#!/bin/bash # Boot from a local disk installation BOARD_NAME=${CONFIG_BOARD_NAME:-${CONFIG_BOARD}} MAIN_MENU_TITLE="${BOARD_NAME} | $CONFIG_BRAND_NAME Boot Menu" export BG_COLOR_MAIN_MENU="normal" . /etc/functions . /etc/gui_functions . /etc/luks-functions . /tmp/config # skip_to_menu is set if the user selects "continue to the main menu" from any # error, so we will indeed go to the main menu even if other errors occur. It's # reset when we reach the main menu so the user can retry from the main menu and # # see errors again. skip_to_menu="false" mount_boot() { TRACE_FUNC # Mount local disk if it is not already mounted while ! grep -q /boot /proc/mounts ; do # try to mount if CONFIG_BOOT_DEV exists if [ -e "$CONFIG_BOOT_DEV" ]; then mount -o ro $CONFIG_BOOT_DEV /boot [[ $? -eq 0 ]] && continue fi # CONFIG_BOOT_DEV doesn't exist or couldn't be mounted, so give user options BG_COLOR_MAIN_MENU="error" whiptail_error --title "ERROR: No Bootable OS Found!" \ --menu " No bootable OS was found on the default boot device $CONFIG_BOOT_DEV. How would you like to proceed?" 0 80 4 \ 'b' ' Select a new boot device' \ 'u' ' Boot from USB' \ 'm' ' Continue to the main menu' \ 'x' ' Exit to recovery shell' \ 2>/tmp/whiptail || recovery "GUI menu failed" option=$(cat /tmp/whiptail) case "$option" in b ) config-gui.sh boot_device_select if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # update CONFIG_BOOT_DEV . /tmp/config BG_COLOR_MAIN_MENU="normal" fi ;; u ) exec /bin/usb-init ;; m ) skip_to_menu="true" break ;; * ) recovery "User requested recovery shell" ;; esac done } verify_global_hashes() { TRACE_FUNC # Check the hashes of all the files, ignoring signatures for now check_config /boot force TMP_HASH_FILE="/tmp/kexec/kexec_hashes.txt" TMP_TREE_FILE="/tmp/kexec/kexec_tree.txt" TMP_PACKAGE_TRIGGER_PRE="/tmp/kexec/kexec_package_trigger_pre.txt" TMP_PACKAGE_TRIGGER_POST="/tmp/kexec/kexec_package_trigger_post.txt" if verify_checksums /boot ; then return 0 elif [[ ! -f "$TMP_HASH_FILE" || ! -f "$TMP_TREE_FILE" ]] ; then if (whiptail_error --title 'ERROR: Missing File!' \ --yesno "One of the files containing integrity information for /boot is missing!\n\nIf you are setting up heads for the first time or upgrading from an\nolder version, select Yes to create the missing files.\n\nOtherwise this could indicate a compromise and you should select No to\nreturn to the main menu.\n\nWould you like to create the missing files now?" 0 80) then if update_checksums ; then BG_COLOR_MAIN_MENU="normal" return 0; else whiptail_error --title 'ERROR' \ --msgbox "Failed to update checksums / sign default config" 0 80 fi fi BG_COLOR_MAIN_MENU="error" return 1 else CHANGED_FILES=$(grep -v 'OK$' /tmp/hash_output | cut -f1 -d ':' | tee -a /tmp/hash_output_mismatches) CHANGED_FILES_COUNT=$(wc -l /tmp/hash_output_mismatches | cut -f1 -d ' ') # if files changed before package manager started, show stern warning if [ -f "$TMP_PACKAGE_TRIGGER_PRE" ]; then PRE_CHANGED_FILES=$(grep '^CHANGED_FILES' $TMP_PACKAGE_TRIGGER_POST | cut -f 2 -d '=' | tr -d '"') TEXT="The following files failed the verification process BEFORE package updates ran:\n${PRE_CHANGED_FILES}\n\nCompare against the files $CONFIG_BRAND_NAME has detected have changed:\n${CHANGED_FILES}\n\nThis could indicate a compromise!