mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 08:16:44 +00:00
add dependencies and a script to download and modify essential blobs for t480
Signed-off-by: Thierry Laurion <insurgo@riseup.net>
This commit is contained in:
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Normal file
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# T480 Blobs
Coreboot on the T480 requires the following binary blobs:
- `me.bin` - Consists of Intel’s Management Engine (ME), which was modified and deguarded using [me_cleaner](https://github.com/corna/me_cleaner) and [deguard](https://codeberg.org/libreboot/deguard) (written by Mate Kukri) to remove all but the modules which are necessary for the CPU to function.
- `tb.bin` - Consists of Thunderbolt firmware.
- `gbe.bin` - Consists of hardware/software configuration data for the Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) controller.
- `ifd_16.bin` - Consists of the Intel Flash Descriptor (IFD).
Heads supplies an IFD and GbE blob, which were copied from libreboot. We changed the MAC address of the GbE blob to `00:de:ad:c0:ff:ee` using [nvmutil](https://libreboot.org/docs/install/nvmutil.html), to support anonymity and build reproducibility.
When building any T480 board variant with `make`, the build system will download a copy the Intel ME. `me.bin` was extracted from a Dell-Inspiron Windows installer firmware update.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# Skip all external files
# Keep external > requirements file
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
AMI PFAT Extract
AMI BIOS Guard Extractor
Copyright (C) 2018-2022 Plato Mavropoulos
TITLE = 'AMI BIOS Guard Extractor v4.0_a12'
import os
import re
import sys
import ctypes
# Stop __pycache__ generation
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
from common.externals import get_bgs_tool
from common.num_ops import get_ordinal
from common.path_ops import make_dirs, safe_name, get_extract_path, extract_suffix
from common.patterns import PAT_AMI_PFAT
from common.struct_ops import char, get_struct, uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t
from common.system import printer
from common.templates import BIOSUtility
from common.text_ops import file_to_bytes
class AmiBiosGuardHeader(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
('Size', uint32_t), # 0x00 Header + Entries
('Checksum', uint32_t), # 0x04 ?
('Tag', char*8), # 0x04 _AMIPFAT
('Flags', uint8_t), # 0x10 ?
# 0x11
def struct_print(self, p):
printer(['Size :', f'0x{self.Size:X}'], p, False)
printer(['Checksum:', f'0x{self.Checksum:04X}'], p, False)
printer(['Tag :', self.Tag.decode('utf-8')], p, False)
printer(['Flags :', f'0x{self.Flags:02X}'], p, False)
class IntelBiosGuardHeader(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
('BGVerMajor', uint16_t), # 0x00
('BGVerMinor', uint16_t), # 0x02
('PlatformID', uint8_t*16), # 0x04
('Attributes', uint32_t), # 0x14
('ScriptVerMajor', uint16_t), # 0x16
('ScriptVerMinor', uint16_t), # 0x18
('ScriptSize', uint32_t), # 0x1C
('DataSize', uint32_t), # 0x20
('BIOSSVN', uint32_t), # 0x24
('ECSVN', uint32_t), # 0x28
('VendorInfo', uint32_t), # 0x2C
# 0x30
def get_platform_id(self):
id_byte = bytes(self.PlatformID)
id_text = re.sub(r'[\n\t\r\x00 ]', '', id_byte.decode('utf-8','ignore'))
id_hexs = f'{int.from_bytes(id_byte, "big"):0{0x10 * 2}X}'
id_guid = f'{{{id_hexs[:8]}-{id_hexs[8:12]}-{id_hexs[12:16]}-{id_hexs[16:20]}-{id_hexs[20:]}}}'
return f'{id_text} {id_guid}'
def get_flags(self):
attr = IntelBiosGuardHeaderGetAttributes()
attr.asbytes = self.Attributes
return attr.b.SFAM, attr.b.ProtectEC, attr.b.GFXMitDis, attr.b.FTU, attr.b.Reserved
def struct_print(self, p):
no_yes = ['No','Yes']
f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 = self.get_flags()
printer(['BIOS Guard Version :', f'{self.BGVerMajor}.{self.BGVerMinor}'], p, False)
printer(['Platform Identity :', self.get_platform_id()], p, False)
printer(['Signed Flash Address Map :', no_yes[f1]], p, False)
printer(['Protected EC OpCodes :', no_yes[f2]], p, False)
printer(['Graphics Security Disable :', no_yes[f3]], p, False)
printer(['Fault Tolerant Update :', no_yes[f4]], p, False)
printer(['Attributes Reserved :', f'0x{f5:X}'], p, False)
printer(['Script Version :', f'{self.ScriptVerMajor}.{self.ScriptVerMinor}'], p, False)
printer(['Script Size :', f'0x{self.ScriptSize:X}'], p, False)
printer(['Data Size :', f'0x{self.DataSize:X}'], p, False)
printer(['BIOS Security Version Number:', f'0x{self.BIOSSVN:X}'], p, False)
printer(['EC Security Version Number :', f'0x{self.ECSVN:X}'], p, False)
printer(['Vendor Information :', f'0x{self.VendorInfo:X}'], p, False)
class IntelBiosGuardHeaderAttributes(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
_fields_ = [
('SFAM', uint32_t, 1), # Signed Flash Address Map
('ProtectEC', uint32_t, 1), # Protected EC OpCodes
('GFXMitDis', uint32_t, 1), # GFX Security Disable
('FTU', uint32_t, 1), # Fault Tolerant Update
('Reserved', uint32_t, 28) # Reserved/Unknown
class IntelBiosGuardHeaderGetAttributes(ctypes.Union):
_fields_ = [
('b', IntelBiosGuardHeaderAttributes),
('asbytes', uint32_t)
class IntelBiosGuardSignature2k(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
('Unknown0', uint32_t), # 0x000
('Unknown1', uint32_t), # 0x004
('Modulus', uint32_t*64), # 0x008
('Exponent', uint32_t), # 0x108
('Signature', uint32_t*64), # 0x10C
# 0x20C
def struct_print(self, p):
Modulus = f'{int.from_bytes(self.Modulus, "little"):0{0x100 * 2}X}'
Signature = f'{int.from_bytes(self.Signature, "little"):0{0x100 * 2}X}'
printer(['Unknown 0:', f'0x{self.Unknown0:X}'], p, False)
printer(['Unknown 1:', f'0x{self.Unknown1:X}'], p, False)
printer(['Modulus :', f'{Modulus[:32]} [...]'], p, False)
printer(['Exponent :', f'0x{self.Exponent:X}'], p, False)
printer(['Signature:', f'{Signature[:32]} [...]'], p, False)
def is_ami_pfat(input_file):
input_buffer = file_to_bytes(input_file)
return bool(get_ami_pfat(input_buffer))
def get_ami_pfat(input_file):
input_buffer = file_to_bytes(input_file)
match = PAT_AMI_PFAT.search(input_buffer)
return input_buffer[match.start() - 0x8:] if match else b''
def get_file_name(index, name):
return safe_name(f'{index:02d} -- {name}')
def parse_bg_script(script_data, padding=0):
is_opcode_div = len(script_data) % 8 == 0
if not is_opcode_div:
printer('Error: Script is not divisible by OpCode length!', padding, False)
return 1
is_begin_end = script_data[:8] + script_data[-8:] == b'\x01' + b'\x00' * 7 + b'\xFF' + b'\x00' * 7
if not is_begin_end:
printer('Error: Script lacks Begin and/or End OpCodes!', padding, False)
return 2
BigScript = get_bgs_tool()
if not BigScript:
printer('Note: BIOS Guard Script Tool optional dependency is missing!', padding, False)
return 3
script = BigScript(code_bytes=script_data).to_string().replace('\t',' ').split('\n')
for opcode in script:
if opcode.endswith(('begin','end')): spacing = padding
elif opcode.endswith(':'): spacing = padding + 4
else: spacing = padding + 12
operands = [operand for operand in opcode.split(' ') if operand]
printer(('{:<12s}' + '{:<11s}' * (len(operands) - 1)).format(*operands), spacing, False)
return 0
def parse_pfat_hdr(buffer, padding=0):
block_all = []
pfat_hdr = get_struct(buffer, 0x0, AmiBiosGuardHeader)
hdr_size = pfat_hdr.Size
hdr_data = buffer[PFAT_AMI_HDR_LEN:hdr_size]
hdr_text = hdr_data.decode('utf-8').splitlines()
printer('AMI BIOS Guard Header:\n', padding)
pfat_hdr.struct_print(padding + 4)
hdr_title,*hdr_files = hdr_text
files_count = len(hdr_files)
hdr_tag,*hdr_indexes = hdr_title.split('II')
printer(hdr_tag + '\n', padding + 4)
bgt_indexes = [int(h, 16) for h in re.findall(r'.{1,4}', hdr_indexes[0])] if hdr_indexes else []
for index,entry in enumerate(hdr_files):
entry_parts = entry.split(';')
info = entry_parts[0].split()
name = entry_parts[1]
flags = int(info[0])
param = info[1]
count = int(info[2])
order = get_ordinal((bgt_indexes[index] if bgt_indexes else index) + 1)
desc = f'{name} (Index: {index + 1:02d}, Flash: {order}, Parameter: {param}, Flags: 0x{flags:X}, Blocks: {count})'
block_all += [(desc, name, order, param, flags, index, i, count) for i in range(count)]
_ = [printer(block[0], padding + 8, False) for block in block_all if block[6] == 0]
return block_all, hdr_size, files_count
def parse_pfat_file(input_file, extract_path, padding=0):
input_buffer = file_to_bytes(input_file)
pfat_buffer = get_ami_pfat(input_buffer)
file_path = ''
all_blocks_dict = {}
extract_name = os.path.basename(extract_path).rstrip(extract_suffix())
make_dirs(extract_path, delete=True)
block_all,block_off,file_count = parse_pfat_hdr(pfat_buffer, padding)
for block in block_all:
file_desc,file_name,_,_,_,file_index,block_index,block_count = block
if block_index == 0:
printer(file_desc, padding + 4)
file_path = os.path.join(extract_path, get_file_name(file_index + 1, file_name))
all_blocks_dict[file_index] = b''
block_status = f'{block_index + 1}/{block_count}'
bg_hdr = get_struct(pfat_buffer, block_off, IntelBiosGuardHeader)
printer(f'Intel BIOS Guard {block_status} Header:\n', padding + 8)
bg_hdr.struct_print(padding + 12)
bg_script_bgn = block_off + PFAT_BLK_HDR_LEN
bg_script_end = bg_script_bgn + bg_hdr.ScriptSize
bg_script_bin = pfat_buffer[bg_script_bgn:bg_script_end]
bg_data_bgn = bg_script_end
bg_data_end = bg_data_bgn + bg_hdr.DataSize
bg_data_bin = pfat_buffer[bg_data_bgn:bg_data_end]
block_off = bg_data_end # Assume next block starts at data end
is_sfam,_,_,_,_ = bg_hdr.get_flags() # SFAM, ProtectEC, GFXMitDis, FTU, Reserved
if is_sfam:
bg_sig_bgn = bg_data_end
bg_sig_end = bg_sig_bgn + PFAT_BLK_S2K_LEN
bg_sig_bin = pfat_buffer[bg_sig_bgn:bg_sig_end]
if len(bg_sig_bin) == PFAT_BLK_S2K_LEN:
bg_sig = get_struct(bg_sig_bin, 0x0, IntelBiosGuardSignature2k)
printer(f'Intel BIOS Guard {block_status} Signature:\n', padding + 8)
bg_sig.struct_print(padding + 12)
block_off = bg_sig_end # Adjust next block to start at data + signature end
printer(f'Intel BIOS Guard {block_status} Script:\n', padding + 8)
_ = parse_bg_script(bg_script_bin, padding + 12)
with open(file_path, 'ab') as out_dat:
all_blocks_dict[file_index] += bg_data_bin
pfat_oob_data = pfat_buffer[block_off:] # Store out-of-bounds data after the end of PFAT files
pfat_oob_name = get_file_name(file_count + 1, f'{extract_name}_OOB.bin')
pfat_oob_path = os.path.join(extract_path, pfat_oob_name)
with open(pfat_oob_path, 'wb') as out_oob:
if is_ami_pfat(pfat_oob_data):
parse_pfat_file(pfat_oob_data, get_extract_path(pfat_oob_path), padding)
in_all_data = b''.join([block[1] for block in sorted(all_blocks_dict.items())])
in_all_name = get_file_name(0, f'{extract_name}_ALL.bin')
in_all_path = os.path.join(extract_path, in_all_name)
with open(in_all_path, 'wb') as out_all:
out_all.write(in_all_data + pfat_oob_data)
return 0
PFAT_AMI_HDR_LEN = ctypes.sizeof(AmiBiosGuardHeader)
PFAT_BLK_HDR_LEN = ctypes.sizeof(IntelBiosGuardHeader)
PFAT_BLK_S2K_LEN = ctypes.sizeof(IntelBiosGuardSignature2k)
if __name__ == '__main__':
BIOSUtility(TITLE, is_ami_pfat, parse_pfat_file).run_utility()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
AMI UCP Extract
AMI UCP Update Extractor
Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Plato Mavropoulos
TITLE = 'AMI UCP Update Extractor v2.0_a20'
import os
import re
import sys
import struct
import ctypes
import contextlib
# Stop __pycache__ generation
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
from common.checksums import get_chk_16
from common.comp_efi import efi_decompress, is_efi_compressed
from common.path_ops import agnostic_path, make_dirs, safe_name, safe_path, get_extract_path
from common.patterns import PAT_AMI_UCP, PAT_INTEL_ENG
from common.struct_ops import char, get_struct, uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t
from common.system import printer
from common.templates import BIOSUtility
from common.text_ops import file_to_bytes, to_string
from AMI_PFAT_Extract import is_ami_pfat, parse_pfat_file
from Insyde_IFD_Extract import insyde_ifd_extract, is_insyde_ifd
class UafHeader(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
('ModuleTag', char*4), # 0x00
('ModuleSize', uint32_t), # 0x04
('Checksum', uint16_t), # 0x08
('Unknown0', uint8_t), # 0x0A
('Unknown1', uint8_t), # 0x0A
('Reserved', uint8_t*4), # 0x0C
# 0x10
def _get_reserved(self):
res_bytes = bytes(self.Reserved)
res_hex = f'0x{int.from_bytes(res_bytes, "big"):0{0x4 * 2}X}'
res_str = re.sub(r'[\n\t\r\x00 ]', '', res_bytes.decode('utf-8','ignore'))
res_txt = f' ({res_str})' if len(res_str) else ''
return f'{res_hex}{res_txt}'
def struct_print(self, p):
printer(['Tag :', self.ModuleTag.decode('utf-8')], p, False)
printer(['Size :', f'0x{self.ModuleSize:X}'], p, False)
printer(['Checksum :', f'0x{self.Checksum:04X}'], p, False)
printer(['Unknown 0 :', f'0x{self.Unknown0:02X}'], p, False)
printer(['Unknown 1 :', f'0x{self.Unknown1:02X}'], p, False)
printer(['Reserved :', self._get_reserved()], p, False)
class UafModule(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
('CompressSize', uint32_t), # 0x00
('OriginalSize', uint32_t), # 0x04
# 0x08
def struct_print(self, p, filename, description):
printer(['Compress Size:', f'0x{self.CompressSize:X}'], p, False)
printer(['Original Size:', f'0x{self.OriginalSize:X}'], p, False)
printer(['Filename :', filename], p, False)
printer(['Description :', description], p, False)
class UiiHeader(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
('UIISize', uint16_t), # 0x00
('Checksum', uint16_t), # 0x02
('UtilityVersion', uint32_t), # 0x04 AFU|BGT (Unknown, Signed)
('InfoSize', uint16_t), # 0x08
('SupportBIOS', uint8_t), # 0x0A
('SupportOS', uint8_t), # 0x0B
('DataBusWidth', uint8_t), # 0x0C
('ProgramType', uint8_t), # 0x0D
('ProgramMode', uint8_t), # 0x0E
('SourceSafeRel', uint8_t), # 0x0F
# 0x10
SBI = {1: 'ALL', 2: 'AMIBIOS8', 3: 'UEFI', 4: 'AMIBIOS8/UEFI'}
SOS = {1: 'DOS', 2: 'EFI', 3: 'Windows', 4: 'Linux', 5: 'FreeBSD', 6: 'MacOS', 128: 'Multi-Platform'}
DBW = {1: '16b', 2: '16/32b', 3: '32b', 4: '64b'}
PTP = {1: 'Executable', 2: 'Library', 3: 'Driver'}
PMD = {1: 'API', 2: 'Console', 3: 'GUI', 4: 'Console/GUI'}
def struct_print(self, p, description):
SupportBIOS = self.SBI.get(self.SupportBIOS, f'Unknown ({self.SupportBIOS})')
SupportOS = self.SOS.get(self.SupportOS, f'Unknown ({self.SupportOS})')
DataBusWidth = self.DBW.get(self.DataBusWidth, f'Unknown ({self.DataBusWidth})')
ProgramType = self.PTP.get(self.ProgramType, f'Unknown ({self.ProgramType})')
ProgramMode = self.PMD.get(self.ProgramMode, f'Unknown ({self.ProgramMode})')
printer(['UII Size :', f'0x{self.UIISize:X}'], p, False)
printer(['Checksum :', f'0x{self.Checksum:04X}'], p, False)
printer(['Tool Version :', f'0x{self.UtilityVersion:08X}'], p, False)
printer(['Info Size :', f'0x{self.InfoSize:X}'], p, False)
printer(['Supported BIOS:', SupportBIOS], p, False)
printer(['Supported OS :', SupportOS], p, False)
printer(['Data Bus Width:', DataBusWidth], p, False)
printer(['Program Type :', ProgramType], p, False)
printer(['Program Mode :', ProgramMode], p, False)
printer(['SourceSafe Tag:', f'{self.SourceSafeRel:02d}'], p, False)
printer(['Description :', description], p, False)
class DisHeader(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
('PasswordSize', uint16_t), # 0x00
('EntryCount', uint16_t), # 0x02
('Password', char*12), # 0x04
# 0x10
def struct_print(self, p):
printer(['Password Size:', f'0x{self.PasswordSize:X}'], p, False)
printer(['Entry Count :', self.EntryCount], p, False)
