#!/bin/bash function printusage { echo "Usage: $0 -m (optional)" } ME_BIN_HASH="c140d04d792bed555e616065d48bdc327bb78f0213ccc54c0ae95f12b28896a4" if [ -e "${output_dir}/me.bin" ]; then echo "me.bin already exists" if echo "${ME_BIN_HASH} ${output_dir}/me.bin" | sha256sum --check; then echo "SKIPPING: SHA256 checksum for me.bin matches." exit 0 fi echo "me.bin exists but checksum doesn't match. Continuing..." fi if [[ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" == "$0" ]]; then if [[ "${1:-}" == "--help" ]]; then usage else if [[ -z "${COREBOOT_DIR}" ]]; then echo "ERROR: No COREBOOT_DIR variable defined." exit 1 fi output_dir="$(realpath "${1:-./}")" if [[ ! -f "${output_dir}/me.bin" ]]; then # Unpack Lenovo's Windows installer into a temporary directory and # extract the Intel ME blob. pushd "$(mktemp -d)" || exit curl -O https://download.lenovo.com/pccbbs/mobiles/g1rg24ww.exe innoextract g1rg24ww.exe mv app/ME8_5M_Production.bin "${COREBOOT_DIR}/util/me_cleaner" rm -rf ./* popd || exit # Neutralize and shrink Intel ME. Note that this doesn't include # --soft-disable to set the "ME Disable" or "ME Disable B" (e.g., # High Assurance Program) bits, as they are defined within the Flash # Descriptor. # https://github.com/corna/me_cleaner/wiki/External-flashing#neutralize-and-shrink-intel-me-useful-only-for-coreboot pushd "${COREBOOT_DIR}/util/me_cleaner" || exit python me_cleaner.py -r -t -O me_shrinked.bin ME8_5M_Production.bin rm -f ME8_5M_Production.bin mv me_shrinked.bin "${output_dir}/me.bin" popd || exit fi if ! echo "${ME_BIN_HASH} ${output_dir}/me.bin" | sha256sum --check; then echo "ERROR: SHA256 checksum for me.bin doesn't match." exit 1 fi fi fi