_state == ENCODER_EL_PENDING) || (preset_encoders_state == ENCODER_AZ_EL_PENDING)) { submit_request(EL, REQUEST_ELEVATION, el_encoder_degrees, 48); } #endif // FEATURE_EL_PRESET_ENCODER preset_encoders_state = ENCODER_IDLE; submit_encoder_change = 0; } // if (submit_encoder_change) if ((preset_start_button) && (preset_encoders_state != ENCODER_IDLE) && ((millis() - last_encoder_move) > ENCODER_PRESET_TIMEOUT)) { // timeout if we have a preset start button preset_encoders_state = ENCODER_IDLE; #ifdef FEATURE_LCD_DISPLAY push_lcd_update = 1; // push an LCD update #endif // FEATURE_LCD_DISPLAY } } /* check_preset_encoders */ #endif // FEATURE_AZ_PRESET_ENCODER // -------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef OPTION_AZ_MANUAL_ROTATE_LIMITS void check_az_manual_rotate_limit() { if ((current_az_state() == ROTATING_CCW) && (raw_azimuth <= (AZ_MANUAL_ROTATE_CCW_LIMIT * HEADING_MULTIPLIER))) { #ifdef DEBUG_AZ_MANUAL_ROTATE_LIMITS debug_print("check_az_manual_rotate_limit: stopping - hit AZ_MANUAL_ROTATE_CCW_LIMIT of "); debug_print_int(AZ_MANUAL_ROTATE_CCW_LIMIT); debug_println(""); #endif // DEBUG_AZ_MANUAL_ROTATE_LIMITS submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_KILL, 0, 49); } if ((current_az_state() == ROTATING_CW) && (raw_azimuth >= (AZ_MANUAL_ROTATE_CW_LIMIT * HEADING_MULTIPLIER))) { #ifdef DEBUG_AZ_MANUAL_ROTATE_LIMITS debug_print("check_az_manual_rotate_limit: stopping - hit AZ_MANUAL_ROTATE_CW_LIMIT of "); debug_print_int(AZ_MANUAL_ROTATE_CW_LIMIT); debug_println(""); #endif // DEBUG_AZ_MANUAL_ROTATE_LIMITS submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_KILL, 0, 50); } } /* check_az_manual_rotate_limit */ #endif // #ifdef OPTION_AZ_MANUAL_ROTATE_LIMITS // -------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(OPTION_EL_MANUAL_ROTATE_LIMITS) && defined(FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL) void check_el_manual_rotate_limit() { if ((current_el_state() == ROTATING_DOWN) && (elevation <= (EL_MANUAL_ROTATE_DOWN_LIMIT * HEADING_MULTIPLIER))) { #ifdef DEBUG_EL_MANUAL_ROTATE_LIMITS debug_print("check_el_manual_rotate_limit: stopping - hit EL_MANUAL_ROTATE_DOWN_LIMIT of "); debug_print_int(EL_MANUAL_ROTATE_DOWN_LIMIT); debug_println(""); #endif // DEBUG_EL_MANUAL_ROTATE_LIMITS submit_request(EL, REQUEST_KILL, 0, 51); } if ((current_el_state() == ROTATING_UP) && (elevation >= (EL_MANUAL_ROTATE_UP_LIMIT * HEADING_MULTIPLIER))) { #ifdef DEBUG_EL_MANUAL_ROTATE_LIMITS debug_print("check_el_manual_rotate_limit: stopping - hit EL_MANUAL_ROTATE_UP_LIMIT of "); debug_print_int(EL_MANUAL_ROTATE_UP_LIMIT); debug_println(""); #endif // DEBUG_EL_MANUAL_ROTATE_LIMITS submit_request(EL, REQUEST_KILL, 0, 52); } } /* check_el_manual_rotate_limit */ #endif // #ifdef OPTION_EL_MANUAL_ROTATE_LIMITS // -------------------------------------------------------------- void check_brake_release() { static byte in_az_brake_release_delay = 0; static unsigned long az_brake_delay_start_time = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL static byte in_el_brake_release_delay = 0; static unsigned long el_brake_delay_start_time = 0; #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL if ((az_state == IDLE) && (brake_az_engaged)) { if (in_az_brake_release_delay) { if ((millis() - az_brake_delay_start_time) > AZ_BRAKE_DELAY) { brake_release(AZ, BRAKE_RELEASE_OFF); in_az_brake_release_delay = 0; } } else { az_brake_delay_start_time = millis(); in_az_brake_release_delay = 1; } } if ((az_state != IDLE) && (brake_az_engaged)) {in_az_brake_release_delay = 0;} #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL if ((el_state == IDLE) && (brake_el_engaged)) { if (in_el_brake_release_delay) { if ((millis() - el_brake_delay_start_time) > EL_BRAKE_DELAY) { brake_release(EL, BRAKE_RELEASE_OFF); in_el_brake_release_delay = 0; } } else { el_brake_delay_start_time = millis(); in_el_brake_release_delay = 1; } } if ((el_state != IDLE) && (brake_el_engaged)) {in_el_brake_release_delay = 0;} #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL } /* check_brake_release */ // -------------------------------------------------------------- void brake_release(byte az_or_el, byte operation){ if (az_or_el == AZ) { if (brake_az) { if (operation == BRAKE_RELEASE_ON) { digitalWriteEnhanced(brake_az, BRAKE_ACTIVE_STATE); brake_az_engaged = 1; #ifdef DEBUG_BRAKE debug_println("brake_release: brake_az BRAKE_RELEASE_ON"); #endif // DEBUG_BRAKE } else { digitalWriteEnhanced(brake_az, BRAKE_INACTIVE_STATE); brake_az_engaged = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_BRAKE debug_println("brake_release: brake_az BRAKE_RELEASE_OFF"); #endif // DEBUG_BRAKE } } } else { #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL if (operation == BRAKE_RELEASE_ON) { if (brake_el) { digitalWriteEnhanced(brake_el, BRAKE_ACTIVE_STATE); brake_el_engaged = 1; #ifdef DEBUG_BRAKE debug_println("brake_release: brake_el BRAKE_RELEASE_ON"); #endif // DEBUG_BRAKE } else { digitalWriteEnhanced(brake_el, BRAKE_INACTIVE_STATE); brake_el_engaged = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_BRAKE debug_println("brake_release: brake_el BRAKE_RELEASE_OFF"); #endif // DEBUG_BRAKE } } #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL } } /* brake_release */ // -------------------------------------------------------------- void check_overlap(){ static byte overlap_led_status = 0; static unsigned long last_check_time; #ifdef OPTION_BLINK_OVERLAP_LED static unsigned long last_overlap_led_transition = 0; static byte blink_status = 0; #endif //OPTION_BLINK_OVERLAP_LED if ((overlap_led) && ((millis() - last_check_time) > 500)) { // if ((analog_az > (500*HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) && (azimuth > (ANALOG_AZ_OVERLAP_DEGREES*HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) && (!overlap_led_status)) { if ((raw_azimuth > (ANALOG_AZ_OVERLAP_DEGREES * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) && (!overlap_led_status)) { digitalWriteEnhanced(overlap_led, HIGH); overlap_led_status = 1; #ifdef OPTION_BLINK_OVERLAP_LED last_overlap_led_transition = millis(); blink_status = 1; #endif //OPTION_BLINK_OVERLAP_LED #ifdef DEBUG_OVERLAP debug_println("check_overlap: in overlap"); #endif // DEBUG_OVERLAP } else { // if (((analog_az < (500*HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) || (azimuth < (ANALOG_AZ_OVERLAP_DEGREES*HEADING_MULTIPLIER))) && (overlap_led_status)) { if ((raw_azimuth < (ANALOG_AZ_OVERLAP_DEGREES * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) && (overlap_led_status)) { digitalWriteEnhanced(overlap_led, LOW); overlap_led_status = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_OVERLAP debug_println("check_overlap: overlap off"); #endif // DEBUG_OVERLAP } } last_check_time = millis(); } #ifdef OPTION_BLINK_OVERLAP_LED if ((overlap_led_status) && ((millis() - last_overlap_led_transition) >= OPTION_OVERLAP_LED_BLINK_MS)){ if (blink_status){ digitalWriteEnhanced(overlap_led, LOW); blink_status = 0; } else { digitalWriteEnhanced(overlap_led, HIGH); blink_status = 1; } last_overlap_led_transition = millis(); } #endif //OPTION_BLINK_OVERLAP_LED } /* check_overlap */ // -------------------------------------------------------------- void clear_command_buffer(){ control_port_buffer_index = 0; control_port_buffer[0] = 0; } // -------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_ANCILLARY_PIN_CONTROL) byte get_analog_pin(byte pin_number){ byte return_output = 0; switch (pin_number) { case 0: return_output = A0; break; case 1: return_output = A1; break; case 2: return_output = A2; break; case 3: return_output = A3; break; case 4: return_output = A4; break; case 5: return_output = A5; break; case 6: return_output = A6; break; } return return_output; } #endif // FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE // -------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE void service_remote_unit_serial_buffer(){ // Goody 2015-03-09 - this may be dead code - all done in check_serial() and proces_remote_slave_command? /* * * This implements a protocol for host unit to remote unit communications * * * Remote Slave Unit Protocol Reference * * PG - ping * AZ - read azimuth * EL - read elevation * DOxx - digital pin initialize as output; * DIxx - digital pin initialize as input * DPxx - digital pin initialize as input with pullup * DRxx - digital pin read * DLxx - digital pin write low * DHxx - digital pin write high * DTxxyyyy - digital pin tone output * NTxx - no tone * ARxx - analog pin read * AWxxyyy - analog pin write * SWxy - serial write byte * SDx - deactivate serial read event; x = port # * SSxyyyyyy... - serial write sting; x = port #, yyyy = string of characters to send * SAx - activate serial read event; x = port # * RB - reboot * * Responses * * ER - report an error (remote to host only) * EV - report an event (remote to host only) * OK - report success (remote to host only) * CS - report a cold start (remote to host only) * * Error Codes * * ER01 - Serial port buffer timeout * ER02 - Command syntax error * * Events * * EVSxy - Serial port read event; x = serial port number, y = byte returned * * */ String command_string; byte command_good = 0; if (control_port_buffer_carriage_return_flag) { if (control_port_buffer_index < 3) { control_port->println(F("ER02")); // we don't have enough characters - syntax error } else { command_string = String(char(toupper(control_port_buffer[0]))) + String(char(toupper(control_port_buffer[1]))); #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_SERIAL_BUFFER debug_print("serial_serial_buffer: command_string: "); debug_print(command_string); debug_print("$ control_port_buffer_index: "); debug_print_int(control_port_buffer_index); debug_println(""); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_SERIAL_BUFFER if ((command_string == "SS") && (control_port_buffer[2] > 47) && (control_port_buffer[2] < 53)) { // this is a variable length command command_good = 1; for (byte x = 3; x < control_port_buffer_index; x++) { switch (control_port_buffer[2] - 48) { case 0: control_port->write(control_port_buffer[x]); break; #if defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) case 1: remote_unit_port->write(control_port_buffer[x]); break; #endif } } } if (control_port_buffer_index == 3) { if (command_string == "PG") { control_port->println(F("PG")); command_good = 1; } // PG - ping if (command_string == "RB") { wdt_enable(WDTO_30MS); while (1) { } } // RB - reboot if (command_string == "AZ") { control_port->print(F("AZ")); if (raw_azimuth < 1000) { control_port->print("0"); } if (raw_azimuth < 100) { control_port->print("0"); } if (raw_azimuth < 10) { control_port->print("0"); } control_port->println(raw_azimuth); command_good = 1; } #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL if (command_string == "EL") { control_port->print(F("EL")); if (elevation >= 0) { control_port->print("+"); } else { control_port->print("-"); } if (abs(elevation) < 1000) { control_port->print("0"); } if (abs(elevation) < 100) { control_port->print("0"); } if (abs(elevation) < 10) { control_port->print("0"); } control_port->println(abs(elevation)); command_good = 1; } #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL } // end of three byte commands if (control_port_buffer_index == 4) { if ((command_string == "SA") & (control_port_buffer[2] > 47) && (control_port_buffer[2] < 53)) { serial_read_event_flag[control_port_buffer[2] - 48] = 1; command_good = 1; control_port->println("OK"); } if ((command_string == "SD") & (control_port_buffer[2] > 47) && (control_port_buffer[2] < 53)) { serial_read_event_flag[control_port_buffer[2] - 48] = 0; command_good = 1; control_port->println("OK"); } } if (control_port_buffer_index == 5) { if (command_string == "SW") { // Serial Write command switch (control_port_buffer[2]) { case '0': control_port->write(control_port_buffer[3]); command_good = 1; break; #if defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) case '1': remote_unit_port->write(control_port_buffer[3]); command_good = 1; break; #endif } } if (command_string == "DO") { if ((((control_port_buffer[2] > 47) && (control_port_buffer[2] < 58)) || (toupper(control_port_buffer[2]) == 'A')) && (control_port_buffer[3] > 47) && (control_port_buffer[3] < 58)) { command_good = 1; byte pin_value = 0; if (toupper(control_port_buffer[2]) == 'A') { pin_value = get_analog_pin(control_port_buffer[3] - 48); } else { pin_value = ((control_port_buffer[2] - 48) * 10) + (control_port_buffer[3] - 48); } #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_SERIAL_BUFFER debug_print("service_serial_buffer: pin_value: "); debug_print_int(pin_value); debug_println(""); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_SERIAL_BUFFER control_port->println("OK"); pinModeEnhanced(pin_value, OUTPUT); } } if (command_string == "DH") { if ((((control_port_buffer[2] > 47) && (control_port_buffer[2] < 58)) || (toupper(control_port_buffer[2]) == 'A')) && (control_port_buffer[3] > 47) && (control_port_buffer[3] < 58)) { command_good = 1; byte pin_value = 0; if (toupper(control_port_buffer[2]) == 'A') { pin_value = get_analog_pin(control_port_buffer[3] - 48); } else { pin_value = ((control_port_buffer[2] - 48) * 10) + (control_port_buffer[3] - 48); } digitalWriteEnhanced(pin_value, HIGH); control_port->println("OK"); } } if (command_string == "DL") { if ((((control_port_buffer[2] > 47) && (control_port_buffer[2] < 58)) || (toupper(control_port_buffer[2]) == 'A')) && (control_port_buffer[3] > 47) && (control_port_buffer[3] < 58)) { command_good = 1; byte pin_value = 0; if (toupper(control_port_buffer[2]) == 'A') { pin_value = get_analog_pin(control_port_buffer[3] - 48); } else { pin_value = ((control_port_buffer[2] - 48) * 10) + (control_port_buffer[3] - 48); } digitalWriteEnhanced(pin_value, LOW); control_port->println("OK"); } } if (command_string == "DI") { if ((((control_port_buffer[2] > 47) && (control_port_buffer[2] < 58)) || (toupper(control_port_buffer[2]) == 'A')) && (control_port_buffer[3] > 47) && (control_port_buffer[3] < 58)) { command_good = 1; byte pin_value = 0; if (toupper(control_port_buffer[2]) == 'A') { pin_value = get_analog_pin(control_port_buffer[3] - 48); } else { pin_value = ((control_port_buffer[2] - 48) * 10) + (control_port_buffer[3] - 48); } pinModeEnhanced(pin_value, INPUT); control_port->println("OK"); } } if (command_string == "DP") { if ((((control_port_buffer[2] > 47) && (control_port_buffer[2] < 58)) || (toupper(control_port_buffer[2]) == 'A')) && (control_port_buffer[3] > 47) && (control_port_buffer[3] < 58)) { command_good = 1; byte pin_value = 0; if (toupper(control_port_buffer[2]) == 'A') { pin_value = get_analog_pin(control_port_buffer[3] - 48); } else { pin_value = ((control_port_buffer[2] - 48) * 10) + (control_port_buffer[3] - 48); } // pinModeEnhanced(pin_value,INPUT_PULLUP); pinModeEnhanced(pin_value, INPUT); digitalWriteEnhanced(pin_value, HIGH); control_port->println("OK"); } } if (command_string == "DR") { if ((((control_port_buffer[2] > 47) && (control_port_buffer[2] < 58)) || (toupper(control_port_buffer[2]) == 'A')) && (control_port_buffer[3] > 47) && (control_port_buffer[3] < 58)) { command_good = 1; byte pin_value = 0; if (toupper(control_port_buffer[2]) == 'A') { pin_value = get_analog_pin(control_port_buffer[3] - 48); } else { pin_value = ((control_port_buffer[2] - 48) * 10) + (control_port_buffer[3] - 48); } byte pin_read = digitalReadEnhanced(pin_value); control_port->print("DR"); control_port->write(control_port_buffer[2]); control_port->write(control_port_buffer[3]); if (pin_read) { control_port->println("1"); } else { control_port->println("0"); } } } if (command_string == "AR") { if ((((control_port_buffer[2] > 47) && (control_port_buffer[2] < 58)) || (toupper(control_port_buffer[2]) == 'A')) && (control_port_buffer[3] > 47) && (control_port_buffer[3] < 58)) { command_good = 1; byte pin_value = 0; if (toupper(control_port_buffer[2]) == 'A') { pin_value = get_analog_pin(control_port_buffer[3] - 48); } else { pin_value = ((control_port_buffer[2] - 48) * 10) + (control_port_buffer[3] - 48); } int pin_read = analogReadEnhanced(pin_value); control_port->print("AR"); control_port->write(control_port_buffer[2]); control_port->write(control_port_buffer[3]); if (pin_read < 1000) { control_port->print("0"); } if (pin_read < 100) { control_port->print("0"); } if (pin_read < 10) { control_port->print("0"); } control_port->println(pin_read); } } if (command_string == "NT") { if ((((control_port_buffer[2] > 47) && (control_port_buffer[2] < 58)) || (toupper(control_port_buffer[2]) == 'A')) && (control_port_buffer[3] > 47) && (control_port_buffer[3] < 58)) { command_good = 1; byte pin_value = 0; if (toupper(control_port_buffer[2]) == 'A') { pin_value = get_analog_pin(control_port_buffer[3] - 48); } else { pin_value = ((control_port_buffer[2] - 48) * 10) + (control_port_buffer[3] - 48); } noTone(pin_value); control_port->println("OK"); } } } // if (control_port_buffer_index == 5) if (control_port_buffer_index == 8) { if (command_string == "AW") { if ((((control_port_buffer[2] > 47) && (control_port_buffer[2] < 58)) || (toupper(control_port_buffer[2]) == 'A')) && (control_port_buffer[3] > 47) && (control_port_buffer[3] < 58)) { byte pin_value = 0; if (toupper(control_port_buffer[2]) == 'A') { pin_value = get_analog_pin(control_port_buffer[3] - 48); } else { pin_value = ((control_port_buffer[2] - 48) * 10) + (control_port_buffer[3] - 48); } int write_value = ((control_port_buffer[4] - 48) * 100) + ((control_port_buffer[5] - 48) * 10) + (control_port_buffer[6] - 48); if ((write_value >= 0) && (write_value < 256)) { analogWriteEnhanced(pin_value, write_value); control_port->println("OK"); command_good = 1; } } } } if (control_port_buffer_index == 9) { if (command_string == "DT") { if ((((control_port_buffer[2] > 47) && (control_port_buffer[2] < 58)) || (toupper(control_port_buffer[2]) == 'A')) && (control_port_buffer[3] > 47) && (control_port_buffer[3] < 58)) { byte pin_value = 0; if (toupper(control_port_buffer[2]) == 'A') { pin_value = get_analog_pin(control_port_buffer[3] - 48); } else { pin_value = ((control_port_buffer[2] - 48) * 10) + (control_port_buffer[3] - 48); } int write_value = ((control_port_buffer[4] - 48) * 1000) + ((control_port_buffer[5] - 48) * 100) + ((control_port_buffer[6] - 48) * 10) + (control_port_buffer[7] - 48); if ((write_value >= 0) && (write_value <= 9999)) { tone(pin_value, write_value); control_port->println("OK"); command_good = 1; } } } } if (!command_good) { control_port->println(F("ER02")); } } control_port_buffer_carriage_return_flag = 0; control_port_buffer_index = 0; } else { if (((millis() - last_serial_receive_time) > REMOTE_BUFFER_TIMEOUT_MS) && control_port_buffer_index) { control_port->println(F("ER01")); control_port_buffer_index = 0; } } } /* service_remote_unit_serial_buffer */ #endif // FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE // -------------------------------------------------------------- void check_serial(){ static unsigned long serial_led_time = 0; float tempfloat = 0; char return_string[100] = ""; #if !defined(FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER) && !defined(FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT) long place_multiplier = 0; byte decimalplace = 0; #endif #ifdef FEATURE_CLOCK int temp_year = 0; byte temp_month = 0; byte temp_day = 0; byte temp_minute = 0; byte temp_hour = 0; #endif // FEATURE_CLOCK #if defined(FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING) || defined(FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING) char grid[10] = ""; byte hit_error = 0; #endif // defined(FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING) || defined(FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING) #if defined(FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER) || defined(FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT) int new_azimuth = 9999; #endif #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL #if defined(FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER) || defined(FEATURE_EL_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT) int new_elevation = 9999; #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL #endif // defined(FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER) || defined(FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT) #if defined(FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION) || defined(FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION) if ((serial_led) && (serial_led_time != 0) && ((millis() - serial_led_time) > SERIAL_LED_TIME_MS)) { digitalWriteEnhanced(serial_led, LOW); serial_led_time = 0; } if (control_port->available()) { if (serial_led) { digitalWriteEnhanced(serial_led, HIGH); // blink the LED just to say we got something serial_led_time = millis(); } #ifdef FEATURE_POWER_SWITCH last_activity_time = millis(); #endif //FEATURE_POWER_SWITCH #ifdef DEBUG_SERIAL int control_port_available = control_port->available(); #endif // DEBUG_SERIAL incoming_serial_byte = control_port->read(); last_serial_receive_time = millis(); #ifdef DEBUG_SERIAL debug_print("check_serial: control_port: "); debug_print_int(control_port_available); debug_print(":"); debug_print_int(incoming_serial_byte); debug_println(""); #endif // DEBUG_SERIAL if ((incoming_serial_byte > 96) && (incoming_serial_byte < 123)) { // uppercase it incoming_serial_byte = incoming_serial_byte - 32; } #ifdef FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION //Easycom uses spaces, linefeeds, and carriage returns as command delimiters---------- // Easycom only if ((control_port_buffer[0] == '\\') or (control_port_buffer[0] == '/') or ((control_port_buffer_index == 0) && ((incoming_serial_byte == '\\') || (incoming_serial_byte == '/')))) { // if it's a backslash command add it to the buffer if it's not a line feed or carriage return if ((incoming_serial_byte != 10) && (incoming_serial_byte != 13)) { control_port_buffer[control_port_buffer_index] = incoming_serial_byte; control_port_buffer_index++; } } else { // if it's an easycom command add it to the buffer if it's not a line feed, carriage return, or space if ((incoming_serial_byte != 10) && (incoming_serial_byte != 13) && (incoming_serial_byte != 32)) { control_port_buffer[control_port_buffer_index] = incoming_serial_byte; control_port_buffer_index++; } } // if it is an Easycom command and we have a space, line feed, or carriage return, process it if (((incoming_serial_byte == 10) || (incoming_serial_byte == 13) || (incoming_serial_byte == 32)) && (control_port_buffer[0] != '\\') && (control_port_buffer[0] != '/')){ #if defined(OPTION_HAMLIB_EASYCOM_AZ_EL_COMMAND_HACK) && defined(FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL) if ((control_port_buffer[0]=='A') && (control_port_buffer[1]=='Z') && (control_port_buffer_index == 2)){ unsigned long start_time_hack = millis(); if (!control_port->available()){ while (((millis() - start_time_hack) < 200) && (!control_port->available())){} // wait 200 mS for something else to pop up on the serial port } if (control_port->available()){ // is there also 'EL ' waiting for us in the buffer? start_time_hack = millis(); while ( (control_port->available()) && ((millis() - start_time_hack) < 200) ) { control_port->read(); } control_port_buffer[0] = 'Z'; process_easycom_command(control_port_buffer,1,CONTROL_PORT0,return_string); //control_port->println(return_string); control_port->print(return_string); #ifndef OPTION_HAMLIB_EASYCOM_NO_TERMINATOR_CHARACTER_HACK control_port->write(incoming_serial_byte); #endif //OPTION_HAMLIB_EASYCOM_NO_TERMINATOR_CHARACTER_HACK } else { // we got just a bare AZ command process_easycom_command(control_port_buffer,control_port_buffer_index,CONTROL_PORT0,return_string); //control_port->println(return_string); control_port->print(return_string); #ifndef OPTION_HAMLIB_EASYCOM_NO_TERMINATOR_CHARACTER_HACK control_port->write(incoming_serial_byte); #endif //OPTION_HAMLIB_EASYCOM_NO_TERMINATOR_CHARACTER_HACK } } else { if (control_port_buffer_index > 1){ process_easycom_command(control_port_buffer,control_port_buffer_index,CONTROL_PORT0,return_string); //control_port->println(return_string); control_port->print(return_string); #ifndef OPTION_HAMLIB_EASYCOM_NO_TERMINATOR_CHARACTER_HACK control_port->write(incoming_serial_byte); #endif //OPTION_HAMLIB_EASYCOM_NO_TERMINATOR_CHARACTER_HACK } } #else //defined(OPTION_HAMLIB_EASYCOM_AZ_EL_COMMAND_HACK) && defined(FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL) if (control_port_buffer_index > 1){ process_easycom_command(control_port_buffer,control_port_buffer_index,CONTROL_PORT0,return_string); //control_port->println(return_string); control_port->print(return_string); #ifndef OPTION_HAMLIB_EASYCOM_NO_TERMINATOR_CHARACTER_HACK control_port->write(incoming_serial_byte); #endif //OPTION_HAMLIB_EASYCOM_NO_TERMINATOR_CHARACTER_HACK } #endif //defined(OPTION_HAMLIB_EASYCOM_AZ_EL_COMMAND_HACK) && defined(FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL) clear_command_buffer(); } else { // if it is a backslash command, process it if we have a carriage return if ((incoming_serial_byte == 13) && ((control_port_buffer[0] == '\\') or (control_port_buffer[0] == '/'))){ process_backslash_command(control_port_buffer, control_port_buffer_index, CONTROL_PORT0, return_string); control_port->println(return_string); clear_command_buffer(); } } #else //FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION ------------------------------------------------------ // Yaesu, Remote Slave if ((incoming_serial_byte != 10) && (incoming_serial_byte != 13)) { // add it to the buffer if it's not a line feed or carriage return control_port_buffer[control_port_buffer_index] = incoming_serial_byte; control_port_buffer_index++; } if (incoming_serial_byte == 13) { // do we have a carriage return? if ((control_port_buffer[0] == '\\') or (control_port_buffer[0] == '/')) { process_backslash_command(control_port_buffer, control_port_buffer_index, CONTROL_PORT0, return_string); } else { #ifdef FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION process_yaesu_command(control_port_buffer,control_port_buffer_index,CONTROL_PORT0,return_string); #endif //FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION #ifdef FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE process_remote_slave_command(control_port_buffer,control_port_buffer_index,CONTROL_PORT0,return_string); #endif //FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE } control_port->println(return_string); clear_command_buffer(); } #endif //FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION-------------------------- } // if (control_port->available()) #endif // defined(FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION) || defined(FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION) // remote unit port servicing #if defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) if (remote_unit_port->available()) { incoming_serial_byte = remote_unit_port->read(); #if defined(FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION) || defined(FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION) // if (serial_read_event_flag[1]) { // control_port->print("EVS1"); // control_port->write(incoming_serial_byte); // control_port->println(); // } if (remote_port_rx_sniff) { control_port->write(incoming_serial_byte); } #endif //defined(FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION) || defined(FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION) if ((incoming_serial_byte != 10) && (remote_unit_port_buffer_index < COMMAND_BUFFER_SIZE)) { // incoming_serial_byte = toupper(incoming_serial_byte); remote_unit_port_buffer[remote_unit_port_buffer_index] = incoming_serial_byte; remote_unit_port_buffer_index++; if ((incoming_serial_byte == 13) || (remote_unit_port_buffer_index == COMMAND_BUFFER_SIZE)) { remote_unit_port_buffer_carriage_return_flag = 1; } } serial1_last_receive_time = millis(); } #endif // defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) #ifdef FEATURE_GPS if (gps_port->available()) { byte gps_port_read = gps_port->read(); #ifdef GPS_MIRROR_PORT gps_mirror_port->write(gps_port_read); #endif //GPS_MIRROR_PORT #ifdef DEBUG_GPS_SERIAL debug_print_char(gps_port_read); //port_flush(); #endif //DEBUG_GPS_SERIAL if (gps.encode(gps_port_read)) { gps_data_available = 1; } } #endif // FEATURE_GPS #if defined(GPS_MIRROR_PORT) && defined(FEATURE_GPS) if (gps_mirror_port->available()) { gps_port->write(gps_mirror_port->read()); } #endif //defined(GPS_MIRROR_PORT) && defined(FEATURE_GPS) } /* check_serial */ // -------------------------------------------------------------- void check_buttons(){ #ifdef FEATURE_ADAFRUIT_BUTTONS int buttons = 0; buttons = lcd.readButtons(); if (buttons & BUTTON_RIGHT) { #else if (button_cw && (digitalReadEnhanced(button_cw) == BUTTON_ACTIVE_STATE)) { #endif // FEATURE_ADAFRUIT_BUTTONS if (azimuth_button_was_pushed == 0) { #ifdef DEBUG_BUTTONS debug_println("check_buttons: button_cw pushed"); #endif // DEBUG_BUTTONS #ifdef OPTION_AZ_MANUAL_ROTATE_LIMITS if (raw_azimuth < (AZ_MANUAL_ROTATE_CW_LIMIT * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) { #endif submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_CW, 0, 61); azimuth_button_was_pushed = 1; #ifdef OPTION_AZ_MANUAL_ROTATE_LIMITS } else { #ifdef DEBUG_BUTTONS debug_println("check_buttons: exceeded AZ_MANUAL_ROTATE_CW_LIMIT"); #endif // DEBUG_BUTTONS } #endif } } else { #ifdef FEATURE_ADAFRUIT_BUTTONS if (buttons & BUTTON_LEFT) { #else if (button_ccw && (digitalReadEnhanced(button_ccw) == BUTTON_ACTIVE_STATE)) { #endif // FEATURE_ADAFRUIT_BUTTONS if (azimuth_button_was_pushed == 0) { #ifdef DEBUG_BUTTONS debug_println("check_buttons: button_ccw pushed"); #endif // DEBUG_BUTTONS #ifdef OPTION_AZ_MANUAL_ROTATE_LIMITS if (raw_azimuth > (AZ_MANUAL_ROTATE_CCW_LIMIT * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) { #endif submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_CCW, 0, 62); azimuth_button_was_pushed = 1; #ifdef OPTION_AZ_MANUAL_ROTATE_LIMITS } else { #ifdef DEBUG_BUTTONS debug_println("check_buttons: exceeded AZ_MANUAL_ROTATE_CCW_LIMIT"); #endif // DEBUG_BUTTONS } #endif // OPTION_AZ_MANUAL_ROTATE_LIMITS } } } #ifdef FEATURE_ADAFRUIT_BUTTONS if ((azimuth_button_was_pushed) && (!(buttons & 0x12))) { #ifdef DEBUG_BUTTONS debug_println("check_buttons: no button depressed"); #endif // DEBUG_BUTTONS submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_STOP, 0, 63); azimuth_button_was_pushed = 0; } #else if ((azimuth_button_was_pushed) && (digitalReadEnhanced(button_ccw) == BUTTON_INACTIVE_STATE) && (digitalReadEnhanced(button_cw) == BUTTON_INACTIVE_STATE)) { delay(200); if ((digitalReadEnhanced(button_ccw) == BUTTON_INACTIVE_STATE) && (digitalReadEnhanced(button_cw) == BUTTON_INACTIVE_STATE)) { #ifdef DEBUG_BUTTONS debug_println("check_buttons: no AZ button depressed"); #endif // DEBUG_BUTTONS #ifndef OPTION_BUTTON_RELEASE_NO_SLOWDOWN submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_STOP, 0, 64); #else submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_KILL, 0, 65); #endif // OPTION_BUTTON_RELEASE_NO_SLOWDOWN azimuth_button_was_pushed = 0; } } #endif // FEATURE_ADAFRUIT_BUTTONS #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL #ifdef FEATURE_ADAFRUIT_BUTTONS if (buttons & 0x08) { #else if (button_up && (digitalReadEnhanced(button_up) == BUTTON_ACTIVE_STATE)) { #endif // FEATURE_ADAFRUIT_BUTTONS if (elevation_button_was_pushed == 0) { submit_request(EL, REQUEST_UP, 0, 66); elevation_button_was_pushed = 1; #ifdef DEBUG_BUTTONS debug_println("check_buttons: button_up pushed"); #endif // DEBUG_BUTTONS } } else { #ifdef FEATURE_ADAFRUIT_BUTTONS if (buttons & 0x04) { #else if (button_down && (digitalReadEnhanced(button_down) == BUTTON_ACTIVE_STATE)) { #endif // FEATURE_ADAFRUIT_BUTTONS if (elevation_button_was_pushed == 0) { submit_request(EL, REQUEST_DOWN, 0, 67); elevation_button_was_pushed = 1; #ifdef DEBUG_BUTTONS debug_println("check_buttons: button_down pushed"); #endif // DEBUG_BUTTONS } } } #ifdef FEATURE_ADAFRUIT_BUTTONS if ((elevation_button_was_pushed) && (!(buttons & 0x0C))) { #ifdef DEBUG_BUTTONS debug_println("check_buttons: no EL button depressed"); #endif // DEBUG_BUTTONS #ifndef OPTION_BUTTON_RELEASE_NO_SLOWDOWN submit_request(EL, REQUEST_STOP, 0, 68); #else submit_request(EL, REQUEST_KILL, 0, 69); #endif // OPTION_BUTTON_RELEASE_NO_SLOWDOWN elevation_button_was_pushed = 0; } #else if ((elevation_button_was_pushed) && (digitalReadEnhanced(button_up) == BUTTON_INACTIVE_STATE) && (digitalReadEnhanced(button_down) == BUTTON_INACTIVE_STATE)) { delay(200); if ((digitalReadEnhanced(button_up) == BUTTON_INACTIVE_STATE) && (digitalReadEnhanced(button_down) == BUTTON_INACTIVE_STATE)) { #ifdef DEBUG_BUTTONS debug_println("check_buttons: no EL button depressed"); #endif // DEBUG_BUTTONS #ifndef OPTION_BUTTON_RELEASE_NO_SLOWDOWN submit_request(EL, REQUEST_STOP, 0, 70); #else submit_request(EL, REQUEST_KILL, 0, 71); #endif // OPTION_BUTTON_RELEASE_NO_SLOWDOWN elevation_button_was_pushed = 0; } } #endif // FEATURE_ADAFRUIT_BUTTONS #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL #ifdef FEATURE_PARK static byte park_button_pushed = 0; static unsigned long last_time_park_button_pushed = 0; if (button_park) { if ((digitalReadEnhanced(button_park) == BUTTON_ACTIVE_STATE)) { park_button_pushed = 1; last_time_park_button_pushed = millis(); #ifdef DEBUG_BUTTONS debug_println("check_buttons: button_park pushed"); #endif // DEBUG_BUTTONS } else { if ((park_button_pushed) && ((millis() - last_time_park_button_pushed) >= 250)) { if (park_status != PARK_INITIATED) { #ifdef DEBUG_BUTTONS debug_println("check_buttons: executing park"); #endif // DEBUG_BUTTONS initiate_park(); } else { #ifdef DEBUG_BUTTONS debug_println("check_buttons: park aborted"); #endif // DEBUG_BUTTONS submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_KILL, 0, 72); #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL submit_request(EL, REQUEST_KILL, 0, 73); #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL } park_button_pushed = 0; } } } #endif /* ifdef FEATURE_PARK */ if (button_stop) { if ((digitalReadEnhanced(button_stop) == BUTTON_ACTIVE_STATE)) { #ifdef DEBUG_BUTTONS debug_println("check_buttons: button_stop pushed"); #endif // DEBUG_BUTTONS #ifndef OPTION_BUTTON_RELEASE_NO_SLOWDOWN submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_STOP, 0, 74); #else submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_KILL, 0, 75); #endif // OPTION_BUTTON_RELEASE_NO_SLOWDOWN #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL #ifndef OPTION_BUTTON_RELEASE_NO_SLOWDOWN submit_request(EL, REQUEST_STOP, 0, 76); #else submit_request(EL, REQUEST_KILL, 0, 77); #endif // OPTION_BUTTON_RELEASE_NO_SLOWDOWN #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL } } #ifdef FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING static byte moon_tracking_button_pushed = 0; static unsigned long last_time_moon_tracking_button_pushed = 0; if (moon_tracking_button) { if ((digitalReadEnhanced(moon_tracking_button) == BUTTON_ACTIVE_STATE)) { moon_tracking_button_pushed = 1; last_time_moon_tracking_button_pushed = millis(); #ifdef DEBUG_BUTTONS debug_println("check_buttons: moon_tracking_button pushed"); #endif // DEBUG_BUTTONS } else { if ((moon_tracking_button_pushed) && ((millis() - last_time_moon_tracking_button_pushed) >= 250)) { if (!moon_tracking_active) { #ifdef DEBUG_BUTTONS debug_println("check_buttons: moon tracking on"); #endif // DEBUG_BUTTONS moon_tracking_active = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING sun_tracking_active = 0; #endif // FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING } else { #ifdef DEBUG_BUTTONS debug_println("check_buttons: moon tracking off"); #endif // DEBUG_BUTTONS moon_tracking_active = 0; } moon_tracking_button_pushed = 0; } } } #endif // FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING #ifdef FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING static byte sun_tracking_button_pushed = 0; static unsigned long last_time_sun_tracking_button_pushed = 0; if (sun_tracking_button) { if ((digitalReadEnhanced(sun_tracking_button) == BUTTON_ACTIVE_STATE)) { sun_tracking_button_pushed = 1; last_time_sun_tracking_button_pushed = millis(); #ifdef DEBUG_BUTTONS debug_println("check_buttons: sun_tracking_button pushed"); #endif // DEBUG_BUTTONS } else { if ((sun_tracking_button_pushed) && ((millis() - last_time_sun_tracking_button_pushed) >= 250)) { if (!sun_tracking_active) { #ifdef DEBUG_BUTTONS debug_println("check_buttons: sun tracking on"); #endif // DEBUG_BUTTONS sun_tracking_active = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING moon_tracking_active = 0; #endif // FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING } else { #ifdef DEBUG_BUTTONS debug_print("check_buttons: sun tracking off"); #endif // DEBUG_BUTTONS sun_tracking_active = 0; } sun_tracking_button_pushed = 0; } } } #endif // FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING } /* check_buttons */ // -------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_LCD_DISPLAY char * idle_status(){ #ifdef OPTION_DISPLAY_DIRECTION_STATUS return azimuth_direction(azimuth); #endif //OPTION_DISPLAY_DIRECTION_STATUS return(""); } #endif //FEATURE_LCD_DISPLAY // -------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_LCD_DISPLAY) && defined(OPTION_DISPLAY_DIRECTION_STATUS) char * azimuth_direction(int azimuth_in){ azimuth_in = azimuth_in / HEADING_MULTIPLIER; if (azimuth_in > 348) { return N_STRING; } if (azimuth_in > 326) { return NNW_STRING; } if (azimuth_in > 303) { return NW_STRING; } if (azimuth_in > 281) { return WNW_STRING; } if (azimuth_in > 258) { return W_STRING; } if (azimuth_in > 236) { return WNW_STRING; } if (azimuth_in > 213) { return SW_STRING; } if (azimuth_in > 191) { return SSW_STRING; } if (azimuth_in > 168) { return S_STRING; } if (azimuth_in > 146) { return SSE_STRING; } if (azimuth_in > 123) { return SE_STRING; } if (azimuth_in > 101) { return ESE_STRING; } if (azimuth_in > 78) { return E_STRING; } if (azimuth_in > 56) { return ENE_STRING; } if (azimuth_in > 33) { return NE_STRING; } if (azimuth_in > 11) { return NNE_STRING; } return N_STRING; } /* azimuth_direction */ #endif /* ifdef FEATURE_LCD_DISPLAY */ // -------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_LCD_DISPLAY) void update_display(){ // update the LCD display static byte lcd_state_row_0 = 0; static byte lcd_state_row_1 = 0; String row_0_string; static int last_azimuth = -1; char workstring[10] = ""; unsigned int target = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL static int last_elevation = -1; static int last_target_elevation = 0; static byte last_el_state = 999; #endif byte decimal_places = 0; static byte last_az_state = 999; if ((lcd_state_row_0 == 0) && (lcd_state_row_1 == 0)){ if (millis() < SPLASH_SCREEN_TIME){ return; } else { lcd.clear(); lcd_state_row_0 = LCD_IDLE_STATUS; } } // row 0 ------------------------------------------------------------ #ifndef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL if (((millis() - last_lcd_update) > LCD_UPDATE_TIME) || (push_lcd_update) || (az_state != last_az_state)) { #else if (((millis() - last_lcd_update) > LCD_UPDATE_TIME) || (push_lcd_update) || (az_state != last_el_state) || (el_state != last_el_state)) { #endif #ifndef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_PRESET_ENCODER target = az_encoder_raw_degrees; if (target > (359 * LCD_HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) { target = target - (360 * LCD_HEADING_MULTIPLIER); } if (target > (359 * LCD_HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) { target = target - (360 * LCD_HEADING_MULTIPLIER); } if (preset_encoders_state == ENCODER_AZ_PENDING) { clear_display_row(0); // Show Target Deg on upper line row_0_string = TARGET_STRING; dtostrf(target / LCD_HEADING_MULTIPLIER, 1, LCD_DECIMAL_PLACES, workstring); row_0_string.concat(workstring); row_0_string.concat(char(223)); lcd.setCursor(((LCD_COLUMNS - row_0_string.length()) / 2), 0); lcd.print(row_0_string); lcd_state_row_0 = LCD_TARGET_AZ; #ifdef DEBUG_DISPLAY if (debug_mode) { control_port->print(F("update_display: ")); control_port->println(row_0_string); } #endif // DEBUG_DISPLAY } else { #endif // FEATURE_AZ_PRESET_ENCODER if ((last_az_state != az_state) || (last_azimuth != azimuth)){ if (az_state != IDLE) { if (az_request_queue_state == IN_PROGRESS_TO_TARGET) { clear_display_row(0); row_0_string = ROTATING_TO_STRING; dtostrf(target_azimuth / LCD_HEADING_MULTIPLIER, 1, LCD_DECIMAL_PLACES, workstring); row_0_string.concat(workstring); // row_0_string.concat(int(target_azimuth / LCD_HEADING_MULTIPLIER)); row_0_string.concat(char(223)); lcd.setCursor(((LCD_COLUMNS - row_0_string.length()) / 2), 0); lcd.print(row_0_string); lcd_state_row_0 = LCD_ROTATING_TO; #ifdef DEBUG_DISPLAY if (debug_mode) { control_port->print(F("update_display: ")); control_port->println(row_0_string); } #endif // DEBUG_DISPLAY } else { if ((az_state == SLOW_START_CW) || (az_state == NORMAL_CW) || (az_state == SLOW_DOWN_CW) || (az_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CW)) { if (lcd_state_row_0 != LCD_ROTATING_CW) { clear_display_row(0); row_0_string = ROTATING_CW_STRING; lcd.setCursor(((LCD_COLUMNS - row_0_string.length()) / 2), 0); lcd.print(row_0_string); lcd_state_row_0 = LCD_ROTATING_CW; #ifdef DEBUG_DISPLAY if (debug_mode) { control_port->print(F("update_display: ")); control_port->println(row_0_string); } #endif // DEBUG_DISPLAY } } else { if (lcd_state_row_0 != LCD_ROTATING_CCW) { clear_display_row(0); row_0_string = ROTATING_CCW_STRING; lcd.setCursor(((LCD_COLUMNS - row_0_string.length()) / 2), 0); lcd.print(row_0_string); lcd_state_row_0 = LCD_ROTATING_CCW; #ifdef DEBUG_DISPLAY if (debug_mode) { control_port->print(F("update_display: ")); control_port->println(row_0_string); } #endif // DEBUG_DISPLAY } } } } else { // az_state == IDLE #ifndef FEATURE_PARK // --------- if ((last_azimuth != azimuth) || (lcd_state_row_0 != LCD_IDLE_STATUS)) { row_0_string.concat(idle_status()); if ((last_row_0_string == row_0_string) || (lcd_state_row_0 != LCD_IDLE_STATUS)) { clear_display_row(0); lcd_state_row_0 = LCD_IDLE_STATUS; #ifdef OPTION_DISPLAY_DIRECTION_STATUS lcd.setCursor(((LCD_COLUMNS - row_0_string.length()) / 2), 0); lcd.print(row_0_string); #ifdef DEBUG_DISPLAY if (debug_mode) { control_port->print(F("update_display: ")); control_port->println(row_0_string); } #endif // DEBUG_DISPLAY #endif //OPTION_DISPLAY_DIRECTION_STATUS } else { #ifdef OPTION_DISPLAY_DIRECTION_STATUS lcd.setCursor(((LCD_COLUMNS - row_0_string.length()) / 2) - 1, 0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.print(row_0_string); lcd.print(" "); #ifdef DEBUG_DISPLAY if (debug_mode) { control_port->print(F("update_display: ")); control_port->println(row_0_string); } #endif // DEBUG_DISPLAY #endif //OPTION_DISPLAY_DIRECTION_STATUS } } #else // FEATURE_PARK----------- if (park_status == PARKED) { if (lcd_state_row_0 != LCD_PARKED) { row_0_string = PARKED_STRING; clear_display_row(0); lcd.setCursor(((LCD_COLUMNS - row_0_string.length()) / 2), 0); lcd.print(row_0_string); lcd_state_row_0 = LCD_PARKED; } } else { if ((last_azimuth != azimuth) || (lcd_state_row_0 != LCD_IDLE_STATUS)) { row_0_string.concat(idle_status()); if ((last_row_0_string == row_0_string) || (lcd_state_row_0 != LCD_IDLE_STATUS)) { clear_display_row(0); lcd_state_row_0 = LCD_IDLE_STATUS; #ifdef OPTION_DISPLAY_DIRECTION_STATUS lcd.setCursor(((LCD_COLUMNS - row_0_string.length()) / 2), 0); lcd.print(row_0_string); #ifdef DEBUG_DISPLAY if (debug_mode) { control_port->print(F("update_display: ")); control_port->println(row_0_string); } #endif // DEBUG_DISPLAY #endif //OPTION_DISPLAY_DIRECTION_STATUS } else { #ifdef OPTION_DISPLAY_DIRECTION_STATUS lcd.setCursor(((LCD_COLUMNS - row_0_string.length()) / 2) - 1, 0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.print(row_0_string); lcd.print(" "); #ifdef DEBUG_DISPLAY if (debug_mode) { control_port->print(F("update_display: ")); control_port->println(row_0_string); } #endif // DEBUG_DISPLAY #endif //OPTION_DISPLAY_DIRECTION_STATUS } } } #endif // FEATURE_PARK --------- } // (az_state != IDLE) }//<--- #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_PRESET_ENCODER } // (preset_encoders_state == ENCODER_AZ_PENDING) #endif // FEATURE_AZ_PRESET_ENCODER #endif /* ifndef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL */ // ------------ AZ & EL ----------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_PRESET_ENCODER #ifndef FEATURE_EL_PRESET_ENCODER unsigned int target = az_encoder_raw_degrees; if (target > (359 * LCD_HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) { target = target - (360 * LCD_HEADING_MULTIPLIER); } if (target > (359 * LCD_HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) { target = target - (360 * LCD_HEADING_MULTIPLIER); } if (preset_encoders_state == ENCODER_AZ_PENDING) { clear_display_row(0); // Show Target Deg on upper line row_0_string = TARGET_STRING; dtostrf(target / LCD_HEADING_MULTIPLIER, 1, LCD_DECIMAL_PLACES, workstring); row_0_string.concat(workstring); lcd.setCursor(((LCD_COLUMNS - row_0_string.length()) / 2), 0); lcd.print(row_0_string); lcd_state_row_0 = LCD_TARGET_AZ; #ifdef DEBUG_DISPLAY if (debug_mode) { control_port->print(F("update_display: ")); control_port->println(row_0_string); } #endif // DEBUG_DISPLAY } else { #endif // ndef FEATURE_EL_PRESET_ENCODER #endif // FEATURE_AZ_PRESET_ENCODER #ifdef FEATURE_EL_PRESET_ENCODER unsigned int target = az_encoder_raw_degrees; if (target > (359 * LCD_HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) { target = target - (360 * LCD_HEADING_MULTIPLIER); } if (target > (359 * LCD_HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) { target = target - (360 * LCD_HEADING_MULTIPLIER); } if (preset_encoders_state != ENCODER_IDLE) { switch (preset_encoders_state) { case ENCODER_AZ_PENDING: clear_display_row(0); // Show Target Deg on upper line row_0_string = AZ_TARGET_STRING; dtostrf(target / LCD_HEADING_MULTIPLIER, 1, LCD_DECIMAL_PLACES, workstring); row_0_string.concat(workstring); row_0_string.concat(char(223)); lcd.setCursor(((LCD_COLUMNS - row_0_string.length()) / 2), 0); lcd.print(row_0_string); lcd_state_row_0 = LCD_TARGET_AZ; break; case ENCODER_EL_PENDING: clear_display_row(0); // Show Target Deg on upper line row_0_string = EL_TARGET_STRING; dtostrf(el_encoder_degrees / LCD_HEADING_MULTIPLIER, 1, LCD_DECIMAL_PLACES, workstring); row_0_string.concat(workstring); row_0_string.concat(char(223)); lcd.setCursor(((LCD_COLUMNS - row_0_string.length()) / 2), 0); lcd.print(row_0_string); lcd_state_row_0 = LCD_TARGET_EL; break; case ENCODER_AZ_EL_PENDING: clear_display_row(0); // Show Target Deg on upper line row_0_string = TARGET_STRING; dtostrf(target / LCD_HEADING_MULTIPLIER, 1, LCD_DECIMAL_PLACES, workstring); row_0_string.concat(workstring); row_0_string.concat(char(223)); dtostrf(el_encoder_degrees / LCD_HEADING_MULTIPLIER, 1, LCD_DECIMAL_PLACES, workstring); row_0_string.concat(" "); row_0_string.concat(workstring); row_0_string.concat(char(223)); lcd.setCursor(((LCD_COLUMNS - row_0_string.length()) / 2), 0); lcd.print(row_0_string); lcd_state_row_0 = LCD_TARGET_AZ_EL; break; } /* switch */ } else { // (preset_encoders_state != ENCODER_IDLE) #endif // FEATURE_EL_PRESET_ENCODER if ((az_state != last_az_state) || (el_state != last_el_state) || push_lcd_update || (last_azimuth != azimuth)){ if ((az_state != IDLE) && (el_state == IDLE)) { if (az_request_queue_state == IN_PROGRESS_TO_TARGET) { clear_display_row(0); row_0_string = ROTATING_TO_STRING; dtostrf(target_azimuth / LCD_HEADING_MULTIPLIER, 1, LCD_DECIMAL_PLACES, workstring); row_0_string.concat(workstring); row_0_string.concat(char(223)); lcd.setCursor(((LCD_COLUMNS - row_0_string.length()) / 2), 0); lcd.print(row_0_string); lcd_state_row_0 = LCD_ROTATING_TO; } else { if ((az_state == SLOW_START_CW) || (az_state == NORMAL_CW) || (az_state == SLOW_DOWN_CW) || (az_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CW)) { clear_display_row(0); row_0_string = ROTATING_CW_STRING; lcd.setCursor(((LCD_COLUMNS - row_0_string.length()) / 2), 0); lcd.print(row_0_string); lcd_state_row_0 = LCD_ROTATING_CW; } else { clear_display_row(0); row_0_string = ROTATING_CCW_STRING; lcd.setCursor(((LCD_COLUMNS - row_0_string.length()) / 2), 0); lcd.print(row_0_string); lcd_state_row_0 = LCD_ROTATING_CCW; } } } // ((az_state != IDLE) && (el_state == IDLE)) if ((az_state == IDLE) && (el_state != IDLE)) { // if ((el_request_queue_state == IN_PROGRESS_TO_TARGET) && ((lcd_state_row_0 != LCD_ELEVATING_TO) || (target_elevation != last_target_elevation))){ if (el_request_queue_state == IN_PROGRESS_TO_TARGET) { if ((lcd_state_row_0 != LCD_ELEVATING_TO) || (target_elevation != last_target_elevation)) { clear_display_row(0); row_0_string = ELEVATING_TO_STRING; dtostrf(target_elevation / LCD_HEADING_MULTIPLIER, 1, LCD_DECIMAL_PLACES, workstring); row_0_string.concat(workstring); row_0_string.concat(char(223)); lcd.setCursor(((LCD_COLUMNS - row_0_string.length()) / 2), 0); lcd.print(row_0_string); lcd_state_row_0 = LCD_ELEVATING_TO; } } else { if (((el_state == SLOW_START_UP) || (el_state == NORMAL_UP) || (el_state == SLOW_DOWN_UP) || (el_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_UP)) && (lcd_state_row_0 != LCD_ELEVATING_UP)) { clear_display_row(0); row_0_string = ELEVATING_UP_STRING; lcd.setCursor(((LCD_COLUMNS - row_0_string.length()) / 2), 0); lcd.print(row_0_string); lcd_state_row_0 = LCD_ELEVATING_UP; } if (((el_state == SLOW_START_DOWN) || (el_state == NORMAL_DOWN) || (el_state == SLOW_DOWN_DOWN) || (el_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_DOWN)) && (lcd_state_row_0 != LCD_ELEVATING_DOWN)) { clear_display_row(0); row_0_string = ELEVATING_DOWN_STRING; lcd.setCursor(((LCD_COLUMNS - row_0_string.length()) / 2), 0); lcd.print(row_0_string); lcd_state_row_0 = LCD_ELEVATING_DOWN; } } } // ((az_state == IDLE) && (el_state != IDLE)) if ((az_state != IDLE) && (el_state != IDLE) && (lcd_state_row_0 != LCD_ROTATING_AZ_EL)) { clear_display_row(0); row_0_string = ROTATING_STRING; if (az_request_queue_state == NONE) { if (current_az_state() == ROTATING_CW) { row_0_string.concat(CW_STRING); } else { row_0_string.concat(CCW_STRING); } } else { //row_0_string.concat(int(target_azimuth / LCD_HEADING_MULTIPLIER)); if ((target_azimuth / LCD_HEADING_MULTIPLIER) < 100){decimal_places = LCD_DECIMAL_PLACES;} else {decimal_places = 0;} dtostrf(target_azimuth / LCD_HEADING_MULTIPLIER, 1, decimal_places, workstring); row_0_string.concat(workstring); } row_0_string.concat(" "); if (el_request_queue_state == NONE) { if (current_el_state() == ROTATING_UP) { row_0_string.concat(UP_STRING); } else { row_0_string.concat(DOWN_STRING); } } else { if ((target_elevation / LCD_HEADING_MULTIPLIER) < 100){decimal_places = LCD_DECIMAL_PLACES;} else {decimal_places = 0;} dtostrf(target_elevation / LCD_HEADING_MULTIPLIER, 1, decimal_places, workstring); row_0_string.concat(workstring); } lcd_state_row_0 = LCD_ROTATING_AZ_EL; lcd.setCursor(((LCD_COLUMNS - row_0_string.length()) / 2), 0); lcd.print(row_0_string); } // ((az_state != IDLE) && (el_state != IDLE)) if ((az_state == IDLE) && (el_state == IDLE)) { #ifndef FEATURE_PARK if ((last_azimuth != azimuth) || (lcd_state_row_0 != LCD_IDLE_STATUS)) { row_0_string.concat(idle_status()); if ((last_row_0_string != row_0_string) || (lcd_state_row_0 != LCD_IDLE_STATUS)) { clear_display_row(0); lcd_state_row_0 = LCD_IDLE_STATUS; #ifdef OPTION_DISPLAY_DIRECTION_STATUS lcd.setCursor(((LCD_COLUMNS - row_0_string.length()) / 2), 0); lcd.print(row_0_string); #endif //OPTION_DISPLAY_DIRECTION_STATUS } else { #ifdef OPTION_DISPLAY_DIRECTION_STATUS lcd.setCursor(((LCD_COLUMNS - row_0_string.length()) / 2) - 1, 0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.print(row_0_string); lcd.print(" "); #endif //OPTION_DISPLAY_DIRECTION_STATUS } } #else // FEATURE_PARK if (park_status == PARKED) { if (lcd_state_row_0 != LCD_PARKED) { row_0_string = PARKED_STRING; clear_display_row(0); lcd.setCursor(((LCD_COLUMNS - row_0_string.length()) / 2), 0); lcd.print(row_0_string); lcd_state_row_0 = LCD_PARKED; } } else { if ((last_azimuth != azimuth) || (lcd_state_row_0 != LCD_IDLE_STATUS)) { row_0_string.concat(idle_status()); if ((last_row_0_string == row_0_string) || (lcd_state_row_0 != LCD_IDLE_STATUS)) { clear_display_row(0); lcd_state_row_0 = LCD_IDLE_STATUS; #ifdef OPTION_DISPLAY_DIRECTION_STATUS lcd.setCursor(((LCD_COLUMNS - row_0_string.length()) / 2), 0); lcd.print(row_0_string); #endif //OPTION_DISPLAY_DIRECTION_STATUS } else { #ifdef OPTION_DISPLAY_DIRECTION_STATUS lcd.setCursor(((LCD_COLUMNS - row_0_string.length()) / 2) - 1, 0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.print(row_0_string); lcd.print(" "); #endif //OPTION_DISPLAY_DIRECTION_STATUS } } } #endif // FEATURE_PARK } // ((az_state == IDLE) && (el_state == IDLE)) #ifdef FEATURE_EL_PRESET_ENCODER } // (preset_encoders_state != ENCODER_IDLE) #endif // FEATURE_EL_PRESET_ENCODER #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_PRESET_ENCODER #ifndef FEATURE_EL_PRESET_ENCODER } #endif // ndef FEATURE_EL_PRESET_ENCODER #endif // FEATURE_AZ_PRESET_ENCODER } //<-- #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL push_lcd_update = 0; last_az_state = az_state; #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL last_el_state = el_state; #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL } // row 1 -------------------------------------------- if ((millis() - last_lcd_update) > LCD_UPDATE_TIME) { #ifndef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL // ---------------- az only ----------------------------------- if (last_azimuth != azimuth) { //clear_display_row(1); row_0_string = AZIMUTH_STRING; dtostrf(azimuth / LCD_HEADING_MULTIPLIER, 1, LCD_DECIMAL_PLACES, workstring); row_0_string.concat(workstring); row_0_string.concat(char(223)); //lcd.setCursor(((LCD_COLUMNS - row_0_string.length()) / 2), 1); lcd.setCursor(0,1); int x = LCD_COLUMNS - row_0_string.length(); byte y = 0; while (x > 0){ if ((y%2) != 0){ row_0_string = " " + row_0_string; } else { row_0_string.concat(" "); } y++; x--; } lcd.print(row_0_string); last_azimuth = azimuth; lcd_state_row_1 = LCD_HEADING; } #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL--------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL // --------------------az & el--------------------------------- if ((last_azimuth != azimuth) || (last_elevation != elevation)) { //clear_display_row(1); #if defined(FEATURE_ONE_DECIMAL_PLACE_HEADINGS) || defined(FEATURE_TWO_DECIMAL_PLACE_HEADINGS) if ((azimuth >= 1000) && (elevation >= 1000)) { row_0_string = AZ_STRING; } else { row_0_string = AZ_SPACE_STRING; } #else row_0_string = AZ_SPACE_STRING; #endif // efined(FEATURE_ONE_DECIMAL_PLACE_HEADINGS) || defined(FEATURE_TWO_DECIMAL_PLACE_HEADINGS) dtostrf(azimuth/ LCD_HEADING_MULTIPLIER, 3, LCD_DECIMAL_PLACES, workstring); row_0_string.concat(workstring); #if !defined(FEATURE_ONE_DECIMAL_PLACE_HEADINGS) && !defined(FEATURE_TWO_DECIMAL_PLACE_HEADINGS) if (LCD_COLUMNS > 14) { row_0_string.concat(char(223)); } #else if ((LCD_COLUMNS > 18) || ((azimuth < 100) && (elevation < 100))) { row_0_string.concat(char(223)); } #endif #if defined(FEATURE_ONE_DECIMAL_PLACE_HEADINGS) || defined(FEATURE_TWO_DECIMAL_PLACE_HEADINGS) if ((elevation >= 1000) && (azimuth >= 1000)) { row_0_string.concat(SPACE_EL_STRING); } else { row_0_string.concat(SPACE_EL_SPACE_STRING); } #else row_0_string.concat(SPACE_EL_SPACE_STRING); #endif // defined(FEATURE_ONE_DECIMAL_PLACE_HEADINGS) || defined(FEATURE_TWO_DECIMAL_PLACE_HEADINGS) dtostrf(elevation / LCD_HEADING_MULTIPLIER, 1, LCD_DECIMAL_PLACES, workstring); row_0_string.concat(workstring); #if !defined(FEATURE_ONE_DECIMAL_PLACE_HEADINGS) && !defined(FEATURE_TWO_DECIMAL_PLACE_HEADINGS) if (LCD_COLUMNS > 14) { row_0_string.concat(char(223)); } #else if ((LCD_COLUMNS > 18) || ((azimuth < 100) && (elevation < 100))) { row_0_string.concat(char(223)); } #endif lcd.setCursor(0,1); int x = LCD_COLUMNS - row_0_string.length(); byte y = 0; while (x > 0){ if ((y%2) != 0){ row_0_string = " " + row_0_string; } else { row_0_string.concat(" "); } y++; x--; } //lcd.setCursor(((LCD_COLUMNS - row_0_string.length()) / 2), 1); lcd.print(row_0_string); last_azimuth = azimuth; last_elevation = elevation; lcd_state_row_1 = LCD_HEADING; } #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL //------------------------------------------------------------ } char temp_string[10] = ""; // clock display -- small ---------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(OPTION_DISPLAY_HHMMSS_CLOCK) && defined(FEATURE_CLOCK) char clock_temp_string[9] = ""; static byte last_clock_seconds = 0; static byte last_clock_lcd_row_state = 0; byte clock_digits = 0; update_time(); if (((last_clock_seconds != clock_seconds) || (last_clock_lcd_row_state != LCD_IDLE_STATUS)) && (lcd_state_row_0 == LCD_IDLE_STATUS)){ #ifdef OPTION_CLOCK_ALWAYS_HAVE_HOUR_LEADING_ZERO if (clock_hours < 10) { strcat(clock_temp_string, "0"); } dtostrf(clock_hours, 0, 0, temp_string); strcat(clock_temp_string,temp_string); #else dtostrf(clock_hours, 0, 0, temp_string); strcpy(clock_temp_string,temp_string); #endif //OPTION_CLOCK_ALWAYS_HAVE_HOUR_LEADING_ZERO strcat(clock_temp_string,":"); if (clock_minutes < 10) { strcat(clock_temp_string, "0"); } if (clock_hours > 9){ clock_digits = 1; } dtostrf(clock_minutes, 0, 0, temp_string); strcat(clock_temp_string,temp_string); strcat(clock_temp_string,":"); if (clock_seconds < 10) { strcat(clock_temp_string, "0"); } dtostrf(clock_seconds, 0, 0, temp_string); strcat(clock_temp_string,temp_string); if (LCD_HHMMSS_CLOCK_POSITION == LEFT){ lcd.setCursor(0,0); } else { lcd.setCursor(LCD_COLUMNS-(7+clock_digits),0); } lcd.print(clock_temp_string); if ((clock_minutes == 0) && (clock_hours == 0)) { if (LCD_HHMMSS_CLOCK_POSITION == RIGHT){ lcd.setCursor(LCD_COLUMNS-(9+clock_digits),0); } lcd.print(" "); } last_clock_seconds = clock_seconds; } last_clock_lcd_row_state = lcd_state_row_0; #endif //defined(OPTION_DISPLAY_HHMMSS_CLOCK) && defined(FEATURE_CLOCK) // clock display -- small ---------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(OPTION_DISPLAY_HHMM_CLOCK) && defined(FEATURE_CLOCK) char clock_temp_string[10] = ""; static byte last_clock_minutes = 0; static byte last_clock_lcd_row_state = 0; byte clock_digits = 0; update_time(); if (((last_clock_minutes != clock_minutes) || (last_clock_lcd_row_state != LCD_IDLE_STATUS)) && (lcd_state_row_0 == LCD_IDLE_STATUS)){ #ifdef OPTION_CLOCK_ALWAYS_HAVE_HOUR_LEADING_ZERO if (clock_hours < 10) { strcat(clock_temp_string, "0"); } dtostrf(clock_hours, 0, 0, temp_string); strcat(clock_temp_string,temp_string); #else dtostrf(clock_hours, 0, 0, temp_string); strcpy(clock_temp_string,temp_string); #endif //OPTION_CLOCK_ALWAYS_HAVE_HOUR_LEADING_ZERO strcat(clock_temp_string,":"); if (clock_minutes < 10) { strcat(clock_temp_string, "0"); } if (clock_hours > 9){ clock_digits = 1; } dtostrf(clock_minutes, 0, 0, temp_string); strcat(clock_temp_string,temp_string); if (LCD_HHMM_CLOCK_POSITION == LEFT){ lcd.setCursor(0,0); } else { lcd.setCursor(LCD_COLUMNS-(4+clock_digits),0); } lcd.print(clock_temp_string); if ((clock_minutes == 0) && (clock_hours == 0)) { if (LCD_HHMM_CLOCK_POSITION == RIGHT){ lcd.setCursor(LCD_COLUMNS-(6+clock_digits),0); } lcd.print(" "); } last_clock_minutes = clock_minutes; } last_clock_lcd_row_state = lcd_state_row_0; #endif //defined(OPTION_DISPLAY_HHMM_CLOCK) && defined(FEATURE_CLOCK) // alternating H:MM clock and maidenhead display ------------------------------------------------------------ #if defined(OPTION_DISPLAY_ALT_HHMM_CLOCK_AND_MAIDENHEAD) && defined(FEATURE_CLOCK) char clock_temp_string[10] = ""; static byte last_clock_minutes = 0; static byte last_clock_seconds = 0; static byte last_clock_lcd_row_state = 0; byte clock_digits = 0; static byte displaying_clock = 1; if ((lcd_state_row_0 != LCD_UNDEF) && ((lcd_state_row_0 == LCD_IDLE_STATUS) || ((LCD_ALT_HHMM_CLOCK_AND_MAIDENHEAD_ROW-1)!= 0))){ update_time(); if (((last_clock_seconds != clock_seconds) || ((((LCD_ALT_HHMM_CLOCK_AND_MAIDENHEAD_ROW-1)== 0))) && (last_clock_lcd_row_state != LCD_IDLE_STATUS)) && ((lcd_state_row_0 == LCD_IDLE_STATUS) || ((LCD_ALT_HHMM_CLOCK_AND_MAIDENHEAD_ROW-1)!= 0))){ if (((clock_seconds % 5) == 0) || (((LCD_ALT_HHMM_CLOCK_AND_MAIDENHEAD_ROW-1)== 0) && (last_clock_lcd_row_state != LCD_IDLE_STATUS))) { if (displaying_clock){ if (LCD_ALT_HHMM_CLOCK_AND_MAIDENHEAD_POSITION == LEFT){ lcd.setCursor(0,LCD_ALT_HHMM_CLOCK_AND_MAIDENHEAD_ROW-1); } else { lcd.setCursor(LCD_COLUMNS-6,LCD_ALT_HHMM_CLOCK_AND_MAIDENHEAD_ROW-1); } lcd.print(coordinates_to_maidenhead(latitude,longitude)); displaying_clock = 0; } else { displaying_clock = 2; // switch to the clock (2 == print the clock regardless of time) } } last_clock_seconds = clock_seconds; } if (((displaying_clock && (last_clock_minutes != clock_minutes)) || (displaying_clock == 2)) && ((lcd_state_row_0 == LCD_IDLE_STATUS) || ((LCD_ALT_HHMM_CLOCK_AND_MAIDENHEAD_ROW-1)!= 0))){ #ifdef OPTION_CLOCK_ALWAYS_HAVE_HOUR_LEADING_ZERO if (clock_hours < 10) { strcpy(clock_temp_string, "0"); } dtostrf(clock_hours, 0, 0, temp_string); strcat(clock_temp_string,temp_string); #else dtostrf(clock_hours, 0, 0, temp_string); strcpy(clock_temp_string,temp_string); #endif //OPTION_CLOCK_ALWAYS_HAVE_HOUR_LEADING_ZERO strcat(clock_temp_string,":"); if (clock_minutes < 10) { strcat(clock_temp_string, "0"); } if (clock_hours > 9){ clock_digits = 1; } dtostrf(clock_minutes, 0, 0, temp_string); strcat(clock_temp_string,temp_string); if (LCD_ALT_HHMM_CLOCK_AND_MAIDENHEAD_POSITION == LEFT){ lcd.setCursor(0,LCD_ALT_HHMM_CLOCK_AND_MAIDENHEAD_ROW-1); } else { lcd.setCursor(LCD_COLUMNS-(4+clock_digits),LCD_ALT_HHMM_CLOCK_AND_MAIDENHEAD_ROW-1); } lcd.print(clock_temp_string); if (LCD_ALT_HHMM_CLOCK_AND_MAIDENHEAD_POSITION == RIGHT){ lcd.setCursor(LCD_COLUMNS-(6+clock_digits),LCD_ALT_HHMM_CLOCK_AND_MAIDENHEAD_ROW-1); } lcd.print(" "); last_clock_minutes = clock_minutes; displaying_clock = 1; } last_clock_lcd_row_state = lcd_state_row_0; } #endif //defined(OPTION_DISPLAY_ALT_HHMM_CLOCK_AND_MAIDENHEAD) && defined(FEATURE_CLOCK) // constant HH:MM:SS clock and maidenhead display ---------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(OPTION_DISPLAY_CONSTANT_HHMMSS_CLOCK_AND_MAIDENHEAD) && defined(FEATURE_CLOCK) char clock_temp_string[14] = ""; static byte last_clock_minutes = 0; static byte last_clock_seconds = 0; static byte last_clock_lcd_row_state = 0; byte clock_digits = 0; if ((lcd_state_row_0 != LCD_UNDEF) && ((lcd_state_row_0 == LCD_IDLE_STATUS) || ((LCD_CONSTANT_HHMMSS_CLOCK_AND_MAIDENHEAD_ROW-1)!= 0))){ update_time(); if (((last_clock_seconds != clock_seconds) || ((((LCD_CONSTANT_HHMMSS_CLOCK_AND_MAIDENHEAD_ROW-1)== 0))) && (last_clock_lcd_row_state != LCD_IDLE_STATUS)) && ((lcd_state_row_0 == LCD_IDLE_STATUS) || ((LCD_CONSTANT_HHMMSS_CLOCK_AND_MAIDENHEAD_ROW-1)!= 0))){ if (LCD_CONSTANT_HHMMSS_CLOCK_AND_MAIDENHEAD_POSITION == LEFT){ lcd.setCursor(0,LCD_CONSTANT_HHMMSS_CLOCK_AND_MAIDENHEAD_ROW-1); } else { lcd.setCursor(LCD_COLUMNS-14,LCD_CONSTANT_HHMMSS_CLOCK_AND_MAIDENHEAD_ROW-1); } #ifdef OPTION_CLOCK_ALWAYS_HAVE_HOUR_LEADING_ZERO if (clock_hours < 10) { strcpy(clock_temp_string, "0"); } dtostrf(clock_hours, 0, 0, temp_string); strcat(clock_temp_string,temp_string); #else dtostrf(clock_hours, 0, 0, temp_string); strcpy(clock_temp_string,temp_string); #endif //OPTION_CLOCK_ALWAYS_HAVE_HOUR_LEADING_ZERO strcat(clock_temp_string,":"); if (clock_minutes < 10) { strcat(clock_temp_string, "0"); } if (clock_hours > 9){ clock_digits = 1; } dtostrf(clock_minutes, 0, 0, temp_string); strcat(clock_temp_string,temp_string); strcat(clock_temp_string,":"); if (clock_seconds < 10) { strcat(clock_temp_string, "0"); } dtostrf(clock_seconds, 0, 0, temp_string); strcat(clock_temp_string,temp_string); lcd.print(clock_temp_string); lcd.print(" "); lcd.print(coordinates_to_maidenhead(latitude,longitude)); last_clock_seconds = clock_seconds; } last_clock_lcd_row_state = lcd_state_row_0; } #endif //defined(OPTION_DISPLAY_CONSTANT_HHMMSS_CLOCK_AND_MAIDENHEAD) && defined(FEATURE_CLOCK) // gps indicator ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(OPTION_DISPLAY_GPS_INDICATOR) && defined(FEATURE_GPS) && defined(FEATURE_CLOCK) static byte last_clock_status = FREE_RUNNING; static byte last_gps_lcd_row_state = 0; if ((lcd_state_row_0 != LCD_UNDEF) && ((lcd_state_row_0 == LCD_IDLE_STATUS) || ((LCD_GPS_INDICATOR_ROW-1)!= 0))){ if ((last_clock_status != clock_status) || ((LCD_GPS_INDICATOR_ROW == 1) && (last_gps_lcd_row_state != lcd_state_row_0))) { if (LCD_GPS_INDICATOR_POSITION == LEFT){ lcd.setCursor(0,LCD_GPS_INDICATOR_ROW-1); } else { lcd.setCursor(LCD_COLUMNS-3,LCD_GPS_INDICATOR_ROW-1); } if ((clock_status == GPS_SYNC) || (clock_status == SLAVE_SYNC_GPS)){ lcd.print(GPS_STRING); } else { lcd.print(" "); } } last_clock_status = clock_status; } last_gps_lcd_row_state = lcd_state_row_0; #endif //defined(OPTION_DISPLAY_GPS_INDICATOR) && defined(FEATURE_GPS) && defined(FEATURE_CLOCK) #if (defined(OPTION_DISPLAY_MOON_TRACKING_CONTINUOUSLY) && defined(FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING)) || (defined(OPTION_DISPLAY_SUN_TRACKING_CONTINUOUSLY) && defined(FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING)) || defined(OPTION_DISPLAY_MOON_OR_SUN_TRACKING_CONDITIONAL) char trackingstring[LCD_COLUMNS+2] = ""; char temptrackingstring[LCD_COLUMNS+2] = ""; #endif // moon tracking ---------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(OPTION_DISPLAY_MOON_TRACKING_CONTINUOUSLY) && defined(FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING) static unsigned long last_moon_tracking_check_time = 0; static byte last_strlen_moon = 0; if ((lcd_state_row_0 != 0) && (lcd_state_row_1 != 0) && ((millis()-last_moon_tracking_check_time) > LCD_MOON_TRACKING_UPDATE_INTERVAL)) { update_moon_position(); strcpy(trackingstring,""); if (moon_tracking_active){ if (moon_visible){ strcat(trackingstring,TRACKING_ACTIVE_CHAR); } else { strcat(trackingstring,"-"); } } strcat(trackingstring,MOON_STRING); dtostrf(moon_azimuth,0,LCD_DECIMAL_PLACES,temp_string); strcat(trackingstring,temp_string); if ((LCD_COLUMNS>16) && ((moon_azimuth < 100) || (abs(moon_elevation)<100))) {strcat(trackingstring,"\xDF");} strcat(trackingstring," "); dtostrf(moon_elevation,0,LCD_DECIMAL_PLACES,temp_string); strcat(trackingstring,temp_string); if ((LCD_COLUMNS>16) && ((moon_azimuth < 100) || (abs(moon_elevation)<100))) {strcat(trackingstring,"\xDF");} if (moon_tracking_active){ if (moon_visible){ strcat(trackingstring,TRACKING_ACTIVE_CHAR); } else { strcat(trackingstring,TRACKING_INACTIVE_CHAR); } } // if (strlen(trackingstring) < last_strlen_moon){ // clear_display_row(LCD_MOON_TRACKING_ROW-1); // } // last_strlen_moon = strlen(trackingstring); // lcd.setCursor((LCD_COLUMNS-strlen(trackingstring))/2,LCD_MOON_TRACKING_ROW-1); lcd.setCursor(0,LCD_MOON_TRACKING_ROW-1); int x = LCD_COLUMNS - strlen(trackingstring); byte y = 0; while (x > 0){ if ((y%2) != 0){ strcpy(temptrackingstring," "); strcat(temptrackingstring,trackingstring); strcpy(trackingstring,temptrackingstring); } else { strcat(trackingstring," "); } y++; x--; } lcd.print(trackingstring); last_moon_tracking_check_time = millis(); } #endif //defined(OPTION_DISPLAY_MOON_TRACKING_CONTINUOUSLY) && defined(FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING) // sun tracking ---------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(OPTION_DISPLAY_SUN_TRACKING_CONTINUOUSLY) && defined(FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING) static unsigned long last_sun_tracking_check_time = 0; static byte last_strlen_sun = 0; if ((lcd_state_row_0 != 0) && (lcd_state_row_1 != 0) && ((millis()-last_sun_tracking_check_time) > LCD_SUN_TRACKING_UPDATE_INTERVAL)) { update_sun_position(); strcpy(trackingstring,""); if (sun_tracking_active){ if (sun_visible){ strcat(trackingstring,TRACKING_ACTIVE_CHAR); } else { strcat(trackingstring,TRACKING_INACTIVE_CHAR); } } strcat(trackingstring,SUN_STRING); dtostrf(sun_azimuth,0,LCD_DECIMAL_PLACES,temp_string); strcat(trackingstring,temp_string); if ((LCD_COLUMNS>16) && ((sun_azimuth < 100) || (abs(sun_elevation)<100))) {strcat(trackingstring,"\xDF");} strcat(trackingstring," "); dtostrf(sun_elevation,0,LCD_DECIMAL_PLACES,temp_string); strcat(trackingstring,temp_string); if ((LCD_COLUMNS>16) && ((sun_azimuth < 100) || (abs(sun_elevation)<100))) {strcat(trackingstring,"\xDF");} if (sun_tracking_active){ if (sun_visible){ strcat(trackingstring,TRACKING_ACTIVE_CHAR); } else { strcat(trackingstring,TRACKING_INACTIVE_CHAR); } } // if (strlen(trackingstring) < last_strlen_sun){ // clear_display_row(LCD_SUN_TRACKING_ROW-1); // } // last_strlen_sun = strlen(trackingstring); // lcd.setCursor((LCD_COLUMNS-strlen(trackingstring))/2,LCD_SUN_TRACKING_ROW-1); lcd.setCursor(0,LCD_SUN_TRACKING_ROW-1); int x = LCD_COLUMNS - strlen(trackingstring); byte y = 0; while (x > 0){ if ((y%2) != 0){ strcpy(temptrackingstring," "); strcat(temptrackingstring,trackingstring); strcpy(trackingstring,temptrackingstring); } else { strcat(trackingstring," "); } y++; x--; } lcd.print(trackingstring); last_sun_tracking_check_time = millis(); } #endif //defined(OPTION_DISPLAY_SUN_TRACKING_CONTINUOUSLY) && defined(FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING) // moon and/or sun tracking conditional ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifdef OPTION_DISPLAY_MOON_OR_SUN_TRACKING_CONDITIONAL // moon tracking ---- #if defined(FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING) static unsigned long last_moon_tracking_check_time = 0; static byte last_strlen_moon = 0; static byte last_moon_tracking_state = 0; if ((lcd_state_row_0 != 0) && (lcd_state_row_1 != 0) && ((millis()-last_moon_tracking_check_time) > LCD_MOON_TRACKING_UPDATE_INTERVAL) && moon_tracking_active) { update_moon_position(); strcpy(trackingstring,""); strcat(trackingstring,MOON_STRING); dtostrf(moon_azimuth,0,LCD_DECIMAL_PLACES,temp_string); strcat(trackingstring,temp_string); if ((LCD_COLUMNS>16) && ((moon_azimuth < 100) || (abs(moon_elevation)<100))) {strcat(trackingstring,"\xDF");} strcat(trackingstring," "); dtostrf(moon_elevation,0,LCD_DECIMAL_PLACES,temp_string); strcat(trackingstring,temp_string); if ((LCD_COLUMNS>16) && ((moon_azimuth < 100) || (abs(moon_elevation)<100))) {strcat(trackingstring,"\xDF");} if (strlen(trackingstring) < last_strlen_moon){ clear_display_row(LCD_MOON_OR_SUN_TRACKING_CONDITIONAL_ROW-1); } last_strlen_moon = strlen(trackingstring); lcd.setCursor((LCD_COLUMNS-strlen(trackingstring))/2,LCD_MOON_OR_SUN_TRACKING_CONDITIONAL_ROW-1); lcd.print(trackingstring); last_moon_tracking_check_time = millis(); last_moon_tracking_state = 1; } if (!moon_tracking_active && last_moon_tracking_state){ clear_display_row(LCD_MOON_OR_SUN_TRACKING_CONDITIONAL_ROW-1); last_moon_tracking_state = 0; } #endif //defined(OPTION_DISPLAY_MOON_TRACKING_CONTINUOUSLY) && defined(FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING) // sun tracking ---------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING) static unsigned long last_sun_tracking_check_time = 0; static byte last_strlen_sun = 0; static byte last_sun_tracking_state = 0; if ((lcd_state_row_0 != 0) && (lcd_state_row_1 != 0) && ((millis()-last_sun_tracking_check_time) > LCD_SUN_TRACKING_UPDATE_INTERVAL) && sun_tracking_active) { update_sun_position(); strcpy(trackingstring,""); strcat(trackingstring,SUN_STRING); dtostrf(sun_azimuth,0,LCD_DECIMAL_PLACES,temp_string); strcat(trackingstring,temp_string); if ((LCD_COLUMNS>16) && ((sun_azimuth < 100) || (abs(sun_elevation)<100))) {strcat(trackingstring,"\xDF");} strcat(trackingstring," "); dtostrf(sun_elevation,0,LCD_DECIMAL_PLACES,temp_string); strcat(trackingstring,temp_string); if ((LCD_COLUMNS>16) && ((sun_azimuth < 100) || (abs(sun_elevation)<100))) {strcat(trackingstring,"\xDF");} if (strlen(trackingstring) < last_strlen_sun){ clear_display_row(LCD_MOON_OR_SUN_TRACKING_CONDITIONAL_ROW-1); } last_strlen_sun = strlen(trackingstring); lcd.setCursor((LCD_COLUMNS-strlen(trackingstring))/2,LCD_MOON_OR_SUN_TRACKING_CONDITIONAL_ROW-1); lcd.print(trackingstring); last_sun_tracking_check_time = millis(); last_sun_tracking_state = 1; } if (!sun_tracking_active && last_sun_tracking_state){ clear_display_row(LCD_MOON_OR_SUN_TRACKING_CONDITIONAL_ROW-1); last_sun_tracking_state = 0; } #endif //defined(FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING) #endif //OPTION_DISPLAY_MOON_OR_SUN_TRACKING_CONDITIONAL // end of moon and/or sun conditional ----- if ((millis() - last_lcd_update) > LCD_UPDATE_TIME) { last_lcd_update = millis(); } last_row_0_string = row_0_string; // clock display --- big clock --------------------------------------------------------- /* this is outside the normal LCD refresh timing so the seconds update as soon as possible */ #if defined(OPTION_DISPLAY_BIG_CLOCK) && defined(FEATURE_CLOCK) char clock_big_temp_string[22] = ""; static byte last_clock_big_seconds = 0; static byte last_clock_big_minutes = 0; static byte printed_z = 0; update_time(); if ((last_clock_big_seconds != clock_seconds) && (lcd_state_row_0 != 0) && (lcd_state_row_1 != 0)){ sprintf(clock_big_temp_string, "%s", clock_string()); //clock_big_temp_string[20] if (last_clock_big_minutes == clock_minutes){ // if the minutes didn't change, don't send the whole string to the LCD if ((int(float(last_clock_big_seconds)/10.0)) != (int(float(clock_seconds)/10.0))){ lcd.setCursor(((LCD_COLUMNS-20)/2)+17,LCD_BIG_CLOCK_ROW-1); lcd.print(clock_big_temp_string[17]); } else { lcd.setCursor(((LCD_COLUMNS-20)/2)+18,LCD_BIG_CLOCK_ROW-1); } lcd.print(clock_big_temp_string[18]); last_clock_big_seconds = clock_seconds; } else { // print the whole clock lcd.setCursor((LCD_COLUMNS-20)/2,LCD_BIG_CLOCK_ROW-1); if (!printed_z){clock_big_temp_string[20] = 0;} // I put this in to fix mysterious characters that appear at 0,0 for no reason lcd.print(clock_big_temp_string); last_clock_big_seconds = clock_seconds; last_clock_big_minutes = clock_minutes; printed_z = 1; } } #endif //defined(OPTION_DISPLAY_BIG_CLOCK) && defined(FEATURE_CLOCK) // end clock display --- big clock --------------------------------------------------------- } /* update_display */ #endif /* ifdef FEATURE_LCD_DISPLAY */ // -------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_LCD_DISPLAY void clear_display_row(byte row_number){ lcd.setCursor(0, row_number); for (byte x = 0; x < LCD_COLUMNS; x++) { lcd.print(" "); } } #endif // -------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION) || defined(FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION) void get_keystroke(){ while (control_port->available() == 0) { } while (control_port->available() > 0) incoming_serial_byte = control_port->read(); } #endif // defined(FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION) || defined(FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION) // -------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION void print_wrote_to_memory(){ control_port->println(F("Wrote to memory")); } #endif // FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION // -------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION void clear_serial_buffer(){ delay(200); while (control_port->available()) incoming_serial_byte = control_port->read(); } #endif // FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION // -------------------------------------------------------------- void read_settings_from_eeprom(){ byte * p = (byte *)(void *)&configuration; unsigned int i; int ee = 0; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(configuration); i++) { *p++ = EEPROM.read(ee++); } if (configuration.magic_number == EEPROM_MAGIC_NUMBER) { #ifdef DEBUG_EEPROM if (debug_mode) { debug_println("read_settings_from_eeprom: reading settings from eeprom: "); debug_print("\nanalog_az_full_ccw"); debug_print_int(configuration.analog_az_full_ccw); debug_print("\nanalog_az_full_cw"); debug_print_int(configuration.analog_az_full_cw); debug_print("\nanalog_el_0_degrees"); debug_print_int(configuration.analog_el_0_degrees); debug_print("\nanalog_el_max_elevation"); debug_print_int(configuration.analog_el_max_elevation); debug_print("\nlast_azimuth:"); debug_print_float(configuration.last_azimuth, 1); debug_print("\nlast_elevation:"); debug_print_float(configuration.last_elevation, 1); debug_print("\nlast_az_incremental_encoder_position:"); debug_print_int(configuration.last_az_incremental_encoder_position); debug_print("\nlast_el_incremental_encoder_position:"); debug_print_int(configuration.last_el_incremental_encoder_position); debug_print("\naz_offset:"); debug_print_float(configuration.azimuth_offset,2); debug_print("\nel_offset:"); debug_print_float(configuration.elevation_offset,2); debug_println(""); } #endif // DEBUG_EEPROM #if defined(FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER) az_incremental_encoder_position = configuration.last_az_incremental_encoder_position; #endif #if defined(FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL) && defined(FEATURE_EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER) el_incremental_encoder_position = configuration.last_el_incremental_encoder_position; #endif #if defined(FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER) raw_azimuth = int(configuration.last_azimuth * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); if (raw_azimuth >= (360 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) { azimuth = raw_azimuth - (360 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); } else { azimuth = raw_azimuth; } #endif // defined(FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER) #if defined(FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL) && defined(FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER) elevation = int(configuration.last_elevation * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); #endif // defined(FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER) #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT raw_azimuth = int(configuration.last_azimuth * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); if (raw_azimuth >= (360 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) { azimuth = raw_azimuth - (360 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); } else { azimuth = raw_azimuth; } az_position_pulse_input_azimuth = configuration.last_azimuth; #endif // FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT #if defined(FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL) && defined(FEATURE_EL_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT) elevation = int(configuration.last_elevation * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); el_position_pulse_input_elevation = configuration.last_elevation; #endif // FEATURE_EL_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT #if defined(FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT) || defined(FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER) configuration.azimuth_offset = 0; #endif #if defined(FEATURE_EL_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT) || defined(FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER) configuration.elevation_offset = 0; #endif } else { // initialize eeprom with default values #ifdef DEBUG_EEPROM debug_println("read_settings_from_eeprom: uninitialized eeprom, calling initialize_eeprom_with_defaults()"); #endif // DEBUG_EEPROM initialize_eeprom_with_defaults(); } } /* read_settings_from_eeprom */ // -------------------------------------------------------------- void initialize_eeprom_with_defaults(){ #ifdef DEBUG_EEPROM debug_println("initialize_eeprom_with_defaults: writing eeprom"); #endif // DEBUG_EEPROM configuration.analog_az_full_ccw = ANALOG_AZ_FULL_CCW; configuration.analog_az_full_cw = ANALOG_AZ_FULL_CW; configuration.analog_el_0_degrees = ANALOG_EL_0_DEGREES; configuration.analog_el_max_elevation = ANALOG_EL_MAX_ELEVATION; configuration.last_azimuth = raw_azimuth; configuration.last_az_incremental_encoder_position = 0; configuration.last_el_incremental_encoder_position = 0; configuration.azimuth_offset = 0; configuration.elevation_offset = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL configuration.last_elevation = elevation; #else configuration.last_elevation = 0; #endif #ifdef FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR configuration.az_stepper_motor_last_direction = STEPPER_UNDEF; configuration.az_stepper_motor_last_pin_state = LOW; configuration.el_stepper_motor_last_direction = STEPPER_UNDEF; configuration.el_stepper_motor_last_pin_state = LOW; #endif //FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR write_settings_to_eeprom(); } /* initialize_eeprom_with_defaults */ // -------------------------------------------------------------- void write_settings_to_eeprom(){ #ifdef DEBUG_EEPROM debug_println("write_settings_to_eeprom: writing settings to eeprom"); #endif // DEBUG_EEPROM configuration.magic_number = EEPROM_MAGIC_NUMBER; const byte * p = (const byte *)(const void *)&configuration; unsigned int i; int ee = 0; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(configuration); i++) { EEPROM.write(ee++, *p++); } // EEPROM_writeAnything(0,configuration); configuration_dirty = 0; } // -------------------------------------------------------------- void az_check_operation_timeout(){ // check if the last executed rotation operation has been going on too long if (((millis() - az_last_rotate_initiation) > OPERATION_TIMEOUT) && (az_state != IDLE)) { submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_KILL, 0, 78); #ifdef DEBUG_AZ_CHECK_OPERATION_TIMEOUT debug_println("az_check_operation_timeout: timeout reached, aborting rotation"); #endif // DEBUG_AZ_CHECK_OPERATION_TIMEOUT } } // -------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_TIMED_BUFFER void clear_timed_buffer(){ timed_buffer_status = EMPTY; timed_buffer_number_entries_loaded = 0; timed_buffer_entry_pointer = 0; } #endif // FEATURE_TIMED_BUFFER // -------------------------------------------------------------- // #ifdef FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION // void yaesu_m_command(){ // int parsed_azimuth = 0; // // parse out M command // if (control_port_buffer_index > 4) { // if there are more than 4 characters in the command buffer, we got a timed interval command // #ifdef FEATURE_TIMED_BUFFER // yaesu_az_load_timed_intervals(); // #else // control_port->println(F("Feature not activated ?>")); // #endif // FEATURE_TIMED_BUFFER // return; // } else { // if there are four characters, this is just a single direction setting // if (control_port_buffer_index == 4) { // parsed_azimuth = ((int(control_port_buffer[1]) - 48) * 100) + ((int(control_port_buffer[2]) - 48) * 10) + (int(control_port_buffer[3]) - 48); // #ifdef FEATURE_TIMED_BUFFER // clear_timed_buffer(); // #endif // FEATURE_TIMED_BUFFER // if ((parsed_azimuth > -1) && (parsed_azimuth <= (azimuth_starting_point + azimuth_rotation_capability))) { // submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_AZIMUTH, (parsed_azimuth * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)); // return; // } // } // } // control_port->println(F("?>")); // } /* yaesu_m_command */ // #endif // FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION // -------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_TIMED_BUFFER void initiate_timed_buffer(byte source_port){ if (timed_buffer_status == LOADED_AZIMUTHS) { timed_buffer_status = RUNNING_AZIMUTHS; submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_AZIMUTH, timed_buffer_azimuths[1], 79); last_timed_buffer_action_time = millis(); timed_buffer_entry_pointer = 2; #ifdef DEBUG_TIMED_BUFFER debug_println("initiate_timed_buffer: changing state to RUNNING_AZIMUTHS"); #endif // DEBUG_TIMED_BUFFER } else { #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL if (timed_buffer_status == LOADED_AZIMUTHS_ELEVATIONS) { timed_buffer_status = RUNNING_AZIMUTHS_ELEVATIONS; submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_AZIMUTH, timed_buffer_azimuths[1], 80); submit_request(EL, REQUEST_ELEVATION, timed_buffer_elevations[1], 81); last_timed_buffer_action_time = millis(); timed_buffer_entry_pointer = 2; #ifdef DEBUG_TIMED_BUFFER debug_println("initiate_timed_buffer: changing state to RUNNING_AZIMUTHS_ELEVATIONS"); #endif // DEBUG_TIMED_BUFFER } else { print_to_port(">",source_port); // error } #endif } } /* initiate_timed_buffer */ #endif // FEATURE_TIMED_BUFFER // -------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_TIMED_BUFFER void print_timed_buffer_empty_message(){ #ifdef DEBUG_TIMED_BUFFER debug_println("check_timed_interval: completed timed buffer; changing state to EMPTY"); #endif // DEBUG_TIMED_BUFFER } #endif // FEATURE_TIMED_BUFFER // -------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_TIMED_BUFFER void check_timed_interval(){ if ((timed_buffer_status == RUNNING_AZIMUTHS) && (((millis() - last_timed_buffer_action_time) / 1000) > timed_buffer_interval_value_seconds)) { timed_buffer_entry_pointer++; #ifdef DEBUG_TIMED_BUFFER debug_println("check_timed_interval: executing next timed interval step - azimuths"); #endif // DEBUG_TIMED_BUFFER submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_AZIMUTH, timed_buffer_azimuths[timed_buffer_entry_pointer - 1], 82); last_timed_buffer_action_time = millis(); if (timed_buffer_entry_pointer == timed_buffer_number_entries_loaded) { clear_timed_buffer(); print_timed_buffer_empty_message(); } } #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL if ((timed_buffer_status == RUNNING_AZIMUTHS_ELEVATIONS) && (((millis() - last_timed_buffer_action_time) / 1000) > timed_buffer_interval_value_seconds)) { timed_buffer_entry_pointer++; #ifdef DEBUG_TIMED_BUFFER debug_println("check_timed_interval: executing next timed interval step - az and el"); #endif // DEBUG_TIMED_BUFFER submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_AZIMUTH, timed_buffer_azimuths[timed_buffer_entry_pointer - 1], 83); submit_request(EL, REQUEST_ELEVATION, timed_buffer_elevations[timed_buffer_entry_pointer - 1], 84); last_timed_buffer_action_time = millis(); if (timed_buffer_entry_pointer == timed_buffer_number_entries_loaded) { clear_timed_buffer(); print_timed_buffer_empty_message(); } } #endif } /* check_timed_interval */ #endif // FEATURE_TIMED_BUFFER // -------------------------------------------------------------- void read_azimuth(byte force_read){ #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER read_azimuth_lock = 1; #endif unsigned int previous_raw_azimuth = raw_azimuth; static unsigned long last_measurement_time = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER static unsigned int incremental_encoder_previous_raw_azimuth = raw_azimuth; #endif // FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER if (heading_reading_inhibit_pin) { if (digitalReadEnhanced(heading_reading_inhibit_pin)) { return; } } #ifdef DEBUG_HEADING_READING_TIME static unsigned long last_time = 0; static unsigned long last_print_time = 0; static float average_read_time = 0; #endif // DEBUG_HEADING_READING_TIME #ifdef DEBUG_HH12 static unsigned long last_hh12_debug = 0; #endif #ifndef FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_GET_FROM_REMOTE_UNIT if (((millis() - last_measurement_time) > AZIMUTH_MEASUREMENT_FREQUENCY_MS) || (force_read)) { #else if (1) { #endif #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_POTENTIOMETER analog_az = analogReadEnhanced(rotator_analog_az); raw_azimuth = map(analog_az, configuration.analog_az_full_ccw, configuration.analog_az_full_cw, (azimuth_starting_point * HEADING_MULTIPLIER), ((azimuth_starting_point + azimuth_rotation_capability) * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)); //raw_azimuth = map(analog_az* HEADING_MULTIPLIER, configuration.analog_az_full_ccw* HEADING_MULTIPLIER, configuration.analog_az_full_cw* HEADING_MULTIPLIER, (azimuth_starting_point * HEADING_MULTIPLIER), ((azimuth_starting_point + azimuth_rotation_capability) * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)); #ifdef FEATURE_AZIMUTH_CORRECTION raw_azimuth = (correct_azimuth(raw_azimuth / HEADING_MULTIPLIER) * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); #endif // FEATURE_AZIMUTH_CORRECTION raw_azimuth = raw_azimuth + (configuration.azimuth_offset * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); if (AZIMUTH_SMOOTHING_FACTOR > 0) { raw_azimuth = (raw_azimuth * (1 - (AZIMUTH_SMOOTHING_FACTOR / 100.))) + (previous_raw_azimuth * (AZIMUTH_SMOOTHING_FACTOR / 100.)); } if (raw_azimuth >= (360 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) { azimuth = raw_azimuth - (360 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); if (azimuth >= (360 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) { azimuth = azimuth - (360 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); } } else { if (raw_azimuth < 0) { azimuth = raw_azimuth + (360 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); } else { azimuth = raw_azimuth; } } #endif // FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_POTENTIOMETER #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_GET_FROM_REMOTE_UNIT #if defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE) static unsigned long last_remote_unit_az_query_time = 0; // do we have a command result waiting for us? if (remote_unit_command_results_available == REMOTE_UNIT_AZ_COMMAND) { #ifdef DEBUG_HEADING_READING_TIME average_read_time = (average_read_time + (millis() - last_time)) / 2.0; last_time = millis(); if (debug_mode) { if ((millis() - last_print_time) > 1000) { debug_println("read_azimuth: avg read frequency: "); debug_print_float(average_read_time, 2); debug_println(""); last_print_time = millis(); } } #endif // DEBUG_HEADING_READING_TIME raw_azimuth = remote_unit_command_result_float * HEADING_MULTIPLIER; #ifdef FEATURE_AZIMUTH_CORRECTION raw_azimuth = (correct_azimuth(raw_azimuth / HEADING_MULTIPLIER) * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); #endif // FEATURE_AZIMUTH_CORRECTION raw_azimuth = raw_azimuth + (configuration.azimuth_offset * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); if (AZIMUTH_SMOOTHING_FACTOR > 0) { raw_azimuth = (raw_azimuth * (1 - (AZIMUTH_SMOOTHING_FACTOR / 100))) + (previous_raw_azimuth * (AZIMUTH_SMOOTHING_FACTOR / 100)); } if (raw_azimuth >= (360 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) { azimuth = raw_azimuth - (360 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); if (azimuth >= (360 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) { azimuth = azimuth - (360 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); } } else { if (raw_azimuth < 0) { azimuth = raw_azimuth + (360 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); } else { azimuth = raw_azimuth; } } remote_unit_command_results_available = 0; } else { // is it time to request the azimuth? if ((millis() - last_remote_unit_az_query_time) > AZ_REMOTE_UNIT_QUERY_TIME_MS) { if (submit_remote_command(REMOTE_UNIT_AZ_COMMAND, 