# gns3-web-ui

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Test WebUI implementation for GNS3. 

This is not production ready version. It has been made to evaluate possibility of creation Web User Interface for GNS3 application.

## Demo

Please use GNS3 WebUI bundled in `gns3server` and `gns3`.

## Development

### Branches policy

On branch `master` you can find the latest codebase including under development features. If you are looking for stable version with features promoted to be included in the current/next release please switch to `stable` branch.

### Installation

We're using [yarn](https://yarnpkg.com/lang/en/) for packages installation:

yarn install

#### Run GNS3 server

Visit [gns3-server](https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-server) for guide how to run GNS3 server.

#### Run WebUI

yarn ng serve

Application is accessible on ``. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

### Docker container

For development you can also run the GNS3 Web UI in a container

bash scripts/docker_dev_webui.sh

### How to upgrade package.json?

yarn upgrade --latest

### gns3server bundled in WebUI - electron based

In special cases it's possible to build `gns3server` for GNS3 WebUI. This version is included in `electronjs` dist application.

python3 scripts/build.py build -b dist

### Code scaffolding

Run `yarn ng generate component component-name` to generate a new component. You can also use `yarn ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|module`.

### Build

Run `yarn ng build` to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the `dist/` directory. Use the `-prod` flag for a production build.

### Running unit tests

Run `yarn ng test` to execute the unit tests via [Karma](https://karma-runner.github.io).

## Releasing

### Bumping releases

We're using [version-bump-prompt](https://www.npmjs.com/package/version-bump-prompt) for increasing version.

Install `version-bump-prompt` via:

        npm install -g version-bump-prompt
If you would like to bump prepatch just type:

        bump --prepatch --tag --push
### Distribute release

We have got configured CircleCI, TravisCI and AppVeyor for distributing application for particular platform. In order to release you need to tag&push your changes from master.

First of all please remove `dev` from version in `package.json` (for instance `2019.2.0-alpha.4dev` to `2019.2.0-alpha.4`). Commit & push changes with message `Release 2019.2.0-alpha.4` . Next step is to tag repository and push to origin:

        git tag v2019.2.0-alpha.4
        git push origin v2019.2.0-alpha.4

When artifacts are made you can see draft release here: [gns3-web-ui releases](https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-web-ui/releases) which is waiting to be published.
After release please change current version in `package.json` to `2019.2.0-alpha.5dev`'. Otherwise artifacts will be overwritten during the next commit. Don't forget to commit & push changes.

#### Updating gns3server

Checkout the latest master of `gns3server`. Run command `./scripts/update-bundled-web-ui.sh --tag=v2019.2.0-alpha.5`. Commit & push changes with message `Release 2019.2.0-alpha.4`.

### Staging release

In case you would like to create a new staging release. Please create draft release on github, like `0.0.1-dev1`. After successful build you can find artifacts there. 

### Updating signing certificate for Windows

Please follow this guide: [code-signing](https://www.electron.build/code-signing), use `certmgr.msc` exporting tool to limit the size of certificate.

## Further help

If you want to contribute to GNS3 Web UI feel free to reach us at `developers@gns3.net`.