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synced 2025-03-16 08:55:16 +00:00
interface rev.4 modify
This commit is contained in:
@ -12666,8 +12666,10 @@ void digitalWriteEnhanced(uint8_t pin, uint8_t writevalue){
int digitalReadEnhanced(uint8_t pin){
if(pin >= A0){
// if(pin >= A0){
// modify for RemoteQTH rev 4
if(pin == A6 || pin == A2){
return 1;
return 0;
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
#define DEFAULT_DEBUG_STATE 0 // 1 = activate debug mode at startup; this should be set to zero unless you're debugging something at startup
#define DEBUG_DUMP // normally compile with this activated unless you're really trying to save memory
// #define DEBUG_DUMP // normally compile with this activated unless you're really trying to save memory
// #define DEBUG_LOOP
// #define DEBUG_BUTTONS
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
// And if you are using any display other than a 4 bit LCD, you must also change the feature setting in rotator_k3ngdisplay.h!!!!
// #define FEATURE_4_BIT_LCD_DISPLAY // Uncomment for classic 4 bit LCD display (most common)
#define FEATURE_4_BIT_LCD_DISPLAY // Uncomment for classic 4 bit LCD display (most common)
// #define FEATURE_ADAFRUIT_BUTTONS // Uncomment this to use Adafruit I2C LCD buttons for manual AZ/EL instead of normal buttons (also set this feature in rotator_k3ngdisplay.h)
@ -93,19 +93,19 @@
/* preset rotary encoder features and options */
// #define FEATURE_AZ_PRESET_ENCODER // Uncomment for Rotary Encoder Azimuth Preset support
#define FEATURE_AZ_PRESET_ENCODER // Uncomment for Rotary Encoder Azimuth Preset support
// #define FEATURE_EL_PRESET_ENCODER // Uncomment for Rotary Encoder Elevation Preset support (requires FEATURE_AZ_PRESET_ENCODER above)
#define OPTION_ENCODER_ENABLE_PULLUPS // define to enable weak pullups on rotary encoder pins
#define OPTION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_PULLUPS // define to enable weak pullups on 3 phase incremental rotary encoder pins
// #define OPTION_ENCODER_ENABLE_PULLUPS // define to enable weak pullups on rotary encoder pins
// #define OPTION_INCREMENTAL_ENCODER_PULLUPS // define to enable weak pullups on 3 phase incremental rotary encoder pins
//#define OPTION_PRESET_ENCODER_RELATIVE_CHANGE // this makes the encoder(s) change the az or el in a relative fashion rather then store an absolute setting
/* position sensor options */
#define OPTION_AZ_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER_HARD_LIMIT // stop azimuth at lower and upper limit rather than rolling over
#define OPTION_EL_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER_HARD_LIMIT // stop elevation at lower and upper limits rather than rolling over
// #define OPTION_EL_POSITION_ROTARY_ENCODER_HARD_LIMIT // stop elevation at lower and upper limits rather than rolling over
#define OPTION_AZ_POSITION_PULSE_HARD_LIMIT // stop azimuth at lower and upper limit rather than rolling over
#define OPTION_EL_POSITION_PULSE_HARD_LIMIT // stop elevation at lower and upper limits rather than rolling over
// #define OPTION_EL_POSITION_PULSE_HARD_LIMIT // stop elevation at lower and upper limits rather than rolling over
#define OPTION_POSITION_PULSE_INPUT_PULLUPS // define to enable weak pullups on position pulse inputs
/* less often used features and options */
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
// #define OPTION_SERIAL_HELP_TEXT // Yaesu help command prints help
// #define FEATURE_PARK
// #define OPTION_AZ_MANUAL_ROTATE_LIMITS // this option will automatically stop the L and R commands when hitting a CCW or CW limit (settings are AZ_MANUAL_ROTATE_CCW_LIMIT, AZ_MANUAL_ROTATE_CW_LIMIT)
#define OPTION_AZ_MANUAL_ROTATE_LIMITS // this option will automatically stop the L and R commands when hitting a CCW or CW limit (settings are AZ_MANUAL_ROTATE_CCW_LIMIT, AZ_MANUAL_ROTATE_CW_LIMIT)