printer(['Password :', self.Password.decode('utf-8')], p, False)
class DisModule(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
('EnabledDisabled', uint8_t), # 0x00
('ShownHidden', uint8_t), # 0x01
('Command', char*32), # 0x02
('Description', char*256), # 0x22
# 0x122
ENDIS = {0: 'Disabled', 1: 'Enabled'}
SHOWN = {0: 'Hidden', 1: 'Shown', 2: 'Shown Only'}
def struct_print(self, p):
EnabledDisabled = self.ENDIS.get(self.EnabledDisabled, f'Unknown ({self.EnabledDisabled})')
ShownHidden = self.SHOWN.get(self.ShownHidden, f'Unknown ({self.ShownHidden})')
printer(['State :', EnabledDisabled], p, False)
printer(['Display :', ShownHidden], p, False)
printer(['Command :', self.Command.decode('utf-8').strip()], p, False)
printer(['Description:', self.Description.decode('utf-8').strip()], p, False)
# Validate UCP Module Checksum-16
def chk16_validate(data, tag, padd=0):
if get_chk_16(data) != 0:
printer(f'Error: Invalid UCP Module {tag} Checksum!', padd, pause=True)
printer(f'Checksum of UCP Module {tag} is valid!', padd)
# Check if input is AMI UCP image
def is_ami_ucp(in_file):
buffer = file_to_bytes(in_file)
return bool(get_ami_ucp(buffer)[0] is not None)
# Get all input file AMI UCP patterns
def get_ami_ucp(in_file):
buffer = file_to_bytes(in_file)
uaf_len_max = 0x0 # Length of largest detected @UAF|@HPU
uaf_buf_bin = None # Buffer of largest detected @UAF|@HPU
uaf_buf_tag = '@UAF' # Tag of largest detected @UAF|@HPU
for uaf in PAT_AMI_UCP.finditer(buffer):
uaf_len_cur = int.from_bytes(buffer[uaf.start() + 0x4:uaf.start() + 0x8], 'little')
if uaf_len_cur > uaf_len_max:
uaf_len_max = uaf_len_cur
uaf_hdr_off = uaf.start()
uaf_buf_bin = buffer[uaf_hdr_off:uaf_hdr_off + uaf_len_max]
uaf_buf_tag = uaf.group(0)[:4].decode('utf-8','ignore')
return uaf_buf_bin, uaf_buf_tag
# Get list of @UAF|@HPU Modules
def get_uaf_mod(buffer, uaf_off=0x0):
uaf_all = [] # Initialize list of all @UAF|@HPU Modules
while buffer[uaf_off] == 0x40: # ASCII of @ is 0x40
uaf_hdr = get_struct(buffer, uaf_off, UafHeader) # Parse @UAF|@HPU Module Structure
uaf_tag = uaf_hdr.ModuleTag.decode('utf-8') # Get unique @UAF|@HPU Module Tag
uaf_all.append([uaf_tag, uaf_off, uaf_hdr]) # Store @UAF|@HPU Module Info
uaf_off += uaf_hdr.ModuleSize # Adjust to next @UAF|@HPU Module offset
if uaf_off >= len(buffer):
break # Stop parsing at EOF
# Check if @UAF|@HPU Module @NAL exists and place it first
# Parsing @NAL first allows naming all @UAF|@HPU Modules
for mod_idx,mod_val in enumerate(uaf_all):
if mod_val[0] == '@NAL':
uaf_all.insert(1, uaf_all.pop(mod_idx)) # After UII for visual purposes
break # @NAL found, skip the rest
return uaf_all
# Parse & Extract AMI UCP structures
def ucp_extract(in_file, extract_path, padding=0, checksum=False):
input_buffer = file_to_bytes(in_file)
nal_dict = {} # Initialize @NAL Dictionary per UCP
printer('Utility Configuration Program', padding)
make_dirs(extract_path, delete=True)
# Get best AMI UCP Pattern match based on @UAF|@HPU Size
ucp_buffer,ucp_tag = get_ami_ucp(input_buffer)
uaf_hdr = get_struct(ucp_buffer, 0, UafHeader) # Parse @UAF|@HPU Header Structure
printer(f'Utility Auxiliary File > {ucp_tag}:\n', padding + 4)
uaf_hdr.struct_print(padding + 8)
fake = struct.pack('<II', len(ucp_buffer), len(ucp_buffer)) # Generate UafModule Structure
uaf_mod = get_struct(fake, 0x0, UafModule) # Parse @UAF|@HPU Module EFI Structure
uaf_name = UAF_TAG_DICT[ucp_tag][0] # Get @UAF|@HPU Module Filename
uaf_desc = UAF_TAG_DICT[ucp_tag][1] # Get @UAF|@HPU Module Description
uaf_mod.struct_print(padding + 8, uaf_name, uaf_desc) # Print @UAF|@HPU Module EFI Info
if checksum:
chk16_validate(ucp_buffer, ucp_tag, padding + 8)
uaf_all = get_uaf_mod(ucp_buffer, UAF_HDR_LEN)
for mod_info in uaf_all:
nal_dict = uaf_extract(ucp_buffer, extract_path, mod_info, padding + 8, checksum, nal_dict)
# Parse & Extract AMI UCP > @UAF|@HPU Module/Section
def uaf_extract(buffer, extract_path, mod_info, padding=0, checksum=False, nal_dict=None):
if nal_dict is None:
nal_dict = {}
uaf_tag,uaf_off,uaf_hdr = mod_info
uaf_data_all = buffer[uaf_off:uaf_off + uaf_hdr.ModuleSize] # @UAF|@HPU Module Entire Data
uaf_data_mod = uaf_data_all[UAF_HDR_LEN:] # @UAF|@HPU Module EFI Data
uaf_data_raw = uaf_data_mod[UAF_MOD_LEN:] # @UAF|@HPU Module Raw Data
printer(f'Utility Auxiliary File > {uaf_tag}:\n', padding)
uaf_hdr.struct_print(padding + 4) # Print @UAF|@HPU Module Info
uaf_mod = get_struct(buffer, uaf_off + UAF_HDR_LEN, UafModule) # Parse UAF Module EFI Structure
is_comp = uaf_mod.CompressSize != uaf_mod.OriginalSize # Detect @UAF|@HPU Module EFI Compression
if uaf_tag in nal_dict:
uaf_name = nal_dict[uaf_tag][1] # Always prefer @NAL naming first
elif uaf_tag in UAF_TAG_DICT:
uaf_name = UAF_TAG_DICT[uaf_tag][0] # Otherwise use built-in naming
elif uaf_tag == '@ROM':
uaf_name = 'BIOS.bin' # BIOS/PFAT Firmware (w/o Signature)
elif uaf_tag.startswith('@R0'):
uaf_name = f'BIOS_0{uaf_tag[3:]}.bin' # BIOS/PFAT Firmware
elif uaf_tag.startswith('@S0'):
uaf_name = f'BIOS_0{uaf_tag[3:]}.sig' # BIOS/PFAT Signature
elif uaf_tag.startswith('@DR'):
uaf_name = f'DROM_0{uaf_tag[3:]}.bin' # Thunderbolt Retimer Firmware
elif uaf_tag.startswith('@DS'):
uaf_name = f'DROM_0{uaf_tag[3:]}.sig' # Thunderbolt Retimer Signature
elif uaf_tag.startswith('@EC'):
uaf_name = f'EC_0{uaf_tag[3:]}.bin' # Embedded Controller Firmware
elif uaf_tag.startswith('@ME'):
uaf_name = f'ME_0{uaf_tag[3:]}.bin' # Management Engine Firmware
uaf_name = uaf_tag # Could not name the @UAF|@HPU Module, use Tag instead
uaf_fext = '' if uaf_name != uaf_tag else '.bin'
uaf_fdesc = UAF_TAG_DICT[uaf_tag][1] if uaf_tag in UAF_TAG_DICT else uaf_name
uaf_mod.struct_print(padding + 4, uaf_name + uaf_fext, uaf_fdesc) # Print @UAF|@HPU Module EFI Info
# Check if unknown @UAF|@HPU Module Tag is present in @NAL but not in built-in dictionary
if uaf_tag in nal_dict and uaf_tag not in UAF_TAG_DICT and not uaf_tag.startswith(('@ROM','@R0','@S0','@DR','@DS')):
printer(f'Note: Detected new AMI UCP Module {uaf_tag} ({nal_dict[uaf_tag][1]}) in @NAL!', padding + 4, pause=True)
# Generate @UAF|@HPU Module File name, depending on whether decompression will be required
uaf_sname = safe_name(uaf_name + ('.temp' if is_comp else uaf_fext))
if uaf_tag in nal_dict:
uaf_npath = safe_path(extract_path, nal_dict[uaf_tag][0])
make_dirs(uaf_npath, exist_ok=True)
uaf_fname = safe_path(uaf_npath, uaf_sname)
uaf_fname = safe_path(extract_path, uaf_sname)
if checksum:
chk16_validate(uaf_data_all, uaf_tag, padding + 4)
# Parse Utility Identification Information @UAF|@HPU Module (@UII)
if uaf_tag == '@UII':
info_hdr = get_struct(uaf_data_raw, 0, UiiHeader) # Parse @UII Module Raw Structure
info_data = uaf_data_raw[max(UII_HDR_LEN,info_hdr.InfoSize):info_hdr.UIISize] # @UII Module Info Data
# Get @UII Module Info/Description text field
info_desc = info_data.decode('utf-8','ignore').strip('\x00 ')
printer('Utility Identification Information:\n', padding + 4)
info_hdr.struct_print(padding + 8, info_desc) # Print @UII Module Info
if checksum:
chk16_validate(uaf_data_raw, '@UII > Info', padding + 8)
# Store/Save @UII Module Info in file
with open(uaf_fname[:-4] + '.txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as uii_out:
with contextlib.redirect_stdout(uii_out):
info_hdr.struct_print(0, info_desc) # Store @UII Module Info
# Adjust @UAF|@HPU Module Raw Data for extraction
if is_comp:
# Some Compressed @UAF|@HPU Module EFI data lack necessary EOF padding
if uaf_mod.CompressSize > len(uaf_data_raw):
comp_padd = b'\x00' * (uaf_mod.CompressSize - len(uaf_data_raw))
uaf_data_raw = uaf_data_mod[:UAF_MOD_LEN] + uaf_data_raw + comp_padd # Add missing padding for decompression
uaf_data_raw = uaf_data_mod[:UAF_MOD_LEN] + uaf_data_raw # Add the EFI/Tiano Compression info before Raw Data
uaf_data_raw = uaf_data_raw[:uaf_mod.OriginalSize] # No compression, extend to end of Original @UAF|@HPU Module size
# Store/Save @UAF|@HPU Module file
if uaf_tag != '@UII': # Skip @UII binary, already parsed
with open(uaf_fname, 'wb') as uaf_out:
# @UAF|@HPU Module EFI/Tiano Decompression
if is_comp and is_efi_compressed(uaf_data_raw, False):
dec_fname = uaf_fname.replace('.temp', uaf_fext) # Decompressed @UAF|@HPU Module file path
if efi_decompress(uaf_fname, dec_fname, padding + 4) == 0:
with open(dec_fname, 'rb') as dec:
uaf_data_raw = dec.read() # Read back the @UAF|@HPU Module decompressed Raw data
os.remove(uaf_fname) # Successful decompression, delete compressed @UAF|@HPU Module file
uaf_fname = dec_fname # Adjust @UAF|@HPU Module file path to the decompressed one
# Process and Print known text only @UAF|@HPU Modules (after EFI/Tiano Decompression)
if uaf_tag in UAF_TAG_DICT and UAF_TAG_DICT[uaf_tag][2] == 'Text':
printer(f'{UAF_TAG_DICT[uaf_tag][1]}:', padding + 4)
printer(uaf_data_raw.decode('utf-8','ignore'), padding + 8)
# Parse Default Command Status @UAF|@HPU Module (@DIS)
if len(uaf_data_raw) and uaf_tag == '@DIS':
dis_hdr = get_struct(uaf_data_raw, 0x0, DisHeader) # Parse @DIS Module Raw Header Structure
printer('Default Command Status Header:\n', padding + 4)
dis_hdr.struct_print(padding + 8) # Print @DIS Module Raw Header Info
# Store/Save @DIS Module Header Info in file
with open(uaf_fname[:-3] + 'txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as dis:
with contextlib.redirect_stdout(dis):
dis_hdr.struct_print(0) # Store @DIS Module Header Info
dis_data = uaf_data_raw[DIS_HDR_LEN:] # @DIS Module Entries Data
# Parse all @DIS Module Entries
for mod_idx in range(dis_hdr.EntryCount):
dis_mod = get_struct(dis_data, mod_idx * DIS_MOD_LEN, DisModule) # Parse @DIS Module Raw Entry Structure
printer(f'Default Command Status Entry {mod_idx + 1:02d}/{dis_hdr.EntryCount:02d}:\n', padding + 8)
dis_mod.struct_print(padding + 12) # Print @DIS Module Raw Entry Info
# Store/Save @DIS Module Entry Info in file
with open(uaf_fname[:-3] + 'txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as dis:
with contextlib.redirect_stdout(dis):
dis_mod.struct_print(4) # Store @DIS Module Entry Info
os.remove(uaf_fname) # Delete @DIS Module binary, info exported as text
# Parse Name List @UAF|@HPU Module (@NAL)
if len(uaf_data_raw) >= 5 and (uaf_tag,uaf_data_raw[0],uaf_data_raw[4]) == ('@NAL',0x40,0x3A):
nal_info = uaf_data_raw.decode('utf-8','ignore').replace('\r','').strip().split('\n')
printer('AMI UCP Module Name List:\n', padding + 4)
# Parse all @NAL Module Entries
for info in nal_info:
info_tag,info_value = info.split(':',1)
printer(f'{info_tag} : {info_value}', padding + 8, False) # Print @NAL Module Tag-Path Info
info_part = agnostic_path(info_value).parts # Split OS agnostic path in parts
info_path = to_string(info_part[1:-1], os.sep) # Get path without drive/root or file
info_name = info_part[-1] # Get file from last path part
nal_dict[info_tag] = (info_path,info_name) # Assign a file path & name to each Tag
# Parse Insyde BIOS @UAF|@HPU Module (@INS)
if uaf_tag == '@INS' and is_insyde_ifd(uaf_fname):
ins_dir = os.path.join(extract_path, safe_name(f'{uaf_tag}_nested-IFD')) # Generate extraction directory
if insyde_ifd_extract(uaf_fname, get_extract_path(ins_dir), padding + 4) == 0:
os.remove(uaf_fname) # Delete raw nested Insyde IFD image after successful extraction
# Detect & Unpack AMI BIOS Guard (PFAT) BIOS image
if is_ami_pfat(uaf_data_raw):
pfat_dir = os.path.join(extract_path, safe_name(uaf_name))
parse_pfat_file(uaf_data_raw, get_extract_path(pfat_dir), padding + 4)
os.remove(uaf_fname) # Delete raw PFAT BIOS image after successful extraction
# Detect Intel Engine firmware image and show ME Analyzer advice
if uaf_tag.startswith('@ME') and PAT_INTEL_ENG.search(uaf_data_raw):
printer('Intel Management Engine (ME) Firmware:\n', padding + 4)
printer('Use "ME Analyzer" from https://github.com/platomav/MEAnalyzer', padding + 8, False)
# Parse Nested AMI UCP image
if is_ami_ucp(uaf_data_raw):
uaf_dir = os.path.join(extract_path, safe_name(f'{uaf_tag}_nested-UCP')) # Generate extraction directory
ucp_extract(uaf_data_raw, get_extract_path(uaf_dir), padding + 4, checksum) # Call recursively
os.remove(uaf_fname) # Delete raw nested AMI UCP image after successful extraction
return nal_dict
# Get common ctypes Structure Sizes
UAF_HDR_LEN = ctypes.sizeof(UafHeader)
UAF_MOD_LEN = ctypes.sizeof(UafModule)
DIS_HDR_LEN = ctypes.sizeof(DisHeader)
DIS_MOD_LEN = ctypes.sizeof(DisModule)
UII_HDR_LEN = ctypes.sizeof(UiiHeader)
# AMI UCP Tag Dictionary
'@3FI' : ['HpBiosUpdate32.efi', 'HpBiosUpdate32.efi', ''],
'@3S2' : ['HpBiosUpdate32.s12', 'HpBiosUpdate32.s12', ''],
'@3S4' : ['HpBiosUpdate32.s14', 'HpBiosUpdate32.s14', ''],
'@3S9' : ['HpBiosUpdate32.s09', 'HpBiosUpdate32.s09', ''],
'@3SG' : ['HpBiosUpdate32.sig', 'HpBiosUpdate32.sig', ''],
'@AMI' : ['UCP_Nested.bin', 'Nested AMI UCP', ''],
'@B12' : ['BiosMgmt.s12', 'BiosMgmt.s12', ''],
'@B14' : ['BiosMgmt.s14', 'BiosMgmt.s14', ''],
'@B32' : ['BiosMgmt32.s12', 'BiosMgmt32.s12', ''],
'@B34' : ['BiosMgmt32.s14', 'BiosMgmt32.s14', ''],
'@B39' : ['BiosMgmt32.s09', 'BiosMgmt32.s09', ''],
'@B3E' : ['BiosMgmt32.efi', 'BiosMgmt32.efi', ''],
'@BM9' : ['BiosMgmt.s09', 'BiosMgmt.s09', ''],
'@BME' : ['BiosMgmt.efi', 'BiosMgmt.efi', ''],
'@CKV' : ['Check_Version.txt', 'Check Version', 'Text'],
'@CMD' : ['AFU_Command.txt', 'AMI AFU Command', 'Text'],
'@CML' : ['CMOSD4.txt', 'CMOS Item Number-Value (MSI)', 'Text'],
'@CMS' : ['CMOSD4.exe', 'Get or Set CMOS Item (MSI)', ''],
'@CPM' : ['AC_Message.txt', 'Confirm Power Message', ''],
'@DCT' : ['DevCon32.exe', 'Device Console WIN32', ''],
'@DCX' : ['DevCon64.exe', 'Device Console WIN64', ''],
'@DFE' : ['HpDevFwUpdate.efi', 'HpDevFwUpdate.efi', ''],
'@DFS' : ['HpDevFwUpdate.s12', 'HpDevFwUpdate.s12', ''],
'@DIS' : ['Command_Status.bin', 'Default Command Status', ''],
'@ENB' : ['ENBG64.exe', 'ENBG64.exe', ''],
'@HPU' : ['UCP_Main.bin', 'Utility Auxiliary File (HP)', ''],
'@INS' : ['Insyde_Nested.bin', 'Nested Insyde SFX', ''],
'@M32' : ['HpBiosMgmt32.s12', 'HpBiosMgmt32.s12', ''],
'@M34' : ['HpBiosMgmt32.s14', 'HpBiosMgmt32.s14', ''],
'@M39' : ['HpBiosMgmt32.s09', 'HpBiosMgmt32.s09', ''],
'@M3I' : ['HpBiosMgmt32.efi', 'HpBiosMgmt32.efi', ''],
'@MEC' : ['FWUpdLcl.txt', 'Intel FWUpdLcl Command', 'Text'],
'@MED' : ['FWUpdLcl_DOS.exe', 'Intel FWUpdLcl DOS', ''],
'@MET' : ['FWUpdLcl_WIN32.exe', 'Intel FWUpdLcl WIN32', ''],
'@MFI' : ['HpBiosMgmt.efi', 'HpBiosMgmt.efi', ''],
'@MS2' : ['HpBiosMgmt.s12', 'HpBiosMgmt.s12', ''],
'@MS4' : ['HpBiosMgmt.s14', 'HpBiosMgmt.s14', ''],
'@MS9' : ['HpBiosMgmt.s09', 'HpBiosMgmt.s09', ''],
'@NAL' : ['UCP_List.txt', 'AMI UCP Module Name List', ''],
'@OKM' : ['OK_Message.txt', 'OK Message', ''],
'@PFC' : ['BGT_Command.txt', 'AMI BGT Command', 'Text'],
'@R3I' : ['CryptRSA32.efi', 'CryptRSA32.efi', ''],
'@RFI' : ['CryptRSA.efi', 'CryptRSA.efi', ''],
'@UAF' : ['UCP_Main.bin', 'Utility Auxiliary File (AMI)', ''],
'@UFI' : ['HpBiosUpdate.efi', 'HpBiosUpdate.efi', ''],
'@UII' : ['UCP_Info.txt', 'Utility Identification Information', ''],
'@US2' : ['HpBiosUpdate.s12', 'HpBiosUpdate.s12', ''],
'@US4' : ['HpBiosUpdate.s14', 'HpBiosUpdate.s14', ''],
'@US9' : ['HpBiosUpdate.s09', 'HpBiosUpdate.s09', ''],
'@USG' : ['HpBiosUpdate.sig', 'HpBiosUpdate.sig', ''],
'@VER' : ['OEM_Version.txt', 'OEM Version', 'Text'],
'@VXD' : ['amifldrv.vxd', 'amifldrv.vxd', ''],
'@W32' : ['amifldrv32.sys', 'amifldrv32.sys', ''],
'@W64' : ['amifldrv64.sys', 'amifldrv64.sys', ''],
if __name__ == '__main__':
utility = BIOSUtility(TITLE, is_ami_ucp, ucp_extract)
utility.parse_argument('-c', '--checksum', help='verify AMI UCP Checksums (slow)', action='store_true')
