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Release notes for the Genode OS Framework 16.05
Genode Labs
After ten years of developing and refining the Genode OS Framework and
conducting countless experiments, it is time to condense the gathered body of
experience into a fundamentally revised API. Version 16.05 marks the most
profound API change in the project's history. The underlying motivation is to
reduce complexity while preserving the flexibility of the framework. With a
narrow and orthogonal API, components become easier to develop, to evaluate,
and to maintain. The second motivation is our aspiration to ultimately attain
a stable binary interface that works across different kernels. The new API is
a significant step in this direction.
Section [The great API renovation] presents the rationale behind these changes,
and outlines the steps for migrating to the new API. It is complemented by
technical details given in Section [Base framework] and a comprehensive
documentation update (Section [New revision of the Genode Foundations book]).
The second focus of the current release is the update of Genode's arsenal
of device drivers, in particular the driver stacks ported from Linux. Those
drivers comprise the Intel wireless stack, the Intel graphics driver, the
Linux TCP/IP stack, and the Linux USB stack. Genode scenarios can now take
advantage of the
same drivers as modern Linux distributions based on the Linux kernel version
4.4.3. Furthermore, the audio driver ported from OpenBSD received an update.
Section [Device drivers] describes this line of work in detail. The
device-driver topic is nicely complemented with a greatly improved ACPI
support presented in Section [Enhanced ACPI support].
With respect to the framework's feature set, version 16.05 introduces
the ability to use the Rust programming language for Genode components
(Section [New support for the Rust programming language]), and allows the
GNU debugger to be used on top of 64-bit NOVA
(Section [Enhanced GDB support on NOVA]).
According to the [https://genode.org/about/road-map - road map], we originally
planned a few more functional additions that did not make it into the
release. Even through the work on the package-management topic
[https://github.com/nfeske/genode-pkg - progresses], we are still at an
experimental stage. We decided to defer the work on the NAT component and
instead focused on improvements of the base-hw kernel
(Section [Execution on bare hardware (base-hw)]) that are highly anticipated
by the developers of the Muen separation kernel. Speaking of
[https://muen.sk - Muen], the support for running Genode on this kernel has
reached the state where Virtualbox can be executed inside a Muen partition.
However, we decided to not rush the integration of this feature into Genode's
mainline. Right now, it still resides on a topic branch. If you are eager to
try it out right now, please get in touch via the
[https://genode.org/community/mailing-lists - mailing list].
The great API renovation
Genode's base API evolved over the years. When we started in 2006, our mindset
was very much influenced by L4, which regarded synchronous IPC as the only
mechanism required. We used to implement components ("servers") in a procedural
programming style with a fully synchronous control flow within
and across components (IPC).
We eventually realized that the restriction to synchronous IPC was misguided
(see Section 3.6.2. "Asynchronous notifications" in
[https://genode.org/documentation/genode-foundations-16-05.pdf - the Genode Foundations book]
for a detailed discussion of the problems).
When we started to embrace the use of asynchronous
notifications and to disregard blocking RPC between components, we found
ourselves designing components as state machines rather than procedural
programs. To promote this programming style, we introduced the so-called
server API (_os/server.h_). See
[https://github.com/genodelabs/genode/blob/master/repos/os/src/server/nic_loopback/main.cc - NIC loopback server]
for a canonical example of such a component.
We found that this new style greatly increased the robustness and flexibility
of the components. In particular, it completely alleviates race conditions,
which constantly troubled us in the past. Now, following the new paradigm, we
may end up in a deadlock, but such a situation is easy to debug compared to
sporadic race conditions. Over the past two years, we have redesigned all
Genode session interfaces to avoid blocking RPC. The only remains are the
parent and root interfaces, which we still need to address.
Still, the Genode API retained compatibility to the old (= wrong) style of
developing components. We take the current release as an opportunity to
finally clean the API from our past mistakes.
High-level overview of the changes
Removal of side effects
Up to now, most components rely on the globally available 'Genode::env()'
singleton object for interacting with its environment. When calling a function
or method, one never knows for sure if the called code interacts with the
'env'. E.g., we can simply create an instance of 'Timer::Connection' without
any arguments. Under the hood, the 'Connection' object accesses the 'env' to
open a timer session at the parent. In the spirit of capability-based
security, we should shun the reliance on side effects like the global 'env'.
Instead, we should pass all materials that are needed by the called code
explicitly to the called code (e.g., by passing a reference to a 'Parent &' as
argument). This way, someone inspecting the calling code can immediately see
the possible reach of the called code. Another prominent example is the latent
use of 'env()->heap()', which allows any code to arbitrary consume memory.
Instead, we should better pass an 'Allocator &' to the called code. This way,
we re-enforce that library code stays clean from the policy where memory is
allocated from. If no 'Allocator &' is passed, we know that no dynamic memory
allocation can be performed. If an 'Allocator &' is required, the called code
needs to explain (in the form of its documentation) why the allocator is
actually needed. Moreover, by passing an 'Allocator_guard', the calling code
can impose a limit of the memory consumption on the called code.
Component API
Traditionally, components started their execution at a 'main' function
because, well, this is how it's supposed to be, right? The program exits as
soon as main returns. With the introduction of the server API mentioned above,
we explored a different approach: The execution of a component starts at a
'construct' function that takes a form of the Genode environment as argument.
The function is expected to initialize the component. Upon completion of the
initialization, the function returns. At this point, the component becomes
ready to respond to incoming RPC requests or signals. Each time such a
request/signal comes in, a handler is executed. The handler applies the
component-internal state changes and returns immediately. No blocking call is
performed. We have essentially a state machine.
Over the past two years, we have applied this new approach to all new
components - to a great success. So it is time to promote this API to become
Genode's base API. The major benefits are:
* Servers become easier to develop as the API is much simpler.
Previously, a server had to manually create a CAP connection and an RPC
entrypoint. Now, each component has a ready-to-use entrypoint.
* Signals and RPC requests are handled in the context of the same thread,
which alleviates the need for locking as long as the component is single
threaded, which is actually the case for most components.
* The notions of 'Thread', 'Signal_receiver', 'Rpc_entrypoint' are no longer
needed by the developer of a component. There is simply an 'Entrypoint',
which is able to handle both RPC requests and signals.
Shunning pointers
The Genode API has still a lot of places where pointers are taken as arguments
or exposed from objects. We didn't know better when we started with Genode.
