# u-root go runtime
# This is not a normal Heads module, since it builds all of its
# own dependencies.
u-root_url := github.com/u-root/u-root
u-root_output := $(build)/$(BOARD)/u-root.cpio

export GOPATH=$(build)/go
u-root_src_cmds := $(foreach cmd,$(UROOT_CMDS),github.com/u-root/u-root/cmds/$(cmd))

u-root_build := $(GOPATH)/bin/u-root

	go get github.com/u-root/u-root/...
# If the board directory has its own go commands, copy them
# into the u-root tree so that they will be bundled into the go initrd
# TODO: generalize this to support more commands
# TODO: fix this sort that it doesn't leave commands lying around
ifeq "y" "$(shell [ -r 'boards/$(BOARD)/uinit.go' ] && echo y)"
u-root_uinit := $(GOPATH)/src/github.com/u-root/u-root/cmds/uinit/uinit.go
$(u-root_uinit): $(u-root_build) boards/$(BOARD)/uinit.go
	$(call install,boards/$(BOARD)/uinit.go,$@)

$(u-root_output): $(u-root_build) $(u-root_uinit)
	$(call do,U-ROOT,$@,\
		$(GOPATH)/bin/u-root \
			-build=bb \
			-format=cpio \
			-o $@  \

# Override the initrd inputs and add in the kernel modules
initrd-$(CONFIG_UROOT) += $(u-root_output)

ifeq "$(CONFIG_UROOT)" "y"
# If we are building for u-root, disable the default CONFIG_HEADS
# so that the heads/initrd/etc directories will not be included

# Since we do not include u-root in modules-y, we have to define our
# own intermediate and clean targets here
$(build)/$(u-root_dir)/.build: $(u-root_output)
	$(RM) $(u-root_output)