Josef Söntgen dd47129bef nic session: link-state change handling
A Nic::Session client can install a signal handler that is used to
propagate changes of the link-state by calling 'link_state_sigh()'.
The actual link state is queried via 'link_state()'.

The nic-driver interface now provides a Driver_notification callback,
which is used to forward link-state changes from the driver to the

The following drivers now provide real link state: dde_ipxe, nic_bridge,
and usb_drv. Currently, OpenVPN, Linux nic_drv, and lan9118 do not
support link state and always report link up.

2015-03-27 11:53:13 +01:00

This repository contains the Device Driver Environment for the
"donator OS" iPXE available from

For building DDE iPXE, you first need to fetch and patch the original
sources. The top-level makefile of this repository automates this
task. Just issue:

! make prepare

Now, you need to include the DDE iPXE repository into your Genode
build process. Just add the path to this directory to the
'REPOSITORIES' declaration of the 'etc/build.conf' file within your
build directory, for example

! REPOSITORIES += $(GENODE_DIR)/repos/dde_ipxe

After successful build the DDE iPXE based ethernet driver is located
at 'bin/nic_drv'.