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# Retrieve the sealed TOTP secret and initialize a USB Security dongle with it
. /etc/functions
. /etc/gui_functions
mount_boot() {
# Mount local disk if it is not already mounted
if ! grep -q /boot /proc/mounts; then
if ! mount -o ro /boot; then
whiptail_error --title 'ERROR' \
--msgbox "Couldn't mount /boot.\n\nCheck the /boot device in configuration settings, or perform an OEM reset." 0 80
return 1
fatal_error() {
echo -e "\nERROR: ${1}; press Enter to continue."
# get lsusb output for debugging
DEBUG "lsusb output: $(lsusb)"
die "$1"
# Use stored HOTP key branding (this might be useful after OEM reset)
if [ -r /boot/kexec_hotp_key ]; then
HOTPKEY_BRANDING="$(cat /boot/kexec_hotp_key)"
if [ "$CONFIG_TPM" = "y" ]; then
DEBUG "Sealing HOTP secret reuses TOTP sealed secret..."
tpmr unseal 4d47 0,1,2,3,4,7 312 "$HOTP_SECRET" ||
fatal_error "Unable to unseal HOTP secret"
# without a TPM, generate a secret based on the SHA-256 of the ROM
secret_from_rom_hash >"$HOTP_SECRET" || die "Reading ROM failed"
Addition of qemu-(fb)whiptail-tpm2(-hotp) boards -coreboot support of TPM v2.0 (shared config for TPM2 support across all 4 previous variations) -swtpm set to be launched under TPM v2.0 mode under board config -Documentation file under each board.md softlinks to qemu-coreboot-fbwhiptail-tpm1.md (which has been generalized) This is skeleton for TPM v2 integration under Heads ------------- WiP TODO: - libcurl cannot be built as a tpm2-tools dependency as of now not sure why. curl currently needs to be added in board config to be built - Note: tpm-reset (master and here) needs some review, no handle of no tpm use case. Caller is responsible to not call it otherwise does nothing - init tries to bind fd and fails currently - Note: Check if whiptail is different of fbwhiptail in clearing screen. As of now every clear seems to be removed, still whiptail clears previous console output - When no OS' /boot can be mounted, do not try to TPM reset (will fail) - seal-hotpkey is not working properly - setting disk unlock key asks for TPM ownership passphrase (sealing in NV requires ownership, but text is misleading user as if reowning TPM) - We should cache input, feed tpm behind the scene and wipe passphrase and state clearly that this is TPM disk unlock kye passphrase. - primary key from TPM2 is invalid most of the time from kexec-select-boot and verifying global hashes but is setuped correctly at disk unlock key setup - would be nice to take advantage of bash function tracing to understand where we are for debugging purposes, code takes ash in consideration only - tpmr says it implements nv calls but actually doesn't. Removing those falsely wrapped functions would help. - Implementing them would be better - REVIEW TODOS IN CODE - READD CIRCLECI CONFIG Current state: - TPM unseal works without disk unlock key and generates TOTP properly (was missing die condition at unseal to not produce always good TOTP even if invalid) - TPM disk encryption key fails. Hypothesis is that sealing with USB drivers loaded and measures in inconsistent with sealed with/without. - TPM disk unsealing happens without USB modules being loaded in non-HOTP setup. This fails. - Current tests are with fbwhiptail (no clear called so having traces on command line of what happens) - Testing with HOTP implementation for sealing/unsealing since that forces USB module loads on each boot to remove this from failing possibilities
2022-08-25 14:43:31 -04:00
# Store counter in file instead of TPM for now, as it conflicts with Heads
# config TPM counter as TPM 1.2 can only increment one counter between reboots
# get current value of HOTP counter in TPM, create if absent
mount_boot || exit 1
#check_tpm_counter $HOTP_COUNTER hotp \
#|| die "Unable to find/create TPM counter"
#counter_value=$(read_tpm_counter $counter | cut -f2 -d ' ' | awk 'gsub("^000e","")')
#if [ "$counter_value" == "" ]; then
# die "Unable to read HOTP counter"
#counter_value=$(printf "%d" 0x${counter_value})
# Make sure no conflicting GPG related services are running, gpg-agent will respawn
killall gpg-agent scdaemon >/dev/null 2>&1
# While making sure the key is inserted, capture the status so we can check how
# many PIN attempts remain
if ! hotp_token_info="$(hotp_verification info)"; then
echo -e "\nInsert your $HOTPKEY_BRANDING and press Enter to configure it"
if ! hotp_token_info="$(hotp_verification info)"; then
# don't leak key on failure
shred -n 10 -z -u "$HOTP_SECRET" 2>/dev/null
fatal_error "Unable to find $HOTPKEY_BRANDING"
# Set HOTP USB Security dongle branding based on VID
if lsusb | grep -q "20a0:"; then
elif lsusb | grep -q "316d:"; then
# Truncate the secret if it is longer than the maximum HOTP secret
truncate_max_bytes 20 "$HOTP_SECRET"
# Check when the signing key was created to consider trying the default PIN
# (Note: we must avoid using gpg --card-status here as the Nitrokey firmware
# locks up, https://github.com/Nitrokey/nitrokey-pro-firmware/issues/54)
gpg_key_create_time="$(gpg --list-keys --with-colons | grep -m 1 '^pub:' | cut -d: -f6)"
DEBUG "Signature key was created at $(date -d "@$gpg_key_create_time")"
now_date="$(date '+%s')"
# Get the number of HOTP related PIN retry attempts remaining
# if nk3 detected by lsusb, use different regex to get admin counter
if lsusb | grep -q "20a0:42b2"; then
# Nitrokey 3: Secrets app PIN counter: 8
admin_pin_retries=$(echo "$hotp_token_info" | grep "Secrets app PIN counter:" | cut -d ':' -f 2 | tr -d ' ')
prompt_message="Secrets app"
# <nk3
admin_pin_retries=$(echo "$hotp_token_info" | grep "Card counters: Admin" | grep -o 'Admin [0-9]*' | grep -o '[0-9]*')
prompt_message="GPG Admin"
DEBUG "HOTP related PIN retry counter is $admin_pin_retries"
