#!/bin/bash # Shell functions for common operations using fbwhiptail . /etc/functions # Pause for the configured timeout before booting automatically. Returns 0 to # continue with automatic boot, nonzero if user interrupted. pause_automatic_boot() { if IFS= read -t "$CONFIG_AUTO_BOOT_TIMEOUT" -s -n 1 -p \ "Automatic boot in $CONFIG_AUTO_BOOT_TIMEOUT seconds unless interrupted by keypress... "; then return 1 # Interrupt automatic boot fi return 0 # Continue with automatic boot } mount_usb() { TRACE "under gui_functions:mount_usb" # Unmount any previous USB device if grep -q /media /proc/mounts ; then umount /media || die "Unable to unmount /media" fi # Mount the USB boot device mount-usb && USB_FAILED=0 || ( [ $? -eq 5 ] && exit 1 || USB_FAILED=1 ) if [ $USB_FAILED -ne 0 ]; then whiptail $BG_COLOR_ERROR --title 'USB Drive Missing' \ --msgbox "Insert your USB drive and press Enter to continue." 16 60 mount-usb && USB_FAILED=0 || ( [ $? -eq 5 ] && exit 1 || USB_FAILED=1 ) if [ $USB_FAILED -ne 0 ]; then whiptail $BG_COLOR_ERROR --title 'ERROR: Mounting /media Failed' \ --msgbox "Unable to mount USB device" 16 60 exit 1 fi fi } file_selector() { TRACE "under gui_functions:file_selector" FILE="" FILE_LIST=$1 MENU_MSG=${2:-"Choose the file"} MENU_TITLE=${3:-"Select your File"} # create file menu options if [ `cat "$FILE_LIST" | wc -l` -gt 0 ]; then option="" while [ -z "$option" ] do MENU_OPTIONS="" n=0 while read option do n=`expr $n + 1` option=$(echo $option | tr " " "_") MENU_OPTIONS="$MENU_OPTIONS $n ${option}" done < $FILE_LIST MENU_OPTIONS="$MENU_OPTIONS a Abort" whiptail --title "${MENU_TITLE}" \ --menu "${MENU_MSG} [1-$n, a to abort]:" 20 120 8 \ -- $MENU_OPTIONS \ 2>/tmp/whiptail || die "Aborting" option_index=$(cat /tmp/whiptail) if [ "$option_index" = "a" ]; then option="a" return fi option=`head -n $option_index $FILE_LIST | tail -1` if [ "$option" == "a" ]; then return fi done if [ -n "$option" ]; then FILE=$option fi else whiptail $BG_COLOR_ERROR --title 'ERROR: No Files Found' \ --msgbox "No Files found matching the pattern. Aborting." 16 60 exit 1 fi } show_system_info() { TRACE "Under /bin/gui-init:show_system_info" battery_charge="$(print_battery_charge)" battery_health="$(print_battery_health)" if [ -n $battery_charge -a -n $battery_health ];then battery_status="\nBattery charge: $battery_charge%\nBattery health: $battery_health%\n" fi memtotal=$(cat /proc/meminfo | grep 'MemTotal' | tr -s ' ' | cut -f2 -d ' ') memtotal=$((${memtotal} / 1024 / 1024 + 1)) cpustr=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'model name' | uniq | sed -r 's/\(R\)//;s/\(TM\)//;s/CPU //;s/model name.*: //') kernel=$(uname -s -r) whiptail $BG_COLOR_MAIN_MENU --title 'System Info' \ --msgbox "${BOARD_NAME}\n\nFW_VER: ${FW_VER}\nKernel: ${kernel}\n\nCPU: ${cpustr}\nRAM: ${memtotal} GB\n$battery_status\n$(fdisk -l | grep -e '/dev/sd.:' -e '/dev/nvme.*:' | sed 's/B,.*/B/')" 16 60 } # Get "Enable" or "Disable" to display in the configuration menu, based on a # setting value get_config_display_action() { [ "$1" = "y" ] && echo "Disable" || echo "Enable" } # Invert a config value invert_config() { [ "$1" = "y" ] && echo "n" || echo "y" } # Get "Enable" or "Disable" for a config that internally is inverted (because it # disables a behavior that is on by default). get_inverted_config_display_action() { get_config_display_action "$(invert_config "$1")" }