Live list of community supported platform testers per last coreboot/linux version bump
Heads is a community project, where boards under boards/* need to be tested by board owners when coreboot/linux version bumps happen prior of a Pull Request (PR) merge.
This list will be maintained per coreboot/linux version bumps PRs.
Please see boards/BOARD_NAME/BOARD_NAME.config for HCL details.
As per, currently built CircleCI boards ROMs are:
- [ ] w541 (similar to t440p): @resende-gustavo @gaspar-ilom (Always tested late: Needs more responsive board testers or risk to become unmaintained. Now tagged untested)
- [ ] Talos II (PPC64LE, Power9) : @tlaurion (Will become untested, no other known users, not worth my time nor effort even though massive investment of all forms)