// #define OPTION_C_COMMAND_SENDS_AZ_AND_EL // uncomment this when using Yaesu emulation with Ham Radio Deluxe
// #define OPTION_DELAY_C_CMD_OUTPUT // uncomment this when using Yaesu emulation with Ham Radio Deluxe
@ -132,32 +132,32 @@
#define OPTION_EL_SPEED_FOLLOWS_AZ_SPEED // changing the azimith speed with Yaesu X commands or an azimuth speed pot will also change elevation speed
// #define OPTION_PULSE_IGNORE_AMBIGUOUS_PULSES // for azimuth and elevation position pulse input feature, ignore pulses that arrive when no rotation is active
// #define OPTION_BUTTON_RELEASE_NO_SLOWDOWN // disables slowdown when CW or CCW button is released, or stop button is depressed
#define OPTION_SYNC_RTC_TO_GPS // if both realtime clock and GPS are present, synchronize realtime clock to GPS
// #define OPTION_SYNC_RTC_TO_GPS // if both realtime clock and GPS are present, synchronize realtime clock to GPS
#define OPTION_DISPLAY_HHMM_CLOCK // display HH:MM clock (set position with #define LCD_HHMM_CLOCK_POSITION)
// #define OPTION_DISPLAY_HHMM_CLOCK // display HH:MM clock (set position with #define LCD_HHMM_CLOCK_POSITION)
// #define OPTION_DISPLAY_HHMMSS_CLOCK // display HH:MM:SS clock (set position with #define LCD_HHMMSS_CLOCK_POSITION)
// #define OPTION_DISPLAY_ALT_HHMM_CLOCK_AND_MAIDENHEAD // display alternating HH:MM clock and maidenhead on LCD row 1 (set position with #define LCD_HHMMCLOCK_POSITION)
// #define OPTION_DISPLAY_CONSTANT_HHMMSS_CLOCK_AND_MAIDENHEAD // display constant HH:MM:SS clock and maidenhead on LCD row 1 (set position with #define LCD_CONSTANT_HHMMSSCLOCK_MAIDENHEAD_POSITION)
// #define OPTION_DISPLAY_BIG_CLOCK // display date & time clock (set row with #define LCD_BIG_CLOCK_ROW)
// #define OPTION_DISPLAY_DIRECTION_STATUS // LCD N, W, E, S, NW, etc. direction indicator
// #define OPTION_DISPLAY_GPS_INDICATOR // display GPS indicator on LCD - set position with LCD_GPS_INDICATOR_POSITION and LCD_GPS_INDICATOR_ROW
#define OPTION_DISPLAY_DIRECTION_STATUS // LCD N, W, E, S, NW, etc. direction indicator
#define OPTION_DISPLAY_VERSION_ON_STARTUP //code provided by Paolo, IT9IPQ
// #define OPTION_REVERSE_AZ_HH12_AS5045
// #define OPTION_REVERSE_EL_HH12_AS5045
// #define OPTION_EXTERNAL_ANALOG_REFERENCE //Activate external analog voltage reference (needed for RemoteQTH.com unit)
#define OPTION_EXTERNAL_ANALOG_REFERENCE //Activate external analog voltage reference (needed for RemoteQTH.com unit)
// #define OPTION_SYNC_MASTER_CLOCK_TO_SLAVE // use when GPS unit is connected to slave unit and you want to synchronize the master unit clock to the slave unit GPS clock
// #define OPTION_SYNC_MASTER_COORDINATES_TO_SLAVE // use when GPS unit is connected to slave unit and you want to synchronize the master unit coordinates to the slave unit GPS
@ -10,28 +10,28 @@
/* azimuth pins --------------------- (use just the azimuth pins for an azimuth-only rotator) */
#define rotate_cw 6 // goes high to activate rotator R (CW) rotation - pin 1 on Yaesu connector
#define rotate_ccw 7 // goes high to activate rotator L (CCW) rotation - pin 2 on Yaesu connector
#define rotate_cw 8 // goes high to activate rotator R (CW) rotation - pin 1 on Yaesu connector
#define rotate_ccw 9 // goes high to activate rotator L (CCW) rotation - pin 2 on Yaesu connector
#define rotate_cw_ccw 0 // goes high for both CW and CCW rotation
#define rotate_cw_pwm 0 // optional - PWM CW output - set to 0 to disable (must be PWM capable pin)
#define rotate_ccw_pwm 0 // optional - PWM CCW output - set to 0 to disable (must be PWM capable pin)
#define rotate_cw_ccw_pwm 0 // optional - PWM on CW and CCW output - set to 0 to disable (must be PWM capable pin)
#define rotate_cw_ccw_pwm 11 // optional - PWM on CW and CCW output - set to 0 to disable (must be PWM capable pin)
