/* -------------------------- rotation settings ---------------------------------------*/ #define AZIMUTH_STARTING_POINT_DEFAULT 180 // the starting point in degrees of the azimuthal rotator - only used for initializing EEPROM #define AZIMUTH_ROTATION_CAPABILITY_DEFAULT 450 // the default rotation capability of the rotator in degrees - only used for initializing EEPROM /* Use these commands to change the azimuth starting point and rotation capability if you have already ran the code one which would have initialized the EEPROM: \Ix[x][x] - set az starting point \I - display the current az starting point \Jx[x][x] - set az rotation capability \J - display the current az rotation capability \Q - Save settings in the EEPROM and restart */ #define ELEVATION_MAXIMUM_DEGREES 180 // change this to set the maximum elevation in degrees /* --------------------------- Settings ------------------------------------------------ You can tweak these, but read the online documentation! */ // analog voltage calibration - these are default values; you can either tweak these or set via the Yaesu O and F commands (and O2 and F2).... #define ANALOG_AZ_FULL_CCW 4 #define ANALOG_AZ_FULL_CW 1009 #define ANALOG_EL_0_DEGREES 2 #define ANALOG_EL_MAX_ELEVATION 1018 // maximum elevation is normally 180 degrees unless change below for ELEVATION_MAXIMUM_DEGREES #define ANALOG_AZ_OVERLAP_DEGREES 540 // if overlap_led above is enabled, turn on overlap led line if azimuth is greater than this setting // you must use raw azimuth (if the azimuth on the rotator crosses over to 0 degrees, add 360 // for example, on a Yaesu 450 degree rotator with a starting point of 180 degrees, and an overlap LED // turning on when going CW and crossing 180, ANALOG_AZ_OVERLAP_DEGREES should be set for 540 (180 + 360) // PWM speed voltage settings #define PWM_SPEED_VOLTAGE_X1 74 // 0 to 255 #define PWM_SPEED_VOLTAGE_X2 128 // 0 to 255 #define PWM_SPEED_VOLTAGE_X3 191 // 0 to 255 #define PWM_SPEED_VOLTAGE_X4 253 // 0 to 255 //AZ #define AZ_SLOWSTART_DEFAULT 1 // 0 = off ; 1 = on #define AZ_SLOWDOWN_DEFAULT 1 // 0 = off ; 1 = on #define AZ_SLOW_START_UP_TIME 550 // if slow start is enabled, the unit will ramp up speed for this many milliseconds #define AZ_SLOW_START_STARTING_PWM 2 // PWM starting value for slow start (must be < 256) #define AZ_SLOW_START_STEPS 20 // must be < 256 #define SLOW_DOWN_BEFORE_TARGET_AZ 5.0 // if slow down is enabled, slowdown will be activated within this many degrees of target azimuth #define AZ_SLOW_DOWN_PWM_START 150 // starting PWM value for slow down (must be < 256) #define AZ_SLOW_DOWN_PWM_STOP 10 // ending PWM value for slow down (must be < 256) #define AZ_SLOW_DOWN_STEPS 200 //20 // must be < 256 #define AZ_INITIALLY_IN_SLOW_DOWN_PWM 10 // PWM value to start at if we're starting in the slow down zone (1 - 255) //EL #define EL_SLOWSTART_DEFAULT 1 // 0 = off ; 1 = on #define