Norman Feske 5a1cef6381 Make label prefixing more strict
This patch unconditionally applies the labeling of sessions and thereby
removes the most common use case of 'Child_policy::filter_session_args'.
Furthermore, the patch removes an ambiguity of the session labels of
sessions created by the parent of behalf of its child, e.g., the PD
session created as part of 'Child' now has the label "<child-name>"
whereas an unlabeled PD-session request originating from the child
has the label "<child-name> -> ". This way, the routing-policy of
'Child_policy::resolve_session_request' can differentiate both cases.

As a consequence, the stricter labeling must now be considered wherever
a precise label was specified as a key for a session route or a server-
side policy selection. The simplest way to adapt those cases is to use a
'label_prefix' instead of the 'label' attribute. Alternatively, the
'label' attribute may used by appending " -> " (note the whitespace).

2016-11-30 13:37:07 +01:00

274 lines
7.1 KiB

if { ![have_spec foc] && ![have_spec nova] &&
![have_spec okl4] && ![have_spec sel4] } {
puts "Run script is not supported on this platform"
exit 0
# On OMAP4 where no PS/2 is available, we rely on USB HID
proc use_usb_input { } { return [expr ![have_spec ps2] && [have_spec usb]] }
set build_components {
core init drivers/timer noux/minimal lib/libc_noux
drivers/framebuffer drivers/input
server/terminal server/ram_fs
lappend_if [use_usb_input] build_components drivers/usb
lappend_if [have_spec gpio] build_components drivers/gpio
# Build Noux packages only once
foreach pkg {bash coreutils vim diffutils} {
lappend_if [expr ![file exists bin/$pkg]] build_components noux-pkg/$pkg }
source ${genode_dir}/repos/base/run/
build $build_components
# write default vimrc file
set vimrc_fd [open "bin/vim/share/vim/vimrc" w]
puts $vimrc_fd {
set noloadplugins
set hls
set nocompatible
set laststatus=2
set noswapfile
set viminfo=}
close $vimrc_fd
# strip all binaries prior archiving
exec sh -c "find bin/bash/ bin/vim/ bin/coreutils/ -type f | (xargs [cross_dev_prefix]strip || true) 2>/dev/null"
exec tar cfv bin/bash.tar -h -C bin/bash .
exec tar cfv bin/coreutils.tar -h -C bin/coreutils .
exec tar cfv bin/vim.tar -h -C bin/vim .
exec tar cfv bin/diffutils.tar -h -C bin/diffutils .
append config {
<config verbose="yes">
<service name="ROM"/>
<service name="LOG"/>
<service name="RAM"/>
<service name="RM"/>
<service name="CPU"/>
<service name="PD"/>
<service name="IRQ"/>
<service name="IO_PORT"/>
<service name="IO_MEM"/>
<any-service> <parent/> <any-child/> </any-service>
<start name="timer">
<resource name="RAM" quantum="1M"/>
<provides><service name="Timer"/></provides>
append_if [expr [have_spec framebuffer] && ![get_cmd_switch --autopilot]] config {
<start name="fb_drv">
<resource name="RAM" quantum="4M"/>
<provides><service name="Framebuffer"/></provides>
append_if [have_spec ps2] config {
<start name="ps2_drv">
<resource name="RAM" quantum="1M"/>
<provides><service name="Input"/></provides>
</start> }
append_if [have_spec gpio] config {
<start name="gpio_drv">
<resource name="RAM" quantum="4M"/>
<provides><service name="Gpio"/></provides>
append_if [use_usb_input] config {
<start name="usb_drv">
<resource name="RAM" quantum="12M"/>
<provides><service name="Input"/></provides>
<config uhci="yes" ehci="yes" xhci="yes"> <hid/> </config>
</start> }
append_if [get_cmd_switch --autopilot] config {
<start name="terminal">
<binary name="log_terminal"/>
