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synced 2025-03-28 22:59:34 +00:00
This patch allows core's 'Signal_transmitter' implementation to sidestep the 'Env::Pd' interface and thereby adhere to a stricter layering within core. The 'Signal_transmitter' now uses - on kernels that depend on it - a dedicated (and fairly freestanding) RPC proxy mechanism for signal deliver, instead of channeling signals through the 'Pd_session::submit' RPC function.
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* \brief Core main program
* \author Norman Feske
* \date 2006-07-12
* Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
/* Genode includes */
#include <base/snprintf.h>
#include <base/sleep.h>
#include <base/service.h>
#include <base/child.h>
#include <base/log.h>
#include <rm_session/connection.h>
#include <pd_session/connection.h>
#include <rom_session/connection.h>
#include <cpu_session/connection.h>
/* base-internal includes */
#include <base/internal/globals.h>
/* core includes */
#include <platform.h>
#include <core_env.h>
#include <signal_transmitter.h>
#include <ram_root.h>
#include <rom_root.h>
#include <rm_root.h>
#include <cpu_root.h>
#include <pd_root.h>
#include <log_root.h>
#include <io_mem_root.h>
#include <irq_root.h>
#include <trace/root.h>
#include <platform_services.h>
using namespace Genode;
** Core environment/platform support **
Core_env * Genode::core_env()
* Make sure to initialize the platform before constructing the core
* environment.
* By placing the environment as static object here, we ensure that its
* constructor gets called when this function is used the first time.
static Core_env _env;
* Register signal-source entrypoint at core-local signal-transmitter back
* end
static bool signal_transmitter_initialized;
if (!signal_transmitter_initialized)
signal_transmitter_initialized =
(init_core_signal_transmitter(*_env.entrypoint()), true);
return &_env;
Env_deprecated * Genode::env_deprecated() {
return core_env(); }
Platform *Genode::platform_specific()
static Platform _platform;
return &_platform;
Platform_generic *Genode::platform() { return platform_specific(); }
** Core parent support **
Session_capability Core_parent::session(Parent::Client::Id id,
Parent::Service_name const &name,
Parent::Session_args const &args,
Affinity const &affinity)
Session_capability cap;
_services.for_each([&] (Service &service) {
if ((service.name() != name.string()) || cap.valid())
Session_state &session = *new (_alloc)
Session_state(service, _id_space, id, label_from_args(args.string()),
args.string(), affinity);
cap = session.cap;
if (!cap.valid())
error("unexpected core-parent ", name.string(), " session request");
return cap;
** Core child **
class Core_child : public Child_policy
* Entry point used for serving the parent interface
Rpc_entrypoint _entrypoint;
enum { STACK_SIZE = 4 * 1024 * sizeof(Genode::addr_t)};
Registry<Service> &_services;
Capability<Pd_session> _core_pd_cap;
Pd_session &_core_pd;
Capability<Ram_session> _core_ram_cap;
Ram_session &_core_ram;
Capability<Cpu_session> _core_cpu_cap;
Cpu_session &_core_cpu;
Cap_quota const _cap_quota;
Ram_quota const _ram_quota;
Child _child;
* Constructor
Core_child(Registry<Service> &services,
Pd_session &core_pd, Capability<Pd_session> core_pd_cap,
Ram_session &core_ram, Capability<Ram_session> core_ram_cap,
Cpu_session &core_cpu, Capability<Cpu_session> core_cpu_cap,
Cap_quota cap_quota, Ram_quota ram_quota)
_entrypoint(nullptr, STACK_SIZE, "init_child", false),
_core_pd_cap (core_pd_cap), _core_pd (core_pd),
_core_ram_cap(core_ram_cap), _core_ram(core_ram),
_core_cpu_cap(core_cpu_cap), _core_cpu(core_cpu),
_child(*env_deprecated()->rm_session(), _entrypoint, *this)
** Child-policy interface **
Name name() const { return "init"; }
Service &resolve_session_request(Service::Name const &name,
Session_state::Args const &args) override
Service *service = nullptr;
_services.for_each([&] (Service &s) {
if (!service && s.name() == name)
service = &s; });
if (!service)
throw Service_denied();
return *service;
void init(Pd_session &session, Capability<Pd_session> cap) override
_core_pd.transfer_quota(cap, _cap_quota);
void init(Ram_session &session, Capability<Ram_session> cap) override
_core_ram.transfer_quota(cap, _ram_quota);
void init(Cpu_session &session, Capability<Cpu_session> cap) override
_core_cpu.transfer_quota(cap, Cpu_session::quota_lim_upscale(100, 100));
Pd_session &ref_pd() { return _core_pd; }
Pd_session_capability ref_pd_cap() const { return _core_pd_cap; }
Ram_session &ref_ram() { return _core_ram; }
Ram_session_capability ref_ram_cap() const { return _core_ram_cap; }
size_t session_alloc_batch_size() const override { return 128; }
** Signal API **
* In contrast to the 'Platform_env' used by non-core components, core disables
* the signal thread but overriding 'Genode::init_signal_thread' with a dummy.