Now we do. With the current release, we streamline the base API in this
respect. Just as one simple example, the 'Heap' used to take an RM-session
pointer and an RAM-session pointer as arguments. These should be references.
Pointers should be used only in situations where a nullptr is a reasonable
argument, or when dealing with string literals as 'char const *'.
We are not there yet
Whereas we find designing an API that successfully strikes the balance between the
lowest possible API complexity and highest possible flexibility extremely
challenging, we find ourselves even more challenged with the execution of the
transition from one API to another. The order of steps must be planned carefully
and interim solutions must be designed as migration paths. We hope that the
current release does not induce too much pain for the users of the framework.
Wherever we found a way to smoothen the migration path, we took it. But there
are a few disruptive changes that are explained in detail in Section [Base
There are still a few loose ends that we will address in the subsequent
release, in particular the redesign of the parent interface to become
completely asynchronous.
New revision of the Genode Foundations book
The profound changes of the Genode API prompted us to update the Genode
Foundations book accordingly. Whereas the principle architecture remained
unchanged, many details needed an adjustment.
The changes between the last year's edition and the current revision are:
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: <p>
: <div style="clear: both; float: left; margin-right:20px;">
: <a class="internal-link" href="https://genode.org">
: <img class="image-inline" src="http://genode.org/documentation/genode-foundations-title.png">
: </a>
: </div>
: </p>
* Consolidation and interface changes of core services
* Architectural changes related to the management of virtual-memory regions
(region maps),
* Updated functional specification matching the new API
(e.g., 'Entrypoint', 'Env', 'Component', 'Thread', log API, IPC),
* Updated NOVA modifications and limitations
(kernel-memory quotas, remote unmap, 64-bit guests, write-combining),
* Label-dependent session routing / policy selection
: <div class="visualClear"><!-- --></div>
To see the changes in detail, please refer to the book's
[https://github.com/nfeske/genode-manual/commits/master - revision history].
As another useful resource to get acquainted with the new API,
please also consider the
[https://genode.org/documentation/developer-resources/client_server_tutorial - updated client-server tutorial].
API migration guide
In the current release we promote the former "server API" to the general
"component API", which should solely be used for new components. The old API
is now considered as deprecated. This short guide provides the list of
steps one has to take to adapt an existing server-API-style component to the
new API.
The steps are as follows:
# Replace include directives
The 'Server' namespace is superseded by the 'Component' namespace and the
'Entrypoint' class has moved to the Genode namespace. Therefore, instead
of including the _os/server.h_ header, the _base/component.h_ header must
be included.
# Replace server definition
Where the old API used the Server hook functions
!char const *Server::name() { return "server_ep"; }
!size_t Server::stack_size() { return 8*1024*sizeof(long); }
!void Server::construct(Entrypoint &ep) { static Main main(ep); }
the new API uses the Component hook functions
!size_t Component::stack_size() { return 8*1024*sizeof(long); }
!void Component::construct(Genode::Env &env) { static Main main(env); }
Note that the 'name()' function ceased to exist.
# Use 'Env' reference
Whereas the old API passes a reference to an 'Entrypoint', the new API
passes a reference of the 'Genode::Env' to the component's 'construct'
The initial entrypoint of the component can be accessed through the 'Env'
reference by calling the 'ep()' method. As intermediate step while doing the
migration work, it is sufficient to call this method in the 'construct()'
method, e.g.:
!void Component::construct(Genode::Env &env) { static Main main(env.ep()); }
# Replace 'Signal_rpc_member'
The 'Signal_rpc_member' class is considered deprecated and superseded by the
'Signal_handler' class (see _base/signal.h_). Note that the actual
signal-handling method as passed to a 'Signal_handler' has no argument, as
opposed to the old API where the handler was called with a counter value.
# Replace global 'Genode::env()' accessor
The most cutting change is the discontinuation of the global 'Genode::env()'
accessor function. Typically, this accessor was used throughout a component
to access its environment, e.g. use 'Genode::env()->heap()' as allocator or
'Genode::env()->rm_session()->attach()' to attach a dataspace.
Since a component starts its life now at the execution of the 'construct'
function, the component has to pass a reference to its 'Env' interface or
rather a reference to the needed part of the 'Env' interface on. This
explicit way of handling access to the component's environment will require
a restructuring of the component. It is good practice to focus on the need
at hand rather than to always pass the 'Env' reference on. On that account,
it is important to note that the 'Rm_session' is no longer accessible and
its place is taken by the 'Region_map'. Where one would have called
'env()->rm_session()->attach' to attach a given dataspace,
'env.rm().attach' has now to be used.
Furthermore, the global heap allocator object was removed. Components that
want to use a heap like allocator have to create such an allocator
!Genode::Heap heap { &env.ram(), &env.rm() };
# Use new log facilities
Instead of relying on the old print macros (PDBG, PERR, PINF, PLOG, PWRN)
and thereby 'Genode::printf()', a component should use the new 'Log' class to
produce diagnostic LOG output. There are a few convenient template functions,
namely 'Genode::error()', 'Genode::log()' and 'Genode::warning()' that can be
used. Note that these functions do not use a format string to print various
different data types but just a list of arguments, e.g.:
!int const i = 42;
!char const * str = "world";
!Genode::log("Hello ", str, "! ", i);
produces 'Hello world! 42'.
Note that certain data types, e.g. 'enum' and 'char', might have to be
casted, e.g.:
!enum { FOO, BAR };
!Genode::log("enum: ", (int)FOO, " ", (int)BAR);
Base framework
New component API
Each component is a composition of a protection domain (PD session), a
memory budget (RAM session), and a CPU session, from which the initial thread
is created. These sessions form the _environment_ of the component, which is
represented by the 'Env' interface class (_base/env.h_). The environment is
provided to the component as argument to the 'Component::construct'
(_base/component.h_) function.
:deprecated global 'env()' accessor function:
During the migration phase to the new API, the 'Genode::env()' is still
available. But it will ultimately vanish from the API.
Each component is equipped with an initial 'Entrypoint' (_base/entrypoint.h_)
that is accessible via 'Env::ep()'. Each entrypoint is able to respond to
both RPC requests and signals. The 'Component::construct' function is
executed in the context of the entrypoint. None of the entrypoint's RPC
objects or signal handlers will be called before returning from the
'Component::construct' function.
:deprecated 'Rpc_entrypoint':
The 'Rpc_entrypoint' should no longer be used by components directly.
