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* \brief Generic root component implementation
* \author Norman Feske
* \date 2006-05-22
* This class is there for your convenience. It performs the common actions
* that must always be taken when creating a new session.
* Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
#include <root/root.h>
#include <base/allocator.h>
#include <base/rpc_server.h>
#include <base/entrypoint.h>
#include <base/service.h>
#include <util/arg_string.h>
#include <base/log.h>
namespace Genode {
class Single_client;
class Multiple_clients;
template <typename, typename POLICY = Multiple_clients> class Root_component;
* Session creation policy for a single-client service
class Genode::Single_client
bool _used;
Single_client() : _used(0) { }
void aquire(const char *)
if (_used)
throw Service_denied();
_used = true;
void release() { _used = false; }
* Session-creation policy for a multi-client service
struct Genode::Multiple_clients
void aquire(const char *) { }
void release() { }
* Template for implementing the root interface
* \param SESSION_TYPE session-component type to manage,
* derived from 'Rpc_object'
* \param POLICY session-creation policy
* The 'POLICY' template parameter allows for constraining the session
* creation to only one instance at a time (using the 'Single_session'
* policy) or multiple instances (using the 'Multiple_sessions' policy).
* The 'POLICY' class must provide the following two methods:
* 'aquire(const char *args)' is called with the session arguments
* at creation time of each new session. It can therefore implement
* a session-creation policy taking session arguments into account.
* If the policy denies the creation of a new session, it throws
* one of the exceptions defined in the 'Root' interface.
* 'release' is called at the destruction time of a session. It enables
* the policy to keep track of and impose restrictions on the number
* of existing sessions.
* The default policy 'Multiple_clients' imposes no restrictions on the
* creation of new sessions.
template <typename SESSION_TYPE, typename POLICY>
class Genode::Root_component : public Rpc_object<Typed_root<SESSION_TYPE> >,
public Local_service<SESSION_TYPE>::Factory,
private POLICY
* Entry point that manages the session objects
* created by this root interface
Rpc_entrypoint *_ep;
* Allocator for allocating session objects.
* This allocator must be used by the derived
* class when calling the 'new' operator for
* creating a new session.
Allocator *_md_alloc;
* Used by both the legacy 'Root::session' and the new 'Factory::create'
SESSION_TYPE &_create(Session_state::Args const &args, Affinity affinity)
* Guard to ensure that 'release' is called whenever the scope
* is left with an exception.
struct Guard
bool ack = false;
Root_component &root;
Guard(Root_component &root) : root(root) { }
~Guard() { if (!ack) root.release(); }
} aquire_guard { *this };
* We need to decrease 'ram_quota' by
* the size of the session object.
Ram_quota const ram_quota = ram_quota_from_args(args.string());
size_t needed = sizeof(SESSION_TYPE) + md_alloc()->overhead(sizeof(SESSION_TYPE));
if (needed > ram_quota.value)
throw Insufficient_ram_quota();
Ram_quota const remaining_ram_quota { ram_quota.value - needed };
* Validate that the client provided the amount of caps as mandated
* for the session interface.
Cap_quota const cap_quota = cap_quota_from_args(args.string());
if (cap_quota.value < SESSION_TYPE::CAP_QUOTA)
throw Insufficient_cap_quota();
* Account for the dataspace capability needed for allocating the
* session object from the sliced heap.
if (cap_quota.value < 1)
throw Insufficient_cap_quota();
Cap_quota const remaining_cap_quota { cap_quota.value - 1 };
* Deduce ram quota needed for allocating the session object from the
* donated ram quota.
enum { MAX_ARGS_LEN = 256 };
char adjusted_args[MAX_ARGS_LEN];
copy_cstring(adjusted_args, args.string(), sizeof(adjusted_args));
Arg_string::set_arg(adjusted_args, sizeof(adjusted_args),
"ram_quota", String<64>(remaining_ram_quota).string());
Arg_string::set_arg(adjusted_args, sizeof(adjusted_args),
"cap_quota", String<64>(remaining_cap_quota).string());
try { s = _create_session(adjusted_args, affinity); }
catch (Out_of_ram) { throw Insufficient_ram_quota(); }
catch (Out_of_caps) { throw Insufficient_cap_quota(); }
catch (Service_denied) { throw; }
catch (Insufficient_cap_quota) { throw; }
catch (Insufficient_ram_quota) { throw; }
catch (...) {
warning("unexpected exception during ",
SESSION_TYPE::service_name(), "-session creation");
throw Service_denied();
* Consider that the session-object constructor may already have
* called 'manage'.
