--menu "ERROR: Heads couldn't generate the TOTP code.\n\nIf you have just reflashed your BIOS, you will need to generate a new TOTP secret.\n\nIf you have not just reflashed your BIOS, THIS COULD INDICATE TAMPERING!\n\nHow would you like to proceed?" 20 60 4 \
'g' ' Generate new TOTP secret' \
'i' ' Ignore error and continue to default boot menu' \
'x' ' Exit to recovery shell' \
2>/tmp/whiptail || recovery "GUI menu failed"
totp_confirm=$(cat /tmp/whiptail)
if [ "$totp_confirm" = "i" -o -z "$totp_confirm" ]; then
--yesno "TOTP code mismatches could indicate either TPM tampering or clock drift:\n\nTo correct clock drift: 'date -s HH:MM:SS'\nand save it to the RTC: 'hwclock -w'\nthen reboot and try again.\n\nWould you like to exit to a recovery console?" 30 60) then
echo ""
echo "To correct clock drift: 'date -s HH:MM:SS'"
echo "and save it to the RTC: 'hwclock -w'"
echo "then reboot and try again"
echo ""
recovery "TOTP mismatch"
if [ "$totp_confirm" = "u" ]; then
exec /bin/usb-init
if [ "$totp_confirm" = "g" ]; then
if (whiptail --title 'Generate new TOTP secret' \
--yesno "This will erase your old secret and replace it with a new one!\n\nDo you want to proceed?" 16 60) then
if [ "$totp_confirm" = "y" -o -n "$totp_confirm" ]; then
# Try to boot the default
DEFAULT_FILE=`find /boot/kexec_default.*.txt 2>/dev/null | head -1`
if [ -r "$DEFAULT_FILE" ]; then
kexec-select-boot -b /boot -c "grub.cfg" \
|| recovery "Failed default boot"
if (whiptail --title 'No Default Boot Option Configured' \
--yesno "There is no default boot option configured yet. Would you like to load a menu of boot options? Otherwise you will return to the main menu." 16 60) then