language: node_js node_js: - '10' # use node for latest # Issue with Travis: sudo: required cache: yarn: true directories: - node_modules dist: xenial addons: apt: sources: - google-chrome - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test packages: - google_chrome - g++-4.8 services: - xvfb before_install: # greenkeeper-lockfile support - yarn global add greenkeeper-lockfile@1 - | python3 -V wget -qO- | sudo python3 python3 -m pip -V before_script: # greenkeeper-lockfile support - greenkeeper-lockfile-update - npm install -g codecov script: yarn coverage after_success: - codecov after_script: # greenkeeper-lockfile support - greenkeeper-lockfile-upload # publish on - yarn buildforgithub --base-href /${TRAVIS_BRANCH}/ - export GIT_LAST_LOG="$(git log -1 --pretty=%B)" - git clone https://${GITHUB_CREDENTIALS} github-pages - mkdir -p github-pages/${TRAVIS_BRANCH} - rsync -r --delete dist/ github-pages/${TRAVIS_BRANCH} - cd github-pages/${TRAVIS_BRANCH} - git config "" - git config "GNS3 Build" - git add -A - git commit -m "Deploy - $GIT_LAST_LOG" - git push origin master - cd $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR # publish - yarn buildforelectron - | python3 -m pip install -r scripts/requirements.txt python3 scripts/ download -a python3 scripts/ build_exe -b dist/exe.gns3server -s python3 scripts/ validate -b dist - yarn electron-builder --linux --x64 --publish always # build sourcemaps and upload to Sentry # fix node issue with memory - | if [ -n "$TRAVIS_TAG" ]; export NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=4096 export RELEASE_VERSION=$(node -e "const fs = require('fs'); let p = fs.readFileSync('package.json'); console.log(JSON.parse(p).version);") yarn ng build --configuration=production --base-href /static/web-ui/ yarn sentry-cli releases new $RELEASE_VERSION yarn sentry-cli releases files $RELEASE_VERSION upload-sourcemaps dist/ fi