Internally, the 'Entrypoint' is still using an 'Rpc_entrypoint' as
underlying mechanism for now, but the 'Rpc_entrypoint' will eventually
be removed from the API.
:deprecated _os/signal_rpc_dispatcher.h_:
The former 'Signal_rpc_member' is superseded by the new 'Signal_handler'
Signal-handling methods receive no longer a signal counter value as
arguments as there haven't been any convincing use cases for this
feature. In the contrary, it actually led to wrong design choices in the
past where the rate of signals carried information (such as the progress
of time) that should better be obtained via an explicit RPC call.
:deprecated connection constructors without 'Env' argument:
To eliminate the reliance on the deprecated global 'env()', all connection
objects have to take a reference to the component's environment as
argument. The original constructors are marked as deprecated. Once we have
completely abolished the use of the global 'env()', we will remove them.
Consolidation of core's SIGNAL, CAP, RM, and PD services
With the new API, each component implicitly requires a session to core's CAP
service (to be able to handle RPC requests by the entrypoint) and a session to
the SIGNAL service (to dispatch signals by the entrypoint). Therefore, the
separation of these services serves no purpose any longer. To simplify the
API, the former SIGNAL, CAP, RM, and PD services are now integrated into the
PD service. This change has several benefits:
* It reduces the API complexity,
* It reduces the component-startup costs because only one session must
be created instead of four.
* It reduces policy with respect to the dimensioning of the various
session quotas.
In order to unify the API across all different base platforms, the PD
session interface contains no kernel-specific parts any longer. There
is now a dedicated sub interface called 'Native_pd' that accommodates
such needs. A capability to this kernel-specific interface can by
requested via the 'Pd_session::native_pd' accessor method. The kernel-specific
interfaces are named 'Nova_native_pd', 'Foc_native_pd', and 'Linux_native_pd'.
:deprecated _cap_session_:
With the integration of the CAP service into the PD service, the CAP session
interface ceased to exist. However, there are still old-style components
that manually create a 'Cap_connection' to be passed as argument to an
'Rpc_entrypoint'. To avoid breaking those components, we keep a pseudo
'Cap_connection' around. But the implementation does not actually create
a session but merely returns the PD session interface of the component,
which coincidentally matches the argument type of the 'Rpc_entrypoint'.
:new _region maps_ replace former RM sessions:
The functionality of the former RM sessions has moved to the region-map
interface, which is an RPC interface but not a session.
Each PD session contains 3 region maps, one for the entire virtual
address space, one for the stack area (formerly called thread-context
area), and one for the linker area. The new RM service is merely
responsible for the provisioning of managed dataspaces but is no longer
used by regular components.
As a minor refinement, the 'Fault_type' enum values are now part of the
'Region_map::State' struct.
New log-output facilities
Throughout Genode, we used to rely on C-style format strings for the output of
diagnostic information and for the assembly of strings. There are many
shortcomings of this approach such as the limitation of the printable types to
the built-in format-string specifiers, the lack of type safety, and the
mismatch between the implementation and the intuitive expectations by the API
users (who usually expect POSIX compliance).
With the current release, we introduce the new log-output facility _base/log.h_
that will ultimately replace the original set of convenience macros PDBG,
PWRN, PERR, PINF by C++ function templates using variadic template arguments.
The function templates are plainly called 'log', 'error', and 'warning'
residing in the 'Genode::' namespace. The replacement for 'PDBG' must be a
macro in order to encode the calling function name into the string. As of now,
this functionality is not yet covered by _base/log.h_.
The header _base/output.h_ contains the mechanics for the extraction of a textual
representation from values and object instances. It provides the abstract
'Output' interface to be implemented by a consumer of text.
Functions for generating output for different types are named 'print' and
take an 'Output &' as first argument. The second argument is a 'const &'
to the value to print. Overloads of the 'print' function for commonly
used basic types are readily provided. The following example illustrates how
'print' functions for custom types may be used.
! enum Test_state { STATE_0, STATE_1 };
! static void print(Genode::Output &output, Test_state const &state)
! {
! switch (state) {
! case STATE_0: output.out_string("STATE_0"); break;
! case STATE_1: output.out_string("STATE_1"); break;
! }
! }
! ...
! Test_state state;
! state = STATE_0; Genode::log("test: ", state, " = ", (int)state);
! state = STATE_1; Genode::log("test: ", state, " = ", (int)state);
Furthermore, there is a function template that is used if none of the
type-specific overloads match. This function template expects the argument to
be an object with a 'print' method. In contrast to a plain 'print' function
overload, such a method is able to incorporate private object state into the
The component's execution environment provides an implementation of the
'Output' interface that targets a LOG session. This output back end is
offered to the component in the form of the 'log', 'warning', and 'error'
functions that accept an arbitrary number of arguments that are printed
in a concatenated fashion. Each messages is implicitly finalized with a
newline character.
:deprecated _base/printf.h_, _base/console.h_, and _base/snprintf.h_:
The goal of the new output facilities is the complete removal of format
strings from the Genode API. Hence, the listed headers should be
XML processing
Since the first version, Genode's init component relied on configurations in
an XML-like syntax. For a long time, however, we remained hesitant to make the
base system (core and the base API) inherently dependent on XML. For the most
part, this hesitance was founded on our observation that XML tends to be
disliked in systems-programmers circles. However, over the years, XML
organically became the predominant syntax for component configuration as well
as for the propagation of state between components. Whereas the syntactical
merits of XML are highly subjective and perhaps debatable, the beauty of using
XML within Genode lies in its consistent application. For example, it allows
us to naturally embed a component configuration in another component's
configuration without even thinking about it. Much of Genode's flexibility
that we enjoy today can be attributed to this coherency. Granted, this
argument would apply just as well to alternatives such as JSON or
s-expressions. But we have to take one choice and stick to it.
Whereas we found that XML satisfies our needs and actually never stands
in the way, the impact on the code complexity is negligibly. Our XML parsing
and generating utilities are in the order of 700 lines of code.