<resource name="RAM" quantum="1M"/>
<provides><service name="Terminal"/></provides>
</start> }
append_if [expr ![get_cmd_switch --autopilot]] config {
<start name="terminal">
<resource name="RAM" quantum="2M"/>
<provides><service name="Terminal"/></provides>
<keyboard layout="de"/>
<font size="12" />
</start> }
append config {
<start name="ram_fs">
<resource name="RAM" quantum="10M"/>
<provides><service name="File_system"/></provides>
<dir name="home">
<inline name=".bashrc"> }
append_if [get_cmd_switch --autopilot] config {
while true; do if [ -e $FILE ]; then cat $FILE; fi; done }
append_if [expr ![get_cmd_switch --autopilot]] config {
echo "The sample data will appear in the /samples directory" }
append config {
<dir name="samples"/>
<dir name="tmp"/>
<!-- constrain sessions according to their labels -->
<policy label_prefix="fs_log" root="/samples" writeable="yes" />
<policy label="noux -> home" root="/home" writeable="yes" />
<policy label="noux -> samples" root="/samples" />
<policy label="noux -> tmp" root="/tmp" writeable="yes" />
<start name="fs_log">
<resource name="RAM" quantum="2M"/>
<provides><service name="LOG"/></provides>
<policy label="cpu_sampler" merge="true"/>
<start name="cpu_sampler">
<resource name="RAM" quantum="32M"/>
<service name="CPU"/>
<config sample_interval_ms="1000" sample_duration_s="10">
<policy label_prefix="init -> test-cpu_sampler ->" />
<service name="LOG" label_prefix="samples"> <child name="fs_log"/> </service>
<any-service> <parent/> <any-child/> </any-service>
<start name="init">
<resource name="RAM" quantum="16M"/>
<service name="CAP"/>
<service name="LOG"/>
<service name="RM"/>
<service name="SIGNAL"/>
<any-service> <parent/> </any-service>
<start name="test-cpu_sampler">
<resource name="RAM" quantum="4M"/>
<config ld_verbose="yes"/>
<service name="CPU"> <child name="cpu_sampler"/> </service>
<any-service> <parent/> </any-service>
<start name="noux">
<resource name="RAM" quantum="1G" />
<tar name="coreutils.tar" />
<tar name="vim.tar" />
<tar name="diffutils.tar" />
<tar name="bash.tar" />
<dir name="dev"> <zero/> <null/> </dir>
<dir name="home"> <fs label="home" /> </dir>
<dir name="samples"> <fs label="samples" /> </dir>
<dir name="tmp"> <fs label="tmp" /> </dir>
<start name="/bin/bash">
<env name="TERM" value="linux" />
<env name="HOME" value="/home" />
<service name="Terminal"> <child name="terminal"/> </service>
<any-service> <parent/> <any-child/> </any-service>
install_config $config
# Boot modules
# generic modules
set boot_modules {
core init timer noux terminal ram_fs log_terminal
bash.tar coreutils.tar diffutils.tar vim.tar
fs_log cpu_sampler test-cpu_sampler
# platform-specific modules
lappend_if [have_spec ps2] boot_modules ps2_drv
lappend_if [have_spec framebuffer] boot_modules fb_drv
lappend_if [use_usb_input] boot_modules usb_drv
lappend_if [have_spec gpio] boot_modules gpio_drv
build_boot_image $boot_modules
if {[have_spec x86_64]} {
# bash.tar is really huge when built for x86_64
append qemu_args " -m 320 "
} else {
append qemu_args " -m 256 "
if { ![get_cmd_switch --autopilot] } { run_genode_until forever }
# autopilot test
append qemu_args " -nographic "
set match_string "Test started. func: 0x(\[0-9a-f\]+).*\n"
run_genode_until "$match_string" 120
regexp $match_string $output all func
run_genode_until "\\\[init -> terminal] \[0\]*$func" 90 [output_spawn_id]
exec rm bin/bash.tar
exec rm bin/coreutils.tar
exec rm bin/diffutils.tar
exec rm bin/vim.tar