#!/bin/bash . /etc/functions TRACE_FUNC # bring up the ethernet interface ifconfig lo echo "Loading Ethernet network modules..." network_modules="e1000 e1000e igb sfc mdio mlx4_core mlx4_en" for module in $(echo $network_modules); do if [ -f /lib/modules/$module.ko ]; then #check if module is already loaded and load it if not lsmod | grep -q $module || insmod /lib/modules/$module.ko fi done #Tethering over USB for Mobile phones supporting CDC (Android Pixel 6a+, Librem phone, etc.) if [ -e /lib/modules/cdc_ether.ko ]; then #first enable USB controllers enable_usb echo "" echo "Please verify that your mobile (CDC NCM/EEM tethering compatible phone) is networked in the desired way (WIFI/mobile + VPN/Orbot/etc)" echo "Please connect mobile phone to this machine's fast USB port (blue identified) through a known working data cable" echo "Please enable USB tethering prior of going further (Android: select 'Charging this device via USB' notification and enable tethering option)" read -p "Press Enter to continue now or wait 30 seconds..." -n 1 -r -t 30 network_modules="mii usbnet cdc_ether cdc_ncm cdc_eem" echo "Loading USB tethering network related modules: $network_modules..." for module in $(echo $network_modules); do if [ -f /lib/modules/$module.ko ]; then #check if module is already loaded and load it if not lsmod | grep -q $module || insmod /lib/modules/$module.ko fi done if ! [ -e /sys/class/net/usb0 ]; then echo "" echo "Tethering USB network interface was NOT detected with loaded kernel modules : $network_modules" echo "Please check your phone's linux drivers requirements" echo "Note that RNDIS kernel module inclusion was discussed and rejected due to security implications and planned deprecation under Linux kernel altogether" echo "CDC NCM/CDC EEM support is known to be available on a majority of Android/GrapheneOS as well as Librem phones" echo "Non-exhaustive exeptions: Pixel 4a* known to only tether over RNDIS and won't be supported" echo "Apple phones won't be supported due to size and complexity of the drivers and toolstack required to support tethering" read -p "Press Enter to continue now or wait 30 seconds..." -n 1 -r -t 30 fi fi if [ -e /sys/class/net/usb0 ]; then dev=usb0 echo "USB tethering network interface detected as $dev" elif [ -e /sys/class/net/eth0 ]; then dev=eth0 echo "Ethernet network interface detected as $dev" #Randomize eth0 MAC address of maximized boards if echo "$CONFIG_BOARD" | grep -q maximized; then ifconfig $dev down echo "Generating random MAC address..." mac=$(generate_random_mac_address) echo "Assigning randomly generated MAC: $mac to eth0..." ifconfig $dev hw ether $mac echo "Bringing up $dev... Connect a network cable to the $dev port and make sure status LEDs are on" ifconfig $dev up fi fi # Set up static IP if [ ! -z "$CONFIG_BOOT_STATIC_IP" ]; then echo "Setting static IP: $CONFIG_BOOT_STATIC_IP" ifconfig $dev $CONFIG_BOOT_STATIC_IP echo "No NTP sync with static IP: no DNS server nor gateway defined, set time manually" elif [ -e /sbin/udhcpc ]; then echo "Getting IP from first DHCP server answering. This may take a while..." if udhcpc -T 1 -i $dev -q; then if [ -e /sbin/ntpd ]; then DNS_SERVER=$(grep nameserver /etc/resolv.conf | awk -F " " {'print $2'}) killall ntpd 2 &>1 >/dev/null echo "Attempting to sync time with NTP server: $DNS_SERVER..." if ! ntpd -d -N -n -q -p $DNS_SERVER; then echo "NTP sync unsuccessful with DNS server" echo "Attempting NTP time sync with pool.ntp.org..." if ! ntpd -d -d -N -n -q -p pool.ntp.org; then echo "NTP sync unsuccessful." else echo "NTP time sync successful." fi fi echo "Syncing hardware clock with system time in UTC/GMT timezone... NOT LOCAL TIMEZONE!" hwclock -w echo "" date=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z") echo "Time: $date" fi fi fi if [ -e /bin/dropbear ]; then # Set up the ssh server, allow root logins and log to stderr if [ ! -d /etc/dropbear ]; then mkdir /etc/dropbear fi echo "Starting dropbear ssh server..." dropbear -B -R fi echo "" echo "Network setup complete:" ifconfig