Remove hard coded paths from shebangs and other references because they
do not play well in nix-land. Either use /usr/bin/env to do runtime PATH
based lookup or avoid absolute paths so PATH look up happens instead.
Signed-off-by: Thierry Laurion <>
Signed-off-by: Manuel Mendez <>
Signed-off-by: Thierry Laurion <>
Because we're using pushd/popd to make the Coreboot util invocation
cleaner, we need to use realpath so that the scripts will work with any
user input.
Before, the T440p blob scripts would look for Coreboot using the find
command. Now, we require the user to specify the path to Coreboot in the
COREBOOT_DIR environment variable. Also, add an output directory
argument to each script.
These changes will make it easier to integrate with the Heads build
system and CI.
- I extracted the gbe.bin blob from my T440p's original ROM using the
blobs/t440p/extract script.
- Using a hex editor, I corrected the sign bit in part 0 that I found
was malformed in my analysis:
- After correcting the sign bit, nvmutil showed that both parts of my
gbe.bin blob had valid checksums.
- Finally, I used nvmutil to set the MAC address to 00🇩🇪ad:c0:ff:ee.