With this perspective, we take now the deliberate decision to make XML mandatory
for even the lowest-level parts of the framework. For example, even the
dynamic linker obtains the policy for diagnostic output from an XML-formatted
configuration. Consequently, we moved the XML utilities to
To ease the use of the XML parsing utilities, we also added the accessors
'Xml_node::type' and 'Xml_attribute::name' that return 'Genode::String'
:changed constructor of 'Reporter':
One prominent use of XML is the reporting of state information from
components to a report service. Most components facilitate the
'Genode::Reporter' for this job. Originally, the report name was used
implicitly as the top-level XML node type of the report. This is inconvenient
if one component needs to generate various XML reports under various names
(e.g., to steer consumers/clients slightly differently) but with the same XML
node tree structure. To accommodate those needs, the 'Reporter' now takes the XML
node type and the report label as two distinct arguments.
Dataspace helpers
The use of dataspaces, e.g., for setting up shared memory between components,
involves typical sequences of operations, e.g., for attaching the dataspace to
the local address space. The 'Attached_*_dataspace'
utilities located at _os/include/os/_ take care of these technicalities.
With the current release, we promote them to become part of the base API.
Thereby, we can leverage those utilities even for the lowest-level
components and internally within the framework. On that account, the
corresponding header files were moved to _base/include/base/_.
:changed constructors of 'Attached_*_dataspace' utilities:
Originally, the dataspace utilities relied on side effects via the
'Genode::env()' accessor. To break away from this bad practice, the
new versions have constructors that take all needed resources as explicit
arguments. The original constructors are scheduled for removal.
The most common use case of 'Attached_rom_dataspace' is the consumption
of XML-formatted data. To accommodate this common pattern, we equipped
the 'Attached_rom_dataspace' with an accessor plainly named 'xml'.
It always returns a valid 'Xml_node' even in the event
where the dataspace is invalid or contains no XML. In such cases, the returned
XML node is '<empty/>'. This way, we spare the caller the handling of
exceptions that may occur during XML parsing.
With this change in place, a configuration attribute can be obtained as follows:
!Genode::Attached_rom_dataspace config(env, "config");
!bool const verbose = config.xml().attribute_value("verbose", false);
:deprecated _os/config.h_:
Since it has become so easy to consume XML from ROM sessions, the role of the
former 'Genode::config()' interface has become largely obsolete. In line
with our goal to eliminate global side effects, the _os/config.h_ has
become deprecated.
Thread API and CPU-session interface
The thread API and the CPU-session interface underwent a major revision.
CPU session interface
:Assigning threads to a PD at their creation time:
We replaced the former 'Pd_session::bind_thread' method by a
PD-capability argument of the 'Cpu_session::create_thread' method, and
removed the ancient thread-start protocol via 'Rm_session::add_client' and
'Cpu_session::set_pager'. Threads are now bound to PDs at their creation
time and implicitly paged according to the address space of the PD.
:New 'Cpu_session::Weight' type:
The new type replaces a formerly used plain integer value to prevent the
accidental mix-up of arguments.
The enum definition of 'Cpu_session::DEFAULT_WEIGHT' moved to
:Separation of platform-specific operations from generic CPU session:
The CPU session interface has been unified across all platforms. The
former differences were moved to respective "native-CPU" interfaces
analogously to how the 'Native_pd' interface is separated from the
'Pd_session' interface.
:Separation of thread operations from CPU session:
The former CPU-session interface contained a number of operations
that took a thread capability as first argument. Those thread-manipulation
operations are now accessible as RPC functions on the thread capability
A noteworthy semantic change is the meaning of the former
'exception_handler' RPC function, which used to define both the default
exception handler or a thread-specific signal handler. Now, the
'Cpu_session::exception_sigh' function defines the CPU-session-wide
default handler whereas the 'Cpu_thread::exception_sigh' function
defines the thread-specific one.
Thread API
Most regular components no longer need to use the thread API directly.
Instead, the 'Entrypoint' (which is a thread) should be used whenever possible.
:removed details from _base/thread.h_:
We moved the details about the stack allocation and organization from the
public API to framework-internal headers and replaced the notion of
"thread contexts" by "stacks" as this term is more intuitive.
:renamed and removed classes, new constructors:
The former 'Thread<>' class template has been renamed to
'Thread_deprecated'. Threads with the stack supplied as template argument
should no longer be used. The stack size should always be passed as
constructor argument.
The former 'Thread_base' class is now called 'Thread'.
The new Thread constructor takes an 'Env &' as first argument, followed
by the thread's parameters such as the affinity and scheduling weight.
The original constructors are now marked as deprecated. For the
common use case where the default 'Weight' and 'Affinity' are
used, a shortcut is provided. In the long term, those two
constructors should be the only ones to remain.
A new 'name()' accessor returns the thread's name as 'Name'
object as centrally defined via 'Cpu_session::Name'. It is meant to
replace the old-fashioned 'name' method that takes a buffer and size
as arguments.
Child management
The 'Child' class has been adapted to the changed core services and partially
redesigned to enable the implementation of single-threaded runtime
environments that virtualize the CPU, PD, and RAM services. It thereby has
become free from side effects. I.e., instead of implicitly using
'Genode::env()->rm_session()', it takes the reference to the local region map
as argument. Also, the handling of the dynamic linker via global variables is
gone. Now, the linker binary must be provided as constructor argument.
Stylistic changes
:'Heap', 'Sliced_heap', 'Root_component':
We added new constructors to these classes that take references, not
pointers, as arguments. The old constructors will be removed with the
next release.
:Naming of boolean getter methods:
We already follow a convention about the naming of accessor methods (not
using any get_ or set_ prefixes). However, we sometimes used an "is_" prefix
for getter functions of boolean values, but not always. Examples are
'Capability::valid()' and 'Weak_ptr::is_valid()'.
In the name of the principle of least surprise, we introduced the convention
to not use an "is_" prefix for such methods. We adjusted all occurrences
within the Genode code base accordingly. To maintain API compatibility
during the transitional phase, we also keep the original methods until the next
:Alleviating the need for manually constructed type lists:
The 'GENODE_RPC_INTERFACE' macro of the RPC framework had a limitation
with respect to the number of RPC functions per RPC interface. As a
workaround for this limitation, large session interfaces had to manually
define the type list of RPC functions out of nested type tuples. With the
current release, we removed this limitation.
Removed and to-be-removed APIs
:removed _base/crt0.h_ and _base/elf.h_:
Those headers are internally needed by the framework but contain no
actual value at the API level. Therefore we removed them from the
public API.