#define rotate_cw_freq 0 // optional - CW variable frequency output
#define rotate_ccw_freq 0 // optional - CCW variable frequency output
#define button_cw 0 // normally open button to ground for manual CW rotation (schematic pin: A2)
#define button_ccw 0 // normally open button to ground for manual CCW rotation (schematic pin: A3)
#define button_cw A5 // normally open button to ground for manual CW rotation (schematic pin: A2)
#define button_ccw A4 // normally open button to ground for manual CCW rotation (schematic pin: A3)
#define serial_led 0 // LED blinks when command is received on serial port (set to 0 to disable)
#define rotator_analog_az A0 // reads analog azimuth voltage from rotator - pin 4 on Yaesu connector
#define rotator_analog_az A7 // reads analog azimuth voltage from rotator - pin 4 on Yaesu connector
#define azimuth_speed_voltage 0 // optional - PWM output for speed control voltage feed into rotator (on continually unlike rotate_cw_pwm and rotate_ccw_pwm)
#define overlap_led 0 // line goes active when azimuth rotator is in overlap (> 360 rotators)
#define brake_az 0 // goes high to disengage azimuth brake (set to 0 to disable)
#define brake_az 10 // goes high to disengage azimuth brake (set to 0 to disable)
#define az_speed_pot 0 // connect to wiper of 1K to 10K potentiometer for speed control (set to 0 to disable)
#define az_preset_pot 0 // connect to wiper of 1K to 10K potentiometer for preset control (set to 0 to disable)
#define preset_start_button 0 // connect to momentary switch (ground on button press) for preset start (set to 0 to disable or for preset automatic start)
#define preset_start_button A3 // connect to momentary switch (ground on button press) for preset start (set to 0 to disable or for preset automatic start)
#define button_stop 0 // connect to momentary switch (ground on button press) for preset stop (set to 0 to disable or for preset automatic start)
#define rotation_indication_pin 0
#define blink_led 0
#define az_stepper_motor_pulse 44 //0
#define az_stepper_motor_pulse 0 //0
#define az_stepper_motor_direction 0
#define az_rotation_stall_detected 0
@ -39,15 +39,15 @@
/*----------- elevation pins --------------*/
#define rotate_up 8 // goes high to activate rotator elevation up
#define rotate_down 9 // goes high to activate rotator elevation down
#define rotate_up 0 // goes high to activate rotator elevation up
#define rotate_down 0 // goes high to activate rotator elevation down
#define rotate_up_or_down 0 // goes high when elevation up or down is activated
#define rotate_up_pwm 0 // optional - PWM UP output - set to 0 to disable (must be PWM capable pin)
#define rotate_down_pwm 0 // optional - PWM DOWN output - set to 0 to disable (must be PWM capable pin)
#define rotate_up_down_pwm 0 // optional - PWM on both UP and DOWN (must be PWM capable pin)
#define rotate_up_freq 0 // optional - UP variable frequency output
#define rotate_down_freq 0 // optional - UP variable frequency output
#define rotator_analog_el A1 // reads analog elevation voltage from rotator
#define rotator_analog_el 0 // reads analog elevation voltage from rotator
#define button_up 0 // normally open button to ground for manual up elevation
#define button_down 0 // normally open button to ground for manual down rotation
#define brake_el 0 // goes high to disengage elevation brake (set to 0 to disable)
@ -58,8 +58,8 @@
// rotary encoder pins and options
#define az_rotary_preset_pin1 0 // CW Encoder Pin
#define az_rotary_preset_pin2 0 // CCW Encoder Pin
#define az_rotary_preset_pin1 A6 // CW Encoder Pin
#define az_rotary_preset_pin2 A2 // CCW Encoder Pin
@ -83,8 +83,8 @@
#endif // read http://arduino.cc/en/Reference/AttachInterrupt for details on hardware and interrupts
#define el_position_pulse_pin 1 // must be an interrupt capable pin!
