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# LUKS related functions
. /etc/functions
. /etc/gui_functions
. /tmp/config
#List all LUKS devices on the system
list_luks_devices() {
cryptsetup2 toolstack version bump and script fixes to support multi-LUKS containers (BTRFS QubesOS 4.2) cryptsetup2 2.6.1 is a new release that supports reencryption of Q4.2 release LUKS2 volumes created at installation. This is a critical feature for the Qubes OS 4.2 release for added data at rest protection Cryptsetup 2.6.x internal changes: - Argon2 used externally and internally: requires a lot of RAM and CPU to derivate passphrase to key validated in key slots. - This is used to rate limit efficiently bruteforcing of LUKS key slots, requiring each offline brute force attempt to consume ~15-30 seconds per attempt - OF course, strong passphrases are still recommended, but bruteforcing LUKSv2 containers with Argon2 would require immense time, ram and CPU even to bruteforce low entropy passphrase/PINs. - passphrase change doesn't permit LUKS key slot specification anymore: key slot rotates (new one consusumed per op: then old one wiped internally. EG: LUKS key slot 1 created, then 0 deleted) - reencryption doesn't permit old call arguments. No more direct-io; inadmissively slow through AIO (async) calls, need workarounds for good enough perfs (arguments + newer kernel with cloudfare fixes in tree) cryptsetup 2.6.1 requires: - lvm2 2.03.23, which is also included in this PR. - requires libaio, which is also included in this PR (could be hacked out but deep dependency at first sight: left in) - requires util-linux 2.39 - patches for reproducible builds are included for above 3 packages. luks-functions was updated to support the new cryptsetup2 version calls/changes - reencryption happen in direct-io, offline mode and without locking, requiring linux 5.10.9+ to bypass linux queues - from tests, this is best for performance and reliability in single-user mode - LUKS container ops now validate Disk Recovery Key (DRK) passphrase prior and DRK key slot prior of going forward if needed, failing early. - Heads don't expect DRK to be in static key slot anymore, and finds the DRK key slot dynamically. - If reencrytipn/passphrase change: make sure all LUKS containers on same block device can be unlocked with same DRK - Reencryption: requires to know which key slot to reencrypt. - Find LUKS key slot that unlocks with DRK passphrase unlock prior of reencrypt call - Passphrase change: no slot can be passed, but key slot of DRK rotates. kexec-seal-key - TPM LUKS Disk Unlock Key key slots have changed to be set in max slots per LUKS version (LUKSv1:7 /LUKSv2: 31) - If key slot != default LUKS version's keyslot outside of DRK key slot: prompt the user before wiping that key slot, otherwise wipe automatically - This takes for granted that the DRK key slot alone is needed on the system and Heads controls the LUKS key slots. - If user has something else going on, ie: Using USB Security dongle + TPM DUK, then the user will need to say no when wiping keys. - It was suggested to leave LUKS key slots outside of DRK alone, but then: what to do when all key slots would be used? - Alternative implementation could be to only prompt users to wipe keyslots other then DRK when key slots are all used (LUKSv1: 0-7, LUKSv2: 0-31) - But then cleanup would need to happen prior of operations (LUKS passphrase change, TPM DUK setup) and could be problematic. - LUKS containers now checked to be same LUKS version prior of permitting to set TPM DUK and will refuse to go forward of different versions. TODO: - async (AIO) calls are not used. direct-io is used instead. libaio could be hacked out - this could be subject to future work Notes: - time to deprecated legacy boards the do not enough space for the new space requirements - x230-legacy, x230-legacy-flash, x230-hotp-legacy - t430-legacy, t430-legacy-flash, t430-hotp-legacy already deprecated Unrelated: - typos fixes found along the way Signed-off-by: Thierry Laurion <insurgo@riseup.net>
2024-08-16 15:20:11 -04:00
#generate a list of devices to choose from that contain a LUKS header
lvm vgscan || true
blkid | cut -d ':' -f 1 | while read device; do
if cryptsetup isLuks $device; then echo $device; fi
done | sort
#Whiptail prompt asking user to select ratio of device to use for LUKS container between: 25, 50, 75
select_luks_container_size_percent() {
if [ -x /bin/whiptail ]; then
#whiptail prompt asking user to select ratio of device to use for LUKS container between: 25, 50, 75
#whiptail returns the percentage of the device to use for LUKS container
whiptail --title "Select LUKS container size percentage of device" --menu \
"Select LUKS container size percentage of device:" 0 80 10 \
"10" "10%" \
"25" "25%" \
"50" "50%" \
"75" "75%" \
2> /tmp/luks_container_size_percent \
|| die "Error selecting LUKS container size percentage of device"
#console prompt asking user to select ratio of device to use for LUKS container between: 10, 25, 50, 75
#console prompt returns the percentage of the device to use for LUKS container
echo "Select LUKS container size percentage of device:"
echo "1. 10%"
echo "2. 25%"
echo "3. 50%"
echo "4. 75%"
read -p "Choose your LUKS container size percentage of device [1-3]: " option_index
if [ "$option_index" = "1" ]; then
echo "10" > /tmp/luks_container_size_percent
elif [ "$option_index" = "2" ]; then
echo "25" > /tmp/luks_container_size_percent
elif [ "$option_index" = "3" ]; then
echo "50" > /tmp/luks_container_size_percent
elif [ "$option_index" = "4" ]; then
echo "75" > /tmp/luks_container_size_percent
die "Error selecting LUKS container size percentage of device"
# Partition a device interactively with two partitions: a LUKS container
# containing private ext4 partition and second public exFAT partition
# Size provisioning is done by percentage of the device
#Refactoring: only one parameter needed to be prompted for: the passphrase for LUKS container if not coming from oem-provisioning
#If no passphrase was provided, ask user to select passphrase for LUKS container
# if no device provided as parameter, we will ask user to select device to partition
# if no percentage provided as parameter, we will default to 10% of device to use for LUKS container
# we will validate parameters and not make them positional and print a usage function first
#Set defaults
DEVICE="" #Will list all usb storage devices if not provided as parameter
PERCENTAGE="10" #default to 10% of device to use for LUKS container (requires a LUKS partition bigger then 32mb!)
PASSPHRASE="" #Will prompt user for passphrase if not provided as parameter
#Parse parameters
while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
case "$1" in
shift 2
shift 2
shift 2
echo "usage: prepare_thumb_drive [--device device] [--percentage percentage] [--pass passphrase]"
return 1
DEBUG "DEVICE to partition: $DEVICE"
DEBUG "PERCENTAGE of device that will be used for LUKS container: $PERCENTAGE"
#Output provided if passphrase is provided as parameter
DEBUG "PASSPHRASE for LUKS container: ${PASSPHRASE:+provided}"
#Prompt for passphrase if not provided as parameter
if [ -z "$PASSPHRASE" ]; then
#If no passphrase was provided, ask user to select passphrase for LUKS container
#console based no whiptail
while [[ ${#PASSPHRASE} -lt 8 ]]; do
echo -e "\nEnter passphrase for LUKS container (At least 8 characters long):"
#hide passphrase input from read command
read -r -s PASSPHRASE
#skip confirmation if passphrase is less then 8 characters long (continue)
if [[ ${#PASSPHRASE} -lt 8 ]]; then
echo -e "\nPassphrase must be at least 8 characters long. Please try again."
#validate passphrase and ask user to re-enter if not at least 8 characters long
#confirm passphrase
echo -e "\nConfirm passphrase for LUKS container:"
#hide passphrase input from read command
#compare passphrase and passphrase confirmation
echo -e "\nPassphrases do not match. Please try again."
#If no device was provided, ask user to select device to partition
if [ -z "$DEVICE" ]; then
#warn user to disconnect all external drives
if [ -x /bin/whiptail ]; then
whiptail_warning --title "WARNING: Disconnect all external drives" --msgbox \
"WARNING: Please disconnect all external drives before proceeding.\n\nHit Enter to continue." 0 80 \
|| die "User cancelled wiping and repartitioning of $DEVICE"
echo -e -n "Warning: Please disconnect all external drives before proceeding.\n\nHit Enter to continue?"
read -r -p " [Y/n] " response
#transform response to uppercase with bash parameter expansion
#continue if response different then uppercase N
if [[ $response =~ ^(N)$ ]]; then
die "User cancelled wiping and repartitioning of $DEVICE"
#enable usb
#enable usb storage
#list all usb storage devices
list_usb_storage disks > /tmp/devices.txt
if [ $(cat /tmp/devices.txt | wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then
file_selector "/tmp/devices.txt" "Select device to partition"
if [ "$FILE" == "" ]; then
die "Error: No device selected"
die "Error: No device found"
#Check if device is a block device
if [ ! -b $DEVICE ]; then
die "Error: $DEVICE is not a block device"
if [ -z "$PERCENTAGE" ]; then
#If no percentage was provided, ask user to select percentage of device to use for LUKS container
PERCENTAGE=$(cat /tmp/luks_container_size_percent)
confirm_thumb_drive_format "$DEVICE" "$PERCENTAGE" ||
die "User cancelled wiping and repartitioning of $DEVICE"
prepare_thumb_drive "$DEVICE" "$PERCENTAGE" "$PASSPHRASE"
# Show a prompt to confirm formatting a flash drive with a percentage allocated
# to LUKS. interactive_prepare_thumb_drive() uses this; during OEM reset it is
# used separately before performing any reset actions
# parameters:
# $1 - block device of flash drive
# $2 - percent of device allocated to LUKS [1-99]
#Get disk size in bytes
DISK_SIZE_BYTES="$(blockdev --getsize64 "$DEVICE")"
#Convert disk size to MB
#Calculate percentage of device in MB
MSG="WARNING: Wiping and repartitioning $DEVICE ($DISK_SIZE_DISPLAY) with $LUKS_SIZE_MB MB\n assigned to private LUKS ext4 partition,\n rest assigned to exFAT public partition.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?"
if [ -x /bin/whiptail ]; then
whiptail_warning --title "WARNING: Wiping and repartitioning $DEVICE ($DISK_SIZE_DISPLAY)" --yesno \
"$MSG" 0 80
echo -e -n "$MSG"
read -r -p " [Y/n] " response
#transform response to uppercase with bash parameter expansion
#continue if response is Y, y, or empty, abort for anything else
if [ -n "$response" ] && [ "${response^^}" != Y ]; then
return 1
# Prepare a flash drive with a private LUKS-encrypted ext4 partition and a
# public exFAT partition. This is not interactive - during OEM reset, any
# selections/confirmations must occur before OEM reset starts resetting the
# system.
# $1 - block device of flash drive
# $2 - percentage of flash drive to allocate to LUKS [1-99]
# $3 - passphrase for LUKS container
#Get disk size in bytes
DISK_SIZE_BYTES="$(blockdev --getsize64 "$DEVICE")"
#Calculate percentage of device in MB
echo -e "Preparing $DEVICE with $PERCENTAGE_MB MB for private LUKS container while rest of device will be assigned to exFAT public partition...\n"
echo "Please wait..."
DEBUG "Creating empty DOS partition table on device through fdisk to start clean"
echo -e "o\nw\n" | fdisk $DEVICE >/dev/null 2>&1 || die "Error creating partition table"
DEBUG "partition device with two partitions: first one being the percent applied and rest for second partition through fdisk"
echo -e "n\np\n1\n\n+"$PERCENTAGE_MB"M\nn\np\n2\n\n\nw\n" | fdisk $DEVICE >/dev/null 2>&1 || die "Error partitioning device"
DEBUG "cryptsetup luksFormat first partition with LUKS container aes-xts-plain64 cipher with sha256 hash and 512 bit key"
DEBUG "Creating ${PERCENTAGE_MB}MB LUKS container on ${DEVICE}1..."