EL_SLOWDOWN_DEFAULT 1 // 0 = off ; 1 = on #define EL_SLOW_START_UP_TIME 200 // if slow start is enabled, the unit will ramp up speed for this many milliseconds #define EL_SLOW_START_STARTING_PWM 3 // PWM starting value for slow start (must be < 256 and > 0) #define EL_SLOW_START_STEPS 20 // must be < 256 #define SLOW_DOWN_BEFORE_TARGET_EL 20.0 //5.0 // if slow down is enabled, slowdown will be activated within this many degrees of target elevtion #define EL_SLOW_DOWN_PWM_START 50 //150 // starting PWM value for slow down (must be < 256 and > 0) #define EL_SLOW_DOWN_PWM_STOP 1 // ending PWM value for slow down (must be < 256 and > 0) #define EL_SLOW_DOWN_STEPS 500 //200 #define EL_INITIALLY_IN_SLOW_DOWN_PWM 10 // PWM value to start at if we're starting in the slow down zone (1 - 255) #define TIMED_SLOW_DOWN_TIME 500 //Variable frequency output settings - LOWEST FREQUENCY IS 31 HERTZ DUE TO ARDUINO tone() FUNCTION LIMITATIONS! // (Except when used with FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR and FEATURE_STEPPER_MOTOR_EXPERIMENTAL_CODE) #define AZ_VARIABLE_FREQ_OUTPUT_LOW 5 //32 // Frequency in hertz of minimum speed #define AZ_VARIABLE_FREQ_OUTPUT_HIGH 1000 //100 // Frequency in hertz of maximum speed #define EL_VARIABLE_FREQ_OUTPUT_LOW 5 //32 // Frequency in hertz of minimum speed #define EL_VARIABLE_FREQ_OUTPUT_HIGH 500 // Frequency in hertz of maximum speed // Settings for OPTION_AZ_MANUAL_ROTATE_LIMITS #define AZ_MANUAL_ROTATE_CCW_LIMIT 179 // if using a rotator that starts at 180 degrees, set this to something like 185 #define AZ_MANUAL_ROTATE_CW_LIMIT 539 // add 360 to this if you go past 0 degrees (i.e. 180 CW after 0 degrees = 540) // Settings for OPTION_EL_MANUAL_ROTATE_LIMITS #define EL_MANUAL_ROTATE_DOWN_LIMIT 10 #define EL_MANUAL_ROTATE_UP_LIMIT 170 // Speed pot settings #define SPEED_POT_LOW 0 #define SPEED_POT_HIGH 1023 #define SPEED_POT_LOW_MAP 1 #define SPEED_POT_HIGH_MAP 255 // Azimuth preset pot settings #define AZ_PRESET_POT_FULL_CW 0 #define AZ_PRESET_POT_FULL_CCW 1023 #define AZ_PRESET_POT_FULL_CW_MAP 180 // azimuth pot fully counter-clockwise degrees #define AZ_PRESET_POT_FULL_CCW_MAP 630 // azimuth pot fully clockwise degrees #define ENCODER_PRESET_TIMEOUT 5000 // various code settings #define AZIMUTH_TOLERANCE 0.10 // rotator will stop within X degrees when doing autorotation #define ELEVATION_TOLERANCE 0.1 //1.0 #define OPERATION_TIMEOUT 120000 // timeout for any rotation operation in mS ; 120 seconds is usually enough unless you have the speed turned down #define TIMED_INTERVAL_ARRAY_SIZE 20 #define CONTROL_PORT_BAUD_RATE 9600 #define REMOTE_UNIT_PORT_BAUD_RATE 9600 #define GPS_PORT_BAUD_RATE 9600 #define GPS_MIRROR_PORT_BAUD_RATE 9600 #define CONTROL_PORT_MAPPED_TO &Serial // change this line to map the control port to a different serial port (Serial1, Serial2, etc.) #define REMOTE_PORT_MAPPED_TO &Serial1 // change