#if defined(ARDUINO) && ARDUINO >= 100 #include "Arduino.h" #else #include "WProgram.h" #endif #include "hh12.h" /* Code adapted from here: http://www.madscientisthut.com/forum_php/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=7 Updated 2015-02-07 for 12 bit readings - Thanks Johan PA3FPQ */ int hh12_clock_pin = 0; int hh12_cs_pin = 0; int hh12_data_pin = 0; int inputstream = 0; //one bit read from pin long packeddata = 0; //two bytes concatenated from inputstream long angle = 0; //holds processed angle value float floatangle = 0; #ifdef OPTION_HH12_10_BIT_READINGS long anglemask = 65472; //0x1111111111000000: mask to obtain first 10 digits with position info #else long anglemask = 262080; // 0x111111111111000000: mask to obtain first 12 digits with position info #endif //OPTION_HH12_10_BIT_READINGS long statusmask = 63; //0x000000000111111; mask to obtain last 6 digits containing status info long statusbits; //holds status/error information int DECn; //bit holding decreasing magnet field error data int INCn; //bit holding increasing magnet field error data int OCF; //bit holding startup-valid bit int COF; //bit holding cordic DSP processing error data int LIN; //bit holding magnet field displacement error data //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hh12::hh12(){ } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void hh12::initialize(int _hh12_clock_pin, int _hh12_cs_pin, int _hh12_data_pin){ hh12_clock_pin = _hh12_clock_pin; hh12_cs_pin = _hh12_cs_pin; hh12_data_pin = _hh12_data_pin; pinMode(hh12_clock_pin, OUTPUT); pinMode(hh12_cs_pin, OUTPUT); pinMode(hh12_data_pin, INPUT); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- float hh12::heading(){ digitalWrite(hh12_cs_pin, HIGH); // CSn high digitalWrite(hh12_clock_pin, HIGH); // CLK high digitalWrite(hh12_cs_pin, LOW); // CSn low: start of transfer delayMicroseconds(HH12_DELAY); // delay for chip initialization digitalWrite(hh12_clock_pin, LOW); // CLK goes low: start clocking delayMicroseconds(HH12_DELAY); // hold low #ifdef OPTION_HH12_10_BIT_READINGS for (int x=0; x <16; x++) // clock signal, 16 transitions, output to clock pin #else for (int x=0; x <18; x++) // clock signal, 18 transitions, output to clock pin #endif //OPTION_HH12_10_BIT_READINGS { digitalWrite(hh12_clock_pin, HIGH); //clock goes high delayMicroseconds(HH12_DELAY); // inputstream =digitalRead(hh12_data_pin); // read one bit of data from pin #ifdef DEBUG_HH12 Serial.print(inputstream, DEC); #endif packeddata = ((packeddata << 1) + inputstream);// left-shift summing variable, add pin value digitalWrite(hh12_clock_pin, LOW); delayMicroseconds(HH12_DELAY); // end of one clock cycle } // end of entire clock cycle // 2015-09-08: Walter is testing these lines //digitalWrite(hh12_cs_pin, HIGH); // CSn high //digitalWrite(hh12_clock_pin, HIGH); // CLK high #ifdef DEBUG_HH12 Serial.print("hh12: packed:"); Serial.println(packeddata,DEC); Serial.print("hh12: pack bin: "); Serial.println(packeddata,BIN); #endif angle = packeddata & anglemask; // mask rightmost 6 digits of packeddata to zero, into angle #ifdef DEBUG_HH12 Serial.print("hh12: mask: "); Serial.println(anglemask, BIN); Serial.print("hh12: bin angle:"); Serial.println(angle, BIN); Serial.print("hh12: angle: "); Serial.println(angle, DEC); #endif angle = (angle >> 6); // shift 16-digit angle right 6 digits to form 10-digit value #ifdef DEBUG_HH12 Serial.print("hh12: angleshft:"); Serial.println(angle, BIN); Serial.print("hh12: angledec: "); Serial.println(angle, DEC); #endif #ifdef OPTION_HH12_10_BIT_READINGS floatangle = angle * 0.3515; // angle * (360/1024) == actual degrees #else floatangle = angle * 0.08789; // angle * (360/4096) == actual degrees #endif //OPTION_HH12_10_BIT_READINGS #ifdef DEBUG_HH12 statusbits = packeddata & statusmask; DECn = statusbits & 2; // goes high if magnet moved away from IC INCn = statusbits & 4; // goes high if magnet moved towards IC LIN = statusbits & 8; // goes high for linearity alarm COF = statusbits & 16; // goes high for cordic overflow: data invalid OCF = statusbits & 32; // this is 1 when the chip startup is finished if (DECn && INCn) { Serial.println("hh12: magnet moved out of range"); } else { if (DECn) { Serial.println("hh12: magnet moved away from chip"); } if (INCn) { Serial.println("hh12: magnet moved towards chip"); } } if (LIN) { Serial.println("hh12: linearity alarm: magnet misaligned? data questionable"); } if (COF) { Serial.println("hh12: cordic overflow: magnet misaligned? data invalid"); } #endif //DEBUG_HH12 return(floatangle); }