# Mechasolution QMC5883L Library [한글 설명 바로가기](https://github.com/keepworking/Mecha_QMC5883/blob/master/README_KO.md) ## Arduino Code There are a few simple rules for using that library. Please read the following summary and apply it to your project ### Basic Elements Required header files (#include ...) and Setup side code. ```cpp #include #include void setup(){ Wire.begin(); } ``` ### Object Declaration The object declaration method. It is used outside the setup statement, and a name such as qmc can be changed to any other name you want. ```cpp #include #include MechaQMC5883 qmc; ``` ### initialization QMC5883 Sensor's setting function. The init function allows you to take advantage of the features of the QMC5883 sensor by default. ```cpp void setup(){ Wire.begin(); qmc.init(); } ``` If you want more detailed settings, you can use it as follows. ```cpp void setup(){ Wire.begin(); qmc.init(); qmc.setMode(Mode_Standby,ODR_200Hz,RNG_8G,OSR_512); } ``` The values ​​used for setMode can take the following values: ``` Mode : Mode_Standby / Mode_Continuous ODR : ODR_10Hz / ODR_50Hz / ODR_100Hz / ODR_200Hz ouput data update rate RNG : RNG_2G / RNG_8G magneticfield measurement range OSR : OSR_512 / OSR_256 / OSR_128 / OSR_64 over sampling rate ``` ### Read values How to read the measured sensor value is as follows. ```cpp void loop(){ int x,y,z; qmc.read(&x,&y,&z); } ``` and we can get azimuth too. ```cpp void loop(){ int x,y,z; int a; //float a; //can get float value qmc.read(&x,&y,&z,&a); } ``` also can claculate azimuth you want ```cpp void loop(){ int x,y,z; int a; qmc.read(&x,&y,&z); a = qmc.azimuth(&y,&x); } ``` ## Basic example It can be seen as a collection of the contents mentioned above. ```cpp #include #include MechaQMC5883 qmc; void setup() { Wire.begin(); Serial.begin(9600); qmc.init(); //qmc.setMode(Mode_Continuous,ODR_200Hz,RNG_2G,OSR_256); } void loop() { int x,y,z; qmc.read(&x,&y,&z); Serial.print("x: "); Serial.print(x); Serial.print(" y: "); Serial.print(y); Serial.print(" z: "); Serial.print(z); Serial.println(); delay(100); } ```