# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2015 GNS3 Technologies Inc. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ VMware VM instance. """ import sys import os import asyncio import tempfile from gns3server.utils.asyncio.telnet_server import AsyncioTelnetServer from gns3server.utils.asyncio.serial import asyncio_open_serial from gns3server.utils.asyncio import locked_coroutine from collections import OrderedDict from .vmware_error import VMwareError from ..nios.nio_udp import NIOUDP from ..adapters.ethernet_adapter import EthernetAdapter from ..base_node import BaseNode import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class VMwareVM(BaseNode): """ VMware VM implementation. """ def __init__(self, name, node_id, project, manager, vmx_path, linked_clone=False, console=None, console_type="telnet"): super().__init__(name, node_id, project, manager, console=console, console_type=console_type, linked_clone=linked_clone) self._vmx_pairs = OrderedDict() self._telnet_server = None self._vmnets = [] self._maximum_adapters = 10 self._started = False self._closed = False # VMware VM settings self._headless = False self._vmx_path = vmx_path self._on_close = "power_off" self._adapters = 0 self._ethernet_adapters = {} self._adapter_type = "e1000" self._use_any_adapter = False if not os.path.exists(vmx_path): raise VMwareError('VMware VM "{name}" [{id}]: could not find VMX file "{vmx_path}"'.format(name=name, id=node_id, vmx_path=vmx_path)) @property def ethernet_adapters(self): return self._ethernet_adapters def __json__(self): json = {"name": self.name, "node_id": self.id, "console": self.console, "console_type": self.console_type, "project_id": self.project.id, "vmx_path": self.vmx_path, "headless": self.headless, "on_close": self.on_close, "adapters": self._adapters, "adapter_type": self.adapter_type, "use_any_adapter": self.use_any_adapter, "status": self.status, "node_directory": self.working_path, "linked_clone": self.linked_clone} return json @property def vmnets(self): return self._vmnets @locked_coroutine def _control_vm(self, subcommand, *additional_args): args = [self._vmx_path] args.extend(additional_args) result = yield from self.manager.execute(subcommand, args) log.debug("Control VM '{}' result: {}".format(subcommand, result)) return result def _read_vmx_file(self): """ Reads from the VMware VMX file corresponding to this VM. """ try: self._vmx_pairs = self.manager.parse_vmware_file(self._vmx_path) except OSError as e: raise VMwareError('Could not read VMware VMX file "{}": {}'.format(self._vmx_path, e)) def _write_vmx_file(self): """ Writes pairs to the VMware VMX file corresponding to this VM. """ try: self.manager.write_vmx_file(self._vmx_path, self._vmx_pairs) except OSError as e: raise VMwareError('Could not write VMware VMX file "{}": {}'.format(self._vmx_path, e)) @asyncio.coroutine def is_running(self): result = yield from self.manager.execute("list", []) if self._vmx_path in result: return True return False @asyncio.coroutine def _check_duplicate_linked_clone(self): """ Without linked clone two VM using the same image can't run at the same time. To avoid issue like false detection when a project close and another open we try multiple times. """ trial = 0 while True: found = False for node in self.manager.nodes: if node != self and node.vmx_path == self._vmx_path: found = True if node.project != self.project: if trial >= 30: raise VMwareError("Sorry a node without the linked clone setting enabled can only be used once on your server.\n{} is already used by {} in project {}".format(self.vmx_path, node.name, self.project.name)) else: if trial >= 5: raise VMwareError("Sorry a node without the linked clone setting enabled can only be used once on your server.