mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 22:43:57 +00:00
478 lines
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478 lines
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modules-y :=
pwd := $(shell pwd)
packages := $(pwd)/packages
build := $(pwd)/build
config := $(pwd)/build
INSTALL := $(pwd)/install
log_dir := $(build)/log
# Controls how many parallel jobs are invoked in subshells
CPUS := $(shell nproc)
MAKE_JOBS ?= -j$(CPUS) --max-load 16
# Create the log directory if it doesn't already exist
BUILD_LOG := $(shell [ -d "$(log_dir)" ] || mkdir -p "$(log_dir)")
# Timestamps should be in ISO format
DATE=`date --rfc-3339=seconds`
# If V is set in the environment, do not redirect the tee
# command to /dev/null.
ifeq "$V" ""
VERBOSE_REDIRECT := > /dev/null
# Not verbose, so we only show the header
define do =
@echo "$(DATE) $1 $2"
# Verbose, so we display what we are doing
define do =
@echo "$(DATE) $1 $2"
# Check that we have a correct version of make
LOCAL_MAKE_VERSION := $(shell $(MAKE) --version | head -1 | cut -d' ' -f3)
include modules/make
ifeq "$(LOCAL_MAKE_VERSION)" "$(make_version)"
# Create a temporary directory for the initrd
initrd_dir := $(shell mktemp -d)
initrd_lib_dir := $(initrd_dir)/lib
initrd_bin_dir := $(initrd_dir)/bin
$(shell mkdir -p "$(initrd_lib_dir)" "$(initrd_bin_dir)")
$(shell echo "Initrd: $initrd_dir")
ifeq "$(CONFIG)" ""
CONFIG := config/qemu-moc.config
$(eval $(shell echo >&2 "$(DATE) CONFIG is not set, defaulting to $(CONFIG)"))
include $(CONFIG)
# We are running our own version of make,
# proceed with the build.
# Force pipelines to fail if any of the commands in the pipe fail
SHELL := /bin/bash
.SHELLFLAGS := -o pipefail -c
# Currently supported targets are x230, chell and qemu
BOARD ?= qemu
# If musl-libc is being used in the initrd, set the heads_cc
# variable to point to it.
musl_dep := musl
heads_cc := $(INSTALL)/bin/musl-gcc \
-fdebug-prefix-map=$(pwd)=heads \
-gno-record-gcc-switches \
CROSS := $(build)/../crossgcc/x86_64-linux-musl/bin/x86_64-musl-linux-
AR="$(CROSS)ar" \
LD="$(CROSS)ld" \
STRIP="$(CROSS)strip" \
NM="$(CROSS)nm" \
OBJCOPY="$(CROSS)objcopy" \
OBJDUMP="$(CROSS)objdump" \
CC="$(heads_cc)" \
all: $(BOARD).rom
# Disable all built in rules
# Make helpers to operate on lists of things
define prefix =
$(foreach _, $2, $1$_)
define map =
$(foreach _,$2,$(eval $(call $1,$_)))
# Bring in all of the module definitions;
# these are the external pieces that will be downloaded and built
# as part of creating the Heads firmware image.
include modules/*
# These will be built via their intermediate targets
# This increases the build time, so it is commented out for now
#all: $(foreach m,$(modules-y),$m.intermediate)
define bins =
$(foreach m,$1,$(call prefix,$(build)/$($m_dir)/,$($m_output)))
define libs =
$(foreach m,$1,$(call prefix,$(build)/$($m_dir)/,$($m_libraries)))
define outputs =
$(foreach m,$1,\
$(call bins,$m)\
$(call libs,$m)\
# Generate the targets for a module.
# Special variables like $@ must be written as $$@ to avoid
# expansion during the first evaluation.
define define_module =
ifneq ("$($1_repo)","")
