From d7c2e16c2119b80f2aa9b1fef99bb03fa510112c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: grossmj Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2018 16:12:57 +0700 Subject: [PATCH] Use "template" to name what we use to create new nodes. --- .../compute_delete_projectsprojectid.txt | 2 +- ...lete_projectsprojectidcloudnodesnodeid.txt | 6 +- ...ptersadapternumberdportsportnumberdnio.txt | 6 +- ...ptersadapternumberdportsportnumberdnio.txt | 6 +- ...delete_projectsprojectidiounodesnodeid.txt | 6 +- ...ptersadapternumberdportsportnumberdnio.txt | 6 +- ...delete_projectsprojectidnatnodesnodeid.txt | 6 +- ...ptersadapternumberdportsportnumberdnio.txt | 6 +- ...elete_projectsprojectidqemunodesnodeid.txt | 6 +- ...ptersadapternumberdportsportnumberdnio.txt | 6 +- ...te_projectsprojectidtracengnodesnodeid.txt | 6 +- ...ptersadapternumberdportsportnumberdnio.txt | 6 +- ...ptersadapternumberdportsportnumberdnio.txt | 6 +- ...ptersadapternumberdportsportnumberdnio.txt | 6 +- ...elete_projectsprojectidvpcsnodesnodeid.txt | 6 +- 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It also delivers the critical network services associated with today's enterprise routers such as VPN gateway, firewall and other security and traffic management functions.\n\nThe virtual services router (VSR) application runs on a hypervqcor on the server, and supports VMware vSphere and Linux KVM hypervqcors. From one to eight virtual CPUs are supported, depending on license.\n\nBecause the VSR1000 Series application runs the same HPE Comware version 7 operating system as HPE switches and routers, it enables significant operational savings. And being virtual, additional agility and ease of deployment is realized, as resources on the VSR can be dynamically allocated and upgraded upon demand as performance requirements grow.\n\nA variety of deployment models are supported including enterprise branch CPE routing, and cloud offload for small to medium workloads.", + "documentation_url": "", + "images": [ + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "VSR1000_HPE-CMW710-E0519L03-X64.qco", + "filesize": 202047488, + "md5sum": "83e23d27e7c3ef7ce813e6aad31d74f7", + "version": "7.10.E0519L03" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "VSR1000_HPE-CMW710-R0327L01-X64.qco", + "filesize": 138739712, + "md5sum": "907de5140a4a029afe1c517cfc27ecde", + "version": "7.10.R0327L01" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "VSR1000_HPE-CMW710-R0326-X64.qco", + "filesize": 138412032, + "md5sum": "4153d638bfa72ca72a957ea8682ad0e2", + "version": "7.10.R0326" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "VSR1000_HPE-CMW710-E0325-X64.qco", + 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Furthermore, Gaia greatly increases operation efficiency by offering Automatic Software Update.\n\nThe feature-rich Web interface allows for search of any command or property in a second.\n\nGaia provides backward compatibility with IPSO and SPLAT CLI-style commands making it an easy transition for existing Check Point customers.", + "documentation_url": "", + "images": [ + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "Check_Point_R80.10_T421_Gaia.iso", + "filesize": 3420127232, + "md5sum": "12d9723fadb89bb722e20ca3f89012ce", + "version": "80.10" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "Check_Point_R77.30_T204_Install_and_Upgrade.Gaia.iso", + "filesize": 2799271936, + "md5sum": "6fa7586bbb6832fa965d3173276c5b87", + "version": "77.30" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "Check_Point_R77.20_T124_Install.Gaia.iso", + "filesize": 2632974336, + "md5sum": "7552fa2ad3e1f0ac31615b60b736969c", + "version": "77.20" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "empty100G.qcow2", + "filesize": 197120, + "md5sum": "1e6409a4523ada212dea2ebc50e50a65", + "version": "1.0" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "Checkpoint GAiA", + "product_name": "Gaia", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "e1000", + "adapters": 8, + "arch": "x86_64", + "boot_priority": "dc", + "console_type": "telnet", + "cpus": 2, + "kvm": "require", + "process_priority": "normal", + "ram": 4096 + }, + "registry_version": 4, + "status": "experimental", + "usage": "At boot choose the install on disk options. 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demands than ever, from cloud computing to 24/7 availability to increasing security threats. NetScaler ADC, an advanced software-defined application delivery controller, is your networking power player. It provides outstanding delivery of business applications\u2014to any device and any location\u2014with unmatched security, superior L4-7 load balancing, reliable GSLB, and 100 percent uptime. In fact, NetScaler ADC offers up to five times the performance of our closest competitor. Plus our TriScale technology saves you money by allowing your network to scale up or down without additional hardware costs.", + "documentation_url": "", + "images": [ + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "NSVPX-KVM-12.0-56.20_nc_32.qcow2", + "filesize": 739704832, + "md5sum": "0ea1c23e3b8eb8451037d46ee472cfa6", + "version": "12.0-56.20" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "NSVPX-KVM-11.1-47.14_nc.raw", + "filesize": 21474836480, + "md5sum": "f7100f8b6588e152ce6f64e45b1e99fc", + "version": "11.1-47.14 F" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "NSVPX-KVM-10.5-56.22_nc.raw", + "filesize": 21474836480, + "md5sum": "b7569f09d4c348c5cf825627169131e7", + "version": "10.5-56.22" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "NetScaler VPX", + "port_name_format": "1/{0}", + "product_name": "NetScaler VPX", + "product_url": "", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", + "adapters": 4, + "arch": "x86_64", + "boot_priority": "cd", + "console_type": "telnet", + "hda_disk_interface": "ide", + "kvm": "require", + "options": "-smp 2 -cpu host", + "ram": 2048 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "stable", + "symbol": "loadbalancer.svg", + "usage": "The image file is large (21.5 GB), make sure you have enough space. Default credentials: nsroot / nsroot", + "vendor_name": "Citrix", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "NSVPX-KVM-12.0-56.20_nc_32.qcow2" + }, + "name": "12.0-56.20" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "NSVPX-KVM-11.1-47.14_nc.raw" + }, + "name": "11.1-47.14 F" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "NSVPX-KVM-10.5-56.22_nc.raw" + }, + "name": "10.5-56.22" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "router", + "description": "The BIRD project aims to develop a fully functional dynamic IP routing daemon primarily targeted on (but not limited to) Linux, FreeBSD and other UNIX-like systems and distributed under the GNU General Public License.", + "documentation_url": "", + "images": [ + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "bird-tinycore64-1.5.0.img", + "filesize": 22413312, + "md5sum": "08d50ba2b1b262e2e03e4babf90abf69", + "version": "1.5.0" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "BIRD", + "product_name": "BIRD internet routing daemon", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "e1000", + "adapters": 4, + "arch": "x86_64", + "console_type": "telnet", + "kvm": "allow", + "ram": 128 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "stable", + "usage": "Configure interfaces in /opt/, BIRD configuration is done in /usr/local/etc/bird", + "vendor_name": "CZ.NIC Labs", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "bird-tinycore64-1.5.0.img" + }, + "name": "1.5.0" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "guest", + "description": "Over 200,000 IT staff across medium to large enterprises worldwide are currently using OP5 Monitor as their preferred network monitoring software.\nOP5 Monitor allows you to take control of your IT, enabling your network to be more responsive, more reliable and even faster than ever before. With unparalleled scalability, OP5 Monitor grows as your company grows, so you\u2019ll understand why we say this is the last network monitor you\u2019ll ever need to purchase.", + "documentation_url": "", + "images": [ + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "op5-Monitor-Virtual-Appliance-7.3.15.x86_64.vmdk", + "filesize": 779687424, + "md5sum": "634acc6266237d99bf1bfbcf9284beca", + "version": "7.3.15" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "OP5 Monitor", + "port_name_format": "eth{0}", + "product_name": "OP5 Monitor", + "product_url": "", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", + "adapters": 2, + "arch": "x86_64", + "boot_priority": "c", + "console_type": "vnc", + "hda_disk_interface": "virtio", + "kvm": "require", + "ram": 1024 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "stable", + "symbol": "mgmt_station.svg", + "usage": "Interface eth0 is set to DHCP. Default credentials:\n- CLI: root / monitor\n- Web access: admin / monitor\n- Logserver Extension: admin / admin", + "vendor_name": "OP5", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "op5-Monitor-Virtual-Appliance-7.3.15.x86_64.vmdk" + }, + "name": "7.3.15" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "guest", + "description": "DEFT (acronym for Digital Evidence & Forensics Toolkit) is a distribution made for Computer Forensics, with the purpose of running live on systems without tampering or corrupting devices (hard disks, pendrives, etc\u2026) connected to the PC where the boot process takes place.\nThe DEFT system is based on GNU Linux, it can run live (via DVDROM or USB pendrive), installed or run as a Virtual Appliance on VMware or Virtualbox. DEFT employs LXDE as desktop environment and WINE for executing Windows tools under Linux. It features a comfortable mount manager for device management.\nDEFT is paired with DART (acronym for Digital Advanced Response Toolkit), a Forensics System which can be run on Windows and contains the best tools for Forensics and Incident Response. DART features a GUI with logging and integrity check for the instruments here contained.\nBesides all this, the DEFT staff is devoted to implementing and developing applications which are released to Law Enforcement Officers, such as Autopsy 3 for Linux.", + "documentation_url": "", + "images": [ + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "deft-8.2.iso", + "filesize": 3317876736, + "md5sum": "8a70f61507251355153cbe94809323dd", + "version": "8.2" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "deft-8.1.iso", + "filesize": 3267639296, + "md5sum": "76bad80c7ea1552c9bd97bcca5de8d50", + "version": "8.1" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "deft-8.0.iso", + "filesize": 2898477056, + "md5sum": "fcedb54176de7a3018adfa7571a3a626", + "version": "8.0" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "deft-7.2.iso", + "filesize": 2695090176, + "md5sum": "1ea8ec6a2d333d0f0a64656bdf595a28", + "version": "7.2" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "empty30G.qcow2", + "filesize": 197120, + "md5sum": "3411a599e822f2ac6be560a26405821a", + "version": "1.0" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "DEFT Linux", + "product_name": "DEFT Linux", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "e1000", + "adapters": 1, + "arch": "x86_64", + "console_type": "vnc", + "hda_disk_interface": "virtio", + "kvm": "require", + "ram": 2048 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "stable", + "usage": "You can run the LiveCD or install to the local disk. Default root password: deft", + "vendor_name": "DEFT Association", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "deft-8.2.iso", + "hda_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "8.2" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "deft-8.1.iso", + "hda_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "8.1" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "deft-8.0.iso", + "hda_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "8.0" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "deft-7.2.iso", + "hda_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "7.2" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "guest", + "description": "NETem emulates a network link, typically a WAN link. It supports bandwidth limitation, delay, jitter and packet loss. All this functionality is already build in the linux kernel, NETem is just a menu system to make the configuration user-friendly.", + "documentation_url": "", + "images": [ + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "NETem-v4.qcow2", + "filesize": 26476544, + "md5sum": "e678698c97804901c7a53f6b68c8b861", + "version": "0.4" + } + ], + "maintainer": "Bernhard Ehlers", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "NETem", + "port_name_format": "eth{0}", + "product_name": "netem", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "e1000", + "adapters": 2, + "arch": "i386", + "console_type": "telnet", + "kvm": "allow", + "options": "-nographic", + "ram": 96 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "experimental", + "usage": "Insert the NETem VM between two network elements and connect it to them. NETem is fully transparent, it bridges the traffic from one interface to the other one. As NETem only bridges, it needs no IP addresses. On start a menu on the console allows a user-friendy configuration of the line parameters.", + "vendor_name": "Linux", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "NETem-v4.qcow2" + }, + "name": "0.4" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "guest", + "description": "The term 'Ubuntu Cloud Guest' refers to the Official Ubuntu images that are available at . These images are built by Canonical. They are then registered on EC2, and compressed tarfiles are made also available for download. For using those images on a public cloud such as Amazon EC2, you simply choose an image and launch it. To use those images on a private cloud, or to run the image on a local hypervisor (such as KVM) you would need to download those images and either publish them to your private cloud, or launch them directly on a hypervisor. The following sections explain in more details how to perform each of those actions", + "documentation_url": "", + "images": [ + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "ubuntu-18.04-server-cloudimg-amd64.img", + "filesize": 336134144, + "md5sum": "f4134e7fa16d7fa766c7467cbe25c949", + "version": "18.04" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "ubuntu-17.10-server-cloudimg-amd64.img", + "filesize": 320405504, + "md5sum": "331b44f2b05858c251b3ea92c8b65152", + "version": "17.10" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "ubuntu-16.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img", + "filesize": 290193408, + "md5sum": "22c124ba65ea096cdef8b0a197dd613a", + "version": "16.04" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "ubuntu-14.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img", + "filesize": 262668800, + "md5sum": "d11b89321d41d0eeddcacf73bf0d2262", + "version": "14.04" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "ubuntu-cloud-init-data.iso", + "filesize": 131072, + "md5sum": "328469100156ae8dbf262daa319c27ff", + "version": "1.0" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "Ubuntu Cloud Guest", + "port_name_format": "Ethernet{0}", + "product_name": "Ubuntu Cloud Guest", + "product_url": "", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", + "adapters": 1, + "arch": "x86_64", + "boot_priority": "c", + "console_type": "telnet", + "hda_disk_interface": "virtio", + "kvm": "require", + "options": "-nographic", + "ram": 1024 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "stable", + "usage": "Username: ubuntu\nPassword: ubuntu", + "vendor_name": "Canonical Inc.", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "ubuntu-cloud-init-data.iso", + "hda_disk_image": "ubuntu-18.04-server-cloudimg-amd64.img" + }, + "name": "18.04 (LTS)" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "ubuntu-cloud-init-data.iso", + "hda_disk_image": "ubuntu-17.10-server-cloudimg-amd64.img" + }, + "name": "17.10" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "ubuntu-cloud-init-data.iso", + "hda_disk_image": "ubuntu-16.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img" + }, + "name": "16.04 (LTS)" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "ubuntu-cloud-init-data.iso", + "hda_disk_image": "ubuntu-14.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img" + }, + "name": "14.04 (LTS)" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "router", + "description": "IOS XRv 9000 (aka Sunstone) is the 1st VM released running the 64-bit IOS XR operating system as used on the NCS-6xxx platform. This appliance requires 4 vCPUs and 16GB of memory to run!", + "documentation_url": "", + "first_port_name": "MgmtEth0/0/CPU0/0", + "images": [ + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "xrv9k-fullk9-x-6.5.1.qcow2", + "filesize": 1208811520, + "md5sum": "730868e7cd46de9aa2e950899c7f9498", + "version": "6.5.1" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "xrv9k-fullk9-x-6.4.2.qcow2", + "filesize": 1311703040, + "md5sum": "6958763192c7bb59a1b8049d377de1b4", + "version": "6.4.2" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "xrv9k-fullk9-x-6.4.1.qcow2", + "filesize": 1304887296, + "md5sum": "9c56b684e307706005a503e289cb9317", + "version": "6.4.1" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "xrv9k-fullk9-x-6.2.25.qcow2", + "filesize": 1190723584, + "md5sum": "3f54e62b6f7cedfb2607233e5e465766", + "version": "6.2.25" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "xrv9k-fullk9-x.qcow2-6.0.1", + "filesize": 2109210624, + "md5sum": "e20d046807075046c35b6ce7d6766a7f", + "version": "6.0.1" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "xrv9k-fullk9-x.qcow2-6.0.0", + "filesize": 2572943360, + "md5sum": "64c538c34252aaeb4ed1ddb93d6803fd", + "version": "6.0.0" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "Cisco IOS XRv 9000", + "port_name_format": "GigabitEthernet0/0/0/{0}", + "product_name": "IOS XRv 9000", + "product_url": "", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", + "adapters": 7, + "arch": "x86_64", + "console_type": "telnet", + "kvm": "require", + "options": "-smp 4 -cpu host", + "ram": 16384 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "experimental", + "usage": "Default username/password: admin/admin, cisco/cisco and lab/lab. There is no default configuration present. Interfaces may take several minutes to be usable after appliance boot.", + "vendor_name": "Cisco", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "xrv9k-fullk9-x-6.5.1.qcow2" + }, + "name": "6.5.1" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "xrv9k-fullk9-x-6.4.2.qcow2" + }, + "name": "6.4.2" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "xrv9k-fullk9-x-6.4.1.qcow2" + }, + "name": "6.4.1" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "xrv9k-fullk9-x-6.2.25.qcow2" + }, + "name": "6.2.25" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "xrv9k-fullk9-x.qcow2-6.0.1" + }, + "name": "6.0.1" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "xrv9k-fullk9-x.qcow2-6.0.0" + }, + "name": "6.0.0" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "guest", + "description": "Junos Space Network Management Platform works with Juniper's management applications to simplify and automate management of Juniper's switching, routing, and security devices. As part of a complete solution, the platform provides broad fault, configuration, accounting, performance, and security management (FCAPS) capability, same day support for new devices and Junos OS releases, a task-specific user interface, and northbound APIs for integration with existing network management systems (NMS) or operations/business support systems (OSS/BSS).\n\nThe platform helps network operators at enterprises and service providers scale operations, reduce complexity, and enable new applications and services to be brought to market quickly, through multilayered network abstractions, operator-centric automation schemes, and a simple point-and-click UI.", + "documentation_url": "", + "images": [ + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "space-17.2R1.4.qcow2", + "filesize": 5150474240, + "md5sum": "4124fa756c3a78be0619e876b8ee687e", + "version": "17.2R1.4" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "Junos Space", + "port_name_format": "em{0}", + "product_name": "Junos Space", + "product_url": "", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "e1000", + "adapters": 4, + "arch": "x86_64", + "console_type": "telnet", + "kvm": "require", + "options": "-smp 4 -nographic", + "ram": 16384 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "stable", + "symbol": "juniper-vqfx.svg", + "usage": "16 GB RAM is the bare minimum; you should use 32/64 GB in production deplyments.\nDefault credentials:\n- CLI: admin / abc123\n- WebUI: super / juniper123", + "vendor_name": "Juniper", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "space-17.2R1.4.qcow2" + }, + "name": "17.2R1.4" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "router", + "description": "Cisco 2600 Router", + "documentation_url": "", + "dynamips": { + "chassis": "2610", + "nvram": 128, + "platform": "c2600", + "ram": 160, + "startup_config": "ios_base_startup-config.txt" + }, + "images": [ + { + "filename": "c2600-adventerprisek9-mz.124-15.T14.image", + "filesize": 87256400, + "md5sum": "483e3a579a5144ec23f2f160d4b0c0e2", + "version": "124-15.T14" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "Cisco 2600", + "product_name": "2600", + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "experimental", + "vendor_name": "Cisco", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "idlepc": "0x8027ec88", + "images": { + "image": "c2600-adventerprisek9-mz.124-15.T14.image" + }, + "name": "124-15.T14" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "firewall", + "description": "Protect your network from viruses, malware and malicious activity with Kerio Control, the easy-to-administer yet powerful all-in-one security solution.\nKerio Control brings together next-generation firewall capabilities - including a network firewall and router, intrusion detection and prevention (IPS), gateway anti-virus, VPN, and web content and application filtering. These comprehensive capabilities and unmatched deployment flexibility make Kerio Control the ideal choice for small and mid-sized businesses.", + "documentation_url": "", + "images": [ + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "kerio-control-appliance-9.2.7-2921-vmware-disk1.vmdk", + "filesize": 191135232, + "md5sum": "d286a240be53f8dd9da5f80deb9086b0", + "version": "9.2.7" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "kerio-control-appliance-9.2.5-2641-p5-vmware-disk1.vmdk", + "filesize": 190706688, + "md5sum": "fbb2824eb91ca2502c952c2e9c4e635d", + "version": "9.2.5p5" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "kerio-control-appliance-9.2.4-2223-vmware-disk1.vmdk", + "filesize": 191687168, + "md5sum": "20970f3638c7ca5603c2afbe56e89421", + "version": "9.2.4" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "kerio-control-appliance-9.2.3-2219-vmware-disk1.vmdk", + "filesize": 191716352, + "md5sum": "767d5b25bdca2b45c2ba269189ea9bd0", + "version": "9.2.3" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "kerio-control-appliance-9.2.2-2172-vmware-disk1.vmdk", + "filesize": 190841856, + "md5sum": "4efeacbc39db1b3e53ef96af1338cf52", + "version": "9.2.2" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "kerio-control-appliance-9.2.1-2019-vmware-disk1.vmdk", + "filesize": 254364160, + "md5sum": "0405890e323e29a4808ec288600875ba", + "version": "9.2.1" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "kerio-control-appliance-9.1.4-1535-vmware.vmdk", + "filesize": 483459072, + "md5sum": "5ea5a7f103b1f008d4c24444400333ec", + "version": "9.1.4" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "Kerio Control", + "port_name_format": "eth{0}", + "product_name": "Kerio Control", + "product_url": "", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "e1000", + "adapters": 2, + "arch": "x86_64", + "boot_priority": "c", + "console_type": "vnc", + "hda_disk_interface": "virtio", + "kvm": "require", + "ram": 4096 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "stable", + "vendor_name": "Kerio Technologies Inc.", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "kerio-control-appliance-9.2.7-2921-vmware-disk1.vmdk" + }, + "name": "9.2.7" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "kerio-control-appliance-9.2.5-2641-p5-vmware-disk1.vmdk" + }, + "name": "9.2.5p5" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "kerio-control-appliance-9.2.4-2223-vmware-disk1.vmdk" + }, + "name": "9.2.4" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "kerio-control-appliance-9.2.3-2219-vmware-disk1.vmdk" + }, + "name": "9.2.3" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "kerio-control-appliance-9.2.2-2172-vmware-disk1.vmdk" + }, + "name": "9.2.2" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "kerio-control-appliance-9.2.1-2019-vmware-disk1.vmdk" + }, + "name": "9.2.1" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "kerio-control-appliance-9.1.4-1535-vmware.vmdk" + }, + "name": "9.1.4" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "multilayer_switch", + "description": "Cisco IOS on UNIX Layer 2 image.", + "images": [ + { + "filename": "i86bi-linux-l2-ipbasek9-15.1g.bin", + "filesize": 62137336, + "md5sum": "0b8b9e14ca99b68c654e44c4296857ba", + "version": "15.1g" + }, + { + "filename": "i86bi-linux-l2-adventerprisek9-15.1a.bin", + "filesize": 72726092, + "md5sum": "9549a20a7391fb849da32caa77a0d254", + "version": "15.1a" + }, + { + "filename": "i86bi-linux-l2-adventerprisek9-15.2d.bin", + "filesize": 105036380, + "md5sum": "f16db44433beb3e8c828db5ddad1de8a", + "version": "15.2d" + } + ], + "iou": { + "ethernet_adapters": 4, + "nvram": 128, + "ram": 256, + "serial_adapters": 0, + "startup_config": "iou_l2_base_startup-config.txt" + }, + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "Cisco IOU L2", + "product_name": "Cisco IOU L2", + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "experimental", + "vendor_name": "Cisco", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "image": "i86bi-linux-l2-ipbasek9-15.1g.bin" + }, + "name": "15.1g" + }, + { + "images": { + "image": "i86bi-linux-l2-adventerprisek9-15.1a.bin" + }, + "name": "15.1a" + }, + { + "images": { + "image": "i86bi-linux-l2-adventerprisek9-15.2d.bin" + }, + "name": "15.2d" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "router", + "description": "Fortinet ADC appliances optimize the availability, user experience, and scalability of enterprise application delivery. 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With Cumulus VX, you can get started with Open Networking at your pace, on your time, and in your environment!", + "documentation_url": "", + "first_port_name": "eth0", + "images": [ + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "cumulus-linux-3.7.1-vx-amd64-qemu.qcow2", + "filesize": 1640300544, + "md5sum": "201055c57e4a20bb5772289ea6216631", + "version": "3.7.1" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "cumulus-linux-3.6.2-vx-amd64.qcow2", + "filesize": 1150746624, + "md5sum": "02b0621d68fb2e709b4bcc48748c7b6f", + "version": "3.6.2" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "cumulus-linux-3.6.1-vx-amd64.qcow2", + "filesize": 1068761088, + "md5sum": "b2145a689ceea668d003a0d2f2faa045", + "version": "3.6.1" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "cumulus-linux-3.6.0-vx-amd64.qcow2", + "filesize": 1105199104, + "md5sum": "b5356b6c922f5620d7e6971d44e9be4d", + 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"ef23948870b77bb1373b9f06de4e7742", + "version": "3.0.0" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "CumulusVX-2.5.5-cc665123486ac43d.qcow2", + "filesize": 1092550656, + "md5sum": "e0cad2491d47f859828703a0b50cf633", + "version": "2.5.5" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "CumulusVX-2.5.3-4eb681f3df86c478.qcow2", + "filesize": 1040973824, + "md5sum": "5128aec2568991ea0586293cb85f7a97", + "version": "2.5.3" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "Cumulus VX", + "port_name_format": "swp{port1}", + "product_name": "Cumulus VX", + "product_url": "", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", + "adapters": 7, + "arch": "x86_64", + "console_type": "telnet", + "kvm": "require", + "ram": 512 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "stable", + "usage": "Default username is cumulus and password is CumulusLinux!", + "vendor_name": "Cumulus Network", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": 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+ "hda_disk_image": "cumulus-linux-3.0.0-vx-amd64-1464279382.a8e7985zf0f5ad5.qcow2" + }, + "name": "3.0.0" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "CumulusVX-2.5.5-cc665123486ac43d.qcow2" + }, + "name": "2.5.5" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "CumulusVX-2.5.3-4eb681f3df86c478.qcow2" + }, + "name": "2.5.3" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "multilayer_switch", + "description": "Arista cEOS\u2122 introduces the containerized packaging of EOS software and its agents for deployment in cloud infrastructure with the same proven EOS software image that runs on all Arista products. These flexible deployment options empower cloud network operators that are customizing their operating environments to provide a uniform workflow for development, testing and deployment of differentiated services.", + "docker": { + "adapters": 8, + "console_type": "telnet", + "image": "ceosimage:GNS3" + }, + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "cEOS", + "product_name": "cEOS", + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "experimental", + "symbol": ":/symbols/multilayer_switch.svg", + "usage": "Download:\nCreate a (free) Arista account and login.\nThen navigate to Support / Software Download and download the cEOS-lab image.\n\nInstallation:\nCopy the image to your GNS3VM (or other Linux) server, then run the following commands:\n\ndocker import cEOS-lab.tar.xz ceosimage:4.20.5F\necho \"rm /etc/systemd/system/\" | \\\ndocker run --name=ceos-container -e CEOS=1 -e container=docker -e EOS_PLATFORM=ceossim -e SKIP_ZEROTOUCH_BARRIER_IN_SYSDBINIT=1 -e ETBA=1 -e INTFTYPE=eth -i ceosimage:4.20.5F sh\ndocker commit --change='CMD [\"/sbin/init\"]' --change='VOLUME /mnt/flash' ceos-container ceosimage:GNS3\ndocker rm ceos-container\n\nUsage:\nThe login is admin, with no password by default", + "vendor_name": "Arista", + "vendor_url": "" + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "guest", + "description": "vRIN is a VM appliance capable to inject high number of routes into a network. It was tested on GNS3 topologies using VirtualBox and Qemu with up to 1M BGP routes. Runs Quagga. Supported protocols: BGP (IPv4/6), OSPF, OSPFv3, RIP v2, RIPng", + "images": [ + { + "compression": "bzip2", + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "vRIN-0.9.2.qcow2", + "filesize": 957087744, + "md5sum": "40afad2f5136e56f0cb45466847eae63", + "version": "0.9.2" + }, + { + "compression": "bzip2", + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "vRIN-0.9.1.qcow2", + "filesize": 1008926720, + "md5sum": "9f09f104917e19649598d9e2a5a3476b", + "version": "0.9.1" + }, + { + "compression": "bzip2", + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "vRIN-0.9.qcow2", + "filesize": 922943488, + "md5sum": "b9ec187d7a4743bb02339cf262767959", + "version": "0.9" + }, + { + "compression": "bzip2", + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "vRIN-0.8.qcow2", + "filesize": 625999872, + "md5sum": "38eb48d098d3e465422347f7983b9d86", + "version": "0.8" + }, + { + "compression": "bzip2", + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "vRIN-0.7.qcow2", + "filesize": 614268928, + "md5sum": "2e9802c403e34a91871922b9a26592ad", + "version": "0.7" + }, + { + "compression": "bzip2", + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "vRIN-0.6.qcow2", + "filesize": 609681408, + "md5sum": "6c763f609c05b5b9a3b1d422ab89dbac", + "version": "0.6" + } + ], + "maintainer": "Andras Dosztal", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "vRIN", + "product_name": "vRIN", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "e1000", + "adapters": 1, + "arch": "x86_64", + "console_type": "telnet", + "kvm": "allow", + "ram": 256 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "stable", + "symbol": "vRIN.svg", + "usage": "Connect eth0 to the network where you want vRIN to inject routes into then start the VM. You can either run the VM in normal or headless mode; in the latter case you can access vRIN through serial console. User input is not checked; it's your responsibility to enter valid information.\n\nAfter generating the routes, each Quagga process can be reached through eth0 using their default ports:\n - zebra: 2601\n - rip: 2602\n - ripng: 2603\n - ospf: 2604\n - bgp: 2605\n - ospf6d: 2606\nVTY password: vrin\n\nNotes:\n\n - Route generation may take a while when creating lots of routes (i.e. 10k+).\n - Login (serial / VM window): root / vrin", + "vendor_name": "Andras Dosztal", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "vRIN-0.9.2.qcow2" + }, + "name": "0.9.2" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "vRIN-0.9.1.qcow2" + }, + "name": "0.9.1" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "vRIN-0.9.qcow2" + }, + "name": "0.9" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "vRIN-0.8.qcow2" + }, + "name": "0.8" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "vRIN-0.7.qcow2" + }, + "name": "0.7" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "vRIN-0.6.qcow2" + }, + "name": "0.6" + } + ] + }, + { + "availability": "service-contract", + "builtin": true, + "category": "guest", + "description": "Aruba Virtual Mobility Controller", + "first_port_name": "mgmt", + "images": [ + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "ArubaOS_VMC_8.2.1.1_65265-disk1.qcow2", + "filesize": 197066752, + "md5sum": "f3bc233f0714e4b1cc127e337d077574", + "version": "" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "ArubaOS_VMC_8.2.1.1_65265-disk2.qcow2", + "filesize": 19202048, + "md5sum": "18ede2afc7595fdac4508a8a3972e302", + "version": "" + } + ], + "maintainer": "Gary Ossewaarde", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "Aruba VMC", + "port_name_format": "GE0/0/{0}", + "product_name": "Aruba VMC", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "e1000", + "adapters": 4, + "arch": "x86_64", + "console_type": "vnc", + "cpus": 3, + "hda_disk_interface": "ide", + "hdb_disk_interface": "ide", + "hdc_disk_interface": "ide", + "kernel_command_line": "-smp cores=3,threads=1,sockets=1 -cpu host -nographic", + "kvm": "require", + "options": "-smp cores=3,threads=1,sockets=1 -cpu host -nographic", + "process_priority": "normal", + "ram": 6144 + }, + "registry_version": 4, + "status": "stable", + "vendor_name": "HPE Aruba", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "ArubaOS_VMC_8.2.1.1_65265-disk1.qcow2", + "hdb_disk_image": "ArubaOS_VMC_8.2.1.1_65265-disk2.qcow2" + }, + "name": "" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "router", + "description": "The Alcatel-Lucent 7750 Service Router (SR) portfolio is a suite of multiservice edge routing platforms that deliver high performance, service richness, and creates exceptional value for networking in the cloud era. It is designed for the concurrent delivery of advanced residential, business and wireless broadband IP services, and provides cloud, data center and branch office connectivity for enterprise networking on a common IP edge routing platform.", + "documentation_url": "", + "first_port_name": "A/1", + "images": [ + { + "compression": "zip", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "TiMOS-SR-13.0.R4-vm.qcow2", + "filesize": 368508928, + "md5sum": "d7a3609e506acdcb55f6db5328dba8ed", + "version": "13.0.R4" + }, + { + "compression": "zip", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "TiMOS-SR-12.0.R6-vm.qcow2", + "filesize": 221511680, + "md5sum": "7d84d97a5664af2e3546bfa832fc1848", + "version": "12.0.R6" + }, + { + "compression": "zip", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "TiMOS-SR-12.0.R18.qcow2", + "filesize": 223870976, + "md5sum": "d0bba5feaaf09fd02185f25898a6afc7", + "version": "12.0.R18" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "Alcatel 7750", + "port_name_format": "1/1/{port1}", + "product_name": "Alcatel 7750", + "product_url": "", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "e1000", + "adapters": 6, + "arch": "x86_64", + "console_type": "telnet", + "kvm": "require", + "options": "", + "ram": 2048 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "experimental", + "usage": "Login is admin and password is admin", + "vendor_name": "Alcatel", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "TiMOS-SR-13.0.R4-vm.qcow2" + }, + "name": "13.0.R4" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "TiMOS-SR-12.0.R6-vm.qcow2" + }, + "name": "12.0.R6" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "TiMOS-SR-12.0.R18.qcow2" + }, + "name": "12.0.R18" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "router", + "description": "Cisco 1700 Router", + "documentation_url": "", + "dynamips": { + "chassis": "1720", + "nvram": 128, + "platform": "c1700", + "ram": 160, + "slot0": "C1700-MB-1FE", + "startup_config": "ios_base_startup-config.txt" + }, + "images": [ + { + "filename": "c1700-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25d.image", + "filesize": 57475320, + "md5sum": "7f4ae12a098391bc0edcaf4f44caaf9d", + "version": "124-25d" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "Cisco 1700", + "product_name": "1700", + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "experimental", + "vendor_name": "Cisco", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "idlepc": "0x80358a60", + "images": { + "image": "c1700-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25d.image" + }, + "name": "124-25d" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "router", + "description": "Zeroshell is a Linux distribution for servers and embedded devices aimed at providing the main network services a LAN requires. 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The VM-Series natively analyzes all traffic in a single pass to determine the application identity, the content within, and the user identity.", + "documentation_url": "", + "first_port_name": "management", + "images": [ + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "PA-VM-ESX-8.1.0-disk1.vmdk", + "filesize": 2281454080, + "md5sum": "49af8e8225c2e90414bde0be15eaf421", + "version": "8.1.0" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "PA-VM-KVM-8.1.0.qcow2", + "filesize": 2260467712, + "md5sum": "459558515b965b2e43fde2842abbae66", + "version": "8.1.0" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "PA-VM-ESX-8.0.0-disk1.vmdk", + "filesize": 2002713088, + "md5sum": "a505fb1dbcc855ecf98630fd5d329f9a", + "version": "8.0.0" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "PA-VM-KVM-8.0.0.qcow2", + "filesize": 1987444736, + "md5sum": "b6a1ddc8552aff87f05f9c0d4cb54dc3", + "version": "8.0.0" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "PA-VM-ESX-7.1.0-disk1.vmdk", + "filesize": 1871149056, + "md5sum": "e044dc649b7146ee4f619edb0e5f6675", + "version": "7.1.0 (ESX)" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "PA-VM-KVM-7.1.0.qcow2", + "filesize": 1858797568, + "md5sum": "da300253709740068927408239c2e321", + "version": "7.1.0" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "PA-VM-ESX-6.1.0-disk1.vmdk", + "filesize": 2959736832, + "md5sum": "64b1e81cd54008318235832ea6d71424", + "version": "6.1.0 (ESX)" + } + ], + "maintainer": "Community", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "PA-VM", + "port_name_format": "ethernet1/{port1}", + "product_name": "PAN VM-Series Firewall", + "product_url": "", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", + "adapters": 25, + "arch": "x86_64", + "console_type": "telnet", + "hda_disk_interface": "virtio", + "kvm": "require", + "options": "-smp 2", + "ram": 4096 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "experimental", + "symbol": "pan-vm-fw.svg", + "usage": "Default Username: admin\r\nDefault Password: admin\r\nPAN-VM goes through several iterations of host prompts during boot. This is normal and expected.\r\nLogin is available when prompt is PA-VM login:\r\n\r\nGetting Started:\r\nTo configure a static IP address at the console enter the following commands:\r\n\r\nconfigure\r\nset deviceconfig system ip-address netmask default-gateway type static\r\nset deviceconfig system dns-setting servers primary secondary \r\ncommit\r\n", + "vendor_name": "Palo Alto Networks", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "PA-VM-ESX-8.1.0-disk1.vmdk" + }, + "name": "8.1.0 (ESX)" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "PA-VM-KVM-8.1.0.qcow2" + }, + "name": "8.1.0" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "PA-VM-ESX-8.0.0-disk1.vmdk" + }, + "name": "8.0.0 (ESX)" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "PA-VM-KVM-8.0.0.qcow2" + }, + "name": "8.0.0" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "PA-VM-ESX-7.1.0-disk1.vmdk" + }, + "name": "7.1.0 (ESX)" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "PA-VM-KVM-7.1.0.qcow2" + }, + "name": "7.1.0" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "PA-VM-ESX-6.1.0-disk1.vmdk" + }, + "name": "6.1.0 (ESX)" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "guest", + "description": "WordPress is a state-of-the-art publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability. 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All passwords are set at system initialization time.", + "vendor_name": "Turnkey Linux", + "vendor_url": "" + }, + { + "availability": "service-contract", + "builtin": true, + "category": "firewall", + "description": "Cisco Firepower Threat Defense Virtual NGFW appliances combine Cisco's proven network firewall with the industry\u2019s most effective next-gen IPS and advanced malware protection. All so you can get more visibility, be more flexible, save more, and protect better.", + "documentation_url": "", + "first_port_name": "Gigabit0/0 (Mgmt)", + "images": [ + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "Cisco_Firepower_Threat_Defense_Virtual-6.2.0-363.qcow2", + "filesize": 1022885888, + "md5sum": "fafdae94ead07b23d6c8dc5f7a731e74", + "version": "6.2.0 (363)" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "Cisco_Firepower_Threat_Defense_Virtual-6.2.0-363.vmdk", + "filesize": 1042470912, + "md5sum": "10297ab20526a8b1586c6ce1cd3d9cbd", + "version": "6.2.0 (363) vmdk" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "Cisco_Firepower_Threat_Defense_Virtual-6.1.0-330.qcow2", + "filesize": 1004601344, + "md5sum": "386ab2b3d6d1d28fd2cd03a83df5e00f", + "version": "6.1.0 (330)" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "Cisco_Firepower_Threat_Defense_Virtual-6.1.0-330.vmdk", + "filesize": 1024162816, + "md5sum": "c1fa58448841b33d5eed6854dc608816", + "version": "6.1.0 (330) vmdk" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "Cisco_Firepower_Threat_Defense_Virtual-6.0.1-1213.vmdk", + "filesize": 714577408, + "md5sum": "bc53461e2ec344814e41a6a8d3a5f774", + "version": "6.0.1 (1213) vmdk" + } + ], + "maintainer": "Community", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "Cisco FTDv", + "port_name_format": "Gigabit0/{port1}", + "product_name": "Cisco FTDv", + "product_url": "", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "e1000", + "adapters": 10, + "arch": "x86_64", + "console_type": "telnet", + "cpus": 4, + "hda_disk_interface": "ide", + "kvm": "require", + "ram": 8192 + }, + "registry_version": 4, + "status": "experimental", + "symbol": ":/symbols/asa.svg", + "usage": "Default username/password: admin/Admin123.", + "vendor_name": "Cisco Systems", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "Cisco_Firepower_Threat_Defense_Virtual-6.2.0-363.qcow2" + }, + "name": "6.2.0 (363)" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "Cisco_Firepower_Threat_Defense_Virtual-6.2.0-363.vmdk" + }, + "name": "6.2.0 (363) vmdk" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "Cisco_Firepower_Threat_Defense_Virtual-6.1.0-330.qcow2" + }, + "name": "6.1.0 (330)" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "Cisco_Firepower_Threat_Defense_Virtual-6.1.0-330.vmdk" + }, + "name": "6.1.0 (330) vmdk" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "Cisco_Firepower_Threat_Defense_Virtual-6.0.1-1213.vmdk" + }, + "name": "6.0.1 (1213) vmdk" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "router", + "description": "Cisco 3620 Router", + "documentation_url": "", + "dynamips": { + "chassis": "3620", + "nvram": 256, + "platform": "c3600", + "ram": 192, + "startup_config": "ios_base_startup-config.txt" + }, + "images": [ + { + "filename": "c3620-a3jk8s-mz.122-26c.image", + "filesize": 38947996, + "md5sum": "37b444b29191630e5b688f002de2171c", + "version": "122-26c" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "Cisco 3620", + "product_name": "3620", + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "experimental", + "vendor_name": "Cisco", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "idlepc": "0x603a8bac", + "images": { + "image": "c3620-a3jk8s-mz.122-26c.image" + }, + "name": "122-26c" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "router", + "description": "Cisco 2691 Router", + "documentation_url": "", + "dynamips": { + "nvram": 256, + "platform": "c3600", + "ram": 192, + "slot0": "GT96100-FE", + "startup_config": "ios_base_startup-config.txt" + }, + "images": [ + { + "filename": "c2691-adventerprisek9-mz.124-15.T14.image", + "filesize": 95976624, + "md5sum": "e7ee5a4a57ed1433e5f73ba6e7695c90", + "version": "124-15.T14" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "Cisco 2691", + "product_name": "2691", + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "experimental", + "vendor_name": "Cisco", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "idlepc": "0x60bcf9f8", + "images": { + "image": "c2691-adventerprisek9-mz.124-15.T14.image" + }, + "name": "124-15.T14" + } + ] + }, + { + "availability": "service-contract", + "builtin": true, + "category": "firewall", + "description": "This is your administrative nerve center for managing critical Cisco network security solutions. It provides complete and unified management over firewalls, application control, intrusion prevention, URL filtering, and advanced malware protection. Easily go from managing a firewall to controlling applications to investigating and remediating malware outbreaks.", + "documentation_url": "", + "first_port_name": "eth0", + "images": [ + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "Cisco_Firepower_Management_Center_Virtual-6.0.0-1005-disk1.vmdk", + "filesize": 1681540608, + "md5sum": "3fed60f1e7d6910c22d13e966acebd7f", + "version": "6.0.0 (1005) vmdk" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "Cisco_Firepower_Management_Center_Virtual-6.1.0-330.qcow2", + "filesize": 1909391360, + "md5sum": "e3c64179ec46671caeb7ac3e4e58064f", + "version": "6.1.0 (330)" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "Cisco_Firepower_Management_Center_Virtual_VMware-6.1.0-330-disk1.vmdk", + "filesize": 1938142720, + "md5sum": "8bc77b317cf0007dcbb0f187c1a0c01f", + "version": "6.1.0 (330) vmdk" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "Cisco_Firepower_Management_Center_Virtual-6.2.0-362.qcow2", + "filesize": 1949302784, + "md5sum": "26e66882bf5f68adc0eca2f6bef7b613", + "version": "6.2.0 (362)" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "Cisco_Firepower_Management_Center_Virtual_VMware-6.2.0-362-disk1.vmdk", + "filesize": 1983376384, + "md5sum": "772165cbda3c183bb0e77a1923dd4d09", + "version": "6.2.0 (362) vmdk" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "Cisco_Firepower_Management_Center_Virtual-6.2.1-342.qcow2", + "filesize": 2113732608, + "md5sum": "29ebbbe71a6b766f6dea81e5ca32c275", + "version": "6.2.1 (342)" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "Cisco_Firepower_Management_Center_Virtual_VMware-6.2.1-342-disk1.vmdk", + "filesize": 2150017536, + "md5sum": "4cf5b7fd68075b6f7ee0dd41a4029ca0", + "version": "6.2.1 (342) vmdk" + } + ], + "maintainer": "Community", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "Cisco FMCv", + "port_name_format": "eth{port1}", + "product_name": "Cisco Firepower Management Center Virtual", + "product_url": "", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", + "adapters": 1, + "arch": "x86_64", + "console_type": "telnet", + "cpus": 4, + "hda_disk_interface": "scsi", + "kvm": "require", + "options": "", + "ram": 8192 + }, + "registry_version": 4, + "status": "experimental", + "symbol": "cisco-fmcv.svg", + "usage": "BE PATIENT\nOn first boot FMCv generates about 6GB of data. This can take 30 minutes or more. Plan on a long wait after the following line in the boot up:\n\n usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage\n\nInitial IP address:\n\nDefault username/password: admin/Admin123.", + "vendor_name": "Cisco Systems", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "Cisco_Firepower_Management_Center_Virtual-6.0.0-1005-disk1.vmdk" + }, + "name": "6.0.0 (1005) vmdk" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "Cisco_Firepower_Management_Center_Virtual-6.1.0-330.qcow2" + }, + "name": "6.1.0 (330)" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "Cisco_Firepower_Management_Center_Virtual_VMware-6.1.0-330-disk1.vmdk" + }, + "name": "6.1.0 (330) vmdk" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "Cisco_Firepower_Management_Center_Virtual-6.2.0-362.qcow2" + }, + "name": "6.2.0 (362)" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "Cisco_Firepower_Management_Center_Virtual_VMware-6.2.0-362-disk1.vmdk" + }, + "name": "6.2.0 (362) vmdk" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "Cisco_Firepower_Management_Center_Virtual-6.2.1-342.qcow2" + }, + "name": "6.2.1 (342)" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "Cisco_Firepower_Management_Center_Virtual_VMware-6.2.1-342-disk1.vmdk" + }, + "name": "6.2.1 (342) vmdk" + } + ] + }, + { + "availability": "free", + "builtin": true, + "category": "guest", + "description": "The CentOS Linux distribution is a stable, predictable, manageable and reproducible platform derived from the sources of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). We are now looking to expand on that by creating the resources needed by other communities to come together and be able to build on the CentOS Linux platform. And today we start the process by delivering a clear governance model, increased transparency and access. In the coming weeks we aim to publish our own roadmap that includes variants of the core CentOS Linux.", + "documentation_url": "", + "images": [ + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "CentOS 7-1611 (64bit).vmdk", + "filesize": 4365877248, + "md5sum": "1da15f6144eab25c8546f81dd1c34092", + "version": "7-1611" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "Centos", + "port_name_format": "eth{0}", + "product_name": "Centos", + "product_url": "", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", + "adapters": 1, + "arch": "x86_64", + "boot_priority": "c", + "console_type": "spice", + "hda_disk_interface": "ide", + "kvm": "require", + "options": "-vga qxl", + "ram": 2048 + }, + "registry_version": 5, + "status": "stable", + "usage": "Username:\nPassword:", + "vendor_name": "CentOS Linux", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "CentOS 7-1611 (64bit).vmdk" + }, + "name": "7-1611" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "guest", + "description": "Ubuntu is a full-featured Linux operating system which is based on Debian distribution and freely available with both community and professional support, it comes with Unity as its default desktop environment. There are other flavors of Ubuntu available with other desktops as default like Ubuntu Gnome, Lubuntu, Xubuntu, and so on. A tightly-integrated selection of excellent applications is included, and an incredible variety of add-on software is just a few clicks away. A default installation of Ubuntu contains a wide range of software that includes LibreOffice, Firefox, Empathy, Transmission, etc.", + "documentation_url": "", + "images": [ + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "Ubuntu_17.04-VM-64bit.vmdk", + "filesize": 4792123392, + "md5sum": "5c82d69c49ba08179e9a94901f67da1f", + "version": "17.04" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "Ubuntu_16.10_Yakkety-VM-64bit.vmdk", + "filesize": 9133293568, + "md5sum": "c835f24dbb86f5f61c78d992ed38b6b1", + "version": "16.10" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "Ubuntu_16.04.3-VM-64bit.vmdk", + "filesize": 4302110720, + "md5sum": "45bccf63f2777e492f022dbf025f67d0", + "version": "16.04" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "Ubuntu Desktop Guest", + "port_name_format": "eth{0}", + "product_name": "Ubuntu", + "product_url": "", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", + "adapters": 1, + "arch": "x86_64", + "boot_priority": "c", + "console_type": "vnc", + "hda_disk_interface": "virtio", + "kvm": "require", + "options": "-vga virtio", + "ram": 1024 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "stable", + "usage": "Username: osboxes\nPassword:", + "vendor_name": "Canonical Inc.", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "Ubuntu_17.04-VM-64bit.vmdk" + }, + "name": "17.04" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "Ubuntu_16.10_Yakkety-VM-64bit.vmdk" + }, + "name": "16.10" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "Ubuntu_16.04.3-VM-64bit.vmdk" + }, + "name": "16.04" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "router", + "description": "Dell Networking OS9 (formerly FTOS).\nOS9 powers the Dell Networking product portfolio and has been hardened in some of the largest and most demanding environments in the world to meet stringent reliability, scalability and serviceability requirements. \n\nDownload and uncompress zip files from the Dell support site - corresponding to the FTOS/OS9 image name. Please 'Select FTOS for S-Series OS-EMULATOR'. Import the resulting ISO image.", + "first_port_name": "Management0/0", + "images": [ + { + "compression": "zip", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "FTOS-SI-", + "filesize": 108115968, + "md5sum": "b9b50eda0a73407dc381792ff7975e24", + "version": "9.8.0" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "empty30G.qcow2", + "filesize": 197120, + "md5sum": "3411a599e822f2ac6be560a26405821a", + "version": "1.0" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "Dell OS9", + "port_name_format": "fortyGigE0/{0}", + "product_name": "Dell OS9", + "product_url": "", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "e1000", + "adapters": 6, + "arch": "i386", + "boot_priority": "cd", + "console_type": "vnc", + "hda_disk_interface": "ide", + "kvm": "require", + "ram": 512 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "experimental", + "usage": "Make sure the Boot priority of the configuration template is HDD or CD.\n\nAbort the BCM process and format the flash after first boot by entering these commands:\nen\nformat flash:\n\nSometimes the flash device is not available after boot.", + "vendor_name": "Dell Inc.", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "FTOS-SI-", + "hda_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "9.8.0" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "router", + "description": "VyOS is a community fork of Vyatta, a Linux-based network operating system that provides software-based network routing, firewall, and VPN functionality.", + "documentation_url": "", + "images": [ + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "vyos-1.2.0-beta1-amd64.iso", + "filesize": 243269632, + "md5sum": "c2906532d4c7a0d29b61e8eab326d6c7", + "version": "1.2.0-beta1" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "vyos-1.1.8-amd64.iso", + "filesize": 241172480, + "md5sum": "95a141d4b592b81c803cdf7e9b11d8ea", + "version": "1.1.8" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "vyos-1.1.7-amd64.iso", + "filesize": 245366784, + "md5sum": "9a7f745a0b0db0d4f1d9eee2a437fb54", + "version": "1.1.7" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "h", + "filename": "vyos-1.1.6-amd64.iso", + "filesize": 245366784, + "md5sum": "3128954d026e567402a924c2424ce2bf", + "version": "1.1.6" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "vyos-1.1.5-amd64.iso", + "filesize": 247463936, + "md5sum": "193179532011ceaa87ee725bd8f22022", + "version": "1.1.5" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "empty8G.qcow2", + "filesize": 197120, + "md5sum": "f1d2c25b6990f99bd05b433ab603bdb4", + "version": "1.0" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "VyOS", + "port_name_format": "eth{0}", + "product_name": "VyOS", + "product_url": "", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "e1000", + "adapters": 3, + "arch": "x86_64", + "boot_priority": "dc", + "console_type": "telnet", + "kvm": "allow", + "ram": 512 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "stable", + "usage": "Default username/password is vyos/vyos. At first boot the router will start from the cdrom, login and then type install system and follow the instructions.", + "vendor_name": "Linux", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "vyos-1.2.0-beta1-amd64.iso", + "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "1.2.0-beta1" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "vyos-1.1.8-amd64.iso", + "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "1.1.8" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "vyos-1.1.7-amd64.iso", + "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "1.1.7" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "vyos-1.1.6-amd64.iso", + "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "1.1.6" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "vyos-1.1.5-amd64.iso", + "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "1.1.5" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "router", + "description": "Cisco 7200 Router", + "documentation_url": "", + "dynamips": { + "midplane": "vxr", + "npe": "npe-400", + "nvram": 512, + "platform": "c7200", + "ram": 512, + "slot0": "C7200-IO-FE", + "startup_config": "ios_base_startup-config.txt" + }, + "images": [ + { + "filename": "c7200-adventerprisek9-mz.124-24.T5.image", + "filesize": 102345240, + "md5sum": "6b89d0d804e1f2bb5b8bda66b5692047", + "version": "124-24.T5" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "Cisco 7200", + "product_name": "7200", + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "experimental", + "vendor_name": "Cisco", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "idlepc": "0x606df838", + "images": { + "image": "c7200-adventerprisek9-mz.124-24.T5.image" + }, + "name": "124-24.T5" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "guest", + "description": "CoreOS is designed for security, consistency, and reliability. 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Although the virtual version has limited performance relative to the physical switch, it lets you quickly emulate the same features for the control plane of the physical switch, or both its control and data planes.", + "documentation_url": "", + "images": [ + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "jinstall-vqfx-10-f-17.4R1.16.img", + "filesize": 553910272, + "md5sum": "dd83313b0f5beaf68488ed3d5e1e5240", + "version": "17.4R1" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "vqfx10k-re-15.1X53-D60.vmdk", + "filesize": 355542528, + "md5sum": "758669e88213fbd7943f5da7f6d7bd59", + "version": "15.1X53-D60" + } + ], + "maintainer": "none", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "Juniper vQFX RE", + "port_name_format": "em{0}", + "product_name": "Juniper vQFX RE", + "product_url": "", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "e1000", + "adapters": 12, + "arch": "x86_64", + "console_type": "telnet", + "kvm": "require", + "options": "-nographic -smp 2", + "ram": 1024 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "experimental", + "symbol": "juniper-vqfx.svg", + "usage": "Initial username is root, password is Juniper (capitol J).\n\nUSAGE INSTRUCTIONS\n\nConnect the first interface (em0) to your admin VLAN. Connect the second interface (em1) directly to the second interface (em1) of the PFE. The switch ports connect here on the RE", + "vendor_name": "Juniper", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "jinstall-vqfx-10-f-17.4R1.16.img" + }, + "name": "17.4R1" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "vqfx10k-re-15.1X53-D60.vmdk" + }, + "name": "15.1X53-D60" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "router", + "description": "Take control of your online applications with Brocade virtual Traffic Manager (Developer Edition). Enhance customer experience, inspect traffic in real-time, control service levels to differentiate users and services, and reduce your costs with an extensible delivery platform that can grow with your business using ADC-as-a-Service. A fully functional Developer Edition which needs no license key, is limited to 1 Mbps/100 SSL tps throughput, and has access to the Brocade Community support web pages.", + "documentation_url": "", + "images": [ + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "VirtualTrafficManager-174.qcow2", + "filesize": 2036465664, + "md5sum": "3c44f385e5faf310ca8e3d46bf4e0564", + "version": "17.4" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "VirtualTrafficManager-173.qcow2", + "filesize": 2022178816, + "md5sum": "c3425d8ec3f8c7789c0a88b8ed6bdf3b", + "version": "17.3" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "VirtualTrafficManager-172.qcow2", + "filesize": 2039742464, + "md5sum": "00d3ab0422eb786bcbd77f5841220956", + "version": "17.2" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "VirtualTrafficManager-171.qcow2", + "filesize": 1771175936, + "md5sum": "397672218292e739bd33b203a91dbcf4", + "version": "17.1" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "VirtualTrafficManager-111.qcow2", + "filesize": 12189564928, + "md5sum": "3c9c63e2071d79c64cb4b17b355d2582", + "version": "11.1" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "VirtualTrafficManager-110.img", + "filesize": 12191531008, + "md5sum": "7fb0bab8e1cf09076e87270b1418ec81", + "version": "11.0" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "VirtualTrafficManager-104R1.img", + "filesize": 12193562624, + "md5sum": "395542073d6afb9e62e7d5a7b339c3b3", + "version": "10.4R1" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "VirtualTrafficManager-104.img", + "filesize": 12190220288, + "md5sum": "88e31b072e17de12e241ef442bb5faae", + "version": "10.4" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "vTM DE", + "port_name_format": "eth{0}", + "product_name": "vTM DE", + "product_url": "", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", + "adapters": 8, + "arch": "x86_64", + "boot_priority": "c", + "console_type": "telnet", + "hda_disk_interface": "virtio", + "kvm": "require", + "ram": 2048 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "stable", + "symbol": "loadbalancer.svg", + "usage": "Credentials: admin / admin. The device gets its initial IP address using DHCP. After getting an IP address, you can access the initial configuration using the WebUI at https://IP_ADDRESS:9090", + "vendor_name": "Brocade", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "VirtualTrafficManager-174.qcow2" + }, + "name": "17.4" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "VirtualTrafficManager-173.qcow2" + }, + "name": "17.3" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "VirtualTrafficManager-172.qcow2" + }, + "name": "17.2" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "VirtualTrafficManager-171.qcow2" + }, + "name": "17.1" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "VirtualTrafficManager-111.qcow2" + }, + "name": "11.1" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "VirtualTrafficManager-110.img" + }, + "name": "11.0" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "VirtualTrafficManager-104R1.img" + }, + "name": "10.4R1" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "VirtualTrafficManager-104.img" + }, + "name": "10.4" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "router", + "description": "vThunder, part of A10 Networks' award-winning A10 Thunder and AX Series Application Delivery Controller (ADC) family, is designed to meet the growing needs of organizations that require a flexible and easy-to-deploy application delivery and server load balancer solution running within a virtualized infrastructure.", + "documentation_url": "", + "first_port_name": "mgmt", + "images": [ + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "vThunder_410_P9.qcow2", + "filesize": 6311706624, + "md5sum": "6ef0f69ba7a099a7f43b5815c2abc691", + "version": "4.1.0.P9" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "vThunder_410_P3.qcow2", + "filesize": 6098780160, + "md5sum": "daacefa4e0eb1cad9b253926624be4b9", + "version": "4.1.0.P3" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "vth401.GA.12G_Disk.qcow2", + "filesize": 4768464896, + "md5sum": "311806ad414403359216da6119ddb823", + "version": "4.0.1" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "A10 vThunder", + "port_name_format": "ethernet {port1}", + "product_name": "A10 vThunder", + "product_url": "", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", + "adapters": 4, + "arch": "x86_64", + "boot_priority": "cd", + "console_type": "telnet", + "hda_disk_interface": "virtio", + "kvm": "require", + "ram": 4096 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "stable", + "symbol": "loadbalancer.svg", + "usage": "Default credentials:\n- CLI: admin / a10.