this line to map the remote_unit port to a different serial port #define GPS_PORT_MAPPED_TO &Serial2 // change this line to map the GPS port to a different serial port //#define GPS_MIRROR_PORT &Serial3 // use this to mirror output from a GPS unit into the Arduino out another port (uncomment to enable) #define OPTION_SEND_STRING_OUT_CONTROL_PORT_WHEN_INITIALIZING_STRING ("test\n\r") #define LCD_COLUMNS 20 //16 #define LCD_ROWS 4 //2 #define LCD_UPDATE_TIME 1000 // LCD update time in milliseconds #define LCD_HHMM_CLOCK_POSITION LEFT //LEFT or RIGHT #define LCD_HHMMSS_CLOCK_POSITION LEFT //LEFT or RIGHT #define LCD_ALT_HHMM_CLOCK_AND_MAIDENHEAD_POSITION LEFT #define LCD_ALT_HHMM_CLOCK_AND_MAIDENHEAD_ROW 1 #define LCD_CONSTANT_HHMMSS_CLOCK_AND_MAIDENHEAD_POSITION LEFT #define LCD_CONSTANT_HHMMSS_CLOCK_AND_MAIDENHEAD_ROW 1 #define LCD_BIG_CLOCK_ROW 4 #define LCD_GPS_INDICATOR_POSITION RIGHT //LEFT or RIGHT #define LCD_GPS_INDICATOR_ROW 1 #define LCD_MOON_TRACKING_ROW 3 // LCD display row for OPTION_DISPLAY_MOON_TRACKING_CONTINUOUSLY #define LCD_MOON_TRACKING_UPDATE_INTERVAL 5000 #define LCD_SUN_TRACKING_ROW 4 // LCD display row for OPTION_DISPLAY_SUN_TRACKING_CONTINUOUSLY #define LCD_SUN_TRACKING_UPDATE_INTERVAL 5000 #define LCD_MOON_OR_SUN_TRACKING_CONDITIONAL_ROW 3 // LCD display row for OPTION_DISPLAY_MOON_OR_SUN_TRACKING_CONDITIONAL #define SPLASH_SCREEN_TIME 3000 #define LCD_HEADING_ROW 2 #define LCD_HEADING_FIELD_SIZE 20 #define LCD_STATUS_ROW 1 #define LCD_STATUS_FIELD_SIZE 20 #define LCD_DIRECTION_ROW 1 #define LCD_HHMMSS_CLOCK_ROW 1 #define LCD_HHMM_CLOCK_ROW 1 #define PARKING_STATUS_DISPLAY_TIME_MS 5000 #define AZ_BRAKE_DELAY 3000 // in milliseconds #define EL_BRAKE_DELAY 3000 // in milliseconds #define BRAKE_ACTIVE_STATE HIGH #define BRAKE_INACTIVE_STATE LOW #define EEPROM_MAGIC_NUMBER 103 #define EEPROM_WRITE_DIRTY_CONFIG_TIME 30 //time in seconds #if defined(FEATURE_TWO_DECIMAL_PLACE_HEADINGS) #define HEADING_MULTIPLIER 100L #define LCD_HEADING_MULTIPLIER 100.0 #define LCD_DECIMAL_PLACES 2 #endif //FEATURE_TWO_DECIMAL_PLACE_HEADINGS #if defined(FEATURE_ONE_DECIMAL_PLACE_HEADINGS) #define HEADING_MULTIPLIER 10 #define LCD_HEADING_MULTIPLIER 10.0 #define LCD_DECIMAL_PLACES 1 #endif //FEATURE_ONE_DECIMAL_PLACE_HEADINGS #if !defined(FEATURE_ONE_DECIMAL_PLACE_HEADINGS) && !defined(FEATURE_TWO_DECIMAL_PLACE_HEADINGS) #define HEADING_MULTIPLIER 1 #define LCD_HEADING_MULTIPLIER 1.0 #define LCD_DECIMAL_PLACES 0 #endif //!defined(FEATURE_ONE_DECIMAL_PLACE_HEADINGS) && !defined(FEATURE_TWO_DECIMAL_PLACE_HEADINGS) #define AZ_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER_DEG_PER_PULSE 0.5 #define EL_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER_DEG_PER_PULSE 0.5 #define AZ_POSITION_PULSE_DEG_PER_PULSE 0.5 #define EL_POSITION_PULSE_DEG_PER_PULSE 0.5 #define PARK_AZIMUTH 360.0 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER // replace the 0.0 with your park azimuth; azimuth is in raw degrees (i.e. on a 180 degree starting point rotator, 0 degrees = 360) #define PARK_ELEVATION 0.0 * HEADING_MULTIPLIER // replace the 0.0 with your park elevation #define COMMAND_BUFFER_SIZE 50 #define REMOTE_BUFFER_TIMEOUT_MS 250 #define REMOTE_UNIT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT_MS 2000 #define AZ_REMOTE_UNIT_QUERY_TIME_MS 150 // how often we query the remote remote for azimuth #define EL_REMOTE_UNIT_QUERY_TIME_MS 150 // how often we query the remote remote for elevation #define ROTATE_PIN_INACTIVE_VALUE LOW #define ROTATE_PIN_ACTIVE_VALUE HIGH #define AZIMUTH_SMOOTHING_FACTOR 0 // value = 0 to 99.9 #define ELEVATION_SMOOTHING_FACTOR 0 // value = 0 to 99.9 #define AZIMUTH_MEASUREMENT_FREQUENCY_MS 100 // this does not apply if using FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_GET_FROM_REMOTE_UNIT #define ELEVATION_MEASUREMENT_FREQUENCY_MS 100 // this does not apply if using FEATURE_EL_POSITION_GET_FROM_REMOTE_UNIT #define JOYSTICK_WAIT_TIME_MS 100 #define ROTATION_INDICATOR_PIN_ACTIVE_STATE HIGH #define ROTATION_INDICATOR_PIN_INACTIVE_STATE LOW #define ROTATION_INDICATOR_PIN_TIME_DELAY_SECONDS 0 #define ROTATION_INDICATOR_PIN_TIME_DELAY_MINUTES 0 #define AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_PULSES_PER_REV 2000.0 #define EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_PULSES_PER_REV 2000.0 #define AZ_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_ZERO_PULSE_POSITION 0 // can be 0 to 4 x AZ_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_PULSES_PER_REV #define EL_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_ZERO_PULSE_POSITION 0 // can be 0 to 4 x EL_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_PULSES_PER_REV #define SERIAL_LED_TIME_MS 250 #define DEFAULT_LATITUDE 40.889958 #define DEFAULT_LONGITUDE -75.585972 #define MOON_TRACKING_CHECK_INTERVAL 5000 #define MOON_AOS_AZIMUTH_MIN 0 #define MOON_AOS_AZIMUTH_MAX 360 #define MOON_AOS_ELEVATION_MIN 0 #define MOON_AOS_ELEVATION_MAX 180 #define SUN_TRACKING_CHECK_INTERVAL 5000 #define SUN_AOS_AZIMUTH_MIN 0 #define SUN_AOS_AZIMUTH_MAX 360 #define SUN_AOS_ELEVATION_MIN 0 #define SUN_AOS_ELEVATION_MAX 180 #define TRACKING_ACTIVE_CHAR "*" #define TRACKING_INACTIVE_CHAR "-" #define DISPLAY_DEGREES_STRING "\xDF" #define INTERNAL_CLOCK_CORRECTION 0.00145 #define SYNC_TIME_WITH_GPS 1 #define SYNC_COORDINATES_WITH_GPS 1 #define GPS_SYNC_PERIOD_SECONDS 10 // how long to consider internal clock syncronized after a GPS reading #define GPS_VALID_FIX_AGE_MS 10000 // consider a GPS reading valid if the fix age is less than this #define GPS_UPDATE_LATENCY_COMPENSATION_MS 200 #define SYNC_WITH_RTC_SECONDS 59 // syncronize internal clock with realtime clock every x seconds #define SYNC_RTC_TO_GPS_SECONDS 12 // synchronize realtime clock to GPS every x seconds #define