\n{} is already used by {} in this project".format(self.vmx_path, node.name)) if not found: return trial += 1 yield from asyncio.sleep(1) @asyncio.coroutine def create(self): """ Creates this VM and handle linked clones. """ if not self.linked_clone: yield from self._check_duplicate_linked_clone() yield from self.manager.check_vmrun_version() if self.linked_clone and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.working_dir, os.path.basename(self._vmx_path))): if self.manager.host_type == "player": raise VMwareError("Linked clones are not supported by VMware Player") # create the base snapshot for linked clones base_snapshot_name = "GNS3 Linked Base for clones" vmsd_path = os.path.splitext(self._vmx_path)[0] + ".vmsd" if not os.path.exists(vmsd_path): raise VMwareError("{} doesn't not exist".format(vmsd_path)) try: vmsd_pairs = self.manager.parse_vmware_file(vmsd_path) except OSError as e: raise VMwareError('Could not read VMware VMSD file "{}": {}'.format(vmsd_path, e)) gns3_snapshot_exists = False for value in vmsd_pairs.values(): if value == base_snapshot_name: gns3_snapshot_exists = True break if not gns3_snapshot_exists: log.info("Creating snapshot '{}'".format(base_snapshot_name)) yield from self._control_vm("snapshot", base_snapshot_name) # create the linked clone based on the base snapshot new_vmx_path = os.path.join(self.working_dir, self.name + ".vmx") yield from self._control_vm("clone", new_vmx_path, "linked", "-snapshot={}".format(base_snapshot_name), "-cloneName={}".format(self.name)) try: vmsd_pairs = self.manager.parse_vmware_file(vmsd_path) except OSError as e: raise VMwareError('Could not read VMware VMSD file "{}": {}'.format(vmsd_path, e)) snapshot_name = None for name, value in vmsd_pairs.items(): if value == base_snapshot_name: snapshot_name = name.split(".", 1)[0] break if snapshot_name is None: raise VMwareError("Could not find the linked base snapshot in {}".format(vmsd_path)) num_clones_entry = "{}.numClones".format(snapshot_name) if num_clones_entry in vmsd_pairs: try: nb_of_clones = int(vmsd_pairs[num_clones_entry]) except ValueError: raise VMwareError("Value of {} in {} is not a number".format(num_clones_entry, vmsd_path)) vmsd_pairs[num_clones_entry] = str(nb_of_clones - 1) for clone_nb in range(0, nb_of_clones): clone_entry = "{}.clone{}".format(snapshot_name, clone_nb) if clone_entry in vmsd_pairs: del vmsd_pairs[clone_entry] try: self.manager.write_vmware_file(vmsd_path, vmsd_pairs) except OSError as e: raise VMwareError('Could not write VMware VMSD file "{}": {}'.format(vmsd_path, e)) # update the VMX file path self._vmx_path = new_vmx_path def _get_vmx_setting(self, name, value=None): if name in self._vmx_pairs: if value is not None: if self._vmx_pairs[name] == value: return value else: return self._vmx_pairs[name] return None def _set_network_options(self): """ Set up VMware networking. """ # first some sanity checks for adapter_number in range(0, self._adapters): # we want the vmnet interface to be connected when starting the VM connected = "ethernet{}.startConnected".format(adapter_number) if self._get_vmx_setting(connected): del self._vmx_pairs[connected] # then configure VMware network adapters self.manager.refresh_vmnet_list() for adapter_number in range(0, self._adapters): # add/update the interface if self._adapter_type == "default": # force default to e1000 because some guest OS don't detect the adapter (i.e. Windows 2012 server) # when 'virtualdev' is not set in the VMX file. adapter_type = "e1000" else: adapter_type = self._adapter_type ethernet_adapter = {"ethernet{}.present".format(adapter_number): "TRUE", "ethernet{}.addresstype".format(adapter_number): "generated", "ethernet{}.generatedaddressoffset".format(adapter_number): "0", "ethernet{}.virtualdev".format(adapter_number): adapter_type} self._vmx_pairs.update(ethernet_adapter) connection_type = "ethernet{}.connectiontype".format(adapter_number) if not self._use_any_adapter and connection_type in self._vmx_pairs and self._vmx_pairs[connection_type] in ("nat", "bridged", "hostonly"): continue self._vmx_pairs["ethernet{}.connectiontype".format(adapter_number)] = "custom" # make sure we have a vmnet per adapter if we use uBridge allocate_vmnet = False # first check if a vmnet is already assigned to the adapter vnet = "ethernet{}.vnet".format(adapter_number) if vnet in self._vmx_pairs: vmnet = os.path.basename(self._vmx_pairs[vnet]) if self.manager.is_managed_vmnet(vmnet) or vmnet in ("vmnet0", "vmnet1", "vmnet8"): # vmnet already managed, try to allocate a new one allocate_vmnet = True else: # otherwise allocate a new one allocate_vmnet = True if allocate_vmnet: try: vmnet = self.manager.allocate_vmnet() except BaseException: # clear everything up in case of error (e.g. no enough vmnets) self._vmnets.clear() raise # mark the vmnet managed by us if vmnet not in self._vmnets: self._vmnets.append(vmnet) self._vmx_pairs["ethernet{}.vnet".format(adapter_number)] = vmnet # disable remaining network adapters for adapter_number in