#!/bin/sh # Shell functions for most initialization scripts die() { echo >&2 "$*"; exit 1; } warn() { echo >&2 "$*"; } recovery() { echo >&2 "!!!!! $*" # Remove any temporary secret files that might be hanging around # but recreate the directory so that new tools can use it. rm -rf /tmp/secret mkdir -p /tmp/secret if [ "$CONFIG_TPM" = y ]; then tpm extend -ix 4 -ic recovery fi echo >&2 "!!!!! Starting recovery shell" sleep 1 exec /bin/ash } pcrs() { head -7 /sys/class/tpm/tpm0/pcrs } confirm_totp() { prompt="$1" last_half=X unset totp_confirm while true; do # update the TOTP code every thirty seconds date=`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` seconds=`date "+%s"` half=`expr \( $seconds % 60 \) / 30` if [ "$CONFIG_TPM" != y ]; then TOTP="NO TPM" elif [ "$half" != "$last_half" ]; then last_half=$half; TOTP=`unseal-totp` \ || recovery "TOTP code generation failed" fi echo -n "$date $TOTP: " # read the first character, non-blocking read \ -t 1 \ -n 1 \ -s \ -p "$prompt" \ totp_confirm \ && break # nothing typed, redraw the line echo -ne '\r' done # clean up with a newline echo } enable_usb() { if [ "$CONFIG_LINUX_USB_COMPANION_CONTROLLER" = y ]; then if ! lsmod | grep -q uhci_hcd; then insmod /lib/modules/uhci-hcd.ko \ || die "uhci_hcd: module load failed" fi if ! lsmod | grep -q ohci_hcd; then insmod /lib/modules/ohci-hcd.ko \ || die "ohci_hcd: module load failed" fi if ! lsmod | grep -q ohci_pci; then insmod /lib/modules/ohci-pci.ko \ || die "ohci_pci: module load failed" fi fi if ! lsmod | grep -q ehci_hcd; then insmod /lib/modules/ehci-hcd.ko \ || die "ehci_hcd: module load failed" fi if ! lsmod | grep -q ehci_pci; then insmod /lib/modules/ehci-pci.ko \ || die "ehci_pci: module load failed" fi if ! lsmod | grep -q xhci_hcd; then insmod /lib/modules/xhci-hcd.ko \ || die "xhci_hcd: module load failed" fi if ! lsmod | grep -q xhci_pci; then insmod /lib/modules/xhci-pci.ko \ || die "xhci_pci: module load failed" sleep 2 fi } confirm_gpg_card() { read \ -n 1 \ -p "Please confirm that your GPG card is inserted [Y/n]: " \ card_confirm echo if [ "$card_confirm" != "y" \ -a "$card_confirm" != "Y" \ -a -n "$card_confirm" ] \ ; then die "gpg card not confirmed" fi # setup the USB so we can reach the GPG card enable_usb gpg --card-status \ || die "gpg card read failed" } check_tpm_counter() { # if the /boot.hashes file already exists, read the TPM counter ID # from it. if [ -r "$1" ]; then TPM_COUNTER=`grep counter- "$1" | cut -d- -f2` else warn "$BOOT_HASHES does not exist; creating new TPM counter" read -s -p "TPM Owner password: " tpm_password echo tpm counter_create \ -pwdo "$tpm_password" \ -pwdc '' \ -la 3135106223 \ | tee /tmp/counter \ || die "Unable to create TPM counter" TPM_COUNTER=`cut -d: -f1 < /tmp/counter` fi if [ -z "$TPM_COUNTER" ]; then die "$1: TPM Counter not found?" fi } read_tpm_counter() { tpm counter_read -ix "$1" | tee "/tmp/counter-$1" \ || die "Counter read failed" } increment_tpm_counter() { tpm counter_increment -ix "$1" -pwdc '' \ | tee /tmp/counter-$1 \ || die "Counter increment failed" } check_config() { if [ ! -d /tmp/kexec ]; then mkdir /tmp/kexec \ || die 'Failed to make kexec tmp dir' else rm -rf /tmp/kexec/* \ || die 'Failed to empty kexec tmp dir' fi if [ ! -r $1/kexec.sig ]; then return fi if [ `find $1/kexec*.txt | wc -l` -eq 0 ]; then return fi if [ "$2" != "force" ]; then if ! sha256sum `find $1/kexec*.txt` | gpgv $1/kexec.sig - ; then die 'Invalid signature on kexec boot params' fi fi echo "+++ Found verified kexec boot params" cp $1/kexec*.txt /tmp/kexec \ || die "Failed to copy kexec boot params to tmp" }