Stefan Kalkowski bdd923406f base: remove SPEC variables of boards (fix #3971)
* Remove SPEC declarations from mk/spec
* Remove all board-specific REQUIRE declaratiions left
* Replace [have_spec <board>] run-script declarations with have_board where necessary
* Remove addition of BOARD variable to SPECS in toplevel Makefile
* Move board-specific directories in base-hw out of specs
2021-01-25 13:58:09 +01:00

88 lines
2.4 KiB

# Muen system image configuration parameters
# \param --image-muen-external-build Muen system is built automatically or externally
# \param --image-muen-system Muen system policy
# \param --image-muen-components Muen system components
# \param --image-muen-hardware Muen hardware specification
# \param --image-muen-platform Muen platform specification
# \param --image-muen-gnat-path Path to GNAT toolchain
# \param --image-muen-spark-path Path to SPARK toolchain
proc muen_external { } {
return [get_cmd_arg --image-muen-external-build "0"]
proc muen_system { } {
return [get_cmd_arg --image-muen-system ""]
proc muen_components { } {
return [get_cmd_arg --image-muen-components ""]
proc muen_hardware { } {
return [get_cmd_arg --image-muen-hardware ""]
proc muen_platform { } {
return [get_cmd_arg --image-muen-platform ""]
proc muen_gnat_path { } {
return [get_cmd_arg --image-muen-gnat-path "/usr/gnat"]
proc muen_spark_path { } {
return [get_cmd_arg --image-muen-spark-path "/opt/spark2014"]
# Build and integrate Muen system image
# \param elf_img ELF binary of Genode subject
proc run_image {elf_img} {
if {![have_board "muen"]} {
puts stderr "You've to build for the BOARD=muen"
exit -1
# For external Muen system integration there is nothing left to do.
if {[muen_external]} {
puts "build finished due to external Muen system integration"
exit 0
# Generate Muen build config file
set fh [open "[run_dir]/muen.conf" "WRONLY CREAT TRUNC"]
puts $fh "GNAT_PATH = [muen_gnat_path]"
puts $fh "SPARK_PATH = [muen_spark_path]"
puts $fh "SYSTEM = [muen_system]"
puts $fh "COMPONENTS = \"[muen_components]\""
puts $fh "HARDWARE = [muen_hardware]"
puts $fh "PLATFORM = [muen_platform]"
close $fh
# Build Muen kernel
puts "using Muen system policy '[muen_system]' on platform '[muen_hardware]'"
if {![file exists kernel]} { exec mkdir kernel }
exec cp [run_dir]/muen.conf kernel/muen.conf
build kernel
# Use raw binary object for base-hw on Muen
set bin_img "[run_dir]/[run_name].bin"
exec [cross_dev_prefix]objcopy -O binary $elf_img $bin_img
# Package Muen system image
exec cp $bin_img "kernel/muen/policy/obj/base_hw"
exec make -C kernel/muen/pack SYSTEM=[muen_system] HARDWARE=[muen_hardware] PLATFORM=[muen_platform]
exec cp kernel/muen/pack/obj/muen.img "[run_dir]/image.bin"