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synced 2025-03-22 12:06:00 +00:00
* Provide paravirtualized block API for accessing the second partition of the block device that is provided by the ESDHC driver. * Provide paravirtualized serial API for sending log-output over Genodes serial port. * Use the latest Linux suggested in the USB Armory Wiki [1] when on USB Armory while still using the older vendor Linux when on i.MX53 QSB. I.e., provide a device tree through RAM and a rootfs through the paravirtualized block device when on USB Armory while providing ATAGs and Initrd when on i.MX53 QSB. * Switch on the LED on the USB Armory when the VMM catches a VM-exception and switch it off again when as soon as the exception is handled. This merely show-cases the ability to instrument the LED for such purposes. In an ideal world, the LED is switched on as long as we're on the "Secure Side" and switched off as long as we're not. * For further information see repos/os/run/tz_vmm.run [1] https://github.com/inversepath/usbarmory/wiki/Preparing-a-bootable-microSD-image Fixes #1497
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# \brief Virtual-machine monitor demo
# \author Stefan Kalkowski
# \author Martin Stein
# \date 2012-06-25
# On USB Armory
# #############
# Create bootable microSD card
# ============================
# :User settings:
# ! export TARGET_DEV=/dev/sdX # empty boot medium
# ! export TARGET_MNT=/mnt # where to mount the boot medium
# ! export GENODE_DIR=/path/genode # root of the Genode sources
# ! export BUILD_DIR=/path/build/hw_usb_armory # Genode build directory
# :Format microSD card:
# ! sudo parted $TARGET_DEV --script mklabel msdos
# ! sudo parted $TARGET_DEV --script mkpart primary ext4 10M 110M
# ! sudo parted $TARGET_DEV --script mkpart primary ext4 110M 2105M
# ! sudo mkfs.ext4 ${TARGET_DEV}1
# ! sudo mkfs.ext4 ${TARGET_DEV}2
# :Install bootloader:
# ! cd $GENODE_DIR
# ! ./tool/create_uboot hw_usb_armory
# ! sudo dd if=contrib/uboot/build/hw_usb_armory/mmc_img of=$TARGET_DEV bs=1K seek=1 conv=fsync
# :Install Genode:
# ! cd $BUILD_DIR
# ! echo "RUN_OPT += --include image/uboot" >> etc/build.conf
# ! make run/tz_vmm
# ! sudo mount ${TARGET_DEV}1 $TARGET_MNT
# ! sudo cp var/run/tz_vmm/uImage $TARGET_MNT
# ! sudo umount $TARGET_MNT
# :Install Linux rootfs:
# ! sudo partclone.extfs -r -d -s var/run/tz_vmm/rootfs -o ${TARGET_DEV}2
# :Insert microSD card into USB Armory:
# [https://github.com/inversepath/usbarmory/wiki/microSD-compatibility]
# :Connect USB Armory to host machine via USB-to-TTL serial cable:
# [https://github.com/inversepath/usbarmory/wiki/GPIOs#breakout-header]
# :Connect to USB Armory COM port:
# ! sudo picocom -b 115200 -r -l /dev/ttyUSB0
# :Insert USB Armory into host USB slot and interrupt auto boot on COM port:
# :Send bootloader commands on COM port:
# ! ext2load mmc 0:1 0x74000000 /uImage
# ! bootm 0x74000000
# :Communicate with Linux via CDC Ethernet:
# [https://github.com/inversepath/usbarmory/wiki/Host-communication#cdc-ethernet]
# Further information
# ===================
# :Tutorial on how to reproduce the Linux images:
# [https://github.com/m-stein/genode_binaries/blob/master/tz_vmm/usb_armory/README]
# :Wiki about the USB Armory and the Linux:
# [https://github.com/inversepath/usbarmory/wiki]
assert_spec hw
assert_spec imx53
assert_spec trustzone
# determine platform specific configuration
set trusted_led [have_spec hw_usb_armory]
set inversepath_linux [have_spec hw_usb_armory]
set freescale_linux [have_spec hw_imx53_qsb_tz]
set initrd_rootfs $freescale_linux
set mmc_rootfs $inversepath_linux
set dtb $inversepath_linux
set targets { core init server/tz_vmm }
if { $mmc_rootfs } {
# choose interrupt for paravirtualized block
if { [have_spec imx53] } { set tz_vmm_block_irq 92 }
# add targets that enable MMC access via paravirtualized block
lappend targets drivers/timer