# Checkout the tree instead and touch the canary file so that we know
# that the files are all present. No signature hashes are checked in
# this case, since we don't have a stable version to compare against.
git clone "$($1_repo)" "$(build)/$($1_dir)"
if [ -r patches/$1.patch ]; then \
( cd $(build)/$($1_dir) ; patch -p1 ) \
< patches/$1.patch; \
@touch "$$@"
# Fetch and verify the source tar file
wget -O "$$@" $($1_url)
$(packages)/.$1_verify: $(packages)/$($1_tar)
echo "$($1_hash) $$^" | sha256sum --check -
@touch "$$@"
# Unpack the tar file and touch the canary so that we know
# that the files are all present
$(build)/$($1_dir)/.canary: $(packages)/.$1_verify
tar -xf "$(packages)/$($1_tar)" -C "$(build)"
if [ -r patches/$1-$($1_version).patch ]; then \
( cd $(build)/$($1_dir) ; patch -p1 ) \
< patches/$1-$($1_version).patch; \
@touch "$$@"
ifeq "$($1_config)" ""
# There is no official .config file
$(build)/$($1_dir)/.config: $(build)/$($1_dir)/.canary
@touch "$$@"
# Copy the stored config file into the unpacked directory
$(build)/$($1_dir)/.config: config/$($1_config) $(build)/$($1_dir)/.canary
$(call do,COPY,"$$<",cp "$$<" "$$@")
# Use the module's configure variable to build itself
$(build)/$($1_dir)/.configured: \
$(build)/$($1_dir)/.canary \
$(build)/$($1_dir)/.config \
$(foreach d,$($1_depends),$(call outputs,$d)) \
@echo "$(DATE) CONFIG $1"
@( \
cd "$(build)/$($1_dir)" ; \
echo "$($1_configure)"; \
$($1_configure) \
) \
< /dev/null \
2>&1 \
| tee "$(log_dir)/$1.configure.log" \
@touch "$$@"
# All of the outputs should result from building the intermediate target
$(call outputs,$1): $1.intermediate
# Short hand target for the module
#$1: $(call outputs,$1)
# Target for all of the outputs, which depend on their dependent modules
$1.intermediate: \
$(foreach d,$($1_depends),$d.intermediate) \
$(foreach d,$($1_depends),$(call outputs,$d)) \
@echo "$(DATE) MAKE $1"
@( \
echo "$(MAKE) \
-C \"$(build)/$($1_dir)\" \
$($1_target)" ; \
$(MAKE) \
-C "$(build)/$($1_dir)" \
$($1_target) \
) \
< /dev/null \
2>&1 \
| tee "$(log_dir)/$1.log" \
|| ( \
echo "tail $(log_dir)/$1.log"; \
echo "-----"; \
tail -20 "$(log_dir)/$1.log"; \
exit 1; \
@echo "$(DATE) DONE $1"
-$(RM) "$(build)/$($1_dir)/.configured"
-$(MAKE) -C "$(build)/$($1_dir)" clean
$(call map, define_module, $(modules-y))
# hack to force musl-cross to be built before musl
#$(build)/$(musl_dir)/.configured: $(build)/$(musl-cross_dir)/../../crossgcc/x86_64-linux-musl/bin/x86_64-linux-musl-gcc
# Install a file into the initrd, if it changed from
# the destination file.
define install =
@-mkdir -p "$(dir $2)"
$(call do,INSTALL,$2,cp -a "$1" "$2")
# Files that should be copied into the initrd
# THis should probably be done in a more scalable manner
define initrd_bin_add =
$(initrd_bin_dir)/$(notdir $1): $1
$(call do,INSTALL-BIN,$$<,cp -a "$$<" "$$@")
@$(CROSS)strip --preserve-dates "$$@" 2>&-; true
initrd_bins += $(initrd_bin_dir)/$(notdir $1)
define initrd_lib_add =
$(initrd_lib_dir)/$(notdir $1): $1
$(call do,INSTALL-LIB,$$@,$(CROSS)strip --preserve-dates -o "$$@" "$$<")
initrd_libs += $(initrd_lib_dir)/$(notdir $1)
# Only some modules have binaries that we install
bin_modules-$(CONFIG_KEXEC) += kexec
bin_modules-$(CONFIG_TPMTOTP) += tpmtotp
bin_modules-$(CONFIG_PCIUTILS) += pciutils
bin_modules-$(CONFIG_FLASHROM) += flashrom
bin_modules-$(CONFIG_CRYPTSETUP) += cryptsetup
bin_modules-$(CONFIG_GPG) += gpg
bin_modules-$(CONFIG_LVM2) += lvm2
bin_modules-$(CONFIG_XEN) += xen
bin_modules-$(CONFIG_DROPBEAR) += dropbear
$(foreach m, $(bin_modules-y), \
$(call map,initrd_bin_add,$(call bins,$m)) \
# Install the libraries for every module that we have built
$(foreach m, $(modules-y), \
$(call map,initrd_lib_add,$(call libs,$m)) \
#$(foreach _, $(call outputs,xen), $(eval $(call initrd_bin,$_)))
# hack to install busybox into the initrd
initrd.cpio: busybox.intermediate
initrd_bins += $(initrd_bin_dir)/busybox
$(initrd_bin_dir)/busybox: $(build)/$(busybox_dir)/busybox
$(do,SYMLINK,$@,$(MAKE) \
-C $(build)/$(busybox_dir) \
CC="$(heads_cc)" \
CONFIG_PREFIX="$(pwd)/initrd" \
install \
# hack to build cbmem from coreboot
# this must be built *AFTER* musl, but since coreboot depends on other things
# that depend on musl it should be ok.
$(eval $(call initrd_bin_add,$(build)/$(coreboot_dir)/util/cbmem/cbmem))
$(build)/$(coreboot_dir)/util/cbmem/cbmem: \
$(build)/$(coreboot_dir)/.canary \
$(call do,MAKE,cbmem,\
$(MAKE) -C "$(dir $@)" CC="$(heads_cc)" \
# Linux kernel module installation
# This is special cases since we have to do a special strip operation on
# the kernel modules to make them fit into the ROM image.
define linux_module =
$(build)/$(linux_dir)/$1: linux.intermediate
initrd.cpio: $(initrd_lib_dir)/modules/$(notdir $1)
$(initrd_lib_dir)/modules/$(notdir $1): $(build)/$(linux_dir)/$1
@-mkdir -p "$(initrd_lib_dir)/modules"
$(call do,INSTALL-MODULE,$$@,$(CROSS)strip --preserve-dates --strip-debug -o "$$@" "$$<")
$(call map,linux_module,$(linux_modules-y))
