const { spawn } = require('child_process'); const kill = require('tree-kill'); const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); const ini = require('ini'); const { ipcMain } = require('electron') const { app } = require('electron') const isWin = /^win/.test(process.platform); let runningServers = {}; exports.getLocalServerPath = async () => { const lookupDirectories = [ __dirname, path.dirname(app.getPath('exe')) ]; for(var directory of lookupDirectories) { const serverPath = await findLocalServerPath(directory); if(serverPath !== undefined) { return serverPath; } } return; } exports.startLocalServer = async (server) => { return await run(server, { logStdout: true }); } exports.stopLocalServer = async (server) => { return await stop(; } exports.getRunningServers = () => { return Object.keys(runningServers); } exports.stopAllLocalServers = async () => { return await stopAll(); } async function findLocalServerPath(baseDirectory) { const distDirectory = path.join(baseDirectory, 'dist'); if (!fs.existsSync(distDirectory)) { return; } const files = fs.readdirSync(distDirectory); let serverPath = null; files.forEach((directory) => { if(directory.startsWith('exe.')) { if (isWin) { serverPath = path.join(baseDirectory, 'dist', directory, 'gns3server.exe'); } else { serverPath = path.join(baseDirectory, 'dist', directory, 'gns3server'); } } }); if(serverPath !== null && fs.existsSync(serverPath)) { return serverPath; } return; } function getServerArguments(server, overrides, configPath) { let serverArguments = []; if( { serverArguments.push('--host'); serverArguments.push(; } if(server.port) { serverArguments.push('--port'); serverArguments.push(server.port); } serverArguments.push('--local'); if(configPath) { serverArguments.push('--config'); serverArguments.push(configPath); } return serverArguments; } function getChannelForServer(server) { return `local-server-run-${}`; } function notifyStatus(status) { ipcMain.emit('local-server-status-events', status); } function filterOutput(line) { const index ='CRITICAL'); if(index > -1) { return { isCritical: true, errorMessage: line.substr(index) }; } return { isCritical: false } } async function stopAll() { for(var serverName in runningServers) { let result, error = await stop(serverName); } console.log(`Stopped all servers`); } async function stop(serverName) { let pid = undefined; const runningServer = runningServers[serverName]; if(runningServer !== undefined && runningServer.process) { pid =; } console.log(`Stopping '${serverName}' with PID='${pid}'`); const stopped = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if(pid === undefined) { resolve(`Server '${serverName} is already stopped`); delete runningServers[serverName]; return; } kill(pid, (error) => { if(error) { console.error(`Error occured during stopping '${serverName}' with PID='${pid}'`); reject(error); } else { delete runningServers[serverName]; console.log(`Stopped '${serverName}' with PID='${pid}'`); resolve(`Stopped '${serverName}' with PID='${pid}'`); notifyStatus({ serverName: serverName, status: 'stopped', message: `Server '${serverName}' stopped'` }); } }); }); return stopped; } async function getIniFile(server) { return path.join(app.getPath('userData'), `gns3_server_${}.ini`); } async function configure(configPath, server) { if(!fs.existsSync(configPath)) { fs.closeSync(fs.openSync(configPath, 'w')); console.log(`Configuration file '${configPath}' has been created.`); } var config = ini.parse(fs.readFileSync(configPath, 'utf-8')); if(server.path) { config.path = server.path; } if( { =; } if(server.port) { config.port = server.port; } fs.writeFileSync(configPath, ini.stringify(config, { section: 'Server' })); } async function run(server, options) { if(!options) { options = {}; } const logStdout = options.logStdout || false; const logSterr = options.logSterr || false; console.log(`Configuring`) const configPath = await getIniFile(server); await configure(configPath, server); console.log(`Running '${server.path}'`); let serverProcess = spawn(server.path, getServerArguments(server, {}, configPath)); notifyStatus({ serverName:, status: 'started', message: `Server '${}' started'` }); runningServers[] = { process: serverProcess }; serverProcess.stdout.on('data', function(data) { const line = data.toString(); const { isCritical, errorMessage } = filterOutput(line); if(isCritical) { notifyStatus({ serverName:, status: 'stderr', message: `Server reported error: '${errorMessage}` }); } if(logStdout) { console.log(data.toString()); } }); serverProcess.stderr.on('data', function(data) { if(logSterr) { console.log(data.toString()); } }); serverProcess.on('exit', (code, signal) => { notifyStatus({ serverName:, status: 'errored', message: `Server '${}' has exited with status='${code}'` }); }); serverProcess.on('error', (err) => { notifyStatus({ serverName:, status: 'errored', message: `Server errored: '${err}` }); }); } async function main() { await run({ name: 'my-local', path: 'c:\\Program Files\\GNS3\\gns3server.EXE', port: 3080 }, { logStdout: true }); } ipcMain.on('local-server-run', async function (event, server) { const responseChannel = getChannelForServer(); await run(server); event.sender.send(responseChannel, { success: true }); }); if (require.main === module) { process.on('SIGINT', function() { console.log("Caught interrupt signal"); stopAll(); }); process.on('unhandledRejection', (reason, promise) => { console.log(`UnhandledRejection occured '${reason}'`); process.exit(1); }); main(); }