lappend targets drivers/platform
lappend targets drivers/sd_card
lappend targets server/part_blk
lappend_if $trusted_led targets drivers/gpio
build $targets
# compose config
set config {
<config verbose="yes">
<service name="ROM"/>
<service name="RAM"/>
<service name="IRQ"/>
<service name="IO_MEM"/>
<service name="IO_PORT"/>
<service name="CAP"/>
<service name="PD"/>
<service name="RM"/>
<service name="CPU"/>
<service name="LOG"/>
<service name="SIGNAL"/>
<service name="VM"/>
</default-route> }
append_if $trusted_led config {
<start name="gpio_drv">
<resource name="RAM" quantum="3M"/>
<provides><service name="Gpio"/></provides>
append_if $mmc_rootfs config {
<start name="timer">
<resource name="RAM" quantum="3M"/>
<provides><service name="Timer"/></provides>
<start name="platform_drv">
<resource name="RAM" quantum="3M"/>
<service name="Regulator"/>
<service name="Platform"/>
<start name="sd_card_drv">
<resource name="RAM" quantum="3M"/>
<provides><service name="Block"/></provides>
<start name="part_blk">
<resource name="RAM" quantum="10M" />
<provides><service name="Block" /></provides>
<service name="Block"><child name="sd_card_drv" /></service>
<policy label="tz_vmm -> sda1" partition="2"/>
</start> }
append config {
<start name="tz_vmm">
<resource name="RAM" quantum="10M"/> }
if { $mmc_rootfs } {
append config "
<block label=\"sda1\" irq=\"$tz_vmm_block_irq\"/>
<service name=\"Block\"><child name=\"part_blk\" /></service>
</route> "
append config {
</config> }
install_config $config
# download and add linux
cd bin
if { $inversepath_linux } {
set linux_uri "https://github.com/m-stein/genode_binaries/raw/master/tz_vmm/usb_armory/linux"
} elseif { $freescale_linux } {
set linux_uri "http://genode.org/files/images/imx53_qsb/linux_trustzone.bin"
if {![file exists linux]} {
puts "Download linux binary ..."
exec >& /dev/null wget -c -O linux $linux_uri
exec >& /dev/null wget -O linux.md5 $linux_uri.md5
exec md5sum -c linux.md5
set boot_modules { core init tz_vmm linux }
if { $dtb } {
# download and add DTB
set dtb_uri "https://github.com/m-stein/genode_binaries/raw/master/tz_vmm/usb_armory/dtb"
if {![file exists dtb]} {
puts "Download device tree ..."
exec >& /dev/null wget -c -O dtb $dtb_uri
exec >& /dev/null wget -O dtb.md5 $dtb_uri.md5
exec md5sum -c dtb.md5
lappend boot_modules dtb
if { $mmc_rootfs } {
# add components that enable MMC access via parvirtualized block
lappend boot_modules timer
lappend boot_modules platform_drv
lappend boot_modules sd_card_drv
lappend boot_modules part_blk
# download and add rootfs
set rootfs_uri "https://github.com/m-stein/genode_binaries/raw/master/tz_vmm/usb_armory/rootfs"
if {![file exists rootfs]} {
puts "Download rootfs ..."
exec >& /dev/null wget -c -O rootfs.gz $rootfs_uri.gz
puts "Extract rootfs ..."
exec >& /dev/null gunzip rootfs.gz
exec >& /dev/null wget -O rootfs.md5 $rootfs_uri.md5
exec md5sum -c rootfs.md5
exec ln -sf ../../../bin/rootfs $env(PWD)/[run_dir]/rootfs
} elseif { $initrd_rootfs } {
# download and add initrd
set initrd_uri "http://genode.org/files/images/imx53_qsb/initrd.gz"
if {![file exists initrd.gz]} {
puts "Download initramfs ..."
exec >& /dev/null wget -c -O initrd.gz $initrd_uri
exec >& /dev/null wget -O initrd.gz.md5 $initrd_uri.md5
exec md5sum -c initrd.gz.md5
lappend boot_modules initrd.gz
cd ..
lappend_if $trusted_led boot_modules gpio_drv
build_boot_image [join $boot_modules " "]
if { $inversepath_linux } {
# execute and wait for console
run_genode_until "Debian GNU/Linux 7 usbarmory console\n" 220
} elseif { $freescale_linux } {
# execute and wait for console
run_genode_until {.*\/ #.*} 220
set serial_id [output_spawn_id]
# wait for network to settle down
send -i $serial_id "sleep 5\n"
# test network
send -i $serial_id "wget http://genode.org/\n"
run_genode_until "Connecting to genode.org" 10 $serial_id
run_genode_until {.*\/ #.*} 30 $serial_id