mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 21:20:41 +00:00
The former encoding was UTF-8, which works quite well if LC_CTYPE is ensured to be an UTF-8 codeset (e.g., en_US.UTF-8 or C.UTF-8 . But, if LC_CTYPE is set to C or latin1 for example, the Tcl regex library enters an infinite loop because of unexpected characters used as markers n the strings (e.g., SECTION SIGN U+00A7). Therefore, the extract tool was converted to latin1 with the following commands and now works for LC_CTYPE C and UTF-8 codesets. iconv -f utf-8 -t latin1 tool/dts/extract > /tmp/e cp /tmp/e tool/dts/extract
471 lines
9.9 KiB
Executable File
471 lines
9.9 KiB
Executable File
# \brief Extract subtree from device-tree source
# \author Norman Feske
# \date 2021-05-17
# Return true if command-line switch was specified
proc get_cmd_switch { arg_name } {
global argv
return [expr [lsearch $argv $arg_name] >= 0]
# Return command-line argument value
# If a argument name is specified multiple times, a
# list of argument values is returned.
proc get_cmd_arg { arg_name default_value } {
global argv
# find argument name in argv list
set arg_idx_list [lsearch -all $argv $arg_name]
if {[llength $arg_idx_list] == 0} { return $default_value }
set result {}
foreach arg_idx $arg_idx_list {
set next_idx [expr $arg_idx + 1]
# stop if argv ends with the argument name
if {$next_idx >= [llength $argv]} continue
# return list element following the argument name
lappend result [lindex $argv $next_idx]
# if argument occurred only once, return its value
if {[llength $result] == 1} { return [lindex $result 0] }
# if argument occurred multiple times, contain list of arguments
return $result
## Read input and fill internal representation ##
# Find location of 'parse'
# We expect to find 'parse' in the same directory as we are located. The
# question is: Where are we?
proc parse_file { } {
global argv0
set path $argv0
if {[file type $path] == "link"} {
set path [file readlink $path] }
set parse_file "[file dirname $path]/parse"
if {![file exists $parse_file]} {
puts stderr "Error: Could not find 'parse' in '$path'."
exit -1
return $parse_file
set input_source [lindex $argv end]
if {[catch {
set tokens [exec [parse_file] $input_source]
}]} {
foreach line {
"Extract subtree from device-tree source"
"\n usage: extract \[options\] <dts_file>"
"Supported options are:"
" --nodes Print list of DTS nodes"
" --labels Print list of labels with their DTS paths"
" --references Print referenced labels for each DTS node"
" --dot-graph Generate dot file for graphviz"
" --select <label> Print DTS related to specified label,"
" can be specified multiple times"
"Alternatively to specifying a dts file as argument, the input"
"data can be passed via standard input by specifying '-' as"
"file name."
"The result of the conversion will be written to stdout."
} { puts stderr $line }
exit -1;
foreach token $tokens {
set name [lindex $token 0]
set line [lindex $token 1]
set text [lindex $token 2]
set tok_text($name) "$text"
set tok_line($name) $line
if {![info exists tok_text(content0)]} {
puts stderr "Error: input contains no root token 'content0'."
exit -1
proc tok_type {token} {
regexp {[a-z]+} $token type
return $type
# Find and return a sub token of the specified type
proc sub_token {token token_type} {
global tok_text
if {$token == ""} { return "" }
if {[regexp "<EFBFBD>($token_type\\d+)<EFBFBD>" $tok_text($token) dummy sub_token]} {
return $sub_token
} else {
return ""
# Return label references present at the specified node of the syntax tree
proc labels_referenced_by_node {token} {
global tok_text
set output $tok_text($token)
set result {}
while {$output != ""} {
# consume plain text
if {[regexp {^[^<EFBFBD>]+} $output plain]} {
regsub {^[^<EFBFBD>]+} $output "" output }
# consume token
if {[regexp {<EFBFBD>(.+?)<EFBFBD>} $output dummy subtoken]} {
# collect label reference
if {[tok_type $subtoken] == "reflabelname"} {
lappend result $tok_text($subtoken) }
# search tree for label references but don't traverse sub nodes
if {[tok_type $subtoken] != "node"} {
set result [concat $result [labels_referenced_by_node $subtoken]]
regsub {<EFBFBD>(.+?)<EFBFBD>} $output "" output
return [lsort -unique $result]
proc joined_path {curr_path path_elem} {
if {$curr_path == "" && $path_elem == "/"} {
return "/" }
if {$curr_path == "/"} {
return "/$path_elem" }
return "$curr_path/$path_elem"
proc collect_label_and_references_of_node {token path} {
global tok_text
global labels
global references
global selected
set node_text $tok_text($token)
foreach ref [labels_referenced_by_node $token] {
lappend references($path) $ref }
set selected($path) 0
if {[regexp {<EFBFBD>(labeldef\d+)<EFBFBD>} $node_text dummy]} {
set label_name $tok_text([sub_token [sub_token $token labeldef] labelname])
set labels($label_name) $path
collect_labels_and_references [sub_token $token block] $path
# Return path of sub node if token refers to a node or nodesupplement
# Otherwise the path is returned unmodified
proc sub_node_path {token path} {
global tok_text
global labels
if {[tok_type $token] == "node"} {
set path_elem $tok_text([sub_token $token nodename])
set path [joined_path $path $path_elem]
if {[tok_type $token] == "nodesupplement"} {
set label_name $tok_text([sub_token [sub_token $token reflabel] reflabelname])