SYNC_MASTER_CLOCK_TO_SLAVE_CLOCK_SECS 10 // for OPTION_SYNC_MASTER_CLOCK_TO_SLAVE - use when GPS unit is connected to slave unit and you want to synchronize the master unit clock to the slave unit clock #define ETHERNET_MAC_ADDRESS 0xDE,0xAD,0xBE,0xEF,0xFE,0xEE //<-DON'T FORGET TO USE DIFFERENT MAC ADDRESSES FOR MASTER AND SLAVE!!! #define ETHERNET_IP_ADDRESS 192,168,1,172 //<-DON'T FORGET TO USE DIFFERENT IP ADDRESSES FOR MASTER AND SLAVE!!! #define ETHERNET_IP_GATEWAY 192,168,1,254 #define ETHERNET_IP_SUBNET_MASK 255,255,255,0 #define ETHERNET_TCP_PORT_0 23 #define ETHERNET_TCP_PORT_1 24 #define ETHERNET_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_MS 5000 #define ETHERNET_PREAMBLE "K3NG" // used only with Ethernet master/slave link #define ETHERNET_SLAVE_IP_ADDRESS 192,168,1,173 #define ETHERNET_SLAVE_TCP_PORT 23 #define ETHERNET_SLAVE_RECONNECT_TIME_MS 250 #define POWER_SWITCH_IDLE_TIMEOUT 15 // use with FEATURE_POWER_SWITCH; units are minutes #ifdef HARDWARE_EA4TX_ARS_USB #define BUTTON_ACTIVE_STATE HIGH #define BUTTON_INACTIVE_STATE LOW #else #define BUTTON_ACTIVE_STATE LOW #define BUTTON_INACTIVE_STATE HIGH #endif /* * * Azimuth and Elevation calibraton tables - use with FEATURE_AZIMUTH_CORRECTION and/or FEATURE_ELEVATION_CORRECTION * * You must have the same number of entries in the _FROM_ and _TO_ arrays! * */ #define AZIMUTH_CALIBRATION_FROM_ARRAY {180,630} /* these are in "raw" degrees, i.e. when going east past 360 degrees, add 360 degrees*/ #define AZIMUTH_CALIBRATION_TO_ARRAY {180,630} // example: reverse rotation sensing // #define AZIMUTH_CALIBRATION_FROM_ARRAY {0,359} // #define AZIMUTH_CALIBRATION_TO_ARRAY {359,0} //#define ELEVATION_CALIBRATION_FROM_ARRAY {-180,0,180} //#define ELEVATION_CALIBRATION_TO_ARRAY {-180,0,180} #define ELEVATION_CALIBRATION_FROM_ARRAY {0,269.9,270.0,359.9} #define ELEVATION_CALIBRATION_TO_ARRAY {0,269.9,-90.0,-0.1} #define ANALOG_OUTPUT_MAX_EL_DEGREES 180 #define EL_POSITION_PULSE_DEBOUNCE 500 // in ms /* Pololu LSM303 Calibration tables * * * For use with FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_POLOLU_LSM303 and/or FEATURE_EL_POSITION_POLOLU_LSM303 * Calibration values; the default values of +/-32767 for each axis lead to an assumed magnetometer bias of 0. Use the Calibrate example program to determine appropriate values for your particular unit. min: { +59, +19, -731} max: { +909, +491, +14} min: {32767, 32767, 32767} max: {-32768, -32768, -32768} */ #define POLOLU_LSM_303_MIN_ARRAY {+59, +19, -731} #define POLOLU_LSM_303_MAX_ARRAY {+909, +491, +14} #define AUTOCORRECT_TIME_MS_AZ 1000 #define AUTOCORRECT_TIME_MS_EL 1000 /* ---------------------------- object declarations ---------------------------------------------- Object declarations are required for several devices, including LCD displays, compass devices, and accelerometers */ /* #if