:removed _base/process.h_:
The 'Process' class encapsulated the platform-specific steps to start
a Genode component from a given ELF file. The original intention of
placing this low-level functionality into a dedicated class was to allow
for different flavours of child-management policies. In practice, however,
the 'Process' remained solely being used by the 'Genode::Child'. Since
the core-interface changes of Section
[Consolidation of core's SIGNAL, CAP, RM, and PD services]
required us to rewrite the component-creation code anyway and we aspire to
narrow the API, we took the chance to make 'Process' private to the 'Child'.
Thereby, the rather ambiguous term "process", which we avoid in the context
of Genode by speaking of "components" instead, is eliminated from the public
:discourage use of _util/arg_string.h_:
The 'Arg_string' utilities are used to generate and parse session-argument
strings. However, to make Genode more coherent and session arguments more
flexible and robust, we plan to replace the current argument-string
syntax with XML, eventually removing the argument-string support. Hence,
we discourage the use of 'util/arg_string.h'.
:discourage use of _base/signal.h_:
The introduction of the new 'Entrypoint' eliminates the need to manually
create and use 'Signal_receiver' objects. Right now, we still rely on the
original signal API as backend of the 'Entrypoint' but we will eventually
remove the current notion of signal receivers. The narrower semantics of the
'Entrypoint' will then allow for performance optimizations that are not
possible with the traditional signal receivers. Therefore, we discourage the
direct use of 'Signal_receiver'.
Low-level OS infrastructure
Enhanced GDB support on NOVA
During the practical work with the GDB monitor (our Genode port of the GNU
'gdbserver' application) and our nightly automated execution of the
'gdb_monitor.run' test, it turned out that there are still situations that
the GDB monitor cannot handle correctly. Since the error symptoms often occured
sporadically and it was not obvious whether the cause of the error was located
in the Genode-specific adaptations of the gdbserver code or in the platform-
specific functionality of the Genode base system. As a first step to improve the
stability of the debugger we tried to remove existing Genode-specific code
from the gdbserver codebase and emulated the Linux-specific C interface
instead. This involved a GDB-monitor-local implementation of the
'waitpid()' which is documented relatively well. In the
case of an error, there would be a better chance of comparing the GDB monitor-
internal execution sequence with a corresponding test case on the Linux version
of gdbserver.
The emulation of this interface is not trivial, though, because the behavior of
the Linux kernel often differs from the behavior of the Genode base components.
For example, when debugging a Linux program, a new thread created by the
debug target gets stopped automatically by the Linux kernel, the 'waitpid()'
function then reports a SIGSTOP signal for the new thread and a SIGTRAP signal for
the creating thread to the gdbserver. This behavior does not match at all with
the design of the Genode base system. Therefore, we emulate it in the GDB monitor
with the help of a software breakpoint on the first instruction of the new
thread and an artificial creation of the corresponding SIGSTOP and SIGTRAP
signal reports.
While implementing this mechanism on the NOVA base platform, we encountered
several NOVA-specific corner cases. On NOVA, an RPC server is implemented by a so-called
"local ECs" - a NOVA thread, which only responds to IPC and has no execution
time of its own. When creating a local EC, the initial instruction pointer as
passed to the 'Cpu_thread::start' function is always 0. The real instruction
pointer is defined by a so-called NOVA portal used for calling the local EC. To
determine the correct start address of the thread - as needed by GDB monitor to
set the initial breakpoint - changes if the NOVA base system were necessary.
The next show stopper was an attempt by GDB monitor to pause a
thread of the debug target could block for quite some time if the particular
thread was currently blocking in a NOVA syscall.
We also found that GDB monitor could block for quite some time when trying to
pause a debug target. This behavior was caused by the targeted thread being in a
system call, and therefore within the NOVA hypervisor, by the time of pausing.
In that case, the
'Cpu_thread::pause' call returned only after the particular thread got
executed in userland again, because only then the current register state of
the thread can be transferred into userland for retrieval by GDB.
We solved this problem by extending the NOVA kernel, which makes it possible
to obtain the current register state of a to-be-paused thread immediately
whenever possible.
Furthermore, the NOVA-specific changes for GDB enable the debugger to
modify register values and to debug 64-bit applications.
As reference, the 'ports/run/gdb_monitor.run' script demonstrates and tests a
selection of the features supported by GDB on Genode.
New support for the Rust programming language
[https://www.rust-lang.org/ - Rust] is a systems programming language that
currently gains a lot of popularity. It eliminates entire classes of bugs by
enforcing memory safety. Unlike languages that rely on a garbage-collecting
runtime, compiled Rust programs are able to run on bare-metal hardware. This
makes Rust an attractive language for low-level system components.
The current Genode release introduces basic support for executing
Rust programs as Genode components. This support includes the
build-system integration, the configuration of the LLVM-based Rust
compiler, and the port of the low-level language runtime. A simple example is
provided via the _libports/run/rust.run_ script and the accompanied code at
_libports/src/test/rust/_. The example runs on the x86 (32 and 64 bit) and
ARM architectures.
The port uses the nightly-built rust tool chain from 2016-03-03, so the
nightly compiler from that day is guaranteed to work. It can be downloaded
with via the following command:
! curl -sSf https://static.rust-lang.org/rustup.sh |\
! sh -s -- --channel=nightly --date=2016-03-03
Alternatively, it can be
[https://static.rust-lang.org/dist/2016-03-03/index.html - manually downloaded].
Thanks to Waylon Cude for bringing Rust to Genode!
Dynamic linker
The dynamic linker will now check if the binary pointer is valid before
attempting to lookup a symbol. Shared objects with unresolved symbols and
missing dependencies, e.g., a library that references 'errno' but is not linked
against libc, will now produce an error message when they are loaded by the
dynamic linker instead of triggering an ominous page-fault.
New component for writing ROM modules to files
The ROM-to-file component at _repos/os/src/app/rom_to_file_ requests a ROM
session and writes the content of the ROM dataspace to a file of a file-system
session. It is able to respond to configuration and ROM-module updates. The
name of the ROM module must be specified via the 'rom' attribute of the
component's '<config>' node:
! <config rom="pointer"/>
See _run/rom_to_file.run_ for an example.
Thanks to Johannes Schlatow for this contribution!
C runtime
The libc sysctl was replaced with an extensible implementation that reads
values from the _/.sysctl_ directory when present. This interface is
convergent with the _/proc/sys_ directory on Linux and allows sysctl
values to be modified by the local component or by an external component
through a common file system.
libc_pipe plugin
The new 'libc_pipe' plugin provides a more accurate implementation of pipes
(using a ring buffer) and replaces the existing 'libc_lock_pipe' plugin.
