# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2014 GNS3 Technologies Inc. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # Parts of this code have been taken from Pyserial project (http://pyserial.sourceforge.net/) under Python license import sys import time import threading import socket import select if sys.platform.startswith("win"): import win32pipe import win32file class PipeProxy(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, name, pipe, host, port): self.devname = name self.pipe = pipe self.host = host self.port = port self.server = None self.reader_thread = None self.use_thread = False self._write_lock = threading.Lock() self.clients = {} self.timeout = 0.1 self.alive = True if sys.platform.startswith("win"): # we must a thread for reading the pipe on Windows because it is a Named Pipe and it cannot be monitored by select() self.use_thread = True try: if self.host.__contains__(':'): # IPv6 address support self.server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_STREAM) else: self.server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.server.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) self.server.bind((self.host, int(self.port))) self.server.listen(5) except socket.error as msg: self.error("unable to create the socket server %s" % msg) return threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.debug("initialized, waiting for clients on %s:%i..." % (self.host, self.port)) def error(self, msg): sys.stderr.write("ERROR -> %s PIPE PROXY: %s\n" % (self.devname, msg)) def debug(self, msg): sys.stdout.write("INFO -> %s PIPE PROXY: %s\n" % (self.devname, msg)) def run(self): while True: recv_list = [self.server.fileno()] if not self.use_thread: recv_list.append(self.pipe.fileno()) for client in self.clients.values(): if client.active: recv_list.append(client.fileno) else: self.debug("lost client %s" % client.addrport()) try: client.sock.close() except: pass del self.clients[client.fileno] try: rlist, slist, elist = select.select(recv_list, [], [], self.timeout) except select.error as err: self.error("fatal select error %d:%s" % (err[0], err[1])) return False if not self.alive: self.debug('Exiting ...') return True for sock_fileno in rlist: if sock_fileno == self.server.fileno(): try: sock, addr = self.server.accept() sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE, 1) sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1) self.debug("new client %s:%s" % (addr[0], addr[1])) except socket.error as err: self.error("accept error %d:%s" % (err[0], err[1])) continue new_client = TelnetClient(sock, addr) self.clients[new_client.fileno] = new_client welcome_msg = "%s console is now available ... Press RETURN to get started.\r\n" % self.devname sock.send(welcome_msg.encode('utf-8')) if self.use_thread and not self.reader_thread: self.reader_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.reader) self.reader_thread.setDaemon(True) self.reader_thread.setName('pipe->socket') self.reader_thread.start() elif not self.use_thread and sock_fileno == self.pipe.fileno(): data = self.read_from_pipe() if not data: self.debug("pipe has been closed!") return False for client in self.clients.values(): try: client.send(data) except: self.debug(msg) client.deactivate() elif sock_fileno in self.clients: try: data = self.clients[sock_fileno].socket_recv() # For some reason, windows likes to send "cr/lf" when you send a "cr". # Strip that so we don't get a double prompt. #data = string.replace(data, chr(13) + chr(10), chr(13)) data = data.replace(bytearray([13, 10]), bytes(13)) self.write_to_pipe(data) except Exception as msg: self.debug(msg) self.clients[sock_fileno].deactivate() def write_to_pipe(self, data): if sys.platform.startswith('win'): win32file.WriteFile(self.pipe, data) else: self.pipe.sendall(data) def read_from_pipe(self): if sys.platform.startswith('win'): (read, num_avail, num_message) = win32pipe.PeekNamedPipe(self.pipe, 0) if num_avail > 0: (error_code, output) = win32file.ReadFile(self.pipe, num_avail, None) return output return "" else: return self.pipe.recv(1024) def reader(self): """loop forever and copy