if (!s->cap().valid())
aquire_guard.ack = true;
return *s;
* Noncopyable
Root_component(Root_component const &);
Root_component &operator = (Root_component const &);
* Create new session (to be implemented by a derived class)
* Only a derived class knows the constructor arguments of
* a specific session. Therefore, we cannot unify the call
* of its 'new' operator and must implement the session
* creation at a place, where the required knowledge exist.
* In the implementation of this method, the heap, provided
* by 'Root_component' must be used for allocating the session
* object.
* If the server implementation does not evaluate the session
* affinity, it suffices to override the overload without the
* affinity argument.
* \throw Out_of_ram
* \throw Out_of_caps
* \throw Service_denied
* \throw Insufficient_cap_quota
* \throw Insufficient_ram_quota
virtual SESSION_TYPE *_create_session(const char *args,
Affinity const &)
return _create_session(args);
virtual SESSION_TYPE *_create_session(const char *)
throw Service_denied();
* Inform session about a quota upgrade
* Once a session is created, its client can successively extend
* its quota donation via the 'Parent::transfer_quota' operation.
* This will result in the invokation of 'Root::upgrade' at the
* root interface the session was created with. The root interface,
* in turn, informs the session about the new resources via the
* '_upgrade_session' method. The default implementation is
* suited for sessions that use a static amount of resources
* accounted for at session-creation time. For such sessions, an
* upgrade is not useful. However, sessions that dynamically
* allocate resources on behalf of its client, should respond to
* quota upgrades by implementing this method.
* \param session session to upgrade
* \param args description of additional resources in the
* same format as used at session creation
virtual void _upgrade_session(SESSION_TYPE *, const char *) { }
virtual void _destroy_session(SESSION_TYPE *session) {
Genode::destroy(_md_alloc, session); }
* Return allocator to allocate server object in '_create_session()'
Allocator *md_alloc() { return _md_alloc; }
* Return entrypoint that serves the root component
Rpc_entrypoint *ep() { return _ep; }
* Constructor
* \param ep entry point that manages the sessions of this
* root interface
* \param md_alloc meta-data allocator providing the backing store
* for session objects
Root_component(Entrypoint &ep, Allocator &md_alloc)
_ep(&ep.rpc_ep()), _md_alloc(&md_alloc)
{ }
* Constructor
* \deprecated use the constructor with the 'Entrypoint &'
* argument instead
Root_component(Rpc_entrypoint *ep, Allocator *md_alloc)
_ep(ep), _md_alloc(md_alloc)
{ }
** Local_service::Factory interface **
SESSION_TYPE &create(Session_state::Args const &args,
Affinity affinity) override
try { return _create(args, affinity); }
catch (Insufficient_ram_quota) { throw; }
catch (Insufficient_cap_quota) { throw; }
catch (...) { throw Service_denied(); }
void upgrade(SESSION_TYPE &session,
Session_state::Args const &args) override
_upgrade_session(&session, args.string());
void destroy(SESSION_TYPE &session) override
** Root interface **
Session_capability session(Root::Session_args const &args,
Affinity const &affinity) override
if (!args.valid_string()) throw Service_denied();
SESSION_TYPE &session = _create(args.string(), affinity);
return session.cap();
void upgrade(Session_capability session, Root::Upgrade_args const &args) override
if (!args.valid_string()) throw Service_denied();
_ep->apply(session, [&] (SESSION_TYPE *s) {
if (!s) return;
_upgrade_session(s, args.string());
void close(Session_capability session_cap) override
SESSION_TYPE * session;
_ep->apply(session_cap, [&] (SESSION_TYPE *s) {
session = s;
/* let the entry point forget the session object */
if (session) _ep->dissolve(session);
if (!session) return;