range(self._adapters, self._maximum_adapters): if self._get_vmx_setting("ethernet{}.present".format(adapter_number), "TRUE"): log.debug("disabling remaining adapter {}".format(adapter_number)) self._vmx_pairs["ethernet{}.startconnected".format(adapter_number)] = "FALSE" def _get_vnet(self, adapter_number): """ Return the vnet will use in ubridge """ vnet = "ethernet{}.vnet".format(adapter_number) if vnet not in self._vmx_pairs: raise VMwareError("vnet {} not in VMX file".format(vnet)) return vnet @asyncio.coroutine def _add_ubridge_connection(self, nio, adapter_number): """ Creates a connection in uBridge. :param nio: NIO instance :param adapter_number: adapter number """ vnet = self._get_vnet(adapter_number) yield from self._ubridge_send("bridge create {name}".format(name=vnet)) vmnet_interface = os.path.basename(self._vmx_pairs[vnet]) if sys.platform.startswith("darwin"): # special case on OSX, we cannot bind VMnet interfaces using the libpcap yield from self._ubridge_send('bridge add_nio_fusion_vmnet {name} "{interface}"'.format(name=vnet, interface=vmnet_interface)) else: block_host_traffic = self.manager.config.get_section_config("VMware").getboolean("block_host_traffic", False) yield from self._add_ubridge_ethernet_connection(vnet, vmnet_interface, block_host_traffic) if isinstance(nio, NIOUDP): yield from self._ubridge_send('bridge add_nio_udp {name} {lport} {rhost} {rport}'.format(name=vnet, lport=nio.lport, rhost=nio.rhost, rport=nio.rport)) if nio.capturing: yield from self._ubridge_send('bridge start_capture {name} "{pcap_file}"'.format(name=vnet, pcap_file=nio.pcap_output_file)) yield from self._ubridge_send('bridge start {name}'.format(name=vnet)) yield from self._ubridge_apply_filters(vnet, nio.filters) @asyncio.coroutine def _update_ubridge_connection(self, adapter_number, nio): """ Update a connection in uBridge. :param nio: NIO instance :param adapter_number: adapter number """ try: bridge_name = self._get_vnet(adapter_number) except VMwareError: return # vnet not yet available yield from self._ubridge_apply_filters(bridge_name, nio.filters) @asyncio.coroutine def _delete_ubridge_connection(self, adapter_number): """ Deletes a connection in uBridge. :param adapter_number: adapter number """ vnet = "ethernet{}.vnet".format(adapter_number) if vnet not in self._vmx_pairs: raise VMwareError("vnet {} not in VMX file".format(vnet)) yield from self._ubridge_send("bridge delete {name}".format(name=vnet)) @asyncio.coroutine def _start_ubridge_capture(self, adapter_number, output_file): """ Start a packet capture in uBridge. :param adapter_number: adapter number :param output_file: PCAP destination file for the capture """ vnet = "ethernet{}.vnet".format(adapter_number) if vnet not in self._vmx_pairs: raise VMwareError("vnet {} not in VMX file".format(vnet)) if not self._ubridge_hypervisor: raise VMwareError("Cannot start the packet capture: uBridge is not running") yield from self._ubridge_send('bridge start_capture {name} "{output_file}"'.format(name=vnet, output_file=output_file)) @asyncio.coroutine def _stop_ubridge_capture(self, adapter_number): """ Stop a packet capture in uBridge. :param adapter_number: adapter number """ vnet = "ethernet{}.vnet".format(adapter_number) if vnet not in self._vmx_pairs: raise VMwareError("vnet {} not in VMX file".format(vnet)) if not self._ubridge_hypervisor: raise VMwareError("Cannot stop the packet capture: uBridge is not running") yield from self._ubridge_send("bridge stop_capture {name}".format(name=vnet)) def check_hw_virtualization(self): """ Returns either hardware virtualization is activated or not. :returns: boolean """ self._read_vmx_file() if self._get_vmx_setting("vhv.enable", "TRUE"): return True return False @asyncio.coroutine def start(self): """ Starts this VMware VM. """ if self.status == "started": return if (yield from self.is_running()): raise VMwareError("The VM is already running in VMware") ubridge_path = self.ubridge_path if not ubridge_path or not os.path.isfile(ubridge_path): raise VMwareError("ubridge is necessary to start a VMware VM") yield from self._start_ubridge() self._read_vmx_file() # check if there is enough RAM to run if "memsize" in self._vmx_pairs: self.check_available_ram(int(self._vmx_pairs["memsize"])) self._set_network_options() self._set_serial_console() self._write_vmx_file() if self._headless: yield from self._control_vm("start", "nogui") else: yield