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synced 2025-03-02 21:08:47 +00:00
The former implementation did not internally track ROM changes notified vs. delivered to the client. We adapt the versioning implementation implemented in dynamic_rom_session.h and enable explicit notification of the current version. The feature is used by the clipboard to notify permitted readers of the clipboard ROM service on focus change via the newly created private Rom::Module::_notify_permitted_readers() function. Fixes #4274
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* \brief ROM service
* \author Norman Feske
* \date 2014-01-11
* Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
/* Genode includes */
#include <util/arg_string.h>
#include <util/xml_node.h>
#include <rom_session/rom_session.h>
#include <root/component.h>
#include <report_rom/rom_registry.h>
namespace Rom {
class Session_component;
class Module_name_fn;
class Root;
using Genode::Xml_node;
class Rom::Session_component : public Genode::Rpc_object<Genode::Rom_session>,
public Reader
Genode::Ram_allocator &_ram;
Genode::Region_map &_rm;
Registry_for_reader &_registry;
Genode::Session_label const _label;
Readable_module &_module;
Readable_module &_init_module(Genode::Session_label const &label)
try { return _registry.lookup(*this, label.string()); }
catch (Registry_for_reader::Lookup_failed) {
throw Genode::Service_denied(); }
Constructible<Genode::Attached_ram_dataspace> _ds { };
* Size of content delivered to the client
* Zero-sized content means invalidated ROM state was delivered to the
* client.
size_t _content_size = 0;
Genode::Signal_context_capability _sigh { };
* Keep track of the last version handed out to the client (at the
* time of the last 'Rom_session::update' RPC call, and the newest
* version that is available. If the client version is out of date
* when the client registers a signal handler, submit a signal
* immediately.
unsigned _current_version = 0, _client_version = 0;
void _notify_client()
if (_sigh.valid() && (_current_version != _client_version))
Session_component(Genode::Ram_allocator &ram, Genode::Region_map &rm,
Registry_for_reader ®istry,
Genode::Session_label const &label)
_ram(ram), _rm(rm),
_registry(registry), _label(label), _module(_init_module(label))
{ }
_registry.release(*this, _module);
Genode::Session_label label() const { return _label; }
Genode::Rom_dataspace_capability dataspace() override
using namespace Genode;
/* replace dataspace by new one */
/* XXX we could keep the old dataspace if the size fits */
_ds.construct(_ram, _rm, _module.size());
/* fill dataspace content with report contained in module */
_content_size =
_module.read_content(*this, _ds->local_addr<char>(), _ds->size());
_client_version = _current_version;
/* cast RAM into ROM dataspace capability */
Dataspace_capability ds_cap = static_cap_cast<Dataspace>(_ds->cap());
return static_cap_cast<Rom_dataspace>(ds_cap);
bool update() override
if (!_ds.constructed() || _module.size() > _ds->size())
return false;
size_t const new_content_size =
_module.read_content(*this, _ds->local_addr<char>(), _ds->size());
/* clear difference between old and new content */
if (new_content_size < _content_size)
Genode::memset(_ds->local_addr<char>() + new_content_size, 0,
_content_size - new_content_size);
_content_size = new_content_size;
_client_version = _current_version;
return true;
void sigh(Genode::Signal_context_capability sigh) override
_sigh = sigh;
* Notify client initially to enforce a client-side ROM update.
* Otherwise, a server-side ROM update between session creation and
* signal-handler registration would go unnoticed.
* Reader interface
void mark_as_outdated() override { _current_version++; }
* Reader interface
void mark_as_invalidated() override
/* increase version only if we delivered valid content last */
if (_content_size > 0)
* Reader interface
void notify_client() override { _notify_client(); }
class Rom::Root : public Genode::Root_component<Session_component>
Genode::Env &_env;
Registry_for_reader &_registry;
Session_component *_create_session(const char *args) override
using namespace Genode;
return new (md_alloc())
Session_component(_env.ram(), _env.rm(), _registry, label_from_args(args));
Root(Genode::Env &env,
Genode::Allocator &md_alloc,
Registry_for_reader ®istry)
Genode::Root_component<Session_component>(&env.ep().rpc_ep(), &md_alloc),
_env(env), _registry(registry)
{ }