DO_WITH_DEBUG cryptsetup --batch-mode -c aes-xts-plain64 -h sha256 -s 512 -y luksFormat ${DEVICE}1 \
--key-file <(echo -n "${PASSPHRASE}") > /dev/null 2>&1 \
|| die "Error formatting LUKS container"
DEBUG "Opening LUKS device and mapping under /dev/mapper/private..."
DO_WITH_DEBUG cryptsetup open ${DEVICE}1 private --key-file <(echo -n "${PASSPHRASE}") > /dev/null 2>&1 \
|| die "Error opening LUKS container"
DEBUG "Formatting LUKS container mapped under /dev/mapper/private as an ext4 partition..."
mke2fs -t ext4 -L private /dev/mapper/private >/dev/null 2>&1 || die "Error formatting LUKS container's ext4 filesystem"
DEBUG "Closing LUKS device /dev/mapper/private..."
cryptsetup close private > /dev/null 2>&1 || die "Error closing LUKS container"
DEBUG "Formatting second partition ${DEVICE}2 with exfat filesystem..."
mkfs.exfat -L public ${DEVICE}2 >/dev/null 2>&1 || die "Error formatting second partition with exfat filesystem"
echo "Done."
cryptsetup2 toolstack version bump and script fixes to support multi-LUKS containers (BTRFS QubesOS 4.2) cryptsetup2 2.6.1 is a new release that supports reencryption of Q4.2 release LUKS2 volumes created at installation. This is a critical feature for the Qubes OS 4.2 release for added data at rest protection Cryptsetup 2.6.x internal changes: - Argon2 used externally and internally: requires a lot of RAM and CPU to derivate passphrase to key validated in key slots. - This is used to rate limit efficiently bruteforcing of LUKS key slots, requiring each offline brute force attempt to consume ~15-30 seconds per attempt - OF course, strong passphrases are still recommended, but bruteforcing LUKSv2 containers with Argon2 would require immense time, ram and CPU even to bruteforce low entropy passphrase/PINs. - passphrase change doesn't permit LUKS key slot specification anymore: key slot rotates (new one consusumed per op: then old one wiped internally. EG: LUKS key slot 1 created, then 0 deleted) - reencryption doesn't permit old call arguments. No more direct-io; inadmissively slow through AIO (async) calls, need workarounds for good enough perfs (arguments + newer kernel with cloudfare fixes in tree) cryptsetup 2.6.1 requires: - lvm2 2.03.23, which is also included in this PR. - requires libaio, which is also included in this PR (could be hacked out but deep dependency at first sight: left in) - requires util-linux 2.39 - patches for reproducible builds are included for above 3 packages. luks-functions was updated to support the new cryptsetup2 version calls/changes - reencryption happen in direct-io, offline mode and without locking, requiring linux 5.10.9+ to bypass linux queues - from tests, this is best for performance and reliability in single-user mode - LUKS container ops now validate Disk Recovery Key (DRK) passphrase prior and DRK key slot prior of going forward if needed, failing early. - Heads don't expect DRK to be in static key slot anymore, and finds the DRK key slot dynamically. - If reencrytipn/passphrase change: make sure all LUKS containers on same block device can be unlocked with same DRK - Reencryption: requires to know which key slot to reencrypt. - Find LUKS key slot that unlocks with DRK passphrase unlock prior of reencrypt call - Passphrase change: no slot can be passed, but key slot of DRK rotates. kexec-seal-key - TPM LUKS Disk Unlock Key key slots have changed to be set in max slots per LUKS version (LUKSv1:7 /LUKSv2: 31) - If key slot != default LUKS version's keyslot outside of DRK key slot: prompt the user before wiping that key slot, otherwise wipe automatically - This takes for granted that the DRK key slot alone is needed on the system and Heads controls the LUKS key slots. - If user has something else going on, ie: Using USB Security dongle + TPM DUK, then the user will need to say no when wiping keys. - It was suggested to leave LUKS key slots outside of DRK alone, but then: what to do when all key slots would be used? - Alternative implementation could be to only prompt users to wipe keyslots other then DRK when key slots are all used (LUKSv1: 0-7, LUKSv2: 0-31) - But then cleanup would need to happen prior of operations (LUKS passphrase change, TPM DUK setup) and could be problematic. - LUKS containers now checked to be same LUKS version prior of permitting to set TPM DUK and will refuse to go forward of different versions. TODO: - async (AIO) calls are not used. direct-io is used instead. libaio could be hacked out - this could be subject to future work Notes: - time to deprecated legacy boards the do not enough space for the new space requirements - x230-legacy, x230-legacy-flash, x230-hotp-legacy - t430-legacy, t430-legacy-flash, t430-hotp-legacy already deprecated Unrelated: - typos fixes found along the way Signed-off-by: Thierry Laurion <insurgo@riseup.net>
2024-08-16 15:20:11 -04:00
#TODO: extend logic to prompt for block devices with model if multiple LUKS are found on block device instead of partitions
# Then feed luks with those partitions so that reencrypt and passphrase change can use passphrase to test all selected
if [ -s /boot/kexec_key_devices.txt ]; then
DEBUG "Reusing known good LUKS container device from /boot/kexec_key_devices.txt"
cryptsetup2 toolstack version bump and script fixes to support multi-LUKS containers (BTRFS QubesOS 4.2) cryptsetup2 2.6.1 is a new release that supports reencryption of Q4.2 release LUKS2 volumes created at installation. This is a critical feature for the Qubes OS 4.2 release for added data at rest protection Cryptsetup 2.6.x internal changes: - Argon2 used externally and internally: requires a lot of RAM and CPU to derivate passphrase to key validated in key slots. - This is used to rate limit efficiently bruteforcing of LUKS key slots, requiring each offline brute force attempt to consume ~15-30 seconds per attempt - OF course, strong passphrases are still recommended, but bruteforcing LUKSv2 containers with Argon2 would require immense time, ram and CPU even to bruteforce low entropy passphrase/PINs. - passphrase change doesn't permit LUKS key slot specification anymore: key slot rotates (new one consusumed per op: then old one wiped internally. EG: LUKS key slot 1 created, then 0 deleted) - reencryption doesn't permit old call arguments. No more direct-io; inadmissively slow through AIO (async) calls, need workarounds for good enough perfs (arguments + newer kernel with cloudfare fixes in tree) cryptsetup 2.6.1 requires: - lvm2 2.03.23, which is also included in this PR. - requires libaio, which is also included in this PR (could be hacked out but deep dependency at first sight: left in) - requires util-linux 2.39 - patches for reproducible builds are included for above 3 packages. luks-functions was updated to support the new cryptsetup2 version calls/changes - reencryption happen in direct-io, offline mode and without locking, requiring linux 5.10.9+ to bypass linux queues - from tests, this is best for performance and reliability in single-user mode - LUKS container ops now validate Disk Recovery Key (DRK) passphrase prior and DRK key slot prior of going forward if needed, failing early. - Heads don't expect DRK to be in static key slot anymore, and finds the DRK key slot dynamically. - If reencrytipn/passphrase change: make sure all LUKS containers on same block device can be unlocked with same DRK - Reencryption: requires to know which key slot to reencrypt. - Find LUKS key slot that unlocks with DRK passphrase unlock prior of reencrypt call - Passphrase change: no slot can be passed, but key slot of DRK rotates. kexec-seal-key - TPM LUKS Disk Unlock Key key slots have changed to be set in max slots per LUKS version (LUKSv1:7 /LUKSv2: 31) - If key slot != default LUKS version's keyslot outside of DRK key slot: prompt the user before wiping that key slot, otherwise wipe automatically - This takes for granted that the DRK key slot alone is needed on the system and Heads controls the LUKS key slots. - If user has something else going on, ie: Using USB Security dongle + TPM DUK, then the user will need to say no when wiping keys. - It was suggested to leave LUKS key slots outside of DRK alone, but then: what to do when all key slots would be used? - Alternative implementation could be to only prompt users to wipe keyslots other then DRK when key slots are all used (LUKSv1: 0-7, LUKSv2: 0-31) - But then cleanup would need to happen prior of operations (LUKS passphrase change, TPM DUK setup) and could be problematic. - LUKS containers now checked to be same LUKS version prior of permitting to set TPM DUK and will refuse to go forward of different versions. TODO: - async (AIO) calls are not used. direct-io is used instead. libaio could be hacked out - this could be subject to future work Notes: - time to deprecated legacy boards the do not enough space for the new space requirements - x230-legacy, x230-legacy-flash, x230-hotp-legacy - t430-legacy, t430-legacy-flash, t430-hotp-legacy already deprecated Unrelated: - typos fixes found along the way Signed-off-by: Thierry Laurion <insurgo@riseup.net>
2024-08-16 15:20:11 -04:00
LUKS=$(cut -d ' ' -f1 /boot/kexec_key_devices.txt)
DEBUG "LUKS container device: $(echo $LUKS)"
# LUKS variable not exported yet, prompt for LUKS device
elif [ -z "$LUKS" ]; then
list_luks_devices > /tmp/luks_devices.txt
#if /tmp/luks_devices.txt exists and is not empty
if [ -s /tmp/luks_devices.txt ]; then
file_selector "/tmp/luks_devices.txt" "Select LUKS container device"
if [ "$FILE" == "" ]; then
return 1
cryptsetup2 toolstack version bump and script fixes to support multi-LUKS containers (BTRFS QubesOS 4.2) cryptsetup2 2.6.1 is a new release that supports reencryption of Q4.2 release LUKS2 volumes created at installation. This is a critical feature for the Qubes OS 4.2 release for added data at rest protection Cryptsetup 2.6.x internal changes: - Argon2 used externally and internally: requires a lot of RAM and CPU to derivate passphrase to key validated in key slots. - This is used to rate limit efficiently bruteforcing of LUKS key slots, requiring each offline brute force attempt to consume ~15-30 seconds per attempt - OF course, strong passphrases are still recommended, but bruteforcing LUKSv2 containers with Argon2 would require immense time, ram and CPU even to bruteforce low entropy passphrase/PINs. - passphrase change doesn't permit LUKS key slot specification anymore: key slot rotates (new one consusumed per op: then old one wiped internally. EG: LUKS key slot 1 created, then 0 deleted) - reencryption doesn't permit old call arguments. No more direct-io; inadmissively slow through AIO (async) calls, need workarounds for good enough perfs (arguments + newer kernel with cloudfare fixes in tree) cryptsetup 2.6.1 requires: - lvm2 2.03.23, which is also included in this PR. - requires libaio, which is also included in this PR (could be hacked out but deep dependency at first sight: left in) - requires util-linux 2.39 - patches for reproducible builds are included for above 3 packages. luks-functions was updated to support the new cryptsetup2 version calls/changes - reencryption happen in direct-io, offline mode and without locking, requiring linux 5.10.9+ to bypass linux queues - from tests, this is best for performance and reliability in single-user mode - LUKS container ops now validate Disk Recovery Key (DRK) passphrase prior and DRK key slot prior of going forward if needed, failing early. - Heads don't expect DRK to be in static key slot anymore, and finds the DRK key slot dynamically. - If reencrytipn/passphrase change: make sure all LUKS containers on same block device can be unlocked with same DRK - Reencryption: requires to know which key slot to reencrypt. - Find LUKS key slot that unlocks with DRK passphrase unlock prior of reencrypt call - Passphrase change: no slot can be passed, but key slot of DRK rotates. kexec-seal-key - TPM LUKS Disk Unlock Key key slots have changed to be set in max slots per LUKS version (LUKSv1:7 /LUKSv2: 31) - If key slot != default LUKS version's keyslot outside of DRK key slot: prompt the user before wiping that key slot, otherwise wipe automatically - This takes for granted that the DRK key slot alone is needed on the system and Heads controls the LUKS key slots. - If user has something else going on, ie: Using USB Security dongle + TPM DUK, then the user will need to say no when wiping keys. - It was suggested to leave LUKS key slots outside of DRK alone, but then: what to do when all key slots would be used? - Alternative implementation could be to only prompt users to wipe keyslots other then DRK when key slots are all used (LUKSv1: 0-7, LUKSv2: 0-31) - But then cleanup would need to happen prior of operations (LUKS passphrase change, TPM DUK setup) and could be problematic. - LUKS containers now checked to be same LUKS version prior of permitting to set TPM DUK and will refuse to go forward of different versions. TODO: - async (AIO) calls are not used. direct-io is used instead. libaio could be hacked out - this could be subject to future work Notes: - time to deprecated legacy boards the do not enough space for the new space requirements - x230-legacy, x230-legacy-flash, x230-hotp-legacy - t430-legacy, t430-legacy-flash, t430-hotp-legacy already deprecated Unrelated: - typos fixes found along the way Signed-off-by: Thierry Laurion <insurgo@riseup.net>
2024-08-16 15:20:11 -04:00
#TODO: What about BRTFS multi LUKS setup of QubesOS?