from self._control_vm("start") try: if self._ubridge_hypervisor: for adapter_number in range(0, self._adapters): nio = self._ethernet_adapters[adapter_number].get_nio(0) if nio: yield from self._add_ubridge_connection(nio, adapter_number) yield from self._start_console() except VMwareError: yield from self.stop() raise if self._get_vmx_setting("vhv.enable", "TRUE"): self._hw_virtualization = True self._started = True self.status = "started" log.info("VMware VM '{name}' [{id}] started".format(name=self.name, id=self.id)) @asyncio.coroutine def stop(self): """ Stops this VMware VM. """ self._hw_virtualization = False yield from self._stop_remote_console() yield from self._stop_ubridge() try: if (yield from self.is_running()): if self.on_close == "save_vm_state": yield from self._control_vm("suspend") elif self.on_close == "shutdown_signal": # use ACPI to shutdown the VM yield from self._control_vm("stop", "soft") else: yield from self._control_vm("stop") finally: self._started = False self.status = "stopped" self._read_vmx_file() self._vmnets.clear() # remove the adapters managed by GNS3 for adapter_number in range(0, self._adapters): vnet = "ethernet{}.vnet".format(adapter_number) if self._get_vmx_setting(vnet) or self._get_vmx_setting("ethernet{}.connectiontype".format(adapter_number)) is None: if vnet in self._vmx_pairs: vmnet = os.path.basename(self._vmx_pairs[vnet]) if not self.manager.is_managed_vmnet(vmnet): continue log.debug("removing adapter {}".format(adapter_number)) self._vmx_pairs[vnet] = "vmnet1" self._vmx_pairs["ethernet{}.connectiontype".format(adapter_number)] = "custom" # re-enable any remaining network adapters for adapter_number in range(self._adapters, self._maximum_adapters): if self._get_vmx_setting("ethernet{}.present".format(adapter_number), "TRUE"): log.debug("enabling remaining adapter {}".format(adapter_number)) self._vmx_pairs["ethernet{}.startconnected".format(adapter_number)] = "TRUE" self._write_vmx_file() yield from super().stop() log.info("VMware VM '{name}' [{id}] stopped".format(name=self.name, id=self.id)) @asyncio.coroutine def suspend(self): """ Suspends this VMware VM. """ if self.manager.host_type != "ws": raise VMwareError("Pausing a VM is only supported by VMware Workstation") yield from self._control_vm("pause") self.status = "suspended" log.info("VMware VM '{name}' [{id}] paused".format(name=self.name, id=self.id)) @asyncio.coroutine def resume(self): """ Resumes this VMware VM. """ if self.manager.host_type != "ws": raise VMwareError("Unpausing a VM is only supported by VMware Workstation") yield from self._control_vm("unpause") self.status = "started" log.info("VMware VM '{name}' [{id}] resumed".format(name=self.name, id=self.id)) @asyncio.coroutine def reload(self): """ Reloads this VMware VM. """ yield from self._control_vm("reset") log.info("VMware VM '{name}' [{id}] reloaded".format(name=self.name, id=self.id)) @asyncio.coroutine def close(self): """ Closes this VMware VM. """ if not (yield from super().close()): return False for adapter in self._ethernet_adapters.values(): if adapter is not None: for nio in adapter.ports.values(): if nio and isinstance(nio, NIOUDP): self.manager.port_manager.release_udp_port(nio.lport, self._project) try: self.on_close = "power_off" yield from self.stop() except VMwareError: pass if self.linked_clone: yield from self.manager.remove_from_vmware_inventory(self._vmx_path) @property def headless(self): """ Returns either the VM will start in headless mode :returns: boolean """ return self._headless @headless.setter def headless(self, headless): """ Sets either the VM will start in headless mode :param headless: boolean """ if headless: log.info("VMware VM '{name}' [{id}] has enabled the headless mode".format(name=self.name, id=self.id)) else: log.info("VMware VM '{name}' [{id}] has disabled the headless mode".format(name=self.name, id=self.id)) self._headless = headless @property def on_close(self): """ Returns the action to execute when the VM is stopped/closed :returns: string """ return self._on_close @on_close.setter def on_close(self, on_close): """ Sets the action to execute when the VM is stopped/closed :param on_close: string """ log.info('VMware VM "{name}" [{id}] set the close action to "{action}"'.format(name=self._name, id=self._id, action=on_close)) self._on_close = on_close @property def vmx_path(self): """ Returns the path