defined(FEATURE_4_BIT_LCD_DISPLAY) || defined(FEATURE_ADAFRUIT_I2C_LCD) || defined(FEATURE_YOURDUINO_I2C_LCD) || defined(FEATURE_YWROBOT_I2C_DISPLAY) K3NGdisplay k3ngdisplay(LCD_COLUMNS,LCD_ROWS,LCD_UPDATE_TIME); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_HMC5883L HMC5883L compass; #endif //FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_HMC5883L #ifdef FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ADXL345_USING_LOVE_ELECTRON_LIB ADXL345 accel; #endif //FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ADXL345_USING_LOVE_ELECTRON_LIB #ifdef FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ADXL345_USING_ADAFRUIT_LIB Adafruit_ADXL345_Unified accel = Adafruit_ADXL345_Unified(12345); #endif //FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ADXL345_USING_ADAFRUIT_LIB #if defined(FEATURE_EL_POSITION_ADAFRUIT_LSM303) || defined(FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_ADAFRUIT_LSM303) Adafruit_LSM303 lsm; #endif #if defined(FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_POLOLU_LSM303) || defined(FEATURE_EL_POSITION_POLOLU_LSM303) LSM303 compass; LSM303::vector running_min = {32767, 32767, 32767}, running_max = {-32768, -32768, -32768}; char report[80]; #endif //FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_POLOLU_LSM303 #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_HH12_AS5045_SSI #include "hh12.h" hh12 azimuth_hh12; #endif //FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_HH12_AS5045_SSI #ifdef FEATURE_EL_POSITION_HH12_AS5045_SSI #include "hh12.h" hh12 elevation_hh12; #endif //FEATURE_EL_POSITION_HH12_AS5045_SSI #ifdef FEATURE_GPS TinyGPS gps; #endif //FEATURE_GPS #ifdef FEATURE_RTC_DS1307 RTC_DS1307 rtc; #endif //FEATURE_RTC_DS1307 #ifdef FEATURE_RTC_PCF8583 PCF8583 rtc(0xA0); #endif //FEATURE_RTC_PCF8583 #ifdef HARDWARE_EA4TX_ARS_USB #undef LCD_COLUMNS #undef LCD_ROWS #define LCD_COLUMNS 16 #define LCD_ROWS 2 #endif //HARDWARE_EA4TX_ARS_USB #ifdef HARDWARE_M0UPU #undef LCD_ROWS #define LCD_ROWS 2 #endif //HARDWARE_M0UPU #ifdef FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_A2_ABSOLUTE_ENCODER #define AZ_A2_ENCODER_RESOLUTION 32767 //36000 #define AZ_A2_ENCODER_ADDRESS 0x00 #define AZ_QUERY_FREQUENCY_MS 250 #define AZ_A2_ENCODER_MODE MODE_TWO_BYTE_POSITION//|MODE_MULTITURN #endif //FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_A2_ABSOLUTE_ENCODER #ifdef FEATURE_EL_POSITION_A2_ABSOLUTE_ENCODER #define EL_A2_ENCODER_RESOLUTION 32767 //36000 #define EL_A2_ENCODER_ADDRESS 0x00 #define EL_QUERY_FREQUENCY_MS 250 #define EL_A2_ENCODER_MODE MODE_MULTITURN//|MODE_TWO_BYTE_POSITION #endif //FEATURE_EL_POSITION_A2_ABSOLUTE_ENCODER #if defined(FEATURE_AZ_POSITION_A2_ABSOLUTE_ENCODER) || defined(FEATURE_EL_POSITION_A2_ABSOLUTE_ENCODER) #include "sei_bus.h" SEIbus SEIbus1(&Serial1,9600,pin_sei_bus_busy,pin_sei_bus_send_receive); // (Serial Port,Baud Rate,Busy Pin,Send/Receive Pin) #define SEI_BUS_COMMAND_TIMEOUT_MS 6000 #endif */