\n\nWould you like to update your checksums anyway?" # if files changed after package manager started, probably caused by package manager elif [ -f "$TMP_PACKAGE_TRIGGER_POST" ]; then LAST_PACKAGE_LIST=$(grep -E "^(Install|Remove|Upgrade|Reinstall):" $TMP_PACKAGE_TRIGGER_POST) UPDATE_INITRAMFS_PACKAGE=$(grep '^UPDATE_INITRAMFS_PACKAGE' $TMP_PACKAGE_TRIGGER_POST | cut -f 2 -d '=' | tr -d '"') if [ "$UPDATE_INITRAMFS_PACKAGE" != "" ]; then TEXT="The following files failed the verification process AFTER package updates ran:\n${CHANGED_FILES}\n\nThis is likely due to package triggers in$UPDATE_INITRAMFS_PACKAGE.\n\nYou will need to update your checksums for all files in /boot.\n\nWould you like to update your checksums now?" else TEXT="The following files failed the verification process AFTER package updates ran:\n${CHANGED_FILES}\n\nThis might be due to the following package updates:\n$LAST_PACKAGE_LIST.\n\nYou will need to update your checksums for all files in /boot.\n\nWould you like to update your checksums now?" fi else if [ $CHANGED_FILES_COUNT -gt 10 ]; then # drop to console to show full file list whiptail_error --title 'ERROR: Boot Hash Mismatch' \ --msgbox "${CHANGED_FILES_COUNT} files failed the verification process!\\n\nThis could indicate a compromise!\n\nHit OK to review the list of files.\n\nType \"q\" to exit the list and return." 0 80 echo "Type \"q\" to exit the list and return." >> /tmp/hash_output_mismatches less /tmp/hash_output_mismatches #move outdated hash mismatch list mv /tmp/hash_output_mismatches /tmp/hash_output_mismatch_old TEXT="Would you like to update your checksums now?" else TEXT="The following files failed the verification process:\n\n${CHANGED_FILES}\n\nThis could indicate a compromise!\n\nWould you like to update your checksums now?" fi fi if (whiptail_error --title 'ERROR: Boot Hash Mismatch' --yesno "$TEXT" 0 80) then if update_checksums ; then BG_COLOR_MAIN_MENU="normal" return 0; else whiptail_error --title 'ERROR' \ --msgbox "Failed to update checksums / sign default config" 0 80 fi fi BG_COLOR_MAIN_MENU="error" return 1 fi } prompt_update_checksums() { TRACE_FUNC if (whiptail_warning --title 'Update Checksums and sign all files in /boot' \ --yesno "You have chosen to update the checksums and sign all of the files in /boot.\n\nThis means that you trust that these files have not been tampered with.\n\nYou will need your GPG key available, and this change will modify your disk.\n\nDo you want to continue?" 0 80) then if ! update_checksums ; then whiptail_error --title 'ERROR' \ --msgbox "Failed to update checksums / sign default config" 0 80 fi fi } generate_totp_hotp() { TRACE_FUNC tpm_owner_password="$1" # May be empty, will prompt if needed and empty if [ "$CONFIG_TPM" != "y" ] && [ -x /bin/hotp_verification ]; then echo "Generating new HOTP secret" /bin/seal-hotpkey elif echo -e "Generating new TOTP secret...