# initrd image creation
# The initrd is constructed from various bits and pieces
# The cpio-clean program is used ensure that the files
# always have the same timestamp and appear in the same order.
# If there is no /dev/console, initrd can't startup.
# We have to force it to be included into the cpio image.
# Since we are picking up the system's /dev/console, there
# is a chance the build will not be reproducible (although
# unlikely that their device file has a different major/minor)
initrd.cpio: $(initrd_bins) $(initrd_libs) dev.cpio FORCE
$(call do,OVERLAY,initrd,\
tar -C ./initrd -cf - . | tar -C "$(initrd_dir)" -xf - \
$(call do,INSTALL,$(CONFIG),cp "$(CONFIG)" "$(initrd_dir)/etc/config")
$(call do,CPIO,$@, \
cd "$(initrd_dir)"; \
find . \
| cpio --quiet -H newc -o \
| $(pwd)/cpio-clean \
$(pwd)/dev.cpio \
- \
> "$(pwd)/$@" \
$(call do,RM,$(initrd_dir),$(RM) -rf "$(initrd_dir)")
initrd.intermediate: initrd.cpio
# Compress the initrd into a xz file that can be included by coreboot.
# The extra options are necessary to let the Linux kernel decompress it.
coreboot.intermediate: $(build)/$(coreboot_dir)/initrd.cpio.xz
$(build)/$(coreboot_dir)/initrd.cpio.xz: initrd.cpio
$(call do,COMPRESS,$<,\
xz \
--check=crc32 \
--lzma2=dict=1MiB \
-9 \
< "$<" \
> "$@" \
@sha256sum "$@"
# hack for the coreboot to find the linux kernel
$(build)/$(coreboot_dir)/bzImage: $(build)/$(linux_dir)/arch/x86/boot/bzImage
$(call do,COPY,$@,cp "$^" "$@")
@sha256sum "$@"
coreboot.intermediate: $(build)/$(coreboot_dir)/bzImage
# Each board output has its own fixup required to turn the coreboot.rom
# into a flashable image.
# This produces a ROM image suitable for writing into the top chip;
x230.flash.rom: $(build)/$(coreboot_dir)/x230.flash/coreboot.rom
"$(build)/$(coreboot_dir)/$(BOARD)/cbfstool" "$<" print
$(call do,EXTRACT,$@,dd if="$<" of="$@" bs=1M skip=8)
@-$(RM) $<
@sha256sum "$@"
# This produces a ROM image that is written with the flashrom program
%.rom: $(build)/$(coreboot_dir)/%/coreboot.rom
"$(build)/$(coreboot_dir)/$(BOARD)/cbfstool" "$<" print
$(call do,EXTRACT,$@,mv "$<" "$@")
@sha256sum "$@"
module_dirs := \
$(busybox_dir) \
$(cryptsetup_dir) \
$(dropbear_dir) \
$(flashrom_dir) \
$(gpg_dir) \
$(kexec_dir) \
$(libusb_dir) \
$(libusb-compat_dir) \
$(lvm2_dir) \
$(mbedtls_dir) \
$(pciutils_dir) \
$(popt_dir) \
$(qrencode_dir) \
$(tpmtotp_dir) \
$(util-linux_dir) \
$(zlib_dir) \
$(kernel-headers_dir) \
for dir in $(module_dirs) \
; do \
$(MAKE) -C "build/$$dir" clean ; \
rm "build/$$dir/.configured" ; \
for dir in \
$(module_dirs) \
$(musl_dir) \
$(kernel_headers) \
; do \
if [ ! -z "$$dir" ]; then \
rm -rf "build/$$dir"; \
fi; \
rm -rf ./install
$(MAKE) \
-j`nproc` \
musl-cross.intermediate \
$(build)/$(coreboot_dir)/util/crossgcc/xgcc/bin/i386-elf-gcc \
# Wrong make version detected -- build our local version
# and re-invoke the Makefile with it instead.
$(eval $(shell echo >&2 "$(DATE) Wrong make detected: $(LOCAL_MAKE_VERSION)"))
HEADS_MAKE := $(build)/$(make_dir)/make
# Once we have a proper Make, we can just pass arguments into it
all bootstrap: $(HEADS_MAKE)
%.clean %.intermediate: $(HEADS_MAKE)
# How to download and build the correct version of make
$(HEADS_MAKE): $(build)/$(make_dir)/Makefile
make -C "$(dir $@)" $(MAKE_JOBS) \
2>&1 \
| tee "$(log_dir)/make.log" \
$(build)/$(make_dir)/Makefile: $(packages)/$(make_tar)
tar xf "$<" -C build/
cd "$(dir $@)" ; ./configure \
2>&1 \
| tee "$(log_dir)/make.configure.log" \
wget -O "$@" "$(make_url)"
if ! echo "$(make_hash) $@" | sha256sum --check -; then \
$(MV) "$@" "$@.failed"; \
false; \