\n- Enable mode: \n\nDefault management IP:", + "vendor_name": "A10", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "vThunder_410_P9.qcow2" + }, + "name": "4.1.0.P9" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "vThunder_410_P3.qcow2" + }, + "name": "4.1.0.P3" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "vth401.GA.12G_Disk.qcow2" + }, + "name": "4.0.1" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "guest", + "description": "FreeNAS is a Free and Open Source Network Attached Storage (NAS) software appliance. This means that you can use FreeNAS to share data over file-based sharing protocols, including CIFS for Windows users, NFS for Unix-like operating systems, and AFP for Mac OS X users. FreeNAS uses the ZFS file system to store, manage, and protect data. ZFS provides advanced features like snapshots to keep old versions of files, incremental remote backups to keep your data safe on another device without huge file transfers, and intelligent compression, which reduces the size of files so quickly and efficiently that it actually helps transfers happen faster.", + "documentation_url": "", + "images": [ + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "FreeNAS-11.1-U6.iso", + "filesize": 636065792, + "md5sum": "633d6444cad903c707983b54e04fc053", + "version": "11.1 U6" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "FreeNAS-11.1-U4.iso", + "filesize": 633833472, + "md5sum": "d75623e5671dbc82f32f4b4f8d46092f", + "version": "11.1 U4" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "FreeNAS-11.1-U1.iso", + "filesize": 626601984, + "md5sum": "ccbd9990a5878d35c6bc0cc6eea34b16", + "version": "11.1 U1" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "FreeNAS-11.1-RELEASE.iso", + "filesize": 626761728, + "md5sum": "67bea5816bc889169e5e3054362b2053", + "version": "11.1" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "FreeNAS-11.0-U4.iso", + "filesize": 567312384, + "md5sum": "4c210f1a6510d1fa95257d81ef569ff8", + "version": "11.0 U4" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "FreeNAS-9.10.1-U4.iso", + "filesize": 533098496, + "md5sum": "b4fb14513dcbb4eb4c5596c5911ca9cc", + "version": "9.10 U4" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "empty30G.qcow2", + "filesize": 197120, + "md5sum": "3411a599e822f2ac6be560a26405821a", + "version": "1.0" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "FreeNAS", + "port_name_format": "eth{0}", + "product_name": "FreeNAS", + "product_url": "", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "e1000", + "adapters": 1, + "arch": "x86_64", + "boot_priority": "cd", + "console_type": "vnc", + "hda_disk_interface": "ide", + "hdb_disk_interface": "ide", + "kvm": "require", + "ram": 8192 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "stable", + "vendor_name": "iXsystems", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "FreeNAS-11.1-U6.iso", + "hda_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2", + "hdb_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "11.1 U6" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "FreeNAS-11.1-U4.iso", + "hda_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2", + "hdb_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "11.1 U4" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "FreeNAS-11.1-U1.iso", + "hda_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2", + "hdb_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "11.1 U1" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "FreeNAS-11.1-RELEASE.iso", + "hda_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2", + "hdb_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "11.1" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "FreeNAS-11.0-U4.iso", + "hda_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2", + "hdb_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "11.0 U4" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "FreeNAS-9.10.1-U4.iso", + "hda_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2", + "hdb_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "9.10 U4" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "multilayer_switch", + "description": "Cisco Virtual IOS L2 allows user to run a IOS switching image on a standard computer.", + "images": [ + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "vios_l2-adventerprisek9-m.03.2017.qcow2", + "filesize": 41157632, + "md5sum": "8f14b50083a14688dec2fc791706bb3e", + "version": "15.2(20170321:233949)" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "vios_l2-adventerprisek9-m.vmdk.SSA.152-4.0.55.E", + "filesize": 96862208, + "md5sum": "1a3a21f5697cae64bb930895b986d71e", + "version": "15.2.4055" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "Cisco IOSvL2", + "port_name_format": "Gi{1}/{0}", + "port_segment_size": 4, + "product_name": "IOSvL2", + "product_url": "", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "e1000", + "adapters": 16, + "arch": "x86_64", + "console_type": "telnet", + "hda_disk_interface": "virtio", + "kvm": "require", + "ram": 768 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "stable", + "usage": "There is no default password and enable password. There is no default configuration present.", + "vendor_name": "Cisco", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "vios_l2-adventerprisek9-m.03.2017.qcow2" + }, + "name": "15.2(20170321:233949)" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "vios_l2-adventerprisek9-m.vmdk.SSA.152-4.0.55.E" + }, + "name": "15.2.4055" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "firewall", + "description": "The Cisco ISE platform is a comprehensive, next-generation, contextually-based access control solution. Cisco ISE offers authenticated network access, profiling, posture, guest management, and security group access services along with monitoring, reporting, and troubleshooting capabilities on a single physical or virtual appliance.", + "documentation_url": "", + "images": [ + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "ise-", + "filesize": 8044992512, + "md5sum": "7fe5e730d0a51ef66e69d1463717ff3f", + "version": "" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "ise-", + "filesize": 6161475584, + "md5sum": "8dc844696790f2f5f37054899fab3e2a", + "version": "" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "ise-", + "filesize": 5129990144, + "md5sum": "25ac842fdbb61f6e75f2f8b26beea28e", + "version": "" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "ise-", + "filesize": 5088827392, + "md5sum": "b7a454ee235db29b5c208b19bfd1fbd1", + "version": "" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "empty200G.qcow2", + "filesize": 200192, + "md5sum": "d1686d2f25695dee32eab9a6f4652c7c", + "version": "1.0" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "Cisco ISE", + "port_name_format": "GigabitEthernet{0}", + "product_name": "Identity Services Engine", + "product_url": "", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "e1000", + "adapters": 2, + "arch": "x86_64", + "boot_priority": "cd", + "console_type": "vnc", + "hda_disk_interface": "ide", + "kvm": "require", + "options": "-smp 2 -smbios type=1,product=KVM", + "ram": 4096 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "experimental", + "symbol": "cisco-ise.svg", + "usage": "Starting ISE will start an installation of ISE onto a blank 200GB Drive. This will take time. The intial username is setup.\n\nThis appliance requires KVM. You may try it on a system without KVM, but it will run really slow, if at all.", + "vendor_name": "Cisco", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "ise-", + "hda_disk_image": "empty200G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "ise-", + "hda_disk_image": "empty200G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "ise-", + "hda_disk_image": "empty200G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "ise-", + "hda_disk_image": "empty200G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "multilayer_switch", + "description": "The VOSS VM is a software emulation of a VSP8K switch.", + "documentation_url": "", + "first_port_name": "Mgmt", + "images": [ + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "filename": "VOSSGNS3.", + "filesize": 193724416, + "md5sum": "7bb2974efe1a1ab857debd9fa894dbe7", + "version": "voss_7.1.0.0" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "filename": "VOSSGNS3.", + "filesize": 419430400, + "md5sum": "65fe97461156aa88c836a90be1287649", + "version": "voss_7.0.0.0" + } + ], + "maintainer": "Extreme Networks", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "VOSS VM", + "port_name_format": "1/{port1}", + "product_name": "VOSS_VM", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "e1000", + "adapters": 9, + "arch": "i386", + "console_type": "telnet", + "hda_disk_interface": "ide", + "kvm": "allow", + "options": "-nographic", + "ram": 1024 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "experimental", + "symbol": "ethernet_switch.svg", + "usage": "Boot up and login is rwa/rwa", + "vendor_name": "Extreme Networks", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "VOSSGNS3." + }, + "name": "" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "VOSSGNS3." + }, + "name": "" + } + ] + }, + { + "availability": "free-to-try", + "builtin": true, + "category": "guest", + "description": "Microsoft Windows, or simply Windows, is a metafamily of graphical operating systems developed, marketed, and sold by Microsoft. It consists of several families of operating systems, each of which cater to a certain sector of the computing industry with the OS typically associated with IBM PC compatible architecture.", + "documentation_url": "", + "images": [ + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "MSEdge-Win10-VMWare-disk1.vmdk", + "filesize": 5636608512, + "md5sum": "fef74c69e1949480d4e2095324a169af", + "version": "10 w/ Edge" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "MSEdge_-_Win10_preview.vmdk", + "filesize": 10907287552, + "md5sum": "e06d97b871581d91b7363bf72a81553d", + "version": "10 w/ Edge" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "IE11_-_Win8.1-disk1.vmdk", + "filesize": 5704344064, + "md5sum": "6c8691c7d58bf2c33f6ca242ace6b9bd", + "version": "8.1 w/ IE11" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "IE11_-_Win7-disk1.vmdk", + "filesize": 4101495296, + "md5sum": "5733cc93a6ed756c2358f0a383b411a8", + "version": "7 w/ IE11" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "IE10_-_Win7-disk1.vmdk", + "filesize": 4062174208, + "md5sum": "ed18b5903fb7d778b847c8d1cef807c4", + "version": "7 w/ IE10" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "IE9_-_Win7-disk1.vmdk", + "filesize": 4040829440, + "md5sum": "82370cfa215002a49651b773a3a569f2", + "version": "7 w/ IE9" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "IE8_-_Win7-disk1.vmdk", + "filesize": 4228026368, + "md5sum": "63456b42eb8e184b3e7c675645a3c32c", + "version": "7 w/ IE8" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "Windows", + "port_name_format": "NIC{port1}", + "product_name": "Windows", + "product_url": "", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "e1000", + "adapters": 1, + "arch": "x86_64", + "boot_priority": "c", + "console_type": "vnc", + "hda_disk_interface": "sata", + "kvm": "require", + "ram": 1024 + }, + "registry_version": 4, + "status": "stable", + "symbol": "microsoft.svg", + "usage": "These virtual machines expire after 90 days; i.e. you have to re-create them in your project after this time but you don't have to re-import the appliance.\n\nDefault credentials: IEUser / Passw0rd!", + "vendor_name": "Microsoft", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "MSEdge-Win10-VMWare-disk1.vmdk" + }, + "name": "10 w/ Edge" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "MSEdge_-_Win10_preview.vmdk" + }, + "name": "10 w/ Edge (Preview)" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "IE11_-_Win8.1-disk1.vmdk" + }, + "name": "8.1 w/ IE11" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "IE11_-_Win7-disk1.vmdk" + }, + "name": "7 w/ IE11" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "IE10_-_Win7-disk1.vmdk" + }, + "name": "7 w/ IE10" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "IE9_-_Win7-disk1.vmdk" + }, + "name": "7 w/ IE9" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "IE8_-_Win7-disk1.vmdk" + }, + "name": "7 w/ IE8" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "firewall", + "description": "The Adaptive Security Virtual Appliance is a virtualized network security solution based on the market-leading Cisco ASA 5500-X Series firewalls. 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A default configuration is present. ASAv goes through a double-boot before becoming active. This is normal and expected.", + "vendor_name": "Cisco", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "asav992.qcow2" + }, + "name": "9.9.2" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "asav983.qcow2" + }, + "name": "9.8.3" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "asav981-5.qcow2" + }, + "name": "9.8.1-5" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "asav981.qcow2" + }, + "name": "9.8.1" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "asav971-8.qcow2" + }, + "name": "9.7.1-8" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "asav971-4.qcow2" + }, + "name": "9.7.1-4" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "asav971-2.qcow2" + }, + "name": "9.7.1-2" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "asav971.qcow2" + }, + "name": "9.7.1" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "asav963-8.qcow2" + }, + "name": "9.6.3-8" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "asav963-1.qcow2" + }, + "name": "9.6.3-1" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "asav962-13.qcow2" + }, + "name": "9.6.2-13" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "asav962.qcow2" + }, + "name": "9.6.2" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "guest", + "description": "Ubuntu is a Debian-based Linux operating system, with Unity as its default desktop environment. 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Default user: admin (no password set)", + "vendor_name": "Extreme Networks", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "exosvm-", + "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "exosvm-", + "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "exosvm-", + "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "exosvm-", + "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "exosvm-", + "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "exosvm-", + "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "exosvm-", + "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "exospc-", + "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "exospc-", + "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "exospc-", + "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "firewall", + "description": "Sophos XG Firewall delivers the ultimate enterprise firewall performance, security, and control.\n\nFastpath packet optimization technology with up to 140Gbps throughput\nRevolutionary Security Heartbeat\u2122 for improved Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) and response\nPatented Layer-8 user identity control and visibility\nUnified App, Web, QoS, and IPS Policy simplifies management\nApp risk factor and user threat quotient monitors risk levels", + "documentation_url": "", + "images": [ + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "VI-17.1.3_MR-3.KVM-250-PRIMARY.qcow2", + "filesize": 298844160, + "md5sum": "f11c4f63656bcdacbd27c44c52416941", + "version": "17.1.3 MR3" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "VI-17.1.3_MR-3.KVM-250-AUXILARY.qcow2", + "filesize": 59441152, + "md5sum": "fbea59f7aa81f305bea78c86f82dc3a6", + "version": "17.1.3 MR3" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "VI-SFOS_17.0.2_MR-2.KVM-116-PRIMARY.qcow2", + "filesize": 324599808, + "md5sum": "2555fa6dcdcecad02c9f02dcb1c0c5e5", + "version": "17.0.2 MR2" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "VI-SFOS_17.0.2_MR-2.KVM-116-AUXILARY.qcow2", + "filesize": 59441152, + "md5sum": "c3ef795423dbfc01771348b0daa75125", + "version": "17.0.2 MR2" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "VI-SFOS_16.05.4_MR-4.KVM-215-PRIMARY.qcow2", + "filesize": 287113216, + "md5sum": "20535c9e624f42e1977f1e407fbc565e", + "version": "16.05.4 MR4" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "VI-SFOS_16.05.4_MR-4.KVM-215-AUXILARY.qcow2", + "filesize": 59441152, + "md5sum": "cafac2d997a3ead087d5823b86ce6cb4", + "version": "16.05.4 MR4" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "VI-SFOS_16.05.1_MR-1.KVM-139-PRIMARY.qcow2", + "filesize": 285671424, + "md5sum": "3d81cf163fb0f4c5c9ba26e92a0ddc13", + "version": "16.05.1 MR1" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "VI-SFOS_16.05.1_MR-1.KVM-139-AUXILARY.qcow2", + "filesize": 59441152, + "md5sum": "499541728460331a6b68b9e60c8207a3", + "version": "16.05.1 MR1" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "VI-SFOS_16.05.0_RC-1.KVM-098-PRIMARY.qcow2", + "filesize": 285736960, + "md5sum": "1826ca8a34945de5251876dc3fc7fe63", + "version": "16.05.1 RC1" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "VI-SFOS_16.05.0_RC-1.KVM-098-AUXILARY.qcow2", + "filesize": 59441152, + "md5sum": "a9c60a65c1e7b5be8369e5ceaeb358f9", + "version": "16.05.1 RC1" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "VI-SFOS_16.01.1.KVM-202-PRIMARY.qcow2", + "filesize": 277479424, + "md5sum": "818d9f973b7a32c50d9b84814c6f1ee3", + "version": "16.01.1" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "VI-SFOS_16.01.1.KVM-202-AUXILARY.qcow2", + "filesize": 59441152, + "md5sum": "1f6fc0b751aaec9bfd4401b0e0cbc6dc", + "version": "16.01.1" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "VI-SFMOS_15.01.0.KVM-301-PRIMARY.qcow2", + "filesize": 706412544, + "md5sum": "a2cb14ed93de1550afef49984b11b56f", + "version": "15.01" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "VI-SFMOS_15.01.0.KVM-301-AUXILARY.qcow2", + "filesize": 199168, + "md5sum": "43cf82ac1f7b0eb6550f0e203daa6b96", + "version": "15.01" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "Sophos XG Firewall", + "product_name": "Sophos XG Firewall", + "product_url": "", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", + "adapters": 4, + "arch": "x86_64", + "console_type": "telnet", + "hda_disk_interface": "virtio", + "hdb_disk_interface": "virtio", + "kvm": "require", + "ram": 1024 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "experimental", + "usage": "Port 0 => You computer for the configurtation\nPort 1 => WAN\n\n1. You need a serial number. You can get a trial from Sophos for free.\nUpon starting for the first time, access the setup screen at (Note: it may take a few minutes for the necessary services to start before the setup screen is ready).\n3. When you are prompted the default administrator credentials are:\nUsername: admin\nPassword: admin\n\n4. Make sure the device is setup for internet access (required for activation): change the network settings from the Basic Setup screen if necessary.\n5. Enter your serial number (provided below) into the setup screen and click \"Activate Device\".\n6. Then register your device with your MySophos ID by clicking \"Register Device\" and entering your MySophos ID and password that you used to download the software.\\\n7. Once the device is registered, you can initiate License Synchronization and proceed with the rest of the configuration.", + "vendor_name": "Sophos", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "VI-17.1.3_MR-3.KVM-250-PRIMARY.qcow2", + "hdb_disk_image": "VI-17.1.3_MR-3.KVM-250-AUXILARY.qcow2" + }, + "name": "17.1.3 MR3" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "VI-SFOS_17.0.2_MR-2.KVM-116-PRIMARY.qcow2", + "hdb_disk_image": "VI-SFOS_17.0.2_MR-2.KVM-116-AUXILARY.qcow2" + }, + "name": "17.0.2 MR2" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "VI-SFOS_16.05.4_MR-4.KVM-215-PRIMARY.qcow2", + "hdb_disk_image": "VI-SFOS_16.05.4_MR-4.KVM-215-AUXILARY.qcow2" + }, + "name": "16.05.4 MR4" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "VI-SFOS_16.05.1_MR-1.KVM-139-PRIMARY.qcow2", + "hdb_disk_image": "VI-SFOS_16.05.1_MR-1.KVM-139-AUXILARY.qcow2" + }, + "name": "16.05.1 MR1" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "VI-SFOS_16.05.0_RC-1.KVM-098-PRIMARY.qcow2", + "hdb_disk_image": "VI-SFOS_16.05.0_RC-1.KVM-098-AUXILARY.qcow2" + }, + "name": "16.05.1 MR1" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "VI-SFOS_16.01.1.KVM-202-PRIMARY.qcow2", + "hdb_disk_image": "VI-SFOS_16.01.1.KVM-202-AUXILARY.qcow2" + }, + "name": "16.01.1" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "VI-SFMOS_15.01.0.KVM-301-PRIMARY.qcow2", + "hdb_disk_image": "VI-SFMOS_15.01.0.KVM-301-AUXILARY.qcow2" + }, + "name": "15.01" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "firewall", + "description": "Today's threats are increasingly sophisticated and often bypass traditional malware security by masking their malicious activity. A sandbox augments your security architecture by validating threats in a separate, secure environment. FortiSandbox offers a powerful combination of advanced detection, automated mitigation, actionable insight, and flexible deployment to stop targeted attacks and subsequent data loss. It's also a key component of our Advanced Threat Protection solution.", + "documentation_url": "", + "images": [ + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "FSA_KVM-v300-build0029-FORTINET.out.kvm.qcow2", + "filesize": 153158144, + "md5sum": "a2f6c5297a722c5dba40327734a6e0ac", + "version": "3.0.1" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "FSA_KVM-v200-build0340-FORTINET.out.kvm.qcow2", + "filesize": 117834240, + "md5sum": "527f3225bd3fbd4ba23779cc1987d2ed", + "version": "2.5.2" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "FSA_KVM-v200-build0329-FORTINET.out.kvm.qcow2", + "filesize": 114491904, + "md5sum": "782ba56a644d78da59b89f4ac91bd319", + "version": "2.5.1" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "FSA_KVM-v200-build0261-FORTINET.out.kvm.qcow2", + "filesize": 98763264, + "md5sum": "6551ccca8ffe6333742dad54770a01cd", + "version": "2.4.1" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "FSA_KVM-v200-build0252-FORTINET.out.kvm.qcow2", + "filesize": 99811840, + "md5sum": "47a4489e617f165b92fd8dda68e00bf2", + "version": "2.4.0" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "FSA_KVM-v200-build0205-FORTINET.out.kvm.qcow2", + "filesize": 94962176, + "md5sum": "1ecb0acf1604bdeee0beb1b75864ca99", + "version": "2.3.3" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "FSA_KVM-v200-build0195-FORTINET.out.kvm.qcow2", + "filesize": 115868160, + "md5sum": "00147d048c8002c98aa55d73f022204d", + "version": "2.3.2" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "FSA_VM-v200-build0183-FORTINET.out.kvm.qcow2", + "filesize": 118226944, + "md5sum": "2ff03862e33c8a826a0bce10be12f45e", + "version": "2.3.0" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "FSA-datadrive.qcow2", + "filesize": 200192, + "md5sum": "f2dc0a8fc7591699c364aff400369157", + "version": "2.x" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "FortiSandbox", + "port_name_format": "Port{port1}", + "product_name": "FortiSandbox", + "product_url": "", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", + "adapters": 3, + "arch": "x86_64", + "boot_priority": "c", + "console_type": "telnet", + "hda_disk_interface": "virtio", + "hdb_disk_interface": "virtio", + "kvm": "require", + "options": "-smp 2", + "ram": 8096 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "stable", + "symbol": "fortinet.svg", + "usage": "First boot will take some time without console output. Default username is admin, no password is set.", + "vendor_name": "Fortinet", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "FSA_KVM-v300-build0029-FORTINET.out.kvm.qcow2", + "hdb_disk_image": "FSA-datadrive.qcow2" + }, + "name": "3.0.1" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "FSA_KVM-v200-build0340-FORTINET.out.kvm.qcow2", + "hdb_disk_image": "FSA-datadrive.qcow2" + }, + "name": "2.5.2" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "FSA_KVM-v200-build0329-FORTINET.out.kvm.qcow2", + "hdb_disk_image": "FSA-datadrive.qcow2" + }, + "name": "2.5.1" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "FSA_KVM-v200-build0261-FORTINET.out.kvm.qcow2", + "hdb_disk_image": "FSA-datadrive.qcow2" + }, + "name": "2.4.1" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "FSA_KVM-v200-build0252-FORTINET.out.kvm.qcow2", + "hdb_disk_image": "FSA-datadrive.qcow2" + }, + "name": "2.4.0" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "FSA_KVM-v200-build0205-FORTINET.out.kvm.qcow2", + "hdb_disk_image": "FSA-datadrive.qcow2" + }, + "name": "2.3.3" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "FSA_KVM-v200-build0195-FORTINET.out.kvm.qcow2", + "hdb_disk_image": "FSA-datadrive.qcow2" + }, + "name": "2.3.2" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "FSA_VM-v200-build0183-FORTINET.out.kvm.qcow2", + "hdb_disk_image": "FSA-datadrive.qcow2" + }, + "name": "2.3.0" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "firewall", + "description": "Sophos Free Home Use Firewall is a fully equipped software version of the Sophos UTM firewall, available at no cost for home users \u2013 no strings attached. 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Uses include: data cleaning and transformation, numerical simulation, statistical modeling, machine learning and much more. 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Some of the typical OpenStack or VMware data center workloads include NFV, High Performance Computing, Big Data and Software Defined Storage deployments.", + "documentation_url": "", + "images": [ + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "BCF-Controller-BCF-CE-3.5.0-2016-01-22.qcow2", + "filesize": 2860253184, + "md5sum": "d1c2ecf0db8101f6b6d311470697545a", + "version": "3.5.0-2016-01-22" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "Big Cloud Fabric", + "product_name": "Big Cloud Fabric", + "product_url": "", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "e1000", + "adapters": 8, + "arch": "x86_64", + "console_type": "telnet", + "kvm": "require", + "ram": 256 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "experimental", + "usage": "Login is admin", + "vendor_name": "Big Switch Networks", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "BCF-Controller-BCF-CE-3.5.0-2016-01-22.qcow2" + }, + "name": "3.5" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "router", + "description": "This appliance simulate a domestic modem. 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It offers a complete suite of Layer 4 and Layer 7 server load balancing capabilities and application security services with extensible management via rich SOAP/XML APIs.", + "first_port_name": "mgmt1", + "images": [ + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "SSR03100KVM.qcow2", + "filesize": 3327066112, + "md5sum": "40e5717463fb2f5d1bb7c4de7df15c5c", + "version": "03100" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "Brocade Virtual ADX", + "port_name_format": "Port {port1}", + "product_name": "Virtual ADX", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", + "adapters": 8, + "arch": "x86_64", + "console_type": "vnc", + "kvm": "require", + "options": "-smp 2", + "ram": 2048 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "experimental", + "usage": "Login is root, type vadx-console to access to the console", + "vendor_name": "Brocade", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "SSR03100KVM.qcow2" + }, + "name": "03100" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "firewall", + "description": "The pfSense project is a free network firewall distribution, based on the FreeBSD operating system with a custom kernel and including third party free software packages for additional functionality. pfSense software, with the help of the package system, is able to provide the same functionality or more of common commercial firewalls, without any of the artificial limitations. It has successfully replaced every big name commercial firewall you can imagine in numerous installations around the world, including Check Point, Cisco PIX, Cisco ASA, Juniper, Sonicwall, Netgear, Watchguard, Astaro, and more.", + "documentation_url": "", + "images": [ + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "pfSense-CE-memstick-2.4.3-RELEASE-amd64.img", + "filesize": 650392576, + "md5sum": "b754d7e75dece5e756b6539c95714a74", + "version": "2.4.3" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "pfSense-CE-2.3.5-RELEASE-2g-amd64-nanobsd.img", + "filesize": 1989969408, + "md5sum": "b6cb76adba3e1113892f84ea01894228", + "version": "2.3.5" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "pfSense", + "port_name_format": "em{0}", + "product_name": "pfSense", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "e1000", + "adapters": 6, + "arch": "x86_64", + "console_type": "telnet", + "kvm": "allow", + "process_priority": "normal", + "ram": 2048 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "stable", + "vendor_name": "Electric Sheep Fencing LLC", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "pfSense-CE-memstick-2.4.3-RELEASE-amd64.img" + }, + "name": "2.4.3" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "pfSense-CE-2.3.5-RELEASE-2g-amd64-nanobsd.img" + }, + "name": "2.3.5" + } + ] + }, + { + "availability": "free", + "builtin": true, + "category": "guest", + "description": "openSUSE is a free and Linux-based operating system for PC, Laptop or Server. The openSUSE project is a community program sponsored by Novell. It is a general purpose operating system built on top of the Linux kernel, developed by the community-supported openSUSE Project and sponsored by SUSE and a number of other companies.", + "documentation_url": "", + "images": [ + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "openSUSE_42.3-Leap-VM-64bit.vmdk", + "filesize": 5891293184, + "md5sum": "ab777cf90557460ff35aedfbf2befc5d", + "version": "Leap 42.3" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "openSUSE", + "port_name_format": "eth{0}", + "product_name": "openSUSE", + "product_url": "", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", + "adapters": 1, + "arch": "x86_64", + "boot_priority": "c", + "console_type": "vnc", + "hda_disk_interface": "sata", + "kvm": "require", + "options": "-vga virtio", + "ram": 1024 + }, + "registry_version": 4, + "status": "stable", + "usage": "Username: osboxes\nPassword:\n\nroot password:", + "vendor_name": "SUSE LLC.", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "openSUSE_42.3-Leap-VM-64bit.vmdk" + }, + "name": "Leap 42.3" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "guest", + "description": "TacacsGUI Free Access Control Server for Your Network Devices. GUI for powerful daemon. 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NX-OSv 9000 can be used as a programmability vehicle to validate software defined networks (SDNs) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) based solutions.", + "documentation_url": "", + "first_port_name": "mgmt0", + "images": [ + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "nxosv-final.9.2.1.qcow2", + "filesize": 1330315264, + "md5sum": "1d7fa4654602d7ffbf62544edfe71986", + "version": "9.2.1" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "nxosv-final.7.0.3.I7.5.qcow2", + "filesize": 1027670016, + "md5sum": "68a4008e189c8a35ccb8ee58db9608bb", + "version": "7.0.3.I7.5" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "nxosv-final.7.0.3.I7.4.qcow2", + "filesize": 985792512, + "md5sum": "1e980c95ca47045ae45ded6e07fabfb8", + "version": "7.0.3.I7.4" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "nxosv-final.7.0.3.I7.3.qcow2", + "filesize": 983629824, + "md5sum": "9d7a20367bf681a239f14097bbce470a", + "version": "7.0.3.I7.3" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "nxosv-final.7.0.3.I7.2.qcow2", + "filesize": 906231808, + "md5sum": "17295efb13e83b24a439148449bfd5ab", + "version": "7.0.3.I7.2" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "nxosv-final.7.0.3.I7.1.qcow2", + "filesize": 903151616, + "md5sum": "3c122f27d0c3684c63657207eadf4d06", + "version": "7.0.3.I7.1" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "nxosv-final.7.0.3.I6.1.qcow2", + "filesize": 780402688, + "md5sum": "18bb991b814a508d1190575f99deed99", + "version": "7.0.3.I6.1" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "nxosv-final.7.0.3.I5.2.qcow2", + "filesize": 777715712, + "md5sum": "c06aaa02f758a64fd8fee9406756f1da", + "version": "7.0.3.I5.2" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "nxosv-final.7.0.3.I5.1.qcow2", + "filesize": 784990208, + "md5sum": "201ea658fa4c57452ee4b2aa4f5262a7", + "version": "7.0.3.I5.1" + }, + { + "compression": "zip", + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "OVMF-20160813.fd", + "filesize": 2097152, + "md5sum": "8ff0ef1ec56345db5b6bda1a8630e3c6", + "version": "16.08.13" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "Cisco NX-OSv 9000", + "port_name_format": "Ethernet1/{port1}", + "product_name": "NX-OSv 9000", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "e1000", + "adapters": 10, + "arch": "x86_64", + "console_type": "telnet", + "cpus": 2, + "hda_disk_interface": "sata", + "kvm": "require", + "ram": 8096 + }, + "registry_version": 4, + "status": "stable", + "usage": "The old (I5) versions might require 8192 MB of RAM; adjust it if necessary.", + "vendor_name": "Cisco", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "bios_image": "OVMF-20160813.fd", + "hda_disk_image": "nxosv-final.9.2.1.qcow2" + }, + "name": "9.2.1" + }, + { + "images": { + "bios_image": "OVMF-20160813.fd", + "hda_disk_image": "nxosv-final.7.0.3.I7.5.qcow2" + }, + "name": "7.0.3.I7.5" + }, + { + "images": { + "bios_image": "OVMF-20160813.fd", + "hda_disk_image": "nxosv-final.7.0.3.I7.4.qcow2" + }, + "name": "7.0.3.I7.4" + }, + { + "images": { + "bios_image": "OVMF-20160813.fd", + "hda_disk_image": "nxosv-final.7.0.3.I7.3.qcow2" + }, + "name": "7.0.3.I7.3" + }, + { + "images": { + "bios_image": "OVMF-20160813.fd", + "hda_disk_image": "nxosv-final.7.0.3.I7.2.qcow2" + }, + "name": "7.0.3.I7.2" + }, + { + "images": { + "bios_image": "OVMF-20160813.fd", + "hda_disk_image": "nxosv-final.7.0.3.I7.1.qcow2" + }, + "name": "7.0.3.I7.1" + }, + { + "images": { + "bios_image": "OVMF-20160813.fd", + "hda_disk_image": "nxosv-final.7.0.3.I6.1.qcow2" + }, + "name": "7.0.3.I6.1" + }, + { + "images": { + "bios_image": "OVMF-20160813.fd", + "hda_disk_image": "nxosv-final.7.0.3.I5.2.qcow2" + }, + "name": "7.0.3.I5.2" + }, + { + "images": { + "bios_image": "OVMF-20160813.fd", + "hda_disk_image": "nxosv-final.7.0.3.I5.1.qcow2" + }, + "name": "7.0.3.I5.1" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "router", + "description": "The vMX is a full-featured, carrier-grade virtual MX Series 3D Universal Edge Router that extends 15+ years of Juniper Networks edge routing expertise to the virtual realm. This appliance is for the Virtual Control Plane (vCP) VM and is meant to be paired with the Virtual Forwarding Plane (vFP) VM.", + "documentation_url": "", + "first_port_name": "fxp0", + "images": [ + { + "filename": "junos-vmx-x86-64-17.4R1.16.qcow2", + "filesize": 1325400064, + "md5sum": "85239193e852d643dfd9d5c257240bdf", + "version": "17.4R1.16-KVM" + }, + { + "filename": "vmxhdd-17.4R1.16.img", + "filesize": 108986368, + "md5sum": "69e9821ebc59367527336d8bcecd171c", + "version": "17.4R1.16-KVM" + }, + { + "filename": "metadata-usb-re-17.4R1.16.img", + "filesize": 16777216, + "md5sum": "a5b125822b798c7167c35966ea00229a", + "version": "17.4R1.16-KVM" + }, + { + "filename": "junos-vmx-x86-64-17.3R2.10.qcow2", + "filesize": 1298137088, + "md5sum": "11984eb87b471e8cc2677212c4277959", + "version": "17.3R2.10-KVM" + }, + { + "filename": "vmxhdd-17.3R2.10.img", + "filesize": 108986368, + "md5sum": "9d843e5493d5e86d37853a72885d84c8", + "version": "17.3R2.10-KVM" + }, + { + "filename": 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"e96972233a144b93aa9bcc321b2a215b", + "version": "16.1R1.7-ESXi" + }, + { + "filename": "vcp_16.1R1.7-disk3.vmdk", + "filesize": 71680, + "md5sum": "815af90310e6681204ba511d9659d2ad", + "version": "16.1R1.7-ESXi" + }, + { + "filename": "junos-vmx-x86-64-16.1R1.7.qcow2", + "filesize": 1194065920, + "md5sum": "f7b53cc04672a1abf7c0236a772cea51", + "version": "16.1R1.7-KVM" + }, + { + "filename": "vmxhdd-16.1R1.img", + "filesize": 108986368, + "md5sum": "c239c4de2a4cf902747c8fc300f08493", + "version": "16.1R1.7-KVM" + }, + { + "filename": "metadata-usb-re-16.1R1.img", + "filesize": 16777216, + "md5sum": "47e578bd41890272dcd5aa1e436068d4", + "version": "16.1R1.7-KVM" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "jinstall64-vmx-15.1F4.15-domestic.img", + "filesize": 1003945984, + "md5sum": "e6b2e1ad9cba5220aa764ae4dd008952", + "version": "15.1F4.15" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "vmxhdd-15.1.img", + "filesize": 108986368, + "md5sum": "c3c7090ed3b1799e3de7579ac887e39d", + 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"ram": 1024 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "experimental", + "symbol": "juniper-vmx.svg", + "usage": "Initial username is root, no password.\n\nUSAGE INSTRUCTIONS\n\nConnect the first interface (fxp0) to your admin VLAN. Connect the second interface (em1) directly to the second interface (eth1) of the vFP.", + "vendor_name": "Juniper", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "junos-vmx-x86-64-17.4R1.16.qcow2", + "hdb_disk_image": "vmxhdd-17.4R1.16.img", + "hdc_disk_image": "metadata-usb-re-17.4R1.16.img" + }, + "name": "17.4R1.16-KVM" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "junos-vmx-x86-64-17.3R2.10.qcow2", + "hdb_disk_image": "vmxhdd-17.3R2.10.img", + "hdc_disk_image": "metadata-usb-re-17.3R2.10.img" + }, + "name": "17.3R2.10-KVM" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "vcp_17.1R1.8-disk1.vmdk", + "hdb_disk_image": "vcp_17.1R1.8-disk2.vmdk", + "hdc_disk_image": "vcp_17.1R1.8-disk3.vmdk" + }, + "name": "17.1R1.8-ESXi" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "junos-vmx-x86-64-17.1R1.8.qcow2", + "hdb_disk_image": "vmxhdd-17.1R1.img", + "hdc_disk_image": "metadata-usb-re-17.1R1.img" + }, + "name": "17.1R1.8-KVM" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "vcp_16.2R1.6-disk1.vmdk", + "hdb_disk_image": "vcp_16.2R1.6-disk2.vmdk", + "hdc_disk_image": "vcp_16.2R1.6-disk3.vmdk" + }, + "name": "16.2R1.6-ESXi" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "junos-vmx-x86-64-16.2R1.6.qcow2", + "hdb_disk_image": "vmxhdd-16.2R1.img", + "hdc_disk_image": "metadata-usb-re-16.2R1.img" + }, + "name": "16.2R1.6-KVM" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "vcp_16.1R4.7-disk1.vmdk", + "hdb_disk_image": "vcp_16.1R4.7-disk2.vmdk", + "hdc_disk_image": "vcp_16.1R4.7-disk3.vmdk" + }, + "name": "16.1R4.7-ESXi" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "junos-vmx-x86-64-16.1R4.7.qcow2", + "hdb_disk_image": "vmxhdd-16.1R4.img", + "hdc_disk_image": "metadata-usb-re-16.1R4.img" + }, + "name": "16.1R4.7-KVM" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "vcp_16.1R3.10-disk1.vmdk", + "hdb_disk_image": "vcp_16.1R3.10-disk2.vmdk", + "hdc_disk_image": "vcp_16.1R3.10-disk3.vmdk" + }, + "name": "16.1R3.10-ESXi" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "junos-vmx-x86-64-16.1R3.10.qcow2", + "hdb_disk_image": "vmxhdd-16.1R3.img", + "hdc_disk_image": "metadata-usb-re-16.1R3.img" + }, + "name": "16.1R3.10-KVM" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "vcp_16.1R2.11-disk1.vmdk", + "hdb_disk_image": "vcp_16.1R2.11-disk2.vmdk", + "hdc_disk_image": "vcp_16.1R2.11-disk3.vmdk" + }, + "name": "16.1R2.11-ESXi" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "junos-vmx-x86-64-16.1R2.11.qcow2", + "hdb_disk_image": "vmxhdd-16.1R2.img", + "hdc_disk_image": "metadata-usb-re-16.1R2.img" + }, + "name": "16.1R2.11-KVM" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "vcp_16.1R1.7-disk1.vmdk", + "hdb_disk_image": "vcp_16.1R1.7-disk2.vmdk", + "hdc_disk_image": "vcp_16.1R1.7-disk3.vmdk" + }, + "name": "16.1R1.7-ESXi" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "junos-vmx-x86-64-16.1R1.7.qcow2", + "hdb_disk_image": "vmxhdd-16.1R1.img", + "hdc_disk_image": "metadata-usb-re-16.1R1.img" + }, + "name": "16.1R1.7-KVM" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "jinstall64-vmx-15.1F4.15-domestic.img", + "hdb_disk_image": "vmxhdd-15.1.img", + "hdc_disk_image": "metadata-usb-15.1.img" + }, + "name": "15.1F4.15" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "junos-vmx-x86-64-15.1F6.9.qcow2", + "hdb_disk_image": "vmxhdd-15.1F6.9.img", + "hdc_disk_image": "metadata-usb-re-15.1F6.9.img" + }, + "name": "15.1F6.9" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "guest", + "description": "When you go from managing a few boxes to managing a few dozen, your processes, logistics, and needs all change. BIG-IQ Centralized Management brings all of your devices together, so you can discover, track, upgrade, and deploy more efficiently. You can also monitor key metrics from one location, saving yourself both time and effort.\n\nCentrally manage up to 200 physical, virtual, or virtual clustered multiprocessing (vCMP) based BIG-IP devices. BIG-IQ Centralized Management also handles licensing for up to 5,000 unmanaged devices, so you can spin BIG-IP virtual editions (VEs) up or down as needed.", + "documentation_url": "", + "first_port_name": "mgmt", + "images": [ + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "BIG-IQ-", + "filesize": 3895787520, + "md5sum": "3ae32308fe39d5db555f7f1cdcc734dd", + "version": "" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "BIG-IQ-", + "filesize": 3480748032, + "md5sum": "e3e6389438ba1e1676f507658f767e95", + "version": "" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "BIG-IQ-", + "filesize": 3300917248, + "md5sum": "068b1f4d21048b9b2a082c0c27ef4d53", + "version": "5.4.0" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "BIG-IQ-", + "filesize": 3269263360, + "md5sum": "75f06ba59f858c3828d47dcf8caf3775", + "version": "5.3.0" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "BIG-IQ-", + "filesize": 3256352768, + "md5sum": "c40d9724fb6c15ef0ee949437a9558db", + "version": "5.2.0" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "BIG-IQ-", + "filesize": 2335440896, + "md5sum": "f8f52d9ef56c6bdd0a0604f1b50b81c6", + "version": "5.1.0" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "BIG-IQ-", + "filesize": 2301820928, + "md5sum": "072194d6eb052ee083cf8cef9e7a87d6", + "version": "5.0.0" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "BIG-IQ-5.x.DATASTOR.LTM.qcow2", + "filesize": 393216, + "md5sum": "c7f82b8834436eb67b7d619767ac7476", + "version": "5.x" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "empty100G.qcow2", + "filesize": 198656, + "md5sum": "1e6409a4523ada212dea2ebc50e50a65", + "version": "1.0" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "F5 BIG-IQ CM", + "port_name_format": "1.{port1}", + "product_name": "F5 BIG-IQ CM", + "product_url": "", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", + "adapters": 2, + "arch": "x86_64", + "boot_priority": "c", + "console_type": "telnet", + "hda_disk_interface": "virtio", + "hdb_disk_interface": "virtio", + "hdd_disk_interface": "virtio", + "kvm": "require", + "options": "-smp 2 -cpu host", + "ram": 4096 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "stable", + "symbol": "mgmt_station.svg", + "usage": "Console credentials: root/default\nWebUI credentials: admin/admin\nThe boot process might take a few minutes without providing any output to the console. Please be patient (or set console to vnc to see tty outputs).", + "vendor_name": "F5", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "BIG-IQ-", + "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "BIG-IQ-", + "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "BIG-IQ-", + "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "5.4.0" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "BIG-IQ-", + "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "5.3.0" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "BIG-IQ-", + "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "5.2.0" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "BIG-IQ-", + "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2", + "hdd_disk_image": "BIG-IQ-5.x.DATASTOR.LTM.qcow2" + }, + "name": "5.1.0" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "BIG-IQ-", + "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2", + "hdd_disk_image": "BIG-IQ-5.x.DATASTOR.LTM.qcow2" + }, + "name": "5.0.0" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "guest", + "description": "Security Onion is a Linux distro for intrusion detection, network security monitoring, and log management. It\u2019s based on Ubuntu and contains Snort, Suricata, Bro, OSSEC, Sguil, Squert, ELSA, Xplico, NetworkMiner, and many other security tools. The easy-to-use Setup wizard allows you to build an army of distributed sensors for your enterprise in minutes!", + "documentation_url": "", + "images": [ + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "securityonion-", + "filesize": 1895825408, + "md5sum": "886b369548c9c3841bc820cc3ab02bd9", + "version": "" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "securityonion-", + "filesize": 1874853888, + "md5sum": "9c7cab756b675beb10de4274a3ad3bc6", + "version": "" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "securityonion-", + "filesize": 1889533952, + "md5sum": "fb80ccb2d3c0f3f511823fa5858f87d1", + "version": "" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "empty30G.qcow2", + "filesize": 197120, + "md5sum": "3411a599e822f2ac6be560a26405821a", + "version": "1.0" + } + ], + "maintainer": "Brent Stewart", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "Security Onion", + "product_name": "Security Onion", + "product_url": "", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "e1000", + "adapters": 2, + "arch": "i386", + "console_type": "telnet", + "kvm": "allow", + "ram": 3072 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "stable", + "symbol": "securityonion-logo.png", + "usage": "Your default account will have sudo priviledges. Squil and Squert username and password are configured in the Setup wizard. MySQL root is set to null. 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"name": "MikroTik CHR", + "port_name_format": "ether{port1}", + "product_name": "MikroTik Cloud Hosted Router", + "product_url": "", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", + "adapters": 2, + "arch": "x86_64", + "boot_priority": "c", + "console_type": "telnet", + "hda_disk_interface": "virtio", + "kvm": "allow", + "options": "-nographic", + "ram": 128 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "stable", + "symbol": ":/symbols/router_firewall.svg", + "usage": "If you'd like a different sized main disk, resize the image before booting the VM for the first time.\n\nOn first boot, RouterOS is actually being installed, formatting the whole main virtual disk, before finally rebooting. That whole process may take a minute or so.\n\nThe console will become available after the installation is complete. Most Telnet/SSH clients (certainly SuperPutty) will keep retrying to connect, thus letting you know when installation is done.\n\nFrom that point on, everything about RouterOS is also true about Cloud Hosted Router, including the default credentials: Username \"admin\" and an empty password.\n\nThe primary differences between RouterOS and CHR are in support for virtual devices (this appliance comes with them being selected), and in the different license model, for which you can read more about at", + "vendor_name": "MikroTik", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.42.9.img" + }, + "name": "6.42.9" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.41.4.img" + }, + "name": "6.41.4" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.40.7.img" + }, + "name": "6.40.7" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.40.5.img" + }, + "name": "6.40.5" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.40.3.img" + }, + "name": "6.40.3" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.39.2.img" + }, + "name": "6.39.2" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.39.1.img" + }, + "name": "6.39.1" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.39.img" + }, + "name": "6.39" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.38.7.img" + }, + "name": "6.38.7" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.38.5.img" + }, + "name": "6.38.5" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.38.1.img" + }, + "name": "6.38.1" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.38.img" + }, + "name": "6.38" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.37.3.img" + }, + "name": "6.37.3" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.37.1.img" + }, + "name": "6.37.1" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.36.4.img" + }, + "name": "6.36.4" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.34.2.vmdk" + }, + "name": "6.34.2 (.vmdk)" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.34.2.vdi" + }, + "name": "6.34.2 (.vdi)" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.34.2.img" + }, + "name": "6.34.2 (.img)" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.34.vmdk" + }, + "name": "6.34 (.vmdk)" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.34.vdi" + }, + "name": "6.34 (.vdi)" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.34.img" + }, + "name": "6.34 (.img)" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.33.5.vmdk" + }, + "name": "6.33.5 (.vmdk)" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.33.5.vdi" + }, + "name": "6.33.5 (.vdi)" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.33.5.img" + }, + "name": "6.33.5 (.img)" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.33.3.vmdk" + }, + "name": "6.33.3 (.vmdk)" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.33.2.vmdk" + }, + "name": "6.33.2 (.vmdk)" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.33.vmdk" + }, + "name": "6.33 (.vmdk)" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "guest", + "description": "Monitoring a distributed network across multiple locations can be a challenge. That\u2019s where Sophos iView can help. It provides you with an intelligent, uninterrupted view of your network from a single pane of glass. If you have multiple appliances, need consolidated reporting, or could just use help with log management or compliance, Sophos iView is the ideal solution.", + "documentation_url": "", + "images": [ + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "VI-SIVOS_03.01.2.KVM-009-PRIMARY.qcow2", + "filesize": 644218880, + "md5sum": "62551f70f71e08283d3a23929321eba9", + "version": "3.1.2" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "VI-SIVOS_02.00.0_MR-2.KVM-776-PRIMARY.qcow2", + "filesize": 493289472, + "md5sum": "d78c6f0c42186a4c606d7e57f2f3a6d7", + "version": "2.0.0 MR2" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "VI-SIVOS-AUXILARY.qcow2", + "filesize": 204800, + "md5sum": "a52d8cedb1ccd4b5b9f2723dfb41588b", + "version": "2.0.0 MR2" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "Sophos iView", + "product_name": "Sophos iView", + "product_url": "", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", + "adapters": 4, + "arch": "x86_64", + "console_type": "telnet", + "hda_disk_interface": "virtio", + "hdb_disk_interface": "virtio", + "kvm": "require", + "ram": 4096 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "experimental", + "symbol": "mgmt_station.svg", + "usage": "Default CLI password: admin\nDefault WebUI address:\nDefault WebUI credentials: admin / admin", + "vendor_name": "Sophos", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "VI-SIVOS_03.01.2.KVM-009-PRIMARY.qcow2", + "hdb_disk_image": "VI-SIVOS-AUXILARY.qcow2" + }, + "name": "3.1.2" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "VI-SIVOS_02.00.0_MR-2.KVM-776-PRIMARY.qcow2", + "hdb_disk_image": "VI-SIVOS-AUXILARY.qcow2" + }, + "name": "2.0.0 MR2" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "router", + "description": "Cisco Virtual IOS allows user to run IOS on a standard computer.", + "images": [ + { + "direct_download_url": " Appliances/IOSv_startup_config.img/download", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "IOSv_startup_config.img", + "filesize": 1048576, + "md5sum": "bc605651c4688276f81fd59dcf5cc786", + "version": "1" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "vios-adventerprisek9-m.vmdk.SPA.156-2.T", + "filesize": 128450560, + "md5sum": "83707e3cc93646da58ee6563a68002b5", + "version": "15.6(2)T" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "vios-adventerprisek9-m.vmdk.SPA.156-1.T", + "filesize": 128122880, + "md5sum": "e7cb1bbd0c59280dd946feefa68fa270", + "version": "15.6(1)T" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "vios-adventerprisek9-m.vmdk.SPA.155-3.M", + "filesize": 127926272, + "md5sum": "79f613ac3b179d5a64520730925130b2", + "version": "15.5(3)M" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "Cisco IOSv", + "port_name_format": "Gi0/{0}", + "product_name": "IOSv", + "product_url": "", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "e1000", + "adapters": 4, + "arch": "x86_64", + "console_type": "telnet", + "hda_disk_interface": "virtio", + "hdb_disk_interface": "virtio", + "kvm": "require", + "ram": 512 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "stable", + "usage": "There is no default password and enable password. There is no default configuration present.", + "vendor_name": "Cisco", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "vios-adventerprisek9-m.vmdk.SPA.156-2.T", + "hdb_disk_image": "IOSv_startup_config.img" + }, + "name": "15.6(2)T" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "vios-adventerprisek9-m.vmdk.SPA.156-1.T", + "hdb_disk_image": "IOSv_startup_config.img" + }, + "name": "15.6(1)T" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "vios-adventerprisek9-m.vmdk.SPA.155-3.M", + "hdb_disk_image": "IOSv_startup_config.img" + }, + "name": "15.5(3)M" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "router", + "description": "Cisco IOS on UNIX Layer 3 image.", + "images": [ + { + "filename": "i86bi-linux-l3-adventerprisek9-ms.155-2.T.bin", + "filesize": 172982492, + "md5sum": "45e99761a95cbd3ee3924ecf0f3d89e5", + "version": "155-2T" + }, + { + "filename": "i86bi-linux-l3-adventerprisek9-15.4.1T.bin", + "filesize": 152677848, + "md5sum": "2eabae17778316c49cbc80e8e81262f9", + "version": "15.4.1T" + } + ], + "iou": { + "ethernet_adapters": 2, + "nvram": 128, + "ram": 256, + "serial_adapters": 2, + "startup_config": "iou_l3_base_startup-config.txt" + }, + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "Cisco IOU L3", + "product_name": "Cisco IOU L3", + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "experimental", + "vendor_name": "Cisco", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "image": "i86bi-linux-l3-adventerprisek9-ms.155-2.T.bin" + }, + "name": "155-2T" + }, + { + "images": { + "image": "i86bi-linux-l3-adventerprisek9-15.4.1T.bin" + }, + "name": "15.4.1T" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "guest", + "description": "Micro Core Linux is a smaller variant of Tiny Core without a graphical desktop.\n\nThis is complete Linux system needing few resources to run.", + "documentation_url": "", + "images": [ + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "linux-microcore-6.4.img", + "filesize": 16580608, + "md5sum": "877419f975c4891c019947ceead5c696", + "version": "6.4" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "linux-microcore-4.0.2-clean.img", + "filesize": 26411008, + "md5sum": "e13d0d1c0b3999ae2386bba70417930c", + "version": "4.0.2" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "linux-microcore-3.4.1.img", + "filesize": 24969216, + "md5sum": "fa2ec4b1fffad67d8103c3391bbf9df2", + "version": "3.4.1" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "Micro Core Linux", + "product_name": "Micro Core Linux", + "product_url": "", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "e1000", + "adapters": 1, + "arch": "i386", + "console_type": "telnet", + "kvm": "allow", + "ram": 64 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "stable", + "symbol": "linux_guest.svg", + "usage": "For version >= 6.4, login/password is gns3. For older version it is tc. Note that sudo works without any password", + "vendor_name": "Team Tiny Core", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "linux-microcore-6.4.img" + }, + "name": "6.4" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "linux-microcore-4.0.2-clean.img" + }, + "name": "4.0.2" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "linux-microcore-3.4.1.img" + }, + "name": "3.4.1" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "guest", + "description": "From the creators of BackTrack comes Kali Linux, the most advanced and versatile penetration testing platform ever created. We have a set of amazing features lined up in our security distribution geared at streamlining the penetration testing experience. This version has no GUI.Include packages:\n* nmap\n* metasploit\n* sqlmap\n* hydra\n* telnet client\n* dnsutils (dig)", + "docker": { + "adapters": 2, + "image": "gns3/kalilinux:v2" + }, + "documentation_url": "", + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "Kali Linux CLI", + "product_name": "Kali Linux", + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "stable", + "vendor_name": "Kali Linux", + "vendor_url": "" + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "firewall", + "description": "OPNsense is an open source, easy-to-use and easy-to-build FreeBSD based firewall and routing platform. OPNsense includes most of the features available in expensive commercial firewalls, and more in many cases. It brings the rich feature set of commercial offerings with the benefits of open and verifiable sources.