\n\n" && /bin/seal-totp "$BOARD_NAME" "$tpm_owner_password"; then echo if [ -x /bin/hotp_verification ]; then if [ "$CONFIG_TOTP_SKIP_QRCODE" != y ]; then echo "Once you have scanned the QR code, hit Enter to configure your HOTP USB Security dongle (e.g. Librem Key or Nitrokey)" read fi /bin/seal-hotpkey else if [ "$CONFIG_TOTP_SKIP_QRCODE" != y ]; then echo "Once you have scanned the QR code, hit Enter to continue" read fi fi # clear screen printf "\033c" else warn "Unsealing TOTP/HOTP secret from previous sealed measurements failed" warn 'Try "Generate new HOTP/TOTP secret" option if you updated firmware content' fi } update_totp() { TRACE_FUNC # update the TOTP code date=`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z"` tries=0 if [ "$CONFIG_TPM" != "y" ]; then TOTP="NO TPM" else TOTP=`unseal-totp` # On platforms using CONFIG_BOOT_EXTRA_TTYS multiple processes may try to # access TPM at the same time, failing with EBUSY. The order of execution # is unpredictable, so the error may appear on main console, secondary one, # or neither of them if the calls are sufficiently staggered. Try up to # three times (including previous one) with small delays in case of error, # instead of immediately scaring users with "you've been pwned" message. while [ $? -ne 0 ] && [ $tries -lt 2 ]; do sleep 0.5 ((tries++)) TOTP=`unseal-totp` done if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then BG_COLOR_MAIN_MENU="error" if [ "$skip_to_menu" = "true" ]; then return 1 # Already asked to skip to menu from a prior error fi DEBUG "CONFIG_TPM: $CONFIG_TPM" DEBUG "CONFIG_TPM2_TOOLS: $CONFIG_TPM2_TOOLS" DEBUG "Show PCRs" DEBUG "$(pcrs)" whiptail_error --title "ERROR: TOTP Generation Failed!" \ --menu " ERROR: $CONFIG_BRAND_NAME couldn't generate the TOTP code.\n If you have just completed a Factory Reset, or just reflashed your BIOS, you should generate a new HOTP/TOTP secret.\n If this is the first time the system has booted, you should reset the TPM and set your own password.\n If you have not just reflashed your BIOS, THIS COULD INDICATE TAMPERING!\n How would you like to proceed?" 0 80 4 \ 'g' ' Generate new HOTP/TOTP secret' \ 'i' ' Ignore error and continue to main menu' \ 'p' ' Reset the TPM' \ 'x' ' Exit to recovery shell' \ 2>/tmp/whiptail || recovery "GUI menu failed" option=$(cat /tmp/whiptail) case "$option" in g ) if (whiptail_warning --title 'Generate new TOTP/HOTP secret' \ --yesno "This will erase your old secret and replace it with a new one!\n\nDo you want to proceed?" 0 80) then generate_totp_hotp && update_totp && BG_COLOR_MAIN_MENU="normal" && reseal_tpm_disk_decryption_key fi ;; i ) skip_to_menu="true" return 1 ;; p ) reset_tpm && update_totp && BG_COLOR_MAIN_MENU="normal" && reseal_tpm_disk_decryption_key ;; x ) recovery "User requested recovery shell" ;; esac fi fi } update_hotp() { TRACE_FUNC HOTP="Unverified" if [ -x /bin/hotp_verification ]; then if ! hotp_verification info ; then if [ "$skip_to_menu" = "true" ]; then return 1 # Already asked to skip to menu from a prior error fi if ! whiptail_warning \ --title "WARNING: Please Insert Your $HOTPKEY_BRANDING" \ --yes-button "Retry" --no-button "Skip" \ --yesno "Your $HOTPKEY_BRANDING was not detected.