# if multiple LUKS containers are found on same block device
# select all of the luks containers on same block device instead of just one
# note that block devices for example under /dev/sda will be /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2, etc
# so we need to select all of the partitions on the same block device from /tmp/luks_devices.txt
# and then export them to LUKS variable
# then reencrypt and passphrase change functions will loop on all of the LUKS containers
# and test passphrase on all of them
if grep -q "$(echo $FILE | sed 's/[0-9]*$//')" /tmp/luks_devices.txt; then
DEBUG "Multiple LUKS containers found on same block device, selecting them all"
LUKS=$(grep $(echo $FILE | sed 's/[0-9]*$//') /tmp/luks_devices.txt)
DEBUG "Single LUKS container found on block device, assigning to LUKS variable"
warn "No encrypted device found"
return 1
cryptsetup2 toolstack version bump and script fixes to support multi-LUKS containers (BTRFS QubesOS 4.2) cryptsetup2 2.6.1 is a new release that supports reencryption of Q4.2 release LUKS2 volumes created at installation. This is a critical feature for the Qubes OS 4.2 release for added data at rest protection Cryptsetup 2.6.x internal changes: - Argon2 used externally and internally: requires a lot of RAM and CPU to derivate passphrase to key validated in key slots. - This is used to rate limit efficiently bruteforcing of LUKS key slots, requiring each offline brute force attempt to consume ~15-30 seconds per attempt - OF course, strong passphrases are still recommended, but bruteforcing LUKSv2 containers with Argon2 would require immense time, ram and CPU even to bruteforce low entropy passphrase/PINs. - passphrase change doesn't permit LUKS key slot specification anymore: key slot rotates (new one consusumed per op: then old one wiped internally. EG: LUKS key slot 1 created, then 0 deleted) - reencryption doesn't permit old call arguments. No more direct-io; inadmissively slow through AIO (async) calls, need workarounds for good enough perfs (arguments + newer kernel with cloudfare fixes in tree) cryptsetup 2.6.1 requires: - lvm2 2.03.23, which is also included in this PR. - requires libaio, which is also included in this PR (could be hacked out but deep dependency at first sight: left in) - requires util-linux 2.39 - patches for reproducible builds are included for above 3 packages. luks-functions was updated to support the new cryptsetup2 version calls/changes - reencryption happen in direct-io, offline mode and without locking, requiring linux 5.10.9+ to bypass linux queues - from tests, this is best for performance and reliability in single-user mode - LUKS container ops now validate Disk Recovery Key (DRK) passphrase prior and DRK key slot prior of going forward if needed, failing early. - Heads don't expect DRK to be in static key slot anymore, and finds the DRK key slot dynamically. - If reencrytipn/passphrase change: make sure all LUKS containers on same block device can be unlocked with same DRK - Reencryption: requires to know which key slot to reencrypt. - Find LUKS key slot that unlocks with DRK passphrase unlock prior of reencrypt call - Passphrase change: no slot can be passed, but key slot of DRK rotates. kexec-seal-key - TPM LUKS Disk Unlock Key key slots have changed to be set in max slots per LUKS version (LUKSv1:7 /LUKSv2: 31) - If key slot != default LUKS version's keyslot outside of DRK key slot: prompt the user before wiping that key slot, otherwise wipe automatically - This takes for granted that the DRK key slot alone is needed on the system and Heads controls the LUKS key slots. - If user has something else going on, ie: Using USB Security dongle + TPM DUK, then the user will need to say no when wiping keys. - It was suggested to leave LUKS key slots outside of DRK alone, but then: what to do when all key slots would be used? - Alternative implementation could be to only prompt users to wipe keyslots other then DRK when key slots are all used (LUKSv1: 0-7, LUKSv2: 0-31) - But then cleanup would need to happen prior of operations (LUKS passphrase change, TPM DUK setup) and could be problematic. - LUKS containers now checked to be same LUKS version prior of permitting to set TPM DUK and will refuse to go forward of different versions. TODO: - async (AIO) calls are not used. direct-io is used instead. libaio could be hacked out - this could be subject to future work Notes: - time to deprecated legacy boards the do not enough space for the new space requirements - x230-legacy, x230-legacy-flash, x230-hotp-legacy - t430-legacy, t430-legacy-flash, t430-hotp-legacy already deprecated Unrelated: - typos fixes found along the way Signed-off-by: Thierry Laurion <insurgo@riseup.net>
2024-08-16 15:20:11 -04:00
#TODO: reuse/generalize usage of this function. Tests for LUKS are still done 4 times independently of this helper
while :; do
select_luks_container || return 1
cryptsetup2 toolstack version bump and script fixes to support multi-LUKS containers (BTRFS QubesOS 4.2) cryptsetup2 2.6.1 is a new release that supports reencryption of Q4.2 release LUKS2 volumes created at installation. This is a critical feature for the Qubes OS 4.2 release for added data at rest protection Cryptsetup 2.6.x internal changes: - Argon2 used externally and internally: requires a lot of RAM and CPU to derivate passphrase to key validated in key slots. - This is used to rate limit efficiently bruteforcing of LUKS key slots, requiring each offline brute force attempt to consume ~15-30 seconds per attempt - OF course, strong passphrases are still recommended, but bruteforcing LUKSv2 containers with Argon2 would require immense time, ram and CPU even to bruteforce low entropy passphrase/PINs. - passphrase change doesn't permit LUKS key slot specification anymore: key slot rotates (new one consusumed per op: then old one wiped internally. EG: LUKS key slot 1 created, then 0 deleted) - reencryption doesn't permit old call arguments. No more direct-io; inadmissively slow through AIO (async) calls, need workarounds for good enough perfs (arguments + newer kernel with cloudfare fixes in tree) cryptsetup 2.6.1 requires: - lvm2 2.03.23, which is also included in this PR. - requires libaio, which is also included in this PR (could be hacked out but deep dependency at first sight: left in) - requires util-linux 2.39 - patches for reproducible builds are included for above 3 packages. luks-functions was updated to support the new cryptsetup2 version calls/changes - reencryption happen in direct-io, offline mode and without locking, requiring linux 5.10.9+ to bypass linux queues - from tests, this is best for performance and reliability in single-user mode - LUKS container ops now validate Disk Recovery Key (DRK) passphrase prior and DRK key slot prior of going forward if needed, failing early. - Heads don't expect DRK to be in static key slot anymore, and finds the DRK key slot dynamically. - If reencrytipn/passphrase change: make sure all LUKS containers on same block device can be unlocked with same DRK - Reencryption: requires to know which key slot to reencrypt. - Find LUKS key slot that unlocks with DRK passphrase unlock prior of reencrypt call - Passphrase change: no slot can be passed, but key slot of DRK rotates. kexec-seal-key - TPM LUKS Disk Unlock Key key slots have changed to be set in max slots per LUKS version (LUKSv1:7 /LUKSv2: 31) - If key slot != default LUKS version's keyslot outside of DRK key slot: prompt the user before wiping that key slot, otherwise wipe automatically - This takes for granted that the DRK key slot alone is needed on the system and Heads controls the LUKS key slots. - If user has something else going on, ie: Using USB Security dongle + TPM DUK, then the user will need to say no when wiping keys. - It was suggested to leave LUKS key slots outside of DRK alone, but then: what to do when all key slots would be used? - Alternative implementation could be to only prompt users to wipe keyslots other then DRK when key slots are all used (LUKSv1: 0-7, LUKSv2: 0-31) - But then cleanup would need to happen prior of operations (LUKS passphrase change, TPM DUK setup) and could be problematic. - LUKS containers now checked to be same LUKS version prior of permitting to set TPM DUK and will refuse to go forward of different versions. TODO: - async (AIO) calls are not used. direct-io is used instead. libaio could be hacked out - this could be subject to future work Notes: - time to deprecated legacy boards the do not enough space for the new space requirements - x230-legacy, x230-legacy-flash, x230-hotp-legacy - t430-legacy, t430-legacy-flash, t430-hotp-legacy already deprecated Unrelated: - typos fixes found along the way Signed-off-by: Thierry Laurion <insurgo@riseup.net>
2024-08-16 15:20:11 -04:00
# LUKS contains multiline string of LUKS containers on same block device
# transform it into words of a same string separated by space
if [ -z "$luks_current_Disk_Recovery_Key_passphrase" ]; then