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Apple EFI ID
Apple EFI Image Identifier
Copyright (C) 2018-2022 Plato Mavropoulos
TITLE = 'Apple EFI Image Identifier v2.0_a5'
import os
import sys
import zlib
import struct
import ctypes
import subprocess
# Stop __pycache__ generation
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
from common.externals import get_uefifind_path, get_uefiextract_path
from common.path_ops import del_dirs, path_parent, path_suffixes
from common.patterns import PAT_APPLE_EFI
from common.struct_ops import char, get_struct, uint8_t
from common.system import printer
from common.templates import BIOSUtility
from common.text_ops import file_to_bytes
class IntelBiosId(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
('Signature', char*8), # 0x00
('BoardID', uint8_t*16), # 0x08
('Dot1', uint8_t*2), # 0x18
('BoardExt', uint8_t*6), # 0x1A
('Dot2', uint8_t*2), # 0x20
('VersionMajor', uint8_t*8), # 0x22
('Dot3', uint8_t*2), # 0x2A
('BuildType', uint8_t*2), # 0x2C
('VersionMinor', uint8_t*4), # 0x2E
('Dot4', uint8_t*2), # 0x32
('Year', uint8_t*4), # 0x34
('Month', uint8_t*4), # 0x38
('Day', uint8_t*4), # 0x3C
('Hour', uint8_t*4), # 0x40
('Minute', uint8_t*4), # 0x44
('NullTerminator', uint8_t*2), # 0x48
# 0x4A
# https://github.com/tianocore/edk2-platforms/blob/master/Platform/Intel/BoardModulePkg/Include/Guid/BiosId.h
def decode(field):
return struct.pack('B' * len(field), *field).decode('utf-16','ignore').strip('\x00 ')
def get_bios_id(self):
BoardID = self.decode(self.BoardID)
BoardExt = self.decode(self.BoardExt)
VersionMajor = self.decode(self.VersionMajor)
BuildType = self.decode(self.BuildType)
VersionMinor = self.decode(self.VersionMinor)
BuildDate = f'20{self.decode(self.Year)}-{self.decode(self.Month)}-{self.decode(self.Day)}'
BuildTime = f'{self.decode(self.Hour)}-{self.decode(self.Minute)}'
return BoardID, BoardExt, VersionMajor, BuildType, VersionMinor, BuildDate, BuildTime
def struct_print(self, p):
BoardID,BoardExt,VersionMajor,BuildType,VersionMinor,BuildDate,BuildTime = self.get_bios_id()
printer(['Intel Signature:', self.Signature.decode('utf-8')], p, False)
printer(['Board Identity: ', BoardID], p, False)
printer(['Apple Identity: ', BoardExt], p, False)
printer(['Major Version: ', VersionMajor], p, False)
printer(['Minor Version: ', VersionMinor], p, False)
printer(['Build Type: ', BuildType], p, False)
printer(['Build Date: ', BuildDate], p, False)
printer(['Build Time: ', BuildTime.replace('-',':')], p, False)
# Check if input is Apple EFI image
def is_apple_efi(input_file):
input_buffer = file_to_bytes(input_file)
if PAT_APPLE_EFI.search(input_buffer):
return True
if not os.path.isfile(input_file):
return False
_ = subprocess.run([get_uefifind_path(), input_file, 'body', 'list', PAT_UEFIFIND],
check=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
return True
except Exception:
return False
# Parse & Identify (or Rename) Apple EFI image
def apple_efi_identify(input_file, extract_path, padding=0, rename=False):
if not os.path.isfile(input_file):
printer('Error: Could not find input file path!', padding)
return 1
input_buffer = file_to_bytes(input_file)
bios_id_match = PAT_APPLE_EFI.search(input_buffer) # Detect $IBIOSI$ pattern
if bios_id_match:
bios_id_res = f'0x{bios_id_match.start():X}'
bios_id_hdr = get_struct(input_buffer, bios_id_match.start(), IntelBiosId)
# The $IBIOSI$ pattern is within EFI compressed modules so we need to use UEFIFind and UEFIExtract
bios_id_res = subprocess.check_output([get_uefifind_path(), input_file, 'body', 'list', PAT_UEFIFIND],
del_dirs(extract_path) # UEFIExtract must create its output folder itself, make sure it is not present
_ = subprocess.run([get_uefiextract_path(), input_file, bios_id_res, '-o', extract_path, '-m', 'body'],
check=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
with open(os.path.join(extract_path, 'body.bin'), 'rb') as raw_body:
body_buffer = raw_body.read()
bios_id_match = PAT_APPLE_EFI.search(body_buffer) # Detect decompressed $IBIOSI$ pattern
bios_id_hdr = get_struct(body_buffer, bios_id_match.start(), IntelBiosId)
del_dirs(extract_path) # Successful UEFIExtract extraction, remove its output (temp) folder
except Exception:
printer('Error: Failed to parse compressed $IBIOSI$ pattern!', padding)
return 2
printer(f'Detected $IBIOSI$ at {bios_id_res}\n', padding)
bios_id_hdr.struct_print(padding + 4)
if rename:
input_parent = path_parent(input_file)
input_suffix = path_suffixes(input_file)[-1]
input_adler32 = zlib.adler32(input_buffer)
ID,Ext,Major,Type,Minor,Date,Time = bios_id_hdr.get_bios_id()
output_name = f'{ID}_{Ext}_{Major}_{Type}{Minor}_{Date}_{Time}_{input_adler32:08X}{input_suffix}'
output_file = os.path.join(input_parent, output_name)
if not os.path.isfile(output_file):
os.replace(input_file, output_file) # Rename input file based on its EFI tag
printer(f'Renamed to {output_name}', padding)
return 0
PAT_UEFIFIND = f'244942494F534924{"."*32}2E00{"."*12}2E00{"."*16}2E00{"."*12}2E00{"."*40}0000'
if __name__ == '__main__':
utility = BIOSUtility(TITLE, is_apple_efi, apple_efi_identify)
utility.parse_argument('-r', '--rename', help='rename EFI image based on its tag', action='store_true')
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Apple EFI IM4P
Apple EFI IM4P Splitter
Copyright (C) 2018-2022 Plato Mavropoulos
TITLE = 'Apple EFI IM4P Splitter v3.0_a5'
import os
import sys
# Stop __pycache__ generation
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
from common.path_ops import make_dirs, path_stem
from common.patterns import PAT_APPLE_IM4P, PAT_INTEL_IFD
from common.system import printer
from common.templates import BIOSUtility
from common.text_ops import file_to_bytes
# Check if input is Apple EFI IM4P image
def is_apple_im4p(input_file):
input_buffer = file_to_bytes(input_file)
is_im4p = PAT_APPLE_IM4P.search(input_buffer)
is_ifd = PAT_INTEL_IFD.search(input_buffer)
return bool(is_im4p and is_ifd)
# Parse & Split Apple EFI IM4P image
def apple_im4p_split(input_file, extract_path, padding=0):
exit_codes = []
input_buffer = file_to_bytes(input_file)
make_dirs(extract_path, delete=True)
# Detect IM4P EFI pattern
im4p_match = PAT_APPLE_IM4P.search(input_buffer)
# After IM4P mefi (0x15), multi EFI payloads have _MEFIBIN (0x100) but is difficult to RE w/o varying samples.
# However, _MEFIBIN is not required for splitting SPI images due to Intel Flash Descriptor Components Density.
# IM4P mefi payload start offset
mefi_data_bgn = im4p_match.start() + input_buffer[im4p_match.start() - 0x1]
# IM4P mefi payload size
mefi_data_len = int.from_bytes(input_buffer[im4p_match.end() + 0x5:im4p_match.end() + 0x9], 'big')
# Check if mefi is followed by _MEFIBIN
mefibin_exist = input_buffer[mefi_data_bgn:mefi_data_bgn + 0x8] == b'_MEFIBIN'
# Actual multi EFI payloads start after _MEFIBIN
efi_data_bgn = mefi_data_bgn + 0x100 if mefibin_exist else mefi_data_bgn
# Actual multi EFI payloads size without _MEFIBIN
efi_data_len = mefi_data_len - 0x100 if mefibin_exist else mefi_data_len
# Adjust input file buffer to actual multi EFI payloads data
input_buffer = input_buffer[efi_data_bgn:efi_data_bgn + efi_data_len]
# Parse Intel Flash Descriptor pattern matches
for ifd in PAT_INTEL_IFD.finditer(input_buffer):
# Component Base Address from FD start (ICH8-ICH10 = 1, IBX = 2, CPT+ = 3)
ifd_flmap0_fcba = input_buffer[ifd.start() + 0x4] * 0x10
# I/O Controller Hub (ICH)
if ifd_flmap0_fcba == 0x10:
# At ICH, Flash Descriptor starts at 0x0
ifd_bgn_substruct = 0x0
# 0xBC for [0xAC] + 0xFF * 16 sanity check
ifd_end_substruct = 0xBC
# Platform Controller Hub (PCH)
# At PCH, Flash Descriptor starts at 0x10
ifd_bgn_substruct = 0x10
# 0xBC for [0xAC] + 0xFF * 16 sanity check
ifd_end_substruct = 0xBC
# Actual Flash Descriptor Start Offset
ifd_match_start = ifd.start() - ifd_bgn_substruct
# Actual Flash Descriptor End Offset
ifd_match_end = ifd.end() - ifd_end_substruct
# Calculate Intel Flash Descriptor Flash Component Total Size
# Component Count (00 = 1, 01 = 2)
ifd_flmap0_nc = ((int.from_bytes(input_buffer[ifd_match_end:ifd_match_end + 0x4], 'little') >> 8) & 3) + 1
# PCH/ICH Strap Length (ME 2-8 & TXE 0-2 & SPS 1-2 <= 0x12, ME 9+ & TXE 3+ & SPS 3+ >= 0x13)
ifd_flmap1_isl = input_buffer[ifd_match_end + 0x7]
# Component Density Byte (ME 2-8 & TXE 0-2 & SPS 1-2 = 0:5, ME 9+ & TXE 3+ & SPS 3+ = 0:7)
ifd_comp_den = input_buffer[ifd_match_start + ifd_flmap0_fcba]
# Component 1 Density Bits (ME 2-8 & TXE 0-2 & SPS 1-2 = 3, ME 9+ & TXE 3+ & SPS 3+ = 4)
ifd_comp_1_bitwise = 0xF if ifd_flmap1_isl >= 0x13 else 0x7
# Component 2 Density Bits (ME 2-8 & TXE 0-2 & SPS 1-2 = 3, ME 9+ & TXE 3+ & SPS 3+ = 4)
ifd_comp_2_bitwise = 0x4 if ifd_flmap1_isl >= 0x13 else 0x3
# Component 1 Density (FCBA > C0DEN)
ifd_comp_all_size = IFD_COMP_LEN[ifd_comp_den & ifd_comp_1_bitwise]
# Component 2 Density (FCBA > C1DEN)
if ifd_flmap0_nc == 2:
ifd_comp_all_size += IFD_COMP_LEN[ifd_comp_den >> ifd_comp_2_bitwise]
ifd_data_bgn = ifd_match_start
ifd_data_end = ifd_data_bgn + ifd_comp_all_size
ifd_data_txt = f'0x{ifd_data_bgn:07X}-0x{ifd_data_end:07X}'
output_data = input_buffer[ifd_data_bgn:ifd_data_end]
output_size = len(output_data)
output_name = path_stem(input_file) if os.path.isfile(input_file) else 'Part'
output_path = os.path.join(extract_path, f'{output_name}_[{ifd_data_txt}].fd')
with open(output_path, 'wb') as output_image:
printer(f'Split Apple EFI image at {ifd_data_txt}!', padding)
if output_size != ifd_comp_all_size:
printer(f'Error: Bad image size 0x{output_size:07X}, expected 0x{ifd_comp_all_size:07X}!', padding + 4)
return sum(exit_codes)
# Intel Flash Descriptor Component Sizes (4MB, 8MB, 16MB and 32MB)
IFD_COMP_LEN = {3: 0x400000, 4: 0x800000, 5: 0x1000000, 6: 0x2000000}
if __name__ == '__main__':
BIOSUtility(TITLE, is_apple_im4p, apple_im4p_split).run_utility()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Apple PBZX Extract
Apple EFI PBZX Extractor
Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Plato Mavropoulos
TITLE = 'Apple EFI PBZX Extractor v1.0_a5'
import os
import sys
import lzma
import ctypes
# Stop __pycache__ generation
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
from common.comp_szip import is_szip_supported, szip_decompress
from common.path_ops import make_dirs, path_stem
from common.patterns import PAT_APPLE_PBZX
from common.struct_ops import get_struct, uint32_t
from common.system import printer
from common.templates import BIOSUtility
from common.text_ops import file_to_bytes
class PbzxChunk(ctypes.BigEndianStructure):
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
('Reserved0', uint32_t), # 0x00
('InitSize', uint32_t), # 0x04
('Reserved1', uint32_t), # 0x08
('CompSize', uint32_t), # 0x0C
# 0x10
def struct_print(self, p):
printer(['Reserved 0 :', f'0x{self.Reserved0:X}'], p, False)
printer(['Initial Size :', f'0x{self.InitSize:X}'], p, False)
printer(['Reserved 1 :', f'0x{self.Reserved1:X}'], p, False)
printer(['Compressed Size:', f'0x{self.CompSize:X}'], p, False)
# Check if input is Apple PBZX image
def is_apple_pbzx(input_file):
input_buffer = file_to_bytes(input_file)
return bool(PAT_APPLE_PBZX.search(input_buffer[:0x4]))
# Parse & Extract Apple PBZX image
def apple_pbzx_extract(input_file, extract_path, padding=0):
input_buffer = file_to_bytes(input_file)
make_dirs(extract_path, delete=True)
cpio_bin = b'' # Initialize PBZX > CPIO Buffer
cpio_len = 0x0 # Initialize PBZX > CPIO Length
chunk_off = 0xC # First PBZX Chunk starts at 0xC
while chunk_off < len(input_buffer):
chunk_hdr = get_struct(input_buffer, chunk_off, PbzxChunk)
printer(f'PBZX Chunk at 0x{chunk_off:08X}\n', padding)
chunk_hdr.struct_print(padding + 4)
# PBZX Chunk data starts after its Header
comp_bgn = chunk_off + PBZX_CHUNK_HDR_LEN
# To avoid a potential infinite loop, double-check Compressed Size
comp_end = comp_bgn + max(chunk_hdr.CompSize, PBZX_CHUNK_HDR_LEN)
comp_bin = input_buffer[comp_bgn:comp_end]
# Attempt XZ decompression, if applicable to Chunk data
cpio_bin += lzma.LZMADecompressor().decompress(comp_bin)
printer('Successful LZMA decompression!', padding + 8)
except Exception:
# Otherwise, Chunk data is not compressed
cpio_bin += comp_bin
# Final CPIO size should match the sum of all Chunks > Initial Size
cpio_len += chunk_hdr.InitSize
# Next Chunk starts at the end of current Chunk's data
chunk_off = comp_end
# Check that CPIO size is valid based on all Chunks > Initial Size
if cpio_len != len(cpio_bin):
printer('Error: Unexpected CPIO archive size!', padding)
return 1
cpio_name = path_stem(input_file) if os.path.isfile(input_file) else 'Payload'
cpio_path = os.path.join(extract_path, f'{cpio_name}.cpio')
with open(cpio_path, 'wb') as cpio_object:
# Decompress PBZX > CPIO archive with 7-Zip
if is_szip_supported(cpio_path, padding, args=['-tCPIO'], check=True):
if szip_decompress(cpio_path, extract_path, 'CPIO', padding, args=['-tCPIO'], check=True) == 0:
os.remove(cpio_path) # Successful extraction, delete PBZX > CPIO archive
return 3
return 2
return 0
# Get common ctypes Structure Sizes
PBZX_CHUNK_HDR_LEN = ctypes.sizeof(PbzxChunk)
if __name__ == '__main__':
BIOSUtility(TITLE, is_apple_pbzx, apple_pbzx_extract).run_utility()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Apple EFI Package Extractor
Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Plato Mavropoulos
TITLE = 'Apple EFI Package Extractor v2.0_a5'
import os
import sys
# Stop __pycache__ generation
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
from common.comp_szip import is_szip_supported, szip_decompress
from common.path_ops import copy_file, del_dirs, get_path_files, make_dirs, path_name, path_parent, get_extract_path
from common.patterns import PAT_APPLE_PKG
from common.system import printer
from common.templates import BIOSUtility
from common.text_ops import file_to_bytes
from Apple_EFI_ID import apple_efi_identify, is_apple_efi
from Apple_EFI_IM4P import apple_im4p_split, is_apple_im4p
from Apple_EFI_PBZX import apple_pbzx_extract, is_apple_pbzx
# Check if input is Apple EFI PKG package
def is_apple_pkg(input_file):
input_buffer = file_to_bytes(input_file)
return bool(PAT_APPLE_PKG.search(input_buffer[:0x4]))
# Split Apple EFI image (if applicable) and Rename
def efi_split_rename(in_file, out_path, padding=0):
exit_codes = []
working_dir = get_extract_path(in_file)
if is_apple_im4p(in_file):
printer(f'Splitting IM4P via {is_apple_im4p.__module__}...', padding)
im4p_exit = apple_im4p_split(in_file, working_dir, padding + 4)
make_dirs(working_dir, delete=True)
copy_file(in_file, working_dir, True)
for efi_file in get_path_files(working_dir):
if is_apple_efi(efi_file):
printer(f'Renaming EFI via {is_apple_efi.__module__}...', padding)
name_exit = apple_efi_identify(efi_file, efi_file, padding + 4, True)
for named_file in get_path_files(working_dir):
copy_file(named_file, out_path, True)
return sum(exit_codes)
# Parse & Extract Apple EFI PKG packages
def apple_pkg_extract(input_file, extract_path, padding=0):
if not os.path.isfile(input_file):
printer('Error: Could not find input file path!', padding)
return 1
make_dirs(extract_path, delete=True)
xar_path = os.path.join(extract_path, 'xar')
# Decompress PKG > XAR archive with 7-Zip
if is_szip_supported(input_file, padding, args=['-tXAR'], check=True):
if szip_decompress(input_file, xar_path, 'XAR', padding, args=['-tXAR'], check=True) != 0:
return 3
return 2
for xar_file in get_path_files(xar_path):
if path_name(xar_file) == 'Payload':