\n\nPlease insert your $HOTPKEY_BRANDING" 0 80 ; then HOTP="Error checking code, Insert $HOTPKEY_BRANDING and retry" BG_COLOR_MAIN_MENU="warning" return fi fi HOTP=`unseal-hotp` # Don't output HOTP codes to screen, so as to make replay attacks harder hotp_verification check "$HOTP" case "$?" in 0 ) HOTP="Success" BG_COLOR_MAIN_MENU="normal" ;; 4|7 ) # 4: code was incorrect, 7: code was not a valid HOTP code at all HOTP="Invalid code" BG_COLOR_MAIN_MENU="error" ;; * ) HOTP="Error checking code, Insert $HOTPKEY_BRANDING and retry" BG_COLOR_MAIN_MENU="warning" ;; esac else HOTP='N/A' fi if [[ "$CONFIG_TPM" = n && "$HOTP" = "Invalid code" ]]; then whiptail_error --title "ERROR: HOTP Validation Failed!" \ --menu "ERROR: $CONFIG_BRAND_NAME couldn't validate the HOTP code.\n\nIf you just reflashed your BIOS, you should generate a new TOTP/HOTP secret.\n\nIf you have not just reflashed your BIOS, THIS COULD INDICATE TAMPERING!\n\nHow would you like to proceed?" 0 80 4 \ 'g' ' Generate new TOTP/HOTP secret' \ 'i' ' Ignore error and continue to main menu' \ 'x' ' Exit to recovery shell' \ 2>/tmp/whiptail || recovery "GUI menu failed" option=$(cat /tmp/whiptail) case "$option" in g ) if (whiptail_warning --title 'Generate new TOTP/HOTP secret' \ --yesno "This will erase your old secret and replace it with a new one!\n\nDo you want to proceed?" 0 80) then generate_totp_hotp && BG_COLOR_MAIN_MENU="normal" && reseal_tpm_disk_decryption_key fi ;; i ) return 1 ;; x ) recovery "User requested recovery shell" ;; esac fi } clean_boot_check() { TRACE_FUNC # assume /boot mounted if ! grep -q /boot /proc/mounts ; then return fi # check for any kexec files in /boot kexec_files=`find /boot -name kexec*.txt` [ ! -z "$kexec_files" ] && return #check for GPG key in keyring GPG_KEY_COUNT=`gpg -k 2>/dev/null | wc -l` [ $GPG_KEY_COUNT -ne 0 ] && return # check for USB security token if [ -x /bin/hotp_verification ]; then if ! gpg --card-status > /dev/null ; then return fi fi # OS is installed, no kexec files present, no GPG keys in keyring, security token present # prompt user to run OEM factory reset oem-factory-reset \ "Clean Boot Detected - Perform OEM Factory Reset / Re-Ownership?" } check_gpg_key() { TRACE_FUNC GPG_KEY_COUNT=`gpg -k 2>/dev/null | wc -l` if [ $GPG_KEY_COUNT -eq 0 ]; then BG_COLOR_MAIN_MENU="error" if [ "$skip_to_menu" = "true" ]; then return 1 # Already asked to skip to menu from a prior error fi whiptail_error --title "ERROR: GPG keyring empty!" \ --menu "ERROR: $CONFIG_BRAND_NAME couldn't find any GPG keys in your keyring.\n\nIf this is the first time the system has booted,\nyou should add a public GPG key to the BIOS now.\n\nIf you just reflashed a new BIOS, you'll need to add at least one\npublic key to the keyring.\n\nIf you have not just reflashed your BIOS, THIS COULD INDICATE TAMPERING!\n\nHow would you like to proceed?" 0 80 4 \ 'g' ' Add a GPG key to the running BIOS' \ 'F' ' OEM Factory Reset / Re-Ownership' \ 'i' ' Ignore error and continue to main menu' \ 'x' ' Exit to recovery shell' \ 2>/tmp/whiptail || recovery "GUI menu failed" option=$(cat /tmp/whiptail) case "$option" in g ) gpg-gui.sh && BG_COLOR_MAIN_MENU="normal" ;; i ) skip_to_menu="true" return 1 ;; F ) oem-factory-reset ;; x ) recovery "User requested recovery shell" ;; esac fi } prompt_auto_default_boot() { TRACE_FUNC echo -e "\nHOTP verification success\n\n" if pause_automatic_boot; then echo -e "\n\nAttempting default boot...