{ "name": "Ostinato", "category": "guest", "description": "Ostinato is an open-source, cross-platform network packet crafter/traffic generator and analyzer with a friendly GUI. Craft and send packets of several streams with different protocols at different rates.", "vendor_name": "Ostinato", "vendor_url": "http://ostinato.org/", "documentation_url": "http://ostinato.org/docs.html", "product_name": "Ostinato", "product_url": "http://ostinato.org/", "registry_version": 1, "status": "experimental", "maintainer": "Bernhard Ehlers", "maintainer_email": "be@bernhard-ehlers.de", "usage": "Use interfaces starting with eth1 as traffic interfaces, eth0 is only for the (optional) management of the server/drone.", "port_name_format": "eth{0}", "qemu": { "adapter_type": "e1000", "adapters": 4, "ram": 256, "arch": "i386", "console_type": "vnc", "options": "-vga std -usbdevice tablet" }, "images": [ { "filename": "ostinato-0.7.1-2.qcow2", "version": "0.7.1", "md5sum": "68895c56addf4a9ce0f2db9c9ed288d2", "filesize": 56295424, "download_url": "http://www.bernhard-ehlers.de/projects/ostinato4gns3/index.html", "direct_download_url": "http://www.bernhard-ehlers.de/projects/ostinato4gns3/ostinato-0.7.1-2.qcow2" } ], "versions": [ { "name": "0.7.1", "images": { "hda_disk_image": "ostinato-0.7.1-2.qcow2" } } ] }