pbzx_module = is_apple_pbzx.__module__
if is_apple_pbzx(xar_file):
printer(f'Extracting PBZX via {pbzx_module}...', padding + 4)
pbzx_path = get_extract_path(xar_file)
if apple_pbzx_extract(xar_file, pbzx_path, padding + 8) == 0:
printer(f'Succesfull PBZX extraction via {pbzx_module}!', padding + 4)
for pbzx_file in get_path_files(pbzx_path):
if path_name(pbzx_file) == 'UpdateBundle.zip':
if is_szip_supported(pbzx_file, padding + 8, args=['-tZIP'], check=True):
zip_path = get_extract_path(pbzx_file)
if szip_decompress(pbzx_file, zip_path, 'ZIP', padding + 8, args=['-tZIP'], check=True) == 0:
for zip_file in get_path_files(zip_path):
if path_name(path_parent(zip_file)) == 'MacEFI':
printer(path_name(zip_file), padding + 12)
if efi_split_rename(zip_file, extract_path, padding + 16) != 0:
printer(f'Error: Could not split and rename {path_name(zip_file)}!', padding)
return 10
return 9
return 8
break # ZIP found, stop
printer('Error: Could not find "UpdateBundle.zip" file!', padding)
return 7
printer(f'Error: Failed to extract PBZX file via {pbzx_module}!', padding)
return 6
printer(f'Error: Failed to detect file as PBZX via {pbzx_module}!', padding)
return 5
break # Payload found, stop searching
if path_name(xar_file) == 'Scripts':
if is_szip_supported(xar_file, padding + 4, args=['-tGZIP'], check=True):
gzip_path = get_extract_path(xar_file)
if szip_decompress(xar_file, gzip_path, 'GZIP', padding + 4, args=['-tGZIP'], check=True) == 0:
for gzip_file in get_path_files(gzip_path):
if is_szip_supported(gzip_file, padding + 8, args=['-tCPIO'], check=True):
cpio_path = get_extract_path(gzip_file)
if szip_decompress(gzip_file, cpio_path, 'CPIO', padding + 8, args=['-tCPIO'], check=True) == 0:
for cpio_file in get_path_files(cpio_path):
if path_name(path_parent(cpio_file)) == 'EFIPayloads':
printer(path_name(cpio_file), padding + 12)
if efi_split_rename(cpio_file, extract_path, padding + 16) != 0:
printer(f'Error: Could not split and rename {path_name(cpio_file)}!', padding)
return 15
return 14
return 13
return 12
return 11
break # Scripts found, stop searching
printer('Error: Could not find "Payload" or "Scripts" file!', padding)
return 4
del_dirs(xar_path) # Delete temporary/working XAR folder
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
BIOSUtility(TITLE, is_apple_pkg, apple_pkg_extract).run_utility()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Award BIOS Extract
Award BIOS Module Extractor
Copyright (C) 2018-2022 Plato Mavropoulos
TITLE = 'Award BIOS Module Extractor v2.0_a5'
import os
import sys
# Stop __pycache__ generation
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
from common.comp_szip import szip_decompress
from common.path_ops import make_dirs, safe_name, get_extract_path
from common.patterns import PAT_AWARD_LZH
from common.system import printer
from common.templates import BIOSUtility
from common.text_ops import file_to_bytes
# Check if input is Award BIOS image
def is_award_bios(in_file):
in_buffer = file_to_bytes(in_file)
return bool(PAT_AWARD_LZH.search(in_buffer))
# Parse & Extract Award BIOS image
def award_bios_extract(input_file, extract_path, padding=0):
input_buffer = file_to_bytes(input_file)
make_dirs(extract_path, delete=True)
for lzh_match in PAT_AWARD_LZH.finditer(input_buffer):
lzh_type = lzh_match.group(0).decode('utf-8')
lzh_text = f'LZH-{lzh_type.strip("-").upper()}'
lzh_bgn = lzh_match.start()
mod_bgn = lzh_bgn - 0x2
hdr_len = input_buffer[mod_bgn]
mod_len = int.from_bytes(input_buffer[mod_bgn + 0x7:mod_bgn + 0xB], 'little')
mod_end = lzh_bgn + hdr_len + mod_len
mod_bin = input_buffer[mod_bgn:mod_end]
tag_bgn = mod_bgn + 0x16
tag_end = tag_bgn + input_buffer[mod_bgn + 0x15]
tag_txt = input_buffer[tag_bgn:tag_end].decode('utf-8','ignore')
printer(f'{lzh_text} > {tag_txt} [0x{mod_bgn:06X}-0x{mod_end:06X}]', padding)
mod_path = os.path.join(extract_path, safe_name(tag_txt))
lzh_path = f'{mod_path}.lzh'
with open(lzh_path, 'wb') as lzh_file:
lzh_file.write(mod_bin) # Store LZH archive
# 7-Zip returns critical exit code (i.e. 2) if LZH CRC is wrong, do not check result
szip_decompress(lzh_path, extract_path, lzh_text, padding + 4, check=False)
# Manually check if 7-Zip extracted LZH due to its CRC check issue
if os.path.isfile(mod_path):
os.remove(lzh_path) # Successful extraction, delete LZH archive
# Extract any nested LZH archives
if is_award_bios(mod_path):
# Recursively extract nested Award BIOS modules
award_bios_extract(mod_path, get_extract_path(mod_path), padding + 8)
if __name__ == '__main__':
BIOSUtility(TITLE, is_award_bios, award_bios_extract).run_utility()
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Fujitsu SFX Extractor
Fujitsu SFX BIOS Extractor
Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Plato Mavropoulos
TITLE = 'Fujitsu SFX BIOS Extractor v3.0_a3'
import os
import sys
# Stop __pycache__ generation
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
from common.comp_szip import is_szip_supported, szip_decompress
from common.path_ops import make_dirs
from common.patterns import PAT_FUJITSU_SFX
from common.system import printer
from common.templates import BIOSUtility
from common.text_ops import file_to_bytes
# Check if input is Fujitsu SFX image
def is_fujitsu_sfx(in_file):
buffer = file_to_bytes(in_file)
return bool(PAT_FUJITSU_SFX.search(buffer))
# Extract Fujitsu SFX image
def fujitsu_cabinet(in_file, extract_path, padding=0):
buffer = file_to_bytes(in_file)
match_cab = PAT_FUJITSU_SFX.search(buffer) # Microsoft CAB Header XOR 0xFF
if not match_cab:
return 1
printer('Detected obfuscated CAB archive!', padding)
# Microsoft CAB Header XOR 0xFF starts after "FjSfxBinay" signature
cab_start = match_cab.start() + 0xA
# Determine the Microsoft CAB image size
cab_size = int.from_bytes(buffer[cab_start + 0x8:cab_start + 0xC], 'little') # Get LE XOR-ed CAB size
xor_size = int.from_bytes(b'\xFF' * 0x4, 'little') # Create CAB size XOR value
cab_size ^= xor_size # Perform XOR 0xFF and get actual CAB size
printer('Removing obfuscation...', padding + 4)
# Determine the Microsoft CAB image Data
cab_data = int.from_bytes(buffer[cab_start:cab_start + cab_size], 'big') # Get BE XOR-ed CAB data
xor_data = int.from_bytes(b'\xFF' * cab_size, 'big') # Create CAB data XOR value
cab_data = (cab_data ^ xor_data).to_bytes(cab_size, 'big') # Perform XOR 0xFF and get actual CAB data
printer('Extracting archive...', padding + 4)
cab_path = os.path.join(extract_path, 'FjSfxBinay.cab')
with open(cab_path, 'wb') as cab_file:
cab_file.write(cab_data) # Create temporary CAB archive
if is_szip_supported(cab_path, padding + 8, check=True):
if szip_decompress(cab_path, extract_path, 'CAB', padding + 8, check=True) == 0:
os.remove(cab_path) # Successful extraction, delete temporary CAB archive
return 3
return 2
return 0
# Parse & Extract Fujitsu SFX image
def fujitsu_sfx_extract(in_file, extract_path, padding=0):
buffer = file_to_bytes(in_file)
make_dirs(extract_path, delete=True)
if fujitsu_cabinet(buffer, extract_path, padding) == 0:
printer('Successfully Extracted!', padding)
printer('Error: Failed to Extract image!', padding)
return 1
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
BIOSUtility(TITLE, is_fujitsu_sfx, fujitsu_sfx_extract).run_utility()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Fujitsu UPC Extract
Fujitsu UPC BIOS Extractor
Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Plato Mavropoulos
TITLE = 'Fujitsu UPC BIOS Extractor v2.0_a5'
import os
import sys
# Stop __pycache__ generation
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
from common.comp_efi import efi_decompress, is_efi_compressed
from common.path_ops import make_dirs, path_suffixes
from common.templates import BIOSUtility
from common.text_ops import file_to_bytes
# Check if input is Fujitsu UPC image
def is_fujitsu_upc(in_file):
in_buffer = file_to_bytes(in_file)
is_ext = path_suffixes(in_file)[-1].upper() == '.UPC' if os.path.isfile(in_file) else True
is_efi = is_efi_compressed(in_buffer)
return is_ext and is_efi
# Parse & Extract Fujitsu UPC image
def fujitsu_upc_extract(input_file, extract_path, padding=0):
make_dirs(extract_path, delete=True)
image_base = os.path.basename(input_file)
image_name = image_base[:-4] if image_base.upper().endswith('.UPC') else image_base
image_path = os.path.join(extract_path, f'{image_name}.bin')
return efi_decompress(input_file, image_path, padding)
if __name__ == '__main__':
BIOSUtility(TITLE, is_fujitsu_upc, fujitsu_upc_extract).run_utility()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Insyde IFD Extract
Insyde iFlash/iFdPacker Extractor
Copyright (C) 2022 Plato Mavropoulos
TITLE = 'Insyde iFlash/iFdPacker Extractor v2.0_a11'
import os
import sys
import ctypes
# Stop __pycache__ generation
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
from common.comp_szip import is_szip_supported, szip_decompress
from common.path_ops import get_path_files, make_dirs, safe_name, get_extract_path
from common.patterns import PAT_INSYDE_IFL, PAT_INSYDE_SFX
from common.struct_ops import char, get_struct, uint32_t
from common.system import printer
from common.templates import BIOSUtility
from common.text_ops import file_to_bytes
class IflashHeader(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
('Signature', char*8), # 0x00 $_IFLASH
('ImageTag', char*8), # 0x08
('TotalSize', uint32_t), # 0x10 from header end
('ImageSize', uint32_t), # 0x14 from header end
# 0x18
def _get_padd_len(self):
return self.TotalSize - self.ImageSize
def get_image_tag(self):
return self.ImageTag.decode('utf-8','ignore').strip('_')
def struct_print(self, p):
printer(['Signature :', self.Signature.decode('utf-8')], p, False)
printer(['Image Name:', self.get_image_tag()], p, False)
printer(['Image Size:', f'0x{self.ImageSize:X}'], p, False)
printer(['Total Size:', f'0x{self.TotalSize:X}'], p, False)
printer(['Padd Size :', f'0x{self._get_padd_len():X}'], p, False)
# Check if input is Insyde iFlash/iFdPacker Update image
def is_insyde_ifd(input_file):
input_buffer = file_to_bytes(input_file)
is_ifl = bool(insyde_iflash_detect(input_buffer))
is_sfx = bool(PAT_INSYDE_SFX.search(input_buffer))
return is_ifl or is_sfx
# Parse & Extract Insyde iFlash/iFdPacker Update images
def insyde_ifd_extract(input_file, extract_path, padding=0):
input_buffer = file_to_bytes(input_file)
iflash_code = insyde_iflash_extract(input_buffer, extract_path, padding)
ifdpack_path = os.path.join(extract_path, 'Insyde iFdPacker SFX')
ifdpack_code = insyde_packer_extract(input_buffer, ifdpack_path, padding)
return iflash_code and ifdpack_code
# Detect Insyde iFlash Update image
def insyde_iflash_detect(input_buffer):
iflash_match_all = []
iflash_match_nan = [0x0,0xFFFFFFFF]
for iflash_match in PAT_INSYDE_IFL.finditer(input_buffer):
ifl_bgn = iflash_match.start()
if len(input_buffer[ifl_bgn:]) <= INS_IFL_LEN:
ifl_hdr = get_struct(input_buffer, ifl_bgn, IflashHeader)
if ifl_hdr.TotalSize in iflash_match_nan \
or ifl_hdr.ImageSize in iflash_match_nan \
or ifl_hdr.TotalSize < ifl_hdr.ImageSize \
or ifl_bgn + INS_IFL_LEN + ifl_hdr.TotalSize > len(input_buffer):
iflash_match_all.append([ifl_bgn, ifl_hdr])
return iflash_match_all
# Extract Insyde iFlash Update image
def insyde_iflash_extract(input_buffer, extract_path, padding=0):
insyde_iflash_all = insyde_iflash_detect(input_buffer)
if not insyde_iflash_all:
return 127
printer('Detected Insyde iFlash Update image!', padding)
make_dirs(extract_path, delete=True)
exit_codes = []
for insyde_iflash in insyde_iflash_all:
exit_code = 0
ifl_bgn,ifl_hdr = insyde_iflash
img_bgn = ifl_bgn + INS_IFL_LEN
img_end = img_bgn + ifl_hdr.ImageSize
img_bin = input_buffer[img_bgn:img_end]
if len(img_bin) != ifl_hdr.ImageSize:
exit_code = 1
img_val = [ifl_hdr.get_image_tag(), 'bin']
img_tag,img_ext = INS_IFL_IMG.get(img_val[0], img_val)
img_name = f'{img_tag} [0x{img_bgn:08X}-0x{img_end:08X}]'
printer(f'{img_name}\n', padding + 4)
ifl_hdr.struct_print(padding + 8)
if img_val == [img_tag,img_ext]:
printer(f'Note: Detected new Insyde iFlash tag {img_tag}!', padding + 12, pause=True)
out_name = f'{img_name}.{img_ext}'
out_path = os.path.join(extract_path, safe_name(out_name))
with open(out_path, 'wb') as out_image:
printer(f'Succesfull Insyde iFlash > {img_tag} extraction!', padding + 12)
return sum(exit_codes)
# Extract Insyde iFdPacker 7-Zip SFX 7z Update image
def insyde_packer_extract(input_buffer, extract_path, padding=0):
match_sfx = PAT_INSYDE_SFX.search(input_buffer)
if not match_sfx:
return 127
printer('Detected Insyde iFdPacker Update image!', padding)
make_dirs(extract_path, delete=True)
sfx_buffer = bytearray(input_buffer[match_sfx.end() - 0x5:])
if sfx_buffer[:0x5] == b'\x6E\xF4\x79\x5F\x4E':
printer('Detected Insyde iFdPacker > 7-Zip SFX > Obfuscation!', padding + 4)
for index,byte in enumerate(sfx_buffer):
sfx_buffer[index] = byte // 2 + (128 if byte % 2 else 0)
printer('Removed Insyde iFdPacker > 7-Zip SFX > Obfuscation!', padding + 8)
printer('Extracting Insyde iFdPacker > 7-Zip SFX archive...', padding + 4)
if bytes(INS_SFX_PWD, 'utf-16le') in input_buffer[:match_sfx.start()]:
printer('Detected Insyde iFdPacker > 7-Zip SFX > Password!', padding + 8)
printer(INS_SFX_PWD, padding + 12)
sfx_path = os.path.join(extract_path, 'Insyde_iFdPacker_SFX.7z')
with open(sfx_path, 'wb') as sfx_file:
if is_szip_supported(sfx_path, padding + 8, args=[f'-p{INS_SFX_PWD}'], check=True):
if szip_decompress(sfx_path, extract_path, 'Insyde iFdPacker > 7-Zip SFX',
padding + 8, args=[f'-p{INS_SFX_PWD}'], check=True) == 0:
return 125
return 126
exit_codes = []
for sfx_file in get_path_files(extract_path):
if is_insyde_ifd(sfx_file):
printer(f'{os.path.basename(sfx_file)}', padding + 12)
ifd_code = insyde_ifd_extract(sfx_file, get_extract_path(sfx_file), padding + 16)
return sum(exit_codes)
# Insyde iFdPacker known 7-Zip SFX Password
INS_SFX_PWD = 'Y`t~i!L@i#t$U%h^s7A*l(f)E-d=y+S_n?i'
# Insyde iFlash known Image Names
'BIOSCER' : ['Certificate', 'bin'],
'BIOSCR2' : ['Certificate 2nd', 'bin'],
'BIOSIMG' : ['BIOS-UEFI', 'bin'],
'DRV_IMG' : ['isflash', 'efi'],
'EC_IMG' : ['Embedded Controller', 'bin'],
'INI_IMG' : ['platform', 'ini'],
'ME_IMG' : ['Management Engine', 'bin'],
'OEM_ID' : ['OEM Identifier', 'bin'],
# Get common ctypes Structure Sizes
INS_IFL_LEN = ctypes.sizeof(IflashHeader)
if __name__ == '__main__':
BIOSUtility(TITLE, is_insyde_ifd, insyde_ifd_extract).run_utility()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Plato Mavropoulos
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this license, each copyright holder and contributor hereby grants to those receiving rights under this license a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable (except for failure to satisfy the conditions of this license) patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer this software, where such license applies only to those patent claims, already acquired or hereafter acquired, licensable by such copyright holder or contributor that are necessarily infringed by:
(a) their Contribution(s) (the licensed copyrights of copyright holders and non-copyrightable additions of contributors, in source or binary form) alone; or
(b) combination of their Contribution(s) with the work of authorship to which such Contribution(s) was added by such copyright holder or contributor, if, at the time the Contribution is added, such addition causes such combination to be necessarily infringed. The patent license shall not apply to any other combinations which include the Contribution.