0, 0)) { last_remote_unit_az_query_time = millis(); } } } #endif // defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE) #endif // FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_GET_FROM_REMOTE_UNIT #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER static byte az_position_encoder_state = 0; az_position_encoder_state = ttable[az_position_encoder_state & 0xf][((digitalReadEnhanced(az_rotary_position_pin2) << 1) | digitalReadEnhanced(az_rotary_position_pin1))]; byte az_position_encoder_result = az_position_encoder_state & 0x30; if (az_position_encoder_result) { if (az_position_encoder_result == DIR_CW) { configuration.last_azimuth = configuration.last_azimuth + AZ_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER_DEG_PER_PULSE; #ifdef DEBUG_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER debug_println("read_azimuth: AZ_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER: CW"); #endif // DEBUG_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER } if (az_position_encoder_result == DIR_CCW) { configuration.last_azimuth = configuration.last_azimuth - AZ_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER_DEG_PER_PULSE; #ifdef DEBUG_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER debug_println("read_azimuth: AZ_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER: CCW"); #endif // DEBUG_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER } #ifdef OPTION_AZ_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER_HARD_LIMIT if (configuration.last_azimuth < azimuth_starting_point) { configuration.last_azimuth = azimuth_starting_point; } if (configuration.last_azimuth > (azimuth_starting_point + azimuth_rotation_capability)) { configuration.last_azimuth = (azimuth_starting_point + azimuth_rotation_capability); } #else if (configuration.last_azimuth < 0) { configuration.last_azimuth += 360; } if (configuration.last_azimuth >= 360) { configuration.last_azimuth -= 360; } #endif // OPTION_AZ_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER_HARD_LIMIT raw_azimuth = int(configuration.last_azimuth * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); #ifdef FEATURE_AZIMUTH_CORRECTION raw_azimuth = (correct_azimuth(raw_azimuth / HEADING_MULTIPLIER) * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); #endif // FEATURE_AZIMUTH_CORRECTION if (raw_azimuth >= (360 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) { azimuth = raw_azimuth - (360 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); } else { azimuth = raw_azimuth; } configuration_dirty = 1; } #endif // FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_HMC5883L MagnetometerScaled scaled = compass.ReadScaledAxis(); // scaled values from compass. #ifdef DEBUG_HMC5883L debug_print("read_azimuth: HMC5883L x:"); debug_print_float(scaled.XAxis,4); debug_print(" y:"); debug_print_float(scaled.YAxis,4); debug_println(""); #endif //DEBUG_HMC5883L float heading = atan2(scaled.YAxis, scaled.XAxis); // heading += declinationAngle; // Correct for when signs are reversed. if (heading < 0) heading += 2 * PI; if (heading > 2 * PI) heading -= 2 * PI; raw_azimuth = (heading * RAD_TO_DEG) * HEADING_MULTIPLIER; // radians to degree if (AZIMUTH_SMOOTHING_FACTOR > 0) { raw_azimuth = (raw_azimuth * (1 - (AZIMUTH_SMOOTHING_FACTOR / 100))) + (previous_raw_azimuth * (AZIMUTH_SMOOTHING_FACTOR / 100)); } #ifdef FEATURE_AZIMUTH_CORRECTION raw_azimuth = (correct_azimuth(raw_azimuth / HEADING_MULTIPLIER) * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); #endif // FEATURE_AZIMUTH_CORRECTION raw_azimuth = raw_azimuth + (configuration.azimuth_offset * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); azimuth = raw_azimuth; #endif // FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_HMC5883L #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_ADAFRUIT_LSM303 lsm.read(); float heading = atan2(lsm.magData.y, lsm.magData.x); // heading += declinationAngle; // Correct for when signs are reversed. if (heading < 0) heading += 2 * PI; if (heading > 2 * PI) heading -= 2 * PI; raw_azimuth = (heading * RAD_TO_DEG) * HEADING_MULTIPLIER; // radians to degree #ifdef FEATURE_AZIMUTH_CORRECTION raw_azimuth = (correct_azimuth(raw_azimuth / HEADING_MULTIPLIER) * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); #endif // FEATURE_AZIMUTH_CORRECTION raw_azimuth = raw_azimuth + (configuration.azimuth_offset * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); if (AZIMUTH_SMOOTHING_FACTOR > 0) { raw_azimuth = (raw_azimuth * (1 - (AZIMUTH_SMOOTHING_FACTOR / 100))) + (previous_raw_azimuth * (AZIMUTH_SMOOTHING_FACTOR / 100)); } azimuth = raw_azimuth; #endif // FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_ADAFRUIT_LSM303 #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_POLOLU_LSM303 compass.read(); #ifdef DEBUG_POLOLU_LSM303_CALIBRATION running_min.x = min(running_min.x, compass.m.x); running_min.y = min(running_min.y, compass.m.y); running_min.z = min(running_min.z, compass.m.z); running_max.x = max(running_max.x, compass.m.x); running_max.y = max(running_max.y, compass.m.y); running_max.z = max(running_max.z, compass.m.z); snprintf(report, sizeof(report), "min: {%+6d, %+6d, %+6d} max: {%+6d, %+6d, %+6d}", running_min.x, running_min.y, running_min.z, running_max.x, running_max.y, running_max.z); Serial.println(report); #endif // DEBUG_POLOLU_LSM303_CALIBRATION //lsm.read(); /* When given no arguments, the heading() function returns the angular difference in the horizontal plane between a default vector and north, in degrees. The default vector is chosen by the library to point along the surface of the PCB, in the direction of the top of the text on the silkscreen. This is the +X axis on the Pololu LSM303D carrier and the -Y axis on the Pololu LSM303DLHC, LSM303DLM, and LSM303DLH carriers. To use a different vector as a reference, use the version of heading() that takes a vector argument; for example, use compass.heading((LSM303::vector){0, 0, 1}); to use the +Z axis as a reference. */ float heading = compass.heading(); //float heading = atan2(lsm.magData.y, lsm.magData.x); // heading += declinationAngle; // Correct for when signs are reversed. /* if (heading < 0) heading += 2 * PI; if (heading > 2 * PI) heading -= 2 * PI; raw_azimuth = (heading * RAD_TO_DEG) * HEADING_MULTIPLIER; // radians to degree */ raw_azimuth = heading * HEADING_MULTIPLIER ; // pololu library returns float value of actual heading. #ifdef FEATURE_AZIMUTH_CORRECTION raw_azimuth = (correct_azimuth(raw_azimuth / HEADING_MULTIPLIER) * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); #endif // FEATURE_AZIMUTH_CORRECTION raw_azimuth = raw_azimuth + (configuration.azimuth_offset * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); if (AZIMUTH_SMOOTHING_FACTOR > 0) { raw_azimuth = (raw_azimuth * (1 - (AZIMUTH_SMOOTHING_FACTOR / 100))) + (previous_raw_azimuth * (AZIMUTH_SMOOTHING_FACTOR / 100)); } azimuth = raw_azimuth; #endif // FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_POLOLU_LSM303 #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT #ifdef DEBUG_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT // if (az_position_pule_interrupt_handler_flag) { // control_port->print(F("read_azimuth: az_position_pusle_interrupt_handler_flag: ")); // control_port->println(az_position_pule_interrupt_handler_flag); // az_position_pule_interrupt_handler_flag = 0; // } #endif // DEBUG_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT static float last_az_position_pulse_input_azimuth = az_position_pulse_input_azimuth; if (az_position_pulse_input_azimuth != last_az_position_pulse_input_azimuth) { #ifdef DEBUG_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT // if (debug_mode){ // control_port->print(F("read_azimuth: last_az_position_pulse_input_azimuth:")); // control_port->print(last_az_position_pulse_input_azimuth); // control_port->print(F(" az_position_pulse_input_azimuth:")); // control_port->print(az_position_pulse_input_azimuth); // control_port->print(F(" az_pulse_counter:")); // control_port->println(az_pulse_counter); // } #endif // DEBUG_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT configuration.last_azimuth = az_position_pulse_input_azimuth; configuration_dirty = 1; last_az_position_pulse_input_azimuth = az_position_pulse_input_azimuth; raw_azimuth = int(configuration.last_azimuth * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); #ifdef FEATURE_AZIMUTH_CORRECTION raw_azimuth = (correct_azimuth(raw_azimuth / HEADING_MULTIPLIER) * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); #endif // FEATURE_AZIMUTH_CORRECTION raw_azimuth = raw_azimuth + (configuration.azimuth_offset * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); if (raw_azimuth >= (360 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) { azimuth = raw_azimuth - (360 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); } else { azimuth = raw_azimuth; } } #endif // FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_HH12_AS5045_SSI raw_azimuth = int(azimuth_hh12.heading() * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); #ifdef DEBUG_HH12 if ((millis() - last_hh12_debug) > 5000) { control_port->print(F("read_azimuth: HH-12 raw: ")); control_port->println(raw_azimuth); last_hh12_debug = millis(); } #endif // DEBUG_HH12 #ifdef FEATURE_AZIMUTH_CORRECTION raw_azimuth = (correct_azimuth(raw_azimuth / HEADING_MULTIPLIER) * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); #endif // FEATURE_AZIMUTH_CORRECTION raw_azimuth = raw_azimuth + (configuration.azimuth_offset * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); if (raw_azimuth >= (360 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) { azimuth = raw_azimuth - (360 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); } else { if (raw_azimuth < 0) { azimuth = raw_azimuth + (360 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); } else { azimuth = raw_azimuth; } } #endif // FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_HH12_AS5045_SSI #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER if (AZIMUTH_STARTING_POINT_DEFAULT == 0) { raw_azimuth = (((((az_incremental_encoder_position) / (AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_PULSES_PER_REV*4.)) * 360.0)) * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); } else { if (az_incremental_encoder_position > (AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_PULSES_PER_REV*4.)) { raw_azimuth = (((((az_incremental_encoder_position - (AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_PULSES_PER_REV*4.)) / (AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_PULSES_PER_REV*4.)) * 360.0)) * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); } else { raw_azimuth = (((((az_incremental_encoder_position + (AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_PULSES_PER_REV*4.)) / (AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_PULSES_PER_REV*4.)) * 360.0)) * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); } } #ifdef FEATURE_AZIMUTH_CORRECTION raw_azimuth = (correct_azimuth(raw_azimuth / HEADING_MULTIPLIER) * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); #endif // FEATURE_AZIMUTH_CORRECTION raw_azimuth = raw_azimuth + (configuration.azimuth_offset * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); if (raw_azimuth >= (360 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) { azimuth = raw_azimuth - (360 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); } else { azimuth = raw_azimuth; } if (raw_azimuth != incremental_encoder_previous_raw_azimuth) { configuration.last_az_incremental_encoder_position = az_incremental_encoder_position; configuration_dirty = 1; incremental_encoder_previous_raw_azimuth = raw_azimuth; } #endif // FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER last_measurement_time = millis(); } #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER read_azimuth_lock = 0; #endif } /* read_azimuth */ // -------------------------------------------------------------- void output_debug(){ #ifdef DEBUG_DUMP char tempstring[32] = ""; #if defined(FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION) || defined(FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION) if (((millis() - last_debug_output_time) >= 3000) && (debug_mode)) { #ifdef DEBUG_GPS_SERIAL debug_println(""); #endif //DEBUG_GPS_SERIAL //port_flush(); debug_print("debug: \t"); debug_print(CODE_VERSION); #ifdef HARDWARE_WB6KCN debug_print(" HARDWARE_WB6KCN"); #endif #ifdef HARDWARE_M0UPU debug_print(" HARDWARE_M0UPU"); #endif #ifdef HARDWARE_EA4TX_ARS_USB debug_print(" HARDWARE_EA4TX_ARS_USB"); #endif debug_print("\t\t"); #ifdef FEATURE_CLOCK update_time(); sprintf(tempstring, "%s", clock_string()); debug_print(tempstring); #else // FEATURE_CLOCK dtostrf((millis() / 1000),0,0,tempstring); debug_print(tempstring); #endif // FEATURE_CLOCK #if defined(FEATURE_GPS) || defined(FEATURE_RTC) || (defined(FEATURE_CLOCK) && defined(OPTION_SYNC_MASTER_CLOCK_TO_SLAVE)) debug_print("\t"); debug_print(clock_status_string()); #endif // defined(FEATURE_GPS) || defined(FEATURE_RTC) || (defined(FEATURE_CLOCK) && defined(OPTION_SYNC_MASTER_CLOCK_TO_SLAVE)) #if defined(FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING) || defined(FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING) debug_print("\t"); sprintf(tempstring, "%s", coordinate_string()); debug_print(tempstring); debug_print(" "); debug_print(coordinates_to_maidenhead(latitude,longitude)); #endif debug_print("\t\t"); #ifdef DEBUG_MEMORY void * HP = malloc(4); if (HP) {free(HP);} unsigned long free = (unsigned long)SP - (unsigned long)HP; sprintf(tempstring,"%lu",(unsigned long)free); debug_print(tempstring); debug_print("b free"); #endif //DEBUG_MEMORY #ifdef FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION debug_print("\t\tGS-232"); #ifdef OPTION_GS_232B_EMULATION debug_print("B"); #else debug_print("A"); #endif #endif // FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION #ifdef FEATURE_PARK switch (park_status) { case NOT_PARKED: debug_print("\tNOT_PARKED"); break; case PARK_INITIATED: debug_print("\tPARK_INITIATED"); break; case PARKED: debug_print("\tPARKED"); break; } #endif // FEATURE_PARK debug_print("\n"); debug_print("\tAZ: "); switch (az_state) { case IDLE: debug_print("IDLE"); break; #ifndef HARDWARE_EA4TX_ARS_USB case SLOW_START_CW: debug_print("SLOW_START_CW"); break; case SLOW_START_CCW: debug_print("SLOW_START_CCW"); break; #endif //ifndef HARDWARE_EA4TX_ARS_USB case NORMAL_CW: debug_print("NORMAL_CW"); break; case NORMAL_CCW: debug_print("NORMAL_CCW"); break; #ifndef HARDWARE_EA4TX_ARS_USB case SLOW_DOWN_CW: debug_print("SLOW_DOWN_CW"); break; case SLOW_DOWN_CCW: debug_print("SLOW_DOWN_CCW"); break; case INITIALIZE_SLOW_START_CW: debug_print("INITIALIZE_SLOW_START_CW"); break; case INITIALIZE_SLOW_START_CCW: debug_print("INITIALIZE_SLOW_START_CCW"); break; case INITIALIZE_TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CW: debug_print("INITIALIZE_TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CW"); break; case INITIALIZE_TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CCW: debug_print("INITIALIZE_TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CCW"); break; case TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CW: debug_print("TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CW"); break; case TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CCW: debug_print("TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CCW"); break; case INITIALIZE_DIR_CHANGE_TO_CW: debug_print("INITIALIZE_DIR_CHANGE_TO_CW"); break; case INITIALIZE_DIR_CHANGE_TO_CCW: debug_print("INITIALIZE_DIR_CHANGE_TO_CCW"); break; case INITIALIZE_NORMAL_CW: debug_print("INITIALIZE_NORMAL_CW"); break; case INITIALIZE_NORMAL_CCW: debug_print("INITIALIZE_NORMAL_CCW"); break; #endif //ifndef HARDWARE_EA4TX_ARS_USB } debug_print("\tQ: "); switch (az_request_queue_state) { case NONE: debug_print("-"); break; case IN_QUEUE: debug_print("IN_QUEUE"); break; case IN_PROGRESS_TIMED: debug_print("IN_PROGRESS_TIMED"); break; case IN_PROGRESS_TO_TARGET: debug_print("IN_PROGRESS_TO_TARGET"); break; } debug_print(" AZ: "); debug_print_float((azimuth / LCD_HEADING_MULTIPLIER), LCD_DECIMAL_PLACES); debug_print(" (raw: "); debug_print_float((raw_azimuth / LCD_HEADING_MULTIPLIER), LCD_DECIMAL_PLACES); debug_print(")"); if (az_state != IDLE) { debug_print(" Target: "); debug_print_float((target_azimuth / LCD_HEADING_MULTIPLIER), LCD_DECIMAL_PLACES); debug_print(" (raw: "); debug_print_float((target_raw_azimuth / LCD_HEADING_MULTIPLIER), LCD_DECIMAL_PLACES); debug_print(")"); debug_print(" Secs_left: "); debug_print_int((OPERATION_TIMEOUT - (millis() - az_last_rotate_initiation)) / 1000); } #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_POTENTIOMETER debug_print(" Analog: "); dtostrf(analog_az,0,0,tempstring); debug_print(tempstring); debug_print(" ("); dtostrf(configuration.analog_az_full_ccw,0,0,tempstring); debug_print(tempstring); debug_print("-"); dtostrf(configuration.analog_az_full_cw,0,0,tempstring); debug_print(tempstring); debug_print(") "); #endif // FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_POTENTIOMETER debug_print("\t["); debug_print_int(azimuth_starting_point); debug_print("+"); debug_print_int(azimuth_rotation_capability); debug_print("]"); #ifndef HARDWARE_EA4TX_ARS_USB debug_print(" AZ Speed Norm: "); debug_print_int(normal_az_speed_voltage); debug_print(" Current: "); debug_print_int(current_az_speed_voltage); if (az_speed_pot) { debug_print(" AZ Speed Pot: "); debug_print_int(analogReadEnhanced(az_speed_pot)); } if (az_preset_pot) { debug_print(" AZ Preset Pot Analog: "); debug_print_int(analogReadEnhanced(az_preset_pot)); debug_print(" AZ Preset Pot Setting: "); dtostrf((map(analogReadEnhanced(az_preset_pot), AZ_PRESET_POT_FULL_CW, AZ_PRESET_POT_FULL_CCW, AZ_PRESET_POT_FULL_CW_MAP, AZ_PRESET_POT_FULL_CCW_MAP)),0,0,tempstring); debug_print(tempstring); } debug_print("\tOffset: "); dtostrf(configuration.azimuth_offset,0,2,tempstring); debug_print(tempstring); #endif // ndef HARDWARE_EA4TX_ARS_USB debug_println(""); #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL debug_print("\tEL: "); switch (el_state) { case IDLE: debug_print("IDLE"); break; #ifndef HARDWARE_EA4TX_ARS_USB case SLOW_START_UP: debug_print("SLOW_START_UP"); break; case SLOW_START_DOWN: debug_print("SLOW_START_DOWN"); break; #endif //ifndef HARDWARE_EA4TX_ARS_USB case NORMAL_UP: debug_print("NORMAL_UP"); break; case NORMAL_DOWN: debug_print("NORMAL_DOWN"); break; #ifndef HARDWARE_EA4TX_ARS_USB case SLOW_DOWN_DOWN: debug_print("SLOW_DOWN_DOWN"); break; case SLOW_DOWN_UP: debug_print("SLOW_DOWN_UP"); break; case TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_UP: debug_print("TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_UP"); break; case TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_DOWN: debug_print("TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_DOWN"); break; #endif //ifndef HARDWARE_EA4TX_ARS_USB } debug_print("\tQ: "); switch (el_request_queue_state) { case NONE: debug_print("-"); break; case IN_QUEUE: debug_print("IN_QUEUE"); break; case IN_PROGRESS_TIMED: debug_print("IN_PROGRESS_TIMED"); break; case IN_PROGRESS_TO_TARGET: debug_print("IN_PROGRESS_TO_TARGET"); break; } debug_print(" EL: "); dtostrf(elevation / LCD_HEADING_MULTIPLIER, 0, LCD_DECIMAL_PLACES,tempstring); debug_print(tempstring); if (el_state != IDLE) { debug_print("\tTarget: "); dtostrf(target_elevation / LCD_HEADING_MULTIPLIER, 0, LCD_DECIMAL_PLACES,tempstring); debug_print(tempstring); } #ifdef FEATURE_EL_POSITION_POTENTIOMETER debug_print("\tEL Analog: "); dtostrf(analog_el,0,0,tempstring); debug_print(tempstring); debug_print(" ("); dtostrf(configuration.analog_el_0_degrees,0,0,tempstring); debug_print(tempstring); debug_print("-"); dtostrf(configuration.analog_el_max_elevation,0,0,tempstring); debug_print(tempstring); debug_print(") "); #endif // FEATURE_EL_POSITION_POTENTIOMETER #ifndef HARDWARE_EA4TX_ARS_USB debug_print(" EL Speed Norm: "); debug_print_int(normal_el_speed_voltage); debug_print(" Current: "); debug_print_int(current_el_speed_voltage); debug_print("\tOffset: "); debug_print_float(configuration.elevation_offset, 2); #endif //ifndef HARDWARE_EA4TX_ARS_USB debug_println(""); #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL //port_flush(); #ifdef FEATURE_TIMED_BUFFER if (timed_buffer_status != EMPTY) { debug_print("\tTimed interval buff: "); switch (timed_buffer_status) { // case EMPTY: debug_print("EMPTY"); break; case LOADED_AZIMUTHS: debug_print("LOADED_AZIMUTHS"); break; case RUNNING_AZIMUTHS: debug_print("RUNNING_AZIMUTHS"); break; #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL case LOADED_AZIMUTHS_ELEVATIONS: debug_print("LOADED_AZIMUTHS_ELEVATIONS"); break; case RUNNING_AZIMUTHS_ELEVATIONS: debug_print("RUNNING_AZIMUTHS_ELEVATIONS"); break; #endif } debug_print("\tInterval (secs): "); debug_print_int(timed_buffer_interval_value_seconds); debug_print("\tEntries: "); debug_print_int(timed_buffer_number_entries_loaded); debug_print("\tEntry ptr: "); debug_print_int(timed_buffer_entry_pointer); debug_print("\tSecs since last action: "); debug_print_int((millis() - last_timed_buffer_action_time) / 1000); if (timed_buffer_number_entries_loaded > 0) { for (int x = 0; x < timed_buffer_number_entries_loaded; x++) { debug_print_int(x + 1); debug_print("\t:"); debug_print_int(timed_buffer_azimuths[x] / HEADING_MULTIPLIER); #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL debug_print("\t- "); debug_print_int(timed_buffer_elevations[x] / HEADING_MULTIPLIER); #endif debug_print("\n"); } debug_println(""); } } // if (timed_buffer_status != EMPTY) #endif // FEATURE_TIMED_BUFFER #if defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE) /*debug_print("\tRemote Slave: Command: "); debug_print_int(remote_unit_command_submitted);*/ debug_print("\tRemote Slave: Good: "); debug_print_float(remote_unit_good_results,0); debug_print(" Bad: "); debug_print_int(remote_unit_bad_results); /*debug_print(" Index: "); debug_print_int(remote_unit_port_buffer_index);*/ debug_print(" CmdTouts: "); debug_print_int(remote_unit_command_timeouts); debug_print(" BuffTouts: "); debug_print_int(remote_unit_incoming_buffer_timeouts); /*debug_print(" Result: "); debug_print_float(remote_unit_command_result_float,2);*/ debug_println(""); #endif // defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE) #if defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE) debug_print("\tEthernet Slave TCP Link State: "); switch(ethernetslavelinkclient0_state){ case ETHERNET_SLAVE_DISCONNECTED: debug_print("DIS"); case ETHERNET_SLAVE_CONNECTED: debug_print("CONNECTED"); } debug_print(" Reconnects: "); debug_print_int(ethernet_slave_reconnects); debug_println(""); #endif // defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE) #ifdef DEBUG_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT static unsigned long last_pulse_count_time = 0; static unsigned long last_az_pulse_counter = 0; static unsigned long last_el_pulse_counter = 0; debug_print("\tPulse counters: AZ: "); debug_print_int(az_pulse_counter); debug_print(" AZ Ambiguous: "); debug_print_int(az_pulse_counter_ambiguous); debug_print(" EL: "); debug_print_int(el_pulse_counter); debug_print(" EL Ambiguous: "); debug_print_int(el_pulse_counter_ambiguous); debug_print(" Rate per sec: AZ: "); debug_print_float(((az_pulse_counter - last_az_pulse_counter) / ((millis() - last_pulse_count_time) / 1000.0)),2); debug_print(" EL: "); debug_print_float(((el_pulse_counter - last_el_pulse_counter) / ((millis() - last_pulse_count_time) / 1000.0)),2); debug_println(""); last_az_pulse_counter = az_pulse_counter; last_el_pulse_counter = el_pulse_counter; last_pulse_count_time = millis(); #endif // DEBUG_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT #if defined(FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER) && defined(DEBUG_AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER) debug_print("\taz_position_incremental_encoder_interrupt: "); debug_print_int(az_position_incremental_encoder_interrupt); debug_print("\taz_incremental_encoder_position: "); debug_print_int(az_incremental_encoder_position); #endif // DEBUG_AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER #if defined(FEATURE_EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER) && defined(DEBUG_EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER) debug_print("\n\tel_position_incremental_encoder_interrupt: "); debug_print_int(el_position_incremental_encoder_interrupt); debug_print("\tel_incremental_encoder_position: "); debug_print_int(el_incremental_encoder_position); #endif // DEBUG_EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER #if (defined(FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER) && defined(DEBUG_AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER)) || (defined(FEATURE_EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER) && defined(DEBUG_EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER)) debug_println(""); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING update_moon_position(); debug_print(moon_status_string()); #endif // FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING #ifdef FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING update_sun_position(); debug_print(sun_status_string()); #endif // FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING #if defined(FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING) || defined(FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING) debug_println(""); #endif //defined(FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING) || defined(FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING) #ifdef FEATURE_GPS unsigned long gps_chars = 0; unsigned short gps_good_sentences = 0; unsigned short gps_failed_checksum = 0; char gps_temp_string[12] = ""; float gps_lat_temp = 0; float gps_long_temp = 0; debug_print("\tGPS: satellites: "); gps_chars = gps.satellites(); if (gps_chars == 255){gps_chars = 0;} dtostrf(gps_chars,0,0,gps_temp_string); debug_print(gps_temp_string); unsigned long gps_fix_age_temp = 0; gps.f_get_position(&gps_lat_temp,&gps_long_temp,&gps_fix_age_temp); debug_print(" lat: "); debug_print_float(gps_lat_temp,4); debug_print(" long: "); debug_print_float(gps_long_temp,4); debug_print(" fix age (mS): "); dtostrf(gps_fix_age_temp,0,0,gps_temp_string); debug_print(gps_temp_string); gps.stats(&gps_chars,&gps_good_sentences,&gps_failed_checksum); debug_print(" data chars: "); dtostrf(gps_chars,0,0,gps_temp_string); debug_print(gps_temp_string); debug_print(" good sentences: "); dtostrf(gps_good_sentences,0,0,gps_temp_string); debug_print(gps_temp_string); debug_print(" failed checksum: "); dtostrf(gps_failed_checksum,0,0,gps_temp_string); debug_print(gps_temp_string); debug_println(""); #endif //FEATURE_GPS #ifdef FEATURE_AUTOCORRECT debug_print("\t\tAutocorrect: AZ:"); switch(autocorrect_state_az){ case AUTOCORRECT_INACTIVE: debug_print("INACTIVE"); break; case AUTOCORRECT_WAITING_AZ: debug_print("AUTOCORRECT_WAITING_AZ: "); debug_print_float(autocorrect_az,2); break; case AUTOCORRECT_WATCHING_AZ: debug_print("AUTOCORRECT_WATCHING_AZ: "); debug_print_float(autocorrect_az,2); break; } #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL debug_print(" EL:"); switch(autocorrect_state_el){ case AUTOCORRECT_INACTIVE: debug_print("INACTIVE"); break; case AUTOCORRECT_WAITING_EL: debug_print("AUTOCORRECT_WAITING_EL: "); debug_print_float(autocorrect_el,2); break; case AUTOCORRECT_WATCHING_EL: debug_print("AUTOCORRECT_WATCHING_EL: "); debug_print_float(autocorrect_el,2); break; } #endif //FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL #endif //DEBUG_AUTOCORRECT debug_println("\n\n\n"); //port_flush(); last_debug_output_time = millis(); } #endif // defined(FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION) || defined(FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION) #endif //DEBUG_DUMP } /* output_debug */ // -------------------------------------------------------------- // void report_current_azimuth() { // #ifdef FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION // // The C command that reports azimuth // String azimuth_string; // #ifndef OPTION_GS_232B_EMULATION // control_port->print(F("+0")); // #endif // #ifdef OPTION_GS_232B_EMULATION // control_port->print(F("AZ=")); // #endif // // control_port->write("report_current_azimith: azimuth="); // // control_port->println(azimuth); // azimuth_string = String(int(azimuth / HEADING_MULTIPLIER), DEC); // if (azimuth_string.length() == 1) { // control_port->print(F("00")); // } else { // if (azimuth_string.length() == 2) { // control_port->print(F("0")); // } // } // control_port->print(azimuth_string); // #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL // #ifndef OPTION_C_COMMAND_SENDS_AZ_AND_EL // if ((control_port_buffer[1] == '2') && (control_port_buffer_index > 1)) { // did we get the C2 command? // #endif // report_current_elevation(); // #ifndef OPTION_C_COMMAND_SENDS_AZ_AND_EL // } else { // control_port->println(); // } // #endif // OPTION_C_COMMAND_SENDS_AZ_AND_EL // #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL // #ifndef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL // if ((control_port_buffer[1] == '2') && (control_port_buffer_index > 1)) { // did we get the C2 command? // #ifndef OPTION_GS_232B_EMULATION // control_port->println(F("+0000")); // return a dummy elevation since we don't have the elevation feature turned on // #else // control_port->println(F("EL=000")); // #endif // } else { // control_port->println(); // } // #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL // #endif // FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION // } // -------------------------------------------------------------- void print_to_port(char * print_this,byte port){ #if defined(FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION) || defined(FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION) switch(port){ case CONTROL_PORT0: control_port->println(print_this);break; #ifdef FEATURE_ETHERNET case ETHERNET_PORT0: ethernetclient0.print(print_this); break; #ifdef ETHERNET_TCP_PORT_1 case ETHERNET_PORT1: ethernetclient1.print(print_this); break; #endif //ETHERNET_TCP_PORT_1 #endif //FEATURE_ETHERNET } #endif //defined(FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION) || defined(FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION) } // -------------------------------------------------------------- void print_help(byte port){ // The H command #if defined(OPTION_SERIAL_HELP_TEXT) && defined(FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION) print_to_port("R Rotate Azimuth Clockwise\n",port); print_to_port("L Rotate Azimuth Counter Clockwise\n",port); print_to_port("A Stop\n",port); print_to_port("C Report Azimuth in Degrees\n",port); print_to_port("M### Rotate to ### degrees\n",port); print_to_port("MTTT XXX XXX XXX ... Timed Interval Direction Setting (TTT = Step value in seconds, XXX = Azimuth in degrees)\n",port); print_to_port("T Start Timed Interval Tracking\n",port); print_to_port("N Report Total Number of M Timed Interval Azimuths\n",port); print_to_port("X1 Horizontal Rotation Low Speed\n",port); print_to_port("X2 Horizontal Rotation Middle 1 Speed\n",port); print_to_port("X3 Horizontal Rotation Middle 2 Speed\n",port); print_to_port("X4 Horizontal Rotation High Speed\n",port); print_to_port("S Stop\n",port); print_to_port("O Offset Calibration\n",port); print_to_port("F Full Scale Calibration\n",port); #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL print_to_port("U Rotate Elevation Up\n",port); print_to_port("D Rotate Elevation Down\n",port); print_to_port("E Stop Elevation Rotation\n",port); print_to_port("B Report Elevation in Degrees\n",port); print_to_port("Wxxx yyy Rotate Azimuth to xxx Degrees and Elevation to yyy Degrees\n",port); print_to_port("O2 Elevation Offset Calibration (0 degrees)\n",port); print_to_port("F2 Elevation Full Scale Calibration (180 degrees (or maximum))\n",port); #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL #endif // defined(OPTION_SERIAL_HELP_TEXT) && defined(FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION) } /* print_help */ // --------------- Elevation ----------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL void el_check_operation_timeout(){ // check if the last executed rotation operation has been going on too long if (((millis() - el_last_rotate_initiation) > OPERATION_TIMEOUT) && (el_state != IDLE)) { submit_request(EL, REQUEST_KILL, 0, 85); #ifdef DEBUG_EL_CHECK_OPERATION_TIMEOUT if (debug_mode) { control_port->println(F("el_check_operation_timeout: timeout reached, aborting rotation")); } #endif // DEBUG_EL_CHECK_OPERATION_TIMEOUT } } #endif // -------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL void read_elevation(byte force_read){ #ifdef FEATURE_EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER read_elevation_lock = 1; #endif unsigned int previous_elevation = elevation; static unsigned long last_measurement_time = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER static unsigned int incremental_encoder_previous_elevation = elevation; #endif if (heading_reading_inhibit_pin) { if (digitalReadEnhanced(heading_reading_inhibit_pin)) { return; } } #ifdef DEBUG_HEADING_READING_TIME static unsigned long last_time = 0; static unsigned long last_print_time = 0; static float average_read_time = 0; #endif // DEBUG_HEADING_READING_TIME #ifdef DEBUG_HH12 static unsigned long last_hh12_debug = 0; #endif // DEBUG_HH12 #ifndef FEATURE_EL_POSITION_GET_FROM_REMOTE_UNIT if (((millis() - last_measurement_time) > ELEVATION_MEASUREMENT_FREQUENCY_MS) || (force_read)) { #else if (1) { #endif #ifdef FEATURE_EL_POSITION_POTENTIOMETER analog_el = analogReadEnhanced(rotator_analog_el); elevation = (map(analog_el, configuration.analog_el_0_degrees, configuration.analog_el_max_elevation, 0, (ELEVATION_MAXIMUM_DEGREES * HEADING_MULTIPLIER))); #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CORRECTION elevation = (correct_elevation(elevation / HEADING_MULTIPLIER) * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CORRECTION elevation = elevation + (configuration.elevation_offset * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); if (ELEVATION_SMOOTHING_FACTOR > 0) { elevation = (elevation * (1 - (ELEVATION_SMOOTHING_FACTOR / 100))) + (previous_elevation * (ELEVATION_SMOOTHING_FACTOR / 100)); } if (elevation < 0) { elevation = 0; } #endif // FEATURE_EL_POSITION_POTENTIOMETER #ifdef FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER static byte el_position_encoder_state = 0; el_position_encoder_state = ttable[el_position_encoder_state & 0xf][((digitalReadEnhanced(el_rotary_position_pin2) << 1) | digitalReadEnhanced(el_rotary_position_pin1))]; byte el_position_encoder_result = el_position_encoder_state & 0x30; if (el_position_encoder_result) { if (el_position_encoder_result == DIR_CW) { configuration.last_elevation = configuration.last_elevation + EL_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER_DEG_PER_PULSE; #ifdef DEBUG_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER if (debug_mode) { control_port->println(F("read_elevation: EL_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER: CW/UP")); } #endif // DEBUG_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER } if (el_position_encoder_result == DIR_CCW) { configuration.last_elevation = configuration.last_elevation - EL_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER_DEG_PER_PULSE; #ifdef DEBUG_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER if (debug_mode) { control_port->println(F("read_elevation: EL_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER: CCW/DWN")); } #endif // DEBUG_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER } #ifdef OPTION_EL_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER_HARD_LIMIT if (configuration.last_elevation < 0) { configuration.last_elevation = 0; } if (configuration.last_elevation > ELEVATION_MAXIMUM_DEGREES) { configuration.last_elevation = ELEVATION_MAXIMUM_DEGREES; } #endif elevation = int(configuration.last_elevation * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CORRECTION elevation = (correct_elevation(elevation / HEADING_MULTIPLIER) * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CORRECTION configuration_dirty = 1; } #endif // FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER #ifdef FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ADXL345_USING_LOVE_ELECTRON_LIB AccelerometerRaw raw = accel.ReadRawAxis(); AccelerometerScaled scaled = accel.ReadScaledAxis(); #ifdef DEBUG_ACCEL if (debug_mode) { control_port->print(F("read_elevation: raw.ZAxis: ")); control_port->println(raw.ZAxis); } #endif // DEBUG_ACCEL elevation = (atan2(scaled.YAxis, scaled.ZAxis) * 180 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER) / M_PI; #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CORRECTION elevation = (correct_elevation(elevation / HEADING_MULTIPLIER) * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CORRECTION elevation = elevation + (configuration.elevation_offset * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); if (ELEVATION_SMOOTHING_FACTOR > 0) { elevation = (elevation * (1 - (ELEVATION_SMOOTHING_FACTOR / 100))) + (previous_elevation * (ELEVATION_SMOOTHING_FACTOR / 100)); } #endif // FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ADXL345_USING_LOVE_ELECTRON_LIB #ifdef FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ADXL345_USING_ADAFRUIT_LIB sensors_event_t event; accel.getEvent(&event); #ifdef DEBUG_ACCEL if (debug_mode) { control_port->print(F("read_elevation: event.acceleration.z: ")); control_port->println(event.acceleration.z); } #endif // DEBUG_ACCEL elevation = (atan2(event.acceleration.y, event.acceleration.z) * 180 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER) / M_PI; #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CORRECTION elevation = (correct_elevation(elevation / HEADING_MULTIPLIER) * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CORRECTION elevation = elevation + (configuration.elevation_offset * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); #endif // FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ADXL345_USING_ADAFRUIT_LIB #ifdef FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ADAFRUIT_LSM303 lsm.read(); #ifdef DEBUG_ACCEL if (debug_mode) { control_port->print(F("read_elevation: lsm.accelData.y: ")); control_port->print(lsm.accelData.y); control_port->print(F(" lsm.accelData.z: ")); control_port->println(lsm.accelData.z); } #endif // DEBUG_ACCEL elevation = (atan2(lsm.accelData.y, lsm.accelData.z) * 180 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER) / M_PI; #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CORRECTION elevation = (correct_elevation(elevation / HEADING_MULTIPLIER) * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CORRECTION elevation = elevation + (configuration.elevation_offset * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); #endif // FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ADAFRUIT_LSM303 #ifdef FEATURE_EL_POSITION_POLOLU_LSM303 compass.read(); #ifdef DEBUG_ACCEL if (debug_mode) { control_port->print(F("read_elevation: compass.a.y: ")); control_port->print(compass.a.y); control_port->print(F(" compass.a.z: ")); control_port->println(compass.a.z); } #endif // DEBUG_ACCEL elevation = (atan2(compass.a.x, compass.a.z) * -180 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER) / M_PI; //lsm.accelData.y #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CORRECTION elevation = (correct_elevation(elevation / HEADING_MULTIPLIER) * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CORRECTION elevation = elevation + (configuration.elevation_offset * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); #endif // FEATURE_EL_POSITION_POLOLU_LSM303 #ifdef FEATURE_EL_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT #ifdef DEBUG_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT // if (el_position_pule_interrupt_handler_flag) { // control_port->print(F("read_elevation: el_position_pule_interrupt_handler_flag: ")); // control_port->println(el_position_pule_interrupt_handler_flag); // el_position_pule_interrupt_handler_flag = 0; // } #endif // DEBUG_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT static float last_el_position_pulse_input_elevation = el_position_pulse_input_elevation; if (el_position_pulse_input_elevation != last_el_position_pulse_input_elevation) { #ifdef DEBUG_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT // if (debug_mode){ // control_port->print(F("read_elevation: el_position_pulse_input_elevation:")); // control_port->println(el_position_pulse_input_elevation); // } #endif // DEBUG_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT configuration.last_elevation = el_position_pulse_input_elevation; configuration_dirty = 1; last_el_position_pulse_input_elevation = el_position_pulse_input_elevation; elevation = int(configuration.last_elevation * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CORRECTION elevation = (correct_elevation(elevation / HEADING_MULTIPLIER) * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); #endif FEATURE_ELEVATION_CORRECTION elevation = elevation + (configuration.elevation_offset * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); } #endif // FEATURE_EL_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT #ifdef FEATURE_EL_POSITION_GET_FROM_REMOTE_UNIT #if defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE) static unsigned long last_remote_unit_el_query_time = 0; // do we have a command result waiting for us? if (remote_unit_command_results_available == REMOTE_UNIT_EL_COMMAND) { #ifdef DEBUG_HEADING_READING_TIME average_read_time = (average_read_time + (millis() - last_time)) / 2.0; last_time = millis(); if (debug_mode) { if ((millis() - last_print_time) > 1000) { control_port->print(F("read_elevation: avg read frequency: ")); control_port->println(average_read_time, 2); last_print_time = millis(); } } #endif // DEBUG_HEADING_READING_TIME elevation = remote_unit_command_result_float * HEADING_MULTIPLIER; #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CORRECTION elevation = (correct_elevation(elevation / HEADING_MULTIPLIER) * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CORRECTION elevation = elevation + (configuration.elevation_offset * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); if (ELEVATION_SMOOTHING_FACTOR > 0) { elevation = (elevation * (1 - (ELEVATION_SMOOTHING_FACTOR / 100))) + (previous_elevation * (ELEVATION_SMOOTHING_FACTOR / 100)); } remote_unit_command_results_available = 0; } else { // is it time to request the elevation? if ((millis() - last_remote_unit_el_query_time) > EL_REMOTE_UNIT_QUERY_TIME_MS) { if (submit_remote_command(REMOTE_UNIT_EL_COMMAND, 0, 0)) { last_remote_unit_el_query_time = millis(); } } } #endif // defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE) #endif // FEATURE_EL_POSITION_GET_FROM_REMOTE_UNIT #ifdef FEATURE_EL_POSITION_HH12_AS5045_SSI elevation = int(elevation_hh12.heading() * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); #ifdef DEBUG_HH12 if ((millis() - last_hh12_debug) > 5000) { control_port->print(F("read_elevation: HH-12 raw: ")); control_port->println(elevation); last_hh12_debug = millis(); } #endif // DEBUG_HH12 #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CORRECTION elevation = (correct_elevation(elevation / HEADING_MULTIPLIER) * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CORRECTION elevation = elevation + (configuration.elevation_offset * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); if (elevation > (180 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) { elevation = elevation - (360 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); } #endif // FEATURE_EL_POSITION_HH12_AS5045_SSI #ifdef FEATURE_EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER elevation = ((((el_incremental_encoder_position) / (EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_PULSES_PER_REV*4.)) * 360.0) * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CORRECTION elevation = (correct_elevation(elevation / HEADING_MULTIPLIER) * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CORRECTION if (incremental_encoder_previous_elevation != elevation) { configuration.last_el_incremental_encoder_position = el_incremental_encoder_position; configuration_dirty = 1; incremental_encoder_previous_elevation = elevation; } elevation = elevation + (configuration.elevation_offset * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); #endif // FEATURE_EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER #ifdef FEATURE_EL_POSITION_MEMSIC_2125 unsigned int pulseY = pulseIn(pin_memsic_2125_y,HIGH,250000); pulseY = pulseIn(pin_memsic_2125_y,HIGH,250000); double Yangle = (asin(((( pulseY / 10. ) - 500.) * 8.) / 1000.0 )) * (360. / (2. * M_PI)); #ifdef DEBUG_MEMSIC_2125 debug_print("read_elevation: memsic2125 pulseY:"); debug_print_int(pulseY); debug_println(""); #endif //DEBUG_MEMSIC_2125 elevation = Yangle * HEADING_MULTIPLIER; #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CORRECTION elevation = (correct_elevation(elevation / HEADING_MULTIPLIER) * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); #endif //FEATURE_ELEVATION_CORRECTION #endif //FEATURE_EL_POSITION_MEMSIC_2125 last_measurement_time = millis(); } #ifdef FEATURE_EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER read_elevation_lock = 0; #endif } /* read_elevation */ #endif /* ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL */ // -------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL void update_el_variable_outputs(byte speed_voltage){ #ifdef DEBUG_VARIABLE_OUTPUTS debug_print("update_el_variable_outputs: speed_voltage: "); debug_print_int(speed_voltage); #endif // DEBUG_VARIABLE_OUTPUTS if (((el_state == SLOW_START_UP) || (el_state == NORMAL_UP) || (el_state == SLOW_DOWN_UP) || (el_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_UP)) && (rotate_up_pwm)) { #ifdef DEBUG_VARIABLE_OUTPUTS debug_print("\trotate_up_pwm"); #endif // DEBUG_VARIABLE_OUTPUTS analogWriteEnhanced(rotate_up_pwm, speed_voltage); } if (((el_state == SLOW_START_DOWN) || (el_state == NORMAL_DOWN) || (el_state == SLOW_DOWN_DOWN) || (el_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_DOWN)) && (rotate_down_pwm)) { #ifdef DEBUG_VARIABLE_OUTPUTS debug_print("\trotate_down_pwm"); #endif // DEBUG_VARIABLE_OUTPUTS analogWriteEnhanced(rotate_down_pwm, speed_voltage); } if (((el_state == SLOW_START_DOWN) || (el_state == NORMAL_DOWN) || (el_state == SLOW_DOWN_DOWN) || (el_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_DOWN) || (el_state == SLOW_START_UP) || (el_state == NORMAL_UP) || (el_state == SLOW_DOWN_UP) || (el_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_UP)) && (rotate_up_down_pwm)) { #ifdef DEBUG_VARIABLE_OUTPUTS debug_print("\trotate_up_down_pwm"); #endif // DEBUG_VARIABLE_OUTPUTS analogWriteEnhanced(rotate_up_down_pwm, speed_voltage); } if (((el_state == SLOW_START_UP) || (el_state == NORMAL_UP) || (el_state == SLOW_DOWN_UP) || (el_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_UP)) && (rotate_up_freq)) { #ifdef DEBUG_VARIABLE_OUTPUTS debug_print("\trotate_up_freq"); #endif // DEBUG_VARIABLE_OUTPUTS tone(rotate_up_freq, map(speed_voltage, 0, 255, EL_VARIABLE_FREQ_OUTPUT_LOW, EL_VARIABLE_FREQ_OUTPUT_HIGH)); } if (((el_state == SLOW_START_DOWN) || (el_state == NORMAL_DOWN) || (el_state == SLOW_DOWN_DOWN) || (el_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_DOWN)) && (rotate_down_freq)) { #ifdef DEBUG_VARIABLE_OUTPUTS debug_print("\trotate_down_freq"); #endif // DEBUG_VARIABLE_OUTPUTS tone(rotate_down_freq, map(speed_voltage, 0, 255, EL_VARIABLE_FREQ_OUTPUT_LOW, EL_VARIABLE_FREQ_OUTPUT_HIGH)); } #ifdef FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR unsigned int el_tone = 0; if (((el_state == SLOW_START_UP) || (el_state == NORMAL_UP) || (el_state == SLOW_DOWN_UP) || (el_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_UP) || (el_state == SLOW_START_DOWN) || (el_state == NORMAL_DOWN) || (el_state == SLOW_DOWN_DOWN) || (el_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_DOWN)) && (el_stepper_motor_pulse)) { #ifdef DEBUG_VARIABLE_OUTPUTS debug_print("\tel_stepper_motor_pulse: "); #endif // DEBUG_VARIABLE_OUTPUTS el_tone = map(speed_voltage, 0, 255, EL_VARIABLE_FREQ_OUTPUT_LOW, EL_VARIABLE_FREQ_OUTPUT_HIGH); #ifdef FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR set_el_stepper_freq(el_tone); #endif #ifdef DEBUG_VARIABLE_OUTPUTS debug_print_int(el_tone); #endif // DEBUG_VARIABLE_OUTPUTS } #endif //FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR if (elevation_speed_voltage) { analogWriteEnhanced(elevation_speed_voltage, speed_voltage); } #ifdef DEBUG_VARIABLE_OUTPUTS debug_println(""); #endif // DEBUG_VARIABLE_OUTPUTS current_el_speed_voltage = speed_voltage; } /* update_el_variable_outputs */ #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL // -------------------------------------------------------------- void update_az_variable_outputs(byte speed_voltage){ #ifdef DEBUG_VARIABLE_OUTPUTS int temp_int = 0; debug_print("update_az_variable_outputs: az_state: "); switch (az_state) { case IDLE: debug_print("IDLE"); break; case SLOW_START_CW: debug_print("SLOW_START_CW"); break; case SLOW_START_CCW: debug_print("SLOW_START_CCW"); break; case NORMAL_CW: debug_print("NORMAL_CW"); break; case NORMAL_CCW: debug_print("NORMAL_CCW"); break; case SLOW_DOWN_CW: debug_print("SLOW_DOWN_CW"); break; case SLOW_DOWN_CCW: debug_print("SLOW_DOWN_CCW"); break; case INITIALIZE_SLOW_START_CW: debug_print("INITIALIZE_SLOW_START_CW"); break; case INITIALIZE_SLOW_START_CCW: debug_print("INITIALIZE_SLOW_START_CCW"); break; case INITIALIZE_TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CW: debug_print("INITIALIZE_TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CW"); break; case INITIALIZE_TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CCW: debug_print("INITIALIZE_TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CCW"); break; case TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CW: debug_print("TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CW"); break; case TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CCW: debug_print("TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CCW"); break; case INITIALIZE_DIR_CHANGE_TO_CW: debug_print("INITIALIZE_DIR_CHANGE_TO_CW"); break; case INITIALIZE_DIR_CHANGE_TO_CCW: debug_print("INITIALIZE_DIR_CHANGE_TO_CCW"); break; case INITIALIZE_NORMAL_CW: debug_print("INITIALIZE_NORMAL_CW"); break; case INITIALIZE_NORMAL_CCW: debug_print("INITIALIZE_NORMAL_CCW"); break; default: debug_print("UNDEF"); break; } debug_print(" speed_voltage: "); debug_print_int(speed_voltage); #endif // DEBUG_VARIABLE_OUTPUTS if (((az_state == SLOW_START_CW) || (az_state == NORMAL_CW) || (az_state == SLOW_DOWN_CW) || (az_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CW)) && (rotate_cw_pwm)) { #ifdef DEBUG_VARIABLE_OUTPUTS debug_print("\trotate_cw_pwm"); #endif // DEBUG_VARIABLE_OUTPUTS analogWriteEnhanced(rotate_cw_pwm, speed_voltage); } if (((az_state == SLOW_START_CCW) || (az_state == NORMAL_CCW) || (az_state == SLOW_DOWN_CCW) || (az_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CCW)) && (rotate_ccw_pwm)) { #ifdef DEBUG_VARIABLE_OUTPUTS debug_print("\trotate_ccw_pwm"); #endif // DEBUG_VARIABLE_OUTPUTS analogWriteEnhanced(rotate_ccw_pwm, speed_voltage); } if (((az_state == SLOW_START_CW) || (az_state == NORMAL_CW) || (az_state == SLOW_DOWN_CW) || (az_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CW) || (az_state == SLOW_START_CCW) || (az_state == NORMAL_CCW) || (az_state == SLOW_DOWN_CCW) || (az_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CCW)) && (rotate_cw_ccw_pwm)) { #ifdef DEBUG_VARIABLE_OUTPUTS debug_print("\trotate_cw_ccw_pwm"); #endif // DEBUG_VARIABLE_OUTPUTS analogWriteEnhanced(rotate_cw_ccw_pwm, speed_voltage); } if (((az_state == SLOW_START_CW) || (az_state == NORMAL_CW) || (az_state == SLOW_DOWN_CW) || (az_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CW)) && (rotate_cw_freq)) { #ifdef DEBUG_VARIABLE_OUTPUTS debug_print("\trotate_cw_freq: "); temp_int = map(speed_voltage, 0, 255, AZ_VARIABLE_FREQ_OUTPUT_LOW, AZ_VARIABLE_FREQ_OUTPUT_HIGH); tone(rotate_cw_freq, temp_int); debug_print_int(temp_int); #else // DEBUG_VARIABLE_OUTPUTS tone(rotate_cw_freq, map(speed_voltage, 0, 255, AZ_VARIABLE_FREQ_OUTPUT_LOW, AZ_VARIABLE_FREQ_OUTPUT_HIGH)); #endif // DEBUG_VARIABLE_OUTPUTS } if (((az_state == SLOW_START_CCW) || (az_state == NORMAL_CCW) || (az_state == SLOW_DOWN_CCW) || (az_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CCW)) && (rotate_ccw_freq)) { #ifdef DEBUG_VARIABLE_OUTPUTS debug_print("\trotate_ccw_freq: "); temp_int = map(speed_voltage, 0, 255, AZ_VARIABLE_FREQ_OUTPUT_LOW, AZ_VARIABLE_FREQ_OUTPUT_HIGH); tone(rotate_ccw_freq, temp_int); debug_print_int(temp_int); #else // DEBUG_VARIABLE_OUTPUTS tone(rotate_ccw_freq, map(speed_voltage, 0, 255, AZ_VARIABLE_FREQ_OUTPUT_LOW, AZ_VARIABLE_FREQ_OUTPUT_HIGH)); #endif // DEBUG_VARIABLE_OUTPUTS } #ifdef FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR unsigned int az_tone = 0; if (((az_state == SLOW_START_CW) || (az_state == NORMAL_CW) || (az_state == SLOW_DOWN_CW) || (az_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CW) || (az_state == SLOW_START_CCW) || (az_state == NORMAL_CCW) || (az_state == SLOW_DOWN_CCW) || (az_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CCW)) && (az_stepper_motor_pulse)) { #ifdef DEBUG_VARIABLE_OUTPUTS debug_print("\taz_stepper_motor_pulse: "); #endif // DEBUG_VARIABLE_OUTPUTS az_tone = map(speed_voltage, 0, 255, AZ_VARIABLE_FREQ_OUTPUT_LOW, AZ_VARIABLE_FREQ_OUTPUT_HIGH); set_az_stepper_freq(az_tone); #ifdef DEBUG_VARIABLE_OUTPUTS debug_print_int(az_tone); #endif // DEBUG_VARIABLE_OUTPUTS } #endif //FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR if (azimuth_speed_voltage) { analogWriteEnhanced(azimuth_speed_voltage, speed_voltage); } #ifdef DEBUG_VARIABLE_OUTPUTS debug_println(""); #endif // DEBUG_VARIABLE_OUTPUTS current_az_speed_voltage = speed_voltage; } /* update_az_variable_outputs */ // -------------------------------------------------------------- void rotator(byte rotation_action, byte rotation_type) { #ifdef DEBUG_ROTATOR if (debug_mode) { control_port->flush(); control_port->print(F("rotator: rotation_action:")); control_port->print(rotation_action); control_port->print(F(" rotation_type:")); control_port->flush(); control_port->print(rotation_type); control_port->print(F("->")); control_port->flush(); // delay(1000); } #endif // DEBUG_ROTATOR switch (rotation_type) { case CW: #ifdef DEBUG_ROTATOR if (debug_mode) { control_port->print(F("CW ")); control_port->flush(); } #endif // DEBUG_ROTATOR if (rotation_action == ACTIVATE) { #ifdef DEBUG_ROTATOR if (debug_mode) { control_port->println(F("ACTIVATE")); control_port->flush(); } #endif // DEBUG_ROTATOR brake_release(AZ, BRAKE_RELEASE_ON); if (az_slowstart_active) { if (rotate_cw_pwm) { analogWriteEnhanced(rotate_cw_pwm, 0); } if (rotate_ccw_pwm) { analogWriteEnhanced(rotate_ccw_pwm, 0); digitalWriteEnhanced(rotate_ccw_pwm, LOW); } if (rotate_cw_ccw_pwm) { analogWriteEnhanced(rotate_cw_ccw_pwm, 0); } if (rotate_cw_freq) { noTone(rotate_cw_freq); } if (rotate_ccw_freq) { noTone(rotate_ccw_freq); } #ifdef FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR if (az_stepper_motor_pulse) { set_az_stepper_freq(0); digitalWriteEnhanced(az_stepper_motor_pulse,LOW); } #endif //FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR } else { if (rotate_cw_pwm) { analogWriteEnhanced(rotate_cw_pwm, normal_az_speed_voltage); } if (rotate_ccw_pwm) { analogWriteEnhanced(rotate_ccw_pwm, 0); digitalWriteEnhanced(rotate_ccw_pwm, LOW); } if (rotate_cw_ccw_pwm) { analogWriteEnhanced(rotate_cw_ccw_pwm, normal_az_speed_voltage); } if (rotate_cw_freq) { tone(rotate_cw_freq, map(normal_az_speed_voltage, 0, 255, AZ_VARIABLE_FREQ_OUTPUT_LOW, AZ_VARIABLE_FREQ_OUTPUT_HIGH)); } if (rotate_ccw_freq) { noTone(rotate_ccw_freq); } #ifdef FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR if (az_stepper_motor_pulse) { set_az_stepper_freq(map(normal_az_speed_voltage, 0, 255, AZ_VARIABLE_FREQ_OUTPUT_LOW, AZ_VARIABLE_FREQ_OUTPUT_HIGH)); } #endif //FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR } if (rotate_cw) { digitalWriteEnhanced(rotate_cw, ROTATE_PIN_ACTIVE_VALUE); } if (rotate_ccw) { digitalWriteEnhanced(rotate_ccw, ROTATE_PIN_INACTIVE_VALUE); } if (rotate_cw_ccw){ digitalWriteEnhanced(rotate_cw_ccw, ROTATE_PIN_ACTIVE_VALUE); } /* #ifdef FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR if (az_stepper_motor_direction){ if (configuration.az_stepper_motor_last_direction != STEPPER_CW){ if (configuration.az_stepper_motor_last_pin_state == LOW){ digitalWriteEnhanced(az_stepper_motor_direction,HIGH); configuration.az_stepper_motor_last_pin_state = HIGH; } else { digitalWriteEnhanced(az_stepper_motor_direction,LOW); configuration.az_stepper_motor_last_pin_state = LOW; } configuration.az_stepper_motor_last_direction = STEPPER_CW; configuration_dirty = 1; } } #endif //FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR */ #ifdef DEBUG_ROTATOR if (debug_mode) { control_port->print(F("rotator: normal_az_speed_voltage:")); control_port->println(normal_az_speed_voltage); //control_port->flush(); } #endif // DEBUG_ROTATOR } else { #ifdef DEBUG_ROTATOR if (debug_mode) { control_port->println(F("DEACTIVATE")); //control_port->flush(); } #endif // DEBUG_ROTATOR if (rotate_cw_pwm) { analogWriteEnhanced(rotate_cw_pwm, 0); digitalWriteEnhanced(rotate_cw_pwm, LOW); } if (rotate_cw_ccw_pwm) { analogWriteEnhanced(rotate_cw_ccw_pwm, 0); } if (rotate_cw) { digitalWriteEnhanced(rotate_cw, ROTATE_PIN_INACTIVE_VALUE); } if (rotate_cw_ccw){ digitalWriteEnhanced(rotate_cw_ccw, ROTATE_PIN_INACTIVE_VALUE); } if (rotate_cw_freq) { noTone(rotate_cw_freq); } #ifdef FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR if (az_stepper_motor_pulse) { set_az_stepper_freq(0); digitalWriteEnhanced(az_stepper_motor_pulse,HIGH); } #endif //FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR } break; case CCW: #ifdef DEBUG_ROTATOR if (debug_mode) { control_port->print(F("CCW ")); control_port->flush(); } #endif // DEBUG_ROTATOR if (rotation_action == ACTIVATE) { #ifdef DEBUG_ROTATOR if (debug_mode) { control_port->println(F("ACTIVATE")); control_port->flush(); } #endif // DEBUG_ROTATOR brake_release(AZ, BRAKE_RELEASE_ON); if (az_slowstart_active) { if (rotate_cw_pwm) { analogWriteEnhanced(rotate_cw_pwm, 0); digitalWriteEnhanced(rotate_cw_pwm, LOW); } if (rotate_ccw_pwm) { analogWriteEnhanced(rotate_ccw_pwm, 0); } if (rotate_cw_ccw_pwm) { analogWriteEnhanced(rotate_cw_ccw_pwm, 0); } if (rotate_cw_freq) { noTone(rotate_cw_freq); } if (rotate_ccw_freq) { noTone(rotate_ccw_freq); } #ifdef FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR if (az_stepper_motor_pulse) { set_az_stepper_freq(0); digitalWriteEnhanced(az_stepper_motor_pulse,LOW); } #endif //FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR } else { if (rotate_cw_pwm) { analogWriteEnhanced(rotate_cw_pwm, 0); digitalWriteEnhanced(rotate_cw_pwm, LOW); } if (rotate_ccw_pwm) { analogWriteEnhanced(rotate_ccw_pwm, normal_az_speed_voltage); } if (rotate_cw_ccw_pwm) { analogWriteEnhanced(rotate_cw_ccw_pwm, normal_az_speed_voltage); } if (rotate_cw_freq) { noTone(rotate_cw_freq); } if (rotate_ccw_freq) { tone(rotate_ccw_freq, map(normal_az_speed_voltage, 0, 255, AZ_VARIABLE_FREQ_OUTPUT_LOW, AZ_VARIABLE_FREQ_OUTPUT_HIGH)); } #ifdef FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR if (az_stepper_motor_pulse) { set_az_stepper_freq(map(normal_az_speed_voltage, 0, 255, AZ_VARIABLE_FREQ_OUTPUT_LOW, AZ_VARIABLE_FREQ_OUTPUT_HIGH)); } #endif //FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR } if (rotate_cw) { digitalWriteEnhanced(rotate_cw, ROTATE_PIN_INACTIVE_VALUE); } if (rotate_ccw) { digitalWriteEnhanced(rotate_ccw, ROTATE_PIN_ACTIVE_VALUE); } if (rotate_cw_ccw){ digitalWriteEnhanced(rotate_cw_ccw, ROTATE_PIN_ACTIVE_VALUE); } /* #ifdef FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR if (az_stepper_motor_direction){ if (configuration.az_stepper_motor_last_direction != STEPPER_CCW){ if (configuration.az_stepper_motor_last_pin_state == LOW){ digitalWriteEnhanced(az_stepper_motor_direction,HIGH); configuration.az_stepper_motor_last_pin_state = HIGH; } else { digitalWriteEnhanced(az_stepper_motor_direction,LOW); configuration.az_stepper_motor_last_pin_state = LOW; } configuration.az_stepper_motor_last_direction = STEPPER_CCW; configuration_dirty = 1; } } #endif //FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR */ #ifdef DEBUG_ROTATOR if (debug_mode) { control_port->print(F("rotator: normal_az_speed_voltage:")); control_port->println(normal_az_speed_voltage); control_port->flush(); } #endif // DEBUG_ROTATOR } else { #ifdef DEBUG_ROTATOR if (debug_mode) { control_port->println(F("DEACTIVATE")); control_port->flush(); } #endif // DEBUG_ROTATOR if (rotate_ccw_pwm) { analogWriteEnhanced(rotate_ccw_pwm, 0); digitalWriteEnhanced(rotate_ccw_pwm, LOW); } if (rotate_ccw) { digitalWriteEnhanced(rotate_ccw, ROTATE_PIN_INACTIVE_VALUE); } if (rotate_ccw_freq) { noTone(rotate_ccw_freq); } } break; #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL case UP: #ifdef DEBUG_ROTATOR if (debug_mode) { control_port->print(F("ROTATION_UP ")); control_port->flush(); } #endif // DEBUG_ROTATOR if (rotation_action == ACTIVATE) { #ifdef DEBUG_ROTATOR if (debug_mode) { control_port->println(F("ACTIVATE")); control_port->flush(); } #endif // DEBUG_ROTATOR brake_release(EL, BRAKE_RELEASE_ON); if (el_slowstart_active) { if (rotate_up_pwm) { analogWriteEnhanced(rotate_up_pwm, 0); } if (rotate_down_pwm) { analogWriteEnhanced(rotate_down_pwm, 0); digitalWriteEnhanced(rotate_down_pwm, LOW); } if (rotate_up_down_pwm) { analogWriteEnhanced(rotate_up_down_pwm, 0); } if (rotate_up_freq) { noTone(rotate_up_freq); } if (rotate_down_freq) { noTone(rotate_down_freq); } #ifdef FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR if (el_stepper_motor_pulse) { set_el_stepper_freq(0); digitalWriteEnhanced(el_stepper_motor_pulse,LOW); } #endif //FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR } else { if (rotate_up_pwm) { analogWriteEnhanced(rotate_up_pwm, normal_el_speed_voltage); } if (rotate_down_pwm) { analogWriteEnhanced(rotate_down_pwm, 0); digitalWriteEnhanced(rotate_down_pwm, LOW); } if (rotate_up_down_pwm) { analogWriteEnhanced(rotate_up_down_pwm, normal_el_speed_voltage); } if (rotate_up_freq) { tone(rotate_up_freq, map(normal_el_speed_voltage, 0, 255, EL_VARIABLE_FREQ_OUTPUT_LOW, EL_VARIABLE_FREQ_OUTPUT_HIGH)); } #ifdef FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR if (el_stepper_motor_pulse) { set_el_stepper_freq(map(normal_el_speed_voltage, 0, 255, EL_VARIABLE_FREQ_OUTPUT_LOW, EL_VARIABLE_FREQ_OUTPUT_HIGH)); } #endif //FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR if (rotate_down_freq) { noTone(rotate_down_freq); } } if (rotate_up) { digitalWriteEnhanced(rotate_up, ROTATE_PIN_ACTIVE_VALUE); } if (rotate_down) { digitalWriteEnhanced(rotate_down, ROTATE_PIN_INACTIVE_VALUE); } if (rotate_up_or_down) { digitalWriteEnhanced(rotate_up_or_down, ROTATE_PIN_ACTIVE_VALUE); } /* #ifdef FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR if (el_stepper_motor_direction){ if (configuration.el_stepper_motor_last_direction != STEPPER_UP){ if (configuration.el_stepper_motor_last_pin_state == LOW){ digitalWriteEnhanced(el_stepper_motor_direction,HIGH); configuration.el_stepper_motor_last_pin_state = HIGH; } else { digitalWriteEnhanced(el_stepper_motor_direction,LOW); configuration.el_stepper_motor_last_pin_state = LOW; } configuration.el_stepper_motor_last_direction = STEPPER_UP; configuration_dirty = 1; } } #endif //FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR */ } else { #ifdef DEBUG_ROTATOR if (debug_mode) { control_port->println(F("DEACTIVATE")); control_port->flush(); } #endif // DEBUG_ROTATOR if (rotate_up) { digitalWriteEnhanced(rotate_up, ROTATE_PIN_INACTIVE_VALUE); } if (rotate_up_pwm) { analogWriteEnhanced(rotate_up_pwm, 0); digitalWriteEnhanced(rotate_up_pwm, LOW); } if (rotate_up_down_pwm) { analogWriteEnhanced(rotate_up_down_pwm, 0); } if (rotate_up_freq) { noTone(rotate_up_freq); } if (rotate_up_or_down) { digitalWriteEnhanced(rotate_up_or_down, ROTATE_PIN_INACTIVE_VALUE); } #ifdef FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR if (el_stepper_motor_pulse) { set_el_stepper_freq(0); digitalWriteEnhanced(el_stepper_motor_pulse,HIGH); } #endif //FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR } break; case DOWN: #ifdef DEBUG_ROTATOR if (debug_mode) { control_port->print(F("ROTATION_DOWN ")); control_port->flush(); } #endif // DEBUG_ROTATOR if (rotation_action == ACTIVATE) { #ifdef DEBUG_ROTATOR if (debug_mode) { control_port->println(F("ACTIVATE")); control_port->flush(); } #endif // DEBUG_ROTATOR brake_release(EL, BRAKE_RELEASE_ON); if (el_slowstart_active) { if (rotate_down_pwm) { analogWriteEnhanced(rotate_down_pwm, 0); } if (rotate_up_pwm) { analogWriteEnhanced(rotate_up_pwm, 0); digitalWriteEnhanced(rotate_up_pwm, LOW); } if (rotate_up_down_pwm) { analogWriteEnhanced(rotate_up_down_pwm, 0); } if (rotate_up_freq) { noTone(rotate_up_freq); } if (rotate_down_freq) { noTone(rotate_down_freq); } #ifdef FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR if (el_stepper_motor_pulse) { set_el_stepper_freq(0); digitalWriteEnhanced(el_stepper_motor_pulse,LOW); } #endif //FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR } else { if (rotate_down_pwm) { analogWriteEnhanced(rotate_down_pwm, normal_el_speed_voltage); } if (rotate_up_pwm) { analogWriteEnhanced(rotate_up_pwm, 0); digitalWriteEnhanced(rotate_up_pwm, LOW); } if (rotate_up_down_pwm) { analogWriteEnhanced(rotate_up_down_pwm, normal_el_speed_voltage); } if (rotate_down_freq) { tone(rotate_down_freq, map(normal_el_speed_voltage, 0, 255, EL_VARIABLE_FREQ_OUTPUT_LOW, EL_VARIABLE_FREQ_OUTPUT_HIGH)); } if (rotate_up_freq) { noTone(rotate_up_freq); } #ifdef FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR if (el_stepper_motor_pulse) { set_el_stepper_freq(map(normal_el_speed_voltage, 0, 255, EL_VARIABLE_FREQ_OUTPUT_LOW, EL_VARIABLE_FREQ_OUTPUT_HIGH)); digitalWriteEnhanced(el_stepper_motor_pulse,LOW); } #endif //FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR } if (rotate_up) { digitalWriteEnhanced(rotate_up, ROTATE_PIN_INACTIVE_VALUE); } if (rotate_down) { digitalWriteEnhanced(rotate_down, ROTATE_PIN_ACTIVE_VALUE); } if (rotate_up_or_down) { digitalWriteEnhanced(rotate_up_or_down, ROTATE_PIN_ACTIVE_VALUE); } /* #ifdef FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR if (el_stepper_motor_direction){ if (configuration.el_stepper_motor_last_direction != STEPPER_DOWN){ if (configuration.el_stepper_motor_last_pin_state == LOW){ digitalWriteEnhanced(el_stepper_motor_direction,HIGH); configuration.el_stepper_motor_last_pin_state = HIGH; } else { digitalWriteEnhanced(el_stepper_motor_direction,LOW); configuration.el_stepper_motor_last_pin_state = LOW; } configuration.el_stepper_motor_last_direction = STEPPER_DOWN; configuration_dirty = 1; } } #endif //FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR */ } else { #ifdef DEBUG_ROTATOR if (debug_mode) { control_port->println(F("DEACTIVATE")); control_port->flush(); } #endif // DEBUG_ROTATOR if (rotate_down) { digitalWriteEnhanced(rotate_down, ROTATE_PIN_INACTIVE_VALUE); } if (rotate_down_pwm) { analogWriteEnhanced(rotate_down_pwm, 0); digitalWriteEnhanced(rotate_down_pwm, LOW); } if (rotate_up_down_pwm) { analogWriteEnhanced(rotate_up_down_pwm, 0); } if (rotate_down_freq) { noTone(rotate_down_freq); } if (rotate_up_or_down) { digitalWriteEnhanced(rotate_up_or_down, ROTATE_PIN_INACTIVE_VALUE); } #ifdef FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR if (el_stepper_motor_pulse) { set_el_stepper_freq(0); digitalWriteEnhanced(el_stepper_motor_pulse,HIGH); } #endif //FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR } break; #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL } /* switch */ #ifdef DEBUG_ROTATOR if (debug_mode) { control_port->println(F("rotator: exiting")); control_port->flush(); } #endif // DEBUG_ROTATOR } /* rotator */ // -------------------------------------------------------------- void initialize_interrupts(){ #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT attachInterrupt(AZ_POSITION_PULSE_PIN_INTERRUPT, az_position_pulse_interrupt_handler, FALLING); #endif // FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT #ifdef FEATURE_EL_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT attachInterrupt(EL_POSITION_PULSE_PIN_INTERRUPT, el_position_pulse_interrupt_handler, FALLING); #endif // FEATURE_EL_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT #ifdef FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR Timer5.initialize(250); // 250 us = 4 khz rate Timer5.attachInterrupt(service_stepper_motor_pulse_pins); #endif //FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR } // -------------------------------------------------------------- void initialize_pins(){ #ifdef reset_pin pinMode(reset_pin, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(reset_pin, LOW); #endif //reset_pin if (serial_led) { pinModeEnhanced(serial_led, OUTPUT); } if (overlap_led) { pinModeEnhanced(overlap_led, OUTPUT); } if (brake_az) { pinModeEnhanced(brake_az, OUTPUT); digitalWriteEnhanced(brake_az, BRAKE_INACTIVE_STATE); } if (az_speed_pot) { pinModeEnhanced(az_speed_pot, INPUT); digitalWriteEnhanced(az_speed_pot, LOW); } if (az_preset_pot) { pinModeEnhanced(az_preset_pot, INPUT); digitalWriteEnhanced(az_preset_pot, LOW); } if (preset_start_button) { pinModeEnhanced(preset_start_button, INPUT); digitalWriteEnhanced(preset_start_button, HIGH); } if (button_stop) { pinModeEnhanced(button_stop, INPUT); digitalWriteEnhanced(button_stop, HIGH); } #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL if (brake_el) { pinModeEnhanced(brake_el, OUTPUT); digitalWriteEnhanced(brake_el, BRAKE_INACTIVE_STATE); } #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL if (rotate_cw) { pinModeEnhanced(rotate_cw, OUTPUT); } if (rotate_ccw) { pinModeEnhanced(rotate_ccw, OUTPUT); } if (rotate_cw_pwm) { pinModeEnhanced(rotate_cw_pwm, OUTPUT); } if (rotate_ccw_pwm) { pinModeEnhanced(rotate_ccw_pwm, OUTPUT); } if (rotate_cw_ccw_pwm) { pinModeEnhanced(rotate_cw_ccw_pwm, OUTPUT); } if (rotate_cw_freq) { pinModeEnhanced(rotate_cw_freq, OUTPUT); } if (rotate_ccw_freq) { pinModeEnhanced(rotate_ccw_freq, OUTPUT); } if (rotate_cw_ccw) { pinModeEnhanced(rotate_cw_ccw, OUTPUT); } rotator(DEACTIVATE, CW); rotator(DEACTIVATE, CCW); #ifndef FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_HMC5883L pinModeEnhanced(rotator_analog_az, INPUT); #endif if (button_cw) { pinModeEnhanced(button_cw, INPUT); digitalWriteEnhanced(button_cw, HIGH); } if (button_ccw) { pinModeEnhanced(button_ccw, INPUT); digitalWriteEnhanced(button_ccw, HIGH); } normal_az_speed_voltage = PWM_SPEED_VOLTAGE_X4; current_az_speed_voltage = PWM_SPEED_VOLTAGE_X4; #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL normal_el_speed_voltage = PWM_SPEED_VOLTAGE_X4; current_el_speed_voltage = PWM_SPEED_VOLTAGE_X4; #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL if (azimuth_speed_voltage) { // if azimuth_speed_voltage pin is configured, set it up for PWM output analogWriteEnhanced(azimuth_speed_voltage, PWM_SPEED_VOLTAGE_X4); } #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL pinModeEnhanced(rotate_up, OUTPUT); pinModeEnhanced(rotate_down, OUTPUT); if (rotate_up_or_down) { pinModeEnhanced(rotate_up_or_down, OUTPUT); } if (rotate_up_pwm) { pinModeEnhanced(rotate_up_pwm, OUTPUT); } if (rotate_down_pwm) { pinModeEnhanced(rotate_down_pwm, OUTPUT); } if (rotate_up_down_pwm) { pinModeEnhanced(rotate_up_down_pwm, OUTPUT); } if (rotate_up_freq) { pinModeEnhanced(rotate_up_freq, OUTPUT); } if (rotate_down_freq) { pinModeEnhanced(rotate_down_freq, OUTPUT); } rotator(DEACTIVATE, UP); rotator(DEACTIVATE, DOWN); #ifdef FEATURE_EL_POSITION_POTENTIOMETER pinModeEnhanced(rotator_analog_el, INPUT); #endif // FEATURE_EL_POSITION_POTENTIOMETER if (button_up) { pinModeEnhanced(button_up, INPUT); digitalWriteEnhanced(button_up, HIGH); } if (button_down) { pinModeEnhanced(button_down, INPUT); digitalWriteEnhanced(button_down, HIGH); } if (elevation_speed_voltage) { // if elevation_speed_voltage pin is configured, set it up for PWM output analogWriteEnhanced(elevation_speed_voltage, PWM_SPEED_VOLTAGE_X4); normal_el_speed_voltage = PWM_SPEED_VOLTAGE_X4; current_el_speed_voltage = PWM_SPEED_VOLTAGE_X4; } read_elevation(0); #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT if (az_position_pulse_pin) { pinModeEnhanced(az_position_pulse_pin, INPUT); #ifdef OPTION_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT_PULLUPS digitalWriteEnhanced(az_position_pulse_pin, HIGH); #endif // OPTION_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT_PULLUPS } #endif // FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT #ifdef FEATURE_EL_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT if (el_position_pulse_pin) { pinModeEnhanced(el_position_pulse_pin, INPUT); #ifdef OPTION_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT_PULLUPS digitalWriteEnhanced(el_position_pulse_pin, HIGH); #endif // OPTION_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT_PULLUPS } #endif // FEATURE_EL_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT #ifdef FEATURE_PARK if (button_park) { pinModeEnhanced(button_park, INPUT); digitalWriteEnhanced(button_park, HIGH); } #endif // FEATURE_PARK #ifdef FEATURE_ROTATION_INDICATOR_PIN if (rotation_indication_pin) { pinModeEnhanced(rotation_indication_pin, OUTPUT); digitalWriteEnhanced(rotation_indication_pin, ROTATION_INDICATOR_PIN_INACTIVE_STATE); } #endif // FEATURE_ROTATION_INDICATOR_PIN #ifdef FEATURE_PARK if (park_in_progress_pin) { pinModeEnhanced(park_in_progress_pin, OUTPUT); digitalWriteEnhanced(park_in_progress_pin, LOW); } if (parked_pin) { pinModeEnhanced(parked_pin, OUTPUT); digitalWriteEnhanced(parked_pin, LOW); } #endif // FEATURE_PARK if (blink_led) { pinModeEnhanced(blink_led, OUTPUT); } if (heading_reading_inhibit_pin) { pinModeEnhanced(heading_reading_inhibit_pin, INPUT); } #ifdef FEATURE_LIMIT_SENSE if (az_limit_sense_pin) { pinModeEnhanced(az_limit_sense_pin, INPUT); digitalWriteEnhanced(az_limit_sense_pin, HIGH); } #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL if (el_limit_sense_pin) { pinModeEnhanced(el_limit_sense_pin, INPUT); digitalWriteEnhanced(el_limit_sense_pin, HIGH); } #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL #endif // FEATURE_LIMIT_SENSE #ifdef FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING if (moon_tracking_active_pin) { pinModeEnhanced(moon_tracking_active_pin, OUTPUT); digitalWriteEnhanced(moon_tracking_active_pin, LOW); } if (moon_tracking_activate_line) { pinModeEnhanced(moon_tracking_activate_line, INPUT); digitalWriteEnhanced(moon_tracking_activate_line, HIGH); } if (moon_tracking_button) { pinModeEnhanced(moon_tracking_button, INPUT); digitalWriteEnhanced(moon_tracking_button, HIGH); } #endif // FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING #ifdef FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING if (sun_tracking_active_pin) { pinModeEnhanced(sun_tracking_active_pin, OUTPUT); digitalWriteEnhanced(sun_tracking_active_pin, LOW); } if (sun_tracking_activate_line) { pinModeEnhanced(sun_tracking_activate_line, INPUT); digitalWriteEnhanced(sun_tracking_activate_line, HIGH); } if (sun_tracking_button) { pinModeEnhanced(sun_tracking_button, INPUT); digitalWriteEnhanced(sun_tracking_button, HIGH); } #endif // FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING #ifdef FEATURE_GPS if (gps_sync) { pinModeEnhanced(gps_sync, OUTPUT); digitalWriteEnhanced(gps_sync, LOW); } #endif //FEATURE_GPS #ifdef FEATURE_POWER_SWITCH pinModeEnhanced(power_switch, OUTPUT); digitalWriteEnhanced(power_switch, HIGH); #endif //FEATURE_POWER_SWITCH #ifdef FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR if (az_stepper_motor_pulse){ pinModeEnhanced(az_stepper_motor_pulse, OUTPUT); digitalWriteEnhanced(az_stepper_motor_pulse, HIGH); } /* if (az_stepper_motor_direction){ pinModeEnhanced(az_stepper_motor_direction, OUTPUT); digitalWriteEnhanced(az_stepper_motor_direction, configuration.az_stepper_motor_last_pin_state); } */ #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL if (el_stepper_motor_pulse){ pinModeEnhanced(el_stepper_motor_pulse, OUTPUT); digitalWriteEnhanced(el_stepper_motor_pulse, HIGH); } /* if (el_stepper_motor_direction){ pinModeEnhanced(el_stepper_motor_direction, OUTPUT); digitalWriteEnhanced(el_stepper_motor_direction, configuration.el_stepper_motor_last_pin_state); } */ #endif //FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL #endif //FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR #ifdef FEATURE_EL_POSITION_MEMSIC_2125 pinModeEnhanced(pin_memsic_2125_x, INPUT); pinModeEnhanced(pin_memsic_2125_y, INPUT); #endif //FEATURE_EL_POSITION_MEMSIC_2125 #ifdef FEATURE_ANALOG_OUTPUT_PINS pinModeEnhanced(pin_analog_az_out, OUTPUT); digitalWriteEnhanced(pin_analog_az_out, LOW); #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL pinModeEnhanced(pin_analog_el_out, OUTPUT); digitalWriteEnhanced(pin_analog_el_out, LOW); #endif //FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL #endif //FEATURE_ANALOG_OUTPUT_PINS #ifdef FEATURE_SUN_PUSHBUTTON_AZ_EL_CALIBRATION pinModeEnhanced(pin_sun_pushbutton_calibration, INPUT); digitalWriteEnhanced(pin_sun_pushbutton_calibration, HIGH); #endif //FEATURE_SUN_PUSHBUTTON_AZ_EL_CALIBRATION #ifdef FEATURE_MOON_PUSHBUTTON_AZ_EL_CALIBRATION pinModeEnhanced(pin_moon_pushbutton_calibration, INPUT); digitalWriteEnhanced(pin_moon_pushbutton_calibration, HIGH); #endif //FEATURE_MOON_PUSHBUTTON_AZ_EL_CALIBRATION } /* initialize_pins */ // -------------------------------------------------------------- void initialize_serial(){ #if defined(FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION) || defined(FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION) || defined(FEATURE_CLOCK) control_port = CONTROL_PORT_MAPPED_TO; control_port->begin(CONTROL_PORT_BAUD_RATE); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE control_port->print(F("CS")); control_port->println(CODE_VERSION); #endif // FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE #if defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) remote_unit_port = REMOTE_PORT_MAPPED_TO; remote_unit_port->begin(REMOTE_UNIT_PORT_BAUD_RATE); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_GPS gps_port = GPS_PORT_MAPPED_TO; gps_port->begin(GPS_PORT_BAUD_RATE); #ifdef GPS_MIRROR_PORT gps_mirror_port = GPS_MIRROR_PORT; gps_mirror_port->begin(GPS_MIRROR_PORT_BAUD_RATE); #endif //GPS_MIRROR_PORT #endif //FEATURE_GPS } /* initialize_serial */ // -------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_LCD_DISPLAY void initialize_display(){ byte start_row = 0; lcd.begin(LCD_COLUMNS, LCD_ROWS); #ifdef FEATURE_YOURDUINO_I2C_LCD lcd.setBacklightPin(BACKLIGHT_PIN, POSITIVE); lcd.setBacklight(I2C_LCD_COLOR); #endif // FEATURE_YOURDUINO_I2C_LCD #ifdef FEATURE_ADAFRUIT_I2C_LCD lcd.setBacklight(I2C_LCD_COLOR); #endif // FEATURE_ADAFRUIT_I2C_LCD #ifdef OPTION_DISPLAY_VERSION_ON_STARTUP if (LCD_ROWS == 4){start_row = 0;} #else if (LCD_ROWS == 4){start_row = 1;} #endif lcd.setCursor(((LCD_COLUMNS - 4) / 2), start_row); lcd.print("\x4B\x33\x4E\x47"); lcd.setCursor(((LCD_COLUMNS - 16) / 2), start_row + 1); lcd.print("\x52\x6F\x74\x6F\x72\x20\x43\x6F\x6E\x74\x72\x6F\x6C\x6C\x65\x72"); #ifdef OPTION_DISPLAY_VERSION_ON_STARTUP //code provided by Paolo, IT9IPQ if (LCD_ROWS == 4) { lcd.setCursor(0, start_row + 3); } if (LCD_ROWS == 2) { lcd.setCursor(0, 1); } lcd.print("Ver: "); lcd.print(CODE_VERSION); #endif //OPTION_DISPLAY_VERSION_ON_STARTUP last_lcd_update = millis(); } /* initialize_display */ #endif /* ifdef FEATURE_LCD_DISPLAY */ // -------------------------------------------------------------- void initialize_peripherals(){ #ifdef FEATURE_WIRE_SUPPORT Wire.begin(); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_HMC5883L compass = HMC5883L(); int error; error = compass.SetScale(1.3); // Set the scale of the compass. #ifndef OPTION_DISABLE_HMC5883L_ERROR_CHECKING if (error != 0) { #if defined(FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION) || defined(FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION) control_port->print(F("setup: compass error:")); control_port->println(compass.GetErrorText(error)); // check if there is an error, and print if so #endif } #endif //OPTION_DISABLE_HMC5883L_ERROR_CHECKING error = compass.SetMeasurementMode(Measurement_Continuous); // Set the measurement mode to Continuous #ifndef OPTION_DISABLE_HMC5883L_ERROR_CHECKING if (error != 0) { #if defined(FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION) || defined(FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION) control_port->print(F("setup: compass error:")); control_port->println(compass.GetErrorText(error)); // check if there is an error, and print if so #endif } #endif //OPTION_DISABLE_HMC5883L_ERROR_CHECKING #endif // FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_HMC5883L #ifdef FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ADXL345_USING_LOVE_ELECTRON_LIB accel = ADXL345(); accel.SetRange(2, true); accel.EnableMeasurements(); #endif // FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ADXL345_USING_LOVE_ELECTRON_LIB #ifdef FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ADXL345_USING_ADAFRUIT_LIB accel.begin(); #endif // FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ADXL345_USING_ADAFRUIT_LIB #ifdef FEATURE_JOYSTICK_CONTROL pinModeEnhanced(pin_joystick_x, INPUT); pinModeEnhanced(pin_joystick_y, INPUT); #endif // FEATURE_JOYSTICK_CONTROL #if defined(FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ADAFRUIT_LSM303) || defined(FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_ADAFRUIT_LSM303) if (!lsm.begin()) { #if defined(FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION) || defined(FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION) control_port->println(F("setup: LSM303 error")); #endif } #endif // FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ADAFRUIT_LSM303 || FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_ADAFRUIT_LSM303 #if defined(FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_POLOLU_LSM303) || defined(FEATURE_EL_POSITION_POLOLU_LSM303) if (!compass.init()) { #if defined(FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION) || defined(FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION) control_port->println(F("setup: LSM303 error")); #endif } compass.enableDefault(); compass.m_min = (LSM303::vector) POLOLU_LSM_303_MIN_ARRAY; compass.m_max = (LSM303::vector) POLOLU_LSM_303_MAX_ARRAY; #endif //defined(FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_POLOLU_LSM303) || defined(FEATURE_EL_POSITION_POLOLU_LSM303) #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_HH12_AS5045_SSI azimuth_hh12.initialize(az_hh12_clock_pin, az_hh12_cs_pin, az_hh12_data_pin); #endif // FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_HH12_AS5045_SSI #ifdef FEATURE_EL_POSITION_HH12_AS5045_SSI elevation_hh12.initialize(el_hh12_clock_pin, el_hh12_cs_pin, el_hh12_data_pin); #endif // FEATURE_EL_POSITION_HH12_AS5045_SSI #ifdef FEATURE_RTC_DS1307 rtc.begin(); #endif // FEATURE_RTC_DS1307 #ifdef FEATURE_ETHERNET Ethernet.begin(mac, ip, gateway, subnet); ethernetserver0.begin(); #endif //FEATURE_ETHERNET } /* initialize_peripherals */ // -------------------------------------------------------------- void submit_request(byte axis, byte request, int parm, byte called_by){ #ifdef DEBUG_SUBMIT_REQUEST debug_print("submit_request: "); debug_print_int(called_by); debug_print(" "); #endif // DEBUG_SUBMIT_REQUEST #ifdef FEATURE_PARK park_status = NOT_PARKED; #endif // FEATURE_PARK if (axis == AZ) { #ifdef DEBUG_SUBMIT_REQUEST debug_print("AZ "); #endif // DEBUG_SUBMIT_REQUEST az_request = request; az_request_parm = parm; az_request_queue_state = IN_QUEUE; } #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL if (axis == EL) { #ifdef DEBUG_SUBMIT_REQUEST debug_print("EL "); #endif // DEBUG_SUBMIT_REQUEST el_request = request; el_request_parm = parm; el_request_queue_state = IN_QUEUE; } #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL #ifdef DEBUG_SUBMIT_REQUEST switch(request){ case 0: debug_print("REQUEST_STOP");break; case 1: debug_print("REQUEST_AZIMUTH");break; case 2: debug_print("REQUEST_AZIMUTH_RAW");break; case 3: debug_print("REQUEST_CW");break; case 4: debug_print("REQUEST_CCW");break; case 5: debug_print("REQUEST_UP");break; case 6: debug_print("REQUEST_DOWN");break; case 7: debug_print("REQUEST_ELEVATION");break; case 8: debug_print("REQUEST_KILL");break; } debug_print(" "); debug_print_int(parm); debug_println(""); #endif // DEBUG_SUBMIT_REQUEST } /* submit_request */ // -------------------------------------------------------------- void service_rotation(){ #if defined(FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER) || defined(FEATURE_EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER) service_rotation_lock = 1; #endif static byte az_direction_change_flag = 0; static byte az_initial_slow_down_voltage = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL static byte el_direction_change_flag = 0; static byte el_initial_slow_down_voltage = 0; #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL if (az_state == INITIALIZE_NORMAL_CW) { update_az_variable_outputs(normal_az_speed_voltage); rotator(ACTIVATE, CW); az_state = NORMAL_CW; } if (az_state == INITIALIZE_NORMAL_CCW) { update_az_variable_outputs(normal_az_speed_voltage); rotator(ACTIVATE, CCW); az_state = NORMAL_CCW; } if (az_state == INITIALIZE_SLOW_START_CW) { update_az_variable_outputs(AZ_SLOW_START_STARTING_PWM); rotator(ACTIVATE, CW); az_slowstart_start_time = millis(); az_last_step_time = 0; az_slow_start_step = 0; az_state = SLOW_START_CW; #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION debug_print("service_rotation: INITIALIZE_SLOW_START_CW -> SLOW_START_CW"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION } if (az_state == INITIALIZE_SLOW_START_CCW) { update_az_variable_outputs(AZ_SLOW_START_STARTING_PWM); rotator(ACTIVATE, CCW); az_slowstart_start_time = millis(); az_last_step_time = 0; az_slow_start_step = 0; az_state = SLOW_START_CCW; #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION debug_print("service_rotation: INITIALIZE_SLOW_START_CCW -> SLOW_START_CCW"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION } if (az_state == INITIALIZE_TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CW) { az_direction_change_flag = 0; az_timed_slow_down_start_time = millis(); az_last_step_time = millis(); az_slow_down_step = AZ_SLOW_DOWN_STEPS - 1; az_state = TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CW; } if (az_state == INITIALIZE_TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CCW) { az_direction_change_flag = 0; az_timed_slow_down_start_time = millis(); az_last_step_time = millis(); az_slow_down_step = AZ_SLOW_DOWN_STEPS - 1; az_state = TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CCW; } if (az_state == INITIALIZE_DIR_CHANGE_TO_CW) { az_direction_change_flag = 1; az_timed_slow_down_start_time = millis(); az_last_step_time = millis(); az_slow_down_step = AZ_SLOW_DOWN_STEPS - 1; az_state = TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CCW; } if (az_state == INITIALIZE_DIR_CHANGE_TO_CCW) { az_direction_change_flag = 1; az_timed_slow_down_start_time = millis(); az_last_step_time = millis(); az_slow_down_step = AZ_SLOW_DOWN_STEPS - 1; az_state = TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CW; } // slow start------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ((az_state == SLOW_START_CW) || (az_state == SLOW_START_CCW)) { if ((millis() - az_slowstart_start_time) >= AZ_SLOW_START_UP_TIME) { // is it time to end slow start? #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION debug_print("service_rotation: NORMAL_C"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION if (az_state == SLOW_START_CW) { az_state = NORMAL_CW; #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION debug_print("W"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION } else { az_state = NORMAL_CCW; #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION debug_print("CW"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION } update_az_variable_outputs(normal_az_speed_voltage); } else { // it's not time to end slow start yet, but let's check if it's time to step up the speed voltage if (((millis() - az_last_step_time) > (AZ_SLOW_START_UP_TIME / AZ_SLOW_START_STEPS)) && (normal_az_speed_voltage > AZ_SLOW_START_STARTING_PWM)) { #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION debug_print("service_rotation: step up: "); debug_print_int(az_slow_start_step); debug_print(" pwm: "); debug_print_int((int)(AZ_SLOW_START_STARTING_PWM + ((normal_az_speed_voltage - AZ_SLOW_START_STARTING_PWM) * ((float)az_slow_start_step / (float)(AZ_SLOW_START_STEPS - 1))))); debug_println(""); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION update_az_variable_outputs((AZ_SLOW_START_STARTING_PWM + ((normal_az_speed_voltage - AZ_SLOW_START_STARTING_PWM) * ((float)az_slow_start_step / (float)(AZ_SLOW_START_STEPS - 1))))); az_last_step_time = millis(); az_slow_start_step++; } } } // ((az_state == SLOW_START_CW) || (az_state == SLOW_START_CCW)) // timed slow down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if (((az_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CW) || (az_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CCW)) && ((millis() - az_last_step_time) >= (TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_TIME / AZ_SLOW_DOWN_STEPS))) { #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION debug_print("service_rotation: TIMED_SLOW_DOWN step down: "); debug_print_int(az_slow_down_step); debug_print(" pwm: "); debug_print_int((int)(normal_az_speed_voltage * ((float)az_slow_down_step / (float)AZ_SLOW_DOWN_STEPS))); debug_println(""); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION update_az_variable_outputs((int)(normal_az_speed_voltage * ((float)az_slow_down_step / (float)AZ_SLOW_DOWN_STEPS))); az_last_step_time = millis(); if (az_slow_down_step > 0) {az_slow_down_step--;} if (az_slow_down_step == 0) { // is it time to exit timed slow down? #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION debug_print("service_rotation: TIMED_SLOW_DOWN->IDLE"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION rotator(DEACTIVATE, CW); rotator(DEACTIVATE, CCW); if (az_direction_change_flag) { if (az_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CW) { //rotator(ACTIVATE, CCW); if (az_slowstart_active) { az_state = INITIALIZE_SLOW_START_CCW; } else { az_state = NORMAL_CCW; }; az_direction_change_flag = 0; } if (az_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CCW) { //rotator(ACTIVATE, CW); if (az_slowstart_active) { az_state = INITIALIZE_SLOW_START_CW; } else { az_state = NORMAL_CW; }; az_direction_change_flag = 0; } } else { az_state = IDLE; az_request_queue_state = NONE; } } } // ((az_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CW) || (az_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CCW)) // slow down --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ((az_state == SLOW_DOWN_CW) || (az_state == SLOW_DOWN_CCW)) { // is it time to do another step down? if (abs((target_raw_azimuth - raw_azimuth) / HEADING_MULTIPLIER) <= (((float)SLOW_DOWN_BEFORE_TARGET_AZ * ((float)az_slow_down_step / (float)AZ_SLOW_DOWN_STEPS)))) { #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION debug_print("service_rotation: step down: "); debug_print_int(az_slow_down_step); debug_print(" pwm: "); debug_print_int((int)(AZ_SLOW_DOWN_PWM_STOP + ((az_initial_slow_down_voltage - AZ_SLOW_DOWN_PWM_STOP) * ((float)az_slow_down_step / (float)AZ_SLOW_DOWN_STEPS)))); debug_println(""); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION update_az_variable_outputs((AZ_SLOW_DOWN_PWM_STOP + ((az_initial_slow_down_voltage - AZ_SLOW_DOWN_PWM_STOP) * ((float)az_slow_down_step / (float)AZ_SLOW_DOWN_STEPS)))); if (az_slow_down_step > 0) {az_slow_down_step--;} } } // ((az_state == SLOW_DOWN_CW) || (az_state == SLOW_DOWN_CCW)) // normal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // if slow down is enabled, see if we're ready to go into slowdown if (((az_state == NORMAL_CW) || (az_state == SLOW_START_CW) || (az_state == NORMAL_CCW) || (az_state == SLOW_START_CCW)) && (az_request_queue_state == IN_PROGRESS_TO_TARGET) && az_slowdown_active && (abs((target_raw_azimuth - raw_azimuth) / HEADING_MULTIPLIER) <= SLOW_DOWN_BEFORE_TARGET_AZ)) { byte az_state_was = az_state; #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION debug_print("service_rotation: SLOW_DOWN_C"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION az_slow_down_step = AZ_SLOW_DOWN_STEPS - 1; if ((az_state == NORMAL_CW) || (az_state == SLOW_START_CW)) { az_state = SLOW_DOWN_CW; #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION debug_print("W"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION } else { az_state = SLOW_DOWN_CCW; #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION debug_print("CW"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION } if ((az_state_was == SLOW_START_CW) || (az_state_was == SLOW_START_CCW)){ az_initial_slow_down_voltage = (AZ_INITIALLY_IN_SLOW_DOWN_PWM); update_az_variable_outputs(az_initial_slow_down_voltage); #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION debug_print(" SLOW_START -> SLOW_DOWN az_initial_slow_down_voltage:"); debug_print_int(az_initial_slow_down_voltage); debug_print(" "); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION } else { if (AZ_SLOW_DOWN_PWM_START < current_az_speed_voltage) { update_az_variable_outputs(AZ_SLOW_DOWN_PWM_START); az_initial_slow_down_voltage = AZ_SLOW_DOWN_PWM_START; } else { az_initial_slow_down_voltage = current_az_speed_voltage; } } } // check rotation target -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ((az_state != IDLE) && (az_request_queue_state == IN_PROGRESS_TO_TARGET) ) { if ((az_state == NORMAL_CW) || (az_state == SLOW_START_CW) || (az_state == SLOW_DOWN_CW)) { if ((abs(raw_azimuth - target_raw_azimuth) < (AZIMUTH_TOLERANCE * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) || ((raw_azimuth > target_raw_azimuth) && ((raw_azimuth - target_raw_azimuth) < ((AZIMUTH_TOLERANCE + 5) * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)))) { delay(50); read_azimuth(0); if ((abs(raw_azimuth - target_raw_azimuth) < (AZIMUTH_TOLERANCE * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) || ((raw_azimuth > target_raw_azimuth) && ((raw_azimuth - target_raw_azimuth) < ((AZIMUTH_TOLERANCE + 5) * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)))) { rotator(DEACTIVATE, CW); rotator(DEACTIVATE, CCW); az_state = IDLE; az_request_queue_state = NONE; #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION debug_print("service_rotation: IDLE"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION #if defined(FEATURE_PARK) && !defined(FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL) if (park_status == PARK_INITIATED) { park_status = PARKED; } #endif // defined(FEATURE_PARK) && !defined(FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL) #if defined(FEATURE_PARK) && defined(FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL) if ((park_status == PARK_INITIATED) && (el_state == IDLE)) { park_status = PARKED; } #endif // defined(FEATURE_PARK) && !defined(FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL) } } } else { if ((abs(raw_azimuth - target_raw_azimuth) < (AZIMUTH_TOLERANCE * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) || ((raw_azimuth < target_raw_azimuth) && ((target_raw_azimuth - raw_azimuth) < ((AZIMUTH_TOLERANCE + 5) * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)))) { delay(50); read_azimuth(0); if ((abs(raw_azimuth - target_raw_azimuth) < (AZIMUTH_TOLERANCE * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) || ((raw_azimuth < target_raw_azimuth) && ((target_raw_azimuth - raw_azimuth) < ((AZIMUTH_TOLERANCE + 5) * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)))) { rotator(DEACTIVATE, CW); rotator(DEACTIVATE, CCW); az_state = IDLE; az_request_queue_state = NONE; #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION debug_print("service_rotation: IDLE"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION #if defined(FEATURE_PARK) && !defined(FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL) if (park_status == PARK_INITIATED) { park_status = PARKED; } #endif // defined(FEATURE_PARK) && !defined(FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL) #if defined(FEATURE_PARK) && defined(FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL) if ((park_status == PARK_INITIATED) && (el_state == IDLE)) { park_status = PARKED; } #endif // defined(FEATURE_PARK) && !defined(FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL) } } } } #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL if (el_state == INITIALIZE_NORMAL_UP) { update_el_variable_outputs(normal_el_speed_voltage); rotator(ACTIVATE, UP); el_state = NORMAL_UP; } if (el_state == INITIALIZE_NORMAL_DOWN) { update_el_variable_outputs(normal_el_speed_voltage); rotator(ACTIVATE, DOWN); el_state = NORMAL_DOWN; } if (el_state == INITIALIZE_SLOW_START_UP) { update_el_variable_outputs(EL_SLOW_START_STARTING_PWM); rotator(ACTIVATE, UP); el_slowstart_start_time = millis(); el_last_step_time = 0; el_slow_start_step = 0; el_state = SLOW_START_UP; #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION debug_print("service_rotation: INITIALIZE_SLOW_START_UP -> SLOW_START_UP"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION } if (el_state == INITIALIZE_SLOW_START_DOWN) { update_el_variable_outputs(EL_SLOW_START_STARTING_PWM); rotator(ACTIVATE, DOWN); el_slowstart_start_time = millis(); el_last_step_time = 0; el_slow_start_step = 0; el_state = SLOW_START_DOWN; #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION debug_print("service_rotation: INITIALIZE_SLOW_START_DOWN -> SLOW_START_DOWN"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION } if (el_state == INITIALIZE_TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_UP) { el_direction_change_flag = 0; el_timed_slow_down_start_time = millis(); el_last_step_time = millis(); el_slow_down_step = EL_SLOW_DOWN_STEPS - 1; el_state = TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_UP; } if (el_state == INITIALIZE_TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_DOWN) { el_direction_change_flag = 0; el_timed_slow_down_start_time = millis(); el_last_step_time = millis(); el_slow_down_step = EL_SLOW_DOWN_STEPS - 1; el_state = TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_DOWN; } if (el_state == INITIALIZE_DIR_CHANGE_TO_UP) { el_direction_change_flag = 1; el_timed_slow_down_start_time = millis(); el_last_step_time = millis(); el_slow_down_step = EL_SLOW_DOWN_STEPS - 1; el_state = TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_DOWN; } if (el_state == INITIALIZE_DIR_CHANGE_TO_DOWN) { el_direction_change_flag = 1; el_timed_slow_down_start_time = millis(); el_last_step_time = millis(); el_slow_down_step = EL_SLOW_DOWN_STEPS - 1; el_state = TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_UP; } // slow start------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ((el_state == SLOW_START_UP) || (el_state == SLOW_START_DOWN)) { if ((millis() - el_slowstart_start_time) >= EL_SLOW_START_UP_TIME) { // is it time to end slow start? #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION debug_print("service_rotation: NORMAL_"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION if (el_state == SLOW_START_UP) { el_state = NORMAL_UP; #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION debug_print("UP"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION } else { el_state = NORMAL_DOWN; #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION debug_print("DOWN"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION } update_el_variable_outputs(normal_el_speed_voltage); } else { // it's not time to end slow start yet, but let's check if it's time to step up the speed voltage if (((millis() - el_last_step_time) > (EL_SLOW_START_UP_TIME / EL_SLOW_START_STEPS)) && (normal_el_speed_voltage > EL_SLOW_START_STARTING_PWM)) { #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION debug_print("service_rotation: step up: "); debug_print_int(el_slow_start_step); debug_print(" pwm: "); debug_print_int((int)(EL_SLOW_START_STARTING_PWM + ((normal_el_speed_voltage - EL_SLOW_START_STARTING_PWM) * ((float)el_slow_start_step / (float)(EL_SLOW_START_STEPS - 1))))); debug_println(""); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION update_el_variable_outputs((EL_SLOW_START_STARTING_PWM + ((normal_el_speed_voltage - EL_SLOW_START_STARTING_PWM) * ((float)el_slow_start_step / (float)(EL_SLOW_START_STEPS - 1))))); el_last_step_time = millis(); el_slow_start_step++; } } } // ((el_state == SLOW_START_UP) || (el_state == SLOW_START_DOWN)) // timed slow down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if (((el_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_UP) || (el_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_DOWN)) && ((millis() - el_last_step_time) >= (TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_TIME / EL_SLOW_DOWN_STEPS))) { #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION debug_print("service_rotation: TIMED_SLOW_DOWN step down: "); debug_print_int(el_slow_down_step); debug_print(" pwm: "); debug_print_int((int)(normal_el_speed_voltage * ((float)el_slow_down_step / (float)EL_SLOW_DOWN_STEPS))); debug_println(""); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION update_el_variable_outputs((int)(normal_el_speed_voltage * ((float)el_slow_down_step / (float)EL_SLOW_DOWN_STEPS))); el_last_step_time = millis(); if (el_slow_down_step > 0) {el_slow_down_step--;} if (el_slow_down_step == 0) { // is it time to exit timed slow down? #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION debug_print("service_rotation: TIMED_SLOW_DOWN->IDLE"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION rotator(DEACTIVATE, UP); rotator(DEACTIVATE, DOWN); if (el_direction_change_flag) { if (el_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_UP) { if (el_slowstart_active) { el_state = INITIALIZE_SLOW_START_DOWN; } else { el_state = NORMAL_DOWN; }; el_direction_change_flag = 0; } if (el_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_DOWN) { if (el_slowstart_active) { el_state = INITIALIZE_SLOW_START_UP; } else { el_state = NORMAL_UP; }; el_direction_change_flag = 0; } } else { el_state = IDLE; el_request_queue_state = NONE; } } } // ((el_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_UP) || (el_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_DOWN)) // slow down --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ((el_state == SLOW_DOWN_UP) || (el_state == SLOW_DOWN_DOWN)) { // is it time to do another step down? if (abs((target_elevation - elevation) / HEADING_MULTIPLIER) <= (((float)SLOW_DOWN_BEFORE_TARGET_EL * ((float)el_slow_down_step / (float)EL_SLOW_DOWN_STEPS)))) { #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION debug_print("service_rotation: step down: "); debug_print_int(el_slow_down_step); debug_print(" pwm: "); debug_print_int((int)(EL_SLOW_DOWN_PWM_STOP + ((el_initial_slow_down_voltage - EL_SLOW_DOWN_PWM_STOP) * ((float)el_slow_down_step / (float)EL_SLOW_DOWN_STEPS)))); debug_println(""); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION update_el_variable_outputs((EL_SLOW_DOWN_PWM_STOP + ((el_initial_slow_down_voltage - EL_SLOW_DOWN_PWM_STOP) * ((float)el_slow_down_step / (float)EL_SLOW_DOWN_STEPS)))); if (el_slow_down_step > 0) {el_slow_down_step--;} } } // ((el_state == SLOW_DOWN_UP) || (el_state == SLOW_DOWN_DOWN)) // normal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // if slow down is enabled, see if we're ready to go into slowdown if (((el_state == NORMAL_UP) || (el_state == SLOW_START_UP) || (el_state == NORMAL_DOWN) || (el_state == SLOW_START_DOWN)) && (el_request_queue_state == IN_PROGRESS_TO_TARGET) && el_slowdown_active && (abs((target_elevation - elevation) / HEADING_MULTIPLIER) <= SLOW_DOWN_BEFORE_TARGET_EL)) { byte el_state_was = el_state; #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION debug_print("service_rotation: SLOW_DOWN_"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION el_slow_down_step = EL_SLOW_DOWN_STEPS - 1; if ((el_state == NORMAL_UP) || (el_state == SLOW_START_UP)) { el_state = SLOW_DOWN_UP; #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION debug_print("UP"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION } else { el_state = SLOW_DOWN_DOWN; #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION debug_print("DOWN"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION } if ((el_state_was == SLOW_START_UP) || (el_state_was == SLOW_START_DOWN)){ el_initial_slow_down_voltage = EL_INITIALLY_IN_SLOW_DOWN_PWM; update_el_variable_outputs(el_initial_slow_down_voltage); #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION debug_print(" SLOW_START -> SLOW_DOWN el_initial_slow_down_voltage:"); debug_print_int(el_initial_slow_down_voltage); debug_print(" "); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION } else { if (EL_SLOW_DOWN_PWM_START < current_el_speed_voltage) { update_el_variable_outputs(EL_SLOW_DOWN_PWM_START); el_initial_slow_down_voltage = EL_SLOW_DOWN_PWM_START; } else { el_initial_slow_down_voltage = current_el_speed_voltage; } } } // check rotation target -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ((el_state != IDLE) && (el_request_queue_state == IN_PROGRESS_TO_TARGET) ) { read_elevation(0); if ((el_state == NORMAL_UP) || (el_state == SLOW_START_UP) || (el_state == SLOW_DOWN_UP)) { if ((abs(elevation - target_elevation) < (ELEVATION_TOLERANCE * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) || ((elevation > target_elevation) && ((elevation - target_elevation) < ((ELEVATION_TOLERANCE + 5) * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)))) { #ifndef OPTION_NO_ELEVATION_CHECK_TARGET_DELAY delay(50); #endif //OPTION_NO_ELEVATION_CHECK_TARGET_DELAY read_elevation(0); if ((abs(elevation - target_elevation) < (ELEVATION_TOLERANCE * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) || ((elevation > target_elevation) && ((elevation - target_elevation) < ((ELEVATION_TOLERANCE + 5) * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)))) { rotator(DEACTIVATE, UP); rotator(DEACTIVATE, DOWN); el_state = IDLE; el_request_queue_state = NONE; #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION debug_print("service_rotation: IDLE"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION /*control_port->println(abs(elevation - target_elevation)); read_elevation(0); control_port->println(abs(elevation - target_elevation)); control_port->println();*/ #if defined(FEATURE_PARK) if ((park_status == PARK_INITIATED) && (az_state == IDLE)) { park_status = PARKED; } #endif // defined(FEATURE_PARK) } } } else { read_elevation(0); if ((abs(elevation - target_elevation) <= (ELEVATION_TOLERANCE * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) || ((elevation < target_elevation) && ((target_elevation - elevation) < ((ELEVATION_TOLERANCE + 5) * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)))) { #ifndef OPTION_NO_ELEVATION_CHECK_TARGET_DELAY delay(50); #endif //OPTION_NO_ELEVATION_CHECK_TARGET_DELAY read_elevation(0); if ((abs(elevation - target_elevation) <= (ELEVATION_TOLERANCE * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) || ((elevation < target_elevation) && ((target_elevation - elevation) < ((ELEVATION_TOLERANCE + 5) * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)))) { rotator(DEACTIVATE, UP); rotator(DEACTIVATE, DOWN); el_state = IDLE; el_request_queue_state = NONE; #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION debug_print("service_rotation: IDLE"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_ROTATION /*control_port->println(abs(elevation - target_elevation)); read_elevation(0); control_port->println(abs(elevation - target_elevation)); control_port->println();*/ #if defined(FEATURE_PARK) if ((park_status == PARK_INITIATED) && (az_state == IDLE)) { park_status = PARKED; } #endif // defined(FEATURE_PARK) } } } } #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL #if defined(FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER) || defined(FEATURE_EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER) service_rotation_lock = 0; #endif } /* service_rotation */ // -------------------------------------------------------------- void stop_all_tracking(){ #ifdef FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING moon_tracking_active = 0; #endif // FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING #ifdef FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING sun_tracking_active = 0; #endif // FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING } // -------------------------------------------------------------- void service_request_queue(){ // xxxx int work_target_raw_azimuth = 0; byte direction_to_go = 0; byte within_tolerance_flag = 0; if (az_request_queue_state == IN_QUEUE) { #ifdef FEATURE_POWER_SWITCH last_activity_time = millis(); #endif //FEATURE_POWER_SWITCH #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE debug_print("service_request_queue: AZ "); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE switch (az_request) { case (REQUEST_STOP): #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE debug_print("REQUEST_STOP"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE stop_all_tracking(); #ifdef FEATURE_PARK deactivate_park(); #endif // FEATURE_PARK if (az_state != IDLE) { if (az_slowdown_active) { if ((az_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CW) || (az_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CCW) || (az_state == SLOW_DOWN_CW) || (az_state == SLOW_DOWN_CCW)) { // if we're already in timed slow down and we get another stop, do a hard stop rotator(DEACTIVATE, CW); rotator(DEACTIVATE, CCW); az_state = IDLE; az_request_queue_state = NONE; } if ((az_state == SLOW_START_CW) || (az_state == NORMAL_CW)) { az_state = INITIALIZE_TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CW; az_request_queue_state = IN_PROGRESS_TIMED; az_last_rotate_initiation = millis(); } if ((az_state == SLOW_START_CCW) || (az_state == NORMAL_CCW)) { az_state = INITIALIZE_TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CCW; az_request_queue_state = IN_PROGRESS_TIMED; az_last_rotate_initiation = millis(); } } else { rotator(DEACTIVATE, CW); rotator(DEACTIVATE, CCW); az_state = IDLE; az_request_queue_state = NONE; } } else { az_request_queue_state = NONE; // nothing to do - we clear the queue } #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE if (debug_mode) { control_port->println(); } #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE break; // REQUEST_STOP case (REQUEST_AZIMUTH): #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE debug_print("REQUEST_AZIMUTH"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE if ((az_request_parm >= 0) && (az_request_parm <= (360 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER))) { target_azimuth = az_request_parm; target_raw_azimuth = az_request_parm; if (target_azimuth == (360 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) { target_azimuth = 0; } if ((target_azimuth > (azimuth - (AZIMUTH_TOLERANCE * HEADING_MULTIPLIER))) && (target_azimuth < (azimuth + (AZIMUTH_TOLERANCE * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)))) { #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE debug_print(" request within tolerance"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE within_tolerance_flag = 1; az_request_queue_state = NONE; } else { // target azimuth is not within tolerance, we need to rotate #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE debug_print(" ->A"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE work_target_raw_azimuth = target_azimuth; #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE debug_print(" work_target_raw_azimuth:"); debug_print_int(work_target_raw_azimuth / HEADING_MULTIPLIER); debug_print(" azimuth_starting_point:"); debug_print_int(azimuth_starting_point); debug_print(" "); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE if (work_target_raw_azimuth < (azimuth_starting_point * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) { work_target_raw_azimuth = work_target_raw_azimuth + (360 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); target_raw_azimuth = work_target_raw_azimuth; #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE debug_print("->B"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE } if ((work_target_raw_azimuth + (360 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) < ((azimuth_starting_point + azimuth_rotation_capability) * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) { // is there a second possible heading in overlap? if (abs(raw_azimuth - work_target_raw_azimuth) < abs((work_target_raw_azimuth + (360 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) - raw_azimuth)) { // is second possible heading closer? #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE debug_print("->C"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE if (work_target_raw_azimuth > raw_azimuth) { // not closer, use position in non-overlap direction_to_go = CW; #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE debug_print("->CW!"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE } else { direction_to_go = CCW; #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE debug_print("->CCW!"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE } } else { // go to position in overlap #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE debug_print("->D"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE target_raw_azimuth = work_target_raw_azimuth + (360 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); if ((work_target_raw_azimuth + (360 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) > raw_azimuth) { direction_to_go = CW; #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE debug_print("->CW!"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE } else { direction_to_go = CCW; #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE debug_print("->CCW!"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE } } } else { // no possible second heading in overlap #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE debug_print("->E"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE if (work_target_raw_azimuth > raw_azimuth) { direction_to_go = CW; } else { direction_to_go = CCW; } } } } else { #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE debug_print("->F"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE if ((az_request_parm > (360 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) && (az_request_parm <= ((azimuth_starting_point + azimuth_rotation_capability) * HEADING_MULTIPLIER))) { target_azimuth = az_request_parm - (360 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); target_raw_azimuth = az_request_parm; if (az_request_parm > raw_azimuth) { direction_to_go = CW; } else { direction_to_go = CCW; } } else { #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE debug_print(" error: bogus azimuth request:"); debug_print_int(az_request_parm); debug_println(""); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE rotator(DEACTIVATE, CW); rotator(DEACTIVATE, CCW); az_state = IDLE; az_request_queue_state = NONE; return; } } if (direction_to_go == CW) { if (((az_state == SLOW_START_CCW) || (az_state == NORMAL_CCW) || (az_state == SLOW_DOWN_CCW) || (az_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CCW)) && (az_slowstart_active)) { az_state = INITIALIZE_DIR_CHANGE_TO_CW; #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE debug_print(" INITIALIZE_DIR_CHANGE_TO_CW"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE } else { if ((az_state != INITIALIZE_SLOW_START_CW) && (az_state != SLOW_START_CW) && (az_state != NORMAL_CW)) { // if we're already rotating CW, don't do anything // rotator(ACTIVATE,CW); if (az_slowstart_active) { az_state = INITIALIZE_SLOW_START_CW; } else { az_state = INITIALIZE_NORMAL_CW; }; } } } if (direction_to_go == CCW) { if (((az_state == SLOW_START_CW) || (az_state == NORMAL_CW) || (az_state == SLOW_DOWN_CW) || (az_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CW)) && (az_slowstart_active)) { az_state = INITIALIZE_DIR_CHANGE_TO_CCW; #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE debug_print(" INITIALIZE_DIR_CHANGE_TO_CCW"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE } else { if ((az_state != INITIALIZE_SLOW_START_CCW) && (az_state != SLOW_START_CCW) && (az_state != NORMAL_CCW)) { // if we're already rotating CCW, don't do anything // rotator(ACTIVATE,CCW); if (az_slowstart_active) { az_state = INITIALIZE_SLOW_START_CCW; } else { az_state = INITIALIZE_NORMAL_CCW; }; } } } if (!within_tolerance_flag) { az_request_queue_state = IN_PROGRESS_TO_TARGET; az_last_rotate_initiation = millis(); } #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE if (debug_mode) { control_port->println(); } #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE break; // REQUEST_AZIMUTH case (REQUEST_AZIMUTH_RAW): #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE debug_print("REQUEST_AZIMUTH_RAW"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE target_raw_azimuth = az_request_parm; target_azimuth = target_raw_azimuth; if (target_azimuth >= (360 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) { target_azimuth = target_azimuth - (360 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); } if (((abs(raw_azimuth - target_raw_azimuth) < (AZIMUTH_TOLERANCE * HEADING_MULTIPLIER))) && (az_state == IDLE)) { #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE debug_print(" request within tolerance"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE az_request_queue_state = NONE; within_tolerance_flag = 1; } else { if (target_raw_azimuth > raw_azimuth) { if (((az_state == SLOW_START_CCW) || (az_state == NORMAL_CCW) || (az_state == SLOW_DOWN_CCW) || (az_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CCW)) && (az_slowstart_active)) { az_state = INITIALIZE_DIR_CHANGE_TO_CW; #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE debug_print(" INITIALIZE_DIR_CHANGE_TO_CW"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE } else { if ((az_state != INITIALIZE_SLOW_START_CW) && (az_state != SLOW_START_CW) && (az_state != NORMAL_CW)) { // if we're already rotating CW, don't do anything if (az_slowstart_active) { az_state = INITIALIZE_SLOW_START_CW; } else { az_state = INITIALIZE_NORMAL_CW; }; } } } if (target_raw_azimuth < raw_azimuth) { if (((az_state == SLOW_START_CW) || (az_state == NORMAL_CW) || (az_state == SLOW_DOWN_CW) || (az_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CW)) && (az_slowstart_active)) { az_state = INITIALIZE_DIR_CHANGE_TO_CCW; #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE debug_print(" INITIALIZE_DIR_CHANGE_TO_CCW"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE } else { if ((az_state != INITIALIZE_SLOW_START_CCW) && (az_state != SLOW_START_CCW) && (az_state != NORMAL_CCW)) { // if we're already rotating CCW, don't do anything if (az_slowstart_active) { az_state = INITIALIZE_SLOW_START_CCW; } else { az_state = INITIALIZE_NORMAL_CCW; }; } } } if (!within_tolerance_flag) { az_request_queue_state = IN_PROGRESS_TO_TARGET; az_last_rotate_initiation = millis(); } } #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE if (debug_mode) { control_port->println(); } #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE break; // REQUEST_AZIMUTH_RAW case (REQUEST_CW): #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE debug_print("REQUEST_CW"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE stop_all_tracking(); #ifdef FEATURE_PARK deactivate_park(); #endif // FEATURE_PARK if (((az_state == SLOW_START_CCW) || (az_state == NORMAL_CCW) || (az_state == SLOW_DOWN_CCW) || (az_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CCW)) && (az_slowstart_active)) { az_state = INITIALIZE_DIR_CHANGE_TO_CW; #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE debug_print(" INITIALIZE_DIR_CHANGE_TO_CW"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE } else { if ((az_state != SLOW_START_CW) && (az_state != NORMAL_CW)) { // rotator(ACTIVATE,CW); if (az_slowstart_active) { az_state = INITIALIZE_SLOW_START_CW; } else { az_state = INITIALIZE_NORMAL_CW; }; } } az_request_queue_state = NONE; az_last_rotate_initiation = millis(); #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE if (debug_mode) { control_port->println(); } #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE break; // REQUEST_CW case (REQUEST_CCW): #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE debug_print("REQUEST_CCW"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE stop_all_tracking(); #ifdef FEATURE_PARK deactivate_park(); #endif // FEATURE_PARK if (((az_state == SLOW_START_CW) || (az_state == NORMAL_CW) || (az_state == SLOW_DOWN_CW) || (az_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CW)) && (az_slowstart_active)) { az_state = INITIALIZE_DIR_CHANGE_TO_CCW; #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE debug_print(" INITIALIZE_DIR_CHANGE_TO_CCW"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE } else { if ((az_state != SLOW_START_CCW) && (az_state != NORMAL_CCW)) { // rotator(ACTIVATE,CCW); if (az_slowstart_active) { az_state = INITIALIZE_SLOW_START_CCW; } else { az_state = INITIALIZE_NORMAL_CCW; }; } } az_request_queue_state = NONE; az_last_rotate_initiation = millis(); #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE if (debug_mode) { control_port->println(); } #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE break; // REQUEST_CCW case (REQUEST_KILL): #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE debug_print("REQUEST_KILL"); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE stop_all_tracking(); #ifdef FEATURE_PARK deactivate_park(); #endif // FEATURE_PARK rotator(DEACTIVATE, CW); rotator(DEACTIVATE, CCW); az_state = IDLE; az_request_queue_state = NONE; #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE debug_println(""); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE break; // REQUEST_KILL } /* switch */ #ifdef FEATURE_LCD_DISPLAY if (az_request_queue_state != IN_QUEUE) {push_lcd_update = 1;} #endif //FEATURE_LCD_DISPLAY } #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL if (el_request_queue_state == IN_QUEUE) { #ifdef FEATURE_POWER_SWITCH last_activity_time = millis(); #endif //FEATURE_POWER_SWITCH within_tolerance_flag = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE debug_print("service_request_queue: EL "); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE switch (el_request) { case (REQUEST_ELEVATION): #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE debug_print("REQUEST_ELEVATION "); #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE target_elevation = el_request_parm; if (target_elevation > (ELEVATION_MAXIMUM_DEGREES * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) { target_elevation = ELEVATION_MAXIMUM_DEGREES * HEADING_MULTIPLIER; #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE if (debug_mode) { control_port->print(F("REQUEST_ELEVATION: target_elevation > ELEVATION_MAXIMUM_DEGREES")); } #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE } #ifdef OPTION_EL_MANUAL_ROTATE_LIMITS if (target_elevation < (EL_MANUAL_ROTATE_DOWN_LIMIT * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) { target_elevation = EL_MANUAL_ROTATE_DOWN_LIMIT * HEADING_MULTIPLIER; #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE if (debug_mode) { control_port->print(F("REQUEST_ELEVATION: target_elevation < EL_MANUAL_ROTATE_DOWN_LIMIT")); } #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE } if (target_elevation > (EL_MANUAL_ROTATE_UP_LIMIT * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) { target_elevation = EL_MANUAL_ROTATE_UP_LIMIT * HEADING_MULTIPLIER; #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE if (debug_mode) { control_port->print(F("REQUEST_ELEVATION: target_elevation > EL_MANUAL_ROTATE_UP_LIMIT")); } #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE } #endif // OPTION_EL_MANUAL_ROTATE_LIMITS if (abs(target_elevation - elevation) < (ELEVATION_TOLERANCE * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) { #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE if (debug_mode) { control_port->println(F("requested elevation within tolerance")); } #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE within_tolerance_flag = 1; el_request_queue_state = NONE; } else { if (target_elevation > elevation) { if (((el_state == SLOW_START_DOWN) || (el_state == NORMAL_DOWN) || (el_state == SLOW_DOWN_DOWN) || (el_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_DOWN)) && (el_slowstart_active)) { el_state = INITIALIZE_DIR_CHANGE_TO_UP; #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE if (debug_mode) { control_port->println(F(" INITIALIZE_DIR_CHANGE_TO_UP")); } #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE } else { if ((el_state != INITIALIZE_SLOW_START_UP) && (el_state != SLOW_START_UP) && (el_state != NORMAL_UP)) { // if we're already rotating UP, don't do anything if (el_slowstart_active) { el_state = INITIALIZE_SLOW_START_UP; } else { el_state = INITIALIZE_NORMAL_UP; }; } } } // (target_elevation > elevation) if (target_elevation < elevation) { if (((el_state == SLOW_START_UP) || (el_state == NORMAL_UP) || (el_state == SLOW_DOWN_UP) || (el_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_UP)) && (el_slowstart_active)) { el_state = INITIALIZE_DIR_CHANGE_TO_DOWN; #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE if (debug_mode) { control_port->println(F(" INITIALIZE_DIR_CHANGE_TO_DOWN")); } #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE } else { if ((el_state != INITIALIZE_SLOW_START_DOWN) && (el_state != SLOW_START_DOWN) && (el_state != NORMAL_DOWN)) { // if we're already rotating DOWN, don't do anything if (el_slowstart_active) { el_state = INITIALIZE_SLOW_START_DOWN; } else { el_state = INITIALIZE_NORMAL_DOWN; }; } } } // (target_elevation < elevation) } // (abs(target_elevation - elevation) < ELEVATION_TOLERANCE) if (!within_tolerance_flag) { el_request_queue_state = IN_PROGRESS_TO_TARGET; el_last_rotate_initiation = millis(); } #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE if (debug_mode) { control_port->println(); } #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE break; // REQUEST_ELEVATION case (REQUEST_UP): #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE if (debug_mode) { control_port->println(F("REQUEST_UP")); } #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE stop_all_tracking(); #ifdef FEATURE_PARK deactivate_park(); #endif // FEATURE_PARK if (((el_state == SLOW_START_DOWN) || (el_state == NORMAL_DOWN) || (el_state == SLOW_DOWN_DOWN) || (el_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_DOWN)) && (el_slowstart_active)) { el_state = INITIALIZE_DIR_CHANGE_TO_UP; #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE if (debug_mode) { control_port->println(F("service_request_queue: INITIALIZE_DIR_CHANGE_TO_UP")); } #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE } else { if ((el_state != SLOW_START_UP) && (el_state != NORMAL_UP)) { if (el_slowstart_active) { el_state = INITIALIZE_SLOW_START_UP; } else { el_state = INITIALIZE_NORMAL_UP; }; } } el_request_queue_state = NONE; el_last_rotate_initiation = millis(); #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE if (debug_mode) { control_port->println(); } #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE break; // REQUEST_UP case (REQUEST_DOWN): #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE if (debug_mode) { control_port->println(F("REQUEST_DOWN")); } #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE stop_all_tracking(); #ifdef FEATURE_PARK deactivate_park(); #endif // FEATURE_PARK if (((el_state == SLOW_START_UP) || (el_state == NORMAL_UP) || (el_state == SLOW_DOWN_UP) || (el_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_UP)) && (el_slowstart_active)) { el_state = INITIALIZE_DIR_CHANGE_TO_DOWN; #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE if (debug_mode) { control_port->println(F("service_request_queue: INITIALIZE_DIR_CHANGE_TO_DOWN")); } #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE } else { if ((el_state != SLOW_START_DOWN) && (el_state != NORMAL_DOWN)) { if (el_slowstart_active) { el_state = INITIALIZE_SLOW_START_DOWN; } else { el_state = INITIALIZE_NORMAL_DOWN; }; } } el_request_queue_state = NONE; el_last_rotate_initiation = millis(); #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE if (debug_mode) { control_port->println(); } #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE break; // REQUEST_DOWN case (REQUEST_STOP): #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE if (debug_mode) { control_port->println(F("REQUEST_STOP")); } #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE stop_all_tracking(); #ifdef FEATURE_PARK deactivate_park(); #endif // FEATURE_PARK if (el_state != IDLE) { if (el_slowdown_active) { if ((el_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_UP) || (el_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_DOWN) || (el_state == SLOW_DOWN_UP) || (el_state == SLOW_DOWN_DOWN)) { // if we're already in timed slow down and we get another stop, do a hard stop rotator(DEACTIVATE, UP); rotator(DEACTIVATE, DOWN); el_state = IDLE; el_request_queue_state = NONE; } if ((el_state == SLOW_START_UP) || (el_state == NORMAL_UP)) { el_state = INITIALIZE_TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_UP; el_request_queue_state = IN_PROGRESS_TIMED; el_last_rotate_initiation = millis(); } if ((el_state == SLOW_START_DOWN) || (el_state == NORMAL_DOWN)) { el_state = INITIALIZE_TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_DOWN; el_request_queue_state = IN_PROGRESS_TIMED; el_last_rotate_initiation = millis(); } } else { rotator(DEACTIVATE, UP); rotator(DEACTIVATE, DOWN); el_state = IDLE; el_request_queue_state = NONE; } } else { el_request_queue_state = NONE; // nothing to do, we're already in IDLE state } #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE if (debug_mode) { control_port->println(); } #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE break; // REQUEST_STOP case (REQUEST_KILL): #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE if (debug_mode) { control_port->println(F("REQUEST_KILL")); } #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE stop_all_tracking(); #ifdef FEATURE_PARK deactivate_park(); #endif // FEATURE_PARK rotator(DEACTIVATE, UP); rotator(DEACTIVATE, DOWN); el_state = IDLE; el_request_queue_state = NONE; #ifdef DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE if (debug_mode) { control_port->println(); } #endif // DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUEST_QUEUE break; // REQUEST_KILL } /* switch */ #ifdef FEATURE_LCD_DISPLAY if (el_request_queue_state != IN_QUEUE) {push_lcd_update = 1;} #endif //FEATURE_LCD_DISPLAY } // (el_request_queue_state == IN_QUEUE) #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL } /* service_request_queue */ // -------------------------------------------------------------- void check_for_dirty_configuration(){ static unsigned long last_config_write_time = 0; if ((configuration_dirty) && ((millis() - last_config_write_time) > (EEPROM_WRITE_DIRTY_CONFIG_TIME * 1000))) { write_settings_to_eeprom(); last_config_write_time = millis(); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------- byte current_az_state(){ if ((az_state == SLOW_START_CW) || (az_state == NORMAL_CW) || (az_state == SLOW_DOWN_CW) || (az_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CW)) { return ROTATING_CW; } if ((az_state == SLOW_START_CCW) || (az_state == NORMAL_CCW) || (az_state == SLOW_DOWN_CCW) || (az_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_CCW)) { return ROTATING_CCW; } return NOT_DOING_ANYTHING; } // -------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL byte current_el_state(){ if ((el_state == SLOW_START_UP) || (el_state == NORMAL_UP) || (el_state == SLOW_DOWN_UP) || (el_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_UP)) { return ROTATING_UP; } if ((el_state == SLOW_START_DOWN) || (el_state == NORMAL_DOWN) || (el_state == SLOW_DOWN_DOWN) || (el_state == TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_DOWN)) { return ROTATING_DOWN; } return NOT_DOING_ANYTHING; } #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL // -------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT void az_position_pulse_interrupt_handler(){ #ifdef DEBUG_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT // az_position_pule_interrupt_handler_flag++; az_pulse_counter++; #endif // DEBUG_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT if (current_az_state() == ROTATING_CW) { az_position_pulse_input_azimuth += AZ_POSITION_PULSE_DEG_PER_PULSE; last_known_az_state = ROTATING_CW; } else { if (current_az_state() == ROTATING_CCW) { az_position_pulse_input_azimuth -= AZ_POSITION_PULSE_DEG_PER_PULSE; last_known_az_state = ROTATING_CCW; } else { #ifndef OPTION_PULSE_IGNORE_AMBIGUOUS_PULSES if (last_known_az_state == ROTATING_CW) { az_position_pulse_input_azimuth += AZ_POSITION_PULSE_DEG_PER_PULSE; } else { if (last_known_az_state == ROTATING_CCW) { az_position_pulse_input_azimuth -= AZ_POSITION_PULSE_DEG_PER_PULSE; } } #endif // OPTION_PULSE_IGNORE_AMBIGUOUS_PULSES #ifdef DEBUG_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT az_pulse_counter_ambiguous++; #endif // DEBUG_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT } } #ifdef OPTION_AZ_POSITION_PULSE_HARD_LIMIT if (az_position_pulse_input_azimuth < azimuth_starting_point) { az_position_pulse_input_azimuth = azimuth_starting_point; } if (az_position_pulse_input_azimuth > (azimuth_starting_point + azimuth_rotation_capability)) { az_position_pulse_input_azimuth = (azimuth_starting_point + azimuth_rotation_capability); } #else if (az_position_pulse_input_azimuth < 0) { az_position_pulse_input_azimuth += 360; } if (az_position_pulse_input_azimuth >= 360) { az_position_pulse_input_azimuth -= 360; } #endif // OPTION_AZ_POSITION_PULSE_HARD_LIMIT } /* az_position_pulse_interrupt_handler */ #endif // FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT // -------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL #ifdef FEATURE_EL_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT void el_position_pulse_interrupt_handler(){ #ifdef DEBUG_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT // el_position_pule_interrupt_handler_flag++; el_pulse_counter++; #endif // DEBUG_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT #ifdef OPTION_EL_PULSE_DEBOUNCE //--------------------------------------------- if ((millis()-last_el_pulse_debounce) > EL_POSITION_PULSE_DEBOUNCE) { if (current_el_state() == ROTATING_UP) { el_position_pulse_input_elevation += EL_POSITION_PULSE_DEG_PER_PULSE; last_known_el_state = ROTATING_UP; } else { if (current_el_state() == ROTATING_DOWN) { el_position_pulse_input_elevation -= EL_POSITION_PULSE_DEG_PER_PULSE; last_known_el_state = ROTATING_DOWN; } else { #ifndef OPTION_PULSE_IGNORE_AMBIGUOUS_PULSES if (last_known_el_state == ROTATING_UP) { el_position_pulse_input_elevation += EL_POSITION_PULSE_DEG_PER_PULSE; } else { if (last_known_el_state == ROTATING_DOWN) { el_position_pulse_input_elevation -= EL_POSITION_PULSE_DEG_PER_PULSE; } } #endif // OPTION_PULSE_IGNORE_AMBIGUOUS_PULSES #ifdef DEBUG_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT el_pulse_counter_ambiguous++; #endif // DEBUG_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT } } last_el_pulse_debounce = millis(); } #else //OPTION_EL_PULSE_DEBOUNCE ----------------------- if (current_el_state() == ROTATING_UP) { el_position_pulse_input_elevation += EL_POSITION_PULSE_DEG_PER_PULSE; last_known_el_state = ROTATING_UP; } else { if (current_el_state() == ROTATING_DOWN) { el_position_pulse_input_elevation -= EL_POSITION_PULSE_DEG_PER_PULSE; last_known_el_state = ROTATING_DOWN; } else { #ifndef OPTION_PULSE_IGNORE_AMBIGUOUS_PULSES if (last_known_el_state == ROTATING_UP) { el_position_pulse_input_elevation += EL_POSITION_PULSE_DEG_PER_PULSE; } else { if (last_known_el_state == ROTATING_DOWN) { el_position_pulse_input_elevation -= EL_POSITION_PULSE_DEG_PER_PULSE; } } #endif // OPTION_PULSE_IGNORE_AMBIGUOUS_PULSES #ifdef DEBUG_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT el_pulse_counter_ambiguous++; #endif // DEBUG_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT } } #endif //OPTION_EL_PULSE_DEBOUNCE -------------------------- #ifdef OPTION_EL_POSITION_PULSE_HARD_LIMIT if (el_position_pulse_input_elevation < 0) { el_position_pulse_input_elevation = 0; } if (el_position_pulse_input_elevation > ELEVATION_MAXIMUM_DEGREES) { el_position_pulse_input_elevation = ELEVATION_MAXIMUM_DEGREES; } #endif // OPTION_EL_POSITION_PULSE_HARD_LIMIT } /* el_position_pulse_interrupt_handler */ #endif // FEATURE_EL_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE) byte submit_remote_command(byte remote_command_to_send, byte parm1, int parm2){ #ifdef FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE char ethernet_send_string[32]; char temp_string[32]; #endif //FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE #ifdef FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE if (ethernetslavelinkclient0_state != ETHERNET_SLAVE_CONNECTED){return 0;} #endif //FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE if ((remote_unit_command_submitted && ((remote_command_to_send == REMOTE_UNIT_AZ_COMMAND) || (remote_command_to_send == REMOTE_UNIT_EL_COMMAND) || (remote_command_to_send == REMOTE_UNIT_CL_COMMAND))) || suspend_remote_commands) { return 0; } else { switch (remote_command_to_send) { case REMOTE_UNIT_CL_COMMAND: #ifdef FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE remote_unit_port->println("CL"); #endif //FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE #ifdef FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE ethernet_slave_link_send("CL"); #endif //FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE #if defined(FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION) || defined(FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION) if (remote_port_tx_sniff) {control_port->println("CL");} #endif remote_unit_command_submitted = REMOTE_UNIT_CL_COMMAND; break; case REMOTE_UNIT_AZ_COMMAND: #ifdef FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE remote_unit_port->println("AZ"); #endif //FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE #ifdef FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE ethernet_slave_link_send("AZ"); #endif //FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE #if defined(FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION) || defined(FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION) if (remote_port_tx_sniff) {control_port->println("AZ");} #endif remote_unit_command_submitted = REMOTE_UNIT_AZ_COMMAND; break; case REMOTE_UNIT_EL_COMMAND: #ifdef FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE remote_unit_port->println("EL"); #endif //FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE #ifdef FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE ethernet_slave_link_send("EL"); #endif //FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE #if defined(FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION) || defined(FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION) if (remote_port_tx_sniff) {control_port->println("EL");} #endif remote_unit_command_submitted = REMOTE_UNIT_EL_COMMAND; break; case REMOTE_UNIT_AW_COMMAND: #ifdef FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE take_care_of_pending_remote_command(); remote_unit_port->print("AW"); parm1 = parm1 - 100; // pin number if (parm1 < 10) {remote_unit_port->print("0");} remote_unit_port->print(parm1); if (parm2 < 10) {remote_unit_port->print("0");} if (parm2 < 100) {remote_unit_port->print("0");} remote_unit_port->println(parm2); #endif //FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE #ifdef FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE take_care_of_pending_remote_command(); strcpy(ethernet_send_string,"AW"); parm1 = parm1 - 100; // pin number if (parm1 < 10) {strcat(ethernet_send_string,"0");} dtostrf(parm1,0,0,temp_string); if (parm2 < 10) {strcat(ethernet_send_string,"0");} if (parm2 < 100) {strcat(ethernet_send_string,"0");} dtostrf(parm2,0,0,temp_string); strcat(ethernet_send_string,temp_string); ethernet_slave_link_send(ethernet_send_string); #endif //FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE remote_unit_command_submitted = REMOTE_UNIT_OTHER_COMMAND; break; case REMOTE_UNIT_DHL_COMMAND: #ifdef FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE take_care_of_pending_remote_command(); remote_unit_port->print("D"); if (parm2 == HIGH) {remote_unit_port->print("H");} else {remote_unit_port->print("L");} parm1 = parm1 - 100; if (parm1 < 10) {remote_unit_port->print("0");} remote_unit_port->println(parm1); #endif //FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE #ifdef FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE take_care_of_pending_remote_command(); strcpy(ethernet_send_string,"D"); if (parm2 == HIGH) {strcat(ethernet_send_string,"H");} else {strcat(ethernet_send_string,"L");} parm1 = parm1 - 100; if (parm1 < 10) {strcat(ethernet_send_string,"0");} dtostrf(parm1,0,0,temp_string); strcat(ethernet_send_string,temp_string); ethernet_slave_link_send(ethernet_send_string); #endif //FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE remote_unit_command_submitted = REMOTE_UNIT_OTHER_COMMAND; break; case REMOTE_UNIT_DOI_COMMAND: #ifdef FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE take_care_of_pending_remote_command(); remote_unit_port->print("D"); if (parm2 == OUTPUT) {remote_unit_port->print("O");} else {remote_unit_port->print("I");} parm1 = parm1 - 100; if (parm1 < 10) {remote_unit_port->print("0");} remote_unit_port->println(parm1); remote_unit_command_submitted = REMOTE_UNIT_OTHER_COMMAND; // get_remote_port_ok_response(); #endif //FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE #ifdef FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE take_care_of_pending_remote_command(); strcpy(ethernet_send_string,"D"); if (parm2 == OUTPUT) {strcat(ethernet_send_string,"O");} else {strcat(ethernet_send_string,"I");} parm1 = parm1 - 100; if (parm1 < 10) {strcat(ethernet_send_string,"0");} dtostrf(parm1,0,0,temp_string); strcat(ethernet_send_string,temp_string); ethernet_slave_link_send(ethernet_send_string); remote_unit_command_submitted = REMOTE_UNIT_OTHER_COMMAND; #endif //FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE break; case REMOTE_UNIT_GS_COMMAND: #ifdef FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE remote_unit_port->println("GS"); #endif //FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE #ifdef FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE ethernet_slave_link_send("GS"); #endif //FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE #if defined(FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION) || defined(FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION) if (remote_port_tx_sniff) {control_port->println("GS");} #endif remote_unit_command_submitted = REMOTE_UNIT_GS_COMMAND; break; case REMOTE_UNIT_RC_COMMAND: #ifdef FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE remote_unit_port->println("RC"); #endif //FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE #ifdef FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE ethernet_slave_link_send("RC"); #endif //FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE #if defined(FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION) || defined(FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION) if (remote_port_tx_sniff) {control_port->println("RC");} #endif remote_unit_command_submitted = REMOTE_UNIT_RC_COMMAND; break; } /* switch */ last_remote_unit_command_time = millis(); remote_unit_command_results_available = 0; return 1; } } /* submit_remote_command */ #endif // defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE) // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE) byte is_ascii_number(byte char_in){ if ((char_in > 47) && (char_in < 58)) { return 1; } else { return 0; } }\ #endif // defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE) // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE) void service_remote_communications_incoming_buffer(){ #if defined(FEATURE_CLOCK) && defined(OPTION_SYNC_MASTER_CLOCK_TO_SLAVE) int temp_year = 0; byte temp_month = 0; byte temp_day = 0; byte temp_minute = 0; byte temp_hour = 0; byte temp_sec = 0; #endif // defined(FEATURE_CLOCK) && defined(OPTION_SYNC_MASTER_CLOCK_TO_SLAVE) float temp_float_latitude = 0; float temp_float_longitude = 0; byte good_data = 0; if (remote_unit_port_buffer_carriage_return_flag) { #ifdef DEBUG_SVC_REMOTE_COMM_INCOMING_BUFFER debug_print("service_remote_communications_incoming_buffer: remote_unit_port_buffer_index: "); debug_print_int(remote_unit_port_buffer_index); debug_print(" buffer: "); for (int x = 0; x < remote_unit_port_buffer_index; x++) { debug_write((char*)remote_unit_port_buffer[x]); debug_println("$"); } #endif // DEBUG_SVC_REMOTE_COMM_INCOMING_BUFFER if (remote_unit_command_submitted) { // this was a solicited response switch (remote_unit_command_submitted) { case REMOTE_UNIT_RC_COMMAND: //RC+40.9946 -075.6596 if ((remote_unit_port_buffer[0] == 'R') && (remote_unit_port_buffer[1] == 'C') && (remote_unit_port_buffer[5] == '.') && (remote_unit_port_buffer[10] == ' ') && (remote_unit_port_buffer[15] == '.')){ temp_float_latitude = ((remote_unit_port_buffer[3]-48)*10) + (remote_unit_port_buffer[4]-48) + ((remote_unit_port_buffer[6]-48)/10.0) + ((remote_unit_port_buffer[7]-48)/100.0) + ((remote_unit_port_buffer[8]-48)/1000.0) + ((remote_unit_port_buffer[9]-48)/10000.0); if (remote_unit_port_buffer[2] == '-') { temp_float_latitude = temp_float_latitude * -1; } temp_float_longitude = ((remote_unit_port_buffer[12]-48)*100) + ((remote_unit_port_buffer[13]-48)*10) + (remote_unit_port_buffer[14]-48) + ((remote_unit_port_buffer[16]-48)/10.0)+ ((remote_unit_port_buffer[17]-48)/100.0) + ((remote_unit_port_buffer[18]-48)/1000.0) + ((remote_unit_port_buffer[19]-48)/10000.0); if (remote_unit_port_buffer[11] == '-') { temp_float_longitude = temp_float_longitude * -1; } if ((temp_float_latitude <= 90) && (temp_float_latitude >= -90) && (temp_float_longitude <= 180) && (temp_float_longitude >= -180)){ latitude = temp_float_latitude; longitude = temp_float_longitude; #ifdef DEBUG_SYNC_MASTER_COORDINATES_TO_SLAVE debug_println("service_remote_communications_incoming_buffer: coordinates synced to slave"); #endif //DEBUG_SYNC_MASTER_COORDINATES_TO_SLAVE } good_data = 1; } break; case REMOTE_UNIT_GS_COMMAND: if ((remote_unit_port_buffer[0] == 'G') && (remote_unit_port_buffer[1] == 'S')){ if (remote_unit_port_buffer[2] == '1'){ if (clock_status == SLAVE_SYNC) {clock_status = SLAVE_SYNC_GPS;} good_data = 1; } else { if (remote_unit_port_buffer[2] == '0') {good_data = 1;} } } break; case REMOTE_UNIT_CL_COMMAND: if ((remote_unit_port_buffer[0] == 'C') && (remote_unit_port_buffer[1] == 'L') && (remote_unit_port_buffer[12] == ' ') && (remote_unit_port_buffer[21] == 'Z')) { #if defined(FEATURE_CLOCK) && defined(OPTION_SYNC_MASTER_CLOCK_TO_SLAVE) temp_year = ((remote_unit_port_buffer[2] - 48) * 1000) + ((remote_unit_port_buffer[3] - 48) * 100) + ((remote_unit_port_buffer[4] - 48) * 10) + (remote_unit_port_buffer[5] - 48); temp_month = ((remote_unit_port_buffer[7] - 48) * 10) + (remote_unit_port_buffer[8] - 48); temp_day = ((remote_unit_port_buffer[10] - 48) * 10) + (remote_unit_port_buffer[11] - 48); temp_hour = ((remote_unit_port_buffer[13] - 48) * 10) + (remote_unit_port_buffer[14] - 48); temp_minute = ((remote_unit_port_buffer[16] - 48) * 10) + (remote_unit_port_buffer[17] - 48); temp_sec = ((remote_unit_port_buffer[19] - 48) * 10) + (remote_unit_port_buffer[20] - 48); if ((temp_year > 2013) && (temp_year < 2070) && (temp_month > 0) && (temp_month < 13) && (temp_day > 0) && (temp_day < 32) && (temp_hour >= 0) && (temp_hour < 24) && (temp_minute >= 0) && (temp_minute < 60) && (temp_sec >= 0) && (temp_sec < 60) ) { clock_year_set = temp_year; clock_month_set = temp_month; clock_day_set = temp_day; clock_hour_set = temp_hour; clock_min_set = temp_minute; clock_sec_set = temp_sec; millis_at_last_calibration = millis(); #ifdef DEBUG_SYNC_MASTER_CLOCK_TO_SLAVE debug_println("service_remote_communications_incoming_buffer: clock synced to slave clock"); #endif //DEBUG_SYNC_MASTER_CLOCK_TO_SLAVE good_data = 1; clock_synced_to_remote = 1; if (clock_status == FREE_RUNNING) {clock_status = SLAVE_SYNC;} } else { #ifdef DEBUG_SYNC_MASTER_CLOCK_TO_SLAVE debug_println("service_remote_communications_incoming_buffer: slave clock sync error"); #endif //DEBUG_SYNC_MASTER_CLOCK_TO_SLAVE if ((clock_status == SLAVE_SYNC) || (clock_status == SLAVE_SYNC_GPS)) {clock_status = FREE_RUNNING;} } #endif // defined(FEATURE_CLOCK) && defined(OPTION_SYNC_MASTER_CLOCK_TO_SLAVE) #if !defined(FEATURE_CLOCK) || !defined(OPTION_SYNC_MASTER_CLOCK_TO_SLAVE) good_data = 1; #endif //!defined(FEATURE_CLOCK) || !defined(OPTION_SYNC_MASTER_CLOCK_TO_SLAVE) } else { #if defined(FEATURE_CLOCK) && defined(OPTION_SYNC_MASTER_CLOCK_TO_SLAVE) #ifdef DEBUG_SYNC_MASTER_CLOCK_TO_SLAVE debug_print("service_remote_communications_incoming_buffer: REMOTE_UNIT_CL_COMMAND format error. remote_unit_port_buffer_index: "); debug_print_int(remote_unit_port_buffer_index); debug_println(""); #endif //DEBUG_SYNC_MASTER_CLOCK_TO_SLAVE if ((clock_status == SLAVE_SYNC) || (clock_status == SLAVE_SYNC_GPS)) {clock_status = FREE_RUNNING;} #endif // defined(FEATURE_CLOCK) && defined(OPTION_SYNC_MASTER_CLOCK_TO_SLAVE) } break; case REMOTE_UNIT_AZ_COMMAND: if ((remote_unit_port_buffer_index == 13) && (remote_unit_port_buffer[0] == 'A') && (remote_unit_port_buffer[1] == 'Z') && (is_ascii_number(remote_unit_port_buffer[2])) && (is_ascii_number(remote_unit_port_buffer[3])) && (is_ascii_number(remote_unit_port_buffer[4])) && (is_ascii_number(remote_unit_port_buffer[6])) && (is_ascii_number(remote_unit_port_buffer[7])) && (is_ascii_number(remote_unit_port_buffer[8])) && (is_ascii_number(remote_unit_port_buffer[9])) && (is_ascii_number(remote_unit_port_buffer[10])) && (is_ascii_number(remote_unit_port_buffer[11]))) { remote_unit_command_result_float = ((remote_unit_port_buffer[2] - 48) * 100) + ((remote_unit_port_buffer[3] - 48) * 10) + (remote_unit_port_buffer[4] - 48) + ((remote_unit_port_buffer[6] - 48) / 10.0) + ((remote_unit_port_buffer[7] - 48) / 100.0) + ((remote_unit_port_buffer[8] - 48) / 1000.0) + ((remote_unit_port_buffer[9] - 48) / 10000.0) + ((remote_unit_port_buffer[10] - 48) / 100000.0) + ((remote_unit_port_buffer[11] - 48) / 1000000.0); good_data = 1; } break; case REMOTE_UNIT_EL_COMMAND: if ((remote_unit_port_buffer_index == 14) && (remote_unit_port_buffer[0] == 'E') && (remote_unit_port_buffer[1] == 'L') && (is_ascii_number(remote_unit_port_buffer[3])) && (is_ascii_number(remote_unit_port_buffer[4])) && (is_ascii_number(remote_unit_port_buffer[5])) && (is_ascii_number(remote_unit_port_buffer[7])) && (is_ascii_number(remote_unit_port_buffer[8])) && (is_ascii_number(remote_unit_port_buffer[9])) && (is_ascii_number(remote_unit_port_buffer[10])) && (is_ascii_number(remote_unit_port_buffer[11])) && (is_ascii_number(remote_unit_port_buffer[12]))) { remote_unit_command_result_float = ((remote_unit_port_buffer[3] - 48) * 100) + ((remote_unit_port_buffer[4] - 48) * 10) + (remote_unit_port_buffer[5] - 48) + ((remote_unit_port_buffer[7] - 48) / 10.0) + ((remote_unit_port_buffer[8] - 48) / 100.0) + ((remote_unit_port_buffer[9] - 48) / 1000.0) + ((remote_unit_port_buffer[10] - 48) / 10000.0) + ((remote_unit_port_buffer[11] - 48) / 100000.0) + ((remote_unit_port_buffer[12] - 48) / 1000000.0); if (remote_unit_port_buffer[2] == '+') { good_data = 1; } if (remote_unit_port_buffer[2] == '-') { remote_unit_command_result_float = remote_unit_command_result_float * -1.0; good_data = 1; } } break; case REMOTE_UNIT_OTHER_COMMAND: if ((remote_unit_port_buffer[0] == 'O') && (remote_unit_port_buffer[1] == 'K')) { good_data = 1; } break; } /* switch */ if (good_data) { if (remote_unit_command_submitted != REMOTE_UNIT_OTHER_COMMAND) { remote_unit_command_results_available = remote_unit_command_submitted; } remote_unit_good_results++; #ifdef DEBUG_SVC_REMOTE_COMM_INCOMING_BUFFER debug_print("service_remote_communications_incoming_buffer: remote_unit_command_results_available: "); debug_print_int(remote_unit_command_results_available); debug_print(" remote_unit_command_result_float: "); debug_print_float(remote_unit_command_result_float,2); debug_println(""); #endif // DEBUG_SVC_REMOTE_COMM_INCOMING_BUFFER } else { #ifdef DEBUG_SVC_REMOTE_COMM_INCOMING_BUFFER_BAD_DATA debug_print("service_remote_communications_incoming_buffer: bad data: remote_unit_command_submitted: "); switch (remote_unit_command_submitted) { case REMOTE_UNIT_AZ_COMMAND: debug_print("REMOTE_UNIT_AZ_COMMAND"); break; case REMOTE_UNIT_EL_COMMAND: debug_print("REMOTE_UNIT_EL_COMMAND"); break; case REMOTE_UNIT_OTHER_COMMAND: debug_print("REMOTE_UNIT_OTHER_COMMAND"); break; default: debug_print("UNDEFINED"); break; } debug_print(" buffer_index:"); debug_print_int(remote_unit_port_buffer_index); debug_print(" buffer: "); for (int x = 0; x < remote_unit_port_buffer_index; x++) { debug_write((char*)remote_unit_port_buffer[x]); } debug_println("$"); #endif // DEBUG_SVC_REMOTE_COMM_INCOMING_BUFFER_BAD_DATA remote_unit_command_results_available = 0; remote_unit_bad_results++; } remote_unit_command_submitted = 0; } else { // this was an unsolicited message } remote_unit_port_buffer_carriage_return_flag = 0; remote_unit_port_buffer_index = 0; } // has a command timed out? if ((remote_unit_command_submitted) && ((millis() - last_remote_unit_command_time) > REMOTE_UNIT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT_MS)) { #if defined(FEATURE_CLOCK) && defined(OPTION_SYNC_MASTER_CLOCK_TO_SLAVE) if ((remote_unit_command_submitted == REMOTE_UNIT_CL_COMMAND) && ((clock_status == SLAVE_SYNC) || (clock_status == SLAVE_SYNC_GPS))){ clock_status = FREE_RUNNING; } #endif //defined(FEATURE_CLOCK) && defined(OPTION_SYNC_MASTER_CLOCK_TO_SLAVE) remote_unit_command_timeouts++; remote_unit_command_submitted = 0; remote_unit_port_buffer_index = 0; } // have characters been in the buffer for some time but no carriage return? if ((remote_unit_port_buffer_index) && (!remote_unit_command_submitted) && ((millis() - serial1_last_receive_time) > REMOTE_UNIT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT_MS)) { remote_unit_port_buffer_index = 0; remote_unit_incoming_buffer_timeouts++; } } /* service_remote_communications_incoming_buffer */ #endif // defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE) // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_AZIMUTH_CORRECTION float correct_azimuth(float azimuth_in){ if (sizeof(azimuth_calibration_from) != sizeof(azimuth_calibration_to)) { return azimuth_in; } for (unsigned int x = 0; x < (sizeof(azimuth_calibration_from) - 2); x++) { if ((azimuth_in >= azimuth_calibration_from[x]) && (azimuth_in <= azimuth_calibration_from[x + 1])) { return (map(azimuth_in * 10, azimuth_calibration_from[x] * 10, azimuth_calibration_from[x + 1] * 10, azimuth_calibration_to[x] * 10, azimuth_calibration_to[x + 1] * 10)) / 10.0; } } return(azimuth_in); } #endif // FEATURE_AZIMUTH_CORRECTION // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CORRECTION float correct_elevation(float elevation_in){ if (sizeof(elevation_calibration_from) != sizeof(elevation_calibration_to)) { return elevation_in; } for (unsigned int x = 0; x < (sizeof(elevation_calibration_from) - 2); x++) { if ((elevation_in >= elevation_calibration_from[x]) && (elevation_in <= elevation_calibration_from[x + 1])) { long x = (elevation_in*10); long in_min = (elevation_calibration_from[x]*10); long in_max = (elevation_calibration_from[x+1]*10); long out_min = (elevation_calibration_to[x]*10); long out_max =(elevation_calibration_to[x+1]*10); return (map(x,in_min,in_max,out_min,out_max)) / 10.0; } } return(elevation_in); } #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CORRECTION // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_JOYSTICK_CONTROL void check_joystick(){ int joystick_x = 0; int joystick_y = 0; static int joystick_resting_x = 0; static int joystick_resting_y = 0; static unsigned long last_joystick_az_action_time = 0; static byte joystick_azimuth_rotation = NOT_DOING_ANYTHING; #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL static byte joystick_elevation_rotation = NOT_DOING_ANYTHING; static unsigned long last_joystick_el_action_time = 0; #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL if ((joystick_resting_x == 0) || (joystick_resting_y == 0)) { // initialize the resting readings if this is our first time here joystick_resting_x = analogReadEnhanced(pin_joystick_x); joystick_resting_y = analogReadEnhanced(pin_joystick_y); } else { joystick_x = analogReadEnhanced(pin_joystick_x); joystick_y = analogReadEnhanced(pin_joystick_y); if ((millis() - last_joystick_az_action_time) > JOYSTICK_WAIT_TIME_MS) { #ifdef DEBUG_JOYSTICK static unsigned long last_debug_joystick_status = 0; if ((debug_mode) && ((millis() - last_debug_joystick_status) > 1000)) { control_port->print("check_joystick: x: "); control_port->print(joystick_x); control_port->print("\ty: "); control_port->println(joystick_y); last_debug_joystick_status = millis(); } #endif // DEBUG_JOYSTICK #ifndef OPTION_JOYSTICK_REVERSE_X_AXIS if ((joystick_resting_x - joystick_x) < (joystick_resting_x * -0.2)) { // left #else if ((joystick_resting_x - joystick_x) > (joystick_resting_x * 0.2)) { #endif #ifdef DEBUG_JOYSTICK if (debug_mode) { control_port->println("check_joystick: L"); } #endif // DEBUG_JOYSTICK if (current_az_state() != ROTATING_CCW) { submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_CCW, 0, 1); } joystick_azimuth_rotation = ROTATING_CCW; last_joystick_az_action_time = millis(); } else { #ifndef OPTION_JOYSTICK_REVERSE_X_AXIS if ((joystick_resting_x - joystick_x) > (joystick_resting_x * 0.2)) { // right #else if ((joystick_resting_x - joystick_x) < (joystick_resting_x * -0.2)) { #endif #ifdef DEBUG_JOYSTICK if (debug_mode) { control_port->println("check_joystick: R"); } #endif // DEBUG_JOYSTICK if (current_az_state() != ROTATING_CW) { submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_CW, 0, 2); } joystick_azimuth_rotation = ROTATING_CW; last_joystick_az_action_time = millis(); } else { // joystick is in X axis resting position if (joystick_azimuth_rotation != NOT_DOING_ANYTHING) { if (current_az_state() != NOT_DOING_ANYTHING) { submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_STOP, 0, 3); last_joystick_az_action_time = millis(); } joystick_azimuth_rotation = NOT_DOING_ANYTHING; } } } } #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL if ((millis() - last_joystick_el_action_time) > JOYSTICK_WAIT_TIME_MS) { #ifndef OPTION_JOYSTICK_REVERSE_Y_AXIS if ((joystick_resting_y - joystick_y) > (joystick_resting_y * 0.2)) { // down #else if ((joystick_resting_y - joystick_y) < (joystick_resting_y * -0.2)) { #endif #ifdef DEBUG_JOYSTICK if (debug_mode) { control_port->println("check_joystick: D"); } #endif // DEBUG_JOYSTICK if (current_el_state() != ROTATING_DOWN) { submit_request(EL, REQUEST_DOWN, 0, 4); } joystick_elevation_rotation = ROTATING_DOWN; last_joystick_el_action_time = millis(); } else { #ifndef OPTION_JOYSTICK_REVERSE_Y_AXIS if ((joystick_resting_y - joystick_y) < (joystick_resting_y * -0.2)) { // up #else if ((joystick_resting_y - joystick_y) > (joystick_resting_y * 0.2)) { #endif #ifdef DEBUG_JOYSTICK if (debug_mode) { control_port->println("check_joystick: U"); } #endif // DEBUG_JOYSTICK if (current_el_state() != ROTATING_UP) { submit_request(EL, REQUEST_UP, 0, 5); } joystick_elevation_rotation = ROTATING_UP; last_joystick_el_action_time = millis(); } else { // Y axis is in resting position if (joystick_elevation_rotation != NOT_DOING_ANYTHING) { if (current_el_state() != NOT_DOING_ANYTHING) { submit_request(EL, REQUEST_STOP, 0, 6); last_joystick_el_action_time = millis(); } joystick_elevation_rotation = NOT_DOING_ANYTHING; } } } } #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL } } /* check_joystick */ #endif // FEATURE_JOYSTICK_CONTROL // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_ROTATION_INDICATOR_PIN void service_rotation_indicator_pin(){ static byte rotation_indication_pin_state = 0; static unsigned long time_rotation_went_inactive = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL if ((!rotation_indication_pin_state) && ((az_state != IDLE) || (el_state != IDLE))) { #else if ((!rotation_indication_pin_state) && ((az_state != IDLE))) { #endif if (rotation_indication_pin) { digitalWriteEnhanced(rotation_indication_pin, ROTATION_INDICATOR_PIN_ACTIVE_STATE); } rotation_indication_pin_state = 1; #ifdef DEBUG_ROTATION_INDICATION_PIN if (debug_mode) { control_port->println(F("service_rotation_indicator_pin: active")); } #endif } #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL if ((rotation_indication_pin_state) && (az_state == IDLE) && (el_state == IDLE)) { #else if ((rotation_indication_pin_state) && (az_state == IDLE)) { #endif if (time_rotation_went_inactive == 0) { time_rotation_went_inactive = millis(); } else { if ((millis() - time_rotation_went_inactive) >= ((ROTATION_INDICATOR_PIN_TIME_DELAY_SECONDS * 1000) + (ROTATION_INDICATOR_PIN_TIME_DELAY_MINUTES * 60 * 1000))) { if (rotation_indication_pin) { digitalWriteEnhanced(rotation_indication_pin, ROTATION_INDICATOR_PIN_INACTIVE_STATE); } rotation_indication_pin_state = 0; time_rotation_went_inactive = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_ROTATION_INDICATION_PIN if (debug_mode) { control_port->println(F("service_rotation_indicator_pin: inactive")); } #endif } } } } /* service_rotation_indicator_pin */ #endif // FEATURE_ROTATION_INDICATOR_PIN // -------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_PARK void deactivate_park(){ park_status = NOT_PARKED; park_serial_initiated = 0; } #endif // FEATURE_PARK // -------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_PARK void initiate_park(){ #ifdef DEBUG_PARK control_port->println(F("initiate_park: park initiated")); #endif // DEBUG_PARK byte park_initiated = 0; stop_all_tracking(); if (abs(raw_azimuth - PARK_AZIMUTH) > (AZIMUTH_TOLERANCE * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) { submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_AZIMUTH_RAW, PARK_AZIMUTH, 7); park_initiated = 1; } #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL if (abs(elevation - PARK_ELEVATION) > (ELEVATION_TOLERANCE * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) { submit_request(EL, REQUEST_ELEVATION, PARK_ELEVATION, 8); park_initiated = 1; } #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL if (park_initiated) { park_status = PARK_INITIATED; } else { park_status = PARKED; } } /* initiate_park */ #endif // FEATURE_PARK // -------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_PARK void service_park(){ static byte last_park_status = NOT_PARKED; if (park_status == PARKED) { if (abs(raw_azimuth - PARK_AZIMUTH) > (AZIMUTH_TOLERANCE * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) { park_status = NOT_PARKED; } #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL if (abs(elevation - PARK_ELEVATION) > (ELEVATION_TOLERANCE * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) { park_status = NOT_PARKED; } #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL } if (park_status != last_park_status) { switch (park_status) { case NOT_PARKED: if (park_in_progress_pin) { digitalWriteEnhanced(park_in_progress_pin, LOW); } if (parked_pin) { digitalWriteEnhanced(parked_pin, LOW); } #ifdef DEBUG_PARK control_port->println(F("service_park: park_in_progress_pin: LOW parked_pin: LOW")); #endif // DEBUG_PARK break; case PARK_INITIATED: if (park_in_progress_pin) { digitalWriteEnhanced(park_in_progress_pin, HIGH); } if (parked_pin) { digitalWriteEnhanced(parked_pin, LOW); } #ifdef DEBUG_PARK control_port->println(F("service_park: park_in_progress_pin: HIGH parked_pin: LOW")); #endif // DEBUG_PARK break; case PARKED: if (park_in_progress_pin) { digitalWriteEnhanced(park_in_progress_pin, LOW); } if (parked_pin) { digitalWriteEnhanced(parked_pin, HIGH); } if (park_serial_initiated) { #if defined(FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION) || defined(FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION) control_port->println(F("Parked.")); #endif park_serial_initiated = 0; } #ifdef DEBUG_PARK control_port->println(F("service_park: park_in_progress_pin: LOW parked_pin: HIGH")); #endif // DEBUG_PARK break; } /* switch */ } last_park_status = park_status; } /* service_park */ #endif // FEATURE_PARK // -------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_LIMIT_SENSE void check_limit_sense(){ static byte az_limit_tripped = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL static byte el_limit_tripped = 0; #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL if (az_limit_sense_pin) { if (digitalReadEnhanced(az_limit_sense_pin) == 0) { if (!az_limit_tripped) { submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_KILL, 0, 9); az_limit_tripped = 1; #ifdef DEBUG_LIMIT_SENSE control_port->println(F("check_limit_sense: az limit tripped")); #endif // DEBUG_LIMIT_SENSE } } else { az_limit_tripped = 0; } } #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL if (el_limit_sense_pin) { if (digitalReadEnhanced(el_limit_sense_pin) == 0) { if (!el_limit_tripped) { submit_request(EL, REQUEST_KILL, 0, 10); el_limit_tripped = 1; #ifdef DEBUG_LIMIT_SENSE control_port->println(F("check_limit_sense: el limit tripped")); #endif // DEBUG_LIMIT_SENSE } } else { el_limit_tripped = 0; } } #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL } /* check_limit_sense */ #endif // FEATURE_LIMIT_SENSE // -------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER void az_position_incremental_encoder_interrupt_handler(){ byte rotation_result = 0; byte current_phase_a = digitalReadEnhanced(az_incremental_encoder_pin_phase_a); byte current_phase_b = digitalReadEnhanced(az_incremental_encoder_pin_phase_b); byte current_phase_z = digitalReadEnhanced(az_incremental_encoder_pin_phase_z); #ifdef DEBUG_AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER az_position_incremental_encoder_interrupt++; #endif // DEBUG_AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER if ((az_3_phase_encoder_last_phase_a_state != current_phase_a) || (az_3_phase_encoder_last_phase_b_state != current_phase_b)) { if (az_3_phase_encoder_last_phase_a_state == LOW) { rotation_result++; } rotation_result = rotation_result << 1; if (az_3_phase_encoder_last_phase_b_state == LOW) { rotation_result++; } rotation_result = rotation_result << 1; if (current_phase_a == LOW) { rotation_result++; } rotation_result = rotation_result << 1; if (current_phase_b == LOW) { rotation_result++; } switch (rotation_result) { case B0010: //az_incremental_encoder_position++; break; case B1011: //az_incremental_encoder_position++; break; case B1101: //az_incremental_encoder_position++; break; case B0100: az_incremental_encoder_position++; break; case B0001: //az_incremental_encoder_position--; break; case B0111: //az_incremental_encoder_position--; break; case B1110: //az_incremental_encoder_position--; break; case B1000: az_incremental_encoder_position--; break; } if (az_incremental_encoder_position > ((int(AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_PULSES_PER_REV*4.) - 1) * 2)) { az_incremental_encoder_position = 0; } if (az_incremental_encoder_position < 0) { az_incremental_encoder_position = ((int(AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_PULSES_PER_REV*4.) - 1) * 2); } #ifndef OPTION_SCANCON_2RMHF3600_INC_ENCODER if ((current_phase_a == LOW) && (current_phase_b == LOW) && (current_phase_z == LOW)) { if ((az_incremental_encoder_position < int((AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_PULSES_PER_REV*4.) / 2)) || (az_incremental_encoder_position > int((AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_PULSES_PER_REV*4.) * 1.5))) { az_incremental_encoder_position = AZ_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_ZERO_PULSE_POSITION; } else { az_incremental_encoder_position = int(AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_PULSES_PER_REV*4.); } } #else if ((current_phase_a == HIGH) && (current_phase_b == HIGH) && (current_phase_z == HIGH)) { if ((az_incremental_encoder_position < int((AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_PULSES_PER_REV*4.) / 2)) || (az_incremental_encoder_position > int((AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_PULSES_PER_REV*4.) * 1.5))) { az_incremental_encoder_position = AZ_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_ZERO_PULSE_POSITION; } else { az_incremental_encoder_position = int(AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_PULSES_PER_REV*4.); } } #endif //OPTION_SCANCON_2RMHF3600_INC_ENCODER az_3_phase_encoder_last_phase_a_state = current_phase_a; az_3_phase_encoder_last_phase_b_state = current_phase_b; } if (!read_azimuth_lock){ read_azimuth(1); if(!service_rotation_lock){ service_rotation(); } } } /* az_position_incremental_encoder_interrupt_handler */ #endif // FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER // -------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER) && defined(FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL) void el_position_incremental_encoder_interrupt_handler(){ byte rotation_result = 0; byte current_phase_a = digitalReadEnhanced(el_incremental_encoder_pin_phase_a); byte current_phase_b = digitalReadEnhanced(el_incremental_encoder_pin_phase_b); byte current_phase_z = digitalReadEnhanced(el_incremental_encoder_pin_phase_z); #ifdef DEBUG_EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER el_position_incremental_encoder_interrupt++; #endif // DEBUG_EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER if ((el_3_phase_encoder_last_phase_a_state != current_phase_a) || (el_3_phase_encoder_last_phase_b_state != current_phase_b)) { if (el_3_phase_encoder_last_phase_a_state == LOW) { rotation_result++; } rotation_result = rotation_result << 1; if (el_3_phase_encoder_last_phase_b_state == LOW) { rotation_result++; } rotation_result = rotation_result << 1; if (current_phase_a == LOW) { rotation_result++; } rotation_result = rotation_result << 1; if (current_phase_b == LOW) { rotation_result++; } switch (rotation_result) { case B0010: //el_incremental_encoder_position++; break; case B1011: //el_incremental_encoder_position++; break; case B1101: //el_incremental_encoder_position++; break; case B0100: el_incremental_encoder_position++; break; case B0001: //el_incremental_encoder_position--; break; case B0111: //el_incremental_encoder_position--; break; case B1110: //el_incremental_encoder_position--; break; case B1000: el_incremental_encoder_position--; break; } #ifndef OPTION_SCANCON_2RMHF3600_INC_ENCODER if ((current_phase_a == LOW) && (current_phase_b == LOW) && (current_phase_z == LOW)) { el_incremental_encoder_position = EL_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_ZERO_PULSE_POSITION; } else { if (el_incremental_encoder_position < 0) { el_incremental_encoder_position = int((EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_PULSES_PER_REV*4.) - 1); } if (el_incremental_encoder_position >= int(EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_PULSES_PER_REV*4.)) { el_incremental_encoder_position = 0; } } #else if ((current_phase_a == HIGH) && (current_phase_b == HIGH) && (current_phase_z == HIGH)) { el_incremental_encoder_position = EL_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_ZERO_PULSE_POSITION; } else { if (el_incremental_encoder_position < 0) { el_incremental_encoder_position = int((EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_PULSES_PER_REV*4.) - 1); } if (el_incremental_encoder_position >= int(EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_PULSES_PER_REV*4.)) { el_incremental_encoder_position = 0; } } #endif //OPTION_SCANCON_2RMHF3600_INC_ENCODER /* if (el_incremental_encoder_position > ((int((EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_PULSES_PER_REV*4.)) - 1) * 2)) { el_incremental_encoder_position = 0; } if (el_incremental_encoder_position < 0) { el_incremental_encoder_position = ((int(((EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_PULSES_PER_REV*4.)*4.)) - 1) * 2); } if ((current_phase_a == LOW) && (current_phase_b == LOW) && (current_phase_z == LOW)) { if ((el_incremental_encoder_position < int((EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_PULSES_PER_REV*4.) / 2)) || (el_incremental_encoder_position > int((EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_PULSES_PER_REV*4.) * 1.5))) { el_incremental_encoder_position = 0; } else { el_incremental_encoder_position = int((EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_PULSES_PER_REV*4.)); } } */ el_3_phase_encoder_last_phase_a_state = current_phase_a; el_3_phase_encoder_last_phase_b_state = current_phase_b; } if (!read_elevation_lock){ read_elevation(1); if(!service_rotation_lock){ service_rotation(); } } } /* el_position_incremental_encoder_interrupt_handler */ #endif // defined(FEATURE_EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER) && defined(FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL) // -------------------------------------------------------------- void pinModeEnhanced(uint8_t pin, uint8_t mode){ #if !defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) && !defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE) pinMode(pin, mode); #else if (pin < 100) { pinMode(pin, mode); } else { submit_remote_command(REMOTE_UNIT_DHL_COMMAND, pin, mode); } #endif // !defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) && !defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE) } // -------------------------------------------------------------- void digitalWriteEnhanced(uint8_t pin, uint8_t writevalue){ #if !defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) && !defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE) digitalWrite(pin, writevalue); #else if (pin < 100) { digitalWrite(pin, writevalue); } else { submit_remote_command(REMOTE_UNIT_DHL_COMMAND, pin, writevalue); } #endif // !defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) && !defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE) } // -------------------------------------------------------------- int digitalReadEnhanced(uint8_t pin){ return digitalRead(pin); } // -------------------------------------------------------------- int analogReadEnhanced(uint8_t pin){ #ifdef OPTION_EXTERNAL_ANALOG_REFERENCE analogReference(EXTERNAL); #endif //OPTION_EXTERNAL_ANALOG_REFERENCE return analogRead(pin); } // -------------------------------------------------------------- void analogWriteEnhanced(uint8_t pin, int writevalue){ #if !defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) && !defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE) analogWrite(pin, writevalue); #else if (pin < 100) { analogWrite(pin, writevalue); } else { submit_remote_command(REMOTE_UNIT_AW_COMMAND, pin, writevalue); } #endif // !defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) && !defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE) } // -------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE) void take_care_of_pending_remote_command(){ // if there's a command already sent to the remote and we're awaiting the response, service the serial buffer and the queue unsigned long start_time = millis(); while ((remote_unit_command_submitted) && ((millis() - start_time) < 200)) { #if defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) check_serial(); #endif //defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) #if defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE) service_ethernet(); #endif //defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE) service_remote_communications_incoming_buffer(); } } #endif // defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE) // -------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING void service_moon_tracking(){ static unsigned long last_check = 0; static byte moon_tracking_activated_by_activate_line = 0; static byte moon_tracking_pin_state = 0; if (moon_tracking_active_pin) { if ((moon_tracking_active) && (!moon_tracking_pin_state)) { digitalWriteEnhanced(moon_tracking_active_pin, HIGH); moon_tracking_pin_state = 1; } if ((!moon_tracking_active) && (moon_tracking_pin_state)) { digitalWriteEnhanced(moon_tracking_active_pin, LOW); moon_tracking_pin_state = 0; } } if (moon_tracking_activate_line) { if ((!moon_tracking_active) && (!digitalReadEnhanced(moon_tracking_activate_line))) { moon_tracking_active = 1; moon_tracking_activated_by_activate_line = 1; } if ((moon_tracking_active) && (digitalReadEnhanced(moon_tracking_activate_line)) && (moon_tracking_activated_by_activate_line)) { moon_tracking_active = 0; moon_tracking_activated_by_activate_line = 0; } } if ((moon_tracking_active) && ((millis() - last_check) > MOON_TRACKING_CHECK_INTERVAL)) { update_time(); update_moon_position(); #ifdef DEBUG_MOON_TRACKING control_port->print(F("service_moon_tracking: AZ: ")); control_port->print(moon_azimuth); control_port->print(" EL: "); control_port->print(moon_elevation); control_port->print(" lat: "); control_port->print(latitude); control_port->print(" long: "); control_port->println(longitude); #endif // DEBUG_MOON_TRACKING if ((moon_azimuth >= MOON_AOS_AZIMUTH_MIN) && (moon_azimuth <= MOON_AOS_AZIMUTH_MAX) && (moon_elevation >= MOON_AOS_ELEVATION_MIN) && (moon_elevation <= MOON_AOS_ELEVATION_MAX)) { submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_AZIMUTH, moon_azimuth * HEADING_MULTIPLIER, 11); submit_request(EL, REQUEST_ELEVATION, moon_elevation * HEADING_MULTIPLIER, 12); if (!moon_visible) { moon_visible = 1; #ifdef DEBUG_MOON_TRACKING control_port->println(F("service_moon_tracking: moon AOS")); #endif // DEBUG_MOON_TRACKING } } else { if (moon_visible) { moon_visible = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_MOON_TRACKING control_port->println(F("service_moon_tracking: moon loss of AOS")); #endif // DEBUG_MOON_TRACKING } else { #ifdef DEBUG_MOON_TRACKING control_port->println(F("service_moon_tracking: moon out of AOS limits")); #endif // DEBUG_MOON_TRACKING } } last_check = millis(); } } /* service_moon_tracking */ #endif // FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING // -------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING void update_sun_position(){ update_time(); c_time.iYear = clock_years; c_time.iMonth = clock_months; c_time.iDay = clock_days; c_time.dHours = clock_hours; c_time.dMinutes = clock_minutes; c_time.dSeconds = clock_seconds; c_loc.dLongitude = longitude; c_loc.dLatitude = latitude; c_sposn.dZenithAngle = 0; c_sposn.dAzimuth = 0; sunpos(c_time, c_loc, &c_sposn); // Convert Zenith angle to elevation sun_elevation = 90. - c_sposn.dZenithAngle; sun_azimuth = c_sposn.dAzimuth; } /* update_sun_position */ #endif // FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING // -------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING void service_sun_tracking(){ static unsigned long last_check = 0; static byte sun_tracking_pin_state = 0; static byte sun_tracking_activated_by_activate_line = 0; if (sun_tracking_active_pin) { if ((sun_tracking_active) && (!sun_tracking_pin_state)) { digitalWriteEnhanced(sun_tracking_active_pin, HIGH); sun_tracking_pin_state = 1; } if ((!sun_tracking_active) && (sun_tracking_pin_state)) { digitalWriteEnhanced(sun_tracking_active_pin, LOW); sun_tracking_pin_state = 0; } } if (sun_tracking_activate_line) { if ((!sun_tracking_active) && (!digitalReadEnhanced(sun_tracking_activate_line))) { sun_tracking_active = 1; sun_tracking_activated_by_activate_line = 1; } if ((sun_tracking_active) && (digitalReadEnhanced(sun_tracking_activate_line)) && (sun_tracking_activated_by_activate_line)) { sun_tracking_active = 0; sun_tracking_activated_by_activate_line = 0; } } if ((sun_tracking_active) && ((millis() - last_check) > SUN_TRACKING_CHECK_INTERVAL)) { update_time(); update_sun_position(); #ifdef DEBUG_SUN_TRACKING control_port->print(F("service_sun_tracking: AZ: ")); control_port->print(sun_azimuth); control_port->print(" EL: "); control_port->print(sun_elevation); control_port->print(" lat: "); control_port->print(latitude); control_port->print(" long: "); control_port->println(longitude); #endif // DEBUG_SUN_TRACKING if ((sun_azimuth >= SUN_AOS_AZIMUTH_MIN) && (sun_azimuth <= SUN_AOS_AZIMUTH_MAX) && (sun_elevation >= SUN_AOS_ELEVATION_MIN) && (sun_elevation <= SUN_AOS_ELEVATION_MAX)) { submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_AZIMUTH, sun_azimuth * HEADING_MULTIPLIER, 13); submit_request(EL, REQUEST_ELEVATION, sun_elevation * HEADING_MULTIPLIER, 14); if (!sun_visible) { sun_visible = 1; #ifdef DEBUG_SUN_TRACKING control_port->println(F("service_sun_tracking: sun AOS")); #endif // DEBUG_SUN_TRACKING } } else { if (sun_visible) { sun_visible = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_SUN_TRACKING control_port->println(F("service_sun_tracking: sun loss of AOS")); #endif // DEBUG_SUN_TRACKING } else { #ifdef