to the vmx file. :returns: VMware vmx file """ return self._vmx_path @vmx_path.setter def vmx_path(self, vmx_path): """ Sets the path to the vmx file. :param vmx_path: VMware vmx file """ log.info("VMware VM '{name}' [{id}] has set the vmx file path to '{vmx}'".format(name=self.name, id=self.id, vmx=vmx_path)) self._vmx_path = vmx_path @property def adapters(self): """ Returns the number of adapters configured for this VMware VM. :returns: number of adapters """ return self._adapters @adapters.setter def adapters(self, adapters): """ Sets the number of Ethernet adapters for this VMware VM instance. :param adapters: number of adapters """ # VMware VMs are limited to 10 adapters if adapters > 10: raise VMwareError("Number of adapters above the maximum supported of 10") self._ethernet_adapters.clear() for adapter_number in range(0, adapters): self._ethernet_adapters[adapter_number] = EthernetAdapter() self._adapters = len(self._ethernet_adapters) log.info("VMware VM '{name}' [{id}] has changed the number of Ethernet adapters to {adapters}".format(name=self.name, id=self.id, adapters=adapters)) @property def adapter_type(self): """ Returns the adapter type for this VMware VM instance. :returns: adapter type (string) """ return self._adapter_type @adapter_type.setter def adapter_type(self, adapter_type): """ Sets the adapter type for this VMware VM instance. :param adapter_type: adapter type (string) """ self._adapter_type = adapter_type log.info("VMware VM '{name}' [{id}]: adapter type changed to {adapter_type}".format(name=self.name, id=self.id, adapter_type=adapter_type)) @property def use_any_adapter(self): """ Returns either GNS3 can use any VMware adapter on this instance. :returns: boolean """ return self._use_any_adapter @use_any_adapter.setter def use_any_adapter(self, use_any_adapter): """ Allows GNS3 to use any VMware adapter on this instance. :param use_any_adapter: boolean """ if use_any_adapter: log.info("VMware VM '{name}' [{id}] is allowed to use any adapter".format(name=self.name, id=self.id)) else: log.info("VMware VM '{name}' [{id}] is not allowed to use any adapter".format(name=self.name, id=self.id)) self._use_any_adapter = use_any_adapter @asyncio.coroutine def adapter_add_nio_binding(self, adapter_number, nio): """ Adds an adapter NIO binding. :param adapter_number: adapter number :param nio: NIO instance to add to the slot/port """ try: adapter = self._ethernet_adapters[adapter_number] except IndexError: raise VMwareError("Adapter {adapter_number} doesn't exist on VMware VM '{name}'".format(name=self.name, adapter_number=adapter_number)) self._read_vmx_file() # check if trying to connect to a nat, bridged or host-only adapter if self._get_vmx_setting("ethernet{}.present".format(adapter_number), "TRUE"): # check for the connection type connection_type = "ethernet{}.connectiontype".format(adapter_number) if connection_type in self._vmx_pairs and self._vmx_pairs[connection_type] in ("nat", "bridged", "hostonly"): if not self._use_any_adapter: raise VMwareError("Attachment '{attachment}' is already configured on network adapter {adapter_number}. " "Please remove it or allow VMware VM '{name}' to use any adapter.".format(attachment=self._vmx_pairs[connection_type], adapter_number=adapter_number, name=self.name)) elif (yield from self.is_running()): raise VMwareError("Attachment '{attachment}' is configured on network adapter {adapter_number}. " "Please stop VMware VM '{name}' to link to this adapter and allow GNS3 to change the attachment type.".format(attachment=self._vmx_pairs[connection_type], adapter_number=adapter_number, name=self.name)) adapter.add_nio(0, nio) if self._started and self._ubridge_hypervisor: yield from self._add_ubridge_connection(nio, adapter_number) log.info("VMware VM '{name}' [{id}]: {nio} added to adapter {adapter_number}".format(name=self.name, id=self.id, nio=nio, adapter_number=adapter_number)) @asyncio.coroutine def adapter_update_nio_binding(self, adapter_number, nio): """ Update a port NIO binding. :param adapter_number: adapter number :param nio: NIO instance to add to the adapter """ if self._ubridge_hypervisor: try: yield from self._update_ubridge_connection(adapter_number, nio) except IndexError: raise VMwareError('Adapter {adapter_number} does not exist on VMware VM "{name}"'.format( name=self._name, adapter_number=adapter_number )) @asyncio.coroutine def