\n\nOPNsense started as a fork of pfSense\u00ae and m0n0wall in 2014, with its first official release in January 2015. The project has evolved very quickly while still retaining familiar aspects of both m0n0wall and pfSense. A strong focus on security and code quality drives the development of the project.", + "documentation_url": "", + "images": [ + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "OPNsense-18.1.6-OpenSSL-nano-amd64.img", + "filesize": 272003136, + "md5sum": "042f328380ad0c8008759c43435e8843", + "version": "18.1.6" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "OPNsense-17.7.5-OpenSSL-nano-amd64.img", + "filesize": 237038601, + "md5sum": "6ec5b7f99cc727f904bbf2aaadcab0b8", + "version": "17.7.5" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "OPNsense", + "port_name_format": "em{0}", + "product_name": "OPNsense", + "product_url": "", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", + "adapters": 4, + "arch": "x86_64", + "boot_priority": "c", + "console_type": "telnet", + "hda_disk_interface": "virtio", + "kvm": "require", + "ram": 1024 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "stable", + "usage": "Default credentials: root / opnsense\nDefault IP address:", + "vendor_name": "Deciso B.V.", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "OPNsense-18.1.6-OpenSSL-nano-amd64.img" + }, + "name": "18.1.6" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "OPNsense-17.7.5-OpenSSL-nano-amd64.img" + }, + "name": "17.7.5" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "guest", + "description": "This appliance provides DNS using dnsmasq with the local domain set to \"lab\".", + "docker": { + "adapters": 1, + "console_type": "telnet", + "image": "adosztal/dns:latest" + }, + "maintainer": "Andras Dosztal", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "DNS", + "product_name": "DNS", + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "stable", + "symbol": "linux_guest.svg", + "usage": "You can add records by adding entries to the /etc/hosts file in the following format:\n%IP_ADDRESS% %HOSTNAME%.lab %HOSTNAME%\n\nExample:\n192.168.123.10 router1.lab router1", + "vendor_name": "Ubuntu", + "vendor_url": "" + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "firewall", + "description": "Untangle\u2019s NG Firewall enables you to quickly and easily create the network policies that deliver the perfect balance between security and productivity. Untangle combines Unified Threat Management (UTM)\u2014to address all of the key network threats\u2014with policy management tools that enable you to define access and control by individuals, groups or company-wide. And with industry-leading reports, you\u2019ll have complete visibility into and control over everything that\u2019s happening on your network.", + "documentation_url": "", + "images": [ + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "untangle_1401_x64.iso", + "filesize": 680525824, + "md5sum": "d9c01afd8bf4b5dfdc40c22aa3b2fd98", + "version": "14.0.1" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "untangle_1321_x64.iso", + "filesize": 627048448, + "md5sum": "4ce49535372f85565922c7e90bc11ba3", + "version": "13.2.1" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "untangle_1320_x64.iso", + "filesize": 768000000, + "md5sum": "0ce2293acec0f37f1339e703653727f8", + "version": "13.2.0" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "untangle_1310_x64.iso", + "filesize": 588251136, + "md5sum": "dc35aa96e954992e53a8cb244a932ae6", + "version": "13.1.0" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "untangle_1300_x64.iso", + "filesize": 576716800, + "md5sum": "74dcb5c8e0fb400dbd3a9582fc472033", + "version": "13.0.0" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "untangle_1221_x64.iso", + "filesize": 580911104, + "md5sum": "6735942441d487d339b92c1499b0052b", + "version": "12.2.1" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "untangle_1220_x64.iso", + "filesize": 585105408, + "md5sum": "56947f059774f2f0015b6326cf5c63ac", + "version": "12.2.0" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "untangle_1212_x64.iso", + "filesize": 575668224, + "md5sum": "2f48873316725b1f709015dfeb73d666", + "version": "12.1.2" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "untangle_1211_x64.iso", + "filesize": 574619648, + "md5sum": "c7f38df4cbba72fa472a49454e476522", + "version": "12.1.1" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "untangle_1210_x64.iso", + "filesize": 573571072, + "md5sum": "d511cbbd34aac7678c34a111c791806f", + "version": "12.1.0" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "untangle_1201_x64.iso", + "filesize": 611319808, + "md5sum": "905171d04d2f029b193fe76b02ef9e11", + "version": "12.0.1" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "empty30G.qcow2", + "filesize": 197120, + "md5sum": "3411a599e822f2ac6be560a26405821a", + "version": "1.0" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "Untangle NG", + "port_name_format": "eth{0}", + "product_name": "Untangle NG", + "product_url": "", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "e1000", + "adapters": 4, + "arch": "x86_64", + "boot_priority": "dc", + "console_type": "vnc", + "hda_disk_interface": "ide", + "kvm": "allow", + "ram": 1024 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "stable", + "usage": "Run the graphical or text based installer using VNC. The installer warns about insufficient memory but the provided 1G is enough, the installation will be successful.", + "vendor_name": "Untangle", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "untangle_1401_x64.iso", + "hda_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "14.0.1" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "untangle_1321_x64.iso", + "hda_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "13.2.1" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "untangle_1320_x64.iso", + "hda_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "13.2.0" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "untangle_1310_x64.iso", + "hda_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "13.1.0" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "untangle_1300_x64.iso", + "hda_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "13.0.0" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "untangle_1221_x64.iso", + "hda_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "12.2.1" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "untangle_1220_x64.iso", + "hda_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "12.2.0" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "untangle_1212_x64.iso", + "hda_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "12.1.2" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "untangle_1211_x64.iso", + "hda_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "12.1.1" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "untangle_1210_x64.iso", + "hda_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "12.1.0" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "untangle_1201_x64.iso", + "hda_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "12.0.1" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "guest", + "description": " Parrot is a GNU/Linux distribution based on Debian Testing and designed with Security, Development and Privacy in mind. 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WebUI credentials: admin/admin. The boot process might take a few minutes without providing any output to the console. Please be patient (or set console to vnc to see tty outputs).\n\nIn case the 'localhost emerg logger: Re-starting chmand' log appears on the console, you can find the solution here:", + "vendor_name": "F5", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "BIGIP-", + "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "14.0.0 HF3" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "BIGIP-", + "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "13.1.0 HF5" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "BIGIP-", + "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "13.1.0 HF2" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "BIGIP-", + "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "13.1.0 HF1" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "BIGIP-", + "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "13.0.0 HF2" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "BIGIP-", + "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "13.0.0" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "BIGIP-", + "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "12.1.3 HF4" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "BIGIP-", + "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "12.1.2 HF1" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "BIGIP-", + "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "12.1.2" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "BIGIP-", + "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "12.1.1 HF2" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "BIGIP-", + "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "12.1.0 HF1" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "BIGIP-", + "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "12.0.0" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "BIGIP-", + "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "11.6.1" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "BIGIP-", + "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "11.6.0" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "BIGIP-", + "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "11.3.0" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "multilayer_switch", + "description": "Arista EOS\u00ae is the core of Arista cloud networking solutions for next-generation data centers and cloud networks. 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+ }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "Aboot-veos-serial-8.0.0.iso", + "hdb_disk_image": "vEOS-lab-4.16.13M.vmdk" + }, + "name": "4.16.13M" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "Aboot-veos-serial-8.0.0.iso", + "hdb_disk_image": "vEOS-lab-4.16.6M.vmdk" + }, + "name": "4.16.6M" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "Aboot-veos-serial-8.0.0.iso", + "hdb_disk_image": "vEOS-lab-4.15.10M.vmdk" + }, + "name": "4.15.10M" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "Aboot-veos-serial-8.0.0.iso", + "hdb_disk_image": "vEOS-lab-4.15.5M.vmdk" + }, + "name": "4.15.5M" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "Aboot-veos-serial-8.0.0.iso", + "hdb_disk_image": "vEOS-lab-4.14.14M.vmdk" + }, + "name": "4.14.14M" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "Aboot-veos-serial-8.0.0.iso", + "hdb_disk_image": "vEOS-lab-4.13.16M.vmdk" + }, + "name": "4.13.16M" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "Aboot-veos-serial-8.0.0.iso", + "hdb_disk_image": "vEOS-lab-4.13.8M.vmdk" + }, + "name": "4.13.8M" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "router", + "description": "The CloudRouter Project is a collaborative open source project focused on developing a powerful, easy to use router designed for the cloud.\nCompute resources are rapidly migrating from physical infrastructure to a combination of physical, virtual and cloud environments. A similar transition is emerging in the networking space, with network control logic shifting from proprietary hardware-based platforms to open source software-based platforms. CloudRouter is a software-based router distribution designed to run on physical, virtual and cloud environments, supporting software-defined networking infrastructure. It includes the features of traditional hardware routers, as well as support for emerging technologies such as containers and software-defined interconnection. CloudRouter aims to facilitate migration to the cloud without giving up control over network routing and governance.", + "documentation_url": "", + "images": [ + { + "compression": "xz", + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "cloudrouter-centos-cloud-full.raw", + "filesize": 10737418240, + "md5sum": "d148288ecc0806e08f8347ef0ad755e8", + "version": "4.0 Full" + }, + { + "compression": "xz", + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "cloudrouter-centos-cloud-minimal.raw", + "filesize": 10737418240, + "md5sum": "8d982a37a49bc446a0edc59cefcadcdb", + "version": "4.0 Minimal" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "cloudrouter-init-gns3.iso", + "filesize": 374784, + "md5sum": "8cfb7e338bf241cc64abc084243e9be1", + "version": "1.0" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "CloudRouter", + "port_name_format": "eth{0}", + "product_name": "CloudRouter", + "product_url": "", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", + "adapters": 16, + "arch": "x86_64", + "boot_priority": "c", + "console_type": "telnet", + "hda_disk_interface": "virtio", + "kvm": "require", + "ram": 2048 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "stable", + "usage": "Default credentials: cloudrouter / gns3", + "vendor_name": "CloudRouter Community", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "cloudrouter-init-gns3.iso", + "hda_disk_image": "cloudrouter-centos-cloud-full.raw" + }, + "name": "4.0 Full" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "cloudrouter-init-gns3.iso", + "hda_disk_image": "cloudrouter-centos-cloud-minimal.raw" + }, + "name": "4.0 Minimal" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "guest", + "description": "Breaches to network security continue to occur across all industry verticals, even to the most respected brands. The time it takes to discover, isolate, and remediate the incident continues to be measured in hundreds of days-having material impacts on security and compliance standards. It is no wonder that many organizations are struggling. As recent surveys have shown, enterprises have an average of 32 different vendors' devices in their network, with no automated ability to cross-correlate the data that each is collecting. It is also easy to see why organizations are strapped for the cyber security personnel they need to manage all the data in these complex environments.\n\nFrom its inception, FortiSIEM was built to reduce complexity in managing network and security operations. FortiSIEM provides organizations of all sizes with a comprehensive, holistic, and scalable solution for managing security, performance, and compliance from IoT to the cloud.", + "documentation_url": "", + "images": [ + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "FortiSIEM-VA-", + "filesize": 10376904704, + "md5sum": "753685ee68287c7a56f9da53566ac522", + "version": "5.1.0" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "FortiSIEM-VA-", + "filesize": 46858240, + "md5sum": "6ffb7e16d89a6731fc077982cb012ee2", + "version": "5.1.0" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "FortiSIEM-VA-", + "filesize": 46858240, + "md5sum": "8185e537ce222c2e8407e9bf08e604bb", + "version": "5.1.0" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "FortiSIEM-VA-", + "filesize": 10029432832, + "md5sum": "1f2f0b1d84e89495fc5b5ca722cb5710", + "version": "5.0.0" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "FortiSIEM-VA-", + "filesize": 46858240, + "md5sum": "88e96259f44a82b7c545b82925880513", + "version": "5.0.0" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "FortiSIEM-VA-", + "filesize": 46858240, + "md5sum": "58d61498e1adc1df062fc12113d42d86", + "version": "5.0.0" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "FortiSIEM-VA-KVM-", + "filesize": 8622505984, + "md5sum": "636d94c78ea02e5a39eadb9d44210dfb", + "version": "4.10.0" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "FortiSIEM-VA-KVM-", + "filesize": 46858240, + "md5sum": "52fee02e94fd220275b613a4ec5b46eb", + "version": "4.10.0" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "FortiSIEM-VA-KVM-", + "filesize": 46858240, + "md5sum": "088a34864e30abdb95385b089574baba", + "version": "4.10.0" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "FortiSIEM-VA-KVM-", + "filesize": 8484487168, + "md5sum": "c2db828b6985297b33833f376c5106b0", + "version": "4.9.0" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "FortiSIEM-VA-KVM-", + "filesize": 46858240, + "md5sum": "b3f0cd44995f37648aa429303eeeb455", + "version": "4.9.0" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "FortiSIEM-VA-KVM-", + "filesize": 46858240, + "md5sum": "70a8abb4253d5bb724ded3b33a8385c4", + "version": "4.9.0" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "FortiSIEM", + "port_name_format": "Port{port1}", + "product_name": "FortiSIEM", + "product_url": "", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", + "adapters": 2, + "arch": "x86_64", + "boot_priority": "c", + "console_type": "telnet", + "hda_disk_interface": "virtio", + "hdb_disk_interface": "virtio", + "hdc_disk_interface": "virtio", + "kvm": "require", + "options": "-smp 4", + "ram": 16384 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "stable", + "symbol": "fortinet.svg", + "usage": "This is the Super/Worker component. Default credentials:\n- admin / admin*1\n - root / ProspectHills\n\nIf you get a 503 error on the WebUI, run /opt/phoenix/deployment/jumpbox/phinitsuper as root.\n\nMake sure that Super, Worker(s), Collector(s) and Report Server can connect to FortiSIEM hosted CentOS repo on https port 443 under the URLs below. Otherwise, some packages may not install and 5.0.0 binaries will not run.\n-\n-", + "vendor_name": "Fortinet", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "FortiSIEM-VA-", + "hdb_disk_image": "FortiSIEM-VA-", + "hdc_disk_image": "FortiSIEM-VA-" + }, + "name": "5.1.0" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "FortiSIEM-VA-", + "hdb_disk_image": "FortiSIEM-VA-", + "hdc_disk_image": "FortiSIEM-VA-" + }, + "name": "5.0.0" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "FortiSIEM-VA-KVM-", + "hdb_disk_image": "FortiSIEM-VA-KVM-", + "hdc_disk_image": "FortiSIEM-VA-KVM-" + }, + "name": "4.10.0" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "FortiSIEM-VA-KVM-", + "hdb_disk_image": "FortiSIEM-VA-KVM-", + "hdc_disk_image": "FortiSIEM-VA-KVM-" + }, + "name": "4.9.0" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "multilayer_switch", + "description": "Open vSwitch is a production quality, multilayer virtual switch licensed under the open source Apache 2.0 license. It is designed to enable massive network automation through programmatic extension, while still supporting standard management interfaces and protocols (e.g. NetFlow, sFlow, IPFIX, RSPAN, CLI, LACP, 802.1ag). In addition, it is designed to support distribution across multiple physical servers similar to VMware's vNetwork distributed vswitch or Cisco's Nexus 1000V. This is a version of the appliance with a management interface on eth0.", + "docker": { + "adapters": 16, + "environment": "MANAGEMENT_INTERFACE=1", + "image": "gns3/openvswitch:latest" + }, + "documentation_url": "", + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "Open vSwitch management", + "product_name": "Open vSwitch", + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "stable", + "symbol": "mgmt_station_docker.svg", + "usage": "The eth0 is the management interface. By default all other interfaces are connected to the br0", + "vendor_name": "Open vSwitch", + "vendor_url": "" + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "guest", + "description": "Stay connected to your customers and colleagues without being chained to your desk.\nKerio Operator is a VoIP based phone system that provides powerful yet affordable enterprise-class voice and video communication capabilities for small and mid-sized businesses globally.", + "documentation_url": "", + "images": [ + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "kerio-operator-appliance-2.6.4-9320-vmware-disk1.vmdk", + "filesize": 307840512, + "md5sum": "3823565dbc96069dc556158ebbbfb977", + "version": "2.6.4" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "kerio-operator-appliance-2.6.2-9085-vmware-disk1.vmdk", + "filesize": 306665472, + "md5sum": "abdfa7697e568b5d9a6396e11292e52a", + "version": "2.6.2" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "kerio-operator-appliance-2.6.0-8413-vmware-disk1.vmdk", + "filesize": 291227136, + "md5sum": "3eddbb73d685ac4666841f5df2c6bec9", + "version": "2.6.0" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "kerio-operator-appliance-2.5.5-8309-p2-vmware-disk1.vmdk", + "filesize": 291217408, + "md5sum": "dc0b4d0b264eb39c8c73289b6c8de749", + "version": "2.5.5p2" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "kerio-operator-appliance-2.5.4-6916-p1-vmware.vmdk", + "filesize": 276318720, + "md5sum": "6737b36bd36635b8a5ba21816938f0d6", + "version": "2.5.4p1" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "kerio-operator-appliance-2.5.3-6630-vmware.vmdk", + "filesize": 276422144, + "md5sum": "ae9f45606900dba05f353a94d4fc14fc", + "version": "2.5.3" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "kerio-operator-appliance-2.5.2-6404-vmware.vmdk", + "filesize": 561512448, + "md5sum": "0279baebe587b17f32bfc3302df9352c", + "version": "2.5.2" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "Kerio Operator", + "port_name_format": "eth{0}", + "product_name": "Kerio Operator", + "product_url": "", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "e1000", + "adapters": 1, + "arch": "x86_64", + "boot_priority": "c", + "console_type": "vnc", + "hda_disk_interface": "virtio", + "kvm": "require", + "ram": 2048 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "stable", + "usage": "Default credentials: root (no password set)", + "vendor_name": "Kerio Technologies Inc.", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "kerio-operator-appliance-2.6.4-9320-vmware-disk1.vmdk" + }, + "name": "2.6.4" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "kerio-operator-appliance-2.6.2-9085-vmware-disk1.vmdk" + }, + "name": "2.6.2" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "kerio-operator-appliance-2.6.0-8413-vmware-disk1.vmdk" + }, + "name": "2.6.0" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "kerio-operator-appliance-2.5.5-8309-p2-vmware-disk1.vmdk" + }, + "name": "2.5.5p2" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "kerio-operator-appliance-2.5.4-6916-p1-vmware.vmdk" + }, + "name": "2.5.4p1" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "kerio-operator-appliance-2.5.3-6630-vmware.vmdk" + }, + "name": "2.5.3" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "kerio-operator-appliance-2.5.2-6404-vmware.vmdk" + }, + "name": "2.5.2" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "multilayer_switch", + "description": "The vQFX10000 makes it easy for you to try out our physical QFX10000 high-performance data center switch without the wait for physical delivery. Although the virtual version has limited performance relative to the physical switch, it lets you quickly emulate the same features for the control plane of the physical switch, or both its control and data planes.", + "documentation_url": "", + "images": [ + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "cosim_20180212.qcow2", + "filesize": 1911291904, + "md5sum": "0372e9c1b7df3608099186ab8cbbf2ad", + "version": "17.4R1" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "vqfx10k-pfe-20160609-2.vmdk", + "filesize": 584086528, + "md5sum": "faa6905fd8e935c6e97859191143e8c3", + "version": "15.1X53-D60" + } + ], + "maintainer": "none", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "Juniper vQFX PFE", + "port_name_format": "em{0}", + "product_name": "Juniper vQFX PFE", + "product_url": "", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "e1000", + "adapters": 2, + "arch": "x86_64", + "console_type": "vnc", + "kvm": "require", + "options": "-nographic", + "ram": 2048 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "experimental", + "symbol": "juniper-vqfx.svg", + "usage": "\n\nUSAGE INSTRUCTIONS\n\nConnect the first interface (em0) to your admin VLAN. Connect the second interface (em1) directly to the second interface (em1) of the RE. The switch ports do not connect here, but on the RE", + "vendor_name": "Juniper", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "cosim_20180212.qcow2" + }, + "name": "17.4R1" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "vqfx10k-pfe-20160609-2.vmdk" + }, + "name": "15.1X53-D60" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "guest", + "description": "Riverbed SteelHead delivers not only best-in-class optimization \u2013 but essential visibility and control as companies transition to the Hybrid WAN. SteelHead CX for Virtual is available as a virtual solution on most major hypervisors including VMware vSphere, Microsoft Hyper-V and KVM. It accelerates the performance of all applications including on-premises, cloud, and SaaS across the hybrid enterprise for organizations that want to deliver the best end user experience \u2013 while leveraging the scalability and cost benefits of virtualization.\n\nSteelHead CX for Virtual uniquely delivers the best application performance along with application, network and end user visibility, and simplified control management of users, applications and networks based on business requirements and decisions.", + "documentation_url": "", + "images": [ + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "mgmt-9.2.0.img", + "filesize": 2555772928, + "md5sum": "ca20a76b2556c0cd313d0b0de528e94d", + "version": "9.2.0" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "empty100G.qcow2", + "filesize": 198656, + "md5sum": "1e6409a4523ada212dea2ebc50e50a65", + "version": "1.0" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "SteelHead CX 555V", + "product_name": "SteelHead CX 555V", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", + "adapters": 4, + "arch": "x86_64", + "console_type": "telnet", + "hda_disk_interface": "virtio", + "hdb_disk_interface": "virtio", + "kvm": "require", + "ram": 2048 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "stable", + "usage": "You don't need to run the installer script when using GNS3 VM. Uncompress the downloaded archive using this command: tar xzSf \nDefault credentials: admin / password", + "vendor_name": "Riverbed Technology", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "mgmt-9.2.0.img", + "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "9.2.0" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "guest", + "description": "FreeBSD is an advanced computer operating system used to power modern servers, desktops, and embedded platforms. A large community has continually developed it for more than thirty years. Its advanced networking, security, and storage features have made FreeBSD the platform of choice for many of the busiest web sites and most pervasive embedded networking and storage devices.", + "documentation_url": "", + "images": [ + { + "compression": "xz", + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "FreeBSD-11.2-RELEASE-amd64.qcow2", + "filesize": 1630076928, + "md5sum": "44d37e65be4bb4054f067911c84d074a", + "version": "11.2" + }, + { + "compression": "xz", + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "FreeBSD-11.1-RELEASE-amd64.qcow2", + "filesize": 1533345792, + "md5sum": "d78b2a7d05ec62f799e14ded4817ea69", + "version": "11.1" + }, + { + "compression": "xz", + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-amd64.qcow2", + "filesize": 1384382464, + "md5sum": "1b04999198f492afd6dc4935b8c7cc22", + "version": "11.0" + }, + { + "compression": "xz", + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "FreeBSD-10.4-RELEASE-amd64.qcow2", + "filesize": 1013448704, + "md5sum": "ad498873733c57d1f6d890d587a11e3c", + "version": "10.4" + }, + { + "compression": "xz", + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "FreeBSD-10.3-RELEASE-amd64.qcow2", + "filesize": 974651392, + "md5sum": "1a00cebef520dfac8d2bda10ea16a951", + "version": "10.3" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "FreeBSD", + "port_name_format": "em{0}", + "product_name": "FreeBSD", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", + "adapters": 4, + "arch": "x86_64", + "console_type": "vnc", + "hda_disk_interface": "virtio", + "kvm": "require", + "ram": 256 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "stable", + "usage": "User: root, not password is set.", + "vendor_name": "FreeBSD", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "FreeBSD-11.2-RELEASE-amd64.qcow2" + }, + "name": "11.2" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "FreeBSD-11.1-RELEASE-amd64.qcow2" + }, + "name": "11.1" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-amd64.qcow2" + }, + "name": "11.0" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "FreeBSD-10.4-RELEASE-amd64.qcow2" + }, + "name": "10.4" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "FreeBSD-10.3-RELEASE-amd64.qcow2" + }, + "name": "10.3" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "multilayer_switch", + "description": "NXOSv is a reference platform for an implementation of the Cisco Nexus operating system, based on the Nexus 7000-series platforms, running as a full virtual machine on a hypervisor. This includes NXAPI and MPLS LDP support.", + "first_port_name": "mgmt0", + "images": [ + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "titanium-final.7.3.0.D1.1.qcow2", + "filesize": 214368256, + "md5sum": "b4cd6edf15ab4c6bce53c3f6c1e3a742", + "version": "7.3.0" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "titanium-d1.7.2.0.D1.1.vmdk", + "filesize": 361103360, + "md5sum": "0ee38c7d717840cb4ca822f4870671d0", + "version": "7.2.0" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "Cisco NX-OSv", + "port_name_format": "Ethernet2/{port1}", + "product_name": "NX-OSv", + "product_url": "", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "e1000", + "adapters": 16, + "arch": "x86_64", + "console_type": "telnet", + "kvm": "require", + "ram": 3072 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "stable", + "usage": "The default username/password is admin/admin. A default configuration is present.", + "vendor_name": "Cisco", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "titanium-final.7.3.0.D1.1.qcow2" + }, + "name": "7.3.0" + }, + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "titanium-d1.7.2.0.D1.1.vmdk" + }, + "name": "7.2.0" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "router", + "description": "Cisco 3660 Router", + "documentation_url": "", + "dynamips": { + "chassis": "3660", + "nvram": 256, + "platform": "c3600", + "ram": 192, + "startup_config": "ios_base_startup-config.txt" + }, + "images": [ + { + "filename": "c3660-a3jk9s-mz.124-15.T14.image", + "filesize": 90181268, + "md5sum": "daed99f508fd42dbaacf711e560643ed", + "version": "124-15.T14" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "Cisco 3660", + "product_name": "3660", + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "experimental", + "vendor_name": "Cisco", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "idlepc": "0x6076e0b4", + "images": { + "image": "c3660-a3jk9s-mz.124-15.T14.image" + }, + "name": "124-15.T14" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "router", + "description": "LEDE is a highly extensible GNU/Linux distribution for embedded devices (typically wireless routers). 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Ideal for small and medium-sized businesses, the Virtual Wireless Controller facilitates server consolidation and improves business continuity in the face of outages.", + "documentation_url": "", + "first_port_name": "ServicePort", + "images": [ + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "Cisco-vWLC-AIR-CTVM-7-3-101-0-file1.iso", + "filesize": 157900800, + "md5sum": "6bf17dceaf46e57aab0fb0d43eb6ea06", + "version": "" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "AIR-CTVM-7-6-110-0-file1.iso", + "filesize": 185561088, + "md5sum": "7acbd88120f008a25d849b72b7207e92", + "version": "" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "AIR-CTVM-k9-8-1-120.0.iso", + "filesize": 302104576, + "md5sum": "477363f88f07f64499bb4ab80ffa9d2f", + "version": "" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "MFG_CTVM_8_2_141_0.iso", + "filesize": 351156224, + "md5sum": "29483229ce7844df55a90564b077c958", + "version": "" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "MFG_CTVM_8_3_102_0.iso", + "filesize": 365996032, + "md5sum": "7f6b7968b5bed04b5ecc119b6ba4e41c", + "version": "" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "empty8G.qcow2", + "filesize": 197120, + "md5sum": "f1d2c25b6990f99bd05b433ab603bdb4", + "version": "1.0" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "Cisco vWLC", + "port_name_format": "Management{port1}", + "product_name": "Virtual Wireless LAN Controller", + "product_url": "", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "e1000", + "adapters": 2, + "arch": "x86_64", + "boot_priority": "cd", + "console_type": "vnc", + "hda_disk_interface": "ide", + "kvm": "require", + "options": "", + "ram": 2048 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "experimental", + "symbol": ":/symbols/wlan_controller.svg", + "usage": "Starting vWLC will start an installation of vWLC onto a blank 8GB Drive.", + "vendor_name": "Cisco", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "AIR-CTVM-k9-8-1-120.0.iso", + "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "MFG_CTVM_8_2_141_0.iso", + "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "MFG_CTVM_8_3_102_0.iso", + "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "guest", + "description": "This appliance provides RADIUS and TACACS+ services with preconfigured users and groups.", + "docker": { + "adapters": 1, + "console_type": "telnet", + "image": "adosztal/aaa:latest" + }, + "maintainer": "Andras Dosztal", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "AAA", + "product_name": "AAA", + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "stable", + "symbol": "linux_guest.svg", + "usage": "RADIUS users:\n- alice\n- bob\n\nTACACS+ users:\n- gns3 (role: admin)\n- readonly\n\nAll users, as well as the RADIUS/TACACS+ clients have the password 'gns3' set.", + "vendor_name": "Ubuntu", + "vendor_url": "" + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "guest", + "description": "This container provides the popular tools used for network automation: Netmiko, NAPALM, Pyntc, and Ansible.", + "docker": { + "adapters": 1, + "console_type": "telnet", + "image": "adosztal/network_automation:latest" + }, + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "Network Automation", + "product_name": "Network Automation", + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "stable", + "symbol": "linux_guest.svg", + "vendor_name": "GNS3", + "vendor_url": "" + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "router", + "description": "OpenWrt is a highly extensible GNU/Linux distribution for embedded devices (typically wireless routers). 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In practice, this means that you can have all the features you need with none of the bloat, powered by a Linux kernel that's more recent than most other distributions.", + "documentation_url": "", + "images": [ + { + "compression": "gzip", + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "openwrt-15.05.1-x86-kvm_guest-combined-ext4.img", + "filesize": 55050240, + "md5sum": "d02f5224b7fbe929efa4d3f10f4dc996", + "version": "15.05.1" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "OpenWrt", + "product_name": "OpenWrt", + "product_url": "", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", + "adapters": 2, + "arch": "i386", + "console_type": "telnet", + "kvm": "allow", + "ram": 64 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "stable", + "usage": "Ethernet0 is the LAN link, Ethernet1 the WAN link.", + "vendor_name": "OpenWrt", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "hda_disk_image": "openwrt-15.05.1-x86-kvm_guest-combined-ext4.img" + }, + "name": "Chaos Calmer 15.05.1" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "guest", + "description": "Cisco Data Center Network Manager (DCNM) 10 unifies and automates Cisco Nexus and Cisco MDS 9000 Family multitenant infrastructure for data center management across Cisco Nexus 5000, 6000, 7000, and 9000 Series Switches in NX\u2011OS mode using Cisco NX-OS Software as well as across Cisco MDS 9100 and 9300 Series Multilayer Fabric Switches, 9200 Series Multiservice Switches, and 9500 and 9700 Series Multilayer Directors. Data Center Network Manager 10 lets you manage very large numbers of devices while providing ready-to-use management and automation capabilities plus Virtual Extensible LAN (VXLAN) overlay visibility into Cisco Nexus LAN fabrics.", + "documentation_url": "", + "images": [ + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "dcnm-va.10.1.1.iso", + "filesize": 2927532032, + "md5sum": "4eca14506decaf166251c64e67adb110", + "version": "10.1.1" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "empty100G.qcow2", + "filesize": 198656, + "md5sum": "1e6409a4523ada212dea2ebc50e50a65", + "version": "1.0" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "Cisco DCNM", + "port_name_format": "eth{0}", + "product_name": "DCNM", + "product_url": "", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "e1000", + "adapters": 2, + "arch": "x86_64", + "console_type": "vnc", + "hda_disk_interface": "ide", + "kvm": "require", + "options": "-smp 2", + "ram": 8192 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "stable", + "symbol": "mgmt_station.svg", + "usage": "Default credentials: root / cisco123", + "vendor_name": "Cisco", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "dcnm-va.10.1.1.iso", + "hda_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "10.1.1" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "router", + "description": "With proven ultra-high performance and scalability, the Brocade vRouter is the networking industry leader in software innovation. The Brocade vRouter has set a the benchmark for all software-based routers, while offering easy scalability, a broad set of capabilities, and the peace of mind that comes with rock solid reliability.", + "documentation_url": "", + "images": [ + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "vyatta-vrouter-17.1.1_B_amd64.iso", + "filesize": 347078656, + "md5sum": "914c9ca9d51a33fc54f718020f862df2", + "version": "17.1.1" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "vyatta-vrouter-17.1.0_B_amd64.iso", + "filesize": 346030080, + "md5sum": "ff524e06fda6d982b9b66f25940fe63b", + "version": "17.1.0" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "vyatta-vrouter-5.2R2_B_amd64.iso", + "filesize": 344981504, + "md5sum": "6b7dcc152a18187ad151483c139fb82c", + "version": "5.2R2" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "vyatta-vrouter-5.1R1_B_amd64.iso", + "filesize": 344981504, + "md5sum": "e374b8bae9eecd52ee841f5e262b3a16", + "version": "5.1R1" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "livecd-VR5600_5.0R2_B_amd64.iso", + "filesize": 340787200, + "md5sum": "ce47dba6f89ef1175ef8850110521104", + "version": "5.0R2" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "livecd-VR5600_4.2R1_B_amd64.iso", + "filesize": 326107136, + "md5sum": "5e3023c64dc409ae01d5bcb1b6732593", + "version": "4.2R1" + }, + { + "download_url": "", + "filename": "vyatta-livecd_3.5R3T60_amd64.iso", + "filesize": 288358400, + "md5sum": "90360273f818a3dba83fa93ef6da938b", + "version": "3.5R3" + }, + { + "direct_download_url": "", + "download_url": "", + "filename": "empty8G.qcow2", + "filesize": 197120, + "md5sum": "f1d2c25b6990f99bd05b433ab603bdb4", + "version": "1.0" + } + ], + "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", + "maintainer_email": "", + "name": "vRouter", + "port_name_format": "eth{0}", + "product_name": "vRouter", + "product_url": "", + "qemu": { + "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", + "adapters": 8, + "arch": "x86_64", + "boot_priority": "cd", + "console_type": "telnet", + "hda_disk_interface": "virtio", + "kvm": "require", + "options": "-smp 4 -cpu host", + "ram": 4096 + }, + "registry_version": 3, + "status": "stable", + "usage": "60 days evaluation. The Brocade vRouter must be on-line and have public connectivity in order to communicate with the Brocade licensing server for automated license key generation. Please note that the evaluation software will only run for 24 hours after installation without the activation code being entered into the system. You must enter your activation code in order to retrieve your licensing key after you install the Brocade vRouter software. Default credentials: vyatta / vyatta", + "vendor_name": "Brocade", + "vendor_url": "", + "versions": [ + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "vyatta-vrouter-17.1.1_B_amd64.iso", + "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "17.1.1" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "vyatta-vrouter-17.1.0_B_amd64.iso", + "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "17.1.0" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "vyatta-vrouter-5.2R2_B_amd64.iso", + "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "5.2R2" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "vyatta-vrouter-5.1R1_B_amd64.iso", + "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "5.1R1" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "livecd-VR5600_5.0R2_B_amd64.iso", + "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "5.0R2" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "livecd-VR5600_4.2R1_B_amd64.iso", + "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "4.2R1" + }, + { + "images": { + "cdrom_image": "vyatta-livecd_3.5R3T60_amd64.iso", + "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" + }, + "name": "3.5R3" + } + ] + }, + { + "builtin": true, + "category": "router", + "description": "The vMX is a full-featured, carrier-grade virtual MX Series 3D Universal Edge Router that extends 15+ years of Juniper Networks edge routing expertise to the virtual realm. 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It also delivers the critical network services associated with today's enterprise routers such as VPN gateway, firewall and other security and traffic management functions.\n\nThe virtual services router (VSR) application runs on a hypervqcor on the server, and supports VMware vSphere and Linux KVM hypervqcors. From one to eight virtual CPUs are supported, depending on license.\n\nBecause the VSR1000 Series application runs the same HPE Comware version 7 operating system as HPE switches and routers, it enables significant operational savings. And being virtual, additional agility and ease of deployment is realized, as resources on the VSR can be dynamically allocated and upgraded upon demand as performance requirements grow.\n\nA variety of deployment models are supported including enterprise branch CPE routing, and cloud offload for small to medium workloads.", - "documentation_url": "", - "images": [ - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "VSR1000_HPE-CMW710-E0519L03-X64.qco", - "filesize": 202047488, - "md5sum": "83e23d27e7c3ef7ce813e6aad31d74f7", - "version": "7.10.E0519L03" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "VSR1000_HPE-CMW710-R0327L01-X64.qco", - "filesize": 138739712, - "md5sum": "907de5140a4a029afe1c517cfc27ecde", - "version": "7.10.R0327L01" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "VSR1000_HPE-CMW710-R0326-X64.qco", - "filesize": 138412032, - "md5sum": "4153d638bfa72ca72a957ea8682ad0e2", - "version": "7.10.R0326" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "VSR1000_HPE-CMW710-E0325-X64.qco", - "filesize": 111738880, - 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Furthermore, Gaia greatly increases operation efficiency by offering Automatic Software Update.\n\nThe feature-rich Web interface allows for search of any command or property in a second.\n\nGaia provides backward compatibility with IPSO and SPLAT CLI-style commands making it an easy transition for existing Check Point customers.", - "documentation_url": "", - "images": [ - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "Check_Point_R80.10_T421_Gaia.iso", - "filesize": 3420127232, - "md5sum": "12d9723fadb89bb722e20ca3f89012ce", - "version": "80.10" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "Check_Point_R77.30_T204_Install_and_Upgrade.Gaia.iso", - "filesize": 2799271936, - "md5sum": "6fa7586bbb6832fa965d3173276c5b87", - "version": "77.30" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "Check_Point_R77.20_T124_Install.Gaia.iso", - "filesize": 2632974336, - "md5sum": "7552fa2ad3e1f0ac31615b60b736969c", - "version": "77.20" - }, - { - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "empty100G.qcow2", - "filesize": 197120, - "md5sum": "1e6409a4523ada212dea2ebc50e50a65", - "version": "1.0" - } - ], - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "Checkpoint GAiA", - "product_name": "Gaia", - "qemu": { - "adapter_type": "e1000", - "adapters": 8, - "arch": "x86_64", - "boot_priority": "dc", - "console_type": "telnet", - "cpus": 2, - "kvm": "require", - "process_priority": "normal", - "ram": 4096 - }, - "registry_version": 4, - "status": "experimental", - "usage": "At boot choose the install on disk options. 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In practice, this means that you can have all the features you need with none of the bloat, powered by a Linux kernel that's more recent than most other distributions.\n\nThe realview platform is meant for use with QEMU for emulating an ARM system.", - "documentation_url": "", - "images": [ - { - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "openwrt-15.05.1-realview-vmlinux-initramfs.elf", - "filesize": 2278696, - "md5sum": "3660b9de654cf03f2a50997ae89c2daf", - "version": "15.05.1" - }, - { - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "openwrt-realview-vmlinux-initramfs-14.07.elf", - "filesize": 2183520, - "md5sum": "2411307d0794baa618537c5dfcb19575", - "version": "14.07" - } - ], - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "OpenWrt Realview", - "product_name": "OpenWrt", - "product_url": "", - "qemu": { - "adapter_type": "e1000", - "adapters": 2, - "arch": "arm", - "console_type": "telnet", - "kvm": "allow", - "options": "-M realview-eb-mpcore", - "ram": 128 - }, - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "stable", - "vendor_name": "OpenWrt", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "kernel_image": "openwrt-15.05.1-realview-vmlinux-initramfs.elf" - }, - "name": "Chaos Calmer 15.05.1" - }, - { - "images": { - "kernel_image": "openwrt-realview-vmlinux-initramfs-14.07.elf" - }, - "name": "Barrier Breaker 14.07" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "guest", - "description": "webterm is a debian based networking toolbox.\nIt contains the firefox web browser plus the following utilities: net-tools, iproute2, ping, traceroute, curl, host, iperf3, mtr, socat, ssh client, tcpdump, ab(apache benchmark) and the multicast testing tools msend/mreceive.", - "docker": { - "adapters": 1, - "console_type": "vnc", - "image": "gns3/webterm:latest" - }, - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "webterm", - "product_name": "webterm", - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "stable", - "symbol": "firefox.svg", - "usage": "The /root directory is persistent.", - "vendor_name": "webterm", - "vendor_url": "" - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "guest", - "description": "FortiAnalyzer Network Security Logging, Analysis, and Reporting Appliances securely aggregate log data from Fortinet Security Appliances. 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Plus our TriScale technology saves you money by allowing your network to scale up or down without additional hardware costs.", - "documentation_url": "", - "images": [ - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "NSVPX-KVM-12.0-56.20_nc_32.qcow2", - "filesize": 739704832, - "md5sum": "0ea1c23e3b8eb8451037d46ee472cfa6", - "version": "12.0-56.20" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "NSVPX-KVM-11.1-47.14_nc.raw", - "filesize": 21474836480, - "md5sum": "f7100f8b6588e152ce6f64e45b1e99fc", - "version": "11.1-47.14 F" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "NSVPX-KVM-10.5-56.22_nc.raw", - "filesize": 21474836480, - "md5sum": "b7569f09d4c348c5cf825627169131e7", - "version": "10.5-56.22" - } - ], - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "NetScaler VPX", - "port_name_format": "1/{0}", - "product_name": "NetScaler VPX", - "product_url": "", - "qemu": { - "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", - "adapters": 4, - "arch": "x86_64", - "boot_priority": "cd", - "console_type": "telnet", - "hda_disk_interface": "ide", - "kvm": "require", - "options": "-smp 2 -cpu host", - "ram": 2048 - }, - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "stable", - "symbol": "loadbalancer.svg", - "usage": "The image file is large (21.5 GB), make sure you have enough space. 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With unparalleled scalability, OP5 Monitor grows as your company grows, so you\u2019ll understand why we say this is the last network monitor you\u2019ll ever need to purchase.", - "documentation_url": "", - "images": [ - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "op5-Monitor-Virtual-Appliance-7.3.15.x86_64.vmdk", - "filesize": 779687424, - "md5sum": "634acc6266237d99bf1bfbcf9284beca", - "version": "7.3.15" - } - ], - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "OP5 Monitor", - "port_name_format": "eth{0}", - "product_name": "OP5 Monitor", - "product_url": "", - "qemu": { - "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", - "adapters": 2, - "arch": "x86_64", - "boot_priority": "c", - "console_type": "vnc", - "hda_disk_interface": "virtio", - "kvm": "require", - "ram": 1024 - }, - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "stable", - "symbol": "mgmt_station.svg", - "usage": "Interface eth0 is set to DHCP. 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It features a comfortable mount manager for device management.\nDEFT is paired with DART (acronym for Digital Advanced Response Toolkit), a Forensics System which can be run on Windows and contains the best tools for Forensics and Incident Response. DART features a GUI with logging and integrity check for the instruments here contained.\nBesides all this, the DEFT staff is devoted to implementing and developing applications which are released to Law Enforcement Officers, such as Autopsy 3 for Linux.", - "documentation_url": "", - "images": [ - { - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "deft-8.2.iso", - "filesize": 3317876736, - "md5sum": "8a70f61507251355153cbe94809323dd", - "version": "8.2" - }, - { - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "deft-8.1.iso", - "filesize": 3267639296, - "md5sum": "76bad80c7ea1552c9bd97bcca5de8d50", - "version": "8.1" - }, - { - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "deft-8.0.iso", - "filesize": 2898477056, - "md5sum": "fcedb54176de7a3018adfa7571a3a626", - "version": "8.0" - }, - { - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "deft-7.2.iso", - "filesize": 2695090176, - "md5sum": "1ea8ec6a2d333d0f0a64656bdf595a28", - "version": "7.2" - }, - { - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "empty30G.qcow2", - "filesize": 197120, - "md5sum": "3411a599e822f2ac6be560a26405821a", - "version": "1.0" - } - ], - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "DEFT Linux", - "product_name": "DEFT Linux", - "qemu": { - "adapter_type": "e1000", - "adapters": 1, - "arch": "x86_64", - "console_type": "vnc", - "hda_disk_interface": "virtio", - "kvm": "require", - "ram": 2048 - }, - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "stable", - "usage": "You can run the LiveCD or install to the local disk. Default root password: deft", - "vendor_name": "DEFT Association", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "deft-8.2.iso", - "hda_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "8.2" - }, - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "deft-8.1.iso", - "hda_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "8.1" - }, - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "deft-8.0.iso", - "hda_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "8.0" - }, - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "deft-7.2.iso", - "hda_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "7.2" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "guest", - "description": "NETem emulates a network link, typically a WAN link. It supports bandwidth limitation, delay, jitter and packet loss. All this functionality is already build in the linux kernel, NETem is just a menu system to make the configuration user-friendly.", - "documentation_url": "", - "images": [ - { - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "NETem-v4.qcow2", - "filesize": 26476544, - "md5sum": "e678698c97804901c7a53f6b68c8b861", - "version": "0.4" - } - ], - "maintainer": "Bernhard Ehlers", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "NETem", - "port_name_format": "eth{0}", - "product_name": "netem", - "qemu": { - "adapter_type": "e1000", - "adapters": 2, - "arch": "i386", - "console_type": "telnet", - "kvm": "allow", - "options": "-nographic", - "ram": 96 - }, - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "experimental", - "usage": "Insert the NETem VM between two network elements and connect it to them. NETem is fully transparent, it bridges the traffic from one interface to the other one. As NETem only bridges, it needs no IP addresses. On start a menu on the console allows a user-friendy configuration of the line parameters.", - "vendor_name": "Linux", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "NETem-v4.qcow2" - }, - "name": "0.4" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "guest", - "description": "The term 'Ubuntu Cloud Guest' refers to the Official Ubuntu images that are available at . These images are built by Canonical. They are then registered on EC2, and compressed tarfiles are made also available for download. For using those images on a public cloud such as Amazon EC2, you simply choose an image and launch it. To use those images on a private cloud, or to run the image on a local hypervisor (such as KVM) you would need to download those images and either publish them to your private cloud, or launch them directly on a hypervisor. The following sections explain in more details how to perform each of those actions", - "documentation_url": "", - "images": [ - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "ubuntu-18.04-server-cloudimg-amd64.img", - "filesize": 336134144, - "md5sum": "f4134e7fa16d7fa766c7467cbe25c949", - "version": "18.04" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "ubuntu-17.10-server-cloudimg-amd64.img", - "filesize": 320405504, - "md5sum": "331b44f2b05858c251b3ea92c8b65152", - "version": "17.10" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "ubuntu-16.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img", - "filesize": 290193408, - "md5sum": "22c124ba65ea096cdef8b0a197dd613a", - "version": "16.04" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "ubuntu-14.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img", - "filesize": 262668800, - "md5sum": "d11b89321d41d0eeddcacf73bf0d2262", - "version": "14.04" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "ubuntu-cloud-init-data.iso", - "filesize": 131072, - "md5sum": "328469100156ae8dbf262daa319c27ff", - "version": "1.0" - } - ], - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "Ubuntu Cloud Guest", - "port_name_format": "Ethernet{0}", - "product_name": "Ubuntu Cloud Guest", - "product_url": "", - "qemu": { - "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", - "adapters": 1, - "arch": "x86_64", - "boot_priority": "c", - "console_type": "telnet", - "hda_disk_interface": "virtio", - "kvm": "require", - "options": "-nographic", - "ram": 1024 - }, - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "stable", - "usage": "Username: ubuntu\nPassword: ubuntu", - "vendor_name": "Canonical Inc.", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "ubuntu-cloud-init-data.iso", - "hda_disk_image": "ubuntu-18.04-server-cloudimg-amd64.img" - }, - "name": "18.04 (LTS)" - }, - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "ubuntu-cloud-init-data.iso", - "hda_disk_image": "ubuntu-17.10-server-cloudimg-amd64.img" - }, - "name": "17.10" - }, - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "ubuntu-cloud-init-data.iso", - "hda_disk_image": "ubuntu-16.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img" - }, - "name": "16.04 (LTS)" - }, - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "ubuntu-cloud-init-data.iso", - "hda_disk_image": "ubuntu-14.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img" - }, - "name": "14.04 (LTS)" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "router", - "description": "IOS XRv 9000 (aka Sunstone) is the 1st VM released running the 64-bit IOS XR operating system as used on the NCS-6xxx platform. This appliance requires 4 vCPUs and 16GB of memory to run!", - "documentation_url": "", - "first_port_name": "MgmtEth0/0/CPU0/0", - "images": [ - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "xrv9k-fullk9-x-6.5.1.qcow2", - "filesize": 1208811520, - "md5sum": "730868e7cd46de9aa2e950899c7f9498", - "version": "6.5.1" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "xrv9k-fullk9-x-6.4.2.qcow2", - "filesize": 1311703040, - "md5sum": "6958763192c7bb59a1b8049d377de1b4", - "version": "6.4.2" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "xrv9k-fullk9-x-6.4.1.qcow2", - "filesize": 1304887296, - "md5sum": "9c56b684e307706005a503e289cb9317", - "version": "6.4.1" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "xrv9k-fullk9-x-6.2.25.qcow2", - "filesize": 1190723584, - "md5sum": "3f54e62b6f7cedfb2607233e5e465766", - "version": "6.2.25" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "xrv9k-fullk9-x.qcow2-6.0.1", - "filesize": 2109210624, - "md5sum": "e20d046807075046c35b6ce7d6766a7f", - "version": "6.0.1" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "xrv9k-fullk9-x.qcow2-6.0.0", - "filesize": 2572943360, - "md5sum": "64c538c34252aaeb4ed1ddb93d6803fd", - "version": "6.0.0" - } - ], - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "Cisco IOS XRv 9000", - "port_name_format": "GigabitEthernet0/0/0/{0}", - "product_name": "IOS XRv 9000", - "product_url": "", - "qemu": { - "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", - "adapters": 7, - "arch": "x86_64", - "console_type": "telnet", - "kvm": "require", - "options": "-smp 4 -cpu host", - "ram": 16384 - }, - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "experimental", - "usage": "Default username/password: admin/admin, cisco/cisco and lab/lab. There is no default configuration present. Interfaces may take several minutes to be usable after appliance boot.", - "vendor_name": "Cisco", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "xrv9k-fullk9-x-6.5.1.qcow2" - }, - "name": "6.5.1" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "xrv9k-fullk9-x-6.4.2.qcow2" - }, - "name": "6.4.2" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "xrv9k-fullk9-x-6.4.1.qcow2" - }, - "name": "6.4.1" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "xrv9k-fullk9-x-6.2.25.qcow2" - }, - "name": "6.2.25" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "xrv9k-fullk9-x.qcow2-6.0.1" - }, - "name": "6.0.1" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "xrv9k-fullk9-x.qcow2-6.0.0" - }, - "name": "6.0.0" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "guest", - "description": "Junos Space Network Management Platform works with Juniper's management applications to simplify and automate management of Juniper's switching, routing, and security devices. As part of a complete solution, the platform provides broad fault, configuration, accounting, performance, and security management (FCAPS) capability, same day support for new devices and Junos OS releases, a task-specific user interface, and northbound APIs for integration with existing network management systems (NMS) or operations/business support systems (OSS/BSS).\n\nThe platform helps network operators at enterprises and service providers scale operations, reduce complexity, and enable new applications and services to be brought to market quickly, through multilayered network abstractions, operator-centric automation schemes, and a simple point-and-click UI.", - "documentation_url": "", - "images": [ - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "space-17.2R1.4.qcow2", - "filesize": 5150474240, - "md5sum": "4124fa756c3a78be0619e876b8ee687e", - "version": "17.2R1.4" - } - ], - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "Junos Space", - "port_name_format": "em{0}", - "product_name": "Junos Space", - "product_url": "", - "qemu": { - "adapter_type": "e1000", - "adapters": 4, - "arch": "x86_64", - "console_type": "telnet", - "kvm": "require", - "options": "-smp 4 -nographic", - "ram": 16384 - }, - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "stable", - "symbol": "juniper-vqfx.svg", - "usage": "16 GB RAM is the bare minimum; you should use 32/64 GB in production deplyments.\nDefault credentials:\n- CLI: admin / abc123\n- WebUI: super / juniper123", - "vendor_name": "Juniper", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "space-17.2R1.4.qcow2" - }, - "name": "17.2R1.4" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "router", - "description": "Cisco 2600 Router", - "documentation_url": "", - "dynamips": { - "chassis": "2610", - "nvram": 128, - "platform": "c2600", - "ram": 160, - "startup_config": "ios_base_startup-config.txt" - }, - "images": [ - { - "filename": "c2600-adventerprisek9-mz.124-15.T14.image", - "filesize": 87256400, - "md5sum": "483e3a579a5144ec23f2f160d4b0c0e2", - "version": "124-15.T14" - } - ], - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "Cisco 2600", - "product_name": "2600", - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "experimental", - "vendor_name": "Cisco", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "idlepc": "0x8027ec88", - "images": { - "image": "c2600-adventerprisek9-mz.124-15.T14.image" - }, - "name": "124-15.T14" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "firewall", - "description": "Protect your network from viruses, malware and malicious activity with Kerio Control, the easy-to-administer yet powerful all-in-one security solution.\nKerio Control brings together next-generation firewall capabilities - including a network firewall and router, intrusion detection and prevention (IPS), gateway anti-virus, VPN, and web content and application filtering. 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Using proven, industry-leading Cisco IOS\u00ae XE Software networking and security features, the CSR 1000V enables enterprises to transparently extend their WANs into external provider-hosted clouds and cloud providers to offer their tenants enterprise-class networking services.", - "documentation_url": "", - "images": [ - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "csr1000v-universalk9.16.09.01-serial.qcow2", - "filesize": 917897216, - "md5sum": "d7e1c83b6f513beb4200c7691d119086", - "version": "16.9.1" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "csr1000v-universalk9.16.08.01a-serial.qcow2", - "filesize": 890044416, - "md5sum": "91e2572f20c77606d710223511cd279a", - "version": "16.8.1a" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "csr1000v-universalk9.16.07.01-serial.qcow2", - "filesize": 884539392, - "md5sum": "bad9000d4ae8317bbc99a34a8cdd2eb4", - "version": "16.7.1" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "csr1000v-universalk9.16.06.02-serial.qcow2", - "filesize": 1570242560, - "md5sum": "11e393b31ab9d1ace8e5f7551c491ba2", - "version": "16.6.2" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "csr1000v-universalk9.16.06.01-serial.qcow2", - "filesize": 1566179328, - "md5sum": "909e74446d3ff0b82c14327c0058fdc2", - "version": "16.6.1" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "csr1000v-universalk9.16.05.02-serial.qcow2", - "filesize": 1322385408, - "md5sum": "59a84da28d59ee75176aa05ecde7f72a", - "version": "16.5.2" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "csr1000v-universalk9.16.5.1b-serial.qcow2", - "filesize": 1209543680, - "md5sum": "ac11d33041b8ff6dc3553e324d02cccb", - "version": "16.5.1b" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "csr1000v-universalk9.03.17.00.S.156-1.S-ext.qcow2", - "filesize": 1346305024, - "md5sum": "06cbfcd11f3557391db64fe2a6015a6e", - "version": "3.17" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "csr1000v-universalk9.16.3.1-build2.qcow2", - "filesize": 1280835584, - "md5sum": "a770e96de928265515304c9c9d6b46b9", - "version": "16.3.1-build2" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "csr1000v-universalk9.16.03.01.qcow2", - "filesize": 1351352320, - "md5sum": "0a7f3a4b93d425c2dcb2df5505816fa5", - "version": "16.3.1" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "csr1000v-universalk9.16.03.02.qcow2", - "filesize": 1167720448, - "md5sum": "2e5803d23cd52cba5d55fa8306be5f13", - "version": "16.3.2" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "csr1000v-universalk9.16.4.1.qcow2", - "filesize": 1261961216, - "md5sum": "3428e0dcf5132a1b11ab7696d8c61b2e", - "version": "16.4.1" - } - ], - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "Cisco CSR1000v", - "port_name_format": "Gi{port1}", - "product_name": "CSR1000v", - "product_url": "", - "qemu": { - "adapter_type": "vmxnet3", - "adapters": 4, - "arch": "x86_64", - "console_type": "telnet", - "kvm": "require", - "ram": 3072 - }, - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "stable", - "usage": "There is no default password and enable password. A default configuration is present.", - "vendor_name": "Cisco", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "csr1000v-universalk9.16.09.01-serial.qcow2" - }, - "name": "16.9.1" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "csr1000v-universalk9.16.08.01a-serial.qcow2" - }, - "name": "16.8.1a" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "csr1000v-universalk9.16.07.01-serial.qcow2" - }, - "name": "16.7.1" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "csr1000v-universalk9.16.06.02-serial.qcow2" - }, - "name": "16.6.2" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "csr1000v-universalk9.16.06.01-serial.qcow2" - }, - "name": "16.6.1" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "csr1000v-universalk9.16.05.02-serial.qcow2" - }, - "name": "16.5.2" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "csr1000v-universalk9.16.5.1b-serial.qcow2" - }, - "name": "16.5.1b" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "csr1000v-universalk9.03.17.00.S.156-1.S-ext.qcow2" - }, - "name": "3.17" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "csr1000v-universalk9.16.03.01.qcow2" - }, - "name": "16.3.1" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "csr1000v-universalk9.16.3.1-build2.qcow2" - }, - "name": "16.3.1-build2" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "csr1000v-universalk9.16.03.02.qcow2" - }, - "name": "16.3.2" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "csr1000v-universalk9.16.4.1.qcow2" - }, - "name": "16.4.1" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "multilayer_switch", - "description": "Cumulus VX is a community-supported virtual appliance that enables cloud admins and network engineers to preview and test Cumulus Networks technology at zero cost. You can build sandbox environments to learn Open Networking concepts, prototype network operations and script & develop applications risk-free. With Cumulus VX, you can get started with Open Networking at your pace, on your time, and in your environment!", - "documentation_url": "", - "first_port_name": "eth0", - "images": [ - { - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "cumulus-linux-3.7.1-vx-amd64-qemu.qcow2", - "filesize": 1640300544, - "md5sum": "201055c57e4a20bb5772289ea6216631", - "version": "3.7.1" - }, - { - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "cumulus-linux-3.6.2-vx-amd64.qcow2", - "filesize": 1150746624, - "md5sum": "02b0621d68fb2e709b4bcc48748c7b6f", - "version": "3.6.2" - }, - { - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "cumulus-linux-3.6.1-vx-amd64.qcow2", - "filesize": 1068761088, - "md5sum": "b2145a689ceea668d003a0d2f2faa045", - "version": "3.6.1" - }, - { - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "cumulus-linux-3.6.0-vx-amd64.qcow2", - "filesize": 1105199104, - "md5sum": "b5356b6c922f5620d7e6971d44e9be4d", - "version": "3.6.0" - 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}, - "name": "2.5.5" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "CumulusVX-2.5.3-4eb681f3df86c478.qcow2" - }, - "name": "2.5.3" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "multilayer_switch", - "description": "Arista cEOS\u2122 introduces the containerized packaging of EOS software and its agents for deployment in cloud infrastructure with the same proven EOS software image that runs on all Arista products. These flexible deployment options empower cloud network operators that are customizing their operating environments to provide a uniform workflow for development, testing and deployment of differentiated services.", - "docker": { - "adapters": 8, - "console_type": "telnet", - "image": "ceosimage:GNS3" - }, - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "cEOS", - "product_name": "cEOS", - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "experimental", - "symbol": ":/symbols/multilayer_switch.svg", - "usage": "Download:\nCreate a (free) Arista account and login.