# Try using factory default admin PIN for 1 month following OEM reset to ease
# initial setup. But don't do it forever to encourage changing the PIN and
# so PIN attempts are not consumed by the default attempt.
month_secs="$((30 * 24 * 60 * 60))"
if [ "$((now_date - gpg_key_create_time))" -gt "$month_secs" ]; then
# Remind what the default PIN was in case it still hasn't been changed
echo "Not trying default PIN ($admin_pin)"
# Never consume an attempt if there are less than 3 attempts left, otherwise
# attempting the default PIN could cause an unexpected lockout before getting a
# chance to enter the correct PIN
elif [ "$admin_pin_retries" -lt 3 ]; then
echo "Not trying default PIN ($admin_pin), only $admin_pin_retries attempt(s) left"
echo "Trying $prompt_message PIN ($admin_pin) to seal HOTP secret on $HOTPKEY_BRANDING..."
#if we deal with the nk3, say to the user that touch will be required
if lsusb | grep -q "20a0:42b2"; then
warn "Nitrokey 3 requires physical presence : touch the dongle when prompted"
#TODO: silence the output of hotp_initialize once https://github.com/Nitrokey/nitrokey-hotp-verification/issues/41 is fixed
#hotp_initialize "$admin_pin" $HOTP_SECRET $counter_value "$HOTPKEY_BRANDING" >/dev/null 2>&1
hotp_initialize "$admin_pin" $HOTP_SECRET $counter_value "$HOTPKEY_BRANDING"
if [ "$admin_pin_status" -ne 0 ]; then
# prompt user for PIN and retry
echo ""
read -s -p "Enter your $HOTPKEY_BRANDING $prompt_message PIN: " admin_pin
echo -e "\n"
hotp_initialize "$admin_pin" $HOTP_SECRET $counter_value "$HOTPKEY_BRANDING"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo -e "\n"
read -s -p "Error setting HOTP secret, re-enter $prompt_message PIN and try again: " admin_pin
echo -e "\n"
if ! hotp_initialize "$admin_pin" $HOTP_SECRET $counter_value "$HOTPKEY_BRANDING"; then
# don't leak key on failure
shred -n 10 -z -u "$HOTP_SECRET" 2>/dev/null
if [ "$HOTPKEY_BRANDING" == "Nitrokey" ]; then
fatal_error "Setting HOTP secret failed, to reset $prompt_message PIN, redo Re-Ownership procedure, use the Nitrokey App 2 or contact Nitrokey support"
fatal_error "Setting HOTP secret failed"
# remind user to change admin password
warn "Weak OEM default PINs are under use to enforce remote attestation/encryption/signature operations"
warn "$CONFIG_BRAND_NAME security is compromised until the ownership of this device is re-established by changing secrets by non-default values"
warn "You must change current default secrets through 'Options -> OEM Factory Reset/Re-Ownership' menu and not accept the default options"
warn "You will be asked to answer a questionnaire to re-own your device and USB security dongles with new secrets"
# HOTP key no longer needed
shred -n 10 -z -u "$HOTP_SECRET" 2>/dev/null
# Make sure our counter is incremented ahead of the next check
#increment_tpm_counter $counter > /dev/null \
#|| die "Unable to increment tpm counter"
#increment_tpm_counter $counter > /dev/null \
#|| die "Unable to increment tpm counter"
mount -o remount,rw /boot
counter_value=$(expr $counter_value + 1)
echo $counter_value >$HOTP_COUNTER ||
fatal_error "Unable to create hotp counter file"
# Store/overwrite HOTP USB Security dongle branding found out beforehand
die "Unable to store hotp key file"
#sha256sum /tmp/counter-$counter > $HOTP_COUNTER \
#|| die "Unable to create hotp counter file"
mount -o remount,ro /boot
echo -e "\n$HOTPKEY_BRANDING initialized successfully. Press Enter to continue."
exit 0