DEBUG_SUN_TRACKING control_port->println(F("service_sun_tracking: sun out of AOS limits")); #endif // DEBUG_SUN_TRACKING } } last_check = millis(); } } /* service_sun_tracking */ #endif // FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING // -------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_CLOCK void update_time(){ unsigned long runtime = millis() - millis_at_last_calibration; unsigned long time = (3600L * clock_hour_set) + (60L * clock_min_set) + clock_sec_set + ((runtime + (runtime * INTERNAL_CLOCK_CORRECTION)) / 1000.0); clock_years = clock_year_set; clock_months = clock_month_set; clock_days = time / 86400L; time -= clock_days * 86400L; clock_days += clock_day_set; clock_hours = time / 3600L; switch (clock_months) { case 1: case 3: case 5: case 7: case 8: case 10: case 12: if (clock_days > 31) { clock_days = 1; clock_months++; } break; case 2: if ((float(clock_years) / 4.0) == 0.0) { // do we have a leap year? if (clock_days > 29) { clock_days = 1; clock_months++; } } else { if (clock_days > 28) { clock_days = 1; clock_months++; } } break; case 4: case 6: case 9: case 11: if (clock_days > 30) { clock_days = 1; clock_months++; } break; } /* switch */ if (clock_months > 12) { clock_months = 1; clock_years++; } time -= clock_hours * 3600L; clock_minutes = time / 60L; time -= clock_minutes * 60L; clock_seconds = time; } /* update_time */ #endif // FEATURE_CLOCK // -------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_GPS void service_gps(){ long gps_lat, gps_lon; unsigned long fix_age; int gps_year; byte gps_month, gps_day, gps_hours, gps_minutes, gps_seconds, gps_hundredths; byte gps_sync_pin_active = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_GPS char tempstring[10] = ""; #endif //#ifdef DEBUG_GPS static unsigned long last_sync = 0; if (gps_data_available) { // retrieves +/- lat/long in 100000ths of a degree gps.get_position(&gps_lat, &gps_lon, &fix_age); gps.crack_datetime(&gps_year, &gps_month, &gps_day, &gps_hours, &gps_minutes, &gps_seconds, &gps_hundredths, &fix_age); #ifdef DEBUG_GPS #ifdef DEBUG_GPS_SERIAL debug_println(""); #endif //DEBUG_GPS_SERIAL debug_print("service_gps: fix_age:"); debug_print_int(fix_age); debug_print(" lat:"); debug_print_float(gps_lat,4); debug_print(" long:"); debug_print_float(gps_lon,4); debug_print(" "); debug_print_int(gps_year); debug_print("-"); debug_print_int(gps_month); debug_print("-"); debug_print_int(gps_day); debug_print(" "); debug_print_int(gps_hours); debug_print(":"); debug_print_int(gps_minutes); debug_println(""); #endif // DEBUG_GPS if (fix_age < GPS_VALID_FIX_AGE_MS) { if (SYNC_TIME_WITH_GPS) { clock_year_set = gps_year; clock_month_set = gps_month; clock_day_set = gps_day; clock_hour_set = gps_hours; clock_min_set = gps_minutes; clock_sec_set = gps_seconds; millis_at_last_calibration = millis() - GPS_UPDATE_LATENCY_COMPENSATION_MS; update_time(); #ifdef DEBUG_GPS #ifdef DEBUG_GPS_SERIAL debug_println(""); #endif //DEBUG_GPS_SERIAL debug_print("service_gps: clock sync:"); sprintf(tempstring,"%s",clock_string()); debug_print(tempstring); debug_println(""); #endif // DEBUG_GPS } #if defined(OPTION_SYNC_RTC_TO_GPS) && defined(FEATURE_RTC_DS1307) static unsigned long last_rtc_gps_sync_time; if ((millis() - last_rtc_gps_sync_time) >= (SYNC_RTC_TO_GPS_SECONDS * 1000)) { rtc.adjust(DateTime(gps_year, gps_month, gps_day, gps_hours, gps_minutes, gps_seconds)); #ifdef DEBUG_RTC debug_println("service_gps: synced RTC"); #endif // DEBUG_RTC last_rtc_gps_sync_time = millis(); } #endif // defined(OPTION_SYNC_RTC_TO_GPS) && defined(FEATURE_RTC_DS1307) #if defined(OPTION_SYNC_RTC_TO_GPS) && defined(FEATURE_RTC_PCF8583) static unsigned long last_rtc_gps_sync_time; if ((millis() - last_rtc_gps_sync_time) >= (SYNC_RTC_TO_GPS_SECONDS * 1000)) { rtc.year = gps_year; rtc.month = gps_month; rtc.day = gps_day; rtc.hour = gps_hours; rtc.minute = gps_minutes; rtc.second = gps_seconds; rtc.set_time(); #ifdef DEBUG_RTC debug_println("service_gps: synced RTC"); #endif // DEBUG_RTC last_rtc_gps_sync_time = millis(); } #endif // defined(OPTION_SYNC_RTC_TO_GPS) && defined(FEATURE_RTC_PCF8583) #if defined(FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING) || defined(FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING) || defined(FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE) if (SYNC_COORDINATES_WITH_GPS) { latitude = float(gps_lat) / 1000000.0; longitude = float(gps_lon) / 1000000.0; #ifdef DEBUG_GPS debug_print("service_gps: coord sync:"); debug_print_float(latitude,2); debug_print(" "); debug_print_float(longitude,2); debug_println(""); #endif // DEBUG_GPS } #endif // defined(FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING) || defined(FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING) last_sync = millis(); } gps_data_available = 0; } if ((millis() > (GPS_SYNC_PERIOD_SECONDS * 1000)) && ((millis() - last_sync) < (GPS_SYNC_PERIOD_SECONDS * 1000)) && (SYNC_TIME_WITH_GPS)) { clock_status = GPS_SYNC; if ((!gps_sync_pin_active) && (gps_sync)){ digitalWriteEnhanced(gps_sync,HIGH); gps_sync_pin_active = 1; } } else { if (clock_status == GPS_SYNC) { clock_status = FREE_RUNNING; if (gps_sync_pin_active){ digitalWriteEnhanced(gps_sync,LOW); gps_sync_pin_active = 0; } } } } /* service_gps */ #endif // FEATURE_GPS // -------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING void update_moon_position(){ update_time(); double RA, Dec, topRA, topDec, LST, HA, dist; update_time(); moon2(clock_years, clock_months, clock_days, (clock_hours + (clock_minutes / 60.0) + (clock_seconds / 3600.0)), longitude, latitude, &RA, &Dec, &topRA, &topDec, &LST, &HA, &moon_azimuth, &moon_elevation, &dist); } #endif // FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING // -------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING) || defined(FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING) byte calibrate_az_el(float new_az, float new_el){ #ifdef DEBUG_OFFSET control_port->print("calibrate_az_el: new_az:"); control_port->print(new_az, 2); control_port->print(" new_el:"); control_port->println(new_el, 2); #endif // DEBUG_OFFSET if ((new_az >= 0 ) && (new_az <= 360) && (new_el >= 0) && (new_el <= 90)) { configuration.azimuth_offset = 0; configuration.elevation_offset = 0; read_azimuth(1); read_elevation(1); #ifdef DEBUG_OFFSET control_port->print("calibrate_az_el: az:"); control_port->print(azimuth / LCD_HEADING_MULTIPLIER, 2); control_port->print(" el:"); control_port->println(elevation / LCD_HEADING_MULTIPLIER, 2); #endif // DEBUG_OFFSET configuration.azimuth_offset = new_az - (float(azimuth) / float(HEADING_MULTIPLIER)); #if defined(FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL) configuration.elevation_offset = new_el - (float(elevation) / float(HEADING_MULTIPLIER)); #endif configuration_dirty = 1; return 1; } else { return 0; } } /* calibrate_az_el */ #endif // defined(FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING) || defined(FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING) // -------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_RTC void service_rtc(){ static unsigned long last_rtc_sync_time = 0; if (((millis() - last_rtc_sync_time) >= (SYNC_WITH_RTC_SECONDS * 1000)) || (clock_status == FREE_RUNNING)){ last_rtc_sync_time = millis(); #ifdef FEATURE_GPS if (clock_status == GPS_SYNC) { // if we're also equipped with GPS and we're synced to it, don't sync to realtime clock #ifdef DEBUG_RTC debug_println("service_rtc: synced to GPS already. Exiting."); #endif // DEBUG_RTC return; } #endif // FEATURE_GPS #ifdef FEATURE_RTC_DS1307 if (rtc.isrunning()) { DateTime now = rtc.now(); #ifdef DEBUG_RTC debug_print("service_rtc: syncing: "); debug_print_int(now.year()); debug_print("/"); debug_print_int(now.month()); debug_print("/"); debug_print_int(now.day()); debug_print(" "); debug_print_int(now.hour()); debug_print(":"); debug_print_int(now.minute()); debug_print(":"); debug_print_int(now.second()); debug_println(""); #endif // DEBUG_RTC clock_year_set = now.year(); clock_month_set = now.month(); clock_day_set = now.day(); clock_hour_set = now.hour(); clock_min_set = now.minute(); clock_sec_set = now.second(); millis_at_last_calibration = millis(); update_time(); clock_status = RTC_SYNC; } else { clock_status = FREE_RUNNING; #ifdef DEBUG_RTC debug_println("service_rtc: error: RTC not running"); #endif // DEBUG_RTC } #endif //#FEATURE_RTC_DS1307 #ifdef FEATURE_RTC_PCF8583 rtc.get_time(); if ((rtc.year > 2000) && (rtc.month > 0) && (rtc.month < 13)){ // do we have a halfway reasonable date? #ifdef DEBUG_RTC control_port->print("service_rtc: syncing: "); control_port->print(rtc.year, DEC); control_port->print('/'); control_port->print(rtc.month, DEC); control_port->print('/'); control_port->print(rtc.day, DEC); control_port->print(' '); control_port->print(rtc.hour, DEC); control_port->print(':'); control_port->print(rtc.minute, DEC); control_port->print(':'); control_port->println(rtc.second, DEC); #endif // DEBUG_RTC clock_year_set = rtc.year; clock_month_set = rtc.month; clock_day_set = rtc.day; clock_hour_set = rtc.hour; clock_min_set = rtc.minute; clock_sec_set = rtc.second; millis_at_last_calibration = millis(); update_time(); clock_status = RTC_SYNC; } else { clock_status = FREE_RUNNING; #ifdef DEBUG_RTC control_port->print("service_rtc: error: RTC not returning valid date or time: "); control_port->print(rtc.year, DEC); control_port->print('/'); control_port->print(rtc.month, DEC); control_port->print('/'); control_port->print(rtc.day, DEC); control_port->print(' '); control_port->print(rtc.hour, DEC); control_port->print(':'); control_port->print(rtc.minute, DEC); control_port->print(':'); control_port->println(rtc.second, DEC); #endif // DEBUG_RTC } #endif //#FEATURE_RTC_PCF8583 } } /* service_rtc */ #endif // FEATURE_RTC // ------------------------------------------------------------- byte process_backslash_command(byte input_buffer[], int input_buffer_index, byte source_port, char * return_string){ strcpy(return_string,""); static unsigned long serial_led_time = 0; float tempfloat = 0; #if !defined(FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER) && !defined(FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT) long place_multiplier = 0; byte decimalplace = 0; #endif #ifdef FEATURE_CLOCK int temp_year = 0; byte temp_month = 0; byte temp_day = 0; byte temp_minute = 0; byte temp_hour = 0; #endif // FEATURE_CLOCK #if defined(FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING) || defined(FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING) char grid[10] = ""; byte hit_error = 0; #endif // defined(FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING) || defined(FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING) #if defined(FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER) || defined(FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT) int new_azimuth = 9999; #endif #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL #if defined(FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER) || defined(FEATURE_EL_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT) int new_elevation = 9999; #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL #endif // defined(FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER) || defined(FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT) char temp_string[20] = ""; switch (input_buffer[1]) { #if defined(FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER) || defined(FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT) case 'A': // \Ax[x][x] - manually set azimuth new_azimuth = 9999; switch (input_buffer_index) { case 3: new_azimuth = (input_buffer[2] - 48); break; case 4: new_azimuth = ((input_buffer[2] - 48) * 10) + (input_buffer[3] - 48); break; case 5: new_azimuth = ((input_buffer[2] - 48) * 100) + ((input_buffer[3] - 48) * 10) + (input_buffer[4] - 48); break; } if ((new_azimuth >= 0) && (new_azimuth < 360)) { azimuth = new_azimuth * HEADING_MULTIPLIER; configuration.last_azimuth = new_azimuth; raw_azimuth = new_azimuth * HEADING_MULTIPLIER; configuration_dirty = 1; strcpy(return_string, "Azimuth set to "); dtostrf(new_azimuth, 0, 0, temp_string); strcat(return_string, temp_string); } else { strcpy(return_string, "Error. Format: \\Ax[x][x] "); } break; #else // defined(FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER) || defined(FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT) case 'A': // \Ax[xxx][.][xxxx] - manually set azimuth place_multiplier = 1; for (int x = input_buffer_index - 1; x > 1; x--) { if (char(input_buffer[x]) != '.') { tempfloat += (input_buffer[x] - 48) * place_multiplier; place_multiplier = place_multiplier * 10; } else { decimalplace = x; } } if (decimalplace) { tempfloat = tempfloat / pow(10, (input_buffer_index - decimalplace - 1)); } if ((tempfloat >= 0) && (tempfloat <= 360)) { configuration.azimuth_offset = 0; read_azimuth(1); configuration.azimuth_offset = tempfloat - float(azimuth / HEADING_MULTIPLIER); configuration_dirty = 1; strcpy(return_string, "Azimuth calibrated to "); dtostrf(tempfloat, 0, 2, temp_string); strcat(return_string, temp_string); } else { strcpy(return_string, "Error."); } break; #endif // defined(FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER) || defined(FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT) #if defined(FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL) #if defined(FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER) || defined(FEATURE_EL_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT) case 'B': // \Ax[x][x] - manually set elevation new_elevation = 9999; switch (input_buffer_index) { case 3: new_elevation = (input_buffer[2] - 48); break; case 4: new_elevation = ((input_buffer[2] - 48) * 10) + (input_buffer[3] - 48); break; case 5: new_elevation = ((input_buffer[2] - 48) * 100) + ((input_buffer[3] - 48) * 10) + (input_buffer[4] - 48); break; } if ((new_elevation >= 0) && (new_elevation <= 180)) { elevation = new_elevation * HEADING_MULTIPLIER; configuration.last_elevation = new_elevation; configuration_dirty = 1; strcpy(return_string, "Elevation set to "); dtostrf(new_elevation, 0, 0, temp_string); strcat(return_string, temp_string); } else { strcpy(return_string, "Error. Format: \\Bx[x][x]"); } break; #else // defined(FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER) || defined(FEATURE_EL_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT) case 'B': // \Bx[xxx][.][xxxx] - manually set elevation place_multiplier = 1; for (int x = input_buffer_index - 1; x > 1; x--) { if (char(input_buffer[x]) != '.') { tempfloat += (input_buffer[x] - 48) * place_multiplier; place_multiplier = place_multiplier * 10; } else { decimalplace = x; } } if (decimalplace) { tempfloat = tempfloat / pow(10, (input_buffer_index - decimalplace - 1)); } if ((tempfloat >= 0) && (tempfloat <= 180)) { configuration.elevation_offset = 0; read_elevation(1); configuration.elevation_offset = tempfloat - float(elevation / HEADING_MULTIPLIER); configuration_dirty = 1; strcpy(return_string, "Elevation calibrated to "); dtostrf(tempfloat, 0, 2, temp_string); strcat(return_string, temp_string); } else { strcpy(return_string, "Error."); } break; #endif // defined(FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER) || defined(FEATURE_EL_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT) #endif //FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL #ifdef FEATURE_CLOCK case 'C': // show clock update_time(); sprintf(return_string, "%s", clock_string()); break; case 'O': // set clock temp_year = ((input_buffer[2] - 48) * 1000) + ((input_buffer[3] - 48) * 100) + ((input_buffer[4] - 48) * 10) + (input_buffer[5] - 48); temp_month = ((input_buffer[6] - 48) * 10) + (input_buffer[7] - 48); temp_day = ((input_buffer[8] - 48) * 10) + (input_buffer[9] - 48); temp_hour = ((input_buffer[10] - 48) * 10) + (input_buffer[11] - 48); temp_minute = ((input_buffer[12] - 48) * 10) + (input_buffer[13] - 48); if ((temp_year > 2013) && (temp_year < 2070) && (temp_month > 0) && (temp_month < 13) && (temp_day > 0) && (temp_day < 32) && (temp_hour >= 0) && (temp_hour < 24) && (temp_minute >= 0) && (temp_minute < 60) && (input_buffer_index == 14)) { clock_year_set = temp_year; clock_month_set = temp_month; clock_day_set = temp_day; clock_hour_set = temp_hour; clock_min_set = temp_minute; clock_sec_set = 0; millis_at_last_calibration = millis(); #if defined(FEATURE_RTC_DS1307) rtc.adjust(DateTime(temp_year, temp_month, temp_day, temp_hour, temp_minute, 0)); #endif // defined(FEATURE_RTC_DS1307) #if defined(FEATURE_RTC_PCF8583) rtc.year = temp_year; rtc.month = temp_month; rtc.day = temp_day; rtc.hour = temp_hour; rtc.minute = temp_minute; rtc.second = 0; rtc.set_time(); #endif // defined(FEATURE_RTC_PCF8583) #if (!defined(FEATURE_RTC_DS1307) && !defined(FEATURE_RTC_PCF8583)) strcpy(return_string, "Clock set to "); update_time(); strcat(return_string, clock_string()); #else strcpy(return_string, "Internal clock and RTC set to "); update_time(); strcat(return_string, clock_string()); #endif } else { strcpy(return_string, "Error. Usage: \\OYYYYMMDDHHmm"); } break; #endif // FEATURE_CLOCK case 'D': if (debug_mode & source_port) { debug_mode = debug_mode & (~source_port); } else { debug_mode = debug_mode | source_port; } break; // D - Debug case 'E': // E - Initialize eeprom initialize_eeprom_with_defaults(); strcpy(return_string, "Initialized eeprom, resetting unit in 5 seconds..."); reset_the_unit = 1; break; case 'L': // L - rotate to long path if (azimuth < (180 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) { submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_AZIMUTH, (azimuth + (180 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)), 15); } else { submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_AZIMUTH, (azimuth - (180 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)), 16); } break; #if defined(FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING) || defined(FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING) case 'G': // G - set coordinates using grid square if (isalpha(input_buffer[2])) { grid[0] = input_buffer[2]; } else { hit_error = 1; } if (isalpha(input_buffer[3])) { grid[1] = input_buffer[3]; } else { hit_error = 1; } if (isdigit(input_buffer[4])) { grid[2] = input_buffer[4]; } else { hit_error = 1; } if (isdigit(input_buffer[5])) { grid[3] = input_buffer[5]; } else { hit_error = 1; } if (isalpha(input_buffer[6])) { grid[4] = input_buffer[6]; } else { hit_error = 1; } if (isalpha(input_buffer[7])) { grid[5] = input_buffer[7]; } else { hit_error = 1; } if ((input_buffer_index != 8) || (hit_error)) { strcpy(return_string, "Error. Usage \\Gxxxxxx"); } else { grid2deg(grid, &longitude, &latitude); strcpy(return_string, "Coordinates set to: "); dtostrf(latitude, 0, 4, temp_string); strcat(return_string, temp_string); strcat(return_string, " "); dtostrf(longitude, 0, 4, temp_string); strcat(return_string, temp_string); } break; #endif // defined(FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING) || defined(FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING) #ifdef FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING case 'M': switch (input_buffer[2]) { case '0': submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_STOP, 0, 17); submit_request(EL, REQUEST_STOP, 0, 18); strcpy(return_string, "Moon tracking deactivated."); break; case '1': moon_tracking_active = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING sun_tracking_active = 0; #endif // FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING strcpy(return_string, "Moon tracking activated."); break; default: strcpy(return_string, "Error."); break; } break; #endif // FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING #if defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE) case 'R': strcpy(return_string, "Remote port rx sniff o"); if (remote_port_rx_sniff) { remote_port_rx_sniff = 0; strcat(return_string, "ff"); } else { remote_port_rx_sniff = 1; strcat(return_string, "n"); } break; case 'S': #if defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE) ethernetslavelinkclient0.print(ETHERNET_PREAMBLE); #endif for (int x = 2; x < input_buffer_index; x++) { #if defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) remote_unit_port->write(input_buffer[x]); #endif #if defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE) ethernetslavelinkclient0.write(input_buffer[x]); #endif if (remote_port_tx_sniff) { control_port->write(input_buffer[x]); } } #if defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) remote_unit_port->write(13); #endif #if defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE) ethernetslavelinkclient0.write(13); #endif if (remote_port_tx_sniff) { control_port->write(13); } break; case 'T': strcpy(return_string, "Remote port tx sniff o"); if (remote_port_tx_sniff) { remote_port_tx_sniff = 0; strcat(return_string, "ff"); } else { remote_port_tx_sniff = 1; strcat(return_string, "n"); } break; case 'Z': strcpy(return_string, "Suspend auto remote commands o"); if (suspend_remote_commands) { suspend_remote_commands = 0; strcat(return_string, "ff"); } else { suspend_remote_commands = 1; strcat(return_string, "n"); } break; #endif // defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE) #ifdef FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING case 'U': // activate / deactivate sun tracking switch (input_buffer[2]) { case '0': submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_STOP, 0, 19); submit_request(EL, REQUEST_STOP, 0, 20); strcpy(return_string, "Sun tracking deactivated."); break; case '1': sun_tracking_active = 1; strcpy(return_string, "Sun tracking activated."); #ifdef FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING moon_tracking_active = 0; #endif // FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING break; default: strcpy(return_string, "Error."); break; } break; #endif // FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING #if defined(FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING) || defined(FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING) case 'X': switch (toupper(input_buffer[2])) { #if defined(FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING) case 'S': //YYYYYYYY update_sun_position(); if (calibrate_az_el(sun_azimuth, sun_elevation)) { strcpy(return_string, az_el_calibrated_string()); } else { strcpy(return_string, "Error."); } break; #endif // FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING #if defined(FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING) case 'M': update_moon_position(); if (calibrate_az_el(moon_azimuth, moon_elevation)) { strcpy(return_string, az_el_calibrated_string()); } else { strcpy(return_string, "Error."); } break; #endif // FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING case '0': configuration.azimuth_offset = 0; configuration.elevation_offset = 0; configuration_dirty = 1; break; default: strcpy(return_string, "?>"); break; } /* switch */ break; #endif // defined(FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING) || defined(FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING) #ifdef FEATURE_PARK case 'P': // Park strcpy(return_string, "Parking..."); initiate_park(); park_serial_initiated = 1; break; #endif // FEATURE_PARK #ifdef FEATURE_ANCILLARY_PIN_CONTROL case 'N': // \Nxx - turn pin on; xx = pin number if ((((input_buffer[2] > 47) && (input_buffer[2] < 58)) || (toupper(input_buffer[2]) == 'A')) && (input_buffer[3] > 47) && (input_buffer[3] < 58) && (input_buffer_index == 4)) { byte pin_value = 0; if (toupper(input_buffer[2]) == 'A') { pin_value = get_analog_pin(input_buffer[3] - 48); } else { pin_value = ((input_buffer[2] - 48) * 10) + (input_buffer[3] - 48); } pinModeEnhanced(pin_value, OUTPUT); digitalWriteEnhanced(pin_value, HIGH); strcpy(return_string, "OK"); } else { strcpy(return_string, "Error"); } break; case 'F': // \Fxx - turn pin off; xx = pin number if ((((input_buffer[2] > 47) && (input_buffer[2] < 58)) || (toupper(input_buffer[2]) == 'A')) && (input_buffer[3] > 47) && (input_buffer[3] < 58) && (input_buffer_index == 4)) { byte pin_value = 0; if (toupper(input_buffer[2]) == 'A') { pin_value = get_analog_pin(input_buffer[3] - 48); } else { pin_value = ((input_buffer[2] - 48) * 10) + (input_buffer[3] - 48); } pinModeEnhanced(pin_value, OUTPUT); digitalWriteEnhanced(pin_value, LOW); strcpy(return_string, "OK"); } else { strcpy(return_string, "Error"); } break; case 'W': // \Wxxyyy - turn on pin PWM; xx = pin number, yyy = PWM value (0-255) if (((input_buffer[2] > 47) && (input_buffer[2] < 58)) && (input_buffer[3] > 47) && (input_buffer[3] < 58) && (input_buffer_index == 7)) { byte pin_value = 0; if (toupper(input_buffer[2]) == 'A') { pin_value = get_analog_pin(input_buffer[3] - 48); } else { pin_value = ((input_buffer[2] - 48) * 10) + (input_buffer[3] - 48); } int write_value = ((input_buffer[4] - 48) * 100) + ((input_buffer[5] - 48) * 10) + (input_buffer[6] - 48); if ((write_value >= 0) && (write_value < 256)) { pinModeEnhanced(pin_value, OUTPUT); analogWriteEnhanced(pin_value, write_value); strcpy(return_string, "OK"); } else { strcpy(return_string, "Error"); } } else { strcpy(return_string, "Error"); } break; #endif // FEATURE_ANCILLARY_PIN_CONTROL default: strcpy(return_string, "Error."); } /* switch */ } /* process_backslash_command */ // -------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_CLOCK char * clock_string(){ char return_string[32] = ""; char temp_string[16] = ""; dtostrf(clock_years, 0, 0, temp_string); strcpy(return_string, temp_string); strcat(return_string, "-"); if (clock_months < 10) { strcat(return_string, "0"); } dtostrf(clock_months, 0, 0, temp_string); strcat(return_string, temp_string); strcat(return_string, "-"); if (clock_days < 10) { strcat(return_string, "0"); } dtostrf(clock_days, 0, 0, temp_string); strcat(return_string, temp_string); strcat(return_string, " "); if (clock_hours < 10) { strcat(return_string, "0"); } dtostrf(clock_hours, 0, 0, temp_string); strcat(return_string, temp_string); strcat(return_string, ":"); if (clock_minutes < 10) { strcat(return_string, "0"); } dtostrf(clock_minutes, 0, 0, temp_string); strcat(return_string, temp_string); strcat(return_string, ":"); if (clock_seconds < 10) { strcat(return_string, "0"); } dtostrf(clock_seconds, 0, 0, temp_string); strcat(return_string, temp_string); strcat(return_string,"Z"); return return_string; } /* clock_string */ #endif // FEATURE_CLOCK // -------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING) || defined(FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING) char * az_el_calibrated_string(){ char return_string[48] = ""; char tempstring[16] = ""; read_azimuth(1); read_elevation(1); strcpy(return_string, "Heading calibrated. Az: "); dtostrf((azimuth / LCD_HEADING_MULTIPLIER), 0, LCD_DECIMAL_PLACES, tempstring); strcat(return_string, tempstring); #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL strcat(return_string, " El: "); dtostrf((elevation / LCD_HEADING_MULTIPLIER), 0, LCD_DECIMAL_PLACES, tempstring); strcat(return_string, tempstring); #endif //FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL return return_string; } #endif // defined(FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING) || defined(FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING) // -------------------------------------------------------------- void debug_print(char * print_string){ #if defined(FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION) || defined(FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION) if (debug_mode & CONTROL_PORT0){ control_port->print(print_string); } #endif //defined(FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION) || defined(FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION) #ifdef FEATURE_ETHERNET if (debug_mode & ETHERNET_PORT0){ ethernetclient0.print(print_string); } #endif //FEATURE_ETHERNET #if defined(FEATURE_ETHERNET) && defined(ETHERNET_TCP_PORT_1) if (debug_mode & ETHERNET_PORT1){ ethernetclient1.print(print_string); } #endif //defined(FEATURE_ETHERNET) && defined(ETHERNET_TCP_PORT_1) } // -------------------------------------------------------------- void debug_println(char * print_string){ #if defined(FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION) || defined(FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION) if (debug_mode & CONTROL_PORT0){ control_port->println(print_string); } #endif //defined(FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION) || defined(FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION) #ifdef FEATURE_ETHERNET if (debug_mode & ETHERNET_PORT0){ ethernetclient0.println(print_string); } #endif //FEATURE_ETHERNET #if defined(FEATURE_ETHERNET) && defined(ETHERNET_TCP_PORT_1) if (debug_mode & ETHERNET_PORT1){ ethernetclient1.println(print_string); } #endif //defined(FEATURE_ETHERNET) && defined(ETHERNET_TCP_PORT_1) } // -------------------------------------------------------------- void debug_print_char(char print_char){ #if defined(FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION) || defined(FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION) if (debug_mode & CONTROL_PORT0){ control_port->print(print_char); } #endif //defined(FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION) || defined(FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION) #ifdef FEATURE_ETHERNET if (debug_mode & ETHERNET_PORT0){ ethernetclient0.print(print_char); } #endif //FEATURE_ETHERNET #if defined(FEATURE_ETHERNET) && defined(ETHERNET_TCP_PORT_1) if (debug_mode & ETHERNET_PORT1){ ethernetclient1.print(print_char); } #endif //defined(FEATURE_ETHERNET) && defined(ETHERNET_TCP_PORT_1) } // -------------------------------------------------------------- void debug_write(char * print_string){ #if defined(FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION) || defined(FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION) if (debug_mode & CONTROL_PORT0){ control_port->write(print_string); } #endif //defined(FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION) || defined(FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION) #ifdef FEATURE_ETHERNET if (debug_mode & ETHERNET_PORT0){ ethernetclient0.write(print_string); } #endif //FEATURE_ETHERNET #if defined(FEATURE_ETHERNET) && defined(ETHERNET_TCP_PORT_1) if (debug_mode & ETHERNET_PORT1){ ethernetclient1.write(print_string); } #endif //defined(FEATURE_ETHERNET) && defined(ETHERNET_TCP_PORT_1) } // -------------------------------------------------------------- void debug_print_int(int print_int){ #if defined(FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION) || defined(FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION) if (debug_mode & CONTROL_PORT0){ control_port->print(print_int); } #endif //defined(FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION) || defined(FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION) #ifdef FEATURE_ETHERNET if (debug_mode & ETHERNET_PORT0){ ethernetclient0.print(print_int); } #endif //FEATURE_ETHERNET #if defined(FEATURE_ETHERNET) && defined(ETHERNET_TCP_PORT_1) if (debug_mode & ETHERNET_PORT1){ ethernetclient1.print(print_int); } #endif //defined(FEATURE_ETHERNET) && defined(ETHERNET_TCP_PORT_1) } // -------------------------------------------------------------- void debug_write_int(int write_int){ #if defined(FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION) || defined(FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION) if (debug_mode & CONTROL_PORT0){ control_port->write(write_int); } #endif //defined(FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION) || defined(FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION) #ifdef FEATURE_ETHERNET if (debug_mode & ETHERNET_PORT0){ ethernetclient0.write(write_int); } #endif //FEATURE_ETHERNET #if defined(FEATURE_ETHERNET) && defined(ETHERNET_TCP_PORT_1) if (debug_mode & ETHERNET_PORT1){ ethernetclient1.write(write_int); } #endif //defined(FEATURE_ETHERNET) && defined(ETHERNET_TCP_PORT_1) } // -------------------------------------------------------------- void debug_print_float(float print_float,byte places){ char tempstring[16] = ""; dtostrf(print_float,0,places,tempstring); #if defined(FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION) || defined(FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION) if (debug_mode & CONTROL_PORT0){ control_port->print(tempstring); } #endif //defined(FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION) || defined(FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION) #ifdef FEATURE_ETHERNET if (debug_mode & ETHERNET_PORT0){ ethernetclient0.print(tempstring); } #endif //FEATURE_ETHERNET #if defined(FEATURE_ETHERNET) && defined(ETHERNET_TCP_PORT_1) if (debug_mode & ETHERNET_PORT1){ ethernetclient1.print(tempstring); } #endif //defined(FEATURE_ETHERNET) && defined(ETHERNET_TCP_PORT_1) } // -------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING char * moon_status_string(){ char returnstring[128] = ""; char tempstring[16] = ""; strcpy(returnstring,"\tmoon: AZ: "); dtostrf(moon_azimuth,0,2,tempstring); strcat(returnstring,tempstring); strcat(returnstring," EL: "); dtostrf(moon_elevation,0,2,tempstring); strcat(returnstring,tempstring); strcat(returnstring,"\tTRACKING_"); if (!moon_tracking_active) { strcat(returnstring,"IN"); } strcat(returnstring,"ACTIVE "); if (moon_tracking_active) { if (!moon_visible) { strcat(returnstring,"NOT_"); } strcat(returnstring,"VISIBLE"); } return returnstring; } #endif // FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING // -------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING char * sun_status_string(){ char returnstring[128] = ""; char tempstring[16] = ""; strcpy(returnstring,"\tsun: AZ: "); dtostrf(sun_azimuth,0,2,tempstring); strcat(returnstring,tempstring); strcat(returnstring," EL: "); dtostrf(sun_elevation,0,2,tempstring); strcat(returnstring,tempstring); strcat(returnstring,"\tTRACKING_"); if (!sun_tracking_active) { strcat(returnstring,"IN"); } strcat(returnstring,"ACTIVE "); if (sun_tracking_active) { if (!sun_visible) { strcat(returnstring,"NOT_"); } strcat(returnstring,"VISIBLE"); } return returnstring; } #endif // FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING // -------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_CLOCK char * clock_status_string(){ switch (clock_status) { case FREE_RUNNING: return("FREE_RUNNING"); break; case GPS_SYNC: return("GPS_SYNC"); break; case RTC_SYNC: return("RTC_SYNC"); break; case SLAVE_SYNC: return("SLAVE_SYNC"); break; case SLAVE_SYNC_GPS: return("SLAVE_SYNC_GPS"); break; } } #endif //FEATURE_CLOCK // -------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING) || defined(FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING) char * coordinate_string(){ char returnstring[32] = ""; char tempstring[12] = ""; dtostrf(latitude,0,4,returnstring); strcat(returnstring," "); dtostrf(longitude,0,4,tempstring); strcat(returnstring,tempstring); return returnstring; } #endif //defined(FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING) || defined(FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING) // -------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION void process_yaesu_command(byte * yaesu_command_buffer, int yaesu_command_buffer_index, byte source_port, char * return_string){ char tempstring[11] = ""; int parsed_value = 0; int parsed_elevation = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_TIMED_BUFFER int parsed_value2 = 0; #endif //FEATURE_TIMED_BUFFER strcpy(return_string,""); switch (yaesu_command_buffer[0]) { // look at the first character of the command case 'C': // C - return current azimuth #ifdef DEBUG_PROCESS_YAESU if (debug_mode) { debug_print("yaesu_serial_command: C\n"); } #endif // DEBUG_PROCESS_YAESU #ifdef OPTION_DELAY_C_CMD_OUTPUT delay(400); #endif //strcpy(return_string,""); #ifndef OPTION_GS_232B_EMULATION strcat(return_string,"+0"); #else strcat(return_string,"AZ="); #endif dtostrf(int(azimuth / HEADING_MULTIPLIER),0,0,tempstring); if (int(azimuth / HEADING_MULTIPLIER) < 10) { strcat(return_string,"0"); } if (int(azimuth / HEADING_MULTIPLIER) < 100) { strcat(return_string,"0"); } strcat(return_string,tempstring); #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL #ifndef OPTION_C_COMMAND_SENDS_AZ_AND_EL if ((yaesu_command_buffer[1] == '2') && (yaesu_command_buffer_index > 1)) { // did we get the C2 command? #endif #ifndef OPTION_GS_232B_EMULATION if (elevation < 0) { strcat(return_string,"-0"); } else { strcat(return_string,"+0"); } #endif #ifdef OPTION_GS_232B_EMULATION strcat(return_string,"EL="); #endif dtostrf(int(elevation / HEADING_MULTIPLIER),0,0,tempstring); if (int(elevation / HEADING_MULTIPLIER) < 10) { strcat(return_string,("0")); } if (int(elevation / HEADING_MULTIPLIER) < 100) { strcat(return_string,"0"); } strcat(return_string,tempstring); #ifndef OPTION_C_COMMAND_SENDS_AZ_AND_EL } else { //strcat(return_string,"\n"); } #endif // OPTION_C_COMMAND_SENDS_AZ_AND_EL #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL #ifndef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL if ((yaesu_command_buffer[1] == '2') && (yaesu_command_buffer_index > 1)) { // did we get the C2 command? #ifndef OPTION_GS_232B_EMULATION strcat(return_string,"+0000"); // return a dummy elevation since we don't have the elevation feature turned on #else strcat(return_string,"EL=000"); #endif } else { //strcat(return_string,"\n"); } #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL break; //-----------------end of C command----------------- #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_POTENTIOMETER case 'F': // F - full scale calibration #ifdef DEBUG_PROCESS_YAESU if (debug_mode) { debug_print("yaesu_serial_command: F\n"); } #endif // DEBUG_PROCESS_YAESU #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL if ((yaesu_command_buffer[1] == '2') && (yaesu_command_buffer_index > 1)) { // did we get the F2 command? clear_serial_buffer(); if (source_port == CONTROL_PORT0){ control_port->println(F("Elevate to 180 (or max elevation) and send keystroke...")); } get_keystroke(); read_elevation(1); configuration.analog_el_max_elevation = analog_el; write_settings_to_eeprom(); strcpy(return_string,"Wrote to memory"); return; } #endif clear_serial_buffer(); if (source_port == CONTROL_PORT0){ control_port->println(F("Rotate to full CW and send keystroke...")); get_keystroke(); } read_azimuth(1); configuration.analog_az_full_cw = analog_az; write_settings_to_eeprom(); strcpy(return_string,"Wrote to memory"); break; #endif // FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_POTENTIOMETER case 'H': print_help(source_port); break; // H - print help - depricated case 'L': // L - manual left (CCW) rotation #ifdef DEBUG_PROCESS_YAESU if (debug_mode) { debug_print("yaesu_serial_command: L\n"); } #endif // DEBUG_PROCESS_YAESU submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_CCW, 0, 21); //strcpy(return_string,"\n"); #ifdef FEATURE_PARK deactivate_park(); #endif // FEATURE_PARK break; #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_POTENTIOMETER case 'O': // O - offset calibration #ifdef DEBUG_PROCESS_YAESU if (debug_mode) { debug_print("yaesu_serial_command: O\n"); } #endif // DEBUG_PROCESS_YAESU #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL if ((yaesu_command_buffer[1] == '2') && (yaesu_command_buffer_index > 1)) { // did we get the O2 command? clear_serial_buffer(); if (source_port == CONTROL_PORT0){ control_port->println(F("Elevate to 0 degrees and send keystroke...")); } get_keystroke(); read_elevation(1); configuration.analog_el_0_degrees = analog_el; write_settings_to_eeprom(); strcpy(return_string,"Wrote to memory"); return; } #endif clear_serial_buffer(); if (source_port == CONTROL_PORT0){ control_port->println(F("Rotate to full CCW and send keystroke...")); } get_keystroke(); read_azimuth(1); configuration.analog_az_full_ccw = analog_az; write_settings_to_eeprom(); strcpy(return_string,"Wrote to memory"); break; #endif // FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_POTENTIOMETER case 'R': // R - manual right (CW) rotation #ifdef DEBUG_PROCESS_YAESU if (debug_mode) { debug_print("yaesu_serial_command: R\n"); } #endif // DEBUG_PROCESS_YAESU submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_CW, 0, 22); strcpy(return_string,"\n"); #ifdef FEATURE_PARK deactivate_park(); #endif // FEATURE_PARK break; case 'A': // A - CW/CCW rotation stop #ifdef DEBUG_PROCESS_YAESU if (debug_mode) { debug_print("yaesu_serial_command: A\n"); } #endif // DEBUG_PROCESS_YAESU submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_STOP, 0, 23); //strcpy(return_string,"\n"); #ifdef FEATURE_PARK deactivate_park(); #endif // FEATURE_PARK break; case 'S': // S - all stop #ifdef DEBUG_PROCESS_YAESU if (debug_mode) { debug_print("yaesu_serial_command: S\n"); } #endif // DEBUG_PROCESS_YAESU submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_STOP, 0, 24); #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL submit_request(EL, REQUEST_STOP, 0, 25); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_TIMED_BUFFER clear_timed_buffer(); #endif // FEATURE_TIMED_BUFFER //strcpy(return_string,""); #ifdef FEATURE_PARK deactivate_park(); #endif // FEATURE_PARK break; case 'M': // M - auto azimuth rotation #ifdef DEBUG_PROCESS_YAESU if (debug_mode) { debug_print("yaesu_serial_command: M\n"); } #endif // DEBUG_PROCESS_YAESU #ifdef FEATURE_PARK deactivate_park(); #endif // FEATURE_PARK if (yaesu_command_buffer_index > 4) { // if there are more than 4 characters in the command buffer, we got a timed interval command #ifdef FEATURE_TIMED_BUFFER clear_timed_buffer(); parsed_value = ((int(yaesu_command_buffer[1]) - 48) * 100) + ((int(yaesu_command_buffer[2]) - 48) * 10) + (int(yaesu_command_buffer[3]) - 48); if ((parsed_value > 0) && (parsed_value < 1000)) { timed_buffer_interval_value_seconds = parsed_value; for (int x = 5; x < yaesu_command_buffer_index; x = x + 4) { parsed_value = ((int(yaesu_command_buffer[x]) - 48) * 100) + ((int(yaesu_command_buffer[x + 1]) - 48) * 10) + (int(yaesu_command_buffer[x + 2]) - 48); if ((parsed_value >= 0) && (parsed_value <= 360)) { // is it a valid azimuth? timed_buffer_azimuths[timed_buffer_number_entries_loaded] = parsed_value * HEADING_MULTIPLIER; timed_buffer_number_entries_loaded++; timed_buffer_status = LOADED_AZIMUTHS; if (timed_buffer_number_entries_loaded > TIMED_INTERVAL_ARRAY_SIZE) { // is the array full? submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_AZIMUTH, timed_buffer_azimuths[0], 26); // array is full, go to the first azimuth timed_buffer_entry_pointer = 1; return; } } else { // we hit an invalid bearing timed_buffer_status = EMPTY; timed_buffer_number_entries_loaded = 0; strcpy(return_string,"?>"); // error return; } } submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_AZIMUTH, timed_buffer_azimuths[0], 27); // go to the first azimuth timed_buffer_entry_pointer = 1; } else { strcpy(return_string,"?>"); // error } #else strcpy(return_string,"?>"); #endif // FEATURE_TIMED_BUFFER return; } else { // if there are four characters, this is just a single direction setting if (yaesu_command_buffer_index == 4) { parsed_value = ((int(yaesu_command_buffer[1]) - 48) * 100) + ((int(yaesu_command_buffer[2]) - 48) * 10) + (int(yaesu_command_buffer[3]) - 48); #ifdef FEATURE_TIMED_BUFFER clear_timed_buffer(); #endif // FEATURE_TIMED_BUFFER if ((parsed_value >= 0) && (parsed_value <= (azimuth_starting_point + azimuth_rotation_capability))) { submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_AZIMUTH, (parsed_value * HEADING_MULTIPLIER), 28); return; } } } strcpy(return_string,"?>"); break; #ifdef FEATURE_TIMED_BUFFER case 'N': // N - number of loaded timed interval entries #ifdef DEBUG_PROCESS_YAESU if (debug_mode) { debug_print("yaesu_serial_command: N\n"); } #endif // DEBUG_PROCESS_YAESU #ifdef FEATURE_PARK deactivate_park(); #endif // FEATURE_PARK sprintf(return_string,"%d",timed_buffer_number_entries_loaded); break; #endif // FEATURE_TIMED_BUFFER #ifdef FEATURE_TIMED_BUFFER case 'T': // T - initiate timed tracking initiate_timed_buffer(source_port); #ifdef FEATURE_PARK deactivate_park(); #endif // FEATURE_PARK break; #endif // FEATURE_TIMED_BUFFER case 'X': // X - azimuth speed change #ifdef DEBUG_PROCESS_YAESU if (debug_mode) { debug_print("yaesu_serial_command: X\n"); } #endif // DEBUG_PROCESS_YAESU if (yaesu_command_buffer_index > 1) { switch (yaesu_command_buffer[1]) { case '4': normal_az_speed_voltage = PWM_SPEED_VOLTAGE_X4; update_az_variable_outputs(PWM_SPEED_VOLTAGE_X4); #if defined(FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL) && defined(OPTION_EL_SPEED_FOLLOWS_AZ_SPEED) normal_el_speed_voltage = PWM_SPEED_VOLTAGE_X4; update_el_variable_outputs(PWM_SPEED_VOLTAGE_X4); #endif strcpy(return_string,"Speed X4"); break; case '3': normal_az_speed_voltage = PWM_SPEED_VOLTAGE_X3; update_az_variable_outputs(PWM_SPEED_VOLTAGE_X3); #if defined(FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL) && defined(OPTION_EL_SPEED_FOLLOWS_AZ_SPEED) normal_el_speed_voltage = PWM_SPEED_VOLTAGE_X3; update_el_variable_outputs(PWM_SPEED_VOLTAGE_X3); #endif strcpy(return_string,"Speed X3"); break; case '2': normal_az_speed_voltage = PWM_SPEED_VOLTAGE_X2; update_az_variable_outputs(PWM_SPEED_VOLTAGE_X2); #if defined(FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL) && defined(OPTION_EL_SPEED_FOLLOWS_AZ_SPEED) normal_el_speed_voltage = PWM_SPEED_VOLTAGE_X2; update_el_variable_outputs(PWM_SPEED_VOLTAGE_X2); #endif strcpy(return_string,"Speed X2"); break; case '1': normal_az_speed_voltage = PWM_SPEED_VOLTAGE_X1; update_az_variable_outputs(PWM_SPEED_VOLTAGE_X1); #if defined(FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL) && defined(OPTION_EL_SPEED_FOLLOWS_AZ_SPEED) normal_el_speed_voltage = PWM_SPEED_VOLTAGE_X1; update_el_variable_outputs(PWM_SPEED_VOLTAGE_X1); #endif strcpy(return_string,"Speed X1"); break; default: strcpy(return_string,"?