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synced 2025-03-22 20:15:20 +00:00
- flake.lock: bumps lcoekd package list to latest packages list through 'nix flake update' - flake.nix : comment out customizations of derivatives, removing canokey-qemu lib since qemu_full depends on qemu which depends on canokey-qemu by default now - flake.nux: add 'less' so that 'git log' is usable - circleci/config.yml: use docker v0.1.9 - README.md : update docker image maintainer notes to ease upstreaming of docker images and for others to play around, requiring dockerhub account For testing iterations of this, I used: docker_version="v0.1.9" && docker_hub_repo="tlaurion/heads-dev-env" && sed "s@\(image: \)\(.*\):\(v[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\)@\1\2:$docker_version@" -i .circleci/config.yml && nix --print-build-logs --verbose develop --ignore-environment --command true && nix build .#dockerImage && docker load < result && docker tag linuxboot/heads:dev-env "$docker_hub_repo:$docker_version" && docker push "$docker_hub_repo:$docker_version" Then added final commit, and pushed. Signed-off-by: Thierry Laurion <insurgo@riseup.net>