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synced 2025-03-03 05:09:39 +00:00
Right now the same code dealing with nic setup on qemu is duplicated in many different run scripts. It makes it unnecesarily complex to change the existing config or add support for new nic types. Lets move all this common code to qemu.inc. Ref #3825
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166 lines
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# Reset the target machine or rather run the scenario with Qemu
proc check_version {qemu_version qemu_min qemu_max} {
set version_min_list [split $qemu_min ".-"]
set version_min_list_len [llength $version_min_list]
set version_max_list [split $qemu_max ".-"]
set version_max_list_len [llength $version_max_list]
set version_list [split $qemu_version ".-"]
set version_list_len [llength $version_list]
set cmp 0
set cmp_min 0
set cmp_max 0
set i 0
foreach number $version_list {
set min 0
set max 0
if { $i < $version_min_list_len } { set min [lindex $version_min_list $i] }
if { $i < $version_max_list_len } { set max [lindex $version_max_list $i] }
set cmp [expr {$cmp + $number * pow(1000, $version_list_len - $i) }]
set cmp_min [expr {$cmp_min + $min * pow(1000, $version_list_len - $i) }]
set cmp_max [expr {$cmp_max + $max * pow(1000, $version_list_len - $i) }]
incr i
return [expr {($cmp_min < $cmp) && ($cmp < $cmp_max)}]
# Execute scenario using Qemu
proc run_power_on { } {
global qemu_args
global qemu
global qemu_spawn_id
# Back out on platforms w/o Qemu support
if {![is_qemu_available]} { return 0 }
if {[have_spec x86_32]} { set qemu "qemu-system-i386" }
if {[have_spec x86_64]} { set qemu "qemu-system-x86_64" }
if {[have_spec arm]} { set qemu "qemu-system-arm" }
if {[have_spec arm_64]} { set qemu "qemu-system-aarch64" }
# Only the x86_64 variant of Qemu provides the emulation of hardware
# virtualization features used by NOVA. So let's always stick to this
# variant of Qemu when working with NOVA even when operating in 32bit.
if {[have_spec nova]} { set qemu "qemu-system-x86_64" }
# Redirect serial output to stdio, but only when no explicit configuration
# of serial interfaces is specified in the run script.
# The 'mon' prefix enables the access to the qemu console.
if {![regexp -- {-serial} $qemu_args dummy]} {
# In the raspi3 model the first UART is never used as
# log output, but the second
if {[have_spec rpi3]} { append qemu_args " -serial null " }
append qemu_args " -serial mon:stdio "
# SVM virtualization is broken after $qemu_good_old and until before $qemu_good_new
# We use "-cpu phenom" when using VMs in Qemu
if {[regexp -- {-cpu phenom} $qemu_args dummy]} {
catch {exec $qemu --version} qemu_version
set qemu_version [regexp -inline {version[ ][0-9]+\.[0-9]+[\.0-9]*} $qemu_version]
set qemu_version [regexp -inline {[0-9]+\.[0-9]+[\.0-9]*} $qemu_version]
set qemu_good_old "2.4.1"
set qemu_good_new "2.8.1"
if {[check_version $qemu_version $qemu_good_old $qemu_good_new]} {
puts "\nYour Qemu version '$qemu_version' is not working with AMD SVM virtualisation"
puts "Known good Qemu versions are until $qemu_good_old and starting with $qemu_good_new\n"
exit 1
# tweak emulated platform for specific platforms
if {[have_spec pbxa9]} {
# For PBXA9 qemu adjusts provided RAM chips to the -m arg. Thus we
# filter user values and force value that enables all chips that Genode
# expects to be available. Not doing so leads to inexplicable errors.
regsub -all {\-m ([0-9])+} $qemu_args "" qemu_args
append qemu_args " -m 768"
append qemu_args " -M realview-pbx-a9"
if {[have_spec vpb926]} { append qemu_args " -M versatilepb -m 128 " }
if {[have_spec zynq_qemu]} { append qemu_args " -M xilinx-zynq-a9 -cpu cortex-a9 -m 256 " }
if {[have_spec rpi3]} { append qemu_args " -M raspi3 -m 512 " }
if {[have_spec virt_qemu]} {
append qemu_args " -M virt,virtualization=true"
if {[have_spec arm_v8a]} {
append qemu_args ",gic-version=3 -cpu cortex-a53 -smp 4"
if {[have_spec arm_v7a]} {
append qemu_args " -cpu cortex-a15 -smp 2"
append qemu_args " -m 2048"
# on x86, we support booting via pxe or iso/disk image
if {[have_spec x86]} {
if {![regexp -- {-m} $qemu_args dummy]} {
if {[have_spec okl4]} {
# okl4 system integration specifies RAM from 32 to 800 MiB
append qemu_args " -m 800 "
} else {
append qemu_args " -m 512 "
if {[have_include "load/tftp"]} {
append qemu_args " -boot n -tftp [run_dir] -bootp boot/pulsar -no-reboot -no-shutdown "
} else {
if {[have_include "image/iso"]} {
append qemu_args " -cdrom [run_dir].iso "
} else {
if {[have_include "image/disk"]} {
append qemu_args " -drive format=raw,file=[run_dir].img "
} else {
if {[have_include "image/uefi"]} {
set uefi_firmware "/usr/share/ovmf/OVMF.fd"
if {![file exists $uefi_firmware]} {
puts "'$uefi_firmware' uefi image missing. Please install a ovmf package matching your qemu version."
exit -3
append qemu_args " --bios $uefi_firmware -net none -drive format=raw,file=[run_dir].img "
# limit boot resolution in Qemu to 1920x1080
append qemu_args " -device VGA,vgamem_mb=8 "
} else {
puts "Aborting, cannot execute Qemu without a ISO or disk image"
exit -4
} } } }
append qemu_args " -machine q35 "
# on ARM, we supply the boot image as kernel
if {[have_spec arm] || [have_spec arm_v8]} { append qemu_args " -kernel [run_dir]/boot/image.elf " }
eval spawn $qemu $qemu_args
set qemu_spawn_id $spawn_id
return true