cryptsetup2 toolstack version bump and script fixes to support multi-LUKS containers (BTRFS QubesOS 4.2) cryptsetup2 2.6.1 is a new release that supports reencryption of Q4.2 release LUKS2 volumes created at installation. This is a critical feature for the Qubes OS 4.2 release for added data at rest protection Cryptsetup 2.6.x internal changes: - Argon2 used externally and internally: requires a lot of RAM and CPU to derivate passphrase to key validated in key slots. - This is used to rate limit efficiently bruteforcing of LUKS key slots, requiring each offline brute force attempt to consume ~15-30 seconds per attempt - OF course, strong passphrases are still recommended, but bruteforcing LUKSv2 containers with Argon2 would require immense time, ram and CPU even to bruteforce low entropy passphrase/PINs. - passphrase change doesn't permit LUKS key slot specification anymore: key slot rotates (new one consusumed per op: then old one wiped internally. EG: LUKS key slot 1 created, then 0 deleted) - reencryption doesn't permit old call arguments. No more direct-io; inadmissively slow through AIO (async) calls, need workarounds for good enough perfs (arguments + newer kernel with cloudfare fixes in tree) cryptsetup 2.6.1 requires: - lvm2 2.03.23, which is also included in this PR. - requires libaio, which is also included in this PR (could be hacked out but deep dependency at first sight: left in) - requires util-linux 2.39 - patches for reproducible builds are included for above 3 packages. luks-functions was updated to support the new cryptsetup2 version calls/changes - reencryption happen in direct-io, offline mode and without locking, requiring linux 5.10.9+ to bypass linux queues - from tests, this is best for performance and reliability in single-user mode - LUKS container ops now validate Disk Recovery Key (DRK) passphrase prior and DRK key slot prior of going forward if needed, failing early. - Heads don't expect DRK to be in static key slot anymore, and finds the DRK key slot dynamically. - If reencrytipn/passphrase change: make sure all LUKS containers on same block device can be unlocked with same DRK - Reencryption: requires to know which key slot to reencrypt. - Find LUKS key slot that unlocks with DRK passphrase unlock prior of reencrypt call - Passphrase change: no slot can be passed, but key slot of DRK rotates. kexec-seal-key - TPM LUKS Disk Unlock Key key slots have changed to be set in max slots per LUKS version (LUKSv1:7 /LUKSv2: 31) - If key slot != default LUKS version's keyslot outside of DRK key slot: prompt the user before wiping that key slot, otherwise wipe automatically - This takes for granted that the DRK key slot alone is needed on the system and Heads controls the LUKS key slots. - If user has something else going on, ie: Using USB Security dongle + TPM DUK, then the user will need to say no when wiping keys. - It was suggested to leave LUKS key slots outside of DRK alone, but then: what to do when all key slots would be used? - Alternative implementation could be to only prompt users to wipe keyslots other then DRK when key slots are all used (LUKSv1: 0-7, LUKSv2: 0-31) - But then cleanup would need to happen prior of operations (LUKS passphrase change, TPM DUK setup) and could be problematic. - LUKS containers now checked to be same LUKS version prior of permitting to set TPM DUK and will refuse to go forward of different versions. TODO: - async (AIO) calls are not used. direct-io is used instead. libaio could be hacked out - this could be subject to future work Notes: - time to deprecated legacy boards the do not enough space for the new space requirements - x230-legacy, x230-legacy-flash, x230-hotp-legacy - t430-legacy, t430-legacy-flash, t430-hotp-legacy already deprecated Unrelated: - typos fixes found along the way Signed-off-by: Thierry Laurion <insurgo@riseup.net>
2024-08-16 15:20:11 -04:00
# if no external provisioning provides current LUKS Disk Recovery Key passphrase
Uniformize vocabulary: LUKS TPM Disk Unlock Key & LUKS Disk Recovery Key When playing with long fbwhiptail/whiptail messages, this commit played around the long string using fold. ''' echo -e "This will replace the encrypted container content and its LUKS Disk Recovery Key.\n\nThe passphrase associated with this key will be asked from the user under the following conditions:\n 1-Every boot if no Disk Unlock Key was added to the TPM\n 2-If the TPM fails (hardware failure)\n 3-If the firmware has been tampered with/modified by the user\n\nThis process requires you to type the current LUKS Disk Recovery Key passphrase and will delete the LUKS TPM Disk Unlock Key slot, if set up, by setting a default boot LUKS key slot (1) if present.\n\nAt the next prompt, you may be asked to select which file corresponds to the LUKS device container.\n\nHit Enter to continue." | fold -w 70 -s ''' Which gave the exact output of what will be inside of the fbwhiptail prompt, fixed to 70 chars width: ''' This will replace the encrypted container content and its LUKS Disk Recovery Key. The passphrase associated with this key will be asked from the user under the following conditions: 1-Every boot if no Disk Unlock Key was added to the TPM 2-If the TPM fails (hardware failure) 3-If the firmware has been tampered with/modified by the user This process requires you to type the current LUKS Disk Recovery Key passphrase and will delete the LUKS TPM Disk Unlock Key slot, if set up, by setting a default boot LUKS key slot (1) if present. At the next prompt, you may be asked to select which file corresponds to the LUKS device container. Hit Enter to continue. ''' Therefore, for long prompts in the future, one can just deal with "\n 1-" alignments to be respected in prompts and have fold deal with cutting the length of strings properly. Signed-off-by: Thierry Laurion <insurgo@riseup.net>
2024-01-19 12:32:04 -05:00
echo -e "\nEnter the current LUKS Disk Recovery Key passphrase (Configured at OS installation or by OEM):"
read -r luks_current_Disk_Recovery_Key_passphrase
echo -n "$luks_current_Disk_Recovery_Key_passphrase" >/tmp/luks_current_Disk_Recovery_Key_passphrase
echo -n "$luks_current_Disk_Recovery_Key_passphrase" >/tmp/luks_current_Disk_Recovery_Key_passphrase
cryptsetup2 toolstack version bump and script fixes to support multi-LUKS containers (BTRFS QubesOS 4.2) cryptsetup2 2.6.1 is a new release that supports reencryption of Q4.2 release LUKS2 volumes created at installation. This is a critical feature for the Qubes OS 4.2 release for added data at rest protection Cryptsetup 2.6.x internal changes: - Argon2 used externally and internally: requires a lot of RAM and CPU to derivate passphrase to key validated in key slots. - This is used to rate limit efficiently bruteforcing of LUKS key slots, requiring each offline brute force attempt to consume ~15-30 seconds per attempt - OF course, strong passphrases are still recommended, but bruteforcing LUKSv2 containers with Argon2 would require immense time, ram and CPU even to bruteforce low entropy passphrase/PINs. - passphrase change doesn't permit LUKS key slot specification anymore: key slot rotates (new one consusumed per op: then old one wiped internally. EG: LUKS key slot 1 created, then 0 deleted) - reencryption doesn't permit old call arguments. No more direct-io; inadmissively slow through AIO (async) calls, need workarounds for good enough perfs (arguments + newer kernel with cloudfare fixes in tree) cryptsetup 2.6.1 requires: - lvm2 2.03.23, which is also included in this PR. - requires libaio, which is also included in this PR (could be hacked out but deep dependency at first sight: left in) - requires util-linux 2.39 - patches for reproducible builds are included for above 3 packages. luks-functions was updated to support the new cryptsetup2 version calls/changes - reencryption happen in direct-io, offline mode and without locking, requiring linux 5.10.9+ to bypass linux queues - from tests, this is best for performance and reliability in single-user mode - LUKS container ops now validate Disk Recovery Key (DRK) passphrase prior and DRK key slot prior of going forward if needed, failing early. - Heads don't expect DRK to be in static key slot anymore, and finds the DRK key slot dynamically. - If reencrytipn/passphrase change: make sure all LUKS containers on same block device can be unlocked with same DRK - Reencryption: requires to know which key slot to reencrypt. - Find LUKS key slot that unlocks with DRK passphrase unlock prior of reencrypt call - Passphrase change: no slot can be passed, but key slot of DRK rotates. kexec-seal-key - TPM LUKS Disk Unlock Key key slots have changed to be set in max slots per LUKS version (LUKSv1:7 /LUKSv2: 31) - If key slot != default LUKS version's keyslot outside of DRK key slot: prompt the user before wiping that key slot, otherwise wipe automatically - This takes for granted that the DRK key slot alone is needed on the system and Heads controls the LUKS key slots. - If user has something else going on, ie: Using USB Security dongle + TPM DUK, then the user will need to say no when wiping keys. - It was suggested to leave LUKS key slots outside of DRK alone, but then: what to do when all key slots would be used? - Alternative implementation could be to only prompt users to wipe keyslots other then DRK when key slots are all used (LUKSv1: 0-7, LUKSv2: 0-31) - But then cleanup would need to happen prior of operations (LUKS passphrase change, TPM DUK setup) and could be problematic. - LUKS containers now checked to be same LUKS version prior of permitting to set TPM DUK and will refuse to go forward of different versions. TODO: - async (AIO) calls are not used. direct-io is used instead. libaio could be hacked out - this could be subject to future work Notes: - time to deprecated legacy boards the do not enough space for the new space requirements - x230-legacy, x230-legacy-flash, x230-hotp-legacy - t430-legacy, t430-legacy-flash, t430-hotp-legacy already deprecated Unrelated: - typos fixes found along the way Signed-off-by: Thierry Laurion <insurgo@riseup.net>
2024-08-16 15:20:11 -04:00
# test all LUKS containers on same block device as returned by select_luks_container
echo -e "\n$PRINTABLE_LUKS: Test unlocking of LUKS encrypted drive content with current LUKS Disk Recovery Key passphrase..."
# Loop on all LUKS containers on same block device
for luks_container in $LUKS; do
DEBUG "$luks_container: Test unlocking of LUKS encrypted drive content with current LUKS Disk Recovery Key passphrase..."
DO_WITH_DEBUG cryptsetup open --test-passphrase "$luks_container" --key-file /tmp/luks_current_Disk_Recovery_Key_passphrase
# Validate past cryptsetup reencrypt attempts
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
# if we have more than one LUKS container and passphrase test unsuccessful, tell user how to change passphrase
if [ $(echo $LUKS | wc -w) -gt 1 ]; then
#TODO remove this once whiptail_error whiptail_warning can take titles with double quotes
#whiptail_warning --title 'tes' --msgbox 'test' 0 80
#whiptail_error --title 'error' --msgbox 'error' 0 80
#Neither work today. Not related to this PR... Using whiptail without coloring.
msg=$(echo -e "All $PRINTABLE_LUKS must unlock with the same Disk Recovery Key passphrase for the current operation to succeed.\n\nTo change individual LUKS container passphrase, do so from 'Options-> Change LUKS Disk Recovery Key passphrase'\n\nThen retry this operation." | fold -w 70 -s)
whiptail --title "$luks_container"': Wrong current LUKS Disk Recovery Key passphrase?' \
--msgbox "$msg" 0 80
die "$PRINTABLE_LUKS individual containers NEED to share the same Disk Recovery Key passphrase"
# We exited to caller, LUKS still set. TODO: problem? Should we call all cleaning functions on die?
whiptail --title "$luks_container: Wrong current LUKS Disk Recovery Key passphrase?" --msgbox \
"If you previously changed it and do not remember it, you will have to\n reinstall the OS from a an external drive.\n\nTo do so, place the ISO file and its signature file on root of an\n external drive, and select Options-> Boot from USB \n\nHit Enter to retry." 0 80