\nThen navigate to Support / Software Download and download the cEOS-lab image.\n\nInstallation:\nCopy the image to your GNS3VM (or other Linux) server, then run the following commands:\n\ndocker import cEOS-lab.tar.xz ceosimage:4.20.5F\necho \"rm /etc/systemd/system/\" | \\\ndocker run --name=ceos-container -e CEOS=1 -e container=docker -e EOS_PLATFORM=ceossim -e SKIP_ZEROTOUCH_BARRIER_IN_SYSDBINIT=1 -e ETBA=1 -e INTFTYPE=eth -i ceosimage:4.20.5F sh\ndocker commit --change='CMD [\"/sbin/init\"]' --change='VOLUME /mnt/flash' ceos-container ceosimage:GNS3\ndocker rm ceos-container\n\nUsage:\nThe login is admin, with no password by default", - "vendor_name": "Arista", - "vendor_url": "" - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "guest", - "description": "vRIN is a VM appliance capable to inject high number of routes into a network. It was tested on GNS3 topologies using VirtualBox and Qemu with up to 1M BGP routes. Runs Quagga. Supported protocols: BGP (IPv4/6), OSPF, OSPFv3, RIP v2, RIPng", - "images": [ - { - "compression": "bzip2", - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "vRIN-0.9.2.qcow2", - "filesize": 957087744, - "md5sum": "40afad2f5136e56f0cb45466847eae63", - "version": "0.9.2" - }, - { - "compression": "bzip2", - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "vRIN-0.9.1.qcow2", - "filesize": 1008926720, - "md5sum": "9f09f104917e19649598d9e2a5a3476b", - "version": "0.9.1" - }, - { - "compression": "bzip2", - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "vRIN-0.9.qcow2", - "filesize": 922943488, - "md5sum": "b9ec187d7a4743bb02339cf262767959", - "version": "0.9" - }, - { - "compression": "bzip2", - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "vRIN-0.8.qcow2", - "filesize": 625999872, - "md5sum": "38eb48d098d3e465422347f7983b9d86", - "version": "0.8" - }, - { - "compression": "bzip2", - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "vRIN-0.7.qcow2", - "filesize": 614268928, - "md5sum": "2e9802c403e34a91871922b9a26592ad", - "version": "0.7" - }, - { - "compression": "bzip2", - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "vRIN-0.6.qcow2", - "filesize": 609681408, - "md5sum": "6c763f609c05b5b9a3b1d422ab89dbac", - "version": "0.6" - } - ], - "maintainer": "Andras Dosztal", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "vRIN", - "product_name": "vRIN", - "qemu": { - "adapter_type": "e1000", - "adapters": 1, - "arch": "x86_64", - "console_type": "telnet", - "kvm": "allow", - "ram": 256 - }, - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "stable", - "symbol": "vRIN.svg", - "usage": "Connect eth0 to the network where you want vRIN to inject routes into then start the VM. You can either run the VM in normal or headless mode; in the latter case you can access vRIN through serial console. User input is not checked; it's your responsibility to enter valid information.\n\nAfter generating the routes, each Quagga process can be reached through eth0 using their default ports:\n - zebra: 2601\n - rip: 2602\n - ripng: 2603\n - ospf: 2604\n - bgp: 2605\n - ospf6d: 2606\nVTY password: vrin\n\nNotes:\n\n - Route generation may take a while when creating lots of routes (i.e. 10k+).\n - Login (serial / VM window): root / vrin", - "vendor_name": "Andras Dosztal", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "vRIN-0.9.2.qcow2" - }, - "name": "0.9.2" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "vRIN-0.9.1.qcow2" - }, - "name": "0.9.1" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "vRIN-0.9.qcow2" - }, - "name": "0.9" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "vRIN-0.8.qcow2" - }, - "name": "0.8" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "vRIN-0.7.qcow2" - }, - "name": "0.7" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "vRIN-0.6.qcow2" - }, - "name": "0.6" - } - ] - }, - { - "availability": "service-contract", - "builtin": true, - "category": "guest", - "description": "Aruba Virtual Mobility Controller", - "first_port_name": "mgmt", - "images": [ - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "ArubaOS_VMC_8.2.1.1_65265-disk1.qcow2", - "filesize": 197066752, - "md5sum": "f3bc233f0714e4b1cc127e337d077574", - "version": "" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "ArubaOS_VMC_8.2.1.1_65265-disk2.qcow2", - "filesize": 19202048, - "md5sum": "18ede2afc7595fdac4508a8a3972e302", - "version": "" - } - ], - "maintainer": "Gary Ossewaarde", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "Aruba VMC", - "port_name_format": "GE0/0/{0}", - "product_name": "Aruba VMC", - "qemu": { - "adapter_type": "e1000", - "adapters": 4, - "arch": "x86_64", - "console_type": "vnc", - "cpus": 3, - "hda_disk_interface": "ide", - "hdb_disk_interface": "ide", - "hdc_disk_interface": "ide", - "kernel_command_line": "-smp cores=3,threads=1,sockets=1 -cpu host -nographic", - "kvm": "require", - "options": "-smp cores=3,threads=1,sockets=1 -cpu host -nographic", - "process_priority": "normal", - "ram": 6144 - }, - "registry_version": 4, - "status": "stable", - "vendor_name": "HPE Aruba", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "ArubaOS_VMC_8.2.1.1_65265-disk1.qcow2", - "hdb_disk_image": "ArubaOS_VMC_8.2.1.1_65265-disk2.qcow2" - }, - "name": "" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "router", - "description": "The Alcatel-Lucent 7750 Service Router (SR) portfolio is a suite of multiservice edge routing platforms that deliver high performance, service richness, and creates exceptional value for networking in the cloud era. 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It is available in the form of Live CD or Compact Flash image and you can configure and administer it using your web browser.", - "documentation_url": "", - "images": [ - { - "compression": "gzip", - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "ZeroShell-3.8.2-X86-USB.img", - "filesize": 1992294400, - "md5sum": "bb8c7f24c86eb59e26ce36ff1979ecd4", - "version": "3.8.2" - }, - { - "compression": "gzip", - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "ZeroShell-3.8.1-X86-USB.img", - "filesize": 1992294400, - "md5sum": "49256e396d160e88fbc3a3889e172482", - "version": "3.8.1" - }, - { - "compression": "gzip", - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "ZeroShell-3.8.0-X86-USB.img", - "filesize": 1992294400, - "md5sum": "a16d584c831f3e88ea442a2343d71cfa", - "version": "3.8.0" - }, - { - "compression": "gzip", - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "ZeroShell-3.7.1-USB.img", - "filesize": 1992294400, - "md5sum": "22e739a24dc1c233d3eca5d8fedc97c8", - "version": "3.7.1" - } - ], - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "ZeroShell", - "product_name": "ZeroShell", - "qemu": { - "adapter_type": "e1000", - "adapters": 4, - "arch": "x86_64", - "console_type": "vnc", - "kvm": "allow", - "ram": 256 - }, - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "stable", - "usage": "Default WebUI credentials: admin / zeroshell", - "vendor_name": "Fulvio Ricciardi", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "ZeroShell-3.8.2-X86-USB.img" - }, - "name": "3.8.2" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "ZeroShell-3.8.1-X86-USB.img" - }, - "name": "3.8.1" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "ZeroShell-3.8.0-X86-USB.img" - }, - "name": "3.8.0" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "ZeroShell-3.7.1-USB.img" - }, - "name": "3.7.1" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "firewall", - "description": "The VM-Series combines next-generation firewall security and advanced threat prevention to protect your virtualized environments from advanced cyberthreats. The VM-Series natively analyzes all traffic in a single pass to determine the application identity, the content within, and the user identity.", - "documentation_url": "", - "first_port_name": "management", - "images": [ - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "PA-VM-ESX-8.1.0-disk1.vmdk", - "filesize": 2281454080, - "md5sum": "49af8e8225c2e90414bde0be15eaf421", - "version": "8.1.0" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "PA-VM-KVM-8.1.0.qcow2", - "filesize": 2260467712, - "md5sum": "459558515b965b2e43fde2842abbae66", - "version": "8.1.0" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "PA-VM-ESX-8.0.0-disk1.vmdk", - "filesize": 2002713088, - "md5sum": "a505fb1dbcc855ecf98630fd5d329f9a", - "version": "8.0.0" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "PA-VM-KVM-8.0.0.qcow2", - "filesize": 1987444736, - "md5sum": "b6a1ddc8552aff87f05f9c0d4cb54dc3", - "version": "8.0.0" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "PA-VM-ESX-7.1.0-disk1.vmdk", - "filesize": 1871149056, - "md5sum": "e044dc649b7146ee4f619edb0e5f6675", - "version": "7.1.0 (ESX)" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "PA-VM-KVM-7.1.0.qcow2", - "filesize": 1858797568, - "md5sum": "da300253709740068927408239c2e321", - "version": "7.1.0" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "PA-VM-ESX-6.1.0-disk1.vmdk", - "filesize": 2959736832, - "md5sum": "64b1e81cd54008318235832ea6d71424", - "version": "6.1.0 (ESX)" - } - ], - "maintainer": "Community", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "PA-VM", - "port_name_format": "ethernet1/{port1}", - "product_name": "PAN VM-Series Firewall", - "product_url": "", - "qemu": { - "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", - "adapters": 25, - "arch": "x86_64", - "console_type": "telnet", - "hda_disk_interface": "virtio", - "kvm": "require", - "options": "-smp 2", - "ram": 4096 - }, - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "experimental", - "symbol": "pan-vm-fw.svg", - "usage": "Default Username: admin\r\nDefault Password: admin\r\nPAN-VM goes through several iterations of host prompts during boot. This is normal and expected.\r\nLogin is available when prompt is PA-VM login:\r\n\r\nGetting Started:\r\nTo configure a static IP address at the console enter the following commands:\r\n\r\nconfigure\r\nset deviceconfig system ip-address netmask default-gateway type static\r\nset deviceconfig system dns-setting servers primary secondary \r\ncommit\r\n", - "vendor_name": "Palo Alto Networks", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "PA-VM-ESX-8.1.0-disk1.vmdk" - }, - "name": "8.1.0 (ESX)" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "PA-VM-KVM-8.1.0.qcow2" - }, - "name": "8.1.0" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "PA-VM-ESX-8.0.0-disk1.vmdk" - }, - "name": "8.0.0 (ESX)" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "PA-VM-KVM-8.0.0.qcow2" - }, - "name": "8.0.0" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "PA-VM-ESX-7.1.0-disk1.vmdk" - }, - "name": "7.1.0 (ESX)" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "PA-VM-KVM-7.1.0.qcow2" - }, - "name": "7.1.0" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "PA-VM-ESX-6.1.0-disk1.vmdk" - }, - "name": "6.1.0 (ESX)" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "guest", - "description": "WordPress is a state-of-the-art publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability. It is one of the worlds most popular blog publishing applications, includes tons of powerful core functionality, extendable via literally thousands of plugins, and supports full theming. This appliance includes all the standard features in TurnKey Core too.", - "docker": { - "adapters": 1, - "console_type": "telnet", - "image": "turnkeylinux/wordpress-14.2:latest" - }, - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "WordPress", - "product_name": "TurnKey Linux WordPress", - "product_url": "", - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "stable", - "usage": "For security reasons there are no default passwords. All passwords are set at system initialization time.", - "vendor_name": "Turnkey Linux", - "vendor_url": "" - }, - { - "availability": "service-contract", - "builtin": true, - "category": "firewall", - "description": "Cisco Firepower Threat Defense Virtual NGFW appliances combine Cisco's proven network firewall with the industry\u2019s most effective next-gen IPS and advanced malware protection. All so you can get more visibility, be more flexible, save more, and protect better.", - "documentation_url": "", - "first_port_name": "Gigabit0/0 (Mgmt)", - "images": [ - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "Cisco_Firepower_Threat_Defense_Virtual-6.2.0-363.qcow2", - "filesize": 1022885888, - "md5sum": "fafdae94ead07b23d6c8dc5f7a731e74", - "version": "6.2.0 (363)" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "Cisco_Firepower_Threat_Defense_Virtual-6.2.0-363.vmdk", - "filesize": 1042470912, - "md5sum": "10297ab20526a8b1586c6ce1cd3d9cbd", - "version": "6.2.0 (363) vmdk" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "Cisco_Firepower_Threat_Defense_Virtual-6.1.0-330.qcow2", - "filesize": 1004601344, - "md5sum": "386ab2b3d6d1d28fd2cd03a83df5e00f", - "version": "6.1.0 (330)" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "Cisco_Firepower_Threat_Defense_Virtual-6.1.0-330.vmdk", - "filesize": 1024162816, - "md5sum": "c1fa58448841b33d5eed6854dc608816", - "version": "6.1.0 (330) vmdk" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "Cisco_Firepower_Threat_Defense_Virtual-6.0.1-1213.vmdk", - "filesize": 714577408, - "md5sum": "bc53461e2ec344814e41a6a8d3a5f774", - "version": "6.0.1 (1213) vmdk" - } - ], - "maintainer": "Community", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "Cisco FTDv", - "port_name_format": "Gigabit0/{port1}", - "product_name": "Cisco FTDv", - "product_url": "", - "qemu": { - "adapter_type": "e1000", - "adapters": 10, - "arch": "x86_64", - "console_type": "telnet", - "cpus": 4, - "hda_disk_interface": "ide", - "kvm": "require", - "ram": 8192 - }, - "registry_version": 4, - "status": "experimental", - "symbol": ":/symbols/asa.svg", - "usage": "Default username/password: admin/Admin123.", - "vendor_name": "Cisco Systems", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "Cisco_Firepower_Threat_Defense_Virtual-6.2.0-363.qcow2" - }, - "name": "6.2.0 (363)" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "Cisco_Firepower_Threat_Defense_Virtual-6.2.0-363.vmdk" - }, - "name": "6.2.0 (363) vmdk" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "Cisco_Firepower_Threat_Defense_Virtual-6.1.0-330.qcow2" - }, - "name": "6.1.0 (330)" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "Cisco_Firepower_Threat_Defense_Virtual-6.1.0-330.vmdk" - }, - "name": "6.1.0 (330) vmdk" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "Cisco_Firepower_Threat_Defense_Virtual-6.0.1-1213.vmdk" - }, - "name": "6.0.1 (1213) vmdk" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "router", - "description": "Cisco 3620 Router", - "documentation_url": "", - "dynamips": { - "chassis": "3620", - "nvram": 256, - "platform": "c3600", - "ram": 192, - "startup_config": "ios_base_startup-config.txt" - }, - "images": [ - { - "filename": "c3620-a3jk8s-mz.122-26c.image", - "filesize": 38947996, - "md5sum": "37b444b29191630e5b688f002de2171c", - "version": "122-26c" - } - ], - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "Cisco 3620", - "product_name": "3620", - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "experimental", - "vendor_name": "Cisco", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "idlepc": "0x603a8bac", - "images": { - "image": "c3620-a3jk8s-mz.122-26c.image" - }, - "name": "122-26c" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "router", - "description": "Cisco 2691 Router", - "documentation_url": "", - "dynamips": { - "nvram": 256, - "platform": "c3600", - "ram": 192, - "slot0": "GT96100-FE", - "startup_config": "ios_base_startup-config.txt" - }, - "images": [ - { - "filename": "c2691-adventerprisek9-mz.124-15.T14.image", - "filesize": 95976624, - "md5sum": "e7ee5a4a57ed1433e5f73ba6e7695c90", - "version": "124-15.T14" - } - ], - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "Cisco 2691", - "product_name": "2691", - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "experimental", - "vendor_name": "Cisco", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "idlepc": "0x60bcf9f8", - "images": { - "image": "c2691-adventerprisek9-mz.124-15.T14.image" - }, - "name": "124-15.T14" - } - ] - }, - { - "availability": "service-contract", - "builtin": true, - "category": "firewall", - "description": "This is your administrative nerve center for managing critical Cisco network security solutions. 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This can take 30 minutes or more. Plan on a long wait after the following line in the boot up:\n\n usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage\n\nInitial IP address:\n\nDefault username/password: admin/Admin123.", - "vendor_name": "Cisco Systems", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "Cisco_Firepower_Management_Center_Virtual-6.0.0-1005-disk1.vmdk" - }, - "name": "6.0.0 (1005) vmdk" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "Cisco_Firepower_Management_Center_Virtual-6.1.0-330.qcow2" - }, - "name": "6.1.0 (330)" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "Cisco_Firepower_Management_Center_Virtual_VMware-6.1.0-330-disk1.vmdk" - }, - "name": "6.1.0 (330) vmdk" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "Cisco_Firepower_Management_Center_Virtual-6.2.0-362.qcow2" - }, - "name": "6.2.0 (362)" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "Cisco_Firepower_Management_Center_Virtual_VMware-6.2.0-362-disk1.vmdk" - }, - "name": "6.2.0 (362) vmdk" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "Cisco_Firepower_Management_Center_Virtual-6.2.1-342.qcow2" - }, - "name": "6.2.1 (342)" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "Cisco_Firepower_Management_Center_Virtual_VMware-6.2.1-342-disk1.vmdk" - }, - "name": "6.2.1 (342) vmdk" - } - ] - }, - { - "availability": "free", - "builtin": true, - "category": "guest", - "description": "The CentOS Linux distribution is a stable, predictable, manageable and reproducible platform derived from the sources of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). 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In the coming weeks we aim to publish our own roadmap that includes variants of the core CentOS Linux.", - "documentation_url": "", - "images": [ - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "CentOS 7-1611 (64bit).vmdk", - "filesize": 4365877248, - "md5sum": "1da15f6144eab25c8546f81dd1c34092", - "version": "7-1611" - } - ], - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "Centos", - "port_name_format": "eth{0}", - "product_name": "Centos", - "product_url": "", - "qemu": { - "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", - "adapters": 1, - "arch": "x86_64", - "boot_priority": "c", - "console_type": "spice", - "hda_disk_interface": "ide", - "kvm": "require", - "options": "-vga qxl", - "ram": 2048 - }, - "registry_version": 5, - "status": "stable", - "usage": "Username:\nPassword:", - "vendor_name": "CentOS Linux", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "CentOS 7-1611 (64bit).vmdk" - }, - "name": "7-1611" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "guest", - "description": "Ubuntu is a full-featured Linux operating system which is based on Debian distribution and freely available with both community and professional support, it comes with Unity as its default desktop environment. 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Please 'Select FTOS for S-Series OS-EMULATOR'. Import the resulting ISO image.", - "first_port_name": "Management0/0", - "images": [ - { - "compression": "zip", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "FTOS-SI-", - "filesize": 108115968, - "md5sum": "b9b50eda0a73407dc381792ff7975e24", - "version": "9.8.0" - }, - { - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "empty30G.qcow2", - "filesize": 197120, - "md5sum": "3411a599e822f2ac6be560a26405821a", - "version": "1.0" - } - ], - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "Dell OS9", - "port_name_format": "fortyGigE0/{0}", - "product_name": "Dell OS9", - "product_url": "", - "qemu": { - "adapter_type": "e1000", - "adapters": 6, - "arch": "i386", - "boot_priority": "cd", - "console_type": "vnc", - "hda_disk_interface": "ide", - "kvm": "require", - "ram": 512 - }, - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "experimental", - "usage": "Make sure the Boot priority of the configuration template is HDD or CD.\n\nAbort the BCM process and format the flash after first boot by entering these commands:\nen\nformat flash:\n\nSometimes the flash device is not available after boot.", - "vendor_name": "Dell Inc.", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "FTOS-SI-", - "hda_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "9.8.0" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "router", - "description": "VyOS is a community fork of Vyatta, a Linux-based network operating system that provides software-based network routing, firewall, and VPN functionality.", - "documentation_url": "", - "images": [ - { - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "vyos-1.2.0-beta1-amd64.iso", - "filesize": 243269632, - "md5sum": "c2906532d4c7a0d29b61e8eab326d6c7", - "version": "1.2.0-beta1" - }, - { - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "vyos-1.1.8-amd64.iso", - "filesize": 241172480, - "md5sum": "95a141d4b592b81c803cdf7e9b11d8ea", - "version": "1.1.8" - }, - { - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "vyos-1.1.7-amd64.iso", - "filesize": 245366784, - "md5sum": "9a7f745a0b0db0d4f1d9eee2a437fb54", - "version": "1.1.7" - }, - { - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "h", - "filename": "vyos-1.1.6-amd64.iso", - "filesize": 245366784, - "md5sum": "3128954d026e567402a924c2424ce2bf", - "version": "1.1.6" - }, - { - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "vyos-1.1.5-amd64.iso", - "filesize": 247463936, - "md5sum": "193179532011ceaa87ee725bd8f22022", - "version": "1.1.5" - }, - { - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "empty8G.qcow2", - "filesize": 197120, - "md5sum": "f1d2c25b6990f99bd05b433ab603bdb4", - "version": "1.0" - } - ], - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "VyOS", - "port_name_format": "eth{0}", - "product_name": "VyOS", - "product_url": "", - "qemu": { - "adapter_type": "e1000", - "adapters": 3, - "arch": "x86_64", - "boot_priority": "dc", - "console_type": "telnet", - "kvm": "allow", - "ram": 512 - }, - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "stable", - "usage": "Default username/password is vyos/vyos. 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Connect the second interface (em1) directly to the second interface (em1) of the PFE. The switch ports connect here on the RE", - "vendor_name": "Juniper", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "jinstall-vqfx-10-f-17.4R1.16.img" - }, - "name": "17.4R1" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "vqfx10k-re-15.1X53-D60.vmdk" - }, - "name": "15.1X53-D60" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "router", - "description": "Take control of your online applications with Brocade virtual Traffic Manager (Developer Edition). Enhance customer experience, inspect traffic in real-time, control service levels to differentiate users and services, and reduce your costs with an extensible delivery platform that can grow with your business using ADC-as-a-Service. A fully functional Developer Edition which needs no license key, is limited to 1 Mbps/100 SSL tps throughput, and has access to the Brocade Community support web pages.", - "documentation_url": "", - "images": [ - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "VirtualTrafficManager-174.qcow2", - "filesize": 2036465664, - "md5sum": "3c44f385e5faf310ca8e3d46bf4e0564", - "version": "17.4" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "VirtualTrafficManager-173.qcow2", - "filesize": 2022178816, - "md5sum": "c3425d8ec3f8c7789c0a88b8ed6bdf3b", - "version": "17.3" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "VirtualTrafficManager-172.qcow2", - "filesize": 2039742464, - "md5sum": "00d3ab0422eb786bcbd77f5841220956", - "version": "17.2" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "VirtualTrafficManager-171.qcow2", - "filesize": 1771175936, - "md5sum": "397672218292e739bd33b203a91dbcf4", - "version": "17.1" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "VirtualTrafficManager-111.qcow2", - "filesize": 12189564928, - "md5sum": "3c9c63e2071d79c64cb4b17b355d2582", - "version": "11.1" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "VirtualTrafficManager-110.img", - "filesize": 12191531008, - "md5sum": "7fb0bab8e1cf09076e87270b1418ec81", - "version": "11.0" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "VirtualTrafficManager-104R1.img", - "filesize": 12193562624, - "md5sum": "395542073d6afb9e62e7d5a7b339c3b3", - "version": "10.4R1" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "VirtualTrafficManager-104.img", - "filesize": 12190220288, - "md5sum": "88e31b072e17de12e241ef442bb5faae", - "version": "10.4" - } - ], - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "vTM DE", - "port_name_format": "eth{0}", - "product_name": "vTM DE", - "product_url": "", - "qemu": { - "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", - "adapters": 8, - "arch": "x86_64", - "boot_priority": "c", - "console_type": "telnet", - "hda_disk_interface": "virtio", - "kvm": "require", - "ram": 2048 - }, - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "stable", - "symbol": "loadbalancer.svg", - "usage": "Credentials: admin / admin. 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This will take time. The intial username is setup.\n\nThis appliance requires KVM. You may try it on a system without KVM, but it will run really slow, if at all.", - "vendor_name": "Cisco", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "ise-", - "hda_disk_image": "empty200G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "" - }, - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "ise-", - "hda_disk_image": "empty200G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "" - }, - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "ise-", - "hda_disk_image": "empty200G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "" - }, - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "ise-", - "hda_disk_image": "empty200G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "multilayer_switch", - "description": "The VOSS VM is a software emulation of a VSP8K switch.", - "documentation_url": "", - "first_port_name": "Mgmt", - "images": [ - { - "direct_download_url": "", - "filename": "VOSSGNS3.", - "filesize": 193724416, - "md5sum": "7bb2974efe1a1ab857debd9fa894dbe7", - "version": "voss_7.1.0.0" - }, - { - "direct_download_url": "", - "filename": "VOSSGNS3.", - "filesize": 419430400, - "md5sum": "65fe97461156aa88c836a90be1287649", - "version": "voss_7.0.0.0" - } - ], - "maintainer": "Extreme Networks", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "VOSS VM", - "port_name_format": "1/{port1}", - "product_name": "VOSS_VM", - "qemu": { - "adapter_type": "e1000", - "adapters": 9, - "arch": "i386", - "console_type": "telnet", - "hda_disk_interface": "ide", - "kvm": "allow", - "options": "-nographic", - "ram": 1024 - }, - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "experimental", - "symbol": "ethernet_switch.svg", - "usage": "Boot up and login is rwa/rwa", - "vendor_name": "Extreme Networks", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "VOSSGNS3." - }, - "name": "" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "VOSSGNS3." - }, - "name": "" - } - ] - }, - { - "availability": "free-to-try", - "builtin": true, - "category": "guest", - "description": "Microsoft Windows, or simply Windows, is a metafamily of graphical operating systems developed, marketed, and sold by Microsoft. It consists of several families of operating systems, each of which cater to a certain sector of the computing industry with the OS typically associated with IBM PC compatible architecture.", - "documentation_url": "", - "images": [ - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "MSEdge-Win10-VMWare-disk1.vmdk", - "filesize": 5636608512, - "md5sum": "fef74c69e1949480d4e2095324a169af", - "version": "10 w/ Edge" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "MSEdge_-_Win10_preview.vmdk", - "filesize": 10907287552, - "md5sum": "e06d97b871581d91b7363bf72a81553d", - "version": "10 w/ Edge" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "IE11_-_Win8.1-disk1.vmdk", - "filesize": 5704344064, - "md5sum": "6c8691c7d58bf2c33f6ca242ace6b9bd", - "version": "8.1 w/ IE11" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "IE11_-_Win7-disk1.vmdk", - "filesize": 4101495296, - "md5sum": "5733cc93a6ed756c2358f0a383b411a8", - "version": "7 w/ IE11" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "IE10_-_Win7-disk1.vmdk", - "filesize": 4062174208, - "md5sum": "ed18b5903fb7d778b847c8d1cef807c4", - "version": "7 w/ IE10" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "IE9_-_Win7-disk1.vmdk", - "filesize": 4040829440, - "md5sum": "82370cfa215002a49651b773a3a569f2", - "version": "7 w/ IE9" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "IE8_-_Win7-disk1.vmdk", - "filesize": 4228026368, - "md5sum": "63456b42eb8e184b3e7c675645a3c32c", - "version": "7 w/ IE8" - } - ], - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "Windows", - "port_name_format": "NIC{port1}", - "product_name": "Windows", - "product_url": "", - "qemu": { - "adapter_type": "e1000", - "adapters": 1, - "arch": "x86_64", - "boot_priority": "c", - "console_type": "vnc", - "hda_disk_interface": "sata", - "kvm": "require", - "ram": 1024 - }, - "registry_version": 4, - "status": "stable", - "symbol": "microsoft.svg", - "usage": "These virtual machines expire after 90 days; i.e. you have to re-create them in your project after this time but you don't have to re-import the appliance.\n\nDefault credentials: IEUser / Passw0rd!", - "vendor_name": "Microsoft", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "MSEdge-Win10-VMWare-disk1.vmdk" - }, - "name": "10 w/ Edge" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "MSEdge_-_Win10_preview.vmdk" - }, - "name": "10 w/ Edge (Preview)" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "IE11_-_Win8.1-disk1.vmdk" - }, - "name": "8.1 w/ IE11" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "IE11_-_Win7-disk1.vmdk" - }, - "name": "7 w/ IE11" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "IE10_-_Win7-disk1.vmdk" - }, - "name": "7 w/ IE10" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "IE9_-_Win7-disk1.vmdk" - }, - "name": "7 w/ IE9" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "IE8_-_Win7-disk1.vmdk" - }, - "name": "7 w/ IE8" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "firewall", - "description": "The Adaptive Security Virtual Appliance is a virtualized network security solution based on the market-leading Cisco ASA 5500-X Series firewalls. 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A default configuration is present. ASAv goes through a double-boot before becoming active. This is normal and expected.", - "vendor_name": "Cisco", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "asav992.qcow2" - }, - "name": "9.9.2" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "asav983.qcow2" - }, - "name": "9.8.3" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "asav981-5.qcow2" - }, - "name": "9.8.1-5" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "asav981.qcow2" - }, - "name": "9.8.1" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "asav971-8.qcow2" - }, - "name": "9.7.1-8" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "asav971-4.qcow2" - }, - "name": "9.7.1-4" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "asav971-2.qcow2" - }, - "name": "9.7.1-2" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "asav971.qcow2" - }, - "name": "9.7.1" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "asav963-8.qcow2" - }, - "name": "9.6.3-8" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "asav963-1.qcow2" - }, - "name": "9.6.3-1" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "asav962-13.qcow2" - }, - "name": "9.6.2-13" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "asav962.qcow2" - }, - "name": "9.6.2" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "guest", - "description": "Ubuntu is a Debian-based Linux operating system, with Unity as its default desktop environment. 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Default user: admin (no password set)", - "vendor_name": "Extreme Networks", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "exosvm-", - "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "" - }, - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "exosvm-", - "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "" - }, - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "exosvm-", - "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "" - }, - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "exosvm-", - "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "" - }, - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "exosvm-", - "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "" - }, - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "exosvm-", - "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "" - }, - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "exosvm-", - "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "" - }, - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "exospc-", - "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "" - }, - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "exospc-", - "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "" - }, - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "exospc-", - "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "firewall", - "description": "Sophos XG Firewall delivers the ultimate enterprise firewall performance, security, and control.\n\nFastpath packet optimization technology with up to 140Gbps throughput\nRevolutionary Security Heartbeat\u2122 for improved Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) and response\nPatented Layer-8 user identity control and visibility\nUnified App, Web, QoS, and IPS Policy simplifies management\nApp risk factor and user threat quotient monitors risk levels", - "documentation_url": "", - "images": [ - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "VI-17.1.3_MR-3.KVM-250-PRIMARY.qcow2", - "filesize": 298844160, - "md5sum": "f11c4f63656bcdacbd27c44c52416941", - "version": "17.1.3 MR3" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "VI-17.1.3_MR-3.KVM-250-AUXILARY.qcow2", - "filesize": 59441152, - "md5sum": "fbea59f7aa81f305bea78c86f82dc3a6", - "version": "17.1.3 MR3" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "VI-SFOS_17.0.2_MR-2.KVM-116-PRIMARY.qcow2", - "filesize": 324599808, - "md5sum": "2555fa6dcdcecad02c9f02dcb1c0c5e5", - "version": "17.0.2 MR2" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "VI-SFOS_17.0.2_MR-2.KVM-116-AUXILARY.qcow2", - "filesize": 59441152, - "md5sum": "c3ef795423dbfc01771348b0daa75125", - "version": "17.0.2 MR2" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "VI-SFOS_16.05.4_MR-4.KVM-215-PRIMARY.qcow2", - "filesize": 287113216, - "md5sum": "20535c9e624f42e1977f1e407fbc565e", - "version": "16.05.4 MR4" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "VI-SFOS_16.05.4_MR-4.KVM-215-AUXILARY.qcow2", - "filesize": 59441152, - "md5sum": "cafac2d997a3ead087d5823b86ce6cb4", - "version": "16.05.4 MR4" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "VI-SFOS_16.05.1_MR-1.KVM-139-PRIMARY.qcow2", - "filesize": 285671424, - "md5sum": "3d81cf163fb0f4c5c9ba26e92a0ddc13", - "version": "16.05.1 MR1" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "VI-SFOS_16.05.1_MR-1.KVM-139-AUXILARY.qcow2", - "filesize": 59441152, - "md5sum": "499541728460331a6b68b9e60c8207a3", - "version": "16.05.1 MR1" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "VI-SFOS_16.05.0_RC-1.KVM-098-PRIMARY.qcow2", - "filesize": 285736960, - "md5sum": "1826ca8a34945de5251876dc3fc7fe63", - "version": "16.05.1 RC1" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "VI-SFOS_16.05.0_RC-1.KVM-098-AUXILARY.qcow2", - "filesize": 59441152, - "md5sum": "a9c60a65c1e7b5be8369e5ceaeb358f9", - "version": "16.05.1 RC1" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "VI-SFOS_16.01.1.KVM-202-PRIMARY.qcow2", - "filesize": 277479424, - "md5sum": "818d9f973b7a32c50d9b84814c6f1ee3", - "version": "16.01.1" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "VI-SFOS_16.01.1.KVM-202-AUXILARY.qcow2", - "filesize": 59441152, - "md5sum": "1f6fc0b751aaec9bfd4401b0e0cbc6dc", - "version": "16.01.1" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "VI-SFMOS_15.01.0.KVM-301-PRIMARY.qcow2", - "filesize": 706412544, - "md5sum": "a2cb14ed93de1550afef49984b11b56f", - "version": "15.01" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "VI-SFMOS_15.01.0.KVM-301-AUXILARY.qcow2", - "filesize": 199168, - "md5sum": "43cf82ac1f7b0eb6550f0e203daa6b96", - "version": "15.01" - } - ], - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "Sophos XG Firewall", - "product_name": "Sophos XG Firewall", - "product_url": "", - "qemu": { - "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", - "adapters": 4, - "arch": "x86_64", - "console_type": "telnet", - "hda_disk_interface": "virtio", - "hdb_disk_interface": "virtio", - "kvm": "require", - "ram": 1024 - }, - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "experimental", - "usage": "Port 0 => You computer for the configurtation\nPort 1 => WAN\n\n1. You need a serial number. You can get a trial from Sophos for free.\nUpon starting for the first time, access the setup screen at (Note: it may take a few minutes for the necessary services to start before the setup screen is ready).\n3. When you are prompted the default administrator credentials are:\nUsername: admin\nPassword: admin\n\n4. Make sure the device is setup for internet access (required for activation): change the network settings from the Basic Setup screen if necessary.\n5. Enter your serial number (provided below) into the setup screen and click \"Activate Device\".\n6. Then register your device with your MySophos ID by clicking \"Register Device\" and entering your MySophos ID and password that you used to download the software.\\\n7. Once the device is registered, you can initiate License Synchronization and proceed with the rest of the configuration.", - "vendor_name": "Sophos", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "VI-17.1.3_MR-3.KVM-250-PRIMARY.qcow2", - "hdb_disk_image": "VI-17.1.3_MR-3.KVM-250-AUXILARY.qcow2" - }, - "name": "17.1.3 MR3" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "VI-SFOS_17.0.2_MR-2.KVM-116-PRIMARY.qcow2", - "hdb_disk_image": "VI-SFOS_17.0.2_MR-2.KVM-116-AUXILARY.qcow2" - }, - "name": "17.0.2 MR2" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "VI-SFOS_16.05.4_MR-4.KVM-215-PRIMARY.qcow2", - "hdb_disk_image": "VI-SFOS_16.05.4_MR-4.KVM-215-AUXILARY.qcow2" - }, - "name": "16.05.4 MR4" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "VI-SFOS_16.05.1_MR-1.KVM-139-PRIMARY.qcow2", - "hdb_disk_image": "VI-SFOS_16.05.1_MR-1.KVM-139-AUXILARY.qcow2" - }, - "name": "16.05.1 MR1" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "VI-SFOS_16.05.0_RC-1.KVM-098-PRIMARY.qcow2", - "hdb_disk_image": "VI-SFOS_16.05.0_RC-1.KVM-098-AUXILARY.qcow2" - }, - "name": "16.05.1 MR1" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "VI-SFOS_16.01.1.KVM-202-PRIMARY.qcow2", - "hdb_disk_image": "VI-SFOS_16.01.1.KVM-202-AUXILARY.qcow2" - }, - "name": "16.01.1" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "VI-SFMOS_15.01.0.KVM-301-PRIMARY.qcow2", - "hdb_disk_image": "VI-SFMOS_15.01.0.KVM-301-AUXILARY.qcow2" - }, - "name": "15.01" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "firewall", - "description": "Today's threats are increasingly sophisticated and often bypass traditional malware security by masking their malicious activity. A sandbox augments your security architecture by validating threats in a separate, secure environment. FortiSandbox offers a powerful combination of advanced detection, automated mitigation, actionable insight, and flexible deployment to stop targeted attacks and subsequent data loss. It's also a key component of our Advanced Threat Protection solution.", - "documentation_url": "", - "images": [ - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "FSA_KVM-v300-build0029-FORTINET.out.kvm.qcow2", - "filesize": 153158144, - "md5sum": "a2f6c5297a722c5dba40327734a6e0ac", - "version": "3.0.1" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "FSA_KVM-v200-build0340-FORTINET.out.kvm.qcow2", - "filesize": 117834240, - "md5sum": "527f3225bd3fbd4ba23779cc1987d2ed", - "version": "2.5.2" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "FSA_KVM-v200-build0329-FORTINET.out.kvm.qcow2", - "filesize": 114491904, - "md5sum": "782ba56a644d78da59b89f4ac91bd319", - "version": "2.5.1" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "FSA_KVM-v200-build0261-FORTINET.out.kvm.qcow2", - "filesize": 98763264, - "md5sum": "6551ccca8ffe6333742dad54770a01cd", - "version": "2.4.1" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "FSA_KVM-v200-build0252-FORTINET.out.kvm.qcow2", - "filesize": 99811840, - "md5sum": "47a4489e617f165b92fd8dda68e00bf2", - "version": "2.4.0" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "FSA_KVM-v200-build0205-FORTINET.out.kvm.qcow2", - "filesize": 94962176, - "md5sum": "1ecb0acf1604bdeee0beb1b75864ca99", - "version": "2.3.3" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "FSA_KVM-v200-build0195-FORTINET.out.kvm.qcow2", - "filesize": 115868160, - "md5sum": "00147d048c8002c98aa55d73f022204d", - "version": "2.3.2" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "FSA_VM-v200-build0183-FORTINET.out.kvm.qcow2", - "filesize": 118226944, - "md5sum": "2ff03862e33c8a826a0bce10be12f45e", - "version": "2.3.0" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "FSA-datadrive.qcow2", - "filesize": 200192, - "md5sum": "f2dc0a8fc7591699c364aff400369157", - "version": "2.x" - } - ], - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "FortiSandbox", - "port_name_format": "Port{port1}", - "product_name": "FortiSandbox", - "product_url": "", - "qemu": { - "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", - "adapters": 3, - "arch": "x86_64", - "boot_priority": "c", - "console_type": "telnet", - "hda_disk_interface": "virtio", - "hdb_disk_interface": "virtio", - "kvm": "require", - "options": "-smp 2", - "ram": 8096 - }, - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "stable", - "symbol": "fortinet.svg", - "usage": "First boot will take some time without console output. Default username is admin, no password is set.", - "vendor_name": "Fortinet", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "FSA_KVM-v300-build0029-FORTINET.out.kvm.qcow2", - "hdb_disk_image": "FSA-datadrive.qcow2" - }, - "name": "3.0.1" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "FSA_KVM-v200-build0340-FORTINET.out.kvm.qcow2", - "hdb_disk_image": "FSA-datadrive.qcow2" - }, - "name": "2.5.2" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "FSA_KVM-v200-build0329-FORTINET.out.kvm.qcow2", - "hdb_disk_image": "FSA-datadrive.qcow2" - }, - "name": "2.5.1" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "FSA_KVM-v200-build0261-FORTINET.out.kvm.qcow2", - "hdb_disk_image": "FSA-datadrive.qcow2" - }, - "name": "2.4.1" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "FSA_KVM-v200-build0252-FORTINET.out.kvm.qcow2", - "hdb_disk_image": "FSA-datadrive.qcow2" - }, - "name": "2.4.0" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "FSA_KVM-v200-build0205-FORTINET.out.kvm.qcow2", - "hdb_disk_image": "FSA-datadrive.qcow2" - }, - "name": "2.3.3" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "FSA_KVM-v200-build0195-FORTINET.out.kvm.qcow2", - "hdb_disk_image": "FSA-datadrive.qcow2" - }, - "name": "2.3.2" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "FSA_VM-v200-build0183-FORTINET.out.kvm.qcow2", - "hdb_disk_image": "FSA-datadrive.qcow2" - }, - "name": "2.3.0" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "firewall", - "description": "Sophos Free Home Use Firewall is a fully equipped software version of the Sophos UTM firewall, available at no cost for home users \u2013 no strings attached. 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Uses include: data cleaning and transformation, numerical simulation, statistical modeling, machine learning and much more. This appliance provide python 2.7.", - "docker": { - "adapters": 1, - "console_http_path": "/", - "console_http_port": 8888, - "console_type": "http", - "image": "gns3/jupyter27:v2" - }, - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "Jupyter 2.7", - "product_name": "Jupyter", - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "stable", - "vendor_name": "Project Jupyter", - "vendor_url": "" - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "guest", - "description": "ipterm is a debian based networking toolbox.\nIt contains the following utilities: net-tools, iproute2, ping, traceroute, curl, host, iperf3, mtr, socat, ssh client, tcpdump and the multicast testing tools msend/mreceive.", - "docker": { - "adapters": 1, - "image": "gns3/ipterm:latest" - }, - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "ipterm", - "product_name": "ipterm", - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "stable", - "symbol": "linux_guest.svg", - "usage": "The /root directory is persistent.", - "vendor_name": "ipterm", - "vendor_url": "" - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "firewall", - "description": "ClearOS is an operating system for your Server, Network, and Gateway systems. It is designed for homes, small to medium businesses, and distributed environments. ClearOS is commonly known as the Next Generation Small Business Server, while including indispensable Gateway and Networking functionality. It delivers a powerful IT solution with an elegant user interface that is completely web-based. Simply put.. 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Some of the typical OpenStack or VMware data center workloads include NFV, High Performance Computing, Big Data and Software Defined Storage deployments.", - "documentation_url": "", - "images": [ - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "BCF-Controller-BCF-CE-3.5.0-2016-01-22.qcow2", - "filesize": 2860253184, - "md5sum": "d1c2ecf0db8101f6b6d311470697545a", - "version": "3.5.0-2016-01-22" - } - ], - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "Big Cloud Fabric", - "product_name": "Big Cloud Fabric", - "product_url": "", - "qemu": { - "adapter_type": "e1000", - "adapters": 8, - "arch": "x86_64", - "console_type": "telnet", - "kvm": "require", - "ram": 256 - }, - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "experimental", - "usage": "Login is admin", - "vendor_name": "Big Switch Networks", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "BCF-Controller-BCF-CE-3.5.0-2016-01-22.qcow2" - }, - "name": "3.5" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "router", - "description": "This appliance simulate a domestic modem. 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The project of Alexey Mochalin, based on tacacs daemon by Marc Huber", - "documentation_url": "", - "images": [ - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "tac_plus.qcow2", - "filesize": 160301056, - "md5sum": "6b5e66590051124dae586b8640b2eb11", - "version": "201710201114" - } - ], - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "TacacsGUI", - "port_name_format": "Port{port1}", - "product_name": "TacacsGUI", - "product_url": "", - "qemu": { - "adapter_type": "e1000", - "adapters": 1, - "arch": "x86_64", - "boot_priority": "c", - "console_type": "telnet", - "hda_disk_interface": "ide", - "kvm": "allow", - "ram": 1024 - }, - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "stable", - "usage": "Credentials: SSH ---> username: root ---> password: 1234 MySQL DB: ---> username: root --> password: tacacs Web interface: ---> username: tacgui ---> password: abc123", - "vendor_name": "TacacsGUI", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "tac_plus.qcow2" - }, - "name": "201710201114" - } - ] - }, - { - "availability": "service-contract", - "builtin": true, - "category": "multilayer_switch", - "description": "The NX-OSv 9000 is a virtual platform that is designed to simulate the control plane aspects of a network element running Cisco Nexus 9000 software. The NX-OSv 9000 shares the same software image running on Cisco Nexus 9000 hardware platform although no specific hardware emulation is implemented. When the software runs as a virtual machine, line card (LC) ASIC provisioning or any interaction from the control plane to hardware ASIC is handled by the NX-OSv 9000 software data plane.\nThe NX-OSv 9000 for the Cisco Nexus 9000 Series provides a useful tool to enable the devops model and rapidly test changes to the infrastructure or to infrastructure automation tools. This enables network simulations in large scale for customers to validate configuration changes on a simulated network prior to applying them on a production network. Some users have also expressed interest in using the simulation system for feature test ,verification, and automation tooling development and test simualtion prior to deployment. NX-OSv 9000 can be used as a programmability vehicle to validate software defined networks (SDNs) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) based solutions.", - "documentation_url": "", - "first_port_name": "mgmt0", - "images": [ - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "nxosv-final.9.2.1.qcow2", - "filesize": 1330315264, - "md5sum": "1d7fa4654602d7ffbf62544edfe71986", - "version": "9.2.1" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "nxosv-final.7.0.3.I7.5.qcow2", - "filesize": 1027670016, - "md5sum": "68a4008e189c8a35ccb8ee58db9608bb", - "version": "7.0.3.I7.5" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "nxosv-final.7.0.3.I7.4.qcow2", - "filesize": 985792512, - "md5sum": "1e980c95ca47045ae45ded6e07fabfb8", - "version": "7.0.3.I7.4" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "nxosv-final.7.0.3.I7.3.qcow2", - "filesize": 983629824, - "md5sum": "9d7a20367bf681a239f14097bbce470a", - "version": "7.0.3.I7.3" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "nxosv-final.7.0.3.I7.2.qcow2", - "filesize": 906231808, - "md5sum": "17295efb13e83b24a439148449bfd5ab", - "version": "7.0.3.I7.2" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "nxosv-final.7.0.3.I7.1.qcow2", - "filesize": 903151616, - "md5sum": "3c122f27d0c3684c63657207eadf4d06", - "version": "7.0.3.I7.1" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "nxosv-final.7.0.3.I6.1.qcow2", - "filesize": 780402688, - "md5sum": "18bb991b814a508d1190575f99deed99", - "version": "7.0.3.I6.1" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "nxosv-final.7.0.3.I5.2.qcow2", - "filesize": 777715712, - "md5sum": "c06aaa02f758a64fd8fee9406756f1da", - "version": "7.0.3.I5.2" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "nxosv-final.7.0.3.I5.1.qcow2", - "filesize": 784990208, - "md5sum": "201ea658fa4c57452ee4b2aa4f5262a7", - "version": "7.0.3.I5.1" - }, - { - "compression": "zip", - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "OVMF-20160813.fd", - "filesize": 2097152, - "md5sum": "8ff0ef1ec56345db5b6bda1a8630e3c6", - "version": "16.08.13" - } - ], - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "Cisco NX-OSv 9000", - "port_name_format": "Ethernet1/{port1}", - "product_name": "NX-OSv 9000", - "qemu": { - "adapter_type": "e1000", - "adapters": 10, - "arch": "x86_64", - "console_type": "telnet", - "cpus": 2, - "hda_disk_interface": "sata", - "kvm": "require", - "ram": 8096 - }, - "registry_version": 4, - "status": "stable", - "usage": "The old (I5) versions might require 8192 MB of RAM; adjust it if necessary.", - "vendor_name": "Cisco", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "bios_image": "OVMF-20160813.fd", - "hda_disk_image": "nxosv-final.9.2.1.qcow2" - }, - "name": "9.2.1" - }, - { - "images": { - "bios_image": "OVMF-20160813.fd", - "hda_disk_image": "nxosv-final.7.0.3.I7.5.qcow2" - }, - "name": "7.0.3.I7.5" - }, - { - "images": { - "bios_image": "OVMF-20160813.fd", - "hda_disk_image": "nxosv-final.7.0.3.I7.4.qcow2" - }, - "name": "7.0.3.I7.4" - }, - { - "images": { - "bios_image": "OVMF-20160813.fd", - "hda_disk_image": "nxosv-final.7.0.3.I7.3.qcow2" - }, - "name": "7.0.3.I7.3" - }, - { - "images": { - "bios_image": "OVMF-20160813.fd", - "hda_disk_image": "nxosv-final.7.0.3.I7.2.qcow2" - }, - "name": "7.0.3.I7.2" - }, - { - "images": { - "bios_image": "OVMF-20160813.fd", - "hda_disk_image": "nxosv-final.7.0.3.I7.1.qcow2" - }, - "name": "7.0.3.I7.1" - }, - { - "images": { - "bios_image": "OVMF-20160813.fd", - "hda_disk_image": "nxosv-final.7.0.3.I6.1.qcow2" - }, - "name": "7.0.3.I6.1" - }, - { - "images": { - "bios_image": "OVMF-20160813.fd", - "hda_disk_image": "nxosv-final.7.0.3.I5.2.qcow2" - }, - "name": "7.0.3.I5.2" - }, - { - "images": { - "bios_image": "OVMF-20160813.fd", - "hda_disk_image": "nxosv-final.7.0.3.I5.1.qcow2" - }, - "name": "7.0.3.I5.1" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "router", - "description": "The vMX is a full-featured, carrier-grade virtual MX Series 3D Universal Edge Router that extends 15+ years of Juniper Networks edge routing expertise to the virtual realm. This appliance is for the Virtual Control Plane (vCP) VM and is meant to be paired with the Virtual Forwarding Plane (vFP) VM.", - "documentation_url": "", - "first_port_name": "fxp0", - "images": [ - { - "filename": "junos-vmx-x86-64-17.4R1.16.qcow2", - "filesize": 1325400064, - "md5sum": "85239193e852d643dfd9d5c257240bdf", - "version": "17.4R1.16-KVM" - }, - { - "filename": "vmxhdd-17.4R1.16.img", - "filesize": 108986368, - "md5sum": "69e9821ebc59367527336d8bcecd171c", - "version": "17.4R1.16-KVM" - }, - { - "filename": "metadata-usb-re-17.4R1.16.img", - "filesize": 16777216, - "md5sum": "a5b125822b798c7167c35966ea00229a", - "version": "17.4R1.16-KVM" - }, - { - "filename": "junos-vmx-x86-64-17.3R2.10.qcow2", - "filesize": 1298137088, - "md5sum": "11984eb87b471e8cc2677212c4277959", - "version": "17.3R2.10-KVM" - }, - { - "filename": "vmxhdd-17.3R2.10.img", - "filesize": 108986368, - "md5sum": "9d843e5493d5e86d37853a72885d84c8", - "version": "17.3R2.10-KVM" - }, - { - "filename": "metadata-usb-re-17.3R2.10.img", - 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Connect the second interface (em1) directly to the second interface (eth1) of the vFP.", - "vendor_name": "Juniper", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "junos-vmx-x86-64-17.4R1.16.qcow2", - "hdb_disk_image": "vmxhdd-17.4R1.16.img", - "hdc_disk_image": "metadata-usb-re-17.4R1.16.img" - }, - "name": "17.4R1.16-KVM" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "junos-vmx-x86-64-17.3R2.10.qcow2", - "hdb_disk_image": "vmxhdd-17.3R2.10.img", - "hdc_disk_image": "metadata-usb-re-17.3R2.10.img" - }, - "name": "17.3R2.10-KVM" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "vcp_17.1R1.8-disk1.vmdk", - "hdb_disk_image": "vcp_17.1R1.8-disk2.vmdk", - "hdc_disk_image": "vcp_17.1R1.8-disk3.vmdk" - }, - "name": "17.1R1.8-ESXi" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "junos-vmx-x86-64-17.1R1.8.qcow2", - "hdb_disk_image": "vmxhdd-17.1R1.img", - "hdc_disk_image": "metadata-usb-re-17.1R1.img" - }, - "name": "17.1R1.8-KVM" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "vcp_16.2R1.6-disk1.vmdk", - "hdb_disk_image": "vcp_16.2R1.6-disk2.vmdk", - "hdc_disk_image": "vcp_16.2R1.6-disk3.vmdk" - }, - "name": "16.2R1.6-ESXi" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "junos-vmx-x86-64-16.2R1.6.qcow2", - "hdb_disk_image": "vmxhdd-16.2R1.img", - "hdc_disk_image": "metadata-usb-re-16.2R1.img" - }, - "name": "16.2R1.6-KVM" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "vcp_16.1R4.7-disk1.vmdk", - "hdb_disk_image": "vcp_16.1R4.7-disk2.vmdk", - "hdc_disk_image": "vcp_16.1R4.7-disk3.vmdk" - }, - "name": "16.1R4.7-ESXi" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "junos-vmx-x86-64-16.1R4.7.qcow2", - "hdb_disk_image": "vmxhdd-16.1R4.img", - "hdc_disk_image": "metadata-usb-re-16.1R4.img" - }, - "name": "16.1R4.7-KVM" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "vcp_16.1R3.10-disk1.vmdk", - "hdb_disk_image": "vcp_16.1R3.10-disk2.vmdk", - "hdc_disk_image": "vcp_16.1R3.10-disk3.vmdk" - }, - "name": "16.1R3.10-ESXi" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "junos-vmx-x86-64-16.1R3.10.qcow2", - "hdb_disk_image": "vmxhdd-16.1R3.img", - "hdc_disk_image": "metadata-usb-re-16.1R3.img" - }, - "name": "16.1R3.10-KVM" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "vcp_16.1R2.11-disk1.vmdk", - "hdb_disk_image": "vcp_16.1R2.11-disk2.vmdk", - "hdc_disk_image": "vcp_16.1R2.11-disk3.vmdk" - }, - "name": "16.1R2.11-ESXi" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "junos-vmx-x86-64-16.1R2.11.qcow2", - "hdb_disk_image": "vmxhdd-16.1R2.img", - "hdc_disk_image": "metadata-usb-re-16.1R2.img" - }, - "name": "16.1R2.11-KVM" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "vcp_16.1R1.7-disk1.vmdk", - "hdb_disk_image": "vcp_16.1R1.7-disk2.vmdk", - "hdc_disk_image": "vcp_16.1R1.7-disk3.vmdk" - }, - "name": "16.1R1.7-ESXi" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "junos-vmx-x86-64-16.1R1.7.qcow2", - "hdb_disk_image": "vmxhdd-16.1R1.img", - "hdc_disk_image": "metadata-usb-re-16.1R1.img" - }, - "name": "16.1R1.7-KVM" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "jinstall64-vmx-15.1F4.15-domestic.img", - "hdb_disk_image": "vmxhdd-15.1.img", - "hdc_disk_image": "metadata-usb-15.1.img" - }, - "name": "15.1F4.15" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "junos-vmx-x86-64-15.1F6.9.qcow2", - "hdb_disk_image": "vmxhdd-15.1F6.9.img", - "hdc_disk_image": "metadata-usb-re-15.1F6.9.img" - }, - "name": "15.1F6.9" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "guest", - "description": "When you go from managing a few boxes to managing a few dozen, your processes, logistics, and needs all change. 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BIG-IQ Centralized Management also handles licensing for up to 5,000 unmanaged devices, so you can spin BIG-IP virtual editions (VEs) up or down as needed.", - "documentation_url": "", - "first_port_name": "mgmt", - "images": [ - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "BIG-IQ-", - "filesize": 3895787520, - "md5sum": "3ae32308fe39d5db555f7f1cdcc734dd", - "version": "" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "BIG-IQ-", - "filesize": 3480748032, - "md5sum": "e3e6389438ba1e1676f507658f767e95", - "version": "" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "BIG-IQ-", - "filesize": 3300917248, - "md5sum": "068b1f4d21048b9b2a082c0c27ef4d53", - "version": "5.4.0" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "BIG-IQ-", - "filesize": 3269263360, - "md5sum": "75f06ba59f858c3828d47dcf8caf3775", - "version": "5.3.0" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "BIG-IQ-", - "filesize": 3256352768, - "md5sum": "c40d9724fb6c15ef0ee949437a9558db", - "version": "5.2.0" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "BIG-IQ-", - "filesize": 2335440896, - "md5sum": "f8f52d9ef56c6bdd0a0604f1b50b81c6", - "version": "5.1.0" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "BIG-IQ-", - "filesize": 2301820928, - "md5sum": "072194d6eb052ee083cf8cef9e7a87d6", - "version": "5.0.0" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "BIG-IQ-5.x.DATASTOR.LTM.qcow2", - "filesize": 393216, - "md5sum": "c7f82b8834436eb67b7d619767ac7476", - "version": "5.x" - }, - { - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "empty100G.qcow2", - "filesize": 198656, - "md5sum": "1e6409a4523ada212dea2ebc50e50a65", - "version": "1.0" - } - ], - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "F5 BIG-IQ CM", - "port_name_format": "1.{port1}", - "product_name": "F5 BIG-IQ CM", - "product_url": "", - "qemu": { - "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", - "adapters": 2, - "arch": "x86_64", - "boot_priority": "c", - "console_type": "telnet", - "hda_disk_interface": "virtio", - "hdb_disk_interface": "virtio", - "hdd_disk_interface": "virtio", - "kvm": "require", - "options": "-smp 2 -cpu host", - "ram": 4096 - }, - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "stable", - "symbol": "mgmt_station.svg", - "usage": "Console credentials: root/default\nWebUI credentials: admin/admin\nThe boot process might take a few minutes without providing any output to the console. Please be patient (or set console to vnc to see tty outputs).", - "vendor_name": "F5", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "BIG-IQ-", - "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "BIG-IQ-", - "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "BIG-IQ-", - "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "5.4.0" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "BIG-IQ-", - "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "5.3.0" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "BIG-IQ-", - "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "5.2.0" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "BIG-IQ-", - "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2", - "hdd_disk_image": "BIG-IQ-5.x.DATASTOR.LTM.qcow2" - }, - "name": "5.1.0" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "BIG-IQ-", - "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2", - "hdd_disk_image": "BIG-IQ-5.x.DATASTOR.LTM.qcow2" - }, - "name": "5.0.0" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "guest", - "description": "Security Onion is a Linux distro for intrusion detection, network security monitoring, and log management. 