>"); break; } /* switch */ } else { strcpy(return_string,"?>"); } break; #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL case 'U': // U - manual up rotation #ifdef DEBUG_PROCESS_YAESU if (debug_mode) { debug_print("yaesu_serial_command: U\n"); } #endif // DEBUG_PROCESS_YAESU #ifdef FEATURE_PARK deactivate_park(); #endif // FEATURE_PARK submit_request(EL, REQUEST_UP, 0, 29); //strcpy(return_string,"\n"); break; case 'D': // D - manual down rotation #ifdef DEBUG_PROCESS_YAESU if (debug_mode) { debug_print("yaesu_serial_command: D\n"); } #endif // DEBUG_PROCESS_YAESU #ifdef FEATURE_PARK deactivate_park(); #endif // FEATURE_PARK submit_request(EL, REQUEST_DOWN, 0, 30); //strcpy(return_string,"\n"); break; case 'E': // E - stop elevation rotation #ifdef DEBUG_PROCESS_YAESU if (debug_mode) { debug_print("yaesu_serial_command: E\n"); } #endif // DEBUG_PROCESS_YAESU #ifdef FEATURE_PARK deactivate_park(); #endif // FEATURE_PARK submit_request(EL, REQUEST_STOP, 0, 31); //strcpy(return_string,"\n"); break; case 'B': // B - return current elevation #ifndef OPTION_GS_232B_EMULATION if (elevation < 0) { strcat(return_string,"-0"); } else { strcat(return_string,"+0"); } #else strcat(return_string,"EL="); #endif //OPTION_GS_232B_EMULATION dtostrf(int(elevation / HEADING_MULTIPLIER),0,0,tempstring); if (int(elevation / HEADING_MULTIPLIER) < 10) { strcat(return_string,("0")); } if (int(elevation / HEADING_MULTIPLIER) < 100) { strcat(return_string,"0"); } strcat(return_string,tempstring); break; #endif /* ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL */ case 'W': // W - auto elevation rotation #ifdef DEBUG_PROCESS_YAESU if (debug_mode) { debug_print("yaesu_serial_command: W\n"); } #endif // DEBUG_PROCESS_YAESU #ifdef FEATURE_PARK deactivate_park(); #endif // FEATURE_PARK // parse out W command // Short Format: WXXX YYYY XXX = azimuth YYY = elevation // Long Format : WSSS XXX YYY SSS = timed interval XXX = azimuth YYY = elevation if (yaesu_command_buffer_index > 8) { // if there are more than 4 characters in the command buffer, we got a timed interval command #if defined(FEATURE_TIMED_BUFFER) && defined(FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL) parsed_value = ((int(yaesu_command_buffer[1]) - 48) * 100) + ((int(yaesu_command_buffer[2]) - 48) * 10) + (int(yaesu_command_buffer[3]) - 48); if ((parsed_value > 0) && (parsed_value < 1000)) { timed_buffer_interval_value_seconds = parsed_value; for (int x = 5; x < yaesu_command_buffer_index; x = x + 8) { parsed_value = ((int(yaesu_command_buffer[x]) - 48) * 100) + ((int(yaesu_command_buffer[x + 1]) - 48) * 10) + (int(yaesu_command_buffer[x + 2]) - 48); parsed_value2 = ((int(yaesu_command_buffer[x + 4]) - 48) * 100) + ((int(yaesu_command_buffer[x + 5]) - 48) * 10) + (int(yaesu_command_buffer[x + 6]) - 48); if ((parsed_value > -1) && (parsed_value < 361) && (parsed_value2 > -1) && (parsed_value2 < 181)) { // is it a valid azimuth? timed_buffer_azimuths[timed_buffer_number_entries_loaded] = (parsed_value * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); timed_buffer_elevations[timed_buffer_number_entries_loaded] = (parsed_value2 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER); timed_buffer_number_entries_loaded++; timed_buffer_status = LOADED_AZIMUTHS_ELEVATIONS; if (timed_buffer_number_entries_loaded > TIMED_INTERVAL_ARRAY_SIZE) { // is the array full? x = yaesu_command_buffer_index; // array is full, go to the first azimuth and elevation } } else { // we hit an invalid bearing timed_buffer_status = EMPTY; timed_buffer_number_entries_loaded = 0; strcpy(return_string,"?>"); // error return; } } } timed_buffer_entry_pointer = 1; // go to the first bearings parsed_value = timed_buffer_azimuths[0]; parsed_elevation = timed_buffer_elevations[0]; #else /* ifdef FEATURE_TIMED_BUFFER FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL*/ strcpy(return_string,"?>"); #endif // FEATURE_TIMED_BUFFER FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL } else { // this is a short form W command, just parse the azimuth and elevation and initiate rotation parsed_value = (((int(yaesu_command_buffer[1]) - 48) * 100) + ((int(yaesu_command_buffer[2]) - 48) * 10) + (int(yaesu_command_buffer[3]) - 48)) * HEADING_MULTIPLIER; parsed_elevation = (((int(yaesu_command_buffer[5]) - 48) * 100) + ((int(yaesu_command_buffer[6]) - 48) * 10) + (int(yaesu_command_buffer[7]) - 48)) * HEADING_MULTIPLIER; } #ifndef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL if ((parsed_value >= 0) && (parsed_value <= (360 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER))) { submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_AZIMUTH, parsed_value, 32); } else { #ifdef DEBUG_PROCESS_YAESU if (debug_mode) { debug_print("process_yaesu_command: W cmd az error"); } #endif // DEBUG_PROCESS_YAESU strcpy(return_string,"?>"); // bogus elevation - return and error and don't do anything } #else if ((parsed_value >= 0) && (parsed_value <= (360 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER)) && (parsed_elevation >= 0) && (parsed_elevation <= (180 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER))) { submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_AZIMUTH, parsed_value, 33); submit_request(EL, REQUEST_ELEVATION, parsed_elevation, 34); } else { #ifdef DEBUG_PROCESS_YAESU if (debug_mode) { debug_print("process_yaesu_command: W cmd az/el error"); } #endif // DEBUG_PROCESS_YAESU strcpy(return_string,"?>"); // bogus elevation - return and error and don't do anything } #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL break; #ifdef OPTION_GS_232B_EMULATION case 'P': // P - switch between 360 and 450 degree mode if ((yaesu_command_buffer[1] == '3') && (yaesu_command_buffer_index > 2)) { // P36 command azimuth_rotation_capability = 360; strcpy(return_string,"Mode 360 degree"); // write_settings_to_eeprom(); } else { if ((yaesu_command_buffer[1] == '4') && (yaesu_command_buffer_index > 2)) { // P45 command azimuth_rotation_capability = 450; strcpy(return_string,"Mode 450 degree"); // write_settings_to_eeprom(); } else { strcpy(return_string,"?>"); } } break; case 'Z': // Z - Starting point toggle if (azimuth_starting_point == 180) { azimuth_starting_point = 0; strcpy(return_string,"N"); } else { azimuth_starting_point = 180; strcpy(return_string,"S"); } strcat(return_string," Center"); // write_settings_to_eeprom(); break; #endif default: strcpy(return_string,"?>"); #ifdef DEBUG_PROCESS_YAESU if (debug_mode) { debug_print("process_yaesu_command: yaesu_command_buffer_index: "); debug_print_int(yaesu_command_buffer_index); for (int debug_x = 0; debug_x < yaesu_command_buffer_index; debug_x++) { debug_print("process_yaesu_command: yaesu_command_buffer["); debug_print_int(debug_x); debug_print("]: "); debug_print_int(yaesu_command_buffer[debug_x]); debug_print(" "); debug_write_int(yaesu_command_buffer[debug_x]); debug_print("\n");; } } #endif // DEBUG_PROCESS_YAESU } /* switch */ } /* yaesu_serial_command */ #endif // FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION // -------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_ETHERNET void service_ethernet(){ byte incoming_byte = 0; static unsigned long last_incoming_byte_receive_time = 0; char return_string[100] = ""; static byte ethernet_port_buffer0[COMMAND_BUFFER_SIZE]; static int ethernet_port_buffer_index0 = 0; static byte first_connect_occurred = 0; static long last_received_byte0 = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE static byte preamble_received = 0; #endif //FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE /* this is the server side (receiving bytes from a client such as a master unit receiving commands from a computer or a slave receiving commands from a master unit */ // clear things out if we received a partial message and it's been awhile if ((ethernet_port_buffer_index0) && ((millis()-last_received_byte0) > ETHERNET_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_MS)){ ethernet_port_buffer_index0 = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE preamble_received = 0; #endif //FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE } if (ethernetserver0.available()){ ethernetclient0 = ethernetserver0.available(); last_received_byte0 = millis(); if (!first_connect_occurred){ // clean out the cruft that's alway spit out on first connect while(ethernetclient0.available()){ethernetclient0.read();} first_connect_occurred = 1; return; } if (ethernetclient0.available() > 0){ // the client has sent something incoming_byte = ethernetclient0.read(); last_incoming_byte_receive_time = millis(); #ifdef DEBUG_ETHERNET debug_print("service_ethernet: client:") ; debug_print(" char:"); debug_print_char((char) incoming_byte); debug_print("\n"); #endif //DEBUG_ETHERNET if ((incoming_byte > 96) && (incoming_byte < 123)) { // uppercase it incoming_byte = incoming_byte - 32; } char ethernet_preamble[] = ETHERNET_PREAMBLE; #ifdef FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE if (preamble_received < 254){ // the master/slave ethernet link has each message prefixed with a preamble if (ethernet_preamble[preamble_received] == 0){ preamble_received = 254; } else { if (incoming_byte == ethernet_preamble[preamble_received]){ preamble_received++; } else { preamble_received = 0; } } } // add it to the buffer if it's not a line feed or carriage return and we've received the preamble if ((incoming_byte != 10) && (incoming_byte != 13) && (preamble_received == 254)) { ethernet_port_buffer0[ethernet_port_buffer_index0] = incoming_byte; ethernet_port_buffer_index0++; } #else if ((incoming_byte != 10) && (incoming_byte != 13)) { // add it to the buffer if it's not a line feed or carriage return ethernet_port_buffer0[ethernet_port_buffer_index0] = incoming_byte; ethernet_port_buffer_index0++; } #endif //FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE if (((incoming_byte == 13) || (ethernet_port_buffer_index0 >= COMMAND_BUFFER_SIZE)) && (ethernet_port_buffer_index0 > 0)){ // do we have a carriage return? if ((ethernet_port_buffer0[0] == '\\') or (ethernet_port_buffer0[0] == '/')) { process_backslash_command(ethernet_port_buffer0, ethernet_port_buffer_index0, ETHERNET_PORT0, return_string); } else { #ifdef FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION process_yaesu_command(ethernet_port_buffer0,ethernet_port_buffer_index0,ETHERNET_PORT0,return_string); #endif //FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION #ifdef FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION process_easycom_command(ethernet_port_buffer0,ethernet_port_buffer_index0,ETHERNET_PORT0,return_string); #endif //FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION #ifdef FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE process_remote_slave_command(ethernet_port_buffer0,ethernet_port_buffer_index0,ETHERNET_PORT0,return_string); #endif //FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE } ethernetclient0.println(return_string); ethernet_port_buffer_index0 = 0; #ifdef FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE preamble_received = 0; #endif //FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE } } } #ifdef ETHERNET_TCP_PORT_1 static byte ethernet_port_buffer1[COMMAND_BUFFER_SIZE]; static int ethernet_port_buffer_index1 = 0; if (ethernetserver1.available()){ ethernetclient1 = ethernetserver1.available(); if (ethernetclient1.available() > 0){ // the client has sent something incoming_byte = ethernetclient1.read(); last_incoming_byte_receive_time = millis(); #ifdef DEBUG_ETHERNET debug_print("service_ethernet: client:") ; debug_print(" char:"); debug_print_char((char) incoming_byte); debug_print("\n"); #endif //DEBUG_ETHERNET if ((incoming_byte > 96) && (incoming_byte < 123)) { // uppercase it incoming_byte = incoming_byte - 32; } if ((incoming_byte != 10) && (incoming_byte != 13)) { // add it to the buffer if it's not a line feed or carriage return ethernet_port_buffer1[ethernet_port_buffer_index1] = incoming_byte; ethernet_port_buffer_index1++; } if (incoming_byte == 13) { // do we have a carriage return? if ((ethernet_port_buffer1[0] == '\\') or (ethernet_port_buffer1[0] == '/')) { process_backslash_command(ethernet_port_buffer1, ethernet_port_buffer_index1, ETHERNET_PORT1, return_string); } else { #ifdef FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION process_yaesu_command(ethernet_port_buffer1,ethernet_port_buffer_index1,ETHERNET_PORT1,return_string); #endif //FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION #ifdef FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION process_easycom_command(ethernet_port_buffer1,ethernet_port_buffer_index1,ETHERNET_PORT1,return_string); #endif //FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION #ifdef FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE process_remote_slave_command(ethernet_port_buffer1,ethernet_port_buffer_index1,ETHERNET_PORT1,return_string); #endif //FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE } ethernetclient1.println(return_string); ethernet_port_buffer_index1 = 0; } } } #endif //ETHERNET_TCP_PORT_1 #ifdef FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE static long last_connect_try = 0; static long last_received_byte_time = 0; byte incoming_ethernet_byte = 0; static byte first_ethernet_slave_connect_occurred = 0; // are we disconnected and is it time to reconnect? if ((ethernetslavelinkclient0_state == ETHERNET_SLAVE_DISCONNECTED) && (((millis()-last_connect_try) >= ETHERNET_SLAVE_RECONNECT_TIME_MS) || (last_connect_try == 0))){ #ifdef DEBUG_ETHERNET debug_println("service_ethernet: master_slave_ethernet: connecting"); #endif //DEBUG_ETHERNET if (ethernetslavelinkclient0.connect(slave_unit_ip, ETHERNET_SLAVE_TCP_PORT)){ ethernetslavelinkclient0_state = ETHERNET_SLAVE_CONNECTED; if (!first_ethernet_slave_connect_occurred){ first_ethernet_slave_connect_occurred = 1; ethernet_slave_reconnects = 65535; } } else { ethernetslavelinkclient0.stop(); #ifdef DEBUG_ETHERNET debug_println("service_ethernet: master_slave_ethernet: connect failed"); #endif //DEBUG_ETHERNET } ethernet_slave_reconnects++; last_connect_try = millis(); } if (ethernetslavelinkclient0.available()) { incoming_ethernet_byte = ethernetslavelinkclient0.read(); #ifdef DEBUG_ETHERNET debug_print("service_ethernet: slave rx: "); debug_print_char(incoming_ethernet_byte); debug_print(" : "); debug_print_int(incoming_ethernet_byte); debug_println(""); #endif //DEBUG_ETHERNET if (remote_port_rx_sniff) { control_port->write(incoming_ethernet_byte); } if ((incoming_ethernet_byte != 10) && (remote_unit_port_buffer_index < COMMAND_BUFFER_SIZE)) { remote_unit_port_buffer[remote_unit_port_buffer_index] = incoming_ethernet_byte; remote_unit_port_buffer_index++; if ((incoming_ethernet_byte == 13) || (remote_unit_port_buffer_index >= COMMAND_BUFFER_SIZE)) { remote_unit_port_buffer_carriage_return_flag = 1; #ifdef DEBUG_ETHERNET debug_println("service_ethernet: remote_unit_port_buffer_carriage_return_flag"); #endif //DEBUG_ETHERNET } } last_received_byte_time = millis(); } if (((millis() - last_received_byte_time) >= ETHERNET_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_MS) && (remote_unit_port_buffer_index > 1) && (!remote_unit_port_buffer_carriage_return_flag)){ remote_unit_port_buffer_index = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_ETHERNET debug_println("service_ethernet: master_slave_ethernet: remote_unit_incoming_buffer_timeout"); #endif //DEBUG_ETHERNET remote_unit_incoming_buffer_timeouts++; } if ((ethernetslavelinkclient0_state == ETHERNET_SLAVE_CONNECTED) && (!ethernetslavelinkclient0.connected())){ ethernetslavelinkclient0.stop(); ethernetslavelinkclient0_state = ETHERNET_SLAVE_DISCONNECTED; remote_unit_port_buffer_index = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_ETHERNET debug_println("service_ethernet: master_slave_ethernet: lost connection"); #endif //DEBUG_ETHERNET } #endif //FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE } #endif //FEATURE_ETHERNET // -------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION void process_easycom_command(byte * easycom_command_buffer, int easycom_command_buffer_index, byte source_port, char * return_string){ /* Easycom protocol implementation * * Implemented commands: * * Command Meaning Parameters * ------- ------- ---------- * * ML Move Left * MR Move Right * MU Move Up * MD Move Down * SA Stop azimuth moving * SE Stop elevation moving * * VE Request Version * AZ Azimuth number - 1 decimal place (activated with OPTION_EASYCOM_AZ_QUERY_COMMAND) * EL Elevation number - 1 decimal place (activated with OPTION_EASYCOM_EL_QUERY_COMMAND) * * */ char tempstring[11] = ""; float heading = -1; strcpy(return_string,""); switch (easycom_command_buffer[0]) { // look at the first character of the command #if defined(OPTION_HAMLIB_EASYCOM_AZ_EL_COMMAND_HACK) && defined(FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL) case 'Z': //strcpy(return_string,"+"); strcpy(return_string,"AZ"); dtostrf((float)azimuth/(float)HEADING_MULTIPLIER,0,1,tempstring); strcat(return_string,tempstring); //if (elevation >= 0){ //strcat(return_string,"+"); strcat(return_string," EL"); //} dtostrf((float)elevation/(float)HEADING_MULTIPLIER,0,1,tempstring); strcat(return_string,tempstring); break; #endif //OPTION_HAMLIB_EASYCOM_AZ_EL_COMMAND_HACK case 'A': // AZ if (easycom_command_buffer[1] == 'Z') { // format is AZx.x or AZxx.x or AZxxx.x (why didn't they make it fixed length?) switch (easycom_command_buffer_index) { #ifdef OPTION_EASYCOM_AZ_QUERY_COMMAND case 2: //strcpy(return_string,"AZ"); strcpy(return_string,"+"); dtostrf((float)azimuth/(float)HEADING_MULTIPLIER,0,1,tempstring); strcat(return_string,tempstring); return; break; #endif // OPTION_EASYCOM_AZ_QUERY_COMMAND case 5: // format AZx.x heading = (easycom_command_buffer[2] - 48) + ((easycom_command_buffer[4] - 48) / 10.); break; case 6: // format AZxx.x heading = ((easycom_command_buffer[2] - 48) * 10.) + (easycom_command_buffer[3] - 48) + ((easycom_command_buffer[5] - 48) / 10.); break; case 7: // format AZxxx.x heading = ((easycom_command_buffer[2] - 48) * 100.) + ((easycom_command_buffer[3] - 48) * 10.) + (easycom_command_buffer[4] - 48.) + ((easycom_command_buffer[6] - 48) / 10.); break; // default: control_port->println("?"); break; } if (((heading >= 0) && (heading < 451)) && (easycom_command_buffer[easycom_command_buffer_index - 2] == '.')) { submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_AZIMUTH, (heading * HEADING_MULTIPLIER), 36); } else { strcpy(return_string,"?"); } } else { strcpy(return_string,"?"); } break; #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL case 'E': // EL if (easycom_command_buffer[1] == 'L') { switch (easycom_command_buffer_index) { #ifdef OPTION_EASYCOM_EL_QUERY_COMMAND case 2: //strcpy(return_string,"EL"); if (elevation >= 0){ strcpy(return_string,"+"); } dtostrf((float)elevation/(float)HEADING_MULTIPLIER,0,1,tempstring); strcat(return_string,tempstring); return; break; #endif // OPTION_EASYCOM_EL_QUERY_COMMAND case 5: // format ELx.x heading = (easycom_command_buffer[2] - 48) + ((easycom_command_buffer[4] - 48) / 10.); break; case 6: // format ELxx.x heading = ((easycom_command_buffer[2] - 48) * 10.) + (easycom_command_buffer[3] - 48) + ((easycom_command_buffer[5] - 48) / 10.); break; case 7: // format ELxxx.x heading = ((easycom_command_buffer[2] - 48) * 100.) + ((easycom_command_buffer[3] - 48) * 10.) + (easycom_command_buffer[4] - 48) + ((easycom_command_buffer[6] - 48) / 10.); break; // default: control_port->println("?"); break; } if (((heading >= 0) && (heading < 181)) && (easycom_command_buffer[easycom_command_buffer_index - 2] == '.')) { submit_request(EL, REQUEST_ELEVATION, (heading * HEADING_MULTIPLIER), 37); } else { strcpy(return_string,"?"); } } else { strcpy(return_string,"?"); } break; #endif // #FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL case 'S': // SA or SE - stop azimuth, stop elevation switch (easycom_command_buffer[1]) { case 'A': submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_STOP, 0, 38); break; #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL case 'E': submit_request(EL, REQUEST_STOP, 0, 39); break; #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL default: strcpy(return_string,"?"); break; } break; case 'M': // ML, MR, MU, MD - move left, right, up, down switch (easycom_command_buffer[1]) { case 'L': // ML - move left submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_CCW, 0, 40); break; case 'R': // MR - move right submit_request(AZ, REQUEST_CW, 0, 41); break; #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL case 'U': // MU - move up submit_request(EL, REQUEST_UP, 0, 42); break; case 'D': // MD - move down submit_request(EL, REQUEST_DOWN, 0, 43); break; #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL default: strcpy(return_string,"?"); break; } break; case 'V': // VE - version query if (easycom_command_buffer[1] == 'E') { strcpy(return_string,"VE002"); } // not sure what to send back, sending 002 because this is easycom version 2? break; default: strcpy(return_string,"?"); break; } /* switch */ } /* easycom_serial_commmand */ #endif // FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION // -------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE void process_remote_slave_command(byte * slave_command_buffer, int slave_command_buffer_index, byte source_port, char * return_string){ /* * * This implements a protocol for host unit to remote unit communications * * * Remote Slave Unit Protocol Reference * * PG - ping * AZ - read azimuth (returns AZxxx.xxxxxx) * EL - read elevation (returns ELxxx.xxxxxx) * RC - read coordinates (returns RC+xx.xxxx -xxx.xxxx) * GS - query GPS status (returns GS0 (no sync) or GS1 (sync)) * DOxx - digital pin initialize as output; * DIxx - digital pin initialize as input * DPxx - digital pin initialize as input with pullup * DRxx - digital pin read * DLxx - digital pin write low * DHxx - digital pin write high * DTxxyyyy - digital pin tone output * NTxx - no tone * ARxx - analog pin read * AWxxyyy - analog pin write * SWxy - serial write byte * SDx - deactivate serial read event; x = port # * SSxyyyyyy... - serial write string; x = port #, yyyy = string of characters to send * SAx - activate serial read event; x = port # * RB - reboot * CL - return clock date and time * * Responses * * ER - report an error (remote to host only) * EV - report an event (remote to host only) * OK - report success (remote to host only) * CS - report a cold start (remote to host only) * * Error Codes * * ER01 - Serial port buffer timeout * ER02 - Command syntax error * * Events * * EVSxy - Serial port read event; x = serial port number, y = byte returned * * */ byte command_good = 0; strcpy(return_string,""); char tempstring[25] = ""; if (slave_command_buffer_index < 2) { strcpy(return_string,"ER02"); // we don't have enough characters - syntax error } else { #ifdef DEBUG_PROCESS_SLAVE debug_print("serial_serial_buffer: command_string: "); debug_print((char*)slave_command_buffer); debug_print("$ slave_command_buffer_index: "); debug_print_int(slave_command_buffer_index); debug_print("\n"); #endif // DEBUG_PROCESS_SLAVE if (((slave_command_buffer[0] == 'S') && (slave_command_buffer[1] == 'S')) && (slave_command_buffer[2] > 47) && (slave_command_buffer[2] < 53)) { // this is a variable length command command_good = 1; for (byte x = 3; x < slave_command_buffer_index; x++) { switch (slave_command_buffer[2] - 48) { case 0: control_port->write(slave_command_buffer[x]); break; #if defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) case 1: remote_unit_port->write(slave_command_buffer[x]); break; #endif } } } if (slave_command_buffer_index == 2) { #ifdef FEATURE_CLOCK if ((slave_command_buffer[0] == 'C') && (slave_command_buffer[1] == 'L')) { strcpy(return_string,"CL"); update_time(); strcat(return_string,clock_string()); command_good = 1; } #endif //FEATURE_CLOCK #ifdef FEATURE_GPS if ((slave_command_buffer[0] == 'R') && (slave_command_buffer[1] == 'C')) { // RC - read coordinates strcpy(return_string,"RC"); if (latitude < 0){strcat(return_string,"-");} else {strcat(return_string,"+");} dtostrf(abs(latitude),0,4,tempstring); strcat(return_string,tempstring); strcat(return_string," "); if (longitude < 0){strcat(return_string,"-");} else {strcat(return_string,"+");} if (longitude < 100){strcat(return_string,"0");} dtostrf(abs(longitude),0,4,tempstring); strcat(return_string,tempstring); command_good = 1; } #ifdef FEATURE_CLOCK if ((slave_command_buffer[0] == 'G') && (slave_command_buffer[1] == 'S')) { // GS - query GPS sync strcpy(return_string,"GS"); if (clock_status == GPS_SYNC){ strcat(return_string,"1"); } else { strcat(return_string,"0"); } command_good = 1; } #endif //FEATURE_CLOCK #endif //FEATURE_GPS if ((slave_command_buffer[0] == 'P') && (slave_command_buffer[1] == 'G')) { strcpy(return_string,"PG"); command_good = 1; } // PG - ping if ((slave_command_buffer[0] == 'R') && (slave_command_buffer[1] == 'B')) { wdt_enable(WDTO_30MS); while (1) { } } // RB - reboot if ((slave_command_buffer[0] == 'A') && (slave_command_buffer[1] == 'Z')) { strcpy(return_string,"AZ"); //if ((raw_azimuth/HEADING_MULTIPLIER) < 1000) { // strcat(return_string,"0"); //} if ((raw_azimuth/HEADING_MULTIPLIER) < 100) { strcat(return_string,"0"); } if ((raw_azimuth/HEADING_MULTIPLIER) < 10) { strcat(return_string,"0"); } dtostrf(float(raw_azimuth/HEADING_MULTIPLIER),0,6,tempstring); strcat(return_string,tempstring); command_good = 1; } #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL if ((slave_command_buffer[0] == 'E') && (slave_command_buffer[1] == 'L')) { strcpy(return_string,"EL"); if ((elevation/HEADING_MULTIPLIER) >= 0) { strcat(return_string,"+"); } else { strcat(return_string,"-"); } //if (abs(elevation/HEADING_MULTIPLIER) < 1000) { // strcat(return_string,"0"); //} if (abs(elevation/HEADING_MULTIPLIER) < 100) { strcat(return_string,"0"); } if (abs(elevation/HEADING_MULTIPLIER) < 10) { strcat(return_string,"0"); } dtostrf(float(abs(elevation/HEADING_MULTIPLIER)),0,6,tempstring); strcat(return_string,tempstring); command_good = 1; } #endif // FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL } // end of two byte commands if (slave_command_buffer_index == 3) { if (((slave_command_buffer[0] == 'S') && (slave_command_buffer[1] == 'A')) & (slave_command_buffer[2] > 47) && (slave_command_buffer[2] < 53)) { serial_read_event_flag[slave_command_buffer[2] - 48] = 1; command_good = 1; strcpy(return_string,"OK"); } if (((slave_command_buffer[0] == 'S') && (slave_command_buffer[1] == 'D')) & (slave_command_buffer[2] > 47) && (slave_command_buffer[2] < 53)) { serial_read_event_flag[slave_command_buffer[2] - 48] = 0; command_good = 1; strcpy(return_string,"OK"); } } if (slave_command_buffer_index == 4) { if ((slave_command_buffer[0] == 'S') && (slave_command_buffer[1] == 'W')) { // Serial Write command switch (slave_command_buffer[2]) { case '0': control_port->write(slave_command_buffer[3]); command_good = 1; break; #if defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) case '1': remote_unit_port->write(slave_command_buffer[3]); command_good = 1; break; #endif } } if ((slave_command_buffer[0] == 'D') && (slave_command_buffer[1] == 'O')) { if ((((slave_command_buffer[2] > 47) && (slave_command_buffer[2] < 58)) || (toupper(slave_command_buffer[2]) == 'A')) && (slave_command_buffer[3] > 47) && (slave_command_buffer[3] < 58)) { command_good = 1; byte pin_value = 0; if (toupper(slave_command_buffer[2]) == 'A') { pin_value = get_analog_pin(slave_command_buffer[3] - 48); } else { pin_value = ((slave_command_buffer[2] - 48) * 10) + (slave_command_buffer[3] - 48); } #ifdef DEBUG_PROCESS_SLAVE debug_print("service_serial_buffer: pin_value: "); debug_print_int(pin_value); #endif // DEBUG_PROCESS_SLAVE strcpy(return_string,"OK"); pinModeEnhanced(pin_value, OUTPUT); } } if ((slave_command_buffer[0] == 'D') && (slave_command_buffer[1] == 'H')) { if ((((slave_command_buffer[2] > 47) && (slave_command_buffer[2] < 58)) || (toupper(slave_command_buffer[2]) == 'A')) && (slave_command_buffer[3] > 47) && (slave_command_buffer[3] < 58)) { command_good = 1; byte pin_value = 0; if (toupper(slave_command_buffer[2]) == 'A') { pin_value = get_analog_pin(slave_command_buffer[3] - 48); } else { pin_value = ((slave_command_buffer[2] - 48) * 10) + (slave_command_buffer[3] - 48); } digitalWriteEnhanced(pin_value, HIGH); strcpy(return_string,"OK"); } } if ((slave_command_buffer[0] == 'D') && (slave_command_buffer[1] == 'L')) { if ((((slave_command_buffer[2] > 47) && (slave_command_buffer[2] < 58)) || (toupper(slave_command_buffer[2]) == 'A')) && (slave_command_buffer[3] > 47) && (slave_command_buffer[3] < 58)) { command_good = 1; byte pin_value = 0; if (toupper(slave_command_buffer[2]) == 'A') { pin_value = get_analog_pin(slave_command_buffer[3] - 48); } else { pin_value = ((slave_command_buffer[2] - 48) * 10) + (slave_command_buffer[3] - 48); } digitalWriteEnhanced(pin_value, LOW); strcpy(return_string,"OK"); } } if ((slave_command_buffer[0] == 'D') && (slave_command_buffer[1] == 'I')) { if ((((slave_command_buffer[2] > 47) && (slave_command_buffer[2] < 58)) || (toupper(slave_command_buffer[2]) == 'A')) && (slave_command_buffer[3] > 47) && (slave_command_buffer[3] < 58)) { command_good = 1; byte pin_value = 0; if (toupper(slave_command_buffer[2]) == 'A') { pin_value = get_analog_pin(slave_command_buffer[3] - 48); } else { pin_value = ((slave_command_buffer[2] - 48) * 10) + (slave_command_buffer[3] - 48); } pinModeEnhanced(pin_value, INPUT); strcpy(return_string,"OK"); } } if ((slave_command_buffer[0] == 'D') && (slave_command_buffer[1] == 'P')) { if ((((slave_command_buffer[2] > 47) && (slave_command_buffer[2] < 58)) || (toupper(slave_command_buffer[2]) == 'A')) && (slave_command_buffer[3] > 47) && (slave_command_buffer[3] < 58)) { command_good = 1; byte pin_value = 0; if (toupper(slave_command_buffer[2]) == 'A') { pin_value = get_analog_pin(slave_command_buffer[3] - 48); } else { pin_value = ((slave_command_buffer[2] - 48) * 10) + (slave_command_buffer[3] - 48); } pinModeEnhanced(pin_value, INPUT); digitalWriteEnhanced(pin_value, HIGH); strcpy(return_string,"OK"); } } if ((slave_command_buffer[0] == 'D') && (slave_command_buffer[1] == 'R')) { if ((((slave_command_buffer[2] > 47) && (slave_command_buffer[2] < 58)) || (toupper(slave_command_buffer[2]) == 'A')) && (slave_command_buffer[3] > 47) && (slave_command_buffer[3] < 58)) { command_good = 1; byte pin_value = 0; if (toupper(slave_command_buffer[2]) == 'A') { pin_value = get_analog_pin(slave_command_buffer[3] - 48); } else { pin_value = ((slave_command_buffer[2] - 48) * 10) + (slave_command_buffer[3] - 48); } byte pin_read = digitalReadEnhanced(pin_value); strcpy(return_string,"DR"); dtostrf((slave_command_buffer[2]-48),0,0,tempstring); strcat(return_string,tempstring); dtostrf((slave_command_buffer[3]-48),0,0,tempstring); strcat(return_string,tempstring); if (pin_read) { strcat(return_string,"1"); } else { strcat(return_string,"0"); } } } if ((slave_command_buffer[0] == 'A') && (slave_command_buffer[1] == 'R')) { if ((((slave_command_buffer[2] > 47) && (slave_command_buffer[2] < 58)) || (toupper(slave_command_buffer[2]) == 'A')) && (slave_command_buffer[3] > 47) && (slave_command_buffer[3] < 58)) { command_good = 1; byte pin_value = 0; if (toupper(slave_command_buffer[2]) == 'A') { pin_value = get_analog_pin(slave_command_buffer[3] - 48); } else { pin_value = ((slave_command_buffer[2] - 48) * 10) + (slave_command_buffer[3] - 48); } int pin_read = analogReadEnhanced(pin_value); strcpy(return_string,"AR"); if (toupper(slave_command_buffer[2]) == 'A') { strcat(return_string,"A"); } else { dtostrf((slave_command_buffer[2]-48),0,0,tempstring); strcat(return_string,tempstring); } dtostrf((slave_command_buffer[3]-48),0,0,tempstring); strcat(return_string,tempstring); if (pin_read < 1000) { strcat(return_string,"0"); } if (pin_read < 100) { strcat(return_string,"0"); } if (pin_read < 10) { strcat(return_string,"0"); } dtostrf(pin_read,0,0,tempstring); strcat(return_string,tempstring); } } if ((slave_command_buffer[0] == 'N') && (slave_command_buffer[1] == 'T')) { if ((((slave_command_buffer[2] > 47) && (slave_command_buffer[2] < 58)) || (toupper(slave_command_buffer[2]) == 'A')) && (slave_command_buffer[3] > 47) && (slave_command_buffer[3] < 58)) { command_good = 1; byte pin_value = 0; if (toupper(slave_command_buffer[2]) == 'A') { pin_value = get_analog_pin(slave_command_buffer[3] - 48); } else { pin_value = ((slave_command_buffer[2] - 48) * 10) + (slave_command_buffer[3] - 48); } noTone(pin_value); strcpy(return_string,"OK"); } } } // if (slave_command_buffer_index == 4) if (slave_command_buffer_index == 7) { if ((slave_command_buffer[0] == 'A') && (slave_command_buffer[1] == 'W')) { if ((((slave_command_buffer[2] > 47) && (slave_command_buffer[2] < 58)) || (toupper(slave_command_buffer[2]) == 'A')) && (slave_command_buffer[3] > 47) && (slave_command_buffer[3] < 58)) { byte pin_value = 0; if (toupper(slave_command_buffer[2]) == 'A') { pin_value = get_analog_pin(slave_command_buffer[3] - 48); } else { pin_value = ((slave_command_buffer[2] - 48) * 10) + (slave_command_buffer[3] - 48); } int write_value = ((slave_command_buffer[4] - 48) * 100) + ((slave_command_buffer[5] - 48) * 10) + (slave_command_buffer[6] - 48); if ((write_value >= 0) && (write_value < 256)) { analogWriteEnhanced(pin_value, write_value); strcpy(return_string,"OK"); command_good = 1; } } } } if (slave_command_buffer_index == 8) { if ((slave_command_buffer[0] == 'D') && (slave_command_buffer[1] == 'T')) { if ((((slave_command_buffer[2] > 47) && (slave_command_buffer[2] < 58)) || (toupper(slave_command_buffer[2]) == 'A')) && (slave_command_buffer[3] > 47) && (slave_command_buffer[3] < 58)) { byte pin_value = 0; if (toupper(slave_command_buffer[2]) == 'A') { pin_value = get_analog_pin(slave_command_buffer[3] - 48); } else { pin_value = ((slave_command_buffer[2] - 48) * 10) + (slave_command_buffer[3] - 48); } int write_value = ((slave_command_buffer[4] - 48) * 1000) + ((slave_command_buffer[5] - 48) * 100) + ((slave_command_buffer[6] - 48) * 10) + (slave_command_buffer[7] - 48); if ((write_value >= 0) && (write_value <= 9999)) { tone(pin_value, write_value); strcpy(return_string,"OK"); command_good = 1; } } } } if (!command_good) { strcpy(return_string,"ER0289"); } } slave_command_buffer_index = 0; } #endif //FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE // -------------------------------------------------------------- void port_flush(){ #if defined(CONTROL_PORT_MAPPED_TO) && (defined(FEATURE_REMOTE_UNIT_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_YAESU_EMULATION) || defined(FEATURE_EASYCOM_EMULATION)) control_port->flush(); #endif //CONTROL_PORT_MAPPED_TO #if defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) remote_unit_port->flush(); #endif #if defined(GPS_PORT_MAPPED_TO) && defined(FEATURE_GPS) gps_port->flush(); #endif //defined(GPS_PORT_MAPPED_TO) && defined(FEATURE_GPS) } // -------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_POWER_SWITCH void service_power_switch(){ static byte power_switch_state = 1; #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL if ((az_state != IDLE) || (el_state != IDLE)){ last_activity_time = millis(); } #else //FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL if (az_state != IDLE){ last_activity_time = millis(); } #endif //FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL if ((millis()-last_activity_time) > (60000 * POWER_SWITCH_IDLE_TIMEOUT)) { if (power_switch_state){ digitalWriteEnhanced(power_switch, LOW); power_switch_state = 0; } } else { if (!power_switch_state){ digitalWriteEnhanced(power_switch, HIGH); power_switch_state = 1; } } } #endif //FEATURE_POWER_SWITCH //------------------------------------------------------ char * coordinates_to_maidenhead(float latitude_degrees,float longitude_degrees){ char temp_string[8] = ""; const char* asciiuppercase[] = {"A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P","Q","R"}; const char* asciinumbers[] = {"0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"}; const char* asciilowercase[] = {"a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x"}; latitude_degrees += 90.0; longitude_degrees += 180.0; strcat(temp_string,asciiuppercase[int(longitude_degrees/20)]); strcat(temp_string,asciiuppercase[int(latitude_degrees/10)]); strcat(temp_string,asciinumbers[int((longitude_degrees - int(longitude_degrees/20)*20)/2)]); strcat(temp_string,asciinumbers[int(latitude_degrees - int(latitude_degrees/10)*10)]); strcat(temp_string,asciilowercase[int((longitude_degrees - (int(longitude_degrees/2)*2)) / (5.0/60.0))]); strcat(temp_string,asciilowercase[int((latitude_degrees - (int(latitude_degrees/1)*1)) / (2.5/60.0))]); return temp_string; } //------------------------------------------------------ #ifdef FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE byte ethernet_slave_link_send(char * string_to_send){ if (ethernetslavelinkclient0_state == ETHERNET_SLAVE_CONNECTED){ ethernetslavelinkclient0.print(ETHERNET_PREAMBLE); ethernetslavelinkclient0.println(string_to_send); #ifdef DEBUG_ETHERNET debug_print("ethernet_slave_link_send: "); debug_println(string_to_send); #endif //DEBUG_ETHERNET return 1; } else { #ifdef DEBUG_ETHERNET debug_print("ethernet_slave_link_send: link down not sending:"); debug_println(string_to_send); #endif //DEBUG_ETHERNET return 0; } } #endif //FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE //------------------------------------------------------ #if defined(OPTION_SYNC_MASTER_COORDINATES_TO_SLAVE) && (defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE)) void sync_master_coordinates_to_slave(){ static unsigned long last_sync_master_coordinates_to_slave = 10000; if ((millis() - last_sync_master_coordinates_to_slave) >= (SYNC_MASTER_COORDINATES_TO_SLAVE_SECS * 1000)){ if (submit_remote_command(REMOTE_UNIT_RC_COMMAND, 0, 0)) { #ifdef DEBUG_SYNC_MASTER_COORDINATES_TO_SLAVE debug_println("sync_master_coordinates_to_slave: submitted REMOTE_UNIT_RC_COMMAND"); #endif //DEBUG_SYNC_MASTER_COORDINATES_TO_SLAVE last_sync_master_coordinates_to_slave = millis(); } } } #endif //defined(OPTION_SYNC_MASTER_COORDINATES_TO_SLAVE) && (defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE)) //------------------------------------------------------ #if defined(FEATURE_CLOCK) && defined(OPTION_SYNC_MASTER_CLOCK_TO_SLAVE) && (defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_SERIAL_SLAVE) || defined(FEATURE_MASTER_WITH_ETHERNET_SLAVE)) void sync_master_clock_to_slave(){ static unsigned long last_sync_master_clock_to_slave = 5000; if ((millis() - last_sync_master_clock_to_slave) >= (SYNC_MASTER_CLOCK_TO_SLAVE_CLOCK_SECS * 1000)){ if (submit_remote_command(REMOTE_UNIT_CL_COMMAND, 0, 0)) { #ifdef DEBUG_SYNC_MASTER_CLOCK_TO_SLAVE debug_println("sync_master_clock_to_slave: submitted REMOTE_UNIT_CL_COMMAND"); #endif //DEBUG_SYNC_MASTER_CLOCK_TO_SLAVE last_sync_master_clock_to_slave = millis(); } } // if REMOTE_UNIT_CL_COMMAND above was successful, issue a GS (query GPS sync command) to get GPS sync status on the remote if (clock_synced_to_remote){ if (submit_remote_command(REMOTE_UNIT_GS_COMMAND, 0, 0)) { #ifdef DEBUG_SYNC_MASTER_CLOCK_TO_SLAVE debug_println("sync_master_clock_to_slave: submitted REMOTE_UNIT_GS_COMMAND"); #endif //DEBUG_SYNC_MASTER_CLOCK_TO_SLAVE clock_synced_to_remote = 0; } } } #endif //defined(FEATURE_CLOCK) && defined(OPTION_SYNC_MASTER_CLOCK_TO_SLAVE) //------------------------------------------------------ #if defined(FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR) void service_stepper_motor_pulse_pins(){ service_stepper_motor_pulse_pins_count++; static unsigned int az_stepper_pin_transition_counter = 0; static byte az_stepper_pin_last_state = LOW; if (az_stepper_freq_count > 0){ az_stepper_pin_transition_counter++; if (az_stepper_pin_transition_counter >= az_stepper_freq_count){ if (az_stepper_pin_last_state == LOW){ digitalWrite(az_stepper_motor_pulse,HIGH); az_stepper_pin_last_state = HIGH; } else { digitalWrite(az_stepper_motor_pulse,LOW); az_stepper_pin_last_state = LOW; } az_stepper_pin_transition_counter = 0; } } else { az_stepper_pin_transition_counter = 0; } #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL static unsigned int el_stepper_pin_transition_counter = 0; static byte el_stepper_pin_last_state = LOW; if (el_stepper_freq_count > 0){ el_stepper_pin_transition_counter++; if (el_stepper_pin_transition_counter >= el_stepper_freq_count){ if (el_stepper_pin_last_state == LOW){ digitalWrite(el_stepper_motor_pulse,HIGH); el_stepper_pin_last_state = HIGH; } else { digitalWrite(el_stepper_motor_pulse,LOW); el_stepper_pin_last_state = LOW; } el_stepper_pin_transition_counter = 0; } } else { el_stepper_pin_transition_counter = 0; } #endif //FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL } #endif //defined(FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR) //------------------------------------------------------ #ifdef FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR void set_az_stepper_freq(unsigned int frequency){ if (frequency > 0) { az_stepper_freq_count = 2000 / frequency; } else { az_stepper_freq_count = 0; } #ifdef DEBUG_STEPPER debug_print("set_az_stepper_freq: "); debug_print_int(frequency); debug_print(" az_stepper_freq_count:"); debug_print_int(az_stepper_freq_count); debug_println(""); #endif //DEBUG_STEPPER } #endif //FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR //------------------------------------------------------ #if defined(FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL) && defined(FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR) void set_el_stepper_freq(unsigned int frequency){ if (frequency > 0) { el_stepper_freq_count = 2000 / frequency; } else { el_stepper_freq_count = 0; } #ifdef DEBUG_STEPPER debug_print("set_el_stepper_freq: "); debug_print_int(frequency); debug_print(" el_stepper_freq_count:"); debug_print_int(el_stepper_freq_count); debug_println(""); #endif //DEBUG_STEPPER } #endif //defined(FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL) && defined(FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR) //------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_ANALOG_OUTPUT_PINS void service_analog_output_pins(){ static int last_azimith_voltage_out = 0; int azimuth_voltage_out = map(azimuth/HEADING_MULTIPLIER,0,360,0,255); if (last_azimith_voltage_out != azimuth_voltage_out){ analogWriteEnhanced(pin_analog_az_out,azimuth_voltage_out); last_azimith_voltage_out = azimuth_voltage_out; } #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL static int last_elevation_voltage_out = 0; int elevation_voltage_out = map(elevation/HEADING_MULTIPLIER,0,ANALOG_OUTPUT_MAX_EL_DEGREES,0,255); if (last_elevation_voltage_out != elevation_voltage_out){ analogWriteEnhanced(pin_analog_el_out,elevation_voltage_out); last_elevation_voltage_out = elevation_voltage_out; } #endif //FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL } #endif //FEATURE_ANALOG_OUTPUT_PINS //------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_SUN_PUSHBUTTON_AZ_EL_CALIBRATION) && defined(FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING) void check_sun_pushbutton_calibration(){ static unsigned long last_update_time = 0; if ((digitalReadEnhanced(pin_sun_pushbutton_calibration) == LOW) && ((millis() - last_update_time) > 500)){ update_sun_position(); if (calibrate_az_el(sun_azimuth, sun_elevation)) { } else { } last_update_time = millis(); } } #endif //defined(FEATURE_SUN_PUSHBUTTON_AZ_EL_CALIBRATION) && defined(FEATURE_SUN_TRACKING) //------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(FEATURE_MOON_PUSHBUTTON_AZ_EL_CALIBRATION) && defined(FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING) void check_moon_pushbutton_calibration(){ static unsigned long last_update_time = 0; if ((digitalReadEnhanced(pin_moon_pushbutton_calibration) == LOW) && ((millis() - last_update_time) > 500)){ update_moon_position(); if (calibrate_az_el(moon_azimuth, moon_elevation)) { } else { } last_update_time = millis(); } } #endif //defined(FEATURE_MOON_PUSHBUTTON_AZ_EL_CALIBRATION) && defined(FEATURE_MOON_TRACKING) //------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FEATURE_AUTOCORRECT void submit_autocorrect(byte axis,float heading){ #ifdef DEBUG_AUTOCORRECT debug_print("submit_autocorrect: "); #endif //DEBUG_AUTOCORRECT if (axis == AZ){ autocorrect_state_az = AUTOCORRECT_WATCHING_AZ; autocorrect_az = heading; autocorrect_az_submit_time = millis(); #ifdef DEBUG_AUTOCORRECT debug_print("AZ: "); #endif //DEBUG_AUTOCORRECT } #ifdef FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL if (axis == EL){ autocorrect_state_el = AUTOCORRECT_WATCHING_EL; autocorrect_el = heading; autocorrect_el_submit_time = millis(); #ifdef DEBUG_AUTOCORRECT debug_print("EL: "); #endif //DEBUG_AUTOCORRECT } #endif //FEATURE_ELEVATION_CONTROL #ifdef DEBUG_AUTOCORRECT debug_print_float(heading,2); debug_println(""); #endif //DEBUG_AUTOCORRECT } #endif //FEATURE_AUTOCORRECT //------------------------------------------------------- // that's all, folks !