mount -o remount,rw /boot
rm -f /boot/kexec_key_devices.txt
mount -o remount,ro /boot
# remove "known good" selected LUKS container so that next pass asks again user to select LUKS container.
# maybe the container was not the right one
unset LUKS
# LuksOpen test was successful. Cleanup should be called only when done
# Exporting successfully used passphrase possibly reused by oem-factory-reset
echo "$luks_container: unlocking LUKS container with current Disk Recovery Key passphrase successful"
# Exporting successfully used passphrase possibly reused by oem-factory-reset
export luks_current_Disk_Recovery_Key_passphrase
# exit while loop if LUKS variable is not empty
if [ -n "$LUKS" ]; then
# We export the LUKS volume(s) that was/were validated via passphrase test
export LUKS
DEBUG "$LUKS exported to be reused"
luks_reencrypt() {
cryptsetup2 toolstack version bump and script fixes to support multi-LUKS containers (BTRFS QubesOS 4.2) cryptsetup2 2.6.1 is a new release that supports reencryption of Q4.2 release LUKS2 volumes created at installation. This is a critical feature for the Qubes OS 4.2 release for added data at rest protection Cryptsetup 2.6.x internal changes: - Argon2 used externally and internally: requires a lot of RAM and CPU to derivate passphrase to key validated in key slots. - This is used to rate limit efficiently bruteforcing of LUKS key slots, requiring each offline brute force attempt to consume ~15-30 seconds per attempt - OF course, strong passphrases are still recommended, but bruteforcing LUKSv2 containers with Argon2 would require immense time, ram and CPU even to bruteforce low entropy passphrase/PINs. - passphrase change doesn't permit LUKS key slot specification anymore: key slot rotates (new one consusumed per op: then old one wiped internally. EG: LUKS key slot 1 created, then 0 deleted) - reencryption doesn't permit old call arguments. No more direct-io; inadmissively slow through AIO (async) calls, need workarounds for good enough perfs (arguments + newer kernel with cloudfare fixes in tree) cryptsetup 2.6.1 requires: - lvm2 2.03.23, which is also included in this PR. - requires libaio, which is also included in this PR (could be hacked out but deep dependency at first sight: left in) - requires util-linux 2.39 - patches for reproducible builds are included for above 3 packages. luks-functions was updated to support the new cryptsetup2 version calls/changes - reencryption happen in direct-io, offline mode and without locking, requiring linux 5.10.9+ to bypass linux queues - from tests, this is best for performance and reliability in single-user mode - LUKS container ops now validate Disk Recovery Key (DRK) passphrase prior and DRK key slot prior of going forward if needed, failing early. - Heads don't expect DRK to be in static key slot anymore, and finds the DRK key slot dynamically. - If reencrytipn/passphrase change: make sure all LUKS containers on same block device can be unlocked with same DRK - Reencryption: requires to know which key slot to reencrypt. - Find LUKS key slot that unlocks with DRK passphrase unlock prior of reencrypt call - Passphrase change: no slot can be passed, but key slot of DRK rotates. kexec-seal-key - TPM LUKS Disk Unlock Key key slots have changed to be set in max slots per LUKS version (LUKSv1:7 /LUKSv2: 31) - If key slot != default LUKS version's keyslot outside of DRK key slot: prompt the user before wiping that key slot, otherwise wipe automatically - This takes for granted that the DRK key slot alone is needed on the system and Heads controls the LUKS key slots. - If user has something else going on, ie: Using USB Security dongle + TPM DUK, then the user will need to say no when wiping keys. - It was suggested to leave LUKS key slots outside of DRK alone, but then: what to do when all key slots would be used? - Alternative implementation could be to only prompt users to wipe keyslots other then DRK when key slots are all used (LUKSv1: 0-7, LUKSv2: 0-31) - But then cleanup would need to happen prior of operations (LUKS passphrase change, TPM DUK setup) and could be problematic. - LUKS containers now checked to be same LUKS version prior of permitting to set TPM DUK and will refuse to go forward of different versions. TODO: - async (AIO) calls are not used. direct-io is used instead. libaio could be hacked out - this could be subject to future work Notes: - time to deprecated legacy boards the do not enough space for the new space requirements - x230-legacy, x230-legacy-flash, x230-hotp-legacy - t430-legacy, t430-legacy-flash, t430-hotp-legacy already deprecated Unrelated: - typos fixes found along the way Signed-off-by: Thierry Laurion <insurgo@riseup.net>
2024-08-16 15:20:11 -04:00
#TODO: REFACTOR This and luks passphrase change function needs to loop on same drive discovered luks containers so that reencrypt/passwd change is done on all luks containers of same drive
# Ideal would be to list luks devices and then try keep and append LUKS devices to a list of devices to reencrypt or change passphrase
# then loop on that list of devices that could be opened and reencrypt/change passphrase for all the devices that could be tested opened with that passphrase
select_luks_container || return 1
# Count the number of containers to be reencrypted
num_containers=$(echo "$LUKS" | wc -w)
while [ $reencrypted_containers -lt $num_containers ]; do
if [ -z "$luks_current_Disk_Recovery_Key_passphrase" ]; then
Uniformize vocabulary: LUKS TPM Disk Unlock Key & LUKS Disk Recovery Key When playing with long fbwhiptail/whiptail messages, this commit played around the long string using fold. ''' echo -e "This will replace the encrypted container content and its LUKS Disk Recovery Key.\n\nThe passphrase associated with this key will be asked from the user under the following conditions:\n 1-Every boot if no Disk Unlock Key was added to the TPM\n 2-If the TPM fails (hardware failure)\n 3-If the firmware has been tampered with/modified by the user\n\nThis process requires you to type the current LUKS Disk Recovery Key passphrase and will delete the LUKS TPM Disk Unlock Key slot, if set up, by setting a default boot LUKS key slot (1) if present.\n\nAt the next prompt, you may be asked to select which file corresponds to the LUKS device container.\n\nHit Enter to continue." | fold -w 70 -s ''' Which gave the exact output of what will be inside of the fbwhiptail prompt, fixed to 70 chars width: ''' This will replace the encrypted container content and its LUKS Disk Recovery Key. The passphrase associated with this key will be asked from the user under the following conditions: 1-Every boot if no Disk Unlock Key was added to the TPM 2-If the TPM fails (hardware failure) 3-If the firmware has been tampered with/modified by the user This process requires you to type the current LUKS Disk Recovery Key passphrase and will delete the LUKS TPM Disk Unlock Key slot, if set up, by setting a default boot LUKS key slot (1) if present. At the next prompt, you may be asked to select which file corresponds to the LUKS device container. Hit Enter to continue. ''' Therefore, for long prompts in the future, one can just deal with "\n 1-" alignments to be respected in prompts and have fold deal with cutting the length of strings properly. Signed-off-by: Thierry Laurion <insurgo@riseup.net>
2024-01-19 12:32:04 -05:00
#if no external provisioning provides current LUKS Disk Recovery Key passphrase
msg=$(echo -e "This will replace the encrypted container content and its LUKS Disk Recovery Key.\n\nThe passphrase associated with this key will be asked from the user under the following conditions:\n 1-Every boot if no Disk Unlock Key was added to the TPM\n 2-If the TPM fails (hardware failure)\n 3-If the firmware has been tampered with/modified by the user\n\nThis process requires you to type the current LUKS Disk Recovery Key passphrase and will delete the LUKS TPM Disk Unlock Key slot, if set up, by setting a default boot LUKS key slot (1) if present.\n\nAt the next prompt, you may be asked to select which file corresponds to the LUKS device container.\n\nHit Enter to continue." | fold -w 70 -s)
whiptail --title 'Reencrypt LUKS encrypted container ?' \
Uniformize vocabulary: LUKS TPM Disk Unlock Key & LUKS Disk Recovery Key When playing with long fbwhiptail/whiptail messages, this commit played around the long string using fold. ''' echo -e "This will replace the encrypted container content and its LUKS Disk Recovery Key.\n\nThe passphrase associated with this key will be asked from the user under the following conditions:\n 1-Every boot if no Disk Unlock Key was added to the TPM\n 2-If the TPM fails (hardware failure)\n 3-If the firmware has been tampered with/modified by the user\n\nThis process requires you to type the current LUKS Disk Recovery Key passphrase and will delete the LUKS TPM Disk Unlock Key slot, if set up, by setting a default boot LUKS key slot (1) if present.\n\nAt the next prompt, you may be asked to select which file corresponds to the LUKS device container.\n\nHit Enter to continue." | fold -w 70 -s ''' Which gave the exact output of what will be inside of the fbwhiptail prompt, fixed to 70 chars width: ''' This will replace the encrypted container content and its LUKS Disk Recovery Key. The passphrase associated with this key will be asked from the user under the following conditions: 1-Every boot if no Disk Unlock Key was added to the TPM 2-If the TPM fails (hardware failure) 3-If the firmware has been tampered with/modified by the user This process requires you to type the current LUKS Disk Recovery Key passphrase and will delete the LUKS TPM Disk Unlock Key slot, if set up, by setting a default boot LUKS key slot (1) if present. At the next prompt, you may be asked to select which file corresponds to the LUKS device container. Hit Enter to continue. ''' Therefore, for long prompts in the future, one can just deal with "\n 1-" alignments to be respected in prompts and have fold deal with cutting the length of strings properly. Signed-off-by: Thierry Laurion <insurgo@riseup.net>
2024-01-19 12:32:04 -05:00
--msgbox "$msg" 0 80
echo -e "\nEnter the current LUKS Disk Recovery Key passphrase:"
read -r luks_current_Disk_Recovery_Key_passphrase
echo -n "$luks_current_Disk_Recovery_Key_passphrase" >/tmp/luks_current_Disk_Recovery_Key_passphrase
echo -n "$luks_current_Disk_Recovery_Key_passphrase" >/tmp/luks_current_Disk_Recovery_Key_passphrase
cryptsetup2 toolstack version bump and script fixes to support multi-LUKS containers (BTRFS QubesOS 4.2) cryptsetup2 2.6.1 is a new release that supports reencryption of Q4.2 release LUKS2 volumes created at installation. This is a critical feature for the Qubes OS 4.2 release for added data at rest protection Cryptsetup 2.6.x internal changes: - Argon2 used externally and internally: requires a lot of RAM and CPU to derivate passphrase to key validated in key slots. - This is used to rate limit efficiently bruteforcing of LUKS key slots, requiring each offline brute force attempt to consume ~15-30 seconds per attempt - OF course, strong passphrases are still recommended, but bruteforcing LUKSv2 containers with Argon2 would require immense time, ram and CPU even to bruteforce low entropy passphrase/PINs. - passphrase change doesn't permit LUKS key slot specification anymore: key slot rotates (new one consusumed per op: then old one wiped internally. EG: LUKS key slot 1 created, then 0 deleted) - reencryption doesn't permit old call arguments. No more direct-io; inadmissively slow through AIO (async) calls, need workarounds for good enough perfs (arguments + newer kernel with cloudfare fixes in tree) cryptsetup 2.6.1 requires: - lvm2 2.03.23, which is also included in this PR. - requires libaio, which is also included in this PR (could be hacked out but deep dependency at first sight: left in) - requires util-linux 2.39 - patches for reproducible builds are included for above 3 packages. luks-functions was updated to support the new cryptsetup2 version calls/changes - reencryption happen in direct-io, offline mode and without locking, requiring linux 5.10.9+ to bypass linux queues - from tests, this is best for performance and reliability in single-user mode - LUKS container ops now validate Disk Recovery Key (DRK) passphrase prior and DRK key slot prior of going forward if needed, failing early. - Heads don't expect DRK to be in static key slot anymore, and finds the DRK key slot dynamically. - If reencrytipn/passphrase change: make sure all LUKS containers on same block device can be unlocked with same DRK - Reencryption: requires to know which key slot to reencrypt. - Find LUKS key slot that unlocks with DRK passphrase unlock prior of reencrypt call - Passphrase change: no slot can be passed, but key slot of DRK rotates. kexec-seal-key - TPM LUKS Disk Unlock Key key slots have changed to be set in max slots per LUKS version (LUKSv1:7 /LUKSv2: 31) - If key slot != default LUKS version's keyslot outside of DRK key slot: prompt the user before wiping that key slot, otherwise wipe automatically - This takes for granted that the DRK key slot alone is needed on the system and Heads controls the LUKS key slots. - If user has something else going on, ie: Using USB Security dongle + TPM DUK, then the user will need to say no when wiping keys. - It was suggested to leave LUKS key slots outside of DRK alone, but then: what to do when all key slots would be used? - Alternative implementation could be to only prompt users to wipe keyslots other then DRK when key slots are all used (LUKSv1: 0-7, LUKSv2: 0-31) - But then cleanup would need to happen prior of operations (LUKS passphrase change, TPM DUK setup) and could be problematic. - LUKS containers now checked to be same LUKS version prior of permitting to set TPM DUK and will refuse to go forward of different versions. TODO: - async (AIO) calls are not used. direct-io is used instead. libaio could be hacked out - this could be subject to future work Notes: - time to deprecated legacy boards the do not enough space for the new space requirements - x230-legacy, x230-legacy-flash, x230-hotp-legacy - t430-legacy, t430-legacy-flash, t430-hotp-legacy already deprecated Unrelated: - typos fixes found along the way Signed-off-by: Thierry Laurion <insurgo@riseup.net>
2024-08-16 15:20:11 -04:00
# Split the $LUKS variable into an array of LUKS containers
DEBUG "luks_containers: $luks_containers"
# Loop through each LUKS container
for luks_container in "${luks_containers[@]}"; do
DEBUG "$luks_container: Test unlocking of LUKS encrypted drive content with current LUKS Disk Recovery Key passphrase..."