Device drivers
In this release, we updated several device drivers ported from
foreign OSes. In addition, we consolidated all drivers in the _dde_linux_
repository by utilizing a new modular _lx_kit_ and made sure that each driver
is using the same Linux version now.
HDA audio driver update
The audio driver was synced with version 5.9 of OpenBSD. In addition to
updating the contrib sources, the driver now uses the new component API
and reports the internal mixer state.
Reporting of the mixer state is enabled by adding the 'report_mixer'
attribute to the drivers configuration and setting its value to 'yes'.
The following snippet illustrates the format of the report:
! <mixer field="inputs.beep" value="108"/>
! <mixer field="outputs.hp_sense" value="plugged"/>
! <mixer field="outputs.master" value="128,128"/>
! <mixer field="outputs.mic_sense" value="unplugged"/>
! <mixer field="outputs.spkr_muters" value="hp,mic"/>
The mixer state can expose other mixer fields as well, depending on the
used hardware. The naming scheme of the attributes intentionally matches
the naming scheme of OpenBSD's mixerctl(1) program.
In return, 'mixer' nodes may be used to configure the audio driver by
specifying it in the configuration, e.g.:
!<config report_mixer="yes">
! <mixer field="outputs.master" value="255,255"/>
will set the output volume to the highest possible value. Although it is
now also possible to update the configuration at run time, this should
be done with care. Updating the configuration while the driver is playing
or recording may provoke audible artifacts. For now it is best to use the
mixer component to regulate the volume rather than adjusting the audio
driver directly.
Linux kit
Over the years, the way we handled our DDEs has changed. By now it became
clear that it is easier to manage ported drivers without having to rely a
generic API like dde_kit. Using Genode primitives directly enabled us to
specially tailor each DDE to the driver in question. That being said,
when having four different drivers (intel_fb, lxip, usb and wifi) and each
one with its own specially tailored DDE, the amount of redundant code became huge.
We created the lx_kit that enables us to share code across the drivers to
address this issue. Thereby we reduced the amount of redundant code.
This modular lx_kit separates the required back-end functionality of the
Linux emulation environment from the front end. Thereby each driver can
reuse generic parts and supply more suitable implementations by itself.
It is split into several layers whose structure is as follows:
The first layer in _repos/dde_linux/src/include/lx_emul_ contains those
header files that provide the structural definitions and function
declarations of the Linux API, e.g. _errno.h_ provides all error code
values. The second layer in _repos/dde_linux/src/include/lx_emul/impl_
contains the implementation of selected functions, e.g. _slab.h_
provides the implementation of 'kmalloc()'. The lx_kit back end API is
the third layer and provides the _Lx::Malloc_ interface
(_repos/dde_linux/src/include/lx_kit/malloc.h_), which is used to
implement 'kmalloc()'. There are several generic implementations of the
lx_kit interfaces that can be used by a driver.
A driver typically includes a 'lx_emul/impl/xyz.h' header once
directly in its lx_emul compilation unit. The lx_kit interface files
are only included in those compilation units that use or implement the
interface. If a driver wants to use a generic implementation, it must
add the source file to its source file list. The generic
implementations are located in _repos/dde_linux/src/lx_kit/_.
The modular lx_kit still depends on the private _lx_emul.h_ header file
that is tailored to each driver. Since the lx_kit already contains much
of the declarations and definitions that were originally placed in
these private header files, those files can now omit a large amount
of code.
Wifi driver update
The wifi_drv was updated to Linux version 4.4.3 and thereby adds support for
Intel 8xxx wireless cards. In order to ease debugging, the driver now
enables its debugging messages when the 'verbose' attribute in its '<config>'
node is set to 'yes'.
USB driver update
The USB driver was updated to Linux version 4.4.3 and like the other drivers
incorporates the modular lx_kit. The new driver exposed problems with the
EHCI controller on older systems, namely the Thinkpad X201. Using the new USB
driver on this machine would freeze the system when 'USB legacy Support' is
enabled in the BIOS. The fix is to conduct a so-called USB hand-off that informs
the BIOS that the OS wants to drive the USB host-controller and waits until
the BIOS has acknowledged the request. Unfortunately, applying this quirk
produces problems on certain xHCI host-controllers when using the IOMMU. In
this case the driver tried to perform the hand-off request but got stuck while
writing to the PCI config space. After about 20 seconds, we observed a DMA fault and
the initialization of the USB driver went on. Presumably at this point the BIOS
tries to access certain memory regions that - by now - are protected by the IOMMU.
When using the IOMMU, we already take precautions, i.e., we look at the RMRR
regions and instruct the kernel to configure the IOMMU for specific devices
accordingly. We looked at the ACPI RMRR region of the USB on the machine in
question and could confirm our suspicion: the registered USB RMRR region is
indeed too small. For all we know, that sounds like a bug in BIOS or rather
ACPI tables. To accommodate systems that nonetheless need the hand-off quirk
and the user wants to use the IOMMU, we added the handling of a 'bios_handoff'
attribute to the USB driver configuration. When set to 'no' the driver will not
perform any hand-off request. The default setting is 'yes'. If you experience
any issues with the new USB driver, disabling the hand-off is advised.
While updating the driver, a regression on the Raspberry Pi was introduced.
USB devices that use IRQ endpoints, e.g. USB HID devices, do not work
reliably. This issue is still unresolved and dealing with it is postponed
until after the release.
Furthermore, the USB session used for implementing native USB device drivers
propagates an EP stall error to the client and clears the stall condition by
resetting the EP now.
Intel graphics driver update
The Intel graphics driver introduced in Genode release 15.11 was updated to
Linux version 4.4.3. The most prominent, functional improvement is support for
Intel Skylake graphics cards.
Internally, we slimmed the code parts used from the Linux kernel by resigning
the ancient framebuffer and framebuffer console layer. The new driver only uses
the more modern DRM layer of the Linux kernel. As a side effect, all formerly
available heuristics that were applied at initialization time or whenever a
display got connected are not part of the driver anymore. Now, the driver only
reports any state changes like additional available displays via its report
session. On the other hand it always updates the graphics configuration whenever
its config ROM module changes.