pipe->socket""" self.debug("reader thread started") while self.alive: try: data = self.read_from_pipe() if not data and not sys.platform.startswith('win'): self.debug("pipe has been closed!") break self._write_lock.acquire() try: for client in self.clients.values(): client.send(data) finally: self._write_lock.release() if sys.platform.startswith('win'): # sleep every 10 ms time.sleep(0.01) except: self.debug("pipe has been closed!") break self.debug("reader thread exited") self.stop() def stop(self): """Stop copying""" if self.alive: self.alive = False for client in self.clients.values(): client.sock.close() client.deactivate() # telnet protocol characters IAC = 255 # Interpret As Command DONT = 254 DO = 253 WONT = 252 WILL = 251 IAC_DOUBLED = [IAC, IAC] SE = 240 # Subnegotiation End NOP = 241 # No Operation DM = 242 # Data Mark BRK = 243 # Break IP = 244 # Interrupt process AO = 245 # Abort output AYT = 246 # Are You There EC = 247 # Erase Character EL = 248 # Erase Line GA = 249 # Go Ahead SB = 250 # Subnegotiation Begin # selected telnet options ECHO = 1 # echo SGA = 3 # suppress go ahead LINEMODE = 34 # line mode TERMTYPE = 24 # terminal type # Telnet filter states M_NORMAL = 0 M_IAC_SEEN = 1 M_NEGOTIATE = 2 # TelnetOption and TelnetSubnegotiation states REQUESTED = 'REQUESTED' ACTIVE = 'ACTIVE' INACTIVE = 'INACTIVE' REALLY_INACTIVE = 'REALLY_INACTIVE' class TelnetOption(object): """Manage a single telnet option, keeps track of DO/DONT WILL/WONT.""" def __init__(self, connection, name, option, send_yes, send_no, ack_yes, ack_no, initial_state, activation_callback=None): """Init option. :param connection: connection used to transmit answers :param name: a readable name for debug outputs :param send_yes: what to send when option is to be enabled. :param send_no: what to send when option is to be disabled. :param ack_yes: what to expect when remote agrees on option. :param ack_no: what to expect when remote disagrees on option. :param initial_state: options initialized with REQUESTED are tried to be enabled on startup. use INACTIVE for all others. """ self.connection = connection self.name = name self.option = option self.send_yes = send_yes self.send_no = send_no self.ack_yes = ack_yes self.ack_no = ack_no self.state = initial_state self.active = False self.activation_callback = activation_callback def __repr__(self): """String for debug outputs""" return "%s:%s(%s)" % (self.name, self.active, self.state) def process_incoming(self, command): """A DO/DONT/WILL/WONT was received for this option, update state and answer when needed.""" if command == self.ack_yes: if self.state is REQUESTED: self.state = ACTIVE self.active = True if self.activation_callback is not None: self.activation_callback() elif self.state is ACTIVE: pass elif self.state is INACTIVE: self.state = ACTIVE self.connection.telnetSendOption(self.send_yes, self.option) self.active = True if self.activation_callback is not None: self.activation_callback() elif self.state is REALLY_INACTIVE: self.connection.telnetSendOption(self.send_no, self.option) else: raise ValueError('option in illegal state %r' % self) elif command == self.ack_no: if self.state is REQUESTED: self.state = INACTIVE self.active = False elif self.state is ACTIVE: self.state = INACTIVE self.connection.telnetSendOption(self.send_no, self.option) self.active = False elif self.state is INACTIVE: pass elif self.state is REALLY_INACTIVE: pass else: raise ValueError('option in illegal state %r' % self) class TelnetClient(object): """ Represents a client connection via Telnet. First argument is the socket discovered by the Telnet Server. Second argument is the tuple (ip address, port number). """ def __init__(self, sock, addr_tup): self.active = True # Turns False when the connection is lost self.sock = sock # The connection's socket self.fileno = sock.fileno() # The socket's file descriptor self.address = addr_tup[0] # The client's remote TCP/IP address self.port = addr_tup[1] # The client's remote port # filter state machine self.mode = M_NORMAL self.suboption = None self.telnet_command = None # all supported telnet options