Except as expressly stated above, no rights or licenses from any copyright holder or contributor is granted under this license, whether expressly, by implication, estoppel or otherwise.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Panasonic BIOS Extract
Panasonic BIOS Package Extractor
Copyright (C) 2018-2022 Plato Mavropoulos
TITLE = 'Panasonic BIOS Package Extractor v2.0_a10'
import os
import io
import sys
import lznt1
import pefile
# Stop __pycache__ generation
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
from common.comp_szip import is_szip_supported, szip_decompress
from common.path_ops import get_path_files, make_dirs, path_stem, safe_name
from common.pe_ops import get_pe_file, get_pe_info, is_pe_file, show_pe_info
from common.patterns import PAT_MICROSOFT_CAB
from common.system import printer
from common.templates import BIOSUtility
from common.text_ops import file_to_bytes
from AMI_PFAT_Extract import is_ami_pfat, parse_pfat_file
# Check if input is Panasonic BIOS Package PE
def is_panasonic_pkg(in_file):
in_buffer = file_to_bytes(in_file)
pe_file = get_pe_file(in_buffer, fast=True)
if not pe_file:
return False
pe_info = get_pe_info(pe_file)
if not pe_info:
return False
if pe_info.get(b'FileDescription',b'').upper() != b'UNPACK UTILITY':
return False
if not PAT_MICROSOFT_CAB.search(in_buffer):
return False
return True
# Search and Extract Panasonic BIOS Package PE CAB archive
def panasonic_cab_extract(buffer, extract_path, padding=0):
pe_path,pe_file,pe_info = [None] * 3
cab_bgn = PAT_MICROSOFT_CAB.search(buffer).start()
cab_len = int.from_bytes(buffer[cab_bgn + 0x8:cab_bgn + 0xC], 'little')
cab_end = cab_bgn + cab_len
cab_bin = buffer[cab_bgn:cab_end]
cab_tag = f'[0x{cab_bgn:06X}-0x{cab_end:06X}]'
cab_path = os.path.join(extract_path, f'CAB_{cab_tag}.cab')
with open(cab_path, 'wb') as cab_file:
cab_file.write(cab_bin) # Store CAB archive
if is_szip_supported(cab_path, padding, check=True):
printer(f'Panasonic BIOS Package > PE > CAB {cab_tag}', padding)
if szip_decompress(cab_path, extract_path, 'CAB', padding + 4, check=True) == 0:
os.remove(cab_path) # Successful extraction, delete CAB archive
return pe_path, pe_file, pe_info
return pe_path, pe_file, pe_info
for file_path in get_path_files(extract_path):
pe_file = get_pe_file(file_path, fast=True)
if pe_file:
pe_info = get_pe_info(pe_file)
if pe_info.get(b'FileDescription',b'').upper() == b'BIOS UPDATE':
pe_path = file_path
return pe_path, pe_file, pe_info
return pe_path, pe_file, pe_info
# Extract & Decompress Panasonic BIOS Update PE RCDATA (LZNT1)
def panasonic_res_extract(pe_name, pe_file, extract_path, padding=0):
is_rcdata = False
# When fast_load is used, IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE must be parsed prior to RCDATA Directories
# Parse all Resource Data Directories > RCDATA (ID = 10)
for entry in pe_file.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE.entries:
if entry.struct.name == 'IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY' and entry.struct.Id == 0xA:
is_rcdata = True
for resource in entry.directory.entries:
res_bgn = resource.directory.entries[0].data.struct.OffsetToData
res_len = resource.directory.entries[0].data.struct.Size
res_end = res_bgn + res_len
res_bin = pe_file.get_data(res_bgn, res_len)
res_tag = f'{pe_name} [0x{res_bgn:06X}-0x{res_end:06X}]'
res_out = os.path.join(extract_path, f'{res_tag}')
printer(res_tag, padding + 4)
res_raw = lznt1.decompress(res_bin[0x8:])
printer('Succesfull LZNT1 decompression via lznt1!', padding + 8)
except Exception:
res_raw = res_bin
printer('Succesfull PE Resource extraction!', padding + 8)
# Detect & Unpack AMI BIOS Guard (PFAT) BIOS image
if is_ami_pfat(res_raw):
pfat_dir = os.path.join(extract_path, res_tag)
parse_pfat_file(res_raw, pfat_dir, padding + 12)
if is_pe_file(res_raw):
res_ext = 'exe'
elif res_raw.startswith(b'[') and res_raw.endswith((b'\x0D\x0A',b'\x0A')):
res_ext = 'txt'
res_ext = 'bin'
if res_ext == 'txt':
for line in io.BytesIO(res_raw).readlines():
line_text = line.decode('utf-8','ignore').rstrip()
printer(line_text, padding + 12, new_line=False)
with open(f'{res_out}.{res_ext}', 'wb') as out_file:
return is_rcdata
# Extract Panasonic BIOS Update PE Data when RCDATA is not available
def panasonic_img_extract(pe_name, pe_path, pe_file, extract_path, padding=0):
pe_data = file_to_bytes(pe_path)
img_bgn = pe_file.OPTIONAL_HEADER.BaseOfData + pe_file.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfInitializedData
img_end = sec_bgn or len(pe_data)
img_bin = pe_data[img_bgn:img_end]
img_tag = f'{pe_name} [0x{img_bgn:X}-0x{img_end:X}]'
img_out = os.path.join(extract_path, f'{img_tag}.bin')
printer(img_tag, padding + 4)
with open(img_out, 'wb') as out_img:
printer('Succesfull PE Data extraction!', padding + 8)
return bool(img_bin)
# Parse & Extract Panasonic BIOS Package PE
def panasonic_pkg_extract(input_file, extract_path, padding=0):
input_buffer = file_to_bytes(input_file)
make_dirs(extract_path, delete=True)
pkg_pe_file = get_pe_file(input_buffer, fast=True)
if not pkg_pe_file:
return 2
pkg_pe_info = get_pe_info(pkg_pe_file)
if not pkg_pe_info:
return 3
pkg_pe_name = path_stem(input_file)
printer(f'Panasonic BIOS Package > PE ({pkg_pe_name})\n', padding)
show_pe_info(pkg_pe_info, padding + 4)
upd_pe_path,upd_pe_file,upd_pe_info = panasonic_cab_extract(input_buffer, extract_path, padding + 4)
if not (upd_pe_path and upd_pe_file and upd_pe_info):
return 4
upd_pe_name = safe_name(path_stem(upd_pe_path))
printer(f'Panasonic BIOS Update > PE ({upd_pe_name})\n', padding + 12)
show_pe_info(upd_pe_info, padding + 16)
is_upd_res, is_upd_img = False, False
is_upd_res = panasonic_res_extract(upd_pe_name, upd_pe_file, extract_path, padding + 16)
if not is_upd_res:
is_upd_img = panasonic_img_extract(upd_pe_name, upd_pe_path, upd_pe_file, extract_path, padding + 16)
return 0 if is_upd_res or is_upd_img else 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
BIOSUtility(TITLE, is_panasonic_pkg, panasonic_pkg_extract).run_utility()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Phoenix TDK Extract
Phoenix TDK Packer Extractor
Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Plato Mavropoulos
TITLE = 'Phoenix TDK Packer Extractor v2.0_a10'
import os
import sys
import lzma
import ctypes
# Stop __pycache__ generation
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
from common.path_ops import make_dirs, safe_name
from common.pe_ops import get_pe_file, get_pe_info
from common.struct_ops import char, get_struct, uint32_t
from common.system import printer
from common.templates import BIOSUtility
from common.text_ops import file_to_bytes
class PhoenixTdkHeader(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
('Tag', char*8), # 0x00
('Size', uint32_t), # 0x08
('Count', uint32_t), # 0x0C
# 0x10
def _get_tag(self):
return self.Tag.decode('utf-8','ignore').strip()
def struct_print(self, p):
printer(['Tag :', self._get_tag()], p, False)
printer(['Size :', f'0x{self.Size:X}'], p, False)
printer(['Entries:', self.Count], p, False)
class PhoenixTdkEntry(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
('Name', char*256), # 0x000
('Offset', uint32_t), # 0x100
('Size', uint32_t), # 0x104
('Compressed', uint32_t), # 0x108
('Reserved', uint32_t), # 0x10C
# 0x110
COMP = {0: 'None', 1: 'LZMA'}
def __init__(self, mz_base, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.Base = mz_base
def get_name(self):
return self.Name.decode('utf-8','replace').strip()
def get_offset(self):
return self.Base + self.Offset
def get_compression(self):
return self.COMP.get(self.Compressed, f'Unknown ({self.Compressed})')
def struct_print(self, p):
printer(['Name :', self.get_name()], p, False)
printer(['Offset :', f'0x{self.get_offset():X}'], p, False)
printer(['Size :', f'0x{self.Size:X}'], p, False)
printer(['Compression:', self.get_compression()], p, False)
printer(['Reserved :', f'0x{self.Reserved:X}'], p, False)
# Get Phoenix TDK Executable (MZ) Base Offset
def get_tdk_base(in_buffer, pack_off):
tdk_base_off = None # Initialize Phoenix TDK Base MZ Offset
# Scan input file for all Microsoft executable patterns (MZ) before TDK Header Offset
mz_all = [mz for mz in PAT_MICROSOFT_MZ.finditer(in_buffer) if mz.start() < pack_off]
# Phoenix TDK Header structure is an index table for all TDK files
# Each TDK file is referenced from the TDK Packer executable base
# The TDK Header is always at the end of the TDK Packer executable
# Thus, prefer the TDK Packer executable (MZ) closest to TDK Header
# For speed, check MZ closest to (or at) 0x0 first (expected input)
mz_ord = [mz_all[0]] + list(reversed(mz_all[1:]))
# Parse each detected MZ
for mz in mz_ord:
mz_off = mz.start()
# MZ (DOS) > PE (NT) image Offset is found at offset 0x3C-0x40 relative to MZ base
pe_off = mz_off + int.from_bytes(in_buffer[mz_off + 0x3C:mz_off + 0x40], 'little')
# Skip MZ (DOS) with bad PE (NT) image Offset
if pe_off == mz_off or pe_off >= pack_off:
# Check if potential MZ > PE image magic value is valid
if PAT_MICROSOFT_PE.search(in_buffer[pe_off:pe_off + 0x4]):
# Parse detected MZ > PE > Image, quickly (fast_load)
pe_file = get_pe_file(in_buffer[mz_off:], fast=True)
# Parse detected MZ > PE > Info
pe_info = get_pe_info(pe_file)
# Parse detected MZ > PE > Info > Product Name
pe_name = pe_info.get(b'ProductName',b'')
except Exception:
# Any error means no MZ > PE > Info > Product Name
pe_name = b''
# Check for valid Phoenix TDK Packer PE > Product Name
# Expected value is "TDK Packer (Extractor for Windows)"
if pe_name.upper().startswith(b'TDK PACKER'):
# Set TDK Base Offset to valid TDK Packer MZ offset
tdk_base_off = mz_off
# Stop parsing detected MZ once TDK Base Offset is found
if tdk_base_off is not None:
# No TDK Base Offset could be found, assume 0x0
tdk_base_off = 0x0
return tdk_base_off
# Scan input buffer for valid Phoenix TDK image
def get_phoenix_tdk(in_buffer):
# Scan input buffer for Phoenix TDK pattern
tdk_match = PAT_PHOENIX_TDK.search(in_buffer)
if not tdk_match:
return None, None
# Set Phoenix TDK Header ($PACK) Offset
tdk_pack_off = tdk_match.start()
# Get Phoenix TDK Executable (MZ) Base Offset
tdk_base_off = get_tdk_base(in_buffer, tdk_pack_off)
return tdk_base_off, tdk_pack_off
# Check if input contains valid Phoenix TDK image
def is_phoenix_tdk(in_file):
buffer = file_to_bytes(in_file)
return bool(get_phoenix_tdk(buffer)[1] is not None)
# Parse & Extract Phoenix Tools Development Kit (TDK) Packer
def phoenix_tdk_extract(input_file, extract_path, padding=0):
exit_code = 0
input_buffer = file_to_bytes(input_file)
make_dirs(extract_path, delete=True)
printer('Phoenix Tools Development Kit Packer', padding)
base_off,pack_off = get_phoenix_tdk(input_buffer)
# Parse TDK Header structure
tdk_hdr = get_struct(input_buffer, pack_off, PhoenixTdkHeader)
# Print TDK Header structure info
printer('Phoenix TDK Header:\n', padding + 4)
tdk_hdr.struct_print(padding + 8)
# Check if reported TDK Header Size matches manual TDK Entry Count calculation
if tdk_hdr.Size != TDK_HDR_LEN + TDK_DUMMY_LEN + tdk_hdr.Count * TDK_MOD_LEN:
printer('Error: Phoenix TDK Header Size & Entry Count mismatch!\n', padding + 8, pause=True)
exit_code = 1
# Store TDK Entries offset after the placeholder data
entries_off = pack_off + TDK_HDR_LEN + TDK_DUMMY_LEN
# Parse and extract each TDK Header Entry
for entry_index in range(tdk_hdr.Count):
# Parse TDK Entry structure
tdk_mod = get_struct(input_buffer, entries_off + entry_index * TDK_MOD_LEN, PhoenixTdkEntry, [base_off])
# Print TDK Entry structure info
printer(f'Phoenix TDK Entry ({entry_index + 1}/{tdk_hdr.Count}):\n', padding + 8)
tdk_mod.struct_print(padding + 12)
# Get TDK Entry raw data Offset (TDK Base + Entry Offset)
mod_off = tdk_mod.get_offset()
# Check if TDK Entry raw data Offset is valid
if mod_off >= len(input_buffer):
printer('Error: Phoenix TDK Entry > Offset is out of bounds!\n', padding + 12, pause=True)
exit_code = 2
# Store TDK Entry raw data (relative to TDK Base, not TDK Header)
mod_data = input_buffer[mod_off:mod_off + tdk_mod.Size]
# Check if TDK Entry raw data is complete
if len(mod_data) != tdk_mod.Size:
printer('Error: Phoenix TDK Entry > Data is truncated!\n', padding + 12, pause=True)
exit_code = 3
# Check if TDK Entry Reserved is present
if tdk_mod.Reserved:
printer('Error: Phoenix TDK Entry > Reserved is not empty!\n', padding + 12, pause=True)
exit_code = 4
# Decompress TDK Entry raw data, when applicable (i.e. LZMA)
if tdk_mod.get_compression() == 'LZMA':
mod_data = lzma.LZMADecompressor().decompress(mod_data)
except Exception:
printer('Error: Phoenix TDK Entry > LZMA decompression failed!\n', padding + 12, pause=True)
exit_code = 5
# Generate TDK Entry file name, avoid crash if Entry data is bad
mod_name = tdk_mod.get_name() or f'Unknown_{entry_index + 1:02d}.bin'
# Generate TDK Entry file data output path
mod_file = os.path.join(extract_path, safe_name(mod_name))
# Account for potential duplicate file names
if os.path.isfile(mod_file): mod_file += f'_{entry_index + 1:02d}'
# Save TDK Entry data to output file
with open(mod_file, 'wb') as out_file:
return exit_code
# Get ctypes Structure Sizes
TDK_HDR_LEN = ctypes.sizeof(PhoenixTdkHeader)
TDK_MOD_LEN = ctypes.sizeof(PhoenixTdkEntry)
# Set placeholder TDK Entries Size
if __name__ == '__main__':
BIOSUtility(TITLE, is_phoenix_tdk, phoenix_tdk_extract).run_utility()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Portwell EFI Extract
Portwell EFI Update Extractor
Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Plato Mavropoulos
TITLE = 'Portwell EFI Update Extractor v2.0_a12'
import os
import sys
# Stop __pycache__ generation
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
from common.comp_efi import efi_decompress, is_efi_compressed
from common.path_ops import make_dirs, safe_name
from common.pe_ops import get_pe_file
from common.patterns import PAT_MICROSOFT_MZ, PAT_PORTWELL_EFI
from common.system import printer
from common.templates import BIOSUtility
from common.text_ops import file_to_bytes
0 : 'Flash.efi',
1 : 'Fparts.txt',
2 : 'Update.nsh',
3 : 'Temp.bin',
4 : 'SaveDmiData.efi'
# Check if input is Portwell EFI executable
def is_portwell_efi(in_file):
in_buffer = file_to_bytes(in_file)
pe_buffer = get_portwell_pe(in_buffer)[1]
except Exception:
pe_buffer = b''
is_mz = PAT_MICROSOFT_MZ.search(in_buffer[:0x2]) # EFI images start with PE Header MZ
is_uu = PAT_PORTWELL_EFI.search(pe_buffer[:0x4]) # Portwell EFI files start with <UU>
return bool(is_mz and is_uu)
# Get PE of Portwell EFI executable
def get_portwell_pe(in_buffer):
pe_file = get_pe_file(in_buffer, fast=True) # Analyze EFI Portable Executable (PE)
pe_data = in_buffer[pe_file.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfImage:] # Skip EFI executable (pylint: disable=E1101)
return pe_file, pe_data
# Parse & Extract Portwell UEFI Unpacker
def portwell_efi_extract(input_file, extract_path, padding=0):
efi_files = [] # Initialize EFI Payload file chunks
input_buffer = file_to_bytes(input_file)
make_dirs(extract_path, delete=True)
pe_file,pe_data = get_portwell_pe(input_buffer)
efi_title = get_unpacker_tag(input_buffer, pe_file)
printer(efi_title, padding)
# Split EFI Payload into <UU> file chunks
efi_list = list(PAT_PORTWELL_EFI.finditer(pe_data))
for idx,val in enumerate(efi_list):
efi_bgn = val.end()
efi_end = len(pe_data) if idx == len(efi_list) - 1 else efi_list[idx + 1].start()
parse_efi_files(extract_path, efi_files, padding)
# Get Portwell UEFI Unpacker tag
def get_unpacker_tag(input_buffer, pe_file):
unpacker_tag_txt = 'UEFI Unpacker'
for pe_section in pe_file.sections:
# Unpacker Tag, Version, Strings etc are found in .data PE section
if pe_section.Name.startswith(b'.data'):
pe_data_bgn = pe_section.PointerToRawData
pe_data_end = pe_data_bgn + pe_section.SizeOfRawData
# Decode any valid UTF-16 .data PE section info to a parsable text buffer
pe_data_txt = input_buffer[pe_data_bgn:pe_data_end].decode('utf-16','ignore')
# Search .data for UEFI Unpacker tag
unpacker_tag_bgn = pe_data_txt.find(unpacker_tag_txt)
if unpacker_tag_bgn != -1:
unpacker_tag_len = pe_data_txt[unpacker_tag_bgn:].find('=')
if unpacker_tag_len != -1:
unpacker_tag_end = unpacker_tag_bgn + unpacker_tag_len
unpacker_tag_raw = pe_data_txt[unpacker_tag_bgn:unpacker_tag_end]
# Found full UEFI Unpacker tag, store and slightly beautify the resulting text
unpacker_tag_txt = unpacker_tag_raw.strip().replace(' ',' ').replace('<',' <')
