{ "name": "PA-VM", "category": "firewall", "description": "The VM-Series combines next-generation firewall security and advanced threat prevention to protect your virtualized environments from advanced cyberthreats. The VM-Series natively analyzes all traffic in a single pass to determine the application identity, the content within, and the user identity.", "vendor_name": "Palo Alto Networks", "vendor_url": "http://www.paloaltonetworks.com/", "documentation_url": "https://www.paloaltonetworks.com/documentation/80/virtualization/virtualization", "product_name": "PAN VM-Series Firewall", "product_url": "https://www.paloaltonetworks.com/products/secure-the-network/virtualized-next-generation-firewall/vm-series", "registry_version": 1, "status": "experimental", "maintainer": "Community", "maintainer_email": "", "usage": "Default Username: admin\r\nDefault Password: admin\r\nPAN-VM goes through several iterations of host prompts during boot. This is normal and expected.\r\nLogin is available when prompt is PA-VM login:\r\n\r\nGetting Started:\r\nTo configure a static IP address at the console enter the following commands:\r\n\r\nconfigure\r\nset deviceconfig system ip-address netmask default-gateway type static\r\nset deviceconfig system dns-setting servers primary secondary \r\ncommit\r\n", "symbol": ":/symbols/asa.svg", "first_port_name": "management", "port_name_format": "ethernet1/{port1}", "qemu": { "cpus": 2, "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", "adapters": 25, "ram": 4096, "arch": "x86_64", "console_type": "telnet", "hda_disk_interface": "virtio", "kvm": "require" }, "images": [ { "filename": "PA-VM-KVM-7.1.0.qcow2", "version": "7.1.0", "md5sum": "da300253709740068927408239c2e321", "filesize": 1858797568, "download_url": "https://support.paloaltonetworks.com/Updates/SoftwareUpdates/" } ], "versions": [ { "name": "7.1.0", "images": { "hda_disk_image": "PA-VM-KVM-7.1.0.qcow2" } } ] }