self._telnet_options = [ TelnetOption(self, 'ECHO', ECHO, WILL, WONT, DO, DONT, REQUESTED), TelnetOption(self, 'we-SGA', SGA, WILL, WONT, DO, DONT, REQUESTED), TelnetOption(self, 'they-SGA', SGA, DO, DONT, WILL, WONT, INACTIVE), TelnetOption(self, 'LINEMODE', LINEMODE, DONT, DONT, WILL, WONT, REQUESTED), TelnetOption(self, 'TERMTYPE', TERMTYPE, DO, DONT, WILL, WONT, REQUESTED), ] for option in self._telnet_options: if option.state is REQUESTED: self.telnetSendOption(option.send_yes, option.option) def telnetSendOption(self, action, option): """Send DO, DONT, WILL, WONT.""" self.sock.sendall(bytes([IAC, action, option])) def escape(self, data): """ All outgoing data has to be properly escaped, so that no IAC character in the data stream messes up the Telnet state machine in the server. """ for byte in data: if byte == IAC: yield IAC yield IAC else: yield byte def filter(self, data): """ handle a bunch of incoming bytes. this is a generator. it will yield all characters not of interest for Telnet """ for byte in data: if self.mode == M_NORMAL: # interpret as command or as data if byte == IAC: self.mode = M_IAC_SEEN else: # store data in sub option buffer or pass it to our # consumer depending on state if self.suboption is not None: self.suboption.append(byte) else: yield byte elif self.mode == M_IAC_SEEN: if byte == IAC: # interpret as command doubled -> insert character # itself if self.suboption is not None: self.suboption.append(byte) else: yield byte self.mode = M_NORMAL elif byte == SB: # sub option start self.suboption = bytearray() self.mode = M_NORMAL elif byte == SE: # sub option end -> process it now #self._telnetProcessSubnegotiation(bytes(self.suboption)) self.suboption = None self.mode = M_NORMAL elif byte in (DO, DONT, WILL, WONT): # negotiation self.telnet_command = byte self.mode = M_NEGOTIATE else: # other telnet commands are ignored! self.mode = M_NORMAL elif self.mode == M_NEGOTIATE: # DO, DONT, WILL, WONT was received, option now following self._telnetNegotiateOption(self.telnet_command, byte) self.mode = M_NORMAL def _telnetNegotiateOption(self, command, option): """Process incoming DO, DONT, WILL, WONT.""" # check our registered telnet options and forward command to them # they know themselves if they have to answer or not known = False for item in self._telnet_options: # can have more than one match! as some options are duplicated for # 'us' and 'them' if item.option == option: item.process_incoming(command) known = True if not known: # handle unknown options # only answer to positive requests and deny them if command == WILL or command == DO: self.telnetSendOption((command == WILL and DONT or WONT), option) def send(self, data): """ Send data to the distant end. """ try: self.sock.sendall(bytes(self.escape(data))) except socket.error as ex: self.active = False raise Exception("socket.sendall() error '%d:%s' from %s" % (ex[0], ex[1], self.addrport())) def deactivate(self): """ Set the client to disconnect on the next server poll. """ self.active = False def addrport(self): """ Return the DE's IP address and port number as a string. """ return "%s:%s" % (self.address, self.port) def socket_recv(self): """ Called by TelnetServer when recv data is ready. """ try: data = self.sock.recv(4096) except socket.error as ex: raise Exception("socket.recv() error '%d:%s' from %s" % (ex[0], ex[1], self.addrport())) ## Did they close the connection? size = len(data) if size == 0: raise Exception("connection closed by %s" % self.addrport()) return bytes(self.filter(data)) if __name__ == '__main__': if sys.platform.startswith('win'): import msvcrt pipe_name = r'\\.\pipe\VBOX\Linux_Microcore_3.8.2' pipe = open(pipe_name, 'a+b') pipe_proxy = PipeProxy("VBOX", msvcrt.get_osfhandle(pipe.fileno()), '', 3900) else: try: unix_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) #unix_socket.settimeout(0.1) unix_socket.connect("/tmp/pipe_test") except socket.error as err: print("Socket error -> %d:%s" % (err[0], err[1])) sys.exit(False) pipe_proxy = PipeProxy('VBOX', unix_socket, '', 3900) pipe_proxy.setDaemon(True) pipe_proxy.start() pipe.proxy.stop() pipe_proxy.join()