Originals: - ThePlexus-logo.jpg: Created by @ThePlexus. - Shared under https://github.com/osresearch/heads/issues/1402#issuecomment-1545404715 - This "Qube" references encompasses coreboot's rabbit logo and LinuxBoot's Penguin logo with a generic "H" logo for Heads - ThePlexus-bootsplash-1024x768.jpg: @tlaurion remix in 1024x768 applying tansformation voodoo that was required prior of coreboot 4.19 added patches - @d-wid proposed Janus logos based on @ThePlexus previous work: - https://github.com/osresearch/heads/issues/1402#issuecomment-1546395983 - @d-wid then added @ThrillerAtPlay Matrix background: - https://github.com/osresearch/heads/issues/1402#issuecomment-1546706954 - bing-d-wid_logo.svg: Heads Logo generated by Bing's AI on August 03 2023 with prompt "Double Headed Janus Logo for Heads Open Source Firmware" shared under https://github.com/osresearch/heads/issues/1402#issuecomment-1664636591. Edited with GIMP and traced with Inkscape. - "Matrix" Binary background from @ThrillerAtPlay borrowed (with permission) from https://github.com/Thrilleratplay/bootsplash-coreboot/tree/master by @d-wid remixes Remixes: - ThePlexus-bootsplash-1024x768-DonateQrCode.jpg: Resized to fit 1024x768 and addition of DonateQrCode - bing-d-wid_heads-red_blue_background-plain-3_DonateQrCode.jpg: @d-wid remix of Bing's Heads logo + DonateQrCode - d-wid-ThePlexus_coreboot-linuxboot-heads_background-plain_DonateQrCode.jpg: @d-wid remix of Bing's Heads logo in @ThePlexus Qube + DonateQrCode - d-wid-ThePlexus_heads_ThrillerAtPlay-background-binary_DonateQrCode.jpg: @d-wid remix of Bing's Heads logo in @ThePlexus Qube with @ThrillerAtPlay Matrix binary background + DonateQrCode - d-wid_heads-Thrilleratplay_background-binary-2_DonateQrCode.jpg: @d-wid remix of Bing's Heads logo with @ThrillerAtPlay Matrix binary background + DonateQrCode - d-wid_heads_background-plain-2_DonateQrCode.jpg: @d-wid remix of Bing's Heads logo + DonateQrCode Softlink: - branding/Heads/bootsplash-1024x768.jpg points to currently selected default bootsplash Bootsplash usage: - config/coreboot-* configurations point to above softlink by default. To rebrand, adapt branding/NAME/bootsplash-1024x768.jpg softlink to desired bootsplash