if {[info exists labels($label_name)]} {
set path $labels($label_name) }
return $path
# Populate the global 'labels' and 'references' arrays
# This function also initializes the 'selected' array with a key for
# each path found and the value to 0. So the existing paths can be
# queried by iterating over the 'selected' array names.
proc collect_labels_and_references {{token content0} {curr_path ""}} {
global tok_text
set output $tok_text($token)
while {$output != ""} {
# consume plain text
if {[regexp {^[^<EFBFBD>]+} $output plain]} {
regsub {^[^<EFBFBD>]+} $output "" output }
# consume token
if {[regexp {<EFBFBD>(.+?)<EFBFBD>} $output dummy token]} {
# try to enter node or nodesupplement
set path [sub_node_path $token $curr_path]
if {$path != $curr_path} {
collect_label_and_references_of_node $token $path }
regsub {<EFBFBD>(.+?)<EFBFBD>} $output "" output
proc dump_selected_source {{token content0} {curr_path ""}} {
global tok_text
global selected
set output $tok_text($token)
while {$output != ""} {
# consume plain text
if {[regexp {^[^<EFBFBD>]+} $output plain]} {
regsub -all {<EFBFBD>} $plain "\\&" plain
if {[info exists selected($curr_path)] && $selected($curr_path)} {
puts -nonewline $plain }
regsub {^[^<EFBFBD>]+} $output "" output
# consume token
if {[regexp {<EFBFBD>(.+?)<EFBFBD>} $output dummy token]} {
dump_selected_source $token [sub_node_path $token $curr_path]
regsub {<EFBFBD>(.+?)<EFBFBD>} $output "" output
proc children {parent_path} {
global selected
set result {}
foreach path [array names selected] {
if {[string match "$parent_path*" $path]} {
lappend result $path } }
return $result
# Return most specific label for the given node
proc label_of_path {path} {
global labels
set longest_match 0
set label ""
foreach l [array names labels] {
if {$labels($l) == $path} {
return $l }
if {[string match "$labels($l)*" $path]} {
set len [string length $l]
if {$len > $longest_match} {
set longest_match $len
set label $l
return $label
proc select_children {parent_path} {
global selected
foreach path [children $parent_path] {
select $path }
proc select_dependencies {path} {
global references
global labels
if {![info exists references($path)]} {
return }
foreach label $references($path) {
select $labels($label) }
proc select {path} {
global selected
if {!$selected($path)} {
set selected($path) 1
select_children $path
select_dependencies $path
## Front end ##
foreach arg [get_cmd_arg --select {}] {
# distinguish DTS path argument (starting with /) from label argument
if {[string match "/*" $arg]} {
if {![info exists selected($arg)]} {
puts stderr "Error: path '$arg' not present in device-tree source"
exit -1
set path $arg
} else {
if {![info exists labels($arg)]} {
puts stderr "Error: label '$arg' not present in device-tree source"
exit -1
set path $labels($arg)
select $path
# select all nodes between each selected node and the root
foreach path [array names selected] {
if {$selected($path)} {
while {[regexp {(.*)/.+$} $path dummy parent]} {
set selected($parent) 1
select_dependencies $parent
set path $parent
set selected(/) 1
select_dependencies /
if {[get_cmd_switch --labels]} {
foreach n [lsort [array names labels]] {
puts "$n\t$labels($n)" } }
if {[get_cmd_switch --nodes]} {
foreach n [lsort [array names selected]] {
puts "$n" } }
if {[get_cmd_switch --references]} {
foreach n [lsort [array names references]] {
puts "$n\t$references($n)" } }
if {[get_cmd_switch --dot-graph]} {
puts "digraph {"
puts { rankdir=LR; nodesep=0.01;}
puts { node[shape=polygon, height=0, color=gray, fontsize=12, margin="0.1,0.01"];}
# declare nodes using the DTS label as node name
foreach l [array names labels] {
puts " \"$l\"" }
set relations {}
# gather label-reference dependencies
foreach l [array names labels] {
set path $labels($l)
set subtree_nodes $path
foreach child_path [children $path] {
lappend subtree_nodes $child_path }
foreach path $subtree_nodes {
set label [label_of_path $path]
if {[info exists references($path)]} {
foreach ref $references($path) {
if {$label != $ref} {
lappend relations "\"$label\" -> \"$ref\"" } } }
# gather parent-child dependencies
foreach path [array names selected] {
set label [label_of_path $path]
while {[regexp {(.*)/.+$} $path dummy parent]} {
set parent_label [label_of_path $parent]
if {$parent_label != "" && $parent_label != $label} {
lappend relations "\"$parent_label\" -> \"$label\"" }
set path $parent
foreach relation [lsort -unique $relations] {
puts " $relation" }
puts "}"