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GREEN interface is used for the LAN, RED for the WAN connections. ORANGE and PURPLE can be used for DMZ.", - "vendor_name": "Smoothwall Ltd.", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "Express-3.1-x86_64.iso", - "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "3.1" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "guest", - "description": "ntopng is the next generation version of the original ntop, a network traffic probe that shows the network usage, similar to what the popular top Unix command does. ntopng is based on libpcap and it has been written in a portable way in order to virtually run on every Unix platform, MacOSX and on Windows as well. ntopng users can use a a web browser to navigate through ntop (that acts as a web server) traffic information and get a dump of the network status. In the latter case, ntopng can be seen as a simple RMON-like agent with an embedded web interface.", - "docker": { - "adapters": 1, - "console_http_path": "/", - "console_http_port": 3000, - "console_type": "http", - "image": "lucaderi/ntopng-docker:latest" - }, - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "ntopng", - "product_name": "ntopng", - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "stable", - "usage": "In the web interface login as admin/admin", - "vendor_name": "ntop", - "vendor_url": "" - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "router", - "description": "Cloud Hosted Router (CHR) is a RouterOS version meant for running as a virtual machine. It supports x86 64-bit architecture and can be used on most of popular hypervisors such as VMWare, Hyper-V, VirtualBox, KVM and others. CHR has full RouterOS features enabled by default but has a different licensing model than other RouterOS versions.", - "documentation_url": "", - "images": [ - { - "compression": "zip", - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "chr-6.42.9.img", - "filesize": 134217728, - "md5sum": "1f856978cfc3ceb4b5e18e4e079f2e32", - "version": "6.42" - }, - { - "compression": "zip", - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "chr-6.42.img", - "filesize": 134217728, - "md5sum": "279bb518497b40f41c8585128916a2fb", - "version": "6.42" - }, - { - "compression": "zip", - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "chr-6.41.4.img", - "filesize": 134217728, - "md5sum": "63b555b2b7f0d78b79edb92f7e7d2ed7", - "version": "6.41.4" - }, - { - "compression": "zip", - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "chr-6.40.7.img", - "filesize": 134217728, - "md5sum": "424b897d631c4cac4324ca310e81b494", - "version": "6.40.7" - }, - { - 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"product_url": "", - "qemu": { - "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", - "adapters": 2, - "arch": "x86_64", - "boot_priority": "c", - "console_type": "telnet", - "hda_disk_interface": "virtio", - "kvm": "allow", - "options": "-nographic", - "ram": 128 - }, - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "stable", - "symbol": ":/symbols/router_firewall.svg", - "usage": "If you'd like a different sized main disk, resize the image before booting the VM for the first time.\n\nOn first boot, RouterOS is actually being installed, formatting the whole main virtual disk, before finally rebooting. That whole process may take a minute or so.\n\nThe console will become available after the installation is complete. Most Telnet/SSH clients (certainly SuperPutty) will keep retrying to connect, thus letting you know when installation is done.\n\nFrom that point on, everything about RouterOS is also true about Cloud Hosted Router, including the default credentials: Username \"admin\" and an empty password.\n\nThe primary differences between RouterOS and CHR are in support for virtual devices (this appliance comes with them being selected), and in the different license model, for which you can read more about at", - "vendor_name": "MikroTik", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.42.9.img" - }, - "name": "6.42.9" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.41.4.img" - }, - "name": "6.41.4" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.40.7.img" - }, - "name": "6.40.7" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.40.5.img" - }, - "name": "6.40.5" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.40.3.img" - }, - "name": "6.40.3" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.39.2.img" - }, - "name": "6.39.2" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.39.1.img" - }, - "name": "6.39.1" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.39.img" - }, - "name": "6.39" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.38.7.img" - }, - "name": "6.38.7" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.38.5.img" - }, - "name": "6.38.5" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.38.1.img" - }, - "name": "6.38.1" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.38.img" - }, - "name": "6.38" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.37.3.img" - }, - "name": "6.37.3" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.37.1.img" - }, - "name": "6.37.1" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.36.4.img" - }, - "name": "6.36.4" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.34.2.vmdk" - }, - "name": "6.34.2 (.vmdk)" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.34.2.vdi" - }, - "name": "6.34.2 (.vdi)" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.34.2.img" - }, - "name": "6.34.2 (.img)" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.34.vmdk" - }, - "name": "6.34 (.vmdk)" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.34.vdi" - }, - "name": "6.34 (.vdi)" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.34.img" - }, - "name": "6.34 (.img)" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.33.5.vmdk" - }, - "name": "6.33.5 (.vmdk)" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.33.5.vdi" - }, - "name": "6.33.5 (.vdi)" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.33.5.img" - }, - "name": "6.33.5 (.img)" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.33.3.vmdk" - }, - "name": "6.33.3 (.vmdk)" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.33.2.vmdk" - }, - "name": "6.33.2 (.vmdk)" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "chr-6.33.vmdk" - }, - "name": "6.33 (.vmdk)" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "guest", - "description": "Monitoring a distributed network across multiple locations can be a challenge. That\u2019s where Sophos iView can help. It provides you with an intelligent, uninterrupted view of your network from a single pane of glass. If you have multiple appliances, need consolidated reporting, or could just use help with log management or compliance, Sophos iView is the ideal solution.", - "documentation_url": "", - "images": [ - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "VI-SIVOS_03.01.2.KVM-009-PRIMARY.qcow2", - "filesize": 644218880, - "md5sum": "62551f70f71e08283d3a23929321eba9", - "version": "3.1.2" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "VI-SIVOS_02.00.0_MR-2.KVM-776-PRIMARY.qcow2", - "filesize": 493289472, - "md5sum": "d78c6f0c42186a4c606d7e57f2f3a6d7", - "version": "2.0.0 MR2" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "VI-SIVOS-AUXILARY.qcow2", - "filesize": 204800, - "md5sum": "a52d8cedb1ccd4b5b9f2723dfb41588b", - "version": "2.0.0 MR2" - } - ], - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "Sophos iView", - "product_name": "Sophos iView", - "product_url": "", - "qemu": { - "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", - "adapters": 4, - "arch": "x86_64", - "console_type": "telnet", - "hda_disk_interface": "virtio", - "hdb_disk_interface": "virtio", - "kvm": "require", - "ram": 4096 - }, - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "experimental", - "symbol": "mgmt_station.svg", - "usage": "Default CLI password: admin\nDefault WebUI address:\nDefault WebUI credentials: admin / admin", - "vendor_name": "Sophos", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "VI-SIVOS_03.01.2.KVM-009-PRIMARY.qcow2", - "hdb_disk_image": "VI-SIVOS-AUXILARY.qcow2" - }, - "name": "3.1.2" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "VI-SIVOS_02.00.0_MR-2.KVM-776-PRIMARY.qcow2", - "hdb_disk_image": "VI-SIVOS-AUXILARY.qcow2" - }, - "name": "2.0.0 MR2" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "router", - "description": "Cisco Virtual IOS allows user to run IOS on a standard computer.", - "images": [ - { - "direct_download_url": " Appliances/IOSv_startup_config.img/download", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "IOSv_startup_config.img", - "filesize": 1048576, - "md5sum": "bc605651c4688276f81fd59dcf5cc786", - "version": "1" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "vios-adventerprisek9-m.vmdk.SPA.156-2.T", - "filesize": 128450560, - "md5sum": "83707e3cc93646da58ee6563a68002b5", - "version": "15.6(2)T" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "vios-adventerprisek9-m.vmdk.SPA.156-1.T", - "filesize": 128122880, - "md5sum": "e7cb1bbd0c59280dd946feefa68fa270", - "version": "15.6(1)T" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "vios-adventerprisek9-m.vmdk.SPA.155-3.M", - "filesize": 127926272, - "md5sum": "79f613ac3b179d5a64520730925130b2", - "version": "15.5(3)M" - } - ], - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "Cisco IOSv", - "port_name_format": "Gi0/{0}", - "product_name": "IOSv", - "product_url": "", - "qemu": { - "adapter_type": "e1000", - "adapters": 4, - "arch": "x86_64", - "console_type": "telnet", - "hda_disk_interface": "virtio", - "hdb_disk_interface": "virtio", - "kvm": "require", - "ram": 512 - }, - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "stable", - "usage": "There is no default password and enable password. 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For older version it is tc. Note that sudo works without any password", - "vendor_name": "Team Tiny Core", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "linux-microcore-6.4.img" - }, - "name": "6.4" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "linux-microcore-4.0.2-clean.img" - }, - "name": "4.0.2" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "linux-microcore-3.4.1.img" - }, - "name": "3.4.1" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "guest", - "description": "From the creators of BackTrack comes Kali Linux, the most advanced and versatile penetration testing platform ever created. We have a set of amazing features lined up in our security distribution geared at streamlining the penetration testing experience. This version has no GUI.Include packages:\n* nmap\n* metasploit\n* sqlmap\n* hydra\n* telnet client\n* dnsutils (dig)", - "docker": { - "adapters": 2, - "image": "gns3/kalilinux:v2" - }, - "documentation_url": "", - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "Kali Linux CLI", - "product_name": "Kali Linux", - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "stable", - "vendor_name": "Kali Linux", - "vendor_url": "" - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "firewall", - "description": "OPNsense is an open source, easy-to-use and easy-to-build FreeBSD based firewall and routing platform. OPNsense includes most of the features available in expensive commercial firewalls, and more in many cases. It brings the rich feature set of commercial offerings with the benefits of open and verifiable sources.\n\nOPNsense started as a fork of pfSense\u00ae and m0n0wall in 2014, with its first official release in January 2015. The project has evolved very quickly while still retaining familiar aspects of both m0n0wall and pfSense. 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The installer warns about insufficient memory but the provided 1G is enough, the installation will be successful.", - "vendor_name": "Untangle", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "untangle_1401_x64.iso", - "hda_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "14.0.1" - }, - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "untangle_1321_x64.iso", - "hda_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "13.2.1" - }, - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "untangle_1320_x64.iso", - "hda_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "13.2.0" - }, - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "untangle_1310_x64.iso", - "hda_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "13.1.0" - }, - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "untangle_1300_x64.iso", - "hda_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "13.0.0" - }, - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "untangle_1221_x64.iso", - "hda_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "12.2.1" - }, - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "untangle_1220_x64.iso", - "hda_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "12.2.0" - }, - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "untangle_1212_x64.iso", - "hda_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "12.1.2" - }, - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "untangle_1211_x64.iso", - "hda_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "12.1.1" - }, - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "untangle_1210_x64.iso", - "hda_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "12.1.0" - }, - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "untangle_1201_x64.iso", - "hda_disk_image": "empty30G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "12.0.1" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "guest", - "description": " Parrot is a GNU/Linux distribution based on Debian Testing and designed with Security, Development and Privacy in mind. 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As an example of the effect OpenBSD has, the popular OpenSSH software comes from OpenBSD.", - "documentation_url": "", - "first_port_name": "fxp0", - "images": [ - { - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "openbsd-5.8.qcow2", - "filesize": 517275648, - "md5sum": "b2488d81bbe1328ae3d6072ccd7e0bc2", - "version": "5.8" - } - ], - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "OpenBSD", - "port_name_format": "em{0}", - "product_name": "OpenBSD", - "qemu": { - "adapter_type": "e1000", - "adapters": 8, - "arch": "x86_64", - "console_type": "telnet", - "kvm": "allow", - "ram": 256 - }, - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "stable", - "usage": "User root, password gns3", - "vendor_name": "OpenBSD", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "openbsd-5.8.qcow2" - }, - "name": "5.8" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "router", - "description": "The BIG-IP family of products offers the application intelligence that network managers need to ensure applications are fast, secure, and available. 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BIG-IP VE emulates a hardware-based BIG-IP system running a VE-compatible version of BIG-IP software.", - "documentation_url": "", - "images": [ - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "BIGIP-", - "filesize": 4550164480, - "md5sum": "dc80a7e436ff93e2f4092eece18d369b", - "version": "14.0.0 HF3" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "BIGIP-", - "filesize": 4402446336, - "md5sum": "567b70fe36af0f5364883e97e2c08807", - "version": "13.1.0 HF5" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "BIGIP-", - "filesize": 4363649024, - "md5sum": "d29eb861d8906fc36f88d9861a0055f4", - "version": "13.1.0 HF2" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "BIGIP-", - "filesize": 4352966656, - "md5sum": "70f92192e66a82cb8f47bdae0cb267d8", - "version": "13.1.0 HF1" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "BIGIP-", - "filesize": 4435476480, - "md5sum": "62d27f37c66118710c69c07a2ee78d67", - "version": "13.0.0 HF2" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "BIGIP-", - "filesize": 3833135104, - "md5sum": "4ec417477c44cdf84edc825a631990e3", - "version": "13.0.0" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "BIGIP-", - "filesize": 3383164928, - "md5sum": "b2ec82816480c18af1d45ee833744ee8", - "version": "12.1.3 HF4" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "BIGIP-", - "filesize": 3764846592, - "md5sum": "b34301c3945b7ddb88f41195efef1104", - "version": "12.1.2 HF1" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "BIGIP-", - "filesize": 3196649472, - "md5sum": "f3aa2d51d82fa3f5a4fa10005a378e16", - "version": "12.1.2" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "BIGIP-", - "filesize": 3563716608, - "md5sum": "74d4d21db3579efb9011a1829a2124b7", - "version": "12.1.1 HF2" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "BIGIP-", - "filesize": 3503226880, - "md5sum": "15725ba2c72a0fe932985e695f0f3f1f", - "version": "12.1.0 HF1" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "BIGIP-", - "filesize": 3152609280, - "md5sum": "8f578d697554841f003afd1e2965df7e", - "version": "12.0.0" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "BIGIP-", - "filesize": 2824273920, - "md5sum": "01a2939840d81458bfef0a5c53fb74be", - "version": "11.6.1" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "BIGIP-", - "filesize": 2851733504, - "md5sum": "87723dc8c9713a36bde9a650b94205e3", - "version": "11.6.0" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "BIGIP-", - "filesize": 1842020352, - "md5sum": "f3dec4565484fe81233077ab2ce426ae", - "version": "11.3.0" - }, - { - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "empty100G.qcow2", - "filesize": 198656, - "md5sum": "1e6409a4523ada212dea2ebc50e50a65", - "version": "1.0" - } - ], - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "F5 BIG-IP LTM VE", - "port_name_format": "1.{port1}", - "product_name": "F5 BIG-IP LTM VE", - "product_url": "", - "qemu": { - "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", - "adapters": 8, - "arch": "x86_64", - "boot_priority": "c", - "console_type": "telnet", - "hda_disk_interface": "virtio", - "hdb_disk_interface": "virtio", - "kvm": "require", - "options": "-smp 2 -cpu host", - "ram": 4096 - }, - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "stable", - "symbol": "loadbalancer.svg", - "usage": "Console credentials: root/default. WebUI credentials: admin/admin. The boot process might take a few minutes without providing any output to the console. Please be patient (or set console to vnc to see tty outputs).\n\nIn case the 'localhost emerg logger: Re-starting chmand' log appears on the console, you can find the solution here:", - "vendor_name": "F5", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "BIGIP-", - "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "14.0.0 HF3" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "BIGIP-", - "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "13.1.0 HF5" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "BIGIP-", - "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "13.1.0 HF2" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "BIGIP-", - "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "13.1.0 HF1" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "BIGIP-", - "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "13.0.0 HF2" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "BIGIP-", - "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "13.0.0" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "BIGIP-", - "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "12.1.3 HF4" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "BIGIP-", - "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "12.1.2 HF1" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "BIGIP-", - "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "12.1.2" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "BIGIP-", - "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "12.1.1 HF2" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "BIGIP-", - "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "12.1.0 HF1" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "BIGIP-", - "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "12.0.0" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "BIGIP-", - "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "11.6.1" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "BIGIP-", - "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "11.6.0" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "BIGIP-", - "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "11.3.0" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "multilayer_switch", - "description": "Arista EOS\u00ae is the core of Arista cloud networking solutions for next-generation data centers and cloud networks. 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Architected for resiliency and programmability, EOS has a unique multi-process state sharing architecture that separates state information and packet forwarding from protocol processing and application logic.", - "documentation_url": "", - "first_port_name": "Management1", - "images": [ - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "vEOS-lab-", - "filesize": 358809600, - "md5sum": "02bfb7e53781fd44ff02357f201586d9", - "version": "" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "vEOS-lab-4.20.1F.vmdk", - "filesize": 662044672, - "md5sum": "aadb6f3dbff28317f68cb4c4502d0db8", - "version": "4.20.1F" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "vEOS-lab-4.18.5M.vmdk", - "filesize": 623116288, - "md5sum": "b1ee6268dbaf2b2276fd7a5286c7ce2b", - "version": "4.18.5M" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "vEOS-lab-4.18.1F.vmdk", - "filesize": 620625920, - "md5sum": "9648c63185f3b793b47528a858ca4364", - "version": "4.18.1F" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "vEOS-lab-4.17.8M.vmdk", - 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A similar transition is emerging in the networking space, with network control logic shifting from proprietary hardware-based platforms to open source software-based platforms. CloudRouter is a software-based router distribution designed to run on physical, virtual and cloud environments, supporting software-defined networking infrastructure. It includes the features of traditional hardware routers, as well as support for emerging technologies such as containers and software-defined interconnection. CloudRouter aims to facilitate migration to the cloud without giving up control over network routing and governance.", - "documentation_url": "", - "images": [ - { - "compression": "xz", - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "cloudrouter-centos-cloud-full.raw", - "filesize": 10737418240, - "md5sum": "d148288ecc0806e08f8347ef0ad755e8", - "version": "4.0 Full" - }, - { - "compression": "xz", - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "cloudrouter-centos-cloud-minimal.raw", - "filesize": 10737418240, - "md5sum": "8d982a37a49bc446a0edc59cefcadcdb", - "version": "4.0 Minimal" - }, - { - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "cloudrouter-init-gns3.iso", - "filesize": 374784, - "md5sum": "8cfb7e338bf241cc64abc084243e9be1", - "version": "1.0" - } - ], - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "CloudRouter", - "port_name_format": "eth{0}", - "product_name": "CloudRouter", - "product_url": "", - "qemu": { - "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", - "adapters": 16, - "arch": "x86_64", - "boot_priority": "c", - "console_type": "telnet", - "hda_disk_interface": "virtio", - "kvm": "require", - "ram": 2048 - }, - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "stable", - "usage": "Default credentials: cloudrouter / gns3", - "vendor_name": "CloudRouter Community", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "cloudrouter-init-gns3.iso", - "hda_disk_image": "cloudrouter-centos-cloud-full.raw" - }, - "name": "4.0 Full" - }, - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "cloudrouter-init-gns3.iso", - "hda_disk_image": "cloudrouter-centos-cloud-minimal.raw" - }, - "name": "4.0 Minimal" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "guest", - "description": "Breaches to network security continue to occur across all industry verticals, even to the most respected brands. The time it takes to discover, isolate, and remediate the incident continues to be measured in hundreds of days-having material impacts on security and compliance standards. It is no wonder that many organizations are struggling. As recent surveys have shown, enterprises have an average of 32 different vendors' devices in their network, with no automated ability to cross-correlate the data that each is collecting. It is also easy to see why organizations are strapped for the cyber security personnel they need to manage all the data in these complex environments.\n\nFrom its inception, FortiSIEM was built to reduce complexity in managing network and security operations. FortiSIEM provides organizations of all sizes with a comprehensive, holistic, and scalable solution for managing security, performance, and compliance from IoT to the cloud.", - "documentation_url": "", - "images": [ - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "FortiSIEM-VA-", - "filesize": 10376904704, - "md5sum": "753685ee68287c7a56f9da53566ac522", - "version": "5.1.0" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "FortiSIEM-VA-", - "filesize": 46858240, - "md5sum": "6ffb7e16d89a6731fc077982cb012ee2", - "version": "5.1.0" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "FortiSIEM-VA-", - "filesize": 46858240, - "md5sum": "8185e537ce222c2e8407e9bf08e604bb", - "version": "5.1.0" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "FortiSIEM-VA-", - "filesize": 10029432832, - "md5sum": "1f2f0b1d84e89495fc5b5ca722cb5710", - "version": "5.0.0" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "FortiSIEM-VA-", - "filesize": 46858240, - "md5sum": "88e96259f44a82b7c545b82925880513", - "version": "5.0.0" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "FortiSIEM-VA-", - "filesize": 46858240, - "md5sum": "58d61498e1adc1df062fc12113d42d86", - "version": "5.0.0" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "FortiSIEM-VA-KVM-", - "filesize": 8622505984, - "md5sum": "636d94c78ea02e5a39eadb9d44210dfb", - "version": "4.10.0" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "FortiSIEM-VA-KVM-", - "filesize": 46858240, - "md5sum": "52fee02e94fd220275b613a4ec5b46eb", - "version": "4.10.0" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "FortiSIEM-VA-KVM-", - "filesize": 46858240, - "md5sum": "088a34864e30abdb95385b089574baba", - "version": "4.10.0" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "FortiSIEM-VA-KVM-", - "filesize": 8484487168, - "md5sum": "c2db828b6985297b33833f376c5106b0", - "version": "4.9.0" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "FortiSIEM-VA-KVM-", - "filesize": 46858240, - "md5sum": "b3f0cd44995f37648aa429303eeeb455", - "version": "4.9.0" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "FortiSIEM-VA-KVM-", - "filesize": 46858240, - "md5sum": "70a8abb4253d5bb724ded3b33a8385c4", - "version": "4.9.0" - } - ], - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "FortiSIEM", - "port_name_format": "Port{port1}", - "product_name": "FortiSIEM", - "product_url": "", - "qemu": { - "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", - "adapters": 2, - "arch": "x86_64", - "boot_priority": "c", - "console_type": "telnet", - "hda_disk_interface": "virtio", - "hdb_disk_interface": "virtio", - "hdc_disk_interface": "virtio", - "kvm": "require", - "options": "-smp 4", - "ram": 16384 - }, - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "stable", - "symbol": "fortinet.svg", - "usage": "This is the Super/Worker component. Default credentials:\n- admin / admin*1\n - root / ProspectHills\n\nIf you get a 503 error on the WebUI, run /opt/phoenix/deployment/jumpbox/phinitsuper as root.\n\nMake sure that Super, Worker(s), Collector(s) and Report Server can connect to FortiSIEM hosted CentOS repo on https port 443 under the URLs below. Otherwise, some packages may not install and 5.0.0 binaries will not run.\n-\n-", - "vendor_name": "Fortinet", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "FortiSIEM-VA-", - "hdb_disk_image": "FortiSIEM-VA-", - "hdc_disk_image": "FortiSIEM-VA-" - }, - "name": "5.1.0" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "FortiSIEM-VA-", - "hdb_disk_image": "FortiSIEM-VA-", - "hdc_disk_image": "FortiSIEM-VA-" - }, - "name": "5.0.0" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "FortiSIEM-VA-KVM-", - "hdb_disk_image": "FortiSIEM-VA-KVM-", - "hdc_disk_image": "FortiSIEM-VA-KVM-" - }, - "name": "4.10.0" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "FortiSIEM-VA-KVM-", - "hdb_disk_image": "FortiSIEM-VA-KVM-", - "hdc_disk_image": "FortiSIEM-VA-KVM-" - }, - "name": "4.9.0" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "multilayer_switch", - "description": "Open vSwitch is a production quality, multilayer virtual switch licensed under the open source Apache 2.0 license. It is designed to enable massive network automation through programmatic extension, while still supporting standard management interfaces and protocols (e.g. NetFlow, sFlow, IPFIX, RSPAN, CLI, LACP, 802.1ag). In addition, it is designed to support distribution across multiple physical servers similar to VMware's vNetwork distributed vswitch or Cisco's Nexus 1000V. This is a version of the appliance with a management interface on eth0.", - "docker": { - "adapters": 16, - "environment": "MANAGEMENT_INTERFACE=1", - "image": "gns3/openvswitch:latest" - }, - "documentation_url": "", - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "Open vSwitch management", - "product_name": "Open vSwitch", - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "stable", - "symbol": "mgmt_station_docker.svg", - "usage": "The eth0 is the management interface. By default all other interfaces are connected to the br0", - "vendor_name": "Open vSwitch", - "vendor_url": "" - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "guest", - "description": "Stay connected to your customers and colleagues without being chained to your desk.\nKerio Operator is a VoIP based phone system that provides powerful yet affordable enterprise-class voice and video communication capabilities for small and mid-sized businesses globally.", - "documentation_url": "", - "images": [ - { - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "kerio-operator-appliance-2.6.4-9320-vmware-disk1.vmdk", - "filesize": 307840512, - "md5sum": "3823565dbc96069dc556158ebbbfb977", - "version": "2.6.4" - }, - { - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "kerio-operator-appliance-2.6.2-9085-vmware-disk1.vmdk", - "filesize": 306665472, - "md5sum": "abdfa7697e568b5d9a6396e11292e52a", - "version": "2.6.2" - }, - { - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "kerio-operator-appliance-2.6.0-8413-vmware-disk1.vmdk", - "filesize": 291227136, - "md5sum": "3eddbb73d685ac4666841f5df2c6bec9", - "version": "2.6.0" - }, - { - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "kerio-operator-appliance-2.5.5-8309-p2-vmware-disk1.vmdk", - "filesize": 291217408, - "md5sum": "dc0b4d0b264eb39c8c73289b6c8de749", - "version": "2.5.5p2" - }, - { - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "kerio-operator-appliance-2.5.4-6916-p1-vmware.vmdk", - "filesize": 276318720, - "md5sum": "6737b36bd36635b8a5ba21816938f0d6", - "version": "2.5.4p1" - }, - { - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "kerio-operator-appliance-2.5.3-6630-vmware.vmdk", - "filesize": 276422144, - "md5sum": "ae9f45606900dba05f353a94d4fc14fc", - "version": "2.5.3" - }, - { - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "kerio-operator-appliance-2.5.2-6404-vmware.vmdk", - "filesize": 561512448, - "md5sum": "0279baebe587b17f32bfc3302df9352c", - "version": "2.5.2" - } - ], - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "Kerio Operator", - "port_name_format": "eth{0}", - "product_name": "Kerio Operator", - "product_url": "", - "qemu": { - "adapter_type": "e1000", - "adapters": 1, - "arch": "x86_64", - "boot_priority": "c", - "console_type": "vnc", - "hda_disk_interface": "virtio", - "kvm": "require", - "ram": 2048 - }, - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "stable", - "usage": "Default credentials: root (no password set)", - "vendor_name": "Kerio Technologies Inc.", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "kerio-operator-appliance-2.6.4-9320-vmware-disk1.vmdk" - }, - "name": "2.6.4" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "kerio-operator-appliance-2.6.2-9085-vmware-disk1.vmdk" - }, - "name": "2.6.2" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "kerio-operator-appliance-2.6.0-8413-vmware-disk1.vmdk" - }, - "name": "2.6.0" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "kerio-operator-appliance-2.5.5-8309-p2-vmware-disk1.vmdk" - }, - "name": "2.5.5p2" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "kerio-operator-appliance-2.5.4-6916-p1-vmware.vmdk" - }, - "name": "2.5.4p1" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "kerio-operator-appliance-2.5.3-6630-vmware.vmdk" - }, - "name": "2.5.3" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "kerio-operator-appliance-2.5.2-6404-vmware.vmdk" - }, - "name": "2.5.2" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "multilayer_switch", - "description": "The vQFX10000 makes it easy for you to try out our physical QFX10000 high-performance data center switch without the wait for physical delivery. Although the virtual version has limited performance relative to the physical switch, it lets you quickly emulate the same features for the control plane of the physical switch, or both its control and data planes.", - "documentation_url": "", - "images": [ - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "cosim_20180212.qcow2", - "filesize": 1911291904, - "md5sum": "0372e9c1b7df3608099186ab8cbbf2ad", - "version": "17.4R1" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "vqfx10k-pfe-20160609-2.vmdk", - "filesize": 584086528, - "md5sum": "faa6905fd8e935c6e97859191143e8c3", - "version": "15.1X53-D60" - } - ], - "maintainer": "none", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "Juniper vQFX PFE", - "port_name_format": "em{0}", - "product_name": "Juniper vQFX PFE", - "product_url": "", - "qemu": { - "adapter_type": "e1000", - "adapters": 2, - "arch": "x86_64", - "console_type": "vnc", - "kvm": "require", - "options": "-nographic", - "ram": 2048 - }, - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "experimental", - "symbol": "juniper-vqfx.svg", - "usage": "\n\nUSAGE INSTRUCTIONS\n\nConnect the first interface (em0) to your admin VLAN. Connect the second interface (em1) directly to the second interface (em1) of the RE. The switch ports do not connect here, but on the RE", - "vendor_name": "Juniper", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "cosim_20180212.qcow2" - }, - "name": "17.4R1" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "vqfx10k-pfe-20160609-2.vmdk" - }, - "name": "15.1X53-D60" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "guest", - "description": "Riverbed SteelHead delivers not only best-in-class optimization \u2013 but essential visibility and control as companies transition to the Hybrid WAN. SteelHead CX for Virtual is available as a virtual solution on most major hypervisors including VMware vSphere, Microsoft Hyper-V and KVM. It accelerates the performance of all applications including on-premises, cloud, and SaaS across the hybrid enterprise for organizations that want to deliver the best end user experience \u2013 while leveraging the scalability and cost benefits of virtualization.\n\nSteelHead CX for Virtual uniquely delivers the best application performance along with application, network and end user visibility, and simplified control management of users, applications and networks based on business requirements and decisions.", - "documentation_url": "", - "images": [ - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "mgmt-9.2.0.img", - "filesize": 2555772928, - "md5sum": "ca20a76b2556c0cd313d0b0de528e94d", - "version": "9.2.0" - }, - { - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "empty100G.qcow2", - "filesize": 198656, - "md5sum": "1e6409a4523ada212dea2ebc50e50a65", - "version": "1.0" - } - ], - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "SteelHead CX 555V", - "product_name": "SteelHead CX 555V", - "qemu": { - "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", - "adapters": 4, - "arch": "x86_64", - "console_type": "telnet", - "hda_disk_interface": "virtio", - "hdb_disk_interface": "virtio", - "kvm": "require", - "ram": 2048 - }, - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "stable", - "usage": "You don't need to run the installer script when using GNS3 VM. Uncompress the downloaded archive using this command: tar xzSf \nDefault credentials: admin / password", - "vendor_name": "Riverbed Technology", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "mgmt-9.2.0.img", - "hdb_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "9.2.0" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "guest", - "description": "FreeBSD is an advanced computer operating system used to power modern servers, desktops, and embedded platforms. A large community has continually developed it for more than thirty years. Its advanced networking, security, and storage features have made FreeBSD the platform of choice for many of the busiest web sites and most pervasive embedded networking and storage devices.", - "documentation_url": "", - "images": [ - { - "compression": "xz", - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "FreeBSD-11.2-RELEASE-amd64.qcow2", - "filesize": 1630076928, - "md5sum": "44d37e65be4bb4054f067911c84d074a", - "version": "11.2" - }, - { - "compression": "xz", - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "FreeBSD-11.1-RELEASE-amd64.qcow2", - "filesize": 1533345792, - "md5sum": "d78b2a7d05ec62f799e14ded4817ea69", - "version": "11.1" - }, - { - "compression": "xz", - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-amd64.qcow2", - "filesize": 1384382464, - "md5sum": "1b04999198f492afd6dc4935b8c7cc22", - "version": "11.0" - }, - { - "compression": "xz", - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "FreeBSD-10.4-RELEASE-amd64.qcow2", - "filesize": 1013448704, - "md5sum": "ad498873733c57d1f6d890d587a11e3c", - "version": "10.4" - }, - { - "compression": "xz", - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "FreeBSD-10.3-RELEASE-amd64.qcow2", - "filesize": 974651392, - "md5sum": "1a00cebef520dfac8d2bda10ea16a951", - "version": "10.3" - } - ], - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "FreeBSD", - "port_name_format": "em{0}", - "product_name": "FreeBSD", - "qemu": { - "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", - "adapters": 4, - "arch": "x86_64", - "console_type": "vnc", - "hda_disk_interface": "virtio", - "kvm": "require", - "ram": 256 - }, - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "stable", - "usage": "User: root, not password is set.", - "vendor_name": "FreeBSD", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "FreeBSD-11.2-RELEASE-amd64.qcow2" - }, - "name": "11.2" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "FreeBSD-11.1-RELEASE-amd64.qcow2" - }, - "name": "11.1" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-amd64.qcow2" - }, - "name": "11.0" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "FreeBSD-10.4-RELEASE-amd64.qcow2" - }, - "name": "10.4" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "FreeBSD-10.3-RELEASE-amd64.qcow2" - }, - "name": "10.3" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "multilayer_switch", - "description": "NXOSv is a reference platform for an implementation of the Cisco Nexus operating system, based on the Nexus 7000-series platforms, running as a full virtual machine on a hypervisor. This includes NXAPI and MPLS LDP support.", - "first_port_name": "mgmt0", - "images": [ - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "titanium-final.7.3.0.D1.1.qcow2", - "filesize": 214368256, - "md5sum": "b4cd6edf15ab4c6bce53c3f6c1e3a742", - "version": "7.3.0" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "titanium-d1.7.2.0.D1.1.vmdk", - "filesize": 361103360, - "md5sum": "0ee38c7d717840cb4ca822f4870671d0", - "version": "7.2.0" - } - ], - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "Cisco NX-OSv", - "port_name_format": "Ethernet2/{port1}", - "product_name": "NX-OSv", - "product_url": "", - "qemu": { - "adapter_type": "e1000", - "adapters": 16, - "arch": "x86_64", - "console_type": "telnet", - "kvm": "require", - "ram": 3072 - }, - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "stable", - "usage": "The default username/password is admin/admin. A default configuration is present.", - "vendor_name": "Cisco", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "titanium-final.7.3.0.D1.1.qcow2" - }, - "name": "7.3.0" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "titanium-d1.7.2.0.D1.1.vmdk" - }, - "name": "7.2.0" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "router", - "description": "Cisco 3660 Router", - "documentation_url": "", - "dynamips": { - "chassis": "3660", - "nvram": 256, - "platform": "c3600", - "ram": 192, - "startup_config": "ios_base_startup-config.txt" - }, - "images": [ - { - "filename": "c3660-a3jk9s-mz.124-15.T14.image", - "filesize": 90181268, - "md5sum": "daed99f508fd42dbaacf711e560643ed", - "version": "124-15.T14" - } - ], - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "Cisco 3660", - "product_name": "3660", - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "experimental", - "vendor_name": "Cisco", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "idlepc": "0x6076e0b4", - "images": { - "image": "c3660-a3jk9s-mz.124-15.T14.image" - }, - "name": "124-15.T14" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "router", - "description": "LEDE is a highly extensible GNU/Linux distribution for embedded devices (typically wireless routers). Unlike many other distributions for these routers, OpenWrt is built from the ground up to be a full-featured, easily modifiable operating system for your router. In practice, this means that you can have all the features you need with none of the bloat, powered by a Linux kernel that's more recent than most other distributions.", - "documentation_url": "", - "images": [ - { - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "lede-17.01.4-x86-generic-combined-squashfs.img", - "filesize": 19779546, - "md5sum": "ae5d8d3fcab109565fe337d28e51c4b4", - "version": "17.01.4" - }, - { - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "lede-17.01.3-x86-generic-combined-squashfs.img", - "filesize": 19775618, - "md5sum": "d315fc638160a9aec0966d58828bfccf", - "version": "17.01.3" - }, - { - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "lede-17.01.2-x86-generic-combined-squashfs.img", - "filesize": 19774794, - "md5sum": "a466e493ef12935dad5e0c622b1a7859", - "version": "17.01.2" - }, - { - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "lede-17.01.1-x86-generic-combined-squashfs.img", - "filesize": 19771166, - "md5sum": "b050e734c605a34a429389c752ae7c30", - "version": "17.01.1" - }, - { - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "lede-17.01.0-r3205-59508e3-x86-generic-combined-squashfs.img", - "filesize": 19755118, - "md5sum": "3c5e068d50a377d4e26b548ab1ca7b1e", - "version": "17.01.0" - } - ], - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "LEDE", - "product_name": "LEDE", - "product_url": "", - "qemu": { - "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", - "adapters": 2, - "arch": "i386", - "console_type": "telnet", - "kvm": "allow", - "ram": 64 - }, - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "stable", - "usage": "Ethernet0 is the LAN link, Ethernet1 the WAN link.", - "vendor_name": "LEDE Project", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "lede-17.01.4-x86-generic-combined-squashfs.img" - }, - "name": "lede 17.01.4" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "lede-17.01.3-x86-generic-combined-squashfs.img" - }, - "name": "lede 17.01.3" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "lede-17.01.2-x86-generic-combined-squashfs.img" - }, - "name": "lede 17.01.2" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "lede-17.01.1-x86-generic-combined-squashfs.img" - }, - "name": "lede 17.01.1" - }, - { - "images": { - "hda_disk_image": "lede-17.01.0-r3205-59508e3-x86-generic-combined-squashfs.img" - }, - "name": "lede 17.01.0" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "guest", - "description": "The Virtual Wireless Controller can cost-effectively manage, secure, and optimize the performance of local and branch wireless networks. Ideal for small and medium-sized businesses, the Virtual Wireless Controller facilitates server consolidation and improves business continuity in the face of outages.", - "documentation_url": "", - "first_port_name": "ServicePort", - "images": [ - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "Cisco-vWLC-AIR-CTVM-7-3-101-0-file1.iso", - "filesize": 157900800, - "md5sum": "6bf17dceaf46e57aab0fb0d43eb6ea06", - "version": "" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "AIR-CTVM-7-6-110-0-file1.iso", - "filesize": 185561088, - "md5sum": "7acbd88120f008a25d849b72b7207e92", - "version": "" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "AIR-CTVM-k9-8-1-120.0.iso", - "filesize": 302104576, - "md5sum": "477363f88f07f64499bb4ab80ffa9d2f", - "version": "" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "MFG_CTVM_8_2_141_0.iso", - "filesize": 351156224, - "md5sum": "29483229ce7844df55a90564b077c958", - "version": "" - }, - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "MFG_CTVM_8_3_102_0.iso", - "filesize": 365996032, - "md5sum": "7f6b7968b5bed04b5ecc119b6ba4e41c", - "version": "" - }, - { - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "empty8G.qcow2", - "filesize": 197120, - "md5sum": "f1d2c25b6990f99bd05b433ab603bdb4", - "version": "1.0" - } - ], - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "Cisco vWLC", - "port_name_format": "Management{port1}", - "product_name": "Virtual Wireless LAN Controller", - "product_url": "", - "qemu": { - "adapter_type": "e1000", - "adapters": 2, - "arch": "x86_64", - "boot_priority": "cd", - "console_type": "vnc", - "hda_disk_interface": "ide", - "kvm": "require", - "options": "", - "ram": 2048 - }, - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "experimental", - "symbol": ":/symbols/wlan_controller.svg", - "usage": "Starting vWLC will start an installation of vWLC onto a blank 8GB Drive.", - "vendor_name": "Cisco", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "AIR-CTVM-k9-8-1-120.0.iso", - "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "" - }, - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "MFG_CTVM_8_2_141_0.iso", - "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "" - }, - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "MFG_CTVM_8_3_102_0.iso", - "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "guest", - "description": "This appliance provides RADIUS and TACACS+ services with preconfigured users and groups.", - "docker": { - "adapters": 1, - "console_type": "telnet", - "image": "adosztal/aaa:latest" - }, - "maintainer": "Andras Dosztal", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "AAA", - "product_name": "AAA", - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "stable", - "symbol": "linux_guest.svg", - "usage": "RADIUS users:\n- alice\n- bob\n\nTACACS+ users:\n- gns3 (role: admin)\n- readonly\n\nAll users, as well as the RADIUS/TACACS+ clients have the password 'gns3' set.", - "vendor_name": "Ubuntu", - "vendor_url": "" - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "guest", - "description": "This container provides the popular tools used for network automation: Netmiko, NAPALM, Pyntc, and Ansible.", - "docker": { - "adapters": 1, - "console_type": "telnet", - "image": "adosztal/network_automation:latest" - }, - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "Network Automation", - "product_name": "Network Automation", - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "stable", - "symbol": "linux_guest.svg", - "vendor_name": "GNS3", - "vendor_url": "" - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "router", - "description": "OpenWrt is a highly extensible GNU/Linux distribution for embedded devices (typically wireless routers). Unlike many other distributions for these routers, OpenWrt is built from the ground up to be a full-featured, easily modifiable operating system for your router. 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Data Center Network Manager 10 lets you manage very large numbers of devices while providing ready-to-use management and automation capabilities plus Virtual Extensible LAN (VXLAN) overlay visibility into Cisco Nexus LAN fabrics.", - "documentation_url": "", - "images": [ - { - "download_url": "", - "filename": "dcnm-va.10.1.1.iso", - "filesize": 2927532032, - "md5sum": "4eca14506decaf166251c64e67adb110", - "version": "10.1.1" - }, - { - "direct_download_url": "", - "download_url": "", - "filename": "empty100G.qcow2", - "filesize": 198656, - "md5sum": "1e6409a4523ada212dea2ebc50e50a65", - "version": "1.0" - } - ], - "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", - "maintainer_email": "", - "name": "Cisco DCNM", - "port_name_format": "eth{0}", - "product_name": "DCNM", - "product_url": "", - "qemu": { - "adapter_type": "e1000", - "adapters": 2, - "arch": "x86_64", - "console_type": "vnc", - "hda_disk_interface": "ide", - "kvm": "require", - "options": "-smp 2", - "ram": 8192 - }, - "registry_version": 3, - "status": "stable", - "symbol": "mgmt_station.svg", - "usage": "Default credentials: root / cisco123", - "vendor_name": "Cisco", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "dcnm-va.10.1.1.iso", - "hda_disk_image": "empty100G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "10.1.1" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "router", - "description": "With proven ultra-high performance and scalability, the Brocade vRouter is the networking industry leader in software innovation. 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The Brocade vRouter must be on-line and have public connectivity in order to communicate with the Brocade licensing server for automated license key generation. Please note that the evaluation software will only run for 24 hours after installation without the activation code being entered into the system. You must enter your activation code in order to retrieve your licensing key after you install the Brocade vRouter software. Default credentials: vyatta / vyatta", - "vendor_name": "Brocade", - "vendor_url": "", - "versions": [ - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "vyatta-vrouter-17.1.1_B_amd64.iso", - "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "17.1.1" - }, - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "vyatta-vrouter-17.1.0_B_amd64.iso", - "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "17.1.0" - }, - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "vyatta-vrouter-5.2R2_B_amd64.iso", - "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "5.2R2" - }, - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "vyatta-vrouter-5.1R1_B_amd64.iso", - "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "5.1R1" - }, - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "livecd-VR5600_5.0R2_B_amd64.iso", - "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "5.0R2" - }, - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "livecd-VR5600_4.2R1_B_amd64.iso", - "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "4.2R1" - }, - { - "images": { - "cdrom_image": "vyatta-livecd_3.5R3T60_amd64.iso", - "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2" - }, - "name": "3.5R3" - } - ] - }, - { - "builtin": true, - "category": "router", - "description": "The vMX is a full-featured, carrier-grade virtual MX Series 3D Universal Edge Router that extends 15+ years of Juniper Networks edge routing expertise to the virtual realm. 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name ['string', 'null'] Project name
path ['string', 'null'] Project directory
project_id ['string', 'null'] Project UUID
auto_close boolean Project auto close when client cut off the notifications feed
auto_open boolean Project open when GNS3 start
auto_start boolean Project start when opened
drawing_grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area for drawings
filename ['string', 'null'] Project filename
grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area
grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area for nodes
name ['string', 'null'] Project name
path ['string', 'null'] Project directory
project_id string Project UUID
auto_close boolean Project auto close when client cut off the notifications feed
auto_open boolean Project open when GNS3 start
auto_start boolean Project start when opened
grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area
drawing_grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area for drawings
grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area for nodes
name ['string', 'null'] Project name
path ['string', 'null'] Path of the project on the server (work only with --local)
scene_height integer Height of the drawing area
auto_close boolean Project auto close when client cut off the notifications feed
auto_open boolean Project open when GNS3 start
auto_start boolean Project start when opened
drawing_grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area for drawings
filename ['string', 'null'] Project filename
grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area
grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area for nodes
name ['string', 'null'] Project name
path ['string', 'null'] Project directory
project_id string Project UUID
auto_close boolean Project auto close when client cut off the notifications feed
auto_open boolean Project open when GNS3 start
auto_start boolean Project start when opened
drawing_grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area for drawings
filename ['string', 'null'] Project filename
grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area
grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area for nodes
name ['string', 'null'] Project name
path ['string', 'null'] Project directory
project_id string Project UUID
auto_close boolean Project auto close when client cut off the notifications feed
auto_open boolean Project open when GNS3 start
auto_start boolean Project start when opened
drawing_grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area for drawings
filename ['string', 'null'] Project filename
grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area
grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area for nodes
name ['string', 'null'] Project name
path ['string', 'null'] Project directory
project_id string Project UUID
- - - - - - - - - -
Name Mandatory Type Description
appliance_id string Appliance UUID from which the node has been created. Read only
appliance_type enum Possible values: cloud, ethernet_hub, ethernet_switch, docker, dynamips, vpcs, traceng, virtualbox, vmware, iou, qemu
builtin boolean Appliance is builtin
category Appliance category
compute_id string Compute identifier
default_name_format string Default name format
name string Appliance name
symbol string Symbol of the appliance
- -Output -******* -.. raw:: html - - - - - - - - - - - -
Name Mandatory Type Description
appliance_id string Appliance UUID from which the node has been created. Read only
appliance_type enum Possible values: cloud, ethernet_hub, ethernet_switch, docker, dynamips, vpcs, traceng, virtualbox, vmware, iou, qemu
builtin boolean Appliance is builtin
category Appliance category
compute_id string Compute identifier
default_name_format string Default name format
name string Appliance name
symbol string Symbol of the appliance
- -Sample session -*************** - - -.. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/controller_post_appliances.txt - - GET /v2/appliances ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -List of appliance +List of appliances Response status codes ********************** diff --git a/docs/api/v2/controller/appliance/appliancesapplianceid.rst b/docs/api/v2/controller/appliance/appliancesapplianceid.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 953bd936..00000000 --- a/docs/api/v2/controller/appliance/appliancesapplianceid.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,107 +0,0 @@ -/v2/appliances/{appliance_id} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -.. contents:: - -GET /v2/appliances/**{appliance_id}** -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -Get an appliance - -Response status codes -********************** -- **200**: Appliance found -- **400**: Invalid request -- **404**: Appliance doesn't exist - -Output -******* -.. raw:: html - - - - - - - - - - - -
Name Mandatory Type Description
appliance_id string Appliance UUID from which the node has been created. Read only
appliance_type enum Possible values: cloud, ethernet_hub, ethernet_switch, docker, dynamips, vpcs, traceng, virtualbox, vmware, iou, qemu
builtin boolean Appliance is builtin
category Appliance category
compute_id string Compute identifier
default_name_format string Default name format
name string Appliance name
symbol string Symbol of the appliance
- -Sample session -*************** - - -.. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/controller_get_appliancesapplianceid.txt - - -PUT /v2/appliances/**{appliance_id}** -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -Update an appliance - -Response status codes -********************** -- **200**: Appliance updated -- **400**: Invalid request -- **404**: Appliance doesn't exist - -Input -******* -.. raw:: html - - - - - - - - - - - -
Name Mandatory Type Description
appliance_id string Appliance UUID from which the node has been created. Read only
appliance_type enum Possible values: cloud, ethernet_hub, ethernet_switch, docker, dynamips, vpcs, traceng, virtualbox, vmware, iou, qemu
builtin boolean Appliance is builtin
category Appliance category
compute_id string Compute identifier
default_name_format string Default name format
name string Appliance name
symbol string Symbol of the appliance
- -Output -******* -.. raw:: html - - - - - - - - - - - -
Name Mandatory Type Description
appliance_id string Appliance UUID from which the node has been created. Read only
appliance_type enum Possible values: cloud, ethernet_hub, ethernet_switch, docker, dynamips, vpcs, traceng, virtualbox, vmware, iou, qemu
builtin boolean Appliance is builtin
category Appliance category
compute_id string Compute identifier
default_name_format string Default name format
name string Appliance name
symbol string Symbol of the appliance
- -Sample session -*************** - - -.. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/controller_put_appliancesapplianceid.txt - - -DELETE /v2/appliances/**{appliance_id}** -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -Delete an appliance - -Parameters -********** -- **appliance_id**: appliance UUID - -Response status codes -********************** -- **204**: Appliance deleted -- **400**: Invalid request -- **404**: Appliance doesn't exist - -Sample session -*************** - - -.. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/controller_delete_appliancesapplianceid.txt - diff --git a/docs/api/v2/controller/appliance/appliancesapplianceidduplicate.rst b/docs/api/v2/controller/appliance/appliancesapplianceidduplicate.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 0a82fedf..00000000 --- a/docs/api/v2/controller/appliance/appliancesapplianceidduplicate.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ -/v2/appliances/{appliance_id}/duplicate ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -.. contents:: - -POST /v2/appliances/**{appliance_id}**/duplicate -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -Duplicate an appliance - -Parameters -********** -- **appliance_id**: Appliance UUID - -Response status codes -********************** -- **201**: Appliance duplicated -- **400**: Invalid request -- **404**: Appliance doesn't exist - -Output -******* -.. raw:: html - - - - - - - - - - - -
Name Mandatory Type Description
appliance_id string Appliance UUID from which the node has been created. Read only
appliance_type enum Possible values: cloud, ethernet_hub, ethernet_switch, docker, dynamips, vpcs, traceng, virtualbox, vmware, iou, qemu
builtin boolean Appliance is builtin
category Appliance category
compute_id string Compute identifier
default_name_format string Default name format
name string Appliance name
symbol string Symbol of the appliance
- -Sample session -*************** - - -.. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/controller_post_appliancesapplianceidduplicate.txt - diff --git a/docs/api/v2/controller/appliance/appliancestemplates.rst b/docs/api/v2/controller/appliance/appliancestemplates.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 75695005..00000000 --- a/docs/api/v2/controller/appliance/appliancestemplates.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -/v2/appliances/templates ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -.. contents:: - -GET /v2/appliances/templates -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -List of appliance templates - -Response status codes -********************** -- **200**: Appliance template list returned - -Sample session -*************** - - -.. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/controller_get_appliancestemplates.txt - diff --git a/docs/api/v2/controller/appliance/projectsprojectidappliancesapplianceid.rst b/docs/api/v2/controller/appliance/projectsprojectidappliancesapplianceid.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 5de1dce7..00000000 --- a/docs/api/v2/controller/appliance/projectsprojectidappliancesapplianceid.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ -/v2/projects/{project_id}/appliances/{appliance_id} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -.. contents:: - -POST /v2/projects/**{project_id}**/appliances/**{appliance_id}** -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -Create a node from an appliance - -Parameters -********** -- **project_id**: Project UUID -- **appliance_id**: Appliance UUID - -Response status codes -********************** -- **201**: Node created -- **404**: The project or appliance doesn't exist - -Input -******* -.. raw:: html - - - - - - -
Name Mandatory Type Description
compute_id ['null', 'string'] If the appliance don't have a default compute use this compute
x integer X position
y integer Y position
- -Output -******* -.. raw:: html - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Name Mandatory Type Description
appliance_id ['null', 'string'] Appliance UUID from which the node has been created. Read only
command_line ['null', 'string'] Command line use to start the node
compute_id string Compute identifier
console ['integer', 'null'] Console TCP port
console_auto_start boolean Automatically start the console when the node has started
console_host string Console host. Warning if the host is or :: (listen on all interfaces) you need to use the same address you use to connect to the controller.