#define EL_POSITION_PULSE_PIN_INTERRUPT 1 // Uno: pin 2 = interrupt 0, pin 3 = interrupt 1 ; Mega: pin 2 = interrupt 0, pin 3 = interrupt 1, pin 21 = interrupt 2, pin 20 = interrupt 3, pin 19 = interrupt 4, pin 18 = interrupt 5
#define el_position_pulse_pin 0 // must be an interrupt capable pin!
#define EL_POSITION_PULSE_PIN_INTERRUPT 0 // Uno: pin 2 = interrupt 0, pin 3 = interrupt 1 ; Mega: pin 2 = interrupt 0, pin 3 = interrupt 1, pin 21 = interrupt 2, pin 20 = interrupt 3, pin 19 = interrupt 4, pin 18 = interrupt 5
#endif // read http://arduino.cc/en/Reference/AttachInterrupt for details on hardware and interrupts
@ -93,16 +93,16 @@
//classic 4 bit LCD pins
#define lcd_4_bit_rs_pin 12
#define lcd_4_bit_enable_pin 11
#define lcd_4_bit_d4_pin 5
#define lcd_4_bit_d5_pin 4
#define lcd_4_bit_d6_pin 3
#define lcd_4_bit_d7_pin 2
#define lcd_4_bit_enable_pin 13
#define lcd_4_bit_d4_pin 4
#define lcd_4_bit_d5_pin 5
#define lcd_4_bit_d6_pin 6
#define lcd_4_bit_d7_pin 7
#define pin_joystick_x A0
#define pin_joystick_y A1
#define pin_joystick_x 0
#define pin_joystick_y 0
@ -236,4 +236,3 @@
#define satellite_tracking_active_pin 0
#define satellite_tracking_activate_line 0
#define satellite_tracking_button 0 // use with a normally open momentary switch to ground
@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ You can tweak these, but read the online documentation!
#define PWM_SPEED_VOLTAGE_X4 253 // 0 to 255
#define AZ_SLOWSTART_DEFAULT 0 // 0 = off ; 1 = on
#define AZ_SLOWDOWN_DEFAULT 0 // 0 = off ; 1 = on
#define AZ_SLOWSTART_DEFAULT 1 // 0 = off ; 1 = on
#define AZ_SLOWDOWN_DEFAULT 1 // 0 = off ; 1 = on
#define AZ_SLOW_START_UP_TIME 2000 // if slow start is enabled, the unit will ramp up speed for this many milliseconds
#define AZ_SLOW_START_STARTING_PWM 1 // PWM starting value for slow start (must be < 256)
#define AZ_SLOW_START_STEPS 20 // must be < 256
@ -105,8 +105,8 @@ You can tweak these, but read the online documentation!
#define OPERATION_TIMEOUT 120000 // timeout for any rotation operation in mS ; 120 seconds is usually enough unless you have the speed turned down
#define LCD_COLUMNS 20 //16
#define LCD_ROWS 4 //2 // this is automatically set below for HARDWARE_EA4TX_ARS_USB and HARDWARE_M0UPU
#define LCD_COLUMNS 16 //16
#define LCD_ROWS 2 //2 // this is automatically set below for HARDWARE_EA4TX_ARS_USB and HARDWARE_M0UPU
#define LCD_UPDATE_TIME 1000 // LCD update time in milliseconds
@ -384,4 +384,3 @@ You can tweak these, but read the online documentation!
#define SATELLITE_AOS_LOS_CALC_RESOLUTION_HIGH_TRIGGER_SECS 300 //next event is < 5 minutes
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