adapter_remove_nio_binding(self, adapter_number): """ Removes an adapter NIO binding. :param adapter_number: adapter number :returns: NIO instance """ try: adapter = self._ethernet_adapters[adapter_number] except IndexError: raise VMwareError("Adapter {adapter_number} doesn't exist on VMware VM '{name}'".format(name=self.name, adapter_number=adapter_number)) nio = adapter.get_nio(0) if isinstance(nio, NIOUDP): self.manager.port_manager.release_udp_port(nio.lport, self._project) adapter.remove_nio(0) if self._started and self._ubridge_hypervisor: yield from self._delete_ubridge_connection(adapter_number) log.info("VMware VM '{name}' [{id}]: {nio} removed from adapter {adapter_number}".format(name=self.name, id=self.id, nio=nio, adapter_number=adapter_number)) return nio def _get_pipe_name(self): """ Returns the pipe name to create a serial connection. :returns: pipe path (string) """ if sys.platform.startswith("win"): pipe_name = r"\\.\pipe\gns3_vmware\{}".format(self.id) else: pipe_name = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "gns3_vmware", "{}".format(self.id)) try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(pipe_name), exist_ok=True) except OSError as e: raise VMwareError("Could not create the VMware pipe directory: {}".format(e)) return pipe_name def _set_serial_console(self): """ Configures the first serial port to allow a serial console connection. """ pipe_name = self._get_pipe_name() serial_port = {"serial0.present": "TRUE", "serial0.filetype": "pipe", "serial0.filename": pipe_name, "serial0.pipe.endpoint": "server", "serial0.startconnected": "TRUE"} self._vmx_pairs.update(serial_port) @asyncio.coroutine def _start_console(self): """ Starts remote console support for this VM. """ if self.console and self.console_type == "telnet": self._remote_pipe = yield from asyncio_open_serial(self._get_pipe_name()) server = AsyncioTelnetServer(reader=self._remote_pipe, writer=self._remote_pipe, binary=True, echo=True) self._telnet_server = yield from asyncio.start_server(server.run, self._manager.port_manager.console_host, self.console) @asyncio.coroutine def _stop_remote_console(self): """ Stops remote console support for this VM. """ if self._telnet_server: self._telnet_server.close() yield from self._telnet_server.wait_closed() self._remote_pipe.close() self._telnet_server = None @BaseNode.console_type.setter def console_type(self, new_console_type): """ Sets the console type for this VMware VM. :param new_console_type: console type (string) """ if self._started and self.console_type != new_console_type: raise VMwareError('"{name}" must be stopped to change the console type to {new_console_type}'.format(name=self._name, new_console_type=new_console_type)) super(VMwareVM, VMwareVM).console_type.__set__(self, new_console_type) @asyncio.coroutine def start_capture(self, adapter_number, output_file): """ Starts a packet capture. :param adapter_number: adapter number :param output_file: PCAP destination file for the capture """ try: adapter = self._ethernet_adapters[adapter_number] except KeyError: raise VMwareError("Adapter {adapter_number} doesn't exist on VMware VM '{name}'".format(name=self.name, adapter_number=adapter_number)) nio = adapter.get_nio(0) if not nio: raise VMwareError("Adapter {} is not connected".format(adapter_number)) if nio.capturing: raise VMwareError("Packet capture is already activated on adapter {adapter_number}".format(adapter_number=adapter_number)) nio.startPacketCapture(output_file) if self._started: yield from self._start_ubridge_capture(adapter_number, output_file) log.info("VMware VM '{name}' [{id}]: starting packet capture on adapter {adapter_number}".format(name=self.name, id=self.id, adapter_number=adapter_number)) def stop_capture(self, adapter_number): """ Stops a packet capture. :param adapter_number: adapter number """ try: adapter = self._ethernet_adapters[adapter_number] except KeyError: raise VMwareError("Adapter {adapter_number} doesn't exist on VMware VM '{name}'".format(name=self.name, adapter_number=adapter_number)) nio = adapter.get_nio(0) if not nio: raise VMwareError("Adapter {} is not connected".format(adapter_number)) nio.stopPacketCapture() if self._started: yield from self._stop_ubridge_capture(adapter_number) log.info("VMware VM '{name}' [{id}]: stopping packet capture on adapter {adapter_number}".format(name=self.name, id=self.id, adapter_number=adapter_number))