console_type enum Possible values: vnc, telnet, http, https, spice, spice+agent, none, null
custom_adapters array
first_port_name ['string', 'null'] Name of the first port
height integer Height of the node (Read only)
label object
name string Node name
node_directory ['null', 'string'] Working directory of the node. Read only
node_id string Node UUID
node_type enum Possible values: cloud, nat, ethernet_hub, ethernet_switch, frame_relay_switch, atm_switch, docker, dynamips, vpcs, traceng, virtualbox, vmware, iou, qemu
port_name_format string Formating for port name {0} will be replace by port number
port_segment_size integer Size of the port segment
ports array List of node ports READ only
project_id string Project UUID
properties object Properties specific to an emulator
status enum Possible values: stopped, started, suspended
symbol ['string', 'null'] Symbol of the node
width integer Width of the node (Read only)
x integer X position of the node
y integer Y position of the node
z integer Z position of the node
- diff --git a/docs/api/v2/controller/compute/s.rst b/docs/api/v2/controller/compute/s.rst index b6f637bc..ef82efac 100644 --- a/docs/api/v2/controller/compute/s.rst +++ b/docs/api/v2/controller/compute/s.rst @@ -52,5 +52,5 @@ List of computes Response status codes ********************** -- **200**: Compute list returned +- **200**: Computes list returned diff --git a/docs/api/v2/controller/compute/sid.rst b/docs/api/v2/controller/compute/sid.rst index c67515e2..c2ddc10d 100644 --- a/docs/api/v2/controller/compute/sid.rst +++ b/docs/api/v2/controller/compute/sid.rst @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Update a compute Response status codes ********************** -- **200**: Compute +- **200**: Compute updated - **400**: Invalid request - **404**: Instance doesn't exist diff --git a/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodes.rst b/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodes.rst index c9f5b50d..695efbd3 100644 --- a/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodes.rst +++ b/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodes.rst @@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ Input - @@ -44,6 +43,7 @@ Input + @@ -56,7 +56,6 @@ Output
Name Mandatory Type Description
appliance_id ['null', 'string'] Appliance UUID from which the node has been created. Read only
command_line ['null', 'string'] Command line use to start the node
compute_id string Compute identifier
console ['integer', 'null'] Console TCP port
properties object Properties specific to an emulator
status enum Possible values: stopped, started, suspended
symbol ['string', 'null'] Symbol of the node
template_id ['null', 'string'] Template UUID from which the node has been created. Read only
width integer Width of the node (Read only)
x integer X position of the node
y integer Y position of the node
- @@ -78,6 +77,7 @@ Output + diff --git a/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodesnodeid.rst b/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodesnodeid.rst index ddf2685c..3e4ec014 100644 --- a/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodesnodeid.rst +++ b/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodesnodeid.rst @@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ Output
Name Mandatory Type Description
appliance_id ['null', 'string'] Appliance UUID from which the node has been created. Read only
command_line ['null', 'string'] Command line use to start the node
compute_id string Compute identifier
console ['integer', 'null'] Console TCP port
properties object Properties specific to an emulator
status enum Possible values: stopped, started, suspended
symbol ['string', 'null'] Symbol of the node
template_id ['null', 'string'] Template UUID from which the node has been created. Read only
width integer Width of the node (Read only)
x integer X position of the node
y integer Y position of the node
- @@ -41,6 +40,7 @@ Output + @@ -70,7 +70,6 @@ Input
Name Mandatory Type Description
appliance_id ['null', 'string'] Appliance UUID from which the node has been created. Read only
command_line ['null', 'string'] Command line use to start the node
compute_id string Compute identifier
console ['integer', 'null'] Console TCP port
properties object Properties specific to an emulator
status enum Possible values: stopped, started, suspended
symbol ['string', 'null'] Symbol of the node
template_id ['null', 'string'] Template UUID from which the node has been created. Read only
width integer Width of the node (Read only)
x integer X position of the node
y integer Y position of the node
- @@ -92,6 +91,7 @@ Input + @@ -104,7 +104,6 @@ Output
Name Mandatory Type Description
appliance_id ['null', 'string'] Appliance UUID from which the node has been created. Read only
command_line ['null', 'string'] Command line use to start the node
compute_id string Compute identifier
console ['integer', 'null'] Console TCP port
properties object Properties specific to an emulator
status enum Possible values: stopped, started, suspended
symbol ['string', 'null'] Symbol of the node
template_id ['null', 'string'] Template UUID from which the node has been created. Read only
width integer Width of the node (Read only)
x integer X position of the node
y integer Y position of the node
- @@ -126,6 +125,7 @@ Output + diff --git a/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodesnodeidduplicate.rst b/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodesnodeidduplicate.rst index d17689a6..3fe394da 100644 --- a/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodesnodeidduplicate.rst +++ b/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodesnodeidduplicate.rst @@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ Output
Name Mandatory Type Description
appliance_id ['null', 'string'] Appliance UUID from which the node has been created. Read only
command_line ['null', 'string'] Command line use to start the node
compute_id string Compute identifier
console ['integer', 'null'] Console TCP port
properties object Properties specific to an emulator
status enum Possible values: stopped, started, suspended
symbol ['string', 'null'] Symbol of the node
template_id ['null', 'string'] Template UUID from which the node has been created. Read only
width integer Width of the node (Read only)
x integer X position of the node
y integer Y position of the node
- @@ -57,6 +56,7 @@ Output + diff --git a/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodesnodeidreload.rst b/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodesnodeidreload.rst index 637f7514..43c0caf6 100644 --- a/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodesnodeidreload.rst +++ b/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodesnodeidreload.rst @@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ Output
Name Mandatory Type Description
appliance_id ['null', 'string'] Appliance UUID from which the node has been created. Read only
command_line ['null', 'string'] Command line use to start the node
compute_id string Compute identifier
console ['integer', 'null'] Console TCP port
properties object Properties specific to an emulator
status enum Possible values: stopped, started, suspended
symbol ['string', 'null'] Symbol of the node
template_id ['null', 'string'] Template UUID from which the node has been created. Read only
width integer Width of the node (Read only)
x integer X position of the node
y integer Y position of the node
- @@ -46,6 +45,7 @@ Output + diff --git a/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodesnodeidstart.rst b/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodesnodeidstart.rst index 07b89102..87a4bc64 100644 --- a/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodesnodeidstart.rst +++ b/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodesnodeidstart.rst @@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ Output
Name Mandatory Type Description
appliance_id ['null', 'string'] Appliance UUID from which the node has been created. Read only
command_line ['null', 'string'] Command line use to start the node
compute_id string Compute identifier
console ['integer', 'null'] Console TCP port
properties object Properties specific to an emulator
status enum Possible values: stopped, started, suspended
symbol ['string', 'null'] Symbol of the node
template_id ['null', 'string'] Template UUID from which the node has been created. Read only
width integer Width of the node (Read only)
x integer X position of the node
y integer Y position of the node
- @@ -46,6 +45,7 @@ Output + diff --git a/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodesnodeidstop.rst b/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodesnodeidstop.rst index be6ca93c..2b044640 100644 --- a/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodesnodeidstop.rst +++ b/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodesnodeidstop.rst @@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ Output
Name Mandatory Type Description
appliance_id ['null', 'string'] Appliance UUID from which the node has been created. Read only
command_line ['null', 'string'] Command line use to start the node
compute_id string Compute identifier
console ['integer', 'null'] Console TCP port
properties object Properties specific to an emulator
status enum Possible values: stopped, started, suspended
symbol ['string', 'null'] Symbol of the node
template_id ['null', 'string'] Template UUID from which the node has been created. Read only
width integer Width of the node (Read only)
x integer X position of the node
y integer Y position of the node
- @@ -46,6 +45,7 @@ Output + diff --git a/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodesnodeidsuspend.rst b/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodesnodeidsuspend.rst index 86ae2fcb..94733e19 100644 --- a/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodesnodeidsuspend.rst +++ b/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodesnodeidsuspend.rst @@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ Output
Name Mandatory Type Description
appliance_id ['null', 'string'] Appliance UUID from which the node has been created. Read only
command_line ['null', 'string'] Command line use to start the node
compute_id string Compute identifier
console ['integer', 'null'] Console TCP port
properties object Properties specific to an emulator
status enum Possible values: stopped, started, suspended
symbol ['string', 'null'] Symbol of the node
template_id ['null', 'string'] Template UUID from which the node has been created. Read only
width integer Width of the node (Read only)
x integer X position of the node
y integer Y position of the node
- @@ -46,6 +45,7 @@ Output + diff --git a/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodesreload.rst b/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodesreload.rst index 3521f546..5061ea83 100644 --- a/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodesreload.rst +++ b/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodesreload.rst @@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ Output
Name Mandatory Type Description
appliance_id ['null', 'string'] Appliance UUID from which the node has been created. Read only
command_line ['null', 'string'] Command line use to start the node
compute_id string Compute identifier
console ['integer', 'null'] Console TCP port
properties object Properties specific to an emulator
status enum Possible values: stopped, started, suspended
symbol ['string', 'null'] Symbol of the node
template_id ['null', 'string'] Template UUID from which the node has been created. Read only
width integer Width of the node (Read only)
x integer X position of the node
y integer Y position of the node
- @@ -45,6 +44,7 @@ Output + diff --git a/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodesstart.rst b/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodesstart.rst index 7cc250e2..825a871f 100644 --- a/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodesstart.rst +++ b/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodesstart.rst @@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ Output
Name Mandatory Type Description
appliance_id ['null', 'string'] Appliance UUID from which the node has been created. Read only
command_line ['null', 'string'] Command line use to start the node
compute_id string Compute identifier
console ['integer', 'null'] Console TCP port
properties object Properties specific to an emulator
status enum Possible values: stopped, started, suspended
symbol ['string', 'null'] Symbol of the node
template_id ['null', 'string'] Template UUID from which the node has been created. Read only
width integer Width of the node (Read only)
x integer X position of the node
y integer Y position of the node
- @@ -45,6 +44,7 @@ Output + diff --git a/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodesstop.rst b/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodesstop.rst index c19a7243..41b284f3 100644 --- a/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodesstop.rst +++ b/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodesstop.rst @@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ Output
Name Mandatory Type Description
appliance_id ['null', 'string'] Appliance UUID from which the node has been created. Read only
command_line ['null', 'string'] Command line use to start the node
compute_id string Compute identifier
console ['integer', 'null'] Console TCP port
properties object Properties specific to an emulator
status enum Possible values: stopped, started, suspended
symbol ['string', 'null'] Symbol of the node
template_id ['null', 'string'] Template UUID from which the node has been created. Read only
width integer Width of the node (Read only)
x integer X position of the node
y integer Y position of the node
- @@ -45,6 +44,7 @@ Output + diff --git a/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodessuspend.rst b/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodessuspend.rst index 029d6000..4cd49455 100644 --- a/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodessuspend.rst +++ b/docs/api/v2/controller/node/projectsprojectidnodessuspend.rst @@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ Output
Name Mandatory Type Description
appliance_id ['null', 'string'] Appliance UUID from which the node has been created. Read only
command_line ['null', 'string'] Command line use to start the node
compute_id string Compute identifier
console ['integer', 'null'] Console TCP port
properties object Properties specific to an emulator
status enum Possible values: stopped, started, suspended
symbol ['string', 'null'] Symbol of the node
template_id ['null', 'string'] Template UUID from which the node has been created. Read only
width integer Width of the node (Read only)
x integer X position of the node
y integer Y position of the node
- @@ -45,6 +44,7 @@ Output + diff --git a/docs/api/v2/controller/project/projects.rst b/docs/api/v2/controller/project/projects.rst index ed3e60fc..fc6c8bd2 100644 --- a/docs/api/v2/controller/project/projects.rst +++ b/docs/api/v2/controller/project/projects.rst @@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ Input
Name Mandatory Type Description
appliance_id ['null', 'string'] Appliance UUID from which the node has been created. Read only
command_line ['null', 'string'] Command line use to start the node
compute_id string Compute identifier
console ['integer', 'null'] Console TCP port
properties object Properties specific to an emulator
status enum Possible values: stopped, started, suspended
symbol ['string', 'null'] Symbol of the node
template_id ['null', 'string'] Template UUID from which the node has been created. Read only
width integer Width of the node (Read only)
x integer X position of the node
y integer Y position of the node
- + + @@ -43,8 +44,9 @@ Output + - + diff --git a/docs/api/v2/controller/project/projectsload.rst b/docs/api/v2/controller/project/projectsload.rst index fe2e2f29..d14e641d 100644 --- a/docs/api/v2/controller/project/projectsload.rst +++ b/docs/api/v2/controller/project/projectsload.rst @@ -34,8 +34,9 @@ Output + - + diff --git a/docs/api/v2/controller/project/projectsprojectid.rst b/docs/api/v2/controller/project/projectsprojectid.rst index 1e88a74f..90a97a78 100644 --- a/docs/api/v2/controller/project/projectsprojectid.rst +++ b/docs/api/v2/controller/project/projectsprojectid.rst @@ -42,7 +42,8 @@ Input - + + @@ -65,8 +66,9 @@ Output + - + diff --git a/docs/api/v2/controller/project/projectsprojectidclose.rst b/docs/api/v2/controller/project/projectsprojectidclose.rst index 3ad92940..51d0717c 100644 --- a/docs/api/v2/controller/project/projectsprojectidclose.rst +++ b/docs/api/v2/controller/project/projectsprojectidclose.rst @@ -25,8 +25,9 @@ Output + - + diff --git a/docs/api/v2/controller/project/projectsprojectidduplicate.rst b/docs/api/v2/controller/project/projectsprojectidduplicate.rst index 693754d0..13e63c0f 100644 --- a/docs/api/v2/controller/project/projectsprojectidduplicate.rst +++ b/docs/api/v2/controller/project/projectsprojectidduplicate.rst @@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ Input
Name Mandatory Type Description
auto_close boolean Project auto close
grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area
drawing_grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area for drawings
grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area for nodes
name ['string', 'null'] Project name
path ['string', 'null'] Project directory
project_id ['string', 'null'] Project UUID
auto_close boolean Project auto close when client cut off the notifications feed
auto_open boolean Project open when GNS3 start
auto_start boolean Project start when opened
drawing_grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area for drawings
filename ['string', 'null'] Project filename
grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area
grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area for nodes
name ['string', 'null'] Project name
path ['string', 'null'] Project directory
project_id string Project UUID
auto_close boolean Project auto close when client cut off the notifications feed
auto_open boolean Project open when GNS3 start
auto_start boolean Project start when opened
drawing_grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area for drawings
filename ['string', 'null'] Project filename
grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area
grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area for nodes
name ['string', 'null'] Project name
path ['string', 'null'] Project directory
project_id string Project UUID
auto_close boolean Project auto close when client cut off the notifications feed
auto_open boolean Project open when GNS3 start
auto_start boolean Project start when opened
grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area
drawing_grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area for drawings
grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area for nodes
name ['string', 'null'] Project name
path ['string', 'null'] Path of the project on the server (work only with --local)
scene_height integer Height of the drawing area
auto_close boolean Project auto close when client cut off the notifications feed
auto_open boolean Project open when GNS3 start
auto_start boolean Project start when opened
drawing_grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area for drawings
filename ['string', 'null'] Project filename
grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area
grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area for nodes
name ['string', 'null'] Project name
path ['string', 'null'] Project directory
project_id string Project UUID
auto_close boolean Project auto close when client cut off the notifications feed
auto_open boolean Project open when GNS3 start
auto_start boolean Project start when opened
drawing_grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area for drawings
filename ['string', 'null'] Project filename
grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area
grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area for nodes
name ['string', 'null'] Project name
path ['string', 'null'] Project directory
project_id string Project UUID
- + + @@ -48,8 +49,9 @@ Output + - + diff --git a/docs/api/v2/controller/project/projectsprojectidimport.rst b/docs/api/v2/controller/project/projectsprojectidimport.rst index d2040a66..1b4bf1f9 100644 --- a/docs/api/v2/controller/project/projectsprojectidimport.rst +++ b/docs/api/v2/controller/project/projectsprojectidimport.rst @@ -25,8 +25,9 @@ Output + - + diff --git a/docs/api/v2/controller/project/projectsprojectidopen.rst b/docs/api/v2/controller/project/projectsprojectidopen.rst index 042b0499..2ce4c430 100644 --- a/docs/api/v2/controller/project/projectsprojectidopen.rst +++ b/docs/api/v2/controller/project/projectsprojectidopen.rst @@ -25,8 +25,9 @@ Output + - + diff --git a/docs/api/v2/controller/snapshot/projectsprojectidsnapshotssnapshotidrestore.rst b/docs/api/v2/controller/snapshot/projectsprojectidsnapshotssnapshotidrestore.rst index ab24ee1c..82386f82 100644 --- a/docs/api/v2/controller/snapshot/projectsprojectidsnapshotssnapshotidrestore.rst +++ b/docs/api/v2/controller/snapshot/projectsprojectidsnapshotssnapshotidrestore.rst @@ -26,8 +26,9 @@ Output + - + diff --git a/docs/controller_notifications.rst b/docs/controller_notifications.rst index 6161924b..e21caa54 100644 --- a/docs/controller_notifications.rst +++ b/docs/controller_notifications.rst @@ -50,28 +50,28 @@ A compute has been deleted. .. literalinclude:: api/notifications/compute.deleted.json -appliance.created +template.created ----------------- -An appliance has been created. +A template has been created. -.. literalinclude:: api/notifications/appliance.created.json +.. literalinclude:: api/notifications/template.created.json -appliance.updated +template.updated ----------------- -An appliance has been updated. +A template has been updated. -.. literalinclude:: api/notifications/appliance.updated.json +.. literalinclude:: api/notifications/template.updated.json -appliance.deleted +template.deleted ----------------- -An appliance has been deleted. +A template has been deleted. -.. literalinclude:: api/notifications/appliance.deleted.json +.. literalinclude:: api/notifications/template.deleted.json log.error diff --git a/docs/curl.rst b/docs/curl.rst index 2f5207a9..20a4c85a 100644 --- a/docs/curl.rst +++ b/docs/curl.rst @@ -234,14 +234,14 @@ Packet filters allow to filter packet on a given link. Here to drop a packet eve # curl -X PUT "http://localhost:3080/v2/projects/b8c070f7-f34c-4b7b-ba6f-be3d26ed073f/links/007f2177-6790-4e1b-ac28-41fa226b2a06" -d '{"filters": {"frequency_drop": [5]}}' -Appliance creation +Template creation ################### -An appliance contains all the required settings to create a new node. This is useful to create many nodes with the same settings. +A template contains all the required settings to create a new node. This is useful to create many nodes with the same settings. .. code-block:: shell-session - # curl -X POST "http://localhost:3080/v2/appliances" -d '{"name": "Qemu appliance", "compute_id": "local", "platform": "i386", "hda_disk_image": "IOSvL2-", "ram": 512, "appliance_type": "qemu"}' + # curl -X POST "http://localhost:3080/v2/templates" -d '{"name": "Qemu template", "compute_id": "local", "platform": "i386", "hda_disk_image": "IOSvL2-", "ram": 512, "template_type": "qemu"}' Node creation ############## @@ -249,23 +249,23 @@ Node creation There are two ways to add nodes. 1. Manually by passing all the information required to create a new node. -2. Using an appliance stored on your server. +2. Using a template stored on your server. -Using an appliance ------------------- +Using a template +----------------- -List all the available appliance templates: +List all the available templates: .. code-block:: shell-session - # curl "http://localhost:3080/v2/appliances" + # curl "http://localhost:3080/v2/templates" [ { "adapter_type": "e1000", "adapters": 1, - "appliance_id": "70c79a82-5ef6-4911-8284-f6f31eb0ebf2", - "appliance_type": "qemu", + "template_id": "70c79a82-5ef6-4911-8284-f6f31eb0ebf2", + "template_type": "qemu", "bios_image": "", "boot_priority": "c", "builtin": false, @@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ List all the available appliance templates: "legacy_networking": false, "linked_clone": true, "mac_address": "", - "name": "Qemu appliance", + "name": "Qemu template", "on_close": "power_off", "options": "", "platform": "i386", @@ -307,8 +307,8 @@ List all the available appliance templates: } { "adapters": 1, - "appliance_id": "888984a8-c802-427b-97a7-ee097ee63faf", - "appliance_type": "docker", + "template_id": "888984a8-c802-427b-97a7-ee097ee63faf", + "template_type": "docker", "builtin": false, "category": "guest", "compute_id": "local", @@ -328,11 +328,11 @@ List all the available appliance templates: }, ] -Use the appliance and add coordinates to select where the node will be put on the canvas: +Use the template and add coordinates to select where the node will be put on the canvas: .. code-block:: shell-session - # curl -X POST http://localhost:3080/v2/projects/b8c070f7-f34c-4b7b-ba6f-be3d26ed073f/appliances/888984a8-c802-427b-97a7-ee097ee63faf -d '{"x": 12, "y": 42}' + # curl -X POST http://localhost:3080/v2/projects/b8c070f7-f34c-4b7b-ba6f-be3d26ed073f/templates/888984a8-c802-427b-97a7-ee097ee63faf -d '{"x": 12, "y": 42}' Manual creation of a Qemu node @@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ Controller notifications can be seen by connecting to the notification feed: # curl "http://localhost:3080/v2/notifications" {"action": "ping", "event": {"compute_id": "local", "cpu_usage_percent": 35.7, "memory_usage_percent": 80.7}} {"action": "compute.updated", "event": {"capabilities": {"node_types": ["cloud", "ethernet_hub", "ethernet_switch", "nat", "vpcs", "virtualbox", "dynamips", "frame_relay_switch", "atm_switch", "qemu", "vmware", "traceng", "docker", "iou"], "platform": "linux", "version": "2.2.0dev5-68ecbff"}, "compute_id": "local", "connected": true, "cpu_usage_percent": 12.0, "host": "", "last_error": null, "memory_usage_percent": 45.7, "name": "coruscant", "port": 3080, "protocol": "http", "user": "admin"}} - {"action": "appliance.created", "event": {"appliance_id": "384f9b02-6451-4b27-8d29-76623b5d9e79", "appliance_type": "dynamips", "auto_delete_disks": false, "builtin": false, "category": "router", "compute_id": "local", "console_auto_start": false, "console_type": "telnet", "default_name_format": "R{0}", "disk0": 0, "disk1": 0, "exec_area": 64, "idlemax": 500, "idlepc": "", "idlesleep": 30, "image": "c3725-adventerprisek9-mz.124-15.T14.image", "iomem": 5, "mac_addr": "", "mmap": true, "name": "My c3725", "nvram": 256, "platform": "c3725", "private_config": "", "ram": 128, "sparsemem": true, "startup_config": "ios_base_startup-config.txt", "symbol": ":/symbols/router.svg", "system_id": "FTX0945W0MY"}} + {"action": "template.created", "event": {"template_id": "384f9b02-6451-4b27-8d29-76623b5d9e79", "template_type": "dynamips", "auto_delete_disks": false, "builtin": false, "category": "router", "compute_id": "local", "console_auto_start": false, "console_type": "telnet", "default_name_format": "R{0}", "disk0": 0, "disk1": 0, "exec_area": 64, "idlemax": 500, "idlepc": "", "idlesleep": 30, "image": "c3725-adventerprisek9-mz.124-15.T14.image", "iomem": 5, "mac_addr": "", "mmap": true, "name": "My c3725", "nvram": 256, "platform": "c3725", "private_config": "", "ram": 128, "sparsemem": true, "startup_config": "ios_base_startup-config.txt", "symbol": ":/symbols/router.svg", "system_id": "FTX0945W0MY"}} A Websocket notification stream is also available on http://localhost:3080/v2/notifications/ws diff --git a/docs/glossary.rst b/docs/glossary.rst index 8ecf9cf4..7b32bc20 100644 --- a/docs/glossary.rst +++ b/docs/glossary.rst @@ -16,16 +16,15 @@ Node A Virtual Machine (Dynamips, IOU, Qemu, VPCS...) or builtin node (cloud, switch, hub...) that run on a compute. +Template +--------- + +A template used to create a new node. A node is created when dragging a template to a topology. + Appliance --------- -A model for a node used to create a node. When you drag an appliance to the topology a node is created. - -Appliance template ------------------- - -A file (.gns3a) used to create a new node. - +A file (.gns3a or .gns3appliance) used to create a new template with predefined settings. Drawing ------- diff --git a/docs/gns3_file.json b/docs/gns3_file.json index e5a34aef..aeb07ffa 100644 --- a/docs/gns3_file.json +++ b/docs/gns3_file.json @@ -66,7 +66,11 @@ }, "grid_size": { "type": "integer", - "description": "Grid size for the drawing area" + "description": "Grid size for the drawing area for nodes" + }, + "drawing_grid_size": { + "type": "integer", + "description": "Grid size for the drawing area for drawings" }, "show_interface_labels": { "type": "boolean", @@ -441,8 +445,8 @@ "maxLength": 36, "pattern": "^[a-fA-F0-9]{8}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{12}$" }, - "appliance_id": { - "description": "Appliance UUID from which the node has been created. Read only", + "template_id": { + "description": "Template UUID from which the node has been created. Read only", "type": [ "null", "string" diff --git a/gns3server/appliances/exos.gns3a b/gns3server/appliances/exos.gns3a index d4f7087b..5aff76b8 100644 --- a/gns3server/appliances/exos.gns3a +++ b/gns3server/appliances/exos.gns3a @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "first_port_name": "Management", "port_name_format": "Port{port1}", "qemu": { - "adapter_type": "e1000", + "adapter_type": "rtl8139", "adapters": 13, "ram": 256, "hda_disk_interface": "ide", diff --git a/gns3server/appliances/freenas.gns3a b/gns3server/appliances/freenas.gns3a index 75dc4023..be45752a 100644 --- a/gns3server/appliances/freenas.gns3a +++ b/gns3server/appliances/freenas.gns3a @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ "md5sum": "633d6444cad903c707983b54e04fc053", "filesize": 636065792, "download_url": "", - "direct_download_url": "" + "direct_download_url": "" }, { "filename": "FreeNAS-11.1-U4.iso", diff --git a/gns3server/controller/ b/gns3server/controller/ index 9805ba1b..9cee4404 100644 --- a/gns3server/controller/ +++ b/gns3server/controller/ @@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ import copy from ..config import Config from .project import Project +from .template import Template from .appliance import Appliance -from .appliance_template import ApplianceTemplate from .compute import Compute, ComputeError from .notification import Notification from .symbols import Symbols @@ -59,38 +59,38 @@ class Controller: self._iou_license_settings = {"iourc_content": "", "license_check": True} self._config_loaded = False + self._templates = {} self._appliances = {} - self._appliance_templates = {} - self._appliance_templates_etag = None + self._appliances_etag = None self._config_file = os.path.join(Config.instance().config_dir, "gns3_controller.conf")"Load controller configuration file {}".format(self._config_file)) @locking - async def download_appliance_templates(self): + async def download_appliances(self): try: headers = {} - if self._appliance_templates_etag: -"Checking if appliance templates are up-to-date (ETag {})".format(self._appliance_templates_etag)) - headers["If-None-Match"] = self._appliance_templates_etag + if self._appliances_etag: +"Checking if appliances are up-to-date (ETag {})".format(self._appliances_etag)) + headers["If-None-Match"] = self._appliances_etag async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get('', headers=headers) as response: if response.status == 304: -"Appliance templates are already up-to-date (ETag {})".format(self._appliance_templates_etag)) +"Appliances are already up-to-date (ETag {})".format(self._appliances_etag)) return elif response.status != 200: - raise aiohttp.web.HTTPConflict(text="Could not retrieve appliance templates on GitHub due to HTTP error code {}".format(response.status)) + raise aiohttp.web.HTTPConflict(text="Could not retrieve appliances on GitHub due to HTTP error code {}".format(response.status)) etag = response.headers.get("ETag") if etag: - self._appliance_templates_etag = etag + self._appliances_etag = etag json_data = await response.json() appliances_dir = get_resource('appliances') for appliance in json_data: if appliance["type"] == "file": appliance_name = appliance["name"] -"Download appliance template file from '{}'".format(appliance["download_url"])) +"Download appliance file from '{}'".format(appliance["download_url"])) async with session.get(appliance["download_url"]) as response: if response.status != 200: log.warning("Could not download '{}' due to HTTP error code {}".format(appliance["download_url"], response.status)) @@ -106,13 +106,13 @@ class Controller: with open(path, 'wb') as f: f.write(appliance_data) except OSError as e: - raise aiohttp.web.HTTPConflict(text="Could not write appliance template file '{}': {}".format(path, e)) + raise aiohttp.web.HTTPConflict(text="Could not write appliance file '{}': {}".format(path, e)) except ValueError as e: - raise aiohttp.web.HTTPConflict(text="Could not read appliance templates information from GitHub: {}".format(e)) + raise aiohttp.web.HTTPConflict(text="Could not read appliances information from GitHub: {}".format(e)) - def load_appliance_templates(self): + def load_appliances(self): - self._appliance_templates = {} + self._appliances = {} for directory, builtin in ((get_resource('appliances'), True,), (self.appliances_path(), False,)): if directory and os.path.isdir(directory): for file in os.listdir(directory): @@ -122,99 +122,97 @@ class Controller: appliance_id = uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_URL, path) # Generate UUID from path to avoid change between reboots try: with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: - appliance = ApplianceTemplate(appliance_id, json.load(f), builtin=builtin) + appliance = Appliance(appliance_id, json.load(f), builtin=builtin) appliance.__json__() # Check if loaded without error if appliance.status != 'broken': - self._appliance_templates[] = appliance + self._appliances[] = appliance except (ValueError, OSError, KeyError) as e: - log.warning("Cannot load appliance template file '%s': %s", path, str(e)) + log.warning("Cannot load appliance file '%s': %s", path, str(e)) continue - def add_appliance(self, settings): + def add_template(self, settings): """ - Adds a new appliance. + Adds a new template. - :param settings: appliance settings + :param settings: template settings - :returns: Appliance object + :returns: Template object """ - appliance_id = settings.get("appliance_id", "") - if appliance_id in self._appliances: - raise aiohttp.web.HTTPConflict(text="Appliance ID '{}' already exists".format(appliance_id)) + template_id = settings.get("template_id", "") + if template_id in self._templates: + raise aiohttp.web.HTTPConflict(text="Template ID '{}' already exists".format(template_id)) else: - appliance_id = settings.setdefault("appliance_id", str(uuid.uuid4())) + template_id = settings.setdefault("template_id", str(uuid.uuid4())) try: - appliance = Appliance(appliance_id, settings) + template = Template(template_id, settings) except jsonschema.ValidationError as e: - message = "JSON schema error adding appliance with JSON data '{}': {}".format(settings, e.message) + message = "JSON schema error adding template with JSON data '{}': {}".format(settings, e.message) raise aiohttp.web.HTTPBadRequest(text=message) - self._appliances[] = appliance + self._templates[] = template - self.notification.controller_emit("appliance.created", appliance.__json__()) - return appliance + self.notification.controller_emit("template.created", template.__json__()) + return template - def get_appliance(self, appliance_id): + def get_template(self, template_id): """ - Gets an appliance. + Gets a template. - :param appliance_id: appliance identifier + :param template_id: template identifier - :returns: Appliance object + :returns: Template object """ - appliance = self._appliances.get(appliance_id) - if not appliance: - raise aiohttp.web.HTTPNotFound(text="Appliance ID {} doesn't exist".format(appliance_id)) - return appliance + template = self._templates.get(template_id) + if not template: + raise aiohttp.web.HTTPNotFound(text="Template ID {} doesn't exist".format(template_id)) + return template - def delete_appliance(self, appliance_id): + def delete_template(self, template_id): """ - Deletes an appliance. + Deletes a template. - :param appliance_id: appliance identifier + :param template_id: template identifier """ - appliance = self.get_appliance(appliance_id) - if appliance.builtin: - raise aiohttp.web.HTTPConflict(text="Appliance ID {} cannot be deleted because it is a builtin".format(appliance_id)) - self._appliances.pop(appliance_id) + template = self.get_template(template_id) + if template.builtin: + raise aiohttp.web.HTTPConflict(text="Template ID {} cannot be deleted because it is a builtin".format(template_id)) + self._templates.pop(template_id) - self.notification.controller_emit("appliance.deleted", appliance.__json__()) + self.notification.controller_emit("template.deleted", template.__json__()) - def duplicate_appliance(self, appliance_id): + def duplicate_template(self, template_id): """ - Duplicates an appliance. + Duplicates a template. - :param appliance_id: appliance identifier + :param template_id: template identifier """ - appliance = self.get_appliance(appliance_id) - if appliance.builtin: - raise aiohttp.web.HTTPConflict(text="Appliance ID {} cannot be duplicated because it is a builtin".format(appliance_id)) - appliance_settings = copy.deepcopy(appliance.settings) - del appliance_settings["appliance_id"] - return self.add_appliance(appliance_settings) + template = self.get_template(template_id) + if template.builtin: + raise aiohttp.web.HTTPConflict(text="Template ID {} cannot be duplicated because it is a builtin".format(template_id)) + template_settings = copy.deepcopy(template.settings) + del template_settings["template_id"] + return self.add_template(template_settings) - def load_appliances(self): - - #self._appliances = {} + def load_templates(self): # Add builtins builtins = [] - builtins.append(Appliance(uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, "cloud"), {"appliance_type": "cloud", "name": "Cloud", "category": 2, "symbol": ":/symbols/cloud.svg"}, builtin=True)) - builtins.append(Appliance(uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, "nat"), {"appliance_type": "nat", "name": "NAT", "category": 2, "symbol": ":/symbols/cloud.svg"}, builtin=True)) - builtins.append(Appliance(uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, "vpcs"), {"appliance_type": "vpcs", "name": "VPCS", "default_name_format": "PC-{0}", "category": 2, "symbol": ":/symbols/vpcs_guest.svg", "properties": {"base_script_file": "vpcs_base_config.txt"}}, builtin=True)) - builtins.append(Appliance(uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, "ethernet_switch"), {"appliance_type": "ethernet_switch", "console_type": "telnet", "name": "Ethernet switch", "category": 1, "symbol": ":/symbols/ethernet_switch.svg"}, builtin=True)) - builtins.append(Appliance(uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, "ethernet_hub"), {"appliance_type": "ethernet_hub", "name": "Ethernet hub", "category": 1, "symbol": ":/symbols/hub.svg"}, builtin=True)) - builtins.append(Appliance(uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, "frame_relay_switch"), {"appliance_type": "frame_relay_switch", "name": "Frame Relay switch", "category": 1, "symbol": ":/symbols/frame_relay_switch.svg"}, builtin=True)) - builtins.append(Appliance(uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, "atm_switch"), {"appliance_type": "atm_switch", "name": "ATM switch", "category": 1, "symbol": ":/symbols/atm_switch.svg"}, builtin=True)) + builtins.append(Template(uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, "cloud"), {"template_type": "cloud", "name": "Cloud", "category": 2, "symbol": ":/symbols/cloud.svg"}, builtin=True)) + builtins.append(Template(uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, "nat"), {"template_type": "nat", "name": "NAT", "category": 2, "symbol": ":/symbols/cloud.svg"}, builtin=True)) + builtins.append(Template(uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, "vpcs"), {"template_type": "vpcs", "name": "VPCS", "default_name_format": "PC-{0}", "category": 2, "symbol": ":/symbols/vpcs_guest.svg", "properties": {"base_script_file": "vpcs_base_config.txt"}}, builtin=True)) + builtins.append(Template(uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, "ethernet_switch"), {"template_type": "ethernet_switch", "console_type": "telnet", "name": "Ethernet switch", "category": 1, "symbol": ":/symbols/ethernet_switch.svg"}, builtin=True)) + builtins.append(Template(uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, "ethernet_hub"), {"template_type": "ethernet_hub", "name": "Ethernet hub", "category": 1, "symbol": ":/symbols/hub.svg"}, builtin=True)) + builtins.append(Template(uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, "frame_relay_switch"), {"template_type": "frame_relay_switch", "name": "Frame Relay switch", "category": 1, "symbol": ":/symbols/frame_relay_switch.svg"}, builtin=True)) + builtins.append(Template(uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, "atm_switch"), {"template_type": "atm_switch", "name": "ATM switch", "category": 1, "symbol": ":/symbols/atm_switch.svg"}, builtin=True)) #FIXME: disable TraceNG #if sys.platform.startswith("win"): - # builtins.append(Appliance(uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, "traceng"), {"appliance_type": "traceng", "name": "TraceNG", "default_name_format": "TraceNG-{0}", "category": 2, "symbol": ":/symbols/traceng.svg", "properties": {}}, builtin=True)) + # builtins.append(Template(uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, "traceng"), {"template_type": "traceng", "name": "TraceNG", "default_name_format": "TraceNG-{0}", "category": 2, "symbol": ":/symbols/traceng.svg", "properties": {}}, builtin=True)) for b in builtins: - self._appliances[] = b + self._templates[] = b async def start(self): @@ -295,15 +293,15 @@ class Controller: return controller_settings = {"computes": [], - "appliances": [], + "templates": [], "gns3vm": self.gns3vm.__json__(), "iou_license": self._iou_license_settings, - "appliance_templates_etag": self._appliance_templates_etag, + "appliances_etag": self._appliances_etag, "version": __version__} - for appliance in self._appliances.values(): - if not appliance.builtin: - controller_settings["appliances"].append(appliance.__json__()) + for template in self._templates.values(): + if not template.builtin: + controller_settings["templates"].append(template.__json__()) for compute in self._computes.values(): if != "local" and != "vm": @@ -337,14 +335,14 @@ class Controller: log.critical("Cannot load configuration file '{}': {}".format(self._config_file, e)) return [] - # load the appliances - if "appliances" in controller_settings: - for appliance_settings in controller_settings["appliances"]: + # load the templates + if "templates" in controller_settings: + for template_settings in controller_settings["templates"]: try: - appliance = Appliance(appliance_settings.get("appliance_id"), appliance_settings) - self._appliances[] = appliance + template = Template(template_settings.get("template_id"), template_settings) + self._templates[] = template except jsonschema.ValidationError as e: - message = "Cannot load appliance with JSON data '{}': {}".format(appliance_settings, e.message) + message = "Cannot load template with JSON data '{}': {}".format(template_settings, e.message) log.warning(message) continue @@ -356,9 +354,9 @@ class Controller: if "iou_license" in controller_settings: self._iou_license_settings = controller_settings["iou_license"] - self._appliance_templates_etag = controller_settings.get("appliance_templates_etag") - self.load_appliance_templates() + self._appliances_etag = controller_settings.get("appliances_etag") self.load_appliances() + self.load_templates() self._config_loaded = True return controller_settings.get("computes", []) @@ -479,37 +477,37 @@ class Controller: vms = [] for vm in settings.get("Qemu", {}).get("vms", []): - vm["appliance_type"] = "qemu" + vm["template_type"] = "qemu" vms.append(vm) for vm in settings.get("IOU", {}).get("devices", []): - vm["appliance_type"] = "iou" + vm["template_type"] = "iou" vms.append(vm) for vm in settings.get("Docker", {}).get("containers", []): - vm["appliance_type"] = "docker" + vm["template_type"] = "docker" vms.append(vm) for vm in settings.get("Builtin", {}).get("cloud_nodes", []): - vm["appliance_type"] = "cloud" + vm["template_type"] = "cloud" vms.append(vm) for vm in settings.get("Builtin", {}).get("ethernet_switches", []): - vm["appliance_type"] = "ethernet_switch" + vm["template_type"] = "ethernet_switch" vms.append(vm) for vm in settings.get("Builtin", {}).get("ethernet_hubs", []): - vm["appliance_type"] = "ethernet_hub" + vm["template_type"] = "ethernet_hub" vms.append(vm) for vm in settings.get("Dynamips", {}).get("routers", []): - vm["appliance_type"] = "dynamips" + vm["template_type"] = "dynamips" vms.append(vm) for vm in settings.get("VMware", {}).get("vms", []): - vm["appliance_type"] = "vmware" + vm["template_type"] = "vmware" vms.append(vm) for vm in settings.get("VirtualBox", {}).get("vms", []): - vm["appliance_type"] = "virtualbox" + vm["template_type"] = "virtualbox" vms.append(vm) for vm in settings.get("VPCS", {}).get("nodes", []): - vm["appliance_type"] = "vpcs" + vm["template_type"] = "vpcs" vms.append(vm) for vm in settings.get("TraceNG", {}).get("nodes", []): - vm["appliance_type"] = "traceng" + vm["template_type"] = "traceng" vms.append(vm) for vm in vms: @@ -530,14 +528,14 @@ class Controller: if "symbol" not in vm.keys(): vm["symbol"] = ":/symbols/computer.svg" - vm.setdefault("appliance_id", str(uuid.uuid4())) + vm.setdefault("template_id", str(uuid.uuid4())) try: - appliance = Appliance(vm["appliance_id"], vm) - appliance.__json__() # Check if loaded without error - self._appliances[] = appliance + template = Template(vm["template_id"], vm) + template.__json__() # Check if loaded without error + self._templates[] = template except KeyError as e: - # appliance data is not complete (missing name or type) - log.warning("Cannot load appliance template {} ('{}'): missing key {}".format(vm["appliance_id"], vm.get("name", "unknown"), e)) + # template data is not complete (missing name or type) + log.warning("Cannot load template {} ('{}'): missing key {}".format(vm["template_id"], vm.get("name", "unknown"), e)) continue async def add_compute(self, compute_id=None, name=None, force=False, connect=True, **kwargs): @@ -759,14 +757,6 @@ class Controller: return self._projects - @property - def appliance_templates(self): - """ - :returns: The dictionary of appliances templates managed by GNS3 - """ - - return self._appliance_templates - @property def appliances(self): """ @@ -775,6 +765,14 @@ class Controller: return self._appliances + @property + def templates(self): + """ + :returns: The dictionary of templates managed by GNS3 + """ + + return self._templates + @property def iou_license(self): """ diff --git a/gns3server/controller/ b/gns3server/controller/ index 65075938..ad951f91 100644 --- a/gns3server/controller/ +++ b/gns3server/controller/ @@ -17,193 +17,34 @@ import copy import uuid -import json -import jsonschema - -from gns3server.schemas.cloud_appliance import CLOUD_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA -from gns3server.schemas.ethernet_switch_appliance import ETHERNET_SWITCH_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA -from gns3server.schemas.ethernet_hub_appliance import ETHERNET_HUB_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA -from gns3server.schemas.docker_appliance import DOCKER_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA -from gns3server.schemas.vpcs_appliance import VPCS_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA -from gns3server.schemas.traceng_appliance import TRACENG_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA -from gns3server.schemas.virtualbox_appliance import VIRTUALBOX_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA -from gns3server.schemas.vmware_appliance import VMWARE_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA -from gns3server.schemas.iou_appliance import IOU_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA -from gns3server.schemas.qemu_appliance import QEMU_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA - -from gns3server.schemas.dynamips_appliance import ( - DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, - C7200_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, - C3745_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, - C3725_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, - C3600_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, - C2691_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, - C2600_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, - C1700_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA -) - -import logging -log = logging.getLogger(__name__) - - -# Add default values for missing entries in a request, largely taken from jsonschema documentation example -# -def extend_with_default(validator_class): - - validate_properties = validator_class.VALIDATORS["properties"] - def set_defaults(validator, properties, instance, schema): - if jsonschema.Draft4Validator(schema).is_valid(instance): - # only add default for the matching sub-schema (e.g. when using 'oneOf') - for property, subschema in properties.items(): - if "default" in subschema: - instance.setdefault(property, subschema["default"]) - - for error in validate_properties(validator, properties, instance, schema,): - yield error - - return jsonschema.validators.extend( - validator_class, {"properties" : set_defaults}, - ) - - -ValidatorWithDefaults = extend_with_default(jsonschema.Draft4Validator) - -ID_TO_CATEGORY = { - 3: "firewall", - 2: "guest", - 1: "switch", - 0: "router" -} - -APPLIANCE_TYPE_TO_SHEMA = { - "cloud": CLOUD_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, - "ethernet_hub": ETHERNET_HUB_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, - "ethernet_switch": ETHERNET_SWITCH_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, - "docker": DOCKER_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, - "dynamips": DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, - "vpcs": VPCS_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, - "traceng": TRACENG_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, - "virtualbox": VIRTUALBOX_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, - "vmware": VMWARE_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, - "iou": IOU_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, - "qemu": QEMU_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA -} - -DYNAMIPS_PLATFORM_TO_SHEMA = { - "c7200": C7200_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, - "c3745": C3745_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, - "c3725": C3725_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, - "c3600": C3600_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, - "c2691": C2691_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, - "c2600": C2600_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, - "c1700": C1700_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA -} class Appliance: - def __init__(self, appliance_id, settings, builtin=False): - + def __init__(self, appliance_id, data, builtin=True): if appliance_id is None: self._id = str(uuid.uuid4()) elif isinstance(appliance_id, uuid.UUID): self._id = str(appliance_id) else: self._id = appliance_id - - self._settings = copy.deepcopy(settings) - - # Version of the gui before 2.1 use linked_base - # and the server linked_clone - if "linked_base" in self.settings: - linked_base = self._settings.pop("linked_base") - if "linked_clone" not in self._settings: - self._settings["linked_clone"] = linked_base - - # Convert old GUI category to text category - try: - self._settings["category"] = ID_TO_CATEGORY[self._settings["category"]] - except KeyError: - pass - - # The "server" setting has been replaced by "compute_id" setting in version 2.2 - if "server" in self._settings: - self._settings["compute_id"] = self._settings.pop("server") - - # The "node_type" setting has been replaced by "appliance_type" setting in version 2.2 - if "node_type" in self._settings: - self._settings["appliance_type"] = self._settings.pop("node_type") - - # Remove an old IOU setting - if self._settings["appliance_type"] == "iou" and "image" in self._settings: - del self._settings["image"] - + self._data = data.copy() self._builtin = builtin - - if builtin is False: - self.validate_and_apply_defaults(APPLIANCE_TYPE_TO_SHEMA[self.appliance_type]) - - if self.appliance_type == "dynamips": - # special case for Dynamips to cover all platform types that contain specific settings - self.validate_and_apply_defaults(DYNAMIPS_PLATFORM_TO_SHEMA[self._settings["platform"]]) + if "appliance_id" in self._data: + del self._data["appliance_id"] @property def id(self): return self._id @property - def settings(self): - return self._settings - - @settings.setter - def settings(self, settings): - self._settings.update(settings) - - @property - def name(self): - return self._settings["name"] - - @property - def compute_id(self): - return self._settings["compute_id"] - - @property - def appliance_type(self): - return self._settings["appliance_type"] - - @property - def builtin(self): - return self._builtin - - def update(self, **kwargs): - - self._settings.update(kwargs) - from gns3server.controller import Controller - controller = Controller.instance() - controller.notification.controller_emit("appliance.updated", self.__json__()) - - - def validate_and_apply_defaults(self, schema): - - validator = ValidatorWithDefaults(schema) - try: - validator.validate(self.__json__()) - except jsonschema.ValidationError as e: - message = "JSON schema error {}".format(e.message) - log.error(message) - log.debug("Input schema: {}".format(json.dumps(schema))) - raise + def status(self): + return self._data["status"] def __json__(self): """ - Appliance settings. + Appliance data (a hash) """ - - settings = self._settings - settings.update({"appliance_id": self._id, - "builtin": self.builtin}) - - if not self.builtin: - settings["compute_id"] = self.compute_id - - return settings + data = copy.deepcopy(self._data) + data["builtin"] = self._builtin + return data diff --git a/gns3server/controller/ b/gns3server/controller/ deleted file mode 100644 index caf18f7e..00000000 --- a/gns3server/controller/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# -# Copyright (C) 2016 GNS3 Technologies Inc. -# -# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -# (at your option) any later version. -# -# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -# GNU General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -# along with this program. If not, see . - -import copy -import uuid - - -class ApplianceTemplate: - - def __init__(self, appliance_id, data, builtin=True): - if appliance_id is None: - self._id = str(uuid.uuid4()) - elif isinstance(appliance_id, uuid.UUID): - self._id = str(appliance_id) - else: - self._id = appliance_id - self._data = data.copy() - self._builtin = builtin - if "appliance_id" in self._data: - del self._data["appliance_id"] - - @property - def id(self): - return self._id - - @property - def status(self): - return self._data["status"] - - def __json__(self): - """ - Appliance data (a hash) - """ - data = copy.deepcopy(self._data) - data["builtin"] = self._builtin - return data diff --git a/gns3server/controller/ b/gns3server/controller/ index 8033f73c..94c9f3c8 100644 --- a/gns3server/controller/ +++ b/gns3server/controller/ @@ -38,14 +38,14 @@ class Node: "port_name_format", "first_port_name", "port_segment_size", "ports", "category", "console_auto_start"] - def __init__(self, project, compute, name, node_id=None, node_type=None, appliance_id=None, **kwargs): + def __init__(self, project, compute, name, node_id=None, node_type=None, template_id=None, **kwargs): """ :param project: Project of the node :param compute: Compute where the server will run :param name: Node name :param node_id: UUID of the node (integer) :param node_type: Type of emulator - :param appliance_id: Appliance ID used to create this node + :param template_id: Template ID used to create this node :param kwargs: Node properties """ @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ class Node: self._command_line = None self._node_directory = None self._status = "stopped" - self._appliance_id = appliance_id + self._template_id = template_id self._x = 0 self._y = 0 self._z = 1 # default z value is 1 @@ -671,7 +671,7 @@ class Node: "compute_id": str(, "node_id": self._id, "node_type": self._node_type, - "appliance_id": self._appliance_id, + "template_id": self._template_id, "name": self._name, "console": self._console, "console_type": self._console_type, @@ -693,7 +693,7 @@ class Node: "compute_id": str(, "project_id":, "node_id": self._id, - "appliance_id": self._appliance_id, + "template_id": self._template_id, "node_type": self._node_type, "node_directory": self._node_directory, "name": self._name, diff --git a/gns3server/controller/ b/gns3server/controller/ index 685f43a5..4e44fe27 100644 --- a/gns3server/controller/ +++ b/gns3server/controller/ @@ -476,19 +476,19 @@ class Project: return new_name @open_required - async def add_node_from_appliance(self, appliance_id, x=0, y=0, compute_id=None): + async def add_node_from_template(self, template_id, x=0, y=0, compute_id=None): """ - Create a node from an appliance + Create a node from a template. """ try: - template = copy.deepcopy(self.controller.appliances[appliance_id].settings) + template = copy.deepcopy(self.controller.templates[template_id].settings) except KeyError: - msg = "Appliance {} doesn't exist".format(appliance_id) + msg = "Template {} doesn't exist".format(template_id) log.error(msg) raise aiohttp.web.HTTPNotFound(text=msg) template["x"] = x template["y"] = y - node_type = template.pop("appliance_type") + node_type = template.pop("template_type") compute = self.controller.get_compute(template.pop("compute_id", compute_id)) name = template.pop("name") default_name_format = template.pop("default_name_format", "{name}-{0}") diff --git a/gns3server/controller/ b/gns3server/controller/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9d2b6bd8 --- /dev/null +++ b/gns3server/controller/ @@ -0,0 +1,209 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# +# Copyright (C) 2016 GNS3 Technologies Inc. +# +# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +# (at your option) any later version. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +# GNU General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with this program. If not, see . + +import copy +import uuid +import json +import jsonschema + +from gns3server.schemas.cloud_template import CLOUD_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA +from gns3server.schemas.ethernet_switch_template import ETHERNET_SWITCH_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA +from gns3server.schemas.ethernet_hub_template import ETHERNET_HUB_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA +from gns3server.schemas.docker_template import DOCKER_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA +from gns3server.schemas.vpcs_template import VPCS_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA +from gns3server.schemas.traceng_template import TRACENG_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA +from gns3server.schemas.virtualbox_template import VIRTUALBOX_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA +from gns3server.schemas.vmware_template import VMWARE_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA +from gns3server.schemas.iou_template import IOU_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA +from gns3server.schemas.qemu_template import QEMU_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA + +from gns3server.schemas.dynamips_template import ( + DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, + C7200_DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, + C3745_DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, + C3725_DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, + C3600_DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, + C2691_DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, + C2600_DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, + C1700_DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA +) + +import logging +log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + + +# Add default values for missing entries in a request, largely taken from jsonschema documentation example +# +def extend_with_default(validator_class): + + validate_properties = validator_class.VALIDATORS["properties"] + def set_defaults(validator, properties, instance, schema): + if jsonschema.Draft4Validator(schema).is_valid(instance): + # only add default for the matching sub-schema (e.g. when using 'oneOf') + for property, subschema in properties.items(): + if "default" in subschema: + instance.setdefault(property, subschema["default"]) + + for error in validate_properties(validator, properties, instance, schema,): + yield error + + return jsonschema.validators.extend( + validator_class, {"properties" : set_defaults}, + ) + + +ValidatorWithDefaults = extend_with_default(jsonschema.Draft4Validator) + +ID_TO_CATEGORY = { + 3: "firewall", + 2: "guest", + 1: "switch", + 0: "router" +} + +TEMPLATE_TYPE_TO_SHEMA = { + "cloud": CLOUD_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, + "ethernet_hub": ETHERNET_HUB_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, + "ethernet_switch": ETHERNET_SWITCH_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, + "docker": DOCKER_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, + "dynamips": DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, + "vpcs": VPCS_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, + "traceng": TRACENG_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, + "virtualbox": VIRTUALBOX_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, + "vmware": VMWARE_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, + "iou": IOU_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, + "qemu": QEMU_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA +} + +DYNAMIPS_PLATFORM_TO_SHEMA = { + "c7200": C7200_DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, + "c3745": C3745_DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, + "c3725": C3725_DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, + "c3600": C3600_DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, + "c2691": C2691_DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, + "c2600": C2600_DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, + "c1700": C1700_DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA +} + + +class Template: + + def __init__(self, template_id, settings, builtin=False): + + if template_id is None: + self._id = str(uuid.uuid4()) + elif isinstance(template_id, uuid.UUID): + self._id = str(template_id) + else: + self._id = template_id + + self._settings = copy.deepcopy(settings) + + # Version of the gui before 2.1 use linked_base + # and the server linked_clone + if "linked_base" in self.settings: + linked_base = self._settings.pop("linked_base") + if "linked_clone" not in self._settings: + self._settings["linked_clone"] = linked_base + + # Convert old GUI category to text category + try: + self._settings["category"] = ID_TO_CATEGORY[self._settings["category"]] + except KeyError: + pass + + # The "server" setting has been replaced by "compute_id" setting in version 2.2 + if "server" in self._settings: + self._settings["compute_id"] = self._settings.pop("server") + + # The "node_type" setting has been replaced by "template_type" setting in version 2.2 + if "node_type" in self._settings: + self._settings["template_type"] = self._settings.pop("node_type") + + # Remove an old IOU setting + if self._settings["template_type"] == "iou" and "image" in self._settings: + del self._settings["image"] + + self._builtin = builtin + + if builtin is False: + self.validate_and_apply_defaults(TEMPLATE_TYPE_TO_SHEMA[self.template_type]) + + if self.template_type == "dynamips": + # special case for Dynamips to cover all platform types that contain specific settings + self.validate_and_apply_defaults(DYNAMIPS_PLATFORM_TO_SHEMA[self._settings["platform"]]) + + @property + def id(self): + return self._id + + @property + def settings(self): + return self._settings + + @settings.setter + def settings(self, settings): + self._settings.update(settings) + + @property + def name(self): + return self._settings["name"] + + @property + def compute_id(self): + return self._settings["compute_id"] + + @property + def template_type(self): + return self._settings["template_type"] + + @property + def builtin(self): + return self._builtin + + def update(self, **kwargs): + + self._settings.update(kwargs) + from gns3server.controller import Controller + controller = Controller.instance() + controller.notification.controller_emit("template.updated", self.__json__()) + + + def validate_and_apply_defaults(self, schema): + + validator = ValidatorWithDefaults(schema) + try: + validator.validate(self.__json__()) + except jsonschema.ValidationError as e: + message = "JSON schema error {}".format(e.message) + log.error(message) + log.debug("Input schema: {}".format(json.dumps(schema))) + raise + + def __json__(self): + """ + Template settings. + """ + + settings = self._settings + settings.update({"template_id": self._id, + "builtin": self.builtin}) + + if not self.builtin: + settings["compute_id"] = self.compute_id + + return settings diff --git a/gns3server/controller/ b/gns3server/controller/ index a8502cd0..50f150ed 100644 --- a/gns3server/controller/ +++ b/gns3server/controller/ @@ -159,6 +159,14 @@ def load_topology(path): if topo["revision"] < 9: topo = _convert_2_1_0(topo, path) + # Version GNS3 2.2 dev (for project created with 2.2dev). + # Appliance ID has been repleace by Template ID + if topo["revision"] == 9: + for node in topo.get("topology", {}).get("nodes", []): + if "appliance_id" in node: + node["template_id"] = node["appliance_id"] + del node["appliance_id"] + try: _check_topology_schema(topo) except aiohttp.web.HTTPConflict as e: diff --git a/gns3server/handlers/api/controller/ b/gns3server/handlers/api/controller/ index 790a2681..db93870f 100644 --- a/gns3server/handlers/api/controller/ +++ b/gns3server/handlers/api/controller/ @@ -24,5 +24,6 @@ from .drawing_handler import DrawingHandler from .symbol_handler import SymbolHandler from .snapshot_handler import SnapshotHandler from .appliance_handler import ApplianceHandler +from .template_handler import TemplateHandler from .gns3_vm_handler import GNS3VMHandler from .notification_handler import NotificationHandler diff --git a/gns3server/handlers/api/controller/ b/gns3server/handlers/api/controller/ index b97117eb..af0697e6 100644 --- a/gns3server/handlers/api/controller/ +++ b/gns3server/handlers/api/controller/ @@ -17,167 +17,26 @@ from gns3server.web.route import Route from gns3server.controller import Controller -from gns3server.schemas.node import NODE_OBJECT_SCHEMA -from gns3server.schemas.appliance import APPLIANCE_USAGE_SCHEMA - -import hashlib -import json - -from gns3server.schemas.appliance import ( - APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, - APPLIANCE_UPDATE_SCHEMA, - APPLIANCE_CREATE_SCHEMA -) import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ApplianceHandler: - """API entry points for appliance management.""" - - @Route.get( - r"/appliances/templates", - description="List of appliance templates", - status_codes={ - 200: "Appliance template list returned" - }) - async def list_templates(request, response): - - controller = Controller.instance() - if request.query.get("update", "no") == "yes": - await controller.download_appliance_templates() - controller.load_appliance_templates() - response.json([c for c in controller.appliance_templates.values()]) - - - r"/appliances", - description="Create a new appliance", - status_codes={ - 201: "Appliance created", - 400: "Invalid request" - }, - input=APPLIANCE_CREATE_SCHEMA, - output=APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA) - def create(request, response): - - controller = Controller.instance() - appliance = controller.add_appliance(request.json) - response.set_status(201) - response.json(appliance) - - @Route.get( - r"/appliances/{appliance_id}", - status_codes={ - 200: "Appliance found", - 400: "Invalid request", - 404: "Appliance doesn't exist" - }, - description="Get an appliance", - output=APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA) - def get(request, response): - - request_etag = request.headers.get("If-None-Match", "") - controller = Controller.instance() - appliance = controller.get_appliance(request.match_info["appliance_id"]) - data = json.dumps(appliance.__json__()) - appliance_etag = '"' + hashlib.md5(data.encode()).hexdigest() + '"' - if appliance_etag == request_etag: - response.set_status(304) - else: - response.headers["ETag"] = appliance_etag - response.set_status(200) - response.json(appliance) - - @Route.put( - r"/appliances/{appliance_id}", - status_codes={ - 200: "Appliance updated", - 400: "Invalid request", - 404: "Appliance doesn't exist" - }, - description="Update an appliance", - input=APPLIANCE_UPDATE_SCHEMA, - output=APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA) - def update(request, response): - - controller = Controller.instance() - appliance = controller.get_appliance(request.match_info["appliance_id"]) - # Ignore these because we only use them when creating a appliance - request.json.pop("appliance_id", None) - request.json.pop("appliance_type", None) - request.json.pop("compute_id", None) - request.json.pop("builtin", None) - appliance.update(**request.json) - response.set_status(200) - response.json(appliance) - - @Route.delete( - r"/appliances/{appliance_id}", - parameters={ - "appliance_id": "appliance UUID" - }, - status_codes={ - 204: "Appliance deleted", - 400: "Invalid request", - 404: "Appliance doesn't exist" - }, - description="Delete an appliance") - def delete(request, response): - - controller = Controller.instance() - controller.delete_appliance(request.match_info["appliance_id"]) - response.set_status(204) + """ + API entry points for appliance management. + """ @Route.get( r"/appliances", - description="List of appliance", + description="List of appliances", status_codes={ 200: "Appliance list returned" }) - def list(request, response): + async def list_appliances(request, response): controller = Controller.instance() + if request.query.get("update", "no") == "yes": + await controller.download_appliances() + controller.load_appliances() response.json([c for c in controller.appliances.values()]) - - - r"/appliances/{appliance_id}/duplicate", - parameters={ - "appliance_id": "Appliance UUID" - }, - status_codes={ - 201: "Appliance duplicated", - 400: "Invalid request", - 404: "Appliance doesn't exist" - }, - description="Duplicate an appliance", - output=APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA) - async def duplicate(request, response): - - controller = Controller.instance() - appliance = controller.duplicate_appliance(request.match_info["appliance_id"]) - response.set_status(201) - response.json(appliance) - - - r"/projects/{project_id}/appliances/{appliance_id}", - description="Create a node from an appliance", - parameters={ - "project_id": "Project UUID", - "appliance_id": "Appliance UUID" - }, - status_codes={ - 201: "Node created", - 404: "The project or appliance doesn't exist" - }, - input=APPLIANCE_USAGE_SCHEMA, - output=NODE_OBJECT_SCHEMA) - async def create_node_from_appliance(request, response): - - controller = Controller.instance() - project = controller.get_project(request.match_info["project_id"]) - await project.add_node_from_appliance(request.match_info["appliance_id"], - x=request.json["x"], - y=request.json["y"], - compute_id=request.json.get("compute_id")) - response.set_status(201) diff --git a/gns3server/handlers/api/controller/ b/gns3server/handlers/api/controller/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ee9ec72d --- /dev/null +++ b/gns3server/handlers/api/controller/ @@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# +# Copyright (C) 2015 GNS3 Technologies Inc. +# +# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +# (at your option) any later version. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +# GNU General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with this program. If not, see . + +from gns3server.web.route import Route +from gns3server.controller import Controller +from gns3server.schemas.node import NODE_OBJECT_SCHEMA +from gns3server.schemas.template import TEMPLATE_USAGE_SCHEMA + +import hashlib +import json + +from gns3server.schemas.template import ( + TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA, + TEMPLATE_UPDATE_SCHEMA, + TEMPLATE_CREATE_SCHEMA +) + +import logging +log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + + +class TemplateHandler: + """ + API entry points for template management. + """ + + + r"/templates", + description="Create a new template", + status_codes={ + 201: "Template created", + 400: "Invalid request" + }, + input=TEMPLATE_CREATE_SCHEMA, + output=TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA) + def create(request, response): + + controller = Controller.instance() + template = controller.add_template(request.json) + response.set_status(201) + response.json(template) + + @Route.get( + r"/templates/{template_id}", + status_codes={ + 200: "Template found", + 400: "Invalid request", + 404: "Template doesn't exist" + }, + description="Get an template", + output=TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA) + def get(request, response): + + request_etag = request.headers.get("If-None-Match", "") + controller = Controller.instance() + template = controller.get_template(request.match_info["template_id"]) + data = json.dumps(template.__json__()) + template_etag = '"' + hashlib.md5(data.encode()).hexdigest() + '"' + if template_etag == request_etag: + response.set_status(304) + else: + response.headers["ETag"] = template_etag + response.set_status(200) + response.json(template) + + @Route.put( + r"/templates/{template_id}", + status_codes={ + 200: "Template updated", + 400: "Invalid request", + 404: "Template doesn't exist" + }, + description="Update an template", + input=TEMPLATE_UPDATE_SCHEMA, + output=TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA) + def update(request, response): + + controller = Controller.instance() + template = controller.get_template(request.match_info["template_id"]) + # Ignore these because we only use them when creating a template + request.json.pop("template_id", None) + request.json.pop("template_type", None) + request.json.pop("compute_id", None) + request.json.pop("builtin", None) + template.update(**request.json) + response.set_status(200) + response.json(template) + + @Route.delete( + r"/templates/{template_id}", + parameters={ + "template_id": "template UUID" + }, + status_codes={ + 204: "Template deleted", + 400: "Invalid request", + 404: "Template doesn't exist" + }, + description="Delete an template") + def delete(request, response): + + controller = Controller.instance() + controller.delete_template(request.match_info["template_id"]) + response.set_status(204) + + @Route.get( + r"/templates", + description="List of template", + status_codes={ + 200: "Template list returned" + }) + def list(request, response): + + controller = Controller.instance() + response.json([c for c in controller.templates.values()]) + + + r"/templates/{template_id}/duplicate", + parameters={ + "template_id": "Template UUID" + }, + status_codes={ + 201: "Template duplicated", + 400: "Invalid request", + 404: "Template doesn't exist" + }, + description="Duplicate an template", + output=TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA) + async def duplicate(request, response): + + controller = Controller.instance() + template = controller.duplicate_template(request.match_info["template_id"]) + response.set_status(201) + response.json(template) + + + r"/projects/{project_id}/templates/{template_id}", + description="Create a node from a template", + parameters={ + "project_id": "Project UUID", + "template_id": "Template UUID" + }, + status_codes={ + 201: "Node created", + 404: "The project or template doesn't exist" + }, + input=TEMPLATE_USAGE_SCHEMA, + output=NODE_OBJECT_SCHEMA) + async def create_node_from_template(request, response): + + controller = Controller.instance() + project = controller.get_project(request.match_info["project_id"]) + await project.add_node_from_template(request.match_info["template_id"], + x=request.json["x"], + y=request.json["y"], + compute_id=request.json.get("compute_id")) + response.set_status(201) diff --git a/gns3server/schemas/ b/gns3server/schemas/ similarity index 78% rename from gns3server/schemas/ rename to gns3server/schemas/ index 64136c10..43d6c4ab 100644 --- a/gns3server/schemas/ +++ b/gns3server/schemas/ @@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ # along with this program. If not, see . import copy -from .appliance import BASE_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES +from .template import BASE_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES from .port import PORT_OBJECT_SCHEMA -CLOUD_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES = { +CLOUD_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES = { "ports_mapping": { "type": "array", "items": [PORT_OBJECT_SCHEMA] @@ -47,15 +47,15 @@ CLOUD_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES = { }, } -CLOUD_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES.update(copy.deepcopy(BASE_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES)) -CLOUD_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES["category"]["default"] = "guest" -CLOUD_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES["default_name_format"]["default"] = "Cloud{0}" -CLOUD_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES["symbol"]["default"] = ":/symbols/cloud.svg" +CLOUD_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES.update(copy.deepcopy(BASE_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES)) +CLOUD_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES["category"]["default"] = "guest" +CLOUD_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES["default_name_format"]["default"] = "Cloud{0}" +CLOUD_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES["symbol"]["default"] = ":/symbols/cloud.svg" -CLOUD_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA = { +CLOUD_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA = { "$schema": "", "description": "A cloud template object", "type": "object", - "properties": CLOUD_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES, + "properties": CLOUD_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES, "additionalProperties": False } diff --git a/gns3server/schemas/ b/gns3server/schemas/ similarity index 85% rename from gns3server/schemas/ rename to gns3server/schemas/ index 64f2711a..f590af1a 100644 --- a/gns3server/schemas/ +++ b/gns3server/schemas/ @@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ # along with this program. If not, see . import copy -from .appliance import BASE_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES +from .template import BASE_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES from .custom_adapters import CUSTOM_ADAPTERS_ARRAY_SCHEMA -DOCKER_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES = { +DOCKER_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES = { "image": { "description": "Docker image name", "type": "string", @@ -85,16 +85,16 @@ DOCKER_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES = { "custom_adapters": CUSTOM_ADAPTERS_ARRAY_SCHEMA } -DOCKER_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES.update(copy.deepcopy(BASE_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES)) -DOCKER_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES["category"]["default"] = "guest" -DOCKER_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES["default_name_format"]["default"] = "{name}-{0}" -DOCKER_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES["symbol"]["default"] = ":/symbols/docker_guest.svg" +DOCKER_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES.update(copy.deepcopy(BASE_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES)) +DOCKER_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES["category"]["default"] = "guest" +DOCKER_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES["default_name_format"]["default"] = "{name}-{0}" +DOCKER_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES["symbol"]["default"] = ":/symbols/docker_guest.svg" -DOCKER_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA = { +DOCKER_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA = { "$schema": "", "description": "A Docker template object", "type": "object", - "properties": DOCKER_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES, + "properties": DOCKER_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES, "required": ["image"], "additionalProperties": False } diff --git a/gns3server/schemas/ b/gns3server/schemas/ similarity index 82% rename from gns3server/schemas/ rename to gns3server/schemas/ index 5aa2a23b..244bca4e 100644 --- a/gns3server/schemas/ +++ b/gns3server/schemas/ @@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ # along with this program. If not, see . import copy -from .appliance import BASE_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES +from .template import BASE_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES from .dynamips_vm import DYNAMIPS_ADAPTERS, DYNAMIPS_WICS -DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES = { +DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES = { "platform": { "description": "Platform type", "enum": ["c7200", "c3745", "c3725", "c3600", "c2691", "c2600", "c1700"] @@ -118,20 +118,20 @@ DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES = { } } -DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES.update(copy.deepcopy(BASE_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES)) -DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES["category"]["default"] = "router" -DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES["default_name_format"]["default"] = "R{0}" -DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES["symbol"]["default"] = ":/symbols/router.svg" +DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES.update(copy.deepcopy(BASE_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES)) +DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES["category"]["default"] = "router" +DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES["default_name_format"]["default"] = "R{0}" +DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES["symbol"]["default"] = ":/symbols/router.svg" -DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA = { +DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA = { "$schema": "", "description": "A Dynamips template object", "type": "object", - "properties": DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES, + "properties": DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES, "required": ["platform", "image"], } -C7200_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES = { +C7200_DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES = { "ram": { "description": "Amount of RAM in MB", "type": "integer", @@ -159,17 +159,17 @@ C7200_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES = { } } -C7200_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES.update(DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES) +C7200_DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES.update(DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES) -C7200_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA = { +C7200_DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA = { "$schema": "", "description": "A c7200 Dynamips template object", "type": "object", - "properties": C7200_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES, + "properties": C7200_DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES, "additionalProperties": False } -C3745_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES = { +C3745_DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES = { "ram": { "description": "Amount of RAM in MB", "type": "integer", @@ -194,17 +194,17 @@ C3745_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES = { } } -C3745_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES.update(DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES) +C3745_DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES.update(DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES) -C3745_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA = { +C3745_DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA = { "$schema": "", "description": "A c3745 Dynamips template object", "type": "object", - "properties": C3745_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES, + "properties": C3745_DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES, "additionalProperties": False } -C3725_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES = { +C3725_DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES = { "ram": { "description": "Amount of RAM in MB", "type": "integer", @@ -229,17 +229,17 @@ C3725_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES = { } } -C3725_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES.update(DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES) +C3725_DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES.update(DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES) -C3725_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA = { +C3725_DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA = { "$schema": "", "description": "A c3725 Dynamips template object", "type": "object", - "properties": C3725_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES, + "properties": C3725_DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES, "additionalProperties": False } -C3600_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES = { +C3600_DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES = { "chassis": { "description": "Chassis type", "enum": ["3620", "3640", "3660"], @@ -270,18 +270,18 @@ C3600_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES = { } } -C3600_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES.update(DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES) +C3600_DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES.update(DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES) -C3600_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA = { +C3600_DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA = { "$schema": "", "description": "A c3600 Dynamips template object", "type": "object", - "properties": C3600_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES, + "properties": C3600_DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES, "required": ["chassis"], "additionalProperties": False } -C2691_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES = { +C2691_DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES = { "ram": { "description": "Amount of RAM in MB", "type": "integer", @@ -306,17 +306,17 @@ C2691_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES = { } } -C2691_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES.update(DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES) +C2691_DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES.update(DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES) -C2691_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA = { +C2691_DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA = { "$schema": "", "description": "A c2691 Dynamips template object", "type": "object", - "properties": C2691_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES, + "properties": C2691_DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES, "additionalProperties": False } -C2600_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES = { +C2600_DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES = { "chassis": { "description": "Chassis type", "enum": ["2610", "2620", "2610XM", "2620XM", "2650XM", "2621", "2611XM", "2621XM", "2651XM"], @@ -346,18 +346,18 @@ C2600_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES = { } } -C2600_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES.update(DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES) +C2600_DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES.update(DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES) -C2600_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA = { +C2600_DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA = { "$schema": "", "description": "A c2600 Dynamips template object", "type": "object", - "properties": C2600_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES, + "properties": C2600_DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES, "required": ["chassis"], "additionalProperties": False } -C1700_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES = { +C1700_DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES = { "chassis": { "description": "Chassis type", "enum": ["1720", "1721", "1750", "1751", "1760"], @@ -387,13 +387,13 @@ C1700_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES = { } } -C1700_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES.update(DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES) +C1700_DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES.update(DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES) -C1700_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA = { +C1700_DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA = { "$schema": "", "description": "A c1700 Dynamips template object", "type": "object", - "properties": C1700_DYNAMIPS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES, + "properties": C1700_DYNAMIPS_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES, "required": ["chassis"], "additionalProperties": False } diff --git a/gns3server/schemas/ b/gns3server/schemas/ similarity index 83% rename from gns3server/schemas/ rename to gns3server/schemas/ index 9b0a11b7..f7a5edcd 100644 --- a/gns3server/schemas/ +++ b/gns3server/schemas/ @@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ # along with this program. If not, see . import copy -from .appliance import BASE_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES +from .template import BASE_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES -ETHERNET_HUB_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES = { +ETHERNET_HUB_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES = { "ports_mapping": { "type": "array", "default": [{"port_number": 0, @@ -66,15 +66,15 @@ ETHERNET_HUB_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES = { } } -ETHERNET_HUB_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES.update(copy.deepcopy(BASE_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES)) -ETHERNET_HUB_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES["category"]["default"] = "switch" -ETHERNET_HUB_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES["default_name_format"]["default"] = "Hub{0}" -ETHERNET_HUB_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES["symbol"]["default"] = ":/symbols/hub.svg" +ETHERNET_HUB_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES.update(copy.deepcopy(BASE_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES)) +ETHERNET_HUB_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES["category"]["default"] = "switch" +ETHERNET_HUB_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES["default_name_format"]["default"] = "Hub{0}" +ETHERNET_HUB_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES["symbol"]["default"] = ":/symbols/hub.svg" -ETHERNET_HUB_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA = { +ETHERNET_HUB_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA = { "$schema": "", "description": "An Ethernet hub template object", "type": "object", - "properties": ETHERNET_HUB_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES, + "properties": ETHERNET_HUB_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES, "additionalProperties": False } diff --git a/gns3server/schemas/ b/gns3server/schemas/ similarity index 88% rename from gns3server/schemas/ rename to gns3server/schemas/ index a4a8f695..27de7012 100644 --- a/gns3server/schemas/ +++ b/gns3server/schemas/ @@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ # along with this program. If not, see . import copy -from .appliance import BASE_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES +from .template import BASE_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES -ETHERNET_SWITCH_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES = { +ETHERNET_SWITCH_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES = { "ports_mapping": { "type": "array", "default": [{"ethertype": "", @@ -113,15 +113,15 @@ ETHERNET_SWITCH_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES = { }, } -ETHERNET_SWITCH_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES.update(copy.deepcopy(BASE_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES)) -ETHERNET_SWITCH_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES["category"]["default"] = "switch" -ETHERNET_SWITCH_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES["default_name_format"]["default"] = "Switch{0}" -ETHERNET_SWITCH_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES["symbol"]["default"] = ":/symbols/ethernet_switch.svg" +ETHERNET_SWITCH_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES.update(copy.deepcopy(BASE_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES)) +ETHERNET_SWITCH_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES["category"]["default"] = "switch" +ETHERNET_SWITCH_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES["default_name_format"]["default"] = "Switch{0}" +ETHERNET_SWITCH_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES["symbol"]["default"] = ":/symbols/ethernet_switch.svg" -ETHERNET_SWITCH_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA = { +ETHERNET_SWITCH_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA = { "$schema": "", "description": "An Ethernet switch template object", "type": "object", - "properties": ETHERNET_SWITCH_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES, + "properties": ETHERNET_SWITCH_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES, "additionalProperties": False } diff --git a/gns3server/schemas/ b/gns3server/schemas/ similarity index 84% rename from gns3server/schemas/ rename to gns3server/schemas/ index 5879266a..aadfaf97 100644 --- a/gns3server/schemas/ +++ b/gns3server/schemas/ @@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ # along with this program. If not, see . import copy -from .appliance import BASE_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES +from .template import BASE_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES -IOU_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES = { +IOU_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES = { "path": { "description": "Path of IOU executable", "type": "string", @@ -77,16 +77,16 @@ IOU_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES = { }, } -IOU_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES.update(copy.deepcopy(BASE_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES)) -IOU_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES["category"]["default"] = "router" -IOU_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES["default_name_format"]["default"] = "IOU{0}" -IOU_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES["symbol"]["default"] = ":/symbols/multilayer_switch.svg" +IOU_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES.update(copy.deepcopy(BASE_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES)) +IOU_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES["category"]["default"] = "router" +IOU_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES["default_name_format"]["default"] = "IOU{0}" +IOU_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES["symbol"]["default"] = ":/symbols/multilayer_switch.svg" -IOU_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA = { +IOU_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA = { "$schema": "", "description": "A IOU template object", "type": "object", - "properties": IOU_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES, + "properties": IOU_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES, "required": ["path"], "additionalProperties": False } diff --git a/gns3server/schemas/ b/gns3server/schemas/ index 814480a3..55ae1d05 100644 --- a/gns3server/schemas/ +++ b/gns3server/schemas/ @@ -119,8 +119,8 @@ NODE_OBJECT_SCHEMA = { "maxLength": 36, "pattern": "^[a-fA-F0-9]{8}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{12}$" }, - "appliance_id": { - "description": "Appliance UUID from which the node has been created. Read only", + "template_id": { + "description": "Template UUID from which the node has been created. Read only", "type": ["null", "string"], "minLength": 36, "maxLength": 36, diff --git a/gns3server/schemas/ b/gns3server/schemas/ similarity index 93% rename from gns3server/schemas/ rename to gns3server/schemas/ index a5fa7d4a..b72e2afb 100644 --- a/gns3server/schemas/ +++ b/gns3server/schemas/ @@ -16,12 +16,12 @@ # along with this program. If not, see . import copy -from .appliance import BASE_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES +from .template import BASE_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES from .custom_adapters import CUSTOM_ADAPTERS_ARRAY_SCHEMA from .qemu import QEMU_PLATFORMS -QEMU_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES = { +QEMU_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES = { "usage": { "description": "How to use the Qemu VM", "type": "string", @@ -203,15 +203,15 @@ QEMU_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES = { "custom_adapters": CUSTOM_ADAPTERS_ARRAY_SCHEMA } -QEMU_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES.update(copy.deepcopy(BASE_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES)) -QEMU_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES["category"]["default"] = "guest" -QEMU_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES["default_name_format"]["default"] = "{name}-{0}" -QEMU_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES["symbol"]["default"] = ":/symbols/qemu_guest.svg" +QEMU_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES.update(copy.deepcopy(BASE_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES)) +QEMU_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES["category"]["default"] = "guest" +QEMU_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES["default_name_format"]["default"] = "{name}-{0}" +QEMU_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES["symbol"]["default"] = ":/symbols/qemu_guest.svg" -QEMU_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA = { +QEMU_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA = { "$schema": "", "description": "A Qemu template object", "type": "object", - "properties": QEMU_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES, + "properties": QEMU_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES, "additionalProperties": False } diff --git a/gns3server/schemas/ b/gns3server/schemas/ similarity index 64% rename from gns3server/schemas/ rename to gns3server/schemas/ index e8cba49b..2914911f 100644 --- a/gns3server/schemas/ +++ b/gns3server/schemas/ @@ -17,21 +17,21 @@ import copy -BASE_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES = { - "appliance_id": { - "description": "Appliance UUID from which the node has been created. Read only", +BASE_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES = { + "template_id": { + "description": "Template UUID", "type": "string", "minLength": 36, "maxLength": 36, "pattern": "^[a-fA-F0-9]{8}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{12}$" }, - "appliance_type": { + "template_type": { "description": "Type of node", "enum": ["cloud", "ethernet_hub", "ethernet_switch", "docker", "dynamips", "vpcs", "traceng", "virtualbox", "vmware", "iou", "qemu"] }, "name": { - "description": "Appliance name", + "description": "Template name", "type": "string", "minLength": 1, }, @@ -45,48 +45,48 @@ BASE_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES = { "minLength": 1 }, "symbol": { - "description": "Symbol of the appliance", + "description": "Symbol of the template", "type": "string", "minLength": 1 }, "category": { - "description": "Appliance category", + "description": "Template category", "anyOf": [ {"type": "integer"}, # old category support {"enum": ["router", "switch", "guest", "firewall"]} ] }, "builtin": { - "description": "Appliance is builtin", + "description": "Template is builtin", "type": "boolean" }, } -APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA = { +TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA = { "$schema": "", "description": "A template object", "type": "object", - "properties": BASE_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES, - "required": ["name", "appliance_type", "appliance_id", "category", "compute_id", "default_name_format", "symbol", "builtin"] + "properties": BASE_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES, + "required": ["name", "template_type", "template_id", "category", "compute_id", "default_name_format", "symbol", "builtin"] } -APPLIANCE_CREATE_SCHEMA = copy.deepcopy(APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA) +TEMPLATE_CREATE_SCHEMA = copy.deepcopy(TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA) # create schema -# these properties are not required to create an appliance -APPLIANCE_CREATE_SCHEMA["required"].remove("appliance_id") -APPLIANCE_CREATE_SCHEMA["required"].remove("category") -APPLIANCE_CREATE_SCHEMA["required"].remove("default_name_format") -APPLIANCE_CREATE_SCHEMA["required"].remove("symbol") -APPLIANCE_CREATE_SCHEMA["required"].remove("builtin") +# these properties are not required to create a template +TEMPLATE_CREATE_SCHEMA["required"].remove("template_id") +TEMPLATE_CREATE_SCHEMA["required"].remove("category") +TEMPLATE_CREATE_SCHEMA["required"].remove("default_name_format") +TEMPLATE_CREATE_SCHEMA["required"].remove("symbol") +TEMPLATE_CREATE_SCHEMA["required"].remove("builtin") # update schema -APPLIANCE_UPDATE_SCHEMA = copy.deepcopy(APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA) -del APPLIANCE_UPDATE_SCHEMA["required"] +TEMPLATE_UPDATE_SCHEMA = copy.deepcopy(TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA) +del TEMPLATE_UPDATE_SCHEMA["required"] -APPLIANCE_USAGE_SCHEMA = { +TEMPLATE_USAGE_SCHEMA = { "$schema": "", - "description": "Request validation to use an Appliance instance", + "description": "Request validation to use a Template instance", "type": "object", "properties": { "x": { @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ APPLIANCE_USAGE_SCHEMA = { "type": "integer" }, "compute_id": { - "description": "If the appliance don't have a default compute use this compute", + "description": "If the template don't have a default compute use this compute", "type": ["null", "string"] } }, diff --git a/gns3server/schemas/ b/gns3server/schemas/ similarity index 74% rename from gns3server/schemas/ rename to gns3server/schemas/ index a45abffc..5c574685 100644 --- a/gns3server/schemas/ +++ b/gns3server/schemas/ @@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ # along with this program. If not, see . import copy -from .appliance import BASE_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES +from .template import BASE_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES -TRACENG_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES = { +TRACENG_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES = { "ip_address": { "description": "Source IP address for tracing", "type": ["string"], @@ -37,15 +37,15 @@ TRACENG_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES = { }, } -TRACENG_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES.update(copy.deepcopy(BASE_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES)) -TRACENG_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES["category"]["default"] = "guest" -TRACENG_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES["default_name_format"]["default"] = "TraceNG{0}" -TRACENG_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES["symbol"]["default"] = ":/symbols/traceng.svg" +TRACENG_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES.update(copy.deepcopy(BASE_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES)) +TRACENG_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES["category"]["default"] = "guest" +TRACENG_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES["default_name_format"]["default"] = "TraceNG{0}" +TRACENG_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES["symbol"]["default"] = ":/symbols/traceng.svg" -TRACENG_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA = { +TRACENG_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA = { "$schema": "", "description": "A TraceNG template object", "type": "object", - "properties": TRACENG_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES, + "properties": TRACENG_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES, "additionalProperties": False } diff --git a/gns3server/schemas/ b/gns3server/schemas/ similarity index 87% rename from gns3server/schemas/ rename to gns3server/schemas/ index 6e510f09..36ff47c2 100644 --- a/gns3server/schemas/ +++ b/gns3server/schemas/ @@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ # along with this program. If not, see . import copy -from .appliance import BASE_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES +from .template import BASE_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES from .custom_adapters import CUSTOM_ADAPTERS_ARRAY_SCHEMA -VIRTUALBOX_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES = { +VIRTUALBOX_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES = { "vmname": { "description": "VirtualBox VM name (in VirtualBox itself)", "type": "string", @@ -98,16 +98,16 @@ VIRTUALBOX_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES = { "custom_adapters": CUSTOM_ADAPTERS_ARRAY_SCHEMA } -VIRTUALBOX_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES.update(copy.deepcopy(BASE_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES)) -VIRTUALBOX_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES["category"]["default"] = "guest" -VIRTUALBOX_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES["default_name_format"]["default"] = "{name}-{0}" -VIRTUALBOX_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES["symbol"]["default"] = ":/symbols/vbox_guest.svg" +VIRTUALBOX_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES.update(copy.deepcopy(BASE_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES)) +VIRTUALBOX_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES["category"]["default"] = "guest" +VIRTUALBOX_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES["default_name_format"]["default"] = "{name}-{0}" +VIRTUALBOX_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES["symbol"]["default"] = ":/symbols/vbox_guest.svg" -VIRTUALBOX_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA = { +VIRTUALBOX_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA = { "$schema": "", "description": "A VirtualBox template object", "type": "object", - "properties": VIRTUALBOX_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES, + "properties": VIRTUALBOX_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES, "required": ["vmname"], "additionalProperties": False } diff --git a/gns3server/schemas/ b/gns3server/schemas/ similarity index 86% rename from gns3server/schemas/ rename to gns3server/schemas/ index 4ad16fce..c4c6ac88 100644 --- a/gns3server/schemas/ +++ b/gns3server/schemas/ @@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ # along with this program. If not, see . import copy -from .appliance import BASE_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES +from .template import BASE_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES from .custom_adapters import CUSTOM_ADAPTERS_ARRAY_SCHEMA -VMWARE_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES = { +VMWARE_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES = { "vmx_path": { "description": "Path to the vmx file", "type": "string", @@ -86,16 +86,16 @@ VMWARE_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES = { "custom_adapters": CUSTOM_ADAPTERS_ARRAY_SCHEMA } -VMWARE_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES.update(copy.deepcopy(BASE_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES)) -VMWARE_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES["category"]["default"] = "guest" -VMWARE_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES["default_name_format"]["default"] = "{name}-{0}" -VMWARE_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES["symbol"]["default"] = ":/symbols/vmware_guest.svg" +VMWARE_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES.update(copy.deepcopy(BASE_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES)) +VMWARE_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES["category"]["default"] = "guest" +VMWARE_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES["default_name_format"]["default"] = "{name}-{0}" +VMWARE_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES["symbol"]["default"] = ":/symbols/vmware_guest.svg" -VMWARE_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA = { +VMWARE_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA = { "$schema": "", "description": "A VMware template object", "type": "object", - "properties": VMWARE_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES, + "properties": VMWARE_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES, "required": ["vmx_path"], "additionalProperties": False } diff --git a/gns3server/schemas/ b/gns3server/schemas/ similarity index 75% rename from gns3server/schemas/ rename to gns3server/schemas/ index f8205316..e0726b24 100644 --- a/gns3server/schemas/ +++ b/gns3server/schemas/ @@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ # along with this program. If not, see . import copy -from .appliance import BASE_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES +from .template import BASE_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES -VPCS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES = { +VPCS_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES = { "base_script_file": { "description": "Script file", "type": "string", @@ -38,15 +38,15 @@ VPCS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES = { }, } -VPCS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES.update(copy.deepcopy(BASE_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES)) -VPCS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES["category"]["default"] = "guest" -VPCS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES["default_name_format"]["default"] = "PC{0}" -VPCS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES["symbol"]["default"] = ":/symbols/vpcs_guest.svg" +VPCS_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES.update(copy.deepcopy(BASE_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES)) +VPCS_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES["category"]["default"] = "guest" +VPCS_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES["default_name_format"]["default"] = "PC{0}" +VPCS_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES["symbol"]["default"] = ":/symbols/vpcs_guest.svg" -VPCS_APPLIANCE_OBJECT_SCHEMA = { +VPCS_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_SCHEMA = { "$schema": "", "description": "A VPCS template object", "type": "object", - "properties": VPCS_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES, + "properties": VPCS_TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES, "additionalProperties": False } diff --git a/tests/controller/ b/tests/controller/ index 0d99a534..d0559fa6 100644 --- a/tests/controller/ +++ b/tests/controller/ @@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ def test_load_base_files(controller, config, tmpdir): assert == 'test' -def test_appliance_templates(controller, async_run, tmpdir): +def test_appliances(controller, async_run, tmpdir): my_appliance = { "name": "My Appliance", "status": "stable" @@ -481,14 +481,14 @@ def test_appliance_templates(controller, async_run, tmpdir): json.dump(my_appliance, f) with patch("gns3server.config.Config.get_section_config", return_value={"appliances_path": str(tmpdir)}): - controller.load_appliance_templates() - assert len(controller.appliance_templates) > 0 - for appliance in controller.appliance_templates.values(): + controller.load_appliances() + assert len(controller.appliances) > 0 + for appliance in controller.appliances.values(): assert appliance.__json__()["status"] != "broken" - assert "Alpine Linux" in [c.__json__()["name"] for c in controller.appliance_templates.values()] - assert "My Appliance" in [c.__json__()["name"] for c in controller.appliance_templates.values()] + assert "Alpine Linux" in [c.__json__()["name"] for c in controller.appliances.values()] + assert "My Appliance" in [c.__json__()["name"] for c in controller.appliances.values()] - for c in controller.appliance_templates.values(): + for c in controller.appliances.values(): j = c.__json__() if j["name"] == "Alpine Linux": assert j["builtin"] @@ -496,29 +496,29 @@ def test_appliance_templates(controller, async_run, tmpdir): assert not j["builtin"] -def test_load_appliances(controller): +def test_load_templates(controller): controller._settings = {} - controller.load_appliances() + controller.load_templates() - assert "Cloud" in [ for appliance in controller.appliances.values()] - assert "VPCS" in [ for appliance in controller.appliances.values()] + assert "Cloud" in [ for template in controller.templates.values()] + assert "VPCS" in [ for template in controller.templates.values()] - for appliance in controller.appliances.values(): - if == "VPCS": - assert appliance._settings["properties"] == {"base_script_file": "vpcs_base_config.txt"} + for template in controller.templates.values(): + if == "VPCS": + assert template._settings["properties"] == {"base_script_file": "vpcs_base_config.txt"} # UUID should not change when you run again the function - for appliance in controller.appliances.values(): - if == "Test": - qemu_uuid = - elif == "Cloud": - cloud_uuid = - controller.load_appliances() - for appliance in controller.appliances.values(): - if == "Test": - assert qemu_uuid == - elif == "Cloud": - assert cloud_uuid == + for template in controller.templates.values(): + if == "Test": + qemu_uuid = + elif == "Cloud": + cloud_uuid = + controller.load_templates() + for template in controller.templates.values(): + if == "Test": + assert qemu_uuid == + elif == "Cloud": + assert cloud_uuid == def test_autoidlepc(controller, async_run): diff --git a/tests/controller/ b/tests/controller/ index 7ca9714a..25bd1ed2 100644 --- a/tests/controller/ +++ b/tests/controller/ @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ def test_json(node, compute): "compute_id": str(, "project_id":, "node_id":, - "appliance_id": None, + "template_id": None, "node_type": node.node_type, "name": "demo", "console": node.console, @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ def test_json(node, compute): assert node.__json__(topology_dump=True) == { "compute_id": str(, "node_id":, - "appliance_id": None, + "template_id": None, "node_type": node.node_type, "name": "demo", "console": node.console, diff --git a/tests/controller/ b/tests/controller/ index 9e7d7d2d..af7cb424 100644 --- a/tests/controller/ +++ b/tests/controller/ @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ from unittest.mock import patch from uuid import uuid4 from gns3server.controller.project import Project -from gns3server.controller.appliance import Appliance +from gns3server.controller.template import Template from gns3server.controller.ports.ethernet_port import EthernetPort from gns3server.config import Config @@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ def test_add_node_non_local(async_run, controller): controller.notification.project_emit.assert_any_call("node.created", node.