# Minimal configuration for a t430 to support flashrom and USB # This top SPI flash image needed to flash legacy board counterpart internally # This image can be flashed through 1vyrain and skulls # IDEALLY you should flash maximized top and bottom rom images exteranlly once instead. export CONFIG_COREBOOT=y export CONFIG_COREBOOT_VERSION=4.22.01 export CONFIG_LINUX_VERSION=5.10.5 CONFIG_COREBOOT_CONFIG=config/coreboot-x230-legacy-flash.config CONFIG_LINUX_CONFIG=config/linux-x230-flash.config #Add bare minimal tools for flashing boards CONFIG_BASH=n CONFIG_FLASHROM=y CONFIG_ZSTD=n #CONFIG_GPG=y #CONFIG_FLASHTOOLS=y CONFIG_PCIUTILS=y #CONFIG_MBEDTLS=y #CONFIG_QRENCODE=y #CONFIG_TPMTOTP=y #CONFIG_DROPBEAR=y #Additional hardware support CONFIG_LINUX_USB=y #CONFIG_LINUX_E1000E=y export CONFIG_BOOTSCRIPT=/bin/xx30-flash.init export CONFIG_BOARD_NAME="ThinkPad T430-legacy-flash" export CONFIG_FLASHROM_OPTIONS="--force --noverify-all -p internal --ifd --image bios" CONFIG_LEGACY_FLASH=y BOARD_TARGETS := legacy_flash