if ! DO_WITH_DEBUG cryptsetup open --test-passphrase "$luks_container" --key-file /tmp/luks_current_Disk_Recovery_Key_passphrase > /dev/null 2>&1; then
whiptail --title "$luks_container: Wrong current LUKS Disk Recovery Key passphrase?" --msgbox \
"If you previously changed it and do not remember it, you will have to\n reinstall the OS from a an external drive.\n\nTo do so, place the ISO file and its signature file on root of an\n external drive, and select Options-> Boot from USB \n\nHit Enter to retry." 0 80
# Remove "known good" selected LUKS container so that next pass asks again user to select LUKS container.
# Maybe the container was not the right one
mount -o remount,rw /boot
rm -f /boot/kexec_key_devices.txt
mount -o remount,ro /boot
unset LUKS
cryptsetup2 toolstack version bump and script fixes to support multi-LUKS containers (BTRFS QubesOS 4.2) cryptsetup2 2.6.1 is a new release that supports reencryption of Q4.2 release LUKS2 volumes created at installation. This is a critical feature for the Qubes OS 4.2 release for added data at rest protection Cryptsetup 2.6.x internal changes: - Argon2 used externally and internally: requires a lot of RAM and CPU to derivate passphrase to key validated in key slots. - This is used to rate limit efficiently bruteforcing of LUKS key slots, requiring each offline brute force attempt to consume ~15-30 seconds per attempt - OF course, strong passphrases are still recommended, but bruteforcing LUKSv2 containers with Argon2 would require immense time, ram and CPU even to bruteforce low entropy passphrase/PINs. - passphrase change doesn't permit LUKS key slot specification anymore: key slot rotates (new one consusumed per op: then old one wiped internally. EG: LUKS key slot 1 created, then 0 deleted) - reencryption doesn't permit old call arguments. No more direct-io; inadmissively slow through AIO (async) calls, need workarounds for good enough perfs (arguments + newer kernel with cloudfare fixes in tree) cryptsetup 2.6.1 requires: - lvm2 2.03.23, which is also included in this PR. - requires libaio, which is also included in this PR (could be hacked out but deep dependency at first sight: left in) - requires util-linux 2.39 - patches for reproducible builds are included for above 3 packages. luks-functions was updated to support the new cryptsetup2 version calls/changes - reencryption happen in direct-io, offline mode and without locking, requiring linux 5.10.9+ to bypass linux queues - from tests, this is best for performance and reliability in single-user mode - LUKS container ops now validate Disk Recovery Key (DRK) passphrase prior and DRK key slot prior of going forward if needed, failing early. - Heads don't expect DRK to be in static key slot anymore, and finds the DRK key slot dynamically. - If reencrytipn/passphrase change: make sure all LUKS containers on same block device can be unlocked with same DRK - Reencryption: requires to know which key slot to reencrypt. - Find LUKS key slot that unlocks with DRK passphrase unlock prior of reencrypt call - Passphrase change: no slot can be passed, but key slot of DRK rotates. kexec-seal-key - TPM LUKS Disk Unlock Key key slots have changed to be set in max slots per LUKS version (LUKSv1:7 /LUKSv2: 31) - If key slot != default LUKS version's keyslot outside of DRK key slot: prompt the user before wiping that key slot, otherwise wipe automatically - This takes for granted that the DRK key slot alone is needed on the system and Heads controls the LUKS key slots. - If user has something else going on, ie: Using USB Security dongle + TPM DUK, then the user will need to say no when wiping keys. - It was suggested to leave LUKS key slots outside of DRK alone, but then: what to do when all key slots would be used? - Alternative implementation could be to only prompt users to wipe keyslots other then DRK when key slots are all used (LUKSv1: 0-7, LUKSv2: 0-31) - But then cleanup would need to happen prior of operations (LUKS passphrase change, TPM DUK setup) and could be problematic. - LUKS containers now checked to be same LUKS version prior of permitting to set TPM DUK and will refuse to go forward of different versions. TODO: - async (AIO) calls are not used. direct-io is used instead. libaio could be hacked out - this could be subject to future work Notes: - time to deprecated legacy boards the do not enough space for the new space requirements - x230-legacy, x230-legacy-flash, x230-hotp-legacy - t430-legacy, t430-legacy-flash, t430-hotp-legacy already deprecated Unrelated: - typos fixes found along the way Signed-off-by: Thierry Laurion <insurgo@riseup.net>
2024-08-16 15:20:11 -04:00
DEBUG "Test opening ${luks_containers[@]} successful. Now testing key slots to determine which holds master key"
for luks_container in "${luks_containers[@]}"; do
# First obtain which luks1/luks2 key-slot can be unlocked with the key-file
DEBUG "$luks_container: Test unlocking of LUKS encrypted drive content with current LUKS Disk Recovery Key passphrase..."
for i in $(seq 0 31); do
if DO_WITH_DEBUG cryptsetup open --test-passphrase $luks_container --key-slot $i --key-file /tmp/luks_current_Disk_Recovery_Key_passphrase > /dev/null 2>&1; then
DEBUG "$luks_container: Found key-slot $DRK_KEYSLOT that can be unlocked with the current passphrase. breaking loop"
# Validate if a key slot was found
if [ $DRK_KEYSLOT -eq -1 ]; then
whiptail --title "$luks_container: Wrong current LUKS Disk Recovery Key passphrase?" --msgbox \
"If you previously changed it and do not remember it, you will have to\n reinstall the OS from a an external drive.\n\nTo do so, place the ISO file and its signature file on root of an\n external drive, and select Options-> Boot from USB \n\nHit Enter to retry." 0 80
# Remove "known good" selected LUKS container so that next pass asks again user to select LUKS container.
# Maybe the container was not the right one
mount -o remount,rw /boot
rm -f /boot/kexec_key_devices.txt
mount -o remount,ro /boot
unset LUKS
cryptsetup2 toolstack version bump and script fixes to support multi-LUKS containers (BTRFS QubesOS 4.2) cryptsetup2 2.6.1 is a new release that supports reencryption of Q4.2 release LUKS2 volumes created at installation. This is a critical feature for the Qubes OS 4.2 release for added data at rest protection Cryptsetup 2.6.x internal changes: - Argon2 used externally and internally: requires a lot of RAM and CPU to derivate passphrase to key validated in key slots. - This is used to rate limit efficiently bruteforcing of LUKS key slots, requiring each offline brute force attempt to consume ~15-30 seconds per attempt - OF course, strong passphrases are still recommended, but bruteforcing LUKSv2 containers with Argon2 would require immense time, ram and CPU even to bruteforce low entropy passphrase/PINs. - passphrase change doesn't permit LUKS key slot specification anymore: key slot rotates (new one consusumed per op: then old one wiped internally. EG: LUKS key slot 1 created, then 0 deleted) - reencryption doesn't permit old call arguments. No more direct-io; inadmissively slow through AIO (async) calls, need workarounds for good enough perfs (arguments + newer kernel with cloudfare fixes in tree) cryptsetup 2.6.1 requires: - lvm2 2.03.23, which is also included in this PR. - requires libaio, which is also included in this PR (could be hacked out but deep dependency at first sight: left in) - requires util-linux 2.39 - patches for reproducible builds are included for above 3 packages. luks-functions was updated to support the new cryptsetup2 version calls/changes - reencryption happen in direct-io, offline mode and without locking, requiring linux 5.10.9+ to bypass linux queues - from tests, this is best for performance and reliability in single-user mode - LUKS container ops now validate Disk Recovery Key (DRK) passphrase prior and DRK key slot prior of going forward if needed, failing early. - Heads don't expect DRK to be in static key slot anymore, and finds the DRK key slot dynamically. - If reencrytipn/passphrase change: make sure all LUKS containers on same block device can be unlocked with same DRK - Reencryption: requires to know which key slot to reencrypt. - Find LUKS key slot that unlocks with DRK passphrase unlock prior of reencrypt call - Passphrase change: no slot can be passed, but key slot of DRK rotates. kexec-seal-key - TPM LUKS Disk Unlock Key key slots have changed to be set in max slots per LUKS version (LUKSv1:7 /LUKSv2: 31) - If key slot != default LUKS version's keyslot outside of DRK key slot: prompt the user before wiping that key slot, otherwise wipe automatically - This takes for granted that the DRK key slot alone is needed on the system and Heads controls the LUKS key slots. - If user has something else going on, ie: Using USB Security dongle + TPM DUK, then the user will need to say no when wiping keys. - It was suggested to leave LUKS key slots outside of DRK alone, but then: what to do when all key slots would be used? - Alternative implementation could be to only prompt users to wipe keyslots other then DRK when key slots are all used (LUKSv1: 0-7, LUKSv2: 0-31) - But then cleanup would need to happen prior of operations (LUKS passphrase change, TPM DUK setup) and could be problematic. - LUKS containers now checked to be same LUKS version prior of permitting to set TPM DUK and will refuse to go forward of different versions. TODO: - async (AIO) calls are not used. direct-io is used instead. libaio could be hacked out - this could be subject to future work Notes: - time to deprecated legacy boards the do not enough space for the new space requirements - x230-legacy, x230-legacy-flash, x230-hotp-legacy - t430-legacy, t430-legacy-flash, t430-hotp-legacy already deprecated Unrelated: - typos fixes found along the way Signed-off-by: Thierry Laurion <insurgo@riseup.net>
2024-08-16 15:20:11 -04:00
# Now reencrypt the LUKS container with the same key slot
# Warn and launch actual reencryption
echo -e "\nReencrypting $luks_container LUKS encrypted drive content with current Recovery Disk Key passphrase..."