\n\n" attempt_default_boot fi } show_main_menu() { TRACE_FUNC date=`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z"` whiptail_type $BG_COLOR_MAIN_MENU --title "$MAIN_MENU_TITLE" \ --menu "$date\nTOTP: $TOTP | HOTP: $HOTP" 0 80 10 \ 'd' ' Default boot' \ 'r' ' Refresh TOTP/HOTP' \ 'o' ' Options -->' \ 's' ' System Info' \ 'p' ' Power Off' \ 2>/tmp/whiptail || recovery "GUI menu failed" option=$(cat /tmp/whiptail) case "$option" in d ) attempt_default_boot ;; r ) update_totp && update_hotp ;; o ) show_options_menu ;; s ) show_system_info ;; p ) poweroff ;; esac } show_options_menu() { TRACE_FUNC whiptail_type $BG_COLOR_MAIN_MENU --title "$CONFIG_BRAND_NAME Options" \ --menu "" 0 80 10 \ 'b' ' Boot Options -->' \ 't' ' TPM/TOTP/HOTP Options -->' \ 'h' ' Change system time' \ 'u' ' Update checksums and sign all files in /boot' \ 'c' ' Change configuration settings -->' \ 'f' ' Flash/Update the BIOS -->' \ 'g' ' GPG Options -->' \ 'F' ' OEM Factory Reset / Re-Ownership -->' \ 'C' ' Reencrypt LUKS container -->' \ 'P' ' Change LUKS Disk Recovery Key passphrase ->' \ 'R' ' Check/Update file hashes on root disk -->' \ 'x' ' Exit to recovery shell' \ 'r' ' <-- Return to main menu' \ 2>/tmp/whiptail || recovery "GUI menu failed" option=$(cat /tmp/whiptail) case "$option" in b ) show_boot_options_menu ;; t ) show_tpm_totp_hotp_options_menu ;; h ) change-time.sh ;; u ) prompt_update_checksums ;; c ) config-gui.sh ;; f ) flash-gui.sh ;; g ) gpg-gui.sh ;; F ) oem-factory-reset ;; C ) luks_reencrypt luks_secrets_cleanup ;; P ) luks_change_passphrase luks_secrets_cleanup ;; R ) root-hashes-gui.sh ;; x ) recovery "User requested recovery shell" ;; r ) ;; esac } show_boot_options_menu() { TRACE_FUNC whiptail_type $BG_COLOR_MAIN_MENU --title "Boot Options" \ --menu "Select A Boot Option" 0 80 10 \ 'm' ' Show OS boot menu' \ 'u' ' USB boot' \ 'i' ' Ignore tampering and force a boot (Unsafe!)' \ 'r' ' <-- Return to main menu' \ 2>/tmp/whiptail || recovery "GUI menu failed" option=$(cat /tmp/whiptail) case "$option" in m ) # select a kernel from the menu select_os_boot_option ;; u ) exec /bin/usb-init ;; i ) force_unsafe_boot ;; r ) ;; esac } show_tpm_totp_hotp_options_menu() { TRACE_FUNC whiptail_type $BG_COLOR_MAIN_MENU --title "TPM/TOTP/HOTP Options" \ --menu "Select An Option" 0 80 10 \ 'g' ' Generate new TOTP/HOTP secret' \ 'r' ' Reset the TPM' \ 't' ' TOTP/HOTP does not match after refresh, troubleshoot' \ 'm' ' <-- Return to main menu' \ 2>/tmp/whiptail || recovery "GUI menu failed" option=$(cat /tmp/whiptail) case "$option" in g ) generate_totp_hotp && reseal_tpm_disk_decryption_key ;; r ) reset_tpm && reseal_tpm_disk_decryption_key ;; t ) prompt_totp_mismatch ;; m ) ;; esac } prompt_totp_mismatch() { TRACE_FUNC if (whiptail_warning --title "TOTP/HOTP code mismatched" \ --yesno "TOTP/HOTP code mismatches could indicate TPM tampering or clock drift.\n\nThe current UTC time is: $(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")\nIf this is incorrect, set the correct time and check TOTP/HOTP again.\n\nDo you want to change the time?" 0 80) then change-time.sh fi } reset_tpm() { TRACE_FUNC if [ "$CONFIG_TPM" = "y" ]; then if (whiptail_warning --title 'Reset the TPM' \ --yesno "This will clear the TPM and TPM password, replace them with new ones!