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synced 2025-03-10 14:34:38 +00:00
- Use attempt pattern for error handling - Replace lookup of pointers by with_ pattern - Remove virtual Trace::Session methods - Merge client.h into connection.h - Update coding style of test/trace Issue #5245
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* \brief Connection to TRACE service
* \author Norman Feske
* \date 2013-08-11
* Copyright (C) 2013-2023 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
#include <util/retry.h>
#include <trace_session/trace_session.h>
#include <base/rpc_client.h>
#include <base/connection.h>
#include <base/attached_dataspace.h>
namespace Genode { namespace Trace { struct Connection; } }
struct Genode::Trace::Connection : Genode::Connection<Genode::Trace::Session>,
* Shared-memory buffer used for carrying the payload of subject infos
Attached_dataspace _argument_buffer;
size_t const _max_arg_size;
template <typename ERROR>
auto _retry(auto const &fn) -> decltype(fn())
for (;;) {
bool retry = false;
auto const result = fn();
if (result == ERROR::OUT_OF_CAPS) { upgrade_caps(2); retry = true; }
if (result == ERROR::OUT_OF_RAM) { upgrade_ram(8*1024); retry = true; }
if (!retry)
return result;
* Constructor
* \param ram_quota RAM donated for tracing purposes
* \param arg_buffer_size session argument-buffer size
Connection(Env &env, size_t ram_quota, size_t arg_buffer_size)
Genode::Connection<Session>(env, Label(), Ram_quota { 10*1024 + ram_quota },
Args("arg_buffer_size=", arg_buffer_size)),
_argument_buffer(env.rm(), call<Rpc_dataspace>()),
{ }
enum class Alloc_policy_error { INVALID };
using Alloc_policy_result = Attempt<Policy_id, Alloc_policy_error>;
* Allocate policy-module backing store
Alloc_policy_result alloc_policy(Policy_size size)
if (size.num_bytes > _max_arg_size)
return Alloc_policy_error::INVALID;
Alloc_policy_rpc_result const result = _retry<Alloc_policy_rpc_error>([&] {
return call<Rpc_alloc_policy>(size); });
return result.convert<Alloc_policy_result>(
[&] (Policy_id const id) { return id; },
[&] (Alloc_policy_rpc_error) { return Alloc_policy_error::INVALID; });
* Request policy-module backing store
* \return dataspace capability, or invalid capability if ID does not
* refer to a known policy
Dataspace_capability policy(Policy_id id) { return call<Rpc_policy>(id); }
* Remove a policy module from the TRACE service
void unload_policy(Policy_id id) { call<Rpc_unload_policy>(id); }
using Trace_result = Attempt<Trace_ok, Trace_error>;
* Start tracing of a subject
Trace_result trace(Subject_id const s, Policy_id const p, Buffer_size const size)
Trace_rpc_result const rpc_result =
_retry<Trace_rpc_error>([&] () -> Trace_rpc_result {
return call<Rpc_trace>(s, p, size); });
return rpc_result.convert<Trace_result>(
[&] (Trace_ok ok) { return ok; },
[&] (Trace_rpc_error e) {
switch (e) {
case Trace_rpc_error::OUT_OF_RAM: /* cannot occur, handled by '_retry' above */
case Trace_rpc_error::OUT_OF_CAPS: break;
case Trace_rpc_error::FOREIGN: return Trace_error::FOREIGN;
case Trace_rpc_error::SOURCE_IS_DEAD: return Trace_error::SOURCE_IS_DEAD;
case Trace_rpc_error::INVALID_SUBJECT: return Trace_error::INVALID_SUBJECT;
case Trace_rpc_error::INVALID_POLICY: break;
return Trace_error::INVALID_POLICY;
* Retrieve subject directory
Num_subjects subjects(Subject_id * const dst, Num_subjects const dst_num_subjects)
Subjects_rpc_result const result = _retry<Alloc_rpc_error>([&] {
return call<Rpc_subjects>(); });
return result.convert<Num_subjects>(
[&] (Num_subjects const num_subjects) {
auto const n = min(num_subjects.value, dst_num_subjects.value);
memcpy(dst, _argument_buffer.local_addr<char>(), n*sizeof(Subject_id));
return Num_subjects { n };
[&] (Alloc_rpc_error) { return Num_subjects { 0 }; });
struct For_each_subject_info_result { unsigned count; unsigned limit; };
* Call 'fn' for each trace subject with 'Subject_info' as argument
For_each_subject_info_result for_each_subject_info(auto const &fn)
Infos_rpc_result const result = _retry<Alloc_rpc_error>([&] {
return call<Rpc_subject_infos>(); });
return result.convert<For_each_subject_info_result>(
[&] (Num_subjects const n) -> For_each_subject_info_result {
size_t const subject_bytes = sizeof(Subject_info) + sizeof(Subject_id);
unsigned const max_subjects = unsigned(_argument_buffer.size() / subject_bytes);
Subject_info * const infos = _argument_buffer.local_addr<Subject_info>();
Subject_id * const ids = reinterpret_cast<Subject_id *>(infos + max_subjects);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < n.value; i++)
fn(ids[i], infos[i]);
return { .count = n.value, .limit = max_subjects };
[&] (Alloc_rpc_error) { return For_each_subject_info_result { }; });
* Release subject and free buffers
* If the source still exists, the buffers are freed but the subject
* stays intact.
void free(Subject_id id) { call<Rpc_free>(id); }
* Pause generation of tracing data
void pause(Subject_id id) { call<Rpc_pause>(id); }
* Resume generation of tracing data
void resume(Subject_id id) { call<Rpc_resume>(id); }
* Obtain trace buffer of given subject
Dataspace_capability buffer(Subject_id id) { return call<Rpc_buffer>(id); }