* add x230-nkstorecli board;
* add modules: nkstorecli, libnk, libhidapi-libusb
* version bump nkstorecli; related minor in libnk
* upd. libnk module version bump to 3.6; remove 3.5 patch
* CircleCI: debian:10 docker based. Give possitility to override CACHE_VERSION through CircleCI when needed
* Makefile: fix#799 with implementation of @osresearch's recommended https://github.com/osresearch/heads/issues/799#issuecomment-673059028
* modules/coreboot : indentation fix and putting version hashes together to facilitate future maintainership.
Add `--strip 1` to tar file extraction in the `Makefile`,
which ensures that the directory name in `build/` will
match the one listed in `$($(MODULE)_dir)`.
Signed-off-by: Trammell hudson <hudson@trmm.net>
Right now all git submodules are left behind on a git clone. Add
git submodule update --init --checkout according to the docs, see
The install directly should basically behave like the "build" directory.
Since it's tracked by git, containing a gitignore file, we shouldn't
have it in the toplevel gitignore (just like the build directory).
But then, the toplevel Makefile's real.clean target removes the install
directory. This is changed so that only it's content is being removed.
The Librem Key is a custom device USB-based security token Nitrokey is
producing for Purism and among other things it has custom firmware
created for use with Heads. In particular, when a board is configured
with CONFIG_LIBREMKEY, this custom firmware allows Heads to use the
sealed TOTP secret to also send an HOTP authentication to the Librem
Key. If the HOTP code is successful, the Librem Key will blink a green
LED, if unsuccessful it will blink red, thereby informing the user that
Heads has been tampered with without requiring them to use a phone to
validate the TOTP secret.
Heads will still use and show the TOTP secret, in case the user wants to
validate both codes (in case the Librem Key was lost or is no longer
trusted). It will also show the result of the HOTP verification (but not
the code itself), even though the user should trust only what the Librem
Key displays, so the user can confirm that both the device and Heads are
in sync. If HOTP is enabled, Heads will maintain a new TPM counter
separate from the Heads TPM counter that will increment each time HOTP
codes are checked.
This change also modifies the routines that update TOTP so that if
the Librem Key executables are present it will also update HOTP codes
and synchronize them with a Librem Key.
To keep the flash logic simpler the GUI logic has been split into a
flash-gui.sh program so flash.sh behaves closer to the original flashrom
scripts it was based from. I've also removed the previous flashrom
scripts and incorporated their options into flash.sh. Finally I set
CONFIG_BOARD via the Makefile instead of setting a duplicate option in
each board's config.
If a file $module_$version.series exists, it will be used to
specify a list of patch files to apply to the module.
This is becoming necessary for coreboot which has an increasing
amount of patches required and which makes it hard to maintain
all in one file.