\n\nDo you want to proceed?" 0 80) then if ! prompt_new_owner_password; then echo "Press Enter to return to the menu..." read echo return 1 fi tpmr reset "$tpm_owner_password" # now that the TPM is reset, remove invalid TPM counter files mount_boot mount -o rw,remount /boot warn "Removing rollback and primary handle hash under /boot" rm -f /boot/kexec_rollback.txt rm -f /boot/kexec_primhdl_hash.txt # create Heads TPM counter before any others check_tpm_counter /boot/kexec_rollback.txt "" "$tpm_owner_password" \ || die "Unable to find/create tpm counter" counter="$TPM_COUNTER" increment_tpm_counter $counter \ || die "Unable to increment tpm counter" sha256sum /tmp/counter-$counter > /boot/kexec_rollback.txt \ || die "Unable to create rollback file" mount -o ro,remount /boot generate_totp_hotp "$tpm_owner_password" else echo "Returning to the main menu" fi else whiptail_error --title 'ERROR: No TPM Detected' --msgbox "This device does not have a TPM.\n\nPress OK to return to the Main Menu" 0 80 fi } select_os_boot_option() { TRACE_FUNC mount_boot if verify_global_hashes ; then kexec-select-boot -m -b /boot -c "grub.cfg" -g fi } attempt_default_boot() { TRACE_FUNC mount_boot if ! verify_global_hashes; then return fi DEFAULT_FILE=`find /boot/kexec_default.*.txt 2>/dev/null | head -1` if [ -r "$DEFAULT_FILE" ]; then kexec-select-boot -b /boot -c "grub.cfg" -g \ || recovery "Failed default boot" elif (whiptail_warning --title 'No Default Boot Option Configured' \ --yesno "There is no default boot option configured yet.\nWould you like to load a menu of boot options?\nOtherwise you will return to the main menu." 0 80) then kexec-select-boot -m -b /boot -c "grub.cfg" -g fi } force_unsafe_boot() { TRACE_FUNC if [ "$CONFIG_RESTRICTED_BOOT" = y ]; then whiptail_error --title 'ERROR: Restricted Boot Enabled' --msgbox "Restricted Boot is Enabled, forced boot not allowed.\n\nPress OK to return to the Main Menu" 0 80 return fi # Run the menu selection in "force" mode, bypassing hash checks if (whiptail_warning --title 'Unsafe Forced Boot Selected!' \ --yesno "WARNING: You have chosen to skip all tamper checks and boot anyway.\n\nThis is an unsafe option!\n\nDo you want to proceed?" 0 80) then mount_boot && kexec-select-boot -m -b /boot -c "grub.cfg" -g -f fi } # gui-init start TRACE_FUNC # Use stored HOTP key branding if [ -r /boot/kexec_hotp_key ]; then HOTPKEY_BRANDING="$(cat /boot/kexec_hotp_key)" else HOTPKEY_BRANDING="HOTP USB Security dongle" fi if [ -x /bin/hotp_verification ]; then enable_usb fi if detect_boot_device ; then # /boot device with installed OS found clean_boot_check else # can't determine /boot device or no OS installed, # so fall back to interactive selection mount_boot fi # detect whether any GPG keys exist in the keyring, if not, initialize that first check_gpg_key # Even if GPG init fails, still try to update TOTP/HOTP so the main menu can # show the correct status. update_totp update_hotp if [ "$HOTP" = "Success" -a -n "$CONFIG_AUTO_BOOT_TIMEOUT" ]; then prompt_auto_default_boot fi while true; do TRACE_FUNC skip_to_menu="false" show_main_menu done recovery "Something failed during boot"