To automatically control the graphics driver during display connection
changes, an example component named intel_fb_controller is now available at
_repos/dde_linux/src/test/framebuffer/intel_. This component reacts on report
changes of the Intel graphics driver and configures it in a way that all
available displays are showing one and the same framebuffer with their maximum
resolution. Thereby displays with a minor resolution show the upper left corner
of the whole framebuffer.
Enhanced ACPI support
Modern PCs provide an enormous number of ways to monitor and configure the
system via the Advance Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI)
Since version 12.02, we have already a basic ACPI driver in Genode,
which is mainly used to look up low-level data via some clever
pattern-matching heuristics. These information, like interrupt remapping, are
sufficient to bootstrap and setup the Genode user-level part of the system. We
wanted to go beyond this feature set and leverage further - dynamic -
aspects of ACPI such as system state changes of batteries in notebooks or lid
The [https://acpica.org - ACPI Component Architecture project ACPICA] develops and
maintains an operating-system-independent reference implementation of ACPI,
which can be used by operating systems like Genode to utilize the full
functionality of modern PCs. So we took the reference implementation of
ACPICA and ported it to Genode. The port itself was relative straight forward
and really a pleasure. The interfaces and abstractions to the operating system
are well chosen by the ACPICA project, clearly documented, and a porter is well
guided by extensive explanatory documentation.
The port is hosted in the libports repository as a standalone library
without any additionally dependencies (beside Genode's base library). To utilize
and experiment with the ported library, we started to develop a Genode
application called app/acpica, which utilizes the library. We experimented and
managed to enable the ACPI lid, ACPI embedded controller (e.g. Fn keys),
ACPI AC adapter, ACPI smart battery subsystem, and ACPI fixed events,
e.g., power button, on some modern Intel Skylake notebook and partly also on
some older Lenovo machines, e.g. X201. Additionally, we added support to reset
and power-off machines via ACPI.
ACPI state changes are reported by the acpica application by setting the
config attribute 'report' to "yes".
!<start name="acpica">
! <config reset="yes" poweroff="yes" report="yes"/>
! ...
Whenever such a state change is detected, the application generates the
appropriate report named 'acpi_lid', 'acpi_ac', 'acpi_battery',
'acpi_ec' or 'acpi_fixed'. The detailed content of the reports is
documented in the README of app/acpica or can be manually experienced by
trying out the _acpica.run_ script in the libports repository.
In order to reset or to power-off machines, the config attribute 'reset'
respectively 'poweroff' must be set to "yes", as shown before. If one of both
attributes is configured, app/acpica opens a ROM session called "system"
and monitors changes of that ROM. The ROM must be XML in the following form:
!<system state="..."/>
If the state attribute is set to "reset" or to "poweroff", app/acpica will
try to reset respectively power-off the machine immediately. The operation may
fail if the hardware resources are owned by some other components in the
Genode system. E.g., on some machines we tested, the reset operation fails
because the required I/O ports are owned and are used by the x86 platform
driver. For such cases, we extended the platform driver by an additionally
config parameter "system" which must be set to "yes", e.g.:
!<start name="platform_drv" >
! ...
! <config acpi="yes" system="yes">
! ...
With this configuration in place, the platform driver also opens and monitors
the "system" ROM session and reacts upon a state change to "reset". If the
platform driver owns the required I/O ports, it will trigger the ACPI reset.
In the current state, we still use our old simple ACPI driver to detect
basic necessary information for the x86 platform driver. The ACPI driver
reports all findings in form of a report, which is provided as a
ROM session to the platform driver. Later on, after the platform driver has
announced its service, the acpica application takes over the ACPI
functionality of our old ACPI driver and takes care of all dynamic ACPI events.
It first looks a bit cumbersome, however the reasons are twofold. First,
we wanted to start to experiment with the acpica library without putting our
ACPI driver at danger. Second, we wanted to see where the complexity of the
additionally ACPI features leads us. If one is using sloccount, or cloc, as
complexity measure and applies the tool to the respectively folders, the
following numbers show up:
! repos/os/src/driver/acpi/ ~1000
! contrib/acpica-<hash>/ ~120000 ACPICA library
! repos/libports/src/lib/acpica/ ~600 Genode-specific ACPICA libary support code
! repos/libports/src/app/acpica/ ~1000 application using the ACPICA Genode port
Of course, the numbers are inaccurate and the comparison is unfair since
we do not take into account, which files of the acpica library are actually in
use. Furthermore we can get more functionality with the acpica library, which
we never could achieve with our own basic ACPI driver implementation. However,
the point here to be made is, that we have to add much complexity to get a full
ACPI capable system and that solely a small amount of the complexity actually
is really required to drive an operating system like Genode.
Generalized SDHCI driver
The SDHCI driver was originally created for the Raspberry Pi. However, the
same host controller is used also in other platforms, in particular Xilinx
Zynq. Hence, the existing driver was generalized to become usable on such
platforms. Thanks to Timo Wischer for this contribution.
Libraries and applications
LxIP update
LxIP is the port of the Linux TCP/IP stack as a library on Genode.
Along with the work described in Section [Linux kit], LxIP was updated to
Linux version 4.4.3 and uses the lx_kit now.
Qemu USB
The QEMU USB library handles EP stalls now. In particular, this fix
enables the use of USB storage devices in VirtualBox that do not support certain
SCSI commands, e.g. READ_FORMAT_CAPACITY, and will stall if they receive
such a command. Windows guests typically use the aforementioned command to
check if the USB storage device in question is in fact an USB floppy drive.
Generalization of platform-specific headers
In anticipation of the planned binary compatibility of Genode components
across different kernels, we unified most parts of Genode's base API and
largely removed the dependency on platform-specific types. The most profound
change is the interface of the IPC library, which used to depend on
platform-specific message-buffer layouts.
Besides unifying the message buffer classes across all platforms, we
reconsidered the roles of the IPC-library classes such as 'Ipc_marhsaller',
'Ipc_server', and 'Ipc_client'. This led to several additional simplifications in
the server-loop implementations, which makes the flow of control and
information much more obvious, yet is also more flexible. I.e., on NOVA, we
don't even have the notion of reply-and-wait. Now, we are no longer forced to
pretend otherwise.