__json__()) -def test_add_node_from_appliance(async_run, controller): +def test_add_node_from_template(async_run, controller): """ For a local server we send the project path """ @@ -213,20 +213,20 @@ def test_add_node_from_appliance(async_run, controller): = "local" project = Project(controller=controller, name="Test") controller._notification = MagicMock() - appliance = Appliance(str(uuid.uuid4()), { + template = Template(str(uuid.uuid4()), { "compute_id": "local", "name": "Test", - "appliance_type": "vpcs", + "template_type": "vpcs", "builtin": False, }) - controller._appliances[] = appliance + controller._templates[] = template controller._computes["local"] = compute response = MagicMock() response.json = {"console": 2048} = AsyncioMagicMock(return_value=response) - node = async_run(project.add_node_from_appliance(, x=23, y=12)) + node = async_run(project.add_node_from_template(, x=23, y=12))'/projects', data={ "name": project._name, "project_id": project._id, diff --git a/tests/controller/ b/tests/controller/ similarity index 80% rename from tests/controller/ rename to tests/controller/ index a5f458d6..12af2cc3 100644 --- a/tests/controller/ +++ b/tests/controller/ @@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ import pytest import jsonschema -from gns3server.controller.appliance import Appliance +from gns3server.controller.template import Template -def test_appliance_json(): - a = Appliance(None, { +def test_template_json(): + a = Template(None, { "node_type": "qemu", "name": "Test", "default_name_format": "{name}-{0}", @@ -32,14 +32,14 @@ def test_appliance_json(): "platform": "i386" }) settings = a.__json__() - assert settings["appliance_id"] == - assert settings["appliance_type"] == "qemu" + assert settings["template_id"] == + assert settings["template_type"] == "qemu" assert settings["builtin"] == False -def test_appliance_json_with_not_known_category(): +def test_template_json_with_not_known_category(): with pytest.raises(jsonschema.ValidationError): - a = Appliance(None, { + a = Template(None, { "node_type": "qemu", "name": "Test", "default_name_format": "{name}-{0}", @@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ def test_appliance_json_with_not_known_category(): }) -def test_appliance_json_with_platform(): - a = Appliance(None, { +def test_template_json_with_platform(): + a = Template(None, { "node_type": "dynamips", "name": "Test", "default_name_format": "{name}-{0}", @@ -62,18 +62,18 @@ def test_appliance_json_with_platform(): "platform": "c3725" }) settings = a.__json__() - assert settings["appliance_id"] == - assert settings["appliance_type"] == "dynamips" + assert settings["template_id"] == + assert settings["template_type"] == "dynamips" assert settings["builtin"] == False assert settings["platform"] == "c3725" -def test_appliance_fix_linked_base(): +def test_template_fix_linked_base(): """ Version of the gui before 2.1 use linked_base and the server linked_clone """ - a = Appliance(None, { + a = Template(None, { "node_type": "qemu", "name": "Test", "default_name_format": "{name}-{0}", diff --git a/tests/handlers/api/controller/ b/tests/handlers/api/controller/ index 920ab485..ba6e8599 100644 --- a/tests/handlers/api/controller/ +++ b/tests/handlers/api/controller/ @@ -16,973 +16,9 @@ # along with this program. If not, see . -import uuid -import pytest -from unittest.mock import MagicMock -from tests.utils import asyncio_patch +def test_appliances_list(http_controller, controller, async_run): - -from gns3server.controller import Controller -from gns3server.controller.appliance import Appliance - - -@pytest.fixture -def compute(http_controller, async_run): - compute = MagicMock() - = "" - = "" - Controller.instance()._computes = {"": compute} - return compute - - -@pytest.fixture -def project(http_controller, async_run): - return async_run(Controller.instance().add_project(name="Test")) - - -def test_appliance_list(http_controller, controller): - - id = str(uuid.uuid4()) controller.load_appliances() - controller._appliances[id] = Appliance(id, { - "appliance_type": "qemu", - "category": 0, - "name": "test", - "symbol": "guest.svg", - "default_name_format": "{name}-{0}", - "compute_id": "local" - }) response = http_controller.get("/appliances", example=True) assert response.status == 200 - assert response.route == "/appliances" assert len(response.json) > 0 - - -def test_appliance_templates_list(http_controller, controller, async_run): - - controller.load_appliance_templates() - response = http_controller.get("/appliances/templates", example=True) - assert response.status == 200 - assert len(response.json) > 0 - - -def test_cr(http_controller, controller, async_run): - - controller.load_appliance_templates() - response = http_controller.get("/appliances/templates", example=True) - assert response.status == 200 - assert len(response.json) > 0 - - -def test_appliance_create_without_id(http_controller, controller): - - params = {"base_script_file": "vpcs_base_config.txt", - "category": "guest", - "console_auto_start": False, - "console_type": "telnet", - "default_name_format": "PC{0}", - "name": "VPCS_TEST", - "compute_id": "local", - "symbol": ":/symbols/vpcs_guest.svg", - "appliance_type": "vpcs"} - - response ="/appliances", params, example=True) - assert response.status == 201 - assert response.route == "/appliances" - assert response.json["appliance_id"] is not None - assert len(controller.appliances) == 1 - - -def test_appliance_create_with_id(http_controller, controller): - - params = {"appliance_id": str(uuid.uuid4()), - "base_script_file": "vpcs_base_config.txt", - "category": "guest", - "console_auto_start": False, - "console_type": "telnet", - "default_name_format": "PC{0}", - "name": "VPCS_TEST", - "compute_id": "local", - "symbol": ":/symbols/vpcs_guest.svg", - "appliance_type": "vpcs"} - - response ="/appliances", params, example=True) - assert response.status == 201 - assert response.route == "/appliances" - assert response.json["appliance_id"] is not None - assert len(controller.appliances) == 1 - - -def test_appliance_create_wrong_type(http_controller, controller): - - params = {"appliance_id": str(uuid.uuid4()), - "base_script_file": "vpcs_base_config.txt", - "category": "guest", - "console_auto_start": False, - "console_type": "telnet", - "default_name_format": "PC{0}", - "name": "VPCS_TEST", - "compute_id": "local", - "symbol": ":/symbols/vpcs_guest.svg", - "appliance_type": "invalid_appliance_type"} - - response ="/appliances", params) - assert response.status == 400 - assert len(controller.appliances) == 0 - - -def test_appliance_get(http_controller, controller): - - appliance_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) - params = {"appliance_id": appliance_id, - "base_script_file": "vpcs_base_config.txt", - "category": "guest", - "console_auto_start": False, - "console_type": "telnet", - "default_name_format": "PC{0}", - "name": "VPCS_TEST", - "compute_id": "local", - "symbol": ":/symbols/vpcs_guest.svg", - "appliance_type": "vpcs"} - - response ="/appliances", params) - assert response.status == 201 - - response = http_controller.get("/appliances/{}".format(appliance_id), example=True) - assert response.status == 200 - assert response.json["appliance_id"] == appliance_id - - -def test_appliance_update(http_controller, controller): - - appliance_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) - params = {"appliance_id": appliance_id, - "base_script_file": "vpcs_base_config.txt", - "category": "guest", - "console_auto_start": False, - "console_type": "telnet", - "default_name_format": "PC{0}", - "name": "VPCS_TEST", - "compute_id": "local", - "symbol": ":/symbols/vpcs_guest.svg", - "appliance_type": "vpcs"} - - response ="/appliances", params) - assert response.status == 201 - - response = http_controller.get("/appliances/{}".format(appliance_id)) - assert response.status == 200 - assert response.json["appliance_id"] == appliance_id - - params["name"] = "VPCS_TEST_RENAMED" - response = http_controller.put("/appliances/{}".format(appliance_id), params, example=True) - - assert response.status == 200 - assert response.json["name"] == "VPCS_TEST_RENAMED" - - -def test_appliance_delete(http_controller, controller): - - appliance_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) - params = {"appliance_id": appliance_id, - "base_script_file": "vpcs_base_config.txt", - "category": "guest", - "console_auto_start": False, - "console_type": "telnet", - "default_name_format": "PC{0}", - "name": "VPCS_TEST", - "compute_id": "local", - "symbol": ":/symbols/vpcs_guest.svg", - "appliance_type": "vpcs"} - - response ="/appliances", params) - assert response.status == 201 - - response = http_controller.get("/appliances") - assert len(response.json) == 1 - assert len(controller.appliances) == 1 - - response = http_controller.delete("/appliances/{}".format(appliance_id), example=True) - assert response.status == 204 - - response = http_controller.get("/appliances") - assert len(response.json) == 0 - assert len(controller.appliances) == 0 - - -def test_appliance_duplicate(http_controller, controller): - - appliance_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) - params = {"appliance_id": appliance_id, - "base_script_file": "vpcs_base_config.txt", - "category": "guest", - "console_auto_start": False, - "console_type": "telnet", - "default_name_format": "PC{0}", - "name": "VPCS_TEST", - "compute_id": "local", - "symbol": ":/symbols/vpcs_guest.svg", - "appliance_type": "vpcs"} - - response ="/appliances", params) - assert response.status == 201 - - response ="/appliances/{}/duplicate".format(appliance_id), example=True) - assert response.status == 201 - assert response.json["appliance_id"] != appliance_id - params.pop("appliance_id") - for param, value in params.items(): - assert response.json[param] == value - - response = http_controller.get("/appliances") - assert len(response.json) == 2 - assert len(controller.appliances) == 2 - - -def test_c7200_dynamips_appliance_create(http_controller): - - params = {"name": "Cisco c7200 appliance", - "platform": "c7200", - "compute_id": "local", - "image": "c7200-adventerprisek9-mz.124-24.T5.image", - "appliance_type": "dynamips"} - - response ="/appliances", params) - assert response.status == 201 - assert response.json["appliance_id"] is not None - - expected_response = {"appliance_type": "dynamips", - "auto_delete_disks": False, - "builtin": False, - "category": "router", - "compute_id": "local", - "console_auto_start": False, - "console_type": "telnet", - "default_name_format": "R{0}", - "disk0": 0, - "disk1": 0, - "exec_area": 64, - "idlemax": 500, - "idlepc": "", - "idlesleep": 30, - "image": "c7200-adventerprisek9-mz.124-24.T5.image", - "mac_addr": "", - "midplane": "vxr", - "mmap": True, - "name": "Cisco c7200 appliance", - "npe": "npe-400", - "nvram": 512, - "platform": "c7200", - "private_config": "", - "ram": 512, - "sparsemem": True, - "startup_config": "ios_base_startup-config.txt", - "symbol": ":/symbols/router.svg", - "system_id": "FTX0945W0MY"} - - for item, value in expected_response.items(): - assert response.json.get(item) == value - - -def test_c3745_dynamips_appliance_create(http_controller): - - params = {"name": "Cisco c3745 appliance", - "platform": "c3745", - "compute_id": "local", - "image": "c3745-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25d.image", - "appliance_type": "dynamips"} - - response ="/appliances", params) - assert response.status == 201 - assert response.json["appliance_id"] is not None - - expected_response = {"appliance_type": "dynamips", - "auto_delete_disks": False, - "builtin": False, - "category": "router", - "compute_id": "local", - "console_auto_start": False, - "console_type": "telnet", - "default_name_format": "R{0}", - "disk0": 0, - "disk1": 0, - "exec_area": 64, - "idlemax": 500, - "idlepc": "", - "idlesleep": 30, - "image": "c3745-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25d.image", - "mac_addr": "", - "mmap": True, - "name": "Cisco c3745 appliance", - "iomem": 5, - "nvram": 256, - "platform": "c3745", - "private_config": "", - "ram": 256, - "sparsemem": True, - "startup_config": "ios_base_startup-config.txt", - "symbol": ":/symbols/router.svg", - "system_id": "FTX0945W0MY"} - - for item, value in expected_response.items(): - assert response.json.get(item) == value - - -def test_c3725_dynamips_appliance_create(http_controller): - - params = {"name": "Cisco c3725 appliance", - "platform": "c3725", - "compute_id": "local", - "image": "c3725-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25d.image", - "appliance_type": "dynamips"} - - response ="/appliances", params) - assert response.status == 201 - assert response.json["appliance_id"] is not None - - expected_response = {"appliance_type": "dynamips", - "auto_delete_disks": False, - "builtin": False, - "category": "router", - "compute_id": "local", - "console_auto_start": False, - "console_type": "telnet", - "default_name_format": "R{0}", - "disk0": 0, - "disk1": 0, - "exec_area": 64, - "idlemax": 500, - "idlepc": "", - "idlesleep": 30, - "image": "c3725-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25d.image", - "mac_addr": "", - "mmap": True, - "name": "Cisco c3725 appliance", - "iomem": 5, - "nvram": 256, - "platform": "c3725", - "private_config": "", - "ram": 128, - "sparsemem": True, - "startup_config": "ios_base_startup-config.txt", - "symbol": ":/symbols/router.svg", - "system_id": "FTX0945W0MY"} - - for item, value in expected_response.items(): - assert response.json.get(item) == value - - -def test_c3600_dynamips_appliance_create(http_controller): - - params = {"name": "Cisco c3600 appliance", - "platform": "c3600", - "chassis": "3660", - "compute_id": "local", - "image": "c3660-a3jk9s-mz.124-25d.image", - "appliance_type": "dynamips"} - - response ="/appliances", params) - assert response.status == 201 - assert response.json["appliance_id"] is not None - - expected_response = {"appliance_type": "dynamips", - "auto_delete_disks": False, - "builtin": False, - "category": "router", - "compute_id": "local", - "console_auto_start": False, - "console_type": "telnet", - "default_name_format": "R{0}", - "disk0": 0, - "disk1": 0, - "exec_area": 64, - "idlemax": 500, - "idlepc": "", - "idlesleep": 30, - "image": "c3660-a3jk9s-mz.124-25d.image", - "mac_addr": "", - "mmap": True, - "name": "Cisco c3600 appliance", - "iomem": 5, - "nvram": 128, - "platform": "c3600", - "chassis": "3660", - "private_config": "", - "ram": 192, - "sparsemem": True, - "startup_config": "ios_base_startup-config.txt", - "symbol": ":/symbols/router.svg", - "system_id": "FTX0945W0MY"} - - for item, value in expected_response.items(): - assert response.json.get(item) == value - - -def test_c3600_dynamips_appliance_create_wrong_chassis(http_controller): - - params = {"name": "Cisco c3600 appliance", - "platform": "c3600", - "chassis": "3650", - "compute_id": "local", - "image": "c3660-a3jk9s-mz.124-25d.image", - "appliance_type": "dynamips"} - - response ="/appliances", params) - assert response.status == 400 - - -def test_c2691_dynamips_appliance_create(http_controller): - - params = {"name": "Cisco c2691 appliance", - "platform": "c2691", - "compute_id": "local", - "image": "c2691-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25d.image", - "appliance_type": "dynamips"} - - response ="/appliances", params) - assert response.status == 201 - assert response.json["appliance_id"] is not None - - expected_response = {"appliance_type": "dynamips", - "auto_delete_disks": False, - "builtin": False, - "category": "router", - "compute_id": "local", - "console_auto_start": False, - "console_type": "telnet", - "default_name_format": "R{0}", - "disk0": 0, - "disk1": 0, - "exec_area": 64, - "idlemax": 500, - "idlepc": "", - "idlesleep": 30, - "image": "c2691-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25d.image", - "mac_addr": "", - "mmap": True, - "name": "Cisco c2691 appliance", - "iomem": 5, - "nvram": 256, - "platform": "c2691", - "private_config": "", - "ram": 192, - "sparsemem": True, - "startup_config": "ios_base_startup-config.txt", - "symbol": ":/symbols/router.svg", - "system_id": "FTX0945W0MY"} - - for item, value in expected_response.items(): - assert response.json.get(item) == value - - -def test_c2600_dynamips_appliance_create(http_controller): - - params = {"name": "Cisco c2600 appliance", - "platform": "c2600", - "chassis": "2651XM", - "compute_id": "local", - "image": "c2600-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25d.image", - "appliance_type": "dynamips"} - - response ="/appliances", params) - assert response.status == 201 - assert response.json["appliance_id"] is not None - - expected_response = {"appliance_type": "dynamips", - "auto_delete_disks": False, - "builtin": False, - "category": "router", - "compute_id": "local", - "console_auto_start": False, - "console_type": "telnet", - "default_name_format": "R{0}", - "disk0": 0, - "disk1": 0, - "exec_area": 64, - "idlemax": 500, - "idlepc": "", - "idlesleep": 30, - "image": "c2600-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25d.image", - "mac_addr": "", - "mmap": True, - "name": "Cisco c2600 appliance", - "iomem": 15, - "nvram": 128, - "platform": "c2600", - "chassis": "2651XM", - "private_config": "", - "ram": 160, - "sparsemem": True, - "startup_config": "ios_base_startup-config.txt", - "symbol": ":/symbols/router.svg", - "system_id": "FTX0945W0MY"} - - for item, value in expected_response.items(): - assert response.json.get(item) == value - - -def test_c2600_dynamips_appliance_create_wrong_chassis(http_controller): - - params = {"name": "Cisco c2600 appliance", - "platform": "c2600", - "chassis": "2660XM", - "compute_id": "local", - "image": "c2600-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25d.image", - "appliance_type": "dynamips"} - - response ="/appliances", params) - assert response.status == 400 - - -def test_c1700_dynamips_appliance_create(http_controller): - - params = {"name": "Cisco c1700 appliance", - "platform": "c1700", - "chassis": "1760", - "compute_id": "local", - "image": "c1700-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25d.image", - "appliance_type": "dynamips"} - - response ="/appliances", params) - assert response.status == 201 - assert response.json["appliance_id"] is not None - - expected_response = {"appliance_type": "dynamips", - "auto_delete_disks": False, - "builtin": False, - "category": "router", - "compute_id": "local", - "console_auto_start": False, - "console_type": "telnet", - "default_name_format": "R{0}", - "disk0": 0, - "disk1": 0, - "exec_area": 64, - "idlemax": 500, - "idlepc": "", - "idlesleep": 30, - "image": "c1700-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25d.image", - "mac_addr": "", - "mmap": True, - "name": "Cisco c1700 appliance", - "iomem": 15, - "nvram": 128, - "platform": "c1700", - "chassis": "1760", - "private_config": "", - "ram": 160, - "sparsemem": False, - "startup_config": "ios_base_startup-config.txt", - "symbol": ":/symbols/router.svg", - "system_id": "FTX0945W0MY"} - - for item, value in expected_response.items(): - assert response.json.get(item) == value - - -def test_c1700_dynamips_appliance_create_wrong_chassis(http_controller): - - params = {"name": "Cisco c1700 appliance", - "platform": "c1700", - "chassis": "1770", - "compute_id": "local", - "image": "c1700-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25d.image", - "appliance_type": "dynamips"} - - response ="/appliances", params) - assert response.status == 400 - - -def test_dynamips_appliance_create_wrong_platform(http_controller): - - params = {"name": "Cisco c3900 appliance", - "platform": "c3900", - "compute_id": "local", - "image": "c3900-test.124-25d.image", - "appliance_type": "dynamips"} - - response ="/appliances", params) - assert response.status == 400 - - -def test_iou_appliance_create(http_controller): - - params = {"name": "IOU appliance", - "compute_id": "local", - "path": "/path/to/i86bi_linux-ipbase-ms-12.4.bin", - "appliance_type": "iou"} - - response ="/appliances", params, example=True) - assert response.status == 201 - assert response.json["appliance_id"] is not None - - expected_response = {"appliance_type": "iou", - "builtin": False, - "category": "router", - "compute_id": "local", - "console_auto_start": False, - "console_type": "telnet", - "default_name_format": "IOU{0}", - "ethernet_adapters": 2, - "name": "IOU appliance", - "nvram": 128, - "path": "/path/to/i86bi_linux-ipbase-ms-12.4.bin", - "private_config": "", - "ram": 256, - "serial_adapters": 2, - "startup_config": "iou_l3_base_startup-config.txt", - "symbol": ":/symbols/multilayer_switch.svg", - "use_default_iou_values": True, - "l1_keepalives": False} - - for item, value in expected_response.items(): - assert response.json.get(item) == value - - -def test_docker_appliance_create(http_controller): - - params = {"name": "Docker appliance", - "compute_id": "local", - "image": "gns3/endhost:latest", - "appliance_type": "docker"} - - response ="/appliances", params) - assert response.status == 201 - assert response.json["appliance_id"] is not None - - expected_response = {"adapters": 1, - "appliance_type": "docker", - "builtin": False, - "category": "guest", - "compute_id": "local", - "console_auto_start": False, - "console_http_path": "/", - "console_http_port": 80, - "console_resolution": "1024x768", - "console_type": "telnet", - "default_name_format": "{name}-{0}", - "environment": "", - "extra_hosts": "", - "image": "gns3/endhost:latest", - "name": "Docker appliance", - "start_command": "", - "symbol": ":/symbols/docker_guest.svg", - "custom_adapters": []} - - for item, value in expected_response.items(): - assert response.json.get(item) == value - - -def test_qemu_appliance_create(http_controller): - - params = {"name": "Qemu appliance", - "compute_id": "local", - "platform": "i386", - "hda_disk_image": "IOSvL2-", - "ram": 512, - "appliance_type": "qemu"} - - response ="/appliances", params, example=True) - assert response.status == 201 - assert response.json["appliance_id"] is not None - - expected_response = {"adapter_type": "e1000", - "adapters": 1, - "appliance_type": "qemu", - "bios_image": "", - "boot_priority": "c", - "builtin": False, - "category": "guest", - "cdrom_image": "", - "compute_id": "local", - "console_auto_start": False, - "console_type": "telnet", - "cpu_throttling": 0, - "cpus": 1, - "default_name_format": "{name}-{0}", - "first_port_name": "", - "hda_disk_image": "IOSvL2-", - "hda_disk_interface": "ide", - "hdb_disk_image": "", - "hdb_disk_interface": "ide", - "hdc_disk_image": "", - "hdc_disk_interface": "ide", - "hdd_disk_image": "", - "hdd_disk_interface": "ide", - "initrd": "", - "kernel_command_line": "", - "kernel_image": "", - "legacy_networking": False, - "linked_clone": True, - "mac_address": "", - "name": "Qemu appliance", - "on_close": "power_off", - "options": "", - "platform": "i386", - "port_name_format": "Ethernet{0}", - "port_segment_size": 0, - "process_priority": "normal", - "qemu_path": "", - "ram": 512, - "symbol": ":/symbols/qemu_guest.svg", - "usage": "", - "custom_adapters": []} - - for item, value in expected_response.items(): - assert response.json.get(item) == value - - -def test_vmware_appliance_create(http_controller): - - params = {"name": "VMware appliance", - "compute_id": "local", - "appliance_type": "vmware", - "vmx_path": "/path/to/vm.vmx"} - - response ="/appliances", params) - assert response.status == 201 - assert response.json["appliance_id"] is not None - - expected_response = {"adapter_type": "e1000", - "adapters": 1, - "appliance_type": "vmware", - "builtin": False, - "category": "guest", - "compute_id": "local", - "console_auto_start": False, - "console_type": "none", - "default_name_format": "{name}-{0}", - "first_port_name": "", - "headless": False, - "linked_clone": False, - "name": "VMware appliance", - "on_close": "power_off", - "port_name_format": "Ethernet{0}", - "port_segment_size": 0, - "symbol": ":/symbols/vmware_guest.svg", - "use_any_adapter": False, - "vmx_path": "/path/to/vm.vmx", - "custom_adapters": []} - - for item, value in expected_response.items(): - assert response.json.get(item) == value - - -def test_virtualbox_appliance_create(http_controller): - - params = {"name": "VirtualBox appliance", - "compute_id": "local", - "appliance_type": "virtualbox", - "vmname": "My VirtualBox VM"} - - response ="/appliances", params) - assert response.status == 201 - assert response.json["appliance_id"] is not None - - expected_response = {"adapter_type": "Intel PRO/1000 MT Desktop (82540EM)", - "adapters": 1, - "appliance_type": "virtualbox", - "builtin": False, - "category": "guest", - "compute_id": "local", - "console_auto_start": False, - "console_type": "none", - "default_name_format": "{name}-{0}", - "first_port_name": "", - "headless": False, - "linked_clone": False, - "name": "VirtualBox appliance", - "on_close": "power_off", - "port_name_format": "Ethernet{0}", - "port_segment_size": 0, - "ram": 256, - "symbol": ":/symbols/vbox_guest.svg", - "use_any_adapter": False, - "vmname": "My VirtualBox VM", - "custom_adapters": []} - - for item, value in expected_response.items(): - assert response.json.get(item) == value - -def test_vpcs_appliance_create(http_controller): - - params = {"name": "VPCS appliance", - "compute_id": "local", - "appliance_type": "vpcs"} - - response ="/appliances", params) - assert response.status == 201 - assert response.json["appliance_id"] is not None - - expected_response = {"appliance_type": "vpcs", - "base_script_file": "vpcs_base_config.txt", - "builtin": False, - "category": "guest", - "compute_id": "local", - "console_auto_start": False, - "console_type": "telnet", - "default_name_format": "PC{0}", - "name": "VPCS appliance", - "symbol": ":/symbols/vpcs_guest.svg"} - - for item, value in expected_response.items(): - assert response.json.get(item) == value - -def test_ethernet_switch_appliance_create(http_controller): - - params = {"name": "Ethernet switch appliance", - "compute_id": "local", - "appliance_type": "ethernet_switch"} - - response ="/appliances", params) - assert response.status == 201 - assert response.json["appliance_id"] is not None - - expected_response = {"appliance_type": "ethernet_switch", - "builtin": False, - "category": "switch", - "compute_id": "local", - "console_type": "telnet", - "default_name_format": "Switch{0}", - "name": "Ethernet switch appliance", - "ports_mapping": [{"ethertype": "", - "name": "Ethernet0", - "port_number": 0, - "type": "access", - "vlan": 1 - }, - {"ethertype": "", - "name": "Ethernet1", - "port_number": 1, - "type": "access", - "vlan": 1 - }, - {"ethertype": "", - "name": "Ethernet2", - "port_number": 2, - "type": "access", - "vlan": 1 - }, - {"ethertype": "", - "name": "Ethernet3", - "port_number": 3, - "type": "access", - "vlan": 1 - }, - {"ethertype": "", - "name": "Ethernet4", - "port_number": 4, - "type": "access", - "vlan": 1 - }, - {"ethertype": "", - "name": "Ethernet5", - "port_number": 5, - "type": "access", - "vlan": 1 - }, - {"ethertype": "", - "name": "Ethernet6", - "port_number": 6, - "type": "access", - "vlan": 1 - }, - {"ethertype": "", - "name": "Ethernet7", - "port_number": 7, - "type": "access", - "vlan": 1 - }], - "symbol": ":/symbols/ethernet_switch.svg"} - - for item, value in expected_response.items(): - assert response.json.get(item) == value - - -def test_cloud_appliance_create(http_controller): - - params = {"name": "Cloud appliance", - "compute_id": "local", - "appliance_type": "cloud"} - - response ="/appliances", params) - assert response.status == 201 - assert response.json["appliance_id"] is not None - - expected_response = {"appliance_type": "cloud", - "builtin": False, - "category": "guest", - "compute_id": "local", - "default_name_format": "Cloud{0}", - "name": "Cloud appliance", - "symbol": ":/symbols/cloud.svg"} - - for item, value in expected_response.items(): - assert response.json.get(item) == value - - -def test_ethernet_hub_appliance_create(http_controller): - - params = {"name": "Ethernet hub appliance", - "compute_id": "local", - "appliance_type": "ethernet_hub"} - - response ="/appliances", params) - assert response.status == 201 - assert response.json["appliance_id"] is not None - - expected_response = {"ports_mapping": [{"port_number": 0, - "name": "Ethernet0" - }, - {"port_number": 1, - "name": "Ethernet1" - }, - {"port_number": 2, - "name": "Ethernet2" - }, - {"port_number": 3, - "name": "Ethernet3" - }, - {"port_number": 4, - "name": "Ethernet4" - }, - {"port_number": 5, - "name": "Ethernet5" - }, - {"port_number": 6, - "name": "Ethernet6" - }, - {"port_number": 7, - "name": "Ethernet7" - }], - "compute_id": "local", - "name": "Ethernet hub appliance", - "symbol": ":/symbols/hub.svg", - "default_name_format": "Hub{0}", - "appliance_type": "ethernet_hub", - "category": "switch", - "builtin": False} - - for item, value in expected_response.items(): - assert response.json.get(item) == value - - -def test_create_node_from_appliance(http_controller, controller, project, compute): - - id = str(uuid.uuid4()) - controller._appliances = {id: Appliance(id, { - "appliance_type": "qemu", - "category": 0, - "name": "test", - "symbol": "guest.svg", - "default_name_format": "{name}-{0}", - "compute_id": "" - })} - with asyncio_patch("gns3server.controller.project.Project.add_node_from_appliance") as mock: - response ="/projects/{}/appliances/{}".format(, id), { - "x": 42, - "y": 12 - }) - mock.assert_called_with(id, x=42, y=12, compute_id=None) - assert response.route == "/projects/{project_id}/appliances/{appliance_id}" - assert response.status == 201 diff --git a/tests/handlers/api/controller/ b/tests/handlers/api/controller/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5698c0a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/handlers/api/controller/ @@ -0,0 +1,971 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# +# Copyright (C) 2016 GNS3 Technologies Inc. +# +# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +# (at your option) any later version. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +# GNU General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with this program. If not, see . + + +import uuid +import pytest +from unittest.mock import MagicMock +from tests.utils import asyncio_patch + +from gns3server.controller import Controller +from gns3server.controller.template import Template + + +def test_template_list(http_controller, controller): + + id = str(uuid.uuid4()) + controller.load_templates() + controller._templates[id] = Template(id, { + "template_type": "qemu", + "category": 0, + "name": "test", + "symbol": "guest.svg", + "default_name_format": "{name}-{0}", + "compute_id": "local" + }) + response = http_controller.get("/templates", example=True) + assert response.status == 200 + assert response.route == "/templates" + assert len(response.json) > 0 + + +def test_template_create_without_id(http_controller, controller): + + params = {"base_script_file": "vpcs_base_config.txt", + "category": "guest", + "console_auto_start": False, + "console_type": "telnet", + "default_name_format": "PC{0}", + "name": "VPCS_TEST", + "compute_id": "local", + "symbol": ":/symbols/vpcs_guest.svg", + "template_type": "vpcs"} + + response ="/templates", params, example=True) + assert response.status == 201 + assert response.route == "/templates" + assert response.json["template_id"] is not None + assert len(controller.templates) == 1 + + +def test_template_create_with_id(http_controller, controller): + + params = {"template_id": str(uuid.uuid4()), + "base_script_file": "vpcs_base_config.txt", + "category": "guest", + "console_auto_start": False, + "console_type": "telnet", + "default_name_format": "PC{0}", + "name": "VPCS_TEST", + "compute_id": "local", + "symbol": ":/symbols/vpcs_guest.svg", + "template_type": "vpcs"} + + response ="/templates", params, example=True) + assert response.status == 201 + assert response.route == "/templates" + assert response.json["template_id"] is not None + assert len(controller.templates) == 1 + + +def test_template_create_wrong_type(http_controller, controller): + + params = {"template_id": str(uuid.uuid4()), + "base_script_file": "vpcs_base_config.txt", + "category": "guest", + "console_auto_start": False, + "console_type": "telnet", + "default_name_format": "PC{0}", + "name": "VPCS_TEST", + "compute_id": "local", + "symbol": ":/symbols/vpcs_guest.svg", + "template_type": "invalid_template_type"} + + response ="/templates", params) + assert response.status == 400 + assert len(controller.templates) == 0 + + +def test_template_get(http_controller, controller): + + template_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) + params = {"template_id": template_id, + "base_script_file": "vpcs_base_config.txt", + "category": "guest", + "console_auto_start": False, + "console_type": "telnet", + "default_name_format": "PC{0}", + "name": "VPCS_TEST", + "compute_id": "local", + "symbol": ":/symbols/vpcs_guest.svg", + "template_type": "vpcs"} + + response ="/templates", params) + assert response.status == 201 + + response = http_controller.get("/templates/{}".format(template_id), example=True) + assert response.status == 200 + assert response.json["template_id"] == template_id + + +def test_template_update(http_controller, controller): + + template_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) + params = {"template_id": template_id, + "base_script_file": "vpcs_base_config.txt", + "category": "guest", + "console_auto_start": False, + "console_type": "telnet", + "default_name_format": "PC{0}", + "name": "VPCS_TEST", + "compute_id": "local", + "symbol": ":/symbols/vpcs_guest.svg", + "template_type": "vpcs"} + + response ="/templates", params) + assert response.status == 201 + + response = http_controller.get("/templates/{}".format(template_id)) + assert response.status == 200 + assert response.json["template_id"] == template_id + + params["name"] = "VPCS_TEST_RENAMED" + response = http_controller.put("/templates/{}".format(template_id), params, example=True) + + assert response.status == 200 + assert response.json["name"] == "VPCS_TEST_RENAMED" + + +def test_template_delete(http_controller, controller): + + template_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) + params = {"template_id": template_id, + "base_script_file": "vpcs_base_config.txt", + "category": "guest", + "console_auto_start": False, + "console_type": "telnet", + "default_name_format": "PC{0}", + "name": "VPCS_TEST", + "compute_id": "local", + "symbol": ":/symbols/vpcs_guest.svg", + "template_type": "vpcs"} + + response ="/templates", params) + assert response.status == 201 + + response = http_controller.get("/templates") + assert len(response.json) == 1 + assert len(controller.templates) == 1 + + response = http_controller.delete("/templates/{}".format(template_id), example=True) + assert response.status == 204 + + response = http_controller.get("/templates") + assert len(response.json) == 0 + assert len(controller.templates) == 0 + + +def test_template_duplicate(http_controller, controller): + + template_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) + params = {"template_id": template_id, + "base_script_file": "vpcs_base_config.txt", + "category": "guest", + "console_auto_start": False, + "console_type": "telnet", + "default_name_format": "PC{0}", + "name": "VPCS_TEST", + "compute_id": "local", + "symbol": ":/symbols/vpcs_guest.svg", + "template_type": "vpcs"} + + response ="/templates", params) + assert response.status == 201 + + response ="/templates/{}/duplicate".format(template_id), example=True) + assert response.status == 201 + assert response.json["template_id"] != template_id + params.pop("template_id") + for param, value in params.items(): + assert response.json[param] == value + + response = http_controller.get("/templates") + assert len(response.json) == 2 + assert len(controller.templates) == 2 + + +def test_c7200_dynamips_template_create(http_controller): + + params = {"name": "Cisco c7200 template", + "platform": "c7200", + "compute_id": "local", + "image": "c7200-adventerprisek9-mz.124-24.T5.image", + "template_type": "dynamips"} + + response ="/templates", params) + assert response.status == 201 + assert response.json["template_id"] is not None + + expected_response = {"template_type": "dynamips", + "auto_delete_disks": False, + "builtin": False, + "category": "router", + "compute_id": "local", + "console_auto_start": False, + "console_type": "telnet", + "default_name_format": "R{0}", + "disk0": 0, + "disk1": 0, + "exec_area": 64, + "idlemax": 500, + "idlepc": "", + "idlesleep": 30, + "image": "c7200-adventerprisek9-mz.124-24.T5.image", + "mac_addr": "", + "midplane": "vxr", + "mmap": True, + "name": "Cisco c7200 template", + "npe": "npe-400", + "nvram": 512, + "platform": "c7200", + "private_config": "", + "ram": 512, + "sparsemem": True, + "startup_config": "ios_base_startup-config.txt", + "symbol": ":/symbols/router.svg", + "system_id": "FTX0945W0MY"} + + for item, value in expected_response.items(): + assert response.json.get(item) == value + + +def test_c3745_dynamips_template_create(http_controller): + + params = {"name": "Cisco c3745 template", + "platform": "c3745", + "compute_id": "local", + "image": "c3745-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25d.image", + "template_type": "dynamips"} + + response ="/templates", params) + assert response.status == 201 + assert response.json["template_id"] is not None + + expected_response = {"template_type": "dynamips", + "auto_delete_disks": False, + "builtin": False, + "category": "router", + "compute_id": "local", + "console_auto_start": False, + "console_type": "telnet", + "default_name_format": "R{0}", + "disk0": 0, + "disk1": 0, + "exec_area": 64, + "idlemax": 500, + "idlepc": "", + "idlesleep": 30, + "image": "c3745-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25d.image", + "mac_addr": "", + "mmap": True, + "name": "Cisco c3745 template", + "iomem": 5, + "nvram": 256, + "platform": "c3745", + "private_config": "", + "ram": 256, + "sparsemem": True, + "startup_config": "ios_base_startup-config.txt", + "symbol": ":/symbols/router.svg", + "system_id": "FTX0945W0MY"} + + for item, value in expected_response.items(): + assert response.json.get(item) == value + + +def test_c3725_dynamips_template_create(http_controller): + + params = {"name": "Cisco c3725 template", + "platform": "c3725", + "compute_id": "local", + "image": "c3725-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25d.image", + "template_type": "dynamips"} + + response ="/templates", params) + assert response.status == 201 + assert response.json["template_id"] is not None + + expected_response = {"template_type": "dynamips", + "auto_delete_disks": False, + "builtin": False, + "category": "router", + "compute_id": "local", + "console_auto_start": False, + "console_type": "telnet", + "default_name_format": "R{0}", + "disk0": 0, + "disk1": 0, + "exec_area": 64, + "idlemax": 500, + "idlepc": "", + "idlesleep": 30, + "image": "c3725-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25d.image", + "mac_addr": "", + "mmap": True, + "name": "Cisco c3725 template", + "iomem": 5, + "nvram": 256, + "platform": "c3725", + "private_config": "", + "ram": 128, + "sparsemem": True, + "startup_config": "ios_base_startup-config.txt", + "symbol": ":/symbols/router.svg", + "system_id": "FTX0945W0MY"} + + for item, value in expected_response.items(): + assert response.json.get(item) == value + + +def test_c3600_dynamips_template_create(http_controller): + + params = {"name": "Cisco c3600 template", + "platform": "c3600", + "chassis": "3660", + "compute_id": "local", + "image": "c3660-a3jk9s-mz.124-25d.image", + "template_type": "dynamips"} + + response ="/templates", params) + assert response.status == 201 + assert response.json["template_id"] is not None + + expected_response = {"template_type": "dynamips", + "auto_delete_disks": False, + "builtin": False, + "category": "router", + "compute_id": "local", + "console_auto_start": False, + "console_type": "telnet", + "default_name_format": "R{0}", + "disk0": 0, + "disk1": 0, + "exec_area": 64, + "idlemax": 500, + "idlepc": "", + "idlesleep": 30, + "image": "c3660-a3jk9s-mz.124-25d.image", + "mac_addr": "", + "mmap": True, + "name": "Cisco c3600 template", + "iomem": 5, + "nvram": 128, + "platform": "c3600", + "chassis": "3660", + "private_config": "", + "ram": 192, + "sparsemem": True, + "startup_config": "ios_base_startup-config.txt", + "symbol": ":/symbols/router.svg", + "system_id": "FTX0945W0MY"} + + for item, value in expected_response.items(): + assert response.json.get(item) == value + + +def test_c3600_dynamips_template_create_wrong_chassis(http_controller): + + params = {"name": "Cisco c3600 template", + "platform": "c3600", + "chassis": "3650", + "compute_id": "local", + "image": "c3660-a3jk9s-mz.124-25d.image", + "template_type": "dynamips"} + + response ="/templates", params) + assert response.status == 400 + + +def test_c2691_dynamips_template_create(http_controller): + + params = {"name": "Cisco c2691 template", + "platform": "c2691", + "compute_id": "local", + "image": "c2691-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25d.image", + "template_type": "dynamips"} + + response ="/templates", params) + assert response.status == 201 + assert response.json["template_id"] is not None + + expected_response = {"template_type": "dynamips", + "auto_delete_disks": False, + "builtin": False, + "category": "router", + "compute_id": "local", + "console_auto_start": False, + "console_type": "telnet", + "default_name_format": "R{0}", + "disk0": 0, + "disk1": 0, + "exec_area": 64, + "idlemax": 500, + "idlepc": "", + "idlesleep": 30, + "image": "c2691-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25d.image", + "mac_addr": "", + "mmap": True, + "name": "Cisco c2691 template", + "iomem": 5, + "nvram": 256, + "platform": "c2691", + "private_config": "", + "ram": 192, + "sparsemem": True, + "startup_config": "ios_base_startup-config.txt", + "symbol": ":/symbols/router.svg", + "system_id": "FTX0945W0MY"} + + for item, value in expected_response.items(): + assert response.json.get(item) == value + + +def test_c2600_dynamips_template_create(http_controller): + + params = {"name": "Cisco c2600 template", + "platform": "c2600", + "chassis": "2651XM", + "compute_id": "local", + "image": "c2600-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25d.image", + "template_type": "dynamips"} + + response ="/templates", params) + assert response.status == 201 + assert response.json["template_id"] is not None + + expected_response = {"template_type": "dynamips", + "auto_delete_disks": False, + "builtin": False, + "category": "router", + "compute_id": "local", + "console_auto_start": False, + "console_type": "telnet", + "default_name_format": "R{0}", + "disk0": 0, + "disk1": 0, + "exec_area": 64, + "idlemax": 500, + "idlepc": "", + "idlesleep": 30, + "image": "c2600-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25d.image", + "mac_addr": "", + "mmap": True, + "name": "Cisco c2600 template", + "iomem": 15, + "nvram": 128, + "platform": "c2600", + "chassis": "2651XM", + "private_config": "", + "ram": 160, + "sparsemem": True, + "startup_config": "ios_base_startup-config.txt", + "symbol": ":/symbols/router.svg", + "system_id": "FTX0945W0MY"} + + for item, value in expected_response.items(): + assert response.json.get(item) == value + + +def test_c2600_dynamips_template_create_wrong_chassis(http_controller): + + params = {"name": "Cisco c2600 template", + "platform": "c2600", + "chassis": "2660XM", + "compute_id": "local", + "image": "c2600-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25d.image", + "template_type": "dynamips"} + + response ="/templates", params) + assert response.status == 400 + + +def test_c1700_dynamips_template_create(http_controller): + + params = {"name": "Cisco c1700 template", + "platform": "c1700", + "chassis": "1760", + "compute_id": "local", + "image": "c1700-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25d.image", + "template_type": "dynamips"} + + response ="/templates", params) + assert response.status == 201 + assert response.json["template_id"] is not None + + expected_response = {"template_type": "dynamips", + "auto_delete_disks": False, + "builtin": False, + "category": "router", + "compute_id": "local", + "console_auto_start": False, + "console_type": "telnet", + "default_name_format": "R{0}", + "disk0": 0, + "disk1": 0, + "exec_area": 64, + "idlemax": 500, + "idlepc": "", + "idlesleep": 30, + "image": "c1700-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25d.image", + "mac_addr": "", + "mmap": True, + "name": "Cisco c1700 template", + "iomem": 15, + "nvram": 128, + "platform": "c1700", + "chassis": "1760", + "private_config": "", + "ram": 160, + "sparsemem": False, + "startup_config": "ios_base_startup-config.txt", + "symbol": ":/symbols/router.svg", + "system_id": "FTX0945W0MY"} + + for item, value in expected_response.items(): + assert response.json.get(item) == value + + +def test_c1700_dynamips_template_create_wrong_chassis(http_controller): + + params = {"name": "Cisco c1700 template", + "platform": "c1700", + "chassis": "1770", + "compute_id": "local", + "image": "c1700-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25d.image", + "template_type": "dynamips"} + + response ="/templates", params) + assert response.status == 400 + + +def test_dynamips_template_create_wrong_platform(http_controller): + + params = {"name": "Cisco c3900 template", + "platform": "c3900", + "compute_id": "local", + "image": "c3900-test.124-25d.image", + "template_type": "dynamips"} + + response ="/templates", params) + assert response.status == 400 + + +def test_iou_template_create(http_controller): + + params = {"name": "IOU template", + "compute_id": "local", + "path": "/path/to/i86bi_linux-ipbase-ms-12.4.bin", + "template_type": "iou"} + + response ="/templates", params, example=True) + assert response.status == 201 + assert response.json["template_id"] is not None + + expected_response = {"template_type": "iou", + "builtin": False, + "category": "router", + "compute_id": "local", + "console_auto_start": False, + "console_type": "telnet", + "default_name_format": "IOU{0}", + "ethernet_adapters": 2, + "name": "IOU template", + "nvram": 128, + "path": "/path/to/i86bi_linux-ipbase-ms-12.4.bin", + "private_config": "", + "ram": 256, + "serial_adapters": 2, + "startup_config": "iou_l3_base_startup-config.txt", + "symbol": ":/symbols/multilayer_switch.svg", + "use_default_iou_values": True, + "l1_keepalives": False} + + for item, value in expected_response.items(): + assert response.json.get(item) == value + + +def test_docker_template_create(http_controller): + + params = {"name": "Docker template", + "compute_id": "local", + "image": "gns3/endhost:latest", + "template_type": "docker"} + + response ="/templates", params) + assert response.status == 201 + assert response.json["template_id"] is not None + + expected_response = {"adapters": 1, + "template_type": "docker", + "builtin": False, + "category": "guest", + "compute_id": "local", + "console_auto_start": False, + "console_http_path": "/", + "console_http_port": 80, + "console_resolution": "1024x768", + "console_type": "telnet", + "default_name_format": "{name}-{0}", + "environment": "", + "extra_hosts": "", + "image": "gns3/endhost:latest", + "name": "Docker template", + "start_command": "", + "symbol": ":/symbols/docker_guest.svg", + "custom_adapters": []} + + for item, value in expected_response.items(): + assert response.json.get(item) == value + + +def test_qemu_template_create(http_controller): + + params = {"name": "Qemu template", + "compute_id": "local", + "platform": "i386", + "hda_disk_image": "IOSvL2-", + "ram": 512, + "template_type": "qemu"} + + response ="/templates", params, example=True) + assert response.status == 201 + assert response.json["template_id"] is not None + + expected_response = {"adapter_type": "e1000", + "adapters": 1, + "template_type": "qemu", + "bios_image": "", + "boot_priority": "c", + "builtin": False, + "category": "guest", + "cdrom_image": "", + "compute_id": "local", + "console_auto_start": False, + "console_type": "telnet", + "cpu_throttling": 0, + "cpus": 1, + "default_name_format": "{name}-{0}", + "first_port_name": "", + "hda_disk_image": "IOSvL2-", + "hda_disk_interface": "ide", + "hdb_disk_image": "", + "hdb_disk_interface": "ide", + "hdc_disk_image": "", + "hdc_disk_interface": "ide", + "hdd_disk_image": "", + "hdd_disk_interface": "ide", + "initrd": "", + "kernel_command_line": "", + "kernel_image": "", + "legacy_networking": False, + "linked_clone": True, + "mac_address": "", + "name": "Qemu template", + "on_close": "power_off", + "options": "", + "platform": "i386", + "port_name_format": "Ethernet{0}", + "port_segment_size": 0, + "process_priority": "normal", + "qemu_path": "", + "ram": 512, + "symbol": ":/symbols/qemu_guest.svg", + "usage": "", + "custom_adapters": []} + + for item, value in expected_response.items(): + assert response.json.get(item) == value + + +def test_vmware_template_create(http_controller): + + params = {"name": "VMware template", + "compute_id": "local", + "template_type": "vmware", + "vmx_path": "/path/to/vm.vmx"} + + response ="/templates", params) + assert response.status == 201 + assert response.json["template_id"] is not None + + expected_response = {"adapter_type": "e1000", + "adapters": 1, + "template_type": "vmware", + "builtin": False, + "category": "guest", + "compute_id": "local", + "console_auto_start": False, + "console_type": "none", + "default_name_format": "{name}-{0}", + "first_port_name": "", + "headless": False, + "linked_clone": False, + "name": "VMware template", + "on_close": "power_off", + "port_name_format": "Ethernet{0}", + "port_segment_size": 0, + "symbol": ":/symbols/vmware_guest.svg", + "use_any_adapter": False, + "vmx_path": "/path/to/vm.vmx", + "custom_adapters": []} + + for item, value in expected_response.items(): + assert response.json.get(item) == value + + +def test_virtualbox_template_create(http_controller): + + params = {"name": "VirtualBox template", + "compute_id": "local", + "template_type": "virtualbox", + "vmname": "My VirtualBox VM"} + + response ="/templates", params) + assert response.status == 201 + assert response.json["template_id"] is not None + + expected_response = {"adapter_type": "Intel PRO/1000 MT Desktop (82540EM)", + "adapters": 1, + "template_type": "virtualbox", + "builtin": False, + "category": "guest", + "compute_id": "local", + "console_auto_start": False, + "console_type": "none", + "default_name_format": "{name}-{0}", + "first_port_name": "", + "headless": False, + "linked_clone": False, + "name": "VirtualBox template", + "on_close": "power_off", + "port_name_format": "Ethernet{0}", + "port_segment_size": 0, + "ram": 256, + "symbol": ":/symbols/vbox_guest.svg", + "use_any_adapter": False, + "vmname": "My VirtualBox VM", + "custom_adapters": []} + + for item, value in expected_response.items(): + assert response.json.get(item) == value + +def test_vpcs_template_create(http_controller): + + params = {"name": "VPCS template", + "compute_id": "local", + "template_type": "vpcs"} + + response ="/templates", params) + assert response.status == 201 + assert response.json["template_id"] is not None + + expected_response = {"template_type": "vpcs", + "base_script_file": "vpcs_base_config.txt", + "builtin": False, + "category": "guest", + "compute_id": "local", + "console_auto_start": False, + "console_type": "telnet", + "default_name_format": "PC{0}", + "name": "VPCS template", + "symbol": ":/symbols/vpcs_guest.svg"} + + for item, value in expected_response.items(): + assert response.json.get(item) == value + +def test_ethernet_switch_template_create(http_controller): + + params = {"name": "Ethernet switch template", + "compute_id": "local", + "template_type": "ethernet_switch"} + + response ="/templates", params) + assert response.status == 201 + assert response.json["template_id"] is not None + + expected_response = {"template_type": "ethernet_switch", + "builtin": False, + "category": "switch", + "compute_id": "local", + "console_type": "telnet", + "default_name_format": "Switch{0}", + "name": "Ethernet switch template", + "ports_mapping": [{"ethertype": "", + "name": "Ethernet0", + "port_number": 0, + "type": "access", + "vlan": 1 + }, + {"ethertype": "", + "name": "Ethernet1", + "port_number": 1, + "type": "access", + "vlan": 1 + }, + {"ethertype": "", + "name": "Ethernet2", + "port_number": 2, + "type": "access", + "vlan": 1 + }, + {"ethertype": "", + "name": "Ethernet3", + "port_number": 3, + "type": "access", + "vlan": 1 + }, + {"ethertype": "", + "name": "Ethernet4", + "port_number": 4, + "type": "access", + "vlan": 1 + }, + {"ethertype": "", + "name": "Ethernet5", + "port_number": 5, + "type": "access", + "vlan": 1 + }, + {"ethertype": "", + "name": "Ethernet6", + "port_number": 6, + "type": "access", + "vlan": 1 + }, + {"ethertype": "", + "name": "Ethernet7", + "port_number": 7, + "type": "access", + "vlan": 1 + }], + "symbol": ":/symbols/ethernet_switch.svg"} + + for item, value in expected_response.items(): + assert response.json.get(item) == value + + +def test_cloud_template_create(http_controller): + + params = {"name": "Cloud template", + "compute_id": "local", + "template_type": "cloud"} + + response ="/templates", params) + assert response.status == 201 + assert response.json["template_id"] is not None + + expected_response = {"template_type": "cloud", + "builtin": False, + "category": "guest", + "compute_id": "local", + "default_name_format": "Cloud{0}", + "name": "Cloud template", + "symbol": ":/symbols/cloud.svg"} + + for item, value in expected_response.items(): + assert response.json.get(item) == value + + +def test_ethernet_hub_template_create(http_controller): + + params = {"name": "Ethernet hub template", + "compute_id": "local", + "template_type": "ethernet_hub"} + + response ="/templates", params) + assert response.status == 201 + assert response.json["template_id"] is not None + + expected_response = {"ports_mapping": [{"port_number": 0, + "name": "Ethernet0" + }, + {"port_number": 1, + "name": "Ethernet1" + }, + {"port_number": 2, + "name": "Ethernet2" + }, + {"port_number": 3, + "name": "Ethernet3" + }, + {"port_number": 4, + "name": "Ethernet4" + }, + {"port_number": 5, + "name": "Ethernet5" + }, + {"port_number": 6, + "name": "Ethernet6" + }, + {"port_number": 7, + "name": "Ethernet7" + }], + "compute_id": "local", + "name": "Ethernet hub template", + "symbol": ":/symbols/hub.svg", + "default_name_format": "Hub{0}", + "template_type": "ethernet_hub", + "category": "switch", + "builtin": False} + + for item, value in expected_response.items(): + assert response.json.get(item) == value + + +@pytest.fixture +def compute(http_controller, async_run): + compute = MagicMock() + = "" + = "" + Controller.instance()._computes = {"": compute} + return compute + + +@pytest.fixture +def project(http_controller, async_run): + return async_run(Controller.instance().add_project(name="Test")) + + +def test_create_node_from_template(http_controller, controller, project, compute): + + id = str(uuid.uuid4()) + controller._templates = {id: Template(id, { + "template_type": "qemu", + "category": 0, + "name": "test", + "symbol": "guest.svg", + "default_name_format": "{name}-{0}", + "compute_id": "" + })} + with asyncio_patch("gns3server.controller.project.Project.add_node_from_template") as mock: + response ="/projects/{}/templates/{}".format(, id), { + "x": 42, + "y": 12 + }) + mock.assert_called_with(id, x=42, y=12, compute_id=None) + assert response.route == "/projects/{project_id}/templates/{template_id}" + assert response.status == 201
Name Mandatory Type Description
auto_close boolean Project auto close
grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area
drawing_grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area for drawings
grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area for nodes
name ['string', 'null'] Project name
path ['string', 'null'] Project directory
project_id ['string', 'null'] Project UUID
auto_close boolean Project auto close when client cut off the notifications feed
auto_open boolean Project open when GNS3 start
auto_start boolean Project start when opened
drawing_grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area for drawings
filename ['string', 'null'] Project filename
grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area
grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area for nodes
name ['string', 'null'] Project name
path ['string', 'null'] Project directory
project_id string Project UUID
auto_close boolean Project auto close when client cut off the notifications feed
auto_open boolean Project open when GNS3 start
auto_start boolean Project start when opened
drawing_grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area for drawings
filename ['string', 'null'] Project filename
grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area
grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area for nodes
name ['string', 'null'] Project name
path ['string', 'null'] Project directory
project_id string Project UUID
auto_close boolean Project auto close when client cut off the notifications feed
auto_open boolean Project open when GNS3 start
auto_start boolean Project start when opened
drawing_grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area for drawings
filename ['string', 'null'] Project filename
grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area
grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area for nodes
name ['string', 'null'] Project name
path ['string', 'null'] Project directory
project_id string Project UUID
auto_close boolean Project auto close when client cut off the notifications feed
auto_open boolean Project open when GNS3 start
auto_start boolean Project start when opened
drawing_grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area for drawings
filename ['string', 'null'] Project filename
grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area
grid_size integer Grid size for the drawing area for nodes
name ['string', 'null'] Project name
path ['string', 'null'] Project directory
project_id string Project UUID