# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2015 GNS3 Technologies Inc. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import os import aiohttp import aiohttp.errors import asyncio import tempfile from gns3server.web.route import Route from gns3server.controller import Controller from gns3server.controller.project import Project from gns3server.controller.import_project import import_project from gns3server.controller.export_project import export_project from gns3server.config import Config from gns3server.schemas.project import ( PROJECT_OBJECT_SCHEMA, PROJECT_UPDATE_SCHEMA, PROJECT_LOAD_SCHEMA, PROJECT_CREATE_SCHEMA ) import logging log = logging.getLogger() @asyncio.coroutine def process_websocket(ws): """ Process ping / pong and close message """ try: yield from ws.receive() except aiohttp.errors.WSServerHandshakeError: pass class ProjectHandler: @Route.post( r"/projects", description="Create a new project on the server", status_codes={ 201: "Project created", 409: "Project already created" }, output=PROJECT_OBJECT_SCHEMA, input=PROJECT_CREATE_SCHEMA) def create_project(request, response): controller = Controller.instance() project = yield from controller.add_project(**request.json) response.set_status(201) response.json(project) @Route.get( r"/projects", description="List projects", status_codes={ 200: "List of projects", }) def list_projects(request, response): controller = Controller.instance() response.json([p for p in controller.projects.values()]) @Route.get( r"/projects/{project_id}", description="Get a project", parameters={ "project_id": "Project UUID", }, status_codes={ 200: "Project information returned", 404: "The project doesn't exist" }) def get(request, response): controller = Controller.instance() project = controller.get_project(request.match_info["project_id"]) response.json(project) @Route.put( r"/projects/{project_id}", status_codes={ 200: "Node updated", 400: "Invalid request", 404: "Instance doesn't exist" }, description="Update a project instance", input=PROJECT_UPDATE_SCHEMA, output=PROJECT_OBJECT_SCHEMA) def update(request, response): project = Controller.instance().get_project(request.match_info["project_id"]) # Ignore these because we only use them when creating a project request.json.pop("project_id", None) yield from project.update(**request.json) response.set_status(200) response.json(project) @Route.post( r"/projects/{project_id}/close", description="Close a project", parameters={ "project_id": "Project UUID", }, status_codes={ 204: "The project has been closed", 404: "The project doesn't exist" }, output=PROJECT_OBJECT_SCHEMA) def close(request, response): controller = Controller.instance() project = controller.get_project(request.match_info["project_id"]) yield from project.close() response.set_status(201) response.json(project) @Route.post( r"/projects/{project_id}/open", description="Open a project", parameters={ "project_id": "Project UUID", }, status_codes={ 201: "The project has been opened", 404: "The project doesn't exist" }, output=PROJECT_OBJECT_SCHEMA) def open(request, response): controller = Controller.instance() project = controller.get_project(request.match_info["project_id"]) yield from project.open() response.set_status(201) response.json(project) @Route.post( r"/projects/load", description="Open a project (only local server)", parameters={ "path": ".gns3 path", }, status_codes={ 201: "The project has been opened", 403: "The server is not the local server" }, input=PROJECT_LOAD_SCHEMA, output=PROJECT_OBJECT_SCHEMA) def load(request, response): controller = Controller.instance() config = Config.instance() if config.get_section_config("Server").getboolean("local", False) is False: response.set_status(403) return project = yield from controller.load_project(request.json.get("path"),) response.set_status(201) response.json(project) @Route.delete( r"/projects/{project_id}", description="Delete a project from disk", parameters={ "project_id": "Project UUID", }, status_codes={ 204: "Changes have been written on disk", 404: "The project doesn't exist" }) def delete(request, response): controller = Controller.instance() project = controller.get_project(request.match_info["project_id"]) yield from project.delete() controller.remove_project(project) response.set_status(204) @Route.get( r"/projects/{project_id}/notifications", description="Receive notifications about projects", parameters={ "project_id": "Project UUID", }, status_codes={ 200: "End of stream", 404: "The project doesn't exist" }) def notification(request, response): controller = Controller.instance() project = controller.get_project(request.match_info["project_id"]) response.content_type = "application/json" response.set_status(200) response.enable_chunked_encoding() # Very important: do not send a content length otherwise QT closes the connection (curl can consume the feed) response.content_length = None response.start(request) with controller.notification.queue(project) as queue: while True: try: msg = yield from queue.get_json(5) response.write(("{}\n".format(msg)).encode("utf-8")) except asyncio.futures.CancelledError as e: break yield from response.drain() if project.auto_close: # To avoid trouble with client connecting disconnecting we sleep few seconds before checking # if someone else is not connected yield from asyncio.sleep(5) if not controller.notification.project_has_listeners(project): yield from project.close() @Route.get( r"/projects/{project_id}/notifications/ws", description="Receive notifications about projects from a Websocket", parameters={ "project_id": "Project UUID", }, status_codes={ 200: "End of stream", 404: "The project doesn't exist" }) def notification_ws(request, response): controller = Controller.instance() project = controller.get_project(request.match_info["project_id"]) ws = aiohttp.web.WebSocketResponse() yield from ws.prepare(request) asyncio.async(process_websocket(ws)) with controller.notification.queue(project) as queue: while True: try: notification = yield from queue.get_json(5) except asyncio.futures.CancelledError as e: break if ws.closed: break ws.send_str(notification) if project.auto_close: # To avoid trouble with client connecting disconnecting we sleep few seconds before checking # if someone else is not connected yield from asyncio.sleep(5) if not controller.notification.project_has_listeners(project): yield from project.close() return ws @Route.get( r"/projects/{project_id}/export", description="Export a project as a portable archive", parameters={ "project_id": "Project UUID", }, raw=True, status_codes={ 200: "File returned", 404: "The project doesn't exist" }) def export_project(request, response): controller = Controller.instance() project = yield from controller.get_loaded_project(request.match_info["project_id"]) try: with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: datas = yield from export_project(project, tmp_dir, include_images=bool(request.get("include_images", "0"))) # We need to do that now because export could failed and raise an HTTP error # that why response start need to be the later possible response.content_type = 'application/gns3project' response.headers['CONTENT-DISPOSITION'] = 'attachment; filename="{}.gns3project"'.format(project.name) response.enable_chunked_encoding() # Very important: do not send a content length otherwise QT closes the connection (curl can consume the feed) response.content_length = None response.start(request) for data in datas: response.write(data) yield from response.drain() yield from response.write_eof() # Will be raise if you have no space left or permission issue on your temporary directory except OSError as e: raise aiohttp.web.HTTPNotFound(text="Can't export project: {}".format(str(e))) @Route.post( r"/projects/{project_id}/import", description="Import a project from a portable archive", parameters={ "project_id": "Project UUID", }, raw=True, output=PROJECT_OBJECT_SCHEMA, status_codes={ 200: "Project imported", 403: "Forbidden to import project" }) def import_project(request, response): controller = Controller.instance() if request.get("path"): config = Config.instance() if config.get_section_config("Server").getboolean("local", False) is False: response.set_status(403) return path = request.json.get("path") name = request.json.get("name") # We write the content to a temporary location and after we extract it all. # It could be more optimal to stream this but it is not implemented in Python. # Spooled means the file is temporary kept in memory until max_size is reached try: with tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile(max_size=10000) as temp: while True: packet = yield from request.content.read(512) if not packet: break temp.write(packet) project = yield from import_project(controller, request.match_info["project_id"], temp, location=path, name=name) except OSError as e: raise aiohttp.web.HTTPInternalServerError(text="Could not import the project: {}".format(e)) response.json(project) response.set_status(201) @Route.post( r"/projects/{project_id}/duplicate", description="Duplicate a project", parameters={ "project_id": "Project UUID", }, input=PROJECT_CREATE_SCHEMA, output=PROJECT_OBJECT_SCHEMA, status_codes={ 201: "Project duplicate", 403: "The server is not the local server", 404: "The project doesn't exist" }) def duplicate(request, response): controller = Controller.instance() project = yield from controller.get_loaded_project(request.match_info["project_id"]) if request.json.get("path"): config = Config.instance() if config.get_section_config("Server").getboolean("local", False) is False: response.set_status(403) return location = request.json.get("path") else: location = None new_project = yield from project.duplicate(name=request.json.get("name"), location=location) response.json(new_project) response.set_status(201) @Route.get( r"/projects/{project_id}/files/{path:.+}", description="Get a file from a project. Beware you have warranty to be able to access only to file global to the project (for example README.txt)", parameters={ "project_id": "Project UUID", }, status_codes={ 200: "File returned", 403: "Permission denied", 404: "The file doesn't exist" }) def get_file(request, response): controller = Controller.instance() project = yield from controller.get_loaded_project(request.match_info["project_id"]) path = request.match_info["path"] path = os.path.normpath(path) # Raise error if user try to escape if path[0] == ".": raise aiohttp.web.HTTPForbidden path = os.path.join(project.path, path) response.content_type = "application/octet-stream" response.set_status(200) response.enable_chunked_encoding() # Very important: do not send a content length otherwise QT closes the connection (curl can consume the feed) response.content_length = None try: with open(path, "rb") as f: response.start(request) while True: data = f.read(4096) if not data: break yield from response.write(data) except FileNotFoundError: raise aiohttp.web.HTTPNotFound() except PermissionError: raise aiohttp.web.HTTPForbidden() @Route.post( r"/projects/{project_id}/files/{path:.+}", description="Write a file to a project", parameters={ "project_id": "Project UUID", }, raw=True, status_codes={ 200: "File returned", 403: "Permission denied", 404: "The path doesn't exist" }) def write_file(request, response): controller = Controller.instance() project = yield from controller.get_loaded_project(request.match_info["project_id"]) path = request.match_info["path"] path = os.path.normpath(path) # Raise error if user try to escape if path[0] == ".": raise aiohttp.web.HTTPForbidden path = os.path.join(project.path, path) response.set_status(200) try: with open(path, 'wb+') as f: while True: packet = yield from request.content.read(512) if not packet: break f.write(packet) except FileNotFoundError: raise aiohttp.web.HTTPNotFound() except PermissionError: raise aiohttp.web.HTTPForbidden() except OSError as e: raise aiohttp.web.HTTPConflict(text=str(e))