# --perf-no_read_workqueue and/or --perf-no_write_workqueue improve encryption/reencrypton performance on kernel 5.10.9+
# bypassing dm-crypt queues.
# Ref https://github.com/cloudflare/linux/issues/1#issuecomment-729695518
# --resilience=none disables the resilience feature of cryptsetup, which is enabled by default
# --force-offline-reencrypt forces the reencryption to be done offline (no read/write operations on the device)
# --disable-locks disables the lock feature of cryptsetup, which is enabled by default
#if ! DO_WITH_DEBUG cryptsetup reencrypt \
#--perf-no_read_workqueue --perf-no_write_workqueue \
#--resilience=none --force-offline-reencrypt --disable-locks \
#"$luks_container" --key-slot "$DRK_KEYSLOT" \
#--key-file /tmp/luks_current_Disk_Recovery_Key_passphrase; then
if ! DO_WITH_DEBUG echo "fake cryptsetup reencrypt call"; then
cryptsetup2 toolstack version bump and script fixes to support multi-LUKS containers (BTRFS QubesOS 4.2) cryptsetup2 2.6.1 is a new release that supports reencryption of Q4.2 release LUKS2 volumes created at installation. This is a critical feature for the Qubes OS 4.2 release for added data at rest protection Cryptsetup 2.6.x internal changes: - Argon2 used externally and internally: requires a lot of RAM and CPU to derivate passphrase to key validated in key slots. - This is used to rate limit efficiently bruteforcing of LUKS key slots, requiring each offline brute force attempt to consume ~15-30 seconds per attempt - OF course, strong passphrases are still recommended, but bruteforcing LUKSv2 containers with Argon2 would require immense time, ram and CPU even to bruteforce low entropy passphrase/PINs. - passphrase change doesn't permit LUKS key slot specification anymore: key slot rotates (new one consusumed per op: then old one wiped internally. EG: LUKS key slot 1 created, then 0 deleted) - reencryption doesn't permit old call arguments. No more direct-io; inadmissively slow through AIO (async) calls, need workarounds for good enough perfs (arguments + newer kernel with cloudfare fixes in tree) cryptsetup 2.6.1 requires: - lvm2 2.03.23, which is also included in this PR. - requires libaio, which is also included in this PR (could be hacked out but deep dependency at first sight: left in) - requires util-linux 2.39 - patches for reproducible builds are included for above 3 packages. luks-functions was updated to support the new cryptsetup2 version calls/changes - reencryption happen in direct-io, offline mode and without locking, requiring linux 5.10.9+ to bypass linux queues - from tests, this is best for performance and reliability in single-user mode - LUKS container ops now validate Disk Recovery Key (DRK) passphrase prior and DRK key slot prior of going forward if needed, failing early. - Heads don't expect DRK to be in static key slot anymore, and finds the DRK key slot dynamically. - If reencrytipn/passphrase change: make sure all LUKS containers on same block device can be unlocked with same DRK - Reencryption: requires to know which key slot to reencrypt. - Find LUKS key slot that unlocks with DRK passphrase unlock prior of reencrypt call - Passphrase change: no slot can be passed, but key slot of DRK rotates. kexec-seal-key - TPM LUKS Disk Unlock Key key slots have changed to be set in max slots per LUKS version (LUKSv1:7 /LUKSv2: 31) - If key slot != default LUKS version's keyslot outside of DRK key slot: prompt the user before wiping that key slot, otherwise wipe automatically - This takes for granted that the DRK key slot alone is needed on the system and Heads controls the LUKS key slots. - If user has something else going on, ie: Using USB Security dongle + TPM DUK, then the user will need to say no when wiping keys. - It was suggested to leave LUKS key slots outside of DRK alone, but then: what to do when all key slots would be used? - Alternative implementation could be to only prompt users to wipe keyslots other then DRK when key slots are all used (LUKSv1: 0-7, LUKSv2: 0-31) - But then cleanup would need to happen prior of operations (LUKS passphrase change, TPM DUK setup) and could be problematic. - LUKS containers now checked to be same LUKS version prior of permitting to set TPM DUK and will refuse to go forward of different versions. TODO: - async (AIO) calls are not used. direct-io is used instead. libaio could be hacked out - this could be subject to future work Notes: - time to deprecated legacy boards the do not enough space for the new space requirements - x230-legacy, x230-legacy-flash, x230-hotp-legacy - t430-legacy, t430-legacy-flash, t430-hotp-legacy already deprecated Unrelated: - typos fixes found along the way Signed-off-by: Thierry Laurion <insurgo@riseup.net>
2024-08-16 15:20:11 -04:00
whiptail --title "$luks_container: Wrong current LUKS Disk Recovery Key passphrase?" --msgbox \
"If you previously changed it and do not remember it, you will have to\n reinstall the OS from a an external drive.\n\nTo do so, place the ISO file and its signature file on root of an\n external drive, and select Options-> Boot from USB \n\nHit Enter to retry." 0 80
#remove "known good" selected LUKS container so that next pass asks again user to select LUKS container.
#maybe the container was not the right one
mount -o remount,rw /boot
rm -f /boot/kexec_key_devices.txt
mount -o remount,ro /boot
unset LUKS
#Reencryption was successful. Cleanup should be called only when done
#Exporting successfully used passphrase possibly reused by oem-factory-reset
export luks_current_Disk_Recovery_Key_passphrase
export LUKS
# Increment the count of reencrypted containers
reencrypted_containers=$((reencrypted_containers + 1))
cryptsetup2 toolstack version bump and script fixes to support multi-LUKS containers (BTRFS QubesOS 4.2) cryptsetup2 2.6.1 is a new release that supports reencryption of Q4.2 release LUKS2 volumes created at installation. This is a critical feature for the Qubes OS 4.2 release for added data at rest protection Cryptsetup 2.6.x internal changes: - Argon2 used externally and internally: requires a lot of RAM and CPU to derivate passphrase to key validated in key slots. - This is used to rate limit efficiently bruteforcing of LUKS key slots, requiring each offline brute force attempt to consume ~15-30 seconds per attempt - OF course, strong passphrases are still recommended, but bruteforcing LUKSv2 containers with Argon2 would require immense time, ram and CPU even to bruteforce low entropy passphrase/PINs. - passphrase change doesn't permit LUKS key slot specification anymore: key slot rotates (new one consusumed per op: then old one wiped internally. EG: LUKS key slot 1 created, then 0 deleted) - reencryption doesn't permit old call arguments. No more direct-io; inadmissively slow through AIO (async) calls, need workarounds for good enough perfs (arguments + newer kernel with cloudfare fixes in tree) cryptsetup 2.6.1 requires: - lvm2 2.03.23, which is also included in this PR. - requires libaio, which is also included in this PR (could be hacked out but deep dependency at first sight: left in) - requires util-linux 2.39 - patches for reproducible builds are included for above 3 packages. luks-functions was updated to support the new cryptsetup2 version calls/changes - reencryption happen in direct-io, offline mode and without locking, requiring linux 5.10.9+ to bypass linux queues - from tests, this is best for performance and reliability in single-user mode - LUKS container ops now validate Disk Recovery Key (DRK) passphrase prior and DRK key slot prior of going forward if needed, failing early. - Heads don't expect DRK to be in static key slot anymore, and finds the DRK key slot dynamically. - If reencrytipn/passphrase change: make sure all LUKS containers on same block device can be unlocked with same DRK - Reencryption: requires to know which key slot to reencrypt. - Find LUKS key slot that unlocks with DRK passphrase unlock prior of reencrypt call - Passphrase change: no slot can be passed, but key slot of DRK rotates. kexec-seal-key - TPM LUKS Disk Unlock Key key slots have changed to be set in max slots per LUKS version (LUKSv1:7 /LUKSv2: 31) - If key slot != default LUKS version's keyslot outside of DRK key slot: prompt the user before wiping that key slot, otherwise wipe automatically - This takes for granted that the DRK key slot alone is needed on the system and Heads controls the LUKS key slots. - If user has something else going on, ie: Using USB Security dongle + TPM DUK, then the user will need to say no when wiping keys. - It was suggested to leave LUKS key slots outside of DRK alone, but then: what to do when all key slots would be used? - Alternative implementation could be to only prompt users to wipe keyslots other then DRK when key slots are all used (LUKSv1: 0-7, LUKSv2: 0-31) - But then cleanup would need to happen prior of operations (LUKS passphrase change, TPM DUK setup) and could be problematic. - LUKS containers now checked to be same LUKS version prior of permitting to set TPM DUK and will refuse to go forward of different versions. TODO: - async (AIO) calls are not used. direct-io is used instead. libaio could be hacked out - this could be subject to future work Notes: - time to deprecated legacy boards the do not enough space for the new space requirements - x230-legacy, x230-legacy-flash, x230-hotp-legacy - t430-legacy, t430-legacy-flash, t430-hotp-legacy already deprecated Unrelated: - typos fixes found along the way Signed-off-by: Thierry Laurion <insurgo@riseup.net>
2024-08-16 15:20:11 -04:00
luks_change_passphrase() {
select_luks_container || return 1
# Count the number of containers to be processed
num_containers=$(echo "$LUKS" | wc -w)
# Split the $LUKS variable into an array of LUKS containers
IFS=' ' read -ra luks_containers <<< "$LUKS"
for luks_container in "${luks_containers[@]}"; do
if [ -z "$luks_current_Disk_Recovery_Key_passphrase" ] || [ -z "$luks_new_Disk_Recovery_Key_passphrase" ]; then
whiptail --title 'Changing LUKS Disk Recovery Key passphrase' --msgbox \
"Please enter the current LUKS Disk Recovery Key passphrase (slot 0).\nThen choose a strong passphrase of your own.\n\n**DICEWARE passphrase methodology is STRONGLY ADVISED.**\n\nHit Enter to continue" 0 80
if [ -z "$luks_new_Disk_Recovery_Key_passphrase" ]; then
echo -e "\nEnter your desired replacement for the actual LUKS Disk Recovery Key passphrase (At least 8 characters long):"
while [[ ${#luks_new_Disk_Recovery_Key_passphrase} -lt 8 ]]; do
read -r luks_new_Disk_Recovery_Key_passphrase
if [ -z "$luks_current_Disk_Recovery_Key_passphrase" ]; then
echo -e "\nEnter the current LUKS Disk Recovery Key passphrase (Configured at OS installation or by OEM):"
read -r luks_current_Disk_Recovery_Key_passphrase
echo -n "$luks_current_Disk_Recovery_Key_passphrase" > /tmp/luks_current_Disk_Recovery_Key_passphrase
echo -n "$luks_new_Disk_Recovery_Key_passphrase" > /tmp/luks_new_Disk_Recovery_Key_passphrase
DEBUG "$luks_container: Test unlocking of LUKS encrypted drive content with current LUKS Disk Recovery Key passphrase..."
if ! DO_WITH_DEBUG cryptsetup open --test-passphrase "$luks_container" --key-file /tmp/luks_current_Disk_Recovery_Key_passphrase > /dev/null 2>&1; then
whiptail --title "$luks_container: Wrong current LUKS Disk Recovery Key passphrase?" --msgbox \
"If you previously changed it and do not remember it, you will have to\n reinstall the OS from an external drive.\n\nTo do so, place the ISO file and its signature file on root of an\n external drive, and select Options-> Boot from USB \n\nHit Enter to retry." 0 80
mount -o remount,rw /boot
rm -f /boot/kexec_key_devices.txt
mount -o remount,ro /boot
unset LUKS
echo -e "\nChanging $luks_container LUKS encrypted disk passphrase to the new LUKS Disk Recovery Key passphrase..."
if ! DO_WITH_DEBUG cryptsetup luksChangeKey "$luks_container" --key-file=/tmp/luks_current_Disk_Recovery_Key_passphrase /tmp/luks_new_Disk_Recovery_Key_passphrase; then
whiptail --title 'Failed to change LUKS passphrase' --msgbox \
"Failed to change the passphrase for $luks_container.\nPlease try again." 0 80
echo "Success changing passphrase for $luks_container."