break # Found PE .data section, skip the rest
return unpacker_tag_txt
# Process Portwell UEFI Unpacker payload files
def parse_efi_files(extract_path, efi_files, padding):
for file_index,file_data in enumerate(efi_files):
if file_data in (b'', b'NULL'):
continue # Skip empty/unused files
file_name = FILE_NAMES.get(file_index, f'Unknown_{file_index}.bin') # Assign Name to EFI file
printer(f'[{file_index}] {file_name}', padding + 4) # Print EFI file name, indicate progress
if file_name.startswith('Unknown_'):
printer(f'Note: Detected new Portwell EFI file ID {file_index}!', padding + 8, pause=True) # Report new EFI files
file_path = os.path.join(extract_path, safe_name(file_name)) # Store EFI file output path
with open(file_path, 'wb') as out_file:
out_file.write(file_data) # Store EFI file data to drive
# Attempt to detect EFI compression & decompress when applicable
if is_efi_compressed(file_data):
comp_fname = file_path + '.temp' # Store temporary compressed file name
os.replace(file_path, comp_fname) # Rename initial/compressed file
if efi_decompress(comp_fname, file_path, padding + 8) == 0:
os.remove(comp_fname) # Successful decompression, delete compressed file
if __name__ == '__main__':
BIOSUtility(TITLE, is_portwell_efi, portwell_efi_extract).run_utility()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,552 @@
# BIOSUtilities [Refactor - WIP]
**Various BIOS Utilities for Modding/Research**
[BIOS Utilities News Feed](https://twitter.com/platomaniac)
* [**AMI BIOS Guard Extractor**](#ami-bios-guard-extractor)
* [**AMI UCP Update Extractor**](#ami-ucp-update-extractor)
* [**Apple EFI IM4P Splitter**](#apple-efi-im4p-splitter)
* [**Apple EFI Image Identifier**](#apple-efi-image-identifier)
* [**Apple EFI Package Extractor**](#apple-efi-package-extractor)
* [**Apple EFI PBZX Extractor**](#apple-efi-pbzx-extractor)
* [**Award BIOS Module Extractor**](#award-bios-module-extractor)
* [**Dell PFS Update Extractor**](#dell-pfs-update-extractor)
* [**Fujitsu SFX BIOS Extractor**](#fujitsu-sfx-bios-extractor)
* [**Fujitsu UPC BIOS Extractor**](#fujitsu-upc-bios-extractor)
* [**Insyde iFlash/iFdPacker Extractor**](#insyde-iflashifdpacker-extractor)
* [**Panasonic BIOS Package Extractor**](#panasonic-bios-package-extractor)
* [**Phoenix TDK Packer Extractor**](#phoenix-tdk-packer-extractor)
* [**Portwell EFI Update Extractor**](#portwell-efi-update-extractor)
* [**Toshiba BIOS COM Extractor**](#toshiba-bios-com-extractor)
* [**VAIO Packaging Manager Extractor**](#vaio-packaging-manager-extractor)
## **AMI BIOS Guard Extractor**
#### **Description**
Parses AMI BIOS Guard (a.k.a. PFAT, Platform Firmware Armoring Technology) images, extracts their SPI/BIOS/UEFI firmware components and decompiles the Intel BIOS Guard Scripts. It supports all AMI PFAT revisions and formats, including those with Index Information tables or nested AMI PFAT structures. The output comprises only final firmware components which are directly usable by end users.
Note that the AMI PFAT structure may not have an explicit component order. AMI's BIOS Guard Firmware Update Tool (AFUBGT) updates components based on the user/OEM provided Parameters and Options or Index Information table, when applicable. That means that merging all the components together does not usually yield a proper SPI/BIOS/UEFI image. The utility does generate such a merged file with the name "00 -- \<filename\>\_ALL.bin" but it is up to the end user to determine its usefulness. Moreover, any custom OEM data after the AMI PFAT structure are additionally stored in the last file with the name "\<n+1\> -- \_OOB.bin" and it is once again up to the end user to determine its usefulness. In cases where the trailing custom OEM data include a nested AMI PFAT structure, the utility will process and extract it automatically as well.
#### **Usage**
You can either Drag & Drop or manually enter AMI BIOS Guard (PFAT) image file(s). Optional arguments:
* -h or --help : show help message and exit
* -v or --version : show utility name and version
* -i or --input-dir : extract from given input directory
* -o or --output-dir : extract in given output directory
* -e or --auto-exit : skip all user action prompts
#### **Compatibility**
Should work at all Windows, Linux or macOS operating systems which have Python 3.10 support.
#### **Prerequisites**
Optionally, to decompile the AMI PFAT \> Intel BIOS Guard Scripts, you must have the following 3rd party utility at the "external" project directory:
* [BIOS Guard Script Tool](https://github.com/platomav/BGScriptTool) (i.e. big_script_tool.py)
#### **Pictures**
## **AMI UCP Update Extractor**
#### **Description**
Parses AMI UCP (Utility Configuration Program) Update executables, extracts their firmware components (e.g. SPI/BIOS/UEFI, EC, ME etc) and shows all relevant info. It supports all AMI UCP revisions and formats, including those with nested AMI PFAT, AMI UCP or Insyde iFlash/iFdPacker structures. The output comprises only final firmware components and utilities which are directly usable by end users.
#### **Usage**
You can either Drag & Drop or manually enter AMI UCP Update executable file(s). Optional arguments:
* -h or --help : show help message and exit
* -v or --version : show utility name and version
* -i or --input-dir : extract from given input directory
* -o or --output-dir : extract in given output directory
* -e or --auto-exit : skip all user action prompts
* -c or --checksum : verify AMI UCP Checksums (slow)
#### **Compatibility**
Should work at all Windows, Linux or macOS operating systems which have Python 3.10 support.
#### **Prerequisites**
To run the utility, you must have the following 3rd party tools at the "external" project directory:
* [TianoCompress](https://github.com/tianocore/edk2/tree/master/BaseTools/Source/C/TianoCompress/) (i.e. [TianoCompress.exe for Windows](https://github.com/tianocore/edk2-BaseTools-win32/) or TianoCompress for Linux)
* [7-Zip Console](https://www.7-zip.org/) (i.e. 7z.exe for Windows or 7zzs for Linux)
Optionally, to decompile the AMI UCP \> AMI PFAT \> Intel BIOS Guard Scripts (when applicable), you must have the following 3rd party utility at the "external" project directory:
* [BIOS Guard Script Tool](https://github.com/platomav/BGScriptTool) (i.e. big_script_tool.py)
#### **Pictures**
## **Apple EFI IM4P Splitter**
#### **Description**
Parses Apple IM4P multi-EFI files and splits all detected EFI firmware into separate Intel SPI/BIOS images. The output comprises only final firmware components and utilities which are directly usable by end users.
#### **Usage**
You can either Drag & Drop or manually enter Apple EFI IM4P file(s). Optional arguments:
* -h or --help : show help message and exit
* -v or --version : show utility name and version
* -i or --input-dir : extract from given input directory
* -o or --output-dir : extract in given output directory
* -e or --auto-exit : skip all user action prompts
#### **Compatibility**
Should work at all Windows, Linux or macOS operating systems which have Python 3.10 support.
#### **Prerequisites**
To run the utility, you do not need any prerequisites.
#### **Pictures**
## **Apple EFI Image Identifier**
#### **Description**
Parses Apple EFI images and identifies them based on Intel's official $IBIOSI$ tag, which contains info such as Model, Version, Build, Date and Time. Optionally, the utility can rename the input Apple EFI image based on the retrieved $IBIOSI$ tag info, while also making sure to differentiate any EFI images with the same $IBIOSI$ tag (e.g. Production, Pre-Production) by appending a checksum of their data.
#### **Usage**
You can either Drag & Drop or manually enter Apple EFI image file(s). Optional arguments:
* -h or --help : show help message and exit
* -v or --version : show utility name and version
* -i or --input-dir : extract from given input directory
* -o or --output-dir : extract in given output directory
* -e or --auto-exit : skip all user action prompts
* -r or --rename : rename EFI image based on its tag
#### **Compatibility**
Should work at all Windows, Linux or macOS operating systems which have Python 3.10 support.
#### **Prerequisites**
To run the utility, you must have the following 3rd party tools at the "external" project directory:
* [UEFIFind](https://github.com/LongSoft/UEFITool/) (i.e. [UEFIFind.exe for Windows or UEFIFind for Linux](https://github.com/LongSoft/UEFITool/releases))
* [UEFIExtract](https://github.com/LongSoft/UEFITool/) (i.e. [UEFIExtract.exe for Windows or UEFIExtract for Linux](https://github.com/LongSoft/UEFITool/releases))
#### **Pictures**
## **Apple EFI Package Extractor**
#### **Description**
Parses Apple EFI PKG firmware packages (i.e. FirmwareUpdate.pkg, BridgeOSUpdateCustomer.pkg), extracts their EFI images, splits those in IM4P format and identifies/renames the final Intel SPI/BIOS images accordingly. The output comprises only final firmware components which are directly usable by end users.
#### **Usage**
You can either Drag & Drop or manually enter Apple EFI PKG package file(s). Optional arguments:
* -h or --help : show help message and exit
* -v or --version : show utility name and version
* -i or --input-dir : extract from given input directory
* -o or --output-dir : extract in given output directory
* -e or --auto-exit : skip all user action prompts
#### **Compatibility**
Should work at all Windows, Linux or macOS operating systems which have Python 3.10 support.
#### **Prerequisites**
To run the utility, you must have the following 3rd party tools at the "external" project directory:
* [7-Zip Console](https://www.7-zip.org/) (i.e. 7z.exe for Windows or 7zzs for Linux)
#### **Pictures**
## **Apple EFI PBZX Extractor**
#### **Description**
Parses Apple EFI PBZX images, re-assembles their CPIO payload and extracts its firmware components (e.g. IM4P, EFI, Utilities, Scripts etc). It supports CPIO re-assembly from both Raw and XZ compressed PBZX Chunks. The output comprises only final firmware components and utilities which are directly usable by end users.
#### **Usage**
You can either Drag & Drop or manually enter Apple EFI PBZX image file(s). Optional arguments:
* -h or --help : show help message and exit
* -v or --version : show utility name and version
* -i or --input-dir : extract from given input directory
* -o or --output-dir : extract in given output directory
* -e or --auto-exit : skip all user action prompts
#### **Compatibility**
Should work at all Windows, Linux or macOS operating systems which have Python 3.10 support.
#### **Prerequisites**
To run the utility, you must have the following 3rd party tools at the "external" project directory:
* [7-Zip Console](https://www.7-zip.org/) (i.e. 7z.exe for Windows or 7zzs for Linux)
#### **Pictures**
## **Award BIOS Module Extractor**
#### **Description**
Parses Award BIOS images and extracts their modules (e.g. RAID, MEMINIT, \_EN_CODE, awardext etc). It supports all Award BIOS image revisions and formats, including those which contain LZH compressed files. The output comprises only final firmware components which are directly usable by end users.
#### **Usage**
You can either Drag & Drop or manually enter Award BIOS image file(s). Optional arguments:
* -h or --help : show help message and exit
* -v or --version : show utility name and version
* -i or --input-dir : extract from given input directory
* -o or --output-dir : extract in given output directory
* -e or --auto-exit : skip all user action prompts
#### **Compatibility**
Should work at all Windows, Linux or macOS operating systems which have Python 3.10 support.
#### **Prerequisites**
To run the utility, you must have the following 3rd party tool at the "external" project directory:
* [7-Zip Console](https://www.7-zip.org/) (i.e. 7z.exe for Windows or 7zzs for Linux)
#### **Pictures**
## **Dell PFS Update Extractor**
#### **Description**
Parses Dell PFS Update images and extracts their Firmware (e.g. SPI, BIOS/UEFI, EC, ME etc) and Utilities (e.g. Flasher etc) component sections. It supports all Dell PFS revisions and formats, including those which are originally LZMA compressed in ThinOS packages (PKG), ZLIB compressed or Intel BIOS Guard (PFAT) protected. The output comprises only final firmware components which are directly usable by end users.
#### **Usage**
You can either Drag & Drop or manually enter Dell PFS Update images(s). Optional arguments:
* -h or --help : show help message and exit
* -v or --version : show utility name and version
* -i or --input-dir : extract from given input directory
* -o or --output-dir : extract in given output directory
* -e or --auto-exit : skip all user action prompts
* -a or --advanced : extract signatures and metadata
* -s or --structure : show PFS structure information
#### **Compatibility**
Should work at all Windows, Linux or macOS operating systems which have Python 3.10 support.
#### **Prerequisites**
Optionally, to decompile the Intel BIOS Guard (PFAT) Scripts, you must have the following 3rd party utility at the "external" project directory:
* [BIOS Guard Script Tool](https://github.com/platomav/BGScriptTool) (i.e. big_script_tool.py)
#### **Pictures**
## **Fujitsu SFX BIOS Extractor**
#### **Description**
Parses Fujitsu SFX BIOS images and extracts their obfuscated Microsoft CAB archived firmware (e.g. SPI, BIOS/UEFI, EC, ME etc) and utilities (e.g. WinPhlash, PHLASH.INI etc) components. The output comprises only final firmware components which are directly usable by end users.
#### **Usage**
You can either Drag & Drop or manually enter Fujitsu SFX BIOS image file(s). Optional arguments:
* -h or --help : show help message and exit
* -v or --version : show utility name and version
* -i or --input-dir : extract from given input directory
* -o or --output-dir : extract in given output directory
* -e or --auto-exit : skip all user action prompts
#### **Compatibility**
Should work at all Windows, Linux or macOS operating systems which have Python 3.10 support.
#### **Prerequisites**
To run the utility, you must have the following 3rd party tool at the "external" project directory:
* [7-Zip Console](https://www.7-zip.org/) (i.e. 7z.exe for Windows or 7zzs for Linux)
#### **Pictures**
## **Fujitsu UPC BIOS Extractor**
#### **Description**
Parses Fujitsu UPC BIOS images and extracts their EFI compressed SPI/BIOS/UEFI firmware component. The output comprises only a final firmware component which is directly usable by end users.
#### **Usage**
You can either Drag & Drop or manually enter Fujitsu UPC BIOS image file(s). Optional arguments:
* -h or --help : show help message and exit
* -v or --version : show utility name and version
* -i or --input-dir : extract from given input directory
* -o or --output-dir : extract in given output directory
* -e or --auto-exit : skip all user action prompts
#### **Compatibility**
Should work at all Windows, Linux or macOS operating systems which have Python 3.10 support.
#### **Prerequisites**
To run the utility, you must have the following 3rd party tool at the "external" project directory:
* [TianoCompress](https://github.com/tianocore/edk2/tree/master/BaseTools/Source/C/TianoCompress/) (i.e. [TianoCompress.exe for Windows](https://github.com/tianocore/edk2-BaseTools-win32/) or TianoCompress for Linux)
#### **Pictures**
## **Insyde iFlash/iFdPacker Extractor**
#### **Description**
Parses Insyde iFlash/iFdPacker Update images and extracts their firmware (e.g. SPI, BIOS/UEFI, EC, ME etc) and utilities (e.g. InsydeFlash, H2OFFT, FlsHook, iscflash, platform.ini etc) components. It supports all Insyde iFlash/iFdPacker revisions and formats, including those which are 7-Zip SFX 7z compressed in raw, obfuscated or password-protected form. The output comprises only final firmware components which are directly usable by end users.
#### **Usage**
You can either Drag & Drop or manually enter Insyde iFlash/iFdPacker Update image file(s). Optional arguments:
* -h or --help : show help message and exit
* -v or --version : show utility name and version
* -i or --input-dir : extract from given input directory
* -o or --output-dir : extract in given output directory
* -e or --auto-exit : skip all user action prompts
#### **Compatibility**
Should work at all Windows, Linux or macOS operating systems which have Python 3.10 support.
#### **Prerequisites**
To run the utility, you do not need any prerequisites.