NOVA microhypervisor
The kernel received minor adjustments because of the ACPI work. One curious
performance issue, we actually detected and hunted before our ACPICA
library work. It happens that a modern Intel Skylake notebook
(Core i 6th generation) running Genode/NOVA scenarios like noux tool-chain or
Virtualbox performed really bad - sometimes it was only as fast as a 1th
generation Intel Core CPU as used in X201 notebooks. After some mysterious
hunting of possible reasons, it finally turned out that the UEFI vendor did
not disable ACPI GPE (General Purpose Events) events properly when handing
over control to the boot loader and kernel. As soon as the NOVA kernel enabled
the ACPI interrupt (normally IRQ 9) because it utilizes the ACPI PM timer
feature, the kernel got a storm of GPE interrupts, which got not handled properly.
Still the system was alive and made progress, but the performance was really
bad. We changed the kernel to disable all event sources enabled in the
ACPI GPE0/1 registers. Beside that, using the acpica application also solves
the performance issue, since the library also resets the GPE registers during
initialization. However, currently the acpica application is optional and not
loaded in all scenarios.
On 64 bit, NOVA supports the so called PCID feature, aka tagged TLB. The hardware
actually supports up to 4096 processes at a time, which can be used with tagged
TLBs. Unfortunately the original PCID allocator wrapped after 4096 PCIDs,
which caused - beginning with the 4097th process - to accidentally re-use the
same PCIDs and therefore the same TLB entries of long living processes,
like kernel, core, init, and drivers. This leads to the interesting phenomena of
bugs. We changed the allocator from a monotonic increasing number to a bit
allocator, maintaining the used and free PCIDs more accurately.
Additionally, we extended the kernel to support scenarios on Genode
where capabilities are forwarded from a capability sender to a capability
receiver through one or more intermediary components (like servers). In such
scenarios, the intermediary components don't need the forwarded capability for
some reasons and want to free and re-use the used capability index.
Unfortunately, or actually intentionally, the syscall 'revoke' will not just
revoke the local capability but all subsequent derived capabilities. Because of
this kernel behaviour, we had several quirks in Genode/base-nova, especially in
the user level capability map implementation and in the Genode entrypoint reply
handling code to deal with such situations. With all the Genode base API
changes and unification efforts of all Genode base platforms, the quirks
became obvious obstacles. With this release, we added support to the kernel, to
just locally 'drop' the accessibility to the unneeded capability, but not the
accessibility of the so far subsequent derived capabilities. With the kernel
extension, we were able to remove the mentioned base-nova quirks.
Execution on bare hardware (base-hw)
For running Genode scenarios on our custom kernel (base-hw), two hardware
timers are needed. One timer is used by the kernel as the basis for the
preemptive scheduling. The other timer is used by the user-level timer
driver as the timing source for user-level components.
On NOVA, we gathered good experiences with using the kernel's scheduling
timer as the basis for the user-level timer. Eliminating the need for
a real timer device driver (like for the PIT on x86) reduces the overall
complexity. The interrupt load becomes lower without the userland triggering
timer interrupts. And since the kernel uses CPU-core-local timers (i.e. the
local APIC timer on x86) as opposed to a global timer in the userland,
expensive cross-CPU-communication is avoided.
With the current release, we applied the lessons learned to our base-hw
kernel. As a further motivation, the removal of the dependency on a
timer device clears the way to run multiple Genode instances on top of
the Muen separation kernel.
The timeout feature has the form of a new 'timeout' system call that binds
a signal context to a timeout. Hence, timeouts are delivered asynchronously,
like interrupts, to the user-level timer service. The actual time can be
requested via the 'timeout_age_us' system call, which returns the time
since the last timeout was installed.
The main purpose of Linux as Genode base platform are rapid prototyping and
the development of components that do not depend on specific hardware
properties. During early development (at least with C++) the most prevalent
fatal bugs result in segmentation faults due to invalid pointers or
insufficient stack size. Unfortunately, our platform code for Linux did not
disclose much information about the exceptions that may occur and even
remained silent about errors in some situations. With this release, we improve
the exception-signal handling and use an alternate signal stack. The alternate
stack ensures in almost all cases that Linux applications are able to handle
exceptions including segmentation faults caused by stack overflows. We also
enabled this facility for hybrid Linux applications.
Tools and build system
Usability improvements of the ports tools
The ports tool set introduced in
[https://genode.org/documentation/release-notes/14.05#Management_of_ported_3rd-party_source_code - Genode 14.05]
has become an integral part of the work flow for Genode developers.
With the current release, we improve the usability of the _prepare_port_ tool
in two respects. First, the tool now accept a list of ports instead of
merely a single argument. This alleviates the need to manually re-execute
the tool with different arguments. Second, if the build system encounters
a missing port, it no longer backs out immediately but collects all the
(potentially more than one) missing ports that are required for the build.
It then presents the user with a ready-to-use command to install all
missing ports at once, which greatly improves the experience of working with
sophisticated system scenarios. For example, when attempting to execute
the _virtualbox.run_ script with a freshly cloned Genode source tree,
the build system produces the following error message:
!Error: Ports not prepared or outdated:
! dde_linux libc libiconv nova qemu-usb stdcxx virtualbox x86emu
!You can prepare respectively update them as follows:
! .../prepare_port dde_linux libc libiconv nova qemu-usb stdcxx virtualbox x86emu
Furthermore, one may state the number of ports that
shall be prepared in parallel at a max by using the -j parameter. If -j
is not set by the user, the tool acts as with -j1.
Since the _prepare_ports_ tool has completely replaced the former
"make prepare" mechanism, we finally removed the last traces of the old
mechanism in the form of the makefiles present in the respective source-code
Updated tool chain
Genode 16.05 requires a tool-chain update, which can be downloaded as
[https://sourceforge.net/projects/genode/files/genode-toolchain/ - precompiled binary archive]
for 32-bit and 64-bit Linux or built according to the
[https://genode.org/download/tool-chain - tool-chain documentation].
With the updated tool chain, we enable the '__cxa_demangle()' function to be
able to print user-readable names of uncaught exceptions. In the course of our
GDB improvements, we enhance the x86 debugging support for 64-bit and update
the required GDB tools. Furthermore, we added the RISC-V relevant tools to the
binary archive to ease developing Genode components for this platform.
Removal of stale features
We originally added chroot support to the Linux version of Genode to
accommodate the use of Genode as middleware on Linux. We enabled the
configuration of custom UIDs, GIDs, and chroot paths for components started by
init. However, apart from a brief period of time when we experimented with
the idea, it is no longer pursued. Now, with our aspiration to attain binary
compatibility across kernels, we removed the Linux-specific chroot support.