* Within core, the signal thread is not needed as core is never supposed to
* receive any signals. Otherwise, the signal thread would be the only
* non-entrypoint thread within core, which would be a problem on NOVA where
* the creation of regular threads within core is unsupported.
void Genode::init_signal_thread(Env &) { }
void Genode::destroy_signal_thread() { }
** Trace support **
Trace::Source_registry &Trace::sources()
static Trace::Source_registry inst;
return inst;
** Core main **
namespace Genode {
extern bool inhibit_tracing;
extern char const *version_string;
int main()
* Disable tracing within core because it is currently not fully implemented.
inhibit_tracing = true;
log("Genode ", Genode::version_string);
static Trace::Policy_registry trace_policies;
* Initialize root interfaces for our services
Rpc_entrypoint *e = core_env()->entrypoint();
Registry<Service> &services = core_env()->services();
static Ram_allocator &core_ram_alloc = *core_env()->ram_session();
static Region_map &local_rm = *core_env()->rm_session();
* Allocate session meta data on distinct dataspaces to enable independent
* destruction (to enable quota trading) of session component objects.
static Sliced_heap sliced_heap(core_ram_alloc, local_rm);
* Factory for creating RPC capabilities within core
static Rpc_cap_factory rpc_cap_factory(sliced_heap);
static Pager_entrypoint pager_ep(rpc_cap_factory);
static Ram_root ram_root (*e, *platform()->ram_alloc(), local_rm, sliced_heap);
static Rom_root rom_root (e, e, platform()->rom_fs(), &sliced_heap);
static Rm_root rm_root (e, &sliced_heap, pager_ep);
static Cpu_root cpu_root (e, e, &pager_ep, &sliced_heap,
static Pd_root pd_root (*e, pager_ep, core_ram_alloc, local_rm, sliced_heap);
static Log_root log_root (e, &sliced_heap);
static Io_mem_root io_mem_root (e, e, platform()->io_mem_alloc(),
platform()->ram_alloc(), &sliced_heap);
static Irq_root irq_root (core_env()->pd_session(),
platform()->irq_alloc(), &sliced_heap);
static Trace::Root trace_root (e, &sliced_heap, Trace::sources(), trace_policies);
static Core_service<Rom_session_component> rom_service (services, rom_root);
static Core_service<Ram_session_component> ram_service (services, ram_root);
static Core_service<Rm_session_component> rm_service (services, rm_root);
static Core_service<Cpu_session_component> cpu_service (services, cpu_root);
static Core_service<Pd_session_component> pd_service (services, pd_root);
static Core_service<Log_session_component> log_service (services, log_root);
static Core_service<Io_mem_session_component> io_mem_service (services, io_mem_root);
static Core_service<Irq_session_component> irq_service (services, irq_root);
static Core_service<Trace::Session_component> trace_service (services, trace_root);
/* make platform-specific services known to service pool */
platform_add_local_services(e, &sliced_heap, &services);
/* calculate number of capabilities to be assigned to init */
size_t const preservered_cap_quota = 1000;
if (platform()->max_caps() < preservered_cap_quota) {
error("platform cap limit lower than preservation for core");
return -1;
size_t const avail_cap_quota = platform()->max_caps() - preservered_cap_quota;
/* PD session representing core */
static Pd_session_component
Session::Resources { Ram_quota { 16*1024 },
Cap_quota { avail_cap_quota } },
Session::Label("core"), Session::Diag{false},
core_ram_alloc, local_rm, pager_ep, "");
/* CPU session representing core */
static Cpu_session_component
core_cpu(e, e, &pager_ep, &sliced_heap, Trace::sources(),
"label=\"core\"", Affinity(), Cpu_session::QUOTA_LIMIT);
Cpu_session_capability core_cpu_cap = core_env()->entrypoint()->manage(&core_cpu);
/* calculate RAM to be assigned to init */
size_t const platform_ram_limit = platform()->ram_alloc()->avail();
size_t const preserved_ram_quota = 224*1024;
if (platform_ram_limit < preserved_ram_quota) {
error("platform RAM limit lower than preservation for core");
return -1;
size_t const avail_ram_quota = platform_ram_limit - preserved_ram_quota;
log("", avail_ram_quota / (1024*1024), " MiB RAM and ", avail_cap_quota, " caps "
"assigned to init");
static Reconstructible<Core_child>
core_pd, core_pd.cap(),
*env_deprecated()->ram_session(), env_deprecated()->ram_session_cap(),
core_cpu, core_cpu_cap,
core_pd.cap_quota(), Ram_quota{avail_ram_quota});
return 0;