#### **Pictures**
## **Panasonic BIOS Package Extractor**
#### **Description**
Parses Panasonic BIOS Package executables and extracts their firmware (e.g. SPI, BIOS/UEFI, EC etc) and utilities (e.g. winprom, configuration etc) components. It supports all Panasonic BIOS Package revisions and formats, including those which contain LZNT1 compressed files. The output comprises only final firmware components which are directly usable by end users.
#### **Usage**
You can either Drag & Drop or manually enter Panasonic BIOS Package executable file(s). Optional arguments:
* -h or --help : show help message and exit
* -v or --version : show utility name and version
* -i or --input-dir : extract from given input directory
* -o or --output-dir : extract in given output directory
* -e or --auto-exit : skip all user action prompts
#### **Compatibility**
Should work at all Windows, Linux or macOS operating systems which have Python 3.10 support.
#### **Prerequisites**
To run the utility, you must have the following 3rd party Python modules installed:
* [pefile](https://pypi.org/project/pefile/)
* [lznt1](https://pypi.org/project/lznt1/)
Moreover, you must have the following 3rd party tool at the "external" project directory:
* [7-Zip Console](https://www.7-zip.org/) (i.e. 7z.exe for Windows or 7zzs for Linux)
#### **Pictures**
## **Phoenix TDK Packer Extractor**
#### **Description**
Parses Phoenix Tools Development Kit (TDK) Packer executables and extracts their firmware (e.g. SPI, BIOS/UEFI, EC etc) and utilities (e.g. WinFlash etc) components. It supports all Phoenix TDK Packer revisions and formats, including those which contain LZMA compressed files. The output comprises only final firmware components which are directly usable by end users.
#### **Usage**
You can either Drag & Drop or manually enter Phoenix Tools Development Kit (TDK) Packer executable file(s). Optional arguments:
* -h or --help : show help message and exit
* -v or --version : show utility name and version
* -i or --input-dir : extract from given input directory
* -o or --output-dir : extract in given output directory
* -e or --auto-exit : skip all user action prompts
#### **Compatibility**
Should work at all Windows, Linux or macOS operating systems which have Python 3.10 support.
#### **Prerequisites**
To run the utility, you must have the following 3rd party Python module installed:
* [pefile](https://pypi.org/project/pefile/)
#### **Pictures**
## **Portwell EFI Update Extractor**
#### **Description**
Parses Portwell UEFI Unpacker EFI executables (usually named "Update.efi") and extracts their firmware (e.g. SPI, BIOS/UEFI, EC etc) and utilities (e.g. Flasher etc) components. It supports all known Portwell UEFI Unpacker revisions (v1.1, v1.2, v2.0) and formats (used, empty, null), including those which contain EFI compressed files. The output comprises only final firmware components and utilities which are directly usable by end users.
#### **Usage**
You can either Drag & Drop or manually enter Portwell UEFI Unpacker EFI executable file(s). Optional arguments:
* -h or --help : show help message and exit
* -v or --version : show utility name and version
* -i or --input-dir : extract from given input directory
* -o or --output-dir : extract in given output directory
* -e or --auto-exit : skip all user action prompts
#### **Compatibility**
Should work at all Windows, Linux or macOS operating systems which have Python 3.10 support.
#### **Prerequisites**
To run the utility, you must have the following 3rd party Python module installed:
* [pefile](https://pypi.org/project/pefile/)
> pip3 install pefile
Moreover, you must have the following 3rd party tool at the "external" project directory:
* [TianoCompress](https://github.com/tianocore/edk2/tree/master/BaseTools/Source/C/TianoCompress/) (i.e. [TianoCompress.exe for Windows](https://github.com/tianocore/edk2-BaseTools-win32/) or TianoCompress for Linux)
#### **Pictures**
## **Toshiba BIOS COM Extractor**
#### **Description**
Parses Toshiba BIOS COM images and extracts their raw or compressed SPI/BIOS/UEFI firmware component. This utility is basically an easy to use python wrapper around [ToshibaComExtractor by LongSoft](https://github.com/LongSoft/ToshibaComExtractor). The output comprises only a final firmware component which is directly usable by end users.
#### **Usage**
You can either Drag & Drop or manually enter Toshiba BIOS COM image file(s). Optional arguments:
* -h or --help : show help message and exit
* -v or --version : show utility name and version
* -i or --input-dir : extract from given input directory
* -o or --output-dir : extract in given output directory
* -e or --auto-exit : skip all user action prompts
#### **Compatibility**
Should work at all Windows, Linux or macOS operating systems which have Python 3.10 support.
#### **Prerequisites**
To run the utility, you must have the following 3rd party tool at the "external" project directory:
* [ToshibaComExtractor](https://github.com/LongSoft/ToshibaComExtractor) (i.e. [comextract.exe for Windows or comextract for Linux](https://github.com/LongSoft/ToshibaComExtractor/releases))
#### **Pictures**
## **VAIO Packaging Manager Extractor**
#### **Description**
Parses VAIO Packaging Manager executables and extracts their firmware (e.g. SPI, BIOS/UEFI, EC, ME etc), utilities (e.g. WBFLASH etc) and driver (audio, video etc) components. If direct extraction fails, it attempts to unlock the executable in order to run at all non-VAIO systems and allow the user to choose the extraction location. It supports all VAIO Packaging Manager revisions and formats, including those which contain obfuscated Microsoft CAB archives or obfuscated unlock values. The output comprises only final firmware components which are directly usable by end users.
#### **Usage**
You can either Drag & Drop or manually enter VAIO Packaging Manager executable file(s). Optional arguments:
* -h or --help : show help message and exit
* -v or --version : show utility name and version
* -i or --input-dir : extract from given input directory
* -o or --output-dir : extract in given output directory
* -e or --auto-exit : skip all user action prompts
#### **Compatibility**
Should work at all Windows, Linux or macOS operating systems which have Python 3.10 support.
#### **Prerequisites**
To run the utility, you must have the following 3rd party tool at the "external" project directory:
* [7-Zip Console](https://www.7-zip.org/) (i.e. 7z.exe for Windows or 7zzs for Linux)
#### **Pictures**
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Toshiba COM Extract
Toshiba BIOS COM Extractor
Copyright (C) 2018-2022 Plato Mavropoulos
TITLE = 'Toshiba BIOS COM Extractor v2.0_a4'
import os
import sys
import subprocess
# Stop __pycache__ generation
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
from common.externals import get_comextract_path
from common.path_ops import make_dirs, path_stem, path_suffixes
from common.patterns import PAT_TOSHIBA_COM
from common.system import printer
from common.templates import BIOSUtility
from common.text_ops import file_to_bytes
# Check if input is Toshiba BIOS COM image
def is_toshiba_com(in_file):
buffer = file_to_bytes(in_file)
is_ext = path_suffixes(in_file)[-1].upper() == '.COM' if os.path.isfile(in_file) else True
is_com = PAT_TOSHIBA_COM.search(buffer)
return is_ext and is_com
# Parse & Extract Toshiba BIOS COM image
def toshiba_com_extract(input_file, extract_path, padding=0):
if not os.path.isfile(input_file):
printer('Error: Could not find input file path!', padding)
return 1
make_dirs(extract_path, delete=True)
output_name = path_stem(input_file)
output_file = os.path.join(extract_path, f'{output_name}.bin')
subprocess.run([get_comextract_path(), input_file, output_file], check=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)
if not os.path.isfile(output_file):
raise Exception('EXTRACT_FILE_MISSING')
except Exception:
printer(f'Error: ToshibaComExtractor could not extract file {input_file}!', padding)
return 2
printer(f'Succesfull {output_name} extraction via ToshibaComExtractor!', padding)
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
BIOSUtility(TITLE, is_toshiba_com, toshiba_com_extract).run_utility()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
VAIO Package Extractor
VAIO Packaging Manager Extractor
Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Plato Mavropoulos
TITLE = 'VAIO Packaging Manager Extractor v3.0_a8'
import os
import sys
# Stop __pycache__ generation
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
from common.comp_szip import is_szip_supported, szip_decompress
from common.path_ops import make_dirs
from common.patterns import PAT_VAIO_CAB, PAT_VAIO_CFG, PAT_VAIO_CHK, PAT_VAIO_EXT
from common.system import printer
from common.templates import BIOSUtility
from common.text_ops import file_to_bytes
# Check if input is VAIO Packaging Manager
def is_vaio_pkg(in_file):
buffer = file_to_bytes(in_file)
return bool(PAT_VAIO_CFG.search(buffer))
# Extract VAIO Packaging Manager executable
def vaio_cabinet(name, buffer, extract_path, padding=0):
match_cab = PAT_VAIO_CAB.search(buffer) # Microsoft CAB Header XOR 0xFF
if not match_cab:
return 1
printer('Detected obfuscated CAB archive!', padding)
# Determine the Microsoft CAB image size
cab_size = int.from_bytes(buffer[match_cab.start() + 0x8:match_cab.start() + 0xC], 'little') # Get LE XOR-ed CAB size
xor_size = int.from_bytes(b'\xFF' * 0x4, 'little') # Create CAB size XOR value
cab_size ^= xor_size # Perform XOR 0xFF and get actual CAB size
printer('Removing obfuscation...', padding + 4)
# Determine the Microsoft CAB image Data
cab_data = int.from_bytes(buffer[match_cab.start():match_cab.start() + cab_size], 'big') # Get BE XOR-ed CAB data
xor_data = int.from_bytes(b'\xFF' * cab_size, 'big') # Create CAB data XOR value
cab_data = (cab_data ^ xor_data).to_bytes(cab_size, 'big') # Perform XOR 0xFF and get actual CAB data
printer('Extracting archive...', padding + 4)
cab_path = os.path.join(extract_path, f'{name}_Temporary.cab')
with open(cab_path, 'wb') as cab_file:
cab_file.write(cab_data) # Create temporary CAB archive
if is_szip_supported(cab_path, padding + 8, check=True):
if szip_decompress(cab_path, extract_path, 'CAB', padding + 8, check=True) == 0:
os.remove(cab_path) # Successful extraction, delete temporary CAB archive
return 3
return 2
return 0
# Unlock VAIO Packaging Manager executable
def vaio_unlock(name, buffer, extract_path, padding=0):
match_cfg = PAT_VAIO_CFG.search(buffer)
if not match_cfg:
return 1
printer('Attempting to Unlock executable!', padding)
# Initialize VAIO Package Configuration file variables (assume overkill size of 0x500)
cfg_bgn,cfg_end,cfg_false,cfg_true = [match_cfg.start(), match_cfg.start() + 0x500, b'', b'']
# Get VAIO Package Configuration file info, split at new_line and stop at payload DOS header (EOF)
cfg_info = buffer[cfg_bgn:cfg_end].split(b'\x0D\x0A\x4D\x5A')[0].replace(b'\x0D',b'').split(b'\x0A')
printer('Retrieving True/False values...', padding + 4)
# Determine VAIO Package Configuration file True & False values
for info in cfg_info:
if info.startswith(b'ExtractPathByUser='):
cfg_false = bytearray(b'0' if info[18:] in (b'0',b'1') else info[18:]) # Should be 0/No/False
if info.startswith(b'UseCompression='):
cfg_true = bytearray(b'1' if info[15:] in (b'0',b'1') else info[15:]) # Should be 1/Yes/True
# Check if valid True/False values have been retrieved
if cfg_false == cfg_true or not cfg_false or not cfg_true:
printer('Error: Could not retrieve True/False values!', padding + 8)
return 2
printer('Adjusting UseVAIOCheck entry...', padding + 4)
# Find and replace UseVAIOCheck entry from 1/Yes/True to 0/No/False
vaio_check = PAT_VAIO_CHK.search(buffer[cfg_bgn:])
if vaio_check:
buffer[cfg_bgn + vaio_check.end():cfg_bgn + vaio_check.end() + len(cfg_true)] = cfg_false
printer('Error: Could not find entry UseVAIOCheck!', padding + 8)
return 3
printer('Adjusting ExtractPathByUser entry...', padding + 4)
# Find and replace ExtractPathByUser entry from 0/No/False to 1/Yes/True
user_path = PAT_VAIO_EXT.search(buffer[cfg_bgn:])
if user_path:
buffer[cfg_bgn + user_path.end():cfg_bgn + user_path.end() + len(cfg_false)] = cfg_true
printer('Error: Could not find entry ExtractPathByUser!', padding + 8)
return 4
printer('Storing unlocked executable...', padding + 4)
# Store Unlocked VAIO Packaging Manager executable
if vaio_check and user_path:
unlock_path = os.path.join(extract_path, f'{name}_Unlocked.exe')
with open(unlock_path, 'wb') as unl_file:
return 0
# Parse & Extract or Unlock VAIO Packaging Manager
def vaio_pkg_extract(input_file, extract_path, padding=0):
input_buffer = file_to_bytes(input_file)
input_name = os.path.basename(input_file)
make_dirs(extract_path, delete=True)
if vaio_cabinet(input_name, input_buffer, extract_path, padding) == 0:
printer('Successfully Extracted!', padding)
elif vaio_unlock(input_name, bytearray(input_buffer), extract_path, padding) == 0:
printer('Successfully Unlocked!', padding)
printer('Error: Failed to Extract or Unlock executable!', padding)
return 1
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
BIOSUtility(TITLE, is_vaio_pkg, vaio_pkg_extract).run_utility()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Copyright (C) 2022 Plato Mavropoulos
# Get Checksum 16-bit
def get_chk_16(data, value=0, order='little'):
for idx in range(0, len(data), 2):
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
value += int.from_bytes(data[idx:idx + 2], order)
value &= 0xFFFF
return value
# Get Checksum 8-bit XOR
def get_chk_8_xor(data, value=0):
for byte in data:
value ^= byte
value ^= 0x0
return value
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Copyright (C) 2022 Plato Mavropoulos
import os
import subprocess
from common.path_ops import project_root, safe_path
from common.system import get_os_ver, printer
def get_compress_sizes(data):
size_compress = int.from_bytes(data[0x0:0x4], 'little')
size_original = int.from_bytes(data[0x4:0x8], 'little')
return size_compress, size_original
def is_efi_compressed(data, strict=True):
size_comp,size_orig = get_compress_sizes(data)
check_diff = size_comp < size_orig
if strict:
check_size = size_comp + 0x8 == len(data)
check_size = size_comp + 0x8 <= len(data)
return check_diff and check_size
# Get TianoCompress path
def get_tiano_path():
exec_name = f'TianoCompress{".exe" if get_os_ver()[1] else ""}'
return safe_path(project_root(), ['external',exec_name])
# EFI/Tiano Decompression via TianoCompress
def efi_decompress(in_path, out_path, padding=0, silent=False, comp_type='--uefi'):
subprocess.run([get_tiano_path(), '-d', in_path, '-o', out_path, '-q', comp_type], check=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)
with open(in_path, 'rb') as file:
_,size_orig = get_compress_sizes(file.read())
if os.path.getsize(out_path) != size_orig:
raise Exception('EFI_DECOMPRESS_ERROR')
except Exception:
if not silent:
printer(f'Error: TianoCompress could not extract file {in_path}!', padding)
return 1
if not silent:
printer('Succesfull EFI decompression via TianoCompress!', padding)
return 0
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Copyright (C) 2022 Plato Mavropoulos
import os
import subprocess
from common.path_ops import project_root, safe_path
from common.system import get_os_ver, printer
# Get 7-Zip path
def get_szip_path():
exec_name = '7z.exe' if get_os_ver()[1] else '7zzs'
return safe_path(project_root(), ['external',exec_name])
# Check 7-Zip bad exit codes (0 OK, 1 Warning)
def check_bad_exit_code(exit_code):
if exit_code not in (0,1):
raise Exception(f'BAD_EXIT_CODE_{exit_code}')
# Check if file is 7-Zip supported
def is_szip_supported(in_path, padding=0, args=None, check=False, silent=False):
if args is None:
args = []
szip_c = [get_szip_path(), 't', in_path, *args, '-bso0', '-bse0', '-bsp0']
szip_t = subprocess.run(szip_c, check=False)
if check:
except Exception:
if not silent:
printer(f'Error: 7-Zip could not check support for file {in_path}!', padding)
return False
return True
# Archive decompression via 7-Zip
def szip_decompress(in_path, out_path, in_name, padding=0, args=None, check=False, silent=False):
if not in_name:
in_name = 'archive'
if args is None:
args = []
szip_c = [get_szip_path(), 'x', *args, '-aou', '-bso0', '-bse0', '-bsp0', f'-o{out_path}', in_path]
szip_x = subprocess.run(szip_c, check=False)
if check:
if not os.path.isdir(out_path):
raise Exception('EXTRACT_DIR_MISSING')
except Exception:
if not silent:
printer(f'Error: 7-Zip could not extract {in_name} file {in_path}!', padding)
return 1
if not silent:
printer(f'Succesfull {in_name} decompression via 7-Zip!', padding)
return 0
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Copyright (C) 2022 Plato Mavropoulos
from common.path_ops import project_root, safe_path
from common.system import get_os_ver
# https://github.com/allowitsme/big-tool by Dmitry Frolov
# https://github.com/platomav/BGScriptTool by Plato Mavropoulos
def get_bgs_tool():
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
from external.big_script_tool import BigScript # pylint: disable=E0401,E0611
except Exception:
BigScript = None
return BigScript
# Get UEFIFind path
def get_uefifind_path():
exec_name = f'UEFIFind{".exe" if get_os_ver()[1] else ""}'
return safe_path(project_root(), ['external', exec_name])
# Get UEFIExtract path
def get_uefiextract_path():
exec_name = f'UEFIExtract{".exe" if get_os_ver()[1] else ""}'
return safe_path(project_root(), ['external', exec_name])
# Get ToshibaComExtractor path
def get_comextract_path():
exec_name = f'comextract{".exe" if get_os_ver()[1] else ""}'
return safe_path(project_root(), ['external', exec_name])
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Copyright (C) 2022 Plato Mavropoulos
# https://leancrew.com/all-this/2020/06/ordinals-in-python/ by Dr. Drang
def get_ordinal(number):
s = ('th', 'st', 'nd', 'rd') + ('th',) * 10
v = number % 100
return f'{number}{s[v % 10]}' if v > 13 else f'{number}{s[v]}'
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Copyright (C) 2022 Plato Mavropoulos
import os
import re
import sys
import stat
import shutil
from pathlib import Path, PurePath
from common.text_ops import is_encased, to_string
# Fix illegal/reserved Windows characters
def safe_name(in_name):
name_repr = repr(in_name).strip("'")
return re.sub(r'[\\/:"*?<>|]+', '_', name_repr)
# Check and attempt to fix illegal/unsafe OS path traversals
def safe_path(base_path, user_paths):
# Convert base path to absolute path
base_path = real_path(base_path)
# Merge user path(s) to string with OS separators
user_path = to_string(user_paths, os.sep)
# Create target path from base + requested user path
target_path = norm_path(base_path, user_path)
# Check if target path is OS illegal/unsafe
if is_safe_path(base_path, target_path):
return target_path
# Re-create target path from base + leveled/safe illegal "path" (now file)
nuked_path = norm_path(base_path, safe_name(user_path))
# Check if illegal path leveling worked
if is_safe_path(base_path, nuked_path):
return nuked_path
# Still illegal, raise exception to halt execution
raise Exception(f'ILLEGAL_PATH_TRAVERSAL: {user_path}')
# Check for illegal/unsafe OS path traversal
def is_safe_path(base_path, target_path):
base_path = real_path(base_path)
target_path = real_path(target_path)
common_path = os.path.commonpath((base_path, target_path))
return base_path == common_path
# Create normalized base path + OS separator + user path
def norm_path(base_path, user_path):
return os.path.normpath(base_path + os.sep + user_path)
# Get absolute path, resolving any symlinks
def real_path(in_path):
return os.path.realpath(in_path)
# Get Windows/Posix OS agnostic path
def agnostic_path(in_path):
return PurePath(in_path.replace('\\', os.sep))
# Get absolute parent of path
def path_parent(in_path):
return Path(in_path).parent.absolute()
# Get final path component, with suffix
def path_name(in_path):
return PurePath(in_path).name
# Get final path component, w/o suffix
def path_stem(in_path):
return PurePath(in_path).stem
# Get list of path file extensions
def path_suffixes(in_path):
return PurePath(in_path).suffixes or ['']
# Check if path is absolute
def is_path_absolute(in_path):
return Path(in_path).is_absolute()
# Create folder(s), controlling parents, existence and prior deletion
def make_dirs(in_path, parents=True, exist_ok=False, delete=False):
if delete:
Path.mkdir(Path(in_path), parents=parents, exist_ok=exist_ok)
# Delete folder(s), if present
def del_dirs(in_path):
if Path(in_path).is_dir():
shutil.rmtree(in_path, onerror=clear_readonly)
# Copy file to path with or w/o metadata
def copy_file(in_path, out_path, meta=False):
if meta:
shutil.copy2(in_path, out_path)
shutil.copy(in_path, out_path)
# Clear read-only file attribute (on shutil.rmtree error)
def clear_readonly(in_func, in_path, _):
os.chmod(in_path, stat.S_IWRITE)
# Walk path to get all files
def get_path_files(in_path):
path_files = []
for root, _, files in os.walk(in_path):
for name in files:
path_files.append(os.path.join(root, name))
return path_files
# Get path without leading/trailing quotes
def get_dequoted_path(in_path):
out_path = to_string(in_path).strip()
if len(out_path) >= 2 and is_encased(out_path, ("'",'"')):
out_path = out_path[1:-1]
return out_path
# Set utility extraction stem
def extract_suffix():
return '_extracted'
# Get utility extraction path
def get_extract_path(in_path, suffix=extract_suffix()):
return f'{in_path}{suffix}'
# Get project's root directory
def project_root():
root = Path(__file__).parent.parent
return real_path(root)
# Get runtime's root directory
def runtime_root():
if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False):
root = Path(sys.executable).parent
root = project_root()
return real_path(root)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Copyright (C) 2022 Plato Mavropoulos
import re
PAT_AMI_UCP = re.compile(br'@(UAF|HPU).{12}@', re.DOTALL)
PAT_APPLE_EFI = re.compile(br'\$IBIOSI\$.{16}\x2E\x00.{6}\x2E\x00.{8}\x2E\x00.{6}\x2E\x00.{20}\x00{2}', re.DOTALL)
PAT_APPLE_IM4P = re.compile(br'\x16\x04IM4P\x16\x04mefi')
PAT_APPLE_PBZX = re.compile(br'pbzx')
PAT_APPLE_PKG = re.compile(br'xar!')