changed_containers=$((changed_containers + 1))
if [ $changed_containers -eq $num_containers ]; then
# All containers processed successfully
export luks_current_Disk_Recovery_Key_passphrase
export luks_new_Disk_Recovery_Key_passphrase
export LUKS
cryptsetup2 toolstack version bump and script fixes to support multi-LUKS containers (BTRFS QubesOS 4.2) cryptsetup2 2.6.1 is a new release that supports reencryption of Q4.2 release LUKS2 volumes created at installation. This is a critical feature for the Qubes OS 4.2 release for added data at rest protection Cryptsetup 2.6.x internal changes: - Argon2 used externally and internally: requires a lot of RAM and CPU to derivate passphrase to key validated in key slots. - This is used to rate limit efficiently bruteforcing of LUKS key slots, requiring each offline brute force attempt to consume ~15-30 seconds per attempt - OF course, strong passphrases are still recommended, but bruteforcing LUKSv2 containers with Argon2 would require immense time, ram and CPU even to bruteforce low entropy passphrase/PINs. - passphrase change doesn't permit LUKS key slot specification anymore: key slot rotates (new one consusumed per op: then old one wiped internally. EG: LUKS key slot 1 created, then 0 deleted) - reencryption doesn't permit old call arguments. No more direct-io; inadmissively slow through AIO (async) calls, need workarounds for good enough perfs (arguments + newer kernel with cloudfare fixes in tree) cryptsetup 2.6.1 requires: - lvm2 2.03.23, which is also included in this PR. - requires libaio, which is also included in this PR (could be hacked out but deep dependency at first sight: left in) - requires util-linux 2.39 - patches for reproducible builds are included for above 3 packages. luks-functions was updated to support the new cryptsetup2 version calls/changes - reencryption happen in direct-io, offline mode and without locking, requiring linux 5.10.9+ to bypass linux queues - from tests, this is best for performance and reliability in single-user mode - LUKS container ops now validate Disk Recovery Key (DRK) passphrase prior and DRK key slot prior of going forward if needed, failing early. - Heads don't expect DRK to be in static key slot anymore, and finds the DRK key slot dynamically. - If reencrytipn/passphrase change: make sure all LUKS containers on same block device can be unlocked with same DRK - Reencryption: requires to know which key slot to reencrypt. - Find LUKS key slot that unlocks with DRK passphrase unlock prior of reencrypt call - Passphrase change: no slot can be passed, but key slot of DRK rotates. kexec-seal-key - TPM LUKS Disk Unlock Key key slots have changed to be set in max slots per LUKS version (LUKSv1:7 /LUKSv2: 31) - If key slot != default LUKS version's keyslot outside of DRK key slot: prompt the user before wiping that key slot, otherwise wipe automatically - This takes for granted that the DRK key slot alone is needed on the system and Heads controls the LUKS key slots. - If user has something else going on, ie: Using USB Security dongle + TPM DUK, then the user will need to say no when wiping keys. - It was suggested to leave LUKS key slots outside of DRK alone, but then: what to do when all key slots would be used? - Alternative implementation could be to only prompt users to wipe keyslots other then DRK when key slots are all used (LUKSv1: 0-7, LUKSv2: 0-31) - But then cleanup would need to happen prior of operations (LUKS passphrase change, TPM DUK setup) and could be problematic. - LUKS containers now checked to be same LUKS version prior of permitting to set TPM DUK and will refuse to go forward of different versions. TODO: - async (AIO) calls are not used. direct-io is used instead. libaio could be hacked out - this could be subject to future work Notes: - time to deprecated legacy boards the do not enough space for the new space requirements - x230-legacy, x230-legacy-flash, x230-hotp-legacy - t430-legacy, t430-legacy-flash, t430-hotp-legacy already deprecated Unrelated: - typos fixes found along the way Signed-off-by: Thierry Laurion <insurgo@riseup.net>
2024-08-16 15:20:11 -04:00
shred -n 10 -z -u /tmp/luks_new_Disk_Recovery_Key_passphrase 2>/dev/null || true
shred -n 10 -z -u /tmp/luks_current_Disk_Recovery_Key_passphrase 2>/dev/null || true
cryptsetup2 toolstack version bump and script fixes to support multi-LUKS containers (BTRFS QubesOS 4.2) cryptsetup2 2.6.1 is a new release that supports reencryption of Q4.2 release LUKS2 volumes created at installation. This is a critical feature for the Qubes OS 4.2 release for added data at rest protection Cryptsetup 2.6.x internal changes: - Argon2 used externally and internally: requires a lot of RAM and CPU to derivate passphrase to key validated in key slots. - This is used to rate limit efficiently bruteforcing of LUKS key slots, requiring each offline brute force attempt to consume ~15-30 seconds per attempt - OF course, strong passphrases are still recommended, but bruteforcing LUKSv2 containers with Argon2 would require immense time, ram and CPU even to bruteforce low entropy passphrase/PINs. - passphrase change doesn't permit LUKS key slot specification anymore: key slot rotates (new one consusumed per op: then old one wiped internally. EG: LUKS key slot 1 created, then 0 deleted) - reencryption doesn't permit old call arguments. No more direct-io; inadmissively slow through AIO (async) calls, need workarounds for good enough perfs (arguments + newer kernel with cloudfare fixes in tree) cryptsetup 2.6.1 requires: - lvm2 2.03.23, which is also included in this PR. - requires libaio, which is also included in this PR (could be hacked out but deep dependency at first sight: left in) - requires util-linux 2.39 - patches for reproducible builds are included for above 3 packages. luks-functions was updated to support the new cryptsetup2 version calls/changes - reencryption happen in direct-io, offline mode and without locking, requiring linux 5.10.9+ to bypass linux queues - from tests, this is best for performance and reliability in single-user mode - LUKS container ops now validate Disk Recovery Key (DRK) passphrase prior and DRK key slot prior of going forward if needed, failing early. - Heads don't expect DRK to be in static key slot anymore, and finds the DRK key slot dynamically. - If reencrytipn/passphrase change: make sure all LUKS containers on same block device can be unlocked with same DRK - Reencryption: requires to know which key slot to reencrypt. - Find LUKS key slot that unlocks with DRK passphrase unlock prior of reencrypt call - Passphrase change: no slot can be passed, but key slot of DRK rotates. kexec-seal-key - TPM LUKS Disk Unlock Key key slots have changed to be set in max slots per LUKS version (LUKSv1:7 /LUKSv2: 31) - If key slot != default LUKS version's keyslot outside of DRK key slot: prompt the user before wiping that key slot, otherwise wipe automatically - This takes for granted that the DRK key slot alone is needed on the system and Heads controls the LUKS key slots. - If user has something else going on, ie: Using USB Security dongle + TPM DUK, then the user will need to say no when wiping keys. - It was suggested to leave LUKS key slots outside of DRK alone, but then: what to do when all key slots would be used? - Alternative implementation could be to only prompt users to wipe keyslots other then DRK when key slots are all used (LUKSv1: 0-7, LUKSv2: 0-31) - But then cleanup would need to happen prior of operations (LUKS passphrase change, TPM DUK setup) and could be problematic. - LUKS containers now checked to be same LUKS version prior of permitting to set TPM DUK and will refuse to go forward of different versions. TODO: - async (AIO) calls are not used. direct-io is used instead. libaio could be hacked out - this could be subject to future work Notes: - time to deprecated legacy boards the do not enough space for the new space requirements - x230-legacy, x230-legacy-flash, x230-hotp-legacy - t430-legacy, t430-legacy-flash, t430-hotp-legacy already deprecated Unrelated: - typos fixes found along the way Signed-off-by: Thierry Laurion <insurgo@riseup.net>
2024-08-16 15:20:11 -04:00
#Unset variables (when in same boot)
unset luks_current_Disk_Recovery_Key_passphrase
unset luks_new_Disk_Recovery_Key_passphrase
cryptsetup2 toolstack version bump and script fixes to support multi-LUKS containers (BTRFS QubesOS 4.2) cryptsetup2 2.6.1 is a new release that supports reencryption of Q4.2 release LUKS2 volumes created at installation. This is a critical feature for the Qubes OS 4.2 release for added data at rest protection Cryptsetup 2.6.x internal changes: - Argon2 used externally and internally: requires a lot of RAM and CPU to derivate passphrase to key validated in key slots. - This is used to rate limit efficiently bruteforcing of LUKS key slots, requiring each offline brute force attempt to consume ~15-30 seconds per attempt - OF course, strong passphrases are still recommended, but bruteforcing LUKSv2 containers with Argon2 would require immense time, ram and CPU even to bruteforce low entropy passphrase/PINs. - passphrase change doesn't permit LUKS key slot specification anymore: key slot rotates (new one consusumed per op: then old one wiped internally. EG: LUKS key slot 1 created, then 0 deleted) - reencryption doesn't permit old call arguments. No more direct-io; inadmissively slow through AIO (async) calls, need workarounds for good enough perfs (arguments + newer kernel with cloudfare fixes in tree) cryptsetup 2.6.1 requires: - lvm2 2.03.23, which is also included in this PR. - requires libaio, which is also included in this PR (could be hacked out but deep dependency at first sight: left in) - requires util-linux 2.39 - patches for reproducible builds are included for above 3 packages. luks-functions was updated to support the new cryptsetup2 version calls/changes - reencryption happen in direct-io, offline mode and without locking, requiring linux 5.10.9+ to bypass linux queues - from tests, this is best for performance and reliability in single-user mode - LUKS container ops now validate Disk Recovery Key (DRK) passphrase prior and DRK key slot prior of going forward if needed, failing early. - Heads don't expect DRK to be in static key slot anymore, and finds the DRK key slot dynamically. - If reencrytipn/passphrase change: make sure all LUKS containers on same block device can be unlocked with same DRK - Reencryption: requires to know which key slot to reencrypt. - Find LUKS key slot that unlocks with DRK passphrase unlock prior of reencrypt call - Passphrase change: no slot can be passed, but key slot of DRK rotates. kexec-seal-key - TPM LUKS Disk Unlock Key key slots have changed to be set in max slots per LUKS version (LUKSv1:7 /LUKSv2: 31) - If key slot != default LUKS version's keyslot outside of DRK key slot: prompt the user before wiping that key slot, otherwise wipe automatically - This takes for granted that the DRK key slot alone is needed on the system and Heads controls the LUKS key slots. - If user has something else going on, ie: Using USB Security dongle + TPM DUK, then the user will need to say no when wiping keys. - It was suggested to leave LUKS key slots outside of DRK alone, but then: what to do when all key slots would be used? - Alternative implementation could be to only prompt users to wipe keyslots other then DRK when key slots are all used (LUKSv1: 0-7, LUKSv2: 0-31) - But then cleanup would need to happen prior of operations (LUKS passphrase change, TPM DUK setup) and could be problematic. - LUKS containers now checked to be same LUKS version prior of permitting to set TPM DUK and will refuse to go forward of different versions. TODO: - async (AIO) calls are not used. direct-io is used instead. libaio could be hacked out - this could be subject to future work Notes: - time to deprecated legacy boards the do not enough space for the new space requirements - x230-legacy, x230-legacy-flash, x230-hotp-legacy - t430-legacy, t430-legacy-flash, t430-hotp-legacy already deprecated Unrelated: - typos fixes found along the way Signed-off-by: Thierry Laurion <insurgo@riseup.net>
2024-08-16 15:20:11 -04:00
#TODO: refactor logic of selec_luks_conatainer, where to put
#unset LUKS