PAT_AWARD_LZH = re.compile(br'-lh[04567]-')
PAT_DELL_FTR = re.compile(br'\xEE\xAA\xEE\x8F\x49\x1B\xE8\xAE\x14\x37\x90')
PAT_DELL_HDR = re.compile(br'\xEE\xAA\x76\x1B\xEC\xBB\x20\xF1\xE6\x51.\x78\x9C', re.DOTALL)
PAT_DELL_PKG = re.compile(br'\x72\x13\x55\x00.{45}7zXZ', re.DOTALL)
PAT_FUJITSU_SFX = re.compile(br'FjSfxBinay\xB2\xAC\xBC\xB9\xFF{4}.{4}\xFF{4}.{4}\xFF{4}\xFC\xFE', re.DOTALL)
PAT_INSYDE_IFL = re.compile(br'\$_IFLASH')
PAT_INSYDE_SFX = re.compile(br'\x0D\x0A;!@InstallEnd@!\x0D\x0A(7z\xBC\xAF\x27|\x6E\xF4\x79\x5F\x4E)')
PAT_INTEL_ENG = re.compile(br'\x04\x00{3}[\xA1\xE1]\x00{3}.{8}\x86\x80.{9}\x00\$((MN2)|(MAN))', re.DOTALL)
PAT_INTEL_IFD = re.compile(br'\x5A\xA5\xF0\x0F.{172}\xFF{16}', re.DOTALL)
PAT_MICROSOFT_CAB = re.compile(br'MSCF\x00{4}')
PAT_MICROSOFT_MZ = re.compile(br'MZ')
PAT_MICROSOFT_PE = re.compile(br'PE\x00{2}')
PAT_PHOENIX_TDK = re.compile(br'\$PACK\x00{3}..\x00{2}.\x00{3}', re.DOTALL)
PAT_PORTWELL_EFI = re.compile(br'<U{2}>')
PAT_TOSHIBA_COM = re.compile(br'\x00{2}[\x00-\x02]BIOS.{20}[\x00\x01]', re.DOTALL)
PAT_VAIO_CAB = re.compile(br'\xB2\xAC\xBC\xB9\xFF{4}.{4}\xFF{4}.{4}\xFF{4}\xFC\xFE', re.DOTALL)
PAT_VAIO_CFG = re.compile(br'\[Setting]\x0D\x0A')
PAT_VAIO_CHK = re.compile(br'\x0AUseVAIOCheck=')
PAT_VAIO_EXT = re.compile(br'\x0AExtractPathByUser=')
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Copyright (C) 2022 Plato Mavropoulos
import pefile
from common.system import printer
from common.text_ops import file_to_bytes
# Check if input is a PE file
def is_pe_file(in_file):
return bool(get_pe_file(in_file))
# Get pefile object from PE file
def get_pe_file(in_file, fast=True):
in_buffer = file_to_bytes(in_file)
# Analyze detected MZ > PE image buffer
pe_file = pefile.PE(data=in_buffer, fast_load=fast)
except Exception:
pe_file = None
return pe_file
# Get PE info from pefile object
def get_pe_info(pe_file):
# When fast_load is used, IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE must be parsed prior to FileInfo > StringTable
# Retrieve MZ > PE > FileInfo > StringTable information
pe_info = pe_file.FileInfo[0][0].StringTable[0].entries
except Exception:
pe_info = {}
return pe_info
# Print PE info from pefile StringTable
def show_pe_info(pe_info, padding=0):
if type(pe_info).__name__ == 'dict':
for title,value in pe_info.items():
info_title = title.decode('utf-8','ignore').strip()
info_value = value.decode('utf-8','ignore').strip()
if info_title and info_value:
printer(f'{info_title}: {info_value}', padding, new_line=False)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Copyright (C) 2022 Plato Mavropoulos
import ctypes
char = ctypes.c_char
uint8_t = ctypes.c_ubyte
uint16_t = ctypes.c_ushort
uint32_t = ctypes.c_uint
uint64_t = ctypes.c_uint64
# https://github.com/skochinsky/me-tools/blob/master/me_unpack.py by Igor Skochinsky
def get_struct(buffer, start_offset, class_name, param_list=None):
if param_list is None:
param_list = []
structure = class_name(*param_list) # Unpack parameter list
struct_len = ctypes.sizeof(structure)
struct_data = buffer[start_offset:start_offset + struct_len]
fit_len = min(len(struct_data), struct_len)
ctypes.memmove(ctypes.addressof(structure), struct_data, fit_len)
return structure
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Copyright (C) 2022 Plato Mavropoulos
import sys
from common.text_ops import padder, to_string
# Get Python Version (tuple)
def get_py_ver():
return sys.version_info
# Get OS Platform (string)
def get_os_ver():
sys_os = sys.platform
is_win = sys_os == 'win32'
is_lnx = sys_os.startswith('linux') or sys_os == 'darwin' or sys_os.find('bsd') != -1
return sys_os, is_win, is_win or is_lnx
# Check for --auto-exit|-e
def is_auto_exit():
return bool('--auto-exit' in sys.argv or '-e' in sys.argv)
# Check Python Version
def check_sys_py():
sys_py = get_py_ver()
if sys_py < (3,10):
sys.stdout.write(f'\nError: Python >= 3.10 required, not {sys_py[0]}.{sys_py[1]}!')
if not is_auto_exit():
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
(raw_input if sys_py[0] <= 2 else input)('\nPress enter to exit') # pylint: disable=E0602
# Check OS Platform
def check_sys_os():
os_tag,os_win,os_sup = get_os_ver()
if not os_sup:
printer(f'Error: Unsupported platform "{os_tag}"!')
if not is_auto_exit():
input('\nPress enter to exit')
# Fix Windows Unicode console redirection
if os_win:
# Show message(s) while controlling padding, newline, pausing & separator
def printer(in_message='', padd_count=0, new_line=True, pause=False, sep_char=' '):
message = to_string(in_message, sep_char)
padding = padder(padd_count)
newline = '\n' if new_line else ''
output = newline + padding + message
(input if pause and not is_auto_exit() else print)(output)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Copyright (C) 2022 Plato Mavropoulos
import os
import sys
import ctypes
import argparse
import traceback
from common.num_ops import get_ordinal
from common.path_ops import get_dequoted_path, get_extract_path, get_path_files, is_path_absolute, path_parent, runtime_root, safe_path
from common.system import check_sys_os, check_sys_py, get_os_ver, is_auto_exit, printer
class BIOSUtility:
MAX_FAT32_ITEMS = 65535
def __init__(self, title, check, main, padding=0):
self._title = title
self._main = main
self._check = check
self._padding = padding
self._arguments_kw = {}
# Initialize argparse argument parser
self._argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
self._argparser.add_argument('files', type=argparse.FileType('r', encoding='utf-8'), nargs='*')
self._argparser.add_argument('-e', '--auto-exit', help='skip all user action prompts', action='store_true')
self._argparser.add_argument('-v', '--version', help='show utility name and version', action='store_true')
self._argparser.add_argument('-o', '--output-dir', help='extract in given output directory')
self._argparser.add_argument('-i', '--input-dir', help='extract from given input directory')
self._arguments,self._arguments_unk = self._argparser.parse_known_args()
# Managed Python exception handler
sys.excepthook = self._exception_handler
# Check Python Version
# Check OS Platform
# Show Script Title
printer(self._title, new_line=False)
# Show Utility Version on demand
if self._arguments.version:
# Set console/terminal window title (Windows only)
if get_os_ver()[1]:
# Process input files and generate output path
# Count input files for exit code
self._exit_code = len(self._input_files)
def parse_argument(self, *args, **kwargs):
_dest = self._argparser.add_argument(*args, **kwargs).dest
self._arguments = self._argparser.parse_known_args(self._arguments_unk)[0]
self._arguments_kw.update({_dest: self._arguments.__dict__[_dest]})
def run_utility(self):
for _input_file in self._input_files:
_input_name = os.path.basename(_input_file)
printer(['***', _input_name], self._padding)
if not self._check(_input_file):
printer('Error: This is not a supported input!', self._padding + 4)
continue # Next input file
_extract_path = os.path.join(self._output_path, get_extract_path(_input_name))
if os.path.isdir(_extract_path):
for _suffix in range(2, self.MAX_FAT32_ITEMS):
_renamed_path = f'{os.path.normpath(_extract_path)}_{get_ordinal(_suffix)}'
if not os.path.isdir(_renamed_path):
_extract_path = _renamed_path
break # Extract path is now unique
if self._main(_input_file, _extract_path, self._padding + 4, **self._arguments_kw) in [0, None]:
self._exit_code -= 1
printer('Done!', pause=True)
# Process input files
def _process_input_files(self):
self._input_files = []
if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
# Drag & Drop or CLI
if self._arguments.input_dir:
_input_path_user = self._arguments.input_dir
_input_path_full = self._get_input_path(_input_path_user) if _input_path_user else ''
self._input_files = get_path_files(_input_path_full)
# Parse list of input files (i.e. argparse FileType objects)
for _file_object in self._arguments.files:
# Store each argparse FileType object's name (i.e. path)
# Close each argparse FileType object (i.e. allow input file changes)
# Set output fallback value for missing argparse Output and Input Path
_output_fallback = path_parent(self._input_files[0]) if self._input_files else None
# Set output path via argparse Output path or argparse Input path or first input file path
_output_path = self._arguments.output_dir or self._arguments.input_dir or _output_fallback
# Script w/o parameters
_input_path_user = get_dequoted_path(input('\nEnter input directory path: '))
_input_path_full = self._get_input_path(_input_path_user) if _input_path_user else ''
self._input_files = get_path_files(_input_path_full)
_output_path = get_dequoted_path(input('\nEnter output directory path: '))
self._output_path = self._get_input_path(_output_path)
# Get absolute input file path
def _get_input_path(input_path):
if not input_path:
# Use runtime directory if no user path is specified
absolute_path = runtime_root()
# Check if user specified path is absolute
if is_path_absolute(input_path):
absolute_path = input_path
# Otherwise, make it runtime directory relative
absolute_path = safe_path(runtime_root(), input_path)
return absolute_path
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/781074 by Torsten Marek
def _exception_handler(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback):
if exc_type is KeyboardInterrupt:
printer('Error: Utility crashed, please report the following:\n')
traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)
if not is_auto_exit():
input('\nPress enter to exit')
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Copyright (C) 2022 Plato Mavropoulos
# Generate padding (spaces or tabs)
def padder(padd_count, tab=False):
return ('\t' if tab else ' ') * padd_count
# Get String from given input object
def to_string(in_object, sep_char=''):
if type(in_object).__name__ in ('list','tuple'):
out_string = sep_char.join(map(str, in_object))
out_string = str(in_object)
return out_string
# Get Bytes from given buffer or file path
def file_to_bytes(in_object):
object_bytes = in_object
if type(in_object).__name__ not in ('bytes','bytearray'):
with open(to_string(in_object), 'rb') as object_data:
object_bytes = object_data.read()
return object_bytes
# Check if string starts and ends with given character(s)
def is_encased(in_string, chars):
return in_string.startswith(chars) and in_string.endswith(chars)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
lznt1 >= 0.2
pefile >= 2022.5.30
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
# Bypass Intel BootGuard on ME v11.x.x.x hardware
This utility allows generating BootGuard bypass images for hardware running ME v11.x.x.x firmware.
This includes Skylake, Kaby Lake, and some Coffee Lake PCHs. Both the H (desktop) and LP (mobile) firmware
varaints are supported.
## Background
This uses [CVE-2017-5705](https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/security-center/advisory/intel-sa-00086.html).
It has been fixed by Intel in newer ME v11.x.x.x firmware releases, however ME11 hardware has no protection
against downgrading the ME version by overwriting the SPI flash physically, thus we can downgrade to a vulnerable
After downgrade, we exploit the bup module of the vulnerable firmware, overwriting the copy of field programmable fuses
stored in SRAM, resulting in the fused BootGuard configuration being replaced with our desired one.
## Adding new target
As a board porter, you need to provide the delta between the default and vendor provided ME configuration.
This goes in the `data/delta/<target>` directory for each target.
To obtain this, dump the vendor firmware from your board, and execute:
`./generatedelta.py --input <dump> --output data/delta/<target>`
Note the delta generation only takes your factory dump as an input. This is because an ME image contains both the
default and system specific configuration, and these can be compared by deguard.
You *must discard* the `/home/secureboot` directory from the delta for the zero FPF config to work.
You can optionally also discard `home/{amt,fwupdate,pavp,ptt}` from the delta.
## Generating images for an existing target
As a user wishing to generate an image for a supported target:
You will need to obtain a donor image for your platform variant with a supported ME version (see URLs below).
This can either be a full image with a flash descriptor or just a bare ME region.
Afterwards, execute the following command and enjoy:
`./finalimage.py --delta data/delta/<target> --version <donor version> --pch <H or LP PCH type> --sku <2M or 5M SKU> --fake-fpfs data/fpfs/zero --input <donor> --output <output>`
The output will be a bare deguard patched ME region.
Please note:
- The **the HAP bit must be enabled** in your flash descriptor for deguard generated ME images to work.
- The DCI bit must be enabled in your flash descriptor for DCI debugging over USB.
## Note on field programmable fuses
This document recommends faking a set of FPFs that are all zero as a BootGuard bypass strategy.
This causes the platform to work in legacy mode, and does not require dumping the fuses from the PCH.
It is also possible to enable measured mode instead (there is some example FPF data for this).
Theoretically it is possible to even re-enable BootGuard with a custom private key (with the caveat that it is
obviously insecure against physical access).
## Donor images
This section lists some URLs to recommended and tested donor images. Any image with a supported firmware
version and variant ought to work, but the path of least resistance is for everyone to use the same images.
||H (Desktop)|2M|[link](https://web.archive.org/web/20230822134231/https://download.asrock.com/BIOS/1151/H110M-DGS(7.30)ROM.zip)|Zipped flash image|
||LP (Laptop)|2M|[link](https://web.archive.org/web/20241110222323/https://dl.dell.com/FOLDER04573471M/1/Inspiron_5468_1.3.0.exe)|Dell BIOS update (use Dell_PFS_Extract.py)|
## Thanks
Thanks goes to PT Research and Youness El Alaoui for previous work on exploiting Intel SA 00086, which this PoC is heavily reliant on.
- [IntelTXE-PoC](https://github.com/kakaroto/IntelTXE-PoC)
- [MFSUtil](https://github.com/kakaroto/MFSUtil)
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